GFOSS, FOSTER & Co.'s WAIT OPENING THEJOUIMRD Fine Roadway to Elmhurst Inspected by Scrantonians. NOT YET ENTIRELY COMPLETED Delay About Bridge Over Noy Aug Falls Is the Couso Names of Those Who Enjoyed the Spin Over the Road. The opening of the Elmhurst boule vard yesterday afternoon was an event that was enjoyed by numerous society people of Scranton and lovers of horse flesh generally. Although the elements were not propitious to pleasure driving, the people who have been anxiously watah!ng the building of the Ideal driveway during the past summer, eagerly availed themselves of the op portunity to speed over the delightful thoroughfare that has been built upon the mountain tops between this city and the charming summer home town. At 2 o'clock, the hour designated for the pleasure procession to move, nearly one hundred vehicles freighted with ladies and gentlemen were lined up on Washington avenue in readiness for the drive. Owing to the trouble that has de layed the building of the bridge at Nay Aug falls, It was neccossdry to And a new approach to the boulevard, and permission had been obtained of the Pennsylvania Coal company to utilize one of the old gravity road tracks as a roadway to the top of Nay Aug tunnel Where the boulevard Is reached. The Procession Moves. At the appointed hour the gay pro cession of handsome turnouts moved up over the Petersburg hill headed by J. L. Crawford driving a Bpan of spirit ed bays that were amply qualified to lead the parade. Crossing the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western tracks near "Little England," the prancing Steeds' easily threaded the wlndlna pathway up the mountain side and were soon upon the boulevard level. After the climb at Nay Aug tunnel pnere are no grades to speaK of between fc'pranton ahd Elmhurst, ,and as the ctWiveyances rolled easily over the road way around the MoobIo peak opposite NoP, the excursionists were lost In admlhstion of the magnificent views of !T SEEMS TOO SMALL to dc any good, when you look at one ot Dr. Piorce's Pleasant Pellets. But lust try It, when you're bilious or constipated, or have a sour stomach, or a fit of Indigestion and you'll own up that they're the beet things in the world. That's because topy cure i- Vtrmanentlu. and do It. pltcuantly. They're tiny, sugar coated, and easy w take. There's no disturb ance in nvstAm. rliefc. or occupation. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. ' . Houston, Minn, ,. Dr. 8. V. Piuicii Thm sir-I could kill rf a number of oases where Dr. Pierce's Family Mcdloinr have cured. A friend of mlno, Mr. 'Williams, was (bout usod up with liver troub les ; now be says that ' Pleasant Pellets " have lie) pod blm more than any or all the medicines toac oe nss ever uaen. r aw j V FOR Scranton and the Lackawanna valley that greeted their eyes. About a mile from Nay Aug falls the party came to a half mile stretch or road sixty feet in width which had been rolled to the finish of asphalt. This, Mr. urawrora explained, is one of the "speeding" grounds where ambitious drivers may test their steeds. At this, point a kite shaped one-half mile track has been surveyed on the mountain top, and will be built ns soon as the work on the boulevard Is finished. Cheering the Stars end Stripes. At the camp of Italian road builders near by the Stars and Stripes floated from a wire stretched across the road, and from many sappllnKS at the road side. The enthusiasm of the pleasure seekers gave vent In loud cheering as the vehicles passed under the banner. Beyond the camp the finished road was reached, and as the roadsters trotted around the sharp curves at this point with Nay Aug and Roaring Brook sev eral hundred feet below them, the spir its of both horse and driver seemed to rise in unison, and in a minute or two there was a free-for-all race down the road, In which nearly every driver seemed anxious to lead. As the proces sion whirled past the handsome new toll house mnny of the drivers on heav ily freighted vehicles pulled In their horses and left the track clear. Levi Patterson, of Carbondale: Lon Payne, J. Frank Selgel and other drivers of blooded stock, availed them selves of the clear roadway and soon disappeared over the hill leading down iu iMmnursc No stop was made at Elmhurst. as the hotel -Is closed for the season. The teams were turned homeward after a drive about the Schoonmaker plot, and me racing mania seemed to again take firm hold of every one who held the rib bons. When one considers that the roundabout approach to. the Boulevard made the distance from Scranton to Elmhurst and return nearly twenty miles; and that much time was con sumed In passing over the gravity road approach and the Petersburg hills, and that the entire trip was made In two and one-half hours, some Idea of the time made by the flyers on the main road can be gained. The excursion ists returned loud In their praise of the road and the enterprising citizens to whom Scrantonians are indebted for the unsurpassed driveway. Members of the Party. Among the parties who enjoyed the drive yesterday were: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Watklns, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ful ler, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. H. p. Simpson, Mrs. C. D. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Dunn, Colonel U. Q. Schoonmaker, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Scott, Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Kingsbury, Mrs H. A. Kings bury, Mrs. E. P, Kingsbury, Mrs. Mil ton Blair, Mrs. William Matthews, Mrs. W. A. Coleman, Mrs. E. Q. Coursen, Mrs. Charles Law, of Plttston; Mr. and Mrs. Archer Law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bummers, Mr. and Mrs. John Fritz, Miss Mabel Fritz, Mrs. W. W. Berry, Mrs. Henry Belln, Miss Belln, Mrs. N. O. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Will J. Finch, Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Peck, Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Parke, Mr. and Mrs. Fred White, Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker Davidson, Mrs. William Sllkman and party, Miss Archbald, Miss Downs, of Oermantown; Miss Howells, Misses Norton, Mr. A. D. Plerson and Miss Plerson, Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Christy, W. H. Oeai-hart and family, C. D. Jones, Cur tls Crane, Dr. Wentz, Dr. Mo- Donald, William Shelley, Luther Kellar, M. T. Kellar and party, Frank Hazzard, Itoswell Patterson, 8. H. Kingsbury, Louis Bunnell, Eugene Davis, O. B. Price, Merle J. Wightman, T. P. Duffy, Fred Hand, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merrlfleld. Dr. Sturge, Ike firown, H. Ladwlg, John Burke, Tlmo tiv Burke and many others. Although work is still In progress, the boulevard Is now open for public tmvel, and can be reached by the Petersburg hill road until the Nay 'Aug bridge u completed. r ommence IT. JEFFRIES Rl'X DOM. Ue Attempted to Levy blackmail Onee Too Often and Was Night in Police Station, William Jeffreys is, or was, watch man at the Johnson breaker and holds also the position of special ofllcer of the borough of Dunmore. He Is now In the central police station upon a charge of blackmailing. On Saturday night a young man named William Kennedy was walking with the object of his affections In the field near the steam power company's plant when Jeffrey pounced upon them and suggested that if Mr. Kennedy did not grease his palm he would make charges affecting the lady's virtue. Both not only protested, but were highly lndlgnanti but ithat did not count with the inexorable special officer, whose sense of duty was so strong. Kennedy was compelled to leave the young ludy as the hostage with theobllg- lngjerfreystoflndthesumof $5. This he did, and after some delay she was re leased. Last night Kennedy and a friend lay in wait and Bet a bait for the voracious guardian of the peace and caught him at the game. Lletenant Davis was sent for and brought him to the police station, where his revolver, loaded stick, and badge were taken from him and he was robbed of the glories of his olllce. NICKEL PLATE MUSEUM. Novelty Wonders to Be Located on Penn Avenue. A novel and interesting attraction known as the Nickel Plate museum will be seen at 238 Penn avenue beginning tomorrow morning. Its management announces a variety of entertaining features, including a number of trained Seals, a mysterious woman whose strength is said to resist the muscular force of fourteen men and a troupe of Bohemian glass blowers late from the World's fair. The museum will be under competent management and can be seen for ' admission price of 10 cents. THREE BIG MEETINGS. Ueld at Moscow, Throop and Green Ridge Last Night. Three enthusiastic Republican meet ings were held hereabouts last night. At Moscow in Odd Fellows hall speeches were made by Congressman Marriott Broslus, A. J. Colborn, W. Oaylord Thomas and John R. Jones. John M. Harris, 11. C. Reynolds and M. W. Lowry addressed a large audi ence at Pllger's hall In Throop, and at the Item office in Green Ridge, Attor ney T. F. Penman and Captain James Molr were heard on the issues of the campaign. FRITZ IN A MADHOUSE. produced by Young J. K. Emmet and Com pony Last Night. Young J. K. Emmet and his company produced "Fritz In a Mad House" at the Frothlngham last night before a laree audience. Emmet, Jr., lacks the magnetism and spontaneity of his distinguished father, but has surrounded himself with good actors and gives an entertaining per formance. MONTH'S WORK RECORDED. Meeting of the Board of Associated Char Itles Last Night. The Board of Associated Charities held their regular meeting last night at the city hall, when It was daclded to hold a lecture, to be delivered by Dr. James W. Walk, of Philadelphia, on "Organized Charities." J. R. Cohen was appointed to make the necessary TON'S WILL in a AT Corner Linden Street and Wyoming Avenue. arrangements. The lecture will be held on Nov. 30. Rev. Rogers Israel was requested to arrange a lecture on "Care of Child ren," to be delivered by Mr. Storr, of Toronto, on Nov. 8 or 9. Mrs. Duggan reported that the kindling-wood department was return ing a good profit. She had visited sixty fiva runes dnrinor the month, forty-four of which were worthy and twenty-one unworthy. The three children of Mrs. Collins and the two children ot William Leonard had been sent to the Orphan's asylum. The annual meeting of the board will be held on Nov. 13 at 7.30, when the pub lic will be Invited to attenu. WANTS 1IIS CITIZEN'S PAPERS. John Broderick, of Orchord Street, Asks Ills Wife to Send Them to Him-Ho Is Now In Merrle England-Msuppeared Mysteriously. Twn mnnthn neo John Broderick, of Orchard street, left his wife and family and took his departure between two days, steering for a clime the location of which no one but himself was sure about The cause of his sudden de r, art lira wm a tonerue thrashing his wife gave him for his devotion to the flowing bowl. Yesterday for the first time sne neara from him in a letter that came from across the sea. He sougni paraon ror lmia Ale-lit and beerired of her to send him without delay his nat uralization papers. ine inner wao short and gave no excuse for the re quest. Mrs. Broderick wrote a letter last night and inclosed the required doouments. Broderick is invited in the letter that his wife semis to mm toaay to return home and the fatted calf wIU be killed. His present whereabouts is near i T.lirurrwtnl tfncrlnnrl And thft nprflnn who wrote the letter received from him is a clergyman or tne cnurcn or Eng land. OFF FOR PHILADELPHIA. Thirteenth Regiment to Parade in the Quaker City Today. The six city companies of the Thir teenth regiment, 250 strong, left last night for Philadelphia to participate In the parade aitenuing me unveiling oi the General George B. Mccieiian statue. They left on a special Delaware and Hudson train at 11.10 o'clcok. At Wilkes-Barre the train will be trans ferred to the Pennsylvania railroad and go via Sunbury to Philadelphia, which will be reached at 6 o'clock this morn ing. Colonel E. H. Ripple, Adjutant W. S. Millar, and several of the regimental battalion and company officers were unable to leave the city. Lieutenant Colonel Coursen will be In command, and Battalion Adjutant Mattes will be acting regimental adjutant. Major Mattes, Surgeon Major Fulton, Lieutenant Capwell, assistant surgeon, and Colonel OBthaus, of the governor's staff, aocompanled the regiment, as well as the following company officers: Captain Stlllwell and First Lieutenant Cox, of Company A; Captain Kellow and First Lieutenant Kinback, Com pany B; Captain Chase, Company C; Captain Montrose Barnard, Company D; Captain Fellows and Second Lieu tenant Mason, Company F; Second Lieutenant Corwln, Company H. Sev. eral detached members of Company E, of Honesdale, were assigned to posi tions In the several companies. The regiment will leave Philadelphia at midnight and will arrive In Bcran ton tomorrow morning. t Notice. ; ' The first pay night of the new "Prorres slve Building, and Loan association" of Bcranton, will be held on the last Sat iirriRV nf Ortoher. from I a. m. to 0 n. m - and thereafter on the lost Saturday of each month, at No. ffirr n. w asnington ave nue, R. A. Zimmerman's ofllce. C. Q. BOLAND, President. JACOB F. MILLER, secretary. OPPOSITE IT WILL PAY Muslo Boxes Exclusively Best made. Play any desired number of tunes, Qautschl & Sons, manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestral organs, only (S and $10. Specialty: Old muslo boxes carefuly re paired and Improved with new tunes. When Baby wai sick, we &are her Castorta, When she was a Child, she cried for Costorls. When the became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When ahe had Children, she gave them Contorts, HOTEL WAVERLY European Plan. First-class Bar at tached. Depot for Bergner & Engle'l Tannhaeuser Beer. fi. E.Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts., Phila. Moat desirable for residents of N. VS. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travelers to and from Broad Btroet station and the Twelfth and Market Street station. Desirable for visiting Bcrmntonlans and people In the Am ' thraolte Region. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR, Wm, Linn Allen 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Grain on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or op margin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. duB. DIMMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 8,002. A. W.JURISCH, 405 SPRUCE ST. BICYCLES AND SPORTING GOODS. Vlotor, Qendron, Eclipse. Lovell, Dia mond and Other Wheels. Thle Famoaa Itemed eurea quickly and rr. mauentlr all norvoue dlsoaaea, mob an Weuk Memory, hntt of nraln Power, Headehe, Wake fulneKK, Lost Vitality, nliihtlr emltmlntia, evil flnmmn.lnipoKiDoy and wanting dlMaaot eaufind bj yvulhnil errors or tixoo.aet. Contains no onlatail. Ii a nerTe toalanoa kUod bulliUr. Mnkei the pale and iunr wrong and nlumi). Kaall T carried In vent pookeL 1 perooxi o for . lif mall prepaid wltu a written gnarantre to cure or Eoney refunded. Write lis for Irae medical ook, nt waled In plain wrappor, which coif telna taitlmonlaie and financial mferenoei. no charts for oonaltatl.. Rowan of initio. florin. Sold hr our advertised apenta, or addreaa NEUVISSEEDOO.. Mfcionlo Temple, Chtcufo. BOLD IN SCRANTON, PA., H. C. 8ANDK UHON WAbUlSQTUN.COB. fl'HVCE, DUUUU1HX8. Date THE CATHEDRAL SHAW EMERSON J. Lawrence Stelle, FORMERLY STELLE A SEE LEY, MUSIC DEALER, SSSSSSS? SHAW PIANOS to the Front. EMERSON PIANOS, Old and Reliable. ORGANS PRICES SATISFACTORY. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat, terns to select from at MERCEREAU 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Spp"pT X JL-mall.L ) O All Grades, Sizes and Kinds kept in stock. IRON Of every description. Prompt shipments guaranteed. Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn-buckles, Bolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of Carriage Hardware. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Odar Shingles. "Vlotor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long; Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. 7 YOU. CLOUGH & WARREN WATERLOO CARPENTER, CROWN & CONNELL PIANOS BITTENBENDER & CO,, Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania. White Ouk. Bulllvan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers