THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MOKNING, OCTOBER 27, 194- Norton's New Store 115 Wyoming Ave. (Old Republican Buiiding) Entire New Stock received since the fire, which destroyed all out stock in the old store, Lacka. Ave. Miscellaneous Books, -in cloth and leather bindings, single vols, and full sets, suitable for wedding and other gifts. Choice Stationery for social use. Mercantile Stationery, all sorts. School Books and School Stationery. Blank Account Books, all sizes and all styles, from Penny Book to Bank Ledger. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books. All the Popular New Books, in cloth and paper covers. 0 A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G. B. & CO. IMPRINTED ON EftCH CIGAR. Garney, Brown & Co. Mf r's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE New Method. Examination Free, 1 SCRANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO., LIH. 203 Washington Avenue. FOOT BALL GAME TODAY. Bucknell .and Colgate Men Will Meet at the Hull Park. - Eleven brawny and lonp-halred atlv letes, members of the Bucknell Vnl verslty Foot Ball teum, with nubntl tutes and friends, arrived in the city from Lewlsburg at 9 o'clock last nlijht ana registered at tne Wyoming House. They will meet the Colgate University eleven at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon on the base ball park gridiron. All the Bucknell players are In fine fettle and confident of victory. The party is maue tip as follows: Kauif man, right end: Wolfe, left end; Cober, ngni guara; iioninsnead, left guard Wilson, center: Firth, ouarter-hnck Bunnell, right half-back; Elliott, left loH-uuuRj ivieKargee, luu-unsk; Col nns, right tackle; Lesher, left tackle momai, uarey. JennintrR and nni subB; Cregar, manager; Stock, Gilpin O 1 I Dn iiIIIh ine coigate men are expected to icuuu jiere mia morning GOD'S LOVE TO US. Will Ho Subject of Mrs. E. II. Rippl0 Talk at Y. W. C. A. Rooms. tne Sunday service at the Toung Woman's Christian association rooms tomorrow at 3.40 will be conducted bv the president, Mrs. E. H. Kipple, who will speak on "God's Love to Us." The meeting, which begins with fifteen minutes song service, Is for all young women wiiu can oe present, xt is de sired that all may feel themselves per buiiuiijt inviiea. Mrs. H. M. Boles has prtpnrlnrt . Invitation to the members of the Young Woman's Christian association to see ner oeautirui collection of chrysanthe. mums next Tuesday afternoon and evening. Parties will leave the rooms at j, , and a o'clock. Members hold lng this year's membership tickets will be received from 3 to 9 p. m. Tuesday, LECTURE BY JOStPII COOK. Be Delivered at the l'rotlilnghara Thursday Evening. fact that Joseph Cook, of Boston ecture at tne t-'rothlngham Thurs. Mening next on "KumselWa m Kulers,has been the means of calling logemer itr&- -v-reaciiers' Prohibition league of the f?yiming and Lacka wanna valleys to haVe an all-day ses sion at conservatory inaii. It Is expected that 'uearly 200 minis ters of various denominations will at tend the conference iwxt Thursday, and a very interesting time is untini. pated. In the evening Sthe clergy will attend the lecture In a body, and will be seateu on tne piatrorrn. Nearly all the seats lor the lecture are already sold, and in'roads have be- (rnn nn thi cmllprv flpn ta' T. la n.. - - - " ' .a riur I (J predict that such a large) and cultured auaience nas never uuioire attended lecture In this city. TlieDrivlng Park lots will be openea to tne pimiio some day next week. The date will be given In Tribune later. di mciiiiiea ottered, such as street railways, gas and water, etc. watcn ine xnouns tor me date ppsnlng. Snowiht Aa v ON OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL asstng events or the uay on me West Side of the City Noted. A SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENT It Was Given at Mears' Hall by Young Ladies of the Washburn Street Pres byterian Sunday Sunday Sehool. Other Events of the Day. One of the grandest productions in the line of an entertainment ever pre sented on this side was that of Class No. 24 of he Washburn Street Presby terian church, taught by Mrs. E. D. Fellows, In Mears' hall last evening, The affair opened at 8 o'clock with an overture by Buuer's orchestra, The stage settings were superb. It was converted into a thing of beauty by means of silk draperies, curtains, piano and parlor lamps, which were gratuit ously furnished by Kerr & Slebecker. In addition to these were numerous palms and ferns. The overture was followed with a vocal duet by the Misses Grace and Anna Rose. They responded to an en core with another sweet selection. An interesting dialogue entitled "All on Account of a Bracelet." followed. It was presented by the following charac ters: Louise Osgood, banker's wife. Miss Mabel Yost; Arabella Primrose, seamstress, Miss Bertha Powell; maid, Mies Ella Wllllums; Harry Osgood, banker, Miss Helen Mott: August, clerk at Tiffany's, Miss Margaret Edwards. The young ladles were loudly applaud ed. A selection was then rendtrpd hv Buuer's orchestra. Some very grand urodurtlnnH enti tled, "The Living Pictures," were then given. The .first was "Jonn d'Are," represented by Miss Mabel Yost; "The Mandolin Girl," by MIhs Margaret Edwards, was excellent. MIhhph Ornr Walker, Maud Vipond, Nellie Jones and Gertie Becker were the quartette that presented the npxt of the living pic nics, entitle. "Women at the Tomb." MIhs Becker represented the angel in the scene. Miss Ella Wllllums gave a indentation entitled. "The Greek Girl." After another selection by the orches tra, "The Singing School" was pre sented by seven members of the class. They were attired in blue gcjwns with white cups. This feature received much appluuse. "The Vision of St. Angela" was next produced. The char acters were: Miss Bertha Powell, as the receiving angel, and Miss Daisy Poole as the one to be received. This can well be termed the feature of the evening. Miss Bertha Jenkins, ns "The bwedlsn Girl, was excellent. Misses Helen Mott, May Belle Sweetzer and Myrtle Fraunfelter were the characters In "The Stolen Kiss. This ended the series or living pictures, and it was followed with a piano solo by Miss Daisy Poole. Miss Bertha Powell, an elo(Utionlst or much ability, gave a recitation entitle, "Vlrginius." It was remarkable for grace and expres sion. A solo was rendered by Mrs. Wendling Davis, after which the whole class sang "Broadway Belles." The affair throughout was a grand success and the members of the class wish to extend their hearty thanks to Kerr & Seebecker; Wheeler & Davis, llorlsts; Joseph A. Mears; D. W. Powell, and Buuer's orchestra for their gratultious assistance in making it so. The members of the class are Misses Lulu Deppon, Ma"bel Yost, Stella Ter- willlger, Ethel Porter, May Belle Sweebser, Bertha Powell, Helen Mott, Clraee walker, dertrune Becker, Kdlth Uichards, Bertha Jenkins, Maud VI pond, Margaret Edwards, Myrtle Fraunfelter, Nellie Jones, Katie Davis, Annie Jones. Daisy Poole. Hattie Da vis, Ella Williams, Margaret Hill, Ella Haynor, Lena and Jennie Staples. The pleasure of the entertainment was somewhat marred by unruly boys who were seated on the left side of the hall and frequently shouted slang pnrases or the day. As the affair was completely in charge of ladies, nothing could be done to quell these indications of bad breeding. This is the same crowd who made an earnest endeavor to disturb peace at the Bell entertain ment a few evenings ago, Death of Patrich PIcming. Patrick Fleming, one of the most well known men on the West Side, died at his home, at 1522 Lafayette street, about 7.30 oclock yesterday morning Five days ago Mr. Fleming contracted a slight cold, but which afterward de veloped into inflammation and caused his death. Deceased was born in County Mayo, Ireland, and was 43 years of age. He emigrated to this country twenty-live years ago and wns em ployed as a miner in the Brlsbin col liery. He was a member of Father Mathew society, and Division No. 1, Anclet Order of Hibernians, Board of America. Mr. Fleming was a man of Christian qualities, honest In his dealings and had the esteem of his acquaintances. He Is survived by a wife and nine children namely, Kathaleen, Thomas, Annie, Margaret, Nellie, Mame, Agnes, Put rick Frances, and Walter Fleming. The funeral will occur on Monday morning. A solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated In St. Patrick's church at 9 o'clock. Interment will be made In the Hyde Eark Catholic cemetery. Dricf Notes of Interest. John Johns, of North Bromley ave nue, is seriously HI. Hotel Keeper Lewis Stevens, of South Main avenue, Is improving his property. Charles Wilson, of Little Rock, Ark. is spending a few weeks with friends here. Mrs. James Ruane, of Shamokln, has returned home after a visit with friends on this side. Edward Williams Is seriously 111 with typhoid fever at his home on South Main avenue. Thomas Heels, of North Hyde Park avenue, is out after nine weeks' Illness of typhoid fever. John Hurdon, of the Scranton Trao tion company, is 111 at his home on South Main avenue. Miss Mame Phillips, of Academy street, has returned home from a visit with friends In Plymouth. Palmer Williams, of South Main ave nue, a student at Bucknell university, Lewlstown, Is In the city. The Ep worth league of the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church held a meeting last evening. Charles Ben nett presided. A large number of the young friend of Ernest Miles, of Price street, as sembled at his home last evening and an enjoyable time was the result. Mrs. William H. Reese, of Thirteenth street, lost a shawl between her horns and Washburn Btreet on Wednesday. The article has not vet been returned. The following comprise the member1. ship of a quartette which has been or ganlzcd: Emerson D. Owen, Will WllllamB, George T. Griffith and John Thomas. The Wahneta Dnneing class was con ducted last evening In St. David's hall A large number attended. The club members are Robert Beavers, Patrick Devers, Joseph Kelly and George iiowry. Miss Kate Owens, of Price street was tendered a surprise party last evening by her numerous friends. The evening was devoted to games and music, which were kept up until a late hour, when supper was served. The stock of Berthold Friend, nronrt. etor of the Hyde Park hat and clothing store, 114 South Main avenue, will be sold by Deputy Sheriff F. E. Ryan on Friday, Nov. 2. The store was closed yesterday at the Instance of John Rosenberg. The following young people from this side will participate in art entertainment at Moscow this evening and will spend the Sabbath with friends there; Miss Etta Moyle, Miss Tldleburg, Mrs. Sulli van, Louis Jones, Will H. Stanton, Jr., David Owens and Walter Jones. Miss Jennie Davles, of Washburn street, entertained many of her friend at a chestnut party, held at her home last evening. The evening was spent In a social manner, with many literary and musical features given by the tal ented guests. Refreshments were served at a late hour. "A party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. James P. Harris, at their home, 370 Ev ans court, Thursday night, by their friends. Miss Lizzie Hutchinson, of Shamoltln, rendered several recitations in a pleasing manner, after which re freshments were served. The follow ing were present: Mr. and Mrs. Dem sler, of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Mulr, Hutchinson, of Shamokln; Margaret Magee, of Audenrled, Mrs. William Mulr, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. Lanman, Miss Lizzie Phillips, Miss Anna' Harris, Mrs. l.udwig I.udwig, Chris Robertson, Dnniel Robertson, William Ludwig, David Jones, Daniel Harris, William Harris. Match safes at Davldow Bros. DIKMOKE DOIXGS. V- 3S Washer spent yesterday at !.!.. OP. Miss Maggie Cooney Is visiting In Hawley. Fresh oysters received dally at Pal mer's market. Miss Alllce Callahan is visiting Miss Allice Murphy. The usual services wll be held at the Baptist church. Mrs. Dr. Plum, of Hawley. Is visiting friends in town. Clarence Abley, of Salem Corners. Is lsltlng In town. No. 1 breaker of the Penn Coal com pany Is Idle today. Mrs. H. M. Spencer Is visiting rela tlves In New York. John Moffat has moved Into his new ouse on Dudley street. Dr. Sultan Stephens, of Green Ridge, spent yesterday in town. Dr. Burlington and. mother, of Pitts burg, are visiting in town. Leave news items for The Tribune at Harvey Jones' milk depot. Regular meeting of the Loyal Legion onlgnt at uau fellows' hall. Mr. Shirer, of Brook street. Is sick at the residence of Otto Barth. Tyler Connelly has moved his family to Woodlawn Park, where he has built a new house. The Morning Glories were beaten In their game of base ball with the Moosic club yesterday. The Penn Coal company Is buying coal at four different places, besides shipping its own. Murray's breaker Is still Idle. Indl cations arei not favorable 'for work there for some time. Mrs. T. P. Letchworth has returned home from visiting relatives in Dun duff, Susquehanna county. Matinee for children at the hall Sat urday afternoon. The Klckupoos will go from here to Providence Monday. The sidewalks in many parts of the borough are in a bad condition and should be looked after before winter sets in. Charles Allen, who was severely in ured by falling off a breaker In Pitts- ton a few days ago, has been taken to the Moses Taylor hospital. A. P. McDonough is building a new porch to his house on Drinker street. Anthony Is constantly making many Improvements to his property. The young ladies missionary circle of the Presbyterian church gave a very Interesting social nt the residence of E. N. West last evening which was well attended. The Republicans are making great preparations for their rally next Satur day evening, INov. 3. A number of speakers from Scranton are expected to be present. Dunmore Methodist Episcopal church services: Rev. J. C. Leacock will preach at 10.30, Sunday school at 2.30, Junior Epworth league at 4 o clock, evening sermon at 7.W. The Independents are reported far ahead of the Neptunes in the contest for the trumpet to be given by the Klckapoo Indian Medicine company Saturday night. The Traction company deserves much credit for the improvements they have made on the Suburban line. Their newly painted cars are very tasty. With four signs on each car no one need go astray. Dunmore Presbyterian church ser vices: Rev. J. W. Williams, the pastor, will preach at 10.30; Sunday school at noon. Christian Endeavor at 6.30. The pastor will preach to the Patriotic Order Sons of America at 7.30. Charles P. O'Malley, the Republican candidate for legislature, has many warm admlreis in Dunmore who are waging an earnest battle for him. There Is not a doubt but that Mr. O'Malley will receive a large vote here. The Downing House, on Elm street, Is being repaired. Miss Nellie Monahan and Edward J. McGIll were married Thursday after noon at St. Mary s church by Rev. Father Donlan. Miss Mame Leonard, of Hawley, acted as bridesmaid, and Peter C. Hurd as groomsman. After the cere mony they were entertained at the home of the bride. A reception was held for them at Odd Fellows hall last evening. The young couple are both well known and have hosts of friends that wish them a long and happy life. Silverware at Davldow Bros. An importnnt meeting of Dunmore Re publican club will be held next Monday evening at 7.30. All members are re quested to be present. Scronton's Business Interests . THE TRinUNE will soon publish a care fully complied and classified list of the lending wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scran ton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifuuly Illustrat ed with photogravure views of our pub lic buildings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal representation of Scranton's many Industries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new com ers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circulation is on a plan that cannot fall of good results to those concerned as well as the city nt large. Representatives of ,THE TRIBUNE will call upon THOSE WHOSE NAMES are DKSIRKD in this edition and explain Us nature more fuly. Those desiring views of their resdences in this edtlon will please leave notice at the office. Eight-day clocks, Bros. 12.99, at Davldow I am prepared to receive a limited num ber of piano pupils. For terms, otc, ad dress Richard F. Lindsay, 822 Mulberry Btreet. Or at Powell's Muslo Store. Alarm clocks at Davldow Bros. For Fresh, Up-to-the-Minute Styles x niLLINERY 1 COriE HERE. WE HOLD tho mirror up to fashion. Our famously pretty Hats are the talk of the town. Leave your orders early In the week and avaid crowding. HASLACHER'S v MILLINERY H. LANGFELD, SUCCESSOR. 324 Lackawanna Ave. NEWS OF THEJOUIH SIDE Serious Accident to William C. Klein at the Woolen Mill Yesterday. HIS ARM BADLY CRUSHED He Was Riding on the Elevator and Was Caught Between the Carriage and the Sides of the Shaft-Interesting Foot Bull Game. ' An accident, very painful and quite se rious, happened to William C. Klein at the woolen mills yesterday morning nt 10 o'clock. The young man is the 20-year-old son of Hotelkeeper Christ Klein, of Plttston avenue, and Is em ployed as foreman in the shipping de partment. While riding on the elevator In a man ner which he falls to account for him self his right arm wns caught between the carriage and the side of the eleva tor shaft, and the flesh was terribly lac erated from the forearm to the shoulder blade. The fleshy part of the forearm was the most Injured, the physicians being required to cut out several of the small muscles. Drs. Connell, Man ly and Welsh attended him and had to employ ether to quiet him while dressing and bandaging the wounds. It took eighteen stitches to sew up the lacerated flesh. The physicians do not believe that his arm will be disabled; It may, however, be impaired to some extent. The biceps muscle was not injured, and that being the most Important one of the arm, the permanent disability Is not apt to amount to much. Polish Rally Tonight. The Polish citizens of the South Side will hold a rally tonight at Natter's hull on Alder street. Besides a few of the local Democratic spellbinders who will make speeches, there will be two free trade orators from abroad, Jonn BeraphlnV. of Philadelphia, and W. Bernolak. of Baltimore. The addresses will be delivered in the Polish tongue, except what campaign promises the candidates, who will be there in full force, will make. But the Polish cit Izens are wise enough not to allow any specious political arguments to wheedle them in opposition to tne party oi pro tection to American Industries. Rushers Win a Game. The Rushers of this side played a game of foot ball yesterday afternoon on the James Hoys' grounus wnn ine foot ball team of Wood's Business col lege and won by the score of 2 to 0. The game was won on a safety. It was a desperately fought game and proved that the two teams are evenly matched. Professor Kramer, of Wood's Business college, umpired the game. Brown, of the Rushers, was injured. his ankle getting sprained. Robinson, of the opposing team, was also injured. The teams have arranged for another game next wecR. South Side Jottings. Mr. and Mrs. John Brobson, of Genet street, are visiting Plttston friends. The Star Dancing class will meet next Thursday night at Worklngman's hall. Company A, Patriotic Guards, met last night and conducted an Interesting meeting. The usual Sunday exercises at the rooms of the Young Women's Christian association tomorrow afternoon will begin at 3.45. A line programme will be presented. Mr. and Mrs. James Keating have moved into and tuken possession of their elegantly furnished and well ap pointed new home on Stone avenue, near Fig street. The Central Pennsylvania Telephone company painters are engaged on this side administering a coat of green paint to the polls in compliance wth a city ordnance providing for such. The building going up on Tittston avenue at the corner of Elm street, which will be the home of the Scranton WePkly, the Polish newspaper edited by Father Aust. is nearlng completion, and the upper floor will be set aside as a hall for meeting purposes. K0RTH EXP BRIEFS. Miss Emeleve Kellam is visiting friends at Paupnck. ThomaB H. Hobnn, of Market street, visited Wllkes-Barre this week on busi ness. John P. Neary, of Mary street, left yesterday for New York to attend an auction sale of blooded horses. The young ladles of McDonough ave nue treated their friends to a handker chief social in O'Donnell's hall last evening. The Bohemian Symphony and Banjo club furnished excellent music at the social of the KeyBtone Social club last evening. An Infant child of Louis Johns, of Edna avenue, died yesterday noon of uipntnerla croup after an Illness of two days. Patrick Hughes, of Market street, has accepted an agency of the People's Mutual Live Stock Insurance company of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Daniel Heckman and Mrs. Sally Murray, of Minersville, are guests at the residence of Colonel T. D. Lewis, North Main avenue. . Rev. J. C. Hogan. of Forest Cltv. will address the Prohlbltlonlstsof Green Uldge at the Zlon Evangelical church on Monday evening. A letter was received yesterday an nouncing the death of Mrs. John James, Of Providence, who left here last June for Wales for the benefit of her health. She died on Oct. 11. A buslnes meeting of the Emerald Beneficial association, No. 141, was held In St. Mary's hall last evening. The society is in a very flourishing condition notwithstanding the reports to the con trary which are being circulated. Silex Weed, for whom a warrant was Issued laBt Wednesday, but who ran to the mountains, was captured yesterday by Constable Cole between Snaketown and Jessup on the Moosic mountain. He CAR LOAD TOO Framed Pictures, latest subjects, in beautiful Etchings, Engravings and Keal French Fac-Slmlles, The Fram. M.kors bad to Have money. W boaght the lot at our prio and mark warn 10 uiey win qu mov out Over 200 styes of fn auickly frames. WONDERFUL PRICES We only quote a few: 1!UW White and Gold 19c 14x22 Wblte and Gold or Solid Oak 49c 20x24 Solid Oak 69o glxtt Whito and Gold 98o Rexford Jewelry Co. 213 Lacka. Ave. School Books and Supplies. Blank and Miscellaneous Books, Photograph and Scrap Albums, Teacher and Family Bibles, Pic tures for Wedding Gifts, Gold Pens, Fine Stationery and Writ ing Tablets. PRATT STATIONARY - STORE 312 Lackawanna Avenue. will be tried today before Alderman Williams. Frances G. Rarrlck, of Glen street, entered suit yesterday before Alderman Bailey against the Delaware and Hud son Canal company for a quantity of beer which was taken from a sealed car, which was on a switch and consigned to him about a month ago. John E. Powell swore out a warrant before Alderman Horan on Oct. 4 for the arrest of Michael Golden, for having committed assault and battery on him on that afternoon. At the trial which was held a few days later, Alderman Horan held him under $200 ball. Patrick Golden becoming bondsman. The case was amicably settled last evening by the defendant paying all costs. James H. Riley, of McDonough ave nue, was tried before Alderman Bailey lust evening on the charge of having mude threats to kill Mrs. Julia. A. Gul lugher on Oct. 24. The ease was settled by the defendant paying the costs. The case against Mrs. Riley, charged with cutting Mrs. Gallagher's clothes line when It was full of clothes and dirtying them, was also settled by Mrs. Riley paying the costs. Henry Hisco, of South Ablngton, who was seized wltB an epileptic fit in Provi dence square lust Tuesday morning and died at his son's residence Thursday night, will be burled at Clark's Green tomorrow in the fajnily plot. The funeral services will be held at the resi dence of William Slsco. on Warren Btree at 1 o'clock and will he conducted by Rev. M. R. Fuller. The Waverly lodge of Free Masons, of which he was the only living charter member, will have charge of the services. Mr. Slsco's parents were among the first settlers in this region, clearing the farm on which he was born. He was always very prominent In local politics, serv ing as Justice of the peace for ten years, constable for fifteen years, poor direc tor for ten years, supervisor of roads for seven years und tax collector for two years. About llftv-four years ago he married Miss Amanda Hicks, of South Ablngton, who survives him, as do also four suns and four daughters, all of whom are married, except Ed ward, who lives at the homestead. Dr. C. C. Laubnr.h. Dentist, will receive putients at his oliice Monduy morning. Knives nnd forks at Davldow Bros. LAMP N Thursday, Friday Saturday aud Satur day niglit, iNov. i, and 3, we will have on exhibi tion for your inspection the largest Hue of Lamps and Silk Shades ever shown in this city. Lome ana bring your friends. CHINA HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR, 116 Wyoming Avenue. Ladies Are Largely Buttons this year, or at least ap pearances would poin that way. Large buttons 011 dresses and cloaks 4 . 4 and consequently on shoes, are the latest fad, We Have The Large Buttons On Shoes. Of course, if you prefer small buttons or lace shoes, we have them, too: and can please your purse on either. SCHAN YOUR SHOE MAN, 410 Spruce Street. YOU'LL WAKE UP SOME HORNING- And find that the weather Is too cold to wear the underwear you have, and that's the time you'll wish you had dropped in when you were passing and had us send you up a couple of suits of that elegant, all-wool underwear AT $2.00 PER SUIT. We have better qualities at a little higher prices. Either Store. CHRISTIAN, THE HATTER. 412 SPRUCE ST., and. 205 LACKAWANNA AVE. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done away with by the use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consists of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellngn, which will f rovent absolutely any crumbling, crack ng or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and it's coat does not exceed one-ttfth that of tho coat of tinning. Is sold by tho Job or pound. Contract taken by A&TUNIO HAKTMAiNN, 27 Birch St, O THE NOBBIEST Worn Today is the 6 Made from a fine imported HACKINTOSHES. MARTIN & Custom Tailors 3G3 LACKAWANNA AVE. SPECIALS FOR The Fashion 5 pieces, 6o-inch wates-proof Cravenette, in black and navy, worth $2.00, for 10 pieces, 54-inch Storm Serge, in black and navy, worth $1.00, for 50 dozen Children's Corset Waists in white and drab, worth 50c, for - 100 dozen Ladies' Woven Corsets in drab tan and white, worth 59c, for Remember Our III 11 DElll ee Cur Styles and ! S THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boil8rsf HU1STIKG AND PWIKQ MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. "ON THE FENCE.' Soon be over tho season for riding. If you want a bicycle now is the time to Ret it. We are clearing up all stork, and will give you auch a chance aa you never had before. One of our bargains. A First-class, High Grade JIM Bicyelo for $t5. Jiiltipf your cash and GET OFF THE FJCNC1S. CLARENCE M. FLOREY Successor to Florcy & Holt. AND OVERCOATS. REMEMBER Our Gift to the Boys. Companion, fully equipped, and Strap combined, FREE.. PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 Complete Outfitters. Kersey Blue and Black. MACKINTOSHES. DELANY, and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. 308 LACKAWANNA HE. THIS WEEK: $1.69 .75 .25 .39 Prices Before Buying. NEW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE We are now doing a general Drug, PalnJ and Oil buitineRS at the above location, during the erection of our atore building recently destroyed by fire. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. OUR TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 223Si All orders promptly tilled and delivered t' any part of the city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE. ifrs II 11 We want every gentleman in Scranton t see our manificeut assortment of Men's Fall. Suits at $13.00. Equal to Tailor Made In Fit. Equal to Tailor Made In Finish. Equal to Tailor Made In Fabric. Theie's but one difference between thescr and Custom Suits-IT'S THE PRICE. ; A Custom Suit equal to these would eosf you 25. You pay us JUST $15.004 MP! OVERCOATS li inn We've a matchless line of new, Stylish Overcoats at the popular price of $1.).00. Hundreds to show you In Kerseys, Mel-A tons, Cheviots nnd Worsteds. The fit of the garments Is perfect The make and trim of the highest class. No old or out-of-date styles to palm off on you here, and a selection's bound to give you. satisfaction. Overcoats like these cost you last year $2 and $22. They're down this season to ONLY $15.00.n a Scholars' Book AND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE. 5. L, GALLEN,: r V I)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers