8 THE SCRAXTOX THIBUXE "WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBEE 24; 1894; , WINTER o 8 and Xo otlior Btoro can compete with our prices aud qualities. Superior knowledge of value, uulimi ted fa cilities and constant enterprise keep m ahead of competition at ull times. Ladies' Fine Win to Ilibbed llcrino Vests and Pants, excellent make and finish, recommended as being non-surinkable; 50c. the garment; real value, 75c. Ladies' Super duo Natural Gray Vests and Pants, especially rec ommended for warmth; $1.00 tho garment; formerly 1.25. HOSIERY AND GLOVES Sanitary Black Hose for La dies; best qualities at low prices; Children's Black Nose; double knee aud double toes, solos and heels. GLOVES Our fall importation is large, including all the styles for out door and evening wear. Ladies' Plain aud Bibbed Scam less Wool Hose, 25c,; wore 35c. Children's Heavy Seamless Bibbed Cotton Hose, double knee, extra heel and toe, sizes Gto S 1-2; price, 15c. Per Pair, Or 2 Pair for 25c. THE NOTION DEPARTMENT Carries a greater diversity of goods than any other depart ment in the house. Of the thousand or more arti cles always to bo found in this department there probably is not one piece that is not used by ev ery family. GORMAN'S Grand Depot. '412 Spruce St, Scranton. Dr. Reevos Is now fully established at 412 Spruco street, Scranton. He has per formed soma wonderful cures and has rnlned the confidence of tho public. He has come to STAY and will remain PER MANENTLY ut bin Spruce street parlors. He hits had lonir nnd varied experience In hospital nnd private practice nnd treats all acuto uml chronic diseases of men, wo men and children. vc!Vn'a8exaatiSoenr,FrCe Of CM No one is turned away. He, with his assistants, trent all dls enses of the nervous syxtem, diseases of the eye, ear, none and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature weakness or decay in both sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup4 totns, blood poisoning, fits, epilepsy. In discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vltaa' danco, amhma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. FEMALE DEPARMENT. The dootor hne opened a female deparN mnt exclusively for females, sothat those whowi "delicacy" has heretofore kept away nuiy now receive the services of a "lmiy" whoe treatment will prove her utility in all cases. OFFER TO THE FU3LIC FOR "CATARRH." Any one suffering wtth "Catarrh" who wishes to be PKRMANKNTLY nnd QUICKLY cured may receive FOUR MONTHS' TllRATMENT FOR ONLY TEN DOLLARS. This offer holds good for thlrtv days. Tho doctor has discov ered a SPECIFIC for this dreaded dis ease. You can treat and cure yoursof and family with It at home. It never fulls to cure. A trial treatment free. Office hours: Daily, a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays. 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. Take elevator In Christian's hat store, or stops. Remember the name and number. DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St., Scranton. CARPETS Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Curtains, Window Shades and Wall Paper. All the Latest Designs. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. four doors above Wyoming Housa. Mothers ! Mothers ! ! Mothers ! ! ! Mrs. Wlnslow's Southing Svruohns been Used for over tlfty years by millions of nioincrs Tor their ciuiuren While teeming, Willi perfect success. It sooths the child soileiiH the gums, ullays all pain; cures wind colic, und is the best remedy for dl arrliea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. lie 8iir und ask tor "Mr Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," find toke no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle, Bud Dralnaue causes much sickness. and bad blood and Improper action of the liver and kidneys Is bad dru inure to the milium system, which tturduck JJloo 1 III Bitter remedy. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOIUTELY PURE NEWS OF JHIS VICINITY STKOUUSUUKG. Miss Ella L. Dean, of New York city, wi'U known In Rtrouilsburg Bocloty, will be murrliid In tlx; above city on Oct. 29 to Harry V. Smith, Jr., a young lawyer of New York. A number from this town have been Invited. lluttle Howell, who has been visiting Mrs. Ukleun Miller, of this place, for the past week, left for her home at t'lttntun on Monday. 11. A. Jackson, principal of the White Haven cruiiinuir school Is making a short visit to the "Normal." Mr. Jack sou was a student at the Normal last year und delivered the class oration on commencement 'day. We wish him abundant success In his work and feel contldent that he will succeed, as he is well liked by scholars and school board alike In White Haven. A number of Phi Kappa Psl fratern ity, of Kwarthmore college, spent Sun day In town visiting their fellow gradu ate, A. Mitchell Palmer, a rising young lawyer of this borough, and partner with Judge Storm. The party visited several pulnts of Interest during the day in carriages. The following com posed the party: William C. Sproul, editor of the Chester Times; E. L. Fell, president of the Franklin Printing com pany, of Philadelphia; F. C. Hicks, of the United States Leather company, of New York; E. B. Temple, of the Pennsylvania Railroad company; R. S. MeC'onnell, H. C. Turner, C. L. Halo well, J. O. Andrews, W. E. Walter, all of Philadelphia; E. P. Passmore, cash ier of the First National bank of Avon daln, Chester county; R. C. Manning, of Trenton, N. J., und C. P. Mnrtlndale, of West Chester. They all enjoyed a very pleasant time nnd left for their respective homes on Monday. A man by the name of Patrick Gles, of Carbondale, tried to commit suicide by taking a quantity of parla green on Saturday evening. The man has been employed by the Delaware Valley Elec tric road, but had been discharged for drunkenness, and loafed around East Stroudsburg nearly all week. He was found suffering with severe spasms and Doctors Walters and Lesh were called and administered to and finally brought him around, when he was moved to the poor house, where he Is resting comfortably. This Is the sec ond attempt, as he tried to commit suicide several years ago at Carbon dale. He Bald his daughter was a stu dent at the Normal school last year and i wo young laaies rrom that Institution visited him and said that he came from a good family and has several grown up cnimren. The Normal Foot Ball team wan Ap. feated at Wllkes-Barre on Saturday ast by a score of 24 to 0. The Normni boys claim that they were used very roughly by the opposing team and that slugging was the principal of the game. rum inching was also in order and the umpire was very unjust in his deci sions. We bespeak for the witkp. Bane team a warm reception if thev isit the Normal team on their own grounds. DALTON. The fourth ouarterlv mneti Kestone union, coinuiislnsr the fiiria- tlan Kndeavor societies of Nicholson, Factoryvillc, Wavetiy and Dalton, cun- veneu at me Dalton Baptist church Fri day, Oct. 19, 1SH4. The afternoon ses sion began nt 3.15 by a devotional ser vice led ny Miss J. Warner, of Nichol son. After singing "Come to His Pres ence with Singing," a paper was read, entitled, "Good Plans for Socials," by a member of the Nicholson social commit tee. The next was a paper entitled. 'How to Interest Our Members In the Study of the Bible," by Mr. Dunklee. of Factoryville. This was followed by discussion. After business meeting the society adjourned and a very de licious supper wus served In the new mom of the church. The evening ses sion began at 7.30. It opened with a song service led by Charles Chandler, of Scranton, after which Rev. S. D. Waterbury, of Nicholson, offered prayer. Mr. Chandler next gave an address on the subject of "Christian Citizenship," The next was the report of the nominat ing committee, which was as follows: President, Mr. Dreggs, -of Nicholson; vice president, James Lewis, of Fac toryville; secretary, Minnie Wademan, of Dalton; treasurer, Ella Northrup, of Wavetiy. Mr. Dreyer, of Dunmore, next guve a very interesting uddress on tho subject of "What Cun We Do As Chris tian Rndeavorera for the Foreign Mis sions'.'" This was followed by a conse cration service led by Mr. Dreggs, after which the societies adjourned until their next regular meeting at Factory ville. Mrs. Dennis, Of Montrose, Is spending a few days with relatives at this place. Mrs. W. 13. Smith Is Improving some from her illness. The school pupils at this place num ber 113. Miss Carrie P. Stoll Is spending a few days at New York. Mrs. S. Walker, of Nicholson, was vis iting at this place Monday. S. E. Finn is able to be about again, after his recent illness. William Doty, of Waverly, and Miss Kittle Shortman, of this place, were inn nied one day last week. There will be an oyster supper In the Dalton Methodist Episcopal church this (Wednesday) evening. Supper served from 5.30 to 9.30. Miss Jennie Griffiths, of Plttston, re turned to her home at that place last Monday, after spending a few weeks at this place. The Methodist Episcopal church will hold an oyster supper at the church basement next Wednesday evening. Miss Pearl Whitman, of Brooklyn, Pa., was visiting at this place Friday. WAVERLY. William Doty was married to Miss Kitty Shortman, of Dalton, at Waverly, N. Y last Suturduy. Harry F. Warner Is spending the win' ter at Tllley, N. C. Henry Welsentluh, of Taylor, was a visitor here last Saturday. Dr. O'Brien, of Scranton, visited the family of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Stev onson last Friday morning, the re suit of his visit being a bouncing boy baby. Mother and son are doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Finch, of Scranton, are visiting relatives and friends in the borough. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. White, of Scranton, visited Gates H. White last Saturday. Mrs. Nelson Sherman and son are visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Pass at Hyde Park. Mrs. John A. Molr and children, of Bangor, Northampton county, is vis Ring her father, M. W. Bliss. Mrs. Michael Lutz, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Erhardt and family, Henry Krauss and George Elsenhardt, of Dun- more, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Martin Bold last Sunday. Register of Wills Henry T. Koehler was the guest of J. M. Courtrlght last Saturday and Sunday. Rev. George Euklns, of the Free Methodist church, returned to Phlladel phla Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Llnderman, of Troy, Pa., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mershon. During the absence of Rev. A. Bergen Browe, the regular pastor of the Bap tist church, the Rev. A. Reynolds held services Sunday morning. In the even ing the Society of Christian Endeavor hud possession Of the edifice. . George Olzer, of Glenburn, enter tained a large audience with stereoptl con views and lecture on "The Drunk ard's Progress," at the African Metho dist church last Friday night. Mis Bessie Conway returned last Fri day from a pleasant visit with friends In Scranton. United States Mall Carrier Thomas C. Kennedy spent SundayatLaUrange, Wyoming county. CAKBONDALE. Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Alexander Issued Invitations to the wedding of their daughter, Josephine Mlln, to Howard Pentecost Johns, of Forest City. The (event will occur Wednesday, Oct 31, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the residence of the bride's parents, 20 Belmont street. The Baptist Christian Endeavor Mis sion Ladies' Aid society, will serve tea this evening at the home of Mrs. Ed ward Morgan on Park street. Supper, 10 cents. The Erie company will pay their em ployes in this city today. Rev. L. C. Floyd, a former Carbon dale pastor, was a visitor in this city last evening. Mrs. E. H. Reese and daughters, who have been spending the past 'three weeks at Lake Idlewlld have returned to their home on Washington street. Mrs. J. E. Burr Is in Pittsburg as a delegate from the Lackawanna presby tery to the synodical meeting of the Women s Home Missionary society. Miss Annie Manlon is the guest ot Miss Katie Moloney, of Susquehanna. The following is encouraging news to miners: That commencing today the Delaware and Hudson mines will work three-quarter time until further notice, For some time heretofore they have been working but half time. L. M. Smith has returned from a visit In Rochester, N. Y. Misses Alexander, of Main street, are entertaining Miss Lizzie Rogers, of New York city. The Carbondale correspondent of the Scranton Times In his items yesterday morning nad an account of the mar rlage of Robert Bryson and Miss Julia Sharlock, of this city, stating that the ceremony was performed at Windsor, N. Y. Mr. Bryson states that the re port is untrue, and Miss Sharlock says that she was never in Windsor In her life. AltCHBALD. This evening Professor Homer B. Sprague, of Philadelphia, will deliver the first of the series of lectures on "Shakespeare," under the auspices of Archbald University Extension center. General Hastings and the party ac companylng him were greeted by t large assemblage when the train with distinguished party aboard stopped at the Delaware and Hudson depot yes terday afternoon. John R. Jones, the popular candidate for district attorney, introduced General Hastings, who made a brief and forcible address. City Soli citor Warwick, of Philadelphia, also spoke. The party was received with great enthusiasm. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. O'Boyle, of Main street, celebrated their "china wed ding on Monday. To commemorate the event they entertained a select party of friends In magnificent style. Misses Genevieve and Pet Walsh, of Peckvllle, spent Sunday with their cousin, Miss Mamie Lane, of the East Side. Dominic Kearns and John Monahan of Carbondale, spent Sunday with friends here. T. J. Foley, of Forest City, la visiting his sister, Mrs. James Colemun, of Salem street. The fair of St. Thomas' closed last night. The fair will re-open on Nov. 10. TAYLOR. At the Taylormlneyesterdaymornlng at about 11 o'clock, Tommy; Harris, son of ex-Burgess David T. Harris, of Union Btreet, aged 15 years, was In stantly killed In the drift by a fall of rock. He was employed as a helper and was helping his driver, who was driving timber to prop up the coal which was considered to be In a danger ous condition. While standing against the car the rock came down, killing him Instantly. The mule which he wa driving was also killed. His funeral will occur tomorrow (Thursday.) . The Christian Endeavor society bus! ness meeting, which was announced for Thursday evening of this week by Rev. F. A. King on Sunday, will be held on Thursday evening or next week. Rev. D. D. Davles. who lias been vls ltlng his parents here for the past few weeks, will return to his home in Wind' hum, O., tomorrow. The Misses Cunningham, of Dun more, were callers here yesterday. AVOCA. Miss Grace Winters, of Newark. N, J., who has been the guest of Plttston relatives, is at present visiting friends in Avuea. Henry Sanders, sr., Mrs. C. Furgeson and Miss Dora Sanders expect to leave about Nov. 1 for Colorado, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders. The Sarsfield Literary club will hold an entertainment and ball on Friday, Nov. 23. The marriage of Michael Dempsey and Miss B. King will take place In the near future. The Democrats will hold a meeting In O'Malley'B hall tonight. MIN00KA. Miss Lucy Gallagher, daughter of Patrick Oallugher, of Stafford street, Is seriously ill. James Powell, student at Strouds burg Normal school, Is visiting friends In this place a few days. Edward Gallagher, of Five Points, who has been 111 for the past few months of dropsy, Is convalescing. WEAK HEN YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO TBS - urest English Remedy. Gray's Specific Medicine IF Yflll SUFFER om N"- vatTwiA ra Ittuawwhi vons Lia bility, Weakness ot Body sod Mind, tSpermt torrhra, and Irapotenojr, and all illnesses thnt ariso from over-lndulgenoa and self abuso. as Loss of Memory and Powar, Dimness of Vis ion, Premature Old Aire and many other dis ease that lead to Insanity or Consumption and an early grava, write for a pamphlet. Address GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Buffalo. N. Y. Th Bpeolfio Medioina is sold hy all druggist at (1 per packago,, or six nackasea for 5, or sent by mall on raceipt of money, and with every 0.00 r.rder WE GUARAHTEF. core or monev refunded. " ' 1 1 11 JLWOn acioir.t u' tauntarfoits we h.ve opted the Yellow Writer, sua o:ily ginu lut Sold la boranten by UaUhswi Bros. 110NESDALE. A very bad runaway occurred here about 11 o'clock yesterday morning. The young and spirited horse, of Dr. O'Connell became frightened at the breaking of the hold-back near the breeching and dashing up street at a terrific pace became unmanageable. Dr. O'Connell threw himself from the buggy and was very badly hurt. The driver also jumped from the buggy and was unhurt. The horse kept up its mad pace up Main Btreet, which was quite crowded at the time, and at Reif's shoe store the buggy struck a heavy wagon and was completely upset The horse broke loose and ran to the upper end of the town. William Ham is confined to his bed from the result of Injuries received In returning from White Mills Sunday night He was In a rig being driven by Nathan Jacobs, liveryman, who was unable to see on account of the dark ness, and drove Into a brook, throwing the occupants of the carriace out Mr. Jacobs received Blight bruises. n,u. xarrington, of Carbondale, was In tovvm yesterdav. J. Kirk Rose left here vesterdav to inspect company reservoirs down the canal. Dr. C. R. Bradv was taken suddenly sick tsaiuruay night and is still con- nneu to his bed. Miss Carrie O. Rutledce Is vlsitinc ner sister, Mrs. J. Oscar Terrel. Miss Vlnnie Rose left for Port Jervis yesterday, where she will act as one of the bridesmaids at the marriage of miss flora Shimer on Oct 30. uenerai Hastings arrived here on a special train at 7.15 last evening, and received a rousing reception by the members of the Republican party. He was conducted to the Allen House. where elaborate preparations had been made to receive him and his party. At O clock he proceeded to the court house and adressed a monster meeting. M00S1C. Miss Ollle Pearl Is home from Strouds- burg Normal school on a visit. Misses Jennie Miller and Acnes McDon ald have opened a dressmaking shop In William Westcott's building on South Main street Mr. Welter, of Luzerne boroueh. Is visiting Ms daughter, Mrs John LaUarr. The members of the Presbyterian church wll hold a reception at the new parsonage Thursday evening for Hev. and Mrs. Lindermuth. John Hailstone was a caller In Pitts- ton Monday. The Epworth league will meet Sat urday evening, when the rest of the officers will be elected. Rev. Tenant is president. Mr. Baldwin, president of Memorial Church Epworth league, VYllkes-uarre, and Miss Webb, were present last Saturday evening. The Women s Christian Temperance union will meet Thursday afternoon. The Ladles Aid society of the Method ist Episcopal church will give a Thanks- giving supper In the lecture room of the church Thanksgiving Day. FMCEBUllG. A pleasant surprise party was held at the home of Mr. William Morganson, in honor of his fiftieth birthday. Among tnose present were: Mr. land Mrs. Walter Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Priest, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. John Larke, James Oliver, Luke Hall, Miss Mame Knapp and Maggie Han. James McKane and Frank Walsh were In Hyde Park yesterday. The following programme will be rendered In Fadden's hall Oct. 30, for the benefit of St. Thomas' Church of this place: Recitation, Lottie Hawkes; solo, Gertie McEachn; recitation, Por tia Jones; solo, Mary J. Kielly; duet. Mary O Boy le and Gertie McEachn : reci tation, Miss Mille Gleason: duet, Jones and Watklns; solo, Miss Mame Grier. M. L. Blair. Ahlermnn. 6th Ward, Scran ton, Pa., stated Nov. 9, '83: He had used Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil for sprains. burns, cuts, bruises und rheumatism. Cured every time. That Tired Feeling So common nt this season, Is a serious condition, liable to lead to disastrous results. It is a sure slim of declining health tone, and that the blood is Im poverished and Impure. The best aud most successful remedy Is found la HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Which makes rich, healthy blood, nn thus aives strength to the nerves, elas ticity to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health to the wlmle uouy. ill truth, Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes the Weak Strong Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood'i Unntt'n Dlllo nru mirclv venetahlo. t" kctlv harmless, always reliable and bcnollcl COMPLEXION BLEMISHES May be hidden Imperfectly by cosmetics and powders, but can only be removed permanently Dy HetzeTs Superior Face Bleach It will positively remove FRECKLES, TAN. MOTH. SAI.LOWNESS, and cure any diseases of the skin, such as PIM PLES, ACNE, BLACKHEADS, OILI NESB and renders the skin soft and beau tiful. Price 1 per bottle. For sulo at E. M. HETZEL'S 330 Lacka. Ave., Scranton, Pa. Oil and Manufacturing Go OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. Ill to 151 MERIDIAN ST, GIVEN UPALL HOPE Eczema, Turning to Blood Poison. Treated by Specialists Seven Months Without Ono Particle of Success. BODY RUNNING SORES. Condition Terrible. Life Borden. Tried CUTICURA. In Three Days At tends to Business. Cure Permanent. In the snrlncr of 1B9I I tm ihn ArcaAt .m uiaosao, liuiemn, HUIUU lUrilOQ intO DIOOd 1)01800. I cousultod the best known specialists In this city, -rnoy treated me for seven months but 1 never derived a particle of rood from any of them. They bad given It up as a hopelosa cure. I was covered with sores from head to foot; 1 had run ning sores all over nie, souio of them as large as a box of yourt'tTiciBA. It cost uie hundreds of dollars with these 80- nlln,l .t.Aiallata Mtf kS-condition wus terrible. i. lite was almost a burden to me. 1 could not eat. drink, or Bleen. I was unable to walk and had givou myself up as dead. I tried all medicines imaginable, until a friend who had got relief advised me to try Ccticu&a Kksiedi ts. I sent out and got thein, aud when I took the first dose of your Cuticura Resol vent I felt a little better; with three boxes of your most valuable Cuticitra and one bottle ot CUTicttKA Resolvent I was a new man. In three days I was up walking around and attend ing to my business, and it Is the CtmctiRA and CuTictiKA Resolvent that saved me from the jaws of death. This is two years ago. 1 wanted to see ir it nau ueen driven out or my system, and I can say 1 have Dover had any trouble since for two years. GEO. F. BRIGHT, sx i-enn. Ave., ritisourgn, i-a. Bold ihrouehout tho world. Price. Crmrtnu. 60c ; Soap, 25c; Rksolvbkt, (1. Potter Dau AND Chem. Corp., Hole I'roprlotors, Boston. tf" Bow to Cure Bkln Diseases," mailed free. niMPLRS, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, and rllrl oily skin cured by Cuticura Boa p. NerVOUS Instantly relieved by a Cuti cura Plaster, because it vl MuSCUlar talizes the nerve forces and Weakness weakness, aud numbuess. EnDORSCO T TMt Hl.HI.T MtDIUL CATARRH HFinSPHFriEURAixlW n.iiunuiik TblsMENTHOI INIIAI.KR will euro you. A wonderful boon to suffirerj from Colds, Sore Throat, Inflnenvn. Krnnehltl.. orllATf FFVE1X. Afordi immtrtluUrriUf. An efficient mmmll ivuivanDnitiiM.ri In pofkPt, ready to on first Indication of cold routlfined Van Sfffeeta 1'ovmnn.tnt in. f Atlnf action iniamntoert or money refunded. Price, 6 eta. Trial free at Pniugisti. Registered mat), 611 ceuts. H. S. CUSHHaII, Mir., Thru Kiven. Hich.. 0. S. L OTTRHMAIV) a MENTHOL MSTfM Iifneum.nin snroB, mims, int. Wonderful rom eriTlorPIlsKS. Price, 8ft cti. at Drug- DAI U flgti or by mail prepaid. Address an nbovo. DMLPfi Tor sale by Matthews Ilros, and John II. Phelps. Ccmpteion fressrved DR. HEBRA'S VIOIiiCREl Remove Freckles, PImplta, Sunburn and Tan. aud ru atorcs the Bkln to Its origi nal iremncas, proaucwg A tlnni And honlthv mm-1 ninTinn. Kiinnnm,Ui& itnr ' preparations and perfectly harmless. At "nil U(UgglU)a U UUHH-v IUt UWi'VOs UVUU 1U1 VUI.IUIM, VIOLA BK1N SOAP i Umplr inewnparabto at a kin puriMng botp. mtuqattel for tho toilet, mad without rival fur the Dowry. Abwluirty pur and deiletly bmhU- muxL At arorgiitt. Fnofl25tflnn. G. C. BITTNERA CO., Toledo, O. For sate by Matthew Bros, and Joh B. l'lieliis. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done away with by the use of HART MAN D PATENT PAINT. Whlrh mn.kl. of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be appileu to tin, (ralvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellnns, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack ing or breaking of the brlek. It will out last tinning of any kind by mnny years, and it's cost does not exceed one-tlfth that of tho cost of tinning. Is sold hv the tub or pound. Contracts taken by AMTOMO UAItTMAWN, S27 Birch St 230 Lackawanna Ave. A Frosty Is a forerunner of colder weather. We have had several and yet you post pone from time to time the purchase of necessary garments for your comfort and health. DON'T SHIVER and SHAKE for a few dollars, for only a few will select Iroiuour stccu la tailor-made, stylish cut and well-fit tine Fall and Winter Suit No matter how small or how kire your pocket' book is, we can satisfy it 3 SUITS OR OVERCOATS, $ 8.75, $ 9,75, $12.25 13.50, 14.75, 17.50 REMEMBER WE GUARANTEE FOUR THINU9: A Perfect Garment. Fashionable Style. Precise Fit. Saving of Money. If you want a rock-bottom, hard times price made you on ludcrwear, come to us aud you won't be disap pointed. THE Oil 1 Reliable Advertisers of Facts. 230 Lack. Ave. SIGN OF THE BELU ....u-, : mm mm of tain (T3 .. . LEADERS OF the 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. 0-' SPEClAt, ATTENTION m u THE FINEST IN C5 St: fiPANH s3ta : fill J is- i r lib weeK. ear GRAND 435 eiJ?w 53 SS MONDAY. hill Opening Sale I umim ,oPtlove: Wn.e$5.00 PER PAIR tThese were previously sold at $7.00. Six colors ta select from. TABLE COVERS A new line of Chenille and Tapestry Covers. Rich Velour Table Covers. Elegant line of Gob lin Tapestry Covers and Pillow Covers. BASKETS Four sizes of All new. Waste SCREENS and EASELS ALL PRICES KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. Recently Married A pretty home is lrfeiuls. WHAT? Is it possible that that Easy Chair, that Comfortable Sofa, that Cute Book Case and the Handsome Onyx Table and Lamp, with Silk Shade, near the window, were all placed in the house without ready cash t Can They Do Why, certainly; at THE ECONOMY'S groat stores you caa buy now aud pay later. Can I Buy Cheaper for Cash Yes, if you wish to ments, aud will so inform the salesman. He will give yon prices close to cost. A cash house cannoS sell as low, o3 their sales are not sufficient to make them as ex tensive buyers. Our sales are four tin.es as large as they would be if we sold for cash only. Reflect and go to the ECONOMY Fl RNITl RE CO.'S STORE. SPECIAL TERMS to patrons on second purchases 61 after A Handsome Cathedral Strike Clock, American Ouyx liniah, with every purchase of $50 or over. Or an Elegant 100-Pieoe Dinner Bet with every $75 purchase or over, for Cash, or Credit. L J--1'"' - - ,- LOW PRICES. N Fair IS CALLED TO OUR SCRANTON. " -r& niSPI AV S f l L OCTOBER 8.. Hampers, in a variety of colors. and Scrap Baskets. AND KINDS. nn nnnnrlmn 111 u i a mwhwuhip in) 1 inu m i n'.n u.amsyi what the bride proudly shows het That buy for cash, or on short time pa; r nl mmu , "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers