I 2 THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE -SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 30, 1894; i- ii IE!! BALL It Harrisburjj auj 'fills Time We Are Theirs, E'.c. A SPIRITED CONTEST THROUGHOUT Indifferent Coaching Said to Bo Re sponsible for the Defeat of the Homs Team Summaries of tho Various State League Ball Games Played Yesterday Standing of the Clubt National and Eastern League Resuits Notes of the Diamond. 1I1LK tliore was no obtngs in the posi tions of the chilis In the Stiito leastu" rnco yesterday Pottsrills onwltd Dpdsngtronsljroloss to Scruutou by talc -iiitf two jjiinu s from K.istoa. liazl'ton wontwogtmss from A I tooun, which plaosi it within Buvtin points of King '.Ml K illy'l men, who held second pluco ly uefeiitillir Htfil'liu. The following table gives the por con tapes of tho clubs, together with the number of camcs won nuj lost by each, and their standing in the cnuuipionsuip race: Won. Lost. Per C't. ft A ! Mm : Harrisbnrg aa to .707 Allentown 80 lit .578 Raxluton 4 18 .571 Reading 25 18 .680 Boranton 81 S3 A Potttvills 10 81 .475 Altoona 17 H .415 Liistun 7 U4 .170 BCIILDUL13 FOR TODAY, tlarriaburg at Scranton. Altoona at Uuzleton. Pottsvillo at Ealton. Reading at Allentown. SCORE ONE FOR HARRIS BURG. Bad Baas Ruuning Loat the Game for Scranton. Scranton might have defeated liar risburg at f e park ytstorday, bad bet ter judgment been shown in coaching Dick Pnelan when he wan on third in the eighth inning, or had Long Tom Flauaghan, when uu went to tho plate in tue Bxme inning with his favorite chunk of oak in bis band, been able to bat the ball somewtiero beside into the hands of a fkTder. things might have been different. Thoy're not, and there comes the rub. The game throughout was marked by good, steady playing on both sides, if i he first two innings be excepted. Old Spiral .Spring Huston did the twirliug lor the visitors and succeeded in keep ing the hits well scattered, bven Ringles and a double were aecursd by "our pets. " Flanaghan, ho of the hard luck, oc cupied the centre of the diamond for Scranton, and was touched up for six siugUs and three doubles, lie struck out two men and gave two buses on balls. The clubs began tho pnine in a de moralized kind of way. Eigan opened lor llarrisburs with a single, and IIus ton and litany followed with singles, Kigali and Huston scoring. bales reached first 0:1 Westlake's erro" and Patohso, to cut him off at second, throw the ball to Phslao, Who 1st it pass and Meauy scored. On Smink'a bit bales crossed the marble, mailing four runs tho visitors had scored in the first Innings. Although the home club could do nothing in the first inning in the second it started in to cut down the visitor's lead and succeeded in piling up three runs. Auother one was obtained in the fourth, tieiug the score. After the third Scranton was unable to get a man across tho plate. In the ssvsutii 011 a single from Smink and a double by Wants the winning run was scored for Harrisburg by Smink. Score in detail. Sl'EANTON. It. II. PO. A. E. Hegan, c. f 0 1 1 0 n Wetzel, sn U 0 ! 7 0 Patcben, c 0 11 1.8 0 Roger-, ri 0 - 0 (l 0 Phelan, lib 2 i! 3 1 1 fctnitz, I. f 0 (i 8 n 0 Master, lb 1 0 M 1 0 West lake, 3b 1 1 U U 1 Flanaghan, p u 1 1 ) 0 Total 4 7 84 17 y HABBI8BUBG, B, 11. PO, A. E. Eagcn, 2b 1 I (I 1 1 Huston, p 1 2 (I 2 (I Mesnsy, rf 1 Hambnrg, lb. 0 Fales", 2b 1 Wright.cf (I Fmink, If 1 Alois, ss fl Wente, C 0 0 0 4 I) II 4 0 II 1 TotM ! 27 Bcranton 0 3 10000004 Harrisbnrg. ...4 000001 Ox 5 Earned runs Scranton. 1; Harrisburg, 2. Two base hits Bsgan, Hamburg, Wente. Three baso hits WtttlaKS. Suc rifics bits Host, Stolen bases Phelan, Hamburg, Kales. Doable plays PbslSfl to Msssey. Struck out -Uy Flanaghan, 8 by Huston, 8, Hit by pitelior Staltz, .Mas P"y. Passed balls Patches. Tituo 1.3'J. Umpires Sprogel and Hodson, OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Hnr.loton First garni Hnsleton 1 303023: n-12 Altoona 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 37 Hits -Haslet on, 19; Altoona. B Errors Ilazloton, 4: Altoona, 7. Uattcrios Ely and Moore; West and Cote. Second Clamo Haaleton 2 8201 1 1 1-11 Altoona 1 0 2 4 2 0 0 09 Hits llazleton, 13; Altoona, 12. Errors Hftsleton, 2; Altooua, 4. Batteries Jor dan and Moort; West and Cote. At Knston First game F.aton 5 0010000 0 n Pottsrills 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 3 x 12 Hits E.nton. 10; Pottsville, 12. Errors Ijaston, 8; Pottsville, 4. Batteries Hraillay nnd Banb) Clare nud Digging. FOR FiVS HUNDRED YEARS, and over the wliolo world has becii coming to Oarlsbad to ho cured. Disorders of 'tho StoDUkoh, of the liver, of the bowels, of the kidneys and hhidder, gout, rheumatism, diabetes, obesity all have been sent to Carlsbad. Here is the very same remedy now, right at your own door; the Sprudel .Salt (the Water evap orated at tho Spring). For salo at all druggists. Hut see that you get only tho genuine imported, with the signature of "Eisner St IWondelson Co., Sole Agents," Now York," ou every bottle. Second game Esston 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0-4 Pottsvillo 2 I 1 0 u 1 11 X 7 Hits-Easton, 10; Pottsville, (i Errors Eastou, 2; Pottsvillo, 1. lUtterios Foster and Phillips; Fox and Dlggins. At Allentown Allentown ....0 1 1 4 3 9 0 3 0-21 Heading 0 2 0 3 0 8 0 3 0-10 Hits Allentown, 80; Beading, 11. Er rors Allentown, 8; Heading, 10. IVitter ies Kilror. Milligan and Costello; Hhoads, Johnson, Eustace and (ioodhurt. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Pittsburg Pittsburg. ..0 1 0 3 0 0 P 100-6 Brooklyn. ..0 010 200302-7 Hits Pittsburg, 11; Brooklyn, 10. Er rors Pittsburg, 4; Brooklyn, 0. Batteries Etirot snd .Muck; Stein and Dailoy. Um pire McLJuaid. At Chicago Chicago 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 38 KSW York. ...1 0 3 0 1 4 2 4 x-14 Hits Chicago, 8; New York, 10. Errors Chicago, 8; Now York, 8, Batteries Hutchinson and Sehriver; Meekiu and Farrell. Umpire Lynch. At St. Louis St. Louis 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 04 Boston U 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 X 13 Hits St. Louis, 8; Boston, IS. Errors St. Louis, 2; Boston, 1, Batteries Breltentteln, Hawlsy, Ely nnd Pelts; sta lc y and QanBtlL Umpiro Hurst. At Louisville Louisville 5 0 -! 0 0 2 3 1 0-13 Philadelphia. .U 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 5 Hits Louisville 16, Philadelphia, ft. Errors Louisville 0, Philadelphia 4, But teries Kuoll ant Barle,Lakstu and Buck ley. Umpire Gtffoey. At Cleveland Cleveland 0 2 0 t 0 2 1 0 0- C Bulliiuoro 0 0 1 0 2 4 0 2 X 9 Hits-Cleveland, 18; Baltimore, 10. Er rors Cleveland, 2; Baltimore, 0. Batter ies (Iril'ilth and O'Connor, MoMahon and Clarke. Umpire Stuge, At Olnolnuatl Ctnolnnatl...tO 21 0 0 0 0 3 x fi Wushiugton ..0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 04 Hits Cincinnati, 8; Wushiugton, 11. Er rors Cincinnati, 0; Wushiugton, 3. Dat- terles Dwynrand vangbn, Sullivan and McQoire. Umpire Enulie. EA'j f tRN LEAGUE, Wilket-Barre, 4; providence, 3. Erie, 7; Troy, 1, Buffalo, 7; Syracuse, 21. Uingbamton, t'; Bprlngfleld, 7. - GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Boranton Will meet the Seuators at tho parU again this afternoon. "Long John" Healy is receiving over tures from several of the big league clubs. Tho New street Stare defeated the Wyo ming aveauo Stars at a game ot ball on the High school grounds Thursday, by a core of 19 to 20. The James Boys accepted the challenge of the Ward McAllister bnso ball club to piny on tho date uud grounds mentioned. J. MullaiUy, captain. Driscoll, who did splendid work in the box for the Niagara seminary team this season, Is visiting in the city. Hu is anxi ous to get an opportunity to show the Scranton manugeuiont what he can do. A gamo of bnso ball was played yester day afternoon between the employes of Kerr &: Siebecker and Williams A Mc Anulty at the South Side grounds. Tho game was won by Kerr &; Siebecker, the score being 30 to 10. Dan Steams and Pitcher Single nre tho latest victims slated for rclenso by Mana ger Chapman, of Buffalo. Fisher has been sigued nnd Short Stop Luewee, of tho league, may be. Pitcher Kunvnu, of Brooklyn, is also being negotiated with. The Active of Providence defeated the Browns, jr., of Olyphant Thursday, on the Olypbant grounds In a seven inniu;: gamo by the score of 10 to 8. In the third Inning with tWO men ou bases a brilliant triple piny by Littlejohn. Moser uud Lewis of ths ActirtS retired the Hide. The bat teries were; Active9, Littlejohn and Lewis; Browns, jr., Howe and Wheeler. Yalo now claims the collei-o baso ball cliuuipionsnip, though she refuses to play a deciding game with Pennsylvania. Tho series between these two teams is a tic, nnd ns Pennsylvania also claims the championship siuco Yale has refused her Offer to play a deciding game, the claims ot the former will be considered by every sportsmen as being much butter than those of the latter. Philadelphia Ledger. Philadelphia has signed Catcher Buck ley, recently released by St. Loais. The St. Louis papers think that in releasing Buckley Yon der Abo is carrying Ins ideus of economy a little too fur. The leal rea iiun for this step was that in a game in Cincinnati Buckley, in going for a foul ball, collided with the grand stuml, nud injured hit ankle 10 badly as to mako it apparent that it would h.- strand days be fore ho would be able to ruiume his place. Baltimore News. 7 HE FLYERS OF THE TURF. Successful Mee'.lne of th Philadelphia Dilvinir As.iocltt'lori, I itir.ADKL.i'iiu, June 29 O.io of the most sncc ssful meeting from the rac ing standpoint ever hel l by the Phila delphia Driving association cm- to an end this afternoon with two races that favorites took In straight beats, (n tin first race J. M. D. was such n Btroug favorite that after tlis first heat ho was barred Irom the pools. in the pacing nice Raymond won easily. The sum mary ; First race, 9.80 class; purse, Wort-J. BL I), by Knvorito Wilkes (Brawler), lira: ; Heallty iVirney), second. Time, 2.18. Second race, 2.24 class, pacing; purso, tllou Itayniond, by (Jiorge Li (Cunnings), first) Xollie 'f (Msrodltb), second. Time, GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. Jockey Eishop, who was was injured but Saturday In fldlng Ban Jose in tho coney island grand national steeplechase, died Thursday, having in tho interval buf fered greatly. Jack Blarln, of Australia, nnd Paddy Commlngs, of Bt Paul, met at tho Twin City Athletic club. 111 .Minneapolis, iu n 'JO. round glove contest Wednesday night. The mulch was given to Cnmiuings. Carp are coining up tho LackeWaXSO, Fied Vandemark 1 pea red one in that stream last week that weighed three and one-half pounds. As a good lish they nre not n glittoring success. Uawley Times. The great stallion Mnxim is dying at Banclio D.-l Pa o. A short time ago be cost himself in Ins stall, and the injury re ceived is thought to be fatal. Max in is tho only SOB cf tho great Austrnlinn racer Muskot. never brought to this country, uud ho cost 181,000. The famous racehorse Hacelnud was shot Thursday morolng. Be bad been suffering fronispiun! meningitis for several day.', and ns his condition was nopoless his owner, H, F. Dwyer, ordered him put out of his suf fering. He had won over tl2ft,(i00 in stakes and purses in his time. THE CHEIIISHED GIFT. On tho wall, by a ribbon suspended, I trunk i with the things 1 hold dear; With the antlers, so tlauntiiigly sploudid. And the foils which nofoemuu need fear. I sno it with truest off' ction, Souvenir of a sweetheart of miue. Ah, that dark wavy hair: that complexion; And those eyes, which no stars could outshine? 'Twos nt eve, when tho sun to nn ember Had reddened the cloud just about, That you sought me how well I reineru-bor- Aud murmured, "Take this with my love." Sol Bhsrisbwith sentiment tender, Wlmte'ver the temptation inav be, That basely suggests its i-nrreuder, The cigar that my wifo gave to me. U'usAinfon Star. HOW THE BABIES THRIVE Twins BrouRht Up on Lactated Food. Which Has Saved the Lives of Thou sands of Infants Throughout the Country. Bad-eyed mothers with frail, sickly babies that seeln t ma.le for any world but this hard one, should cheer up. There is a way of making puny little ouo thrive and grow fat and strong and happy. Lactated food is praised by thous ands of mothers of robust children that were once weak and feeble, and vveti despaired of. Lnctuted food makes weaning an easy task. The twin babies of Mrs. T. B. Ilic kens, of Atlantic Highlands, N, J., whose pictures are given above, were brought up entirely ou lactated food, which has a ivod tho livi'g of thousands of little ones whrsi mothers have been unable to nurse them at the breast, The great dippensarics, nurseries, and homo for children use lactated food, It enves babies' lives. Can bo had at any druggist's, it is always pure.keeps perfeotly, and is uot tffuctod by age or temperature. Sugar of milk is the basis of mother's milk, aud it is the basis of luctutod food. With it is combined pure barley malt, the finest wheat gluten, aud the nutritious element of the oaX. 1c it thoroughly cooked by high stosm heat, and a prc-digestod, nutritions food that fulfills overy requirement of the growing child is the result. There is no secret about it. It is simply a food. Thousands of happy iufants huvo been brought up on it. Btcord with Few Eq.'iuW. JEnsfon fret Few papers In this state havo over mntlo so fine a record in the first three yours of existence as tho Shun ion TtUBOKl, now just entering its fourth ytar. The event was celebrated by issuing a special number that fully attested tho capabilities of the mcchuuirul department ot the establish, ment aud the sfflolcncy of its editorial aud repertorial lorco. Wo congratulate TBI Tribdrb. Euchlon's Arnica Salvs. The best salvo in the world for Cut s Biuises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Hheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It :h guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refuntiid. Price 2i cents per bcx. For naif by Aiutthow Bros. . An Iffnonuui om Hstrnc Ion. Ph ilntlrl: U tt AtOOrA Times change, and tho Democrats In tho lower bruuch of congress chango with 1 hem. fu couiioming 10 condone the odious Heed rule for quorum counting they have swallowed at one gulp nil they had said for years upon this subject. It is to bo bopsd that so large a draught of whole some truth, albeit lacking freshnes, may not sot too heavily upon thoir disordered stomachs. Cure for Headache. A6 a remedy tor all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best, it effects n permanent cure aud the most dreaded hubitual bick hcuduches yield to its influence. We urge all who aro BfSloted to procure a bottle uud give this remedy n fair trial, in cases of habitual Constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv ing the ueeded tone to the bowels.nnd few rases long resist the usn ot this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents nt Muttbows Bros', drug store. fcranlon Wholesale Matkat. BORAKTOIL June 29. FROn and Pno Dl'L'K Dried upples per pound, Ua7c. ; evap orated apples, )1m14c. per pouud; Turkish pruuts, BaSJC.; English currants 2u2JsV. ; layer raisins. .75al.80; muscatels, ji.OOa 1.40 per boa; new Yaleucius, 7a7jc. per pound. Beans Marrow-fats. $3 00a3.05 per busOel; mediums, I1.75bI.8Qi 1-has Ureen, H lftal.20 per bushel;tpllt, I8.60a8.60; lentels,6 to 6c. ner poand. PoTATOBB Old, 7'la'u. pr bushel; new, her barrel, 68.85s2.50, Onioks Basket, ll.50al.00. BOTTBR 16c, to lStc. per lb Urbbbb BWaOKa per in. Eooa Froth. i;?alH.'o. Poultry Chickens, dressed, 12 to 13c. : tnrkeys, 18 to I80. Mi'ATs-Hains, II .,. small hams, 12'.; skinned limas IlifO.) California hams. b;4c: shonldere,6Mc. (bellies, 8c; snuked breakfast bacon, 1 Ic. HUOtMD BBRr-Outsldes, WJc; sets, 15c.; iasilosuud knuckles, 10)40. Pork Mess at 115; short cut, $lt). Laud l eaf lu tierses nt 8'c; In tubs, 8Ji'c; in lo-pound palls, 90.1 in ft-pouud palls, 8J4O.J H-ponnd palK OHe. per pound. Ui:i:r ---Choice sugar cured, smoked boaf, 14c. Flocr Minnesota patent, per barrsl. M.8SS4.60; Ohio and Indiana ambsr, at 18,60; lirabum at 63.&0; rye llour, ul 13.00. Fexd MIxriL per cwt., at 61.00, Qradc Rys, Oftt.; corn, 68to55a( oats, 00 tu65e, per bushel. Ryb Straw Per ton, 6l3aift. Hav-$14 ftO.ilO. The fikst trial "f Dr. Weed's Norway Piuo Syrup will satisfy any one that the Inng-beallng virtne f the pins tree has now been refined Into un effective aud DOnrenisnt cough medicine. Sold by all deilers on n gnurniitee of s itisfnction. For Sale. -V)H SALE NEW Hl'OOIFS. SI'ltRIFS, J pbaetons. earts and wngons of nil kinds, nil the latest tvh n; i.l o the celebrated SuMn luiiibfi' wuiioiiR, nt M. .1. Keller's Lackawanna enrrlnce wort;. Situations Wanted. CJITUATION WANTED BV A OOODHAR i' nsssmaker. Bare worked at the hnnnen nine years. Would dssire steaoywork, Ad pri m A. A. L., 1,011 Janes street, BcrsatoB, Pa. CJITUATION WANTED BY YOUNO MAN', n irltllne and will try to pleasa, In stors or Office preferred t StStS work anil salary. Ad ilioss A. ., Tribune office. CITUATION WANTBD BT A BiY 17 i) years of ng". to work In olllen or uny kind of work, fjood ednCStUB. AddreH w. K.. Tribune olllee. QITTATION WANTED BY HAItnKH, LJ nsrrled, tlrst eliew worknian, wants Steady Sltnatlon, city of country; nm ..I, 1 honest, and can ?ivn best of references if ro (iilred. A ild 1 ens Hurry Silvers, Hluirutown, N. J. lil'ITATIoN WANT) li I1Y Vnl Xd .MAN' D Willini to do most any kind of work. Ad dress I . Trilmim otllce. A HTUONO, WIL1.INU AND INTKLLt- ei-iit line IRvMra u-oulil Ulr.. t,. ..... some Kinn 01 wiii-k xo io inai ne llllcnt ussist his mother, who is n widow and In neel. Ad dress P, 11. g 137 I'ranklin street, Duinnoie. Pa. AM AUKD LADY WOCDD 1.1 KK ToCAHE' for sinnll oblldran or baby in n respoeta ble fnmllv; can also do needlework; wnos no object, bill a comfortable homo is dpslred. M A. C.. Tribune Olllee. OlTI -TION WAN I I'D BY A OOOD HE ii speeiub I girl. Wants work with a good family whsre t sn msks if her aoms Can douuy kind of work. Address A. It., Tribuus ofllce. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of all kinds cost fAa( muoA, ea ept Situations Wanted, wAicA are insert fBMM. Agents Wanted. ( 1 EN'ERAli AGENTS WANTED SELL a ' tog new urtieles to dealers; exchnive ! terrltorv. uo eoinnetitlon. noeunital reuuirtd: 1 Mil to WO per cent, iiroflt. Columbia Chemi cal Co., illl Dearborn at , ChlcaKo, HI. , BENTS WANTED To SELL swi-.DlSH 1 Insect Powder. A sure eradlcntor of buiin. Ileus, moths, roaches, unis und all InfSCt vermin. Sample BOc , postpaid L70 a doz. t ag-uts. Agents mtn or ladies, can m.ku 6-to$Sadav. Circular free, Address J AS. B. JOHNSTON. Biased Block. I'llttburg. Pa. OT.IKI I'Eit MONTH. CITY OR COUNTRY O toconipetent wide awake liiaurunee sohe ItorSI well established permanent businsas Address or inijuiro second floor, f24 Lack- wnima are., Beranton, Pa Helo Wanted Females. U7ANTED-A BQOD dress. Mra. K.P. st root OOOX AND LAUN KiiiKSliury, 901 olivo Help Wanted Male. UrANTF.D A WELL DRESSED AIILR talker. Psrinanent n ialtion uud regu lar salary to the riant man. Apply between 2 u'id 3 p, in. at rooms II ui.d 1 Tribune building. Special Notices. 7LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, Maha -1 zines, Sto, bound or rebound nt Tiik TRIBUNB office, i; .i .. work. Heusonublu prices. A I LAI, TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, IU corner BpTUCS StTSSt nnd Franklin SVS r.ue. Twenty nioiil UokStS for Clood tatibi board. Boarding. CCMMEB BOAKD1NU -FOUR UESPEOT IT? able persons can tlnd tlrst clarSH bourd with suiall family in lui'KO, airy house. Hot and cold baths. Frt-o carriage to depot and I'hurch Threo-ijuarters of u mile froui sta tion. Healtny locality. Address box 03,t'larks' Bnnunii Lost. f"OBT- WALLET CONTAINING PAPERS li and bill.., between Lackawanna Valley House mid Beoch street, Beward given tor ro tors to818 Centre itrttt r 08T ON EVEN I Nil OF JINK 81, I J ', i.1 , l-olll wnteh. IIOIOI fuet. tllllill I'llSI aud obsttttune. Bstnrn to i.uoj jBonssy ars- line. Hewnrd T OST-A QOLDHAIR PIN WITH WHITE 1 a prongs. Putder will be suitably re warded by ri'turuiiiff the same to Colonel K. H. Bipple, Thud Nutlomd bnuk building. Money to Loan. ONLY TO I.l AX ON FIRST MoRT eat-es. nuns from SI 0 0 to 88,000. BROWN, Attiirnoy, "XIS Spruce street. Proposals. CBALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE O ceived at tho ofllce of the City Clerk, Seran'oa. Pa., until 7.30 o'clock p, ni. Thurs day, July i, ISH1, to construet lateral sewers with the uoeessury branches, basins, lump holes, fixture i nud appliunc.es In Silez. Hin ornl I'nrbon and tlorifaa streets in uceordancu wiih plan, nrotlle mi si leciflcatloni tiled in the olllee cf i Ity Clerk. Each proposal shall bo accompanied by cash or eertinud check In the sum of one hundred dollars. In esse the bidder to whom the contract shall have been awarded refuses or omiti to sxeonte a bontrsct for tho work in accordance with plan aud specifications therefore, within ten days from date ot award, the end isuro uc COmpanylng Ins proposal shall be forfeit d to the use of the city of Scranton. The city ro SCrveS the right to rel Wt u:iy and nil bids. By oritur of ( ity ( '.mneils. It. T. LAVKLLE, City Clerk. Scranton, 1'a . June Si. 1M'4. Legal. TJ STATE or Martha Taylor. 1 it of tho 1 j Borough ol Olyphant, Pa, deosesid. Lettersc sdninlttrstlon upon theabsrs nsmcd estate havimr ls-on Kraoted to the n dei signed ail persons baring cls'mtor de mands sgelnst said ottatt wh present then for payment uud thots indebted thorot will plpsss im.k linmeditt i payment to WILL A KD, W A It HEN k KNAPP, Attoruevs lor Estate. JOHN TAYLOR, Ac.mr.. Olyphant, Pa. Charter Application. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 1 application will be ninda to theU venuir of Pennaylrania on Uonday. the ssoond dnv of July, 1684. by Watts c. Van Blarcom, w. Howard Withers. Edmund A. Bart!, David Spruks and Louis J. Siebecker, under the Act of A-sembly, entitled "An act to provide for tie- incorporation and regulation of certain eorp rations, "approved April tt, 1874, ami UiesUpplSBIsntS therote, for the charter of an intended ooruorstlo.i to b caiimi the Crescent Coal Mining Company, the chsrac t' r and objeol of which is ih mining, prepat lag tor market aud setting anthracite cuni. a-.d fer these purpoaje to have, poessssand enjoy all Hie rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Aasembly and .iipplemonta thereto. PATTERSON fj WILCOX, Solicitor. Rc2f i ' .1 ' - I.1 IN EST BORANTON CENTRAL LOTS AT J ovr pries lettlag fast. Hr t Oumo, first served. If you are w ise don't neglect this Last chance i now presented of securluu home eltts on the venues only Ave mlnutct walk from pott office, Independent of street ears, yet cm- service i iht al hand. Ik'st schools nearby, churcbet, theatre., depots, doctors Values meresslng rapidly. Prices will soon b rained. Bay quick. Easy terms. Remember, eren it cats arano stopped by snow or ice for nnhsppy tnborban renlsnts, the wnste of valuable lime to ;i busy man, to my nothing Oftxpenst of car fares, is a seri ous evBslderaticn. Waltiog fur the ear in m ow or rain or cold, waltiug, waiting', wait ing, or perhaps jostmlSBlBg MlSCSr. Don't lie misled. Buj n lot in Scranton and see it quickly double in value. See new Scranton ( ity Dip-dory map for relstivo distances from city Hall. Be wise and call upon W. Qlbson joins, 311 Spruce street. B, 'ositively X GREAT BANKRUPT SALE Great Slaughter in Prices all during the week in all departments. The Great Bankrupt Stock of Pomphrey & Morton and the Great Sheriff's Sale Stock from New York will be disposed of at prices never known in this section. A good many folks cau' t figure out why we are uot iu jail lor stealing. They know we cau't buy goods and si-11 them as wo do, "but we do." To pass up and down the street and see goods marked 50 cents, which yon can buy hero far 25 conts, is easier than picking up a quarter ou tho sidewalk. You don't even have to Btoop for it. You don't know what you are missing. Don't care what you waut, just so it's iu our line. We will save you money ou every article. GROSS, 316 318 Connolly &, Wallace ssaleof Parasols and We offer Extraordinary Values to close out Umbrellas LOT NO. 1. Plfty 20-iuch Coftou Gloria, Fast Black Paragon Frames, Handsome Carved Handles. Sale price, 75 c. each. LOT NO. 2. Fifty 2C-incli Twilled Gloria, Nat ural Handles; liiro;e variety of Knots, Loops aud Straight. Special price, b'Jc. LOT:?. Twenty -live 20-inch Navy Bine Twilled Gloria, Natural, Loop and Knot Handles. Reduced from $1.25 to )Oo. LOT 4. Twenty-five 2(j inch Blue Silk and Wool Gloria, Fine Natural Handles. Price,! .25. LOT 5. Fifty 26-inoh Blue Silk and Wool Gloria, finely finished with Dresden Ball Handles, sold everywhere at $i.8."i. Sale price, $1.50. CONNOLLY & Hotel Waverly European Plan. Firit-clasa Bar attached. Depot for Barguer A Kngel'a Tauuhwueor Bssr IE Cot 15tl) and Filbert to, Pnllidi licit desirable for resident of N E. rnn' tylvanla. All convenience for traveler to and from Broad Street lUtleu and tbo Twelfth and Market Street aUtiou. Ue tirable for visiting Sorantonlaua aud p He In the Anthraclto Region. T. J. VICTORY, PR0FRIET0R. F RE OUR STOCK was damaged by water from the recent explosion and fire, whici occurred Saturday night, June 16, in the store of our neighbors, Messrs. Davies & Griffin. The damages allowed us by the insurance companies permit us to offer GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS OF CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS. All goods are appraised at 33 cents on the dollar less than cost to make. There is no smell of smoke or fire about them and they are equally as good as be- r fore. Sale Begins Saturday, and will last about 30 days, as the goods WILL and MUST BE SOLD as quickly as possible. Here is an unequalled chance to procure High-class Clothing and Gents' Fur nishings at about one -third the wholesale cost price. Boys' Waists, 12c. MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for SI0 MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $ 16 MEN'S PANTS, formerly sod lor $5 BOYS' SUITS, formerly sold for S3 E BELL CLOTHING HOUSE SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. E 5T. KXT DOOR TO THE BTJUNED DAVIES A GRIFFIN UL'II.DINO. FOSTER & CO. the Last Week, but FOSTER & CO. Lackawanna Avenue. WALLACE 209 WARNING. H'e have lately had Feather Ileds and PilloVI brought to us by slranyeis who wished to dispose of the same and from whose actions we believed the jeathcrs didn't belong to them. We will haie no dtalingi wilh such parties. We wish tu raulion peopU against giving into the hands of strang ers who claim to represent its, dity Feathers, Carpets, etc , which they wish renovated. Any of our agents can easily identify themselves, or if any one who wishes work done in our line, will drop us a card or call at our factory, we will promptly attejid to their wants and will en (fcuoor fo merit the confidence of everybody. THE SCRNAT0N UEDDLSQ CO., 6'M and box Lacka. Ave., Cor. Adams. WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set! We sell Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull 205 AID 207 230 Lackawanna Avenue. TOCK DAMAGED Neckwear Given Away. Boys' Sails, 74c. NOW S4.75 NOW $8.25 NOW $2 NOW $1.35 One, of the Umbrellas Season Numbers. LOT (i. Seventy-live 26-inoh Pure Silk Twilled, Changeable Colors, in Navy, Garnet, Green and Brown. Regular $4 number at 3 each. Parasols LOT 7. Twenty-live 22-inch China Silk, in White, Navy and Black, Gilt Ribs and Fine Handles. Former price, 2.35; now 1.90. LOT 8. Fifteen 22-iuch Surah Silk, the bestseller of season, in White, Cream and Black; White and Black Handles. Special price, 2.75. LOT J. Ten 22-iuch Surah Silk, with ru files, very stylish, in Navy, Black, Grey aud Brown. 3.25 from 4 LOT 10. About a doen left. White Mode with White Handles. $3.50 each to close. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. & Co 1 YOMiSG AVE. FIRE BY WATER June 30 Underwear, Hats, Handkerchiefs, Outing Shirts. Laundered Shirts. Suspenders, Silk Vests and and all goods that are damaged at your own price. Come, Come Now You can't afford to let the Glo rious Fourth pass hy this year without some memento to mark it. Supposing you select a choice trinket, a piece of jewelry, or something iu silverware; or one of those inexpensive, but guaranteed, watches of ours. What could be more fitting? All our goods are backed by a building warrant for quality, and our new price list, which has been thrown broadcast over the city, tells its own story of values. FREEMAN, Cor. Venn five, and Sprace St. A Handsome Complexion Is one of Ul frreateit charmi a woman can ponnesa. Poziom'n Complexion Powoaa givei It.
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