-"?-!, THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, FKBUCABY 27, 1001. FOR MINING LEGISLATION Committees Representing the United Mine Workers ot the Anthracite Region Hold Gonterencc. FOUR BILLS OFFERED One Provides That the Sixteen Mine Inspectors Be Elected ty the Peo ple for a Term of Three Years at a Salary of $1,200 a Year A Measure Which Provides That the Mining of Anthracite Coal Shall Be Paid for by Weight, the Stand srd to Be 2,240 Pounds The Rod erick Case. 8ptcl.il fiom x SUB Correspondent Uarrlsburg, Feb. :. President T. J. NlChoU. of District No. Is President Adam Pulaski, or District No. 7; Sec restary Cleutge Hurtleln, secretary of District No. 7. nnd Executive Commit teemen J. J. Kouncy and Henry Col lins, of District Nn. l, representing the United Mine Workers of the Anthra cite rcKlon, had u conference tonight with nil the legislators from the hard and sott coal regions regarding the new legislation which the anthracite miners ure demanding'. The Sllno Workers' representatives offered for the consideration of the members four new bills. One provides that the sixteen mine Inspectuis, which are provided for In the I-'cnebee bill, shall be elected by She people, for a term of three years, at a hdliiry of $1,200 a year. At pres ent thci are eight Inspectors who re ceive a salary of $3,000 a year. The Perrelvc bill ilxes the salary at $2,000. Tin.- second bill provides that the mining of anthracite coal shall be paid for by weight," the .stand a id to bo 2,240 pounds. An operator falling to com ply with the provisions of the net Is made liable to a fine of not less than MAo nnd not more than $500, or impris onment not c.srtedlng; three months. A third bill authorizes the placing of a check welgliman at each anthracite colliery where coal Is mined by weight, the men to select and pay him. The cheek welgliman Is to be prlvlegcd to ti preHPiu at the weighing of nil coal; r.gli the coal If he so dcslies, and i rt tlic wales at any time such test .'11 not Interfere with the operations or itii rolllfiy. In ease of a dispute ii tw mi the operator's wclghman nnd in h Ii u.'ighmun aH to tho accuracy I' ii ill. the mine Inspector of the i" -ball ho called In to settle It. i -p. tfon'lilitji ferlng -with the check 'li.'.i" Jn the i-vrvelj-f of the prlv- " k i .iuiisuU.b.7 till act will be ub- 'i- if ma lees than $100 and i p ' !i vim. TI' !' with, bfll. to Hate It briefly, r'.'U.ill .tiHiMtf tu the pri'Fent 'VJ.'!)'! I'Vy '"- This lo,w Is i m'u-srrlTf'lujipt:tlr.ally Inupeta- 1 ' ' . i (? V y, "i (iv fSto n n art'' made v.i .' nl.vun ili inhnd of the tin- i , Tiv Vc bill provides that a i ",plu.'- Miip'oyt-" In mlnllifT !, ii'iuDiiim: Industries ieini- ' l !ulf I)' a misdemeanor, and i luj i oft ending fball be sub- ) flile'df noi mom than $rif"0 rbmunent for not more than iv-Tnli?. It itlei contains pto- it' it no iiHtlgnmrni of future i.v ncrteement to tellevc the i . from the operations of the "' .!.'' be Mlllli. i-iuliii In aid the niguments ' bv the mine workers and 'i ii" nil thov could to help ' iij !r legislation. ii, tin'.- i f the mines nnd mining1 i. ii'ii i- ue held this morning to i ii i.i' i t he tinnier resolution, which " tu- it Opposing I'hli'f Roderick, of ! i.iii,i'i ot mins, for having ninde iit'c-il tuntentent that "It does t pit't.i whut the miners .want; ltm'u 're turned against every HIGH This Is No Fake Fire Sale of Shoddy Goods, but GENUINE BARGAINS i Department. OUR RERUTATION for Good, Honest Shoes, Is Too Well ("the World's Best"), so You Can Rely Upon This to Be an 1 " w i, LEWIS, RUDDY, hnr.d are turned ngnlnst them." Mr. Roderick was III nt his hotel and could not attend. "When this was reported to the committee, mine of .the members wanted to tot the matter lay over till Mr. Roderick would bo able to be present, but Mr. Ourner Insisted Upon pioccedlng at oliOo. nnd succeed ed In having a committee delegattd to see Mr. Roderick nnd secure his state ment. Messrs, Paul, Ilnttman nnd Hung went to the Lochlel and proceeded to Mr. Roderick's loom, where he was recolring medical ittteudiinci' pilot' to being removed to his homo. The com mlteo wanted Mr. Roderick to make a statement of hi side of the ease. lie nnketl to be e.ctiNeil on tho gionnd thnt he was too 111 and that he wnnted nn opportunity of defending hlmrolf In person before tin1 committee nnd ti it thtough deponltlonx. The Hiih-ooinnil!-tec i sported this to the gen-mi emu mltee and after some din. rfMuii K was decided to meet iivrnlii nt .1 ' 1 id; this afternoon. The committee upon i.'-j- 'i-mlilitiK at 3 o'clock decided to nlvc Mr. Ku.le' Id; one week to tu.ili" a cLm'-iii person or by dcpoidtlnu Senator Vinigliuii lul:o.lii appropl'liitllltt SlO.i'M !o the tho (Sood Shrpheid. ''". Mil' 111 il II I'lll lliill-c of l'll.1. RODERICK CASE. Committee Hepoitr. That the Mine Buienu Chief Io 111. Hy Kxiludie Wire liom H.r . i- .1 l Ilnrilsbttrg. IMi. i'. nin-iliis of the house oomuiltti on nilm . an 1 mining was held thin morning to con elder the Uitthci icmoIuIIou onlllns; upon Goveinot Stone to ilb-mlm .lames K. Rodeilek. ehlel of the but can nf mines, for speaking illsie-pn-tfu'iy of miners. Jlr. liodiai. ; '..u- nli'ctr. an! a committer iih ,ipiolut I to wait upon him and nt-k lilm IC lie hml any statement to make. The committee i.pirtc.l thnt Mr. Roderick 1 lonllned to 'il to 111 Sy Illness, and that be would I'ltiulrii 111 -committee with a muuii hlutenunt de nying the alleij.itloii" made .igaln-t him iih nxm u h a .i !! I in pare It. GOVERNOR'S APPOINTMENTS. Sont to the Senate Yestetdsy fir Conilimatlcn. Uy Krluie Hm. finm 1 " .ji ' l" Uarrisburg. lVb. 2i,. Tile gove'nv this atleilinoi) went to tin " nut- II) following appointments f' t ciitiil.tua tlon: Dr J. T. Rutin. ii If. V :'i I.' . '!. i h rnnimiss loiii r o1' fon.t-y tor tli ttrm of four year-'. John Kulton. IoIiiisioxmi. Ab' t Lewis, 1 Jen f fieri;: Ifiuu- H. IJrawii, Corry, nn I A. '. Hopkins. Lock Mnv n, to be nienibcri of the n'liti' imostty reservation eoiiunWloii, the llii iwi niued to serve for two yonii' and the last tw-o fin four yon is. Dr. Flcdilick W. I'mvdl. il lloiu dale, to he roioiier ot W'nyii" coun ty, vice C. II. IV-lor. dec .iii, lo eivo until the first Monday In Janu ary, bin-. J. .1. I'umuilng, oi iS.ivxpoit. in 'ic lllftlcc in" tho peace In and lor the borough of iSayspoil, Itlnli county, vice tSenige 15. Coop-. leslgmd, Hnmtli'I I' .Mills, of Wuhlimlon. U. i'.. to be rommlslon.r of deds for the state ol Pennsylvunln for tho t -:ni ot Hve yen.-. - - STUDENT ARRESTED. Accused of Appropriating Stamps nnd Bonds, n.v rflioi"- Wut ti 'in Tin .vi.itii ! ' Syraciibc, N. Y, Peb. .''i. I'.ert Houghton Shciipaid. a former Sym cuhe university student, was aiie-ited today. On August 26 hint the oillc of the Syracuse, Lakeside and Rnldwiu vllle Railroad company was bioken Into and $292.!0 In cash, Mil In stump-, and six $1,000 bonds weie stolen. Shcp paid offered the bonds for hale In New York and today, when he made an en gagement to dispose of the bonds, he was arrested. Ho woiked for the rallioad coiupiny last summer, and his arrest was a great tmrprkc to those who knew him. Shcppnrd's homo t. m Rlchtleid Springs, lie would have been gradu ated in June In the electrical engineer ing course, but left college laht Novem ber. A Pflf ra iii sJ '.' K,, n?i s s r iui i m Jt4, To man and every man's k n 0 tS-"! Oi HONEST SALE AN AMENDMENT IS MODIFIED The Senate Aarccs to a Glianoc In the flrmu Rcoroanlzatlon Measure. PURPOSE OF THE CHANGE It Affects the Sale or Leasing ot Public Lands nnd the Granting of Franchises Based on Mr. Hoar's Suggestion Agiced to in Senate in Older to Obtain a Vote. Il.i I.m iiiiip W ir (mm llir oi-utri Pre". Washington. Keb. 2i!. After severnl cohl'ei onces In the senate today an naieeinent was reached on a modlllca linn of the Philippine amendment to ilio nrmy nppiopriatlon bill In order to obtain a vote on It. The amendment In the original piovllon yesterday stlK sested bv Senator Hoar wan used us the Ii.iM-i nf dlM'tissloii, but various ad ditions weie luade to It. so that It was piescuied as n iuovIso, and tend as to'tiiws: I'liiiiilut, tli.il mi -ili or Ipjmi in uIImt illm. Illuii i.f Ilio iniMIc I mil.. n( tlic tltnWr thficnii. k tho liilnhiu iluht turn In. hl.ull tio tii.nl-: imJ imaliliit, (nrlfiir. tint nn haticliHS nhall Ii" iiuliliil Mlilili N not :i'iiovcil liy t lie pnl ili'ht nt (lie fiillnl et.itr. ntnl tot In l,i jiMkiii'iu ilritli iitic.ir' (or tlie inimoilhto P'nirtiini ill nf (In- 1-t.iinU nml lni1lpFini1ili) for tin lnnii-o el ili. m'oiile tlnii-of, and vludi 1 1 ill, .1 . iiltliimt viiit pu'illo ln!ichlc(, bt vi liiiuil ii.il II tie i.t.it li-linii-nt "I ptrmancnt ilill iron n.iiii ill. .mil nil iguli fi'.iinlili hill tfi mimic one ji o .ill.i llii- i.tilill'lini'iit of kiuIi i!l!l uniriliiiii'lit Siu.iiois Mmg.iii. Rawlins, Tillman ami Itncon. who had been .mump the must ill-id mined opponents of the orig inal ihovIkIoii. weie all consulted, nnd nil nf them eNcept Mr. Morgan hull i nt' 1 a wllllugnes to let the amend ' in i ' no iliiiiugb after ti'iiionablo ile biii". enntur Moigan did not commit ItllUilcif The Democrat it in otilescence does no! ao to the eteiit of tigieelug to stippoit the outlio Philippine piovlslon. biM onlv in the point of allowing it to i em It the inilng stage. The Republl i i"if 'vl'boiit e:( option, neeept the n.oriltici'llou of the amendment Ve!ro Envovs Jnstiuctions. 'M a sjnerii loilay. Mr. Pettlgtcw dl- r-cti'd alleul'on to the fact that tho dm nun hi out.ilnln.'!; the Instructions n'Hl pnpeis Mni to tho Paris peaco i .uiinlvliin did not contain one tcle- u'l-itn to llie i outniisloii. which he .n-vleied important nnd remark- ulite. The telegram Instructed the iinml-i-liMi not to loie sight of the lot that tin war with Spain was wosed In obedience to tho dlc'ates of l"iiiiaulty and with no design of ..- 'triindb.eiiient of nuibltlon of conquest. ' Mi. ivttfgtew toad from the docu- ! nicin containing the Instiuctlous, say- i nig th.it tho Instructions tvero "of a i hiuh-toncd order." t When nuked, sotto voce, by Mr. I .'.i.dge. what his object was in read ing lroin the instructions, Mr. rettl uxow icplled that he was "trying to illlustiate tho complete mental somer 1 mult of the president" on tho Philip ' nine iiucytlon. After some discussion tho resolution ' offend bv Mr. Pettlgrcw to reprint tho , document with the telegram he had i lead, was roferted to the committee 1 on Philippines. WHITE'S BODY BURIED. Coutts Decide That nn Owner Can Control Cemetery Lot. Hi i:iln-lp Wire fiom Iln. Awciitnl Pif". Wllkcs-llarre, Feb. 2t5. The body of Ralph J. White, tho murderer, who committed suicide In the county Jail on Tebruury 13, was dually interred In the little cemetery .at Sweet Valley this afternoon. White murdcied his nephew, who was populnr, nnd there was n blt t"r f" Hug against hint In his old home. The testilt wns that when his relatives 0 '4'T. iX A3 IMI M y II y Commence Thursday Morning attempted to bury him In the lornl cemetery they found the gnteH of the burying around locked and n number of men on guard. Thu tttiHtecs of the cemetcty had given Instruction! thnt the body of th" suicide could tint be I n ten ml In tho burying ground. Tho cotpso hail to bo taken bark to nn undertaking establishment, wheic It wns ullowcd to remain until today. The sister of the dead ninn, who owns a lot In the cemetery, then np pealed to tho court, nnd Jtuigo Halpey grunted nn Injunction on the trus tees of the cemetery to prevent them from lntereferlng with tho burial of White. Two deputy sheriffs went to Sweet Valley todny and they saw that the order of the court wn- carried out. No attempt was made to Interfete with the funeral ptocesslon, but the friends ot White now fear that nn attempt may be made to disinter tho remain. To prevent this they have placed a number of men on gunrd, who will watch the reineterv day nnd night. Statement in the House of Com mons. Hj l!x(lulc Woe fiom Tin Ulixulnl IV. I,ondnn, Keb. at!. Thu ptesldeut of the bonrd of trade. Mr. CJerald Hal four, In the house- of commons today, while admitting the competition of the fulled Ktntes In the tlupliitc trade, (bought tho tiadn was, nevertheless, In a satisfactory condition. While the Welsh expotts of tin to the United States bus declined, ex ports elsewhere had Increased of ie cent yeurs. Jlr. Ralfour had no icason to suppose that tepresentatlons to the f tilted States suggesting a t eduction of the duty on tlnplate would have any effect. MILES WAR SHIELDS. Cost Thirty Thousand nnd Proved Utterly Useless. Ik I'onllilfe In AliiilccV. At the opening of tho Spanish war there was one thing In which (Jeneral Miles was allowed to nave his own way. Out of the llfty millions of dol lars apptopilated by congiess for the national defense a. certain stun wns allotted to tho genet nl of the army tu be expended Ji he thought best. A part or this sum Miles devoted to eairylng out an .original scheme ot his own. Ho conceived the Idea of fur nlshlng his aimy of Invasion with it device which bo believed would be nf gieat elllcacy In piotectlng them against the bullet!, of the foe. He ot ili'tctl the ronstmctlon nccordlng to plans of his own of two bundled shields tho llko of whlih had never been seen In war. These shields were bullet-proof steel plates mounted on an axle which a few men were to push ahead of them In tho advance aga'ust the enemy. They weie nlso to be n d ni nn enslly-consti acted Iiittenehineut by throwing earth ngnlnst them. Thej were built ns Miles directed nt n cost of thirty thousand dollats. but they weie so constructed thnt no nuny on earth could have shoved them nhcad over the nanow wagon trail of Cuba, where It wns Intended that they should be used. The fortunes of war did not permit of their employment, for the famous "mud-match" to Havana never begun, mid they are now stored tinny at fort Wadsworth, New Yoik. nnd Fort Meyer, Virginia, one hundred of them ut each post, wheio they hiivi. grown rusty ns monuments to the genius of their Inventor. WILL INVESTIGATE NEW YORK'S CONDITION. Dy Exclusive Wire from Tlie A-vorlatnl l'ir. New Yoik, Feb. Id. I'ollie CnmniMniii i Murphy Ecnt an onler today tn all Ilio uplalni In the city to send lilin IjII rcpoitl at once ,i. to the condition of their ptecincK Ho f.ild lie wanted to know the uliercubou: of ocry rjiii lilins lioiiMi aud disorderly lionve lint m.iy clt in Isew York. He detlrcs, he oilil, to hnuw tho exact condition of the rltj flie.e t"- porM tntiit tc ready bj 1'rlilaj. I An Enrly Issue. 'I -ic tli.it a clrntlt n fnuinl I hi' -!i tun ol a Rlnnt fios liut ho cl.iliu. eUlnl Jt l"3-t .'.OOil.WlO yr.in so." "!., he mu-t h.nt tic cri i li- in.i ifirrn. I j.'u." C'li'M lan.l Plain lleiKi ! EtVervescent Kansas. lun-ai h'l never le'ill tin ti Mltjril -nuf u iv js trst willed. Ilostnn hsiicript FIRE SAL -OF- ES, SLIPPER ed by Smoke OF HONEST DAVIES WONDERFUL CURES PAINE'S CEl This Greatest by the I I X.i leinnly In the wotld means so much to the sick and 'tiffi'ilng- as ' falne's Celery Compound. No remedy In the wotld has b'"n Indoiscil and n. commended by men and women whoso enly motive Is their love for their fellow men, nnd the hope that what 1 'alms's Celery I'ompuud lias done for them, It may do for the readers of their testimonials. Value's Celery Coiupound is not a 1 latent medicine, and must be distin guished fiom patent medicines, it K a ptoscilpilnu which Is put within the reach of eeiy man and woman In the civilized world the piCMTlptlnn ot the gioalest of American physlelatii the ciownlng lesttlt of his years of study and experience. It Is the won deifttl puscrlptlon of frof. IMwaid i:. V helps. M. P.. I. L P. of Pnrtmoutll College. The following letter from V.Miop Mklinul. one of the ablest priests In and Water & ERY COMPOUND of All Remedies Endorsed Bishop of Burlington. the J'.omim Catholic Church In this coiuitry, telN on Its lace ol hl klnd heailed ilesli.- to he in" m r U e to Un people, and iitcathes a sincerity tlt.it can leave no dottbi In any one's inlnd ol the glcii' supiilorlly of Value's Celerv Coinpoiiud over all the Mi-called totnedles that hae iccenlly lieen clamoring for attention by admit and bow y advertisements: Wells .! VJi liurilMiu Co.. ri.jlitloinen: 1 have been asked why I lei oiuiuendod Value's Cchoy Com pound, and I tleslio to put on reeoicl frankly my i ennuis fur till; etidorsi! niont, hoping that niv winds may In splio those leaders who need health and strength with faith to try Value's Celery Compound nnd piovo to thein sehes Its voith. At the I.'mtij Allen llupllnl. nn lu- stltutioii In which 1 am deeply Inter- e-ted. V.ilni's ivinv Compound h.t n.-'cn u-d succ isi'iil The slhtei -. ol Mircj .a Alotint i-t Maty'.- Aei'ilenn on t,msi. id Ac. SHOE E 9 MURPHY BY s r .i-l. ti on Value's Celery Compound as n tonic and stiongth-giver. In in v own household, one of th domestics has taken Valne's Celor.i '"onipoiunl for liver tioiible of long standing and -avs: "It hn done li'i'i. u .el tli. in any other medicine." SeMi'il priests have spoken to m In prais ol this remedy, and I be lieve. Ii bus i he eontldenre ot my a sni lutes. lixcii did 1 not Know ftom personal iib-er.ctiou .if th- woilh of Palne'w Cclerj Coini'i't'itd. I nbuuld feel llk oi thing It for lh simple reason thar It Is prepiteii by tlie Wells i. filch ii'dson Co., a ,iltm whoso members I hue known foi neatly a ciurtrter of a iinli't iiud In who:ri I ltavo per. I'll, nil.l. in f 'ery tmly. ,'CHI.V . MICMAI'U. j c.i.'i Hiiu'i nWhop o' ISuillugtoii I 'lie if '- no boti-ehold in tne land I i' u cm hum -il- nifini! to be without. , tins icine it u .i linple matter In i P'-l li . -ii'i'li-lilng elliincy. n EVery iMnown ? 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.
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