0 TITE SCttANTON TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY -.MOUSING, DECEMBER S.I, 189(5. flNNOflL BANQUET OF . . . SONS OF Was Conducted with Splendid 5iec cess Last Night at the Hotel Jermyn. fl GATHERING OF The Company Represented the Best Professional, Business and Social Element of This Region. Nothing Lacking in the Menu, Decorations and Arrangements to Detract from Making the Ban quet a' Pleasant flemory President E. B, Sturges Presided Over a Period of Toasting in which a Galaxy of Clever Speakers Participated. Two hundred nnd spveiily-six years fiRo, in liin, tli" uriin, sturdy iiml fear less bund (if i'iUritns landed on til" Massachusetts coast. Tln-y miivht li'iv. built tln-ir lites amid jusL such a cold, t hf il-ss ami dreary day an w.ii .s-t.-nlay in Si iMiiluii. If si. last night's liauuuol nf th" Now Fnulnnd .society of Nul l hon-doi n Pennsylvania lit 111" lintel Jcrmyn, (ii'ciinvil in an upperUm - time an. I in Hie midst .if r In- kind cif -weather that opposed Init did not dis cottracp. the small party nf per'soculoil t tiiimanls vim fi ll tci their knees, nave thanks n ('mil fur their sal" vassal" across I'm waters ninl then pun fled tn Inculcate in the very snil 111" spirit of freedom which later proved the pri mary foundation nf Hie greatest tvpiili lic mi which the sun shines. Almut the tables in the lintel Jeryinn (lining mom there sal one hundred and a score of men forming a (.iitlicrini; whose Jiersonnel represented the host and most prosn ssive nf htisin.ss. pro 1'i'ssloiial and social cleineiiis in the Lackawanna and Wyumini; valleys fioin Cai I'lindale to Wilkes-Ham.-. Yv'IIAT AN' AFTIiolllTY SAYS. Cnnccrninir the esact dali' of Fore Fathers' I lay, an authority describes it as "Hie anniversary of the day (Dec. ill. lilL'ii. on which I he Filmlms, or first settlers, landed al l'lynioiitli. Mass.. annually celebrated in New Knj-'lan I and hy New KiiKlarnlci s cls -w h.-iv. Uulnc tn an error in rhatiKltu; the dnt from Ihe nld style tn the new. tile at; niversary was fnrnieriy celebrated mi J fee. 11." J'.ut whether the Jlsl or ii'M or neither, the Scranlun deseeiulents of ihe slock liorn fmni the I'iliiiims c"!e la n ted the day properly. Kadi year the society, which until last year, was called the Now Knsl.nid society of Lackawanna counly, has succeeded in enjoying a feasl more ela borate and complete in detail llian tin? lari(iiets precediiiK. Tills was true nf last night's affair. Never hefore were then? so many present, never were tin'? (lecoiatinns sn hanilsnme anil never was the spirit of pride in New Falkland ancestry sn meat. The "bitrsTesl" niati in the pallid-inn was not known by the amount of his worldly assets or po Fitinn In snciety; the ninst cnnspicuiius and piipular liiiuns were those wlm represented the most direct lincaKi: from ancestors hnrn in New Krland. Frntn U::tO o'clock until nearly S there vas a constant stream nf niniilici s and KUests. I'ntil tlie liamiii"t tie.an an in l'oiiual reception took place ill the hotel pal Im . U'iien the company filed into the din lni? hall a must happy view w as pivsciil d. Th" Interim' had linen aeenrded the most pleusini: treatment hy the dec (Jiutnrs and llnrists. Al'.UNUAXCK OF 1 HX'( UiATIOXS. The ceilini? vas almost coiic. aled hy the iliaiiinus nf liiinilrcds nf llas ami fii.lirics cniHainiii!.' only Ihe led. whit" and blue nf. the llepul.lie or parts of those cnlnrs. Faeh piece of hunting vas of silk. In the drapiim' many artis tic designs were formed. At the south and north ends of Ihe apartment, re spectively were ennravinus of l'resi-(lellt-elect JlcKlnley and l'r sideiu t'lcveland, and iicatteied amom; th" V hole I'ffoct were bambini streamers. The work vas by I iccnratur tf. ,1. Fuhrinan ami his assistants. oni; novelty in the llnra! trimmings vas n lare oval Mower bed in the cen ter of the room. It vas of lillies and tropical plants with a (enter of red taniatinns. 1'alnis and ferns appeared In the enrners and windows. The lloral display was by Clark. The tallies were arralip il in a three Fideil square, tin; opening lieiim oi.posite to tin? head of the talile on the S'nui e street side of the room. Hanoi's orchestra was stationed at the? end nf the ouenin;j. After had been eaten the d( licate ami cxcelh ntly prepared menu, tin ser vice of which was perfect, the toast niakinf? period took place. J'resident K. 1!. HtlllKes plesid"i and ileliveled the nponiii address. The speakers anil their tonics were: "The Yankee J'arson," I lev.' Thornton A. .Mills, ih. I., of Wllkes-Hat re; "The Yankee's First t'otisin," Itev. Joseph K. Iiixon, It. V., pastor of the I'enu Avenue ll.ip tist church; "The Yankees jn t. .;.,ti..t liov. F. K. Iloskins. of X.ilileh. Syria, nrj American missionery wlin was re cently the sanest nf Colonel anil Mrs. H. M. Holes; "Olimpses of the Past." a lecture-toast hy Attorney A. V. Hover, Illustrated by steteopl icon views . and "The Yankee As He is in II is (Hvn jF.yes," Jlev. Charles Jr. (illlin, !. i., pastor of the Klin i'tirk .Methodist church: ' Fnllowini? is the menu: v (J rape Fruit. Lynn Ilnvcns. S. l Green Turtle. tV. , Hueliws S.ilplcon. Jled Snnpiier. i'oiiimes de Trrn? I'arlslenne. Cucumbers. Cilery. aI. . , Olives. tfWIld Turkey. French I'eas. t , , Potatoes. New Kngland Punch. Salted Almonds, feasant. Cigarettes. ' Wolsbndrn Cherrl. p. . . I-ohsler en .MnyonnalEP. BIdqup. Cake. Fruit. Cheese Crackers. CofTie. CIkhis. AUTISTIC SOU VKNin. The menu vas contained In one nf the most novel distil live tflid artistic sou venirs ever presented in Kcranton. It vas bound In tin, a remlndi-r that the event was the tenth annual banquet, and 'tled with blue and buff colored rib bons, the continental colors. The out er cover presented un enKiavir.gr of John Ttirnbull. w ho "has the nroud distinc tlon of beinir the only Cnlnnial kovit nnr at the cninmeneement of the rev olution who espoused the riiuse of the colonies." On the revefte shit? appeared v PILGRIM PROMINENT MEN a reproduction of the charier oak, the famous and revet, d hidiM -- piai f the Conneci ieni charier duplicate. The v. hob' wax l"siKini hy I'.-rcival J. Mor ris, nf Hie lirm of IJimiii ,v Morris. :f chile"ls, from simi'si inns by ,i. it. Fisher, secr'tary nf i he society, I (.in M hose Ideas each tie- society's annu :.l Souvenirs iieve I.. n made. The oilieers of the New KiielMiid so ciety are: I'. !'.. s'lnryvs, president; Jlajol Fvi rett W arren, vie- president; V.. . PTC 111! I'.?. l'rnlilrni of tin- New Knt-laml Society. Wlm I'!1, sided al Last Ni.'ht's Tenth An . ! . t i-i t of tin- New KcLland S.icl'-fy, imal llaniiiiel. ,T. 11. Fisher. : e( n taiy; A. C. Full-r. trcarurei: Cnlnnel II. .'.I. Holes. A. F. Lav.-. I!. J. Knstir. T. H. A'i.erton, .1. II. Fislier. connniltee of ari-.in;:i-ii--iits; 10. 1!. Stuiu.s. F. I-".. I'lalt, VY. II. Li. h liiiind, ex-Justice Allied Hand. C. 11. I'nnd, npi .-.l.ers' commit t' : H.K. I'.-iim-, P. I!. Alhirton. A. C. Coilins, m -in ' o r ship cnnnnii tee; 1'. K. I'-iine. historian. Tin- only disappointment in the to.islinif was tlie ab:-""-ce of Kcv. (1. r.-usons Nidiols. I). R. of l!iii!.'b. mi ton, who was to have responded t' th" toast. "The Yankee Away from l!o,;v." "This is tlie limn we ImiK have soitL-br. but mourn because h" came here lint," said l'residi nt Sturres. The thanks of the society were, at tile silRHosI ion of the president, ten dered to Secretary Fisher and Tmus unr Fuller durintr one of tlie Intermis sions between toasts, for their present and lost efforts in manipfr the New Knuianil i-amiu ts so siiceessfuh The ftalherins drank of nciin. pur.i tn the health of the two executive.!. THF. FKAST I'.KUlXf. AVhen ihe members and ruesls filed inio the diniii:; room at eh;!. I o'clock all remained standim; while llon.er Creene of 1 1 onesi la le. recited th" two stanzas "The l tanner of the S.-.i." l'resi- dent Sturaes then 'ilispla.vi-it a sinan American tint; and the signal wa. privet) for a military sahiie. after which llev. J. Ii. Wnrrall, I . 1.. of Hie (liven Hid V l'r, slivterian churcli. in-iinoum-ed the blessim; and the company seated itself and tlie baiKiuet propi r begun. The speakers, otiiecrs. nvndiers and quests at the picsident's table ivci seated as follows: Itev. ltoi.'"is Isiael, llev. Ceoi-je K i iiiild. John W. Hollcn b:uk. U. T. I'.lack. William ii. tlieli moml. ex-.luslice Alfred Hand. Kcv. C. M. (Illlin. I. 1'.. llev. ''' I'- Iloskins, I-:, it. Slurbs. I'.'-v. Tliornlon A. .Mills. I. I)., itev. Joseph K. Iiixon. I). I)., llev. J. it. VVorrall. I'. I '., A. V. I lower, 1. 1'. Hand. Will;. -s-1 tin :v; W. W. W at son. L. M. dates. M. D., A. C. Fuller. Those ..resent were: Carliiiii.lale-.lulin V. Ailken. Albert S. liaker. Will'iini .1. Hamilton, lloln-n A. .la-lwin, Levi A. I'lild'suii, ll'-v. ..'haries i.i e. Frank C. I eniiis. I im ranei ton-Itenjauiin Iiovnince. V, lie--l:arr. -It. It. A'siil.-) , F. Uu:rd ii. CI, rise. .1. W. Inill.-iilKo I-. A. A. Su-rli'ij;. I lnslon Ceoi". A-I:liy Coo M r, l'.io'.-in.-ia. ciiarhr; F. Law. I lillle.-'lale Tiie'.nis I', Crci-n.-llniry .. Kil: sell, I-'. Snyilani. Tin -iidii John II. La'v Saudi l':-oll. 1 'iiainei'i lloh. rt Mi l .b l in n J. 1 . :-:lo le,:'. Clail:. lb. -in' A. T. S arle. W .C'uarle Law. 1).II.- S 'I'.inlei,- i 'Fn-ie.- V,' Me.XInll. n. Wiili.nii Me l. r, S P. Allen. .1. V. . emitter. c'.m-I 'l:i... Joel M. t '" MiH..rli, i-.l'nll ill. I". F. Ail!.'!. ei y May.- ( . t': .1 .1: I j. Aiherlon. William A ion II. ii. 11. Cost. ,n. F. A .is-. W. Ii. Cll.lllll.el ii''. Uur'vll liiiinniek, .1 Fuller. J. H. Filicr, i.'r.ilhiiiyliMai, llnt'iiH ter. l-'rul (!. Foole. I''. I,. Hitch o( k, I ! H. ,l ssiln. C rie I . Ii. W. KlUKsbary. ' C. ! liii.niiek, A. C. I 1!. Foot-. ? t , n r .1. Foster. T. J. i'.e- H:n. Alfri.-I Hand. ;. i;. niii, ti..a. a . Inn' s, F. I '. .i.iiinoa. '. I'.. . Kinsl. y. ,1. A. Law. I. I. .'leyari-'le, I-,. L. .Merriiann, Paine, v. If. Peek. II. IT. Xeitlelon. II. F i'alre, W n. I'e.k. 11. II. l'aiters.i u. F. .1. I'lalt, V. H. llii iunon.l, Charles C. K : -. K. i. Sim-ties. C.euru'e Satii.erson, . T. Slililii, Hubert M. Seranloli. .Cluu 1. -i I ! Saudi rsan. (leo:;:e S. StnreJ, CI. ne'e', It. Stni;;es. Janiey II. Torn v. Fred K. Trae", S. M. Tevvk. dairy, T. C. Von i-.toieli, c. .. Von Rtoifh, I'harl.i II. Welles, -Major K.-'lvU Vnrren. ( i. u. Wrls-lii. C. F. Wh.t i -Here. W. A. V. ileox. ( 1. !'. Wliiitei.iore and l'r. K. T. Wh-at. n. Wlvti Fresiilent Sl'tri'es bei;an his nddn-rs It was let.", o'clock. Tt was le S( iili"d a!T the "Openinir of n hcFtniit r.iirr." the topic as printed on th" lu.-n.t beilitr aecntnt.anieil by on npprnpriutc (luotalion from K. V. Foe's famous novel of that nam..'. Mr. Sturjos said: TIIK rRl'SHHON'T's ADtHlI'SS. C.eatli men of the New llnuland Soeh'tv nf Norlli- nstern I'cansylvanifi, ami irentle in n whuin we weleome ns our ;;uests: . Having, ii f i hope, fully ralisf'e l the ile mania of that 'o-ir--i'r r;it'ire th:it ihe New l-lniiln Inter holds In rnmninti with less favored mortals, we will now take the ell valor, to to speak, and ascend to, the hiehcr plane of tnlulli-elinil thouKlil. which Is the true honil -land of the men who look on J'.oston as the real rapital of the nntiun. . - When I find my name on a toast-sheet like this. It reminds rue of the adver tisement t once read In a Npw York street cur. "Takr Internal Revolution l'ills They Work while you Slue:)." So the will Hv; k WM i - i s 111' imm mi L:a-:y i Scene in the Banquet Hall. " - - i i sneaker at a haiuinet has to work while yon .al. especially it' his mind 1).' of that dilatory east whi-li reipiires the spur of "an Impt tiding . risis" io make it act. 'Phis is. ns you have itiseov.-red our ttaih anni ersary, oar tin v.-et!dl'it;--tne '.old "lin" heiin- evidently all abliivvla lion of tlie .iaelie word "IPith." As we see tli" Knat tnt-iease la oar ini-mln-is un inouliers as vi Ii .a-. s;.c.i. the In ant,.' oi ear sHi-riiun.liiu.s, th ;ieaey ami l.ixm-v ol til" I. past of w'liell w.- have p-si pr.'ial e:i, we ser-ty have a riuhi to I.-1 I u.-.il om I.e. -fa: hers .- icail.l he ai nn.s: as pr-al l ot u. ;:s we are o! l.'ien. Ian, i . nil- nf ihe i.iimi.. r om sii-.i. it iil c, e.an. s ne to ii i i . any e.vten.!i .1 i aa euy.i' over ihi eontpai-v. I've nra--aed III 'ill.- v.ei-,1 --..iim ! I e-'' le, t he ears, Ihat I inuy tail a story Dial ha -n'l Die i.liniil cil c ol.ni I Ii 'II with oer sllb.li el, but lie 10 oil" of I rie Very lew l-elllelllliel-eil DVel' nicht. ninst I"' pal to u-e on this lin porlaat nlid lliiau.il oeiasi.ol A preiain. ut eitizeit of one of our K:nall towns iiad died. In Die abs. nee of '.he one clereyican of Die villav.e, on Pis vae:i tioii iN'. i. F.nw.an.l parsons, hy Die way, didn't have ai a 1 ioli.-l. an Pile rant iiiin-i'-ler w.-:s called upon. He was moiv Id. ssed in his )iety than his eilac.-uion, and st.irleil liis remarks as follows: "Nev er I. a v iint iiad I lie pleasure of a personal u. . 1 n ii ;it.. m e .villi Die disca-vd you'll i-eaivi iv e.voei-t un- to utter any extended pareoiie uvi - l:is remains." A ;:enii -in.i .1 siitinn near l.iin w hi-pered ; "Von III. all p 111 rie." "W-s." said the min l ler "i.an .uoiie an I paii.-K.vric are anony mous t.-i, as." And so. if I should atteiaot any extended euloay, 1 fear my hearers would 1 1 1 1 "iiar.-Koric'' and "paaeivyrle" s.v noiiaiaons- ii iiui ' ;,t:on v-nious" ter.a-J, in tlielr soperille t ifeeis, al least. a i ( ; x i f r a x ( i : ( ' !' t i i (; t. a st. J 1 ii t 1 am very :dow aiiout "oii'-ulu" tiie ciiestnut burr. If De-re's anyone here win. hadn't Mild "What an appi eprlar.' subject f ir 111, presl.l' l t." I il sip' lo oil', r him my tin.-, re thanks fur his fore- c, a: :i!'e". Cut there's a deeper, I,' not a truer i-ii;-ni Ilea nee In t!ii-J mast, w'.iieii, without furtli r delay, we'll try to li'id. .iloi or v oii, 1 am sure, like niyr ell', v., n- hoi a and pa I yonr beyhoo-l lari;.l' in Die eoiim iv w 1'' i e (,..:'s pure air and sun shine, with plain, ll-alty food, Kave i::--sii'!i;Di for Do. well; of a mor,- active later Iil.. And one u' tin- h-nre: l li'eol 1 eiiens we l-.a-e of I Hum' liajiy ita.V s is of Die eMesiioii-liuri a prie'.ly h.ill-a sori oi iii.,ial poi eiipii-.v haniAiua at tiie end of Die limbs of sturdy vialits cf lin tel, st. And W.l 1-elUellll'i'l-, loo, lloW til' waiin siin.-.hine Di.it ripi'iied the herry and Die inaeil, and even Die l.lle il i seenn d to hav e no elT"i-t on oar thorny t ri. nd. iMumiii r hi-i exe and even mil nam's lit -I cool I, leath hot no apparent hillii or.ee over il. leu ii in 1,1 iis .erowiiu; treas ures as tiuiilly as ever. Hut wm-n tlie iiarsh, ho.ir i!-o-t came, Idi-Ditia Di" l.-Vl-s and folia L-e. IIS by lire, the cllest Ililt burr ipiiekly re.-iondi d to the call for widt h it had wait-d so lon: opened wide its doors, and Irom lis h.-arl. as P v..-ie, pour. , I forth its irea'iiivs, th" 1 ivt, if not Die l i, in st the dyir.K year had to offer. We do not i:e,-, to Co very far tn show tile iii i:ik:. Tile "ea;diel" ha-, followed (he --i'nrii.in'' to our s',or. s. and h has t ome fasldotieh!" t-i sc. ak if the lal- 1. r as rude and I'arbid.liin;. narrow, bl-j-oii .1 and nsieiie, ,sa,-h lie was, tlimaili all ti'ise onaMiie?. liave heel, nun h rx ivt eraicl. i inr f iretallu is w ei e not Die .'ni di, n nf tin- sua, bin ol tlie st-.iini and t'ae t'tipast. Il in dci Die rouitii New Knr-- I.IP.I Sliori .-. Die S.erile sell, tile tlullt for life, w:Dl ll- I ..Il 111. Wl.ll She for-i-ll foe; Willi aa "p;,r, -it.- nn.-D'."r eounir-y -ii; a Word --.lit hoar-fro-ls, to develop tic tine Me,v l-;imli,nd eha r.i e' !-. I tiit V!l -II Die ehe-M Ulll-blll I' 1VHH l,pi'-e , what a weallll of ihal.o-lir. what str.-iiKth of faith, what a mine of eoiir.i;;e ponred forth, and have ein-iehi'd iit: I vitallt 'd neai iy '-very put of mil- ureal country! TIIK Willi. F ril.AVFll. The l'mitau had no telegraph or t' T, -phone hy wlii, h he i .nil I talk with his fellows all over the world. Let file wire of prayer to Die Fein;: in win in he trusted was very '.ti.'iahl and had no li:o:ea eiieidt;-. W'ia : lender wor:-hPi has c.ei bel li inV.-r-d thai! Ihat of Die poor, half starve. I eol'IIMel WilO pia.'.el Will' Ids load- ,! in i st;:n-!h,i- in the . oria-r of De ,!! f.-is'iie a ' p. v? W hat Ki-an.l n,..lli -hoo I was Dial w ill il. by he :i; i le. IllliJ) 1,' ;' ' I o'l I'l-i'- lllf. II" i.i-.e. w'iil .ei li-P ii.-d for the sava:;e war v.lio. e. -iai ai.ai.; a 1-1 . .dj sir., j li ne: e, ; .,m ,,,.;!! Il Call Dual row and ld;,'ol.-. if yon will. Hut I'nen r aid, lui!,--- :iiei --ii.-h i i- Sl.l.'lie. S lelVe ' -Ver i-Sll. ; elellielilS nl .lai::e- lo oat, or an;, ot'iei land, 1 1, an su-h nioDieis I'.io never b, .-a l.orn tl-e atiDior. id ,I:seord and a r.i ehy : fron un ii to in ;;sto:n s l-.av, i .-v i r in n tak; a V:' mm. -'. H. FletHErs. New Knirhind Society's Ppprctnrv- firebrands lo start sm-hil an I political . eiiparrailons. No. tnese chil trep ..:' the .-in s-t nu t l,in r were heria-p. an 1, talk of . ha i lied conditions and Dm- s as w-- will, we are iiooil .iilzciis. nud. hrave i.-re:i,-i is of our country very la -., ly only in F-i far as we ppsyjcQ ihe same .pialiibs. We hsve not the :--;;v:';o l.cliaa, or tiie rocky sell, or an nppiv;..- i c nolrler eniintry to Pcht. ik:t. our land I:;-t foes just n d. adiv nn 1 Just a.-, puwerful. Xo waT--wh(sip wlil break in on our eujoy-m- at toi l.-'il. Put pnlltl vil pn. r.ipl !on, and Ip.-k of f.iitri in Hod. and an ai, ait I, "id fvibhnth are far inore .iaaic. i-,iin. Shall we not meet th.m as nin- fathers did? One of our early presilen'?. whos., tra!ithf Xew f-li-land lineai,e, and lomr-.lit-tbipuish.-d resid. nee In this city rri.k" us r. uret his fris-pient absences, Hli uek the key-Tinlo. years ,ibo. when h"' Im olored the m. miiers of our so iety to use nil their influence lo protect and preserve the Chrl'tinn Sabbath. If I ear. do no more tla'U cho his wl'h, In such a way ns to Induce you to .rally as you should do. around this on" inst!tiit!-m. the fiiliv. li ter of oil New Kiifrlund fai.h, I shall be reloleeil. Indeed. 'The undevoiit nstrononier !s mad." aya the proverb. The man who can gage I with stroiiK.-r eyes than ordinary mortals, at Die Klorious worl... of Die Creator, cu nol h" iiiiIii lii-viui mid sane. Tiie u.iiie voat .'"W-Falaii.ler, with all his wonder ful In rltat;.- of faith and of promises ful filled, is just as far as:ray from Ids duty end Ids in P iiet,'. s. If, as v" all in our hearts r. ally believe, this short life l. simply the narrow vestibule tn mi Im measurably grander one beyond, what ilepih of folly H is lo deny our hlaher naiiires Di" fi w hours of preparation and cotnltirt Die H.t!,i.-all r'ive... Im i.n: let Die p, tty ean-J and troubles e' ihe we, k I, leal; over into, and destroy Die purity and rest of Die S.iiilmth. W.-ll- k-pl. P Wl'l he lee ."cstcsl posulile ,-;i iivlheiiei' ami bulwark of oiir faith, andjt was faith Dial made Die I'mitaii ercalT Tli - I'.rand mnl to nf the slate of I'on 11. -ileiil nads: "ile who iranspl mi. d will sustain." We can. iotd;hi. add to It: "Tuns far the Lied liaDi ,ed us.'' Let ne, liisj ir.il l,y Dn? eviinip!.- of our New Fr-:-laad Ion lathers in fai.h .; one step lar Dn r and eiy: "Coiund! tiiy way ualo Die 1 ni'd--trust also ia Dim. and lie shall 1 rlmr il lo puss." Mev. Thornton A. Mills, of Wilk.s llr.rre. whu responded in the toast. "Til" Yankee 1'arson," whu introduced by tlie president and In the Inlroduc lm: Air. Htur.'ws did not loose the op purtunilv to liumnrniislv remark that the Wilk"s-I!arre divine was amunit speakers nf home talent. Scranton (init; was apart nf W'ilk.-s-i Jarre, ht said, but Wilkes-Fai re was now a part nf Scrantnti. and couseijiienily Mr. Mills was one i f the local coinpatiuy. Of the New Fnuland liaisons Mr. Mills said. TIIK YANL'Fi: l'A ll'SO.V. Tlie New ICaulaud parson is a sool deal like any otiier pa'-snn-at Ib-. i-til! he hm learned hett"r. For New KiiL'ianil has a standard of her own lor parsons and a way of la-r own, loo. of eotiforailiu',- her ja.ifnas lo In r stand. u ,1. Tin y are til" re- 4c': r"-v.l' bj.,- A. C. FFLLFIt, For Man." Y. ars the Treasurer oi the Xew FiiK'aiid Society. suit ef iri-ncra I Ions of evolution Dip .piiilteseenees of Die New Fllnlull'l spirit. After ii youim man lias iiin n tnroumi Die mill, and rceelvi ,1 the factory bland, he is Die Hiii'iiiniii honinii of human cxcelleiiee; he c.ill l:.e PoDlllu; llioip to hope. I supposed I i lay simplicity, when I was culled several years atn to an altraetive Xev.- I'lariic.l churne D.ai it wm an oii poi tintlty lo do more irood. This was so, piiliap.--. hut It was far overshadow. d by the oppot limbics for eiiiiii; nutnl. Till I IupI fallen in v.ll'i the genuine, homebred New l-insiland put.-.m I le. .or ap.r. i iui. ,1 Die ideal to v.-l i.-h tin- p i's ins ee old ntCiln In his t.iortul exp: re" . Fin iiml -'I rovl.leiii e Unit shapes our ends r,iui;h. hew th.-iii iio.v v..- may." does ..' -cauiunally i-.ive us foretastes of real jovs: and so I iouud ;ny eluiliee at lust and w. nt to New l'.ii.-laiid--and silll live lo till Die tale. Fl." h'O.V ditlleidl it Is for im.. who lias ( vi-r enjoy d Die ip'tille ;ap serene climate of New Fni-.la nd mil the tiiianitnity and liainion- .1' h- r ti.-npl" fo :ve el.-evv in re. c a re all livinir wp IP'S-.e.-. i in chasten my spii-'t into a tea" huiiiiii.y I ly l,;i:-,e;i'a m. n fi-r a lime Inio coat i.-l wi;li all D.at I-- rich and rare in reii;io,-s j tiuanthl and life. I w.-.s led to .-..v Kiik j land; Dui' ihua I nic.ht be Idn-I fo'- a Ii- Ip.r lull I ..v. II tile lioodiy P.ll l yell luiv- all souuht-I'enn: yuani.i. Tie- . .- I.nvlard .:i l -,.n I,, as be ou-.dlt . to I". all Dial Is '-'noil and eran.i, fer in "is Die I'aii si llow.-r ol his ns:o and i-.Pne. Il is i: i M r io his ills, i-citii it. I .I.n all wiiil. Hour thai is noun, I ten line, he is !inh''-:ll hy and senietPii' - a litt'." pusiy to 1 ie tisit! l-'or oci .e-iomllv tie pioei-s cf tun itii-n: n'ay ic- on ' d-.tie I " is s.-i : l,d with : pen', I.-, than v.i. ai l-nip' ere mo:-" luti ll;ui IP. nil tp'-tsin ; n- ;.T. elioi,.i.-. P li .is In Dp no ' t Ol' t e i-io-1 hiraldy -.- i.e.. .1 Pcii'. iduul ;e !,-. pelplel" , ,1111 llltl.l ..'!-' I,", aloud. Wlplil la-' Vi r li.-f -. i.'lU.llli d el ,u, 'P ie. s si,t'-it ije-roiulis i-v-e- .-plc-i-' of pi' -, il c Do- n.PPi.r. I. u ii of Hi- i-'latr.-d and In ' v - od a.. I the i.aish aai! in.-i' -ire-n; '--pi. o D-.-it . 'c: leua-.es m, Van!;, -;o Co or tie. to nv. ! iue- ie p, e ii. la iav "t i r l'r. " in: 1 -- .iro . Til" idol ions ..lo I iiuriins lliiu-r I.-. n-k lac ainiil. t Willi .! !.;. -. -, re! ,ii i.-. I.i'.i'.-t li-i l.uiiVi. and ,- ele-e-.i Dial rp'.li! V. i.ii ll I.US 111. ol-.' X- v- Kr.-slatid . asi.y nr-t ;.i all nnr land la ( lu caiion. Ii !i a : ere, v, i.-ui i u r.i I adiipta i!,n;s. ii,,iau!'.ii tur.-s, Dade, polilli s find n iiliti 'i ic. r-'sails of tals il.-v elnplll -nt on Die itePvidilal enaol" til" Yankee as a Yank." to oi t-inveal the iuv. iilors. out-trad.- tip- .tin., oin-wit Die po.iiii ians n,.i-r. ison tf-e philOM-iph'-rs. and out-h.-rod .very il.rud Drat tri. a lo rule over hi'-i. T-ie N, w Fn.'.land town mietinj;. v.Jieiv .very man says v.hat he pleus.-s and D,s smart, rt in :.-' his way is the political I La of pure tleiiioci atie l:n;i-i,l,ialis!n. 'i'ii..' N'i v.- Fa';laiid cad, K". wleie iii- ii are taiiKlii to tiiink each for Id aself ai;,l , v ery class room is a dl;:,tia--, i lull Is Die I h-'il i, in 1 of il.-iii.,i'r..ey. New Ln-r! Il'd euluip, ,-ee, wtirre It (.-. ".-v.' man for hiaiseil" pud the -.ii'vil often tales hoDi Die hli-.iuiost an I Die fcietmist, is a pinv d' 'lioe'-iey of Ira.l... And so. as real r. li'ioii Is always the lib ii. It is no wonder Diat ihe Now Fip.; liiiid . hnrch Is an ideal ,1, anicrai-y: Ir. t! vbJiii'.lisjii can i d, to ilsuttermo.-l lin ii. A MAN'S A MAN. Whafevr his lot In that fair Iiml as to sold or fame, "a man's a man for a' ihat and a' lii.i::" a a. an, every Inch of hini. just as nm,'1! a :r:u cs every otlcr man. and. Imbed, n little more so! Tiie cut'-oftie of s-.ieli environment Is the New Fnnhmd il.a'.'on. He lives In n com munity where every man and every woman and nil their relations tiiiderstnnd nil mys teries and have tried all the panaceas of life. No problem of philosophy Is too welithty: no ilem of conventional depor um is too liitht lo receive the serious at tention of Ihe New Fnelnnd mind. Kvery phase of thnlopieal faith and of religious culture, to th.-lr most extended sub-divisions, is ill process of practical expert- meat before his eyes. Ami every member I ot all the myriad .-c.-ts lias p-.iste.l dm- s -lf lull V on each other seel US web Its his own. and niie-t frei Iv. cordially and often eniphalieallv iroo'eis his views and ep. rlenet'S for Die t a.: . filet i, ,11 of the pal soii. Why life Is a perpetual s.-liool with t.-n thousand seiio-iltuesters, each aa tidept ill his own speeliliy and a tiiaster of all, for Die .leveioaia. ul of Ihe parson, end il, r, Is no cIimc.c fur iiu- iusirtn tiou. No wonder ip. niovv.-i vv ie ,,paee and till., ti'" world Willi won:!,;-, ;-o D'al :','- 1 r. lorloru par. on froai ;,no,lo-r siate slallds i aaape an, I ;,''ha;-i vvlth ,:iy. I Xo wi.ad-'r lip- el l l.elv v.:.o Pa-w- thel I parson's t:'sk far i,, ,er D-.-in i-,. did in-I slst. I o'l swcep-nlinr Ins , up of lea w ith I iiio!a':s! s on Dn- t,l, i D-: noriiiu-r was too Komi for Die ; , y, .11. l..-u ne oil lli-il. iniin, who, for the fourth Dili", a,,.,-n ..,1 In fore Die minister io he niarrii I. had lo tl.- Soeia I loll ilnliilied so t'llleu of tlie spi-Ii Dint be cottl 1 teach Die inine-tei . ;-o, wip-u lie was reill".-'."l to lis,- nut-in,-; th" (-,"-nionv he slolidty replied; "l',. usually sot;'' and sii. I hi. n-si at niefi: iteit D.e par. iei iiui net yiei.i to his superior ( - pern-nee by eiittii.;: down Ids fie. Tie re, also, this suirii (f indiviuiial iadeiiciul- -ii.-,- ii. is ne, it, i ,eie:i,nis Mil I I ill' u ' in .-e- elllillB Hie eliaellin lit ol I-lW.l tll'lt i er- , ntlt a man or voiurin lo have as tuu.iv I wives or liurbi'ii Is as tiu-v Iil,. pip at a I Dine; as In the ease of Die vouiej man of : 1 1 years who eaine to mc v.iiii Ids airl and i lie. -use for his fourth inarriu-;,-. ii.--li,H lirlllH Die eliaellin lit of l iw.i Dl it not t;o avvay j.at.py, fi.r,;,-v,.f. The luirsnii timt ihes In this si imukitia-,' mi l instructive atniosi,,i-i ,. . irher ere,v- . I liiiih and stroiuj and fair, lil; the iiet house plant, or .IPs under the fun i, a a tirOC! SS Filhl-I- he. lOII. t eollles li',e ,,ll iihotll hlai. a. man. ids own men (le.t'si 'I man. his miml n,r,, rleiiie stoi-e.l i,is i 1 patience more rii-hly d,-,.-, loped, his ab'iiiy to lead In tho;p;hl and a'-tinn more lieidv perfeeied cither this, tac lust exatnpl. of a parson and lo stiel: all hail!- or eis failure. It v.-ari ..lily by ; "sr.i.il ai-pi-iin!anc with such as fail,, I thai Die hoy c n-l I .'.e Itne Di-- 1'uaian t;-ce as e-eupus.-d of no n. wonii n and ministers, lie v. ito e.-upint stand Pi Dps rnsii ef opinion : a'l IP" hv ilevi 1- in;r a Mnlv.a: t Indepi nd.-iie f l::s rovn has no mind, hut iu place thei-.-of caly a sort of epupsisile Plietu-i at ;i of eviiy other mind. ID- ,i!,,:ie F n,.l an In-iii-.'idiuil. i ie it in-1- :i ruan itar a wo-e.-n. i-e Is onl.v t'.e pnrior. a a I 'may C., I ha'.e tm : ey on l is s-.e.'l." ' , T)it. m.'o; TXT'lODFCKn. Mr. Slut -;-es in iutrodneli.'; U. v. 1 ir. .Tosi-idi K. Dixon, who respond, d tn th toast, "Tlie Yur.ke'-'s Fii-t Coiisin Ltiml of liit-'ltlnnds. Jii-alhcr and Hern, s." ivpni t.'J. that lie had re.asuii- ablu eXCUSe fill- b"l!"Vill';- lll.lt Ike colintry'r, file Ap.icrie:i;s. ti," Indians. Were (Icsccndanls of the Norsemen and the latter fleseendailis of tin- Scotch, j 1 he Indians and ti;e N ulcli are l'e-iiaii:-ablu for Iheir love of fuss, fi-atln-is. bare leva and a nuUera! ilip.l.'t l. Tina e fa ts wife nr.'. uii;. nt a for those- who didn't believe thai Hi" Irish were the New- L'niikin. let's' first cuisai . l.tr. Dix on ;ts In a liapy m-ioil and Inject ul in to the I'lillnwiitu' uiltln s.i a ileal nf wit: Une of the Wi A ,-s said ;h;-.t he .-:- ti d to ti il. Due. sut-irl es in lleavi.l. one ti:;". Die:.- v.--.: :: j-o,, 1 many l e.iuie there whom he did not . .-:;. et to ;;,.,.; ml, that there w,iv.u voa.l laaitv tie I nh.--.-at v.iiom he i-xp, , ,l to Piid. tied, lust I of ail. lite eri-itiet sttrpri-.' was to tin I i himself l!ioie. This Is my pr, - lie ine-ui I ,.- I tiir-illl f or 1 s:tipes. I o: r -, .-' i e ins' I r Im a veil In -at'-.' v-'iei-.-ver I .in.! a Xew , Fm.h.nd so.-iery arsepiii!,-. f,.r i-s an. urn: j lielllplet II, I sei'-utPtrutlllr-iion. I a - I safe Oil, .VI. lYeshleu: . I .-,.i .,-) -..;. ! surpriii I that I era badly f.-u.-,';: -!!",!. ; am as hadlv fri(;:,t'-aed as'lhut nc-ro w-li . I lonni! Ida.. -cif as a holy s, rvi,,t if - I Con i. I, rale eoh.ia l. i.tipai-.e I ir, ope of D e I hot!, st lli'ilts ot I ne behind a tree. I:.. In war- sc. ;u'.., siu It ' ; d, his ina -ii.:- ;-..id to I f Y Vt:- -'-: - ' -' ..m .y.::-X-l '7 ,i P yiD! ''I ' VV. C. if. I".".:-tor oT I"'rr. l a.k i.ln:.-. it. hi-.i: Jria, von roi h- ii'i'1' tlt::t in-' ."il l 1 will ire!, i. -l .r.i-, on.-- iu- s!:;,; .: l rh. II e i'.ne s -r "a:ii::pt 0,1 r ti-,t ire i "-, tearia.-r tlie biariiap..- h-..- utel inul.p. Iiavec of ail ahoitt Diem---.vi' n : u l e:i:v a trem.'Iiiioli-i : 'lei! On it Die V.'ue..' iu i lieul the live behind w'nli h Die ih:r!.i was hi l InT, 1 1 lst'nti Tied until ;p. -.a., v.; U, , ii ran out Into the oueii, t-liout Ito-- at ih" top of his lung.- wup.hist his hi. nils !;!.:'.. in air. niriklru; his way as luM as his Ic .t eo.il.l eitrry him round find round th" oi l siiat. tereil trei Mnssa, fur lo'lit'ln':; r-ik v ,1" tell mo which a in de hin.l si !e of ,ils 'er trie? After, 1 consented nt a l.Dp hour to com" into this ntiKUsl prcseiice with a litiie siH-v-cli which was to have more to da uiDi the Seoteh-lilsli than the topic- iisaiHned j i.-led I I : puf. ' me. i felt like thu Dutchman who came flnir and bhnvimj up the hill with a while M-cllon of a trcii:-. store altn-hed to his pel-en, only io liqd t!je train so'W he exiH-ele.b to Ink", f'c said to tne station iivant: "I.i ..at Haiti 'ion.-?' "Vvs, Ihe IraPi Is .i,ne." ' How Iouk Is dot tram mine?" "wh. abnut live nilnutus. "Veil, 1 vi.-h I vaa i'et, Uut's vol I hope." A LA!UE SFFJF.CT. My dill. rtna Is '.ids. the subject b- too l.u'.a' for Die aom-. Wren In Karl. .mi De-y haa a .-hit. n t! -. Atn-lu at IP-tst il ready to slid" ip.wn trie was. Day found itu-y had built Die shin too l;rv for the doel-.s anil tiiey had lo mi, I a liri-'k hcuse lowu ia ot'ilei- to t lae sal, i ta,:e to the waier. If I piu.ul I I -H nil Da- viriues and I v -iii'M-.,s of tiie :'. otea-i; ish. a KOed many I ri,-k houses ivould iwed to eo-aie iln.v'a lo fmnish rioin for Die subje. t. Fi h r f'.-ie 1';,.:-, hp. 11 a m it deal cf lyplVT dell", i r tiie Idstory of th ne.ud:- is a la i- Ions hisloiy. If f have read wit'.i any-j I'iPia l:::e a s, einv; oi. Fie lvooia of t !.- I -.pie. by their rlniii-i.. a.-d lovn; fr-l.-tels. the t lie. ,-..!-il. ..Don for A'ui.i, i, of e-naill A::'i.-a,i sill. hills wilo we-e , , n.linu I);., i 1 a of July .in i'a' i.;, e nd I b. applie I with llti-.i -s la D.is ; ;alv. .u l ih.-p i f ". re d". da" ef D'e si mi -Ms a; use and .-I'd; "i propose .-. to.ist to Am, rie a. oer native laa,!--Ai-.l, 1 1 -a la liaiind.-! on D-e nnali 1-v i ,',c ia iiis'i t,o-ses--ioa -, en l' e so,i;h !'- ta, lodf ef Mi ie.i, on Die i ist l.y tin- Afl.ueie. na til : west by D'e l',l, :,n.'' A'l, .'!, slu.ieai, llKI.-e ;.- ir.otl" than his, n,.,ih, r. aiese and said: "I propo -e a lion io A i, i,Tl, -a. Die land ef Hi" i'ii .'.in :i, a Km de l on the noril. by t ie ..e:t!i die, u Die south hy Die Keillil I'.'!', nu Di" e:i a ,y Ii iiu;ie. e'a tile Wis; .y Asia. A, ii'i-1 sta l-iii wall a !;. en, i- f.-ivo.- i, ... , sail: "I pi.iee-.. a i.a a to An., ri.s . ir.- la p, I of tin- 1 1 and Ii:.- lioaie ul D.e l-c.i V :io :i.,i. hoimoe i o Die iiol-.h i,y Die Anrir.t ilor.eii-i, ,,;p ie, i. i ,,, o; ee, : ; o, I e ell Ui- . o:i Die : ust I". ilp.l.it" Sea, ', all, I no i Die v ; i by Die Hay ef .1 n.'u m - n! ." Ther.- are w : 1 i ami spii.l.ors jt i . 1 hi-loihui'i no! a i'- w -vl"i 1,11 us 1'iM Die civile of Iieei ;..- in D-'s I.i ad vv,- iovi- v e.s racked l:v Die hail, is oi' Die Sent eh-l r i di - : !,.i ' t!i- we-i'th ..I" cai- stale eialt eaan. from Dieir !-rii!e ','-rns; Dial Die lory of our s.-..-t. i.i of J. ii i ui ml, i.e. was Ihe pro- hn-t f D Ii- i-ii-liP'oiis min.ls;ih.-it the halo that fathers alu.u; inn- liteialure was, tile line ;;ol I of Iil. if Intellects; Dial Die1 vapor eispiayc! mi Die field of hatlle in file cutis., of American liberty and Die .-, ,,,,-..H 1 1 ,- , i ,1. u,. i7;lt- , elorv el' their names. ' ,,,,, ,,, S,1V j mll.h (f lU jt I v .-II ii. his I'll,. v niii-4 ol Ihe We: i,- tells iis how. ia liSn si:; eouiili'.s in Die Irish l'roviaee of I'l N..-XSN- :'-'f , V""- , ,'i,:J. , ' ! . . - ' ' .-; 1 . ' j.-.zr. :f ; ' . '"ff. . J';,',fvl ''-M v; , v . -.-.-r"- f -.(",,' '.(;,'.,' 'y- tV 'SI.:'?y-''ftltlVVs''' ' -A ' 'j - i-- j.w- e'-; :,-t''; '"' ,..'2' '' " '" t. :y. ,p ipi i n ;:. pixdn. d. i, -'or of Die I', -tin Avenue llatitls Chun ii. lie 1., spoaded loaToast. ter foi-rneriv in let -.di;;' to D :!: o and I';, r.-oiin, I . w , re '.i:ii'sca..-l ' l-ii.uiis!i i . op-ii. Tii,"-e e i-1.; I a-1 t -i en in a s. i ', i.f r- !i, llioii dot i ui :ae ' : ;o cr' rer-.d" ill. l;:-d l-e.i n : rd'.:e"i ; lull : o-.v, uicli-r .i-::ii, s ' ,'te l'r.:". .!.. w.re cIii.ik. able with t: ea.-o'i i-uuia. afd w-i-eu'nueli- ,1 io i . .in ecu iiry their 1.1- ;.t i -flii S v. -To ecu!;.--. 1-ed l.y Dp. el,,, ,1 .. l ! v,-i -, .p.. i :,- 1 i: , uup-ie ., .,f ;',-i-ii ana , '': aril 1 1 1 , . 1 1 i -1 o' . r foi 1 1" e.areiee. The la i'l... St It, Pie ,-,- ihese pi. 'ill. Iliil,; v.-, r. irom Ihe hove,- pun oi i.icnil, u .,: ne- '.'-e I.rtpvvu ;'u Die rYoto!--li l -in 'i'-'ds I"--; ..,1, .. 1 I-;.,, I ,.,l::ll I U, - u!'-,uu; levvir n;::u,..i c ! ' a .,l ;vn Dluu any ,.Di, r ,' , r the I - -i ii uiiiui , d lil;-- a u'r, n a. .d ),' ;',,,' I, -annul u- a test lllteer Du' haudlitl of Die. e peepie. ii-:t ilurl; navs eatac these p, pel h.i ; 1 -i!-,' over their hi -'.! tip la :'n oi' D-e leiH - o.'tli, l.y wiiieh iv y oi'e in ptililte eat- I-loV'.-.P-:: t was l.eiip,, lo li'-lliess f, lliv lo the Fiiiill.-h pr, l.p y. It was intend,- I 'o suppi. -s.s t'o., i;,. hut It w is u-ed I.,- D'e l-eU.-A-OP il Pi; 1-ops to t'ilu-S I'risliy te: l-taicln. Tip a liiiir etn-c e.y,i,-!,itanf. rt ;,i;'!s a 11 1 i ujuut luxrttroii and uuiioly eviiMinll;-. until lip l e was a livili'-l of e lli- r-atii.n, w itlch lir.ali,.- sw i di d ittio a river -in up I '-1 the tide Po'., i d until D i i " I.e. ,-oi tile! s,.tl.'.;.rt iilooi 1, eUTU":;'!! of p i lei: -V :.!.,! r ow,';' Ii, hhupiiia th" lie-iiui; -I of litii n,- wurltl. In Die y.-.tr folio,', iiu, li, Anirini evietioits ihlri.v Dipiiraa.l i'tptcstun's left i'l-.ter. says Fronde, fur a lut"! v.ier-e Dpi-" was no Icu'l r-i'p.'r:-n ml w in Din-.- vlio si -,vi I Du- m-,-1 could l.-ti. Dp 1-m .-!. A toleration act v.i.s ps1 . , ,', .' tui's end year, on hov,etr tili'U suiuis mure epipe to ii-,; i c uinir.v. niatty of tlut.l s-'tte.r: in Dp K -;.sti.t:e slate so 1-Hltiel-OUS p. .le S lie l-l'-IS 1 Iillli'. Diet James l.ouat.. lip- oiui'i- r uresi l-nt t.f Hi., n -oviuee. f. a'e.l tl:"v wotil.l li coin prut ii ',i; - of Fe-p,., , ivj.cia. il-r- in tin- v. iluu of t ri: !. al ie te th.-v ro-iliie I Die I..-..SI. fot !:! nidi Hi In-lians. i: -lie.l Di" (.'uul-rs. p.e!; t'-,,.. ipuil l-, i it.,,i jot id tu.y i- - ill. v.a-'i;e. in :- fi ne I ii, I i ,,v. an in t.ittul- rs. n .:!-.- fir a Ian, i u-t v- I ,.mi u! autp-,oui' :u Hein-e I -u ., -i ': - I.c-aii etay r: (,. int ii 1,-1; D.e' S, p-eliai-it. mey .. .-ril.t; for, if v. roti;;. li is tpel'luPy v.l.ii I 'I ),,- :-' l .'i '. ;'-i-i -r "jii. i i.-lii: u :-!;,te. w: h a.;d !:-., .'NT :i ., 11 1, .lee . i -Ke-.P, i in- II-: I'd- 111- ,;e i I ! e nil" ii: I'i Pit .-l- p; l,p. y -s. vx' ;.-yv-y;nf , ir'iv.e era n- 1 1 1; u-t n "u; da ' 1 , - ' Til' ll. -, ' ' '" r..-...- ! -' Dp ni. p. 1, ri. : ir. v, iiy do : I .! rtilli'.u.iri 1 I i.e'iee.'. I ! ' " ll lil pis ' 1 ..f iin riotct-s ! ' retire, !, 1 in i vi.. riii' to .' s .-id trie fi do ,' 0 a no th.- it: ! ,,. ap. la. d'i'ia tliey ::--- I-. if, . Iti.ll .Vet! l-lll sntnilli'll Pie', you." er:e I Die l'"l::l etnritiy H-... ei-.l. f p.. -:;, s.-a: i-1 ml cr. v. ::: da by t'..-. thro: :, :::ltl ill a to liter . en ion ; 11, an maue an o;i'enq;x lX (-.murk in the .-om : tuetii inta-np for It's e.l I'M. lb- ni".., -lie, I net to lea- it. Iiu! v. ry soon a l'o'trniiuv Dp- e uirt he stepped .iuwa i'i 1 m 1 Die bench, and sti-l 1- Im; up t) the fi How said: Inir up t) the fi How said: Sir, on that bench up Dp-re, I am the chief Justice cf IVniisylvf.nia, un j unuhle to take notlei? of merely personal Impudence, hut on Dili Hour 1 will have you l-.av, tint I'm Tlioraas .Vi.-Kemi, and ready io bioai; vnur :u-ck, or tive you any utln-r Kiut of s'attui !:i'-tiun you please.". , , Wlnthrop ba,(,eiit snid of 'the Heotch. Irish that tiny ulwaya clot lied thems. lv v.iih eiii.es as with a irarmeiit. Cn'ef Justice Cilison. one of the brillhinls ea Die l eiuisvlvsnla hi-neh, llUisnates this Ktury. C,!h.-aiu ti.i.i un ap-di.ailon made to iilm while Jiiil;;,- to iviupel a Roman Catholic jniesl, hy writ of in.ui l iinns. to :mit woman to the privilege of t'ua lli'eParist. "You l-.a-l heller," he saal. ' lake out u writ of lei.l-iaain-us." Hut noiw'ths-piiullai; all this, hl-s oi.iiiioai! e.uvo Die Supreme i nurt ef I'l-ni-.i ylvania a su. picnic place in the unuals oi jurbpru- tU:- .-. ' ' : ' -, ...:.'..-': !,- . ';i ;; '.' .' '- ' V V . ! ' .: ' . .- , . .,.- ' "-- ,'v ' '' ''. ., ' " ' " ':V; :' : C ATTOl'.Xr.Y A. Y. IIDIVKR, Toaai 1 1 1 , 1 i . . the Disnl.iy of .1 Se li.s of St. ; . upiicau 'i-.vs. dun Aroll-.er of ti e .-.rent ll-'.lits ef Ino I'ellllsylv lllia her was "llii f Justice l.lnek, all ilppioved and elll-ili d i ililion of 4 lib. sun. His oili.-e was in Ids hat and his of-' lice hours were sp.-ui In Die llel.ls. So iliuiiesDe was Ip- in Ins lasi.-s that when he (,ot home to his fane, he would not. open his letters for a im.iiih fcai-lue. ho minht be called lo Washiiu-ina to anpio some Imp, ul, nu cur.. This was liis ui. in ner of speech: Speak inn nf a railroad promoter, h" sail of him: "If he would lake an until that he wan a liar, I mie'il believe him." And so I liiie.lil i;o on, and that without a ply : iitplin--, of the hiitri, until you were lost in ti e inrir-.i-i cf fuel, fancy and icil.,:i. Has it i:eeii:re,! lo yua thai of tin- 111110 l. II p: e:;i,!ept .-, of lip I'aile.i Sillies about ...v. -i:.. 1 .' of Di.-.ii v . i-e S'-it -h-lrisii--.laek-; ' a. I , Fuel at. an. and ;-,; Die list mul- tipllei- I 1 : ; i . ill , ,- c ipt.'lill. Idys.ses S. I'P.lUt, .-;!:, -i -Uleii-i ishillllti; th 1 1 S!"e.'V l.-b- ,',t.i:-. ripiu :-:,! dpdom it, .l illies C,. 1'luiue. was a ,'eot Ji-i 1 i .inn. in : I hat hero, ..11 -lu'.lf oi' t!t- til '."i-e s -nt eh -Irish - -.In. -It- lUiill. Slleil !;(,, el hill's 1 1 f ( 'e U U S I a II lil ' 11 S Curt in. ( ,, a y, .p.-lpision and I'oie.ieli : i.iich i ll cf jlpDees as 1,,-le:,-, and Itl.p-k anil OP. PI!. 'I'll. II 'here I.. I I lie pU.-ll tlfl'tt ie Deeeip r. tile I 1 n:l: 'il ie.,'pu'. tile su preme mi airia of Dp pulpii iii Diis or nay eii 'rill ail l.e.ir r.i.' witness tii.-rt 1 have k ;. my W.-u le ir ,ae slio.-e. I have si ;1 ply he. .1 urliiu; akuiitr tin- coast line Dm Itre it. eol'tbi, ul lit jdory and viieiilness e mains unit ui lie I. I wriu.d that I in!i;'at paint a pu-itire fur v-ni of Dial land of HiniililiP'.-i, 1 l":M!i r and ilere-s. Land of-"luls.,;,- ei,u ; ; and la: -at r- tehlii", sph-lis dor s of s'lnmp-r s, ,:-,, mi, mount u!u ' and wind-sv-.tp. nio-i.-.-." I w-inld slr. t.i yiel of ;: la id el olu era,- c.isllis nil' I pi-, ;;:iti:ic "iiln.i of "Ye hanks and hraes of fiinnie I :i," nf Die ha.-, b.-ll and Dm ilai.... , o'' Die f.eliiiss heal iier. I would :-uu; to yotl of lire land rf Dp. laverock nil, I eerlar; ; Die l-ip,i p ni p siv,- iu,-u and ;a roaj; ileiil,- v. 1 tip-ii; hi oil or" Witliace and Frucc l.in.l. ' t-'.-ott i.f 1 IS.irnsi fold ol Knox a;pl t'.ti-iy!..; I. ni l of e!as: i cities and II-, le eia- -:e sei-eola: laud o.' I i lllllliamil r-.tn! M.' '.:.? u; a Ian I on which J h l mil; 1.; ,. -. s Die lui-ii e.-lilo.'ie o'' liein I.e. Ill-aim.-'. t.eupl, in Dp, Mi.ri.l. S'-,.t.-!;-l.i-'.PP;.. D'i'' IS i.,l:- ia.e.p, rlliae aro ,!t' pi :-de. I'tU-ih-.u I. leu ! li.p.vs in Vpur veins. I, - ire.- o, its -pUrit r-.ud i's i-mver, l ' a ' i We llitd I llUV.e ;i l,,,l !',-- Cf ,H VV all s. llian- on 111" D .ne of Dila r, prilill ; '.ul! D'e tlU.'p, Ule.-il" Tltfi: Ul'd til" t V f- rai"-e:i! aril npu , ile--a sp-, niuid shall l-.iipv,- Diet Dlei-i- iu p. le d ill l;--:iel arid aH ariay ,n-l navy ip Dp' I'l.ti-d i;i:tlis. Dip I ..ins: 1 a ue; Dp re s-.ieteh. s lieforn vi-t.as it' Im '1 cad at 11, iii leu, r '. r: I ir,iir lilal lorrer:t, nt '.:,i y t,,i.e- atul ruiiled ' ea: ;e. hi .ii- wiDi ti-.-. u nd :. ,'a y wl'h t it,n it vision of a p. ";.!,. as uaconuuera nle as the v.-tlil. st v.al-rfall of Dn lr wildest Kli n, as : ta lw art. i'ur t-'uiiieiutsness as life ever- 1;- -'. Illi;- lli: hhiip's; a Pepel" as 1 11 :l 11 t.i ! ul Pi Dn ir siii:-!. ei' di p lien .0 Fed and hu niunity, as I" -iv " -, pei.e'lle'.i ui Is haaull f"l Whatl l.tM'll Dl',"l-!l Ilia hill" huz,) W'-l, il Vials :-,.: e lliui. !.-;;!, I Ip'.O. I am ad!n-u:i'-i;:M to e ne m earth i-ain, o- von vail t - 13 n:e 11 il Dii:'::-' a'-.- not w h 1 Dn y s--i tn. An Iras'-ip 11 -Ijiag nn- the plan. 1111 of a it ..llev 1111 in Pnila-d-Ipiiia. uit'i a pi,,- iu h:s month, 'i'ao lire had 1 ote. lert Die eeu.lirelpl' tp!, him tu null t-nielit":;. "I'm nut : :n l;iuj;," sard !at. A seennu Ptvifa.tion Wils tr 1 1 . w!e n, in p. I tdriiti ,-. Du man it-1: ' f-n not sir.elrl- a. I Pile ye." A thir l ti.-ae Die conductor lul l D'.. nu :. he u.-uld lie put oil" tiie fur ii" he iti-in'i rurl! -nioirir, w hen tip- man repiie,;: "I loie j e. thra" Dine I v, :s iii-t ;-t:Pi,,i;iii'r." "Iiui you 1 nv,- your ; ,':i III y, ttr euuttli." Is, iin 1 i lutv ni" fat" in ii'" bouts, and I'm not Witlliet..-' 'lin- sniol-" h f" I-- na! r-niolp'. When the Sea, li-li 's'i tir t s tDi I ia I'.-iin.-yl-vauia tlc-y 1,,-nl a eu atn at iradi- ninr ri :.- e. 1, brat!-::. . I' dan -iu all Ida::'. .s Mi.it --S ... ' 1, -ia;,' li''!. aporie-r :" .' ." I In t t:l! hi lea. e. V, i'-j . Vel : -oio I'' 10 ea t , a- l:e :-le--,i w p hu-tl, ,1 p, d'r-;:;od uul on !?... tte-ia. -e,l D, li iui, r ' i.'.'! t ' ''I 1: . " , 1 :': ' 1.1 TP! 'i niio: : ; i -I 1 ii:." Da: t "it 1.1. it- in., i.f hrpi ';- i'l, le nilllept l'Ul:,U, pi'" Un: ietai pt'.p'- tie , I : 1 iucta ntly h ., , ,- p, . 1 ... TI!!! A';.v :.vi Fi v. r. !:. lie-1. ! s. ..!' x itdeh, f.vi i", '.li 1 n! "T': an:. - s in tip. I. .1:1." d' !i,i i"d 1-". eni ly in thi.-t r-ity an u I''-, --.-, mi I'v. Amp lian it;p.uipti '!' 1 l.y i;s i'ii- i'l iii'i., title color aiul 1 ,t -p :-!',ii y 111 ',' :! kiuhp- it: p:-e:-;-;,i-n : mi !.a : iu- I' ,11 fr. pi-, -t Iv 1 1 i ii 1 is -ii M 1 -ul; tiie 'il."':: c 1 1 1 1 1 , :'!-"'-, i ". 1 li",el'. ' ' !" :-. ' " i ' : u'r' iii v. ::.-- : p:.-, , I v his ' -. -i:i. '. 'ail 1 : : 1 t,i:it l 1 ' .i"tn i.ililt i.'u -a i".l is ' , al' id, ! .! an .' i.P'li. u:i Cilel-li'lil I ;.- Die e.P.-eli: iv.r.4 (il t,. New- Fnaiutel neity. Mr. 1 !)!)) in-'' i:-i :'.-; v. is une well e- t, ee;' od to ii'iw, :: a v,-1 , ! i r i n;; of :-'a"-i-- mi;. .is i ill- Du- initn trod t;-",i"r-..:''' i 1 : ' o Di- 'i'tir l-e- -i ieni:, n ipi ,1 i irt v i.V.tu 1'' it" '-f rails. He a-.-.-i-iii. li 1 , :! ; t of Die ie,- . -P ' : ,., - i. i:u ' ft ir ',':' : '!';: : r d up, I -. ; :,:r 1 ei,-, ,' ."' Dra "i'e. :d i 'ii - r -; iaP'i; t a--t T." li' r 1 !' T ;.' if';: I 1 t i.f " ral 1 , ::, ';', 1 -.: Dp. , r- al ':'' a ir-' a" i P'lv-'P, , aeui! of '. ' ',-' 'P.-- ' ! '. . Ii 1 : .'Dpi lp d Ci'iipeM "' Die ; D,,.; ,o,., ';, ,.p ., I" '. , 1 a ' :- iu". 1 ' tu. "a o'i-i -. 1 r txj-: a H.i !"'(!. ilil'l.::.. , ;l,i ii ",:--., f,,' tin- ii. ip ii!-.p-: :i... -. r-ei ,1 :'oi- ii v. 'if lied O'l li"" In 1 , ..'ell- t'o. 1, a.d-s of ipusa.!. r. ' ul. li" ; .iuvt'.'.-.l il. . pill-, "t w i:ii li ..ii a ' up , e.l v. it b ; la ,! 11 aie. cut of tie- Fro an 1 ;, ;. .p- i , , ; ; i t Ar-pr ::i:.pu pi t up,- i" ,u' !;i:n,re; ,-i ii, nnv v -:y ,, p.. le 1 v- 1: - a r, v, I't- I ii IP!! - onle ' V Ipeli I-! , '., il Hi. -Idly, i;ril.d,u' of T'pi'. v. Th !. .outi..nrn V s. Ir-n.-K .ti:- u - I .1... uuipii-. pipI, wi! ! 'P -.1 Pi," il -I i . I p. .-letup I'l l"l."ti 1 i r: " t '1 Tprlp'-'i v ri"-:'. r:- Mr. !h al ius d". iu r- I. t!il 1i.ti.il hi . .J r tin ninl bud died and i'"t rpie'e l'iir:n ".nu I'i" l;s ami thai Du- killed Pi nil.er. il wo-. ten pip1 hiU1.11. 'i'o I11K lb - nut. lite.'-" Cl t ist ianrt v has. i..ie ;..H r :toi liiip.,- ii:-"!" f "in tniiiirdei-ii!.: lo the ; lifi'er :m.v. I iph i'i.-.-v I. as I . n a a .:i- 1.1 e" : in:. I i- i-pui ii 10 Main.-. I -eierf !'..' . -f.p I to a . 1 : .1 :-l iu :Dip; .!'- 1 r-": I. r.o t .'. a-: !'. v ;U" !;:( '".ta.'u rn i- mil -Di r. .Ml Lump- an :i 1 i.ii 1:: dread t : I -.v:::' I'l Hint ii -tt : ",: '" '' 1 -'.i 1 -.e.-i ion ef 1 he 1 :r r I ; ri Ic vi "'ia A :-, u o ,,f' 'p. i i v c' - is; i:; . dis . to 1 h- 1 art sits ! Die .'- O I i'.llliptllS an ! a. ul. l-.ai h i'e.T s 'l,,- its e 11 ill iij r : i- tirl- -;.. 1 : ,1,1-i ;,:! .." ..Hi ol (he ! Pic ;!.. ; I lo I. -a a ,p . D in each ia v. , : t i -.1 o 1 ' ' s.'l .'V 1 - Tli Fp.piete :ii.! ;i..! !.- nml s.in. -'n' -' itsop '. i, s. , le i Pt. of t :1 ' pi .l i ' ietljl ofs-c-et treaties made v. il Ii Turkey -by Kte.i.it).'. i'.ttCeii. !r tr.-iiy e 1-1:1 ill -d to hold ; ,v,iy i.p Die lil icl; in.'ji P'lvi Tt.tlii-y is iioand p. ui 1 h r ninl tl-.nt !s v, !-.y Fu.-. ia ri-ru-v; lo mak m ui-r-nl tlie waters of her sj'tt. All '...wei-s pro in 1 onsciiueiiee p;-ev. -riled from making i'eii un uttempt to enter Dm Flack Ba Continued on l uge 7.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers