. K r i v rn THE SCRANTON TKIBUNJE-TUESDAY, 3LUICH 12, 1001'. WEST ANNIVERSARY OFARCANUM WILL BE OBSERVED BY LACKA WANNA COUNCIL. No. 1133 Will Be Twelve Ycara Old Next Fridny, and Hns Increased In Membership ftom a Dozen to Ncnily Two Hundred T. H. Dale Will Spenk on "The Ship Subsidy Bill." Funeial of Deoi-go Glnader. Deaths and Funerals Miner Killed in the Archbald. Thr twelfth unnlVPiHnty of l.ueka wtilinii council. No. 11.1.1, lloyul Atea nun), will bo tlttltiKly nbsei ved by the member.-! in Ivorlte hall next Krlday evenliiK', when mi entertainment, social hii1 smoker will be licld ut tin clone oC tin! icnlni' tnt-cllm;. The toiini'll wan established Willi only twelve charter memhei!. and now include: neatly two hundred of tlm iint Ittllii'Mitlal litislne- and prof oh slonal men In the city. Attorney ('ornellilK (Vnnepyn will de liver mi iiddrc. nl tlif aniilvoinii v nice tine, mid tin- onunltici' on in iiiim'cniPiilM in now etiKimed In prepar lupr a iiniKi.uiniH' fur tlic event. Funeinl of Ocoigc Ginadei. tie.. .Tncoh Holmottli'. patlor of the 'liestnut Sticcl (Ionium l'lenbyierlnn huii'li. olllcluted at I hi fuurial of thu liilo liciirKc Glnnder yesterday nfter ni'on. Tin- M!Viois were huM at the linns.1' on North Uroinley uvcnui, and wore laiKcly attciiilcd. memberx of Vuiiii 31.1. Patilotle Order Sons of Auii'llcn, and the .Timlin' Older of rolled Auiuilcnii .Mechanic attending In a body. Tin' pall-benier weie Jlenjy DIHer, liieub SrhmediT and t'harle.s Soluclfi, of tin Mechanic'', and Thomai 11. Ila vK William l.aho and William Hoy noil, of 'tin Patilotlc Onh'i Sons of Ammlia. i;. K. Fuller and William lulls cic (ho llowi-i-bcnier.s. A qliar 'I'tli' from the Simpson Methodist Kphcoi'ul church x.-r.v. anil interment 'uih made In the Washburn stieet i cmet"i . Killed in the Mines. W. 11. I) i Is, a-jod thlily-lhive years, u.ts Instantl.v hilled by .1 fall of coal .hlle at work in the Archbald ml no MsUidaj. Dfccahcd was a Mnplc ni.'iii ind iisided with his fathei. mother and sistois no.ir the Aichbald mine. The funeinl ser livs will be held at out tor , and COLDS take: DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. An Exposition of Correct Fashions hi Ladies' Spring Suits, Waists, etc. open today, which should attract much attention, as it is replete with everything that the best posted buyers can think of, aud displays a class of workmanship and careful finishing not to be found elsewhere in this city Can be seen at their best in our comfortable show rooms, and visitors will be welcome although they may have no further intention than merely making a tour of inspection. Some Very Striking Values Will be found iu Ktou Jacket Suits, with aud with out collars, and while SixButton Blouse Suits Are also popular, aud shown here iu endless variety, Laiglon Collars and Bishop Sleeves With flouuee and flare skirts, are considered top notch ideas, snd there's no end to the selection, as well as a score of other fashionable ideas just at hand A Very Extra Bargain in Fancy Silk Waists at Globe Warehouse SCRANTON the house tomorrow afternoon. Inter ment will bo made In the Washbuin stieet cemetery. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Ths nnnual collection for si. Pat rick's orplianaKC will he taken up lit St. I'attlck'ri chinch next Sunday at the masses. Itcv. J. U. Whalen. panlor of St. Pat rick's Cathollo (.hure.li. Is III at tho parochial lesUlcnce, lornor of Jackson street and Sumner avcim. The special committee appointed by the president of the West Side Ile puhlban club to arrange, for the spe cial ni'ctliiR on Thursday evcnhiK next, met last evenliiK In the toont and com pleted tho details. Mr. Thomas. 11. Dale will address tho club on tho subject of "The Ship Subsidy Hill." Joseph DuKgati, of Jackson stieet, will leave for Huffalo, X. Y.. today, when he has accepted a position. MNs MaiRari't CavanilRh, of Chest nut stieet, Is scilously HI at her home. T'u reel 1 l.ee, the Infant nephew of Mr. and Mis. OPot'Ke W. Ilrown. of ItobiiiMin Btieot. died yesterday. The inttrinent will be made In Cambiia LHiictery at ", o clock this af'ernoon. A lu'W pool table has ben phutd In SI. ISrciiden's council roonw Isaac Tugue, of West Xlcholnni, I -turned home yesterday from a few days' visit with his biothcr, 1'olcr V. TaRiie, of Jackson stieet. Miss Kllzahotli tllnadcr, Mrs. John llurn.s and John Worthing;, of Now Yoi k, attended the funeral of the Uio (leorRC Glnader yesterday afternoon. A social session of the Columblas was held last evening at their hid Muarlcrs after the tcRUlar meelln? at which Kvan Waltcis was elected dec retal y to succeed the hit' Hobert Dlehl. An liitciesllns: Ro.pol servlcit a conducted at the YounR Women's Clulstlau association rooms last evening-. Tins Cerman class will meet this evening. Walter Capwell and Miss Fnnnte I'hlllips, of Swetland street, weio unit ed In marrlaRc yesterday nf'"inoon at tho homo of tho bilde'.s paients, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phillips. The cere mony was perfoimed by Aldeiinau D.i. vies. A resular meelltiR of the Franklin l'nglno company will be held this even ing John Holler, of Falrchild's hotel, has rutin ncd fi oiii a trip to Xnv York. The West Side board of Undo will hold a regular meeting: at S o'clock tills cvenltiR. The Hcrtha ha Monte Misslonaty so. clpy of the Washbuin Stieet I'resby ITlan church will hold their annual election of otllccis and social at the parsonaRe this evening. PARK PLACE. Mrs. V). P. Serine, of 1317 Vliv stieet. Is tnklnR caro of her dniiKlitor, Mr?. A. it. Ackerson. of Ward street, who has been 111 for tho past week. Mr. and Mrs ('. O. Hrooks, oC Brook lyn, X. Y., ate spcndliiR a week with Mrs. Brooks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Ackerson, of Wood .street Chillies Hess, who has been in (he All the New Weaves All the New Colorings All the New Styles All the New Combinations $3.95 EVILS OF ANUPYR1NE It Depicsses the Ileal t and Causes Derangement of tho Kidneys. The use of antlpyrlne for the relief and euro of headache Is a practice that cannot ho too severely condemned. It has a deptesslnR effect upon the heart, while tho continued uro causes a do uuiRemcnt of tho kidneys. Kiause's Jleadacho Capsules contain no anil pyilni. chloral, morphine, caffeine or any other Injuiloiis luRrcdleul, and can be taken with wifely by the most deli cate) woman or child. Thev aie a purely veRotnblc preparation, prepared In soft, soluble Relatlno capsules, which tuo easily dissolved by the warmth and llttldsof the stomach. Thoycnre uulckly and leave no had after effects. They aro so pleasant to take, so bcncllclal in action that no one would ho with out I hem after havliiR once given them a ti Inl. Kvcry box of Kiauso' Head ucho Capsules Is sold on a Ruutantco In cuie, or money lefundcd, 1'ilco 1!3 centH a box, at dniR stoic?. nrchltcctuinl business In Now York city for some time, has opened an olllco In Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. Hess will make their home on North Main ave nue, with Mis. JIcsh' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliiiiles Gray. AY. J. Phllo, of AllulRht avenue. Is out, alter a week's Illness of the measles. Miss Grace Slcklcr has leturiied to her home on Piovldeuce road, after a two weeks' visit with fiiends In Now Yoik city. The yountr men of Park Place aie oiRanlzlnR a social club, and expect to be In shape by Apill 1. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Pleasant Affair at the Home of Miss Mamie Compton Next Sun day's Conceit. Miss Mamie V. Campion entertained a nunibjc of her fi lends last evening In honor of her eighteenth birthday at her home on Cedar avenue. The evening was whlled away In Barnes, sonps and dancing and at a late hour lefreshments wera served. Among tho.e present were the Misses Jennie Klniwood, Mnttle Klmwood, Minnie Miller, T.ulu Kvans, Lizzie Donovan, Lucy Hartelson, Kdna Bar ttson, Coia llee.se. Laura Fenner and Sophia Herbs, and Messrs. Julius Holer, William Huitman, (lottfrlcd P.ihr, Jo seph Hly, lllchaul IS ray. Joe AVI!'.um, Fred Spt.uulcl. Joseph Kck, Citation Pop, Floyd Hartelson. John Perile, John Decker, William Miller, i:ds north Thomas, Patrick fiolilen. Next Sunday's Concert. The ni'Mnbeis of the St. Ti cue's La dies Temperance society have com tl'ifd arraiiT'itii'i ts for t'v concert which they will hold next Sunday even' nipr, March IT, at St. ."ohn's Ku, for the beii"ilt of the i.rw church. The concert .'s eNpectcd t.i hf one o the finest evei flveli on tin" side. Manor's oichestr.i has been secured for the oicaslon and will render '. e:il numhars dm Ins tho evenlup. Tho fol lowing programme will be Riven: Over tin p, H.mer's onhestra. (a) "When Life Is brightest." (b) "The Minstrel Boy": choius, with orchestia nicom panlmeut: solo (selected) MNs Kathiyn .M.1UKUH." "Don't Ciy Ma Honey." double quaitette and orchestia; solo, "Palm." William Kelly, hat p. Miss Lucy llui us; solo, "Swallows," Miss I'lizabeth Durkln; solo, Mrs. Joseph O'Brien: ''Old Madrid," quartette and orchestia; solo. Professor John T. Watkins; piano solo, Miss Kate Tteai don; (a) "Kt Studiantlna." (h) "Ter icnce's Faiewell to Kathleen," chorus with oi ehesti u. accompaniment. lizsldes Bauer's oichestra the sinB crs will he accompanied by Mis Katie Ileai don and Mlns llo-e Conwa'y. BRIEF NEWS NOTES. Mis. I'luN ?.iren.en of Alder stieet, Is contlned to her home by an attack of the crip. The funeral of John ll.iydeu will take place this moiniiiK ut 0 oMock fiom the family te.sldeiuo on Stone avenue. Services ovei the remains will be held In St. Petei's cathedral. In torment will he made In the C'atheifivl ceineteiy. The members of Comet Indite, No. VU Knights of Pythias, will nu'el this evening: In Haitman's hall. Junior Order I'nlted Ameilcnn Me rhanlcs, No. S:'J, will meet in tegular session at Sehlmpfi's hall tonight. The Catholic Mutual and BfiU'dflal association will ru el In Vhaimar.y hall this evpulim, St John's Llteiary society will mr t In St. John's church hall this cculns; Special business will be iransaete.l an I all inenibei aio lequested to b" prei cut. DIED AT THE HOSPITAL. John Lynn, of ;!.! Webster street, died at, the Moscr Taylor hospital yester day. Lynn fell oif a tiestle nt Moosli on Diceinber 2; and fractuied hli skull. OBITUARY. William Williams. William Willi mi-, .i soil 21 ,.'jij, UkJ caily i i mlay ni'Jinliiu .it llii linini! of Ills 'umit, l'.OJ WusMiuui Muot Hit! fimci d (.oivlcrs Mill lie loi.'lu'lcij at t lit limw Thuiuliy uiniiii'Oli nl .". fi'ilod. Ii. llc. ImM .loin. utnr mi Uio Hll W1-Ii ( O'e riicili"i)il chuiili liilriiiiriil will be inailf in (in Uii.lliinn klnit icon teiy. Mis. Cathaiine Tougher. tlli. f.uliciitie IoukIiii, o( fiicen' lI"-ii iliwl jiUiJjy nflor a hhnrt IIIiutu. of Uio grip. The liiniial will lie UM irom Die rchlilmu at F M o'iKicIc llil. murnliig. f-cnicn will bo held at si. Mrr'K i.ulrLiliil .mil lutmneut will in inaOi' in Hie r.illn'ilral iimdii. John Coyle. luliii luvli Uicl 1'ib. W al tin Iiuiiip nl ti i-i lU'i'ihtrr. Mh. IMw ird Caiiv, o( IIIrIi ift, ri.MiKnilli. lie li unlvo'l i; thii'c ilauRliint, Mrs. lab' .Mil f'.uey lunl liii. W. I.. Hanwnu, f I'ljllioutll, Jll'l lli. II. I.. llMlnll. m Wot sraiilou. l'uueials. Clllvft our lie rfiiialm o( tlir luu lluli ard IIjuIhrIi'Ii will lie "niuluueil at llio liotw, IMS .lacKkon ulrrel, at i o'clmk IhU altciuonn, I'j Hev. i; .1. MM limy, nrtor of M. JihW'i Ipiiioiial rlnirih. Inlirnunt lll be luado in the liiimiiorr irmoliry. Tlie lniin.il of tlio lale P W. Oiillln. of (.kn- liiirn, Mill R In I.I lioiii tlio I I'nlilciu c at 10 .10 o'clock tomorrow iiioriiliiic. rrieii'U Ulilne to Jtlrnil (an go up to Ulrnlnirn in tlie 1 oMoik (rain on lie Delaware, I.orkauanna and Wot nn. 'II 10 remains will In- bromtlit to lld city on tlio ri'ion train and Intttrrd at Pumnorn, S-rjiilon, nlll he held at f:M o'clock tliU morn. Ink from lle rivldrriro al lUamond avinue and I'ri'tMriutf load. Scrilcm lll lm ronducli'd ut M. 1'aul'n c lunch and Intel mint will be made In tlie Cathedral cunitciy. NORTHSGRANTON MEETNQ OF WELSH CONOREQA TIONAL MINISTERS. Inteiestlng Sessions in the West Market Stieet Church James Gol den Had His Finger Blown Off by tho Accidental Discharge of a Re volvor Chicken Thieves Aie at WorkBasket Ball Tonight Res cue Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Preparing for a Banquet. The 1'iiaiterly conference of tho AVclrtli Congregational mlnlslcis of N'orthenstein Pennsylvania was con ducted Iu tho West iMaiket Street Welsh CoiiBreRallonal church b'atuiday afternoon and evening nnd Sunday. Saturday was given over to the dis cussion of current topics, which elicit ed many Intel eating comments from the ministers present. Tho Sunday services wero entirely taken up In dlscouisca by visiting clergymen. Two ablo seimons weio preached In the morning by Itev. Theo pholls Davis, of Plains, and Hev. D. M. George, of Plttston. At tho afternoon service?, which began at 'J o'clock, thu Hev. David Jones, of the Flist Con gregational church, of West Sciaiitoii, preached an excellent KliglMi seimon, followed by the Hev. Mr. Jenkins, of Warrior Hun. who also spoke In tho English tongue. Tho evening sen Ice was opened by the reading of th Scriptures by Mr. David Hill, of .Termyn, Pa., who after concluding his remarks Introduced tho Row Hugh W. Jones, late of South Dakota. Ho delivered iu Kngllsh an excellent sermon. Tho services were brought to a dose at the conclusion of the sermon by the How H. I. Hvnus. The intense Interest manifested was attested by the exceedingly large con gregations which attended nil tho ser vices. It was found neccssaiy to place chairs In the aisles to uccomniodate the timing. One of tho especial fea tures of the ret vices was the excellent singing of tho augmented choir, as sisted by nn otehestta under the di rection of H'Miry Hltchlngs. At the nttcrnoon fcivIco Mrs. Lizzie Hughcs F.ritndage kindly tendered her hervlces and leiideicd a solo with such pleasing efiect that by request sho was com pelled to give another number. In tho evening Josiiua John delighted the con gregation with a solo. Manv vlsltois ftom out of town wero present. Have Extended Call. Hev. Arthur H. Smith, of Berwick, I'a., has been extended a call to be pastor of the congregation of the North Main Avenue Baptist church, and al though he has not yet formally ac cepted the offer, has piactlcally dono so. After closing his year on April J, at Berwick, ho will reside in ttiTs city, dwelling at the paisouago on Oak stieet. His pastorate only begins on the llrst Sunday In Apill, but next Sunday ho will conduct the sei vices at the church. Shot His Finger Off. James Golden, the West Market street barber, accidentally discharged a loaded revolver last Saturday and the idiot which followed badly Injuicd tlie forefinger of his left hand. The revolver was out of order and Mr. Golden was i leaning It, when some object stiuok the trigger and dis charged the weapon. The bullet -went through the finger, teailng part of tho ilesh and nail away. Dr. J. J. Sullivan was called and orcf-ed the Injured member. Chicken Thieves at Woik. "hlckeu thieves havo again been op erating In this taction of the city, and last Saturday evening the ehlcken-coop of Hdward Morgan was enteied and several of a species of fancy bleed hlrds were taken. Mr. Morgan has been In the habit of keeping his fowls under lock and key, but of lato he has not placed a lock on the coop on ac count of It hell ik near the house. Mr. Morgan's suspicions point to wards a paity who he Is cei tain has his birds, and ho intends to put the case In the hands of a Noith Scranton aldeiman if the chickens aro not re turned today. Fast Basket Ball Tonight. This evening tho Ciackerjacks basket ball team of cireen lildgo will play the Noith Knd Stars at the Aiidltculuin. The f'rackerjacks have been the most successful team of the season, losing but one game dining the season This ceiling's gnmo is expected to bo tho best of tlie yu.u, both Minis placing lliclr host men In Hie gam.. Elected Otlkeis. Olllieis were elected Sunda after noon at a meeting of the St. Joseph's Literary nnd Benevolent society m their looms iu St. Maiy's hull. They weie: Piesldonl, P. J. O'Don mil; vlce-piesldent. Thomas CuIIpii, recoidlng secretat, James Saltry; financial secretin y, Mnitlu Walsh; treasuicr, Domlnlck Hvaus; sick mes senger, Martin Lynch. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Tlio nicmliers of Keoue lo.iirp, KnlKhtK of rytliluc. aro at present bus. Ily eiiKiisod In aruuiKlnj; tlio ntcessar." dptalli prppniatory to tliPlr liauipiut. whli'li tl lip held fcomotlnip next mouth. It will bo i-Pineiulit'ied lliat Mi IihIkp rondiiclPil a Hlmll'ir affair two eai aso and o micocssful was that ovent that thos-o Miio nttendod Hindu pffoits to mnko nil annual evont. Tho society, liowovor, dpcld'.'d to podt pono it last yoiir, hut havo finally no 'Hilosi cil to tho ninny ieiiieKts for a liunquet this yoai. .TorIui.i .lolin, tho well-Know n lanor BoloUt, Is tho rorlploiu of a very ilnt tPilnjj offer from tho Aretiopolltan I'liurcli, VVushliietoii, 1"), ".. to heooiup n niembPi of tlio choir. Tlnoently Mr. lolin nccnnipjuU'd tho "VS'lllIrmi Con noil Olce i'IuIj to Washington. At tho niui'iiliifr service ho rondrred a nolo with such liiipte?3lvenr.iH that tho choir conductor Immediately inndo ovit tures to him with tho puiposo of hav ing him become n permanent muml-tr of tho church choir. Tho offer Is an excellent one and Mi" J1"'')" I now con- SllU'llllK It David Knnc of I'litnain wtieet. 1h THE HOMLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON 5J wrll as tlie lunJveincit, ntiil etl.cr ue imllfil to call en nny dniRislit ami uct ficc a trial I'Otllo of Iumi'a IU1am lor tlin Tliroat ami l.imsa, a remedy that it suirantrril t t tiro ami irllfi all Clupnle ami Aculf Tousln, .Wthnri, Ihcnthllli atid Ccntuni'tloii. ITU o Mi', anil CQv recovering rapidly from an attack of typhoid fever. The innrrlago of William Hlchaids, tho well-known barber, to Miss Mnr garet Jcrvls, a prominent oung lady of this place, Is announced to Ittko place In tho near futuic. Sirs. John Jones, of Warren street, Is ablo to ha about after an Illness of seveial weeks. Harry Kloluinlson, of North Main avenue. Is convalescing after a pro longed illness. Miss Dora -Hoe, of Kansas, Mo Is the guest of West Maiket street friends. Miss Mnmo Haggcrty, of North Main avenue. Is In New York city attending the funeral of her cousin, Mrs. M. J. Heap, of that city. Aillc W. Crossinnn, of Throop street, is seriously III with tho gilp. Delhi Shoemaker wis the only pits oner In pollco court jesterdav. Drunk and disorderly conduct was the charge prefoned, and she was discharged. Druggist Fred Mayo, of Henwood'fl iliug store, visited friends In l'lttstoit yesterday. Miss Anna Thomas, of Plttston, Is Ihe guest of Mrs. l''ied Mayo, of North Main avenue. Aaron Stoll has icturncd home from Pottsvllle, Pa. All news matter will iccclve prompt attention if left at Davis' thug store, corner of Main avenue aud Mutkct stieet. Miss Nellie Tuttlc. of Diamond ave nue, and Miss Lulu Sheiiniin, of North Main avenue, nto visiting friends In New Yoik city. A large gilded frame plctuie of three young ladles was found In front of Multcy'fl store, last week, by a patiol nian nf this precinct. The picture was Viappcd neatly In a. newspaper. The owner can havo It by applying at, tlio Providence police station and Identify ing the property. NEW TRIAL IN DUFFIN CASE 11 oncliidrd fiom Pace ." the alleged mauufactuting of "dis charge cases" I iv nlileimen and Jus tices, and the cases of bilbery and per jury which are being prosecuted against Scranton olllclals and ev-olllclnls. Tho Jury hns a comparatively small number of cases to dlsposo of this term, and may tlnlsh Its inborn before the week Is over. Among the cases it illl pass upon are six from tlio South district of Lackawanna township, fin which John J. Coyne charges Thomas Dlsklu, Will iam Hart. Thomas Jeffers. John Crowe, Patrick .1, Dlsklu and M. (1. Cuslck with violating the election laws. The first four arc cbniged with having voted Illegally; the last two, who who judge and Inspector, lospectively, aie accused of having neglected to rerinlio pi oof of the right of suffrage after due challenge. Constables Repot t Sunday Selleis. Constable Henry Dlerks, of the Sec ond waul, Dickson, repmtcd Saloon keeper Thomas Mciiulre for selling on Sunday: Joseph V. AVoelkeis, of the Klcventh ward. Scranton, complained against Fred H.ildner for the same offense, and Heese S. Davis, constable of the Third waul. Dickson, returned Joseph Kniolln, Kied Klefer, William Kryger, John Kuiibeekl. Bernard Itos cnfeld and Stanislaus Otozlnskl for selling on Sunday. The cases weio re ferred to District Attorney Lewis. It Is understood the Men's union aeents assisted mateilally In seeming the cldenco on which some of these repoits aie based. Yestei day's Man Inge Licenses. Willanl C'roilcr ..... lLttle Smith 1'ctcr brink Anile T. Unil.e llionui Micppaid .. . Oucmile J. IaU . Grant W.nUuortli . Helen r.Umtli . . -hnr'on Uul'Hidalc .l.'.ol North Main atinne IJ'Jfi Mc; lt'it incline UJ'J Hampton i-lieit ,. lull Hampton slKct 312 ri.in!;lln atenne . . . .Majheld ' e.in.a.ll'rlirLit mid I.iimr AflTev.tlonl. i w B . W Cetlliegeaulue. Refnestibtllnte3. jA Vis sure 5ahatlon Oil cures Rheumatism, is & 25 cts. LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES iBiliousnoss, IConstipaticn, I Dyspopsia, ISick-Koau -lacho and LIvo" Complaint. SUdflR COATB1). Sold by all drucizUN or-Hcnt ny wuii. tVervlta Medical Co., Cblcsjo Sold hy MtOiruh ."v Thomas. Diujitsts. -M I silvauaiina annuo, biramon, i'a $2m p, ' ' V. v IllTmuS1 -(-j SLV 5& Viil niB jNjiiiM 1UU I-'IUUSi I 25 CTS. Don't use bracers Tor the body that drags the brain that lags the starved uervri he abused stomach there Is a real remedy. Thoughtfully pre pared to meet thpss exact co ndltlons. The lesult of years of liractleo and experience The ablest professional minds com bined It. It cures Dyspepsia qulekcr tliun any known medi cine, It Invigorates Drain and Nerve, renews vitality. No ieau tlon what you get you keep. Mason's YELLOW Tablets cure DYSPEPSIA Sea and Car Sickness, Headache Brain and Nerve Invigorator. No CiIhimI, AltM er Optile. Htsts't Ytllmr TlbltU Care DYSPEPSIA Set lid Cir Slckaeu, H(tcb Drain til Ncrtt Tonic, UK. Mnoa'i Brop Ttbldt Cure CONSTIPATION Dlllauiand Liter Troublti 0. K. In the nernlef, 10c fUnoa'i Rel Tablets Care COIIQIIS BroocMtU, Bed Breita Sarealaslht'areil, 10c. iJ r5PWS9 wiiuy AMUSEMENTS. Green Ridge Wheelmen's New Club House, 1045 WyomtngAvo Opens Tuesday eve., March 12, continuing for balance of week. Good Attractions Nightly. ADMISSION 10c. All'fit Moninn Ml Kim .!rci't Ytalho 'Jliioi 118 AMcr street COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Tlionuj John, tr., 1011M ililc ol Vumlllni?, jot. tcrdjy li unlet! In hU icImutlon. Attormy .1. M. Waller jrslcriliy appointed audltir la tho rotate of An.i Uatnii, dm a-dl. Tlie prliton lioird imt jnlonlay otlertioon ami lieml tlir leporL o( Secretary J'.. K. llnl. athmi. Tlir- ea" of TAriile llilley nf.linU I. 1) Watrei wai referred, by jsrnmcnt, to Attorney f. U. Mttle. Tho rrpnrU of the county auditori for the jejrn of lSil and ltW uero filed jenleidij and conditknillj apprincil liy court. GeoiRi S-tLerison, William 0'itood and 11. P. TiiiMiiiii, eii jevlcrduy uppointid xlcwerd ol Hi" proposed new roid In .Icfferwin timn-Jdp. The judgment In the tae of S. II. and . . Muller. ei-cntnr, ne.ilnst J,uki and T W. Dradlej, an jMtcnliy flriekrn off beeanse of Its imt haWm; be-n roculirly cnlered A inli .n jesterdav pi intcd t" Miow cauo hy Mlclnel Connor, tniihr henlenre in y hli lfc, T.l2?ie, Connor, $3 per innnlh, thotild not ho dlveharped from tlio lounty Jail, llio lieralnK Is to take plica Match in, at t) a. m. ANNUAL McALL MEETING. :Iip. .1. A. Pilcp ontcrtnlnetl tlio memlicrs of tlio AIcAU JIUsloiiary no doty yesterday afternoon at licr lioinc. It mas thp rinniml mpotliifj and p'eo tlon of oillcers. The iinmiimtlii? roin nilttpp. of which Mrs. A. K. Law is ohnliTiiiin, prrpnted tho names of all last ywu's olllcora, who were un.inl niously clertcJ. They aie: Mis. .1. A. Prlrp, ntcplileiit: Mis. 1?. F. L.uu, sciiftnrj; Jlri., G. V. ltoynolds, tieus urer: JU'H. F. n. Ilanillton, corrospoiiil lus HLcrclary. I'apors wero load ly Mrs. II. Q. Powell, Mrs. PiIcp. Mis. W. IT. ricree, Mih. J. A. Uncn. Mis. Oukley and oiliois. HIS SKULI, FRACTURED. Ooincllus Coalprlcc, of li'.l Oak Sitnet. was caught under ti fall of roof nt the No. 5 Storrs mine yesterday and mistaliied a tinctured fikull. IIo .a.s romoved to the Mosos Taylor hospital. Damaged by Smoke aud Water and You Buy Them for Half Bonafide bargaius. Bargains that we can never offer you again when the present lots are exhausted. A clean up ot every thing that came in contact with the re cent big fire. Mostly household and kitch en utensils, including Tinware. Agate ware, and China and Glass, Come quick for it's going fast. On sale in basement. J. D. WILLIAMS & BR0. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. ri ."?. Said the Jester to the King Uneeda Biscuit "Gadzooksl 99 quoth the king "It's no jest to make a man hungry. NATIONAL iuiu Manen'aWblteTebletsCDr SURE THROAT Toeilllllt. Coldl Itedaca latliejmaltaa, tie. Metoa'a Crtim ol OllteaCatct CATARRH Croea, Plmptct, Ncara1li. Barat eod Piles, Ue. All Drat t lit or nailed for erlceir II. T. MASON CHEMICAL CO., (21 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. - EB AMUSEMENTS. SaVWWN'Wt I YCEUH THEATRE - m:is .t tu'iKitiNni'R, iki, A. J, l)UllVv Man iter. O.NK MCllir ONLY, Thursday, Harch 14 THOMAS W. UIJOAlllll'ltST'a MASSIVE SCUNTfJ I'llODUCTION', JUSTICE All American plav for the American people", r.veiy act apeclal K'niery. The oriffinil Ilcrala iMliiare quirtclti. i'rieea 25c Me., V.V-. ami $I.P0. SmN on Rile Tuesday nt It a. m. rillllAV AND &TUIin.VY AND SATUllDAJ MYl'IMX. M.m.'II 15 AND It. MR. CLAY CLEMENT In lll Kmtaikible l'crsonallon of Baion HohcnstaulTcn. In till Own liljlllc Coiuidy, tlui NEW DOMINION Mllli an Aileiii.af Suppcitlne Company. l'lllf LS-Kunlmr. Sic. .W' TV. and fi; niatliee, 2,'e and ."A.; children to any part 01 the houm', IV. fc.aU on Mlc Wodnc-dj) at li a. in. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, REIS& nUHOUNDHK MARRY A. IlROW.t Uiiufers and iK-st't. Local Manager. M.I. THIS MI.IK. The Keystone Dramatic Co. iv i:r.i'KiiTDini:. l'uiMb M Mice i-(ialor'rf PjiiBhtei' Inevliv i:fiilin; .. 'Mjnttiy ef WiiciUwii'' Mediie.iljv Mniine" "I tail'1 Wnlrndi) r.M-nini: "1'iuler valcd Ordfra' Matinen rriect-in and ;n nnl, Henlnc ftlcra- U, -il ami W) crnK NewGaietyTheatro All 0. IIKIIi;lG10.S, Manner. IIIItl.K DA. fOMMKNCINfJ Monday, March 11, 20th CENTURY STARS The Dickson Miuiuractniing Co. tcranton nnd WIlUevMarrj, I'.i, ilanufauturun a'. LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARV ENOINES Hollers, llolnlnc and Pumping .Machinery. General Office. Scranton. Pa. 3 .: sra 3f BI80UIT COMPANY A S5 m -i-. ,t
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