4 THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 27, 1894. fUBUSHIU BAUT IN 8CBAKT0H, PA.. . BT TUI TWBUIH PUBLISHING OOHFAflY. C. P. KINGSBURY, Pm. o GtM'l Mia. C. H. BIPPLC, lu'tuiTiui. LIVT . RICHARD, Ioitoh. W. W. DAVIS, SuMHiHTtXDCKT. W. W. YOUNGS, Adv. M' tixw York ofici: Trihuni Bdildiso. ORAT. MANAUIR. RANIS. IHT1HIO AT TBI P03TOIPICS AT BCKANTON, FA, At tSlCOMD-CLABa MAIL UATTXH. " Printer' Ink," the recounted journal Tor udvertlir, ra IHfc SliKANTON I KIuLN't ut, the best uJxrtisiag medium in NortheHstern Pennsylvania. " Priutcru' Ink" knuwu. aCRANTON, OCTOBER 1M, 1SU4. KKPl'BLICAN TICKET. State. Governor U. H. HASTINGS Lieut-Governor WALTEK JA'tlN AiidltorGBueral AMDS H. MYUN . Sec"? lutaroal Affair. J AMES W. l.A'ITA ,,' ,. lUALL'SHA A. OKOW Uiigr-juien t-lrgo ( UE0KE F. UL'FF , County. Conirrasi JUS. A. KCRANTON liulS. H. W. ARI'HBAI.U SunHff .... FRANK a CLEM ON 8 treasurer THOMAS D. DAVIEtf n. rk of the Courts. ...JOHN H. THOMAS Mstrict Attorney JOHN K. JOXK8 Recorder of Deeds CHAS. HI'KSTEK l-ruthouutarr ('. K. PRYOR R.gistarof WW WM.S. HOPKINS Jury Commissioner.... T. .1. MATTHEWS Senatorial. Tweutwta District.... JAMES C. VAUOHAN legislative. JOHN R FARR ALEX. T. CON NELL F. J. HROVER CHAS. P. 0MALLEY First District.. b-cond District Third District, fourth District THE SCRANTON' Ol TODAY. Come ami Inspect our city. Klvvutlon uliove the tide, 740 feet. Kxtienicly lieiillhy. j:siiuiuii'(i iiupuiutiiiu, ism. io::,ooo. iiftilHK-t ill VOteiK, IW.-W. Vuliie of school properly, J7"n,0n0. Nuinlier of school children, li,ii. Averaito amount of hunk deposits. $10, Oou.WO. It's the metropolis of northeastern Pen"' Ivl vrt ill,. Can produce electric power cheaper than Magaru. No better point In the t'nlted States at whicli to cstubllHli new lnuusiries. I 'onillii f Inn In lUili, . . 9.-'.!3 Population In 1S70 Population in IKSfl Population in 1MW ' f'liiiulutlnii In lk'14 (.allmnlpiU 1U3,U"U And the end is not yet. Journallsltc sewer scrapers from the slums of the big cities cannot lie down the reputations of upright Scranton business men; and in trying to do this they're only wasting their borrowed money and misused time. Wants the War to Go On. Ex-Congressman A merman was In Hiu rlsburg Thursday, and there poured this Instalment -of moonshine into the ears of a Patriot reporter: "The Demo crats of Lackuwannu county are mak lug such a campaign as they never make, except in a presidential year and the chances are the entire ticket will be elected. Meetings are being held all over the county and clubs have been organized to work for the success of our ticket. I sincerely believe that If the election for governor was held next April instead of next month the Democrats would carry the state. Uusi nesa is becoming better and prosperity is speedily returnig. But we must keep up the ngltatfrin for tariff reform if we expect to defeat the common enemy." Can It be that the ex-congressman Is Jealous of "Protectionist" Edward Merrlfleld? Or has he been sincerely converted to free trade? Those who want to "keep up" an "agitation" that lias already cost the country more than $4,000,000,000 should not fail to vote the Democratic ticket. The candidacy of Judge Arehbald has leached a point where It is safe to re mark that his re-election is nssur Those who think otherwise are simply unfamiliar with the feeling of the peo- Me. It in a compliment to Scranton and a recognition of this community's grow ing Importance that It has been select ed as the site of the opening perform' luice of Mrs. Dangtry's forthcoming American tour. When it Is considered tiiat r.elther Philadelphia nor Pitts- burg Is included in the list of this ac l less' bookings, although each sought to obtain dates, the Incident takes on new importance. There are sonic per sons who do not. grow enthusiastic ovei Mrs. Lungtry's morals; but they will at least ndmlt that Scranton is well ad vcrtlsed in Its selection for "first night honors. We fear that the Honorable M, Ibirke got into the free text-book b "id wagon a few weeks too late. Scranton's Sewer Flusher. When the bushwacklng editor of the Scranton Times shall have exhausted ils lurge fund of billingsgate In refer nee to The Tribune In which process we desire to give him full swing, con iclous thnt It amuses him and doesn hurt us we will take the libert; nijaln Inform him that his He about I'l'itnk H. demons has not been apol ogized for. If the editor of the Times ban yet any remnunt of decency in him he will publish such an apology and ' discontinue the lie. Wo do not wish to crowd him la this matter. lie Is busy flushinjr his cam pulgn sewer; and would doubtless just fit present resent being cnlled to the performance of a decent duty. Yut the present, therefore, we shall let him wallow, beast like, In abuse and slime, Rut when he shall have raked over his varied stock of bummer language and barroom epithets, the dollar-a-day lie will require correction, or else the bush whacker's measure will be taken that of R hopeless tough. Representatives Rurke and Flannery nre the only two members of" the lust legislature from this vicinity who had the hardihood to vote against free text books for the children of the poor. Rep resenUttve Flannery was manly enough acknowledge what he hnd done, nml another man was nominated in liis stead. Representative Burke, by twist ing and squirming, succeeded In foist ing himself agalu on the Democrat ic Kiflative ticket; but he cannot de ceive the voters at the polls. It Is perhaps a compliment to the Democratic bosses thnt. they had to im port men to do their lying for them. The Philadelphia Record, Candidate Slnirerly's paper, not only wants to uiu wages in the lndustrlul east, but, as we ascertain from its comments on our recent. Interview with William Con- null, it Is ulsoopposed to giving the west chance. The hand, of the free trader. like that of the lshmaellte, seems to be raised against every" other mini and every oilier interest. If Democratic promise were perform ance, dollar wheat would ride siue o side with CO-cent wool, An Indefatigable Champion of Local Progress. When Colonel E. H. Ripple became mayor of Scranton, the city had a lloat- ing indebtedness of nearly $60,000. City orders were hawked about the streets subject In many instances to as high as per cent, discount. The employes of Hie city, who received their pay In these orders, were glad to turn them into ish at 7,1 per cent, of their value. Cine of the first things that Frank 11. dem ons did, as a. member of common coun- was to Introduce an ordinance pro- Iding for the Issuing of $1:50.000 in city bonds, of which StiO.000 went to the xtingulshnient of the city's floatln debt and $70,000 to the building fund which made possible Scranton's present niugnillcent municipal building. Today the financial condition of the Electric .7ity is almost unequalled. The busi ness of the city is conducted on a cash basis and its municipal bond Is as good as a certllled check. The credit for this flattering condi tion of affairs is largely due to Frank If. ('lemons, the present Republican andldate for sheriff. As an outgrowth of this prudent re adjustment of the city's tlnances, wo ive today one of the finest city build ings in the state; the credit of the cily irreproachable among investors in municipal securities, and the city has en saved thousands of dollars In can ned Interest obligations. While this plan of readjustment owes parentage to Frank 11. demons, It was not tin only thing that he did to advance the reputation of Scranton from that of tin overgrown village to that of an aggres sive and progressive city. It was to Mr. demons' forethought that we owe the present superb system of electric street lighting, which Is without ques tion the best In the country. It was he who Introduced the first ordinance to systematically light the city and It was largely through his energetic and alert advocacy that this ordinance was passed. Mr. demons, more, perhaps, than any other man, is the person to whom be longs the credit for early perceiving and preparing for the municipal possi bilities of the magnificent city which bus grown up on the site of old-time Slocum Hollow. During his long career in both branches of city councils he has ever stood for progress and enlarged facili ties. He has Introduced and success fully championed scores of ordinances authorizing new sewering und new pav ing expenditures. He is the author of the measure which ordained the sys tematic Inspection of buildings in this city und authorized the employment of competent building Inspector. Ho served on the building committee which had charge of the detailed construction of the present city hull, the first fund for which he had been the means of providing. In short, there Is scarcely a creditable Item in the local legislation covering this municipality within the past ten years that does not bear the Impress of Frank H. demons' honest and efficient championship. . The people of Lackawanna county will make no mistake when they elect Frank H. demons sheriff. The conservative business element of this country cannot afford to take a second chance of being buncoed by the slick confidence men who lead the Democratic party. A (iathering of Heroes. The annual re-union of the I'nion Ex- Prisoners of War association, which oc curred In this city Thursday, was un event that should have attracted more attention from the residents of this hustling city than the modest gathering of battle-scarred veterans provoked The handful of men who ussembled ut the Ezra (iiillln Post hall to renew old friendships and talk over the scenes and incidents of the great coulllct, represent Ideal American patriots. They have realized by experience and Buffer ing what It has cost to preserve the I'nion and make this land of liberty a shining proof that the experiment of a government by the people has not been a failure. The principles for which the warriors of '7G fought and bled will never die while men of the calibre of the I'nion Ex-FHsoners association nre in -existence. With each returning year the ranks of the army of veterans ure closed up as the gray-hulred patriots fall one by one by the' wayside, and a few years hence the Union Ex-Piisnners' associa tion will be unknown save to history, This generation of pence and plenty seems to little realize the debt that it owes the war veterans. Could our young citizens be made to understand the patriotism; the unlllnchlng courage, and theendurance that have been neces sary to enable these grizzled heroes to face and survive the horrors of the bat tlefield nnd the prison pen, the ex-pii-soners would he-welcomed with a blaze of enthusiasm upon their annual re unions unequalled by ovations that havo been tendered the world's great est conquerors. The "tough" editor of the Scranton Slimes should print a coupon in each paper entitling the render to a bottle of disinfectants and aimth. The nrrangement on the newly paint ed street cars by which the destination of the car Is Indicated by a conspicuous sign hung on each Hide of each car Is a convenience to the Scranton traveling public thut will be appreciated. It ob- vlates all the difficulty of chasing a car half a block only to find, when it has passed, that It wasn't the car on wanted, at all. Utterly Imbecile. The Rochester Post-Express Is nn in dependent newspaper and a good one which has more frequently supported Democrats than Republicans. Hut this year It has had enough of the "free trade piratical crew," and Is steering very clear of a renewal of the mistake of 1S02. Listen to how it audits Democ racy's account: "The Democratic party went Into complete power for the first time In a generation in the spring of 1S93 and a great panic came upon the scene with It. There was no policy rendy to meet the crisis, and a long delay and uncer tainty aggravated! It. The finances were in a tangled condition and no system for reforming and establishing them on a firm basis was even at tempted. The treasury was depleted and the expedient of filling It by bor rowing $30,000,000 on bonds issued un der an obsolete law was adopted. whereas there was ample time for pro viding for the deficiency otherwise. "The treaty for unnexlng Hawaii was withdrawn and a conspiracy was formed to overthrow the republican government and restore the deposed queen. Subsequently Hawaii, though not dear enough to annex, was declared dear enough to enjoy recoprocity de nied to other countries, and Hawaiian sugar is ndmited free of duty while sugar produced elsewhere Is taxed; und so an ndvantage is given to the sugar planters of the Islands, estimated by Commissioner Klount. as worth $5,000. 000 n year. A tariff act has been passed after long delay, that violates every pledge mude by the Demo cratic party In and its pas- sago was accompanied by a shameful sctindul In which it was made plain that the sugar trust dominated both the executive and the senate, This net as finally adopted was denounced by the Democratic president, who refused to sign It, as a betrayal of the party, and It was denounced no less strongly tiy the liemocratic candidate for gov ernor in this state, who refused as senator to vote for It. it is always a question now lar a government, even when meddling di rectly wild finance and business, Is responsible for panic and depression: but It is plain that the Democratic ad ministration, during nineteen months of disaster, coincident with it, has not been able to do anythng to relieve busi ness stringency or restore public con fidence. Its record, no muter how par tisans may seek to distribute the blame, has been clearly one of utter Imbe cility." This Is not the testimony of a par tisan organ nor that of a newspaper ordinarily of Republican leanings. It Is the calm, conservative voice of hon estly independent criticism, ami Its ver dict is the verdict of every tbiuk-.'i; citizen capable of looking facts square ly in the face. Judged by its ree-rd Democracy has failed. is It worth while trying to educate it at the pub lic's present expense? The Democrats of Scranton are r- cehing daily proof that the Slimes editor's early training on the Phllndcl phla Item has not been lost. The Republican who lights the He- publican ticket shows that he Is a Itc- ptlhllcun by deed of mouth only. RtPl BLK'.ANS WILL WIN. From the Washington Post. Only a despoiled optimist, or, perhaps, a iiutional eoiniull teenuin speiikiiik' In the way of business, can at this time discern In the campaign horoscope any t Id ilk' but n ltcpulillcan vleloi-y lit the elections of next month. This Individ nut or that may have his preferences am limy he. to u certain extent, lie culled iato cniil uslui; his judgment with them, hut only the optimist can mistake or ilie com inltteeinau misrepresent a situation such us that which we are considering now. 11 Is a hI i un I Inn which ailmllM of no Illusion I'nless wit hill the next two weeks Mildic sentiment ihroiiKhoul the country shouli undergo a complete und radical truusl'or inatlon the Heuioerals are hcnteil. As the causes which have led un to this result. It were idle now to speculate, So far as the Post Is concerned a dellnlte iheorv has been advanced and we see no reason for modifying or lime iidiui; It in anv particular, it Is ileur to us now us It hus lieen from me ocHIiiiiiuk, thai the people, without reference to party al fiances or predilections, lire distrustful of leaders who would renew the tariff nulla llun and set up a fresh reglmu of unrest und suspense. The country has siine Hi ret- years ol apprehension ami u man for peace. Willi a house thut will iniiz.l un. I disarm Mr. Wilson and a seiiule lhat will make .McMnleylsm linposslPle, ilie nation will he uble to catch Its breath uuaiu. W e ure by no menus sure, however, unit the sit nation is not a thoroughly happy and acceptable one so far us concerns the real Interests or ine Uelllui-rauc pariv Tlmt meat oi limitation has trained iioin bit in slreiiKlh, In cohesion, or in morale us the result ol elfcnieeu luuuiiis oi po tit leal doin nation. It came into iiowi on March 4. WW, compact, confident; and enthusiastic. Today It Is discordant, he teriii'eiieous. unci demoralized. Is ill vlded between the pestilential schisms of Populism and the tlim-lioiioren uokiiiiis of Jefferson, it Is rent asunder on sllv coinage, on tariff reform on every ques tion of national import una siKuiiicunce it Is without purpose, precision, or liar tnntll'. Ah II slHniis.toduy.lt Is Incapable of beneficence and no longer to be trust erl with the destinies of the liullon. net f..e fin- better, that It he comic miieii a period of retirement' and provided Willi nn opportunity . of reflection than given fresh facilities for mischief and UKilulloii m. trslilHiii will thus be spared the ne cessity of vetoing vicious und incendiary i..,riu ntinn nml me pariv. i nner me sui- iitm-v discipline of uopuliiii rebuke, will huve time to recover Us snses, Its man hood, and its useliiiness. Bcpew's Wcloomo to tlcneral Booth. When I first saw. the-Salvation Army was In an i-;iikusii city, iitui u nan noi vet reached America, I iiould not at first grasp the sltuutlon that these men couli inhiL-me unvbodv but lunatics. When Ml, W ili-iiiikeii men Join thum, my first im pressiou wus, win iney suck.' auu i wus then informed that nine-tenths of those who were already in mat procession iiUiiBil it in Ilie first place Just In the verv same way. ((Applause.) So long us nn nw. niorni or Ollierwise, is vioiuieii i ii means can 'accomplish good results the meuns are blessed by .Almighty Uod. (Kvnewed nppluuse.) The melhoils of the Army muy be -deemed peculiar, but u,n loesses of the human nil ml lire a thousand times more peculiar. No two people are seeking the sumo end In the same way. We could not live If we were ull lawyers. ("Hallelujah! anil luugn- i.,i If w wt-re all 01 one mum every body might want the siime girl, and there would not be enough to go around. (Re newed hallelujahs.) The churches do not reach the slums, and General Booth Is doing what was nnempieo. years ami, Uo him pressed the button, and lil.UUO of ficers und Kl.oiiO.OiiO soldiers are doing the rest. (Applause.) cor ine poor iieupa n.ut er outcast before he came along there was no guardian but the police, and no home but the cell. Your work, (ien- erul Booth, Is as dangerous and more i.miovnlenl than that of the missionary ,. I,r M.-iieli'illeS llltl) tlll lll'rtl't Of Afrit (Am.liniKi. 1 1 have heard that if the Sal vi, 1 Inn Artnv wus removed from London it would tuke D.(H) more policemen to mnliiiiilii order ill that metropolis. (Re newed upplause.) We pruise everybody In this uge, but our praise . is not ul ways bestowed upon the most worthy 'e bestow it sometimes upon the twne-i-ent huinbuirs. who attract our fnncv during the passing hour. We yield our selves up to enM.uSiasm for some polit ical humbug of the hour (applause) there i noming personal RDOUl mat tiaugnier) but Teter the Hermit and Martin Lu ther and Genpral Booth deserve to be mentioned In one breath, because of the permanent and enduring Rood which they nave accomplished lor the numun race. trroiongeu applause.) LITTLE HOY BLUE. The little toy dog Is covered with dust, Hut sturdy arid stanch lie stands, And the little toy soldier Is red with rust, Ann ms musket moulds 111 ins liuuds. Time was when the little dog was new And the soldier was nassliiK tulr. And I hut was the lime when our Little Hoy Blue Kissed them and put them there. Now don't you go till 1 come." he suld, "And don't vou make u noise!" So. toddling off to his trundle bed, lie in en m t of his pretty toys. And as he was dreaming an aiiBel song Awukened our Little ilov Hlue Oh, the years ate many, the years are lonir. But the little toy friends are true. Aye, faithful to Little Boy Blue they stand Each In the same old plane. Awaiting the touch of a little hand, ine smile of a little face. And they wonder, us waiting these long years throuKh. In the dust of that little chair. What hus become of Little Boy Blue Since ho kissed them and put them there. Eugene Field. IN paint the best is the cheapest. Don't be misled by trying what is said to be "just as good," but when you paint insist upon having a genuine brand of Strictly Pure White Lead It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints, and lasts many times as long. Look out for the brands of White Lead offered you ; any of the fol- owing are sure : "Atlantic," "Beyiner-Eauman," "Jewett," "Davis-Chambera," "Fahneatock." "Armstrong to McKe!vy," For Colors. National Lead Co.'a. Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-pound enm, ench can neing suflicicnt lo tint 25 pounds ol strictly Pure White Und the desired shade; lla-varu in no sense ready-mixed painls, i.111 a i onihin.it ion of perfectly pure colors 111 Hie handiest lunu to tint Strictly Pure While Lead. A Rood many thousand dollars have been saved piniK-rtv-owm rs by h.iviiiK our hook on paiutii:i( mid lolni-card. Send 11, a uostsl card uud eet bulb free. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. HILL & GQNNELL 131 m 133 WASHIKGTOH AVE., Have iust received a carload of ilie celebrated TV n "The best business desk in the world," which are ollerul at greatly reduced prices. The reduced prices at which this celebrated desk is now of fered make them the cheapest in the market. Willi! II lilt' lU'iliil of all, AS LOW AS m A full line uf dflicc Furniture, Tpe Writing Desks and Clmirs. 8 We are now showing the larg est line of Dinner Sets ever dis played in this city. A splendid variety in HAVILAND & CO., CHAS. FIELD HAVILAND, R. DELINKS & CO, FRENCH CHINA, CARLSBAD AND AMERICAN CHINA, PORCELAIN AND WHITE GRANITE WARE. If you want a Dinner Set examine our stock before buying. Coursen, demons & Co. !E;1!1I BUY THE WEBER f or manycars this Piano has stood in the front ranks. It has hecu admired so much for its nine, rich tone, that It has become a standard for tone quality, until it is considered the hijjhest compliment that can he paid any l'ianii to say "IT RESEMBLES THE WEKEK. ' . ' We now have the full control of this Piano for th'is section' as well as many other line Pianos whicli wc are sell ing at greatly reduced prices and ou easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you sec our goods ami get our pi la's. GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE GOLDSMITH'S flOTDMNflL FASHIONS. OCTOBER, the mid-month of Autumn, always mirrors about everything choice that is sanctioned by Dame Fashion for both Fall and Win ter. In this territory her permanent abiding place is at the "BA ZAAR." In every department of our house at the present time there is uot only a great harvest of beautiful goods, but a harvest of great bargains besides. You find uo trash in our house; neither cooking "stoves nor go loshes. Instead, a strictly First-Class Dry Goods vStock, freshly culled and representing the finest products of the world's greatest mills and looms. No house can. bv anv DOSsibilitv. Sell nt Inwpr fi'mrpQ tVinn l-nii find of V1" "BAZAAR," and what you get Dress 1 he many exquisite novelties shown in this department have delighted hundreds upon hundreds of ladies who love to see the masterpieces of the co-stumers' art and skill some of which are Accordeon Pleated Chiffons, Beaded, Braided and Lace Van Dyke Points; also Fur Garnitures of all kinds. " Silks and Dress Goods. Most anything and everything in all of the latest weaves and colorings. Our Changcables Mixtures and Plains, for street and evening wear so high in quality and so low in price are astonishing to all lovers of the beautiful. KID GLOVES. The greatest assortment in the city to select from. Just now we having a special sale of Genuine Smoschen Kids, with 4 large Pearl Buttons, at 75c. A superior quality of s-hook Lacing Gloves at 95c, and the genuine $2 Fosterina Kid Gloves, 7 hooks, in colors, at $1.50. 0 You Wear Shoes If you do unci need u new pair, why nut (-xiiliilne Hie io,k of The Lackawanna Store Association, Lira, Corner Lacka. and Jefferson Aves. We ure sole agents III tills city for the J.8.TTRNKK & CO. High Uradv Shoos for men's wear (these shoes took first pre mium at the World's Fair, ChlcuKO), and for KMWIX (', Itl'KT & Cd. S Celebrat ed Shoes for ladies' wear. We alno bandit) the following lines: KOR MiiN. I For LA HIES, MISSES ndCHIi.DKEN. Ptron, Carroll. ('. V. Ford ft Co.. J. & H. l-';tsttMtrk-lc Thomas U. Hunt Co., Sti'i y. Auanis Ut Co., ! H. S. Alljr'ght & Co If desired, will take measure and order special pairs from any factory In the country. Our aim Is to be prompt, to give our customers the best attention und lowest prices. euaruiiteelUK Butlstiiotlon on hII our Koods. Wo also carry a line line of GKOCEli 1KS, HA Hi 1 WA HI"., MltV tiOOl'rt, CLOTHING, GKNTS' rriiXISHl.NG. etc. A t r in 1 is hut we tttk of our cl izens nml wr will eudcivor to plei.s. Wedding Invitations, Wedding Announce ments, Reception Cards, Visiting Cards, Honograms, First-Class Work, Prices Low. REYNOLDS BROS., Stationers and Engravers, 317 LACKAWANNA AVE. DR. HILL & SON ALBANY DENTISTS. Pet tetli, $."i.fi0; best set, 8; for gold caps nnd teeth without plutes, culled crown und brldKO work, call for price and refer ences. TON AU II A, for extructlnir tectfc without paJn, No. ether. Nonas. OVKU FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 1 V. M, C. A. BUILDING. i-numifanor InHlglUUlBi 8 G.B. at the "BAZAAR" is always Trimmin SCIENTIFIC EYE Oct. 1!7, lSt4. Much Nicer Things i than you have any idea are hidden away in cozy corners of our store. Have you ever been up on the third floor to look at the dressing tables? And then those "delight ful 1 y uncomfortable" chairs, -which add so much to the looks of your par lor. "But I can't afford ' these," you say; maybe not the nicest ones, but you know "If you can't afford what you want you should want what you can afford," and you will be just as happy. We have them at prices. ail HULL & CO., 205 WYOMING AVENUE. If )'ou would have the LARGEST Amount of heat frcm the LEAST Amount of fuel, you must have a Howard Furnace. Foote & Shear Co, and Get the BEST. 224 WYOfllNG AVENUE, SCRANTON. good. TESTING FREE BY DR. SHIMBURQ TI18 Spi cialit on the Eye. Headache i and Xervoui neBs relieved. Latest and Impnved Style of Eye glasses und Spoftael s nt the Lowest Pricea. Beit Artitlciul Eyes Inscrtod for tti. 305 Spruce Street, Opp. Old Postofflea. DR. E. GREWER, The f'hlladeliililn SpeiiullHt, und his asso ciated stuff (if K.nsllsh and Uermun idiyslelans, nre now permanently lneated ut Old Postoffice Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street. Tlin dui-tor Is u M'uduae of the L'nlver Hlty of I'ennxylvuiilti, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgery ut tin, .Meilko-( 'lilruritieul eolleKe of Philadel phia. His speelallles un- Chronic, Nr vous, Skin, lleurt, Womb mid lllood dis- DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptom of whleli ure dizziness, la -It of eonlldemv, sexuul weakness ill men and women, hall rislns in throat, upon lloaiine befoiv ihe eyes, loss of memory, nimble to cfiiH-cntrale the mind on onu subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken lo, und dull distressed mind, which limits them for perfoniiiiiK the uctuitl du ties of life, nmkiiiv happiness Impossible, dUtresslntf the action of tlio henrl, cuus intr (lush of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, feur, dreani.s,mel anchuly. lire easy of company, feeling us Hied In the niuiiilnir us when retiring, luck of eiicixy, nervousness. treinblliiB, ((.illusion of llniMFiht, depression, consllpu ticii. weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so ulVecled should consult us Immediately ii' il lie restored to peiieet neallli. Lost Manhood Restored. Wt'itkiR'ss of Young Men t'ureil. If you have been kIvcii up by your phy sician call upon the doctor und be exam ined. He l ines the worst cases of .Ner vous Debility, Scrofula. Did Sores, Ca tarrh, l'lles, i'emule Weakness, Affec tions of the Kye, V'.uv. Nose and Throat, Aidhma, Deafness, Tumors, (.'uncers iimi Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly Kacr--l and conlidenlal. Ollice hours dally from a. in. to ! p.m. Sunday, H to 2. Knclose live li-cenl slumps for svmlpom blanks and my book culled "New Life." 1 will pay one thousand dollurs In Bold to anyone whom I cannot cure of Kl'l l.rci'TlC CUN VI. l.Slo.NS or KITS. DR. K. liHlIWKR, Old I'osl Ofllce ltulldliiK, corner Pena avenue und Spruce street. SCRANTON. PA. Cauliflower, Pickling Onions, Horse Radish Root, Green Ginger Root, Pickling CucumborB, Mangoes, Hot Peppers, Garlic Dill And everything l C.I in thi manufacture of 1' PIERCE'S HA PENN AVENUti HORSE SMI MAVIXi I" HtoCi AVINU nuri-liMKAil tliA I'' stock nml rented tin) .rth,.iifr ..f Willi,,. mine Mon, I Klmll now . i,, ,. ,,,,,,. give coiiHtmit attcnt on to showing komcH la practi cal mill Bcientlllc inuuner. Vuirk work iel good la tin mutta- JOHfNJ HAMLIN- - DOCTOR OF VETERINARY SURGERY. i IF YfWR OLD BOOKS NKKD FIX I.NO, SKNU THEM TO The Soranton Tribune Bookbinding; Dept. ft! ft 1ft Kkrl NG.
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