I TJJE SCI? ANTON TBIBUNE-MOXDAY MORKTNtf, 31 ARC 30. 1890. ! Neu)s WEST SIDE EVENTS. Plymouth Cnngrcgutlonat Church Cele brated Its 1 ourtccntli Anniversarv. Some Other Interesting Topics. Yesterday the momhcru of tho Plym outh Cimttn-BUtlotKil i liunh besnn u ifU-Dratlon of the fourteenth annivers ary of the i-htirt-h. In the nmrniiiR the pastor, Uev. Thomas Hell, preaeheil on a theme token from Kccleslastes, til. 1': "The Word of tJod anil Man's lwiuiry Into It." There was a lare attendance and anion those present were a num ber of the charter meiuliers of the church. Pastor Hell's sermon was a home-like address, anil was listened to attentively. The choir, under the di rection of K. 10. Kvans. save several anthems. In the evening the sermon was from John xiv, 12. This was the sermon especially commemorative of the occasion. It will be priiiled in full In Saturday's Issue of The Tribune. Several of the deacons spoke last nlsht, and the services were continued until tonight. whn the observance of the birthday will be of a more secular na ture than the Sabbath (lny could admit or. Tonight at 7. ". o'clock the mem bers of the church will answer to a roll call. Olliccrs of the- dliretvnt de partments of church work will make addresses and a social time will be en joyed. The Plymouth Conm iwitlonul church was organized on March -tl. Iss;', with slxty.six members, .nearly all of whom were young people, and members in Kood standitu; or the Welsh fonuiVKii tional church of Hyde Park. The ser vIivh nt the iirini niy.at ion were Immer sive and Inteivstlni;, and were conduct- ed by Rev. C. C. CreeRan. secretary ot the American Home Missionary society for the state of New York, and ISeVH. It. S, Jones. Lot Luke. K. T. til'itllths. John O, Kvans, Jonathan Kdwards and others. A law nijnilier of yoiutK people hail been raided hi the Welsh churches, who did not and could not. derive but little benefit from uny means of ijlace con ducted In the Welsh lniiKiiaiic: and knowing that there were hundreds ol' otheis of the same class who attended no place of worship for the same reason In some measure at least, it was mani fest to many good people that such an organization its Plymouth church was surely needed on the West Side. On April C. IN-. the church, by unanimous vote, called I!ev. Jonathan IMwards, of Wes.1 Newlicld. Main.-, lor its Una pastor. The i all was accept. (L and the new chosen pastor commenced bis la bors here on the first of May following. Mr. Kdwards. however, from his own choice, was not formally installed as pastor until Oct. S, lsx:i, when a council was convened and the formal installa tion was effected. on Dec. 2M. INSl, U.-v. Jonathan Kd wards tendered his resignation to the ( lunch,, to take effect the second Sab bath In February, lss(j. At a special meeting, hebl Jan. II, SSil, which was (ailed for the purpose of considering and acting upon th" resignation. It was accepted and the connection of Uev. Mr. Kdwards with the church as lis pastor terminated. July i:s, Issti. Un church extended a .all to IteV. Peter Huberts, then recently graduated from Yale college. The call was accepted rind Uev. Mr. Huberts began his duties ns pastor on Sept. III., lie was dis missed or. Jan. I.-!, isis. rjev. J. 1.. la vies was called to the pastorate, and. upon act cpling, entered the church pul pit Nov. IT.. 1S1II. He resigned Jan. 15. 1V.C In July, IXIU. liev. Thomas Hell received a unanimous call and began his work on Sept. !i. JS!i. Krom its or ganization until Its chanel was com pleted the church worshipped in a place known as Nicholas Hall, in the rear of Kivy's photograph gallery, on the cor ner of Main avenue and Jackson stt'ivt. The chapel was formally opened nnd dedicated on Oct. 7, 1 SS". The church has under Its charge a mis sion house on Sheinum avenue. Miss liella I'. Kvans is at nresent sutierln tetnlent of the mission. The Sunday school which Is conducted there, hus a membership of 2.M) every Sabbath. At the present time tin- church niember-i-'liip is over 40(i. The Sunday school numbers about -TH persons on the aver age, A. I!. Kynou is superintendent, and Miss Nellie Morgan is president of A flourishing Christian Kndeuvor so ciety. STPCK IX THE MUD. On Saturday last a horse was being led up Robinson street and when it reached one of the most hollow spots In the road it "Mopped short never to go again. The animal was actually so fust I y stuck In the mud that It Dually became necessary' to kill It. otllcer Tom Jones' revolver did the deed and the carcass is now at Hewitts' Fertil iser, factory. .. glKOEUS OIIOANIZK. A rauslMil organization has been ef fected by members of Camp :::l.t. Pa triotic Order Sons of America, which is to he- knuwn as "Camp 333 Olee club." j BE SWELL FOR v. $10. Our leader for the spring is a light veight, light colored Covert Cloth Spring Overcoat, made with all the style and all the fit of a cus tom made $30 garment, and the price is $10.00. It is the coat for dressy young men, it fits well when it is buttoned, and opens with a little kink in the collar, that usually marks only the custom made. . t HE Square Dealing Clothiers, of th? Siibtirbs. John Lewis has been engaged us mu sical director and Heers hall has been secured for rehearsal on Monday even ings. There are some good voices In Camp 3X1 and under the elliclent lead ership of Mr. Lewis the new organiza tion will be a musical success. SUNDAY STARRING AFFKAY. Sunday beer again had Its Innings yesterday and as a result a nameless Hungarian Is suffering from a deep gush In his right arm. The blow was tit tin R by a foreigner. Michael Fennel!, by name, ami the weapon is a pocket knlf. with a. four-Inch blade and a bad looking curve at the point. At 7.3i! o'clock an assort: 'lit of Huns, Poles, Italians, women, i te., were drinking beer in a house, at 114 North Ninth street. A quarrel! resulted and Fennell struck at the man who Is nnmeless here. Felicia Pezerchia saw the cut ting. Fenneli was arrested nnd locked up by Lieutenant WillVms and County Detective Leyshon. On a warrant Is sued from Alderman P.lairs" olllce the man, Felicia was arrested by Constable Tim Jones. The Injured Hun Is being uttended by Ir. II. Oibbs. The wound Is not serious. l'.ANQIKT THIS EVKNJNO. At the St. Charles tonight the Hyde Park Literary and Debating society will hold a banquet. About forty young men will be present. Proprietor Melvln has arrange.! for a sumptuous spread which lie will serve as a criter ion of his work In the liamiuet line. The post -prandial exercises will combine the eloquent with the humorous and the guests are promised a good entertain ment. Among the sneakers will be W. A. Price, Charles House, Charles K. Daniels, H. 1 . Owen and 1". D. Thayer. XKWS NOTES AND PKltSON'ALS. liev. John (irlfllthn. of the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church, delivered a lecture yesterday afternoon in St. David's hall on North Main avenue. The talk was the second of n series of four that the reverend sneaker will give. There was u large attendance. At the Welsh Philosophical society on Saturday evening Henry 1', Davles talked on "Polar Explorations." This was tin seciui'l delivery of the lecture before the society. Mrs. Mary Junes was burled Saturday In the Waslibtirn street cemetery Will Morris, Palmer Williams, Joseph Jeremiah, students ut iiucknell uni versity, are home on a vacation. !. I'.eit Eyiion, of the University of Pennsylvania, is spending a vacation iron, studies in the dental department. Dr. L. C. Floyd ended his live-year pastorale at the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church last evening. Dr. Floyd has many friends on this side and his departure will be felt. At the Simpson church he was well liked and in Ids sermon, which is printed on all ot lor page, he states that he is on friendly terms with every member of the church. .Miss Oraee Floyd nnd Hoy Floyd, (laughter nnd son respectively, have won many friends here and the re gret that they must leuve here Is great. West SiJs Ittisiiics.s liircctorv. FLOI5IST Cut flowers and funeral de signs a specialty. Floral ligures. useful u gills, at lid South Mala u venue, Har riet J. Davis, florist. PlIoTiiaiiAl'HKR-C'ulilnet Photos, $1.4') per dozen. They urn Just lovely. Con vince voiirself bv calling ill Starnor's Photo Parlors, Kit mid Wi South .Main uveiiue. SF.COVD If AND FrilNlTt'liB Cash for (invthliif! von have to sell. Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see lha dock of J. C. King, 1024 and llttti Jaek Buii street. I'KOVIDF.XCi:. John Molan. Frank Sweeney; John Calvey and Thomas Ituddy were ar raigned i-t ore Alderman Huberts yes terday on a charge of majlclous. mis chief 'preferred by P. J. Clarke, who resides at the corner of Hlootn avenue and West Market street. The young men named above were' drunk and were carousing on West Market street and commenced to throw stones through the window of the prosecutor's dwelling. Th.-y were held In j:!l)U bull each in default of which Sweeney and liiiddy were committed. Calvey und Nolan's fathers, respectively, furnished bail for their sons' release. Howard Oeddes. formerly of the North Nnd, but .now of Wilkes-Harre, circulated among his old friends yes terday". The lecture given last evening by Kuthven In the Christian church was well attended and everything passed off quietly. After the lecture he went to a street car under the protection of a body guard composed of policemen und citizens. . . The liev. Peter Huberts, of Olyphant, delivered an excellent sermon Inst evening in the Puritan Congregational church. Joseph Herwitch and Max Selgel were arraigned before L. N. Roberts, ulder mnn of the Hocond ward, for stealing two pair of overshoes and a pair of rubber boots. It appears that Her witch was the criminal and by his coti- Hatters and Furnishri SAMTERS reusing that he had taken the articles numed the prosecutor. W. J. Lewis. Jr.. relented and decided If Herwitch would settle for the overshoes and pay costs he would withdraw the charges. Her witch and Selgel are "ragmen." SOUTH SIDE NEWS. 1 nncrnl of DaviJ Nenls Held Yester day Afternoon-Operations nt tho North Works Asa in Suspended. The funeral of David Neuls was held yesterday afternoon at 'i o'clock from the family residence. 413 Cedar avenue, and the cortege that attended the re mains to the grave was one of the larg est that has been seen on this side. There were not many carriages, be cause the residence is a block only from the Hickory Street Presbyterian church, the services were conducted by the pastor, Kev. William A. Nor.lt. Many floral tributes were placed on the casket by friends, and the respect shown the memory of the deceased was in keening with the upright und straightforward life he led. The funeral discourse preached by Kev. Mr. Nordt was a touching one, nnd accorded to the deceased a proper trib ute. Alliance lodge, No. il-iii. Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows, and Aniline encampment 124, to which he belonged, nttended the funeral in n body. At the grave services were held nccording to the Odd Fellows' ritual. Interment was made in Pittston Avenue cemetery. The pull-bearers were selected from his brother odd Fellows. A large delega tion of the employes of the cur shops of the Delaware. Lackawanna and West ern Itailroud company also attended the funeral. NORTH MILL SECT DOWN. Idleness Is again the order at the North Steel mill. The quantity of rails to be manufactured has been supplied and the works will remain at n stand still until further orders are received. The South mill Is working on double turn, but how long it will continue Is a matter of doubt. Conrad Lynn, of Hired street, who was foreman nt the blast furnace, has resigned, and on Wednesday will open up a restaurant at .".17 Lackawanna avenue. S. K. Me Keehan has been promoted to his posi tion, and John Froellch hns been ap pointed to Mr. McKcchun's position. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OF NEWS. The funeral of the .'.-yenr-ohl daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Leyh, of Pros pect avenue, was held yesterday after noon. Interment was made In Pittston Avenue cemetery. In the culvert through which the street cars pass under the Delaware and Hudson tracks ut Moosle, the water yesterday was deep, but the cars waded through without much ilifllculty. St. Joseph's society of St. Mary's (ler man Catholic church will hold an en tertainment Easter Monday night In the parochial hall. The society has late ly been organized nnd was granted a charier last week by tbe court. Frank Mueller, of Prospect avenue, will assume the management of Cen tral Park garden on Wednesday. - - L'L'N.MOHi:. Lost In Dunmore. Sunday morning, n ifocket bonk. Finder will please re turn It to Hurki- (iilllgan's store. The Ladies' Aid society f.f the Pres byterian church will meet nt the home of .Mrs. Ockseiirclder. on East Drinker Htreet, Thursday afternoon at 2.:S(I. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simpson, of Cherry street, will this week move into the residence now occupied by Hie former's mother, on West Drinker street, and on Saturday evening n large number of their friends and neighbors tendered them a furewell party. The evening was spent in social diversions until 11 o'clock, when a supper was served. The following gentlemen Willi their, wives, enjoyed the hospitality of Mr: Simp son: Eber Tlranning, tleorge Harper, Abraiii Shaffer, William, MerWn and Orrin Corrcll. (iabriel and Harney Swartz, Iander Yeager, Flunk Scene. William Hlgnrt, Harry K liter, J. W. Marshall. Daniel Powell. John Kroeg er, Victor Stone,' William . Packard. Frank Ehrgood. Fred Stevens, Albert Jenkins, James Cuinney, Frank Mau ley, Frank Sunders, Simons and Mrs. Klshop, Mrs. John Winters, Misses Kate (Irant. Mae nnd Lois Simpson, Hessie Kroegcr, Charles nines und W. W. Kay. Within another month the churches of this borough, with one exception, will be In charge of different pastors. The death of Kev. Gerald McMurray leaves a vacancy which will be sadly felt bv that congregation. Uev. A. L. I'rbari. of the Episcopal church, has accepted a call to Woodbury, N. J and will leave about the middle of April. Kev. J. C. Leaeook having served five years in this place, will be moved to another charge, nnd the Presbyterian pulpit, which hns been vacant since the resig nation or liev. J. M. Williams. In No vember, will be tilled by Kev. Dr. Mtldge, of Princeton, until the arrival, uhout May 1. of Kev. William Gibbons, who was recently culled from Maltby. 31 1 NOOK A. James Richardson, a former resident of this place, who has resided in the West for the last live years, is visiting Minooka friends. Putrick H. Drlseoll, P. J. Mulkj'rn. M. J. Ktrun nnd M C .lu.br.. I h l-tt.ll,lttr committee of the St. Joseph society, wuose nun was destroyed by lire on March IS, were visitors in Olyphant yesterday. The Daniel O'Cojinell council, No. 1S4. Young Men's Institute, ure making preparations for n tramp smoker on Easter Monday night. A suitable prize will be nwjii-ded fin- tin, .w.rt.u ,,f ir bolsin" nnd from present Indications the coming event will eclipse all pre vious allalrs conducted by this organi zation. SO.MK NLW CONTRACTS. Latest Unite of President Pat Powers of t'.'ie l.rstorn l eague. The following bulletin was sent out on Saturday by President Powers, of the Eastern league: New York, March 1!S. 1S!K. KnMern Irasae contracts for l.S9ii ap proved: With Toronto, .linlsnn d. SmMi, Harry Stalky; with liufTalo. W. U. Oooil enriiiKh: wira Rochester, Prank White, .limes Daly. Arthur lleilman, Kdwa-i Henry, A. D. .MeParlan. Thomas t.lllen. Daniel Shannon; with , Syracuse, A. C. Whltthill. C. If. Smith, Henry Slmo'i, chillies T. Rellly, George Corev: with Wilkes-Rarr., George Meiikln, W. L. Dlg glns, John MeMahon. t'. A. Smith, A. i.e. zone, J. Weniz: wiih Spiingtield. William K. Coiighlin. J. S. Gunc n, Thomas J. Lea hy. Kdwnr.l M'iLl.Mial.1. Released by IHovIdeiwe. J. Sirlrker: bv Toinnto. T. J. SlTln'ck: by Wllkes-Barre, Daniel Shannon: ny Syracuse to Scrautju, 'i'liemas .1, l'ow.-r. Wr-rvlees claimed: Ily gprlngflrld. J. Rtrlckrr: by Wllkes-Rarre, Newell, of Wil niiiiktsn. Lei.. John Picket. Hl.eiiinatisin cured in 'J4 Hours, T. J. Klnckmore, of Halier & PlncU more, l'lttsburg, Pa., says: "A short time since 1 procured u bottle of "Mys tic Cure.' It got me out of the house In twenty-four hours. 1 took tn my bod with rheumatism nine months ago nnd the 'Mystic Cure" Is the only medicine thnt did me any good. I .bud five of t be best physicians In the elty, but I re ceived very 11tt!e relief from them. T Irnow the 'Mystle Cure' to be whut It i Is reprerrntcd and trke plertsure In rec ommending It to other poor stPerers." Sold Vy Carl Lorena, drursM, 41S Lack awanna avenue, Baalim I PRIEST DEAD Kev. Gerald T, McMurray, of Dun mure, Dies Unexpectedly. DEATH DIE TQ HEMORRHAGE Ono of tha lira! l-'hre Priests Ordained in This Diocese-Was Kt. Kov. Itiahop O'ltara's I'irst Sccrotary. Sketch of Ills Life. Rev. Oeral.l F. McMurray, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church, Dunmore, died Saturday morning; a'few minutes before f o'clock, and" the end .was so un expected that whqh the news. Hashed through the borough later in .the day, the people would Scarcely credit'it. For two or three months Kev. Father Me Murray h- been in .very gooi REV. GERALD health; he suffered much from rheuma tism, but was able to attend to his pastoral duties, and was present at the consecration of lit. Ilev. IJIshop Hoban one week ago yesterday. On thut morning he caught cold while walking In the procession of priests from College ball to the cathedral, and congestion of the lungs attacked him a few days later. Thursday wus the first his condition berume serious. Then he had hemorrhage from the lungs. It weakened him so that he lost strength Very rapidly, and when a second hem orrhage ( nine on Friday evening, Kev, M. I!. Doiilan. his assistant, prepared him for death and administered the last sacraments of the church. Rev. P. J. McManus, of Green Ridge, was sent for; and he, liev. Father Donlan and Dr. J. R. Mtirnhy were the only ones present until death. The dead Priest was ,". years old, having been born in 1S41 In Hamilton Manor, I.eitrim county, Ireland. His mother and one sister are living at the old home in Ireland, and there are two nephews. Dr. Gerald McMurrav nnd John McMurray, of Philadelphia. At an early uge he decided to prepare him self for the priesthood, and his studies were commenced at a college conducted by the Marlst fathers in the city of Cavnn. In 1SG.' he came to America and entered the seminary of St. Charles of llorromee. Philadelphia. Ills theologi cal cours' was finished In 1S0S, in the rami' year that the diocese of Seranton was established. When he came tn this country he was adopted by Archbishop Wood, of Phlladelnhl'i. IIISHOP'S FIliST SECRETARY. When the Seranton diocese was formed Rev. Father McMurray. Rev. N. J. McManus. of Holy Rosary church. Providence; Rev. Father o'lhlen, who died at Dunmore In 1STL'. and Rev. Fa thers O'Hara and Hennessy. both long since departed, volunteered to come with Rt. Rev. Hishoii O'Hara Into the new diocese. They were ordained on Sunday,-Dec. 27. JSCS, in SI. Peter's ca thedral. 'The '''deceased became the bishop's first, secretary und was rector or the cathedral for one year, when he was appointed pastor of P.lossburg, Tioga county. At the end of three years upon the death of Rev. Father O'lirien, he was transferred from Hlossburg and made pastor of Dunmore parish, which then extended to the Delaware Wnter Gap. The parish was fifty-eight milis long and there were mission stntlons at Moscow, 1 on 1.1 shorn, Tobyhanna, Stroudsburg and the Wnter Gap. With out an assistant he attended to the spiritual wants of this extensive area for several years until they were formed Into parishes. ' Meanwhile he was hard at work pre paring for the erection of a church in Dunmore. So earnestly did ho labor that In June. 1874. the cornerstone of the present church was laid, nnd a few years later the edifice was reared and iifidy to worship in. Tho material of which It Is built brick, with stone trimmings. Seven years ago he built .1 splendid parochial residence, and a few years later he purchased a large plot of ground for a new cemetery. At his death the parish of Dunmore stands nmong the foremost In the large and nourishing diocese of Seranton. A FRIEND TO TIIE POOR. His character was plain, kind and gentle, and the poor of his parish, irre spective of race or creed, found him a sincere friend. His charity was always cloaked and his many deeds of assist ance were not made nubile. The resi dents of Duiiniore of nil creeds had the greatest respect for him and he exer cised on Inlluenee that only his noble ness of character could command. He was not disposed to mingle much with the world, nnd spent his time principally In his library. His learn ing was comprehensive, and he was re sarded ns n classical scholar of the llrst rank among the priests of this diocese. Attention' to his church nnd his people was his leading characteris tic, and how well he attained his pur pose in this respect is exemplified In the unfeigned sorrow that is felt at his death. Rt. Rev. rtishop O'Hara held him most dear as an obedient, willing and energetic toller In the Master's vine yard, nnd he chose the deceased as one of the diocesan cnnsultors. The pas torate of the deceased represents a church built nt u cost of $70,000, a pa rochial residence which cost $15, 000 and a cemetery purchased at a cost of sev eral thousand dollars. The wish of the deceased was that he should be buried beside Rev. Father O'lirien, the lirst pastor of the church, in a plot In the old cemetery. The fu neral will be held tomorrow morning nt ! o'clock with a solemn, high mass of rctiulem. The remains will be removed from the parochial residence this even ing to the church, where they will lie In state until they will be removed for burial. ACTION OF Dl'NMORE CITIZENS. A citizens' meeting was held In Man ley's Washington hall, Dunauire.. yes terday afternoon at :U0 to take tictjon upon the death of Rev. Gerald F. Mc Murray, but owing to the notice not be ing very widespread, was not as largely attended as it otherwise would huve been. Uttrgess T. .1. Duggan was chosen chnlrnmnt and John P. Manley secre tary. Ilurgess Duggan paid a just tribute to the deceased, und was fol lowed l j E. J; Lynett. who, after, a few words of commendation upon- the noble' character anil example of Rev, McMurra,', presented the following fifte- mm resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: i The citizens of Dur.ntore In KJnc -al insert Inx onvciiml. iH-o.i protuun ily Ini- ; pressed by 111 - i-i.l ur..l ua.'XiN-ie.t aa- noun.-, meat of .:iie d -ath of thrlr luie i friend und neighbor, tie,. Grral.l F. .h .Marruy, roc;or of St. Mui'm church, while humbly ucknuwletlglng submission to tlie -Most Htkhe. dfcuni il proper to nuke an expression of seutinKiil us a Just tribute o rhe memory of onu who has .lone tio.l'n work among us for so many years; I hero fore, be It lb-solved. That earn and every one of us feels a personul grief anil a personal I04S in the parsing from among us of a man possessed of rare and jiiish qualities of mind sn.l heart. That he was faithful Hiui unions In the .Its, -ha rue of his high duty 8 a priest, of -his communion, care fully Ruordlng the nil ritual interest of the rkx-k under his clmrge. A wist! und sym pathetic -onnKellor, h comforter of the ulllii'teil. a diligent promoter of peace and good onb In the community, a Rt-neroiri und unoFtentntious giver -to tiie poor, un umltbble and lovable gentleman, u model uillxen, n tUni and steadfast friend and a mun without an enemy whom those who --'reed with, loved and revered, and those diftered held in the highest respeot M'MURRAY. lte.-olved, That In his death the rhurc'n to which he h.iM bi'en devoted nil hln life, has lost a bri!it and sliinliut listlit. hi convreitution a revered spiritual ailvis.r the i-oiiiiiiiMiltv a model . Illz.-n, and each of Its in. nibers a kuoiI nnd sympathetic i friend. Itesolv.'d, That all business men be re quested to chin- lin-lr plH.-c'i uf ljiisltu-s ! on the day i.f the fiini ral. 1 T. J. DiiRKan. P. J. Horun. K. J. Ly nett. V. IJ. Manley, J. K. Swift and , John DuKKnn were appointed u com- i mittce to bdve the resolutions en grossed nnd forwarded to the deceased's mother in Ireland. ... TIIKY I.LT DAYLIGHT IX. lour North l.nd Youths Smash u Ncifih bor's Windows with Stones. John Ituddy nnd Thomas Sweeney were committed to the county jail last night in default of $:',W buil. They were arrested on the charRe of throw ing stones throiiKh a window of ft building in tin- Third ward, owned by ex-Alderinan Clark. The place is rent-! ed by a man named M utile'. Ituddy and Sweeney ure about 20 i years old, nnd with two companions I named Nolan and I'atVey, they hum-j horded the place on account of some ; trouble they had with Munlcy. The : latter two Rave ball In the sum of $::eo for their appearance at court and the : otlnr two not bcliifr uble to do lile -l Wise, had to ro to jail. The clintRC; UKalnxt them Is malicious mischief. I The stone throwing was done Saturday I nil; lit. 1MHSONKKS TAKLX AWAY, Seventeen Law breakers Left tho City Saturday .Mornini;. United States Marshal Wulker and his deputies from Pittsburg took away with them from the county jail Satur day morning seventeen prisoners, who hud been brotiirht here to be tried at the recent session of i'nited States ! court for transgressions against the postal, currency und revenue luws of l.'ncle Sam. This batch of offenders was Increased by three who had been convicted and were sentenced. They were taken to ! the Smoky city; those whose cases ! were not reached will be tried In May ! and those who were tried and convict- j ed will enter tinoii their servitude In ! the Western penitentiary. Hear "The Messiah" sung at the Frothingham Monday evening. April . Diagram open this morning at Powell's. ICYCLE UILT. Its Name Its Guarantee. Price, $100. C. M. FLOREY 222 Wyoming Avenue Y. PI. C A. B'JILDl'i'l 434 Lackawanna Avenue, Wintun Bicycles are guar anteed. "Tbe Winton is a Winner." The Hunt & Cunnnell Co FOR A NEW BICYCLE or the repair of . Wheel. E. R. PARKER, Who has the lenient experience In this line of anv man In the tit v. You will save money by following tliia adyiiia. i2t SPRUCE ST. iWr(r" X I yuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiuiiuiiiuiinuiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiin THE FASHION 30a LACKAWANNA AVENUE 308 Easter Hats and Easter Gapes Ol'KNlNC BAYS F0K BOTH, !. THURSDAY AND MILLINERY. (rand Spring Opening of exquisite novelties in Easter Milliner)'. The daintiest Huts and Hon no U from Virot, Hcitz Unyer, Josse, Ester Mayer, Roger, Kebous, and every other dis tinguished Paris designer, will lie on exhibition on the above named days, together with exclusive designs of our own make. CAPES AND JACKETS. Un our Opening Days we will display the newest thoughts of the fashion world, l'aris models like moulded music. Daiuty styles from wherever they arc best You wll I sec here what the best dressed women in Seranton will be wearing in a fortnight. DRESS GOODS. A glimpse in our window will teach you where to buy the Newest Dress Goods for Spring, ami the lowncss of the prices attached will no doubt convince the most skeptical that we are leaders in both style and low prices. ill YES, ILUmm BICYCLES, Fra me, Fork, Handle E3a r, Seat Post, Uach ol Aluminum, in una piece, without ioint of any kind. We Also Have the I amoua UNION CRACK-A-JACK, II CALL 1.1 AND LET US TALK TO YOU. Linden St., cou? ou.ie. ALL REPAIRING GUARANTEED. Beautiful as Diamonds Staple as Gold Popular as Government Bonds Foremost in New Ideas A Recognized Leadsr Is the AND IT SELLS FOR $100. We will Have a Complete Repair Shop. FQOTE i SHEAR CO,, AGENTS, 119 WASHINGTON AVE. IT'S A FLYER anil th velocity of wind, steam and wlnffs nre suggested by his progress. The hlcyolo In the most important Inno vation in nir-nns of travel sinre the Intro duction of the locomotive, and we are in the Infancy of Its use, construction and means of propulsion. Healthy-minded peopl are. tho who commend nnd practice Its use. To such we need hardly say. Your blcy cle should be the latest and best. Call and examine ours before buying. J. D. W1LL.AMS & BRO. 312 AND 1 LACKAWANNA A'Ji STERLING, FOWLER, WORLD, us YOU WILL FIND ME In my new store, .324 Spruce Street, in Ho tel Jermyn. Fishing Tackle and Sportsmen's Supplies. Good goods and fair treatment guaranteed. OPENINGWCH 218T A. W. JURISCH. lliiyces Ill III! 1 ,,j fill APRIL 1, 2 II 3. AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTHINGHflM. W Ufincr & It els, Lessees und .Managars- MONDAY EVEN IMS, hUP.CH SO, The Comedy Champion, WARD AND VOKES, I'BRCV AND HAHOI.I), ij ol tha Best Fare Comedy Artist in America, All 0 WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL I, Harry William' (hand Sc:nlc Production ! Life in New York, by Ada l)e Bascom. A Bowery GirJ 6o li:0Pl.li ON THli STAUU. FIRST TirtH ttVMV. SUPHMIOtt COMPANY. SPbXIAI. SCKNbRY. MiW SONUS AND DANCES. Regular Prices. Sale of Stan Now Open. DAVIS THEATER l! i -i'li TiKicil.ic mill H'oflnuuilar March 30, 31, April I. AGNES WALLACE VILLA And tier Company ol Players In TIIE II ftpi llei By FKANK HARVEY. MAXY HIGH-CLASS SPECIALTIES LADIES' WEEK. PRICES 10, 20 AND 30 CENTS i ROOMS I AND 2, COM'LTH B'L'D'G, SCRANTON, PA. WINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADli AT MOOSH AND RUSH I VALK WORKS. LAI UN it RANO POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Kh'c-trli' Hnttcrlcii, Fuses for explod ing lilastH. Safity Kitsu nnd Repauno Chemical Co.'? HIGH EXPLOSIVES. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Seranton ROOMS 4 AND S OAS AND WATER CO. BUII-DINd, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOUIIS from 7.00 n. m. to 9 p. m. (1 hour Intermission for dinner and supper.) Particular Attention (liven to Collections. Prompt Settlement iuaranteed. Your Bual ne l Respectfully Solicited. Telephone 134. OYSTERS We ara Headquarter! (or Oyster ail are llandlmc tbe Celebrated Duck Rivers, Lynn Havens, Kcyports, Mill Ponds; also Shrews bury, Rockuwuys, Muurice River Coves, Western bhorcs and Blue Points. If W mako a Kpecinlty of dallrarlag Bluo Poiuta on naif nliell in carriers. PIERCE'S MARKET, PENN AYE Houses for Sale and for II you contemplate purchasing rig a nouse. ur nim 111 invcii page a 01 lac iriDunc. on
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