"awWWVy, -y- , -,; T -, Hhitte. cratnott V Till: ONLY SCRANTON PAPbR RBCblVING Till: COMPLUTK NliWS SHRVICH OH Till: ASSOCIATED I'RbSS, THK GMiATBST NbWS AGbNCY IN TUB WORLD. SCRANTON, TAm .MONDAY MOKNINiJ, 3IAHC1L .11, J00.1. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. jfrwW"!'" M .SrWjrw? v.' RUSSIA AND MANCHURIA United States Opposed to Division ot Gliina, but Not in Alliance with anu Other Power. RUSSIA'S DECLARATIONS Although Suspected of Planning to Seize and Hold Manchuria as Her Own, She Has on Every Occasion Possible Declared Emphatically That She Has No Such Purpose. 4i Pxilmh" Wire from The Vocialcil I'hM. Washington. Mutch 1ft. The olllcial correspondence xvhlch lias passed be tween the state ili'partincnt and the poxxi-is Interested In the Chinese cities Hon dlselos s the fact that Russia, sus pt t -il m Hlii- is by Kngland. and per baps liv Miinc other poxxers, 4it planning t iii iw .-mil lmlil Mum-hurla as her n lias 4in ovoty occasion ixhcn op pijitunliy served t4 draw forth n stitto ni at 4if her motives d,4,lnio4l einphntl- nllx Hint flic had no such purpose on 1-Vb. IS tin- Culled Htntos ad-lt-s'i strong representations to lima tluough .Mr. Conger and Prince LI Hung Chung. China was told that In' I'liltcd States could not approv jnx sec-n-t negotiations botxxeoti China and any Individual power looking to nit' com esslon of tonltory to mih-Ii power. And It was further Insisted that. o bo valid, any such concession f tenltnry should li" gixen only with tlv assent of all the other power.. still further to emphasize that warn ing against the In ginning of a division if china. It wim slgnlllcniitly stated Pi.il the I'nlteil States 1 i I not regard i lie present a an opportiiii" time for making any concessions of territory or oxen or conducting negotiations for Ml. Il concessions. nn March I the state department t tok steps- tu acquaint every one of the 1 urn r Interested In China with tlie lustrue tloiis It hail given Mr. Conger. Tlie result xxns to ellelt frci'n nearly all of them expressions of approval of the iloelrlne laid rioixn by the Culled States, and foioniost anions: the pow ers vhli'h accept il It was Ktissla. Our Position. The Cuiteil Klines government has lioi ontotori Into any secret in open agreement with tJieat Ttrltaln or with an.x other Indlvlilual power, hoxvxor s t-ongly It may s.iiipaihUo with the 1,1'lilsli ilesin- to Insure Manchuria against selzuie. un the contrary, the Kuierumt'iH has from the beginning Hi"' 'Hirageil Mich seclal alliances as to i liina. and has nilopted the practice if lufoi mlng all the powers of the con i ntsofnn.x statement It has addressed to auj one of them. It Is felt hers ih.it the gri'.itest strength of the post i mi of this lountry has lain In this li. in!, ami np-n nn'tliod of negotiations, mid there Is no disposition to abandon it nnxl. Count cnsslnl. the lluslan ambassa Oin i oiled at the state department to via and was In eonfeience with See lftarx Hay for half an hour. Although inching can be learned as to Ihe nature of tin lr oonivrsutlon, II Is believed t mi tlii' ambassador took occasion again to as.scit the sincerity anil pro. pi'b-tx of Itussla's purposes relative to Main liurla. Count fnsslnl Ik greatly )Ttuibi'il over the tone of the press ilisp.-u, lies fiom London, anil does not h siin.i- to give an cmphallc and un i u.ilhii'd ilmlal of the truth of their l"ll' Ills. HARRY SCHOCK ARRESTED. Ex-Mayor Magowan's Brother-in-Law Accused of Pawning Watch. 1 I ,. In.iti. Wile (inn III" A- lI.HiiI li. . Ti.uton, X. .1., March 10. Harry s-hock, a biother-ln-law of ex-Mayor 1'iank A. Magovxan. was arresteil hero last night on the charge of larceny of a xMuih. preferied by the ex-Ma.xor'a slt.'ter-ln-lH, Mrs, John Magowan. Si'hiiik. xx hen taken to police hcail uiiartcis, gavi- the assiimeil name of John Kennedy. Hoth Schoek and the i onuiliilnant live lu the same house xx lib the ex-mayor's father, i'or some time jiiist ai tides have been missing irom the house, and ileteetlves wero cilli'd In. The missing watch xvas tiaced to a Philadelphia paxvn shoii, and the deKerlptlon of the person who pawned It tallies with' that of Sohucl; and led to his anest. Si hock gave bill to appear tenant low iiioiulng for u heating, but an effoit Is being made to settle the matter out of couit. Schock belongs In SU mulshing, la., wheie he lived befoiti mariylng Miss Magotxau last .lauuary. lie was u stu iluit at Coiuell, anil claims to be a civil engineer. TAFT SAILS FOR LUCENA. The Judge and His Associates Will Establish Another Government. Ill l:ililslir Wli. liom 'I ho X.Mjdatdl I'u.i. Ianll... M.inli 1ft. -.Imlse I'.id nnU hi awo ( aU 5 i( the I nllcl S-.alr l'lilliiilnp loiuuil'. ll'Ti. .ii ijini.inU'il llii'ir ulvo .im I a nuiulxr ol iHniniiitnt rillpli.os iiiiluiuul t'nli.v mi llio I nltiJ Main. Inntpiirt Suni'in ami .illoi (r l.iiillii, .1 lumimi' nl T.ila, l.iuoti, wlicr tlir.x W "li'jniir ireltni.il smnnnii nl. Xt l.c tnno ol Ihcli iii I'rinic I lie plci "a. tliroiiunl r th lutlxf. xx Im ihicinl the iiiniiiilnioiivu lid ;.iu ni.li nil. or n f et the pupubrlt' 9( I hi: ioiniiil.li.ii. I lie icmuguiu Ii.im' kiiiiiiiilri-il llii liiinilrnl nrtot in the nwlmi nl I'.iiiiiiiii(.i, llulji.i ami Ua'nruu, (lnrlne the Ij.t (oui eik - . . . . Steamship Atrlvalb. Bi FvlmhP XX lie tioni 'I lie A.hsIjIiiI I'ioj. '.vr l,l., i - it in.-.iiixiiit ki. imiu, Fmitli i.iit. n uml Clii'iU'iinrt Ciiimih', t.tT Joel uiul tJiKfii.lowii; I iiitnla. I,f-i r"l a'l ;iiiii.i4U,.. SilrJ: .Xiii.tinlJiii, ItntleiiUin; it u M tii.riltr'. juil .'iili. f(ir.'ii.lnii -jii i t r,iinii"li ilium I bnpoi'll, Nmx- Yuik. m'i -Pn.Mili Klilni', c .k for Miviii.n. X'ilniii-rrliKli I'iIimLihI, .New Voik. iill 'illai st,m; Mmnirr Allci tduui fin jaJ him), ,l oik MURDER OF APFLEQATE. A New Jcisey "Wife Boater Found Send In a Pool of Blood, lly i;clulie Vtlr liom The Associated l're. Trenton, X. J., March 10. Thomas Applegate, a farmer living; at Kxtun vlllo, ten miles from here, was found dead In his barn this morning with his head crushed in. Owing to threats that had been made by White; Caps to punish Applegato for Ill-treating hi family, It xvas first thought he hail been murdered. A thorough Investi gation ax as made by Coroner IJower and County Physician linger. Uoth are satisfied that Applegate was Kicked to death by a horse. Coroner Hower said tonight that Applogalo's body was found In n stall and that the m.nks on his face showeil the marks of the horse's shoe, lllood was also found on the horse's hoof. Applegate had boon ill Inking a great deal or late, nnil Is believed to have been ill unk at the time he was killed. He was at one time a prominent citi zen in his locality and much respected. Of late when drinking he had been abusing his wife. A party ot neigh bors, wearing masks, went to Apple gate's homo some months ago and threatened to punish hliu If he did not Heat his family differently. This had no effect, and Applegate home time later was toughly handled and was thrown In Crosswlck's creek. Apple gate, In talks he had with friends, pro fessed the belief that he would be killed, nnd that had much to do with the suspicion that his death resulted from foul play. CAMPERDOWN SAILORS CHARGED WITH MUTINY Twelve of the Crow of the- Sugar Ship Were Brought Into Port in Irons. Ill l.xelu.m- Wii" lini The vsi latcd I'll" New "ioik, March 10. The Hrltlsh ste itner Camperdown anlvcd this mottling from Cuban ports sugar la ilon, with twelve of her crow In Irons. After le.ixIngQuarantlne she dropped anchor and Captain Smith sent lor the police boat patrol. The men aro charged xvlth mutiny. Six of the pris oner"! were 111 omen and six hoamcn.The pattol transferred the prisoneis to shore, and they xxere t iken to a police station handcuffed. The Cainperilown whllo on a voyage from Cuba grourdod on Capo Look out shoals, off the North Carolina coast on March 1. She xx-iih gotten off two days afterward without asslstam-e or dlfllcultx, and apparently uninjured. When Captain Smith gave orders for the steamer to proceed t" her destina tion part of her eri'xv refused to obey the crilor to proecd. but offered no v'oleiKo. The Mrltlsh consul was notl llcd, and It Is probable the men xxill be taken before a l'nltnl Statcb com inlslonet tomorrow. BAILItOAD OFFICE BURNED. File in Departments of New York, New Haven and Hartford. It l'ilnixc War (ioiii The AvaihuUiI l'ie. Xew Yorlc. Match 10. -The building oxvned and occupied by the .Vow York. Xew Haven and Hartlord Kailroad Co.. Xi-w Yoik illvlslon. for the ire u era I olllees of sexeral depa'-lments at Wll IIk avenue and Onu Hundicd and Thlr- ty-aecond s'ticet, xvas heavily ilainag.il by lire caily this evei.lng. Assistant Illvlslon Supiitlnienilent IJrady said the ilaniage to the building and the valuable iccorils stored there xxould piobubly aggregate $;,".0.000. Thirty idoiks employed in the build ing at the lime of the file escaped with dlllliully. William Lindsay, on" of the clerks, fell iloxxn two flights or stairs and xxns Internally injured. The building was I'.OO by 100 feet ill illmcnslons, and thic stories high. In It were through freight, passenger, baggage and fi eight otllei-s. With the exception of Sundays thoio are em ployed about one hundred nnd fifty clerks. Stored in what was known as the "iccoid room" In the middle of the top Hour wi-re records valued by the company at a million dollars. Aside from . the temporary liieoiivonlenc caused by the fire, the company will suffer on a 'count of the destruction of Its lecords. The tire xvas discovered In the record loom. Its origin Is unknown. Tin thirty dorks were ahoady pie paring to (pilt work. TRIBUTES TO MAGEE. Twenty Thousand Persons Viewed His Remains Yesterday. Ill- i:iUMie Wlie fiom 'llie A.viel.itnl pie. I'llt.liiiru, MjiiIi 10.- I'ulh txxmly lliuiiviinl I'CLi.ih piiil tilliule 10 llie Lie Stale Sona'.ni ('. 1.. M.iL'i-i' I wl. O I'.i xli'xxing M irmaiiis lit liu.x l.i.x In Male .it III late pjlntl.il home, Ihu XI .pie, liitxvien llie Imiu c( 1 ami fi p. in. Tn Iu.iiIhW tin puMli' x III li.iie iiliulht'i' iippoiliin. It v tu t.iko a, loot look at llio rcmaliid, afler wlneh mine lml done frlenui tnd nl.uli.iu will lie ailuilllnl to the limine. llie lui.i'i il airanrnnci.l li.ui- l.fui min. phiril ami mi TuomI.iv at J.'M p. in, puhlh n hes i-III he heli! al Irinily iliunh, lomlml. 'n UMop XV'hltdii-.iil. Interim nt xvlll he pn xale rnl lake place Immeillalcly .ill ci (lie ,ir Vil4'4 at llio i Inn. li. The Botha Sunender. lly l.xiln.iit- XVIre frnin llio Attoilatcil l'ie&. I.nr.iloii, Xl.ncli II.- Vo luitliur uei liax ltn lenlti'il cciiiiinliiv the negotiation, between l,onl Kllcliiner ami (kneial lintln. 'llie PjIIv Kire f.ii-4 il bear tliat IaiiI Kltehener !.' ilareil tlie siirrui'ltr tna.t bo omllt lonal. xvhllo llie (pirttUn of (mine treatinint ot the llnu H.U ll'frlllll to I.DIIllOII. Demands of Caipenteis. By KmIu.Ixo Wlie (loin 'llie Akioclalnl PrCnV foKibi. I). Maicb lO.-'Ilic Carpentrn' uiiiuui ol till, il) line injile a ilemaml ter r,i) irnti ir bum- mill lUlit l.onu a ilai. Tho .iiiuoiinir llul th-i new M-beilule will Rn Into iltott Jla.i 1 m ll.iv will nlkr. Jlir.i .in at pu-Hlit x uiu. mif iilpe I ... urn ainl irillini: '') iciitj per bom, 'I lie oruuilidtiou li.n one llioiiiaml tneiiibira. Mobs Stone Tax Collectors. p, i:ilii.lu Wire (ruin The Aoi.jtol I'rev jili I.I, MjkIi lft-lKririK a riot nealntl tlie Oileiul tax I. i,t riinhr.- tin- irwli uli.inii It. lininitlpal iniilor ni.'.r-nl In nillrtllny the taxi', uml mi tlie to ten mutry boxr. l'mir iii-nlix wen- Injimil, on- of llinn eiloiily. Onlcr wax nmll) mtoieJ by llie prefct. LI HUNG CHANG SERIOUSLY ILL Llie ot tlie Great Chinese States man, It Is Said, Hanos bu a Thread. RUMORS ABOUT EMPRESS Pilnce'Chlng and Earl LI Endeavor to Influence the Deliberations of the Ministeis by Various Yarns. United States Signal Corps Beady to Leave Pekln Waldcrsee's Men Still Fighting Prince Tuan and General Tung Fu Hslang Ate Pie paved to Resist An est. By rxdusiif Wire (rem The Avodateil Pi 'M. l'ekln, March 10.-LI Hung Chnng Is again setlously ill, and his physician says his life hangs by u tin end. Prince Chlng and Hail LI seem to think that by spreading rumors of the court's unxvllllngness to return to iv klu, unless this or that thing Is done, they can influence the deliberations ot ministeis of the poxvers. As a matter or tact, according to tollable reports from Sinn Fu, the Imperial personages aie extremely uncomfortable at Slan Vti. xvheie they live In the house of the governor, xvhlch Is only a small punc ture. Fieneh mlsflonarlos xvho linvo just retutiH-d here from Slan Vu, be lleve the Hmpress lioxvagor -would bring the court back to l'ekln on th Hi st offer of the allies having as a basis the removal of the troops except the legation guards. The foreign envoys xxill not hold a general meeting until Tuesday, owing to the absence of M. l'lclion. FiencH minister at l'ao Ting Kit. The United States Signal Corps xvlll be ready to leave In a xxrek, aei-orillng to Instructions. Xo transport lias be-on announced, hoxvever. Waldcrsee's Men Fighting. Berlin. March 1ft The War Ofllco has tecclvul the folloxvlng dispatch fiom Count von AVnldersee: "Pekln, March lft. Colonel Ledc buig's column stmmeil a. pate of tb" great wall, eighty miles xvest of l'eo-Tlng-Uu, Kilday, March S. captuilng four guns." .Shanghai, March fl Dispatches froini Lan-Chau assert that iJouoral Tung I'll Hslang, with 20,000 men. nnd Prince Tuan, xx lih lO.noo men, are at Xlng Ilsti. pieparod to ieist arrest. The China O.'uotto nnnounces that Shcng, the Taotai, has mcmoj-Iallzed the throne In favor of the abolition of the Llkln ilutles, and llu.t all the vice loys and goxernois support him. WALK AT PHILADELPHIA. Old-Time "Feds" and Unknowns In dulge in a Match. lly HTilutixe Xllrt from The Annrlttcd Prejx. Philadelphia, Manh 10. A six-day go-as-you-please xxall.lng match xvas begun a few minutes after midnight at industilal hall, under the auspices of the Penii Art Athletic club. Over a score of pedestrians started lu the race and xxill attempt to cipial the xvorld's record of ?'i'l mill's In 112 hours. The management has offered ! per cent, of the gloss lecelpts to bo ilevlded nmong the llrst eight men. providing they make more than 17a miles In the six das. The race xvas started at exactly 12..10 a. in. There was a fairly good erowil present. Among the old-time "pods" xvho toed the seratih xvore (leorge Xoroinack. ivti-r llegelman, Frank Hart. Ous fluerrero and I'etor Golden, The others xvho slatted xvore: John Glyck, Thomas How art li, James Urn. ham, W. K. Xelson, George Martin, M. Gerry, Tony l.oslln. V. J. Sheld, Thomas cox. James Dean. Martin Hornu, Gilbert Haines, George Tracey, Spotty Clifford. Patrick Cnvanaugh, John McTnge, G. A. Do lingers, Hubert Jones nnd J. Wlntaseh, txventy-four men in nil. BUBONIC PLAGUE REPORTS. Cape Toxvn Has Had 102 Cases and 22 Deaths. Ujr "cclulv lr from Tlie .Woelatcd Pren. ( ip" lown, liub in. The offli-LI riportii re (.Milling the prn(,ns o( tlie bubonic plague in l'iii' Tuwn Him- llio oiilbreal. kbow- ,i total ut ii ib-.ith ami UU ca-e-,. 'llie Mil. in catticieil I ml. ii to oppose llie n ni'.ial ot n Malay who hail bun atlaikoil by the ill.i-,ue ami ot piw-ial pewoii' who bal toiiii into lontait wllli tl.e xiilitn. 'I li.- pi.llie welt' oxetiowuei uml the ier.nu who Iml mino liitu tontail wllh llm XIjI.ii maile thill eseape. In I lie en ul n( a n petition ot tlii- i prrli in (', it will be iiieini,v to ernploy an annul (one, .u tb.il Ui.ble l anllelpilej, MEN AND HORSES CREMATED, Fatal Fiie hi a Livery Stablo In Call fornin. lly Kvhwti Wire fiom 'Ihe Alo(iali. Vw. Km t'lawi.to, Much ID. 'Ihtie nun. I'luil,- While, f'luik Xoung an. I It. Juiiili.oii ami . t. cnty-f.lT hea.l of huiuvi buintil to ile.itb lu-ie tml.iy m llie .U Hi in lion ol iluiton'n litny table. 'Hi men, xn, wcie nnplu.xiil at the t,iu!.' xteio .uleeji tn the bay lolt. Telegraphers Want More Wages, lly Kxclodxe XX ire from 'llie Av-ui lati .1 1'iev. New- Yoil., Manb ID. Ihe tcli-siilnrj In the ten Ire of tho (Vnlr.il ltallro.nl of New Jer.'y will tomuliow- tliiongh thiii uui-iaui-e mln nitlco mcil dcncral MiHilnttiukiit ullui.vn ami ilemaml a ini'ihniiiii ih el wa.i. ol -.'J I pei inoi.lh, 'Hull- wiae nuw- iant(i iioiu IU to ij-is. I hey al.i) a.k Im iinnil p.-.n. aiel the cuctomary trip i.u.ih, m w.ll a. horlu lieuu (or tbt towtr nun. No Cnvlists at Catalonia. Dy Hxtluilxe Wire from llie AkjoeiattU Pirn. Slatlriil, Mareli 10. XI tho nest loumll of tin inlnUtiy tho ilatct' for the itlnliiHon of pa. Il.imrnt ami Ihe KciK-ral cleitloii will be fUnl. In nlliclal tilth Il i ilenlnl Hut two bamli i.f t'aill.lii hue ivi.nle (heir uppiaiaiuc in t'jla-Ionia. MINE WORKERS MEET. Delegates Will Assemble nt Hazleton Today Large Number Expected. tljr V.xclii'he Wire (mil 'lhe Awoehtcil rrr, W'llkes-Harre, P.i., March 10. The ilelegates from this section to the Uni ted Mine Workers' convention In Ha zleton xvlll leave for that city tomor roxv mornln. The convention xvlll he much larger than the one held in the same town Inst fall, Some of the locals xvlll send as high as ten delegate". Charles .1. Thaln, district organizer and a delegate to the convention, said tonight that he thought Ills action of the coal companies In posting notices signifying their xvllllngness to pay the present scale of xvages for another year was only a "feeler"; that the op. rrators know there are other piesslug gilevances and that they xvlll ailjust these Rrlevjiuees rathen than precipi tate another sttlke. Among the grievances xvhlch the del egates from the Wyoming Valley will insist In bringing before the conven tion Is pay for deail xvoik and a uni form price for lock xvoik. The leadeis of the Culled Mine Workers say until there is some mil lot ni system all through the anthracite, r.'glon there will bo constant friction between employer and employes; that the only hope of establishing such a syteni Is co-operation upon the part of the i Diupanles. Mr. Thaln says be do 's not think there xvlll be a strike, but says It the operators xvlll meet the miners in Joint conference nil griev ances could be settled In a fexv hours. CUBAN AGITATORS ARE STILL ACTIVE Radical Picas Doing Everything in Its Foxver to Keep Piatt Amend ment Before the People, Ilv I i1iimxc XI ue from 'llie Xociateil Pie Havana, March 10. Although the po litical demonstiatlnns have ended, the radical element In the Cuban constitu tional couxeiitlon has not Klven up hope that the t "lilted States will scede from the position taken regarding the I'latt amendment. The radical press Is doing everything" in Its power to kep the subject before the public. Il attributes the action of I'nlteil States congress to the influence of the trusts, declaring that the Ameri can people are In favor of giving Cuba absolute Independence and of rebuking the action of the administration, Articles from American papcis xxblch seem to sustain the attitude of ths convention are given xvlde publicity. Thus far the radical members of the convention remain llrm In their dot op. niluittlon nol to accept the I'latt amendment. The committee on for eign i elation xxill meet Inmorroxv, but a tliifil icpoit Is nol expected for sev eral ilays. MRS. NATION'S PAPER. First Edition of the Smasher's Mail Appears at Topeka. Hi :rlu.lc XXire fiom Ihe Miiateil pum. Topeka. Kan.. March 10. The Initial edition of .Mrs. Curio Xatlon's news paper, "The Smashers' Mail." Is Inter esting. It Is a four-column. slt'on page paper of neat appeal atiee, con taining sevetal half-tone Illustrations of xatlou.s m:ouos during the lust Joint crusade. on the fourteenth page is found .1 picture of Xltk Chile?, Ihe negro pub lisher. I'nueiiioiith ale Ihe linos "15usl ness manager of llie Smashers' Mall and I'lalndoaler, xxlto went to the relief of Mrs. Xallon when I'etirted by the law and order per pie." The llrst page contains an excellent half-tone of Mrs. Nation. The ilo paitments under the nrllcles nie pub lished In Ihe Sinasheis' .Mali are "Let. teis fiom Hell." "Letters liom Honest People," "API cals for Help," "Some Poetrv." "Xofes ami Comnii nt," ''In dprsenienls and luvllatlonii," "Snap Shots ai'.d "Answers to Correspond cuts." DE WET AGAIN ESCAPES. Back In His Own Countiy. He Will Defy the British. Ity Kxcluxhe Wire frmi Th' Aworiiteil I'mx. London. March 10. The Times pub lishes Ihe following dispatch from Anxvogclkop, March '.': "Oeneral He Wet has escaped north ward by a forced march with four hundred men. His objective point Is believed to be In the vicinity of Kroon stadt. Other leaders are s'tlll in the southwestern part of the Orange Hlvor Colony. Now Hint t ieneral Do AVeL Is bat-U lu his oxxn country It xvlll be almost Impossible to operato against hltn. Just as soon as he Is pressed his commando dissolves to meet again a fexv days later. "Only a few bands of floors are now left in Capo Colonx." "BLOODY BAIN" AT nOME. Strange Phenomenon Witnessed in That City and nt Palermo. By nxchixlxa Wire from I'ho AxsociateJ rres Palermo. .Sicily, Maich 10. A stiangix phenomoua if noxx witnessed here. Hver hluce lasi night ti red cloud ex tended over tho city, the fcky being a deep ml. The mln nuxv falling re Bcmblus drops of coagulated blood. TliU phenomena, xxhlch Is called "blouly mln." Is atttlhilted to dust from the Afilcan desoils, trans-ported by the heavy south wind noxr blow-liii,-. Homo, Mat eh 10. Tin,- phenomenal nuw to bt; seen In Sicily extends also over southern Italy. At Home tho aky s yellow, and ni Naples a mln of sand has fallen, the henxens being dark red. Postofflce Robbed of $00. Hi Kxilti.lie XHie from The xo.-lalnl I'ict'. lolii'.i, O., Xhrdi I'J.-Slit iiutkul men eincil tool from a blieUnilih iJiop ra)ly thl iniiiniiitr ami brcakl-iK Into the 1Vct Toltil.i po.t. oflKe pli-w- the Mir Willi nilin Ixt ct Ilia ami ko. tnrcil 7i-l. Ibi lie wax il. inuli.l nl ni tlie liilhliiu xtiuKril. 'limy ttietl n-irl hoU at lilUnu who wuc .-iiiiii.nl by the exploilnn, ..ml ihu.e aw a) In a vrajon. MOB FIRES A PEST HOUSE Police Arc ObllQcd to Protect the Firemen Iron. Infuriated Growds. EXCITEMENT AT ORANGE Inhabitants Object to the Erection of the Building nnd Put Up a Bitter Fight Against the Chief Engineer and Members of the- Fire Depait ment Several Are Arrested by the Police. P? I'.xcluilie Wile (ro-n llie Woilatei! fiej". Orange, X. .1.. March 10. An excited mob last evening tried to burn down the nexvly reeled pesthouse. The uhlof enulnocr of the lire department xvas toughly handled and the furious crowd tiled to prox-cnl the lire department from saving the hospital. The trouble began early In the day. when Hciija mln I'iiiitiran. the contractor engaged by William Schiller, the health olllcer of the board of health, began the xvork of building the ptsthottse In the vacant lol bounded by Crane street, Ks.cx avenue, Lincoln avenue and Mechanic street. He had hardly got his men at xxwk before Mayor SteUon Intel fered. nnd ordered Police Captain Daniel Leaiy to tear the building iloxxn. Mr. Sehluer quoted the state board of health laxx and demanded police pro lection. Then Mayor Stetson backed doxvn. Later the builder xx-as ordered to stop by the president of the board of health, John T. Piatt. I'inneran replied that he had a contract from William Sehluer. and refused to stop. Feeling ran high and a large and angry crowd gathered around the spot. Hy night the building xxas completed. Soon after 7 o'clock an alarm of lire was sent out from Hox 41, and xvhen the tltemon nr-"rlx-ed they found a fierce tire burning against the side of the pesthouse. A erowil of several hundred excited Ital ians and olhets xvete gathered there. Fiicmen Roughly Handled. When the fire apparatus ilrove up a determined attempt was made to balk Its efforts. The members of the do pal tinont xvore hustled about in an ef fort to prevent them from attaching the hose to the hydrant, and Chief Knglneer James W. Hodgklnson was roughly handlcil. Woril was sent to the police station, and Captain Lcary sent ji posse of oflli ers to the spot. With their aid. (ho llromcn made short work of the lire. The pesthouse is now ready for occu pancy. The police arresteil John Har rington, of Lincoln avenue, OUlocr Shotts charging him xvlth lighting a match and throwing It Into a pile of shavings xxhlch xvore found to have been saturated xvlth kerosene. He xvas held without bail for an examination tomorroxv morning. John Donofilo and Louis Untile xxeio also arrested, tho latter having a knlTo In his hand xvlth xx hleh he xvas trying to cut the hose xvhen arrested. Xexv York. March 10 There xvas no ttouble n- Orange. X. J todny whens last night u mob attempted to destroy the nexv pest house. To prevent any possible trouble, the authorities kept a strong guard of police around tho place. John Hatrlngton, the man ac cused of having set (bo to the building last night, xvas arraigned In police cotr-t today ami held for future elim ination. SWINDLED MEN OF LEARNING. College President Appeats to Prose cute Ross Raymond. Br Uxchnlie Wire (torn The Awclatcl I'm. Xexv Vork. March 10. President Heth I.oxv, of Columbia university; General Thomas L, Ford, prosltlenl of the Lin coln National Hank; President Hanlel C. Oilman, of Johns Hopkins univer sity, of Uttltlmore. and Secretary Wil liam Heche, of Columbia unlverslly, xxere lu police i-ouit this morning be fore Magistrate I'oolo to prosecute Hoss Haymond for swindling. Presidents Iox and ("lllman nnd .Secretary Heobo told hoxv Ilajmond tiliiler the namo of Professor Sandys, had played a confidence game on them by xvhlch he obtained $200 from the bank. President Oilman testified that the letters which Raymond presented to President Low were a forgery. Tlie technical charges on xvhlch Raymond xx-as heltl xvere the forging of the cheek nnd the Olltnnn letter and ho xvas hMtl In $3,000 bond on each of these charges. Raymond was arrested lu Nexv Haven lust xveek for tr.xing to sxvlndle Ptesl d"nl Htnlley, of Yale, college. Prepavlug for the Duel. Bjr l.trltiitr X'lr- liom The Aqnrlaletl I'rfSX. !rnvcl, Manh 10. SI. Paul i'e f'.uae,nio, the veil Known 1'iem-li I'nii-irvalite ilrptpv ami e.. ili.r of l.'Vitrrlti', of I'jrli, nnlieil hen t.e ujv with M. Paul liiiflu, biolhir of x, mlie Uullel. uml XI. Xiuu.tli-i) IVrn.mil i!c llaiiul, tf the I'rciuli tliaiiiher, 'vl xvlll ail a n-eonil x'lliifM fn- M. Xinli-i- 'tulfet n llie iirojeett-il tine! with X!. Paul Dcioululc. Prince Commits Suicide. Bv Ilxcluilio Wire from The Asae,clatnl 1'ien. lliilin. March lO.-l'riuto Allneiht Kiinolnii. Ilriaitilcl ba-. coiiuulttcil tulcble at XV iebj'pn, hixhiff IrauiiO that Hie illnea-c limn whlih liu was jtifi'crlns xia Incurable. William's Wound Healing. Hi Kxiluklxo XXIre (ruin The Ance-lalrd I'retJ. Ikrlln, Manh li'.- I.inptnr William' woinul 1. healluc. Ihe fcwelllug tl tho i',U'll-l in nib kliliri:, nml hl niajruj'k general eonJIilon it jatUfailoiy. Bank Burglarized, Ilv Px.lii.b." XHi" fiotu The Anoi hitfil I'if.s. Argonla, Kan.. Mauli 10.- 'Iho prbale ban"; of .1, II. Springer a buialatii'eil M night and W.C0O in uh ami Jl.flmi hi legMereil goMtn nit nt 3 per cent, bortili neimeil, THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indlcitlons ToJay, IIAINl WARMER- Oenernl-'iotttliNxext Swept liy a Tornnlo. Serious IIIikm of I.I llumr Clung. Ilu-l.i'.i IK'Ibii on Cliliu. Pent Howe 1'lrcil by a Mob. (!irc-ril-C.irbon.Iale Department, Local--Arnuineiili ca,i the Wppcr (Jno XV-- Mtito, Fernicii by I!tv. Pr. JitLeuil. IMitorl.il. Note ami Comment. l.oial Pieslilejit MllilnM uu the foiling ol tb Notices. Cliatiitea In tlie llex'rliii. l.an. I.i. "id Went N-r.iiitMi stul Suliuibiti (.'fiinal-Xoittienterti JVtin-lvjtili. Mok Quotation. I. he Xcixrf of tlie lii.lii'ltlal Worl.l BENJAMIN HARRISON IS SERIOUSLY ILL The Ex-Piesldent Stiff el hip; from Congestion of the Lungs Physi cians Are Non-Commlttal. By Etelmlxe VXire fiom The X.jsoiUte.l I'reij. Iiidiautipolis, JMreh 10. The condi tion of former President ponjamln Harrison Is serious. Ur. Jameson to day stated that the upper part of (ieneral Harrison's left lung xx-as In flamed. There l. borne danger of the congestion extending to the icst of the lung and to tho right lung. Until ;s o'clock this afternoon Cieuciiil Har rison xvas resting easily, but at that time he l,ennio slightly xvorve and Dr. Jameson xvas called, lie said that he xvas coitaln nothing xxas to be npptc- bonded for the next forty-eight Itouis, but the age ot the patient teudeis till calculations uncertain. Tonight Cienetal Hartlsou xvas suf fetlng some pain, but xvas resting eom p.tiatively easj. TROUBLE AT THE NAVAL OBSERVATORY It Is Believed That the Establish ment Should Be in Charge of a Professional Star Gazer. in iXilnxiie Who from The Amoi until IV". Washington. March 10. II app-ars that the trouble at the Naval obserxa loiy Is not altogether of a merely per sonal nature. It Involve r the old ques tion x bother the observatory should be under the superlntendcneet of n lino otl.cer of the navy or of a professional astronomer. The latter vtexv has been hold by the ;i8trononii"nl pi "Session nl largo and also by such s"t rc-tarles as Seeret'trv Tracy and Kcietary Long. This xlew Is grounded not ;.o mueli upon any Impossibility of finding per sons quiil I lied In the line of tho naxy or upon any dissatisfaction xxlth the pios.ent Incumbent, as upon the fiu-t that the frequent changes of duty to xxhlch naval olllcets are subject at short Intervals pi event continuity of administration, and also upon the gen eral fact that the appointment o mi perlntcntlent should be made from per sons In service, xxlthoul resti lotion to any class nnd should fectire the most accompllBf d and competent nslioiiomer that can be found nnyxvliei-i?. BIG ROW AT LISBON. Police Attack Students at Polytech nic School. By i:elnxlie Wire from I'lu .oi ..llul I'icm. 1 Isbon. Mutch 10. As the le.itilt of a manifestation agtibist the Jesuits by students of the Polytechnic school, the polieo entered the institution anil stttuk nianv xvlth sxvoi-il". Among the wounded aro some Infantry and caval ry cadets. The affair has caused lively Indigna tion, and tlie assembled students have PuHbcd resolutions, uddtesscd to this house of peers and i handier of depu ties, denouncing the brulnlltv of the police. Madrid. Maieh in. HI Heialdo makes the folloxvlng .statement; "There have boon further antl-Jesult mani festations In Lisbon, necessitating tho calling out of the municipal guard, which Is noxx patrolling tho city. Hteli-t censorship Is enforced " PROTEST FROM JAMAICA. An Effort to P event Employment of Soldlets in Interest of Syndicate. By r.iclushe Wlie from The Ao.-ljtid 1'irn. Iviiigtton, .laiiuk.i. Miinh ILL Ihe toirriiment il .lamali-.i, ailing on behalf of (be iliili.li ;oi eiriaent, ba frni a .Irunf prntel ti lh pii.i-ili-nl of Kiu.irio-, reamer the rniplot'luil.l of ob lull lo compel thoii?anU nl Uhmii. trom .1 1- ii.ilui io work mull i Uu M. Dun l M sx mlfi-atn In tho riiii.lructnn in tin lailr.uil (imn llm) aipill to tiiillo. 'Il'" pinlehl i blt-in-i an t.ltimiium. at it eal'a for nn liiiircrililr ill lor.tmuarce of Hi" cn-.tbci inia!Uic. Mine Inspectois Meet. lly Kxclii'iie Wire Irom The AiSOclatcil l're''. lliiii-Ilarre, Mircli In. At a meitlns ol ihe wire Intpeclort of the (our sntbiaeltc- i!U trltn held in tho city xestinlay tho bill he-bri- Ihe legl.lilure making tl.e oUIlo of mliiJ liupu'toi- i-liellte ami leiluelii; the talary fiun si.VX) lo ,S0O il year xi.e elUtwul at 1himIi, The com lu. Ion rrohnl .ai that there wax no tenuity for a tinner In the present tjaleui wlili It l ertectlxe ami rlflc-lrnt. xxhlle .1 new law might bo ik-trlmeiital. The liuimlom will Imiio a Joint tlatemcut in a feu ila.K on tlio lu.illcr. Fell Under Car Wheels, lly Kutiiihe Wlrs fio-n The Afoelateil l'roi. lanea.trr. l'a.. Jlanli 10. William X. y.s. lei, ak'dl '-"- .ve.iis. rcnmjltanla tnlluutl re lie! operator, wax fatally injineil this morning on the rallroml Ju'l vet of lliU ell). He hail bein xvorklni; at tin .ernir curxe towtr an I about H o'clck atlrmpltil to board a freight train In cotno tu lux borne In tlili citi. lie fell under llie xxli-eli, STORM IN THE SOUTHWEST ft Fierce Tornado Wrecks Maim Buitdinas and Does Much Damage. TWO NEGROES KILLED Twenty Cabins Demolished at Clln ton Part of Marvin College Un loofcd nnd the Plant ot the Water Works Destioyed Plato Glass Windows Blown In Property Losj at Wills Point Is ?.ri0,00J. By r.Mliuhe XX lie fiom The Xxoehleil I'rm Dallas. Tow, March ID. Further re ports of yesterday's tornado at W'llla Point have made no addition to tin; death list. As stated tn last night' dispatches, four persons xveie kllltl outright. The ptopei-ty loss tit Wills Point Is $.",0,flnii. Kast or Wills Point llie countiy Is dotted xvlth evidences of the storm's fury and by little mounds of wreckage Its course can be followed lo the At Kansas lino. At Noxx Hoston and Texaikana It seems lo have left the state. At both ot these places houses xxere considerably dam aged. At N'oxv Huston txvo negroei xvere Injured by flying debris. The re covery of one of Ihem Is doubtful. A number of small houses there xvere xvi-ccked. At Texarkan.i some daningii xxns done tut College Hill, n suburb. Tlie xvestei'inniist trace of the storm Is lu Collin county, about thirty iiiIIoh north of nallas. lleie (he wind xx-as very strong, but no .serious damage Is reported. Big Buildings Damaged. Princeton, Iml., March 10. This nity was .struck by a tornado late Iii5t night. One duelling xx as xvtocked. sex -era I others xvere moved from the foun dations and hundreds of buildings were demolished. No lives woto lost. Thrx court house and th? high school build ings xvore much damaged. Hundreds of xvlndoxvs, many of plate glass, xvcro bloxvn lu. Fulton, h'y. March 10. In the tort llie storm that sxvept this section last night the damage xxas great at Clinton and Hlekinau. At Clinton txxenty negro cabins, xxere demolished, txxo negioes being mortnlly hurt and many others badly bitilsed. Part of Marvin college xvas unroofed and tho xvater works plant xx-as destroyed. The Hit pi 1st church a I Hlekinau xxns destroyed by xxlnd, A large number ot tenement houses and bains xxere bloxxu down In Fulton and Hickman counties and the loss ot ptoporty Is large. Storm hi Chicago. Chicago, .Match JO, One of the xxorst wind storms of the season struck Chi cago early today and during the t x . hours that If xxas nt Its height dam aged property throughout the city to the estent of Jl'.'.ono. Many he.ixy plate glass xxhlduxxs xxere bloxxn In Tel 'graph and telephone companies xxeie the xvorsl siiffeiers and It xvlll be sometime before order can b" tostored Thousands of poles xv -re bloxxn dovwi and Chliago practically Isolated from the xxest and iiorthxxcsi by telephone and telegraph tonight and all il.iy to day. Telephone and ti Jograph si-rvit xxns crippled so badly that It xxas of little value. I'p to (i late hour tonight neither Milwaukee nor .Minneapolis could be reached by long distance telephone THE COAL TRADE. Anthracite Conditions Scarcely as Active as Heretofore. Hy lAebiMii- Wlie fn in Ihe X-ociotnl l'iei Plillntlelphhi, Manh 10. The Lodg-r lu Its coal article tomortoxv xvlll .ty: The antlirai lie coil li.nlc U nanel.x a- .n Inn a. ltirttof t ohl wealhi-r umttiiii-l getii rally Ibmugh nit the e.innli.v iluilng th" pa t week, but Ibi" imminent of loal wa. iiiiijiI" Siauity of water Intetfcieil vib the oinpi i luipi a iiumhil of the t olllcilcc, thin leii'li - In ri-ilii'e the .iiuntiiit of nilnlng. xilille II w ii nole.1 in larloiif iu.itlrri that dealers eie i iluilng tbclr onlei. In ml the iiiaiiilli ilia ai-liul neiilly vmiln-il, Tlnv nil exp i i tulxrnt ot" xvatinir woithei xvlih n le-wmna ' ikl-iniil iiiid die iivei.e lo inni'Mi'g up al i'n-(llm-. X leihuiioi In plum If nPo ilelreil iml until Ipalnl anil lb- ii'ii-i.lulli:; public un i bin. I villi the hi. ii lliat brfoie long prim 'I b' pill on s lower hnl nml llm lc ioiiiM'-mU .spi eli il li.i tli m I" eoiiie In Ihe April elm Iji lliliu- the uliixvlng Imlbpiwllli'll I" iit'l-i-mill l. iii.d xt thl. tl-m. Th" lalmr oiilbiok n Ihe anlhiaiiti- iiimii I- ioii.lili'li-i fitoralili . ..ml It l tl.nuah- Hi if all ill.nuli-a inai i jiuli ably iiniiic;ul br the prli-g bii'liiej. The State Roventtes. By r.cilnlve Wiro fiom The A"'Oclateil Pux. Iluiubiirg. XI nib in 'Ihe auditor gem ill (kllinale thai the lolal leteiiueii for t.uh "f ll-o taxi txxn .xiara nlll be l I.3j;..-i0l llie pioluhle emtliy til Ihe iint'smiy cinie . the i-tato gniiiiinii-iil for rath of tlie n xcai, Im lulling Viiiii,(i0 to llm publh sihuol ib trlets o( the itate. will be about JU.VKI.iihi. In iiiMitle,ii to thl. II 1. piopuMil to appruptl.ite an iiililltlonal Sl.imn.mlii to the public m-Ihi.iI. m make up tho cut maile in the la.t K-lmol ap piopilJlliin, ami ut leat M.uoo.inni a iui- for the cdittiuctlun of tlie t.tale capltol bulliliiig Sealed Verdict in Nation Case. liy Kxtlti.iie Who fiom 'Ihe .ielalcil 1'ie-.' Nlel.lla. Kill, Minh )(i.-A sealed xcrdi't wat rctuined tlilx olliruoori in the ii.e of tho Ktato ogilnsl Xr.. t'uirlo Nallnn. I.iin tb' liom, .liilla Piau-i ami l.,xdla Muni, ibargid -x I'll winking a Ml ion lino on Januaiy il. The diet will In- lead tu tho ill.lflit rouu in nm morning. I leieu of the Jur.uum aro ald io haxe (axored lonilitiou nl tnlilnlght last night. 'Hie jurj ileliheiiitul twrni fmir lioini, t- 4- WEATHER FORECAST. iv IXailiiiuton, Man li 10 - fun-nit for i Mouiliy and Tiimulax : for eastern IV nn ilmnla llaln nml xialinri- Xlomlay; brlik 4V in high wt to .oillh wlnip, Tn-stty piobably fair. 4 f , 1 a e-ii tl' .t-SiL"-! 1 -t. ' JfafeVj, tta -rX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers