THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 1893. Neute Luce Bros. Best Flour, per barrel $3.95 Feed, Meal and Corn, per 100 .90 30-lb. Pail Jelly 75 Choice Hams, per lb.. .09 Choice Light Bacon, per lb 07,' Pure Maple Syrup, per gal 80 Luce NEW STORE. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Farewell Reception to Rev. Ir. ond .Mrs. l. C. Hughes ot the Jackson Street llaptist Church Last Night. "Rev. Vr. ntnl Jlrs. D. O. HuRhf-s. late of the Jackson Street aptist i-liui-cli. vvre tlu roolpli'iits uf a farewell ivoop tlon last evonltiR at the First Welsh Hai'Iist church, on South Main avenui. on the i-v of -their iU rartutv from this city. The lame iimlienee In Itself testl IU".I t'- the ivsret felt at Pr. Muitlies' departure at:i the ciioomlums ami ex pression of sorrow liy the many speak ers further bore cut this sentiment. 1!. HuKhv-s. a, prominent member of the Welsh I'aptist church, was Invited to preFlie. nmt In a happy inanm-r con trolled the evening's prxvertiniis. Rev. J. It. Ellis, of Wakely, was the fist speaker. iHe ilwelt at LetiKth upon the many (tood qualities, rr. H. H. Harris, pastor of Talvary Uaptist church. Taylor, spoke In an eulogistic way of the ability of the reverenl ill vine. Dr. Harris' wide reputation as a forcible preacher of the Ouspel was ex tmplllleil and explained In his impres sive words of last evening. Kev. Hutch lavls. of the Welsh. Calvlnistie Meth odist church, testltled to the esteem felt by him and his church for Pr. Huirhes. and liev. Pavld Jones, of the Welsh Congregational church, followed in the same eulogistic strain. Mr. Jones was paid an eloquent tribute by Dr. Hughes In the latter's Introduction. Ilev. Thomas Bell, of the Plymouth Congregation church, said he wan glad Dr. Hughes U leaving fcranton. be cause he will he entering a largt r field at the metropolis. Dr. Crane, of Green ttl.lire, spoke of the uselessni ss of mere nationality at th Great I.y. Dr. 15. G. KcoKoe. one of the fiTemost mem bers of the Sorr.nton Street Baptist church, represented that to,ly In the testimony of the evening. Dr. Beddo? told of the pleasant associations he has had. personally, with Dr. Hughes. Ftev. D. J. Williams, of Jermyn. who spoke .next, believed that we should praise the llvlrg and present, not ahvaifi the dead and absent. Mrs. Williams reid the following resolutions drawn up by the Baptist conference of local min isters: Whereas. Our beloved and honored brother the Be v. 1. . Hugh, D. 1).. is about to leave our city and state; there fare be It Beolye.l,. That V: the Baptist Minis terial conference of Scranton ant vicinity, do hereby expree our high lvKiir I an l Sinn-re love for fr. 1). . Hughts us a C hristian, a patriotic citizen, a rll seiiolar, an writer and a if-ner-int frif-nd We lake pleasure In testifying to the Inrxe place he has filled anionic in. anj til helpfulness and Insjilrailon of his presence In the meeting of our confer ence. Wo cm sincerely say that he leaves a vacancy that cannot be filled. We woo! 1 III conclusion Invoke the favor of God upon him and his faithful and belav.d wife, trusting tnat tru-lr future moors may be crowned with still rimer uisinKs. I. J. Williams. H. H. Harris. W. G. Wa :1:1ns. Itv. W. fl. Jones, of the church where in the reception was held, spoke of his assoc'.ation with Dr. Hughes. Mr, Jones' remarVs were at times witty at the expense of his fellow preacher;, and their several creeds. In closing he pre sented Dr. Hughes with an thony o-cne. gold headed and handsome; In lehaif of tne west Hide Mlnlnterlal association Dr. Hughes responded In a touching address. 'He spoke of his success at the "church on Jackeon street, between Bromley and Hyde Park avenues." and told of his labors at o;hT churches. Dr. Hiishes acknowledged the eneoniutn of t"he evening. During the reception Morris Thomas sang a delightful solo. and the church choir, led by W. W. Kvans, rendered an arvthem. iMiss Lewis singing the solo .parts. Dr. and Mrs, Mugtiea loave Thursday for New York city. The Jackson Street Baptist church vaa not represented at the reception That is 'the church from tho pulpit of which Dr. Hughes has Just retired. " A Serious Hiinwnv." X runaway horse last evening caused broken leg to Its drlvt-r, August Kruntz, a delivery clerk for Butcher John Amaml. of (Hampton street. Krunts was driving down the grade on Kehecca avenue from Price street, ami the horse liecomlng frightened, ran furiously down the hill. When Jackson street was reached the anlmul ran Into a stone wall surrounding the premises of W. I'enn Morgan, Kruntz was thrown out and badly Injure .1. He was carried Into the Morgan residence and Dr. Bcynolus called, Kruntz was after noon taken to his boarding place, at 804 Hampton street, from whence he was conveyed to the Lackawanna hospital In the ambulance. Kruntz Is unmar ried. The accident was witnessed by everai persons ana a large crowd ga th ered about the scene- of the collision after the accident. The wagon was de molished anU the horse badly injured. 'Globe I.oJro Installs Officars. Globe lodge, No. 8, Independent Or der of Odd FellowsInstalled officers last evening; in fHarrl Oarrl hall, on North Main avenue. George D. Taylor conducted the Installation. iAn unusual feature of th? meeting was the presence of twenty-two past grands of the lodge. The meeting was the most Interesting; of any similar meeting of tho lodge. The officers Installed were: Noble arartd, Ixander Aker; vice grand. W. J. MoDonnell; secretary, . p. J. Vetter' , financial secretary, u. n. Fowler: con ductor. . H.-Welles; chaplain, John ' Hamlolph; outside guardian. M. L. Don't be Foolish ndtalwMiMetbtr brand of condensed milk, thinking It it "Jutt a good" as tin GAILBORDElt ' EAGLB BRAND Mo Equal Bros. S3 of th? SUbiirbs. Pain; ilnslde guardian, David Hill; line supporters. Judson Saunders and Ku gene 01. Call; noble grand supporters, George 8. Florey and . W. Smith; vice grand supporters, L, Cleaveland and C A. (Benjamin. News .Vnaecis and l'crsonnbi. Before a night school can be opened in any district twenty applications muK'be mude to the controller of the ward by pupils or thiilr parents. 5a remts ure requested to act at once. (The 'Misses Lillian and OJronwell Jo eph have returned from Wales, where they have been visiting for several months. That bay horse attached to a wagon which wua found (Sunday evening by Utllcer 'ilat'Uiews, was claimed yester day by William Itoore. of Tenth street. Benjamin Kvuns, who was so severely Injured Saturday In the Oxford mine. Is still in a dangerous, condition. 'Mrs. Isaac 'B. .Morgan, of North Jlyde Park avenue, la recovering from an lll- IH'SS. An Interesting meeting of the Hyde Park Literary and Debating society waa held last evening. A talk on the excise law of Pennsylvania was the feature. The Misses 'Bryant, of EdwardsvUlo, are the guesis of friends on th(s side. W. Havdn Kvana has returned to WHkes-Barre nfcter spending a few days with West Side friends. (Mrs. JVthn'T. AVHllamst of South M.i In avenue, has returned from 'a visit with friends In .the south. The wedding of Ir. George H. Hey nodls, of this sida, and Mlaa Iaura Gelger. of JJeadlng. will take place at the bride's home on Oct. 30, at 11 o'clock. The two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Will lam Copleys, of 'Kverett avenue, are ill with scarlet fever. A very flm cut of the Bev. J. T. Mor ris, of the. Bellevue t'alvlnisitle Metho dist church, appeared In last Thurs day's Issuue of the V Drych. with ft spUtiiMd article of praise connected with it. Master Arthur J. Reese, of Leemlne, Pa., Is visiting his grandparents on Hampton street. lUeitben Staples has accepted n posl Hon with the I'nton Tea company. Kdward Gross Is now employed with Hewer arnle. Miss .M'aggle navies, daughter of As slrtant Genci.'.l iMine SuperinN'ndent Davies. of thi Delaware and Lackawan na and Western company, has enterej the Metropolitan Musical conservatory as a pupil of Dudley Buck. 'M!sslivl Is a well-known singer, and her friends watch her progress In the musical world with earnest attention. Will HiKson, Al Chase, Beverly Chase. Bert Fellows. Finley Tiffany and Charles Hoidry have returned from trip to Mills City. An "Kxertvtlon of Ye Olden Times IWstreek Kkule" will be given on the evening or Nov. 1 at the Plymouth Con grcgatlonal Church. Maggie Fltz. the factory girl who was ftruoK on 'tno head by a bottle some weeks ago, cailsed the arrest of Lizzie Powell, another faotory girl, as the thrower of the glass. A hearing was .irrangeil for last night before Alder man Blair, but owing to the absence of several witnesses the case was post poned until this evening. A party was held laMt evening nt the home of iJIr. and Mrs. Fred S. Snyder. of Luzerne street. An enjoyable time was s.peni iy those present. " lnd.or base I ill Is creating Interest on this ;.!,.. will K. Hughes Is secre tary-treasurer of the Central league. West Side lliisinoxs Mrectory. TAILOR Rulta mnJe to order. and up; overcoats. Il'l and up. Satisfaction Kuar.iniee.i. itenair work a specialty. l-rank Gliherll. MM v. Lackawanna avenue, near Main avenue. GET THE MAJESTIC OIL STOVB. urann l anor, .mvsiic, uster and Dock ash Kanges. VI per cent, saved. R. J. itugnes, agent, r.'t nouth Main avenue PIC CLKS repaired, sr:ors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed. k"ys fltti, machines repaired by W. L. Steenback. dcoler In Gun. Fishing Tackle, under vst sine nanK. lilOTciORAI'IlER Cabinet Photos, S1.4Q per aozen. c ney aro just lovely. Con vine yourrelf by calling at Htsrner's fhoto Parlors, 101 and 103 Bouth Mala avenue. PAItRKR Hafr cutting and shaving ilone In a flrst-clas manner at John H. R-y' nold's Barber Bhop. at Falrchild's Hotel, GKOCEItES Revere Btsndarl Java Coffea Is unexcelled. Th leading cnff- or tne any. for sale only at r . w. Ma ton A Co. Fin Groceries, in South Main avenue. SECOND HAND Ft'RNITCRK CASH lor anythlni: you have to sell. Kurnl ture. Stoves. Tools, etc. Csll and r-e the stock of J. C. King, WU and W:i Jncksnn street. PLL'MBINU William D. Orirtlths. Ill North Ma'n nveuue, doex first-class liumblng. Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction I strictly guaranteed. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Hyrr.ptoms Mo store; intense Itching and st:ng;ng; most at night; worse hy scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed mid ulcerate. In coming very sore. Swayne's O'ntment toi" the Itching and bleeding, heals u reratiou, and In most esses removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mil l, for 10 cents. Dr. Swayne & Hon, Philadelphia. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Arguments on Appeal from Report of Viewers Kclatlv to the Scwcr Will Bo Heard on Thursday. On Thursday the arguments will be made In court In the appeal of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company frc.m the report of Viewers K. J. Mc N'ally, 'Robert 'Haag and August Hchiinpff, who assessed the cost erf con structing the sewer In the Seventeenth district, which embraces the Eleventh, Twelfth, Nineteenth and Twentieth wards. Ex-Judge 'H. A. Knapp will argue In behalf of the company and City Solicitor J. H. Torrey will repre sent the property owners and the view ers. The outcome of the case will be watched by the residents of the South Side. There Is now no opposition to the sewer except that represented 'by the steel rompany. The property owners are In favor of building 'the sewer. Be fore the viewers rated the Individual cort to each property owner, there was much opposition, based on the expecta tion that the exiiense would be very hlfth, but the assessment seems to ha ve pleased almost very onp. The op position from the owners In the upper part of the (Nineteenth ward has sub sided. . - Colonel Rlpplo's Lecture. This evening at the Cedar Avenue UAthjulliLt t.'nlnnriril nhiiMh r..tnM..l 1.- H. ''Ripple will ! heard In the lecture. "A niiKer in r loreneo rrison. His experience In the late war has been such as to well qualify him for recount ing the Intense sufferings of the Union soldiers in the southern prison pens. The lecture will begin tiromntlv at fl O'clock, Shorter Parngranhs of News. The surgeons at the Lackawanna hospital are uf.ble to say positively whether or tint imputation will be nec essary In the,cae of John Shea, whose left leg was crushed between the cars on 'Saturday, ia concert waa given iby tho newlv or. ganlzed, Ringgold band' at the hall. corner of iPlttaton avenue and dm street, last evening. iRvV, fMr. B-loomfeldt, who officiated alt the M'lckoryStreet Presbyterian churca Sunday, returned home to New ark yefftorday. . ' . James Graham and -Miss Urnwt MoOreevy will be married next week. NORTH END. Edward Jackson, of Rockwell place, left yesterday for Como, where he will spend a few day8 with friends. Frank iScharar, of West .Market street, is slowly recovering from a se vere attack of pneumonia. N. Relchard, of North Main avenue, has sold his residence and la going to move his family to Chinchilla, where he Is going Into the farming business. Ernest sterling, of Keystone acad emy. Factoryvllle, spent Sunday with Till Reynolds, of North Main avenue. C Qi. Schurar, of North Main ave nue, is very sick. DL'NMOKi: .Mrs. Luton has moved from her form er residence, on Chestnut street, into rooms over her store, on Dflnker street. IMr. .Reenter, of .the tlrm of 'Reenter and Wilde, left yesterday for Sullivan county, N. Y., where he will spend a few days hunting. Th? funeral of Martin Walsh, who died on Sunday, will take place tomor row afternoon at 3 o'clock. The- regular meeting of the Kpworth league will be held tonight at the usual time. The Ga'Tnewell Fire Alarm system, which has-been adopted In this borough. Is now 'being erected and boxes will be placed at the following points: Blakely and Drinker streets. Chestnut and Pol ler ptreet. Elm and Chestnut streets, Butler 'and Fourth streets; Grove and lilukely streets, Blakely and Potter streets, Webster avenue and Drinker street, Monroe avenue and Delaware street, Drinker street and Temperance hall. Sport Hill. The grounds surrounding No. 3 school have been graded, preparatory to lay ing walks and gutters. Harry Smith, of Ash street, Is visit ing friends and relatives In Hawley. A sewing school will be organized In the 'infant class room of the Presby terian church, next ttaturday ufter nooii. to which all children over 8 years of age are Invited. An operetta will be presented under the auspices of St. Agnes' Guild on Oct. SI. M1NOOKA. Messrs. W. J. Walsh and Miles Jen nings spent Sunday in Forty Fort. Henry Shorten an:! Miss Annie Sulli van, of Miner's Hill, will be married this afternoon. About 2im) blue-blooded sports assem bled on Cemetery Hill yesterday after noon to witness the shooting match be tween .Martin Mangan an J John 11 ig glns. The latter proved himself an ex cellent marksman by defeating his op ponent by the score of seven out of the possible nine. Mangan killed six. Referee, P. J. Dlskin. The cantata, "The New Flower yueen," will be reproduced this even ing at the Father Matthew hall by the St. Cecilia choir. A rare musical treat is in store for those who attend. DEATH OF MRS. MARY CAREY. Remains Will II llrouzlit to This City from Nicholson ToJiit . Mrs. Mary S. Carey, mother of O. -Ed. Corey, of this city, died Sunday at West Nichi.lson, Wyoming county, aged aliout 'l'i years. She had many devoted menus in this city, having been for thirty years a resident of the West Side. Her funeral will take place this morn ing. Services will bv conducted at Nichson and the remains will be brought to this city on tho 3.5S p. m. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western train and taken direct to Washburn S:reet cemetery, where Interment will be made. FORTY HOURS DEVOTIONS. ow In Progress at St. Paul's Catholic t h n rch, (irccn Kldge. The forty hours' devotion services wnicn negan in 4t. Paul's Catholic church. Green Ridge, rSunday, will end tomorrow rooming at II o'clock with a solemn high mass. At .." o'clock last night a sermon was preached bv Rev. Peter Gough. of Susquehanna. 'Rev. Dr. George J. Lu cas, of Archbald. will preach tonight. Services will be held this and tomorrow mornings at 5. 7 and H o'clock. - - It Was l.nsv for HodJs. An exciting mutch whs plave.l at the house of Mrs. Iluike, near the Sibley breaker. Saturday. between Tli,,nu. I'leHs, of Prlcebiirg. and Stephen Maeker- .11. oi trsssy isian-i, ror a slake or n. Notwithstanding the .prominence of both men In quoit playing ami the confidence of both. Dndds was the victor by twenty two points. A good deal of muliev Chung. I hinds. Score: Mackeral 1 (1022210 it 24 2 01 a 0 0 1 ii 2 I 2 1 1 0 0 u n 0 2 0 2 0 u i 1 a i u v ii i ii ii i! il ii o 0 0 total, as. I 'odds 0 0 2 1 0 0 (i o 2 .1 0 0 il 2 0 2 2 2 2 .1 i i j ii ii ii ii ii i i .1 i i) j o i i o o 1 4 110 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 4-totiil. hi. Betting ruled at fi to 4 on Dodds. Thos. Ord, of S.-ranton, was referee. - spoiling Notes. An alley ball matc h has bum mado be tween James .Maekcriil, of lilvphHiit, and Wlllluin Kennedy, f Prleiliuig, for a stake of I.Mi. The match Is to be played at tht court of J.inies Twlss, Prlceburg, Nov. 21 Thanksgiving Bay. Both man ar popular players and the-y are evenly matched. Thomas Dndds, of Prlceburg. through The Tribune, i-huliengen John Rlcoby, of Miidtown, to a game of quoits for J.M) or ll'io a able, and will coned him fifteen points stnrt In a gme of 01 points up. The match run ha made any time at the house of James Twlss. Mrs. White, n ( Ifl.on or Ilhara, Was Saved. (From the. Ithaca Herald.) Our representative, hcmrlng or th nn of Mrs. 11. T. White, railed in ... i... Seneca and Plain streets. We publish their conversation in ins rouowing interview: "Mr. White. 1 hear vnn hnv. ,. thing to say about a new remedy for back ache and kidney disorders. Will you glv me your iucmriii iur puoiicaiion r "V. 1 im aulte sstlflAri in a - think tho public should know when a reauy . chit-uj , lu or nao, it the least I can do In gratitude for my recov ery." "Tell me about your complaint," "Ahout a year ago I hail ih. n-t - - ..... . . . i j. I'., and since then my back has pained me consiimuy ura ii-jiuii ot me Kidneys; a dull pain at times, and at other Intervals Sharp, darting pains piercing through me. were almost unbearable. I seemed to be giving out as the pnln in my kidneys grew a .M.I At 1.1 N I 1 hfl.l lA ...... i ... .. wumv, " - J in )C (I me greater part of the time. Finally, I Bv .iimuiW T hn.l Crrllln i. . . up ,."- - - iieKUllcnes, and suffered so much pain my apDetlin left me." "Did the disorder afreet the bladder?" 'I.'ln.llv It dill. Tbn nrlnn ........ . ....... -- . ,Kmy colored, and varied in suppression and ex cess. I often told my friends 1 believed I should go Insane from the pain. I hoard of Doan's Kidney Pills, and began their use. After taxing mem iwo or three days I began to feel their good effects. I con tlnued, and now am perfectly, well." ... l n understnnrl that hnaH. vi.a ney Pills have entirely cured you?" "Yes, that's tho truth. I have no more headaches or pains, and my appetite has returned. Before using Doan's Kidney Pills I found It very trying to go up and tea If at til tn All tnu knob . I..a UUWII oiani "I r, UUl now I can do so without a single pain, I feel completely cured, and I wish th man ifnntiiMM avartf nnHlhlM liionaa For iale'by dealers. Price,. GO centH. T. Bole Agents for the U. B.' ' H0USEKEEPER5 -who are delicate, run-down, or overworked, and those who suf fer from back ache, headache, dragging-down sensations in the abdomen, and many other symptoms of de rangement of the female functions can find renewed strength and health by taking Br. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For the pains and aches, the periods of melancholy and Klceplcssiicss nothing can do yon so inticii petmanrnt good at this vegetable compound. You save the doctor's fee. as well as your mod esty, by purchasing this " Prescription " of I)octor Pierce. l:or a great many years Br. K. V. Pierce (chief consulting physician and specialist to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of lluffulo, N. Y.) made a specialty of the diseases of women, and from his "large experience lie was able to compound a "Prescription" which acted directly upon the special internal parts of women. When in doubt as to your ailment write him, it will cost yon nothing. A Hook, on "Woman and Her Diseases." Imblished by the World's Dispensary Med col Association, llulTulo, N. Y., is of inter est to all women, it will be sent for ten cents in stamps. When women are afflicted with nervous ness, irritability, nervous prostration or ex haustion and sleeplessness, in nine cases out of ten the source of the trouble is some displacement, irregularity or derangement of the special internal parts. ,Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription rules permanently such cases as well as that distressing in ternal discharge from the mucous mem brane, inflammation and ulceration. fiwHv. Jacimt Co., Mich. Ctttrmrn am more tlinu willing to sav vour most valuable niedlciiie has cured me ol feinale wrakima and a cuurrlial disrlmrge from the lining membrane uf lite special parts. I suf fered for years with pain in my biick. never a night was I free. At your mptcst I commenced treatment with Dr. pierce' Favorite Prescrip tion. 1 could not sleep nn a maurass : H seemed as though il would kill me. Since taking the mrdicine Iran sleep auvwhere; I am perfectly well. I would not be placed in my former cou cUtion for any money. Ciratrfully yours. AMUSEMENTS. HIONDIY EVENING. OCT. 28. THROUGH KWI Will fl ILIUSIRATEO LECTURE AT Y. M. C. . HAIL, By Hut, Emma Khcw Coi.c i.itum, uf Provl dnve, K. I. ACADEMY OK MUSIC, 4 Nights, Commtncisg Monday, Oct. 21. CLIFTON & MIDDLETON'S Dratpatlc ('oiiipaiiy, llrasa Hand and Urchastra. MONDAY RANCH KING TCKHHAY LIBBY PRISON WKDXt80AY MYRTLE FERNS POPULAR PRICES. Gallery IOc Entire Balcony ..20c Orchestra Circle and Orchestra ...30c Parlor Chairs 50o Hals of sea's oi ana Onlay, THE FROTHINGHflM, Wagner KeU, l.cancea ond Manager. FRI01T, OCT. 25. ROLAND REED AND 1118 COMPANY. I THE (IliEAT bl't.'L'EHH, The Politician Th Twentieth Onlury Clrl. The Kealiatic Cinventlon H.ue. eCale of ata'.a oenaiuia da, Ch.1. -a. a. m. COMING! Thi litest Nm York Laughing Succtis, 10 KlghU al Hol'l Ihialtr, THE FOUNDLING With tlm Un at mid only CISSY SE CISSY VKIflK. FITZGERALD, In Har Inlmltalilx Hancn. Tha Panhlnna LI KaKa m New York I.ast Hi'aaoii. MaDagemeot of Charles Frohman. DAVIS' THEATRE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct 21. 22 and 23. The BelifDlnff Hnrcmt uf the saaun The Anne of Mate KcallRm, Till Or oat Hceulc Melodrama in 4 Acta See The Union Depot. Bit'lmvt. The Burning Teteqriph Office. Th fireal Wreck Scrne. The Midnight Special, "Alwtji en Tims." Carload of Elegant Scenery ind Me chanical Effects. Admission, 10, 20 or 30 Cents. ISTWe Do Not AdverlW In the Elmira Telegram. Our Stork in Trade Mainly t onsils or ,, Watches, Clocks, Fine Jewelry, Diamonds, Sterling Silverware, .. ' Sterling Silver Novelties, Silver Plated.Ware, , ' Fine Cut Glass, Art Porcelains, Fine Leather Goods, Wa earrf tho laricent varlaty In all of th as llnea. No conrern nearco than the ureal oltloa oan ahnw auoh a Tar lit jr. Onr word laonr bona, tvoaily tliltty years or aucceaafol bul neaa ahould be proof onouah that our iiooda andprlceaare right, ud lwajri hara beun right. 307 LICMWJPIfll AVE. BLANK BOOKS Of all kinds,' manifcctiired at thort ouct, at The Trtbttoe CSce. THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL MERCEREAU s CONNELL WHY SUFFER When voa can have your eves scientifically Tested Freo by the new method. teTheia ura hubdrwls uf pe-.ple if thsy knew this, would go iollra to have tuair examined. DOS'T WAIT. fWhon yon get lensm, or g'asaes, as many peopis call them. Got tho llcst, aa they won't nnat von any mora tuun poorer ones. Do not trust your valuable sight toped dlera. The ACRO-CRYSTAL LENSES will correct the vision and atop all pain in the head. Placed ia ilie Finest So! Id Gold Fraars (or $3 Th se Lcnsoi are told only by De WITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER (ipprslte Hcranton Honso, 203 Lackawanna Ave., SCKANTON, PA. Horns Daily: to 11 a m., I to 6 and 7 to 9 p. m. THIS II. 1). SWAHTZ & CO. Are the Leading WuoIomIu Agent in Smokeless Powder, GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS. HEADQUARTERS F0Rw L ('. Sni llh's and Remington tuns (lay Pigeons and Pigeon Traps. Telephone 272.1. Open Evening. '1'K Hnruce htrwrt, betwi'cin Pcnn anl Wyo ming Areuuet DUPONTS MINING, BLASTING IND SPORTING POWDER Manufartrjrad at th Wapwallocen Milla, Lt aarue county, Pa., and nt Wil ntniitou, iM.'awaro. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Oaneral Agent for the WromiD Dlatriot, t18 WYOMING AVE, Sennton. P Third Rational Bank Daiidlov. Aotliriu : JHOH. FORI), I Htston, Pa. i IIN B KM1T1I AKIN. I'lrrnnnth. Pa, K. W MUI.I.KIAN. Wilknil'.arra, Pa. Aranta for the lU-iiauus Chamlcal CJcaap fjaay a Illgh kUUalvaa. OYSTERS Wa aro IloailiU.irt?ra fur l'ynt. and ar hnndllna tlia Celebrated Duck River. Lynn Havens, KcypurtH, Mill I'onJs; also Shrews, ritiry. Koektnvuys, Maurice Klvcr Coves, Western Shores and Ulue I'cilnts. lrWo mnlta a Hiwolalty of ilrllvarln blue Point on half hall In ramor. PIERCE S MARKET, PENN AYE IIITIB IIOI CO., Idc faTlM, ItjMOJHA BUT I.SO MHOK IN TH WOBLIfc -A dollar fed it a dollar ramtd." , TMaLadtMt' ftallrl rmtrh IrlaKlil . , altaMil fia anTwfarra la taa U.!.,aa raecrl pi of Caab, Uoaaj Ortar, nr I'oatal Now far tIJO. KnnaU aran Hat Mota anld ta all ratatl atataa lot ti.M. Wa laaka la la boot ocirwtfaa, tbaralora wa pior nnltt intju, ttwu mi wtar. and If any on fa aoC aaclaflta wa win rniuna ua anoary 'aanianoiiwrair. ciaaia loa or uocniapa oaaaa, wiaina c:, iv k, Kb, 1 ta i aad kan M. Stndyourjtm; wa will ill m. Illuatraud Cala. lofaa mc. Dara Shoe BtTffia Bptelal lerwu I ltaltr: Guns and Ammunition Fool Ball Goods, Sportsmen's Supplies, Hand-Loaded Shells a Specialty Gun and Locksmith, ' Typewriters Repaired. A. V.TURISCII, 435 SPRUCE STREET. JOHN L HANGI, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SHOP St I Laak. At. audstewart'a Art Star. Photo BojriTlDt for Circulars, Books, C.U logtiu, MiWipapnt . Knir-Tona n. Una Wark. A w &m 30s Mr - ----- - . - . c "I IIIJtfIJtrl The MILLINERY. MILLINERY. FIX 13 MILLINERY is what you want if you wish the best in quality at lowest possible prices, with tho additional advantage of having the largest line in the city to select from, you will not be dis appointed by calling at THE FASHION. Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. - I I Established 1866. 0r 16,000 In U. I THE (jEMJINE fe PIANOS 1 At a time vliea many manu facturers and dealers are making the most astounding statements regardingthe merits and durability of inferior Pianos, intending pur chasers should not fail to make critical examination of the above instruments. fe: E: P4 1 E. C. RICKER General Dealer in Northeast' em Pennsylvania. E3 New Telephone Exchange Building, 115 Adama Ave.. Scranton, Pa. tiHftwffitwwwTTWWHWmTwwwTTrtwnwwnwft 'uuuuiimmiimmiimiuimimiiimuimiiiil OLD WHITE PINE TIMBER For Heavy Structural Work. ANY SIZE, AND UP TO FORTY FEET LONG RICHARDS LUMBER CO 22 Commonwealth Bldg., Scranton, Pa. Telephons 422. BROW AMD STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTEIB SCRANTON. PA. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located tha flnoat flablng nil hunting gro mliln tha world. Deecrtptlr book, on uppllratlon. Tickata to all polnta in Maine, Canada and Marltlma Frovineea, Mlnnaapolla, St. Paul. Canadian aad Unitod Statet North vtata, Vancoorar, Heattlu, Toooiua, Portiaad, Or., ban FrancUoo. First-Class Sleeping and 'Dining Cars attached to all tbronah train. Tourlat car. fully fitted with buldlng, curtalna and ap o tally adapted to wanteof famillsa nay be hid with aeeond-claaa tlckat. Rates alwajrt leal than via other Unai, For fall Inforauitioa time tables, ate, on application to E. V. SKINNER, O. m. A. SS3 BSOhOWIT, HEW VOHt Fashioin BIG VALUES IN Jackets, Capes and Far. Garments. They're the Magnet. We sell good Cloaks, the best that expert - skill can make or money can buy. ASK TO SEE OUR Boucle Jacket, nicely made, the latest style, worth 110.00. $7.98 .Special... $7.8 Our Wool Beaver Cape, 30-iu. long, trimmed with braid and fur, worth $7.00. $4.98 Special $4.98 A 30-in. French Coney Cape, hnlrnp, full nweep.extra heavy satiti lining, cheap for $U.00. $9.99 Specie! $9.9 IE a 3 :: 13 t: ti Is ti ii t; THE GREAT LADY DOCTOR Now In Charge of the Chicago Medi cal and Surgical Institute, No. 412 Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa. Comes bifthlr recommended by nil the leal lu( noetora of tha world, and makes a epeoia ty of ami will treat only women and children) and all acute and chronic diseases peculiar to the female sax. Her specialties tn whloh she bas achieved ao much great ante ess and bona. are Female CompUinte. Blood Poison. Rhea tnatljui, Chronic NerTous Diseaaee, Tnmora, Canoers. Uoitrm. Crippiee, DeformtUei, St. Titus' Dane and Epileptic Flu All who call wlthla twenty days will receive ad Ties and aerrioe free, includine; medicine for three months, for flu Examination and adrlce free. This Institution has no o nneetfon with Dr. Raerea. Take elevator ia store beiew. 411 BpraoMtreet. Ofllce hoars from a. m. antU p. am,) Saaday from II to lo'clook a. aa, I OIL
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