THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE "WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2.1, 1890. Ncrrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 920 Wyoming Ave. F1ACKAWANNA, E A DE R II IN CORRECT LAUNDERING 308 Penn Avenue. A. B. WARM AN. OUR STORE Will Be Open Evenings Until Christmas. iwni Ceipcts, Draperies anil Wall Papa 127WYOMINO AVE. city un:s. Ebenczer 1'. 1hv'. of this .city. w granted a patent yesterday ut Washlng'-un for u toaster. On nrroiim of the nlwnee of a quorum a meetiiv,' of 1 ho li.ianl of Asjoclutea Charillfs wns not held lust nlb'ht. l'ntrlik Ijempsey. of I'lne lirooK, ar rested on complaint of Ills wile, wii unou .". yesterday moriilnt; ly .Mayor l.uiley. Tlii' stoek and fixtures In tho uroiory Btoic of iuv It. I !-lil was sold yesterday by Deputy Slieiilf Ityan. A. 1!. ltdpn eaino the pim-haser for f 1 17. Tin- diagram for "I'alr Virginia." which will In- the attraction at tin- Acail-inv or Music Friday ami Siaiiroay. will "I';!! this muriiltnr at H o'clock. Checks will ue Klvt-n nut ut X . m. atrlck DnfTv ami l-Mwunl Sheridan, vn Ki'tiniH arrested for lieKKiiiK money on the Kt'Vt". were euininit led yesterday to the count; Jail for thirty days by .Mayor ltalley. Nelson (J. Teets has resigned the position of financial seeretaty of the Central Labor union in order to devote all his time to the (luiles of hi new olliee, tirKanlzer-;it-laii;e for the Retail Clerks' National Protective ussin'ia tbfii. Thi collections which may be made In the imblic schools for tin- l.act; iwanna hosiiltal In accordance with the permis sion munted by tlie board of control. fhould be sent direct lo Miss Kramer, ut t'li' hospital, or William T. Smith. The recently orisaid.ed council vt the Voiiiik MiMi'P institute nl (ireeii Uidi;e has reii'r I anil furnished a house at Capouse uv. iiie and (ireeii lildue street, and on Xei- Year's Day will tender a reception in It to the members of St. l'aul's conyrejra tlon. At a. meeting of Pivislon No. V.i, A. O. 1., of (ireen llldjje, Monday nlKhl, (he following olllcors for the eomins year were elected: I'resldent. Martin I'eiKiisoii : vice-president, John limine: recotdiiti; sec retary. I'utrick Melody; llnanciiil secre tary, John .M. Walsh; treasurer, I'eter 1. Muhon. The funeral of Francis (ladwool will take place this mornlntr ai ii.iti o'clock. Services will be held In St. IVt'i's cut he. 1 1 lu I und the remains will be taken lo s weao, Y., where Interiiient will lie made Thursday moniliiK at lo o'clock. Services wd be held at OsweKO 111 St. lMid'a eh .iron. Willie, 1-year-old son of ox-County l'e teethe John J. Shea, died yesterday after nn Illness of four days of croup. The be 1'envenieTit, Is doubly sud, ns it Is Ihe sec ond child In a short time. The funeral will take place from the family home, Shi Orchard t;vet. Thursday, ut 2.30 p. in. Ilurlal In Hyde I'ark. The Anthracite Athletic association was oi'Munlsied Monday nlitht In Columbia hall, at Wyoming avenue and Hickory street, with u membership of seventy-live. These olticcrs were elected: I'resldent, John Kennedy; vice-president, John Cirmoly; recording secretary, Daniel 0. Co Hurt; treasurer, John McCourt; sergeant-iit-urms, Owen Sweeney. The liuiuiiy for seats for the Christmas performances at the Krolhlnthatn has been without precedent III the history of the theater, hut no seats are promised or ' held ill advance for any one. so that all may huve an equal chance. The s ilo opens this mornlni; ut o'clock and nil who con template seeltiK the meat Dlxey to Fruh man's most successful, comedy, woull do well to be on hand early. Patrick Mtillarkey. of the Seventh ward, was at rested for drunkenness ten days ago and committed to the county Jail by Mayor Hnlley. Yesterday he was released anil was Immediately arrested on a war rant Issued by Alderman WrlKht chars;- . liiK him with highway robberv. He spent last nlKht In the station house. It Is al lowed that he assisted "Dlek" Hicks to roll Bert Slcco. of Oreen itldne. Hicks was convicted at the last term of court and Is now serving two yiuis in the East ern penitentiary. : Superintendent of Carriers V. D. lloche Is authority for the statement that the mall is heavier this year than It ever was durliiK any previous holiday season. A number of carriers, especially in the cen tral city, had to have assistants vester .day on account of the great number of bulky packages they were called upon to deliver. The money order and registered letter departments also report record breakliiK business, the foretell remittances .btliiR particularly heavy. The stamp whi tlow sales were yesterday nearly twice as larije as on an ordlnnry day. Dr. McDowell, dentist, 240 Adams avenue. . If You Want to Huv any Chrlstmns presents, we will sell you Roods nt less than one-half the actual cost, to close out the entire stock be fore April 1st. DA VI DOW BROS.. 21" Laeka. ave. Ilicyclrs Tor Hoys. mttenbender & Cn. are now exhibit ing a fine line of Juvenile bicycles in their windows at si 3 Spruce street, which ore the best '07 models. ' Tlrasa and Onyx Tables, Lamps end Shades. All reduced to cost. HILL CONNKLL, 131 and 133 Wash. ave. ;ood t'mnerna at our Holiday branch, 203 Wash. ave. Conrsen I the Lowest. Candy, Fruits, Cltfnrs and Groceries, 429 Lackawanna avenue. : ' Slippers I Slippers! Slippers! 10.000 pairs for half price at the 5 Brothers. DOS Lackawanna avenue. Open evenings. . Fine line of Carvers. Five O'clock Teas, Skates nnd Pocket Knives. FOOTE & SHF.AU CO. ' Our Coney Camera Pnrlor Is something new. 203 Wash. ave. LAST NIGHT'S RARE MUSICAL TREAT Sievekins-BUphain Concert at the Frothinsbam Theater. PERSONALITY OF THE PIANIST ilia Appcnrnuce (ivt's So Hint of the liis lnteuscly Artistic Tempera" m cut or Hi Marvelous .liustcry of he Kev Board-. r. Itisuliam Proved Himself the Prince of llari tonesHut!t ltcpentedly Encored. If the helsht of art he to conceal art, the sIhkIiik of 'I tavld Hlspham and the piano- playing of Martinus Sieve king before the brauuut audience which greeted these eminent artists in the Ki'i.tlilimliain theater last evening, rise very near to Uie pinnacle of pos sible artistic achievement. In neither Instance tvus a single artillre employed to Klve meretricious advantage to work Vthose own superb merit made it, as it seemed, incomparable. One may with out any exaggeration pronounce their concert the richest musical repust ever placed within reach of a Northeastern Pennsylvania audience; and the only point left open for resret was that these should have been a vacant seat. Mr. Sievekiiif.', pale, melancholy looking und a typical Hollander in ap pearance, was tlio fust to come forth. Since there Is naturally more or less curiosity conccinlnu the personality of this vcuni; Hutch virtuoso who Is be lieved by many clitics to be a promls ini; rival for Paderewski's hitherto un chblleiiBed laurels, it may not bo out of place to suy that one meeting him away from his Instrument would be very unlikely to think of him as one of the three or four greatest living pianists. He has, to be sure, tho aure ole of bristly hair which Pad'Tewski made the fashion for pianoforte virtu osi; but there Is surely no hint in the stidid countenance, the larife und one might almost say ungainly hands, or in the man's general air of Impassivity, of the fluent and Intensely poetic ar tistic temperament within. it lakes the instru ut tu unlock that secret, and even then one loses all thought of the player in his alternately sensuous und voltaic playing. . MIS OPKXIXU Nl'MHKP.. For Ids opening number he chor.e lleethoven's famous Moonlight sonu's, followed for purposes of contrast by Chopin's fantasle In F minor (op. The Interpretation of the former was richly sympathetic, notably ho in the udaigo. 'which perhaps suffered from the audience's Interest in the pltyer rather than In his theme. It was not until Sir. Sleveklng began. the fantasie mid tave rein to the reserve brilliance and singing polish of his lechnliiU'' ' iu.t it dawned upon his auditors that here w as a vcrila'de muglchm of I lie key board, whose playing warranted all, mid more than all. Unit hud been sriid in praise of it. Words do not readily lend themselves to a description of the tonsil triumphs, of Sieveklng's reading of Chopin; It is enough to say after lie had concluded, tho enthusias tic audience demanded three separat? re-appearances, and desisted then in sheer kindness. For his second number he offered three compos it Ions of his own m In teresting study built upon the tlleme: of the angelus bell: an exceedingly dainty and poetic bit of harmonized melody culled "Forest Fchoes;" and a valso de concert of exceptional 1 i II llance. For an encore he gave Mendel ssohn's "With Wings of Song," sound ing Hip melody on the piano with the distinct ncsK ami purity and almost with the warmth of Ihe human voice. His third number comprised a romance by Tw haikowsky ; a minuet by Hizet and Moszkowski's familiar tarentelle In O Hat, which afforded him perhnps the best opportunity -of the evening to ex hibit the marvels of his truly wonderful techiiiue. To one who undertakes to speak of Mr. Pdeveklng's playing as the writer of this notice does, without critical knowledge or pretension, and only with il wish to record impressions, there is left to lie said simply that very rarely, indeed, does It come within one'sjiriv llcge to hear nn artist unitine; so inti mately the poetic temperament with a manual mastery of the piano forte leaving, it would seem, absolutely noth ing to lie desired. He is not only a player grent in technique, but one even greater In his ability to subdue every light and shade of the tone colors to his leading of the composer in hand. Ml!. I'.ISPIIAM'S SlNUINC. And now, how shnll we do Justice to Mr. lilsphani? To say that he is tfie prince of baritones, with a voice that even If umiiaslered would make liltn famous And It Is mustered thoroughly and with a dramatic power, a fine ness of matured Intelligence and a magnetic presence which before ho sounds a note, prepare his auditors for the' enjoyment that is to follow. Is to say scarcely more than n fraction of what ought to be said if one would convey to those who have never heard him an idea of Ids nittiits. His llrst number was a song cycle by Heethoven: his next, Loewe's ballade, "Archibald Douglas" which was attempted, but not suns, at a recent chamber conceit followed by a Schubert song nnd then by a Schumann; und his last, two new nnd two old English songs, giving op portunity for the display of his many sided lyrical talents. It would be of little purpose to try to fidlow him in detail through tiiese renditions; perhaps the most satisfac tory disposition of the whole matter is to sav that when one bus heard I'.isip hnni one does not wish ever again to hear an ordinary baritone In any of the selections which Hispham has used. He, too, wus received with most en thuslajiic favor, and was good nam red enough to be unexpectedly generous in recognition of it, responding to three encoivs. "WIZARD" SCHAEFFER COMING HERE Will ;ive nn Exhibition nt Backus' Milliard Parlors Next Monday. Jacob Schaefer, known as the "Wlz dar" throughout the billiard world, and Wm. A. Spinks, the young western champion, will appear in a billiard exhibition at the rooms of George Kackus, on Washington avenue, next Monday night. This will lie the first appearance of these experts In k'cran ton, and local lovers of billiards will undoubtedly greet the "wizard" In a manner worthy of his great reputation. He is now said to be In excellent form, runs of 2m and 30 freiiucntly mark ing his practice play In his new room at the Hoffman house. New York. The exhibition on Monday night wiil consist of ,",00 points bulk-line, f.o points cushion caroms, l.j points three cushions, and a variety of fancy shots. A complete set of "(pilck" cushions from the Hrunswick-Lialke Cullender company will be sent here fur use on this exhibition. HE WAS NOT DEFRAUDED. No Answers IJIttciibciidcr V- Co. to Allegation of Former Partner. Abraham Bittenbcnder and John M. Kemnierer, defendants in the etiuity suit brought by Kmlly P.lttenbender and her hUBband, Israel lilttenbender, to have annulled the agreement to a dissolution of partnership, yesterduy made answer to the bill of the plain tiffs, throush their attorneys, Ward & Horn. They deny In general the allegation that there was any fraud practiced as alleged In parcelling out their former partner's third Interest and aver that he is stating' what Is not true when he says that he did not always have ready access to the books. Tui y aver that at the time of tho dis solution the stock was valued at $&!, 4MU3. less 'JO per cent.; the notes and judgments, $8.:1.!.26. less SO per cent.; book accounts, $H,G4:'.13, less 3a per cent., and Hint tho linn owed 15.770.13 in excetis of the ready money it had in bank. They admit that their Franklin ave nue property was carried on the inven tory nt $40,000, und the Milllin avenue property at JlS.eoo but these figures were put down in order to make a good showing of assets und thH was undir stood by the plaintiffs. The total value of the rlrni's assets ineludi:u; the lots held ill common wus at the time of dissolution S1;;s,o:!:i.'.ii and that the plaintiffs received their full one-third. The plaintiffs claimed that the firm's wealth was $J2ii..'il:t.7f and that they were defrauded out of one-third of the difference or 10,000. nearly. . They ask court to dismiss the pro- ceedliigs and allow them reasonable compensation for the expense which tiny liuve been put to thereby. WELCOMING A NEW PASTOR. Kev. (curge M. Vclh Crcctcd by Clergymen mid Congregation. The congregation of the Calvary He formed church of fSlhson street, ten dered a public reception to Its new pus tor, llev. tieorge AI. Welsh, last night. The auditorium of the church was ap- proprlately decorated for the occasion w ith evergreens and plants, and anove ta pulpit lu large letters of ever Riteil was the word "Welcome." A large eiingregathin wus in attendance. Frank H. Smith presided. Heslde him sat llev. John Davy, llev. Foster I'. II if t. of the Grace Lutheran church, and new fJeorge L. Aldrich, of the Grace Keformed Episcopal church. I lev. Mr. Aldrich made an address of wecoine on behalf of the cif nnd the city's churches; tl. A. ISrown spoke for the congregation; F. II. .Smith for the Sunday school, and Miss .Ma Uie Mimsou for the Christian Endeavor society. llev. Mr. Welsh made a lifting and touching response for himself and Mrs. Welsh. The bine dlctlon was pronounced by llev. John Davy. Among the special features of the musical programme were a solo by Miss Edith Du Hois and a duet by Miss Du Hois und Miss Mattle Munson. ite fresliments were served in the lecture room nt the conclusion of the exer cises In the utidltorlum. LLMHURST TANNERY BURNED. It Is No (ircat Loss, as It Was Sot llcing Cued. Fire broke out In the Elmhurst tan nery .-it lo o'clock last night und in two hours time it was reduced to ushes. The building belonged to the Scranlon Gas .mil Water company, the tannery having been purchased by it recently, with the intention of demolishing it. as the bun rd of health complained that it was polluting the lloarlng Ilrook. The machinery had all been removed by the previous owners, the Pnlon Tannery company. The loss therefore Is trilling. The building was situated on the Ilouring Ilrook. opposite the old Dun ning homestead und was a very old structure. Il was lr feet long and fifty feet wide, and on the south were open sheds extending nearly seventy live feet farther. Owing to the fact that the building was unoccupied the Humes were not discovered until they broke through the roof and as there are no modern facilities for lighting tire at Elmhurst. the populace could do nothing but stand around and bemoan die destruction of the village's old landmark. Tim cause of the lire Is unknown but It is supposed that tramps, who possibly sought shelter there, are responsible for the blaze. UNIQUE CHRISTMAS DISPLAY. It Can He Seen nt Alex. Dunn's lint Store. There Is no Christmas display In the city, probably which attracts more at tention than that of Alex. Dunn, the hatter. Alongside uf his store Is a plat form on which a real live Santa Claus is seated in a real sleigh to which a reindeer is attached. There is no time from early morning until lute ut night when a crowd is not discernable around the jolly-faced old fellow. Scores of children each day crawl up on the platform occupied by Santa I'luus tu whisper in his willing ear the gifts they most desire for Christmas. This in Important to You, And to your wife, son and daughter. You want a home. Think about it. Huy one of our choice lots In the cen tral and select part of Scranton at a handy and convenient walking dis tance from business, theaters, hotels, churches', stores and depots, on Adams, Jefferson, Madison or Monroe avenues. At most of the lots lias walks und curbs are laid, also sewers, gas and water mains and steam heat, and in front of some the asphalt pave. These are sites for superior homes. Prices low. Terms easy. Clear title guaran teed. Call for circular, Jones, 311 Spruce. Open Noon. J, Bolz, the Furrier, 1HS Wyoming ave nue, whose stock was damaged by tire last evening will open In a few days and will offer you bargains thnt have never been shown to the people of Scran ton. llirycles for Boys. Tilttcnbender & Co. are now exhibit ing n fine line of Juvenile bicycles In their windows at !!13 Spruce street, which are the best 'S7 models. Tailor made fall suits and overcoats, latest styles, John R03S, 307' Spruce street. Steam Healing nnd Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howlcy, 231 Wyoming ave. We can help you work the Santa Clans in .a sensible way. Come early lu the day. FOOTE & SHEAR CO. Grent Bargains In diamonds at Davldow Hros., 217 Lncka. ave. Now Is the time to buy. 150 XX White Envelopes for 17c. at 3c. Store, G23 Lack'a. ave. Courscn Is tho Lowest. Look at the crowds buying. Tlease lenve your orders early; open until mid night. ' lluv Her a Cnnifc'i for Xmas. We have 'em at 203 Wash. HKV. U1CORGE M. WELSH. JUST A LITTLE MORE OF THE BEAUTIFUL Sleigh Bells' Jingle Heard Last Night for the First Time. PROMISE OF SCRANTON WEATHER It Continues Cold and Promises to ' tirow Coldcr-Uimiicns Men Are " Ilnppy nnd the Ituilruad .Men and ' .Miners Hope to Ho Hnppy Soou. There Wns Not Kuough Suow to In teileie with Street Car TralBc. The snow fall of yesterday and last evening was hulled with pleasure by young and old. Christmas without s'now makes the heart Bad. There wus not enough uf it to make sleighing possible, except on the asphalted streets, but the jingle of bells was heard on these thoroughfares ' last evening. It seemed probable during the after noon that a heavy fall would come and that the ground would lie whitened to a uipth of several inches, but this hope was disappointed hy the appearance of tlK' moon from behind the clouds, and it m'dnlght u clear sky overcast the city. The merchants had been anxiously longing for tin- beautiful, for It is an ll'ctntlve to better business at Yuletlde, they say. The small boy likes to see the snow because it provides enjoy ment for him with his sled. It gives the blacksmith more work, and it gives t'.io tool man a greuter demand for his anthracite. In the office of the Scranton Trac tion company a notice Is posted re quiting the employes to be ready to re spond in case of a heavy fall. So far the running of its cars has not been Intel rupted to any extent. The sweepers- were sent out over all the lines yes teiuay. " To the railroad men the snow and promised cold weather are the greatest boons, almost, that could be vouch safed. There is such a dullness at present that many conductors have been put buck ut braking and new brakemen have had to be dismissed. Less than half the usual number of trains were "worked out" on the board lust night. Whut colder weather would mean to the miners need not be dwelt upon. Their deplorable condition and the beneficent change that would re sult from a good, long cold snap are tou familiar to Scrantoriians. GREAT SHOW THIS WEEK. .Malinger Davis Oilers a Fine Per lorinniicc to His Patrons. "Little Hoy Hlue" Is the bill at Davis' theater this week, and It is not saying too much to state that it Is one of the best bills that the house hus presented. It is a pantominc with pauses at ap propriate Intervals for specialties. Harry Thorne is the clown and Matt McCoruiick eusuys the roll of panta loon. Among the scenes presented are "Moonlit Abbey," "Farm of Plenty." "Police Station und Shoe Shop," "The Mystic Chamber," "The Palace of Nov ell y," "Maker Shop and Fire Works Store," "Abode of Darkness," and "The Grotto of Happiness," In each scene there is a different specialty introduced by such famous purveyors of fun and bewilderment as Dick Leggett, change artist and vocalist; Alice Jennings, Eddie O'P.rlen und little Anna Mabel O'Hrlen, in soiil's, dunces and a novel sparring exhibition; Maria Wynne, songs nnd clog dances; the three Menus, contortionists and knockabout come dians, and Levinne und Month, equili brists. The feature of the entertainment Is the sparring of Alice Jennings. She IS a clever boxer and manages to make thing quite lively for her spaning purtner, Eddie O'Hrlen, who is un old lioxlng Instructor. They gave a three round bout without any more hippo dromlng than is seen in the average sparring match on the stage. The way Aiiss Jennings handles her "dukes" would cause the ordinary lightweight to huullilu nli., nt fn',.lnn liv tcltli tl.a mitts. O'Hrlen Is also an exceedingly clever sparrer and during his stay of fers $."i0 to any man who can be Induced to stand up for a four round go. HE IS STILL INSPECTOR MILLAR. Reappointed Ten Days After His llosignntion Was Accepted. Three times did Alderman Millar re sign us major and inspector of the third brigade. The first time It was not accepted, nor the second time, hut the third time it was, after he urged its acceptance on the score that it took up tou much of his time. Hut ten days after he received no tice that his resignation was accepted he received another notice acquainting him of the fact that he was reappoint ed by General Gobln. He has consent ed to accept the appointment and will start out soon after Jan. 1 on his visit of inspection. The order in which he will make the Inspections will be as follows: Eighth, Fourth, Twelfth, Ninth, and Thirteenth regiments. The Thirteenth will be inspected some time in Murch. FOR STEALING TIMBER. Warrants Issued for I-oar Twentieth Ward .Men by Alderman Millnr. For some past the Scranton Gas and Water company has been annoyed by men stealing timber from the land In lloarlng Hrook township. A trap was laid for the men and it is alleged that Hugh Gllmore, Martin Cawley, Pat rick Poland and Luke Walsh, of the Twentieth ward, were caught taking some timber. A warrant for their arrest was sworn out before Alderman Millar und each defendant gave bull in the sum of $300 for his appearance on Dec. TJ at 2 p. m. for a further hearing. Slippers! Slippers! Slippers! 10,000 pairs of slippers. A lot of goods truly, but we will sell every pair of them as the unheard of low prices will induce thousunds to buy slippers for Christmas presents, who otherwise would not think of a useful present of this kind. & llrothers is the place. 10, 000 pairs to select from. 5o.S Lackawan na avenue. Open evenings. .Most Popular and Interesting holiday resort In the city. Heidleman, Htl Wash. ave. Don't forget the Excelsior Atheletic club's annual ball on Christmas night at Music Hall. Admission 50 cents. Don't squander good money on use less toys; buy something useful und durable. FOOTE & SHEAU CO. Xmnsftoods! Xmas floods! Jewelry, silverware, watches, etc., at Davldow Hros., 217 Lucka. ave. DIED. STAtlK-In Dunmore, Pa Dec. 21, 1S!M, Mahion. Stark, aged 42 years. Funeral Tuesday noon from his late residence on Chestnut street. Services In the Dun more Methodist Episcopal church. In terment will take place at Nuntlcoke, the funeral leaving the Scranton Dela ware, Lavkawannii and Western depot on the 1.55 p. m. Itloomsburg train. Ml'RPHY In Scranton, Pa., Monday, Dec. 21, at 8 p. m.. Joseph, son of Mr and Mrs. James .Murphy, 1312 Bwetlund street, uged 2 years and 10 months. Fu neral Wednesday ttfternuon ut 2.30 o'clock. RECVE JONES' RECITAL. Pleasing Programme Rendered by Well-linowu Artists. The studio of Ileeve Jones was filled Monday afternoon with a delighted audience composed of musical people of the city, on the occasion of his second recital. Mr. Jones was assisted by Miss Florence Itichmond, who played the second piano part in Mendelssohn's Concerto, and by Mrs. G. duB. Dim mlck, who rendered the vocal numbers on the programme with usual urtistic finish. The programme was as follows: Concerto. O minor Mendelssohn Moito Allegro con fucu Anduiite Presto Allegro Vivare, Pouk. (a) on the Wlims Mendelssohn (b The .q.i'oen Wish I'hopln l'iuno. Octave Study Kuwalski SoliK. u Twillehl .Mo.ait (b), the Lark Schubert Piano, Polonaise, op. S3 Chopin Soiur, Mia Plccirella Guineas Piano, Kuntusla Luciu de Luniinermoor, Liszt GERMAN AT THE COUNTRY CLUB. It Wus the First Giveu nt the New Club House. Last evening occurred the first Ger man given at the Country club. Mrs. K. II. Jermyn and Mrs. A. H. Storrs were ' chaperones. The committee in charge was composed of Miss Ander son, Miss Augusta Archbitld and Miss Simpson. Miss Beth Archbuld assist ed by Miss Hellii. led the Germun, which took place after a dainty supper had been served. Those present were Mlsn Hunt, Miss Winton. Miss Purke, Miss Grace Will iams, Miss Jermyn, Miss Sue Jermyn, Miss Dale. E. E. Chase. A. E. Hunt, sr., A. E. Hunt, Jr., George G. Hrooks, John 11. Hrooks. II. U. Merrill, L. II. Fuller. F. S. Fuller. F. C. Fuller, Messrs. linger, Hliss. Jumes Itlair, Jr., J. M. Holes, Hedford. Turkeys, Chickens, Geese nnd Ducks We have recelvsd a large shipment of New York and Vermont state poultry, which Is very line. We invite the public to look at our stock before Inning. A. G. GILMOllE SON, People's market, 33 and 35 Lacka. ave. Next to D. & IL station. Conrsen Is the Lowest, The big crowds tell the story. Silverware I Silverware J Rogers Ilros.' triple plate silver tea spoons, formerly $2.25 per set, now $1.25 at Davldow Bros., 217 Lacka. ave. Greatest Display of books In the city. Heidleman, the Hooktnan. 10,000 Pairs. That's more slippers than all the shoe dealers In Scranton have put together und for the next few days we will cut prices square in two. Contributions of Poultry, Meat and Provisions may be sent to St. Luke's parirh room, 122 Wash, ave,, on Wed nesday, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. Only the Finest Cameras made are shown In our Holiday Branch, 20o Wash. ave. Elegant Kleetric Seal and Astrakhan FUR CAPES FIRST QUALITY, FOIl CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT W. R. BLACK'S, 132 WYOMING AVE SAWYER'S MILLINERY STORE SchiM Piano Stands at the Head AND J. W. GUERNSEY Stands st the Held in the MuhIo track. You cau alwsys get s bettor bargain at bis beautiful wareruoms than nt any other place in the city. Call and ses for youraelf before buying. 205 Washington Avenue, SCRANTON, PA. J. W. GUERNSEY. Prop. BEST SETS OF TEETH. $8, Including tho painless extracting of toetti by an entirely new process. 5. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., 311 Spruce St , Opp. Hotel Jermyn. USEFUL GIFTS. ROCKERS AND CHAIRS We have a nice line of Reed Rockers and Chairs. Also Oak, Hahogany and Willow Rockers. New Designs, Onyx Top. Prices Reasonable. SMYRNA rugs A new choice line just Received at $2.25. 30x60 inches HASSOCKS, OTTOMANS, ETC. SIEBECKER i (LARGE WINDOW.) NOW FOR BUSINESS, CHRISTMAS IS COMING WE ARE PKEPARINQ FOR THE BOOiU. . . Diamonds, ' Watches. Jewalry, ling ALL THE LATEST. HONEST GOODS AT RIGHT 1'KICKS. BERRY, THE JEWELER 423 Lackawanna Avam ! MS. 4 lbs Freuh MixH Candy for 25c 3 lbs French Cra am Bon-Bons, 25c 3 lbs Ch istmas Candy for 25c 2 lbs tot Chocolate Drops, 25c Finest Peanut or Walnut Taffy, per pound - - -12c Finest High Grade, Assorted, Regular 40c Mixtures, lb 20c Chocolate Dates, per pound, 7c Jamaica Sweet Ora.iges, per do 25c 3 lbs of the Following Mixed Nuts, for - - 25c Almonds, Walnuts, Pecan, Bra zils and Filberts. The Christmas Gift of a Piano Gives the greatest pleasure If it is one of tho following: CHICKt-RINJ, IVIiKS & POND, or LECKERLINU. Sold only by L. B. POWELL&CO 220-230 Wyoming Ave. STERLING SILVER . . . Is a new addition to our stock ut Hottoin Prices. Opened un other new line of White China For Decorating Prices und styles talk, as we ure selling lots of it. Will keep open evenings after the first of December. METROPOLITAN CHINA HALL C J. WEll'H EL, Mears Bide Cor. Wash, and Spruce St. 406 Lackawanna Ave. i Opp. Wyoming House. I HI I Oil D Closed on Account of Fire. Will Be Open In a Few Days And will give you Bargains that have never been offered before. Wait And See. J.BOLZ 13$ Wyoming Avenue. Grand Panorama OF Holiday Goods SEFUL Outshining in display all previous efforts. Outdoing all past values UXDEKCUTTIKU all previous prices. VlllllllimilECIIII lilt MUSK IMIIIIIHU a S You cannot make a mistake in S S buying for a Christmas Girt S I Finer Cat Glassware, Tumblers, Vases, At the Popular SOT lLnJL S 31 Penn Ave. Cpp. Baptist Church f. Middle of the Block. B Come to Scranton Hews Go. FOIl ALL Newspapers, Magazines, and Story Papers, Main Stand, - - 103 Wyoming Avenue Branch Stand, - - sM Linden Street lu Front of Turkish lluthi. ALWAYS OPEN. Lce and Feet with Sub.A.Htragalus Joint tur Lateral Ankle Movement. Arms and Hands with Hull ringers, and Elbow Movements, J. P. SANBORN, AT Improved Artificial Limbs And Anpllanceafor Deformed and Par atyzed Limb. Manufactured by C. A. l:Kl;ii$, Broadway. New York. 1332 Penn Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Neatly Dune. B Your Satisfaction Our Aim -S OPEN EVENINGS. 8 SllllllllllUllSIHIS3BHi!l!IIIIIIIIlS r r-j Bl 1 HATS JUL AT IJaS Dunn's
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers