TIIK MAN who makes a business of kniliutf oth ers often whines like a whelp when hit himself. THE MAN who is loudest in brag and bluster often least appreciates a quiet dose of the cold truth. EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. SCUANTON. PA.. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 1S4. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SGRANTON BUSINESS HEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER ft' HI Of BOYCOTTERS Will Hake Efforts to Hamper TratEc on Lines Using Pullmans. ORGANIZERS ARE TO BE SENT EAST Notwithstanding the Failure of the Strike on Eastern Lines the Pull man Boycotters Still Continue to Harrass the Travelling Public on Western Roads The Rock Island to Be Made a Special Target for Their Operations -Situation at Va rious Other Points. CR10AO0, Juno 29 fsRESIDENT DEBS and his ussoci Uj ates of the American Railway y union played a blgh card today J anil made a radical move When tney formally boycotted rvery roal represented in the General MtDUHl' association. The roadl represented in the association aud subjected to the boycott are: Chloago, Rock la lard and Pacific, Illinois C-n-tral, Chicago ami Grand Trunk, Santo Ee, Cnicau'O aud Altou, Chicago ami Erie, Cbicutfo and Eastern Illinois, Chicago and Nortiienst-rn, Wat tarn Indiana, Chicajro, Lnrlinyton aud Qulnoy, Chicago, Milwankeo and St. Paul, Chicago, Great Western. Louis ville, New Albany and Chicago, Chi cago and Northern Pacific, Lake Shore, Michigan Central, New ork, Chicago and St. Louis, Pau Handle, Pittsburg. Fort Wsyne and Chicago, Wabash. Wisconsin Central and Daltiiaore aud Ohio. A mob of 1,000 paopl", composed of strikers and theireympatbisera,atopped the New York and Chicago limited on the Chicago and Erie ruad near tl. state line at Hammond, Ind., at 5.40 thia evening aud compelled the crew 10 side track the two Pullman alei-pers car ried by the trsin. Then tbecrew was nut Iliad tliat they might proceed with the rest of the traiu but at 11 clock no (men move Iihs been made. The sheriff was on hand with twenty deputies, but he was powerless to pratect the train. Tonight he wired Governor Matthews for troops to prevent interference with the operation of the road. No reply has yet bt-en received. The whole town is in sympathy with the strikers ami deuont.ee the aheriti s action. MOBILK AND OHIO HAS EJJOt'OH. The American Railway union lias given out the following bulletin to the preB: In reply to a telegram from (Janeral Manager Seals, of the Mobile and Ohio, stating that that road bad cut off all Pullmans and asking for an order releasing lh tie-up, President Debs thin noon wired the Mobile and Ohio, asking whether it was a member of the General Man agers' association. If not, ,tn order will be sent tbe men this afternoon to re turn to work. President Debs states that twenty five organizers buvo been sent east to organize eastern roads and that every road represented iu the general mana ger's association, whether pulling Pull mans or Wagners, will be boycotted and tied .p, A:i official notice to this effect will be issued. All Alton yariluien who did not join the strike last night went out a: 19 o'clock today. Tonight all important division points and terminals of the Alton will he tied tip. Positive orders were issued at noon today to the committee iu charge of the Rock Island men to tie up that road tonight at any coit. Telegrams have been sent ont along the line in structing the union man to quit work und asking assistance from all em ployes. Ou account of General Man ager St. John's position as president of the Manager's association, n hitter fight will be made against the Rock IsUud und almost any sacrifice will t made in order to keep that line blockud to the last. THE PENNSYLVANIA SD00E887UL, Superintendent Law, of the Pennsyl vania lines, said at noou that by the Bid of tho yardrnaster and the division officers with the recruits from abroad, they had succeeded in bringing in and getting out all their trains in good shape. Assurances have been received imm engineers and firemen that they would stand by the company and take no part in the trouble. It was reported at tho Union depot this morning that President Debt had issued orders that would effectually tin up the Alton, but at 11 o'clock the St. Louis flyer on that road went ont on time and the 2 o'clock through train Was made up in the dopot Shortly f lr noon and departed on time. The Mil waukee road sent nut its fast north western train at 11.30 Beyond a trifling doliy to their trains, the Rock Island and Knrlington roads have not been affected, A large number of engineera and firemen of Chicago and Eastern Illi nois railroad quit work this morning and as a result tho suburban sorvice of that lino is practically abandoned The belt line is hopelessly tied up and every line making a connection ovit it with the Western Indiana tracks is se riously affected. SITl'ATION ALONG THE LINK. Milwaukee, Wis., June 39 All th" dy switchmen in the yards or the Chicago and Northwestern road were called out this morning and they obeyed almost to a man, whether union or nou-nninn men. Minneapolis, Minn., June The Chicago, Great Western men are OH I on a strike and the road is effectually tied up. Orders ware also sent out calling out the men on the St. Louis road, the Wisconsin Central and the Omaha, The situatioo in tho North ern Pacific strike remains unchanged, Topeka, Kan.. June 29 General Manager Frey reports every Santa Fo trsin moving on time with th regular Pullmans attached. Denver, Col., June 90 The Pull man boycott situation in Colorado1 was unchanged. The Atchison is running its local train between La Juntiiand Denver and it aeut ont tbe Colorado DESPERATION Midland train westward with a Pull man this morning. All other lines are running. TlBM H.u; it:, Ind., June 29 The American Railway union strike went OQ here tills, iu Tiling, so fur as the Chicago and F. ibtei n Illinois und Evans vllle and Turi'tf Hauto roads are ojn comed. Philadelphia, June 20. On the di vision ot the Pennsylvania railroad east of 1'ittsluirg no inconvenience has been oeoaaionad by the Pullman strik.i, and tiie Pullman c.rs have not been interfered with At General Agent Latta's office this morning it was stated that the possi bility of the strike reaching poiuta this side of Pittsburg is slight. COAL PRICES ARE RAISED. The Output for Julv Flxsd at Three Hnd a Half Melons. New York, June 80, The anthracite coal agents have raised prices for Julv on all lists 12 cents. The output for July is placed at 8,- QOQ.OOO Ions Outlook Still Gloomy as Viewed by R. G. Dun & Co., Though Failures Are Not Numerous. New York, June 80 R. G. Dan A Co's. weekly review of trade will say tomorrow : The grant strike of coal miners has ended at most, points, but another threatens to interrupt business more seriously for a time, though the num ber of h.imU engag d is comparatively small. Travel and traffic are well nigh trreste I on about t wenty western roads already, and stiik'-s are threatened on all roads which us" Pullman cars. As the public and tbe railroads leasing the cars nave no pawr tn giy what vagus s'jall be ptid at the Pullman shopj, and the receipts of that company from t.ie railroads do not de pend on the running 01 leasel cars, it is alii tilt to calculate how long so pe culiar a strike may last, or how far it may extend. On tbe whole, other clu.nges for the w?ek have been lor the better. Many manufacturing es tablishments which were stopped by Wjnt of fuel have resumed. Exports of ijold have almost ceased, crop proe psclsgrow better as the hstVest draws nearer. The resumption of work in mines and mills has made good progress, but the demand lor products is as yet smaller and less urgent than was ex pected, linyers apparently wait for lows! prices of iron and steel products, which manufacturers are Blow to give, In vi w of the increased eost of materi als and production. After the suspen sion of half the working force for mora than u month, it was expected that ,r.iers for products would ba very large, but instead there is general complaint of dullness and narrow de mand, and prices for Bessemer pig and oiue finished forms are a little weaker. Textile manufacturers are much em barrassed by tho near approach of probable change in the tariff, tn- ef feot of which cannot yet be calculated. No correct statement or failures for .Tune or the half year is yet possible, but our returns show gratifying im provement over last Vf.ar. This week the failures have been 21 1 in the United States against :!n7 last year and 89 in Canada against 27 last year. Ut late trie nnmber and importance of failures n. .ve increased a little, as is usual at the close of tho ha if year. REDUCING THE BALANCE. Only About $100,000,000 Left in the Treasury WASHINGTON, Jnue 29 Tho state ment is m tda today from an autboritn live sonrce that no isine of bonds will DC made by the administration during the summer, that the president and Sscretary Carlisle are in thorough ac cord on tho financial policy of the treasury and that an end to gold ex ports to Europe is believed to be about reached, The administration "xpects tho new tariff bill will go into effect about Au gust 1. and after that date increased revenues ur looked for. During July expenditures will prob ably exceeds receipts by 115,000,000 which will reduce the avail able treasury balance to about ijSlOO, 000,000. The present outlook is that by deferring everything but absolntely essential payments tho treasury deficit for the current fiscal year, whieh closes Saturday. June .10, will be brought within $7",, 000,000. Less than ten days ago it was estim ated that it would reacii $78,000,000. CONOENStD STATE TOPICS. Williams-port is threatened with a cracker trust. i if the class of twenty-two students that grauuatt-U yesterday at the Carlisle High school (oar were colored. A breaker to have an output of 1,000 tons of coal daily is building by tho Chntu berlsiu company, north ol PottevUle, Tne Pennsylvania Onatrtauq.ua, which opens for a uiunth at Alt. U retail on July 'J. promises to bo tho higgost yet held In the state. It has been decided that Mrs, Anna Kn tunsy, of Allegheny Oity, who was found a corpse on Tuesday, WU scared to death by k burglar. It, is probable that OnvernoT PattlsOO Will issue a special order recalling the troops from Pooxsutawosy today, lien waiting advices from Adjutant Uenoral Greenland, lamet Knrngne, known as RufUS Connor, the notorious horse thief, who escaped from the Western Penitentiary tea years ago, was yesterday sent back there from Cumbria county. FLASH OU K THE WIRES At the age of 80, Nasi Uondman, leader of a robber gang, was sentenced at Ander son. Ind., to four years in prison. Southern Htnt. 'S established H,H now in dustrial entei f '. IU April, May nnd tiune, against for the prece.lin- Qiiur ter, Charged with misappropriating 110,000 of the WartUtugiofi Puvllshiiig company's minis. Kicliard Worthing vs arretted at New ork. To escape from murderous Indians In Mexico, rrefessor Nelson, of the Smith soman institution, had to hide iu u cave for a whole day. THE TARIFF BILL BEFORE SENATE After Thirteen Long leaks It Is Taken from CummiUee of the Whole. PLAN TO RESTRICT IMMIGRATION Mr. PcfTer Would Impose a Tax of Fifty Dollars a Head Upon Every Emigrant Who Lands on American Soil Various Amendments to tho Measure That Have Been Voted Down Prospects of a Live! Ses sion Monday. Washington, D, c, June 29. THE tin ill' bill, al ter an incubation period of thirteen weeks In coiu mitt e of the whole, was today taken out of committee and r Ported to the senate. Tne bill and amendments were ordered to be printed and will come up for tne action ot th i senate on Monday next ut 10 o0 a. in. When tbe bill was taken up today the only section that remained to b acted on was the one abrogating the reeiproolty commercial nrruugements and that section was mo titled so as to read that "nothing herein contained shall be held to abrogate or in any wav . ff-ct such commercial reciprocal commercial arrangements as have been heretofore made and now exist between the United States and foreign countries except where such arrangements are inconsistent with the provisions of this act." It was agreed to without division anil then n motion by Mr. Hale,Mulue; 'o lay the section on the table was ro jected, yeas 24, nays 111. The vote was as follows: Yens Messrs. Allison, Chandler, Cul. lom, I'avi-. Dolpb, Frye, Galllnger, Hale, llawley, Iliggiiis. Hear, McMillan, .Mau-ii-r- a, litcnell d .), Patton, Peffer, Per kins, Pettigrew, l rector, cjuav, Uberman, Bhoup, Teller and Waihburu 84. Nays Messrs. Allen, Hate, Berry, Black bum, BlanCbard, Hme, Camden, Uockrell, Coke, Daniel, Faulkner. Georse. Gibson. (jorinnii, Hi ay, llarri-, Irhy, .lai vi-, denes (.UK I. Kyle, l.imleay, .Ullis, Morgan, Mur phy, Paseo, Pngb, Hansom, Roach, Tnrpie, Vest, Vilas, Voorhees, Walsh and White - :t4. MR PKFVBB'S PROPOSAL An amendment which was offered by Mr. Peffer, Kansas, to imp, se a tax of fifty dollars per head on Immigrants drew ont from several senators declara tions iu uvor of laws to restrict im migration and was laid on tne table 4(1 to 12. Au amendment by Mr, Gai liuger, New Hampshire, that the act shall not be operative as to Canada until that country shall have entered into commercial ar rangements that will result in a material reduction of duties on Am-ri-can products and manufacture was also rejected yess 81, nays 29. An amendment by Mr. Allison, Iowa, to reduce tho whisky bonded period from eight to four rears, was rcjeotcd yeas 2o. nnys M. Mr. Pettigrew, Bouth Dakota, offered an amendment providing for a tariff commission of live members, but consented that it should go over until tomorrow when ne will offer it in to . sonate. An invitation to tbe senate to attend a religious service at St. Matthews' oburoh in Washington next Sunday in memory of the murdered president of ITauce was received lrom the secretary of state and accepted, and the vice president wna instructed to make prole r arrangements therefor. CONTESTED 0A8B IN HOUBK Unexpectedly tod iy, a contested election case was precipitated upon the attention of tho honso and Thomas Watson, of Georgia.'tho well known Popnlistie member of the Fifty-second congress, was declared not to have bsen elected to the Fifty-third congress from the Tenth district of that state, and J. C. C. Black was confirmed In his title to the seat Tha caso was called np by Pence (Populist), who stated that he did so for the purpose of asking unanimous consent that when the esse was considered Mr. Weston might be heard for an hour in bis own behalf He then moved that the case be postponed until Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. At first the Democrats were inclined to vole against considera tiou of tbe case at all today, but acting under tho advice of Speaker Crisp they united with the Republicans an 1 voted to proceed with its consideration. After all of th parliamentary ex pedients for delay pnriuissable under the rules had been oxuausted, Mr. Black was declared elected. PEACE AT PITTiBURG. Prospects for Steady Emptnymsnt for the Coming- Year at Mill.. PrTTBBORO, Pa., June 29. The indi cations are for peace and steady em ployment among the western iron mills tbis year with the possible exception of a shut-down in the sheet mills, Piesident Garland, of the Amalga mated association has received tbe signatures of the following firing to the wage scale: Cherry Valley Iron Company, Lea tonia, Ohio; Union Hulling Mills com pany. Cleveland, Ohio; Tudor Iron works, East St. Louis, 111. ; Best Chl cago Iron and Steel compauy. East Chicago. The Falcon Iron nnd Mail company, Warreu, Ohio, has signed the sheet scale and the El I wood, Ind., plant has signed the tin plate ecale. It Is expected that Jones and Langhlin, American Iron works, Pittsburg, will sign the steel scale at tomorrow's con ference. H. C. PARSONS MUHDEREO. Th" Owner of the Natural Bridge Shot hv ft Ttailroad Conductor. Charleston, W, Va., June 29 T. A. Ghlodwin, a conductor on the .lames river division of the Clieepaaks and Ohl shot and killed II. 0 Parsons at Gladys Inn this in ruing. Parsons owned the Natural Bri Ige, ami had reported Goodwin fot some alleged offense, Goodwin bassorrended to the authorities, Tho complaint which Mr, Parsons hud preferred ugain Ooodwiu was that he iiad carried colored women of had haracter on his train without collect ing their fares, and that some of these women so conveyed had insulted ladies of nis (Parsons) family while on the train, tfoodwin resented this charge by drawing u revolver and shooting and killing Parsons. There is much excitement over tho affair, us Famous was widely known. None of the Beech Crook Miners Arc Working at Prasont Operators' Offjrs Rejected. PHIUPSBDRO, Pa.. June 80. In no part ol thr mining district 01 the -.tate is the situation more una tiled than it la iu the Clearfield and Beech Cre.'k regions. In the Clearfield region only six mines ara at work to lay at the compromise price. A convention was held nt this place to-day, at which the secretary ol tbe local board was Instructed to furnish tic preps witli the following 0 ill for a general convention. A convention of miners will he held in Pbtlipaburg on duly:), to which the min ers of Pennsylvania, Virginia and Mary land are invited to send delegates, the basis of representation being one vote for ever) 100 men represented. The object of tbe convention is to consider tbe situatbai ami to agree on united action by the mln- Bts in tbe centra Pennsylvania region and ol ail i, fliers sending coal to the eastern market, (Signed) JOHN Kinn, Secretary." Nono of the mines iu the Beech creek region are at work, though at several the off r of 4 cents has been made, The operators' Coffer to pay 00 cents a ton next May is looked upon with derision because of the proviso connected with tbe proposition. Every thing i s settled in all Hit) mines at Du Bois and Punxsutuwuey, xovpt at tno Berwind- V bite mines. ;.TiR PLATii FRAUDS. Testimony Given Bclorc United States Commissioner Bell Against Pcnn Steel Casting Co. Philadelphia, June 29. President M. H Bickley, Manager Frederick Ualtai. and Foreman James T Anderson, i fli ciala ot tbe Pcnn Steel Coating aud Ma chine company, ot Cluster, N. J. .which has a contract for supplying the cast ings for the gnus of war vessels, were given a hearing before United States Commissioner Bell today, c arg. il with conspiracy to defraud the government. Tbe first charge against the three officials is the substituting of old cast ings which had proved defective, as tresh oues, after erasing the oto Stamp marks. A second charge of making a stamp in imitation of tbe inspectors stamp and giving the specimen which is sent to W ashington, an additional treatment utter the inspectors had stamped it, so that this sp cimen would represent u better quantity than those Which are treated by the Wit. Lieutenant W. Irving Chambers, in spector of ordnance, located at Phila delphla, was the first witness exam ined. Ho said he had eo.no to this sta tion iu March of this yar and from that time up to lust month he had ex amined tile castings from the Peuu Ste 1 company. Ho notioed an entire ly differont ipiality in the castings sub mitted to hi in for testing. This tact excited his suspicion that the sample pieces had been tampered with. The sample coupons are six inches long and one inch square, and are cress section pi-'Cs. After bring tested tne witness placed a peculiar stamp on the piece. The coupons Were given over to he company to Ot turned. When they came back the witness noticed that a fresh stamp had been placed on ouo piece and two other pieces had been stretched one quartet of an Inch and the otlnr threj s X teen ths of an inch. Tho new stamp, ha said, could not be made by the stamp iu his possession. Lieutenant John H, Gibbon, United States navy, now stationed at Wash ington navy yard, was tho next wit ness. Ha sai l that six c arriages and Iwo pivots stan . a. which were sub jected to a tost at his station, were turned from the Ponu Steel company re-marked, after having boon rejected by the inspection. The caso was con tinned until next Tuesday at 10 o'clock aud the defendants furnished $1,000 bail each for their appearance. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. President Cleveland is mediator to sottle the Portuguese-Braallian dispute. Congress will remove rest rictions regard ing age iu tho appointment of assistant pay masters of the navy. United Statos Treasurer Morgan has bought tho table on which Lincoln signed tl mancipation proclamation. The senate has confirmed tbe following nominations: William 1). lligler, assistant United States treasurer at Philadelphia; postmasters, Pennsylvania, Henry Van Bcoy, Kingston, Secretary Smith hns approved the re commendation of Land Commissioner LamoreanX setting apart 130,000 for ad ditional eurvoys within the Kud Lake reservation iu Minnesota. Tho United States consul at Gibraltar reports that the favorable condition of the cereal Crops ot Spain and Morocco has di minished the demand for American Hour considerably. It is understood that tho president will remain In Washington ,v'"' Bnnday and. nccntnpauied by ail the members of the cabinet, will attend the services In memory of the late president of France at St. Mat thew's Catholic church. At the request of the French minister tho state depart ment has sent invitations to all important government officials to tai;o part iu the services. HEARD OVLR THE CABLE. The United States minister to Portugal will, for the present, represent Brest! at the court of Portugal. Advice-- from Bio Grande d Bnl say that the Insurgent forces under General Baraiva have been beaten by the loyal troops. Two hundred and twenty bova from Dr. Bernardo's iiome yesterday started iron London and Liverpool for Canada, where they will is apprenticed. Five Winnebago Indians, who were left destitute iu London by Mexican .loe. have Beau Cared for by tho United States em BUsSy aud Will be forwarded home. DAI hal OF OLD WORLD Uulversa! Unrest In the Countries of. tbe East ern Hemisphere. CHINA IS NOW PREPARING FOR WAR While tlio Body of the Late President Carnot Lies in State, the Life of Premier Crispi Is Thraatencd A Dynamite Confession in Dublin. Conflicts of Workingmon at Mar seille'sDisorder Elsewhere. London, June 29 H DISPATCH to the Times from A Shanghai today says that Japan, n Pferring foreign to civil war, UU refuses to evacuate Corea. China is Increasing her uaval and military forces for sotlvs operations. A dlspstch to the Chronicle from Shanghai savs that war between China a d Japan is imminent, Washington, June 29. The latest information reoeived at the navy de partment about Coraan matters was from Hear Admiral Skerrett, who, few days ago, reported everything o,uiot. This government is Inadequately represented in eastern waters, should hostilities between Japan and China begin, tnere being only two vessels which could be utilised to protect its interests, One of these, tbe Monoeaoy is now in the Yattgtai kiang rivtr, and is only lit lor services thcro. The Baltimore is iu Corean waters, where she was ordered at the time of the (rouble in Corea began. An ollio-r of the state department said today that the only Information .ibont the trouble tho government had was that the C'liiieso had mads a pro position to the Japanese government thut both countries withdraw thifir tioops from Corean territory Simul taneously, but that Jap in had declined to accede to the pr position. While this government c lUld not undertake to interfere in any way -ith tti s m't- ter, he said there is reason to believe i hat it will tender its goo 1 offices with a view of preventing trouble. HONORS 7 THE HEAP c.vilN'OT. I'Aitis, June 20 tne public wse ad mitted this morning to the grounds of the Elysses, ami scon afterward the line of people intent Upon viewing ti.e coffln containing the body of the late President Carnot readied from tbe pal ace to the Plaoe del Concorde. The eofii i rests in a chap die afdentc atithe entrance of the court of honor. The oatnfalque is in the form of a small Oreek temple with Corinthian columns. Large candelabra, wreaths of immortelles, and national flag are grouped around the bier, and over it many palms. At inteivals aro long black pumlant tiacners, bordered witii silvttr and ornamented with silver wreaths and tho letters F." Chi the main drapery the letter "O." is worked in silver at frequent intervals. Most of the windows aioog the roite to be followed by the funeral proess Slon on Sunday are already lot, fabu loim sums of money being charged for them. In somo instances 25,000 francs has been paid for tne use of a whole house along the line of march. The II irists of I'm via, according to estimates, have already recaived orders for 1.500. 000 francs' wortu of lloral emblems to be used in different ways during the funeral. ALLEGED DYNAMITE CONFESSION, Dt lit is, June 29 The Irish news papers publish a statement to the effect that a sailor named Kennedy, now ut B- I fast, has made a declaration that while serving on board the Trafalgar in the Indian Ocean, the cook, D,.nil Sbeehan, or Sheennn. a native of Cork, died of fever Defore he expired, according to Kennedy, he told the latter that he, and not his brother, who in in prison, placed the dynamite on the stairs above the crypt in the homes in parliament in January, IMS, causing an explosion in whicti three men were injured. Kennedy says that Sbeehan refused to givo any details of the affair with the exception of saying that ho und his brothr. who were then In America, traveled from Chicaijo to Loudon ou purpose to commit the outrage. ORISPl'S LIFE THREATENED, ROUE. Jnue 29. A workman was ar rested last evening iu the vicinity of Premier Crispi's home. Ha had been overheard to threaten the life of the prime minister. When searched n largo knife was found concealed upon the prisoner's person. MARSEILLES, June 29. Owing to the COuflictS between Workmen employed iu connection with tin new drainage system, the majority being foreigners, the perfectnre has issued orders to suspend all further work upon it. Two thousand men are thus thrown out of employment There is considerable excitement in the factories where Italians are employed and the situation is critical. THE BROKLKS INDICTED. Oiand Jury firings True iiills Atfaiuat Chapman unci UcCartnsy. Washington, Juno 30, The grand jury this atteriioon brought into conrt indictments aguinst Llberlon K. Chap man, broker, of New York, aud John W, McCartney, broker, of this city, two of the witnesses who refused to answer the questions of the senate com mittee. yharles J. Bell, of tho American Se curity ami Trust company, went bail for McCartney In the sum of $1 000. Chapman is now in Now York. h BOV SCARED TO DEATH. Fear of Bcleir Arretted Brought on aa Attsclj of Heart Trouble. New YniiK, June 29 While three boys, Frank Etnrteh, 10 years old Charles Melz.r, 17 rears old; nud Q orgs Walsh. 17 years old, wore skylarking in front of Henry We -laud's grocery store, nl No. 402 East Sixteenth street, last night, a pane of glass in the sliow window was accidentally broken, Policeman O'Brien heard tho crash, saw the boys run sway, und pave chase. lie caught Melaler and Walsh, but lout sight of Emrich, who Jnrtsd into a hallway next door to tbe grocery. Tho polioe uian locked his yonthful prisoners up and returned to look for Emrich, but could uot find htm. Early this morning, when Crocor Weeland went into the cellar next to i is place of business, which he uses for a store-room, he found the dead body of young Emrioh. It is believed that tbe Liar of being aneutod so excited him that lie died of heart disease, an ailment with which his parents aro uf- fllctsd, NEGRO MURDERER LVNCHEO. Ulyasea Haydoc, Who Shot a iliaktnjan. Hanged by u Missouri nlub. MONETT, Mo., June 29 UyleSSfS Haydeu, a nogro, was taken from the sheriff ol Newton county by a mob at this place and banged to a telvgrapb pole last night, tlayden was arrested for shooting Dots Greenwood, a brake man of this place on June 20, aud win being taken to Oassville jail for safe keeping. urarri Superintendent Graham Confirms the Statement That President Mangan Asked for Three Free Passes. fpeefolto the Scr'uiton Trlbuni. Pittston, Pa., June 29. A question of veracity having been raised ny Pres ident of Council John J. Siangan rels uvo to ii news item which appeared on this page on- week ago, in which it w as charged that Superintendent Graham, of tho Wilkes-Barre and Wyomlni alley Traction company, hf.d said that bo had received from Mr. Mung.n S request for torse passes, represents tives of THE TRIBUNE yesterday inter viewed .Mr. Graham at his offlw in Wilk s-Birro "Mr. Mangan," Mr. Graham laid, in reply to inquiries, "asked for passes ir. this very room. He wrote three nam - upon a slip of paper and laid that slii upon a slide drawer conn oted with my desk. Soon after 1 declined to grant this requ- st for passes. Mr. Manual), as president of the Pititou council and therdlore, vL-t-burge, hud sixteen of our wlremen srreatel while stringing wires iu Pittston. and filled each man $3 I ordered them back to work again, ami they were a second time arrested. Ey this tiino Eurgess M .loney bad appear ed on the socne, and be discharged the men, holding that no law bad been violated by them." Tbe Gsiotte of Thursday evening said that Mr. Siangan purposed bring ing an action tor libel against TllL TRIBUNE and that be had retained ai Ins attorneys, John T, L-uuban, of Wilkes-Barre; C Frauk Bohan, of tins place, and Joseph O'Brien of Scruuton. Mr. Mangan, accompanied by Mr, Bohan and Attorney O'Brien, visit, id 'l u:: Tribune office Thursdsy atttr- noon, bnt gavo no notice of an intended snit, Mr. Lonahan, when seen today in Wilkes-Burru, said he bad been nbsont from the slty for sev .ral days and had not couterrvd with Mr. Mangau relativo to any lib il snit, but had received a letter from his Pittston cliout asking him to co operate with Mr. O'Brien, of Scranton, in certain matters. A libel Biiit would provide interest ing ruading, and if Tin; Tribune issued for simply telling the truth.it wlil gladly shoulder all the consequences. COWBOY EVANGELISTS. Mr. and Ittrs. Bics Raising Ned Down nt Mlsntle City. Atlantic city. N, J., June 29 Had it not been ior the ooolneas of Caief ol Police Eldridge nud sis of his men to night a riot wonld have taken place at the placo where Mrs. Margaret Rice, the evanatdist, was speak ni(. She attacked the oity olll ciala and had about her a crowd of over 1,000 excited people, when ths chief ordered her to desist. Stie re fused and calbd upon the crowd to aid in keeping her from biiiiK arrested. Those ueurust the jiolictmeu comment! od to ruin blows upon them but tl. men kept cool aud liually forced u pas saffe through which they took Mrs. Kico to jail. Chief Eldridge then ordered the crowd to disperse, but it was met with a surly refusal. Snerift Johuson was aunt for to read the riot aut, but he could not be found, aud tho crowd re mained about the station bouse. The "Cowboy Evangelist," the woman's hushand, was also arrested today ou the charge of obstructing the public highways, aud was fined and sentenced to fifteen days imprisonment in the jail, The cn wd around police headquar ters was iucrensed by the advsut of a committee of about 500 cUiz.ius, headed by Rev. J, C. Cobb, of St. Paul's Meth odist Episconal onurch, who are In sym pathy with the prisoners. They first weut to tho house ot Mayor Stoy to demand the release of Mr. and Mrs. Rioe but that official re fused to listen to them. The delsgit lion then went to the police etation to eudeuvor there to eecure the release of the evangelists. They were met by Chief Eldridge nnd ordered back. His order was sustained by the entire force of policemen, bench patrolmen, and even the city fireinon, who ware mus tered into arvice. The gi t ter portion of tbe force is quartered iu the staMon bouse iu re serve, whiio the others are patrollitig the pavement and endeavoring to keep the crowd moving. The comiuittse of sympathizers is still in outdoor session iu front of the headquarters, but it is not yot known just what action will he takou. Mrs. Rice's hearing will take place iu tbe morning. Dlxon-Oriffu Fish', a Draw. Boston, June 99. TheQriffo-Dlaoa fight resulted in draw at the eud of the twen tletb round. Dixon appeared to have the best ot the Q'ht throughout. WEATHER FORECAS1. 1 CICAR Washington, ilnne 2ft fureeosl j for Saturday: hor Eastern 1 cnii,n'(in,((, fnir, seuIArtm triad. f'nr Winlmrm SmmmiL ruiu'ii, pensraUy ar, sariabte winds. FINLEYS SPECIAL SALE -OF- 11 y '1 wmm in V ..:;. Wo Lave received from our inrtn. nfactnrer some special ob lots ol MUSLIN UNDERWEAR All perfct't goods 'it cut prices. Tho quantify is limited auJ caunot L0 duplicated. 10 dozen Gowns, solid embroidered yokes, at p3c. sieh C dosen Go wna, assorted, '.t Si. 15. 10 d'la Pkirts, with 5 :ijka, 62c. 5 do& Pkin Skirts, aambrio rufil',7so 5dozin Muslin Skirts, 5-inch emoroiJ- ered ruffle, at Si. 10 dozen Drawers, embroidered rnffl , 50c 10 i'm z.n Migges' Gowns, embroiderpj yike, 75 anj 85c. C dozen Infant ud Chiidren'a White Dresden, 65c. np ALSO. SPECIAL ."08 LOTS OP LADIES' AND CiiILDREN'3 Shirt - Waists 49, 75 and 98c. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' Wholesale and Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. Comfort-Giving Shoes The only kind that sivq it, for the summer, is ou "Service & Kurafort" 3hoei in colors and black. Lewis, Reilly & Dara New Store New Goods Suitable for Wedding and Commencement Pre3onti Finest line of Silver Bell Buckles, Veil Clasps and Other Novelties in tai city. -Watch for OPENING DAY AN NOUNCEMENT, A Souvenir Prei ent given FREE to every lady callai if you bny or not. The jeweler, 408 Spruce Stroot, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Lewis, Reilly & Dailies I. J. Mil
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