THE fcCKANTON TBIUUNE-TUESDAY MORNING-. JULY 17, ' lStfl. MATCHLESS SHAW- PIAHOS. STELLE & 8EELEY, 134 WYOMING AVE. HHA1V, KMKltSON, MiW ENGLAND FINEST LINE IN THE CITY F'OK TUB PHICISi, HEW AM) (ECO.M) HAM) ALL l'UICKS PIANOS 1 e ft Foe to Dyspepsia 1 GOOD BREAD USE TOE- ISlliTE And always have Good Bread. KANUFACTCRKD AND FOB SALE TO 1UE THADE Vi The Weston II Co EEWARE CF COUNTERFEITS ) Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIOS G.', 3. St Co., Garney, Brown & Co. JVLVa. DR. H. B. WARS removed to 406 SPRUCE STREET, back of Dime Bank. PEliSONAL Colonel C. H. Mullin is at the Wyomine. It. V. Leslie, of Philadelphia, Is in tho city. II. S. Wilier and family are at the sea shore C. K. Jlanvillc, of Carbondnle, was here yesterday. Mayor Council niade a business trip to Bhnmoliiu yesterday. f-'uperiu tendon t of Schools Phillips has returned from his trip to Philadelphia and At bury Park. Henry Ilener, of tho South Side, will Fail for Germany today on tho Btenmship Liilm. Ho will bo absent about three months. Rev. P. J. McMnnus, of St Paul's church, Green Ki' 1 k, and Kev. W. P. O'Donnell, of Holy Koi-iiry church, Providence, will Full soon for Europe ou tho steamship Ser via. Some of the recent arrivals at tho Lodge, Preston park, were: E. Ii. Ilnn drick and family, J. E. Burr and family, Georgo linrrell nnd family. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Kimball, A. P. Trnulwein and family, ull of C'nrbouiinla; Kev. Edward Hryau, Milwaukee, Wis.: Miss Paxtnn, Princeton, N. J.; Franlr. R Stockor. Jermyn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Slater, Corry, aud Curtis Craue and family, of this city. NEW STREET RAILWAY SCHEDULE. It Will B in Efcei the Littar Fart of tin Week. In a few days thero will bn n change in tho schedule of the following Hues of the street car system: Dunmre Suburban, Groan liidge Suburban, Green Ridge People's und Nay Au Falls. O11 the Dnnmore Suburban tho cats will not run any farther than the C.u ners, nor will the L turel Hill cars. There will be a car running between the Corners and No. C, which will met nil Laurel Hill cars, making 15-imnule trips. Passenger on the Suburban line will not be transferred to the branch car, only those on the Laurel Hill line baing transferred The first car ou the Nay Aug liu will start out in the morning at 0 o'clock instead of at 7, as at present. The lust car will loave Franklin ove nno on this Una at 11 o'clock at night instead of at 10. -10. There will be a later car on both Green Ridge lines. The schedule, it is expected, will go Into effect the lattor part of the week. Ecranton'a Bumei Interests. Tijb TRinuNE will soon publMi a care fnlly compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. The edition will bo bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our public build ii gs, business blocks, streets, etc., together wiih portraits of leading citizons. No similar work has ever givt-n an equal rep resentation of Scrnnton's many indn tiies. It will bean iuvnluable exposition of our business resources. Kent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers nnd be an unequalled advertisement of tho city. Tho circu lation is on a plan that cannot fuil of good results to those concerned as well as the city at large. Repreeutatives of Tub Tntmmn will call upon tiiosic wiiohb names re dkmiied in this edition aud explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will please have notice at the office. Enclilen's Arnloa Salve. The best salve in the world for Cnt s Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khenra. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns aud all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price SJ5 cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. i NEWS Of WEST ffl Property Owners on Jackson, Robinson and Ninth Strec's Agree to Pave, THE DEATH OF ANTHONY TU Ho Was a Member of the Father Matlicw Society and the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association Slung Shot Used by John Flynn on Her man Von Zoelan Blowing of Cen tral Mine Gong Creates Excitement. Tho work of securing a majority of foot frontage for thw paving of Jack' Hon, Robinson ami Ninib streets bns been completed at last. There is an ordinance now pending in the councils providing for the p tvinsr of West ljickiiwannii avenue from Ninth street to the Delaware, Lickawanna and Western railroad. It is now hope! that the strents will be paved along that soction from Main avenue, thus making it complete before tbo winter sets iu. The West Side board of trivia ha done much in this matter. Borne time ago a petition waa drawn up by the streota und bridges committee of that organization for the three aforesaid streets and a separate one for West Lackawanna avenue. ' The residents of the latter thoroughfare vvero more de sirous of puihing the nutter than the othflrs. hence it whs hurried through the city legislature before the petition 'or the throe combiued streets was nearly complete. The total frontage on Ninth street is 0;il feet, aud the amount signed for is MS Robinson street hag a total of t.Slii) f et and the signatures amount to 0)(i, Tne 057 feet on Jacks'):! street signatures amounting to OlSJ A. M. Morse aud Assessor II. D Jones have been by far the most active in the project, und Bhould bo highly recom mended on its sucuesi. It is expected that tho petition will be iutro luo-ed at tho next meeting of common council, where it muy be presented by Presi dent Nenlis, a representative, of Unit aibtrlct. DEATH OF ANTHONY TIMLIN. Bis Funeral Will Tuka I lace on Wednes day Morning. Anthony Timlin, a respected resident of this si te, died on Sunday evening ut his home vli North Sumner aveune. after a two weeks' illness. Mr. Timlin was lorn in county Mayo, Ireland, and came to Scran ton thirty-one years ngo. He was a member of the I'utholic Mu inal lieuefit association and for thirteen years a faithful member of the Father Mathew society. Mr. Timlin was em ploved in the Central mines. lie is survived by u wife nnd ten children. The funeral will take placo on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. A solemn high mass will bo held ht St. Patrick's church. Iutermemt in the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. FLYNN USED A SLING SNOT. He Will Have to A no war at Court for His Offansa. John Flynn. of Lafayette street, was arrested yesterday ou complaint of Herman Von Zoelan of the same street, who alleges that be was struck with a missile thrown from a siiug shot at the hands of Flynn. The case was beard iast evening be fore Alderman Johns, of the Fourth ward. It wns alleged that without any provocation Flynn attacked Von Zjelun and be received a blow in the eye from the stone. The defendant, a lad of 10 years, was bound ovor to court in the sum of $200, John Cawley becoming bia bondsman. A GONG CREATES EXCITEMENT. Many Thought a Mine Accident Had Occurred. The long blow of the gong whieh sounded from the Central mines last evening caused crawds of psople to flock to tne place, and was the cause of no little comment. Some went so far as to say tbat miners wera entombed while others statod that their had been a cave in. The real cause of the excitement was nothing moro than a false alarm sound ed by the engineer. William Webber of North Bromley avenue. Some miners who were below had rapped the bell for the carriage and in answering it Mr. Webber ha t pulled the gong in stead of the bell. Crowds gathered around the place fearing some accident bad happened. WEEDING CAUSED TROUBLE. Soma of John F. Thomas' Fancy Veg etables Fulled Up. John J. Mnrean. of the Fifth ward. had a warrant issued yesterday for the arrest of John P. Thomas, of Jackson wtraet. who bad brutally assaulted hi;n und his younger brother, Jamet Thomas, had planted a peculiar veg etable along tb fence, and while weed ing the gardon a member of the Mor- n"m fiimllv nnllnd it nut This made Thomas wrnthy and he resorted to blows, lie was held in ?IUU i : i . - ... t. rr . it oau 1.Q appear hi vourb, jiuuiuaa j-i.. Jones becoming bis bondsman. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. fThe West Side offlco of tho SCKANTON Tui i:nb1h locatnil nt 113 North Ulttin nvn- nun, where Hultsci-ipriunn, advurtiseinonts and communications will rocoivo prompt atten tion. I Jamos TInghes, of Washburn street, has returned from Pottsvillo. Miss Farnh Meredith, of Jackson street, is visiting iriomls in Plymouth, Professor Haydn Evans and E. T. Stovor spent yesterday llshing at Alaplewood. Will Bruninn and Elmer Stover have re turned from a visit with friends in Ulen- burn. Miss Dossin Praunfoltor, of South Brom ley nvenuo, is visiting friends at Mount I'ocono. . ' Lou Jonos. of North Hyde Park avenue, has returned from a visit with friends in Moscow. Bert Davis, of East Strondsburg, is visit ing his cousin, Howard Davis, on South Hyde Park avenno. Mr. aud Mrs. John Buckley, of North Main avenue, are visiting friouds at Pleas ant Mount, Wayne county. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson, of North Main avenue, have returned home from a Vitdt with friends iu Carbouuale, William Mann and sister, Lizzie, of Al- toona, are guests at the home or Jliss tiraco Ackor, of soutn Alain aveuuo. Miss Delle P. Evans, teacher at No. 18 Bchool. left yesterday morning for a twree weeks' visit with mentis in Ulun Fails. Thomas Price. Councilman Simon Thomas, T. G. Thomas, and ;Gvylim Wil liams spoilt yesterday fishing at Sheek's pond. , Mrs. William D. Jones nnd sons Wallace and Ralph, of Cnrboudale, are visiting at tne Home of a. U. Jones, ol JNortu Hyde ram avenue- Thomas Morton, of Frink street will leave tomorrow for New York City. Il will, embark on the steamship City of raris ror ungiuna. ' The funeral services of George Haycock, late of 321 North Garfield avenue, who died yesterday, will be hold tonipht at 8 p. m. at the residence of the deceased, l'ho remains will be taken by the JJolawaie anu Hudson 8 a. m. train Wodnesday morning to JeaneiiVille for iutermeut. MISS KILL A M'S BARN PARTY. Given at the Summer Kealdenoe of Her Parents at Faupuck. Mips Emaleno Killam, who is spend ing the summer with her patents nt their summer home at Pnupaek, enter tained a few of her friends at a "coun try burn danoe" last Saturday evening. J. ho a tl ii r was a most dolightful one and was given in houor of friends from New York, who ara vial ling her. The barn was most tastofully decorated iu rustic style, und with Chinese lanterns. In ono corner wus a moat enticing lov er's bower. Among those who attended trom hcrunton were Miss riorence Uii gnr, Miss Mame Charlesworth, M. K. Edgar, Dr. E. M. Green, Dr. Clear water and h. II. Connell. KILLED EY A FALL OF ROCK. John Radcliffe, of tbo Flatf, Instantly Killed in Jarmvn No. 2. John Uadcliffe, a married man with a Urge family, liviug ut 1)18 South Wyoming aveuuo, and employed at the Jerinyn No. 2 shaft iu Old Forge was instantly killed by a full of rock while ut work yesterday afternoon at 4 SO. Undertaker G. A. Miller took charge of the remains and removed them to his late homo. Arrangements for tho funeral have not yet bi'en completed. NORTH END. Willlem Williams Killed by an Explo sion at tin LesffoU'e Cre.ik. William Williams, ugod 50, of Oik street met with a fatal accident yes ler day morning nt Leggetts Creek mine. Williams was blasting in Ins cham ber at the time nnd from n statement made by bis latiorr it appears that tho lirst squib misiod fire. Williams then returned with another sqnib and cut the match shorter and fixed it iu tho blasting barrel. The result was that after he bred the match the explosion took placo before be could g.t to a place of safety. Dicensed wns a married man and leaves a widow nnd four childreu. His funeral will take pluce from bis late residence, 304 Oak street, tomorrow nt 2 p. m. Interment in Washburn street cemetery. Much sympathy has been expressed for the widow, who has suffered con- iiiderablo trouble, having buried two promising daughters in lf'JO. , Mr. Williams nnd bis family cumo Iroin South Wales in 137. PROHIBITIONISTS AT GREEN RIDGE. Several Addresses Delivered in the Loamie Room. The Green Ridge Prohibition League room was crowded last evening when a Prohibition meeting wns addressed by J. M. Howell, Rov. Luther Pick, Hyde Park; 1). M. Ivinter, Providence, aud others. Mr. Peck stated that the first pro hibition meeting was held in the gar den of Eden, Bince when God had given laws wnioh were of a prohibitory char acter. He went to anulyze in part the commandments nnd said that the pro hibitory features were beuelioont. Many instances in ancient and modern history were quoted illustrating the principle of prohibition as found in laws uf various nations. Alexander the Great, although he conquered the world, was himself conquered by drink. The speech was listened to with great attention Attorney W, W. LilhroD proposed a vote of thanks to the speaker und sev eral! excellent selections were given by the league choir, conducted by Peter Penser. NORTH END BRIEFS. fThe North End oflico of tho PcnANTON Tkmii'NK is located at tho Lewis Drugstore and .li'hu's Morn. Wavnn avenno. whore sub- 8iT.ptions, advertisements and communication will receive prompt attention. ( S. B. Robinson and family, of North Main uvenuo, have left for their summer rosidenco at Lake W iuola. Proposals are invited from builders for the erection of a stone arch across Leg- gott's creek, JNonn juam nvouuo. Hilda Nyhart, the little daughtor of Stanley Nyhnrt, of Church avenue, who has been very seriously ill, is now rapidly recovering. The charge of false pretences brought by Airs. Alary Atkinson ngalnst William Aco iu the Brisbin shaft "love aud war case," was wituurawn yestoniay. The harmony of Legget Creek was dis turbed yesterday by a Polauder's cow which caused Borlous depredations in Ihonias Cardens garden, (.anion es corted the cow homo, but tho Polandor "didn't know her." lie, however,chanired his ideas aud eventually claimed tho cow end t-ympathlzed with Cardan upou the state or bis garuuu; but this am not ap pear sufficiently substantial to Cardeu. who wauts something more practical tliuu sympathy in place of the cow s feeding, Alderman Horan has i--sued n warrant in order to value the lunch of the bovino. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. The will of Julius Wollner. late of Dun more was yesterday ndniitted to probuto by Register of Wills Koehlor nnd letters testamentary wero granted to Julius Well- nor and Charles F. Wagner. Richard Llewellyn, of Vandling, was ap. Doiuted by tho county cominisiouers yes terday to succeed John iiicHiiuh. nsesor of voters in the Thirtieth district of Fell township, who has resigned. Tho household effects of C. F. Barrow- cliff, of Park Place, are advertised for sale by Deputy Sheriff George C. Griswold on Friday morning, July t, nt 9 o'clock, at the instance ot Joseph Church. A summons in assumpsit was issued yos terdav by Brauniniller ite Co.. piano man ufacturers, against E. C. Kicker & Co., of Adams avenue, lor a debt ol J4.7J, with interest trout July lu, tno uate ot bringing the suit. William Arnont bogan nn action in re ploviu yesterday to restrain Loab Jones- Davis from dispoing of his dining room property upou which sho levied a uistress warrant through the hnuds of Constable J. a Miller for rent amouuting to f'.5. Marriage licenses were yesterday crranted by Clork'of the Courts J. 11. Thomas to David Smith, of Carboudale, aud Mary Ellen Heath, of Fell township; Suuiuel Kolaski and Mary Matthin.' of Tavlor: David H. Davis and Sarah Morris, of the Pryne idinit; Stanley Kaburko, of Green wood, aud Annie Syoonczcaukn, of Scruu ton. Mntthew Rogers, of Pine Brook, had a hearing ou .June BO, his wife being proso cutor on a charge ot doseriiou aud neg luctiug his family. Court seuteuced him to pay tbe monthly sum of tiS toward the keeping of his family and givo bail in thu sum of $3UU to comply with tho provisions of the sentence. Rogers yesterday gave the requited ball. His neighbor, Jamos Roche, became bjncisman. Dr. Fredorick C. Hall, of Ablngton town slim, a irraduato of the Modlcal Chirurtri. cal college of Philadelphia, registered as a practicing physician yesterday in the ollk-e or jrrotnonotary rryur. or, nail la tne first physician registering under the law ol J8U.L which became operative July 1. IBM, aud provides that before becoming a practicing physician of tbe statu a certill cue of examination must bo had from the medical council. Dr. Hall will open au of fice in this city. 11 OF SOUTH SIDE Disgraced Conduct or Special Officer Fred Bojer. HE ASSAULTED NEIL RODDY Tho Officer Was Drunk and with a Man Named Woodward Was Cre ating a Disturbanca on Pittston Av enue ( When Ruddy Entered tho Crowd Boyer Hit Him in tho Face with His Club. Special Constable Fied Boyor. of Cedar avenue, has bad trouble enough with the law to teach blin Kssous onough for two lifotiines, but his cost ly experience appears not to have been put to good account. Sunday night be gave rein to his appetite for drink and bad taken up a position on Pittston avenue near the German cemutery, where ho compelled passers-by to walk in the middle of tho stroet if they wanted to keep out of reach of a po liceman's club which he swung above his head with furious cesticulutions. Iloyer aud ucompaniou uumed Wood ward, who spent the day in his com pany, nt length began to quarrel and a large crowd collected around them. C. J. Ruddy, of the Scrauton Express, on his way home stopped to see the hght and edged is way too close to Boyer, who turned upon Ruddy and struck him a violent blow with the club club acrose the face, causing a deep gusu ou 1 Ho nose und twisting it out ot simpe. The cheek was nlso injured. A phvsiciau was summoned nnd n number of stitches were required to so w up the wound, iloyer was ar rested and brought to the South Side lockup. Yesterday morning at 9 o'clock ho wns given a hearing before Alderman Storr, who imposed a lino of 8 10 or thirty days iu tlie county jail. Jjiiyer had no inouey and his relatives relusud the pay the flue. This moans that tho belligerent constable will spend the next mouth in the county jail. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. fAl! advertising matter, news Horns and now subsi-ripti'iiis, if left at the following business planus, will no promptly arteniled to: Zaiig s barber shop, Westptahl'" storn, 1J. W. Humph rey's pharm icy and A. J. Mill Jerig's. Joseph Iteuaid, of Tobyhanna Mills, visited friondson thir. sldo on Sunday. George Bakor, ex-mayor ot Montrose, is visiting his parents on Schimpll's court. John Blatter, jr., nnd bis two young si,, tors, returned from Lake Underwood lat.t evening. Henry Mahoney, of Colorado, who has bieu visiting South Side friends, loaves for Donver today. Mrs. Henry F. Zoiglor, of Cedar avonuo, has greatly improved in health during thu last few days. Mrs. J, 0. Walsh nnd her sister, Miss Alice Mahou, are visiting friondsln Way mart for a few weeks. Tho 7-mouths-old son of Mr. aud Mrs. Senberg, of South Washington avenue, died Sunday morning. Richard Sheridan, of Booch street, is en tertaining Officer Patrick O'Donnell and wife of New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Mott, of Cedar nvonuo, were mado happy by tho arrival of a little son yestoruay morning. The hnndsome oflico building which is being eroded by Mrs. M. Robinson is rap idly Hearing completion. The 4-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. James Gannon, of Birney nvcnua, died on Sunday aud will be buriod today. Mrs. Michael Sweeney, of Prospect avo- nue, died on Suuday, nud will bo buried -iu 1'ittston Aveuuo cemetery today. There will be nn importnnt meeting this evening ot tho Hilectno City council, Royal Arcanum, nt its rooms in fruehau's hull, Rev J. A. Moffitt, curnte at St. John's church, is spending n tew weons' vacation at Atlantic City, He left Suuday evening lor that point. J. J. Lnughren, student at St. Mary's college, Daltimoro, was n guest of Kev. Ii, J. Melley ovor Suuday. He is staying with menus on the bourn MUe. Mrs. John Armhurst, of Cedar avonuo. who has been ill for some time from the effect" of the grip, will speud a few weeks with frieuds at Waverly. The Patriotic Order Sons of America held a regular mooting nnd installation uf officers last night ut Freuhan's hall ou Cedar avenue. Tho officers for the eusu- ing term were installed by Simon Lauor, district president. The funeral of Frod Reidenbach, of Stone avenue, will take place today. The Patiiotio Order Sons of America, headed by their drum corps, will participate. Service will begin at 2 p. ru. iu the house of his mother, una tne remains will after ward bo interred nt Pittston Avenue cem etery. At the home of J. J. Burke, of 517 Palm street, a party of friends visited last niirht. In tho party wero Samuel Jones, Edward 'laylor, and George Reedy, of Peekvillu; J nines Reedy, Josoph Reedy, Patrick Clarey. Kooert juc.nenn, James Hell, and Charles Reedy, of Hyde Park. Refresh ments wero serviu. Vocal und instru mental music mailo tho hours pass quickly. THE LAND IS FENCED OFF. Teams Cannot Now Fans Over Lanl Claimed bv D., L. & W. Co. Along Lackawanna avenue are great piles of vitrified brick that will be used iu paving between the tracks. The bricks were being hauled from cars in the rear of the Weston mill The wugons passed over land tho Dela ware, Lackawnuna ana Western com pany Claims to own, and during the afternoon a fence was put up between the Delaware, Lackawnuna und West' ern tracks and the old Stoweva' Packing house, which pievinUJ teams from continuing to travel ou that land. AMONG THE POLITICIANS. Un to date Billy Craig bns not defiuitelv declared whether bis senatorial boom is or is not a reality. C. P. O'Malley is making nn Hggressivo fight for thu itepublican nomination for legislature lu the A ourtn district, Mnrtin McDonough, of-. Mlnooka. who was twice a candidatooa the Democratic ticket for prothonotary ot Lackawanna county und (anions throughout tho county as a leadiug figure iu tho party ot free trado and free silver, bus buckled ou his armor again and will strive for the nomi nation for prothonotnry at tlie next Demo cratic county Convention. Mr. McDonoUirh has met with two defeats In his political pathway. These reverses do not nppor to have disheartened him aud he insists that ho will come out of tho convention us tho candidate for prothonotary nnd will emerge wirh Hying colors lroin tho smoke or battle ou .November o. E. B. Hnrdenbergb, the Republican can didato for senator in the Wayne-Susquehanna diitrict, bus a walk over. Tho Mllford dispatch, n Btaunch Domocrntio paper, thus speaks of his caudida"y: "lion, ii 11. liaruouuergu, or uonosUale, will be the next senator irom tbe dis trict composed of Wayne aud Susauo- hauua. unless all signs fail. He was unanimously nominated for the position by the Itepublican convention, which as sembled at Moutroso on the ISth inst. The district is naturally Itepublican and Mr. Harder beruh. who is a popular politician and gentloman, will command the uuitod support ot his party. If a Republican must represent the district wo shall bo pleased to see bcuntor Uardoubergh the successful man." SENT TO THE PENITENTIARY. Additions Made to the Lackawanna Colony During the Year That Ended with June Term. Tbe year of criminal court which cloied with the June term of quarter sessious wns an extremely busy one, and it required the best efforts of the judges und the district attorney, with t he assistance of a special term of court, to keep the culeudttr from be coming excessively long. During the year a number of prison ers have been sent to to the Eastern penitentiary to serve terms of im prlsouruent, others were iucarcoratod iu the county j.ul, while others es caped the just punishment their of fenses deserved. One of the most interesting trials of the year wus that of Peter Homebach charged with burning the Elm Park oliureb. He was convicted und is uow serving a ten years' sentence in the penitentiary. Ou the sumo day, Oot. 21, Augustiuo Nolli receirud a fifteen years sentence for the murder of one of his countrymen named Prignnuo at Dunuiore. Duruey McMahou was on the same day sentonoed to two years imprisonment. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter in causing the death of his wife ut Providence in March pre ceding. A week previous John Merrigan. the Providence iirebug, was sontenced to two yours imprisoumeut. Joseph Julge, convicted of manslaughter, was on April 23 sent to the nenilentiary for six years und on Jan. 27 David War den, who pleaded guilty to u charge of manslaughter, received a sentence of six years and six ino.iths. John McGowan aud James Loughhn are spending three years nt Philadel phia for robbing Adam behalf, and Irn Fox is speii .'itig the same Jenirti: of time at the suuu resort for ravishing u Utile girl, Claronci Oilerhout is do ing a fifteen month's term for buigluiy and Michael larly, of Dnnmore, one if twenty months for rnbbory. E ARE glad to see there are some who appreciate he 3 31 Bargains. That is what we are crivine you in Baby Carriages. At actual costDinner Sots frcm $7.98 up. Toilet Sots all prices. Silverware, Cut Glass, &c ill Sill! WeicM & Millar 116 Wyoming Ave. The Sick to Receive Medical Services FREE OF CHARGE. FIRST MONTH'S SEHVICF.S FREK TO EVKliVnoDY. FOR ALIj DISEASES AND AlAj PATIENTS. The creat Enirllsh .Stair of riivsinians. Th M"ST UISTINUI'NUUD BIMCt'iALISTS ON TI1K rONTlXHNT T 10 I'rns c li-nt and Chief UiagiiDStHau can ho found daily iu tno pnrior at ;uo CONWAY HOUSK 1:2 und 131 PENN AVENUE. Thny eomo recount! -mlKci ny royalty und tno llrst pnyi Huns of Enrulm. Thov treat nil l)in.'iiMi.q Kunturus oiu-ed itv a now m-oeoss. A Pi'Si- UVK cure cuarantuod hi all Hl-XUAL Dili- EAEo und V uakuosses ot EITHER SE by our new treatment l'ationts fronted b IV i:"u ri?Mjitjiiutiin.Tt. iiuu iii'jiiiuiiim-, wiiii lull ( rections sent by enprrss. liut. hon po A bio, a persunal enisu taTioii i.s vrel"rrcd. All uimikui lili iiJun mi u ii.-ni m au J)I ivaey, N. Tl. Tin e Specialists can cure all went ns WF.LLas all lone-st, 'Hiding chrnnic,dinioult. and ohicnro i-ases that ha u lieon lii'lectod or unskillfully treated Calls niiidn by ap linintmont and patii-nts treated at th 'ii-homos wbon desiroiL Honrs, U to 4 aud 7 to 8 'M For Ten Days only to introduce our NEW brand of FLyiR $4.00 PSR BARREL $1.00 PER SACK C. DITCHBtM 47 LACKAWANNA AVE. THE CELEDRATED '.n at Present tlie Mmt Popnlor aud Preferred by U'iulllitl Wararooms: Oppotlla Columbus Honumsnt, lOO Wnehlngton Av. Gcranton.Pt. W Special Sate SilliEl You Need Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. Cu:-om Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. area! Clearing Sale fur rip an I ii if t i-4 f J f.'.-J f-i ii H Ivl iiV 1 308 Lateanna Ave, iC M If 9' r 50 dozou ileu's Fait U1j,(j!c Kjso, rciil;tr iirioa, 25a. H TO CL03S, 2 for 25c. i: 10 dozen Men's Balbriggiva Shirts, were 50c. '& TO CL03E 33c. !5 10 dozen Men's Fine Tcrcale Shirt3, sightly soil el, wero $1.25, t-i.5j, tfi.. j. vn 7 dozen Ladies' Fine Slurt WaisLs, Yoka Back, in Fink and Blue, were $2.25 FOR $1.25. H 50 dozen All-Linon D.i;n:uk Towels, sizo 21 hy -W, knotted ! . fringe, were 25c. pQj 15 :j Scientific Eye It's a Great Shock to tho folks who nr clsiminft they undersell ill others to And that with iut the loast fuss or bluster we am xiviiiR custom rs th bou. slit of suc h opportnullies as t'icso. A Strlotlv Hlitli finido I.i;lit-wel6htf tVhl, lOfit pntloru, f. r8110 cash. 18!)3 Att-rn, S1SO Whoel, for 8T.V 1804 pattern, HOO Wheel, for 85 h thobO prlcog ma ko tho business at our storo. FLORBY&HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. VICTOR SASHi Ii to Correct! I AND JUST THE THING FOR THIS HOT WEATHER. Conra THE HATTER, Sells Thsm. NATIONAL CIRCUIT EL DIAMOND PRIZES. This circuit includes Vash ington, Denver, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, etc. SCR ANTON'S DAY, MONDAY sr 17, 1894 Q BICYCLE RACES IS a f.1 r.t 1 4 4 4 I .1 v r. I rm h tH It H H 1 1 :i 3 308 Lackawanna Ave, Cinsa fo- k3 75c. 93c. Testing Free By DR. EE. SHIMB320, Tbo Specialist on tbo E7e. lleadacbes and Ner vonsnixs relieved. Latest and Improved Htyle of Eyeglusses and Spoctaclo! at th Lowe-t PriC3s. Best Artificial Eyes inserted for $3. 305 Sl'RlCE ST., Opp. Old Post Office, tl. A. HULBERT'S City Musio Store, 8TFT?TWAT SON DECKER nitOTIIEB3 11 CItAN.CH & BACH tdJ WIVJLiXZ it UAL'Eit aMacalarn atockst InMu Bill 8 1 OA Tj BlEUCHANOISIi uuma EZU, Eld. A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BICYCLES AA'D SrOKTINO OOt IDS. i Victor, Ocndron, EoHpso, Lovoll. Diamond I and Other Whwla. F OOFtlnnlnit and soldortns nil flona away with by the nso of 1IAKTMAN'8 i AT ENT PAIN T, which coiisists of hiKredi. utl well-known to all It ran bo applied to tin, ralvanized t'n, sheet Iron r iofs, also to brick ilwellinirs, whieh wdl prevent aluolutolv auy erumliKn.:, praekiuar or breakin of the brick, it wid outlast tir.iiitiK ol any kind by many years.and it's cost dnps not exceed oun fifth tbatof the cost of tlnnintf. Is sold by tlie Job or pnnnd. Cmnracts tamu by AMIOMO UAiil.UANN, 67 ijiroh St Another Advocate of it DBS. nKNWOOU & WAnDELI,: GKNTLKMKN-It aflorda m grent pleanirei to atatn thnt jour new proc4 of rxtracMii .itU wns n Nrrnnd luoeow la my crsi, and I heartily recommend it 11 all. I Hlneoroly iuie that othei wij teat Its merits. Yours rraprotfnlly, CAF'I. 8. It. 11KVAN r, Sormton, Pal Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 816 Lackawanna Ava . H tl0Pfww ft Plst-. All workauaa autaa-1 Orat-alaas in vwr Baxticulm, AR89S i
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