THE SCBAOTON TBIBUNB-TUE8DAY MOJtNttTGr. OCTOBEU 22. 18D5. IT WILL SELL AT 200. A Stock Now Selling at 40. A Talk with the President of the Standard Chemical Company. PROFITS AND FUTURE VALUE OF THE STOCK. T1IE PRICE SHORTLY TO BE AD VANCED TO GO. What the Mew York Papers Say - About It. Leading Financial Journals Warn Atert Investora and Speculators to Buy Now Before the Great Rite Commences. "Why do you offer your stock at so low a price?" Inquired a banker during the course of a conversation with Mr. 'Dunn. the president of the Standard Chemical company. "In order to have the stock quickly taken." Mr. Dunn answered. "The im mediate enlargement of our business is of more consequence than slow sales of stuck at higher llsures. "We have orders in hand to keep the factory and laboratories running for the next six months. iVe will manufacture on a large scale and offer our stock at $4i per share in order to do this with out delay. "We want to Increase the number of our stockholders throughout the coun try for tills reason, viz.:- A person own ing rhe stock will call the attention of physicians, druggists, ami the people in Ills neighborhood to our product, and lit'Ip the sales more than hundreds of dollars spent In newspapt-r advertising in tl;a,t iiarttculaf locality. A stock holder can act as aent or have some one else mpolnred. Kvery where that (julcklr.e Is Introduced the tMles ste.xd- ijy incitase. It .us the solid Indorse ments of over seven thousand physi cians to back it. "I u'dvlse my p rsonal friends to buy Standard 'Chemical stack at 4. and hold it for a large advance, because, 'it Is a safe Investment, and 1 know what! am taiklr.g about. ' "The buyers of our treasury stock have already received dividends amounting to one hundred and fifty per Cent. "The stock Is intrinsically worth par today. "The price will be advanced to 60 shortly. It will sell at $200. "None of the large holders will sell their stock at any price. The only s;ock that can be bought is in the company' treasury. When that Is sold the great rise starts. I predict that the stock will sell at 2(H). because It will pay at least :'0 per cent, on its par value of 100. As the earnings have been steadily irc.'tasing while the drug has been lini iitd ;j the use of u few thousand physi cians, the profits of the company must fce enormous as fjoii as the public be come familiar with it. It Is said that It took four years to introduce antlpyrlne, when suddenly the demand became so grent for this drug that the discoverer, according to the official organ of the State Hoard of B.'ealth of Pennsylvania made a mill ion dollars In a year from his royalties alone. Independent of .the immense profit made by the manufacturers. The Chicago Tribune claims. "The passage of the Kree Quinine Hill has saved to the consumers of quinine in the United States not less than J50.000. (.'0 In rhe eight years last rast." Net earnings of only l.'OO.ooO per year pays 50 percent, dividends on Standard Chemical stock costing $10. It is simply a question of making Quickine- known to the public, and the pivrtts will sxn d uble these figures. Look at the fortunes made by makers of patent imdloints which, compared with Quickine, are as an old fashioned blunderlusa to a modern repr-atlng rifle. Quickine Is the most valuable medicine In the world today. The Stamlard Chemical company will establish an agency In every county in the United Estates "Kqultable Life assurance stock was sold at a low price. Hy Increasing the number of agents year after year, the stock Is worth now t:l 000 a share, and they have assets' of one hundred mil lion dollars. "Prokers tell me trit the original Edieon Bltctrlc stork was v.-ry hard to 'II at 45. and yet Inside of a year It rose to J3,0o0 per share. They had nb'Mit the experience with the Hell Telephone stock. "Investors seldom have an opportun ity to buy a gilt edge Industrial Ktock e.t a low price, and ho share In the Im mense profits of development: they g-n erally have to buy at par and be content with small divlJents of 6 or S per cent, a year." "Xew York World." A word or two about the men at the hi ad cf this company may be of In t.?r?st. They are well-known practical fnanjlers and business men whoso names sre at once a synonym for hon est Judicious management and a antfe that any Ir. dun trial enterprise In which th"y embark Is sure to besuecess-fu-1. (borge W. Dunn, the president, Is rll and favorably known as a care ful, level-he ai'ed financier, a man of a'erling Integrity. Me Is the head of tW banking house of O. W. Dunn ft Co., t Wall street, and president of the Hallway and Dock Construction com pany. During the two years he was president of the Old Dominion Copper company. Its stock rose from 14 to W, ty his able management. ' . Eugene Harvey, vice president of the company, formerly of the banking firm of Pearoe & Harvey, has for the last twelve years been resident manager of the banking house of Theodore W. Myers & Co., Drexel building, Phlla delphla. The secretary and treasurer. E. A. Willson, is an expert accountant for fifteen years with Wales & Co., the Vanderbllt brokers. R. A. H. Dayton, counsel of the com pany, has offices at No. 322 Broadway. 1 (Among the large stockholders are Oeorge I). Hilyard. the prominent New York builder; 8. 3. Olfford. the lead ing Insurance agent of Dunkirk. N. Y., Howard Swlneford. esq.. Richmond, Va.j Professor A. H. Young, of Han over college, Indiana: Y. Carryer, esq., of the Canadian Pacific Railway com Jany: Professor Addison Mogue, of Washington and Lee University, Lex ington, Va.: J. H. Smack, of the S. 8. White Dental company, the largest manufacturers of dental goods In the world; August Jaedlcke, jr., cashier of the Hanover State bank, Hanover, Kan.: Dr. John D. Day. of Carbnndale, Pa.: Dr. R. Curtis Gray. Dr. J. H. Jol Iffe, Dr. 'Hermann Prefontaln; W. A. (Marshall, esq., San Francisco; Rev. R. M. Stanbrough. Went Hurley, N. Y.; TteV. Alex. Bell, Cushlng. Canada: Fe lix Rey, esq., Cuba; Kstadlstlca Oraflca syndicate, representing all the South American Republics, and several prom inent New Yorkers who will have seats in the Aboard of directors later on. "The physicians and druggists them selves are Investing In the stock, and Che Indications are that the factory will be kept running day and night." Of course, they have an absolute mon opoly, but the price of their produet is Shade low enough to avert any dissat isfaction on that score. "New York Tribune." The general public will soon become famllar with the quick curative power and low - price of Quickine, the new Srug manufactured exclusively by the tandard Chemical company. Hereto fore it has been Introduced' strictly and Only to. the -physicians, but it Is an article of such Imperative necessity In every household, the company will make Its superior merits known Im mediately .and publish Instructions how to curs diarrhoea, dysentery, summer complaints, etc.: but such eminent phy sicians as Chichester, Washburn, Ben nett, Blsenberg, Burgtorf, and many others. Its marvelous power in curing the various fevers scarlet, typhoid, typhus, malarial; . etc. is certified 'to by such recognized scientists as Drs. Stewart. Baron Franks, Marshall. F. H. Smith, Nixon, Thomas, Reekie, Kell, and hundreds of other celebrated physi cians who have used it In thousands of cases in the hospitals. From every part of the United States the r ports are substantially the same. The quick curative power of this drug In diphtheria, dyspepsia, erysipelas, gastric troubles scrofula, ulcers, sores, skin diseases, eta.. Is almost Incredible until we read the Indorsements of such high medical authorities as Drs. Broen lng, Huden, Stuart,' Lyon, Hupfold, Hennlng, Barnum, Wat kins, Hurley, Bradshaw, Nichols, Conklln, Lord, Al ban, and hosts of others who have thor oughly tested It In their practice for over four years. The disease and ailments cured by this drug are too Innumerable for us to mention here. Sore throat Is cured by simply gar-i gllng a few times. All symptoms of catarrh, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc., quickly disappear under Its Influence. As a surgical dressing, and In all the requisites of minor surgery, it is unsur passed. When such eminent medical author ities as Dr. Miller, Welch, Harrison. Shumway, Sears, Page, AVade and Weld declare that "Quickine is of Inestim able value," and that "every physician In the civilized world will be glad to use It," and "lt'should be kept handy In every house." It is certainly a fore going conclusion that the stock of the Standard Chemical company Is sure to pay larje dividends and rapidly In crease In value. It must come Into general use In every household In the land .and Is certainly very, very cheap when compared vrlth the price of quinine, antlpyrlne. etc. The fortunate stockholders have re Ct!ved handsome dividends, and we learn from reliable official sources that there Is another rich plum In store for the Investors In this stock. "The Financial News." Two London banking houses offered to take all the stock the company would s M. The hid was declined, as the com pany preferred to offer the shares to nome investors. "The Wall Street Dally News." "We think the fluctuations In Stand ard Chemical stock will he pretty live ly when epidemics of disease break out In this or other "countries. "Financial Ktcord." An Industrial enterprise, such as that of tho Standard Chemical company un der careful management. Is capable of yielding large returns. There Is one fact which Is worthy of special emphasis, namely, that for the article which the company manufactures the demand has already been created. The opportunity to share In the profits, of supplying It Is offered to those ready to Invest In a safe and remunerative enterprise. "Ni w York Observer." The company's stock Is a safe, sound, and profitable Investment, as Its busl ress is free from the vicissitudes that affect moat enterprises of a commercial or Industrial nature good orbad crops, tihe rise or fall of values, business de prefsVn. or prosperity, will not affect the earning power of the Standard Chtmieal company's stock. It Is a cer tainty -that Ms business and profits will Increase year after year. We have not In years had the pleas ure of calling the attention of small tn vestcrs to su"h a favorable opportunity of sharing in' Kie curtiln profits of a solid esti'bKibed nianiiPaoliirlng busi ness rwnlne i monopoly and .having the entire wnM as a market. The stock by the very rature of things cannot long he offend at this low flaii-re. mil the time Is nt H 'tant-when It will sell at 1200. and will be an active factor on the stock exchange. "Trade Review" and Hanking Journal." The official announcement is as fol- i lows: I THE STANDARD CHKIMICAL COM PANY, Manufacturers of Drugs and j Chemicals. Incorporated under the I.xw of the State of New Jersey. Capital Stock tl.on.omi. Divided Into : lO.oi'O Shares f llgu each, full paid ! ami non-assess.nble. Offices: Jersey City and New York. Factory ami Laboratlres: Jersey City, N. J. General Offices. 90 and 92 Broadway. New York. To provide funds to manufacture on a larger scale l.("0 nhares of stock will ile t l 1 at tin per rhare in lots on one una re and upward. Heretofore our product has been con fined to the use of a few thousand phy tctns. We will now sHI to the entire mllcal and dental profession and general pub lic of nil countries The wihole -world offers a ready and eager market for the com pany's product. KMtlmated earnings of $2nftoo will pay cerH. cah dividends per an num on the stock now offered at 140 P'-f share and accumulate a handsome surplus. The ptncr'hnlders have Already re ceived a hiree dividend on their invert merit, arid r-he Fhare are steadily In creasing In value. Thre Is no mortgage or bonded In delrtr1nss on any of the company's property. The rle-ht Is reserved to advnnce rhe price without fiotlce, an-1 to allot only a part of the shares ar.nlled f.r. Registrars of Mock, Mercantile Trust Co. Non-resMenls can remit monev for the shares by check, monev ord-r, drn't or registered letter, or we send cet'tlfl cite bv exnre f O n. Address STANDARD CHKMIHAL COMPANY 90 4 92 Broadway, New York. NEWS OF (U K IMUSTKIRS, Happening of - Interest to tits Stapel Trades and Partlanlnrly to ths Trsda in Iron. Moel and Anthraeit Coal. It Is sfalerl that the railroads running Into Chicago have bought ir.,000 freight cars and 160 locomotives this year. There were thirty-six railroads sold under foreclosure during the past rrlne months representing 4.0.V miles of tracks and tl93,TS4,000 capital Btock. Ths falling oft. In demand for Besse mer pig Iron and steel billets may or may not be due to consumers refusing to further discount their future require ments. Contracts have been made with the IMIddletown Car works for the construc tion of 250 oars, fifty of which will go to Mexico. The building of these cars will put a large number of Idle men to work. , . ; . The semi-monthly pay roll of the Pennsylvania Steel company Saturday amounted to 1101,148, divided among 4,872 employes. The plant Is being run ta Its full capacity and Is enjoying one of the most prosperous seasons In Its his tory. This Is the third or fourth pay ment this year which has exceeded the highest record made before the late panic. , Wllkes-Barre Recrtrd: The Lehigh Valley "flyer" .between Buffalo and New York is attracting attention, and It will probably bs established when the new - winter time table- appears next month. A test rup will be made early this week between Mauch Chunk and Wllkes-Barre. and an - effort made to cover the fifty-five miles In one hour. Considering the hesvy grades and curves, this will be phenomenal time. The flyer will be made up of three cars only. It will stop only at Newark, Easton, -Allentown, Bethlehem, Mauch Chunk, Wllkes-Barre, Sayre,- Ithaca andUuffalo . v . THE WORLD OF BUSINESS STOCKS AND BONDS. - New York, Oct. 21. The atock mar ket was dull and weak until near the close, when Chicago Gas suddenly rose IMj per cent, to 69, and Imparted a firmer tone to the llet. In the early dealings a break of Vt to 2H per cent, was noted In the bituminous coal shares, Manhattan being prominent in the downward movement. Hocking Valley made the greatest loss, the Etock selling down 2 to SOO. Tennessee Ccml dropped to 39 and later rose to ilail. The break In the stock was attributed to sales by marginal and other hold ers who had lost money on the bull side In cotton. Reading was depressed by rumors that the assessment on the Junior certificates will be larger than generally expected. Speculation left off firm In tone, with prices generally ',4 to ;.. per cent, below Saturday's clos ing. Tobacco lost 1 and Hocking Val ley 1 per cent. Sales of HsteJ stocks today aggregated 147.4i2 shares, and of unlisted stocks 18.156 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given bolow. Ths quotation sro furnished The Tribune by O. ilu H. Dlm mlck, manager for WIlMnm IJnn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street. Scranton. Op'n- Illirh Low est. 9:t 22', 1le. 20 M It is'l 106 W'4 41' 4 70' 4 77 1!I1 1119 2.T.4 :W-3 't IV)'; , K 1eS', sr.i 74 3 11'.', im 14 IiC4 H 1S1-, 18 29'i 19 12 S' 9H 14', nM 91H 14'. l:i', 76 Clos ing, wt'j 22'. 2:n. M-i 111-, l'i ll"i M 4.11, 1 7t W'i ion U :t7 99". li U". 1'i-j 1-19 3.1'. 7-4 X 111', li'l I4l 3o 4S U IK 29S 1 12 41 9 14', T 91 14', II'-, 77S lug. est Am. Tobacco co 914 Am. Cot. Oil 2lH Am. Sugar Re'g' 94! 22i io;-i SI' Mh 19- MO; t'HS, W 43'i 7'i' 77', UH 109 21 SI 99'i liVftj All 17 pe'v '' 7 S4 111" KU 14 sr. 4'k 1'. 18 19 l'-" 41'. 9 14. 22'. 92', 14 ItiS 77', Atch., To. A 8. Ku... SP Can. South Ches. & Ohio t'hleago (las i hie. & N W Chic, 11. & J C. C. C. & St. I ...... 19 1110 Kli 4:l'4 74 Clilc, Mil. A St. P Chic, It. I. & 1 Del. & Hudson.. I).. I.. W IMst. & C. V Oeu. Hleetrlc It Cent l,ak Shore IauiIs. A Nash.... M. K. Texas.... Manhattan Kle.... Mo. Pacific. Nat. Cordage Nat. 1-ad N. J. Central . V. Central .. 77', 1S:ft .. OT, .. .. s' ..I.VI'i .. Hl'ii .. 17 .. .. 7 .. 34 111', ..Ml N. Y I- K. i S. Y.. S. W. W.. U Pr... 3C 4: IS Hl'i I9 I2'4 4"' 9, H' Nor. Pacific Nor. Pacific. Pr... ont. West Pae. Mull Phil. A Head Southern It. It Tenn.. C. - 1 Tex. Pacific I'lilon I'ai'lllc Wabash Wabash. Pr West. I'nlon W. 1, C. S. Leather I'. S. leather, Pr. 91 U l.'l'v 7ii CHICAGO UOAItl Or THADR TMUCKS. Open- lliKh- Low- Clos WI1KAT. IVcember .May OATH. Peeeniher .Mav COTIN. December .May I.AttP. January Mav PORK. Jiinuary . May ing. ... .'.9', ... 4 est. est. i.9', 34 lug. tai'i 01', we, !', 17', 20', S7 29 S, 17' ;: 291, &.H0 SI7 9 12 17'. 2"' 27-V 2V', 9 3.'. 17'. 2iM, 27', S RO 5 W ?0 945 -I I 912 9 40 Scranton Board of Trndo Kxchangs Ouo tstious-AII guotutioos liassd on far of mo. Name. Hid. Asks 1 Oreen llidge Lumber Co 110 IMme P.p. A lls. 130 Scranton I.ace fur. Co M Nat. Por nr Orlllin Co '.D V rst Nnt'onal Hank 4"0 Thuron Coal Land Co S.-rnnti.n Jar ft S'oppor Co.... feranton (lias Co ... T.ackawanna Lumber Co Spring brook Water Co Klmhurst Hou'.evard Co S. ranton Axle Work. ::: 119 90 1"0 IH 3W KO lii ) 10 l.'rt '.'.'a 120 1W) 100 110 110 90 110 Larka. Trust and Safe Pep. Co Scranton Packing Co Scranton Saving Pink Scranton Traction Co Ui.-ka. Iron At Stiel Co Weston MHI Co Traders' National Punk PONDS. Srranton Glass Co Kr-onomy Steam Heat ft Power Co Scranton Pas. Hallway first mortgage, due 19U S. rantun Traction Co People's Street Itallway, first mortgage, due 1918 STantun P ttston Trae. Co. People' Sire.-t lln.lwsy, Sec ond mortgage, due ID.'O La. ka. Valley Trae. t'o., first mortgage, due H25 nvksoii Miiniifni t ir ng Co.... U. ka Township S ' 5T City of Scranton Street Imp C mo m l"2 lu2 Nov Vork I'roJnco Market. New York. (let. 21 Flour (Jult, un cliunged,; winter wh.ut, low glade. 2.2;.a2u; do. fair to fancy, I2.M u.1 45; do. patents, 11. VMS 76; Mlmie.jia clear. J.'.;;.mJ .o. itralKhls, l.1.Jw.t 'M: do. p.itenls. j; 2"; low exirai, ti 2.'..i2 !.'; city mills, IOIa4; l.i. putvnis, 4t jtia4 4.'.; auu'hern, .puei. steady; coiiiiiion to t ilr extra, 1.' 1u:i2.W; gc). ti i-hoic, do., I'.M a3 S. Wheat-Spot market quiet,, No. 2 r"l store and rl.-tulor, Hv'.i'.; alluat, t;9',c; f. 11, b., ii9',c.; No. 1 northern. .'!. ; oplluns declln. ' on lu reaed pri-.sure from the northwest, rallied '.ac. on stt-ady ent,U-M, and elosr.l firm at S.a'c. below'tay; Nu. 2 red closed, Mjy, 7"',c.; (-iuber, bTi'.c. ; December, (Hia "'i,o. Corn-Spots acllve, linn; No. 2 at ii"--,i; el. valor. T..c; afijat; opttuii clo.-ie'l steady at unchanged price to ''. n.lvance, with trailing only local mid with out outside Inllui ii.'e; October, H7rv: No vember, 37Nc; I'eelllber, X.S1'-; May, 5.Vi.c. Oats Spot f llrly active, easy; op tions, d ill l"wer; October, 22'c. ; lwceni ber. 2-TSc; May 25c. ; spot prices. No. 2, at Tl'i:; So. 2. while, 2.',c; Nu. ! Chicago. 2l'ic; No. J. at 23c; .No. 3 white. 2.T.C.; mixed western, 2la2&i'.; white do., 2'ial-i".; white tHte, 2.",a.,!. Heef Julet, stoady; family, I!i.il2: extra mess, t7.&o.; beef hnr. dull, flu; tlerre.l beef, lnetlvoi city extra India mess, IHinl7. Cut meat Dull, unchanveil. Lard Dull, lower; western steam. $5.77'; elty. tiVUi; October, Ji.S2',: nominal: rellned, Uiel; contiiieiit, (it.-KI; South America, P.7(; compound, 44 ,-. Pork yulet, steady; mess, J9a10. Huttur Steady, moderate demand; state dairy, 12 a2lc.; do. creamery, 22'ia23c; western dulry, HuirK-. ; do. creamery, 14a2:te. ; So June, 10.121c, ; do. factory, 8'iai4c; Klglns, 2.1c.; Imitation creamery, I2al7c. Cheese Finn, moderate demand; state lar?, 7a '4:. ; do. fancy, 9'4c; do. mall, 7aHSc. ; pRrt skims, 3',in7'-jC.; full skims, 2Sn3. Kgg V'i let, about steady; state and Pennsylvania. 2"j2I'4c;; lee house, Ifialic ; do. pur case, $::i4.2r; western, )Sa20c.i do. per case, t.'ul, limed, 1Haluv,c'. Toledo (ire li Murkot. Toledo. (.. Oct. 21. Wheat It-celpt. 14. 079 bushels; shipments, 11. bushels; quiet; No. 2 red, rash, OIc. ; Decemlier. SV.; May, i9',c. : No. I red, cash, c. Corn Itecelpts, 52.490 bushels; shipments, 57.10 bushel; steady; No. 2 mlxe.l, cash, J2c.; No. 2, lo., 81c. ; No, 2 ye' - cash. Me.; No. 1 do., 32c. Ok'.s Kec .s. 7.2WI bushel; shipment, none; nominal: no trading. Cluvemeed Receipts. 1,110 bags; shipments, none; dull; prime cash and October, tl.20; March, 14.2714. Chicago I.Us Stock. Vnion Stock Yards. III., Oct. Zl.-Cattlo Receipt, lS.ono head; market 10al5 rent higher for choice; other steady; common to extra steers, f3.10au.45; storkers and feeders, I2.20a3.90; cows and bulls. fl.40n 3.76; calves, 3a1; Texans, I1.73a3.(i'; west ern ranger, S23T.a4.40. Hogs Itrcelpta, 42.000 head: market steady, early, but weak and 6 cent lower later? heavy pack ing ami shipping lets, t3.60al.S6; common to choice mixed, S3.46a3.9n; choice assorted. t.1.70a2.83: light, S3.45a3.Ki; pig. fl.75a3.iiT. Sheep Receipts, 22.1X11 head; market steady for good; slow for others; Inferior to choice, fl.25a2.40; lambs, S2.50a4.25. Oil Market. Pittsburg. Va., Oct. tl.-The oil market here today closed at fl.23, the only quota tion. oil City, Pa., Oct. Jl.-Oil opened and highest, $1.25; lowest, tl.Sfe; closed, SI B. Philadelphia Tallow Market. - Philadelphia, Oct. 21. Tallow Is Arm and In moderate demand. . We quote: City prime. In hhds, 4co.; count. y prime. In bbls, 4V4c; country dark, Ui bbls, 4c.; cakes, 44c.; grease, IHaSltc. 1 - -'" ' . '. FILTERING OUT RHEU BIIEl'MATISM IS IN THE BLOOD. It Is Caused by a Poison Which Can Be Filtered Out. The Kidneys Are Our Natural Filters, and Keep Our Blood Pure. When They Are Sick We Get Rheu matism, Etc. The Way to Cure Our Kidneys. Though you may know what disease you have, perhaps you don't know what oauscj it. Khtumatlsra Is a blood disease. It gives you puiin In your muscles, but th; is caused by the poison In your blood. To cure rheumatism you must purify your blood. ieople used to think because the muscles were sore, tl.iat 'they could cure rheumatism y ruL'u:ng the muscles with liniment, but all the liniment In the wurld will not ctwe rheumatism. Nothing will do 'it but filtering the "When the kidneys are well, they filter t'he blood and keep It pure and hfalfby. They tiller out all the waste matter, the l.''ison, the uric aold, and throw It out of he system. W .ien t'hey are sick, they don't. When they are sick, you get Uheuma-tii-m, or pel liaps Gout, Anaemia. I'ale f allow Complexion, Headache. Neurul pla, .Hiilghfs IDlseas-e, Diabetes, I'aln tn t.he Ila ;k, Sleeplessness, und a long train cf similar troubles. When yvur kidneys are sick, you C'.iould take Ir. Hohb's Sparagus, Kld ney Pills. They will cure your kidneys. When your Kidneys are once well, ev-el-ythlng eJse will le well. "Well kidneys purify our bloml as It ought to be pun'.tled. They make it fres-h and clean and healt'hy. 1'ure blood makes a clear, rosy com plexion, bright eyes, glossy hair, red Hp", clear brain, happy thoughts. The hcaltihier your kidneys, the purer your blood. Asparagus is a plant which has a very Ktrong healing and tonic action on the kidneys. It .is one of the chief Ingredi ents of Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney 1111s. lir. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney rills are p-rfctly harmless, purely vegetable, pleasant to Pake, and will cure when other prescriptions or medicines bave fa il.-d. There Is no reason why you should BMy sick. If you want to get well you in. All you have to do Is cure your K'dney. This can be done with lr. Hobb's Sparagus K'dney Pills. A box of Dr. Hohb's Sparagus KKlney PIllsi FhouM be kept In the house, for you don't krow .how soon you may need them. A few d ses will relieve. Pain In the La-ck. In Uhe joints, In the muscle, will M ni after a few doses of Dr. Hobb's Sfursgu Kidney PIIH. A few lioxes will cure. When your kidneys are well, nothing will bring baoik your disease again but careless ness. Overwork, w rry, excess', overeat 4nir. will made yMir kidneys nick again, will brlr.r hark your Hheumatlsm, 5ciit. Kldt.ey Tnubles, etc. Hut otherwise, once (rone, they will st iy away. Iir !b-1l,.,) Sparagus Kid ney Pill cure thoroughly. They renew your kidneys, -nur blood and your hislth K.r rule by all ilrugglxts. or by mnfl riarel r Ml cent n Nix. Valuable nham-'.hlet s nt free on reqnent r-v If.ibb's M. 'Heine Co., Chicago or Pan Knarrclsco. ' THE DOCTOR'S COLUMN. . K. K., Syracuse. Have a very tired, sleepy feellnu all the time, and sufT.-r with muscular rheumatism. Please ad Vlte. Take Cerebrlne, extract if the brain, In flvc-dl.ip doses, on the tongue, twice daIly; one Kel.rlclde Pill, three times dally, and twice a week a doseof Natro llthlc Suits. I- II. .M.. Hrooklyn. After meal I feel uni-oniforliihly bloated. What call you ad vise? Take a tcnspnonful of Natrollthle Salts In a half tumbler of hot water, benre breakfast, twice a week. (. -M. II. Detroit Please state a rem edy for tr.-ngtlu ring the hair. l"s. I'etrolciii,. and follow directions cn r fully. I ri. liana. Please state a remedy for one who hm fii!Tt-red with rht:uinu; fr ome time. Take one FVbrlrlde Till three times daily. Twlc- a week a teaspoonful of Natrollthle Salts. In half tumbler of hot water, before breakfast. J. S. I,., Washington. Ia. Send name nd adns: will advise bv mall. C. Fullng llrown. A. M . M. !., Washington. D. C. Mfd. Dejit.. t.'ol. Cbem. Co. All i-ttrs of Inij'.ilrv tt-wered free, THE ANI.1AL EXTRACTS. CERfBHilE. From the Brtln. ME0ULLINE. Frnni ths f pln.l Cii'. CARhlNF, fram Itii Hurt. US. PINE. OVnN:. TMYROIOIVr N. R0LITHIC SUITS, for 4 C4MRINE. fur Dyspepsia. CATAftflHIftE, ECZEM'CUtE. sod utli r i.cial tiua o' tb COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO., Now at all druggb'ts. Semi for Literature. tSul.l by .Matthew Hros., 3.u Lack's ave. VIGOR of n Easily, Quickly, Perrmnently Restored. Weakness, Nereoasns Drbllltt, and all the trala of evils from early error or later xeotMS, the roult of overwork, vlrkun, worry. etc. lull strength, ileel- opuioDt aim lour gtwn to very organ ann portion inenouy. Miuipie.DMU 1 und method. iiumeui 'I I I w, ate improvement seen. Failure Impossible. 1,01X1 reference. Book, explanation and proof mailed (scaled) tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. Maaafactnrers of the Celebrates PILSENER LAGER DEER CAPACITY! e Barrels per Annum -AT 1 I II II X PVIf E. Ill's M LAGER BEER BREWERY. SCRANTON-MADE 4 e 150 Sizes and Styles OF CAST-IRON RANGES 25 Sizes and Styles OF STEEL RANGES THE SCRATO STOVE WORKS have arranged with the following firms to sell their STOVES AT FOUNDRY PRICES.' STKOXU'S FUKXlSlllNCi HOUSE, 320-322 Pcnn Avenue. W. I. DOUI) & CO., ;m Lackawanna Avenue. FOOTie S1IKAU CO., IV.) X. Was'.iinzton We. K. J. HLCillES, 124 .south .Main Avenue. EVA M. HETZEL'S Superior Face Bleach, Pcsl.ita'.y B:m;tes All F.ciil Eumlsb.'i So more Fr''kle, Tsn, Sunburn. nirk h"ds. Liver Spots, r.niplc slid Sallow ("ompl lions If ladles will use my Su perior Knee Itli-H. h. Not a cosnietie, bu! a inertleine whb h nets directly on the skin, rrmuvlns all diseolornt'on., an one of tba lireatent purity ins; oxents for tho complex Ion In existeiifc. A perfeotly clear und pot!e complexion can be obta'ned in every Instance hy t'.t use. l'rlce. $1.00 per tottle. For ! t K. M. Helxfl's Hit Oresslnx nd Mnlrnre I'arlnrs, 330 l.n. k uwanna ave. Mull order filled promptly. Caer-e er mt Miete.t S.raemte tf SncriTHOLlNHAIJEa HMDACSIES InWAr.rR 111 rmrm tun. A wontjcrful boon pnffrmn from oMts -r Threat, InSaesva. HreeefcWIe, orUAY rrTJESi. Afm4t trrwilltft, rWl. Anrn.i,n, r.tiT. I.. e,rr. H BIW41M, IseA to B nn Ir.t Indmnoa of un a. reetleeeS I'm lltfli farm. S.u.rMtlufnmiteMl or runn.r rerunrttd. T rice, n . TO1 1" .1 Urntini. RrditrraJ null, SJesat. laciiUMlMli.. iMttninijck, C.k t, OXTSSXVBKAIV'SS UrMTIini Th "irot .nit rsmeT f.- SlbninWb m .km dif ,.f j, Krnii. lu-h Bhneiiil Bom, Hum. I'm,. Wesd.rral rvm dr frFII.KM. Price. SS .14. mi llrnte DAI l Hi or ty m.n preinm. Ait lrim.,b.T DML.Fl For sals by Matthaws Bros, end Joh.-s H. Phslos. Complaxioo Frcssirsil OR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Bsnom Freeltl, l mo(t, Cn, . SUIe,, BlMkhwd; teasers and Tn, and ro stores tb skin la Its arlgi sal faanw. produeing s alear and sceiUi cum- lesion. BaperiortoHlfiue" - . ' titepentiotis snd perfertly ktrmlen. At ell hfUgilMiMBMUled lor Wen. Seud lot Clrcalar. VIOLA SKIN SOAP U Soplr iMeepmM CM. furtlrlM HM U. MIM, mat eUfcnle Ml S tt. wmmn. eud liMnlllr Bul mm, eienmln, PH. M turn. O. C. BITTNEB & CO., Toledo, O. JFor sslsby Mstthsws Bses.and Jeha Vf. Phslos. CALL UP 38SX mil oiio of rai CO. OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OPFIOI AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO m MERIDIAN STRE3T M. W. COLLINS, M'B'' -1 5 ARE THE BEST. SUDDEN DEATH ThA t-ATiinT mr-st tvl:h. and tho prc.itcst vrUuo"of any $j.0O JUq's fcUi cs on the continent, liest raKnkin, dynf'-a tnps. solid leather soles, with all tho popular tnes, lastt md fasteuiugs, aud Lewis' Cork 1'MeJ S .!es. Each jiiir coEtnins a paid-up Acci dent Inaiiruuco Policy for $100, food for DO rhv. Wosr Levis' Accident Iuf urauce Shoes once and y m will never chanm. The cues or "full nieasute." Talk witu your dealer who sells Lewis' Eiiocs. FOR SALE AT Globs Shoe Store "inirn mr ertiiiuTft-i Dl 227 LtCK AVE., SCRAKTO.'I, PA EVANS A POWELL, P.op'ri A T"E 0 latlonal Built of Scrantci 0R0AN1ZCD 1893. CAPITAL 250,000 SURPLUS, $(0,000 f AJnilir mxna. President. V. V. WATSON. Vice-President. A. U. WILLIAMS, Caabler. pinECTons. Bamuel Hlnes, Jnmcs M. Everhirt. Irv-In- A. Finch, 1'leree . Flnley. Joseph J. Jermyn, M. 8. Kemerer, Charles V. Mat thew. John T. I'oi ter, W. W. Wilson. it rnrniTTirt nnon 11 1, mrnuh mm and LIBERAL. Tata bnk Invlton tho patronics of but PtTTTirTiTirTTVTTl ft timVW iT.j.i.. IV rill. both of younir and nililillo. arc l inn ami wrm.r.. 'Ih Unn ll. ottroatmcnt. Er.lcorS, proilucln wnjf. rew, N.nroca Prbility. KHrhtlr r.mi,Inrj.i'onGuinrtioat naimity, Eshu't;nc drain, aiid lm of newer or theQoa er.ti,iility.n,uutlUiiir on. fnr1ucy, fmafnem .r.d niar rlaReLquu-klyoulftbylrr. cr,e 1 1,- l.-n te ewro r relw.S tm mrtii.r. B"? U". branliJt Nri : .'. t . Do. SIIOS, Maw T For sale by JOHN II. PHEId'8. Urus gist, Wyoming ave. snd Spmcc street nK mmUs rfaniiM Plwlnrarl I Spot, Aeties. Old (tore. Uleei la Month, niilr lalllnal Writs Oeeei BeeiealTCeao Blav eeeleTenlcrrialeaeei.l IIJOTproott of eune. Casual MS,oee. rauannoerM aiur Seehtveel euieaTcontuiatioweii. itw-nn wtw.w, butarearrwt M UK 1'OMIU an llUiuD) 111 ll.llKII, brinfflnft Kaok th .Ink alow to palo vVeka anit tn-torliit U J'lliE 4K TOI'TII to Ui. xMt nt. rW null, ai.lltl U.v nr far Sft with writ STOVES 100 Sizes and Styles OF PARLOR STOVES 50 Sizes and Styles OF HEATING STOVES j X2s&r lt.' li iu ! Cl-nH 1 pante tn, ..mnl. n.rlrane. Faultless Chemical Company, taitl more, Md. 1 Atlantic Refining Co Manufacturers and Dealer la ill Mil LUimi OlbS Llmeed Oil, Napthas and Oa lines of all grades. Axle Qreaae, Pinion Orease and Colliery Com. pound; also a lares line of Fat alCno Wax Caudle.. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL. the only family safety burning oil In the marker. Win Mason, Mantt Office: Coal Exchasme. Wyoming Are. ' Works at Pine Brook. - REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made us Day. vsmj frwyi vntw man a at iiu,D.r.Vf4TXi of Ma. 1 n m r f I TNI (MttAT Sfttb I sxuazT40xc now.rfnllrafiSaalcklr. Oun when all otken fall. I Yoaas mas will regain their lor! wjanaood, aavl eal : mmm will reemr yoatbioi etgor Is actss RET1TO. I qolekly sad saisly leaasrei Keteen' , naa. Lea Tltalltr. Impoteaer. Hlshtly talastea. I Lost Fewer, Falling Urinary, WaaMoa Plains, asd 1 til efleeai of eaU-eknaa er eeeeesaaa laSlaneUea, I wkleh waste on for aindy. be.lsai er SMWtas. ' aot oahr ear ey etatttag at tae east el sums, set iaagreat serf teeile aatl blasea salMer, SrtS Irg keek the stnk alow te pale ekeek sail is to ting tte Sre ef yoath. It ward, of laaaalty ad Oaaeeaiptlon. laalat oa kaflag BRTtTO, as other. It oaa he earrtel la vest seek. Be ssell, l.OO ear raekam. er dt far UM wMh a a .! written a-oa rente a vara at taxsaai ihv aaa wg vitvmtWK IJTfaBe eTSaBaBwf 0VL MEDICINI CO., 19 Rlesr t. CNMaM, ILL. i W y Matthews awes, vtsawst y v. I1 ; '" '" '.' .'. v' t '' . ' '. ; i..'-:''. ,r -. ' ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers