TtTE SCTR ANTON TJIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 1, 1894. ASE BALL Pluvius Prevents the Only Scheduled La?ue Game Yesterday. POSITIONS THEREFORE UNCHANGED King Kelly's Peanutters, Howaver, Take Two Exhibition Games from Kicker Witman's Snurkraut Mun chers Results of Various National and Eastern League Games Inter esting and Pertinent Comment on the National Game. ,AIN prevented the only lobtdultu Slate League gnmo yes terday that ot Al tonna and Scrunton. In consequence I hero it no change in the Tieicrntage column of any ot the. clubs from that of yesterday. '1 he following table givei the pr Ctitagos of the dubf. together with tiio number of games won and lost by Mb, and their standing la the ohjun- pioiehip race: Won. Lost, Per C't. .80 .7 ,M.r .475 .45'J ,408 .!,'()0 ,878 l.'arrisburg. Allen to wo.. Haaleton . . Altoonn Reading...) Scran ton.., Baston Potts TiHe., 17 14 13 10 J II 8 10 11 11 111 14 13 RCIIT'PUI.E FOR TODAY. AltooTia nt Bcranton, Beading at Allentown, Jlnriisburg at ilnzleton. Pottaville at EastOD. WEATHER W. S MASTER AGAIN. It rrevent-d th Gime Scheduljd Be tween Altoona and Scranton. Alexander Donoghue and his Altoona Rainmakers arrived in the city yes ttrdny and of course they brought a Btorm with them. The weatliar vn threatening all day, but t;etwe"n 11 and 4 o'clock it I 'tMu-'d as if tb flood gates above bad been opened wide and the rain de scended in torrents. Up to that time there bad been hopes that tho Altoona and Scranfon clubs would be able to piny, but the shower pet t led the question definitely. After the hour for calling the game hail tlnfud by, the clouds purled and the un shown brightly. .Manager Donognue wits found by a Tmr.l'Ni: reporter at the St. Chtirles yect-rlay attemoon vigorously chaw ing the end of n cigar that had bnrnt out aud pondering as to whether he aii iflM have abbreviated the halo of sunset tinted hirsute growth that uom -what obscured his Olaisic profile. He Was in a jovial mood and showed that tbo failure of weather to allow bis club to play ut Altoona on Decoration Day had not serionslr inter fered with bis digestion. In answer to the reporter's question as to the foun dation for the minor that Altoona is not doing well financially this season and will dr;p out of the State league very soon, Mr, Donogbne said: "No truth in it at nil. Altoona drop out of the Stnt" league? Well I gus8 not. We'll on in the race to the finish ; s-e if we don't. The men who are be hind the club are not weakenors. They are business men, and whan they Undertake an enterprise they always Be it through." men for rest his personal appear ance might lend weight to tho rumor that dimes are scarce at Altoona in b i?o ball circles, Mr. Donoghue hast sued across the street and dropped into a barter's chair. Ten minutes later he re-appeared and the halo had van Isbfd. NATIONAL LEAGUt. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 Chicago o 0 0 0 3 0 0 Hit Brooklyn, fi; Chicago, n. n t- o u 3 Errors Brooklyn, 4; Chicago, ;i. Kennedy and Dailey; Terry ti Idge. Umpire Swarttvoud. At Nets York Kew Yor!....i 0 10 0 0 Bt. Louis 0 8 0 1 0 8 Batteries and Kit- 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 x- (! Bits New York, tors New York, ft; ttsrfes WesterVHlti Breilenstein aud 5; St. I.ouis, 4. Er st. Louis, 4. Bat (lark Puitz. ami u USOfl Uuipiro ile Quads At. Washington Washington ..l o 2 Pittsburg o 2 l HltWasbtngton, 7 tors Washington, 7; 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 2 I'iUsbnrjr, 14 0- 4 8 IB Er Bat and Pittsburg, 1. teriss Bspor aud McQuire, Kjllen pngaen, umpire tiarst, At Baltimore Baltimore 0 0202020 17 Cincinnati 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 u 1 Hits Baltimore, 18; Cincinnati, 7. Er rors Baltimore, 8; Cincinnati, ft. Ilattor let Mullano and Robinson; Dwycr nnd Vaughn. Umpire Lynch. At Boston Boston-Cleveland game postponed mi account o wet grounds. At i'liHxdi-lphia Philadelphia-Louisville game posipouud on account of wet grounds. 4 IXHIBITiON GAMES. Morning game at Reading Beading 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 n r, x 13 Er- Allentown.... 4 0 0 7 0 0 2 Hits Reading, 9; Allentown, ion Beading, 3; Allentowu, 3. Battel i s Lenmon, Ktinliel aud Graodylar, Bald win and ItUllgan. Umpire Rlua. Afternoon game Beading 0 5 0 0 0 1 n 2 0 B Allentown.... 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 07 Hits Beading; It) Allentown, 9. Er rors Reading, ft; Allentown, 8, Batterioi - Bboadl and Ooodhartj Baldwin and llilllgan, GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Murk Baldwin is improving in bis pitch ing. Pitcher McLnnghlin, of Wilkea-Bnrre, his been suspended. Dranby, BufTnlo's third baseman, In the last six gamos had fifteen bits. Enstou made ten hits on Wednesday to four by Allentown and yet lost tho game. Mulvey is doing the best Uolding and hoavicst bitting for Kelly's Allentown "killers." Umpire A. L. Manlove, of I ho State league, is sick at his home ia Cumber land, Md. Coyle has signed to pitch for Reading. He pitched for Johnstown during a por tion of last seaton. First Baseman Breckenridge, of Troy, is anxious to again become a rueuibor of tho Wilkes-Barre team. The Troy management has traded Phil lips for Dowse, originally of Buffalo and recently with lliughamton. Pitcher Lukens.of the Pittsburghs, broke a tendon in his ?rm while pitching for Franklin against Oil City ou Saturday. . Hugh Jennings, of Avoca, who is play ing lib the fl-diiinoro Bno Ball V.ab this Season, came up from Philadelphia Satur day evening and spent bunday at his home. saw i 'j Mr. Jennings is playing a strong, steady (jama this season. Kothiug definite has as yet developed as to whether Scraiiton will secure the pitcher that Manager Swift is negotiating tor. A telecrrnm has been received from Dick i'helau btating that he is ou bis way to this city. Uo will probably arrive tomor row. The Fnirmounts, of Scranton, defeated tho Houeedale team Wednesday, on tho Silk Mill grounds at Honebdalu by a more of 5 to 0. This afternoon tho Scrauton aud Al toona clubs will play two games at the park for one admission. The first game will be called at 8 o'clock. Cummings. of the Royersford team, will probably bo signed to pitch for Allentowu. lie pitched last sinsi.n tor Uumflen, ar.u so far ho hasn't lost a game. Ou Saturday the Pottstowu team got only four hits olf him. Allentown Chronicle. 'Tliero areonlv eight clubs In this state league. This will satisfactorily explain why Scrauton is not in ninth place." hat's what the llnletou Sentinel sain co- fore Wednesday's game when llazleton was shut out In this city. President Johnson yesterday called down Manager Witniau of Heading, In the most approved tnsiiion. Kecontiy Allentowu Bad agreed to play two games at neaoing tomorrow for half the gate receipts, but yesterday Witman called up Mr. Johnson and made a proposition that Alloutowu should play for 180 a game. To tins Presiilont Johnson would not agree, and plainly told Wiluiau so. The latter theu began to play tho baby act aud threat ened to leave the league. "I'm tired of it anyhow," he said, to which Mr. Johnson repliod: "ror Heaven's sake, 1 wish you would get out; you've been doing nothing anyhow but playing tho Inby all semo'i and tlie re lots of cities who'll take your place." Whit man was pimply crushed and finally came to terms. The telephone conversation ended in tho' ugreemont that Allentown should plav at Heading tomorrow. 1 cs- ttrday't AUtHtoun ('hruniclc. LOVE AND FOOT BALL, A mnn and a Yassar maiden, With wind a wave attune, Talked low of love and football 'Neath u mellow Newport moon. Tho Vaster maid had hinted That Vafsnr cirls might play At Rugby gainst hit college And teat them, toe, some day. ir you should piny, be wbtsperd, Your college against mine, I'd like to play left, tackle (Ju theopposiug nine. Theu dropped her head, tho maiden, With blushes red ai flame. And said siuce this may be 83 Lei's have a practice game. i'farns Life. RUN OF THE B'CrXtC BOYS. Splendid Y.'h'.flllii!. from Foit Jeivls to Strcudnburg:. The rain on Decoration Day did not doter the Scranton Bicycle club and Green Ridge wheelmen from enjoying a roid run. Both clubs went over the same route, but sturted from opposite direction). ' The Scratiton men left the city on tbo 0:50 n. in. LaoUawana train for Stroudehnrg, from which the run was made to Port Jorvis. A step for dinner was nmdo at Dlngham's B'eiry, The party returned on the evening Wyoming Vulley trains The Green Ridge men left earlier in the day via the Erie and Wyoming and on the way from Port Jervis to Stroudsbnrg met tbo Scrantou party. The condition or the ror.ds was ex cellent. A MiRatlira'lnr; Olrcumatanci. Tt wit A iflintjK Little Benny Mamma, pleaso lot mo hold tii.. bany for a minute. Mother lam afraid, Benny, yon might let her fall. Little Benny Well, if she docs fall she ca.i't fall very fur. SlZ'-d Up His Pa. Bflsfoa Courier. Tommy Did you do much fighting dur ing the war, Pa? Pa I did my share of it, Tommy. Tommy Did you make the enemy ruu? l'a You're riht I did, Tommy. Tommy Did they ketch you, Pa. ThrV Many a Slip. Detroit Free Smith "Are vou married Y' Brown "No." Bmlth "Why, I thought you were going i marry a rich girl." Browu "So did 1. till last night." om:hinir Wronj. Puck. Johnny Mamma, my toes are not as hard as Mather, aro they? Mamma No, Johnny. Johnny .Then, Mamma, why do wear themselves through my shoes? thoy A &URGE3H'S KNIFE gives you a feeling of horroi and oread, There is no longerneeesstty for iis us"- In many dl8i:oses formerly re garded as Incurablo a ithout uuttiuir. Tim Triuntih of Conservative Surgery Is well Illustrated by the fact that r.UPTllS?F "r lirciich, is now nafl- nuriuni. r,,uH owed witnoutthe knlfeand without pain. Qumsy, cbaf IngtrussdS (,an be thrown away I They Beret euro tmt. often Induce iniium niation, ttmngulation and death. TljMOpC Ovarlan,Ffbroid (Uterine) I UK.U'iO :mil many OUWIS, are now removed without the iwriis of cut- PILtf TUMORS, other dlseiiws ol the lower bowel, uro permanently cured without pain or n ioii t' tho knife. CTftUC in the Bladder, no matter dlUllL.llw inrire, Is criish?i!. pul verized, washed out and perfectly re moved without cuttiiiL'. QTR1PTIIRP-" (l1 tlnnary Passage is Ol niUI lint ,;U removed v.ilhout euttiuir In hundreds of osses, ror paropnlet, references and ail partiou lain, send r oents stamps) to World's Dispensary tfedlekl Associa tion, C'Si Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. A. W. Jukisch 435 SPRUCE STREET BItrV'CLRS AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, Goodron, BoUpss, IxivolL and Other Whoelg. Dlamonk THE rROTH INGHAM uinnmu "coIcIpem company 85 AWT1STU 35 Monday, Tneadny and AVo.lnedny Evon int and tySdnaSday Matlaee, Girofle-Girofla. iliiirnliiv, I 1 If! y nnd Kitttirdny Kvmlngtt uiitt '..,','t r. I . Mntlnnn, ' Fra Diavolo. 1 inl in: Prices I . '-' , Mntlnce 1'rloea lllc, a r,r. , 15t:, r,oc. ,1c Salo opons Friday at Powell's Musio Store. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Hand!. New Yoiik May 31. The ealos of steel.' tcdav felr below' the 100,000 share mark. Sugar Opened at loo. follioy, rose lo loi, receded toWJfgrid closed to lOOk. Chicago gas opened at 73, sold to ?4j: and closed nt73. Jersey Central broke from 10S to 104 and left off at 108, Loui ville aud Nsshville lost 1, Read in,; 1. Tho changes referred to coustituta the most important movements at the hoard worthy of mention. Net changes show losses of to i outside of Jersey Coutral which lost three points. Tim folio WIBf Complete tatiln showing tlie dsy's fluctuations in active stocks 1b supplied and revised dally by LaMar St Fuller, stock brokors, 121 Wyoinlnu aTenue: Open- High- Low Clos inrr. est. est. biff. Am. Cot. Oil I7M 27 T ItM Am Hnnar... ....... 100 101M "'J7s WW? A. T.i-S. F Hi sU sH HU Csn.Mo 4at t'.ti? Mi 4111.4, Con. N. J lliiVi lWVj 101 1116 ObtC a N. W Q H. Q 714 77 77W 77t Chic. (lus. 7:14 7i'4 7:u7, rm c. c.c. 4k it. L.t.. 8) ;i7 :pi Ui; Pol., Hock. Val. ie T n. &u i8Hf UlU UiU run r., l. & w d. &v. F "1 ;mh zh i grls whs I8M hH I8M 4. u. Co if'H B M BakeShore 18IM VWi WH I81M U. A N 44H 4.i 44 il Manhsttan IWM HUM IM Bfl Mls. Pse 1... H71s eH "ns Nnt. Lead H7jj Hij :i7W BSlfj N. V.AjN. K N. Y. Central MM t'7i H7W BTM N.V..O. W 151-2 'aii im N. Y..H. ft W IT. 8. Q, Co OM 8BM 2ZM IfM North Pac i4 l'i vm 114 North l'ac. pf HVB 14N Mil (imaha ;J B0 811 ll I uc. Mail Beading J7! ITM (IN ll;?fl Hneklflaud '!.( IM BTO 07M B. T lOfi iOM tOH latS st. Pan! eii'ii Mt i'M !'' T.. 0. A; 1 17W 1H 17W IS Texas A Pac s?2 m W Union PadUc Ism IBM ISM IBM Wabasb p' IBK 16)1 IBM UN Wistern Union si u Bvm kij W. ft U R IIM IlK l7S W. A 1 BS. if 4.14 45 4.-iM IBM Chlcasro Oraii and Provisions. BCBMITOV, n'ay HI. The following qnnta onsare supplied and eorreted dilly by La Bar & I'ullcr, stock brokers,lil Wyoming avenue. WHEAT. Slav. Opening 64 Highest M4 .lulv. 5.V.1 Sept. mt a':ls 57 oijg 6M BBjJ Lowest, fit Ciesiag CORN. Opening II ichest Lowest Closing OATS. BIN B8M ;sa.., BO BTU mm 27W 1197 uoo 1107 12U0 OKI fs7 m KH m 41H NU m 11RT lis? UHfi llf-7 C70 Ii7ll fiTO 070 tan m 1 m O-JJ :sVt BS m BiM m 11N5 1101 US-'i 110J BTS tM BTS 180 020 HQ 1112 0J) Opening IIKtl.'u ri il Closing PORK. opening riiKneii Lowest Closing CARD, Opening mgui it Lowest 677 bs; 017 D2I 017 2:: Closing ilOKT lilU.S. 'ning Highest Lovvost..... Closing New Tork Produce Market. Ni:w YORK. May 31. Flouh Weak, fair demaml. Wheat Dull and llrmer; No. 2 rod.storo ind elevator, 57c; alloat, 57)c. ; f. o. b., S7KsB8c. ungraded red, BBsB7c.; Ni. 1 northern, SStjCI options closud steady nt Vc. over Tuesday: No. 2, red, June, 57c; Jnlv, fM.,'c. : August, 5jc.j September, 00.rc. ; December, MMc. COHN Dull, and tinnor; No. 8, 42!c. elevator, 18Ka48o, alloat; options very dull and Snner; May, 43)c-; June, i8c; July, IBMc; Septembsr, 4"c UatsI-airly active, nrnior; options lull, Urmor; July, .'We.; September, 32c; spot prices, lio, 2 4'.ic. No. '2 white, 41c; ,0. 2 Uliicngo, 4dc. ; iSo. 3. 41c; 1N0. J white, 43c; mixta western, 42a43c. ; white do. and white state, 43a47c. BUV Dull and st' ady. Tibbobd Bntr-DttU. Cl 1 I CATS Quiet and firm. LARD Qaiet and easier; westorn steam closed, JfJo; city, O&a; July, 17.20; rellned, dull; continent ?7.50; South America, 7.i;i; compound, 5j!..n0c. Pokic Steady, fair demnud. I U 1 1 Kit Steady, ni' derate demand; state dairy, ISalOMo.! do. creamery, 14al7c. : Pennsylvania do., 14al7c; wettern dairy, 0al2c;do. creamory, 18nl7c; do. factory, Halle; elgins, 17c; imitation creamery, 10al8Mc, CBXXSE Quiet and irregular; stato laree, SaOMo.; do. fancy, O.'iaOKc: do. small S.aiOc.j part, skims, 3ja8Jc; full skims, 2u3c. i:i;os Largo supply, steady; state and Pennsylvania, ISalBc; western fiesh, llh'Rl-. PBBVBHTIOM is hotter than enre. and you may pit vent : hat. tired feeling by taking Hood's Haraaparilla, which will keep you b!r,od pure and free from acid taint and germs ot disease. a Hood's Pii ls gripe, but net ellicieutly. 25c. do not purge, pain or promptly, easily and Cure for Headache. As n remedy for all forms of Hendacho Electric Hitters has proved to be tlie very best. It effects a permanent euro and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its Influence. We urge all who aro nfllicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a lair trial. In caws ot haliitual constipation Electric Bitters cure9 by giv ing the needed tone to tho bowols.nud fuw cases long resist the uso of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty couts at Matthews Bros', drug store. Specla! Notices. QTOOKHOLDEBB' MEETING.--THE AN kj Dual meeting of stockholders of the Wyo ming Hhovel works for tho election of offi cers mill tho consideration of such other hnsi- neaautnay bs brought before them will be held at the Office of tho company InBOrsnton, on Saturday, the pith day of June,, from HI to 11 o'clock a. 111. N. U. BOBELTHON, Secretary. 6 MEALS FOR il.00. Ol Franklin avenue. DLANK HOOKS, PAMPHLETS, M AOA I) zines, ofc, hound or HMWUM at Tub TRtBUMa otllce. Quick work. Hoaaonahle prices. TtlEAL 'IICKETS CAN PE HAD AT HI, lvj corner Sprues 'street and FrauUIn ave nue. Twenty mual tickets for Oood till 1I0 hoard . AT THE Driving far! Scranton, JULY 4th 82,000 worth of Diamonds to be given away as prizes. All 1 he best known racing men in the country will compete. Grand Parade of Wheelmen in the morning. Kxctirsion rato3 ou all roads. Bicycl A Word. fTanfs of all kinds eost that much, ea tept .situations iYantcd,ivhieh are insert fBMA Situations Wanted. BAKBB WANTS SITUATION; OOUHTBY preferred. Addres.1. Hurry Wilson, Tay lor, Caokawtnna county, l'a. POSITION WAN litD I'.Y A VoC.MI MAN I 10 years of age; a stripper and hooking in cigar factory, or any wort, Address B. Q., Tribune OffiOf. BOY IBVKARB OF A OB, ONE YBABBX peiience In barber whop, wants to work with any barber to learn the trade, Address P. O. B x iii, Old Purge, Pa. QITUATION WAN 1 I'll BY A MIDDLE i3 aged man, iih fair iduoatlcnj w uh like taking care of . ofttce or oi grounds, and residence of some gentknan; is wil ing ano can ntak Inn self n ..of ill at nay kind ol work Address, B. U u aklk'K. .137 f pi lug court, pro 1 Idenos, Pa CJITUATION WANTED BY A Yol'M O lidy. oleiUng or writing inomce, who a good wrlteV, Address, .!, h , & x U. Mlno. ka. IV W ANTKII -SITCA l'l IS BY A WIDOY with one cliild as housekeeper, or tod. plain sowing. Address "M,"Trlbuno. WANTKII SI'I'l A I H i.N Art itOCM-. keener by a widow with one child. Aii dross "N,'' Tiibune ofBoo. 7AiSTKD -A POSITION AT ONCK BY I dry goods clerk with Brst class referen cos. Ten yoars' experiunc.'. Address, clerl:. Tribune omeo. QITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 14 O years of age at any kind of honest work Address i). it. Tribune' offlce. Wanted. W" A N TED TO BUY C01LM)NliaEoN S . Will give 8B conts a pain Call at room 2, Price Building, IBB Washington avenue, or address letters to Post Ulheo i;ux 804, scran t, n, Pa. Agrntu Wonted. OALESMI N ANTI'.li To SI'.LL OL'H M goods by sample to the wholesale and re tall trade; sell on sight to every business man OT Una; liberal salary and expanses paid; uo sition permanent. For terms address with stamp. CENTENNIAL Bl'F'U Co.. Milwau kee, wis. U'ANTED-MAN WITH LIFE AND FIBK insuranec sperienoe us solicitor in Lackawanna county; good IndUOSStentS to right man. Address H2j-2a Beta building, Philadelphia, Pa. Help Wanted Male. Ur ANTED -AN ENERQET10 MAN WITH nbont $151). Can Rot an agency which win pay Jiia week and a. a. HAuaflw, onway nouso. YV ANTED - noon WHEBtWRiOHT. vv Gillhool's Carriage works, comer Lack awanna avenue snd Beventh ttiest, t mployment. OOI POSITION H FOll YOU NO (I1HLS. -X City Kniployin'snt Otlleo. t:ia Spruce st. Collections. pOMEOYS, It. EARNEST, COLLECTS y reuta and looks alter nroia rtios on coin- mission. Send iioital cud. t-crantnn. For Rent rOB KENT -FOBNI8HED HOUSE .N1 I garden in country, (or suBuner, House large; running spring wator; plenty of shade; beaUUfttl lake full of gams llsh a few rods from door. Sib per month. D. W. BBOWK, attorney, 608 spruco street. 170B KENT I.H 'I !', WELL FURNISHED I rooms; delightlul location, til Washing ton avenue, 'PO LET Foil A TERM OF YEARS X Part or all of three hundred fool of yard room along radr uad. Apply at -Ui Frank liu a yen no. TO RENT STOKE 25x00 OU FURNISHED I X hall on Qrssn BIdga Street Very doslra ele location and on reasonable terms. Apply to F. E. KETTLETOM or C. K. WOODBUVf! llipnliliean luiildinit. For Sale. I70B BALB-BORBEL HOB8B; f. YEARS V old, hlxtiien hands high, weighs 1,100 pounds, lino looker and soendi will mako a nood delivery or work horse; not afraid of cars. J. H. LADWIO. ::iu Lai kawann ave. IWR SALE THOROUUHLY EylllPPEI) r Photograph Qalle.y. v ill eeu at ono- half tho value on account of other business, Apply to 1. It. BBAMAN, Forest City, Pa. nOB SALE FARM III) ACHES; HO ACHES I improved.Two good homes, running spring water ai botbtUireeg 1 bsnta,youngorhcara. Located Utvulageol Forest LakeiBusquebanna county, only a f. w rods to school, church, postoliiee, otc. Hi auliful lake oil stocked with pame fish. Terms onay. apply 10 D. W. BROWN, attorney, fios Hproca street. I 'olt BALE -AN IDEAL COUNTBY HOME, J. T acres of land, fine lsrgo house, mod m Improvements Easy diitanos from Koran- ton. Also 7 deslrdilo nuililiti lots in country. D. W. BROWN, AtFy, fills Bpruos street. I 'OH SALE A FA KM OF F.IOHTY ACBES, i one and one-half miles from Dalttm on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad. Fi rst-class farm house, with a never tailinc Mirinu Boarbyj two hnrns. land audi,' 1 orchard. Will lie sold cheap. Terms ess . AddreM H. F. VON stohch or Isaac ELLIS, executors, Daltou, Lackawanna county, Pa. T70B SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SCRAN V ton property -A henrin orango ifrovo increusliiK In proiiuction and value yearly la the oraage section In Florida Addres V. E. NettletoN, Lake Helen, Florida legal j, 1 11 ... ,,11 (-.1 hjumw, J Notice is hereby iriven that a rule has 1 11 itranted to (.Jinw cnuse why .liino 1.. la, Witt, executrix ol the last will and tea tame lit of said deoedeat shall not be lib-charged from the duties and liabilities of her appointment. Application will be made to have said rule made absoluts and the executrix discharged, July !!, UM. S E PBIOri Attorney for exocutrix. ,CT Tl' , .1.. l'7l' . Ill' ,Vl'I"e . 1. v Bankru OF ON SALE SALE BEGINS THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1894. It will last until the entire stock is disposed of. We offer no baits, no flyers, but the whole stock of Honest Bargains of New and Fresh and Seasonable Merchandise at RIDICULOUS LOW PRICES to convert them at once into cash. We do this for the glory there is in it. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, consisting of Ladies Trimmed and Un trimmed Hats, Flowers, Feathers, and the Gents' and Boys' Straw and Felt Hats and Caps, Miners' Caps, Clothing, etc., is not in our line, and space is too valuable to keep them; therefore we are compelled to slaughter them at once. REMEM BE R Figures speak louder than words, and we guarantee to save you 50 cents on every dollar you spend with us. Let prices talk. Let reason guide you. Let your better judgment prevail. GROSS. FOSTER & CO., 316 and 318 Lackawanna Avenue. mf G-OOI3 NEWS FOR THE ECONOMICALLY INCLINED. COME EARLY, THOUGH, THEY MAY NOT LAST. Those 5c. Ginghams we sold last woek too bad wo didn't hava more. Many were disappointed, however. We've got another ease this week; had la pay more lr them, bat they go at the same price, .")C. a yard. You never bought any bettor golds at 12 l-2e. At tlie same Iim3, wo offar a case of Johnson's Seersuckers. You know them at well tis you know Atlantic Muslins. They have also baen 12 1 2:1, now 60. New stripas, new styles, now colors. Nov, we want to talk to you a moment on WOOL C1IA.LLTK3, but only In this way, COME .ND SEE THEM. They come in White, Cream, Ecru aud Black grounds. The price Is L5o. Styles re fascinating; price abaut half. CuratiV3 Soap 16& a box, 3 cakes. CONNOLLY & Strayed, CiTKAYED FROM PASTURE NEAR Mosi'h Taylor hospital, two-year-old hlofor, black and white, snot on shoulder, whlto on under part of body and on end ot tail. Reward lor return or information that will flndhur. JOHN A. MEABS, Ci rner Washington and Vine. Boarding. QCMMEB IIOALDINO-FOUR RESPECT -O Blilo persons can find llrst class hoard with small fnmily In large, airy house. Hot mid cold hat lis. Fri o carriage to depot and church Tnree-quartera ot a mile from sta tion. Healtliy locality. Address box S8,Qarks Summit. Ordinance. XIOTICE- THERE is PENDING IN BEL 1M e.-t Council of the city of Bcranton, Pa., an ordinance entitled "An ordinance provid ing for tho paving of Pine streot Iron Wash mgton SVenue tfi Clay avenue; providing for the setting or H-settiniiot curb stone where necessary on said street; directing manner of as-iesiiig and collecting costs of said Improve ments; providing manner of paying contrac tor and appropriating funds to defray the ex penso of the samo. The following is a copy of tho potition for said Improvement; To the Honorable, the Select and Common Councils of tho city of Scraatou: Tho undersigned owners of property, shut ting ou ilno street, between Washington ave 11110 and ( lav avenue, respectfully petition vour honorable bodies that said street be tween the points named may bo paved with street asphalt pavement on a concrete base, except the block between .Tellersoll aud Madi son avanuea, which shall be paved with W It Mountain stone bhx ks, or vitrified brick; that the same be set 1. itll CIll li stom a so lar as q, saaryi that tin, cost of said Improvement be nascsMid against abuttinc own. rs according to the feet front rule; Ihnt said assessment lie made payable in Hvo equal annual install ments; and lhat the portion of said street oc cupied by tho tracks and sidings of the street railway be deducted from said asses ments against RDUIUDg owners nnu said street railway company, collected from aud your petb tinners will ever pray, etc. E. U Fuller A. K. Hunt E. K. Sancton Ada in Thompson H. , Weeks All Souls Universalist Church, byM Wilson, Pres. ox-Hoard Franc T. Vail 1".. II. Courson Att'y Mlll-r. by J. S. Miller ...100 feet . . . 100 feet ....00 feet .. ,00 feet . . . :$) feet ,, 1.50 feet ....4" feet ... .HO feet ,.l?i.. feet ....4;l feet ....00 feet ....75 feet LiUtnUT ivenci A. K. Adams J. 11. Corcoran Elisabsth Walsh a i.'. i e. h. bv t hai'lcs He Font Hrcck 7.'. tr.-t tn feel Frederick Council T.'i feet Ellen .lones, per E. H. Jones 80 feet Surah UrltUn W feet Jones Pros fl sect Henry Frey :SSS James W. tluernsey 1 foot Tbo estate of Ira Tripp, deceased, by Kara H. Hippie, Everett Warron, tnistoes A. B. Warman M feet Samuel ltoos W. II. Stanton feet The foregoing is published in pursuant f provisions of resolution of City Council Approved May S8 " M. T. LAVELLE. city Clerk. Scranton. Pa. PORMPHRBT (l hj '(fj 11, -j;, ; I n f(DAD0 AI uiiUjjjj, WALLA! 209 SCRANTON BEDDING CO. 602 AND 604 LACKAWANNA AVE., COR. ADAMS- WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set? Wc sell Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for tho money. Try us. Hull 205 m 207 IRON arid STEEL NORWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND SIJjVKR. EXTRA SPECIAL SANDERSON'S ENGLISH JESSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STKEL HORSE SHOES TOR CALK TIRE MACHINERY SPRING SOKT STEEL ANVILS BtCLLOWS HoiiSt: NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS. cm IXU MACHINERY. Bittooiieiider Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagonraakers' and Blacksmith' SUPPLIES. Hotel Waverly Enropean Plan. First-clas Ear BttneheV Depot for Bergnor A'a Tonnhmusur Beer. IE Cor, 15t end FHheitSti, Flilldi Most desirable for roa!de-ils cf N.l' Pnnnl tylvania. All eonvenlapees lor travelers to and from Bro.-id Street ftatiou and tho Twelfth and Market Htroot station. Lie lirublo for visiting Serautonlaue aud po lie hi the Authrsclto Hcgtua. T. J. VICTORY, PfiOPRIETOK. Stock MORTON, WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Cribs, Cradles, Child's Beds, Brass and Iron Beds, Spring Mattresses. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. & C HOlfflQ HE. WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HUBS SPOKES RIMS STEEL SKEINS It 'IL SPIKES SCREW We're Interested And we want to Interest yon in onr as tonishintfly completoline of cooda suit aide ror Wedding Present Supi'090 we hogin with SILVERWARE We carry a hiir ger line tlinn half the other stores put together, and wo Fother them sorely when they try to eonipole with us la prlos. CUTLERY Uniiuo doslRim, FoconV and other famous mill ers' goods. Pries helow manufactur ers' wliolusale figures. CLOCKS Anvtliing from an Wc. Nick el Alurin to the choicest ar tistic Drawing Room makas or tho Stately and ancient Urnndfather 8-day Clock. ii-Drac, Cut Crystal, etc, our stock is too woli known to require aught but a cnasing reference. Onr new Caph System has lowered pr ices all alon the line. FREEMAN, Dealer in Diamonds, Watehos, Jewelry, E;o. Cor.Fenn Ave. and Sprnce St, Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on tho Eye. Hendiehss mf Mervonsnoss relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Kys Ulaasea aud Spectacle at tho Lowent Price. Boat Artificial l'.yei msrtod for $3. 30s SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Office. For Delicacy, For parity, and for improvement of tho com plexion, nothing equals Poizoni's Powder. ff In . fft . . n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers