--.. . THE SCTANlftpy TBIB USE-MONDAY MORNING, M All CH 30. 1896. ROSANNE ' : . u By JANE BARLOW. Author of ' Irish Idylls" snd Bog-land fctudias." ICoMrrlght 1895, by Baeheller. Johnson and . .Baeheller. . ' t PART I. ''Towards seven o'eloi-k on n summer pveiilii- til July. Kosanne should have been helping her mlstreBS In the dairy. Instead or wlilrn n was uuin the shutiuw of the lilt water barrel ul the kit. hen door and wrlllna; to tier weethtart. Klie wrote to tell him now the had been alveii leave to go home J,ekt Sunday, and she did not stop to runftluVr that she wits nt this very mo ment risking the loss .f her holiday, by fitttliiK Into ilistrnue for nejslw-t r tlutv. But It was not Itosai ' way lo think of more thuu one thing at a tini", m when it oei'iirreil to her Hull Jdm tSalutn. who had called about the limn of a hay shaker. might post a letter for her as he went hon)e. she arted ujmhi the idea without further relied Ion. She hud her liuiier spread out on the r.urrel stand, and i-rnnetl her eurly m-atl over it at unlikely angles as she en joined lnn Mct'lean to meet her at Hunt s, in Kllbruiken. where the gig would drop her next Saturday evening. Meanwhile the dairy work had been KoinK on well enough without her. .Mrs. Oonrov hail a pleased smile when she saw the rioe yellow eream ui ainoothly up under her skimmer, and added it to the rieh contents of her great wide-mouthed Butlierlng-i rock. She thought they would have a grand i-hutnlng tomorrow, and at least a dozen pounds of butler for Satur day's fair. Hut when she had tln i.hH uhe eecollected that Kosanne should have been there lo carry tht i.ias their supper of Hour skim milk, and arter culling her In vain sever al times, she sent little Ned to I ... lie . and bid her come along out of that tins instant. Ned delivered the message with the pithy addition: "Shea vaKlli'-" and so In frightened haste ltosunne finished addressing' her en velop, with wild blots, and overset the Ink bottle, and rushed away to retch the bucket. When she reached the dairy she was relieved at lliiilliiK r. body there to scold her. and. still hurry driven, she tilled her bucket and run .T with It across the yard. ltosan le luther-llked seeing the pigs at tlieli Hiippr. they wriggled so all over with .'iij.ivment. and she now leaned against the sty-door to watch them. She bewail t,i sing Nora I'relna. but In the middle of the lirst verse she stopped abrupt!. a frightful misgiving had suddenly Seized her. cine she knew not whence She leaned forward and looked Into the trouKU: Klu- snatched up her bucket nd examined it ear-fully: and then she perceived that she had Indeed done a dreadful thin. I" her haste she ha. emptied the wrong crock, and had thrown a week's gathering of cream to )t III US ' How dreadful It WHS she could esti mate bv the pride her mistress took it the row of rich, yellow-topped milk pans, the precautions with which she surrounded them, her wrath if any clumsiness Imperiled them. W hat would that wrath he now? Itosanne made her mind m all In a minute not lo race it. She would run away home. It was no such treat distance across the fields; she might get there, she sup posed, before It was nuite dark, she tlioiiaht her father would be clad to see her and. if so. her stepmother must perforce nciiulesce. Hut at all events there was Dun M Clean, w ho would be certainly "as pleased as anythln'." and make much of her und take her part, whatever happened Han's stalwart frame held up the whole fabric of Ko sunne's future. Iteyond a doubt she - -j - -- .'iniu. of fretting a holiday In any other way, she thought, as she raced at full speed back to the house For she had no time to hesitate, uh the discovery miRht nt any moment prevent her (light. Luckily, almost everybody was out in the huyllcld, and she got up I'NTJRn THR ftHADnw op THE BIO WATKIt-HAHRKh. to her attic unpercelved. There she collected her few most cherished pos sessionsthe rest might be fetched af terwardsthrew on her shawl and once more dared the .creaking clattering rtalrs and the passage that led by the awful dairy door. Fortune stil fa vored her: she escaped ail their perils and was presently scrambling through the gap In the briery hedge into the meadows at the back of the hay yard. She ran all the way through the tirst field; because she had such a vivid pic lure in her mind or what might be at that very minute happening within : doors. Slit? could almost see Mrs. Con roy's. face ns she stared into .the empty cream crock and hear her terrible call. Mud and perempby: "Itosanne! Jto Mmne!'' -The mere thought or II made her scud along like a rabbit. 1 Hut ut the end or the held she heard real voices, for the haymakers were re turning to the house, so she slipped nut uf their Way behind a smooth-sided huycock. When they passed she stole buck to the foot path and on again. About Kllcruinlyn farm the land was aJI down In meadow and the (ields were Iiordered by thick bosky hedRes. Tall cocks threw shadows nearly across Some or them, and the Interspaces were Very goldenly green with f iph.i,i..,r. Ins; arterRi-uss, under westering sun beams, on others the newly-niown THE SECRET OF A lEAUTIFUL SKIN 18 FOUND IN gUTICURA SOAP Sail ffca wnrlj SHlUh T. ttm. Saa lam ajtb 1. aiRi viwipii, jwian. rwiisa ssa. Cur., tla Wat., Bu.ua, t. a. A. 4 . swathes still lay In the soft waves, and the shorn swurd underneath was iialer hut d. not haviiiR had time to thrust up any youiiR blades since the sweep of the scythe went by. Along under the hedge the remnant of the meadow made u fringe with feathery crests. drooping and creamy plumes, tall stalks that un furled white sunshades, and here and there a scarlet puppy. The drops of an earlier shower still twinkled beneath them, and Hosanne's crisp pink calico skirt grew limp and bedraRRled as she brushed by. But she did not heed this, for the one article of dress that she much regarded her new hat, with Its wreaths of curious buff and crimson roses rested safely on her head, ami her head was full of preoccupying spec ulations. She began to think that per haps, after all. no such harm was done. That Is to say. It was. of course, a woful pity ulmut the beautiful cream: but. for I he mutter of losing her place there by, she wasn't sure that she wouldn't as lief as not quit being In service. And she thought it as like as not that when she came home this way lun Mct'lean would again take up the notion of their getting married arter the harvest. I nat Was what he hud wanted to do in the sprliiR, if her stenmotlier had not put It lute everybody's head that It would be better Tor them to Rel together a few pounds berore they set up housekeep ing;. Hosanne now said to herself that she did not see any occasion for It. She wondered, too. what sort of Rlrl Mag gie Walsh, her stepsister, who hud Just c.ime to live at home, was apt to be. She hud a presentiment thai there would be Utile love lost between them. However, thai didn't much signify bv reason of Kan. Through three or lour fields Itosanne passed without meeting anything to lnterri.it these cogitations. Now and then the voices of home-going hay makers were wafted over a hedge, and a belated corncrake was heard from a Ions way off fainty creak-creaking. The shti.lows lengthened silently all ! about, and the sunlit Interspaces seemed as they shrunk to stow more J UK'S TfoK IT WITH MAOOIK WAI.SII." Jewel-like In their glinting gold on creen. In u sheltering corner a large oiivc-mottled frog started up out of the tiin.l..,l itiiiiuii uinl t.unt Hlmrimr HI til - ! .." ! .... i.. .'..! i.!.. iU !. I...... uVi..u i,f nrii "i ........r. ... expnniiing leaps; out in imsi soe nuiiom itn him nil ha lltfll.ll,.,l and Kilt Mll.l- denly squatting. At the same moment ll,i ,.ii,.,i h.. mi me l.nidlv dose somebody called hei nnlTl loudl , i lose by: Uosanne, Hosanne. A Happy white sun bonnet wns look- Ing at her over a gate in a hedRe, a little way to the right; and In It sni recognized her cousin, MnrLftvHi who live, near tnem ai tnfiie. "Audi where might you be Jiflto?" Martha ' said, as Hosanneafu up to the gate. "and wid llnernndeur on you." she added, referring to the rose-wreathed hut. "Sure I'm Just steelln' about a bit," Hosanne said, with rather confused un corcerr.. She regretted the encounter, and was not at all disposed to cou th!.- in Martha, who had the name or being "the greatest ould gossip you'd meet in a long day's walk." "It's a tine warm evenin'," she continued, to ac count for her stroll. "Warm enough, bedad," said) Martha, "you might suy so If It was in the hay you'd In en. I come un yesterday to work above ut Ilillirthy's. and I was niRiiitr to run over this evenin' and sec you. on'y sqmethiu' delayed me. And what's the best-good news wld you this long while?" "I dunno is there any news in par tlc'lar, bad or good," said Hosanne, with a guilty: "I could an" I would" In her mind, us she thought of the pig's supper, "Then you hnven"t heard tell about lan McClenn?" said Martha, suddenly craning her neck over the topmost bar. "What about him at nil?" said Ho sanne, with a great start. "You haven't heard?" Martha repeat ed. In a half incredulous tone. "Can't you tell me?" said Hosanne. "I'll come over to you just wall?" said Martha. She launched her ultch- fork ncross the gate, and began to scale its many bars with remarkable agilitv. She had scarcely flopped to the ground. on Itiixiiniie s side of It. before she said "lle S tlink III! U-bl IVnlah .l.o. what it Is. .,,.,, ., ,. " .nuvr. Took up wld her?" said Ttnsanne, staring up stupidly at her cousin. "Ay, bedad. and so he has." said Martha, "but It come to my knowledge on'y last Sunday. About Kettln mar ried they are after the harvest he and your siepinothers daiiRhter. And he lie ull accounts as good as promised to 1 ynil. Itosanne! , "Who was telllntf von so? He never! set eves on hn- Hit Jl.. 1, r 1 til FuKte iV.n'J n, r '". "' lei I'.aktHi. lan s no affair of mine, I ; don't believe any such thiiiR." said Ho- sanne, ratUliiK the rusty bolt of the! padlock ante. "Sure (hey wus all (alkin' about it ' alter mass. " K11I1I Mnrlhn -nmi tl,,.r ovnln- I tuvc.1 ih., .11 ... I . er wld it. and she didn't deny It. Och. nosanne, but you was a line fool to let your stepmother pack you off to service that-a-way, wid .MuKKii Just comln' home. Kurnln' money for voncueir I.... .un. va 1111 ,1 imiiih if icr K I II- I dud! 'Deed now what notion she had In her mind's ns plain to see ns lh seeds in a ripe Kooseberry. IMittin' you out of it wns the wuy she'd have 'the chance ami that's wluit she's ufter doln' on yon." "She's welcome." suld Ifosanne des perately. "Och. that's just tnikin'. flosnnne." said Murthu. "I was spakln' uboiit it to your fulher on Tuesday. I'd ha' thought he'd be none too well pleased, but he Hiild iiothln' aKn it. I supposed she had him persuaded, poor man. And linn's mother tvasaxln' me had I heard tell uny thin' about u voiiinr clini, wns cisirtln' you up here. .Murk my words. that h the story your stepmot tier's been puttin' Into their heads. Hut I totild -Mrs. .Mct'lean there wasn't n lot urn of truth In it as fur as I knew. And there Isn't in csirse?" Mul t ha suid. KiaiKlnir iiRain rather suspiciously at the Bland hut. "Maybe there Is, and maybe there Isn't." snld itosanne deflantlv. "It's no affair of anybody's. Let other iienple mind their own business, and I'll mind mine. And let them pluse themselves the pack of (hem and they'll please me. 1 dunno which of them's the great est liar; hut It s little I (rouble myself anour tnem. or else I'll be too late Ho Rood night to you kindly och don't be delayln' me. you ould tormlnt!" Ito sanne whisked the corner of her shawl out of Martha's detaining grasp, and ran a way down Ihe field. As she went she struck up Noroh Creinu, and samr It lustily as long an she thought her self within hearing; but her mind was not at all occupied with that gentle, bashful .heroine. The sun had disap lieared behind th rounded tops of Uru mariH Wood while she talked to Martha, and the vivid lights had gone out among the haycocks and hedges. Everything had grown dimly green, soft and i-ool. and when she left off singing, not a sound was to be heard. 425 Hut her thoughts w through the scorching,. re traveling Isslng, whiti- ing chaos Into which thi thtinderh.ilt of things had shattered t tore her. Ian. and the 111 world be- her own. and love and trust? le house of wedding and the Aylesbury .1 and a line ucks Mrs. Coiiroy promised her, and he old Tim Donagh's remark that pride In got the best lad on the town she had and all were swept away from her, an In their places seethed u Hood of Jealou: and despair. As its first rush , rage ibsid- ed, she recollected several things that seemed like disregarded warnings and again that Dan had never aged to get over and see her beta this and Hasten and then the last old lliddy Uotan from his place wai at the rami he handn t sent eer a sug by her at all. The reason plain enough now. And with that s:mne bethought of the letter whlcH had sent by John llaliun, und v might be delivered by this time. haps Dun was at that minute 1 laughing with Maggie Walsh o. suggestion that he should be his evening streeliuR orf to nf sunnc Tierney at Kllbiackail possibility was the cm. barb of mortlllcation by wl1 the crushing bulk of her mlsfurtuii hold of her mind, and she ru at aught ed her- self rr having ignorunlly wioil. . . lint lut circumstances seldom allI. , ' rage long uninterrupted, - i Kosuniie walked on, the II w us to I w hlle Is grew dimmer, and tile green gray and the breeze chillier, und the a until at last she found thi briers which twitched her "ass wetter. the thorny y (he shawl as she passed them, were beginning to ask here where she was a puzzling question. To f olng. It was those false, schemln nome among creatures, could not f thought of. It would b to return und face t dairy ut Kllcrunilyn farm, and even that was quite I nil .ssible. On such could Rive, only her. She would consideration as uh one unswer occurred go to her Aunt 1., zxle Mahony, her mot tier's sister, wh good nil tilled und fi had always been endly. The Maho ved rather a long f beyond Hewlts- nys, it was true, step off, somewh. town; still she thi tainly contrive to g of the next duy, would be glud to her future was all ight she could cer- t there In the course and she knew they ee her. After tllut, drearily vague. She supposed that she to do, and somedn ' uuiu K'-i lieiu WOl K hes she even thought wildly of turning Dullad singer. Hun used to say inut make her I'm tun he had a voice fit to hut of course that might only have I een one of his lies, for u could not believe a It was evident y word that came further her fee out of lus head. The ! and her reflections traveled, the niu picture of Mah .?.U!"?.''.t,v f!'ew ,hp i unit? wiiiie rot- n . .;i'nt '""king out at the door ilory be to good- liess, if it Isn't the fields uroui little Hosanne." For 1 her spread lonelier, and struiiRer. a ..i ii , . . "XrW and shades she crept mull last in a great frlRht a haystack and shlv- ered and doz. In uuequul alternations till the duwi I'AHT II. It found h but ilelivei I Li. " I Hues- I ttS in. I lilie I 7 I... .7. i 1 lima' i' liewllderiniily miserable. ! wrapped in an old rag of a sliuwi siir from the puuic fears ihut ! mounted by an In.-iiiigruoiis guy hat. . jaj Mrl 1. 1 I I ere, while the world wus ' yelluw-inouii,,''w; "'' le out of the road eluae liKi httart on to the h h i- iou d . uh ie u y 8hfl (ml.(ly not(,(!(( ,.u dew a" "he,'y ,,oUl "' damp with! j ?i,.'lj resumed her joiirnev, upuu JJ UiiT-luIy sun soon begun to glare - - ,,u"s nen-e. me way was nuicli ened It by missing it several times, lind- . ....... ,..u,i(ii.i, aim fine leilgin- ing liitrl.ate directions all the mole piu xling because she wus dazed for the wain luxetl f.ir th u'ti.it of food anil sleep. Two women of wlium sue nan muue inquiries arid who told her of terribly many miles gave her a drink ot inllK, sin I ha I was all she hud lli.v U'hi.lu .I..O lt'1... U . ... . ...,, ,, I... un gunny nui unu ner curelessly-wlsped-on shawl und bedrag gled pink gown, her curly liulr tossed und milled und her eyes wild ami woebegone she hud become a forlorn, slrunge-looklng llsure. which passers-by eyed cinloiislv, und on which ihey sometimes mude re marks. This alarmed her Rreullv, for solitary wanderings were a new experi ence to her. She made up her mind never to be a ballad singer, and her aunfs hou.e grew a more mid more desired refuge. At lust, when ithe shadows stretched erv long and the sunbeams had relaxed their scorching grip, she came lo a bit of road that seemed familiar to her. Itouiid the next turn, If she was not tnistuken, stood the little while collage at the foot of u steep tteld, in the angle where two lonltigs met she remembered the place verv well. And, sure enough, round the corner, Just as she hud hoped, the little wlilte collage came into view, a sight which for u few moments she beheld with much comfort of heurt. Hut she had not taken many quick steps toward it berore she perceived that something wus amiss, on the brown slope of the thatch u thick cloud of smoke was brooding, dull und pule, und, as she looked, thicker black clouds cume rolling up through it In great, heavy puffs, pierced here and there by sharp thrusts of dame, which even iiinler the sunset of the sky gleamed strong und red. Very clearly the house wus on lire, which was a dreudful thing: but what struck Itosanne with still more dismay was that there seemed to be no body about to mind It. Three small stranger boys were sitting on the triangii. lar grass plat between the two lime just in rrout oi i no cottage, nut they were .Ul"" ' !"""- With UltS Of ui-pKen crocKery and taKlmr no Interest In the fire. Nobody else whs to be seen, I i itosuune ran up to the children in u I I breathless scare. "Where's ull the 1 hoiiys'.'" she suid; "sure, they cun't be In It. wid the ro.if bluzln' over their j i heu.lsV" tne of Ihe boys glanced ut I her Indifferently, "iich, the .Mahonya I win ion uiii wi .11 isieiuy 101 me rint," he said, "und the colonels burn h'K the ould bad houses to hinder the pe.i- pie of com In' buck to them, und siiu.K- ers. and trainps. and all manner, ijive "p l,,e lilue-edsred lilt. Hilly." ,'A"'1 'a- uncle ttone to?" sul.l licuune "l iliinno," suld Ihe bov. "unless It was to the I nlon below at llewitsinwn." "Sure, not in ull," suid Hilly; "I heard ,,1,"' Hy v1"' ,,ut ilaliony was none to his " " "" . '' "rsI "! wn" as "'"'kl. d and 1.1 iU-. iili.l Pf.illi.n. I. ..I . out ids tuiiKiie ill acknowledgment of .this cor rection, and the third, who was like linn, suid: "No. he isn't. They've ull look 01T to ihe Slates." lio.-unne thought, tln.v till. SI'KIlt THAT AT Cfirn ON I' THAT KK.VH AXII CAUKS. Air; ni.ji:. looked quite fiendishly hideous She win turning toward the house when Hilly said: "There's nobody In It;" but liU brother said: "Vis. there Is, after that UK'in. 1 seen Alee Anderson and another of the bailiffs men goln' round wid a pitchfork awhile hko." Hosanne run desperately up lo the door, and looked In. It wus ull a smother of smoke Inside, ami the (lames might be heard mushing their teeth among the crackling rafters. Then she ran on Jun.( the corner of the house, and ther". sip-c enoughs were two men, one or whom standing o:i the pig slye wall, was pok ing a pitchfork inlo the thu'.ch, The f.i ; was that Alec Anderson, who hud u thrifty turn, hud noticed a fitmh gold-n pueh where 1'st Mahony had latelv darned bin roof, and now deem It worth mm m f I AX INVITATION. ' j It Circa I. Pleasure to rabllah tha fee. j lowing AnaoiiBeeBient, All women suffering- from any form of illaess peculiar to their sex are re quested to communicate promptly with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. All letters are re oelrcd, opened. read and an only. swered by women woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woiran ; thus has been estab lished the eternal coutt- denue be tween Mrs. Pinkhaui and the women of America. This con fidence has in duced wore than 100.000 wouieu to write Mrs. Pinkham for advice during- the lust few months. Think what a volume of experience she has to draw from ! No physician iiw:n v , " . 1 triumphant . "-"- ' a moment be female ills, and from this vast expert more tolerable ence surely it is more that! possible Storm III the she Iih iriiine.l tin. vurir UnnIl ! ,,. ' a- jruur e. j g"ld to have you write or call i upuu her. You will Und her a I full f Bm.i. ,ui j....!.. ' S Ti ! assist those who are sick. If her medi cine la not what you need, she will fraukly tell you so, aud there are nine chances out of ten that she will tell you exactly what to do for relief. She asks nothing- in return except your I good will, aud her advice has relieved thousands. Surely, any ailing- woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. - Never In the history of medicine has : the demand for one narticular remedv tumult diseases equalled that at- i t- .. "!"eU"y Uyam. Ve(re- . table Compound, and never in tha : historv of Mm PlnlrlmmV ..i i i.. j , ..upvuu Has me ueiuaiiu lor ib ueen ogre.tasitisto-day; while to rescue the good bit or straw rrom tile coiillugrutlon for use on his own prem ises. Hiirning cabins is hot and thirsty work on a radiant July day, und Ander son's mood had beeume irritable over It. So when a disheveled bit of a vuinint if III i came nulling up to him. ami in honor- s 'len accents asked would he (ilase be tellln where Mrs. Muhony was gone, he relt moved to reply by tossing down a bun- die or thatch on her oft his fork, and saying: "Our spelr that ut somebody that kens or cares, me hlsxie, anil dinna be ; uiewierin nere awu . i niucgiiy tne wwi.u.t- ..'i a reu-inii siiiuuHiering core. and as it dropped on Hosanne's head. II knocked off her hat, und sot her hair alight, and fell in scorching (lakes be tors her eyes. She was tieeliig away, blinded and terrilted, but she tripped over a ston ? and fell with her head against the wall, which stunned her into unconcern. Hy the time that her troublesome worl 1 came back lo her, she bad been conveyed to the inlirinury wurd of the Hewlttstown workhouse, u dolefgul whitewashed place where the last red rays of the sunset were beating on the gnny windows. Poor Ho 'DK THR Pr.WRRS OF SMAKIC! THAT'S HKI.ONHINl ! Ti Iti) SAXNK T1KKXKV." sanne's fortunes had sunk so deeply wlth- I 111 me lust rour aim twenty Hours tmit you would hardly have recognised her as the same girl who hud talked to her cou sin .Murtha at the gute among the Iniy I tleids. while the sun went down behind a I screen of rounded tree tops. Kor her , clothes were blackened and drenched with j fire and water, and, much worse, her pretty curling hair wus all burnt off, and I one side of her face wus scorched. Xext i morning her neighbor in the ward ; thoughtfully lent her a bit of broken lock ing glass that "she niiKlit see the quure : show she wus;" but she hud scarcely ener gy to niu nee ut If, und wus faintly shocked I by the disfigured Image. All the duy she lay In u dazed, apathetic state, and took I little heed of anything. It seemed to her ' us if she had keen there always la u I dreary sort of drenm. I Hut on the duy urter. when the creeping ! shadow on the tic or had shrunken utmost I to its noontide skiniplness, she suddenly ' roused up quite uwake. Just outside ' the door, which was close to her bed, she heard a familiar voice speuklng the voice I of fan Mct'lean. Itosanne held her breuth as the nurse, a stpiare framed stolid per son, was called out to Interview "u young nan from about Ki! bracken, that was come uxln ul'ler a girl." Hun's voice would hHve sounded like heavenly music to her, if the echo or .Murtbu's hud nut come hurshly through It und Jarred it into discord. "Beg your pardon, ma'am," she heard him say diffidently, "might there be a girl be the name of Itosuune Tlernev in Ii?" "Is it the name?" said Ihe nurse, "sure. I couldn't be lellln' you the names or ihe half of them that comes und goes. Whut sort Is she?" "Och, u slip of a girl," suld Hun, wlio-e dfSerlpllve powers were not great, "a slip of a girl w ld black hair und u smull Isii slse she Is." ' "There's plenty of them like that, If that's ull." said the nurse, "we've a bluck-hulred one come, hi the other duy, not over big. Some son of u trump she Is. and gut a crack 011 the heud wld a bit of the roof sllppin' down on her; but 1 could be uxin her her mime. Itofaiine Tierney did you say? And whin might you be lo her stipposlu' she Is"; jirr brother may lie?" It seemed to Kosanne us if an endless pause followed this uucstlon: ye; Han only lieHtuted for a lilomenl before he an swered: "Och, well, niu'um." he said "you might say I'm as good us u brother, anyway." And with that a stormy durkness fell upon Itosanne. Kor what could "us good us a brother" signify, except marriage with the step-sl.ter, Magxie Walsh? She hoped to goodness she minht never huve Ihe misfortune lo set eyes on either of the two of them to the end of her life's daysand she'd as Her that mightn't be very long a pair of bluck-hearted rogues -'he villain might Just go back the way he came. When a minute afterward the nurse re turned to make her Inquiry, the tramp kept her head under the blanket, in, would only mutter in a huaky, mumbling wuy: "I dunno any such uetple at all bid him get along out of that me name's Isabella Hill," facts which were at once reported to Hull oulside in the pastsge with the additional details that the era turt seemed to bit a cross-tempered one, und perhaps not quite right In her senses, iu ui mis moment another visitor iir- rneu in inn shuiw- of a small freckled i.V ' wno UM carrying. verse expression or coillHeliiilC'. a urge, gau.uiy-wreuihed straw hat. "Ail. what might you he waniln', .Ma they Flan. Igun?" said the nurse. .vie mother bid me brlngln' th' ouM nat, said Matthew. "It dropped off the girl that got hinted up at Pat Mammy's on I-riduy, and me brother brought it home, but she ses it might b a loss to tho crathur that owned U, so she sent me along wld it. and It's him she'd a right to flu ...i . i "Be the powers of smoke!" Pan cx- ciaimeu. seising hold of the hut, "that is ueiungiu to Kosanno Tierney; she got It new at Raster, and as proud or herself In It she was as a III tie puycock. ure 1 remember this tuft or yeller roses wid reu gmsa ueuus in tnem cocked up at the side or it: I was lelllir hr it r,.,u-.i r.. all the world like one or our mild duukev's ears: and was axla' her why wouldn't she uc sinning up me oilier lo match It. "For the inatler or that," said the nurse, "there's dozens of quale hals goiu" about the world, and all of them that de-niiuted-luokiii' you'd be hard set to tell the one from the oilier. The aquil of the uiiiiuiiuihii Kami. oca you see on people Ihese limes I uiVer witnessed." "Ah! but 1 couldn't be mistook In this one by uny manes." said Hun. continu ing to examine the hut; sure '.twas atitlif in rrom or me in ihe Hup ull the wuy drivlu' over from her pluce to our place aim duck agin or uaster Mainly, uu here It Is the very same. Couldn't I be soeln' the girl, ma'am. Just for a mlnyit, tor If sue isn t Itosanne " Hut here u voice called loudly and clear ly through the liall'-uprii u'oor: "Oon'l you oner lo lie cumin next or nigh in Wan .Mci'leun. I'm no such thing, tilt HWUVhiini In Mnwlw ll'ul.h I wul.l u ii. I ! Dun's sunburnt luce m' (wo iliciies snorter at Ihe sound, "tllory be lo good ness, us nerseii. he said, "and me heart broke thinkin' what had become ot tier ever since Saturday morning. Sure, on I'll not be coin In' in if lon'ie n..i wish. fill. Jewel," he said, peering warily round ine euge or me uoor, nut wnal tain ut all wus tliul you had uboilt Muggie Walsh?" "It was me cousin, Martha Keilly, was tellln' me ull manner," said Kosanne, who felt as if she were wukening up oul of a very Ill-favored nightmare. "Trust Martha Hellly to be xsb'i(n' about what doesn't cousarn her," said Dan. "Troth I well knew your step mother was !iuttlu' that story about ih!s while buck, und devil u word or truth in it. 'Deed Kosuune, tllut ould woman Isn t anv too good I'm Ihlnkln'. But sure wiiai matter about the pack of them? Your Aunt l.lzzle Mahcuy's stopin' wid sister-in-law a wuy ut Driimeustle. I discoverd that much ylsterduy and ihev did me be biiiikin' you to stay up there till we would be Renin' married afore reaplu' begins. Maggie U'ulsh bedad! Is It idling tne lime I'd be tr.impin' over the country after heron a .lon.lny morning in the middle ot hukmukln'? So hurry up, hony, uuj git ull right agin, the wuy I can be coinin' to fetch you. I'll borry Jimmy Hyrne's side cur." "And did you hear tell the quare awful thing I done at the farm throw-In' all Mrs. Conroy's grand craine to the plg?" said Hosanne, the recollection of I his disaster now beginning to emerge from the chaos of troubles which hud over whelmed and obliterated it. Hut Dan re plied unappalled: "Why to be sure. And was that any reason fur you to be throw In' yourself after It, so to spake? Nut if every sup or era me in Ireland was split, ami all the pigs In the country swlmiliiu' in tha middle of It aye, und your step mother and her iluoghter, and .Martha Hellly, that can't lie ulsy unless she's gab bin', along wld the lot of them." So a few Sundays later Itosanne Tler iniy wus murrlpd In her buff and crim son wreathed hat. It wns slightly hal tered und Ihe worse for its travels, but It would have beeen ungrateful of her to discard It, as only for lis tlmelv turning up on a former critical occasion, it might probably enough at that moment have been worn by a forlorn little distracted vagrant, iusteud of udornlng the prou I aim nappy ueuu ot .Mis. ouniel Mct'lean, The F.nd. "Xor Kins- Nor Country." 11 nlli-rlni? into ,oi wie umes or t-nuries I, ny tillljert 1'ar aer, win ncKiii lomonow. Novelist Howell rays: "The kind of 'n triune Unit would be thought tun chll.llsl for a child's book will often muke the for nine oi a piuy. No matter how violent or excruciating the pain, the Rheumatic, Bedridden, In firm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with diseases may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Will Afford Instant Ease. Kor headache (w-kether sick or nprvnn.t toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lum- . yaina auiu weusnese in in ck, spine er kidneys, pains around the liver, pleurisy, swelling of the Joints and pains ef all kinds, the epallrsAien of Hsdway's Heady Relief will afford Immediate ease, and Its continued use for a few days effect a permanent cure. Instantly stops the most excruciating patina, miajr iiinanmutiion una cures con geslloiu, whether of the Lungs, Stomach Bowels or other glands or mucous mmi brsnes. Kadway's Ready Relief CLHtS AND PREVENTS Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influan. za, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing. "CURES THE WORST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. .Not one hour arter reading ins advertisement need anv one SUFFER WITH PAIN INTERNALLY A half to a teaspoonful In half a tumbler of water will In a few minutes cure Cramps. Spasms. Sour stoniucn, Nausea, vomiting. Heartburn, Sick Headache. Diarrhoea, Coliu, Flat 11. lency and all Internal pains. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Prloe, SOc. per 3ottl. Sold by all Druggists. CALL UP 3682: OITICE AND WAkliHOLSK. 41 TO 151 MlittlltlAN STKIitiT. M.W.(OLLIXS,MaiiiiKor. DUPONT'S RIIIING, BLASTING INO SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwullopen Mills, Luzerne county, I'a., and ut Wil mington, lieluware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WVOMINO AVKNlfc", Scranten, Pa. Third National Bank Building. ACKNI'IES: T1I03. FOItH. IMttston. I'a. JOHN M. BMITH & HON. Plvmouth, I'a. K. W. .MI LLIOAX. Wllkes-Barre. Pa. Agents fur the Repauno Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. llif OIL UM1MU1C CO. MAlKi Tie Man Who Drives The doctor, the salesman the matt who drives as a business aud the man who drives for pleusute, know the iliiiictilty of kecpiug linen collars aud cull's cleuu. With TRADr LLULOI0 MARK- INTERLINES collars una cuffs the' driver can defy the flying dust and occasional shower. They are waterproof, and when soiled they can be quickly and easily cleaned by wiping tlietn off with a damp cloth or sponge. Look just like liueu. Oue 'CKLLULOiD" collar will outwearsix linen collars, besides saving many times ita worth in latiudrv hills. Auk tii denier fur them, or Nvtid diract to na. I'ulUni a. Ouffn pairi tniiUirn Paul. Htats aud stjrle. Take no imitation list luaiat ulsib tuuda with aliovu trad murk If yuu wiaU lull aaf ilai'liiiii. THE CELLULOID COMPAMY, Nrw York. OAPOLIO tizr . Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated i CAPACITY : 100,000 Barrels per Annum PEITER 8B0E CO., Iiu'p. CaplvSl, il.900.fl60. BKST ai.SU KM (Mi IX THE WOKLU. "A dollar tactd It dollar tamed ." 1 Thti Ladles' Hal id French I ton got a Kid But. ton atoot delWsred fraa anywhare in tke U.S., on recvsioivaan, uoney uraeri er Hbiul Note (or 11.50. Banaia every war tha boots old in all retail atorea fur U2.HI. We make tula boot ourselves, tberafore we ouui- ....... .L. W, .,... - .1 11 any one la not aatlaoeu will refund the money atind enetber pair. Ouera Toe or t'eunuon Bcaar, wiauia c, 1,1 , s hk. zr 1 to S and naif lies. Jjentl yimr Ktti ffi you. Illualrsted Cata ksne FRCC Dexter Shoe GSAMliI:' ""' rnitm v sriiir, E. ROBINSON'S SONS sir In n ll1:)lf!A we tem KjBsm mna f--K ur 1 iir"iiittZ3z mBm ) CAUTION to our patrons: Wanhburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure thctr ma try jmU rons thut they will this year hold to their tMUal custoM of milling STR1C1LY ULU WHEAT until the new crop Is fully cured. New wheat In now upon the market, ana owing to the exceHsivcly dry weather many millers arc of the opinion that If w already cured, and In proper condition for iniilin. VVahhburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, aud will allow the new wheat fully threej months to mature) before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling hast 5 laced WashburaCrtwby Co.'a flour far above) otlMaV rands.' UJ Wholesale HEM THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA, Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, nuiSTlHy AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. '& When In doubt Vat to iu Kesult la 4 weeks. 01 6LHSS SIDE GBSE Must Be Sold Before We Remove To our new store, No. 130 Wyoming avenue, Coal Exchange, April 1st. Price no considers tion. And to be prepare to meet the wi neanoer ys want a eteeoi an Orereosl er both. AND Trie BEST PLACE T VISIT FOR SOMfeTaJlNO d00 IN MERCHANT TAILORING IS 406 Uchiuii .Yi. THERE YOU WILL FIND The larcest "took te select frost. Trim ? iP- S' Litest Btflu n Catiiag. and nade up ea tie sremisea) by Kxpart Workmes. . fl?"LNetBl a'lewed to leave these, tabllabment uoleaa astatleuter te the vuatenier. and tke lowest prices oesstat eat with Good Uercbsnt Tallertng. ROOF TINNING IND SOLDERING All done away with by the use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAIN-P l,l..l, nu.. of ingredieiils wull-known lo all. It can bo applied to Un, galvanized tin, sheet Iron .uuin, mm, 10 niuK uweiungs, which will lu-event absolutely uny crumbling, crack Ing or breaking of the brick. It will out lust lilllllllkT of unv klml lie munv u. and lis cost does not exceed one-llfth that of the cost of lllllllna-. Is sold bv tha l.,h or iouiid. Contracts taken by AXIOXIO HAKiWlANN, 527 Birch St, REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a i.ti)y.j wrwell Man uy. m. 0f Me. Tr:e orbat nnth Itay. FRSNOH Zl.Z3BiSXIS'V prodaeea tha above results ln;:iO days. It arts powrrlully and quickly. Curas when all olharafail. loung turn will rvgalu their lost manhood, and eld Jii-n will recover thrtr youtlitul vigor by ualag KKVIVU. It tiuickly and surely restores Nervous neaa. I.oht Vitality, liupoieucy. Nlahlly iCiulaaioas, boat Power, Kaillug Memory, Waatlus DlaranB.aud all encts,of Ki-ll aliiiiut nresremaud tudiwretion, wlilrh unfits one for atiuly, bnafncaH or marries . It not only curea by atartins at the neat of d.aeaM. bin iaasreat nene tonle and blood builder, bring ing bark ttie pluk glow to pale cheeks and re "loring thn lire of youth. It wsrda off fimanlty and t'ouKiiiuiitlon. In.ist m having RE VIVO, no otlirr. It ran be carried in vi.nt pocket. By ni.il, V 1 .00 irr pai kase, or all tor ilS.OO, with a Daa five written guarantee to rare or rotund the money. Circular trea. Address 0V7 MrfllciNE CO.. r,l niver 8t CHICAGO. For sale by MATTHEWS BROS., Druggists, Scranton, Pa. & CONNELL Agents. . RESTORE LOST VIGOR tnw N...M.. n.htii.' f a. . .i.i.u MERCEREAU & CONNELL nc WILL SOON BE HERE Tiataarapaat ItaaUla. . r7. teal, Impotaaty. Alr.my, V.riro.el. nj uthec weikneuaa, fttini any cauft, aw Senna niik Draina chctk.J i,u fH ,m qilukiy mtorad. If ncalaitcd, auck iiu.l.i mult uully. M.ilad .ay.h.rr. u.ltu. Ioti.oci a baaai lo ik x. WitS CSt!lf!ii?fJ,if!A'Vf'f( U"""M "'Ha tha aioaey. Addiaaa PKAL MIOIClSfi CO.,Ciei4ud, Ohio. " ' - 'H
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