THJfi BCKAKTON TLUB U JN J !SAT L1 K DAY MORNING. JUNE ,30, 18i4. 3 MATCBLESS SHAW PIANOS. STELLE I SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AV. PIANOS SHAW, 1 MKKSON, NEW lAt'l-AND FINEST LINE IN THE CITY POK THE PRU B, ;EW AND fECOND HAM) ALL I mi l s GOOD BREAD -USE TI1E to f$me And always have Good Bread. Manufactured and for sale to the trade kv The Weston fill Co, EEWABS OF COUNTERFEITS 1 THE fiENUINE POPIJl.R Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIAt S G.. e. & CO., tnn'-,"'-"i on Esnh Clour. Sarney, Brown & Co. Mfs. . tUUJif HOI i. hyUAfeE. OR. H. B. WARE BPEOIALISC EYE, EAB, NOaE AND THBOAX KB HOURS: I TO ll.SC A. M. lA'lv Wu S.!L 135 WYOMING AVE- SAVAGES AHEAD OF US. Jodie Chollet Says They Know More About Sensible Clothimc Tlmn We Do. Changeable fabrics arc quite the mndo still, mid some of them seem to combine all the onlors of n pcusse rafe. The two lonod diagonal woolen nnh that came out last year appears to have delayed reaching; its real VOgUC until this season, although it, is now too warm for n vital in terest to 1)0 felt In any except the lightest sort of worsted materials. However, one must have something for damp weather wear, and silks, ohaUies and sateens Iks- CRKPON GOWN'. come mere rngs under the Influence or moisture. A pretty two toned thin serge trimmed with ohangeahlo .silk to match, or a neat shepherd's plaid In brown, blue and white, with brown end blue shot lining, will be found useful for general wear Where lighter and more fanciful toilets Would Ixi out of place and inconvenient. In fact, as far as absolute convenience is concerned in regard to clothing, civi lization Is a retrograde movement Sav ages are away ahead of ns and will prob ably always remain so in this matter, as they are, as a rule, In respect of health and physical development Civilisation under the equator amounts to very little yen nt this late1 day, and the arctic re gions are scarcely worth considering, sinco they are so little known and SO ccmpara tivcly sparsely populated. It, is in the temperate zones that mankind reaches the highest degree of scientific knowledge, cultivated art and uncomfortable attire, We an, very clever, very muoh OUltUred, very progressive, bul WO need Individually acoursoof desert Island treatment, We require to Is- cast away in a solitary sxit where the weather is equable, and where tie- broad prows on the trees, where wo must spend our days roaming about on dishabille, bathing In a tropically warm ocean and eating of the voluntary fruits of the earth, and where an absence of can dles would send us to bed at sunset Such a return to nature might be a Ixire to the majority of us who have nothing of tho savage lurking within US, but it would bo extremely wholesome. As a contrast to the suggested fig leaf ooatume, although it might lie pinned in to shape with thorns very nicely, a sketch is given of a Parisian design in rose ge ranium erepon. The skirt is trimmed with triangles of guipure. The round liodlco is draped on the right side of the front and trimmed on rho left, with guipure. A garniture of ribbon adorns the left sldo of the gown. The sleeves reach only to tho J U D10 Uhollkt. ORBAKS. I A Foe to Dyspepsia j 4 1 SNO LOUR NEWS OFJ0EST SI Three Men Severely Burned by Gis In the Bellevuc Mine. HOW THE ACCIDENT HAPPENED Edward Crandall Made a Bad Trade of Edward Farr's Horse at Taylor. Parly Given in Honor of Miss Anna Kromer, of North Hyde Park Ave nueOld Folks' Concert Repeated. Other News Notes. TIii Wost Side offloa of the Rr rant on Tiiiiiink i- located ul 118 North Main kvo mil', where. ItlDMIrlptiODS, advertisements sud oommaulcatious will receive prompt utteutiou. Edward Harris, of Avenue A, Bslle viih; James WuIhIi, of Arclibalil street, sud a laborer named Charles, who re sales on North Bromley avenue, were severely burned yesterday morning in the BeltevTle mine ly un exploAion of gu, shortly afttr the miners bad eu I'.tihI the iuitu to lti n work 11 irris was nt work taking out a lnre portion of coal from bis clmmber 11" nud 10 summon aid and culled upon tilt" other two men to oouie ami isaif t him. Hi hftod his mining lamp too olose to the roof, where a laru'e quantity of ga had accumulated, and in an iusuni tno in terior of the chRuib-r wan a mass of flames. H-jfore the men coul i get to a place of safety they were badly humed. liar rii irat painfnlly burned on the baudi and tare, while Kelly received serious 1'iirne about the head, face and hand' Hll condition is critical The nun were conveyed to their respective homes, where I)r J. J, Roberts at tended them. TRADED HIS HORSE. The Dlck-r Win Not Sa'.iofactor y to Ed ward Farr. Edward Firr, the proprietor of an itistelliuent hen.. e on North Main ave nue, was the unhappy victim of a most decided sell yesterday by having one of hid employes trade his handsome lit tin horse lor an old skate. Mr Farr lately took into his employ El ward CrsndelL All went on very smoothly until yesterday morning, when Farr sent (Jraudell to Taylor with a mat tress. While in Taylor Crandall bectrae in toxicated and went around praising the merits ot Fan's horse. Alter a while be cane in contact with the Lowry brothers, the jockey, who swapped horses v. itli bun Soou uturwunl Crandell was seen driving toward this city witii an animal whose faults could uot be t numerated. When he reached the furniture store, and Mr. Fan's eyes turned in the di reetionof the pises of framework, be whs overcomo with indiguatiou and aUMZ-mtnt. After administering a severe lecture to his drunken work man who stood by apparently nncon- I cerned, be turned the horses head in the direction of Taylor, wilh a puroos of demanding his own horse. Nothing hue bevu heard from him since. AN EVENING PARTY. Given in Honor of Mius Anna Kromer, of North Hyde Park Avenu't. A most delightful party was held last evening in honor of V.e Anna Kromer at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Kromer, on North Hyd Park avenue. The rooms were taste fully decorated with flowers, and a nleasaul eveniug was gives to all. (Jaines and other diversions served to wile away the tune. Refreshments were served at a late hour The gnestB were: Mrs. Evans, Mrs Harris, Missel ida Amt, Lizzie Law rence, Sedie ATkins, May Kaub, Ida Lewis, Msgi- Phillips, Hannah Har ris, Murth Hunch, Lillian Sobele, Car rio Jeffrey. Nellie Morgan, Unssie Mor gan, Mamie Williams, Mary Morgan, Anna Jones, Jennie Jones, Abbie Ln- ning, Maggie Thomas, Mamie Eaton, Kato Strainey, Ell v Cobb, Lizzie Eshel man, Louise Corless, Edith Faust, Ruth Frilz, Nellie BshIs. Stella Yohe, Gertie Surdam, Jessie Hurlow, Mamie Stephens, Lizzie Thorn i, Anna Step ens, Anna Williams, Manna Kromer, Lottie Gardener, Maud Smith, Jennie Lawrence, Bertha Curtis., and E. Meridetb, W. Mnefarlane, Joseph Wrigly, George Baker. II Edwards, T. Price, T. Beels, S With ers, T. Storm, R. Cooper, B Smith, B. Sherman, A. Spencsr. F. Gardener, W. Dovis. Mr. Hurrii, C. f'obb. H. Wag nor, E Roderick, A, Shaffer, It. Brown, H. Reinijsrt, B. Eynon. W. Powell, M. Evans, T, Thomas, II. Giles, W. Edward. H. Ponst, J. Rosenbanui, J. Elliot, V. P. Long. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. i Misi Eugenie Hahnlahn. of Hanltbaro. ' is the guest of Jliss lit-tttrice Long, of Price I street. A snocinl meeting of Father Whelan branch, Irish Catholic Benevolent union, , was held last evoaing. A telegram was received here yesterday that .Mrs. John R. Rogers, of Hampton stieet, bka died atSayre. John Thomas, of Lafayette street, is erecting a line block nf bonnes on tho ahovo street near Sunmer avenue. Klmer L. Williams has returned from the Bluomsbora state Normal school, where be attended the commencement exercises. The Sumner Avenne Stars and the team of ball tosse s from No. !l school will cross tmta at Oram s woods on .luly 4 at II o'clock Miss Aliro Hills, of Wiishburn street, nml Misses Ruth and Liasie Dale, of Nortti Main avenue, spent yesterday at Niagara J or. Mis llonina Davies, the noted evange list of Wales, is visiting friends on the West Hide. She has just returned from California. The young men's Republican league of the Wesl Si lo had a business session last ecning in Cooperative hall on North Main avenue. The excursion of tho First Wolsh Con?re (rational church will go to Lake Ariel i-t .lulv 1:2. Trains will have the K iV. W V It. R. nt K::iOoclock. The committee for the reception of Dr. Joseph Parry, Who is expected to arrive in New York to-lay from Wales, will meet in the Welsh I'nilsophical society rooms. Judge Edwards Is chairman. Mrs. A. M. Morse and son, Arthur, of South lhoiiiley avenue and alisa Cinder ella Morse, daughter of Eugene M orse, of North Hyde Park avenue, loft today' to visit, trionds at QohOfS, N. Y". The quarterly r.nnvutiou of the Catho Picnic Parties, Excursion Parties, Concerts, Athletic and Other Socioties, Can have POSTERS of the Most attractive kind, and of the best workmanship, printed at short notice at THE TRIBUNE OFFICE. lio Totai Abstinence union of this diocese will be held in Maionic hall on North Main avenue on Snndav. Juiv 8. It win given under the direction of the Father Mathew society and will begin at I o'clock. The Marnnettes have olected the follow ing officers for the ensuing threo months: i'lesulent: John Wettlmg: vice president. Alvin W. Deers; corresponding and record ing secretary, Charles Manstield: financial secretary and treasurer, Harry Reiuhart. K ibert Morris lodge. Order of Ameri can True Ivorltes, have elected the follow ing officers; President. John Courier Mor ris; vice-president, h. II. Jones; con ductor, T. Ellsworth Davies; steward, lohn K Edwards; inside guardian. Evan W. Willi. ins; outside guardian. John J. Jones, Insinuation will occur at the next meeting. The Old Folk's concert, which was so successfully given some time ago by the talent of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church in the lecture room of tho edifice, Was repeated list evening by sneiinl re- finest In the Hampton Street Methodist Epircopal church. The solos and duets Were very finely sung, while rapturous applause greet, d the many recitations and dialogue which were su Iliielv given. A large nutnboi Were present. Drinking Water and Lead Poisoning, The appearance of one or two cases of supposed lead poisoning in this city, gen erally endued with having the finest water Supply in the kingdom, hits reopened the Whole question Of the action of LOCh Ka trine waler on lead. The popular idea, firmly held for a long time, has been that, though the Water might have sonic slight action on new pipes, this ceases after a short period of use by reason of the forma tion of a protective coating. No less an authority than Dr. E. J. Mills now says thai, Ibis is a pure delusion, and asserts thai lead pipes and cisterns never cease toactou the Loch water, and fur thermore, that the coating, in which the citizens have hitherto placed their faith, is not, Insoluble, but i-. taken up by the water to an easily recognised extent Professor Dm mar, ho has also devoted consider able attention to the matter, appears to have more faith in the coat ing. He considers that the inner surface of a lead pipe which lias conveyed soft water (or a time undergoes a change, in virtue of which it becomes, in a relative sense, proof against the action of waler, but adds that its liability to be dissolved by water con taining air, as all natural waters do, never cease, absolutely. Generally speaking, his conclusions am that water for drinking and culinary pur poses should n it lie stored in lead cisterns, but that there is no danger in usiie..' water from lead pipes, unless it has been lying stagnant, for a long period, the remedy for which statu of things is obvious. London Engineering. Hamlin .Marched with "the Hoys." Here is a story told by Frederick Doug lass; In lstli), when Hannibal Hamlin was the candidate ot his party for the vice presidency, be made several political speeches in Maine, One of them was de livered at HOUltOn, and Douglass was to occupy the platform with him on that oc casion. It was recognised as a great event to have two such eminent orators to ad dress n mass meeting in Aroostook county. A barouche, with four line horses, was sent to convey the distinguished speakers to the hall or grove where the convention was held, and there wen a band and a large es cort of "wideawakes," who inarched on foot. The distance was more than a mile and the road.waa fearfully muddy. The com mittee of arrangements were escorting Hamlin and Douglass to the carriage, and the laiurwas congratulating himself upon escaping the long walk in the mud, when be was horrified by hearing Hamlin refuse to get, into the barouche. "Oh, no." said lie, "1 will march with I lie boys!" Doug lass felt that it would not. do lor him to ride when the candidate for the vice presl dency of the United Slates was marchim "with the boys," and so he marched, much against his will, and the carriage was sent away empty. It is easy to imagine how "tho boys" liked that sort of thing. Lew islou Journal. Mushrooms. The division of microscopy of the United States department of agriculture, in re sponse to numerous demands from various localities, has issued a pamphlet with pic lures and descriptions of edible mush rooms. In almost every section and cli mate are found ipiaiititiesof Iheso articli which are little used, owing tot he inability of the majority of people to distinguish the nut l it ions from the poisonous variet ies. Rellrausch and Blegel, who have made exhaustive investigation into the food values of mushrooms, state that, many species deserve to be placed next to meat in nutriment. Every country in the world produces these fungus growths. In France they are widely cultivated in eaves, fre oiient ly miles In extent. A cave at MeTS Contains twenty-one miles of ls-ds ami pro duces 8,000 pounds daily, They are also cultivated in the catacombs ami quarries. and, under the name of "iriillles," are sold in large Quantities, They are grown in Tahiti and Japan and exported to China at the rate of 201) tons per aiiiium. ludi.iuap olis Journal. The New Version. New York Editor See here! Don't you know executions by electricity are the law now? New Mall Certainly. "Then, sir, what do you mean by using this old lime, chest nutty, moldy ipiotat ion. Give a rogue rope enough and he will hang himself.' What do you mean, sir? We are not living in the Middle Ages." "What substitute would you suggest?" ".Say, 'Let a rogue go on shocking society and he will get shocked himself.' " Good News. The Largest Frame Dam. Gladwin county, Mich., boasts of having the largest frame ham in the world. It is loll fet long, fn feel, wide; I be structure is three stories high and is TS feet from the base to the apes of the roof, in its con Rtruction noo.lHXi feet of lumber, 80,000 shin gles, BOO braces and 680 beams and posts Were used. St Louis Republic, V. W. C. .. NOTES. A snrinl, with music and gmies, will be he'd lor young Women at the Young U an an's rooms Tuesday evening. Ice cresm Will ho sold for 5 cent's. A large social committee insure a welcome to all youiig Women. Toe meeting for young women at, the Young Woman's, Christian Association looms tomorrow Will be addressed by Miss Margaret Jamelson, who will speak of the Association tommer school which she has been attending nt Northtield the past week. The ervic' will begin at. 8.48 o'clock and will ho held In the cool parlors of the association. All young woineu are invited. AFTER SCHOOL. O.-ni.d Vacation Excursion to Niagara tails. On Thursday, Juno 28th, the Erie linos will run a personally conducted excursion to Buffalo and the Great Cataract of Ni agara, nil, i dun; one of the grandest vaca tion sight-seeing trips for school teachers, scholars and the general public ever or ganized at extremely low rates. Tne train composed of the best day coaches will reach the Falls at 4 p. in., nnd return following day, June 80th, leaving nt 4. p. m. nnd Huffalo city station at 4,80 p. in. Train will leave Oarbondale at 8.80 n. m. Round trip ouly !i.0(J Children between live nnd twelve years one-half of tho above rate. Leave Scrantou via D. & 11., at 5.40 a. ra. Buy the Wbr and get the best At Guernsey Bros. NOTES OF SOUTH SIDE Creditable Commencement Exercise) of SL John's School. THE ONES WHO PARTICIPATED A Class of Thirteen Was Graduated i'rom the Institution, Exercises Wit nessed by Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Hara and a Number of Priests Drama Given in an Excellent Manner. Other News of the Day. Mo more creditable commenenraen' exercises have occurred this year than tno event or the graduating of a class of thirteen pupils of St. John's parish convent yesterday nfteruoou. The iihiues of tho pupils whose school life has JUSt end, d ule as follows ; Misies Maiy 8. O'Mullev.Mury M. Burns.Mai- garst C. Dougherty. Anna L. Covin', Susan C. Tierney, Anna L. McDon ough. M iry Kilcoyne, Mary U. I'urcell, Mary A, liiley, Julia A. Donnelly, Margate! M. MoCertiiy, Catherine I Kesrdou and Catherine F. Riley. The commencement exercises bcirsn at 3. "0 o'clock. The Ohurob hall w .s p oki d with people, and, besides the sisters of 8t. John's convent and sisters from St. Cecilia's and from the Curlxv.i- 'lale convent, ihere were present: lit. ReV, Bishop U'llarn, Rev .Talma A HcHngb, of the cathedral; R--v. N.J. McManus, of Providence: R,-v. D H Green, of Minookn; Itev J. J. (.'urran, or Larbondale; Rev. J I Dunn, ol Green Ridge: R v. M E Lvunti. of Jrnnyn; Revs. E J. Melley, James Moil itt hiiiI V. I'. Walsh, nf St. John's, and Patrick Lsvelle and J. J. Mackln, students at St. Marv's Tbeologicol seminary, Baltimore, Mis, a Catherine Rtardon, Julia Donnelly, Anna Coyne and Anna Mo llonougb, ou two pianos played an en -trance march from Bousa and the pu pils of the school bled orderly upon the stage, After becoming ranged iu order a greeting oborua wis well sung, Miss Auna Coyne played tuo accom paniment, All of the pupils exc. pt the graduat ing class then marched off the stage to the music of the march and the v mer nble bishop bestowed medals of hOUOl upon each ol the gradti ites. Nellie Mcooey, the tiny daughter of William Mooney, carried the tray boaring the lei d in a 1. A silver medal for church history, merited by Missos B, Purcsll, M t inland, M. Moran, L. Haiiuon, N RearJon, M. Doyle, B, Byron and Richard Kennedy and Joseph Don nelly was drawn hy lot and Miss B Byron secure. 1 thepriz1. A march, "Awakening of tho Flow er," iroui Minims, was played by Mi-sea Purceil, Walsb,McDonoogb and MoGee. Miss Mamie Bdauil recited "Our Nation's Emblem," nocomp tni id on the piano by Misses Catherine Rear don and Julia Donnelly, Tbs delivery of Miss Boland could bar.lly be ex celled. She lias a natural talent in this line tbut was accentuate.! by careful training and hard study. While she recited, a class of over fifty boys, who occupied the stage and wore dressed iu patriotic colors went through a pantomime drill to correspond with the il xibibity of Miss Boland'g delivery. The ''Charge of the Ilui-sars" was played on two pianos by the same quartette of pupils and the stage whs next made roady for i be presentation of the operetta, '-Tne Rescue of Golden Hair." The plot ot ibe operetta comports with the usual style of juvenile performances. As an interim in tb operetta, Miss Julia Dennelly, Anna McDonongh, Cather ine Reardon and Anna Coyne, played a selection from Donizetti. For artistic execution nothing could surpass the work of this number. In the operetta Miss Annie McAloon as Uoldenhalr and Master Joseph Walsh as Littlo Prince Charmer car ried off the honors. Miss McAloon ia possessed of talent that bids fair to de velop her into prominence. Next was the drama "Fabiola." taken part In hv the following pupils: Fabiola (a noble Roman lady), Miss M. O'Malley Agnes (Roman mniden,oonsln to Fabiola, Miss j. Donnelly Syrn, or Miriam (sister of Fluvius, Christian slave of Fabialoi, Miss M. Riley Afrn Miss M. Kilooyne iraja Miss A. McDonongh 1 1 lent lieu siaves of Fabiola.) Cecilia ( blind girl) Miss A. f'oyuo FlUVim (a Syrian spy) F. Knuc tiebastian i nristian officer of the im perial Guards) R. Kennedy Panoratius (a Roman mat tyr). J, Dounelly Lucina (Mother of Pancratia , Miss K. Riley Chorus of Virgins. Miss Marry O'Malley, ns Fabiola, the Roman lady, did herself credit. The work of Joseph Donnelly as Pancru tins was also very good. Following the drum the mi I in Is of the school filed upon the stago again and sang a valedictory chorus. The exercises will be repealed this evening and un admission fee of 10 cmts Will be charged. All through the programme the tir less work of the sisuts in training ti e cl ildren was visible. The curly headed little girls and the white waisted young boy furnished a scene that was refreshing. '1 he sisters of St. John's convent "chool and the pastor, Rev E J. Melley, are to be congratulated upon the progress of the pupils ns exemplified in their work of yesterday. THERE is but one way in the world to be sure of having the best paint, and that is to use only a well-established brand of strictly pure white lead, pure linseed oil, and pure colors. The followinp; brands are stand ard, "Old Dutch" process, and are always absolutely Strictly Pure White Lead "Atlantic," "Buymor-Bauman," " Jewctt," "Davis-Chambers,' "Fahnestock," " Armstrong & McKelvy. ' If you want colored paint, tint any of the above strictly pure leads with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are Bold in one-pound cans, each can licing nulliclcnt to tint 3$ pounds o Strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade ; they lire In no sense ready-mixed paints, lint a combination ot perfectly pine culois in the handiest for.n to tint Strictly I'urc White Lead. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints and coloi -card, tree. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. Miss Julia Flood is in Pittston visiting friends. Professor Bi limit has removed his music studio to tho South Side. Qua Kuorr, of Cedar avenue, loaves to day ou a visit to New York city. Lottie and Millie Staldbeyer are home from Chester Springs for tbeir vacation. Mrs. Charles Ho We, of Booch street, is slowly recovering from a severe attack of rheumatism. The Mountain Lake Sports challenge the Bowery Boys to a game of bull at the Hol low grounds. Attorney John R. Jones, the popular young aspirant for the district attorney ship, circulated among the residents of this side yesterday. The Elm street bridge, which was elected a abort tin.e ago, withstood the storm ot Tuesday last, and proves a blessing to the residents of that neighborhood. Anthony Rogau, for being drunk on Ma ple street, was lined 83.50. Patrick Cos grove, ot River streut, lor disorderly con duel, was sent to jail tor thirty days. J. H. Faust, who has just returned from u trip to the western states, had the pleas ure, while iu Nebraska, oi meeting Pal nek Bgau, ox-minister tucaiii. Mr. Faust speaks iu the highest terms of him. J m in.- Zimmerman fell from a scaffold last Thuisday afternoon and broke his cellar bone. Dr. Kolb attended him and he is doing as well us can be expected un der the circumstances. He bad charge of Gathering's ice bouse. While climbing a tree nt Cedar avenue and Hirch street Thursday evening, Adam Pently, a boy IU years of age, was In the Set Of Waving his hand lo a friend when he missed l is footing and fell to the ground. He is dangerously injured, but It is thought will recover. The Haydn Glee and Social club will bold their first annual picnic on July 28 at Cen tral Park garden, The officers are; Jacob Demntb, pros lout; Louis Sobeuor, vice president; J. N, Loch, recording secretary; P, Weber, treasurer: P, ii.iug, jr.. finan cial secretary; M. Weber, corresponding secretary. Make th' Wonk Strong-. Lakin, Ph., April 24, 1694. Last summer I tool: three bottles of Mood's Saisaparilln and it made me stro iger. After my baby wns born m February 1 wns unable to take m step or three months, but after taking Hood's Sarseparllla, I gained in strength. I feel tho beat now I have for eight years. HoodV. Pills cure all liver ills. ill B II fl We have REDUCED prices on BABY CARRIAGES, as our stock is too large. You can buy a good Baby Carriage for the prire of a cheap one For Wedding Presents 01" Fi nishing for Summer Cottages, we have a full and complete line. Lamps, Dinner and Toilet Sets, Etc. WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Ave. Homestead CORN, PEAS, SUCCOTASH, LIMA BEANS, $1.50 Per Dozen HOME JERSEY CREAM-Rl BUTTER In 3 and 5 lb. Pails. Eggs received Daily from llto Home Poultry Farm. C. DITCHBURIJ, 437 Lackawanna Ave. A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BICYCLES AND SPORTIXO GOODS. Vlctc , Gcndron, Krlipsp, LovolL Diamond and Other Whopla. SCIENTIFIC HORSE SHOEING AND Tin: TREATMENT Of LAMK MKSS Of HOBBES, To tlirno limnrlms I dovoto PHpodal attrn- tion svsrr sftsraooa. ofHoo nnd forn it the BLTJME OARBIAOB WOKKs. lis nix DOUBT, BOBANTON.PA. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Urnduato of tho Amorlcan Votorinnry Col MS) WORLD'S PAIR Muc3um of Anatomy NOW OX EXHIBITION AT 237 Renn Avenue Occupying throo Urife halls. Opn dailv lr m Ilia m. to 1(1 pin. for limn, 'rhursduya, from I to 7 p.m. Mr ludiiM only. Luctures evory hour frou. Adiniasion, lOn, only. HUMS 1 Mfe:i Vv You Need Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing lor tennis. Martin & Ueiaiiy Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT jirSLsniORi r- ; n rm 1 his week, as g extra efiort to s Values. LLINERY 1 All our $3 and $4 Trimmed flats, cut to . . $1.98 I PJI M :s All our $5 and $6 Trimmed Hats, cut to . . 2.98 s I All our $8 and $10 Trimmed Hats.cut to . . 4.98 I KB H S 200 pieces Satin Striped Lawn, with col ored figures, worth 15c, cut to . . . 10c. a 150 pieces Black Satin, with small colored figures, worth 18c , cut to 12c. 1 I i fs ma lAl:illlflligillllMIHiliS32IIIICCIIIIIIIl!i!3(IIHIi:e3eihS!llllliII91l9!tl!llillllUlilllSsS THE LATEST The "Victor" Sash We have 'em in both stores; all sizes, cloth and silk. Christian, The Hatter 412 SPRUCE ST. 200 LACK A, AVENUE, It's a Great Shock ... s to the folks who nr clslmins thy ondersell ill i.tticrs to find that without tho loset fuss r r lilasr wo mr Riving customers tho bea, ftlt ol suHi opt'ortuuitiaH in Uiesc. Miictlv lllich Crrmlp i ii. lu-w.icn r Wheal, i.-.' i puttnrn, f -no ush. 1899 palters, ftino Wkaal, for S)75. 1804 pattern. SlOO Whenl, for asn oo.n. rhoso prlcoe make tho Imeinoee atoureto FLORE Y & HOLT Y. M. C A BUILDING. Bicycle Pants, Hose, Gaiters, &c, Sweaters and Belts at THE CELEBRATED SOHKR PIAKTOS io t rrewnt tli Mtl Ptpolar and l'rrfarml hy Lnading aiims Wsrarooms: OsposttsCslurnbusMonumanl, .'OP Waahington Av. Scranton.Pa i Me . 4t SkV3& CONRAD S mm we have made an give you Special We have a 'mall lot of those Embroid- li cries, bought at llunkmpt Stile, to B cltxte st lass thsn HALF VALUE. SPECIAL A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for Another Advocate of Anaesthene nns. nENuooi) & waudkll OENTLEMEN II aflarde me irreal pleasure to state thut your new pror nf extrajetlns teeth wa a grand faceeaa is ".. . - , i d I . .,r 1 1 i recommend It H nil. I sincerely hope that other will test ltr merits. Yours respectfully, CAl'T, S. E. HHVAN r, goranton. Fa Henwood k Wardell, DENTIST 816 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after May 21 make a Rreat redu tlon In the prices of plates. All work guar auteod flrst-class in every particular. Seientiflc Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shiinberg, The Specialist on tlie Eye. Headaches (inO ierrousnose rolinred. latest and Improved Htylo ot Kye QIhsi4 and Spectacles at tho ILowestPiiue best ArtlUolal Eyu inserWd for (6. aoa SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Offlca- OOF tinning and soldering all done away with by the usoof HARTMAN'S I'AT- ENT PAINT, which consists of Ingrodi ntn well-known to ulL It can bo applied to tin, galvanized tin. ahiet iron roots, also to brink dwoUltiea, which will prevent absolutelv any crumbling, cracking or breaking of US brick. It will outlast tinning of any kind by mauy ynars.and it's cost does not exceed one fifth that of thncost of I liming. Is sold t v tho job or pound. Contracts taken by AN'IONIO HAUTHANN, 627 lurch SI Mi f!M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers