Fo;: thi; BEST PAG i . OP SPORTING NtSWS TURN THIS IiK '1 YOU WILL BG INTERESTED IN "THIS PACE OP ROSEXFEL." A.UMtlV EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. SCRANTON. PA.. FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 1, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SGRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER in wsm i mi ism jbm in in in bb n sw cz -um. -luiwiNum' w 'l it . r r 'i tt ii i r sir -i inu ah i im tax in ikd iih m ibm m CONCERNING THE SHE Labor Leaders Are Indignant at Governor Pattison's Proclamations. SCOTTDALE IMPORTS AUSTR1ANS Train Service Delayed for Want of Fuel Strikors at Danville Refuse to Allow Coal to Be Mined for Use of St. Elizabeth Hospital, Where Patients Are Suffering for Fuel. The Situation at Cripple Creek. SCOTTDALE, P., May 31. LABOR leaders are very indignant over the proclamation issued by Governor Pattison yesterday. They believe it the duty of Gov ernor Pattison to issue another pro clamation directing it exclusively to the coke oporators and compel them to dlspouse with the deputies' services nt once. Public opinian is greatly favoring the unemployed throughout the region, and it iB assert ed that the op, raters aro devising all nunner of means to provoke riots in the hopes of having the National Guard sent here to assist them. A car load of Austrians, numbering forty-two, and hailing from the east, were received at the Moyer plant of the V. J. Rainey company this morn -inc at 11 o'clock. They were met at Greensburg by Superintendent Johns and several deputies, who piloted them to their destination with safety. COAL OPERATORS DISAGREE. BPBIHOFIBLD, HI., May 31. The con ference of the coal operators of Illinois this morning to arrange prices and come to an ngreement whereby tho competition of the northern and south ern und central Illinois fields could bs adjusted to the end of settling the great coal strike, came to naught. There were thirteen mining companies repr. seated by about fifty delegates. The mines repre.,unted control an an nuil output of 4,521.000 tons. The conference was composed en tirely of northern operators, with a few from the central portion, the op'-rators of southern Illinois and the groat Consolidated Coal company re fusing to eutur. After two hours of finite argument among thotnielves, the pirntore adjourned nini die. Pittsburo. Pn., May 31. The H. C. Friok Coke company sent a carload of forty-seven Austrians and Negroes to the Standard works at 1 o'clock this afternoon. The men wore secured in the Mansfield region and say they were promised wages of $1 50 per day as long us they would contiuue at work. TRAINS DISCONTINUED. Springfield, 111 , May 31 Owing to the scarcity of coal the Illinois Cen tral will tomorrow discontinue two passenger trains on tho Springfield and Gilmun division and every freight train except one The Wabash shops, employing nearly 1,000 men, close tomorrow and every freight train not absolntely necessary will be abandoued. Within one week, It is thought, every industry in Spring fi 'Id will be at a standstill for lack of co 1 Pana, 111., May 31. Four hundred local miners marched to the Penwell mines this morning and tried to drive out the men at work. The deputy sheriff finally succeeded in driving away the strikers. Several of the dep nties and strikers were severely handled. The strikers threaten to at tuck the mine undercover of darkness, and serious trouble is feared, The mine will bo strongly guarded. Danville, III., May 31 The strik ing miners in the Danville field are on the verge of starvation. The patients at tho St. Elizabeth hospital are sofi'dr inK because there is no coal und tho Striken have refused to allow any fuel lo he mined for the sisters in charge of the institution. SITUATION AT CRIPPLE CREEK Cripple Crekk. Col., May 31. All is qniet on the hill, the governor being detained Dy a wasnout, wnioh ne cessitated a postponement of ths pro posi d meeting to effect a compromise. The miners may eventually be driven from their position, but any attempt to remove them by force will result in loss of life. The picket lines nro so trong now that no man cau enter the camp or leave it without an order from the commander. A regular conrt martial has been es tablished and n session is held nightly The strictest military duty is now en forced and pickets change on the hour bs regularly us soldiers in the regular iirmy when on duty, The minors on Bull bill received a large quantity of provisions and ammunition at their headquarters last night and are rein forcing their position at every point They hove received number of shells for tbtir 25 pound fiold piece which is so located that they are better prepared to shell the enemy than the deputies are to storm tne tort on Hull hill. They now have nearly one hundred head of hones and their soouts are muring the country in all directions getting information of the actions of the deputies and arranging for sun plies. They have a secret system of se curing information nnd they know of everything that goes on in the heart of ' the deputies camp. Three of the stages on the Cripple Creek and Ctnon City mail line to Lawrence have been stop- pea ny nrmea men. ine drivers were compelled to stop nntil all the passen gers had boen searched and relieved of nil crenrms. Two six horse stuges arrived from JJ'iUand both laden with grain. No 1 .Monger has come on the stage for pjm time, but the outgoing convoy n.ioiare londed with frightened neo t e who aro fl -elng from the threatened d.a,-r. The strikers are now making pruoveri or men whom tney consider d.Uv'irous to their safety and some peo j i are extravagant enough to say that flfty persons aro tnui item in custody. The latest capture is that of Jako Greonwall. of It qua Gulnh. Uniontown, Pa., May 81 Five car loads, of negroos, about 250 in all, were taken into the coke region this even ing. The Kainey and McClure com panies have hud agents in the S ut h several weeks, employing workman , who are now arriving. They were taken toLemont. Youngs- town and O iver woiks. Several oC the old miner returned to work at Kyle today. A raid on Kyle, Oliver and other plants ntar Dunbar h is boen planned for tomorrow providing the weather does not interfere. The pro clamation of Governor Pattison cuts no figure whatever, so far ns deterring the nieu from marching and threatening violence. Mount Pleasant. Pa.. May 31. To day 200 men were at work at Standard, about 180 of whom were uegroes, brought from Virginia. The south west company expect the arrival to morrow of 200 negroes. This will coin- lete the company a forces at More- wood and Alice coke works. LIGHTNING'S DEADLY WORK. A House Wrocked and a Molhor and Baby Burtnd in thn Ruins. Akron. O.. May 31. Lightning struck tho house of William Hall at Lakeview on Toesduy evening and wrecked the structure. Mrs. Hall and her baby ware buried in the ruins. Both were terribly in jured. Mrs. Hall's wounds aro fatal. COXEY HAS HAD ENOUGH. The General Will Quit Commonweal- in,' If He is Let Out of Jail. Washington, May 31. Inquiry at the clerk's office of the supreme court of the United States this morning elicits the fact that no motion for the release of Commonwealer Coxty upon writ of habeas corpus has yet boen presented to any judge of the supreme court for action, though it has been stated for several day; that Coxey, with the as sistance of one ov two of the PopnlUt congressmen, was contemplating inch a movement. Ho is represented as being quite will ing to quit if he ean only get his lib- rtv betore the expiration or his twonty days' sentence, which has still nine days to run. This is indicated by his transferring his command to "Gen eral" Frye and sending ell his bst horses home to Massilon. The Galvin contingent added to tho brigade is proving a far more tnrbnlont crowd of aggressive tramps and beggars, IMs understood that on eomnlaint of citizens tho sheriff of the Marylaud county whore all tho Comyites are now encamped is contemplating a raid oh tbem, and will have the the active as sistance of ths governor of Maryland and of a company of state militia if necessary, in carrying out his plans of ridding Muryland of the nuisance, Coxoy, the Commonweal leader, writes from his "Prison Parlor," as he calls it, in Washington, that he will be in Hnrnsburg to make a speech on Juno 17, and he may briug Carl Browne with hi in. AN ITALIAN'S RAZOR. James MoNoIif, of Hazleton, Gits It in tho N-ck. Hazleton, Pa,, May 81. James Mc Nelis, a resident of Pleasunt Hill, n villago near here, was a victim of a murderous assault last evening at th" hands of an Italian desperado. Mc- Neli was standing in the doorway of his bouse talking to a neighbor when two Italians rusnad them and one, a notorious cnaraotor known us "Curly, fired raveral shots from a re volver nt them and then cut McNelis' throat from oar to ear with a razor. The shots and the outcries brought assistance and the two scoundrels fled and made tnoir esoipe. The object of tho attack is supposed to have been robbery. It took twenty-five stitches to sow up the wound in McNeils s throat, and his condition is serious. WHITIUANITES ORGANIZE. Poet's Admirers In Philadelphia Favor an International Socloty. Philadelphia, May 31. A number of friends und admirers of the late Walt Whitman, the eminent poet, gathered here today for tho purpose of organizing an International Walt Whitman society. Dr D. (j. linnton will be selected as the llrst president. The object of the organization is to establish oenters in different pnrls of the world among the admirers of Whit man and to establish essays and papers devoted to an elucidation of his philo sophy of life. The organization will be incorporated. - SUICIDE ON A TRAIN. A Chicago Han Blows Out Hie Brains In the Presence of a Crowd. Cincinnati, May 31 John Schmidt, an electrician, who lives nt No. 57 Orchard street, Chicago, ' committed snicide last night while on a Cincin nati, Lebanon and Northwestern train at Cincinnati, The passengers wore thrown into consternation by the report of the pistol. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Pottsville's school board rof uses to sell text books to private and parochial schools. Petitions will be presentod to the Phila delphia and Rending company to remove some of the dams in tho Schuylkill rivor. Some of the anthracite collerlos in tho Schuylkill region are working night and day to supply the Philadelphia demand for coal. Governor Pattison has appointed Fred erick Middleton and John W. Frnznr, of Philadelphia, members of the Autiotam Battlefield commissdon. 'I'rniiH on the Philadelphia and Reading railroad will today run over the tempor ary bridge at Mtincy, and soon nil trace of the flnod's ravage will disappear. The body of a boy between S and 13 years old was found yesterday on Brush island in the Snsqueliaaua near Baiu bridge, where it had been lodged by the high water. It is supposed to be the body of a lad missing from Dlllstown, Cumber land county. Adjutant General Greelnnd, who Is a member of the Antietum buttle field com mission has notified each member of the commission that the meeting called for June & has been postponed until a time to lie seie.-ien oy mo Autietam ooaru or tne United States. HIE IAN Soaking Rains Cause Great Damage In Many Localities. THE CITY OF PUEBLO UNDER WATER Heavy Rainfall of Thirty-Six Hours' Duration Swells Colorado Streams to Raging Rivers Electric Street Cars at Puablo Forced to Suspend Oper.-.tions Water Several Feet Deop In Kis Streets Citizens Out in Boats Looking for the Earth. Pueblo, Col., May 31. T HAS rained incessantly for thirty hours nit over tho eastern part of this state. The rainfall is one of the iieuviest known. In this city the Arkansas river broke the levao laBt night in six places. From Union ave nue viaduct to the postoflico, three- quarters of a mile, all the cel lars are Hooded and the water reaches two foet above the first floors. The tlectrie street cars have stopped running, the work being in- unduwd. Hundreds of men ate out in boats today rescuing families from il ioded houses and removing goods. The five railroads entoring this city are tied np. The damae? amounts to at least 1 100, 000. The flood is now reced ing, und it is thonght that the danger in this city is practically passed. y, Col., May 81. The storm ii: this vicinity exceeds anything within memory. The Hio Grande railroad is blocked by rock slides, washouts, an i damage to bridges. Canon City, Col,, May 31 The rainfall here ex led twenty inches. Both the Rio Grande and Santa Fu railroad tracks east of here are washed out in places and in others covered with rock and san 1. no trains on tike's peak. Manitou, Colo., May 31. Apprehen sion was held here last niirut lest the dam in Lake Moraine, built to supply Colorado Springs with w.iter. would break, but Superintendent Rice says it ia secure, Tho Pike's Peak railroad bus baen damaged by floods for the first time since it was built, and no trains are runnintr. Denver, May 81. Late repoats from all parts of this state tell of groat damage by heavy rains. Streams run ning through canons have beeomr- rail ing rivers, and many bridges have been swept away and trams delayed. The damage will be great in all parts of the state. Topeka, Kan , May 31 The Ssntn Fe Railroad sompany s advices from Colorado Borings this afternoon in re lation to the flood in Colorado say that three bents of the bridge across tho Arkansas river at Nepeesta went ont at 0 o'clock this morning; that two more are going, and that there are indications that the whole bridge will be destroyed. GENERAL KELLY'S TROUBLE. The Naval Commonwealer I In Hot Water all Around. ST. Louis, way oi a warrant was issued in St. Louis thie afternoon charging Charles T. Kelly, tho aero naut, and admiral general of the In dustrial army, with assault with int-nt to kill Patrick IL.rdinann, one of his followers. Hurdmann claims that Kelly beat him with an iron rod while floating down the Mississippi last lues day. Tom Coyne, one of the gloo club singers, who was "marooned by Kelly on an island in the river a few miles below Quiiicy, and his boat de stroyed, has applied for a warrant against Kelly for the loss ot his host. To add to the donghty goneral's ran idly accumulating trouble. Oil. Sieed, who was expelled from the oriny at Qilncy, III., has caught up with it again, un I has succeeded in inducing companies A, B, C, H, N, and D, of California, to secede from the army and they are now enounipod 450 yards below Kelly s camp, Kelly will turn over enough boats to accommodate Speed's man to the latter if ho desires them. SIX HUNDRED AT WORK. Strikers at Fikeville, Tenn. , Mines Ro turn to Their Labors. Chattanooga, Tenn., May 81. Tho Pikeviliu Mining company has leased tho Whitewol), Tonu., Coal, Iron aud Rullway company and will b 'gin tho working ot the deserted shafts tomor row. The old force will be taken bock. The old scale will boobtnined, as the strike was merely ont of sympathy This means the return to work of 000 strikers. TOWN SWEPT f,WAV. Washington Is Visited by Divaslatl nir Inundation. Spokane, Wash., May 81. Word reached here last night that the tow of Goucnnelli was swept awoy by flood. It is said that every business house in town was destroyed und nearly all of the residences were swept awav. One woman, Mrs. Almnira Keith, lost her life. Much suit -ring is ported among the inhabitants of devastated town, MARIE TEMPEST QUITE ILL. ri the The Comic Optra Frlma Donna Threat Bind with Pneumonia. Middletown, Conn., May 81 Marie Tempest is very ill here and cannot sit np. She played here in the "B'encing Master'' on Tuesday night, nnd only sang ont of courtesy to Reginald De Koven, who is a native of this city and was directing that night. Mr. De Koven asked the indulgence of the au die nee for Miss tempest before tho curtain went up. Iu the first act her "Will o' Wisp' song hud to be cut, and at the end of tho second act she was so ill that sh had to be helped from the stage. In thn lust not a duet was omitted. Yd terday she was suffering from pains in the Inngs, und was obliged to have a ihysician in c uiotant attendance. Her naid Is at hor bedside all tho time. Dr. Edgerton, who is attending her. nys lie does not think the case will de velop in to pneumonia, hut she will not be able to leuvo her bed for several days. Jliss Tempest was advertised to plav n New London last night and expect ed to sail for Europe uext week. FRAZlR RIVER ON A RAMPAGE. Great SutTirin from Floods 1b the Northwest. Vancouver. B. C. Mav 31 The Frazer river ii still rising and the indi cations nro that the flood will be even more disastrous than the memorable one of 18H2. The river hns already ris'n within eight inches of the high water mark of that great inundation. The whole valley is undor water, tho Frazer bavin:' spread ont into a vast lake. Tho tido is crawling up at the rate of an inch oviry three hours. Many cabins along the water front have 11 mted off oa the tide, und many poor families have lout ail their be longings. All the river steamers have been commissioned by the government to assist in saving imperilled persons'. SEHEAOtD BY A TRAIN. A Man at York Suicideo in a Vary Un tidy Manner. York, Pa., May 31 A strnngi man mot deuth in u horrible form at York Haven, eleven miles north of this city this afternoon. Ho deliberately walked before an approaching train nnd placed his head on the track. The man's head was severed from his body and hnrled 200 yards. The uame of q. Warner was stamped on his hat. SUPREME COURT OPINIONS. Lower Court Affirmed in Case of Ah t?onquin Coal Company vs. Northern Company. IIarrirpuro. Pa., May 31. The su preme court finished its middle dis trict ha-jinusj this afternoon und ad journed to meet in Philadelphia on tho Utn ot July. the eourt to-day decided thn case of truncis M. Brooke, Jesse L:a und William L. Supplo.j against the city of Philadelphia, El win S. Stuart, mayor or suid city, and Thomas Al. Thompson controller. The case involved the right oi tne city to create a six million dollar loan for the removal ot the Reading railroad crossings on Pennsyl vania uvonue. In the opinio i dis missing tho bill t'i court takes the po sition that the $'23,180,100 of city cer tificates in thesiukiug fund is not a debt In tho meaning of the constitution. Chief Justic Sterrott dissents. He held that tne injunction against the six million loan ought to be awarded on constitutional grounds, L he court handed down tho follow ing decisions in addition lo tho above ones: Appeal of C. W. Miller. Col umbia county; order affirmed. Algon quin Coal company vs. Northern Coal Coal und iron company, Luzorno county; nflirmed. Washington De- lany vs. A M. Grove, Union county; uffirmid. J. T, Sweet vs. Williams, Brudford county; docroo reversed. STILL TALKING FIGHT. Dut Mr. Coibitt Deolines to Meet Jack eon in England. New York. May 31 The battle be tween torbett and Jackson will posi tively not take place m England. Cor- belt states that be has declined the Ni Uonul Sporting club's offur of a $15,000 puisu und will only consent to fight the colored champion iu America. This information was conveyed in a cable gram today to George Wolty, the the atrical manager, iromUorbott uiuisolf iu the cablegram Uorbett also stat-.d that he had decided to necept the $35,000 purse offered by the Jackson ville Athletic cluo, and ttutliorizjd Mr. Weltytosign nrtlclus of agreement. The Californian agrees to fight Jackson for tho purse and S1U.0U0, the battle to take place in October or November. THE MURDERER KILLED. L v ', Joaloasy, Hatred and Revenue Braponsible for Three Deathe BlBHlKOBAH Ala.. Mav 31 An old grndge, growing our of a love affair, resulted in u trinle trnsedv at Villain. Springs yesterday, in u nt or rage and iealonsv. Tom Early went into a mine where Washington uaiiey was at work ana snot mm to ue&tu. men going t itsileys houso the murderer shot in killed the dead man's wife, with who ml in he had been in love uud who had lotted him for Rtllev. re A posse ot omcers ana citizens fol lowed Eirlv. who INI. The lumsc iir.-i upon him and he fell, dying in an hour. uotii were minors. MURDERED FOR RIDICULE. An Old Kan in Montana Shoots Wife for Deiidlna- Him. HI Butte, May 31 Michael Jansn. aired 5S years, shot his wife bacauso she and her grown up children were inclined to hold him up to ridioule. He attempted suicide, but inflicted only a glancing sculp wound. FLASHED FROM THE WIRES. Rich gold diggings have beon disoovered near Lioon Liiike, idano. Ruilroad accountants of the country are in session at Washington. United Presbyterians voted to hold the next general assemoly in Pittsburg, Quebec merchants have organized fSUO.UUO company to ship dressed beef England. Probably 20,000 Knights of Pythias will attend me uieuniai session at waBUlugtou 1U AllgUBt. A barrel of human bones fonud in an old Queboc attic, points to a succession miirdors, it 1b thought. For the murder of his wife at Wilminr? ton, N. C, John Brork was given the max imuui sentence or thirty years. While handling bannnnss, Jacob Werb of Dubuque, was bitten by a tarantula, but prompt cauterization saveo nis lire. Mrs. Alice J. Smith, who has boen for many years DooKktepr oi tho Auburn (N Y.) Daily Bulletin, Weekly News and Democrat, has purchased the entire plant or iu,uw. WE ARE STILL m tae Little Kingdom to Nestle In Folds of the American Flag. TflER NATIONS OFF THE GRASS The Senate Passes a Resolution Warning Other Powers Not to In terfere with the Government of the Sandwich Islands Talk of the Tariff The Duty on Cane for Chairs Increased to 10 Per Cent. A Speech Donated to Press Correspondents. Washington, May 31. THE question of the policy of the United States toward tho Ha waiian islands was definitely U and clearly announced by the unanimous vote of the senate todav in the adoption of a resolution re ported from tbe committee on foreign relations declaring that belongs wholly to tho peoplo of tin. ii islands to establish and maintuiu their own form of govern ment nnd domoetic policy, that the United States ought not in any way to interfere thorewith, aud that any in tervention in tbe politteal affairs of those islands by any of those govern in nis would be regarded as an un friendly act to tbe United States. Iho tariff bill was taken up at 10 30 and within tbe uext hour the four par-1 agraphs in the lumber schedule were disposed of. The firat of the four, fix - og duties on lumber, plain or finished, whs, by u vote of do to M, struck out of the bill, so that such lumber may be put upon the free list when that stago of tho bill is renched. The duty on chair cane, or r, els was increased from 7 per cent ( is iu the house bill) to 10 p r cent., and the other duties in the schedule, were left as in the house MIL The sugar schedulo (E) having been renohed a threo hour p?ech on the question of the tariff was made by Mr. Sherman, Oaio. and Mr. Dolpb, Ore gon, addressed the senate at great ength on the subjeot of punishment for contempt of the senate, the newB nuper correspondents who had refused to answer certain questions of tbe com mittee investlgatiug the connection of the sugar trust with the sugar Bched ule. No conclusion was reached when at C.05 the seuute adjourned. nOUSE ntOCEKDINOS. There were three more speeches upon the bill for tbe repeal or tbe state bunk law delivered "in the house to-day, after Mr. lilack, (DVtn , wn.), had con cluded his argument in favor of tbe re peal of the law winch he began on Tuesday. Tbe spsnkers were Msssrs Walkor, (Kep., Mass.); McLauriu. (Dem., South Carolina), nnd Wheeler, (Dem., Ala.) At tbe present rate of progress, judging from the length of the list ot speakers who have already asked to be heard, the debate upon this measuro is likely to last for a week or ten days yet. Messrs. Broslno (Repnoliean, Penn sylvania) and Dewitt Waruer (Demo cratic, New York)uiembera of tho com mittee on banking and currency are ex pected to sneak tomorrow. Bills were passed before the discussion was en tersd upon today authorizing tbe secre tary to acquire by condemnation or other proceedings the grouud nooes srv to complete the Gettysburg bat t.lennd reserva'ion in Hccordance with the act March 3. 1S93, aud so provide for the appointment on an additlona judsro of tho United States court for the northern district of Illinois. WARNLD DY A WHISTLE. Denver, Col., Mny 31 Midnight The whistle at the Denver Paper mill south of tbe city began to blow shortly after 11 o clock tunight to warn tho residents of the Platte river bottoms to seek higher ground. Ths river has been steadily rising at tho rate of from four to six inches an hour all day, and at this hour it is outside it banks until the water is backed up to the Rio Grands shops nt Burnhnm. The thousand Coxeyites In river front parK have boon warned out. At Jerome park, the residents sought re fuge in a school house, which is now partially stibrnorged. There ia much excitement in the flooded districts, hut it is thought that all will bo rescued. GIRL CREATES A PANIC. She Threatens to Expl ids a Bomb In a Church Madkid. May 31. A young girl in the church of Sun Ildea FonsO Bcreained during the servico this evening: "Save yonrselves; here i a bomb that will explode.'' The congregation wus pauic stricken. All started for the doors. Many were tramped uuder foot and lost consciousness ou the floor. Three persons reseiyed injuries which are likely to cause death. After the chutch had bsen emptied the polloe fount that there was uo bomb in tbe build ing. Tbe girl then coufessed tbat the alarm was a hosx. PROTECT CLASSIC CARTERS. An Iojaooilon U Iasud Auainnt an In tfakor. PlTTBBCBQ, Msy 81 In the United States circuit court tuday Jadve Auhe son granted a temporary injunction agi.inst William Silverman, of Wil lisuisport, restraining him i loin manu facturing a garter, wnlch it la olalmsd is an infringement on a patent of what iB known s the "Boston garter." The injunction was asked by the George Frost company and Mury Q. Brown, of Boston. ROCK MINERS KILLED. Bops Break LaUing a Buckot of Stone Dn p on Two Man. Wilkks-Barek, Pa., May 81. There wus considsrubl excitement at the UlUs shaft near Nnuticoke today when a rumor was spread that several men htd bsen killed. A frightful acoidrnt, however, took place. A large buckot containing rook and ooal was be- ing hoisted, when near the top of tbe sbnft the rope snapped in twain nnd the bucket with its contents fell to the bottom, striking two rock miners bolow, killini; them instant v. Their names are William Baker. aged 29, single, and Adam Herman, aged 31. married, leaving a wife and two cuildren. MR. HARRISON ADMITTED. Oan Now Practice Law In United States Oourt at Chloairo. Chicago, May 31 The unusual spectucle of an ex president of the United States and an ex -attorney gen eral presenting themselves as appli cants for admission to practieo was witnessed this morning when the United States court of append for the seventh circuit court convened in its new quarter in the Moaadnock build- lag. Just after the court was formerly opened ex-President Harrison and ex Attorney General Miller, together with half a dozen other gentlemen, rose to their feet and were admitted to prac tice. Mr. Harrison and Mr. Miller appear in the case of the Cincinnati. Hamil ton and Dayton Railroad company, plaintiff in error, vs. W. R. McKeen, in appeal from the circuit of the dii- trict of Indiana, a suit growing out of the operations of "Napoleon" Ires. They are counsel for the appellee. ENCOUNTERED AN AMAZON. Mrs. Spangler Will Not Allow the Grand Army to Decorate Her Husband's Grave. Lebanon. Pa.. May 81. -The obser vance of Memorial Day at Myerstown took on a war like appearsuco by rea son of the determined opposition of Mrs. Eliza J. Spangler to tbe dec oration of her husband's grave by tho local Qrand Army post. Mrs. Soang ler was opposed to the local Grand Army mou on personal grounds and far several years pust has entered hor objection against the decoration of her husband's grave by them. This year again she notified them of her objection and added a warning that if they did not heed the notice they might know what they had to oxpect. Yesterday morning Mrs. Spangler went to the cemetery and with a body Kuard of four stalwart meu stationed at each corner of the lot, she took np a position at the foot of her husband's grsvo with a loaded revolver In her hand and an expressed determination to pour its bullets into the first man that attempted to put a tlower on the grave. The Grand Army of the Republic meu considered discre tion the better part of valor aud past Spangier's grave by undeoorated. Mrs. Span gler'a animonity against the local post was aroused because, she says, they opposed her application for a pension, WITNESSES RELEASED. Nine Seaman, Held for Fifteen Months, Will B i EelSMld Today. San Francisco, Cl., May 31. For over fifteen mouths nino seamen, against whom no charge has been made have been government prisoners in Angel Island. Tl.ey were witnesses against St Clair, Sparf and Hansen, the wouM-he pirates of the bark Hes por, who killed Mate Fitz;ernld. The witnesses were unable to give bonds and were thrown into the gov ernment uinl institution, pending nu appeal to the United States supreme court. Each has been allowed $1 a day as witness fees, howover. and tuey will be paid their money today, whon all will bo released WILL OUTDO OOWE. Maxim Fays He GM Up a Be'tor Bullst Prouf Coat in fix Hour a. London, May 31. Hiram Maxim writes to the Tiuit-s that he has inveut- in six honrs a cuirass of half tho thick ness of aud innoh lighter in weight than that of Herr Dows, which will sttind the same tosts as Dowe's coat will. He says he will give tin exhibition of his invention at the Erith Gun workB on Friday. He also b iys that he is willing to sell 1. 1 s i-rut to the govern ment for $3 and the cost of tbe mater ials, all ol which can be obtained in the village of Erith. AFTER ACTOR COGHLAN. Friend' cf Kuohna llaverldee Trvinsr to Prcva Bitrnmy Against Him. Indian atoms, Ind., May 31 Prose cutor Holtzmuu is investigating all tbe circumstances of Aetor Charles Cogh lan's marriage provions to his union with Kuehne Beveridgo in this city. The prosecntor believes thntCogblan ii guilty of bigamy. Miss Beveridge has frlonds and rela tives iu this city, and they are urging the prosecutor to take steps in tho mat ter and have agreed to pay all expenses. HEARD OVER THE CABLE. The North German Lloyd Steamship company has ordored four new steamships of 4,000 tons each. Ex-Premier Ca6imir-Porlor, of Prance, will docllno to accept the presidency of the chuinber of deputies. Aotor Henry Irvltifrmitprtsined Admiral Erben, of the United States cruiser Chi cago, at dinner nnd sent theatre tickets to ull the crew. Despite the government's request, thn Committee of the Spanish senate refuses to report upoti the commorcial treaties with Ucrmauv, Austria uud I.aly. Pending trial by court martial, Captain Caatelho, tho commander of the Portu guese naval force in liruzillau waters, who granted au asylum to Brazilian rcfusjocs, has been placid under arrest. Paul Bourget, the well-known novollst, and Albert Bora), the historian, were elec: ed as lnoinbern of tbe Academy at Paris, to fill tho vacancies cnusi'd by tbe death of M. Ducanip nnd' Talue. No votes were cust for M. Zola. WEATHER FORECAST. 1 Wabhinoton, May 31. I CLEAR for Eastern Pennsylvania, New Buu-nn jerse,! Delaware and Maryland, I ! general! fair, nrst winds. For ' IVjferr Pennsyiaunta, fair, pre- e.-ded liy saoieerj in northern portion in tho early mvming; warmer, northwest winds becoming variable. FINLEY'S Embroidered Handkerchief SALE. Four Great Specials 100 Dozen Ladies' Ini. tial Handkerchiefs, warranted all Linen and hand embroidered, 11 CENTS EACH 50 dozen Unlaundried Handkerchiefs, guar anteed hand embroid ered and every thread Linen. 19 CENTS EACH 100 dozan Sheer Linen. hem stitched, hand embroidered, initial, $2.85 PER D0Z3N 50 dozen as3orted,scal loped and hem stitched, embroidered Handker chiefs, reduced to 25 CENTS EACH These four lines are the greatest value ever shown in Handkerchiefs. 510 AND 51 LACKAWANNA AVE 2 fHE CUTTA PERU 4 RUBBER HrWS FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOS1 CHA3. A ECHIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Onk-tanned Leather Belting. H. A. Kingsbury AOEKT 513 Spmce St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis, Reiily & Davies A DRIVE Shoes. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We Examine Eyes Frco of charge. If a dootoi Is needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect fit. AH SILVERWARE and Damaged Good t Arcade Fire will be sold at 90 Per Cent Below Coat. j. mm The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. ' ft w In Russet
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers