THE SOI? ANTON TRIBUNE -TUESDAY MORNING-. MAY L'2, 1894. CI THE III I Peculiar Looking Old 111 Providence. WHo Resides at HIS PECULIAR APPEARANCE A B!ood-Red Bre;ch-Cloth an Insep arable Part of His Attire -His Hair is Long and Falls in Wild Confusion Over His Shoulders Unrequited Love the Cause of Scanlon's With drawal From Society. Providence linn a hermit; not one of the red'OOVtred norel nort. but a real live racltlia who hint forsaken the ways of the worlJ. Peter Scinlou, as a her mit, in aniqae, in that ha is a modern hermit ; bis nana tetUfiei to that, He neither live 0:1 gOat'l luilkaml "yarns'" ns otbvr hermitl do, nor dot e he attiro himself in the skius of foxca and dogf. yet bin pMMMlHjf and uodt of living are wierd and trail go. l'eter lives in the little home at Bloom avenue and Onk stteet, l'rovi denoe, tire etortu-tvaton sides of wliitli are almost hidden ty u ilynso tangle of r.iitiou woodbine and ivy. la sum mer time the yard ll fragrant with the odor of fruit bloMOmi and fringed with a mass of old-time noiies, hollyhocks and honeysuckle, jusf , like ratal I hoary face is fritigi.! with a mass of unrestrained beard and hair. DOM Koir OOKPAIQOIIfl The interior ariauu-ements of the weo hoOM are unknown, and many persons hsve ventured to unin a peep at the spectacle within, hut have been deterred by the ferocious growls of two hounds. 1 be doss are l eter s only as sociates and have become imbued wit', ttieir master's resignation to solitude and their demeanor bespeaks woe to nnr who dure venture upon their euii nent domain. Peter's mental michinerv is peculiar is is evident from iiis attire and rojul wavuu baok of any who presume to question him during xcur Hons to Trovideuce tor supplies. Wueu he is espied swinging down the bill the children Book a'ter him and no won far I Fantastic is a mild word to de scribe his dress. IflMsiM man of the Nineteenth century wearing breech cloth ! Yet the 1'roridence h-rmit wears oue of blood-rtd color. His reason .'or so doing caunot be (Xpltlotd, for his other g.irments, though tat tered and yellow from age, are of more modern f ishion. Tns crowning ?lory, however, of Peter's outfit is st.itT about ten feet long, to the top of winch is attached a crosspiece. To whole is suaped to re sembled a icvthe, aud when Peter etuJes along witu the odd thing dsngl- I lug over hi shoulder, he resembles i Fstber Time, the obsolete old fellow, I whose caricature tlsxen-balred and ' dsrk-naired children love to poa ler over as it appears iu "ye olden alma- j sak." VENERATES H! T.tFT. The scythe staff is Peter's eti:b and is the only subject of nfs commaaiei- i tions with MB. He regards it with tender care and when asked its pur BOM says it is a boon to longevity and j as ;s awsy the bewit:hlng glance of Til ayad women. This last sentiment attaches itself to J the trne reason for the hermit's seclu sion and oddity of character. Years ago, when Peter was endowed with ! mors cf the graces of bsnisorae man- ! hood than it is now bis lot to possess, . he v:d with ceveral other men in pay ing courtship to a young woman. From I the fall of Cupid's ihg, signifying tbtt Ifca rac cf love had begun, bis ad miration for bis Dnlrina was mcon- cea.ed, persiatent and honest Peter i i-ad ecJimnU to bsck his suit in tb ! way of stocks and government bonis, but they did net wii Tiiis love disappointment wa the last bitter dreg of fae odd feliow's en;, of sorrow, and, swearing eternal sepa ration from (al world generally and yr nflg women particularly, he resigned nimself to everlasting tolititnle. He still has bis stocks and govern ment bonds bat wit:. oils the surplus of bis income with miserly affection. He has agd rapidly lhe Use few years and neither bis stride mr the trot of tho honods is as springy as of yore. HowrVir, tin power of his arm Is just as eapabli of Waving aloft the scythe-feticn as it vr was and h shows nowadays a greater disposition So shsde his eyes w..n in reach of the glances of fickle women. HQrTAL OOSMTION kxamiskd. About a ysr ago sorai medical msn Smmiood MM witn a view of placinic him in an Insane institution Tbty de al ld be was hrn.l"ss and inoffotisive and fefnsed to take his lit.-:: from him. His hair has not been cnt for ysars arid hangs in wild profusion bout his sbonl lcrs. BASE BALL By re aeon Of tbe rsin, wst grounds, and threatening weather there wen no Mate leagne base ball games played yesterday national leaijck. At Fioston Boston 0 0010300 i-3 Jfew York 0 000000 0 00 Hit'- BoatOfh C; New York, K Errors Host n, 2; New York, 0 flatten.. Mhshols and ByaS) wMrveit and Parrel. fTipplie fltegt- Al Cleveland Cleveland 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 o 1 Cincinnati ....0 020000 Ox-3 Hits -Cleveland, 7; Cincinnati, !(. Kr rnrs Cleveland, fji Cinclurmti, t lUtter ies Young and O't'nryDr; Parrelt and Ilurphy. L'mpire MwnSde. At Chicago f Chicago 2 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 2-10 J'lHshnrg 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 7 ti-11 Mils-Chicago, ID; Pittsburg, 11. Errors- Chicago, 0; Pittsburg, 2. flatteries Met 111 and Hcnmeri KflMa and Mack. umpire Kmsiie, St. I.onls-l.nrjIsvllle.Hrooklyn-Baltlmore, 'V aHlilngiou-Pbiladolphingame prevented by raid. EASTERN LEAGUE At Buffalo Buffalo, '.'; Troy, 8. At Brie Xrle, n-. ByraonaOi 8. Binghamton - 1'roviduuce gauio post poned; wet grounds. CtlNTS FROM THE DIAMOND. F.ven the Allentown pMen am bogin ning to spenk slightingly of King Kelly. John Clarkson bas already signed a con tract to coach the Harvard tufcui next win ter. klarrisbnrg sustained its first defoat of the Henson on Saturday. To Easton be longs the credit of first lowering the Sen ators' colors. The Young Men's Christian association will give the day of their sports, "June S3," a gold medal to tbe man who runs tho bases on the base ball diamond and will be open to all amateur base ball men in tbe city. The Young Men's Chrlstiau association bnse ball team aud tbe Eurekus will cross bats Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Baso I is 1 1 park. It promises to be n very exciting gum as there Is considerable riv alry between tbe two teams, as oacb team last year won a game. TAYLOR. William Tell Hille club will hold a shooting match on May 30. M. O. Judge has been appointed a momber of the bonrd of health vio Harry Fillmore, resigned. Willi JOOOs, formerly of this town, bnt now of Scrnntou, aud Mapgio HMtawillbt married on Wednesday. Horon-gh Solicitor John M. Harris is in Harrisbnrg attending the Republi can stiito convention. Mr. and Mrs. John Nee bey passed Sunday in lllnkely. Tbis (Wednesday) evening the ChrU tain QodOatOTI of the Methodist epis copal church will serve strawberries and ice cream in the vestry rooms. All are invited to attoud. Hnrijlars lirolro into the Delaware nnd Hudson depot on Friday evening. Two cases of shoos belonging to the South Side store wore taken, John Weibsl gave n dance to bis friends on Saturday night at Taylor hall, in honor of his rocsnt retirement from tho list of bachelors. Horry PaDIIW Who has ben nt the Rtd Men's session iu Hcthlehem, is home. The drama "Confederate Spy, " which Is to bo irivon on Wednesday night at Weber'l rink by home talent, Is enti tled to a crowded lions'. Forever four months it has been unusr rehearsal Tht following are tho characters: Ceorge Waterman, a young Unionist, John Conley; Philip BrMloy, a spy. John Evnns, Fred Alnaley, a Robsl, DaTlA J Owens; Major Umierul Hunks. United States army. Ilarrv Hood; Col onel Wtllitrd, rjnltod states umy, .l imes Powell ; Ofllcer Mulgary Clay, lavid Davis ; Sockery Sohneidlebecker, (icorgtf J. Powell; Mis. Waterman. Baslu IlarVis; Maud Bradley, Mrs Bat sie Conlev; North McLeggln. Hhodda Divi. Taylor orobeetera will bapra h -n r. The F.lectrics infftftd defeat Situi day afternoon on the Rivtrtldt grounds fit the hands of the N. v r BWOata, of South Srrntiton, lO the tune of 8 lo 1. About 500 spectators were present, who ippladded both teams for their good work. This is the first game for the home ' pets" to lose so far ibis season, uud no one should be so ready to jump on them for this defeat. The reception committee of the Trice Li bran association met tonight in I completed arrrangcuicnls for the Art! day's ontlng to Mountain I. ike 60 Memorial day, May BO, About MTOnty live members and friends will probably attend They will meet at the hall and alt street car to lis, toh street, South Sc.-antou. at S o'clock. At tho grounds there will be various amusements, aud a pleasant time is expected. DUNMOKE. Miss Lirzie liortbwlck, of Avcca, visited frirnds here yesterday. - Creamery butter in 5 pound drum st Palmers Considerable excitement was eanted in the vicinity of the town hall on Sun day evening by a runaway. The driver thrown iroin the carriage and slightly injured. The vehicle wss over turned arfd somewhat damaged. Commissioner Blanche and a ferca of men were bnily engage.! yesterday re pairing the damages caused on tne sidewalks and gutter by the heavy rains of the past few days Lost On Friday uigbt, a mnlley row, very nearly white, Fudsr will be :ewrdd by returning to A. L Con rsd Miss Nettie Pinnell is recovering from her late illness. It will be proritabla for those who are building to see Wardell, rdnuiber and tinner, corner Fifth avenue and Butler streets. Miller, who has been as sociated with O. W. Potter & Son in the bnteher business, has accepted a position iu Price's cash store, where he will take charge roent. of tbe meat depart- The fnneral of .Mr. .Stephen All'n rc enrred yesterday forenoon, lutermei.t was made in Dnnmore cemeterv. Tug rAKi.tcH symptoms of dyspepsia, seen as distress after eating, heartbnrn and orcasional beadaeb -s. fbjuld not be neglected. Take Hold's Sirsaparilla if yoa wlab to be cured. Hi,i' pills cu-e all livr ills. IMIKIUS- resa, Jaundice, indigestion, sick act.e. bead MI NOOK A. Frank Toole, of QreoDWOodj 1 re ported to the n'xt Kpnblicail Solefate of the Sooth west district of Licka wanna township for the county coa ver.tion The Orenrood was Idle yasWrdav The Miner Hill Usee Hall club will rnti a social at Kansbold's hall on May 29. A number of young peipla of this pi. re will attend Ifta show at St. John hall tonight. Patriot L Coyne announces himself as a candidate for delegate to tho next Denu ' ratio convontlon. I'.itrirk Jiycs, of Oilraore nvennn, who was Indicto 1 on a chart' of inntil c ting United Stale treasury notes, snn underwent a trial before the grand jiry of the fnltel Statas circuit court, which enlivened at I'lttaburr lint week, wss acquitted by thjnry. IIo r'ltnrned 1 om rlalurMsy night. - IIrniiv S:iifiF5iuAiJt, fnroman Henry Kn.g Hanking Co., ht. .fosepli, M, , Hr 'I'bnn.n. Iv bit rle ( Ml with bis men for sprains, ruts, bruises, chnpped hand , eie. itistholiest. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Rteoka and I'nnds Nr.w York. May 11 Speculation at Mm Stoc k F.xchangew nellve loday.and Isith the bulls nnd hears had tlmir innings. Al the 1 tart tho inttueuce of beavv London buying gave advnntago to these operations for burlier prices. Sninr broke from ItftX V WJi, 'he lowest figure for a long time. Whnn the nmnMM from tli" foreigneri abated n loading bear mads a demon stratum against the stocks of bank rupt mails nnd new records Were made fur these Issuus. Northern I'utlllo preferred dropped 'lo Itendiug. IM to U; Union I'nciflc, to lli'; New MnglaiKl. M to MX ; Atehleon. H, The and detuiess of tbe decline led tho foreigners tn part with some the slocks thny had bought early in tho day and this started it dowuwnrd movement in railroads Ju the Inst hour Sugar mid Chicago (las developed strength, selling up to iKiii; mid nj ii re apectlvoly. This clieclied thn deallnlnK tnndenoy In the Keneral liat. A gaQSrsr rally anaued and the market left off firmer. Total sales, tOtjSlf abntes. The followuiit coinpinto table sliowina the rlsy'a finotnations in aotlfe stocks ta suppllail anil revlanO lUtly fly t.allnr Al Fuller, atouk brokers, Wyomlnu avenue: Open- Huh- Low Clos ing, est. list. !)(. Am. cot on w as at at Am. Rnaar. tA Wi lUle WIO4 A. T. S. K In 111 i HH Can. Bo. i:H 1 "1 if, 1 1 Can, N. J...... 10s ins inn it Chic, ft N. W WU IVtU he 1117 Q D.SQ 77U 77tJ 7fiM 7tlU Chin. (iaa. UAb 7U tl.VM , n, c, c.c. ft Bt. L.... nrtti ml Xiu Col., Hock.Val. AT. ItiVd WMi h' MM D. A II ISII IHIi liill lllti L. &W IDlltf I.M'H l.'iK IttHSi p. A C. F iiU m DM OK Rri liftZ IMS iu Kikt O. E. Co Ilfiri ;sta4 !fil .'111 LsktiHhors IS) hit) 1-.1 tau L. ft N 44U I , r-H Ui Bsnhattsn II.M, U&M 114 1 1,', Miss. rao....w CSM Nat. Lead...7. 117 N.Y.& a6 N. Y. Central I"7t N. Y.. O. & W UH X, V'., S. & W IK S. C. Co ittf Nortli Pae North Pac. pt Ili Oiiiuha VJiJu Phc. Mail Keadlnir )(l '..!. island (17 U.T 7W St. Paul SHU T., C. & I toy Texas .V Pac H Union Partite HIM Walasb nr in, Western Union K'l w. & u f. Wi a i . e. pf wit ttn m m w nm, wu m Mm iii uii itii A MVi C7 fiM li. IH 16 lOM ill l.Mfj i Mi Mvi HM MM MJJ M isii 0 im ChlcMro Oram nnd rrovlstoni. "SorantiSJ, May "l. The following niot t inns ;ir.i supplied and oorrctud daily by La Bar A Kidlor, stock lrokurs,l'JI Wyomlu t uuo. W1IKAT. Msv. Jalv. Mot Qpenmi (mW Highest KM C-lJ Mil Lowest Wit MB MM 1 -I-U UlMl CORN. Opening art "(f lllh'lh'Ml .."Hi '"'V Lowesl 87 i MN Closing 87 !7)i DM UATa opi-iiiiig wits, BUM MM Itiuln-Ht !ui i?s MH Lowesl KM w Closing MM MM m POKK, Opening lira I1M IIM Highest Iisd IIH7 Lowesl i ir.i IIM liw iloHing iisii us; 1IW LARD, Opening TITt Mi H7 HlgiiiNt 71. s7 ram L.iw.'st 71ft M W . losing TIK 17 lil Hllolt'l' mus. Opening Mil V7 Ml Highest III.') W 812 Lowesl HI'i W SIJ Closing m.l "' "HI tfcranton o. b( Itsste Maiket ScitANToN, .Mav Mi Fin n ami PBO1 in i Dried apples per pound, tla7i' ; evsp- orated apples, elniie psr pound) Turkish prunes, Baft Wo.; Kngllsb can ants, laDWe.) layer MklslBs, ll.Tfial Mh niuecatels. 1.00a I 1 1 per bus; new Valencies, 7ii7MjC. per pound, Hkaks Marrow fats. t. 7.1 per bushel, nedlnms, t'SAS ureen, ft. l&al.AI per busbeljSpUt, IMOalliflOt leuteU,.'. to Bo, Per ponniL POTATOil iTO tu gon, per biisbel. Omo.ns llerniudMs, i rater, f-Mfta'J 20. B(mi 16ft to istc. per lb Cnsas lOalBo, per in. Euga Fresh. IMsja I Ho, Pol Unil Chickens, dressed, U to I8e : turkoya, II to ijc. atl Aie-llaiUM, Ho, small hams, UMCai skinned hams l(i",iv ; ( abrornut bams, v. ; booMivlSVo.;belUeel iJic. ; siuokod breakfast bacon, lie. CMOKtn liKKr-Outside, HHc; nets, lnvc. : lastdes ami kntteklM, IRc. Pcjw -llesi at i"., short cut, int. I.Akli lent In tlersee ut Ue.; tn tnbs t)i,t iu lu-pound aila, '.'',".: In Vposnd pails, li ,c; V-pouud pails. 10c. per pound. Pkev Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, Fi.OfR iltniieexita patent, per barrel M.I t. H); Ohio and Indiana amber, al P.l"; (iiaham al il6U; rye tUmr, al . hi'cxwHKAT Flour -fl 70 per cwt. I iin ailed, per cwL, at Jc QlAIK Kts, .; corn, 47 to4V.i oata, tSafi e. Jr butheb Kvk nuf-Ptt ton f 'ilalS. Hay -tlft to $17. New York Froduea Market Nr.w Yoiik. May 21. FLoun steady, dull. S heat - Hull, higher with options; No. 2, rod store aud elevator, W !, a.ViX c. ; alloat, - fj aSSMc , f. ... b., KttDitC. ; ungraded red, MaBOc.; No. i Doetnern, tiiaiiijjc. , options wen: fairly active and irregular, closing rl r ti i at S'tc. over Saturday: No. 2 red May. Swa,; Jane, te.: July, tyjc ; Aueust, tile.; September, Vic. ; December, 65t,c. i imi-Moderately active, earler; No. 2, t.Tc. ; slsValOC, 2a43.c. afloat; options were dull and c lower. May, 43c. ;. July, lo'i'c., S-j tember, 44. 'Hi-. - Spots faiily active nnd firmer; Optdona dull, firmer; May. 8PC; June. I'T.c; July, SHc; sjKit prices. No. 2, ;i'ta 11 0. 1 No. I white, tSM&f No. 2 t:bicag.i, 41c; No. 3. tc. ; No. B wbtte, 42)c.; Ixed HSateru, 40a4lc; whlto do. and white state, .3.i4te)(e, Basr DuU, steady, Tlsnon IU:ri' Inactive, i , r -ikatm-Qniet, steady. Lakh -tuiet, weak; western steam, IT.fiO; city, !..";; May, ?7.4S; July, IT retine,!, nui-t; continent, ti.N'; South America, es.25; c,miK,uud, ota6;c. If ihk -Dull. sU'ady. Pi ttkp. Moderate demand, fancy steady; stale dairy. PJalt'.'tjC do. creamery, 14a 17c ; r'ennsylvanni, do., llslic; western I dairy, '.mjiI2c.. dc. crnameiv, lasUOO. ; do. laetorr, aaiie.) eigtns, Lc; tuntatton .,,.... l,!i,U.. LuBxaji Quiet, waaktr; state, large, tia lOMCj do. , I,, ice, lc; state, small, Pslo'c; pnrt skim.", 8c; fnll skims, use, BOOS WsakT state and I'onnsylvania, I.-..C. esteril ireeh, I iRl.T. rbllaiialplila Tallow Mark-t PirLABaXratA, Mny IL TalloW Udnll but Mtca'ly. We qooiai city nunn In l.',(stinirt, l r. ; tMBtf. rime, la bar rK c; il". dark In barrel', 4'4i-. , rakw, f,c. i (i"ae, 4c. Four Skfl nuccasaaa. Ilavinff tin- nisi'd merit, to morr. than inaki' (cod all th" a,I vrtlniiK rlnlnimt for them, thu toUowtSS four raBMtOai havii fsaebsd n ,liuuiDual sain. lir. ICinu's New )isr,,viry for I ',iistiin)tlon, Cnnuli" ami Colda, t arh bnitln plirSIIHSjll WmO trie Hitters, tint ir.-it lainedy for l.lver. rtnuiiieh and Ki lnaya. Ilueklitu's Arnlna Halve, tlm bats In th. world, nnd Ur. Kliiit'a New Life Tills, whlrlinrn a per fee t 1 1.. All Ihaan remeiliea are KUarnuU'eil to do jual what la rliiiiueil for tlieni and the is attached linrswith will tf uliid to tell yoU more of thum. Hold tiy.'Ini Llniwa llroa'. ilrnn store. mm a x TliotLsASlit of cases ti e cure of a OonfB Is WS p'eventlva of c jniaiunption. The surest cmith mediolne In the world la I r. Wood's Norway ktim syrap. Said h all dealers on a Kimiantee ,,f iilisfaetlon. Special Notlcca. iprciaL MoTlcB WII.I.IAMM' 11 ton It v Hire, 'ory for IMM ivIIIkoIo pre Moi.'l as) obaogs i I. hit 'ln,-lllplatei relllov lo -uiil Ii" sent in al w ll. TAYLOR, Maaasrar. Mi Wyntnjflg avonaa IT MBETINtl il TIIK I'lUEi'TuKhuK ti," Nnv Aiik Kuiu mni Blmhnrsl Bonis vurd eonlpany it sras. rssnVbd tbal naatlng of tho Htoekhnlilers lie ealleil to oonvena nt th,. aaaaral "HI"'' "1 the atlDpattT. room 111, Repulilleiin liulkllnu. on the r,tn dayuflunu A. I IHIH, from A. in M. until I P. M. t lake ai.'tion ou the approval or disapproval of fcba.propoasd Increase ,,f tit" atrttal atonk of aH company fimn !'.'',. 000 lo and thnt th" h. retary tie, and h Is, Dsreby dlrocked to al vs ncrtlraj thereof , n. Sdnd I'V law. T. II. WATK NH, Heeretary. I LAN K BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, M MIA J allies, etc., bourn! or r.-l I at I'm: TiiiiiS)nk otllru. rrlcs (.in, u work. Koaaonublii If EAL TICKETS CAM Ml had at hi. its corner hurucn street mill ! rnnklln avn nne bit,) Twenty meat basrdi tickets for i Good Proposals, N'nTli i:-l'lt(i'i iSAl.s, LN'VITI.H Fult IV KlukiiurHluifl in In- Ili bet from 14 foot vein of coal to the C'lnrk vein, depth some in yunlH For pai tt' iilaiH apply at office of the Elk Bill Coal and Lon Company. Dickson Oily. I''- WM. II. UH llMtiNI), Free 10 TO $100 Inveated with the American Syndicate ln- srsSIBS with uiarveloiiM rapidity by their piau 01 h Y N IMC ATK -II ( 1 IM KIN CONSEHVATTVE-SAFK RELIABLE. Thu comblnuil capital proturU all trsdss equally. Safeat plan for moderate invest ora Kiinwli"li:! of ' p.M-nJul iou uiineceHsary. EstatiliHlie i IKh5; larite proflla oacb year. Bunk referenda. Bend for Inforifiatlon. A. O. HAMILTON ft CO., Muliiiuers, 8 ft 10 l'uolflo Ave., ChlcaBo, 111 Word. Want of all kinth en.'t that mnrh, er- ;. SUhoKomi Hantad, wAfoa are snetrtsd Situation? Wanted. vvvvvvvvvw ANTKI) V i year ot A I'l.HITloN 1IY A HOY, 10 agi, : s an iinpreniu-n iu u uni- tier, Address L i., rrinuiiu. li ill RE NT SIX BOOM IIOl'K, NO. (lift 1 KyDOD nl root, Hampton sireut, tnqolr T. Mclsuity, rat "CNii ltfc,N. WKI.I. HDI't'ATKI) AND isninui worker, winith employineiit; nu refersnose. Address IM rsrry einviiKsitiL': street, Ksstou. Pa. V OUNQ MAN BXPKOTIrJU '! BNTEH ineilieid eidlegu next I'sil winili nosll ion with doctor w here he . oi devote s.inin tun" In study iiml ilrlve or ISSUl geUrsUj t SBO part expense; Address L J.. IM N. M.nn avenns DAPER Rl L 1 Koran ton. i cb Wants position in ,ii .Ion or Wilkes Harm. Ad dress Paper Ruler, wflkss Harr A HITUAlVlON WAN'IKH BY A YuCNU lad y as le, I, 'I hruu years ax pal loiiee in I'hiia leiphia. cm riiriish rstsrsneesk Ad dress a j , Tribnae ottos. ' LtlTUATlON WAN! :n I'oti wasIiino and olttknlag liiiniiru ire Me Leu i Court CJTUA'rioN WANTED -BY A YoUNU fcT lady as I k keeper Can furnish refer Ulleos. Address ll H . 'lYIhuuii tlttlcu. cituatiun wanted dhlkhmaki u ' isaes to en oatsawina i'V tho day, Ad tog,,,, , ft'.'J Ai dfsss. it i avenue. VM l DATION 1 llahle man nt SI work 'Hi llV A KOBER, be Addl'esi Tlib.lllO Bindery, Tribune building ARcntb Wanted. V AI.KMMU.N WAN'TKIi Tn sli.i. OUR uooili li sail, eie lo Hie m holes.ilu and re tell trad,-, hell on siudit to every hnstnuss thsn r Hi in, lilM ial salsi y nn,l n-nihi-i oiiiil. m, sitmu tierinaiii nt r .i i.'... lonns addr,ws with stamp. CbnTI NNUI M I l t ... Mlluau Ksa, Wla w aNTKD man W1TB L.1VI AKO rim: in-illran l.i -le'e us holleltor In Lackawitiiiiu eoiiuty; u.4,J luduootaouts to rMhl hinii Address IU6'M Inu nmiiilng. Pldliidelphla. Pa. Help Wanted Male. ll' ANTKD AN I.N I I" I'll' MAN Will 1 1 ab ut Sl.Vi. t an gel an agency which will pay pi a '.v, , k una . ii" A. A. BABNKC 1IHOH. Conway Koass. MT ANTED tlu(il WHESLWHIOHT. VI Qnibool'a OarrlafS w,.rk. crn.-r Lack nwiiniiu aviuniii 1 ml Bcvrntli striwt Mien POSITIONS run WALES CAM BE i bad nt tn Bpi ii. t 1'iilli-arlv Help Wanted Kemalca. IAhlKs WAM'1,1' I" w urn: AT ll' on;; 4 J18 hoi k ly ; no i-auvavliiK It.-iily witli stamu MISh fANNIK 1-b.i.hMJK, Huutn M. n l. Inil lor HcnL . NK Vt liot BLB H il K. ti UkIku nlri t .mil M vlls ni I'HU ll'N! I unrui r lir will int chaan t,, dflalrablA tananta. JOHN POT KENT rOBNISHED ROUS! AND r k-Hnl. i, lii , ,,untry. f r stimmi'r. Huns' hi, . i i.iitim r 1 1 . h Wati- 1,1,'Utv ,if nbnili.1, i- lUtiriu Uk" rull hi k .in ' fr .m il.T. ili pur monia flli a fi-w r.xls 1. W, BBOWM, alt,,rn- . hpnii ,' sti,-.'t 1.MK RENT KL'KNISHEL) KUOM, SUIT aliln tor two, with t, urJ Of a itltunt, A. i;in:-. avt tiiia. POB RENT LIGHT. WELL FCBNISHED I n.iiis; awghtfu li 'ration M Wahinli tun ai i qui'. I 'O i.KT Kt'h A TI KM OK YK.AKrt- l'nrt nr all ut Uini- tia n.l r.-1 ftx'l of yard room s lima-rallrovt Ai'iiy at itse Kraukllu sveaae. I ''o UKNT STORE MO OB FURNISHBn tiull i,n (irai'n Krlff ntn.t ry i- vr lurntion anil on n-aaoualil'i tt-ruis. Appiy I, V K NKTTI.ETO.N or C rt. WOUOBUrr. It puhlii-an tmlt'llnit. For Sals i.'ii SALE .i . KARM II" ACRES; ACSES vatel :,! I.,. ,,;!:.'.' ; I ' - . ...'!!. . l r 1 Ioiteit m vtuagsoi Fore.t Laas,8asqMoaana ,-outity Oajy few rods to srmiwi aftttrab. l,totncc, etc. n.antilnl lak'' ell i. . k. i with came tlih. Term-e.wy. pplytoD W BROWN, attorney, btv tlproc streat 1,'nlt SALE- AN IDEALO TNTKY HOME, 1 7 acvss "f Intnl. fins largw hulls'', mod rn improvements Kmy dWlaafa f1ln Horai tin. Also 7 d'Sir hi" iiulllliu lota iu ,1'Uiitry. I VY IIKuWN. Atfy. VW SpraOS street 1" ii; I ALU A I- ..KM ' K i, liilt rV At u. I one atid one hulf mile, tnym Iinltmi on th.- Palawaia IsiaSawaiins mni Wvatern rsilroail First clis. farm h"iis" with a never falllnir snrlaa aaarbyt two lairns. itmd laad and goraorabard will ba sold ebsasj. rernw en... Addles. II K. Vt'N I TDKCII or ISAAC Ei.l.H. exe.-niors, Hilt'ii. Laekawatina fonnty. Pa. rill Y' LE i ' lt SALkV-RAMBLER NO I Qoi -I ut on. Hcraatoti Trlbuns sgvajcy. Honcadale, 1,-tdt SALE n EXCHANOE fOl SCRAN I ton pr"pertv - A aaarirs orsnfe irrore nirteaainn In ptwlaettoa and value yearly id tSa oraaaa sexitloa la iv'nia AiUlroa F. R. N Kil l. ft fON, Ijikellelo i. KmH'l.s Boi'dlng. i noAi niNti runt resi-ect s with smnil Iht-iiIv In la ue. aifv hotisa. Hot an,) col, I Lull, Trie ,i,!i ;iue I,, 'len -t anil Chun ll Tlir uaili r. of a mile fimu n!n tlim llealtny ha'slity Addr, as ti Wt.Clarkti Kuuiinir. I N Till". COI'll r 1 iF Ci'MMON PLEAS FOR I the connn of Lackawanna In the matt) r f lbs dissolution of th" Sonth Lincoln t iai Otapaayi No 2, May term, IHiii, SoUro Is nsrsby slyao thai the South Liu ohiCoal Coini iiiiv flle.l Hi petiiloii Inthi ( o.irt of Common I'liisn of I Hekawnni t i ouli y nu the m iliiyof Miin li is'.'!. iunliiK for a flecree of ,'i. n, anil tluit tho court bssnxvil Apiil.i. IMH. ill li ..vio. k n. ni foi haariaa . ., f" i..r,.-s, i.i, 1111, 1 ii hern all person ml, 1 can utteud If thev 'I," III It e , p. , 1 1 1 l ;ll,,l alien iUM auntnst thu irriiiitlmr of th" niter of aald petitioner .1 A M KH W OABPORD, -oI sitOI tor I'elltloner The QENTJINB Now Havea Mathushek 1 Pianos ia 'i .t tit i . Now Ork WsMtoomi Flftli Ayimiho. -No. 80 E. C. BICKER & CO, Hole dealsrs In this ssction. OrVIOB IB Adams Ave , Telephone BT'd'g ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ONE MORE WEEK And ooutitiaed succeas of MINNIE LESTER With her famous orchestra and excellent company. For announcement of plays see papers dnlly. Prices, 10, 20 and 30c. Matinees Wednesday, Thursdsy, Friday and Saturday. Matinee price, 10c. to all parte of the house. Meats for the on tiro week now on sale at tbe box office. Special Sale of Ladies' and Gents' Ribbed AT 10c, 12G,25c.,35a, 37 60c, 75c. and $1.00. AT 25c. and 46c. We still continue to sell CORTIGELLI 100-yard Spool Bilk at 7 cent3 per spool Our neighbors all get 10 cents. CONNOLLY & A DTTJP ti iUliU Tbe most aoclent of all personal omamsnts sod in evary ape and country tbe distinguishing mark of freedom, birth, rank and honcr n ! t "i iia-i X 1 ......... w Tell their own story They r.os- Sf-ss all the beauty that art csn give thorn, and every worthy new fad snd fimcv thst fashion sug gests at once finds a place In l is stock. Real Diamond Itlugs from U oo up Tbouiandl of Osm King to select from. Wedding Rings Solid l-karat goll, of course, all the weichts and aiaea. By ths way, see sell all plain sold nnfii v MtaaJ araicbt mssns a bic; savinir to buyers. FREEMAN, .Ifwclrr. K o. Cor. Fenn Ave. and ipmce St. at a nr. Driving Park Scranton, JULY 4th i?,ono worth of Diamonds to bv Riven away us jiri?. All tin- W known rtbdng men in the oonntr oonpoto, Qnmd Parade of WHeelmso in t he morning, Excursion rates on nil roads, O.S.Carj&CO.'S All-Feature Show RETURN ENGAGEMENT COMMENCING Tuesday Night, May 21 For 4 Days OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Admission, 20 Gents. DOOR8 OPEN AT 7 AND 3 P.M. Bicycle RacesIRON and ST Au unlimited assortment of Ladies' Vesta, White or Ecru, short sltieves, long sleeves, or without sleeves, high or low neck. Theao goods are ill of the Bneot nutka &nd best grades of Cottoii and Lisle. Every conceivable shape. We art) showing two lines Of Men's Bibbed Shirts and Drawers Unit fill a long felt want. Wo don't think yon will find these "O'ls in any other store in the city, us we had then made espe cially for our own trade. The price is ridiculously low, while the garments bear exceptional merit and arc perfect fitting. WALLACE 209 SOMETHING NEW This Beautiful Bed Speaks for Itself. If too rx-ed a Child's Lied, don't buy SStU JQQ litvu MSB this OM You will ragret it if you do. Wbtn folded takes but link more room tbsn a chsir. Str' iij and durable. Mads of OaU and Natural MstjIc. Very KINK HUM KIMbU. Holds nil tbe lXiditg wbsu folded. LeDgtb, B fast With, 30 and 40 iocae PRICE VERY LOW WE Altl Rl TAILING AT SOB1 PRICatS. STt'ro ate uo W'-ignta or fcrrti(rii In tba FoldlLg i -:.,..,. of Uiis lied. WILL ONLY FULL bY LIFTlSfj. THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. corn eh Lackawanna asd . . . a y - avea. DID YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau 30T l AtKAWASM Yl M l. WHY NOT See our FIFTEEH DOLLAR Solid tak lWrOKtii St-tT Wt !ell Kurnittiiv as cheap a any lumse In tho country that in tends to ghra honest value for the money. Try us. Hull U Co. i05 UD 207 VICMiVG 1YL NORWAY IRON HI. .Il k It MOM) ttb I It r rn mKiAii SANDERSON! aWQilSB Jl ssoi' s RNOliISB OAST BTKBL HORM IBOM TOK CALK niui MAiiiiNr.nY BPMINQ KOfT STKEIj AWI1.S B4UUUOWI Oim NAILS lU'SAELL AMI V Ills TIROS. rl fliM) KA OH IN BUT. Bittenbender&Co.,Scranton, WlinlmVi nii.1 retail daalsrs' in Warronmaltari' and lUaoksmiths' HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men nnd younj; women In this country who have splendkl ability, but they have never been Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Una been an inspiration to sre Hied oi iiutctivity and come to the OoUssa. COMMON KNULISH COUK8K. in si i ss niriisi.. hHOUTUAiNU hhim: "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Underwear WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court Houbc PAC it Connell EEL WAQOM WHEKLS AM.KS BPBuraa Hi BS SIOKK9 RIMS BTRRL SKFIVS n R iraUM HCHbW hundreds of young people. If yon Want to do something tangibly P. E. WOOD, Proprietor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers