FOH T1IK B EST YOU AT ILL BE INTERESTED IN "THE PACE OP BOSEXFEL." PAGE OF SI'OKTING NEWS Tl UN THIS LEAP. EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. SCR ANTON. PA.. THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 81, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER L OBSERVANCE How the Occis'ou Was Celebrated at Va rious Localities. USUAL SERVICE AT GETTYSBURG Tha Graves of Colored Veterans Decorated in the Morning Chil dren of the Public Schools Strew the Graves of Thousands at the National Cemetery President Cleveland and Cabinet Attend Ser vice at Arlington Ceremonies ftt Other Place. GetTysbi'ko, Ph., May 80. 71 fTI EMOUIAL DAY on this buitle lUi fiidd wag observed with the V usual uppropiute services. Iu J u U tbt morning the colored school Children decorated tiie graves of tbo colored veterans. In the afternoon at i! o'clock in the Soldiers' National cemetery tbe children of the public schools strewed the thousands of gruves and post No 9, G-. A. It., erforrned their ritualistic services. At the rostrum after a priywr by Rev. Dr. Milton Valentine, the Hod, J. B, Dollivcr. member or congress from Iowa, delivered a brilliant oration A lurge crowd of visitors was present frcm JBaltimore, Washington and other cities. St. Lolis, Mo., May 30 The Memo rial Day exorcises were hold here to day under cloudy skies and with cool weather. This afternoon the different Grand Army posts formed in a general parade and inarched to Bellulontaine cemetery, where the statue of General MoNeil was uuveiled. Colonel W. II. Blodgmit delivered tbe oration. OUAVES OF 10,000 DIXORATED. Washington, May 30 The presi dent and tho members of his cabinet ut present in Washington Secretaries Greshum, Carlisle, Smith and Morton attended tiie ceremonies today at Ar lington, where more than 10,000 graves were decorated. Tue presidentiallparty, whose appearance on the speakers' platform created considerable enthusi asm, took no active part in tho pro gramme, but attentively listened to the eloquent addresses, and at the conclu sion of the exorcises returned to the city, CniCAOO H iu. Th Memorial features of Decoration Day were gen erally observed by the patriotic people of this city. The afternoon wi.a taken up with parades, ceremouivs and serv ices in a dozen cemeteries and puriss. BaltOCOBK, May 30. Never before wns Decoration Day so generally ob served iu Baltimore. There wore two parades made up of the various posts, and thousands of graves were covered with flowers. AFRAID OF BEING SHOT. Cause of a Young Man's Suicide la the Capital Grounds. Washington, May 80 The body of the yuuiiji man who committed snicide in tho capitol grounds Fridiy nignt has been identified as that of Goore Konig by his 11-year-old brother John, The two boys had livod in Waverly, a suburb of Baltimore, since the death of their parents, some years ago. The elder had joined Company H, Fourth rebuilt nt of trie militia of Maryland, but during th winter be was out of work part of tho time and fell behind in his dues. Someone told him he would be nourt murtialod and perhaps shot, because of bis debt. Frightened and worried, the sensitive lellow wrote a letter to his captain, saying that he was penniless, and begging that the disgrace be de layed as long "as possible. On Friday night Konig came to Washington.made his way to the capitol grounde, and, after tearing the lining out of ids hat and destroying everying that might lend to bis identification, shot himself through the heart. IRVINGTON MILL BURN RflCt. A TwDty-Fiva Mllo Bicyole Bun In New Jeraej. MiLi.ntiRN, N. J., May 30. The groat Irvington-Millburn twonty-fiv mils bicyclo road raee was run to-day, a dusty road in clear but windy weather, before many thousands of enthusiastic spectators Tho race was started at 11:45, the men with long handicaps making a strong pace and keeping their lead well for the first live miles. At fifteen miles many had dropped out und a smaller number than had been expected ware in at the finish. A. H. Burnett, Elizabeth Wheelmen won in 1 11 18; H. Horace Allen, As bury Park, second, 1.11,20; E Bnf iincer. Riverside Wheelmen, third, 1.18,00; O. J. Uoehestor,fonrth,1.13 87; V. L. G'ffln. Orange Athletic club", fifth, 1.15 11; V. c. Hoome, Jersey City. sixth, 1 10 Burnett also won the prise for fastest lime. PARLOR CUV RAILROAD, Charter Granted a Now Line at Harris burs;. Harhisuuko, Pa., May 30 At the tate department the Blughainton, Pennsylvania and Southern Railroad company was incorporated with a cap its! stock of $800,000, and Edmund O'Connor, of Binghamton, as presi dent. It is an interstate lin . A LIGHT SENTENCE. Anerchiit Pawlowlca Gets Fourteen Says for I .c.-raliury Spseohta. Berlin, May 30 The anarchist, Pawlowicz, was tried in the orlminal court here today for having made in cendiary speeches concerning the con duct of the police at tho meeting of un employed at. the Friedricbshain last January. He told the people at public meetings that they would be justified in shooting at uon-iiuiformed police men or vigilantes who attacked them with clubs. The presiding judge remarked nt the close of the trial that 1'awlowiez had III been properly tndinuant at the behav ior ot the men who presumed to appear in civilians attire when doing police dnty. The public could not be ex pected to accept discipline from per sons wearing oltiisns clothes, or to dis tinguish between uon-uniforrue 1 po licemen and civilians. Pawlowiez w is seiitencod on technical grounds to 14 days imprisonment. ACCUSED OF AWFUL CRIME. Samuel Mook Charirtd with Having Murdxred His Fathnr. Lewisiiuuu, Pa., May 30. Today Samuel Mook wus lodged in jail, charged with the murder of his fattier, Eiias Mook, ngod about 70 years, who was buried Fob. 84 There had been a qnaml in the family anil suspicions of foul play boiug aroused, tbe body was t-jhumod. It showed the marks of a k iife incision in tbe breast and bruises snout the head. A post mortem examination revealod the fact that Mook had not died from natural causes and the verdict of tho coroner's jury was that no died from external violence at the bauds of par ties unknown. It is regarded here as a murder resulting froui a family fight. CRASH ON THiTrASLROAD. Two Freight Trains Meet on the Old Colony Line Three Persons Killed. Sharon, Mass , May 30. Between 12 and 1 o'clock this morning two freight trains came together nt Sharon Heights, on the Provl lencs division of the Old Colony railroad, wrecking the engine and three loaded cars, killing three ami injuring two persons, one Dadly. Matthew Cuapin, of Roxbury, Mass., the engineer of one train, was thrown through the cab window, but escaped with ,i few bruises. E lward E. Grood win. of Roxhary, fireman, was instant ly killed, as was also the head brake man, Benjamin McLeod, of Boston, who was riding on the engine. A young man who, from papers on his person, was probably named Fred erick Lawrence, about 18 years old, und CnristoDhor Murray, of Pawtucket, were riding on the bumpers betwoen the tender aud tho first car. Lawrence was crushed to death and Murray was badly injured. IRISH NATIONAL PARTY. Will Come Into Fo aotlon of a Fund Lft By Parnell. Pauis. May 30 The representative of the United PresB is informed upon the highest authority that the Irish National partv will, in all likelihood, very soon coma into possession of the fund deposited in Paris by the late Charles S. Parnell nnd his fellow trus tees of the Irish Parliamentary fund. The recent efforts or Messrs. Monroe aud company, the Paris bankers with whom the fund is deposited, to settle the question as to tbe disposition of the fund, failed be cause the banefioies quarrelled over tbe division of the money. Now it is asserted all of them, in cluding Mrs. Parnell, have agreed to sink their differences, and judgment in the case will he given by the Seine tri bunal, a document giving mutual con sont to the release of tho funds having been finally drafted aud approved by all concerned. NORTHWEST FLOODS. Oveiflow of the Frozer Bivar Causes Great Detructlca. Vancouvrk, B. C, May 30. Tbe overfi.-.w ot th Fraz -r river is causing great destruction and loss of life. Tue tiurrounding valleys have been sub mergod, houses aud outbuildings ot ranchers have heen swept away, and where but a few days ago were fields of growing grain, is now a waste of water. Many 'bonis of cattle and floeks of sheep havo been drowned. Whole vil lages on the banks of the stream are floating. So far eight lives are known to have been lost. At Morris steamers nre sailing in water where a week ago were farms. Farmers, fearing to remain longer, are taking passage on steamers and bring ing their families here. THEIR COAL EXHAUSTED. Several In lattrias at Hollldays burg Obliged to Sunpind Work. IIOI.LIDAYSBUIIO, Pa., May 30 Tho extensive mills nnd book '( In lary of the Bare Pap-r company at iiocring Springs, this county, tho rolling mill of the Portage lion company at Du snesvllle and the works of the Hoili daysburg Iron and Nail company closed down to-day for a lack of coal. Thesit are some of the largest works in this section of the country, and if a supply of soft coal is not soon obtained there will not bo a single manufactur ing industry in this section running. PENNSYLVANIA NOTES. Lake Cary's postmaster says that not a bass In tho lako has died. Floods have left tho Schuylkill canal In very bad condition from one end to the other. WUliamsport lumbermen will reclaim 75,000,000 feet of logs caught above Colum bia dam. Four yonng men and three young wo men graduated from the Spring City High school last night. Forty carloads of egsrs (aoout 5,700,000) detained by floods, are in the cold storage house at Royorsford. Dowingtown has at la?t granted tho Pennsylvania Traction Company a right of way through the borough. Mrs. Poabold, an in-nno fugitive from Milton, was finally discovered and cap tured in an apple tree near Suubury. A hundred Lancastrians organized a So oioty for tho I'revontion of Cruelty to Anlmnls, with Major B. Frank Breueman as president. To prevent contamination of tho Schuyl kill just above Reading, tbe city water board recommend tho purchase of six farms, at a cost of 175,000. Lycoming county commissioners intend to build a line new iron bridge across the river from Market street, wllllamsport, above the Reading rollroad tracks. Major B. F. Bean, of Pawling, and his old army comrades are going to take a Chesapeake steamer and visit Maryland nnd Virginia battlefields, where they fought the rebels. THE SITUATION IS Sheriff Wilhclm, of Fayetle County, Appeals to the Governor id Aid. OUR 1ILITIA MAY BE CALLED OUT The III Feeling Between Strikers and Operators Increasing Daily Gov ernor McKinley Orders Out Troops in Ohio A Crisis Is Reached at Cripple Creek Governor Waito Condemned Trains Captured by Strikers. II AitMSBUHO, May 30. K OVERNOR PATT1SON today re Li celved a letter from Sheriff Wil li helm, of Fayette county, in Viitl which tbe sheriff details nt length the various conflicts caused by the striking coke workers, several of whicli resulted in death of persons and injury to iniinv others. He informed the governor that tho strikers march in luro bodies, iu some instuuee 2,000 in number, and that owing to tbe large numbers and tho dangerons character of tho mob it is extromely diflicult to secure pons'-a equal to tbe emergen cies. He regards tiie situation as crit ical and communicates these facts to lbo governor that the latter may un derstand the necessity for prompt ac tion. The governor replied at once inform ing the sheriff that bo has issued a pro claniation which should be posted con npicnonsly throughout the county. The reclamation declares that riotous do monstrations extat in various sections of Fayette county whicn threaten lives aud property and which tho civil umbo rities are unable to suppress. Com mands all persons engaged in such de monstration to disperse, warning them that persistence in violation will com pel resort to military force to compol obedience of the law. STRIKItRS CAPTURE A TISAIN. BRAZIL, lad., May 30. To evade in terfereaoe from the striking miners, a Vandalia railway crew went down to the llellie mine at 11 o'clock Inst night to move out ten 11 it cars loaded with coal. As tho train stopped to switch on to tiie main track it was captured by a gang of strikers who cut the cars loose, piled ties between them aud dumped tho coal on ihe tracks. The miuors' organizatlou has declined the invitation of the committee of business in n to meet tonight and dlsontS the situation. Tbe feeling is usly. Inidianai'OLIs, Ind., May 30. Gover nor Matthews said today that he will not call out the militia unlets it is clearly proved to him that tbe sheriff' forces cannot control the striking mi ners iu Vermillion and Clark counties. KIN KM DESIRE SETTLEMENT. PmLLIPSBDRO, Pa.. May 30. In an swer to an inquiry as to what his opinion was of tbe operators' confer ence with Governor Pattieon, James White, of HontBdale, tin strike leader In the ClCarfleld district, said: "If the operators of the Central Pennsylvania lields and oilier regions in this compet ing district will unito in naming ex actly what rate per ton they are will ing to pay the miners they would put nothing in tho way ton speedy settle ment." The governor's m-ssag to White Inst night was Immediately wired to President McBride. Mr. VVliito said that there is no truth in tho report that the wages of the miners in the Poca hontas dLtrict are -10 per cent, lower than wages paid in this region. Ho said that before tbe suspension the miners in Pocahontas received 35 cents a net ton, that as soon as the suspen sion was ordered the operators gave their miners an advance of 5 cents n ton, and taking into consideration that the miners of that region have no dead work to perform, he thinks they are better paid th in tue minors in this re gion at 35 cents net. The report that tho sheriff of Clear field county has istud a letter to miners, has no further foundation than that at tho time the minors were making demonstrations at Woodland, where the mines were guarded by conl and iron police, the sheriff had pre pared for him a carefully worded pro1 -lamntiou, which be intended to ujs if necessary. The necessity has not yet arrived. QUIET AT STICKLE HOLLOW, Uniontown, Pa., May 3(1 No out breaks nre reported at any point in tbe region today. Five morn of the Stickle Hollow strikers furnished bail this moruing and were released. James Lunghrey, the young man charged with the killing of one of the Slave tit Stickle Hollow, was brought here to j ul this morning. He will be given a bearing in a few days. At Kyie, where the strikers are camping in large force, no outbreak has occurred, al though it is reported that tbe deputies fired several fthots at strikers this morning for uttempts to interfere with the workmen. No one wns hurt. Bei.mcfontb, Pa., May 30.-Tho conl operators in Center county havo written to Sheriff Condo here, in king him to be iu readiness to respond to a call for as sistance at any lime. It seems to be the inteution of tho operators to start their mines with new men at the old scale. The sheriff was through the snow shoe district yesterday, but found no reason for the operators asking for help at the present time. CRISIS AT CREEK Denver, OoL May 30. Gov. Waits last night left Denver secretly and this morning arrived at Victor, where he is having a conference with the miners. Tho governor says he goes to Cripple Crek as a Knight of Labor to tulle with his fellow knights. No more war, there fore, has been made to-day. The strikers have warned the people that they dislike to leave tbe town of Cripple Creek. Deputy sheriffs nre still encamped at Divide and are bsing reinforced. It is not thought that Waite's pres ence will stay a battle, which seems inevitable, and tbe general belief is that trouble will occur as soon as the CRITICAL governor leaven. The people oC Color ado Springs and D.nver are highly in censed at the governor and his parti ality to the strikers and the prese is' unanimous in condemnation of his acts, fven the Populist papers pointing out the governor's errors. The citizsns of Colorado Springs have been alarmed by private reports received there that the strikers intend to come to that plnco and capture mine owners and hold thein as hostages. They held a mooting this morning and appointed a home guard of 200. Speeches were made by prominent cilizens, ono of whom, a banker, offer ed his entire property to the county commissioners to assist in pntting down the Insurrection. M1I.1TIA CALLED OCT IN OHIO. Columbus, o., May 80. A special from Gloucester, Athens county, states that striking miners stopped a Toledo and Ohio Central conl train loaded wilh West Virginia coal yesterday and detained it. This morning another train was stopp? 1 there. The railway company appealed to Sheriff Rilov, but owing to tho great number of slrikers, he decided to involve military aid. CINCINNATI O, May 30. Governor McKinley, who is here attending Dec oration bay exercises, has issued or ders calling out the state troops to proceed at once to Athens connly to quiet the trouble among tbe miners. Tlis request from Sheriff Riley, of that county, readied tho governor iiero and he lost no timo iu granting it. Indianapolis, lnd., May 30. The Evauville and Terre Haute railroad, by its attorneys, m ide application to the federal court here today for a rc- Itratning order to prevent the striking miners from interfering with its trains. A conference was held with Judge Biker, but for some reason tbe order was refused. The attorneys then sought Governor Matthews und held a consultation with mm at which it is supposed protection was demanded, BRIDGE BURNED AT GLOUCESTER, Columbus, O.. May 30. A special from Gloucester says that a bridge on tbe Kanawha and Michigan at that place was burned last night, presum ably by the strikers, Passenger trains are allowed to run on the Toledo aud Ohio Central, bat nil freight trains nre Stopped by the strikers. rHILUPSBUBQ, Pu., May 30. Indica tions nro now that tho operators have united to break tho strike, and that a beL'inuing will possibly be made in Pcale and O'Shsnter by the Blooming ton Coal Mining company, nnd tho Consolidated Coal Mining tiompany, nnd at Horatio, Welston and Adrian iu tbe Pnnxsutawney district, by the Berwind White Coal Mining company. It is not -likely there will be an at to start in either flomzlalo or Phluipsbnrg until tbe outcome of the attempt in seen in the above named plaoes, Columbus, O., May 30 Further trouble has neon averted, nt least teffl pcrarily, at Gloucester, by the railway Company agreeing not to attempt to handle any mure coal at present, and the order for the troops to go thore has been recall ed. It is understood that tho company proposes to resume the shipment of coal on Friday. Tnere will be trouble again if thi-y do so, ns tho thousands ot idle miners there nro determined that West Virginia coal shall not pass through the valley. GRAND STAND DISASTER. Four Hundred People Go Down With a Platform-One Killed and Many Vountled. CHIPPEWA Falls, Wis., May 30 A sad accident happened at the baae ball grounds in this city this afternoon, ri -suiting in tbo d 'nth of one person and injury to many others. Tho Diamonds, of St. Paul, were to play with the Chippewa Falls club nnd a larst crowd was on the grounds. About 400 people were on tho grand stand, when, with out winning, it gave way, throwing tho people to the ground. James McCurdy, it workman who was underneath at the time, was killed outright and many were very seriously injured. Another Workman had an arm broken, T. B. Leonard, assistant secretary of state, was badly bruised about tho head) as was also Judire Con dit Mrs. James Mayer was badly bruised and many others received .slight bruises. Tiie stand was new, this being tho first day it WAS used. BO MO.) AT SOiW. An Fzplnvlnn In Front of B-sldsnce of Mtnlstor of War. Rome, May 30. Bombs were ex ploded nt about 10 15 o'clock this evening in front of the honses of tho ministers of justico and of war. The delonatious were almost exactly simultaneous. The buildings in each neighborhood wr' shaken as If by an eartliq iake. Hundrols of windows wero broken and tbe street lights wero extinguished, The bombs wore set, it is believod by anarchists who wished to emphasize tli us their disapproval of the sentences in the case of Deputy De Feliue and his aesoointes. FLASHED FROM THE WIRES. Sale of doctored cigaroltes Is mndo a finnblo offenue in Chicago. Ten thousand attended the Confcdorato reunion nt Fort Donelson. Small pox has broken out In the North western National Home, at iiilwaukoo. A $100,000 fortuuo falls to John McDa vitt, tho keeper of a Port Townsond, Wash,, restaurant. llnndits slew Herntto Hernandez, bis wife and three. children near Colohaetos, Mi x., and soldiers are in chase. By inhaling gas from a tube, Bernnrnina D. Ilolf, an eccentric Swedish mnslcinn of New York, ended her lire, ' Prominent Illinois Republicans suggest Joseph lledill, of the Chicago Tribune, as candidate for Senator CuIisui'b seat. For lriOO the Merritt Wrecking com pany, of New York, has bought the steam er, Persian .Monarch, straudod off East port, L. I. In a desperate fight between police and freight car thieves at Guthrie, Ok :a Po liceman V. H. Lester and tieorge Burgess, a colorod thief, were fatally shot. Acquittal In six minutes on tbo ground of insanity ended tho trial of Mrs. Cather ine M. Fitzgerald, of New York, for the shooting of Mrs. Caroline PearealL no THE BRAVE National Day of Mourning Appropriately Ob served in the City. SOLDIERS GRAVES BEDECKED Impressive Ceremonies Held in All of the Cemeteries of tho City Where Union Soldiers Are Sleeping Pa rade in the Afternoon Patriotic Entertainments Held in the Evening by G. A. R. Posts. 7171 BMORIAL day dawned dark U and stormy, but the members V of the Grand Army Posts JuU of Scranton were astir early in the morning, intont on u mit sion of tenderness nnd lovo iu memory of their departed comrades. Tue vari ous cemeteries wero visited early in the day, mid iho graves of the sleeping soldiers strewn with flowers in spite of the falling rain. The tender service was iu mist instances accompanied by elaborate and beautiful ceremony that could not fall to stir tho heart of every patriotic on -looker. In the afternoon there was a parade In which n large procession marched through the principal streets of the city, the pageant baing witnnssed by many hundreds of citizms. Business generally was snspeaded out of respect to the day, the people turning out to witness the semes attendant upon the patriotic demonstration. In the evening entertainments wore given at tho Frothingnam theater and Young Mn's Christian association ball, Colonel Archie Baxter, of Elrairo, N. Y., speaking to the meml ere of Colonel Ezra H. Uriilia Post, at tho former, while Charles W. Dawson and A. J. Col born delivered patriotic addresses in Young Men's Christian Association hall, tiie entertainment at that place being under tho auspices of Coiouel Monies Post. Notwithstanding the disagree iblo weather a large assemblage gathered at the Hyde Park cemetery' to honor the memory of the union dead buried thore, Tho services began at tho cathedral where throe inae.303 were celebrated und an appropriate sermon preached by Rov. J. a, O'R-jilly. At the close of mass a procession formed under Grand Marshal R. A. Malouey and ui irchod down Wyoming avnnne, followed by the Phii Bberidan Rifles, oommanded by J. c. Vauhn. After them came tho St. Peter's cadets, followed by carriages in which rodo ltov. P. J. McManns, Rv. J. A. O'Reilly and the cathedral ohoir mem bers. OniFFIN MEN IN CIIAROI. A detail from Ezra S. Griffin post No. 1"0 G. A, K had charge of tbe decorating ot tho graves and the care mouies at tiie cemetery. Tho detail was under the command of Moses Morey, and consisted of William McDonald, Henry W. Lottos, H. B. Atberton) Uvorge Wilder, Thomas Jenkins, D. D. Jones, Johu Powell, Patrick Thom as, Frnnk Collins, Samuel Vauehau, Joshua R. Thomas. Thomas Madigiin and S. F. Oiams. A detail from the Sons of Veterans was also present under command of William Lobor. Tho exercises opened with the rend ing of the death roll by the ellicer of the day, af tor which Rev. J. A. O'Reilly offered prayer. The ohoir sang the B nediotns, Rev. J. A. O'Reilly read the prayer iu the G A. R. ritual, and then Rev. P. J. McManns delivered an eulogy befitting the time and occasion. Tue address abounded in patriotic thought and closed as follows: Tho results of that war woonjoy. Up to that tlnio our country was engaged in war every twenty-llvo years. We have lived in peace over thirty years since. Tho last war showed what our people could do, and no power now would dare to tost our Strength. W nro united and free. Our government Is tho model whieh all patri otic people nre trying to imitate, wiint wo are, what we have, as a people we owe to those who maintained our rijjlits and preserved our uniuu. We feel grateful to our defenders. Tho greatest compliment and the greatest praise that yon caa give n man is to Imitate him. This compliment, tins praise WO give to the veterans living and dead hy offering them to tho pieient aud future f.oys and men of our beloved country. Especially to the Doys of the present, who are to be the men of the fu luie, wo say imiiato the veterans of tho civil war imitate them in their self eacri lice to duly and in their loyalty to law, and no enemy, domestio or foreign, will ever be able to overthrow our glorious govern ment which depend tor its preservation on the patriotism of its people. When the speaker had ended the dead wero saluted by the comrades, and tho choir sang "The Soldiers' R qnicm." The benediction was pronounced by Rev. J. A. O'Reilly. Tho Sons of Vot esans' bugler sounded the cull, and then the choir sang in union, "My Country," after Which tho graves wore decorated. at WAS8B0RN btkebt ckmetery. The exercises at tho Wash hum Streot cemetery was in charge of Com mander S. B. Mott, of Lieutenant Ezra S. Grifflu Poat. No. 139, but ou account of the storm the programme was not fully carried out. Rov. A. W. Cooper, pastor of the Hamptou Street M. E. church, offered the opening prayer and gave the oration. He said among tue things' Thoughts of the hardships and suffer ings endured nnd the sacrifices made by tho loyal Uniou Boldlor, inspire within me a gratitude akin to reverence, so that bo fore no other body of men do 1 bo gladly stand with uncovered head. Iu unison with the loyal aud true sous of tula broad republic, we are gathered to do honor to our country's soldier dead. And we do well. Wo live iu an ago of unparnlelled activity. Our haste can brook uo slow pace. Our grandfathers wore coutent with coach nnd four. Their swiftest means of communication was tho post man's horse. Our fathers harnessed steam to their carriages in tho lovol reaches and sent thoir message: hy telegraph. We send the Iron horse across tho moun tain, harness the lightning to our cars and talk without regard to distance. We have outwitted the storm king and now dis close his wily plot oro yet ho has the time to execute it. Like a fmrltivo oar on a down grade, gaining swi'ftuess and mo Ooatlnutd on Page 6. HONOR SPhlflG TROTTING MEET. Fauntleroy Wins iu Straight Heate. The Oihr Favorites. Philadelphia, May 80, Tho spring trotting meeting of the Philadelphia Driving Park association, began ut Point Breege to-day. The 2;h7 trotting race was won by Fuuntlfcioy iu straight beats. Grate ful was tho favorite. Martha H., by Gambettn Will, won tho 2:18 pacing race. Mies Woodford, tbe favorite, being distanced. The 2:29 race was unfinished. Kite was tho favorite. Summaries: 9.87 Class, purse SM. Fountleioy won; Liukivood, second. Time, 'J.J5W. 2.1M clnsi-, paeiug, purse $500. Martha II. won: Charley 1!., second, lirce, 2.19. 2.29 class, purse taiJO (unfinished). W'illiB A, won; Kate, second. Time, 2.2J. STATUE OF HORACE GREELEV UnvelLdwLh Approp fato C:rmonlea In New York Yostorday. New Yokk, May 80. At 2 o'clock this afternoon in the Triangle at Broadway, Sixth avenuo and Thirty third street, known as Greeley square, the statue of Horace Groeloy was nn veiled und was accepted by the city, and a popular movement that was be gun twenty yoais ago reached its prop er conclusion. Appropriate ceremonies marked tbe event. PITTSTON EISTEDDFOD. Scranton Wins All of the Big Prizes at Yesterday's Musical Festival. Special to the Scrantnn STWbune. Pittston, Pa., May 80 The even ing session of the eisteddfod was will attended, lion. Theo Strong, of West I'ittston, and Judge E.lwards, of Scranton, presided. The piano solo iu which the oontost ant rend the music at sight wns wou by John O'Malley, of Avccn, prize. The tenor and duett, "The Two Dard,'' prise 110, was won by Moses Morgan and Elward Bowen, of Scran ton. Recitation, "Murder Will OutTor males decided in tavor of Dayid J. Williams, of Wilkts-Barr. Tho so prano solo, "For All Eternity," was awarded to Mrs. David D. Lewis, of Sornnton. For the baritone solo, "The Hero," tho prizo was divided between Harry Harris, of Eiwardsdale, and Phillip Warren, of Scranton. Tho Female chorus, sung "Tho Corralled Cavos of Oeoau," price $35 was awarded to tho Cambro American choir, of Scranlon, led by Mrs. Nellie Moses Thomas. The big price of $200, by ohcirs of more than forty voices, singing "Toe Glory of the Lord," wus won by the Scranton ohoir. DEATH OF FRANK RESP. A Prominent Resident of Fitteton Passes Away. fecial to the Ncranton Tribunt. Pittston, May !10. -After an illness for upwards of seven years, Frank P Reap, of this place, passed peacefully away yesterday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock, nt the family home on William street, at the age of 42 years. Mr. Reap's career since Ins boyhood up to hein;; strioken down has been one of ripe experience in tho business and 11 uancial elf airs of the town. He was a son of the late Michael Reap. At the age of 18 be entered the Uuited States military academy a: West Point und graduated therefrom in 1872. He entered the United States army as lieutenant nnd was assigned to tho Tonth cavalry at Fort Sill in the Indian Territory on tbe Iudiau resar vutioii. Lati r he was stationed at Fort Donaldson in Texas, sine;! abandoned. His many deeds of bravery and his proficiency as a disciplinarian won for him official distinction. No arrange ments tor tho funeral have yot been made. CHICAGO WH EEL SPORTS. Sixteen-Year-Old Boy Wins the Boad Bice. Chicago, May 30. The Chicago road racj ou wheels w is liddon this morn ing, Frederick U.iu, 1G years old, who had not wou any kind of a cycling prize beforo and has boon riding a wheel only two yonrs, was tho first rider to crois tho tape at tbo finish. Ho wns on the 7$ minutes handicap mark and covered the distance, 18 1-5 miles iu 57 miuntos, 10 ssconds. Four hundred and eight wheelmen, representing all the ohms in the city limits aud suburbs competed for the honors. There were several accidents. E. Lund berg, of the Luke View club, fell aud was badly injured. MAYS BREAKS THE RECORD. He I Victorlcus In a Flfteen-lttW-Run at Erie. EniE, Pa., May 30. Iu the Roster race to-day, over a fifteen-mile course there wero forty-seven starters. Otto Mays broke the best previous fifteen-mile, that over tbe Bell Isle course of Detroit, In -13:44 and establishing a new record of 42:43. HEARD OVt.R THE CABLE. Astringent anti-Anarchist, law will be passod by Snain. Italian troops attacked and broke up a formidable hand of brigands uear Lan sari. Another nppoal for Mrs. Maybriek's freedom ia made by her mother, Baroness BoUQUCB. Businees i paralyzed iu fmonos Ayres, six Urms failing Monday with largo liabili ties. While being searched by Paris pollco, an anarchist named Chambers, tried to swal low a violent mauilesto, but was forced to disgorge. Oxford university will give Captain Malum, of tho Uuited States cruis-r Chi cago, tho degree of Doctor of Civil Law at the coming cnminencomout. On retirement from his post at St. Peters burg, United States Consul Uenernl J. M. Crawford Vai presented by Russian olll cialB with a silver table sorvice. WEATHER FORECAST. I WASHINGTON. May 30. Fm-rnsl I RAIN i fif iVmnsjfv-ania, for Thursday: shower, cooler, east to north timids. 'or Western i'eim siluvnia, showers toiiiuht and probably Thursday, north winds. FILEY'S Embroidered Handkerchief SALE, Four Great Specials 100 Dozen Ladies' Ini tial Handkerchiefs, warranted all Linen and hand embroidered, 11 CENTS EACH 50 dozen Unlaundried Handkerchiefs, guar anteed hand embroid ered and every thread Linen. 19 CENTS EACH 100 dozen Sheer Linen, hem stitched, hand embroidered, initial, $2.85 PER DOZEN 50 dozen assorted.scal loped and hem stitched, embroidered Handker chiefs, reduced to 25 CENTS EACH These four lines are the greatest value ever shown in Handkerchiefs. 510 AND512 LACKAWANNA AVE. IHE COTTi PERU BOBBED H'FUCLVS FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSB. CHAa A SCHIEREN & CO. '9 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tannod Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AGENT 313 Spruce St., Scranton, Pi Lewis, Reify & Davies A DRIVE In Russet Shoes. LEWIS, REILLY" & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WHOLESALE AND RKTAIU We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctot is needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantoe a perfect fit AH SILVERWARE and Damaged Good at Arcade Fire will be aold at 50 Per Cent Below Coat The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street u Km?" I, J. Ml
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers