, M -' THE SCRANTOX TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, 31 ARCH 12, LOOT. rcxxxxxxxxx: (S 11'! MOtll.tlN IIAMm'AUU SfOHE. No Odor Escapes from tho Witt Cor rugated ash and - garbage can has air-tight cover Is mado of extra heavy gal vanized iron, corrugated to ncltl strength; reinforced top nnrt bottom by hon bands lids end bottoms mo one piece. .Made In tlnce sizes. Footc & Shear Co, 9 N. Washington Ave :xxxxxxxxxxxn L OF SCRANTON. Capital 5200,000. Surplus $500,000. I nitcd States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday evenings from S to 9 o'clock. m Consul, President. Hivin Bii.iv, Jr., Vice Pros. Wm. II. Pick, Cashier. H-Kiemfilti ii&&2? Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. WEATHER YESTERDAY. 1 oi.il 1I1U for Mmli II, lrll: HlKliisl l.mpiritnre . . J.ouctt trnipci.itliio . . . Uumlditi . 17 ileurere . .11 klrguis ,fl per i flit. , 71 per ctnt. , . . Tt liuli . o li mill t rnilini; S p. PERSONAL. Vir li. nl Welle, ft r.uctilale. Mi. lunl. V..I1,, of .Siw Voil,, ait I la- cupU ot Ii V 1 Well. I oriiu si ncr ol IiiiniUml, u I. Pond, rlv u n iri ulj admitted . puttie Kforc llic I no i Mutts MpRmo court. Vltlumm M.mou Kas.on Ii.h illumed .utei i tl.ee nl,.' il.lt at tl.f Atl.JIKis lint pilii,' 'I lie jlilonn.i.i in. iiiut.li irnprntdl in liciltli. l)i .lolin T lliiiilri, until (iitntly miiIt urlilcnt litkjn ut I lie I.icl.iw mnt linplt.il, lilt )c'ri'lji ulfii.ui n ioi I'lilliilclplib, wliin lie ulll fi.ur Hip I nliiT.ity of I'cmi-jhaiiU liofpltal J)i Iliinlir ilinhiK liU Lilcf r-.liluKf lifli inul" a lioel ol nUml'. nri'l lilo l, ul tin. H icctrrlttU ti irun 'llio pllUlils ut the luii nul prctcntdl lilm with j bos of lino i-lt-au I'ftorr Icailiij. JORDAN WAS DISCHARGED. Aldoimnn Kolly Did Not Appear Against Him. l.'ft Jordnn. tho l.'-yoAr-old jonUi wlto waj aiicstcd .Sunday ironing. Mas arral-jnod berote Recoiduc Mole In police com t vestenlay mmuliig. Jordan borrowed n horse and buggy belonging to Alderman Kelly, and, In tompany with another young (nun, P. J Messett, tpent the tlay tiding through nclghborlt g town. When tho hi was icturned it was fonnd to lis in n, badly blown condition, and young Jordan was at tested for entc'l ty to animals Aldermon Kellv did not appear againr.t him, and Joicli.n wu ills, ihargcrl. DID NOT ATTEND. A nieetlng was) to have been held i htorciay ntteruoon In Dmr's twill by i)ie maginlrated und constables of this It by, and only a few of tho mtmbetn if the association appealing, no sett- Islon vvas held. The object of cntlim. P'he meeting was to tnko action rcgnid l Ing thi'BCcttilng ot legislation by which lelermen nnd constables can nectiu Ithelr fees in Insolvency rases. KrauBe's Cold Cuie. Pr colds In the head, thnsi, tluoat or any pottlon of tho body, breaks up . i cold tn LM horns without Inturiuptlon . t'i work. Will prevent colds If taken wbn first H'yniptoms appeal. Ptlco V Hold by Matthews Hi o. 330 ImIIi , 4jM A PltOSPEIUTY CELEBRATION. Vice Piesldcnt Brooks Dine the Dims Bank Officers. Just n year ago President I 'Italics dil Timt llrfwtl i.r ftn. Mini,, tl.-immlt nnd ! Discount bank, gave it dinner to llio oillcotn or tin; iiif tltutlon In commem oration of tho bank having attained the lnllllon dollar mark In depentts. At that time Vice Piesldcnt Heosij i. Urooks said he would glv n dlnne" when tho elc-poslts reached o. mllltmi und u fjuartcr, while Director Sol Hold smith usked tho privilege of entertain ing when the one and one-half inltllm mark uhh i cached. The teport for the year 1801 show that Mr. Iltooks' dinner was due nud that It was up to Mr. Oohlsndth to be Kin to consult a enteier, (lot 1st and the like. Jan. 1. 1900, the deposits worn M.OSO.tSl.". Jan. 1. K'Ot. they had (cached Jl.313,170.01. And the bank U only ten yeats old' Nothing moic sumptuous or tasteful In the way of a dinner was ever spicad In the Scranton club than that to which Mr. Brooks Invited his fellow ellieetots. Stcwutd O'Nell claimed he had done. Ills best and tlioi who en Jovcd the trr.it did not eU"sllou hit ttoid. A novel featllio of tho tiiblu dccotntlons was n low bank of gtectis on which nestled a myil.td of lilies of tho valley forming1 the flgiues $1.210.. 000. Souvenirs In the shape of ni;.' printed dimes fnstjncd to stick plus were presented to each guest. Those who attended weie: Presl.I ut Charles du I'ont Hrork, Vice President Uecse (5. Htooks, Dhectois Sol Hold smith, i:. J. Lyni'tt, George It. Jermyn. Charles It Schndt, .1 V. Harney, J. P. Pish, M II. Palo, S. S. Spittles and A. I.. rr.tncols, Cashier II. C. Dunham and Attorney Cornelius Coiueg.vs. LH- rectors W. .1 I.ovvls and C Is Soumaus were tuuivoldedly absent IT WAS LADIES NIGHT. They Contributed the Entertain ment at the. Meeting of the North Scranton Men's Union. The ladles held sway at last night's meeting of the Xotth Scranton Men society, and the excellent pieigramme which was icndered In the pat lots ut the Piovldente Piebbyteiian church was given ontliclv tinder their direc tion. It was the society s regular monthly meeting, nnd each member was expected to bring wife, sweet heat t or sister with him, as a result of which at & o'clock the room was well filled with an audience- tn which the lnlt sex piedomlnatcd. Piof O. P. Walklnslir.w was In at tendance with his otchestia, which played in limitless stylo several selection-', nnd the remainder of the enter tainment consisted of a vety clever Shakespearean bitrlcsepto and an ex ceedingly risty luncheon. The meet ing was called to order by Piesldcnt Dolph P. Adtcttoc, and after the transaction of routine business tho entertainment part of the night was begun An ovetttlte was played bv the or chestra, and then Mrs. Will McDonald lead a lit let synopMs of tlvj burli'Sfiue which was to follow. Its title was "Pl.tc" aux Dames, or the Ladles Speak at Lust," and the scene ol no tion was supposedly a summer lesntt. Ileto congregate Mis. Potneo Mon tagu", fenmetly Juliet eif balcony fame, Mrs.Pottla Rnssanlo, the jud'elal dam sel who effectually put out of busi ness, both literally and llgutatlvely Hieaklng, one Shylock: Mis. Ophell i Hamlet, lite lttgubilous love of the melancholy Dime, and Lady Micbclli, the slngultulv tender i.pous- of the ambltlon-ildden Thane of CtamN. The i evolution of tlclc feelings in the days which follow the last act tit Shakespeaie's play in will' It they ap pear, termed the them of the btir ieseitt" The ncUessos all appealed on the plitfoim at the upper nil of the mini, This was n(elani.ilteiMl lulo a svlvnn bowel by a nu'nbr of atllsll eally ni ranged tits and feme tnd wi.s' llqhte-d by teveial tapei. Aftet Mis. McDonald lead In r pto logtto the sketch vas Iipruii by the enttanee ol Juliet, whom Miss r.lisa beth Henwooj made a vsty vWtn-oine eh.d.ietcr Indeeti. Sho took her pile" at the tea table, atotiud which till the chiiraeteis suhecit"iitly sat, and then began a soliloquy In which she an nounced that as Mrs, ponieo Mon tagtie, burdened with a rhlftless bus. band, she pined for the tljs of happy, cooing Juliet Captilet again. Hoc musings were Into i opted bv the aitival of the tlnro otl.ci ili.tmrteia, each ol whom had a tab- of woe to un told. Ml-s Until Jackson, its Mrs. Uas sanlo was a Poitl.i who in her stu tlent's cap and gown, with mnnnlfh iv,u and legal tcclinical teims Inter spetsing her dialogue, was a very dlf Icient chataeter Iroiu the oung lady who innde the olt-eittotod lennrks about the eiitality eif nurey not b-lng sti.clned, and chopping as the gentle ilew fiom lienven. nnd ether slniller statomt nts. mic also tc-aiizeei in.i mat (Inge was no since tu.. but pl.llo ... i ii. sophlcally lemntked "I1 was all that could be expected of a h isluttd who had to bonow thte-o thomand ducats to get (milled on " Mrs Thomas Olllespie was poor, un fortunate Ophelia Mis. 'Illlesple' made the melancholy Danish pi lure's love a veiy admit lug and amiable, but exceedingly Htupid spouse, and her constant referonccw td one of Shake spiate's sublime characters as "1-at Ham" eeitalnly added to the ludle te.UH effect of the entire btulesiiue Mis. W. H. Saellei mticij Lady Mae both a much maligned prison "ho spoke KnglUh with n Inoad. Pontile Hi Itr Hush pocvnt.nn acenl which Inn Macltiieu would cross tho evcan to hear anil which would Insplie Uairto to Wiltu another jam of Tlirtims. Mis Satller'n Interpretation of tho ioi. trnn.sfointi d the Scotch gciHewonuni fiom the lllnly-he.irtid fiend of ' Mac beth" Into a niation with u derided glle vanoe. At the close of tho butlestmo gen"i oti sapplause rewatded the four Indies, and n selection then followed by the orchestra, completing the piogiatmne A vote of Ihanlis to all the participants was given, after which eitrucd the seivlng eif lunch. The nest meeting of the society will take placo In Apili and bo the last ot the ptesent . foii CHARLES E. ATWATER MARRIED Chatles K. Atvvater, tonneily of Oieen rtldgo but now of CluH City, Intl., was man led last week to Miss Prankio Hlackhuru, of Huntlnglou, Ind. Tho ceicmony was petfoimed at tho bikle's home and was witnessed by only a lew icl.it Ives and fi lends of llio bride. 1 Mr. Atvvater Ih widely known In this city, whete he lived tor so many yeats. Ibi Is einploed as a glatfsblowec ,u Gas City. Tot' Fire Insurance, tclenhcnm or call' on Pulton ti Utad bury, Ilooui oij Connell building, LOOKING FOR A CANDIDATE DEMOCRATS IN COUNCILS HAVE A SCHEME. Say That the OfHce of Mayor Was Abandoned by Recoider Moll', That the City Is Without a Chief Exccutlvo and That This Condi tion of Affairs Must Not Be Pur pose to Call n Joint Session with n View of Electing a Mayor Men They Ale Considedng. At a meeting of the Democratic metnbits of council held at the St. cjuulett hotel on Sunday night tins fltteitlon of electing u successor to Mayor Mole was dlicurecd at lcnglb, and It v.at unanimously dediKd to make nu attempt tn elect n mayor, providing a candidate could ln found who would bo willing to pet. The act of assembly ptovides that when theie Is a vacancy hi tho oillco of mayor It shall bo llllrd by t otitic 111 In joint session. Pnfot tunatelv the art fin liter piovldes tint no member of council shall be eligible In election. At Sunday nlghtV meeting ;t com mittee consisting of the following eouncilmen was appointed. Thomas CosgHive. 13. W. Vattgban, Thoniaa O'lloyle, P, P Cilpln and M. J. Cuslck TIiIh committee whs Instiuctcd to look up a candidate Immediately, and after seeming his consent to lme a call Is sued for the Joint session. l'OKIVG POP A CANMiIDATi:. Several of the members of the com nilttee wete looking foi n i andldato yestetdty. but all of them who weto seen positively refused to say whe ther they had found any one willing to lie elected. All they would say was that the names of the following gentle men weie being consldcted ntnong others- Hon. M !'. Sitido. Ceoigf S. Horn, oy.-Sherlff John J. Pnhcy. Col. I let mini Ostiums, T. J Jennings nnd Stephen Spiuks. The councils tn Joint Mnti es they stand at present ate eenly diid"d politicals , thete being twenty-one Ite publleaiis and twenty -one Den.ociatH. 'I'he Denwiats claim thej can get one or perhaps two Itpubllc.iu otcs It tho ltcpulillcan members all stay nwav they can pi event the holding of a Joint session, as the law ptovldes ijint in ol der to oiganlze :i joint session there must bo n malotlty of both btanebes present. Tho Dinoei.itli leaders havi foretepu this contingency, and they ii ro counting vpon the stippott of Wade M. Finn, the l:e itbllcan elect councilman fiom the Second ward The Democuits advance the aigu ment, and they claim that they are bricked up by e-Clty Solicitor I. II. Piiins and sevetal other well-known lawcrs. that It will be absolutely nce essarv to elect a mayor to sign and under Kg.U the oidinancc.4 and tcso Itttlons which the ptcsent councils wilt pass before the city government if n otg.inlr.ed on Aptll 1, actordln to the ptovlslons of tho tipper bill. Tlity con tend that when Uecoidec .Mule took the oath of oillco as recoider an I accepted hi J commission for that olllce l'temi the govftnor that lie ceased to be mayor, PXTIL APP.II, 1. It is held that until Aptll t Sct.inton will continue to opet.ito under the net of assembly governing titles of (lie third class, and that inasmuch as that act piovldes for the otllee of mayor and outlines the duties of that olllclal that a lecorder appointed tinder tho provNIons of an act governing cities of the second class cannot npptove of measines udnpted by councils acting In eonrotm.ime ulih the thlid-class t Ity net. Itecoider Molr l.tughs at lh Idea of ejeellng a mavor, and tefets to Aitlele I. Section I, of the ilppt-i bill, which leads us follows1 "In cities of the second l.is the ex ecutive power shall be -vested In a city itfotdcr and in the depat Intents an Unitized by this act. The olllce of ni.nor in said cities Is heiebv abol Mied." The lecotder holds, and II Is under stood that he Is hacked up In his con tention by City Solicitor A'oshuig, that In the eyes of the law Scranton has been a city of the second elas evvr since the pioclamatlon of the governor was iccelved some weeks ago, and tli.tt Inasmuch ns the nfllce of muyor in such cities has been abolished by the tipper bill, which Is now a law, that as n tender he has a perfect and miotic s tioned light to act as the city's chief executive, tegnrdle.ss of thu time when the city Is teotanlzed as a city of the .second cla-s. ULTIMATUM TO CANFIELD ; c.u' Shon Emnloves Ask for the Righting of Alleged Giievances Beioie Noon Today. A meeting of the emploves ol the Lai kawnnnn shops, who have fotmed themselves Into a union, was held last evening in Carpcntets' hall, when the gilc-vntieo comtnluee gave their icport eif the confetence with Master Car Dullder L. T. Canlleld. or the Laeka wanna iallici.nl. The eommlttee te potted that Mt. Canlleld had t el used to acknowledge tie union At the meeting held Suiul.tj twelve men lepti-sentltig the dltfeieiil Lite ka wanna shops were appointed to serve Cut-Price Cigar Sale Viuest Key West Vest box L cigars, of jo.... per b'resh Cigars, all light colors All 10 cent cigars. n 429 Lackawanna Ave. Who Can Write the i Best Short Story f Till. '1111111 M. OKH.IIS tAMl rill.Kh TO i.ucvi. wiiu kiis of t.ot'Ai, ncriov. $25.00 for the Best Stoty. $10.00 for the Second Best. S5.00 for the Third Best. v uriiiviiv toMii.iiTio.s vMii.ui, r. nnii'str, I- Mr mci:iiv in onnuii 'to win. hi uctv cf ilic tJ'l dm conlilrub1r li I lia; claicel .llnei tlicre lin lieeti illi) piiblle etinii'ctllleii tlirnuali tho leical prcn (or llio p'jrp"c- vf ulli.vilatlna llio 'Itrury nlillitv latent miio'ij the people ol Noclliri.tdii IVhlJuhoiil.l, Tht? Itllntii hu elctliUel tn il'ir n Miirs of prlrti u tilriiiilin in t :U illrccllon It I" ikilniMi oi wcnilnif for inn In ll iiilnintu a minil' of .liort Horice It, ltltiK of local Ihinipe In onler to funu-li .in Incetitlip It ptcpni to m; t.'.", for the lct Men of not to rv erd :i.iei ttoiJi In linftln I0 fni the ficoinl'l,it torj, o I i-l ", ftr the '.hint Imt tor Vlantutrlptv not -iictfvtul In s'liitins oro of lhi'' prl'it villi ho puhllKlirtl ami tlulv crctlltcil It Hi" .vitliors m elwlre. Sim ic icmllnir to tiring out thr loinniico nml lege til ii V l"i i' ' th ililliui llf lnlnlin; llnlii-li.t will Imp pi rlert lie In eonncetloii Miih utrj mine In the ialln time U a mi if tiaililbu. imhulln. lull linaillh e cipiK, inriiliin ol .piol.1 luppenliiku ami other ilit.ill iKiultrln on the wilnl or .npfi niluri! wlilt li lu liccer liui cilhciril to Rfllur in lltci.irj luini llil oprnt luhl iililih l iiratllt llv liiexluiittlhli' nml wli Mi rtiottl I iiiph imp in itrrijl for tmne purpil Inch lnlerr-itlii' fietloii. The ti-V, of piwlnsr upon tin merit, of the mtmiill uliiiiittcil will In jclmipil to n ili'lMiiiPtteil jii'lin'. i1ipm- name will oon bo unnuiiui .1, rml who villi read I he ininn eciipn 1ml hue no hnowletlife of the Mn III of th aut'ioK I he envdopii, contain. oni the i-al iijiiim of the aulliois ill be preerij ui'iiiil Willi J'ld Hip Janl lute b. n iii.uli -linilil lint IiiIIIjI icinpclilioii proie en i nini;lliK, it mo Iw tolloneil l,j oilier prize otfiM of .Imll.ir tenor. i ejSiino.N t'l' Till. lOMIsT All nui u triiu urn'! lo subniiiti'J not later thin Manh M ll iiumi-i ripH niti-t be ciRneil In a fii ntiuiH iiiini nml Tleu tin; nrltn'n iral name ami po-.toflite iilihcr.. 1 lie Mfn of rich Mi0 lino' be laid e Nuitliiaitprn Pcnniiliunla, bm ilie inmcn ol leal pi twos mil-' ml be ii-eil One fuiclirr i, milium tiunt be umliTtooil. romribiitliiiit nitt niji ,1 for lliu ionnt Mill be antttiil onli from pic-tent 'ilHtriber'e tu 'Hip 'Iriliuiio oi limn lluw wlio nia), cluiliii; the eontct, b'toini subiriber bv p.i incut ol it lea iri' inonihs Milvinptioii in ail jtno Vibliisd. -lOHV lONll.tl s,rmoii Irlliur.e Stranton, I'a. upon the eommlttee to pte.sent their gtlevance to the master ear builder. They demand the relnstatc-men.- of three men who wete disehutged. The eommlttee of twelve men saw Mr. C.tnlleld !osterday mottling and repented to the mevtlng last evening that he had icfused to acknowledge their demand. It was unanimously agreed to give Mr. Canlleld until to. day noon to leach n iltinl decision, and If the iclnstatements ate not forthcom ing at that lime th men will stop wen It. Last night's meeting was m session fiom ,"i to 7 art and was laigely attended. DEFINE THEIR POSITION. Executive Committee of Silk Work eis Adopt Resolutions. To peti tion Mill Owners to Aibltrate. The executive committee of the stl Ik ing silk mill gills nut vestettlay after noon at Carpenteis' hall, and after disc tisslng the matter of athltr.itlug the pic"-ent dllllcultles, p.ied the fol lowing tesolittloiis: liuMiiutli n we Ihi pxeiiiiiti inmmiitte of tla MilUhi: till; mill telil- of Hip tilt f vmiiIiii .iii.I li lull v ill. lie , be plainly mi lu.tluo.l In our p".lthiii, tlipiefotp be II lb-iihiil, That up Mill .ltiipt tin l'akiaoii pinii on our labor. Ami fnrlti-1 be it ltr-j,lu,. That up staml u.nlv to arbitrate our pdiilini; ilillleully ami Mill accept the lllhl K. v. Ill-hop llobin. or inj clliui of i iu 1 ftjii'lin,', ai om aibluator, ami further b. it lltibnl. Thu mp all iipn the publn ,in, ri ijiii st ( li in to bilp n. in tin niatiir of ar bill Itlon (sU-ofil) Midi llnrlii, e li.iiiloli of i:icnlle I 'ulimiuiee IMa 0'51ilh,, vcutary Tilts various mill ownet.s will now be petitioned to signify their willingness to n settlement by niblttatlon. While lllshop Hob. in has been seveial times mentioned as sole uibltrator, still the glllri would be willing to clltl llt tho matter Into the hands of a. bu.iiil of four aibltiatots. coiiimisiI of local tlhlms nnd business or piofeslotiitl men Nothing has been braid ttoni any ot the mill nvvneis ot supeilntendents ie gartllng their attitude on tho aibltra tlon eiuestlon. .Mother Maty Jones and Committeeman Ptedeilek Dili her. of the mine woikei?, both leave the city this men ill tit . A meeting will be held 111 I'atpentets' hull this nfteinoon of the striking hands ft om Ilatvey Uios.' mm, and the Klot. ghls will meet at 7 8ft o'clock this eve nlng at St. John's hall, on Capotiso avenue. The haul and 'oft sill; git Is fiom the Saueinolt mill hold ,i session In Catpenter.e' hail. Pildny aiteitoon. A mass nieetlng w is hem ,u Taylor Sjiutilay night, wlikh wts si heditled as n meeting eif th silk mill ghls. Vu.v few or the Iflltei were, however. In attendance, the gitnter patt of tho ntidlence being nnidii up of inlnois, An nddtcss by .Mother Jones feiiuti-tl the meeting MAQOLITZ FELL OFF BRIDGE. Oiyphant Man Di owned in the Lack awanna at Miuooka. The dead body of nemge Alagolltz, of Oiyphant, w.m found In the Laeka v.annu liver at Mlnoolin yestei.i.i.v moinlu; .Magollt. fell Into the strettai Htiuday n.ght when, with tliieo eo -panlous, 'ie v.as uostdug tha bildre near the National washery. When l.i centei of the bilda; waJ 1 one lied Mugollti; I ell Into tii" wut.M and. being tmablo to swim, vns tliown.d. His coiupanlom, notliloti tho watthmnii at the South mill am a seatth for tho body then beun a. id was not teiiulnatcd until 10 o'eloik yesterday morning Now Pillow Tops. 'lamer-Wells Company, 1'0 Wvo. niliig iiienue. Steam Heating and Plumbing. V. V. & M. T. Howlcy,23l Wyoming av. DRANK A TOAST JNP0IS0N DRAMATIC SUICIDE OF CiLARLES KOONS. He Pouicd an Ottnco of Caibolic Acid Into n QiaBS of Porter nnd Snld: "Here's Luck" ns Ho Quaffed the Poisonous D(nught Had Told the Men in Rosen's Hotel That He Was Going to Commit Suicide but They Did Not Take What He Said Seriously. "Well, bovs, heioV link. I al.l I'd do this, nnd I will. Those that don't like It can go to h I." Tin no wero the words spoken vesterday nftocnoon In tho barroom of Ueotgo Poen, tit CCS Cedar avenue, b Chatles Kottis as ho uilecd to ills lips n glass ef porter into which he htd pouted t n ounce of embolic iitltl, and drained. It In one swallow Koons wns about 4J jears old nnd lived In Kingston, where he hid n wire nnd family. Ho has been wot king in this city em and off for the past two yen ie, acting ns fotrman for Ids father. A. II Koons. who hns the contrnet for the construction of the big Nine teenth district sewer in South Scran 'ton. Koons sitollod into the bairoom of P.osen's piiicv jrstcidty attunoon be tween 2 and '1 o'clock, utitl began to di Ink itilher heavily. Itelween chinks at the bar he conllded to Charles P. Armstionjr, one of his oldest and best fi lends, that he had had some trouble with his wife. 'People don't fosui to care much for me." be said. "I'm only tt nipple, and I've been thinking that It wouldn't be u bad Idea to take ti tloe oi poison nnd get through with th" whole thing." thipd to ciinnit HIM Aimsttong and seveial of the other men piesent tried to cheer him up. nnd the talk about sulci lo was diopped for the time. Koons went over and sat down at a table neat Ihe window. Th" burtoom began to till up. and not much attention was paid to hint. Tltero wtie In the bat room In addition to the piopiletor. Geoige Pee-en, nnd bis 'ar tender, Jacob Ktlck. a number of other men. Including Chatleii Aumlrong, Jacob Sunday and Kiank 1011. About 4.P.0 o'clock Koons who was bv this time becoming quite lntol rated, called for a glass of potter. it was solved him bv the bartender, end laving It on the lable, he pulled from his pocket an eiunce bottle con taining ii colorless liquid. Thin be poured Into the glas Ir the presence en" everyone present, and raising It aloft, gave the toast e uoleel at the beginning of Mil article and chained It to tho tltegs. Xo one made ,inv elfoil n.s fat as could be learned to pi event him from taking th deadly dose It would hnvo been nn easy mnttci to dash It out of bis hand, but foi some' unexplained icnson no one seemed (o think of thlt. Several of those piesent stated after wauls '.hat they didn't realize he was taking poison because they thought bint too ditink lo do inch a. thing. They admitted, however, that only a shott time befoio he had talked of taking polmn. HIS TONi: TltlPMPIlANT 'I told you I'd e'e) It," he cild, tll uniphantly. when tho deed was done, ami then called for a glass ot water us the acid began lo eat Into tho deli cate membrane or the stomach. He soon began to puffer gicat agony, nml lapsed Into iinconseloiwne(.. Severn! phv sic lame weie summoned, but thev could do nothing to help him. One of I horn said he had tak-n enough poison to kill seveial men. No eaue Is assigned tor the suicide ece'pt the i eason given by himself tint Iip had tumble vvI'ltMils wife His father was In Kingston el the time and was telegraphed for. Koons tiled to commit sttl Id,-, litre" weeks ago ! Hlnrl.el'sholol at Wilkes. Pane, when ho attempted to take n dose of poison. It was tanen awav liom hint, howevei lieioie he eoulil s-wnllo v It, LEFT FOR HAZLET0N. Piesltlent Mitchell Staited for the Scene of the Gnthedng of the Mine Worke(s, rieiiitiu John -Ml U lull, ol ihe I'utt ed .Mine Wotkets, who attlvetl In this city Sunday attetnoon, lett at 1.1" o'clock jesleiday afternoon for Hazlc ton, wheie the convention of the tlueo nnthtacjte tllstdcls opens this morn ing President Mitchell spent the tlay In comet enco with the mine wot kins' local tendec, and left tho city b the Delawiito and Htulson, in tompany with Piesltlent T. D. Nleholls. of (his dl-ttlct, ami his sc'ietaij, .Miss .Mor lis. A number of olheis in 1 onipauicd them, but the gte.it majoilly of local delegate will leave Setanlon by the ii 10 o'clock ,11.1111 this in 1 i 11 11114. The I1.1I11 leaving at that time will In lug them Into HtiKleton at lu ei'c lock, Just In time for the looming session. Na tional Committeeman Piedi-iidc DII 1 her. Seetetaiv John T. Deinpse,v of Dlsttlet No 1, me! Oiganlzcr itoln-rt I'oiltti'leht will be iinong the protnl ncnt niiinheib eif the S.iauton lontln- Proper Ties for men'b necks ties that look stylish and are btylish ties that King Edward would be proud to wear. Nariow toui-in-l lands, Butterfly ties 50c there's our strong all star line. Then wc have more costly ties too. re s m I A. I I "oN 1!SyS!s' I KRUGER'S CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Denlera, 216 Lackawanna Ave. gent, which promises lo be one of the largest at the convention Kttlly seven bundled men ate ex pected at th" convention, and of this mttnl'r somc'iltlng like tour luiitdieit will attend from Dlrtrlct No. I The mine workers' leaders In tho city yes terday were extteniely letlecnf regard lug llielc opinions on the ptobablc out come, but one statement may be innilo ns certain, and that Is that by Ihe to ncpcTI of the present wago scale th" operators have not succeeded In ie moving all causes for complaint, by 4evot,ii rods. Ask for Kelly's union crackers. The Scianton Gas and Water Com pany nnd the Hyde Paik Gas Com pany. In accordiifr itlllt the pillrv o' tbr.p rope pinle lo leiliiip r.ne fro-n time lo time ut iriv be Miinnleil bv lntrraeil foiniinipll'n. tiotlio 1 hire-he tiiicn lli.it on on, I alter April 1 next. Hip price of gas villi bp 011" ilollar iei one thoiianti ciiMej fert loienineil, Mihject to Ihe following illwoiai!: l'iic pel cent on all bill e.l.cie (he com n.iptioii tot Ho m in"i amomiti to le, Hun twenty Hi ililhr.. (ei, per cent, on all I III vheie the coin'imptlon fnr the monlh ami nut to iwci.l file .lollars in.i m, M.llll". I'inviileil the lull U pilil on or belore ' lie Kith tlav ff the month In which tlw bill 11 lirdeteel III oitlci of Hip boaul. I! II IIVNP, s tretan. SPECIAL. -nivNioN cvs axu watki: kivipisv vnd Hull" I'm I. elan .(iiipii,,i In onlei m in mi I?P Hip i.m ot pi- for toil llipe-iJ, llutlie I lierehj tiliin thai on ami nliri Vprll t l.esi the price of uii no n-fil will Ie on dollar pei 1 ik ihou-anii Itrt loiisnmeil, k'lbjei t lo the lellivi n,c p1il.1l illxoniiti It.i pel 1, it en, nil IIIMuliit' tin. itiiiMmiiieiifor t'iPini tillinnloiliitsto les.lln 1 twrntj flu ihllili ll'elili )i .enl in ill b 1U mIicio Ihe iiinsiiniptloii lor llio montli ai 101 li to twrnli rtie ilullaiH ami npw ml- I'loihlfl the hill U luhl on or brf, n 1I1 J n la.i of the month n which tin bill l mule ' I V Mpirb iiiotu, iiihn. Iie.l b ill. i.iinpant 111 liecii,Mri III oii.ei ot the bnul f! II IIVNP vi retail A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatost commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary investment In business, theprofitfromaTELEpHONE Is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO llar.azcrU oKce, 117 Adams avrnue. ALL WOOL VI10 it Willis Vlen .t I'.ml . ... 1ltllfV "MlitH ladii-' -kills . ... . in I'liaiiiii; 111.1l I'liwitis Sim. I lianmi. mil I'n-Hlic l'int .... . King Miller, Merchant Tailor, ion i vpii v wn i, i:i d35 Spiuce St., Sctnnton, Pa. i -'aAAAAA.AAJAAAAA..AAAAAAAAAJAtAAAtAAAAAAlS)f.lAl-fcAl Most Unusual Prides Not a woid in aijiument t)i piaiM i needed in of- feting thee to you. "I he woiths speak lor themselves, and the qualities jio plainly in evidence ai all times and the prices ! that's the point that vm us trade The mighty buying power uf two gicat houses (Scran- ton and Ballimoie. enables u to cleailv outclass all com petitois. fho undei pi icing i not upon old stock bioken lots 01 Jose outs every piece is hesh and blight from the makeis' hinds. He suieyou don't buy until you see up-to-date goods at strangely cheap ntices. Solid Oak Sideboard nSM'SSl draweis. one niceh lined fni vlverwau'. Double cupboard in base with shelf--h.iudsumelv ciuvcd lop with massive supports. Iry to duplicate ibis. bo.ird elsewheie lor $i;.co. ,, , Our prue p9.09 Rpkrlr'.f'UTi Ciiiif Solid Oak -populai golden oak, nice UCIMUU1II UIL V iinished. Drcssei has I arye French plate ininoi. cuved top. Wash bland, latest nov elty spliibhei back, uppei drawers and cabinet, $18 .. -. value- $ 13.98 Extension Table iKfSl'd "k" good heavy table that will give perlect satisfaction. .. po.9o Mattresses M.itt;eS?,.n'!!b,e;. cu.0.'1. .!tI. $1.98 All oilier Mattresocs made up to oui order at special reductions. Remember, We Cannot Be Undersold CREDIT YOU? CERTAINLY ss - 221-223-225-227 vm K M Ntr Hbw 1 l?Jiiiy"ii nfZX yyyyTf ?tttI Appeal lor help doe1; not seem ver? Micce.ssiiil. Our appeal to you to t.tke our T0-K0L0N WINES Is just Ih; opposite. Why? Be c.tuse we have something yot want, .'ind you help yourself, help ing us. Lose no time in calling, lake your time in buying. fashr To your cash until yott get to CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna Ave. Then buy a Spring Hat, Spring styles in Negli gee Shirt"? now beiiifj; shown. Announcemsnt Uie iiiiiin.sii, ment of the lescnt I'innofoites by the Mason & ll.tin hn Co. h.p; called forth the lollow iii4 1 eiii.it liable expressions fiom men who stand pre-eminent today 111 the musical litu oi the wot Id. "The Mason & Hatnlln Piano Is, I bell"ve, an in.-.ti ii'iieiit of the very llrst tank ' violin vios.kosw ki. C oinpewcr, llanlil, 'ffacher. 'I blleve the Maron & Hamlin I'iunos to be of the vety first rank." Minim xiKiscii, 'the inOj)iil7ed gl.nt uf mieical acllillj In I ii lope iodav Ml Is unsutpasssd." i.MH. rvt'ii. Coiidiitlor I'hilhaimonic Ouh'tr. New Vor ('III A stock ol these btipcib instru ments may be been at the ware looms of L6.P0WELL&G0, m-m Wnsliiimton Ave. Pierce's Market, Peiin Avenue Ve inali a ipi.iall.i of fanr Cicamti; tin . ttr ami utrictly fresh cjei and the prltc li a. low ut Oral ib'Ji gooda isn be told at. We do not haie any special ralci 01 leadi,. but al all tinus eany ai coinnlcle a line of "i ' Maiket Oooile, I'ancy (Iroccne-i and Table Dcllea cits a. can tip found in the largest .sew vor1! or Philadelphia MatLrtt ithlih we cll at rlg'it trlie W. 11. Pierce, 19 laditTamii Are. 110, li:, IK rcna At-. Prompt delnery oflsr jrSiM Wyoming Avenue rrwW iix4i j&'te i J-i 1 e&S i ; ,! U.J. tv,- vs
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