TIIE SCBANTOS -TRIBUNE 3IOXDAY MOUSING. MARCH 30, 1896. CARBONDALE. pTeaders will pion.e nm inai invrnij menu, orders for Job work. and Items for publication lrt nt the MiablHhment or Shannon & Co.. rrewdenlf-rs. North Main aire!, will receive prompt attention; or See open from I a. m. to 10 p. m.J SUKl'KISt I'ARTIKS. itBr ciiiuin and Mr. and Mrs. Biy liaxoivo I ncapectad l'riendn. Harry Gloason was tendered a hupW surprise lust eveniiiK at the home of his jiaroiiis. 6T Belmont mre.-t. Oainesi nnd uiiiUHeiiientH were Indulged i n a aumjituotis ivpaKt si-rvril. Thoso pres ent were Misses Mllle Khlrodd. Ktllth Uudd. IMetlna Travis. Mmid Hudd. Jiuth Kilts, t'lara and Cora Artiiur, Matters Herbert Wllfon. Frank l.ov ery. Samuel Harvey. Willie I'rUe. Wil lie HuvK Thomas HelrUltve. l.eon Ity- un. Eddie Hates. Willie Wlls ileorge Duvis and Freddie WuKii.r. .Ml. and Mrs. Klwlii J.' Illy were slir pilied at their Inline on Thorn, stret-t Friday eveniiiK by a law number ot their friends. The eveniiiK was pleas mi llv spent. .Many valuable presents M-ere taken to Mrs. I'.ly us a memento of her birthday. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdunies James May. llarrv KelmiiiK. Kdwurd ltle, John Currell. Howard I liver. William Taylor. Mutten Oliver. James llassett. Martin Oliver. Fred Sluinan. S. T. I'.ui nard. Slesdames Kdwin Kenworthy. Kate May. Oiurl.s 'llft. Alvor.l. William Heynolds. Horaee Starkweather, T. 1!. Hluniau. Missi's Myrtle Tallnian. ler Iruile Alford. .Minnie I'tley, Kva May. Kdlth Taylor. Meita Kenworthy. Alnrv HockiiiK. -Nellie t'roeker. Josle and Inez Taylor. Kmnm May. Kmiiia Mii't. Veina and Mabel Oliver, JMnu Sehnman. tj. W. lily, .Iiidwn Hureher. I.i-m Hly. liny f'orrell. Kay and I'luude Oliver and K.l woud Keliiiiiiif. liASE BALL tXIK. The Club Will I'robnbly lie Sold to Mobile. Ala. - Traction ronipanv Keftwototid. The Caibotidallans will be disap pointed ut the result of the mectiiii! of the Truetion company mannali-a. (stockholders of th elul and the The diri'c- t tors had a hope that the Traction peo ple would hejp I hem to keep UP the club. This they distinct!;- refused to do suyiliK that they "en not In the liase hull busimss, and ul-o that they had made a (treat concession In grunt ing the use of the park free. The directors will meet toniirht and probably In face of the financial posi tion of the club that the Huh will be Wild initriisht to Mobile. Ala., If their offer Is Mill (rood. Lovers of the Kiea: national name will retfivt this, uiul none more so than the directors who have proved their enthusiasm and speculation In the interest of the name. CONSOLIDATION. The Traction Companies Will He Merged Into One. I Saturday mornlnir special meetiiiRS of the stockholiiers of the t'arbondale and Forest city l'asseuser Itallway company anil the ( 'aiboixlalc Traction vompatiy were held at th pi fiver house at Maylleld. The object of the meetina whs to take li:to consideration the tisreetnenf made for the consolidation of the corporate rights, privileges, fran chises and protierly of the t'arbondale nml Forest City I'nsseiigei Hallway cumpiuiy lute and with the Carbondale Traction company. The miiKiiatct: from I'hiluilelphla. It. Janney und (!. A. North, presided at the meetiiiKS of the companle;. The mayor, K. K. Ilendrlck. was prevented from artendiiiK by his illness. The Joint resolution was passed and u i-euincHte win ne rumen on recoru Lit Ha'.rlsbiim. I-lfWN.L AND OITIIK I TIMS The Kpworth league of the Mftthndist i;piseiipul church has been fortunute to secure the services of Miss Voorhees the talented elocul ionlsl of I'ittshurg. 011 Friday evening. 1-. !. Ayers has resigned his position with the Star Steinn I iye works und huh- left for Jersey City. Among the .Masons from this city who attended the funeral of the late lluriialms Carter hi Jerniyn Siitunluy were: Sir Knights, John Stuart. John liiniock, .liihn James. William Hollen beck mid, Frnnk Itemelmeyer. The lttv. K. .1. Ualsley. of Trinity church, performed the sad rites. The Helaivure and H udsnn- company will commence boating on Monday, April K-. Airs. C. U. Muuxllle and grandson. Keith, left tills morning for New York elty where thiy will meet Superintend ent C. It. Miir.vill on his return from Hen, 111. la. Kiiinions I'eck has returned home for his i:;i. t.-i vuciilioii fioir liucknell imi v. rslty. C'li 1 es Schwiutn. Nicholas Uegau. Thomas Mavis. Wllllnci Schuster and Charles Chapnian. wie in llonesdale S:ilurday altei-poon. Mi's. Kv;in Williams, of Terrace Ktn-et. Is HUlfellllg with nelll-iilgiu. Mr ami Mrs. John Hallsteai!. of Wymnlng slrrct. enlertained the hit ter's grandfather. Mr. tlrecn. of Fleet -vllle. on Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. F. I'. Oliver and son. of Swci t Valley, at visiting Mr. and J. is. James Smith, on Thorn aveine. Thomas Carroll, of this idly, bus ac cepted the position of shipping clerk for Clarke Urns., of Scrunto-.i. Misses Mai . and Tillle Ncul.m, of Tike street, spee. yrsterday In Seran ton. The fi: era! of Mrs. Morgan Morgans w'll tnk- idace fod. at half-past two o'clock nt the WeNh Presbyterian cluireli. Th Kev. 1. i-. Iiavles. lnie of the Congregational church, this elty. now of F.ihvard.olale. will, wjth the l!ev. W. Lewis, naslor of the chiireh. Conduct 1 he services. , Mrs. Senrles. of Wyoming street. Is ill. Huvld L. Walsh, of South Main nti-ept, is connued to his home. Thomas Swingle, of i'ark street, is 111. Miss Lizzie Jtnrte left today for Mll lersvi'lle Suite Normal college. J. F. Judge, editor of ihe Index, was In the city Friday. Wilson !eary, of rtuckuell university. Is here for his Faster vacation. Merchant (!. W. Norrls. if Itclmont strii-t, was In Seranton transacting business Saturday. I). Kenyon, of Crystal Luke, visited friends In town Saturday. Miss ttraee Munn entertained the K. A. C. at her home. No. VI Lincoln uvenile, last evening. Those present were: Misses Isabella Watt. Hellyn SPRING OPENING! OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT Hits been wonderfully im proved by udUiitR l.(HH) Kqiiure feet to our already spacious ntore. And wc have just re ceived the finest assortment of Carpets the market can pro dnce. The patterns are of the , very latest. Our Wall Paper Department Hag been increased to twice its former size, so that you can fl...u .in. I a.m.w ..u,l...l . IIIKIl nilU VUIVI IllUa L'VLT wn in the market. Prices ays tne lowest. Carpets, Lackawtnna Ay. tt mm I I 1I1UU1L Shields. Klleabirth Uutnaver. Nellie tlalluKher, lU-asle Teets. Louise Slo I'um and Martha Singer. Mr. und Airs. J. (.'tlnmberlaln and AllfS Anna Donnelly, of Hcutt street.' will leav this elty for Boston. Mass., where thvy will In the future take up their resldenee. .Vl.tKVIX OF BEAUTY. A IMcev of Work Mint Will lie spoken tf in IINtorv. A parlor table built by J. H. Kin back, of I'eckvllle. Size of the top is 2s by iM Inches. The top is part of the top of a paint bench, such as Is used In the paint room of a cabinet maker, and was In use in the eetnbllshinent of A. Kinback, sr.. of.Aivhbiild. for over thir ty years. It contains tiiiout every color of paint li.-.afiinable. and Is highly prized by the Kinback family. The frame which holds the top in place is made of small pk-c.-s of wood and tint post, scrolls, arches and shelves con tain UL'.Stl pieces of wood, anil there are eighy-si-veii different kinds of wood. Taking into consideration the natural colors of so many different kinds of wood, the sight of this pi. of work Is ceitalnly very beautiful. In j it are used a collection of wood from all parts of the I lilted States-, as well j as from foreign countries. Among i them area piece which wus blown from the desk of HusscM Sage, at the lime , Noi-cross threw the bomb at him. com pliments of .1. I). Stoeker. of Jerniyn: piece of wood taken from the stock of ; a Wlutleld illle, ciioiinvd at the works suriounding i'etersbnrg. April "., lxtt.'., compliments uf p. Watson ami I. II. iiimartln; piece taken from n gun stock from Cettysburg battlelield. picked up by W. H. SwIcU. of Jerniyn. three days after the buttle; piece ot wood dug out of the ground where Washington monument now, stands on the court house square In Scranton- ', piece of spool und a Janauese stauin found on the banks of Conemuugh ! river, in Johnstown, after the Hood of I.XSH: piece of olive wood from Mount , of olives, Jerusalem; piece of pulmetto, from Florida: piece from the first oi- 1 gau built in J lie Klin I'ark church, of I Seranton. afurwards destroyed by Hie; piece of the Ontario and Western wreck at Maytield. Sept. 1SH0: piece of the 1 Ontario and Western wieek at reck- vllle; piece of the Ontario and Western engine that blew up on Aug. 3. IWi. ut recsviue; piece or a dresser which was used by iieoige Washington and owned ; by Samuel Meredith, the first treasur er of the I 'lilted States, compliments : of T. M. Miller, of Seranton; piece of ; shlltlm wood from Mr. Itoyse. of To wamln: piece of camphor wood from ; a chest brought from China by the late i Hew h. 11. Strieker, of Jerniyn. compli- . uieiits of W, i ". Nicholson; the only: piece of wood returned to the St. James , society, of Je.-su:, from the Mini Hun : disaster of Oct. III. ISSN: piece of all old : dungeon built In New York city in IMS. ', now under control of llellevue hospital; ' pieces of wood from France, Italy, Kng land. Scotland and India: piece from ' the frame upon which liberty bell : swung on when It rang the declaration of Independence; piece from nn old clock of Stephen (iirard. over Slti years old; piece of barrel stave from tp Mooslc powder mill explosion, March 2, isit.!; pieces in memory of many of Mr. Kinback's customers anil friends, as well as a large cnUection of woods from Florida, by T. M. Miller and 11. A. Nleineyer. of Seranton, und from C. II. lirown, of California. In all l.HNI hours have been consumed to construct this piece of work, and after the Hist of April It will be on exhibition at the furniture store of J. H. ! ' U. 1.... 1. 11 t ot IVckvllle.-olyphant Kecor.l. i MIH'UrR OL II.. TAYLOR. A leup year party is to be held next 1 ruesiltry evening under the allspices of I the ladles of the Methodist Kplscopal : eiiiiii-u .1 kiuiiii nine is aillicipuicti and the novelty of the uflulr will be the fact tha' tile mules will be drawing the pocket-books of the fairer sex for their luxuries. S. .1. Fruifklln. of South Tuylor. Is visiting friends at Lackawanna. The Indications for work in this vicin ity are a little brighter now than fori some time In the past according to re ports. j .! ! uaiiers wnerein our Posi- 01 ice Is to be are almost omplett,l and win .1.1110 iiouMnv oe a v. ry convenient .i. ,,, iiHiirui iiiif. out. I! iiimiiirn. A greut many of 010 property holders have been the redolent, nf snug little sll.es f.-titll lb,. rP.ti...I,,e ii,inlunv nm n right for the dumitge done their prop- ! el ites by the electric road. Tickets are out aiinounclng the grand eiitertulumeut und social to be held on April PJ at the Lutheran church. Sume vi j Interesting meetings are being held at the library mid consider able skill is displayed In the composi tions. I .us I Friday evep.tug F.vun !. Wti! kins, one .if our rising young men, rem' an excellent paper on "what to Itead " A debate was also decided, the subject of which was " Itesidved. tnat marrlaye is a failure." The titlirnnillve being defended by Messrs. Oliver Wil liams und Fred Winslou ami the neg ative. Horace I lanlels and Louis Itciu hart. It u; decided in favor of the lllgutlle. It Is announced Hint Albert I'.uniett, of South Taylor, and Miss Mary Cor nelius, of Pond street, ure to lie mar ried 01: tl.e I Itii of next month. I.iiivid Powell, of Fyuo.i stri ei. was a caller in town Saturday. Next Frldav ivinin-t is the time al lotted for another spirit' d debate in the library, the title of which is "lb-solved, that the f ve and unlimited coinage Is a detriment to our rcpuldh ." Affirm ative, l.oui" f li'inha; und J..I111 Kieh arils: . negi'ttvi . Kvan Watkins and Fred Winslow. in 11.1: 1 mo ps or vt a 1 l it. Hull Coiiiiniiul ll.opping Affords un .Infill .Method of PiiiiNliincni. One of the Chln -se modes of punish ment, esneeiully when a confession is wanted from a i-iluiinn!. is to plnee hi 01 where a drop of water will full upon one c-rtain soot In Ids shaven crown for hours, or days. If necessary. The torture tills inillcts Is proved by un ex perience of S-jiuIow. tin- strong man. When he was in Vienna a lew years ago a school teacher bet him that lie would not be able to l"t a bnll'-litre of water dioii upon his hand until the measure was exhausted. A half-Hire Is only a Utile more than a pint. San ilow laimlied ut the very idea of Ids not being able to do this. So a half-life measure was procured, ami a hole drilled In the bottom Just soflleiefit let the water ei-cupe dioi, by droti. to Then the expel intent begnn. Saiidow -laughed and chatted gaily at first. The schoolmaster kept count upon the num ber of drops. At about the two hun dredth Siindow grew a little more seri ous. Soon an expression of pain crossed his face. VVPh the' entrance Into the third hundrid his hand began to swell and grow red. Then the skin burst. The piiln greWjiiioie und more excruciating. Finally, at the four hun dred and twentieth dron Saudow hud to give up und acknowledge himself vanquished. His hit ml was sore for several days after. Tilt: IIUITISII WAV How an lugllsli Officer Punished a Savuo ChU ftoin Hnck of Lagos, -on the West African roust, one of the native kings allied to IC11 gin nil recently condemned to death, according to the custom of the country, one of his subjects who had been guilty of adultery with the royul family. An Kngllsh officer who haimcm-d to come that way with some troops objected to the punishment as excessive, and asked the king to mitigate it. He refused, and had the man executed. The Englishman, having a Maxim gun, thereupon attacked his town, burned down his palace, killed many of his people, drove the rent Into the bush, and at Lagos his conduct was ap proved by the governor. Heart Failure. . Often first manifested by treme general debility, with sudden reactions for the b'etter; a general dying' out of trje fires of lite, that brighten up at inter vals, giving hope of returning health, but eventually subside, go out on the spot, and another " dropped dead on the street " is reported. A general collapse of the great vital centres, due to a lack of sulficient nourishr.-.ent is tne cuubc. In such cases take Bovini and live to join the grt wh.j today sink; its praise. 1'. 11. Carpenttr, ot 430 Friend ship St., Providence, says, " I have never seen a case of gen eral debility which Bovinine failed to cure, when taken as I directed." It cures in every in stance where .Miial-nutrition is experienced. It is not a medi cine, hut a powerful; condensed food that makes blood, flesh and bone, and by invigorating the life-generating organs dispels disease. FOREST CITV. Thomas W. Atkinson, of Clifford, who Is ut present one of the commissioners i for this county, was a visitor In For est City Suliuduy. Mr.. Atkinson Is a ' candidate for a it-nomination on the Republican ticket and present inillca tlons are most favorable for his r ; celvlnu it. He has certainly made a ' most excellent ofliclsl and his many ! friends In Potest City would lie pleased ! to again have un opportunity of voting : for hi 111. Shortly after 3 o'clock Saturday : morning. Amliony Thornton, of this : pluce. was Instantly killed by a full of t ! rock, in No. 'i shaft of the HIII , side Coal and lion company. The rock . which struck him wus what Is known , as a "slap" and was about six or seven ! feet long. ' one foot thick and eight ; Inches wide. His skull was .crushed In ' und 0111 of his legs was crushed so ! that the bones protruded. Thornton I was unmarried and boarded at the 1 home of Haniel Metiraw. on Muln : street. His age wus :iS years. Deceased ; was a menibn- of St. Agnes' Pioneer I corps and of the Young Men's Institute, I The regular monthly meeting of the 1 Forest City school board will be held I one week from next Tuesday evening. . April 7. I fl't, 11 l.ll,.. .....a 4n IPIfii I It- 1 1 1 ! 1 1 Vlli a 11 1 uiri in uir 1 11" , . l ...in . "'u ' ' U,Y"V, wn i . II 1 sill vii 1 ir nunj vt:uiia f 1 ' caucus on I 7. ISM!, from K to 9 o'clock, for the pur- 1 pose of electing two delegates to the Kepubllcan eounty convention, which will assemble at Montrose on Thursday , ... ,.' ' ' j,,,,,;." V us will be held at the J. Maxey. on Main j street. The Republicans of the Seoond I ward will hold a caucus on the smile 1 dute und hour at the ollice of U. K. i Hrunuin. esu. The only enndidates that , have yet been announced in the First ; ward are Truman C. Miur.er and W t J. Maxey. In the Second ward the can dldates talked of me W. II. Wllden berger and lr. F. L. Cramler. Idvislon No. i:. Ancient (Inler of Hl- liernians. Hoard of Kiln, of Vandling annouiice thai they will hold a ball in Uayit,. hUil forest City, on j,lin,,.,y venlnir. April . Knterprlse Hosit coinpuliy held Its seinl-moiithly meeting in the fire room Friday evening. - - OLYPHANT. : The residence of John K. Loftus. on Hill street, dus destroyed by fire about :!.::.) Saturday morning. All the house- ! hold effects were entirely consumed I The Kxcelslor hose company responded ! to the alarm und assisted in saving 1 the adjoining property. The building ; was insured. I John .1. o'Miiiley, the Lackawanna street, tonsorlal artist, will vacate the Cuzette block tomorrow und remove to Ids new iiuarters in the Ferguson block Mrs. .hums Thomas died at her home ' on the West Side Friday night ufter nn , Illness of several months' duration, lie- ceased was an estimable holy and re I spected by a large circle of friends, I The funeial service was held yesterday afternoon from the residence nnd was ' largely ut tended. Interment was made ' in the llidgc cemetery. ltev. It igeis Israel, of St. Luke's j parish. Seranton. conducted services at the Kiilseopiil mission In I'M win els' hall yesterday afternoon and preached an ; able sermon on "The Church of tin ' Living tie!, the pillar und tlromid of . Truth." ! ltev. Newiiuin Matthews, of Provl i delict, occupied the pulpit at the Con ' givgaliona! church last evening, nnd de- : livered an elmiuent sermon. The Adonis club are making elaborate I prepaiation fur their social Kaster , Monday night. 1:. II. Ill II.KH'S Mist:. ! Ilrukeuiuii, ktportvr, lUilor and I tcntr.r nf liriiut IcvclauJ. F'-..;i, Ihe Wllkeif-ltarre Tlniey. j Twenty-live or eight years ago "F.d Puiicr. Un 11 emmoonl.x known am,.ng tile boys and girls as "Spooney," was ; braki man on a t,.a 1 j .1 in on the l.e- hlgli and Siisqueliaiuia mow Jin : Central) loud mi, I made his liead'iiiar ! ters at Coii I vllle. now Ashley. He was a Mine looking rutins 'follow, whose lost ! cheeks an- still remembered and occa ; slonully referred to by those among thi ' gentler sex.- who knew I1I111 in those I early days. The railroad men who recall him as u I raki twister on "SklmiM" Norton's i bobt.-ill cngiiip, also refer now and then . to "Spooney's" habit of wearlin' n high I white I'luc hat while at work. The lint I bore fvideiice of dus, and vlgoioiis con tact with the tooth of time, but it was a i hiirai tei istie of "Spo:uu y" Hut ler and by It lie was recognized a long way off. Hi" used to write -Coalville news for the Seranton Times, nnd final ly, wearying of twisting brakes he up plied for and secured a positron 011 that puper. und was satisfied to accept the poor pay of a newspaper reporter, con fident tb re was something better for him in the future. I.uter lie went to P.uffulo ami he and a friend bought the News, which Is said to huve been at that lime In the sheriff's bunds. Itutler has Mnce made u phenomenal record ns a successful n-v. spacer man and througli the exercise of his won derful will, pluck and persevernce. he has made his paper one of the strong est nnd bet In the state of New York. He nnd flrover Cleveland used to hob nob together n good deal when the lat ter wns a poor lawyer, but Hut ler stuck to him closer than wax and It Is gen erally conceded that It was largely through his efforts that Cleveland was finally nominated for the presidency. Hutler got little or nothing In return for his friendship for Cleveland In fact, he was the first to be turned down when the new- president began te dis tribute favurs. Dr. WILKES BARRE. DI-U-U.VrKS TO .MEET. I'rauk Willing lench to H Here Tocs Jav. March 31. The state convention will meet at Harrlsbiiig on April 23 to nominate two congressmen-nt-large and to elect eight delegates-at-lHrge to the national Kepubllcun convention, which meets at St. Louis, and the Republican state committee and the chairman thereof. In preparation for this, and to organ ize, the Liuerne county delegate are requested to meet at Hacharuch'a res taurant ut 11 o'clock on the morning of March ,'!l. Candldut for State Chair man Frank Willing Leach Is expected to be "present.! The. Luxcrne delegates are as follows: First district O. A. St. John. Dr. A. 1. Fell, Wilkes-Barre. Second district 1- P. Holcomb, est lttston: K. W. Huberts. Luzeiiie. Third district S. U" French. Thomas F. tlwllllum. Plymouth. Fourth district-F. L. Smith, Huzle- ton. Fifth district Onmer Tasker, Plains. Sixth district W. T. Keed, Ashley. MA H AM K Li: I KVKi: INJl'KEU. Ihu rainous Dermatologist Struck by a Knnawuy Horse. Madame Jnsephlne Le Fevre, the fa mous deimato,ii;lst.. who lectured to the ladles at the l.iuud opera house a few days ago met with a painful uccl- dent ut the cornci of ..West Market street und Public square Saturday by btlng knocked down and run -over by a runaway I101.-1-. . She fortunately escals-d injury, but wus considerably shaken up, having her una sprained and buck injured. Her Beul skill sucuue was turn, und dam aged and the sole wus even torn from one of her shoes. Death of luvid lluvuock. David Haycock died at his home on Le Orange stleet. Plttstoii, nt J o'clock on Saturday afternoon. His funeral will be held this (Monday) afternoon ut J.oU o'clock. HKILF NOTES. The remains of Charles H. Vogelman who died In Philadelphia 011 Thursduy. will arrive ut the Lehigh depot In this city at - o'clock this afternoon. In terment will be made in Hanover ceme tery. Miss Tillle Lewis, the elocutionist, will give a select reading ut the com mencement exercises of the Young Men's Christian association evening school tomorrow evening, ut Ihe asso elation rooms. The friends of students, and ull w ho are Interested In the asso ciation's work, both men and women will he welcomed to this attractive gathering. The war department at Washington has announced the list of successful candidates for West Point Military Academy of the 20u candidates only seventy-nine were successful. Klchnnl W. Thomas, uf Wllkes-llarre, who won the appointment by the comoetive ex amination In this district lust May. Is one of the successful candidates. During the absence of the family of Clinton Hesa. from their home In Sugur louf township Saturday, tire completely destroyed the house and all Its con tents. Loss I1.31MJ. DALTON, A 'dime concert will be Riven In the Baptist I'huich on Tuesduy evening, Man h 131. proeeedn for the benettt of the Young Henple'a society. The IoIIuwIiik inoKiainine will be ri'iideivil: I'iuiio Uuet. Mit. Ivea anil MIm.s liuth Hull; recitation. W. K. Thoiniixon. nf Key tone uruilemy; violin solo. Mi: Schil ling; vcicul solo. Kills Honil, of Nichol son; recltutlon. Miss l.enu Northup;. vocal trio. Alrn. Sowcll, Mis Hull anil Clark Dean; violin xoln, .Miss Mary Dickson; recitation, .li.-s Oiace Punly: violin solo, Mr. Srhllllns: vocal solo, Mrs. V. II. Howell, arcornimniitt by Hurry Dean, violin; (.Mark Dean. Mute. HONESDALE, Kayinonil Hurdeiibern is home frmii riieaier Military ooIUhh. Miss Annie Sunnier returned to her home In Nanticoke Saturday alter a visit with relailvea here. Miss (irace Wilbur, of New York city, U vlsltinx triends here. Mr. Kuller. of Seranton. was in Hnnesdale a short time on gatunlny. . - HI KOPK'S STOCk OI Udl.lt. Since IHUO It Hon Increased Mori Than 10(.U00.()(I0 Since IMiU the khM ill Kliropean ImnliH accoliliiiK to tile Kconnniiste Kuropceii, lias incivitseil l.y $iL';i.:'iui.uM(i. nf this the Imperial hank of llusslii has Ktiined $IS.'..XiKI.U'il. Ihe Hank of France SltiT. 4IMI.IIUH, the Hank of KliBlaud $II1.ikmi. iwo. the Ausi ro-HuiiKnilan hunk $?., SOU. Hun. and the Imperlul bank of tier niany $;;!i.snn.uciu. The wh comes nom the American monetary ciiculation and from the product Inn of the Kohl mines. At the end of 1SW the Hank of France und the Imperial hunk of Itussia be tween them held $77.ul.uu In nold. a little more than half the stock of fculd 111 nil the Kliropean banks and this does not include the Kohl III the Klissiull treasury, which Is estimated ut $510. 40U.0WJ. M'he jfold In (Icrmany, Austro llunauiy. and Italy amounts to $;;:;). Oiiii.iHHi. and that in the bank of KukIhiuI to $rimi.on,oiK.i. Dyspepsia, Indigestion Aud distress lu the stomach caused mi Intense agouy. I lost flesh, strength and energy. I was so wtak that 1 could not walk without my cane. My family and fritndj prevailed on me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla and now I am a well and strong man ol 60 years. I owe my life to Hood's." W.T. BPSXCEH, Fort Mitchell, Virginia. Hood's Pill? s!:uJ!:.asyt, MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the best tpiality for domestic use. and of all sixes, delivered ill any part of Ihe city at lowest price. Orders left at my Office. NO. lis WVOMINU AVENUE, Rear room, first floor. Third National Hank, or sent by mail or telephone to Ihe mine, will receive prompt attention. Special contract w ill tie made for the sale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Ave, TAKE PLEASURE IN ANN0UNCI.1G THEIR Easter Millinery Opening Tuesday and Wednesday, March 31st and April 1st. Al the same time all the latest nov elties in ull ti e other departments wilt lie oil display, to whieb we invite our puti'ous and the public In general. Wc have secured some of the best New York talent in our Millinery Depart ment whoiii we feel couliilent will sat isfy the most critical taste. Will Be Sold at Close Profits, Same as in Other Departments As usual, Extraordinary val ue lor Monday and balance of the week will be offered. Space will not permit quoting prices. EH I II RUPTURE Is one of the very common ailment of man kind. It is usual lv tha result of hard work nr flvtr-exertion. ntid is oftentimes tiie legacy of f"vera or severe uttucka of sickness whioh leaves th i abilominul muscles in a weakened enndilioii, allowing the protrusion of botrsl. It is NO DISGRACE to be ruptnred. bat it is very annnyinit and Hoiuetinies daiixerous. trntil reesnlly It was though: to b iucui al 1.' wirhnut an pnra:lou, but tliunka to sclentine ronn:ll . ITS CURE is now ABSOLUTELY CEHTAIS in nlnsty out uf a hundred cates whf ro tlio riiptme er.n be returned. I ive u written j;uai'nte to cure. No knife, uo Inronvenietioe, no uprra tic 11 ; no detention frctn business, and r.o trliw to anucy yon atterirarila. nc viit to inv utlice ireekly fur from f c ur to eiht eollia lluallf sufflt'leut for the worst eases. I)K Al.EX. H. O'M.M.I.KV, Tluptnre Speciullst, Washington street, Wilkes Bu io. Pa. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The FineNt Id the City. The latest inproTed furnih' InfB and apparatns for kecpiiif neat, butter aad egjp, 223 Wyoming Av. ON THE LINE OF THE tile Ib.'ated the liuest tlshliiK und hunting aruiimls in the world. Iieseriptlve books i, n tipplii'Ullon. Tl.kets to ull points in l;ili:. I'uiia.la und Al ml I line I'rovlui'PS, .Mlr.nt,ipolis. Ht. I'util, t'ttn.'i.lian and I'mteil Slater Noilhwest. Vuiivouver, Seattle. Tui'omu, I'oriluiid. Orr., Sail Kritiiels.-o. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attaehed to all ihroiiKht trains. Tourist lurs fully Hi In. I whh beddliK, ' eurtiilus and spei iiilly uilaited to wauls of faniill.'S may be hud with seeond-ehiss tlekets, Kates always less than via other lines, For further Inrotnuitiou, time table, e'...., on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A., 353 Broadway, New York. PCkl. kr.tr r'. CaclUh Dlaaisaa Br.ai. ENNYROYAL PILLS urifinni mum vmij venHtnr. rc. aitiuvs rtiiabit. LAOita ftk liru(Ut for rHirkrtttr EntHun uit i inoml tii'tn4 in H4 mad ti-tJ m tallic' hka. a-M otth IiIim rliibwu Tk 'tiont uhJ iMiifttiw. At Urugf nit, or vend 4r it lmf tor imHlmUi. tvtiiaiOBltiU an "Holler n m t'ttrr. rrlHrti WialL llMHItl IV.Iitiioliimls .Van fmtr ItW bj til Lwui Uruatu. I'bilal4a.. 1 DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To all sufferers ef KRKOKSOF YOUTH, LOST V IUOK and DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN, 208 tisyes: cloth bound; aeouralv sealed und mailed free. Treatment by null strictly oonndeutial, aud a positive oniek ear gait antsed. No matter bow lout atanding, I will po.itiTly core you. Writ or eall. IU) IflPO 320 N. 1 5th St., Philada.. Pa. Wit.L.C) reara' contlaui.ua nrkctio. i Hit id Hi Mini k 3 V BssT ESTABLISHED 1873 S.G.KERR,S0N&C0. . i . , ' '.; ;;' J JOHN CKOSSLEY 4 S0N HALIFAX, ENGLAND; - v " UNRIVALLED T In all the Latest Designs and Handsome Combina lions and Coloring, which have made the goods so justly celebrated. We are the Sole Agents for Seranton. Our Complete Line of FOR THE SPRING TRADE Have aow been received and includes everything ap propriate and desirable in all grades of Wiltons, Ax minsters, Savonneries, Velvets, Brussels, Ta pestries and Extra Quality ingrains, with Bor ders to match. An inspection of our stock aud ex amination of prices will prove interesting. 408 L BANK STATE MS NT FEBRUARY 28, 1696: RE90t'RCK9. l0ns OvorH rafts i, V. S. Bonds...; .it, Other hands ; HankliiK House Premium on I". 8. BondM line from I'. 8. TreasurMMi Due from Baolk.;:.;i.;..tmi C ash :;:::.:::!!::::::; .. 1 1 u i ; i ; ; 4MW.773 4S i 714 01 i lon.euu ou ui,irr to t LM.734 0 i S.tftW 0l i t.77 80 i lii.atH T3 Ut,7SS Si c . j,m.m as WM. CONNRI.L, President: Ol-O. II. CATLIN, Vlt President; WM. H. PBCK. Cashier. UIUKCI orjS- W m. Cunncll, Henry Belin, Jr., James ArcJabald, Wn. T. Smlthi Ucargs rt, ectllm Luther Kellen Alfred Hand. Special atteiitlun given U Buslntus and Personal Accounts. Three per cent. Interest fen Time Be ptnits. IRQM AiSD STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Belt Kuds; Tufttbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Herse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Toels and Sup plies. Sail Duck far mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES , and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Riiws, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bmvs, etc. BITTENBEND SCRAN YOU WANT WE HAVE LET'S GET RICHARDS 502 Coramonwealtb Builiin? HORSELESS CARRIAGES FOR THE BABIES. l" JUfetW.KOTi- approved patterns; last, but uot a'OUP Syt't'inl WeC'kl) OUVriOgS are attracting much attentioo. 'This week it is ! mi pi utiic ,'Vd samp,es for m stove or Vfst,bu,e, ,2c' ,d UlL llLU I HtJ Larger Kemnants for the Kitchen or Pantry. 15c a ar4 CASH r TrmsINQ "'CREDIT. . TELEPHONE 0194 BRUSSELS TS Lsckawanna Ave. Opposite Ihe Main Entrance to Wyoming Houss. OF LIABILITIES. Capital i t Hurplug .nm Utillvhlf4 ProlltH. . i , i. i . . i . . . Circulation u.u lIVIHHnls Unimld:.... Italtoaltj .iiii.i.... IUft to Banks i.m Re-yiafgunts Bills Payable ...I ;oo.oooo ... IM .... SUM O .... Sj.oG'iW' ...t 108 ; .ii 1.518.74 1 24m It ,,i Noun None J:l91. 3w ::4 TON. PA. TOGETHER. LUMBER CO Telephone 422 We have always taken a deal of interest iu this department, hut have never before had such just cause lor pride. Our stock is not only larger, but in point of style and finish has at tained a degree of excellence hitherto unknown. The strong, liht running gears, with rubber tire wheels and brake attach' attachment support bodies so varied in des'gu that your ideal is sure to be represented. They are upholstered lu every con ceivable shade aud fabric con sistent w ith carriage use, aud canopied bv parasols of the most least that great tempter, SGRANTON N Has dwiudled to a very hue point In proof of which we are showiug a carriage with full reed body, upholstered iu damask, with Ml silk roll, lace covered parasol, for UUlUU CLOTHIERS, HOUSE FURNISHERS. 218, 225 and 227 Wyoming Avenue.
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