v' ,k;rj?' vH f4twiit ' ffi My'-)yy WvjkVv-'- T"-f - lV". AS.-?-; Sf-, X, s Be Scranfon CriBune published Daily. ipt 1sV.1?.J'v.,,'..'IJ'tih' una Publlihinic pom-iany, it Tilly Cent a Month. J.IVV tj. njOHAIlD, Editor. 0. F. yiYSIlEE, Business Manazer. .New York Ofllal l'O Naaii M. , ,.. fi. S. VREELANO, Sole Asjcnt lor 1 orelf-n AdsertAslne-. ,i t.nlcfed l the I'etothe t Scranlon, r as Second Clan Mull iltti?r. Wmi spaco 1 t""ll. The Tribune '" Clad to print short letter Irom Its frkn.lg beat, mj on current topic, but 1U rule is that hejo mutt be sljn-d, lor publication, by the writer ml name! and the condition Precedent to ac ceptance is thai all contributions shall be ul-el to editorial reilslon. riiu ilt nun ton ai-yertisin. The (olIiMlne table sliow: the price per imli erh lnertie.n, space to be u-cd within one J'"" Tilnn'ririSriVlneonl Puff" DISPLAY I'aper i licacilni- I'osiunp . ' I .4 I .-0 ..-i I . I .lit . .ISO .I'J ,1V" I .17 1 .1 .K. .1M ' Jl let than ies'i Inihei. .v:i inches i.w '.(so lui eai.ls ft thanVs, icsilullora "I roiidoleii'ii omi similar contribution. In Hie natuic of ad' .'itUlm; I ho Trlbmi- tiul.es a lurue '! A icnts line. , , , llilM ("r I Infilled Aihr'tloriR fuml-hcd i-n applirtHlc.ii TEN PAGES. f-'(Mi:.NTnx, rr.RiifAr.Y :r, iaoi. n I Itr rf-iTdid Ip.iiiiriiriitlnn ilny up liHiai'lu'M ic tiii' mr.iIii reminded that till- "inlvniit'e nuvnt nf prosperity" dlil not nJi tic iniytliliiK' In Hie line f jowl tliln? -.lilcii ha.i nut Im ii oar rl'tl liy tl . in.'iili liriw. The Constitutional Question. TUOSV. V,IK filiation the onnstltutloitnl power of His loqlslnluiv. t" enact a inn nlolpril uliaiiei- nljollahliiK one ulllro ids. for tnu.uice. t lie mnyor) and dentin-; anotlicr fns, for Instance, the lecoreliT'. ultli prol?loii lor Inroiedl niii appointment by th governor, rest tlicli f.'tto upon t-rrtiun 1C of Artlcb lit of the -Into constitution. whMi provides ilril "no law shall vxtonil th trni of uny public olPfer, or Increase or illmlnlfli his salary or r-niolumonti after his election or appolntinrnt." Vt in section 7 of lb.- same article, power Is ylveii to tin- lOKlHlnlui'u to incorpor ale lilies, to clKing-e Ihelr ilmrters, and to ureutu oIP.cl anil prescribe tlu-ir powers and dutleb. provided such leg islation hluill be KCiicral and not special j or local In Its character. Nowhere is thtio n prohibition upon (ibullhlng an elective ofllt-e not specifically provided tor In the constitution Itself. tu the article relating to cities and city charters, iviiere this subject would naturally arise, not a word is said cal culated to limit the legislature's power to recast municipal charters as it may Plcabe, (lther by adding new officii, te-chiif'teuing thoe already in exist ence or doing away with certain olltce.i entirely, liven section 13 of Article lit Introduces no limit further than that the tut m of a public optcr shall not hi extended or his pay or perquisites re duced vlille In ofllce: but we doubt that this Implies that ir his olllce is tlvs rvution of a charter which is duly Mipciseded, hft can. with any warrant of law, go on claiming the invalidated office or it, extinct emoluments. Hi might possibly get an award for tlw balance due on indrawn salary, upon the ground that his election constitut ed a, contract ; but this Is doubtful. A natural pioposltlon In law is that the power to cteats carries with It tho power to modify or destroy. The office of mayor is not a direct creation of the constitution of Pennsylvania, but or the leglslatuie. That which thi legislature can create It tan, unless "peulllcully leslralned by Ihe constitu tion, vacate or icvhe. The ripper bill may !. legally vulnerable In its tw Mowat upon the executive of an ap pointive power bejond the date of tins next ensuing municipal election we think it io but it clearly Is Invulner able in eveiy oilier feature .o far as convents any icnsiitutlonal argument that we have yt t m en. Most of Its op poneniH privately admit thlr: when they argue dliTettutly In public- It is for eft eel. Trenton despatches ImlU.iti, that the big aleel conibltie had a modest li'gln lln?. The Yellow Peril. 1.V A liUALiLV lemarkahle article by Sir llobert Hart, chief of the ciibtouiH service In China, wilt ten hiht August, after the relief of the Pettin legationers, but only re cently made available to American ivadcU through its lepublleation in the Cosmopolitan magazine, those given to (jcrl'mstui.s of liiiud have the mater ials fir protlliiblu reilcetlon. To this vcictitn student of china the "yellow peiU"l3 by no means u myth. As he view" It rh- hlii'M . .in inkllismt, tuliluluj riff, M'Uri nidiiitiliiui sud on tlulr on Hurt ilvll evl. huinoneout In Untfuacc, tliouglit and 'i'Clltiliiili niiiiiU'ib siiiiic (our hundred mil Hon. !-. In Itt oun rlns Unci-, and tnun j retintr uhkh ou tin tuiucc pri.Iues all that i piopJi ieulie ami In Uv buMjm hlde untold irjilivtiejlili that lus neer yet been dUtuibcd tl;lo'r;rc, alter thouund ol yuri tl hsughty 'xcludencM, lui been pueheil by the (one of lrcumuiice und by the cuierlor strength of irullcts into treaty rclatlora ivith the rrtt i-t thli'M-crU, but Ifgardi that ai a humiliation, ee nrbiiieflt acc'iulng from it, and it looking (nrward' to tlie day ulicn it In turn 111 be tronjr' enough to rcicrt to its old life again Hid do away vlth tor-' Intcrcourie, inter Terence and lntru:lon; it bai slept long, as uc ountleep, but It l anavc at I-ut, ami its every member It tingling with rhlnee feeling "CMnu"for the ChlnMp, snd out with the for ilgn(r?" ThtylJoxer movement, In Kir Hobert's ophlJjbn. Is most formidable In what It Hlgnlfics and foretells. "Its first ex Derlenie," ho writes, "has not been al t(iKiiPr a success ns regurds the at tainment through strength of proposcJ endsithe rooting up of foreign cults and -tlie ejection of foreigners but It Is not a failure In respect of the feeler It put out will volunteering work? or' as un experiment that would test wayi und meuns and guide future choice; It hun proved how to u mun the people will rspand to the call, und It has further demonstrated that the swordK and spears to which the prudent. pfllclal mlndconfined the ln tlated'' will' not suffice, but must be Mjpplementctl or replaced by Mnuasr Hfics and Kfupp guns; th tioxcr patriot of the future will possess the best weapotiH money can buy, ami then the 'Yellow Peril' will Imi bevond Ignoring," In elaboration whereof he prophecies; Twenty nillllom it mom if HoxeM armrtl, drilled, dl'clpllned snd miniated b.v patriot lo ll inlftllifn-tiiiitlvrs, will naVr trjldenee In fhlni lmpojlble ffr foielgnert, will lake lack troni forelnriers tver) thins; foreigners have taken from fhlni, will pay off old gmdge with Interest, and will tarry the ( hlnec ting snd Chinese arms Into many u place that lien Isncy will not inggfst lodny, thus preparing for the fuluir- upheavals sml disasters neier cn dresmt ot. In lllty je.irs' lime thrre will be millions of !loem In serried ranks and war's psnoplr at the call of Ihe fh!nee government; there Is not the slightest doubt of thai! And If the Chinese gournine-nl continues to exltt It will encourage and It will be quite right to encourage, uphold snd ifcttlop this national Chlnna moicmenti It bodes no good for tha re.t of the worhl, but Chins will be acting within Its right mid will carry through the na tional programme! .Nothing but pirtltlon-a. difficult and unlikely lnternsllon.il settlement, or a miraculous rpiead of Christianity In Us hot form a not impusilblr, but scarcely to be hoped for icllglons tiiumph, will aiert this re mit. To be sine, these woids were writ ten while their author was yet under the awful strain of the Pckln siege; thev perhaps represent a depression of spirit nut normal. Yet has any thing occurred since to contradict or n-suugc them? lias not the course of torelgn treatment been calculated precisely as If the Intent were to glvo litlurc generations of bettor-armed Hovers stronger provocation than their ancestors hud to rise ngalnt the over beating fotcigner and expel tilni at any cost? Cnless some arrangements can be made to send General Clsncros down to the asphalt country ho will proba bly die of ennui toon. The chances of another revolution In Cubi are too slight to give the professional patriot anything to live for. Doing Vs. Criticising. I N THAT excellent new magazine, The World's Work, for March, In an aitlele entitled "The House of Po and the House of Don't." apocar two sentences which. If thor oughly appi eclated by tin- Alib'tlctin people, especially In Ihelr relations to politics and government, would work it great change for the belter. So valu able are these sentences as cxpresshns of fundamental truth that we copy them below In black-faced type. "Most men cut a lespectablc figure when they ate earnestly doing something-, but few men appear to advan tage when they are telling how ill other men do things. Hedge it about with whatever tinppings you pleaso, depreciatory criticism Is nn ignoble business." For five years the people of Penn sylvania have been deluged with de pieelatory criticism of their state oftl clals and of the policies- of their state government. They have been told by a concert of subsidized newspapers and by a chorus of pessimistic stump speakers of every bad deed within the range of tiuth and in addition they have been fed to satiety on exaggeia tlon. misstatement and wilful lies. What Is tho result'.' The men who for factional put poses set In motion these mud batteries of calumniation and ills honest criticism have not themselves profited by the operation; tluy are far ther temoved from the realization of their political ambitions than they ever were, besides being poorer In rep utation and In pocket. Large numbers of citizens, honestly desirous for re form, have had their confidence shaken In the use of that word as a rallying cry fop political action, und aie likely to throw up their hands and eschew further participation In active politics. And back of this all. those professional regulais In politics who arc not scrupu lous In the dedication of means to ends have taken on new boldness In villainy from the very fact that the hysterical pitch of modern denunciatory criticism, with which sensible people- soon be come disgusted, serves to protect thent In their opportunities for public plun der. The same principle Is present in na tional alTalts. A few years ago, to cite Just one instance, some of our far seeing business men perceived tho ad vantages to be, had by a policy of com binations ot capital doing away with wastefulness In competition an-l facili tating economic production. There fol lowed an era of trusts, yet in Its In fancy: and at once tho class of men who piefer telling how 111 other men do things to doing things better them selves, lalfed a "stop, thief" howl that was not limited to Intelligent criticism of specific abuses In the concentration programme or to ,i thoughtful demand for legislative resttlctlons and safe guards, it was more like a wild dovish war dance or the hysteria of maniacs at an asylum tire. Kvery capitalist was foithwlth branded as a, minion of monopoly and a highway robber; and every enterprise was placarded as an "octopur." The result of It was that the public patience was strained and In lis reaction ugaiusf this Pupullstlc de bauch it is Just posMble that pub Ho opinion may In sonic degree, more, at least) than It Intended, be playing Into the hands of those lluancleis who are not always actuated by honesty in their formulations of great entei prUe. Locally this spirit of shrieking de nunciation of every peisou who exer cises his llbei ty of differing ftom the mob has shown Itself on a number of occasions which the (ecordlng angel will view with sadness If not with tears very notably so during the re cent street car strike, when our whole city was virtually given over to an archy so far ub anarchy wanted to have Its boisterous way; and when, with the tacit acquiescence qt the offi cers of the law, flagrant disrespect was bhown for property rights and even persons were endangered. The splilt of captlousness among fcomo of our workers, as shown In strikes on the smallest of provocations, Is similar In kind and will have the result, if long continued, lo arrest the development of our city, drive away industtles now located litre, whose coming repreiseiu ed years of nejotlation and effort on the part of our board of trade, and make doubtful the securing of new ones. Criticism has a valuable place among the furces which inulco for pto- THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY. grew; but It must be Intelligent criti cism, which points to tinws or excepts lo principles, with argument to back It up and sttRgestlotiM uf practical Im provement. The mete acl of denounc ing what oilier men iln, of eiuestlonlng their motives and ot gloomily forecast ing the future, It both cheap and vul gar as tin exeiclsu of Intellectual power and. In respect of results, uni formly vicious. The American people havo need to heed lest they fall Into the habit of encouraging this vicious kind of criticism, tit the Immediate ex pense of real progress. A New Jersey charier seems to be about the ncarotit approach to the philosopher's Htone possible these day. The abdication of Don Carlos did not appear to leavo anything behind save a bundle of press clippings. Tammany's anti-vice committee did notjast as long as the average New Year temperance resolution. It Is probable that the latest political announcement from Krogmorc w 111 t-ntito s-onic croaking. There is at least it display of weak ness about the dorsal vertebrae of win ter. Outline Studies of Human Natiire Sctvetl Him llight. (I A NVIlllXfl wrong?" skcl the hotel tlerk "V ot the drummer nliu had Juil got home from the caM. "f was thinking," v.ik tho leply. "1 rode from nulTilu lo Toledo with the prctllctt girl I cur MM." "Hut that didn't hint ou. Who was lic!" "i"'an't tell." "Von didn't introduio vour'elf and get !iir e.ird In icturni" "No." "No particular ttuuulc, eh." solicitously !n sMcd the clerk. "well, it was this way." milled the traveler, as be brand up for the cpl.inallon."Mie sat j iiposilp mc, mi know, and I tried for an hour j to latch hrr tji-. she iinply Ignoied me, Jiid I gaud out uf the window. Then I K-e and j handed lr migitlm, but she declined with tliank". Tin minutes liter I liouglit the Istnl n.ivcl nut , but i.he sold she didn't eaie to read. Then I boiuht mine tnilt, but she would acrept none, she al-o Ignore I me whin I tried to eliuw her fjiit cm music." "Hut joii pctflstri " "h, )-. Ihit i. I w.is about to make an other attempt to enter Into crmcrallon when tho ti.iln rami! to a halt at m town, and the girl bcckoncil me oicr. I was there In an In stant, ami with the -weetest smite you e.er saw she asked If I woulu ilo her a slight favor." " 'Willi all my heart," I hastened to say. " 'Well, she said, smiling cien more sweetly, 'Mippon Jim leaie the train here and take the mt one that follows, for you haie made me dead tired, and I fed like taking a nap.' " "Good gracious,' whispered tha clerk. "Wi. sir," ivild the drummer, as he reached for a cigar, "and I want to go up to my room and sit and think and try and figure It out. Perhaps it's time I left the road and settled down at home." Chicago Inter-Ocean. Was Easily Wakened. BLOM1TLLD, bishep of London half a D ceiiturv .igi), wat a man of much wit, and also had i keen appreilition of wit In other people, whitcicr their walk in life might be. Omc when a new church In hit diocese was to be con-eerated Ihe buhnp iccelied itieral Icltirs complaining that the architect of the new church hid cltflgiircl the interior ami e tcrlor with "mele-s gewgaws," f niequently the bMiop went ilowii to the little town to mike an imptitioii of tho building, mid summoned the architect to meet him then'. The lu-hoii could llml nothing inil-o with the exterior cf the ihureh nor with the Interior un til, jiift as bf leaclud the elmieel, he looked up and saw Imir wooden linage, apparently guirding the pulpit. "Whit do tli.i-c flgiitcj lepicscnt " he In ijulred. "rho four eiaiiKcliits, my lord," replied the .iichlicct. "They appear to be aIeep," nld the bUbop. "Do jou think so, my lord?" 'That's the way they look to me," wld the bUhop, decidedly. "John," called th jrdiitect to :i mm who w at woik on one of the pewi-, "bring jour ehld and open the ejes of the evangelists " Youth's Companiuii. Mark Twain's Introduction. NLY ONCE," writu MU M. Clemens In s " Alnslee's, "ilid Mark Twain appear in public ai a political speaker. As a conscientious Republican in his political preference', Mr. Clemciit took an nctlie interest in the presi dential campaign of lc-i Whilo visiting in LI lulia, N. Y.. In the fall of that year, he undo ,i shoit speech ono S.ituidiy night, introducing to a Itepuhllean meeting Ocneral llawliy, of Connecticut. In Ihe c-ourso uf bl remarks, Mr. Cli-mens said: " 'Rcniral Haw ley Is a lncuiUr of my church at Hartford, and the author of 'lieautitul Snow.' Ma be be will ilcnv tint. Put I am only here lo (,bo him a character troni his last place. As a pure citlui, 1 uspcit him; as a personal friend of iar, I lue the warmest tegard for him; is a neighbor, whoc vegetable garden adjoins mine, wb why, I watch him. As the author of 'lieautitul Snow,' be his added a new pang to winter. Ho l J square, truo man In lioneit polltlK, ml I must, say he occupies a mighty loiiisoiuo pn-llinn. JJ broad, so bountiful is hU character that bu Ueier turned a tramp empty handed limn his door, but alwaS gaie him a lell.r of iiitioduetir.il lo inc. Pure, honest, In corruptible, that is Jou Iliwley. Such a man In politics is like a bottle of perfumery In a glue factory it may moderate tho stench, but It docjn't destroy it. I haunt nalel any more of him than 1 would say of myself. Ladle and ejcntlcmcii, this I- ficneral Ilawlry.' " A Justice Without Fiejudlce. WAYNE M'VEACIII. the well known Philadel phia lawjer and in nilnUUr to Italy, Ina a keen see of humor, fajj the Saturday Even ing Pot. llricntly be wja i-rguiiin a tedious, technical cae liefote tin- Supreme court. Tho atfalr diltted thiough long da3 ol unlntnest ing detail. When It w.u finally ended Mr. Mae Veaeli and a colleague, In talking It over, specu lated as to whom Chief Justice Fuller would ulgu to writu Ihe opinion in the case, and tho speculations resulted In a wagir. Just then Chief Justice Puller tame clown the eonldor. Mr. MacYcagh called him and told him of the viagir. "If ou will help mi. out. Mr. Chief Jintlce, and tell m. '-ihcr my guess Is correct, the af fair can bi -i i d light here, for uu hate the assigning ! ! ami you Viviw whom you will ask to write the dicislou," "Whom hue uu stlc tid In jour wager, Mr. MacVeagliS" aVeil Mr. 1 idler, keenly inlernlcd. "Mr. Jiutlce Ora," answered Mr. Macvcagh. "And why did you chouo Mr. Cray?" "HioavLo I noticed be slept through the en tire aiguiiient," aiiiwired Mr. Miceagh. Willing to Take Something. APEAF wi man figured as the plaintiff In a minor ca-e rii.tilly tried at the Durham (England) ussUo, and after reneatcii falluics to mako her limKistaud the proceedings the Judge suggested tint her counsel should get her to agree to a coinpiomUc, "Ask her what she will take to settle It," said the court. "His lordihlp wants to know whit jou will takti" shu smlllugly replied! "I thank hi. IviiUUp wiy kindly, and If it's no income ntener to him I'll take Utile warm ale." E. Flmibus TJnura. At'OXF.Y ISLAND excurtdon steamer was leal Ing New York with but few passengers aboard. The bull had, Just catt oft wheu u itout gentleman with a very red fiee mhsfl don the pltr snd, nourishing Ills stick, shouted! "Hey, csplaln Put bule-bark hero nuleW. Here's a large pstty wants to go." The captain tut at first derPbe, but finally shouled frum the, pilot house I "Mow lsrga it tho rarly I" For an lntsnt the fat man liesltsted. Then lit jelled baiki 'tletwrui sixty tml setentj." As soon as the rsptaln heird this number h' Inilsnll) ordered the steamer back and made fast again. Tin fst man w-sddled across the gang plank, and, picking out a nice deck sest, fanned himself with hit straw- hst. Meanwhile the isp lain and Ms ttrw visited for tho party to ai the. After waiting Ibc mlnutfl and more tha captain turned Impatiently toieard the slout gentleman and asked! "Where's your rarty be tween sixty snd seientyf This bost rsn't wait all diy tor ttiem." "Oh, thlfa til tight." replied the fat pas senger with a bland smile. "I'm the part) ; slutj-flve today ,lr." The captain's face grew redder eren than the pisenger' si ho furiously rang the bell to steam ahead, but the fat gintknian at once be came the hero ol the boat. Collier's Weekly. ooooooooooooooooo The People's Exchange. v t A POPUI.AK CLEANING HOUSr' for lie ' " Benefit e.f All Who Have Houses to , Hcr.t. r.esl Kstate or Other Property to Sell or r.xchange, or Who Want Situations or Help Theie Small Adiertlsemer.'s Cost , One Cent a Word, Pis, Insertions lor Five Cents a Word-txeept Situations Wanted, Which Are Inserted Tree. ' ooooooooooooooooo Wanted. ir you iiavk siom:s fop T. Hackctt. liKSf StX W. .OU HAVi; OFFICES FOll HUNT i-Eb' W. T. Hackctt. IF YOU HAVE T. HstVctt. IHUXS FOll PENT SEE W. IF YOU HAVE II0U&E3 FOE T. Hackctt. PENT SEE W. IK YOU II. T. Haeke j., .., T llacke YOU 1IAVU FLAT Si roil PENT SEE W. Hackctt. i.wu H00M5 roi: PENT SEE W. Hackctt. I.XNDLORDS SEEKlXr, TENANTS SIIOILD SEE W. T. Hackctt Help Wanted Male. HANTED-REsPONSIDLE PIIILADELPIIIV HUM wanta e.llJic manager at saantons ulary. $I,.V jciirly; V'O ca,h and istnfactorj rttir. nie Ke,uiied: eonuntrclal rtfucmc furrilslud, position pcunanent. Aildrni Postofnce Hot tsl, I'hlladtlphla, I'a. Situations Wanted. WORK '"wANttiaVVASIHXO AND IIIONINO IO take home. Good references. Addre- Mrs. M. R Tribune clfne. WANTED-SITU.-TJON AS SALI'SMXX, !KV. cral years' experience; can furnish best of reference. Address "T.," Hendham, Pa. SITUATION" WANTED-DY A POY It? YEAl'.-J old to work In store or work of any kind; send postal, lr'5 Dickson aienue. WAXTED-PO-.ITION OF TltPhT II Y A YOINl! man of buslncfn abililv; would do eollectlnj, also keep accounts; experienced; rcdrenecs. Ad dress I. W., Tribune otftcc. Eor Rent. STORES FOR RKXT butlding. -W. f. HACKCTT, PRICE OFFICES FOR RE.NT-W. T. building. HMKEIT. PltlCF. UARNS I'Olt tuildlng. RI.NT-W. T. IIACKETT, PRH E HOI --.S FOR RI.NT-W building. T. IIACKETT, PRICE PRUT.! ILATS FOR 1 uildlng. REXT-W. T. HACKCTT, ROOMS FOR REXT-W. building. T. HACI'LTT. PRICE FOR RENT-NICE FURNISHED ROOM. Apply 6IG l(ulncy aienue. FOR RENT APRIL 1. SIORE, NO. 223 I.ACKA wanna aienue; brick building in rear, suit able lor plumbing or other business. Olficcs for lent in Paull building. Appl 1"jC! Sane'ereoii aienue. HOUSE TOR RENT-eiJl MADIOX AVENUE, niuderii iiiipioiements. A. Roe, 221 Laika wanna avenuj. FARM TO RENT-lJCt ACRES; FOR FLRTIIEIl information call at M7 Prescott aienue. I OR RENT- CENTRM.I.Y LOCATED, ELEVEN room bouc; tteain beat, largo lawn, fruit . two baths; modem; t'iriuhed or nniirnlheil. Owner going abroad. Addrem tO"J Tribune oflne. FOR RENT-IIAt P DOUUI.E HOUSE M HAR rlm avenue, nine rooms. ?K Apply Thomas Ruricll, v0 llaiilson avenue. HOUSE, Wi WASHINGTON AVENUE, TWELVE rooms, good loundr, perfect order, Haidln,:, ROOMS IN THE CENTER OF CUV: 20. AND 207 Wyoming Aienue; fleam heat, all lm proiements; suitable for any Und of business; also luru in irai Impure at 22d JetleinOii ;ie. nue, near Spruce stieet. lS-TEX-ROOM HOUSE. ELECTRIO LIGIIIS. modem Iniproieinents. lji-ge lot front and back. Trees. EaM- to two street car. Ple.-sant part of Green Ridge April 1. G. W. S Trib une. "22 CIREEN RIDGE STREET, TEN ROOMS, modem Improvements; kteani heat, furnUhc.l; desirable; -.(. For Sale. FOR SALE-COTTAGE AT II VRVF.Y'K LAKE. Pa,, with about one acre ground, thirty ap ple trees, ham, lee hous, etc Enqu're ot 11, P. Picks at Third National bank, beianten, Pa. Wonted To Buy. -ASiNe- WANTED SF.CONDIIAND SLOT MACHINES; must bo in good order, state particulars as to make and price Address L. II., general de liiery, Scranton, Pa. Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY REM, estate HENRY HELIX. JR. ClIAS. H. WELLES. THOMAS SPRACUL. MONEY TO LOAN ON POND AND MORTGAGE. iny amount. M. 11. llolgale, Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT OP MONEY TO LOAN-VUICK. straight loans or Building and Loin. At Mrom 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Ualkir, 314-J13 Conncll building. Business Opportunity, s-S),, si. J N . s -sV VaXJ -" IF YOU WANT TO CO INTO RUSINE-S ST.l, W. T, llaekett. YOl HAVE A llUSINEsS 10R SALE, SFE W. T. Hackett. W. T. IIACKETT HAS SEVERAL LINES OF buslnehs for sale; established and pajlng. Lost. LOsT-WEDDINO BINO, 1XSCRIIIKD OS INTER lor. llewaul, llcliirii to Tribune ofrke, "Recruits Wanted. syNst WANTXD FOR U. S. ARMY I A11LU BODIED, unmarried men between ages of 11 snd Ml cltlreru ot United States, of good charset-r and temptratc habits, who can speak, lead and writs EnglUh. Recruits specially desired fur senlce in Philippines. For Infermstlon apply to Reipiltlng Ofttce, 121 Wycmlnj ave., Scrsn too. Pa. FEBRUARY 27, 1901. ALWAYS BUSY. Xos. Ill st.il U Wyoming Aifnue. We place en lain M..mlay morning! W pairs ol iuln' and boys' shoes, suti .,,, .,,,,(, COO pslra l men's fins house slippers, all J(W. all ruts , i.IV. SO1) pair of men's iuhbrr, tors a little natron- iic roit womp.n. We hawj j special attraction Ini MO pslrs of misses' snd girls' tl.U shoes, which we sell for These shoes are well built tees squsre, com mon sense good quality. Never a better bar gain In shoe leather. 800 pairs of ladles' comfort shoes not a pair worth lest than Ti.ceiiK Take them at tic. We hire the 500 eases of ladles' rubbers lho 40 and 60 cent klnd-tske 'em t ...,5Jc. Wo have no other stores. We hsic no branch stores. Wo hte been here since IsM, paying 100 cents on the dollar and discounting our bills. We tit more feet thsn sny other shoe ttorei in Northeastern Tennsjlianla. Our shoes trs honest. Fo are our price. ILewis&RelHy 'os. 114 snd U Wyoming Avenue. Real Estate. FOR SALE-A VEftV liRslltAlTLi: SfMMKIt plate Largo ID-room house, bain, wagon house, Ico house (tilled), tour acres of land, sit mlcd on high ground, niblway between tilenleirn and Daltcn, tin mlnutrs' wslk or flie mlmitei' dric from ttatlou. Never falling water nppW Un" uf the best and luoft lomenleul locations far summer purposes north cf Scranton. ller.ry WalU, H Iickawanna avenue. rOU SALE-A FA11M OP CT ACUF..S! 1 ACHES Improird; '.j mile frori Factoryiillej atout twenty minutes walk from Keystone Academy! A very sightly and pleasant loiathm tor a country homo! can be bad sery reasonable! fictsesslon at onee. Imjulre or addrisa W. D. tussell, I), ei II. C.-.'t cltlee, Srrsnton. IIYDK PARK PROI'EltTY Hackitt, Price hulldin; ion SALC-W. sot'Tii side imopr.u rv foii sai.e-w. llaekett. Price building. CIIINCTI1LLA. tTAPK'S Sl'MMIT. (UKMU'RV. Dalton, Fsctorvilllc, Waicrly and other property nn I)., !,. - toi mIc. W. T Hackctt, Piiec building. EI.MIU'RST VXD MOSCOW PROPERTY tale. W. T. Hackctt, I'llce building. FOR tlMHIAIN IX SINRLl; Hackctt. Price buildin,-. HOUSEs-W. PAitn.Mxs tx Pornt.E llaekett, Price building.. IIOl'FS-W. RMIOAIXS IX ni'SINEW PROPERTIE-i-W. llaekett, Price building. OAHOMVS IX LOTS-W. T. IIACKETT, PlllfE building. $0.Chl-1WO LOfs, MODERN DOfPI.E 1101 "E. near Vine, llaekett. 7.CuU-LAROE LOT. WITH STEAM HEVTEP double house. Hackctt. $l,IOH-LARnE 1X)T,I0PK.RV POl'IlI.E HOl'-E. near Mulberry. llaekett. V.W-MODERN HOUSE, SMALL aienue. See Hackctt. LOT. l.Y W.Ono-UXPER PRICE; beautifully locateij. FIXE RESIDENCE. See llaekett. TAM.OR AVENUE PROPERTY FOR SALE W. T. H.ukett, Pi ico building. IIIVINO AVENUE W. T. llaekett. PROPERTY I OR SALE Pike building. PREMOTT AVENUE PROPERIY FUR SALE W. T. Hackctt. Pilcc building. HARRISON AVENUE PROPERTY FOR SALE W. T. llaekett, Price building. WHEELER S.VENUE PROPERTY FOR KAl.E W. T. Hackctt, Price building. COLFAX AVENUE PROPERTY FOR hUX W. T. Hackctt, Pi ice building. ARTHUR V. T. AVENUE PROPERTY FOR SLE Hackett. Pi lee building. RIDliE ROW PROPERTY 10R SMX-W. Hackitt, Pike building. PROPERTY OX LINDEN. MULRERRY. VINE. I it it . PiiiA r!'1.jrin 1 1 i 1 1r miil nt tiir it ts-l ,or 'df. W. T. Hackitt, 'price building. GREEN RIIK.E PROPER TY FOR SAI.E-W. T. Hackctt. Price building. DUN MORE PROPERIY l-Oll Hatkctt, Price buihling. S U.F.-W. PROVIDEXCB PROPER TY I OR SALE-W. T. llaekett, Price building. MIFFLIN W. T. WENIE PROPERTY FOR SAl.E Haekctt, Price building. FRANKLIN AVENUE PROPERTY FOR SALE W. T. Hackctt, Price building. PENS' AVENl E W. T. llaekett. PROPERTY FOR Price building. SALE- W,0ISG AVENUE PROPERTY FOR SALE W. T. llaekett. Price building. WASHINGTON AVF.XfE PROPERTY FOR SLE. W. T. Ila.kelt. Pilti building. ADAMS AVENUE PROPERTY FOR SALE -W. T. Hoi-kett, Pilee building. JEFFERSON AVENUE PROPERTY FOR MIX. W. T. Hackctt, Pilcc building. MAIllsOV WEM'E PROPERTY FOR SALE W. T. llaekett, Price building. MONROE AVENUE PROPERTY FOR SALE -W. T. llaekett, Pilcc building. QUIVCV AVENUE PROPERTY FOR SALE W. T. Hackt-tt, Plica building. CLAY AVENUE PROPERTY FOR SALE -W. T. HaCkett. Price building. WERSTER AVENUE PROPERT V FOR S VLP. -W. T. llaekett, Price building. ?3,00O-rUYS AX 8-ROOM MODF.RV UOUSi:, near Monroe aierute; cost owner &1,S(. Sec W. T. Hackctt. Price building. W'lO-HUYS A STEAM HEATED, DOUIILI. houe. sco V. T. Hackett, Puce building. St,500-IIUYS A MODERN. sTE M IIF.UED. ' room noue; terms ca. seo w. T. Ilar-u-elt, Piieo building. ?t5,0r -UUYS ONE OF THE FINE-T, lllr built and liet located, modem, ncini licit ed houses In scranton. Sic V. T. llackut, Price building. vll,S00-UUYti A LHC1E LOT. WITH US'" modem hou.o and him; elifirabli- ltnatnl on Ihe hill, mar Moniov avenue. See W. T. Hackett, Price building. LEGAL. TUB ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD. crs of the Laekiwanna Iron and steel Com pany, for the election cf directors and tramae. tlon ef such other business as may properly como before the meeting, will be held at the ofliea of tho Company In the City o scranton, Pennslvanla, on Wednesday. Match 6th, !'"!, at 3 o'clock p. m. The polls will ttmalii open for one hour. The Trcii"fir Hocks will be cloned on February 21th, 1001, and re-ope rod mi March Jth, 1M1. J. P. HIGt.INsOX. Secretary. Scranton, Pa., February C2, 1!)I. NOTICE-SEAI ED PROPOSALS 1 OR TIII etmctlon of tho fupcistiucturc et i CON. Steel brldgo at Anhbald, In aceordancc with mail-, plans and specifications, on file at the utile: ( fieoige E. ttvencn, county uricor, it tlto lourt house, will lio reielied by ilio ci niniUiiuii eis of Lickawamu county at their olfiee until 11 o'clock a. m , March C, 1301. sealed prcposals lor the ioiitniytIon of the niasenr; for tic abutment for a fttcl bridge at Aiihlmld, In anoidanee with maps, plans and speclrealioim, cm file at the eificc of George E, Steiensoii, county stirn.ior, will be rccehed liy the commissioners of Laclawanna lounty, at then office until 11 o'clack a. m., March 10, 1l. Scaled prcpoiali for the eonsliuellon of a stone arch bridge oier heyser creek In To) lor borough, in accordance with maps, plans und peclficatlon-, on rile st the otAco of Gesrge E, Steieneon, coun ty ureor, will be rereivtd by Ihe commission era ot Lscktwanni county, at their office until U o'clock, Msrth 10, 1001. JOHN n NMAX. .1. COURIER MORRIS, JOHN -I. DURhIN, Attest! W. G. Daniels, Clerk. LEQAL. JwM,awJWsatwaistirfMwS'WM'ssliMsa'iisi' NOTicr. ir nr.UF.nv oivi:s that an Ar-ru- entioii will ' made to Ihe Court or ijuuter Seselons of Lackawanna ccunly for a hotel II censet for Michael FTnne-rty, at No. 1MI Keyser airuu. In th Third ward ot tb City 6t Scran ton, I'cnnsyhnhla, en Monday, March I, lt'Jl. THOMAS P. riANIl.bS, Clerk, Q. ek NOTICIJ 18 llUflEDV OIVEX THAT AS APPLb csllOii will be mad lo the Court of (titter Sessions of tjickuvanui county, for teatauranl llccne for James J. Lavln, at Varxlllng, on the Main road, on Mmdsy, March, 4, 11X11. THOMAS P. DANIELS, Clerk, Q. S. KSTATK OP AllMIMJA NEIXP, PF.CP.ASKD. Letters testsmentary on the eststo el Arminda Neeld Isto of the City of ScTanton, deceased, hsie been gtsnted to the undorslgnd, to whom nil persona Indebted to sail eitite art reo,iiestti1 to msko ps)mcnt, and those listing claims cr demands, to msko known name without dtlay. t. M. N'RKf.ll. II. C. ItUYNOI.DS. II. t. I1I.YNOI.IW, Executors. Attorney fur rjuic. IX HE! ESTATE OF DANIEL W. 8ULLIVAS. To Whom It May (Vncerni The Orphans' Court ol Lackawanna County has granted a rule to show isute why Mary Sulli van, executrix of the last will and testament of Daniel W. Sullivan, should not be discharged, lletutntble to next Argument Court. MAP.Y SULLIVAN. If. C. 11EYNOLP3, Executrix. Attorney for Estate. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE Or Oeorge L. Preston, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis tration upon the estate of George L. Treston, late ot th city of Hcrsntnn, countr of Lacks wsnn, deceased, hav been granted to the under signed. All persons hsving claims or Judgments against Ihe estate of said deceased are requested to msko known same lo me without delay. And ill pr sons Indebted thereto aie required to make Im mediate pavment to. SAMUEL It. STEVENS. Administrator, ConnslI Pulhllng. WELLES & TORREY, Attomeja for Estate. TO THE HOLDERS OF PONDS NUMBERS srien (7), eight (S), fort -one f4l) and forty-six (4fi) of the Colliery Engineer Company, being the bonds bearing date October 1st, 1303, and secured by trust mortgage of that date. Please Take Notice thst In pursuance of the proilslona of the ssld lionds and the trust mort gige gben to secure the same, the bonds as numbered aboie bale been drawn by lot for raiment on the first day ot April, 1001, and 'J are hereby notified that the samo will be paid on the first day of April, 1101, at th Larka wanna Trust und Safe Deposit Company, Tiuitca named in the triut mortgage aboie referred to, together with Inlervst Coupons attached thereto and remaining unpaid, and that inteirst will cease after the said date. THE COLLIERY EXt.lNI-ER COMPANV. Scranton, Pa., February 2Mb, Itwl. NEW YORK AND ONTARIO LAND COMPANY. Notice is hereby glien that the annual meet ing of tho stockholders of the New York and Ontario Land company, for Ihe election of direc tors and inipeetor of eleetlon, and for tru tranAactlon of snrh other business aa may ptop crly come befoie the meeting, will be held at thi. office of the company, in PeckillK Pa on Thursday, Tcbruary V, 1W1, at 11 o'clock a. m. The tranifer books' will clow at .1 o'ckvlt p. m., Febnuiy 16, and reopen at 10 o'clock a. in., March 1, lfml. By order ef the Rcord of Directors. ARTHUR !,. PARMELEE, secretary. RAILROAD TIMS TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western. In Effect Dec. 2. 1000. Smth Leaie Scranton for New York at 1.40, .1,00, 5..50, S.OO and 10 Hi a. in. ; 12.5", 3.SJ p. m. For Philadelphia at S.Cti end 10.03 a. m.j 12.SJ ami a-ST p. in, For stroiuhburg at 6.10 p. m. Milk accoiniuodatloii at S.l'i p. m. Atrlie at llnboken at U.n. 7.1s. l'j.-!, 12 OS, ::.15, 4.4?, 7.11 p. m. Aitiio at Phlliidclpbla at l.M, 3,31, (1.00 and S.22 . in. Arrlic from New York at 1.10, 4.W1 and 10.23 m. 1 .00, 1.32. R.4I, S.ll und 11. '.O p. in. Ii om StrrwPburg at snj a m. Noith Leaie s-i anion fir DufTslo and Intel mediate stations at l.l.'i, 4 10 and O.oi a. r.i ; 1.33, 3. 'S and 11.33 p. in. For Oswego ami SM ro'o at 4.PI a. in. and 1.j p. in. For Uth.i at 1.10 n. m and 1.5". p. m. For 5Iontroe at COi) a, m.: 1.03 and 3. Ii p. in. For Nicholson at 1.00 and 0.13 p. in. For flinghanitoii at 10.2U a. m. Ar riie In Sciauton Irom liulfalo at 1.23, -J 53, 5.3 and 10.00 a. m.; X'M and S.uO p. m. Fiom Us ui gu and Sjraiu-e at 2.33 a. m. ; 12..".S and S.iYi p. m. From Utlea at -J..W a. m.; 12.3S ami I.M p. m. Fnnii Nicholson at 7.M a m. and 6.00 p. m. From Monticwc at 10.(0 a. m.j J.20 and .s,0) p. m. Ulooiiiolmrg Dnllun Lean- Seiar.ton for Noithumlierland, at ul'i, lo IX. a. m.; l.M ami 3.30 p. m. For PITnoulh at l.W, 3.40, S M p. in. For Kingston t S.tO a. in. Arrlic at North umberland at 0.3") .1. m. : 1.10, 3.00 and ft 43 p m. Arrlic at Klngilon at S.52 a. in. Arrlic at Pljnu.ulli at S.Oii. 4.32. 0.4 p. m. Arrlie In sennton lioni Northumberland at OU a. n ; MM, 1.50 ami S.I3 p. m. From Kingston at 11.00 ii. 111. From PJincjUth at 7.33 a. in.; 3.20 and f.:'3 p. m. Sir.NDAY TRAINS. South I earn Srranton at 1.40, .1.00, 5.30, 10 0i p. m. i .1.3.1 and 3.40 p. in. North Leaie Scranton at 1.13, 4.10 J. m.j 1.5. 5.4ft and 11.35 p. m. llloomsburg Dltlslon Leave Scranton at 10.03 a. m. and 5 30 p. in. Lehigh Vnlley Railroad. In Effcit Nov, 23. PmO. Trains leave Scranton Tor Plilladrlphi.i and New York via D. A. It. It It., at 0 43 and 11.51 a. in., and 2.15, 4.27 (Black Diamond hspiie'), and ll.Su p. m. sun dais, D. i. II. R. It.. L.Vs. S.27 p. m. For Hliltc llaii-n. llahton and principal points in tlie coal region", via D tc 11. It. It.. tU3, 2.18 and 1.27 p. in. For Pottsillle, fi. 13, 2 IS and 4.27 p. in. For Bethlehem, Union, Holding, Hsrrlsburo; ami principal Intermediate stations l. D. k It. II. It. 0.15, 11.5' a. in.! 2.1. 1.27 (Black Dia. mond Express), 11,30 p. m. uiie"jj, D. t II. R. It., l.W. 8.27 p. m. lor Tunkhannook, Towanda. F.lmira, Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via D, U ". W. P.. II., s.S a. in.; 1.03 and .1.40 p. m. For Geneva, Rocht'lci, RurTalo, Niagara Fall', Chicago and all points we.t, via I). k II. R. It . ll.5 a. m . 3.33 (Bhek Diamond Express). 7. l, in.41, 11.30 p. m. Sundays, 11. K II. R. It , 11.53, 8.27 p. ill. Pullman ,arlor and leepmg er Ihlgli Vallev parlors cars on all trains l.etween Wilki-K-Bairc and New York, Phllidelphla, Buffalo and Suv pcrtton Ullage. ROLLIX II. W1LRUR. fJu Supt., -''5 Ortanrt street. New- York. CII MILES S. I.F.E. Gen. Pais. Agt 2d Cortland flw-e-t. New Yoik. A W. NONNEMACIIER, Pie. Paw., Agt.. South Bethlehent. Pa. For tickets and Pullman re-erutlons apply to .Xi Lickawamit avenue, sciantou, Pa. Delaware find Hudson. In F.flcct Nov. i l!Mi. Tislns L.r Carbondale le.ue Vranton at K.'.'o, 7..V5, SM, 10.U i. in.; 12.W, 1.21', 2.11. 3.3., i.iJ, C.r,:, 7.57, U.l. 11.13 p. m ; 1.10 a. m. For Honc-dilc 0.20, JO.i.1 a. in. s 2.41 and 3.2J p. in. 1 or Wilkra-llirre-il.il. 7.K .41. t'..!. 10.41, 11.3) a. in.; 1.2S 2.1, 3 3.1. l.''7, 0 10. 7.IS P.1, 1.:jJ p. in. For L. V. II. II. piilnti.-n.ri, 11.33 a. in.; 2 1 4.27 niJ lt.:ai p in For Pi un- liania II. R. points G. 13, 0.3S a. til i 2.1S and 4 27 p. m. I or Albany und all points north 0,20 a. m. and il.ii p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS For Caibondak -3.00, 11. .J J, in.; Ml, 3.32, .'..Ii 10 32 i. m. lor Wlli-Biirc-n.8, 1i.'-3 i. m.j l s-a, .iss, C.27, H.27 p. in. For Albanv and point, noith 3.52 p. in. For lloncdale 0.00 a. m. and 3.51 p. in. Lowest rites to all olnts in United States and J. if. IIURI'ICK. CI. P. A.. Albany, N. Y, II. W. CROSS p. P. A., scranton, m. Centrftl Ballload of New Jersey. Standi in New "tuik-loot ot Llbctty street, N. It., and Snuth Firry. TIME TABLE IV ElTECT NOV. 2', 1W. Tialna lei.vc sciantou for New York, Newark, IllMbelli, Philadelphia, Eate,n, Bethlehem, AI lentown. Maueh Chunk end White Haven nt 8.30 a in.! exprcts, 1 10; express, 3.50 p. in. Sunday, 2.13 p. in. For Pittston and WiUves-Birre, g.30 a. in., 1.1) and 3.50 tc in. Sundajs 2.1) p. m. Fur pslllmoie and W i.hlpgton. and points Sui)th and West ill llethlehein, 8.30 a. m. ; 1.10 ml 3.3.1 p. m. Sundays, 2.13 p. m. Fur Ionji Branch. Ocean Ciioc, etc., at .30 a. in. and 1.10 p. m For Reading, Lebanon and Harriiburg, vii AI lenluwn, b.30 i. in. and 1.10 p. m. Sundijt, 2.13 p. m. For Pottsillle, S.30 a. m. an I 1.10 p. m. Through tlcktt lo all points east, south and we.t at lowest rates at the station. II P. 11 U.I '"IN. Cen, Paes. Act. I. II. OLHAUsEX, lien. Supt, Erie and Wyoming Volley. Time Table In Eftect S t. 17. 1000. Trains for lliwlev and local points, connect ing at Hawley with Erie rallrosd for New Yoik, Neubure' and tntenntdiato points, leave Scran tor at 7.03 a. in. and 2.2) p. m. Tralr arrhe at Scranton t WSft A. m .iml 9,10 p, ra, .Ht.'IILIl.'at- FINK1S' 435.:, YrV: The 'I o lie Waist ';. For BoySo The best waist in the market. They are too well known to need anv recommendation from us. We have the sole agency for Scranton and our spring stock is now complete. We also' carry -a line of the Mothers' Friend waists and other makes. :.t. 510-512 A "A worn no wc Wise Is S!lfflcleaf.,, The pait of wisdom is to get the best go In jr. AVo hate the largest line of station ery, uflice supplies and blank books In Northeastern Pennsylvania. Rey eolds Bros Stationers and Eiif-ravers, Hotel Jermyn Buildinp. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAJ Schedule In Effect May 27, 1000. Trains leave Scranton, B. efc H. Station: 6.45 a. rn., week days, for Sunbury( Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvtlle, Beading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and (or Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington anJ Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. in., week days (Sunday 1.58 p. m.) for Sunbwry, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington! and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts vllle, Beading, &c, week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. B. WOOD. Cen. Pas.. Agt. J. D. HUTCHINSON. Gen- Mer Time Cnrd in effcet Dee-, 30th, 1000. SCRANTON DIVISION. jscn sos xu 5 IS9' 51 STATfOVS a mojjl W I 710Ar.N.Y..1V4jSt.T.T, "l f 'lOisltM loeoiiu ir. ... Cail oak ,.,-. io -nits " .. Surlieht . " 10 St It II " .l'r'onark. " loisilti " ,lWnwo.l.", " loonillo " ...I'orntelte... " saoil c " . ..urson (0 II " pleaiant Mt. " 9.VJI1II " Unlondale.. " IMliu " rorel itti.. " Sltlisa ' Csrbondslsld - ion 20 " 1'arbondsle , " .5 J hi t o; ,hlie jirioaf, -Marrlrld Vil, ! field, , " Jfrmvil. M AnhLslil. " IVIntnn " l-srksllla " (lnlinl. " M snail 14 " flSlPfiil II - 889, S Mil OS." h'ihiih ra .Ann cu' -e, a saio t7 " 1 SIJIOM IS 10 10 W, at se iota " I'riccburit ..Tliroop I'rcidonee, . Park I'lsce . .8orsatou ... tr saMoiv .. .iac S3-to si " UJ SOU IU LI.1 PVl W iM, Aihlitlotll lr.lr.le.ro rtrbondsla for JtlJSlH Tir" SI) pmtxreijt Hiindiy,nUT sqj.ni SdsyI,srrtTitf at llseS-ld Vard7C0pm toi atjaprr.. AitiliticoiltTSlnileavtrr.DtostTCOgmSQsdsTStilt, lleepliiff atillelsHons to r.rhnDdal, arnrtpf at 7 IS pai. nd ir. In lent. Miili'M srd f.i rirttadsis sttttsisx dslly, scrtiln j at Csrpcoilsls s 1 4. ii sni. Hates ss cent! per mile. y Lonest Hates to sill 1'olnta Ws. x , C. IHOIKtON, Cis'irui'rai.st. rYeik"-n- . t.WClsJH. ''f.Jll"!.1 v ' irsBtsr ' K 763 i fx ; ru ; ....tot to '.;.'! t i; ,; ::. 8:-- IB 1 : ... i m. . m!n l tooIM Ii... , in., i.. i, ., TMlilSU.... 7 SIS Ul 01. ., i Mi ns rj. 'iSMBlk-v: I ip !.... " ' "1 19? tl--. Ai t iuf toe as. , m i m , rM i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers