r. i.',jiAilWSLJ W ' " ' if, V1 , -VW lf-T'-- n., , , -., V r-v- IP THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1901 n "5 " .vv.''' I?- HAND'S Condensed Milk A Phosphate and Hypophosphites Added without change of taste. Best Milk for Family llso " Babies thrive on it" Sold by Drlts led Grocers. Write THE DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO., 4.0-'''''' '--''''''''''' Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. OR Pcr JJc Quart LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 'JtltrhontOrdtri Prompttr Dtlvr ;7f33j Adtm Avenue Scranfon Transfer Co. i.'nfcgauc Checked Direct to Hotels and Piivate Residences. Onicc !.. L. it W. rnssenger SUntion. Phone r?5. .&Bfc uiyiU-Ni, -l-t CITY NOTES IIIXUS IN 1I01'ITAI,. Attontr I ml I . It'tr, of tin1 Mcn'd union, ! rrcruiic ti-it-tnmt at tlio hcr.inton 1'iiiati hipit.il tut ilu lly. MMJIJIArii: I.lfKN.-l!.-- in. rii.. lum-i wis Jrstinh.v BTJtiti',1 l,y link of 11m (milt. Iiji.WIi ! I livid .1. Hii(ilic anil .Mrirrt. NiehoK ltu i't tills city. MfSICAM: M Ttl II 5. Mi. I' (, w.ii.ltti. .ltcil y J. T. jikir.. Alltel AWI-i. l'i . fcvN,r Aaiiflfi'el.c'n uii.l ( h.irlr. li,. ? mi. Mil! bale a inu-lcalf .it lie IIkviIi- . lull Mnrli ' lin.1l OV HIl'lul t lIAIIiilV-Aiilnii II.auII Va liclil iiniltr rV.1") kill li.v Altlmn.in Howe t-nl.iv tor ni'i'ior.itK)' In court on a NfilmK i liaritr. jlli'stil In litm Ioph conm.ittril ur.'n J'nil.i Haiti, lluili ie at Oi.jil.jnt. si HIT K 11V I'M.T.INd UOOr. l'atmk II tf Hi! MiiKi.il ttioit. wag taken to tlio Mn-is T.ilor . Imil.il jctorifay, t"uflciin; fioin in Mirics Mt-t.ilnitl li.v lirlna; c.iultt unlet a till ( roof at tlir Mimillc (llU'i.i. Ililli t In tinkles u- lutlly int. -l7JlU.lt Till: CASIl.-W. 1 llin l, i.u nni.-tril Moncliy nlnlit on a wjii.tut lntl by AliliTtiun Millar, cli.il.Jiil bj (. . lhllimiili, proprietor of the Amrricin Iiiiii, with ilrh.iint (rjK I'O.iulirar Iioul Ktiptr. a ili-ilura. .I t AMcrinan Jllllar jxstcnlaj', tin- i.uc luiini; bfeu M-ltlfJ. .I0-ll.i:i 'J III" l.MIMI U.-.iji.Ier "HI liuctl t-'' l Maiur llr jmliuhy, irii tli 'lursc of dU.iikil.v lomlm i. Wall, in umi lany ldth i-t'tvul otlirr v litunpin; tip ..L'Hn-t a hom1 of faintni i,n l..n kaminn.i mitm, in 'l.r ntzlit, ami kn, kin.' i'io Intuit!. , tmin il. m Iwrub. vl n .iiul,il Ik I'ltmlnian l. I'.ni-. Mi. IC TM.lHi In Hi: IIKIil. M.ii.i Tmh-. ,,i "uiUI-uiili i.itui' a a tolunil i ' vulkti. niiil in at lunnM tlrst prlro ut tit iakc . II In 1I ill .Mailhon Nnuirc s,ilili-ti mi I'rb. I' lir. "ill fn nil proliaUllty uppcur ut 'li! lukr unlk anil hall to lift (ululuctnl li.v tlio Urm It li". In MiMr liaJI. Ami u. mliri take nalkii 't lifil' tlitonlimtr the imiiiiiv v III U' iicu I I'M ll. -KIIMI I.-.- iianiiiiiiiiit lia n tmiilf In I ol,l neutral week' uuttiel mnnr, at .ra" I nulUh l.ullinaii ilmnli. ruriiir .M41I1..11 aM-tine I Miillany -luet. 'Jhl, treniin; Hie VMnr. lift, l.utlier Ilik Wnritiff, will nai. 'liiiitow ar,U 1'ilJij eeiilnB. llev. M. M .MllMTClt. Of llMttllk. Ulll (III Klu Nlil ""UImIi' liiomiin; ailil Cl-inlnn, i:e. l'. V. Ilel.tn. l i., 1'rt.lilent of sutiitelunn t unlienlti, s,,nitinti. l'i , Mill occupy tl.n puljiil I.M.0Ui:i 'I III: W.U.d.N. -nnii evil, nti'iii linn- ii i. caiiicl j-fhti'tilay atlrinonii In ll.n une li l Mm I: liar oi I In.ten lien, wlmi j M.r.'nn louil ut liotMliolil fninUhltii; 1 ( . i ilnv lUttlK li, I . II. lliikiw wa aliimt it. ill no an.n. l.".niiiii,U .ipi'i'ji.i Miili u tui.c ni nun, lurf ,",l" !" e "' lime IV w iiinn li.nl nrjfpeil nf lt lOllli't.U nnil lntul In tlio ivig nf tlie it ir "of 12u I.Tiiilii, ftm-t Uiioml i tin- ljniHiiU ,it iIiIk I i iik, .iti.l 1 1 IL.tViH vw lur link l . lii . Ml .m.i Inn tern Mi. ,11114 f4 f-f-f.t-.f-f-f.t :);B0ND OFFERINGS. Spvlnp, Bioolc Water.lst Mtg'.fis 4- Tiackft. Valley Elec, Light, 1st f "jj Mtg. 5s. ' North Jersey nndPocono Moun- tfiln Ice Co., 1st Mtg. 0s. JSttxudard Gas Co,, 1st Mtg. 5s. SXehlghton Wnter Supply Co,, --j 1st Mtg-. OS. JINew Mexico Railway and Conl f Co., 1st Mtg. 5s. Description and pi ice on nppll. cation, 1 f . - ' -f -f to DroaCwty, N. V. , Wilkcs.IUne. -f- -f CVtljond.lf. " 4 - 1, 6 lid , fJoinmomrullh Bldj., -f -f Scr.nton. - it- 4 -f 4 1 -n- -f X aaw i' WMM'.D UKMIINfJ. -.Mm l.rl.kun mil I liarle l.imi.rn, uopn,'tni u a il.iilnn. fturc Hi tVntt-r titifit ami t'-nu aift,m. km nvtwl jtatrnlav on tl tlurvf f utau!l ul liuttcry, ircktml liy lleiniiti l)itnliucli, nt'Sew York clij, llio ilefiiiOanti vulinl u licitin,' (ml cntrrcil f-'M lull tnr uplifuiuiup lu niiirl. lot bcollet SCRAN TON, PA. AltE AGAINST THE BILL. United Mine Workers Object to Cut ting Mine Ispectors' Salaries. The followIiiK lc&olttlldltt liavo boatl niloptPil liy Locitl union, United MIno AVot'ktTK of Ami'ilcn, of Ninth Scran ton: Vlicrcait, Tin re Ij now n liill inlroOneeil In thj l.otiMi df repment.illrs of tlu coninicnnciltli, ml If tlie Baiil bill hecomen a law it will inein a reiluctlon of cue thoiiraml dollarM per tnnum to the mine irupocWirf, ami Vhcrea, llio olllee of tl.e mine itrfetor the liiRlieit a praetleil miner tan nailt, anJ toiikidiritttf Hie rep,ni4llilllly of the fcjlil ottuc, $Ji)i pcr iiiintini i not any too niifh, uml Wlierei", It Ij tke aim ami olijeet of the Knlted Mine Worker ol Ametlca to liirtean naicei unci not to iierrea.iet a.t ii the object of rail bill; therrlore, b It Hevoherl, 'Ihat we, the memliiM of the aboie tmlon, ilo ben by nuke nit eanut requt to all loeal union to adopt rtiolutlonj requeuinis tho reprewntalhes of tliii eonimonw-eilth to tnact no law S,r, thei U a tendrney to derreii n.rfi' -lolin M. .lehu. fl'tinifl" .McCnrrn, I onmiittee CANNOT GRANT REQUEST. Special Water Committee Had a Con ference with Officers of the Water Company. uiivMhiK of the pperial v.jttiT (hiii liilttL'o of j-elect council was liclil last nlffht for tlio innpobo of crnlcUM-lnt to pot l'icsldoiit W. Sfrttntun, of tlio Scr.mton (Sua and W'utor company, to Ktiarantpo u vrttr pi-t't-mire of at I'ast riiflity poutnlt! nloiifr l.ack.iwnniia. uviitiu and tlio l)uj)uchv soction of tho tty. Tip- effort nind, by the commit ti, Imw o m-. iih tlliHtircowiu!. f-niiiir li w i,-fk-- nt;o, jif-luct fOtmill Ii.ikmpiI on lliiril n-aillui; the vrilluaiic j)io tiling for n tontra-'t with th' AMitor i-oinpuiiy for tli ftur.isDiiiK of wntor for flly purpose at nn an-r.u.-il rutc of fll'.OiW. Soon aftor tho hit; lire on l.tii'kaw.uina avenue of rurivil, .(ml lvlicii the cliarKP was mmlo tliru the Mpirml of the iluuifs wan larsolv ntitllitilnhlf to Hit JnwuillrliMit wntf-p Mtipiily, coiim-ll lCc-onsliH'i-L'd lis action on tho unllnancQ and lcferrcd It l).it-k to the ronimlttee lor lln purpo.-o of illsn'oveilnj,' If tho wiitor company wouldn't asreo to furnish ki outer watop iii-h&uto. Last iiii'lit'K iiu-cUiix of Ih- tom nilllM' wis .-ittciidi'il liy lioth I'rosl-di-iit W. AV. Soranton and his Kutirnl siippiinioiidi'iil. llolieit Uot-MH. Ah. I'lilltt'iiiloit, who Is rhaltin.iu of tho ininmlttoo. Milimittoii th0 moiMiMtlon that .Mr. Soranton aifive to rurnlsh tt water prc.-stiit; or ut lo.ist olKhty pound lu tho. built-up part of the rn tral city, Inxioad of tho piv.smit pro.- Mli of fl mil lnty.i. to Jlfty-liVO pOUIlllH. TIiIh .Mr. P, rautoii refutod pn-illivoly 1o do, and fur his t of una I hf rhvo sev oih) loaKoiif. Tho pi Inclp.il one of llio' as that it would moan a Ktv.tt wnvlo ol w.itop in vailoiiM jilaooM win-to u stionin t Uopt luiistutitiy tluwlnu. inithoi i.-iisoii ho mivo was that tho plutnliinj In tlt various hulldliiKs totiid not stuud suoh a pros euro. Ilo ai.'mlttoi! that thoro w.is IT.". poundH piemn-t.' av.illalilo. .Mr. rhltlendon and tho other member- of tho eomniltleo eil;ilncil that what they named ea a suiliolont proMiie to tlitow ,i stieum of water an hli;ll a the thlnl slmj- ol u build Iiik at tho veiy outset of a tlio. before the hte.imor.s ut Hte.im up. All Soranton ,nld tho oompnuy would ajiroo to Itunl.li a hlilllolent ptossuro to enable th Mi'itmum no throw n. .strtMin linioh hlRher than that, but the ftiruishluK proMiro mif lieii'ttl to uai'li tho third iloor with out tho Kteamois uas .-imply out of the ipiestlon. Tlt appiiren; iii-iillli it-noy of tit water Hiippl.x ut the re. unl lire, both ho unit Air. I'.ntve.i Mtiil, was I.irs-cMy due lu the Improper handllui of tho huso, whleli tltey claimed wan full of kiuliH. They denied that at any tlmu ilitriiiK III" pioKiofs of tho tlio any ex it n ales It. id been firwrnwl All. I 'liltlondon imiti'il It Hi,, iniii. p.iuv would amoo to have tho olty puy a nut it to watch the valve.s and tuin op an o.tia torro when evoiy alarm o (bo wan -ounded, niul .Mr. S'cran tu replied that ho noitld not asreo to any sat h piopn-ltloti. uiulop any eon Kliloratliin. Tlio moftlns wan ud Jotiined at litis point. ACCUSED OF BOBBERY. Geotge Orr Charged with Stealing from Intoxicated Fainter. I,l-uten;uit of I'olloo John Davis and I'atiolmon KvntiH and Davit) hint nlnht at rcHicil nu Mifplclon a youiiff mur. who kuvo hit. name as (JeorKO Orr, und who Ih thoiiKht to ltavo rilled the poelt ets of u Xow York slate farmer, whlln the latter lay In an Intoxicated ntuto. Tho arrest was made about 10.110 oVIook. Tlii thtee olllcorc, while dtnndiiiff on I.aekawann.t, avenue, saw the Empire stule riiHtlc stumble and fall lu the doorway of the CJrund Central hotel. Shortly nfterwardH two men entered tho hallway, one. of whom was Orr. The latter stooped over the pro.stratu form, fumbled In the Now Vorker'n pockets, and both men then left th" hall. They walked up the avenue and en tot Ing OVonnor it AWilsh'tt hotel worn there placed under artval. Orr w.m taken to the Center street station, but hln companion wax disbursed. AI thoush the Intoxicated Hlghtcer from tho ryo tieldn doclured ho hud lost Jj, no such hum wan found upon Orr, who protested hit. Innocence of Ritllt In tho matter. CHANGE PORTO RICO TAX LAWS Ily K'dtifire Wile Irmn lii A.ociJtel l'ie,i Washington. Ih, 2G. Senoien C. notda, A'. llonla and V. Ualb-s, 1'orto lllcanu, reprosentliiB- a majority of property owners of tho Ibltind, called on 1'OHttuanter nenoral Smith today to solicit hlH eo-operatlon In, tho endeavor to havo 11m tax law of tho Island changed. They say they do not object to the amount of tho tax, hut to tho muu iter of collecting It, SPORTS OF ALL KINDS BOWLING TOURNAMENT NEAR INQ ITS CLOSE. Looks ns if the Commercials Would Win tho Trophy At the End of tho Pieeent Scries It Is Probablo1 That Another One Will Bo Ar ranged Official Averages of tho Ameiican League Another Wrest ling Match Is a Possibility of tho Near ruturc. Th Northeastern 1'eutio.vlvimla Howllm loaKite'M tournament is rapid ly nearlnt- n clone, and from present Indications the Commercials will bo the team thai will ptrlilo away triumphant with tho trophy of victory. DurltiB Ihelr bint two K'tniun tho Backus club hiiH taken it woeful plump In howIltiR mill us a renttlt nro now nbottt certain to bo displaced from tho lead by the next Kami? tolled by. tho Commercial!!. Captain Hopkins' men havo rolled floven out of their clfiht matches now, which number In hii-Rer than that rolled by any other league, team. Sixteen thousand throo hundred and twenty pln.s havo been tcoicd In tho twenty one games, and compared to this Is 14, 1T.7 matle by tho Commercials In eight een Rames, and 13,5(10 rolled by the HI Its In clqhteon K.tmost. Tho Elks were nip and tuple with the llackus men, hn vlni a safo load on the rest of thu teams until last Thursday nlRht'H great hauling by tho Commercial1: against tho AVllkoF-lSarre AVect Ihul AVhoel men sent the former team's total ahead of the Elks, and within thirty two pins of tho letidet.s. Kcn If the Commercials roll In poor form in their next contest and sooic but ,aifi it will send tltom to ilrst place. The Itacktls team's work has not been neatly as good this season as last. Captain Hopkins has boon tho only man who has rolled u consistent ly strong: game, with tho exception of Alelster. Tho latter is a. recruit tiom South Scranlon and throughout the season has crowded his captain for tho Illinois. Hopkins' was high man throughout tho tournament, tmtu his mediocre. bowling Monday night on tlio llicyclo club alleys pulled his average down. At that, hn has 1CS i-S, for tw cut-one games, w libit is ery fair bowling. Alelster nlso goes over the Hit) murk. Charles Fowler, the ('ominerelulh' cap tain, is high man now, with tin av erage of 1T1 fop llftoen gain.M. Tho Wilkes Hurt t Hvu are at tho foot of tlio list in totals rolled, so far, but tho fact that the l.u.ornites have only tolled live games to six of all the others, except the Mai kits team, is ac countable for their small total. Tho AVest binders are bowling In good form and the end of the season Is likely to Hud them In a far better poslton than tin Ir present ignoble slopping place Titer., is a slirmg likelihood that at the end of the league bowling touiuu iiu nt, another series of ln.itih gaiius will b ari.iiigod. It Is Intended to stint it tournament, in which but two men represent each of tho contesting clubs, the i tack rollers ol each live be ing selected to do tlie honors for their association. The Intel est taken lu bowling .seems to lie hn leasing e.uli day, and eeiy wi-ek wllnos-es Hie j'oiimttlou of now clubs. Anions; the most successful of Ihe-v 1'ieo lance bands of tollers, ate the "j slack Diamonds," captained by 'rank l.miiard. Tlio inujoilty of tho team's liiembeis ate llliyele dull men, and so far tills season tho aggiegallon has not been defeated.Thiei, of its slur members, lolnfoued'by Caplalu Duu ler. of tho Kilts, ucontly stacked up against a iiuaitotto of tho Cotmnotclal bow lets, but met Inglorious defeat, the l"iiguors iner.iRlns over ".'no. three dou hie centuries being reached. Tonight will witness a lleioely coit-tCL-tod match, when the Diamonds meet n team at the ltlcyelo club, captained by Tiiley, one of the i lub men. Tlie oitii Ial aNor.tge.s of tho American league for last t-iasou, which were but teiently given out, showed a number of Scianton favorites to havo moio than held limit- own in the fast westei n company. Fltst basemen Were led by Ulg Kill Clink our old Eastern leaguer. William only took pan In sixteen games. Inn during that time had a (lawless teeord, his Holding aVerago being l.Cuo. As will bo leiucinbetcd, u injury to his leg kept him (. f the game during the remainder ut tho season. I tunny Kerln and Alllllgan of liiitidu. in's last team of youngsleis wlio n-prooutod Puantuu In that t.'r tlid iiiisnianaged Atnerlian league, stood well among the pltcheis, and bulb baited highly. .Mllllgan leading man) of the leagune's most disting uished batsmen. Flunk Dillon, another ox-St-tanum Hist baseman, was tho atat of tho Do. ttolt team, and batted around tint ,::t)U lil.ll k. Hill I'ollKllllli, of this city, 1,m1 the thlnl basonieii, his wmk at alVtiHas t'ity arousing unlvei.sul favorable at tention, .lad: O'Hrleu, the big oul llelder, of one of our .Soranton Eastern leigue nines, was another Kansas City man who won luiuels rtud tenowti galore. .k The wrestling loving local populace Is likely to bo soon given another op. loitunlty of witnessing a good mutch ut the llicyclo club, If M. j, Dwy,.r and Jlarvey 1'aiker can ni range terms for a bout. Parker is at present located in New York city, and enjoys thu ropu tatlon of being ti1(, chumplou llght Avelffht wrestler of tho cutlntrv. .. though ho weighs but" 13S pounds. I'urkcr Is possessed of herculean strength, anil tho fierceness of his at tack mid power of his defensive tactics have earned him the sobriquet of tho "Little Demon." Dwyer, who Is at piesettt located ni 1'utur.son, N. ,I pent his check for $100 to a member of the Bicycle club, cover, lug a like amount to he posted by Chillies Hardasli. u traveling mail, who is looking after P.uker In this match. Dwyer declines, however, that he will not meet Patker for anything less than a hide bet of $:,no. Accompanying Dwyer's chuck Is u. letter, in which the wrestler states thut he met Kardash the night Pur dello was defeated in this cltv, and cine that time has been In communi cation with Parker. Tho latter Is ono of the most fotmldablo (Irm-co.Roman and catch-as-catch-can wi ostlers In tho country, und a bout between him and Dwyer would bo sure to prove a sensational one. Nottroloh, tho big Hulgatlan wrest ler, Is tho present wonder of the ath letic world. Hlgger and stronger than the novur-to. bo-forgotten Yoiuouf, whose pupil he claims to le, Is'uurolah Is a Riant Indeed, and ought to provo a wonderful wrestler. Thoro are cer tain people who claim that the biff fellow wan never nearer to Bulgaria than County Mityo, thut ho speaks English with n brogue, and his true name is Hallornti. TEACHERS FOR PHILIPPINES. An Opportunity for Bloomsbuvg Gtadtiatcs Who Wish to Go. Tho following clicttlar has been Is sued by Prof. .1. P. Welsh, the ptlncl I'al of lllooinsburp Slate Normal school: I hate been kuked to lunie a Hit of IlKionxburir irraduatM who delte to teach in tho tihoota ol the Philippine Mamk The (oiiiIIIIoim r thcei Siliry $"." to -flOO per month, fur twibe month of the )car, utile- a Mtorler tenn l pcclfl(d. ()ttlroct lor three enrt. Tmniportatlon to Manila free. Only tltO'c can be teconitnendid who are pli)I cally aotiml ami ablo to wllhlani a trople.il ell inite, no v.oio, and no better than tlie aeraRC tropleal ellnutei thue who "pout large orlffi inllly, bate adiptabllil). have uooil ptesencc and personality, are uliojeaume In habit", and uprlsht In rluraitcr"; ami are raptble of earn lC tho taliry oftered. "They should by comltiet ami life represent tlie lilnhcit and bet of our national Hie," and Miould ileide "to tnculeala thoo clement that nuke for a higher clvilrn tlcm and tlie betterment of the world." The public eehool iUem of the Philippine bland I In ptocrsa of eonitrnetlon and llio-o who awlit In workine it out hate creit oppor tunity for original work. Advancement li apt to follow elllilent fen ice. Would joti like to be Ineluiled in the 111. If o, write at onre. The list will be completed and mailed Mircli 5. m CARRIE NATION COCKTAIL Liquor Dealer Adveitihing It Con demned by the W. C. T. U. at Its Meeting Yesterday. The members of central city branch of the Women! Christian Temperance union, al their regular meeting held yesterday afternoon In Guernsey hall, discussed nt some length the action of a. local Iliiuor dealer who advertises that a "Carrie Nation cocktail." made with a certain brand of whiskey, which lie sells Is "a smashing lino drink." A number of tho members present criticized the gentleman lu very strong1 tonus, Mrs. Downing, tho president, asserted that It was "an Insult to name uu intoxicating drink after such a noble. Christian, temperance worker as .Mis. Nation or after any woman, in fact." Mrs. Emily P. 1!. litmus tead a very thoughtful paper on Prances E. Will aid, the grout temperance worker, who tecetitly died. Last Sunday was the annlveisary of her death or, as It has been put, "the anulversaiy of her heavenly birthday." Among other things, .Mrs. Ilioius said: ".Miss AVillard was so genial, bo af fable to all, and ct so linn in prin ciples of tight that like the adman tine took she stood alone. She was a ft lend to all, not collectively but Indi vidually. She was so real in all that she did and said. "With Lady Henry Soiuetsot we be lieve that 'long after the lompet.-ince teforui has becomes a matter of past history, long after the woman ques tion has brought about tho equality of men ami women, political, social and llnancial, the name of Francos AVillard will be retnetnbeied, not only as one who led a gieat movement but as onu w ho gave her life, her talent nnd her enthusiasm to make the world wider fop women and better fop humanity.' " Final arrangements were completed fop the banquet und luuugurul of John (I. AVoolley. w hlcli Is to be bold In fiuernsoy hall on the night of March 4. Alp. AVoolley was the Prohibition can didate for president, but was defeated. Ills loyal lolloweis thtoughout the count i y, however, have conceived tho Idea of Inaugurating him on tho siiiikj day thai Pte.sident McKinley hi luaug lltated. Mr. AVoolley has written an Inauguial address und this Is to be read upon the occasion. Addiesses will bo made by Airs. Hol vey, of West Pltt.stou: .Mrs. Maria A'atiglin, of Moscow; L D. Nlcholls, of AVilkes-llarre: W. AV. Lathrope, of t'ailiondalo, nnd i It Haw-ley, of this Ut). DEMOCRATS ARE AGREED They Will Refuse to Seat Additional Common Couucilmen Coutt Will Be Appealed To. The lienioi ratio nieinbois of the common louucll have now agtced to the maimer in which they will fono a judicial decision of the question as to whether the election of tho addi tional meinbots of that branch at the recent election was legal or not. Thu Domoerutlo members will tvtuso to sew the additional members on tho morning of tlie leorgaulutloii of councih. Thu nienibeih- lemalulng in the com mon council may accept the ctedon I luls ol tho new membeis or (hey may not. just as they house, On tho moinlnif of icorgaulzatlon there will be jusl set en Democrats und tin oo P.epubllcans remaining. Two of these Kopublleuns, .Me.sss. Keller nnd 'Al worth, both opposed vigorously the election of the additional councllmeri, on the gioiiml that the apportionment for them wus not made in ncioi dance with the law. and lu order to be con isunl It Is tindeistood that they, too, will Mite against tlio seating of the additional members. Tho plan Is to admit the eleven touucllmcn elected to llll tho regular vacancies, but refuse to seat the other seeenteen. This will fotco tho latter Into loutt lor a mandamus to compel the temalulug cotinclltneu to seat thein, and lu this way the case can b" ihreshed out In court and will 1m tendeied ripe for a Judicial decNIon. It was thought when tho uppoi tlcnmeiit was mailo thai under It. tho IlepublicuiiH would luue a big major ity lu the common council. Thero WHie a few sut prices on election d ly. however, and It now transpires that the tesuli Is a tie. nineteen lopubll i-atis and nineteen Democrats. If court should decide that the additional (outiclliuoii wete not legally elected, the council would bo strongly Demo cratic, sli'lidlliK thirteen to eight I'loltibitiou Banquet Prohibition banquet at Guernsey hall, evening of March I. Tickets, 7fi cents. For salt at Guernscv's music store, Guernsey (hall building. New Spring Neckwear for Ladles, Now styles, Cramer-AVclls Co., 131 AVyomlng avenue. - - - - - Couiwn'M telephone calls with tho now company mo HI and 131. Ask for Kelly's union crackers, WAY TO HANDLE AIR BRAKES BISCUSSED BY P. J. LANGAN, Or THE LACKAWANNA. Tells tho Pioper Way to Couplo a Train of Cais so as Not to Strike Them with Too Much Force Best Way of Bringing an Engine Into a Station to Avoid Shaking Up tho Passengers Iuspcctots Before Coupling Cars Should Blow tho Hose Out. A recent number of the Lackawanna Boll contained tho following thought ful article, entitled "A Few Points on Handling Passenger Trains," from tho pen of P. J. Langatt, who hits charge of mutters pertaining to air ht tikes on tho Dclawatc, Lackawanna, and A Vest cm raljioad: llefere lenlna; the round l.ou,.e, all ueiiicr engineer and thoo on milk cmtlnes nhould r-uti. fy tlieinielteit that tit uir-ninp and the mitt neera' brakc-calte arc In Rood workin- onbr. See that jour main le.icnoLr is drained of nil condensation, Hint the .tulliug boxes of both tlio .team and air emit of the pump aio proitctly packed, and that the air algrul is in c,ood woik inff older. When tallnc water from crania do not ligt tlio crane from tho man-hole until tho water .top' runnlti.tr, a it u..i tun Mir the back tnd of the tank and till the brake ami (Jirtnl ltmo coupling on the rear end. You will then stand In tlie side track possibly an hour before lravlnir time, ami tne con-rquciiec U that the how coupling tJ fro-in solid. Till is not noticed until the in M'cctor couple ou to the train, and after a de lay of tin or fifteen minute in trjlng to release the brake ion discour the trouble. This i not the only trouble In relcasliitr brakes at intcrcnangc points. 'I he main trouble I In not linin? your cacc's pleasure. Tlio piopir way Fj couplo to a train of fourtcm or cetcntirn pas-eitRir ornilk cars ts as follows lu baiklnu to tho train it will be liccc-uiy to tne the biake to prount -.trlklns the can with too much force. Purine this time )ou bate nur evcei incisure in the main reerolr. hcn )ou rlcne simply kiik oS the iliiter und lender brake by going- to running- position and ictum lug to tap t'0llIon. 'Ihi will retain jour exiv. proline lu tho main re'rnolr, wheiena If jou go to full telo.t.o and forget ro lclum tin; handle 1,111 will 1.J10 it, HANI) WILL r.lLf. II.WK. Wait iui'iI the iii.peelur couple the brake and kiirnal l.o-u to unlit. 'Jinn )oti i.m tell by w iti'ltlnt tlie ituiirv-li.iml, M the black baisl will tall balk when lite brake boi! i connected, and the ni-'tul will icpoml wlicu cut out into train. Wnn thu gnae-band l.ilU bat k i to full rele.ic. do not ro luck to rtinnlng .oiil..ii, a-, ilurlnu the llinn )ott arc npplylni; to t, it tl.n brake tho guuinnr being coiiiiectcd Willi tlio ti.un pipe allows you to ciiin ,iour cxi pn-i sun belnie th.' inpei lor ha icoite over thu liain, o that upon signal to rilo.e! jou will baic no trouble In dolus .. It ,m hac a 115 biakr labe, when you re lac do not letitrn to iiuiiiiui? .usitioti until ion uoilie thai both bands ate bi'Klnnlns lo sain: then iilttrn or jou may our-ilurgu tlie liiltt plpe and t.uvllljiy reirolrs abonj the atandanl iiiMit- fci in your tied-ialto altacbtiient. lltl will ane you trouble In brake flicking, ,-w tlie fecd-tabe lielnj deed cannot Veep up to tin amount of bakaite in train-pipe, the Iraiu-pipo ptuMite bavins cnnipie-eed lite iipiiiii; below the illaphraitnt, thtiifori', (lie btakc "-ni-ak 0I,," Nun-, ih, not put the lutullc ol the labe in full nlea.e lo Ink the biaki-t off. with It it will lor the lime Item-, but beiorii you irmeed auntie r mile ,miu will tiicoiintcr the ,.mic trouble, as I lit tialn pipe ami auxlliiri nv-cnoir pic-mre l "lill ab.)te tin autouuL eel in feed-iabe attaclmiuit. If jou remember that two pound leduction ilm- not i.iiiy the biake cj Under pl-ton oier t lie leukacc stoit, u-,e tlil lo adianUKc ill this rate. In-lejil of cmni to full rcbacv, if jou Hunk ihe brakes aie nieklny or elrajtelnj.. In In the handle of tl.e brake-ialu- to hi nice application, nukiiis a rultii lion ot two pound'. After ttalnllne r luiiit liat. Hoppul blowing, make a ridudimi of not nioif than one or two puiiuili; then plan tbe handle of lliu brake-tabu to full n lea-e piwl tl.in, and brim; it bilk lo ltuinlui; position be l"i ,imi leacb M'tint) pounils In the tram-line. Tin will be niie to kick oil all btskes on av ion nt of li tei live picking ririsi, leaks in Im-e loupliitrf or pljie Jiilnts, .is jour ieidtalte at tailuniiii is now In ditcit tuiiimiinloilioii with Ihe tialn line and thu pump will oteicomo any leaklce ot the same. I1I.OW Cll"r llu-i;. Iieputors ..l.iil.l al all limes bettue cvuplln; the lion' blow them out. Till will uimuc all ahe, watir m an) fon-ien luatler tiom 'topping the leed utootn of the triple, and cspeiiilly ihe ilsntl Itoie, much we depend ho nnt.-li ujion fui Ihe Hitting and slopping of tiain. lie testing the-e we knuiv that then i no trouble ir.mi itnpparc on the (nKiiie, other I. fec-ts biiiti ially .eeclt.iinc'l if the inglne'er will follow tlio in-tnii tion. giwn above. In iiiakitttr a nation top on a (..f-in.-ir tuin, tno bt.ike-, iiiut .at all limes be lelci-ul befme coining to u full step tf am "peaking on Hie leu 1 1, it a tour m- lx-car tlalu, about tuo coiids betore comln? to a full nop: If a ttulte or fottrteen-ear train, three or four jcc ond, beoauvi it taki time for Ihe brake. to to-Ua-etl. On de-crtidlug a -rraile, I would adtisc making tvu appliiatluii ff the brake l'ii-t, fl.'ine on Hupping tho engine nt tlie stitlon, then rclea-eil and iiniueiliatily retinn to lap IK'sitloii; in ike . i light te.lti, ti..n. This will ui muc your train pipe and atiiilut) re-enoir l'i,-. tire being cnual, and )our tiain, on account of the l,nv pitil tindir c-onlrol, ibat a fiuilnr ie ilutlion will lop the liain nt anj' jioint )mi wiwb. -J'lte fia-t njcen an- not s'l.n thai I t w.ndbaik in, Hon whnli tii.tle - life mitral, In tiding beliiiul an incomp, lent niaii. bin leiiuiu iei that on the itrade ill Iiitltiug lite a'i.iii'I ippllt-fitt in it is ii,,t iiri--.-aiy l.j iitca-i, as liie tiutks uill not lili as mti.lt . - if )uu hud mil,' niul, one ipplieatlou. Ju making uaur stall n -1 ..- jlnm. icim ).. r that Utile aio on Ilia night It.itt.. a uiiml.. r of ieopb pajiti: for a dv lietn' lii p. Uili.g tour train down to u -I.m -.pud, iilia.e ,,t,. make u light urtdio upplitatlmi to get the t.ou bum lied on aicounl of loo milt It play In the bull ing epiitig., tin n an riiiii'imy applltailon all r Ihe ti tin is together i not lelt in the ti nn. Hut, mI.i It lull relcnut and Hun mate nu , uiei (.tltev llpplliatioll, tlie pa-eng-U ale lial.lc to tlnd tliiin.rhf. cut in the ui.le. .4 the i.tt. )i not inn I Iroiu that j-ou utc iiiuimiI i.. nuke an vim utni) ; I am dlnipl.v lellint. .tun Hut it won't be bit j much a If the hi.iku aie n. t t. In making up llmu while iiuuili.g iui.i a station, 1 will Btiiraiilco the billowing ml,,, ,f applied piopeilt, will it or!: t. paiti-, lii.ti MAKi: SKIIVICi: Al'l'I.IL-AIKi.N lli'Ululuii .toll bale Inn liMiiutitl to ile liul'o a tbe-ptmnd n'rino uppln ailon. Imi ant now running at a high lute .1 simd. lu-u el of making a tlto pound t,Uiu tn.it ituk, i t, ,, pouinl rcilui tluu. Tlii. will not ho ii.iluul (,, ,lu train, but jou gain the time tlul it tnkia at a loHe'i late of .pectl In tnaknig ttm leihi, i,ut ,,i lite pounds tui'li. by itcltini; the potur to n,0 brake cjiluder inunnllatil), Siiou'N louut while apptoat hlna a rtation ar i .Imj tntli- un hour cdt, and tbete u li-. liability in siilln? uhieb. Don't trail this and .at : "He I risbt." or "lie i wrong." I'm It iniu practice ind if jeni fail, pleasi ihcp tile a note and I will n,,. w,., you and irote 11. Pielaht mm can bn goietnul by ife" almic with lite cupptlnn ,,t it'lra.ii.g before - "tuiiig t, a lull -t. .i. KNIGHTS OP MALTA. John Knox Couiniaudery, .s'o. li. in Knights ot .Multa Temple, wilkes Hatie, Pa., on Fcbtuary ?:. gave a tnosi InipresHlvo vendition of the Order of the lied Cro.s nnd sjepulchic. . lurso orchestra and ehoius added gtcatly to thu general effect. The s)in polio grand nmioli was iniich admired. Tho drill, oMoudluB' over tuany mouths, caused the Keiteial work to be proseuted with utntusl pieclslou and llulsli, The decorations, clod rlcul cf. foots, and dramatic passages were uu usually effective. Sir Thunias Worth, P. C, lllliH.1 the exiillud stulioit of sovurulb'u coumuuder; Hlr if, 11. Gas Globes ' ' Sg Do we sell globes? Well now if you Ver;i to 5 see the quantities we buy you would think so.'.'fmiU 5 tion Cut Glass, Acid Etched Cut Glass. Tha"price3 3 well their is no excuse for not having nice ones; 'if you win tane tne limit, q mill 25 cents. VxvaTVbt . Geo. V. Millar & ,- 5:s5o:kk)iociosj:o: S We Carry tlie Only Complete Stock of ilron and Steel in this section of the state. Don't at W make any mistake wheu in the .mar- , 5; ket for same. !l Bitten bender & Co.. tj5 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. In MntriMgfigM&KKpM.pMr0 0H0X0.0000M.0l0MJ0.QIIJf.ll.0lIIX. (SMmmm Corner l.ncknwnntin and Wyoming Avenues. As Usual, February Sale, Big Bargains in All Kinds of Shoes. You will find here Shoes to protect your feet and look well, ano our February prices will enable you to easily own a pair. All our regular grades marked as follows : - . $7.00 Shoes Sfi.on 6.00 5.00 ..00 3.50 3.00 2.5" 200 1.5" 1.25 i. on .90 75 D 1 it 5" These aie prices 011 regular II lots at larger reductions. sma 11 win pay you to atiena our i-eDruar.y sale. . ' r a A Break in the Price of Rubbers Thev have been ?too high for the past two years. Now we will give you the, benefit of the cdt inr prices. Ladies' 60c Rubbers, now 45c Mcn's'Sse-kitidj- now 70c. C51 -' Corner Lackawanna I ffi COMPARATIVE STATEHENT Condensed Report as Mado to tho Comptroller of tho Currency Feb. 28, 1806, and Fob. fl, 1001. RESOURCES. 1896 1901 Loans and Discounts $570,OtO,()) 51,069,840.2 Bonds, Securities, J-te :m,135.55 207,816.58 Bank Property 5,62.S.0.ri U0,000.00 Cash in Vault o0,()07.20 iS, 150.05 Cash in Banks S7,090.5 250,910.31. Uniled Males Bonds 50,000.00 850,000.00 I'rciiiiiiius 10,000.00 1.1,000.00 Due from lT. S. Treasurer. 2,250.00 13.500.00 S720"iJ2J3 2,222,717.20 LIABILITIES. Capital Slock $250,000,00 $250,000.0tt Surplus 40,000.00 100.000.00 Undivided Profits 2.180.11 21,550.80 Circulation 15,000.00 230,000.00 Duo Banks fil.SlS.07 20,720.59 Dividends Unpaid 357.00 162.00 Deposits 472,696.05 1,600,283.83 872,052.13 2,222,717.20 Accounts Solicited from Bairts, Corporations, Firms and Iudlyldnalj Hurt It, D. i. '.. wiih senior ooun elllor: r-'lr deorge V. McCoid. D. ti. '.. tu'ted an put-Milt, ant; l!r.ind l-'lr-t Cuaril Sir John .1. Hols I was uitihtir ol eeiemonleti. The entire degteo stalf iiuinbi red ovir tnrl. Over four htin dii'd companions wore iireceui front i UIok and tortus fill over tin- e.iHtorn part of tho tate. Flfty-four candlduteH ttero ifcelved. Six grand olllcerw woro lu attendanci'. Addle weio ddlvered by tin lion. Sir Jamed Alolr, mayor of Scranton: Judge .Sir i! Al. WutHon: Attorney .Sir John IS, Alc Askle, of Sctantou; ltcv. Sir .Mtttvln Custer, ot Auhley. titand C'ummunder Sir Jontttlmi) I.ulhenhergor, of Ilai-lo ton: Oiund (JeneraliBslnio Sir I'lUlia S. Fnrnwnld, of DlnontKburg; (Ira ltd Heeorder Sir (leorge H. I'lotve. of Philadelphia, and olheisj, f'ompauloii CuHt(r'n eloiiuont otatlon will Ito re. liiembuied ulUl pleiiMllto by tho.u vho worn pilyllogtid lo hear It. Tlie cutiii ell wuh a inoft lutereatlng one1, und at -t'j f see wnat we offer for 20c Co. iJ'An V.0"" .nil, in nuLouh arounu mt rumaot-f'tiatti.'iti --rat 5.". . .. , t2 3.25 ' 95 2.50 2.ID I.65 . 1.35 I. It) .QO .8( .(in 4 .42 goods. We liayfi broken lines and , -,. ""' H' . 1 and Wyoniing Avenues. its i in-.' the toster of John KnoM Coriimauilery eontaiued the names ol J.-,l P.eil CioKs Knights. White Ctont Commanetory, No. i;;. at l.iineiibti', Pa., has tent in a liberal eoiuribuiluu to tlie Knights of Malta hohpltal fund, with best wishes foi lU early miccou. Puritan Command ety. Nn. i't.0, in Wilkinsburg, has nlna Kent In a. gencroiiK subferlpUon lor tha fund. I'rienduhlp I'ouunaniUry, Xo, U7, aft ft. .idlng, Pa., Iuib named Al'rll 6Ui fori ltn iticttt lied Cro council, whlclt will be held lu Hajah Twnplo, cornei Pearl and Franklin streets. A number of buprenio und grand oilluets havi uceepted invitation' to bo present on that necuxinii.' I'.tst CoiumaudiU' Sir Houry It, l.a luont of St. Mm K'm totnmtitiduo,','No. 7, uh elroted elty coutrollor.. oil lluzleloli, I'a. on Febntarj lath. Ifq h.u long Herveil an tho ilevottnl tc cordor of bin (-.ouunandory, , . -k . Ijirj 1 n Qnrn ' Jl 11 J UU U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers