THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 185)5. if i The Pure Food Law. '.: 1 , :' ' -J The " Pure Food Law " recently passed by the legislatures of several States, notably those of Pennsyl vania, Ohio and Michigan, is a step in the right direc tion. No manufacturer should be allowed to put upon the market anything that is adulterated or unwhole some. Cleveland's Faking Powder is not affected by the Pure Food Law of any State, it being perfectly pure and all the ingredients entering into its composition being plainly stated on the labels. The Cleveland Baking Powder Co. has always so labeled its powder, and assurance is hereby given to everyone handling the goods that it is fully in com pliance with the law and that the Company fully guarantees them from all penalties in selling it. Cleveland Baking Powder Co., New York Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES P.USSET SHOES AT COST AT THE COMMONWEALTH SHOE STORE Washington Avenue. OUR WAGONS CALL Regularly in oil parts of th city. Hsv we aliased yoa? Drop a postal. ACKA WANNA . THE LAUNDRY, 308 Penn Ave. A. B. WAR. MAX. When Looking Do Not Fail to See Our Fall Styles. 127 WYOH NS AVENUE. B. Prices Guarantee J. CITY SUITS. The Iron work for tho new Trader's bank building has beiruii to arrive. A Reader. He cannot be tried a second time for his life if the Jury disagree. A national puard order has ben Issued designating Oct. 31 as the close of the rifle practice season. Sale of sats for the Roland Reod en Ragement will open at the Frothlngham box oflice this morning at 9 o'clock. A. prize of a regimental pin has been of fered In Company l to the man who at tends every drill from now until camp. The auditing committee of councils held regular meeting las"t night and passed upon a large grist of claims against the city. The regular meeting of the Oren Kiilge Women's Ohrlstlnn Temperance union will be held today at 3 p. m. in the Kvangellcul church. The plumbing stock of Charles MeOtn ley, of 331 Washington avenue, was sold fit sheriff's sale yesterday morning for fot.iSi. The execution creditor was L. it. Bquler. A regular meeting of the Homeopathic Medical society of northern I'etinsylvan'a will be held at Dr. F. 7. Itr'-wster's. 33) Washington avenue, Thursday, Out. 21, at 7.20 p. m. There will be a meeting of the sewers and drains committee of common council tomorrow night to consider the granting of contracts for the sewer on Copouse avenue and Larch street. Charles A. chlern Co., of New York, brought a suit In assumpsit yesterday egalnst the Carbondale and Forest Cl'y I'assenger Railway company for $177.37, with Interest from Feb. I!), W.C,. The plaintiff Is In the leather belting business. The annual meeting and election of offi cers of the Florence Crittenden mission will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock In the Young Women's Christian association rooms on Washington avenue. Mrs. Saxton, matron of the mission, will resent her report. Invitations to attend the meeting were read from the pulpits of the city churches Sunday. The will of Sarah Sammon was yester day probated and letters testamentary were granted to her daughter, Klla Sam mon. In the estate of Thomas Ttrown, let ters of administration were granted to Mary Itrown, the widow; In the estate of Alfred l. Space, letters of administration were granted to KIlMbeth Jay. The three decedents lived In Dunmore. Mrs. Fannie ftoohe, who two weeks ago was shot by her husband, who afterward committed suicide. Is still confined to the Lackawanna hospital. She Is rapidly (Convalescing, hut no Bittempt will be made to remove the hullet which Is Imbedded In the frontal bone of her skull. Hospltnl Officials say she cannot he discharged un til several weeks have elapsed. Marriage licenses were yesterday grant ed by the clerk of the courts to Patrick J. Neulcy, of Ulnkcly, anil Maria Cohenv, of Jermyn; Henry Shorten and Mary Sulli van, both of Mlnooka; Jacob Yerdlnak Snd Mary Markowlch, flcranton; Charles Kllgannon and Margaret Casey, Carbon dale; Lawrence Howard, of Olyphant, and Mamie V. Hlgglns, of liunmore. r The annual donation day of the Home for the Friendless will be on Thursday of .his week, which will be observed as a sort of reception day for winter supplies, but also to the friends of the Institution, whom the managers will be glad to wel come. Anything In the way of food and clothing will be thankfully accepted, and more than usual Is needed this year. Among the prisoners received at the county Jail yesterday were Thomas Brady, committed for surety of the peace by Jus tice of the Peace T. J. Ollday, of Arch bald; Thomas Kane, committed for burg lary and attempted criminal assault by Alderman Jones, of Carbondnle, and An drew Roman, committed for felonious wounding by Justice of the Peace W. W. Sweeney, of Win ton borough. The benches and equipment for the plumbers' olaaa at the Raymond Institute Is now being put In place, and the class will begin work on Friday evening next. The teacher, Thomaa Thompson, has out lined a thorough and comprehensive course which cannot fall to be of help In solving the difficult and Intricate prop-. -v FOR IP CMS. 1 : Ell PAPER. ! i LRGE CURTAINS Of i flit DRAPERIES, j i WILLIAMS fiULTi loins which plumbers have to meet In con nection with house sanitation. Scranton police officers and witnesses have lcparted or will soon leave for I'nlt ed States court In Plttsburr. Cnptain of Police Kd wards. Patrolmen Hlock and Walsh and Mr. Sllverstelu, all Interested In the "Hill" Kent counterfeiting case, left for I'lttrburw yesterday. Kent Is still in the county Jail, but will probably leave III charge of Deputy 1'nlted States Mar shal Itobllng today. Chief of Police Simp son, Detective ltoehe and Attorney A. J. Colborn, clerk of the United States court, will ko to Pittsburg, probably today. LUTHERAN CONFERENCE. It Megan J.ast Night nt Christ Church on the Smith SIJo. At Christ Kvangellcftl Lutheran church. Cedar avenue ami Tilrch street, Sauth Side, the Wllkes-Harre confer ence of the Evangelical Lutheran miln isterlum opened at 7.30 last evening with divine worship and a sermon. The business meetings will te held to day and tomorrow. (Rev. Frederick HoK?r Is irastor of Christ church, and he expects that there will be eighteen or twenty clersymen present during thj conference. Kev. H. If. Hnmnlns, of Lock Haven, preiddent of the meetings, preached the sermon last evening. It was followed by the Lords supper. The ministers are expected to arrive this morning. The conference district embraces all F.vanselical congregations f north i astern Pennsylvania and as far out;i as Alio ntowii. Tile buslm fs session today will dell'j trato upon matters pertaining to the church; election of officers will take phu-e tomorrow. This evening religious services will be lield and three min isters will preach on this subject: "tur Evangelical Lutheran Church." The thiee i-peakers will be Rev. E. F. Kit It, Music ton: li.v. I.. Llndenstrtittih, Maueh Chunk: Kev. T. L. Le!p, II. P.. prerliient of Muhlenberg college, AI leretown. The subject for tomorrow evening is "The Duties of Chuch i.Members." Th spe-.ikvrs1 will b. Rev. D. H. (Icberich, Wtatheily. Pa.; W. H . iStrausus. I.e-aii;ht.-in. and U.-v. J. O. Scfclcnkcr. 11a zU'.on. The church was taxed to its utmost capacity at the services last evening. RANCH KIN(. AT ACADEMY. Given a (iooj Presentation by the Clifton nnj MidJIcion Company. Clifton and MKMIeton's company pre sented the "Ranch King" nt the Acad emy of Music last night as the Initial number of four nights' engagement. Ixv prices drew a fair-sized audienre to see this border drama, which is de void of the usual blood and thunder, though revolvers are frequently used to quell incipient disturbances. The diama tells the story of I'ug, n. waif, who is deserted In .th streets of San Francisco by a heartless father. She is taken in by Donald McDonald, a well-to-do ranchman, and his attach ment for her Is equal to that of a father's. Years afterwards she Is discovered and claimed by her real father, though for pecuniary reasons Donald's feeling of sympathy and kind ness towards the child are strongly ex hibited In the rough and uncouth man ners of the western ranchmen. Miss June Agnott portrays the char acter as I'ug. and does It well. Joseph P. Clifton represents the ranchman, and acts his part In an easy graceful man ner. Mountain scenery, a stage sta tion and a camp on the prairie give a touch of border romance to the whole pi a. v. Tur.'Ight's card Is "Llbby Prison." and for Wednesday's matinee "Myrtle Fern." MRS. SHAW'S LECTLRE. Will Be Delivered at the V. M. C. A. Hall Next Monday Night. Next Monday nluht Mrs. Emma Shaw Cii-lcli-ugh will deliver a lecture at the Young Men's Christian Association hall under the auspices of the 'Mite society of St. (Luke's church. Her subject will be "Through Hawaii with a Kodak" and In it she will de scribe a voyage across the Pacific, street scenes In Honolulu, visit to the palace, presentation to the king, visit to 1rlncess Llllloukalanl, Haleakola, the largest extinct volcano In the world, a night at Kllanca, the largest active volcano known. IRON FENCE SHIPPED. It Will Surround Liberty Hell at Atlanta Kx position The Scranton Iron Fence company yesterday shipped to the Atlantic ex position by 'Adams express a handsome Iron fence which will surround the lib erty bell. It weighs 770 pounds, 1s bronzed and la three feet high. In size It la eight by twelve feet. Panning Class. Mrs. Elisabeth Lewis, of Pittsburg, will open her adult dancing class In Excelsior hall, 225 and 227 Wyoming aveyne. Tues day evening, o.-t. 22, at 8 o'clock. Tuition, ladles, $r.; gentlemen, $7, for term of thir teen lessons. All those desiring to attend will please be present at the first lesson. Whcro Arc Yon Going To got your winter suit and overcoat? At the retiring sale of clothing. 303 Ineka wanna avenue, where you can save at least 50 cents on every dollnr Invented. Go and be convinced. Anything at any price. Miss Genevieve Kommell Is prepared to tako pupils In piano and theory at her studio, No. 2K Washington avenue. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of each week. Entrance through J. W. Guernsey's music store. Fur opening, Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 22 and 23, by one of the leading New York fur houses, at F. L. Crane's, 821 Lackawanna avenue. m 830 Feet Higher than Scranton Is Bchelbel's hotel at the end of the new Elmhurst boulevard road. You can get the best of meals at all hours, also refreshments of all kinds. Buy the Weber, and get the best. At Guernsey Bros. C. B. Perman, teacher of voice building, guitar, harmony and sight reading. Studio 234 Franklin avenue. The Ladles' Social Union of Penn Ave. nue Baptist church will hold a birthday social In their church parlors Thursday evening, Oct. U. - SOME VERYGRAVE CHARGES ContalncJ in a Bill in Equity Piled by William Sehull. HE WANTS HIS COAL LAND BACK Says Ho Was to Kccclv $200,000 Worth of Stock of the Wyoming Manu facturing Company for His Land, but Never Got a Dollar's Worth. An application will be made to the court this morning by Attorney J. J. H. Hamilton, representing William Schull, of Hlrch street, this city, for an Injunction against the executors of the estate of the late John Handlcy and the Wyoming Manufacturing com pany. The prayer In the bill In equity In the case asks that an Injunction preliminary until hearing; and then tlnul, be Issued against executors of John Hundley's estate restraining them from any further iiroceedlngs on the executions Issued. on Judgments against the Wyoming Manufacturing company and from any further proceedings to sell the land of the company until the llnal '.lecree of the court on the matters set forth in the bill In equity. It Is further asked that the Wyoming Manufacturing company be restrained from Incumbering in any way certain lands In lllakely borough or from sell ing and conveying them; that a decree be entered declaring the conveyance from William Schull to tho Wyoming Manufacturing company dated Oct. 9, 1S7.1. to be fraudulent, void and of no ef fect and that the Wyoming Manufac turing company be directed i execute a reconveyance of the real estate de seruH .1 therein to William iSchull and that the conveyance by the latter to the Wyoming Manufacturing com pany be delivered and cancelled. If the court grants Mr. Schull's prayer the Wyoming Manufacturing company will have to deed back to him 72 acres of coal land In lllakely borough which he deeded to the comnany In ot. ix".r. and for which he alleges he was to re ceive stock In the Wyoming- Manufac turing company to the value of JXI.iiilrt. He claims that he never recelve l the stock or anything else for his land, (irganlntlon of tho Company. The Wyoming Manufacturing com pany was organlied on July 8. 17:1, un der an act of the legislature passed March 21, 1M3. providing for the in corporation of iron and steel manufac turing companies. Only two compa nies were Incorporated under this net, as It was food repealed. One of these companies was the Wyoming Manufac turing company, the Incorporators of w hich were John Hundley. J. II. Camp bell nml William eVhull.of this city, and Joseph J. Read, of Danville. The ompany. It appears, never did any business hereabouts, and Mr. Sehull says that, so far as he knows, only ft!."0 was paid into the treasury, $7" by him and S7i by J. H. Campbell. After the deeds for the lilakely land were turned over to the Wyoming Manufacturing company they remained in the posses sion of John Handlcy, Its president, for a number of years. They were then recorded, and some time later Mr. Handlcy entered up notes grtven to him by his Wyom-injr Manufacturing com pany, ami they became first Hens on the lllakely coal land. The land was to have been sold on Sept. 21 last to satisfy these notes, but A'e orney Hamilton, on the morning of the fale. secured a stay on tho ground that his client. Mr. Sehull. Is and hns be n since Its organization, a director and an officer of t'.ie Wyoming Manu facturing company, and Is acquainted with ull Its authorize. 1 acts. That, nt no meetlnsr was any person or persons authorized .to give the note upon which the execution was Issued or any note In favor of John Hnndley or of any other person nor to agree to any revival of any noie. This was only one of a number cf reasons advanced why the execution should be stayed. Argument Will llc.llcnrd Todiiv In flaying the sale the court granted a rule to p'iow cause why Issue should not be granted to d,-:erinlne the validity i of the three Judi'in-nt s held by the ex- editors of Judge Handlcy against the I WyonilngiManiifactitring company, and ' on which executions niralnst the Hlake ' ly land were Issued. This rule will coma up In com1: today for argument. 1 It was also set forth In the reasons ,why the sale should be stayed that time was required to tile a bill In equity asking that the prnpi-rty be reeonvoyed to Mr. Hehull. This bill has been filed nnd th injunction will be asked for this morning. Af;er reciting the man in r In which the Wyoming Manufactur ing oom'.-any was organized nnd de scribing the land conveyed by Mr. Sehull to the company the bill In equity Is as follows: That the plaintiff, by indenture bear ing date of Oct. . IVI.1, conveyed to the defendant corporation the three several tracts of land more particularly de scribed In . the last preceding paragraph. That the plaintiff was led to make said conveyance to the defendant cor poration by the false and fraudulent representation of Vie president of said cooperation, John Handlcy, that the Delaware and Hudson Canal company were Intending to claim the lands and would begin litigation against the plaintiff, and tha.t the plaintiff, by rea son of his poverty, of his Ignorance, nnd of bis want of power, could not successfully contend against such n powerful corporation ns the Ielaware nnd Hudson Canal company, nor de fend himself or his lind against It; nnd that by conveying the said tends to the Wyoming Manufacturing company, whose officers weTc rich and Influential, the saiil plaintiff's rights would be fully and completely protected, ami the plain tiff would be enriched thereby. Consideration for the Transfer. That the consideration upon which the sa'.d land was coneveyed by the plaintiff to the Wyoming Manufactur ing company was 4'hat the plaintiff should receive two hundred thousand dollars worth of the capital stock of said corporation. That the plaintiff did not receive and has not received ny of -the capital Block of fald corporation, and does not now 'have, and has never had any of said stock. That 'the plaintiff frequently request ed and demanded of the defendant cor poration that the said stock be delivered to him. 'but .'.hat his demands were nlw'ays refused. Til ait there has been n total and abso lute failure of consideration for the con veyance aforesaid by the plaintiff to thee Wyoming 'Manufacturing company, and 'that the plaintiff hns received no consideration whatever for said lands or for the conveyance thereof to the de fendant corporation. That the defendant corporation has never done any business of any kind In 'Pennsylvania whereby any debts could or miight be Incurred. That notwithstanding that said cor poration never did any business nor In curred any debts In this state, yet the president of said corporation, John Handlcy, fraudulently aniJ- colluslvely and without the knowledge or consent of the plaintiff, William Sehull, ob tained and entered In the office of the prothonotary of the court of common please of Lackawanna county, Penn sylvania, certain Judgments aglanst the said John Handley entered as of num bers 247, 248 and 249 January term, 1888, which Judgments were entered on notes purporting to have been given to John Handley, nd In favor of John Hand ley, but the same are not In the flics of the records of this court, and could not be found when the counsel for your orator first or since has searched for the same. Those Amicable Proposals. That the said John Hand, ey, fraudu lently and without authority from the Wyoming Manufacturing company, its officers or directors, and without the knowledge of your orator, entered or caused to be entered amicable revivals of said Judgments to numbers 411. 412 and 413, January term. ISD3. respective ly; and the plaintiff never knew that said judgments were In existence until execution had issued thereon, and the land advertised for sale, or that said notes had been given or executed by any ollicer of said company authorized to give or execute the same. That said judgments are a lien upon the land conveyed by the said William Sehull to 'the Wyoming Manufacturing company as aforesohJ, and are a fraud upon your orators. That your orator has recently learned that the president of the Wyoming Manufacturing company. John Hand ley, has. since the conveyance of said lands by your orator to the said cor poration, sold and Issued a inrgec amount of stock of said company to certain persons, at present unknown to your orator, and that the said corpora tion has undertaken to buy and lease lands in the state of West Vlrglna, and to carry on a business In that state and that sail corporation has there contracted debts, has gone Into the hands of a receiver, and has become Insolvent: and that the said John Hand lcy Informed your orator that these lands were not in the company doing lusincps in West Vircinln. That your orator, the plaintiff In this bill, was kept In Ignorance of this sale of stock as aforesaid, and of the trans action of business and tho buying, sell ing and leasing of lands In 'the state of West Vlrslnla or elsewhere, and thnt the said sale of s'ocks, and transaction of business outside the commonwealth of Pennsylvania was without your or ntor's knowledge or consent; that It was n, fruud upon your orator nnd In tended and calculated to work him giiat wrong and Injustice. Cupitul stock ok J.J0.00H. That the original capital stock of said company. In organizing which your or ator participated, whs J2.0'H), of which your orator held fo.uoo; John Hundley, J.I.OiHl; J. H. Campbell, $5,000; Joseph J. Head. J.'i.0; and K.t the time of the or-g-anizat-ion no money was paid In. that so far as your orator understood the same from representations made to him ait the time, the payment of the stock to be issued was to be iiftide by the con veyance of the land afores'ald to the company; that an no time since the or'zatloii of said company, at any meeting, at which h. was present, or of which he was notified either as di rector or stockholder, was any resolu tion passed providing for an Increase of the capital stock above said fiixono. And lis your orator Is Informed and believes no legal Increase of mock above said amount has ever been made. Nor was any resolution passed at any such meet ing authorizing the purchase of real estate or property or the transaction of business In the state of West Vir ginia. That If the said Wyoming Manufac turing company Is now, or ever was In debted 'to the said Jolin Handley, and If there Is, or ever was a valid consldert t'lon for the Judgments which the said John Handlcy has entered against the said Wyoming Manufacturing com pany, such debt was Incurred In the business conducted by the said Wy oming .Manufacturing company In the s-tute of West Virginia or elsewhere, and for the purpose of buniness trans ac.ed out of the state of Pennsylvania, th" management of which business wis controlled by the yaid John Handley, and that said business Inlng carried on wlth'ju't the kn tvlcdie or consent of your orator, your orator ought not 'to be holdeii or bound ir In anywise liable for said debtor for said Judgments In favor of Jean illan.dley; and the lands fit conveyed by your orator lo the Wy oming Manufacturirr company as aforesaid, ouyht not to be held or 'num. I or In anywise Xiehle to ale or execution for said r. :s or Judgments for nny debt so contiactcd. Increase of Cnpltul stock. That t-io capital stock of said de fendant corporation, the Wyoming 'Manufacturing company, was tWc): that fsl.1 capital st ick could be in creased only at a meeting of the s::ck holders nnd then only by the vo.e of twi-tMrds of all the shares of the stock of sin h corporation, which In crease must, with In CIO) days be certi fied by the president and secretary to the secretary of the commonwealth and to (he auditor gem-nil. That the capital Htoek of said Wyo ming Manufacturing company wns nevf r lawfully or legally Increased, and on account of the pi"poi':lon thereof n which your orator was entitled, could not be lawfully Increased without your orator's consent. That your orator never received any call or notV- of any meetings for the purpose of Increasing the capital stock: and never attended any nieoMngs where fuch Inornscs was authorised and had no knowledge of any such Increase, and never consented either directly or Indi rectly thereto; tht your orator fre quently wke of John Handley. presi dent of the said Wyoming Manufactur ing company, and that said Hundley '..ild him to rst quiet as his Interest would be protected. Thnt such increase of the capital slock of cald corpora tOnn, and the sale of Bt-ck therein, was Illegal and void, anil a fraud upon your orator. Your orator avi rs and churges that the said conveyance was procured by means of misrepresentation and fraud, and that there has been n total failure of consideration. 'Wherefore he needs equitable relief. CARMEN'S NICIIT OFF. They I nJoycJ n Jolly I'nneo l.sst Night In Turner Moll. The third annual ball of the Scranton Cabmen's association wns held last night at Turner hnll. The festivities began at 9.30 with the grand march, which was led by Master of Ceremonies J. Barton nnd Miss Maud Stewart. No less than 120 couples were aligned and they marched to the music of the piano, at which Professor Johnson, the blind musk-Inn. sat and brought forth be witching strains of harmony. The Jolly cabmen with their sweet hearts threw aside dull care, forgot for the time the coming ami going of trains, and had no thought but for enjoyment nnd pleasure. F.leven dances were enjoyed before midnight Intermission of thirty min utes. The reception committee con slsti'J of John Carroll, Joe llennett. O. F. Sweeney, Fred Phlnncy and Fred Itarton. Tho I'ocono Clears Counterfeited. Dealers In cigars nre hereby notified that a counterfeit brand of "I'ocono" rigors has been sold In this city during the last ten days by one Louis K. Webs, of 117 Wyoming avenue, the cigars being made by Jacob 12. Knufmnn, at factory No. 2W0, Ninth district. Pennsylvania. Wo have served legal nollce upon the manufacturer and his agent to discontinue the placing upon the market cigars under tho title or brand "Pocono," claiming Iho same as our exclusive properly, and that we will prosecute to the full extent of the law any and all persons selling or offering for sale cigars under the brand of "Pocono" except those manufuctured t,y us, Oarney, Brown & Co. Plumbers' Attention. Both tho theory and practice of plumb ing will be taught at the John Raymond Institute. Young Men's Christian associa tion building, beginning Friday evening, Oct. 25. Terms for membership and tui tion, $10. The institute provides tools and materials. . Fur opening, Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 22 and 23, by one of the leading New York fur houses, at L. Crane's, 324 Lackawanna avenue. Special attention and private dining rooms for dinner parties at Lohtnann's, Sprues street. Bervlce and cuisine unex celled In th a city. Holiday books In sets and single vol umes at hal price. Pratt's Book Store. Monsoon Tea Rich and mollow, better than any tea you ever tasted. NO DOUET ABOUT IT NOW Murderer Mcrelo Positively Identi fied by Seven Witnesses. KEPUSED TO RECOGNIZE THEM Mcrelo Still Maintains That lis fs Not tho Man Who .Murdered F.manuel Loro at Old Forge-Committed to tho County Jail. (Seven witnesses, and very satisfac tory ones at that, were sworn at the hearing given Crlncenzo .Merelo by Al derman O. II. Wright yesterday after noon and the Identity of the prisoner was established beyond question or ca vil. iHe was formally committed to the county Jail to await 'trial. In the an nals of crime h 'Lackuwanna county, iMerelo's deed Is unparalleled for cold blooded disregard shown for human life. On Sunday, June 19, 1MM, on (Main street, Mudtown, In Old Forge, Loro. the murdered man no t Merelo and BPked him for 15 cents due for shaving. The response was a sudden and wilful whipping out of M-erelo's revolver; it wa.s aimed at Loro, ami every chamber was emptied before tho cruel murderer qut firing Into the man's body. iMcrelo escaped quickly, and although hotly pursued, eluded 'the authorities until Saturday. Oct. 12. when he was arretted in lloston by 'Detective 'Bauer, of the Barring Ai Mt-yweenoy agency. Men!o had been shadowed for some time. Doubt i'H to Ills Identity. When Mcrelo was arrested there were many dou'U's as to -whether the right man was in the tolls. Witnesses were taken to Hor.tim to prove his Identity and the fact that the illusion authori ties allowed him 'to be 'taken here was prima facie evidence that these wit nesses gave sulllclent evidence to war rant It. iMerolo was given a hearing before Alderman Wright Saturday, but the outccino'of it was not satisfactory enough to be absolutely convincing that he was the right man. District Attorney John It. Jones de termined thnt there should be no doubh about this all-ImiMirtnnt feature of the case had the hearing continued until yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. At that hour M-q-elo was brought down from 'the county jail, with hand-uffs on his wrists. In charge of -Deputy Warden T. J. Price and Detective Bauer, who captured him. 'Merelo, at a casual glance, has a handsome nppearanoe, but the good im pression form-'il at first Fight fades as one Mudles his features, illis mouth in dicates 1 lutallty. and his dark eyes are m-rce and restless. Ills nose is well shaped. A curling mustache does nui-h to hid the thickness of his lips. He was poorly dressed, hnd on a battered Mraw hat, faded sack coat, black calico shirt, ctnap pantaloons and shoes. 'He possi eses a greater amount of In difference or nerve than any man cv.-r reen under similar c-lrciimsiances. Al though he was unequivocally identified rifav. he was n resolute after the hearing In his denial that lie UM.-relo. Ili Idcntif icntion ('otnp'eic. Merelo was not represented at the hearing l y any counsel. He sat close to the alderman and watched the wit-l-esses doggedly, but no rlgn of recogni tion was noticeable on his features. District Attorney Jones questioned the witnesses. The hearing was brief. Sal vaitore liianco was the first one. 'Mr. Jones asked him If the prisoner was M.-ielo. "Yes, that's frincenzo Mer elo," was the reply. Mary Delaney. a 17-ycar-old Italian damsel, of Old Forge, who knew Merelo In his betb r days. Identified him. John A.bplanap, a young boy. who was an eye witness of the murder, testiti-d that he knew Merelo long before the crime, saw him on the Sunday after-nm-n of Jur.o 17 last year fir five s.iots Into Intro's body and afterward run away. Young Abplanap was very ihsI tlve tbat the prisoner ar. l Merelo was one and the same. Medalo Teloso was pres ent when Men In killed Loro. He had know iMcrelo for several months prior to the murder. He Identified him IMisltlvely. The nn "j thorough nnd convincing proof that the man is Merelo was thnt given by Mrs. Amelia Luplvo, with whom he boarded when 7ie committed the ni in .L r. There was no quavering about her icslinony. T.o took ne look at him and said, "Yes, that's Merelo." Joe Snlvi IJentifles lllm If any further evidence was wanting, 'the n d of It -was done away with when District Attorney Jones called Joseph Salvl forward. Salvl Is the one who. It was not long ago charged, had paid Merelo l:'00 to kill Loro nnd put him out of tii way, W-canse lro was running opposition to Salvl In the barberlng business and had cut the price of a shave down to 5 cents. Salvl swore posi tive !y that he Is the right man. Halvl was suspected of b"lnc largely Ins-iru-mr ntal in n'ldlng Mcrelo to escape. Mrs. Salvl was sworn nnd she Identi fied Merelo. iSalvl was committed to the county jail In default of Jl.ftw) ball to appear as n witness when the tiial of the prisoner conns up. Merelo wa i taken to Prey's ph itograph gallery and photi graphed. He was then tukeli back to the county Jail. "TH'H HRVIL AND TH K DKRP SF?A" dtead The Tribune early In No vember. Hlank books snd stationery below cot. Pratt's Hook Store. "How to Cure All skin llscnc." Simply npply "Pwayne's O'ntment." No Internsl medirinc required. Can s tet ter, eczema. Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the sk n clen. white and healthy, lis great healing ami curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swavne's Ointment. ; F.verythlng In the store will be greatly sacrlllced until Oct. Ifi on account of re. movul to Williams building, Linden street and Washington avenue. Pratt's Hook Store. Photo albums, Illbles and Testaments below cost. Pratt's Hook Store. Mrs. Fenlon, Clairvoyant nnd Phrenol ogist, Arnnut House, 423 Iackawanna ave nue, this week only. (lold and fountain pens 50c. to .l Pratt's Hook Store. 1 J FOR A FEW DAYS. Children's Rob Roys Ladies' Untrimmed Rats, 17c. 75a 29a Black Velvet Trimmed Hats, $2.75 1 HASLACHERS -:- MILLINERY H. UKG-ELD, SJCCESSOR. 324 Ucte:na Aa. This fld vertisemeut tells you where to find original novelties in Sterling Sil ver, moderate in price, extensive in variety. I. 417 Lackawanna Ave. High Grade Shaw, Emerson, Malcolm Love. Clough & Warren, Carpenter, Waterloo. And Lower Grades at Very Low Prices. J. 303 SPRUCE STREET. AT The present time we are naming the lowest prices in the city on strictly First-Class Fresh Meats, as below: Porterhouse Steak, best cuts .. 15c Round Steak 10c Rib Roast 12,'c Chuck Roast 9c Breast of Mutton 8c Leg of Mutton 12c Pork Roast 12Kc Pork Chops 12c Pork Sausage, home-made 10c Spring Chickens 14c Boiling Meat 4c Frankfurters 10c Fresh Bologna 8c White Rose Lard 10c Compound Lard 7c Suger Cured Hams 1QJ;C Tin Tag Hams 120 Breakfast Bacon 12Kc Green Bacon 8c California Hams 8c The above goods are as fine quality as there is to be had. THE F. P. PRICE, Agent. D Just arrived and now on ex hibition the most handsome line of the latest decorated and newest shaped CARLSBAD CHINA, DINNER AND TEA SETS. mm ILL STOCK PATTERNS. INSPECTION WILL CONVINCE LOUIS RUPPRECIIT Bnectsaor to Edssm Klsbirg. 231 PENN AVE.. OPP. BAPTIST CHURCH, BEST SETS 01 TEHB. SS.C9 UeJudlaf th tftinUw xtTMtftaf t 9j ma rnumj mww e eryjoi S. C SNYDER, D. D.S., asrzsi sirs. BIG SALE In Millinery We Will Offer for the Next Three Days Ladies' Trimmed Hats, All the Newest Af Styles, for - P I .V Baby Caps, in AEr Silt for . T-UC J. BOLZ, 138 Wyoming Avsnu. NEXT TO THE DIME BANK. Winter Will Soon B? fl?r? And to be prepared to ment ttas cold wetlier you want a seasonal)! Salt or an Overcoat or both AND THE BEST PLACE TO VISIT FOR SOMETHING GOOD IN MERCHANT TAILORING IS i 403 Lackawanna Ave. THERE VOU WILL FIND The larRMt stoci to ielect from. Trlni-miv.n-t Alirayt of the Best, Latest Style! In Cutting, and made up on tbe premise by Expert Workmen. f-Nothhijr allowed to leave th ejtab lithmout unite aatii factory to the cus tomer, and tbe lowest prices consistent with Good Merchant Tailoring. SPRUCE, ,442. SPRUCE I I ' L4 XMi- tBETTERMAQg Vrl I HI It Have been purchased by and used IN THE NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Durtns th past twelve year. 500 SOLD IN SCRANTON And vicinity during the pset few yea , show their immenso popularity. 1 bers la no doubt about their Ming The Baal Plane for the Money in the Mar ket Today. Wa Will Be Pleased To show you our large stock of th and other first-class instrument and give price and term to a'l intending par cbaaer. L. I P0ML & CO., 226-228-230 Wyoming Avi TNI OILIIDATW nn UUUL:LIU U. l ft- tSeJNgWa- rreSsm. V Wawrotaui OptsiteCituMbtsiHsaeaieBt, MA) ufaahlnrten 8oe .. Pay Ml 11 Bl HATS AT Dunn's
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