THE 8CBANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING. MAT 22, 18H4. Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. HIGH ORADB PIANOS TOEBKB, MI AW, KJlIltSON, :ill U MAKES ORGANS i.l piiice See the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD -USE THK- ;now white FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTUliF.D AND FOB SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston ill Co BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS ! THE EENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE tNITUlS G.. B. & Co.. fmrr!i'' in Eanh Cost Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. ( n :.. mil k kULAKK. DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT 135 WYOMING AVE. 1'EKSOXAL. D. A. Lander, of Binghamton, was hore yesterduy. Dr. Bailey, of Carbondalo, was in the city yesterday. Georcre A. Miller, of Wilkes-Barre, was yesterday in the city. T. N. Fuller, of Honesdale, was among yesterday's Scranton visitors. Miss Penman, of Andenried, is visiting at the homo of Andrew Robertson, of North Rebecca avenue. M. T. and Peter Howley, of the firm of Howley Brothers, are .spending a few days in New York on business. City Assessors Jones, Yoos and Buensli returned Saturday evening from i fishing trip to Walton, If, Y. They report. good time and plenty of ttsh. John Smith, John Shaffer, E. H. Belden and William Roberts, comprised a party of Scranton railroad men who spent Sun flay at Plainsfield, N. J., as the guests of Llaniel Roberts formerly of this city. Bcranton's Businaaa Intareats. The TRintNE will soon publish a care, fuirv compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravnre views of our pnblic build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens, No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scranton's many indus tries. It will bo an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to thoe concerned bh well as the city at large. Representatives of Tun Tribune Will call upon THOSE WHOSE NAMES are desired in this edition and ezplaiu its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in tnis edition will please have notice at the office. Dry Air Polar Refrigerator. The above rofrigerator is sold only in this city by Thomas F. Leonard, 505 Lack wauna avenue. As a preserver of food it has no superior, and for economy of ice it has no equal. It ia charcoal filled and zinc lined. The refrigerators are built in hunt wood, finished in antiqiie.and pine, grained in oak and walnut colors. We also have a large line of sideboard refrigerators. They aro all made in a thorough manner, constructed so that they are self ventilat ing dry air, free from uuy taint or odor. Come, and see our stock before you buy. We are sure wo will please you. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothra!ll Mrs. Window's Soothiug Syrup has I) -en used for over fifty y. ars by millions or mothers for their children whilo teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the hcst remedy for di arrhoea. Sold bydiuggists iu every part of the world. Be suru and ask fur "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Muslo Boxes Excluaivsly, Best made. Piny any deM red number of tunes. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only 15 and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. SlsnoR-raphera Furnished. We are prepared to furnish business mon with first-class stenographers by the day or honr. Expert bookkooping a specialty. Scranton Commercial Association, Lim ited, 425 Sprnce street. Fm rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, tramp and colic there is no remody su perior to the genuine Dr. Thomas' Ecloctric NEWS BJEfl SI New Officers o: the Hyde Park Literary and Debating Society. FUNERAL OF MRS. GALLAGHER Body of Mrs. Sadie Morgan Taken to Factoryville for Interment Oper ation Performed on Knee of H. L. .Ames Preparing for the Tri County Convention Personal and News Items of Interest. rThe West Side office of the BCRAHTON lium.'NK Is located at 1010 Jackson street. where subscriptions, advertisements and communications will receive prompt at tention. An interesting meeting of tho Hyde Park Literary and Debating society was held Inst availing in rooms of the Welsh Philosophical society on South Maiu nvenuo. Officers were nominated and elected. For pretident of the full txriu Charles Honse slid John it. Edwards were mimed. Mr. Edwards v.:s chosen, For vice president Obarlrs House whs elected iu opposition to W. A. Price. tor recording secretary Howard Uivis. Euier;;ot) Owens and Wal lace Moser were named. The lat ter Ren was elected, For corresponding secretary EmkrOll Owen whs nnanimonsly enosen. There were two candidates for treasurer, Howard Davis and W. A. Price, Mr. D.ivis was elected. For critic Philip llaviea was chosen in opposition to Chaflei E. Daniels. Louis Howells was elected sergeant-at-arms unani mously by the members. The executive committee was appointed as follows: D. J. Davis. Joli u York and W. A. Price. The committee of thrse which comprises the membership committee were elected as follows: Gwilym A. Williams, George T. Griffiths uud W. A. Price. This olnssd the nomination aud election of officers. The remainder of the evening was devoted to a discus--: ;a ou the question, "Cm Municipal Legislation Be Made Pore." The society will close on Monday evening ut.t with a reunion of its members. Its career has been most succeeslul, aud the instruction in par liamentary rules and debate to the .members has been veiy beneficial. It will reopeu iu the fall. Intei mants Made Y liv. The funeral of Margaret, wife of Patrick Gillagher, of S02 Scranton str et, who died on trulay evening. occurred yesterday at Urnoou. Services were held in St. Patrick s church, af ter which interment was made in Hyde Park Catholic cem dery. The remain of Sadie, wife of Henry Morgan, of Jo i r airview avenue, were conveyed on the 11 oi Delaware, Lack' awauua and Western train yesterday to Factoryville where services were conducted by Kev. L. C. Floyd, D D , pastor of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal churoh. M my friends com prised the funeral party. Mrs. Morgan died on Saturday morning, OpsraWd on His Knee. A very painful operation has been performed ou H. L Ames, of North Sumner avenue. A fw weeks ago Mr. Ames accidentally struck himself on the knee with an adz, while cutting u piece of timber, but the wound did uot iieal. O.i Sunday last Drs. Wonts aud Murray opened the knee and gave great ease to the sufferer. Tho doctors now think that the wonnd will entirely heal. Meeting of Committees. A meeting of the committees in con nection with the trl-county convention of the Cnristiun Endeavor societies met in the Plymouth Congregational church Inst evening at 7 o'clock. Chairman Charles E. Daniels presided, with Mies M. Lonise Williams secretary. Rsports of the cammittees were received and the final preparations were made for the convention on Friday next. Told in a Faw Llnne. M. J. Fahey and family, of North Main nvenne, have returned from a trip to Honssdale Miss Kate Leitner. of South Hyde Park aveune, has returned from a visit at West Pittston, Charles Warner, of South Ninth street, is recovering from an illness. J. J. Cntntrjitigi, of North Chestnut street, arrived home yesterday after an absence of two years. Mr. Cnmmiugfl was formerly a member of Bauer's band, and became engaged with Sid Tracked farce comedy company, and has beea doing a special net with it. He also served as treasurer for the company for some time. Henry E. Rsese guv a lectnro last evening in the Baptist mission in Reiser Valley. Mrs. Thomas North, of Pleasant Mount, has returned home after n visit with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Buck ley, of North Sumner aveune. Mrs. William Bigolow, of Albany, N. Y., is visiting friends on this side. A meeting of the executive commit two of the Welsh Philosophical society will be held at their rooms on South Main avenue tomorrow evoning. Thomas Lever and family, of Chat tanooga, Ten n., are the guests of their relatives, Miss Margaret L'ver and mother, of Lafayette street. Henry Kennedy and wife, of Brook lyn, N. Y., have returned home from a visit with West Side friends. FOOT BADLY CRUSHED. Jumps Jeremiuh Injured in the Mount Pleasant Mine. James Jeremiah, workinir at the Mount Pleasant colliery as driver boss, unstained a very serious injury of the foot last evening as he was about quit ting the mine for tho day. He had stepped npou the carriage in its ascent, wheii the rebound caught his foot and very nearly crushed it. II-will belaid up for a few weeks. The doctor who was called to his home on Lafayette street, West Side, had not determined at a late hour last eveuiug whether or not any bones were broken FUNrRAl OF MISS GAVIGAN Interment Made la Ilyda Park Catholio CemtVry. The funeral of Miss Lncv Agnss Gavigan, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Gavigun. of Providsnoe road, took place nt 9 30 yesterday morning. At St. Paul's church, Green Ridge, a requiem mass whs celebrated by Rsv. Father Dnnn. The mnBS was snng by a choir composed of young ladies of tho Blessed Virgin's sodality, of which Miss Gavigan was a prooiinont mem ber. Tbe choir was assisted by Miss Margarot Harrington, of Dunmore.wbo rendered two solo. At the conclusion of the mass Rev. P. J. McManus delivered a sermon, taking for bis text tbe words of St. John: "I heard voios saying write 'Blessed are they thai die in the Lord.' " The reverend speaker, with beautiful language and exquisite feeling,spoku of tbe kind and winning disposition of tho deceased and of the uuusual tal ents she possessed, wftich would surely have won for her rooro than ordinary success iu life bad God not called her to ndorn a higher and more sublime sphere. The funeral was attended by the members of the Blessed Virgin and Angels' sodalities mid a large number of relatives and friends. The pall bearer and il iwcr bearers wero leboted from the above organizations. There were many beautiful 11 oral tributes laid on the bier by loving friends. Interment wiib made iu Hyde Park Catholic cem etery. PUASANT JAUNT TO NEW YORK. Erjoyed by Members of Praes Club and i h m- Ladtoi. Early Monday morning a number of members of tho Scranton Press Club and their ladies returned from a pleas ant jaunt to New York The trip was enjoyed through the courtesy of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, the party being in charge of District Phb-s-mger Agent Swisher, who was unre mitting in his efforts to promote ttie excursionists' enjoyment. From tbe hearty manner in which Mr. Swisher was personally thanked by al most every member of the party it was evident that his attention and courtesy were appreciated. Tbe party left this city at H 10 Satur day morning and arrived iu Naw Yo.-k in tbe afternoon. Headquarters were established In the Continental hotel at Broadway and Twentieth street, and in the evening a number of the excur sionists were escorted to Buffalo Bill's amphitheater at South Brooklyn by Press Auetit Burke an I witnessed the splendi 1 picture of life on tho plains presented there by the vx scont and bis assistants, Late Sunday afternoon tbe party left New York for this city. A quartette consisting of John Watkins. Sciaiiton j William Watkins, Ptcitville; James Anwyl, Parsons, and David M. Davis, of Scranton, rendered a number of se lections going to ami coming from New York. They were assisted by Fred C. Hand. . SCRANTON CITY DIRECTORY. Woik Uyon tin Publication Now Fairly Under Way, Tbe Williams Scrautoa City Direc tory is now in the bauds of the printers at Tun TRIBTJNB job office and w:ll be ready for delivery in tin near future, The uames in the new book will be placed iu double columns down tbe pages instead of single column as here tofore, this rendering the volutin more compact and serviceable. The street directory will be more complete than it has been ut auy previous year and many now features will be introduced to aid in making the work as nsar per fection as possible. The coming editions of the iiirectory will also be printed upon a heavier and better quality of paper. andNvill witnout douot be the finest ever issued in Scranton. Parties having c py for advertise ments to appear in the new directory are requested to band in tho same ut TBB Tuiiiune office at their earliest convenience. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Twenty-three opinions were handed down by the judges yesterday. The hotel license of Mark J. Moran, of Providence, was yesterday transferred to Michael and Jamos J. Oilboy. In the trespass case of Mrs. Ann Munley againBt John Hul1. Judgo Archbald re fused to strike off the compulsory non suit. In the case of D. W. Connolly and Michael Grimes, executors, agaiast Alder man O. H. W right, Judge Edwards yes terday refused to grant a writ of man damus. Judge Archbald awarded a judgment of $1,562.82 yesterday to the city iu its suit against the German Cemetery association for paving and curbing ou North Wash ington avenue. Iu tho ense of the Delaware aud Hudson f'nnsl company against Augusta G. Genet, Judge Edwards said that it is a question of law that is in dispute and ho therefore refused the request asking that an issue be framed. Judge Archbald yestorday refused to strike off the compulsory non-suit in the case of Mrs. Margaret Haley agaiust the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company. Mr. Masey was killed while employed repair ing a pipe in a shaft at one of the defend ant compnnv's collieries. He volunteered to do the work at which he met his death, nud hence it was hold that his widow could not recover. At tbe request of the Central Pennsylva nia Telephone nnd Supply company, Dr. D. B. Hand yesterday filed his bill of particu lars in bis action against that company. He sued to recover darungos for the death of his horse and personal injuries causod by coming in contact with a heavilv charged telephone wire at Lackawanna avenue and Ninth stroot on Aug. 8, 1801. Tbe case will be set down for trial on June 5, 18114. Collins Will Get a New Trial. Henry Collins was yesterday granted a new trial in his action nguinet the Carbon dale Traction company. The case was tried several weeks acrn nnil n cnn,niil.n,n nonsuit granted on tho ground that ho sliouiu nave Drought his action against tho citv of Carbondalo. Judge Edwards, in his opinion hauilod down yesterday, said: "The change of grade obstructed tbe access to plaintiff's lot, nnd on the case as it now stands he is entitled to relief nnd bis action against tho defendants it prop erly brought." Case Against Brtsn Dlsoharutd Judge Edwards yestorday discharged the proceedings against Samuel Breese, of this city, who is cbarg.vl with deserting his children. They are living with his first wife from whom he has been divorced. He is willing to take them to his home but the first Mrs. Breese refuses to allow him to do so, but wants to compel him to sup port them. As he Is prepared to furnish a good homo for them Judge Edwards says ho cannot be compelled to support them elsewhere. Tho prosecutrix, Lena Lee, is ordered to pay the costs. Mies RosensBli Will Not Gat New Trial. Tho ruin for a new trial in tho case of Mary A. Rosen agle aguln-t ex-Judge John Handly was discharged yesterday by Judgo Edwards, Be said be was unable to dis cover any substantial grounds for a new trial. Mrs. Koonagle sued to recover cer tain money! that she lost on an investment Mr. Hundley made for her in a WestVir- ginia mining company, To Furohaaers of Amertoa. Tin; Timii NK has made special arrange ments with the publishers of I he handsome folio "America" whereby all ordors for future numberR of the work will ho sup plied by mail direct from the publishing house in New York. Partios wishing any of the numbers will receivo them by mail by sending address and 12 cents to cover postage, eto., to TBI TUBthTI offioe. First Annual Danoa at Muelo Ball. Division No. 10, Ancient Ordor of Hiber nians, Board of America, held a ball at Mtiio Hall last night, which was enjoyed by about soventy couples. Each lady was presented with a handsome programme up ni enterlag. Miss Nellie Curran fur nished the music in a very satisfactory nud artistic manner. a Beadleaton it Woeri's and BallanUnefe Ales are tho beet E. J. Vi aub, agent, ss Lackawanna avenue. NOTES SOUTH SO Annual Meeting of Young Women's Christian Association Last Night. SECRETARY'S REPORT FOR YEAR A Musical Programme of Rare Merit Was Also Given Fire Discovered Under an Old Barn -The Commer cial Drummer Tonif-lit -Miss Julia Fox and Charles Maurer Married Last Saturday -Other News. The first annual meeting of the South Side branch of the Young Women's Christian association was Culled to ordvr in the meeting rooms at 1081 Cedar avenue lust night bf Airs. Ezra H. Kippl", who also presided at the exercises. Th" comfortable rooms were well lillol with la lies and gentle men intereato I in church work on I he South Si le. To relieve tho tedium ac companying the realini; of lengthy committee reports, the secretary, Miss Florence Toinkinion, had arranged a programme of uiu'la for the entertain iiienl of the visitors. Tim ex noises openvd with a prayer by Rev. Itichard Hiorna. The opening iiviiin wu sung by the Oboir of the Cedar Avenue Metholist Episcopal church. Inter iptMid among the different musical numbers were the reading of the secre tary's, treasurer's, iuritattOU commit tee, religious oomuiittes, reception committee, and music committee's re ports, which were listened to with gratifying interest The report of tho secretiry. Miss Tomklnion. showed that the total at tendance for the past y ar win 20,7'JJ a daily average of 0(1; total attendance at Sand iv school meetings 3,591, dally average of 77; 48 other meeting!, 89 song services, 15 practical talks, 2!J socials, and six entertainments were bold, The report of the treasurer, Miss Hannah Deacon, showed that tuo dem uud credit siJes of the association's ac counts baluuce tqnally, uud also that there is no gloomy outlook iu tho fu ture of funds to carry on the good wink. The patrons of the organization have been very liberal and every assur ance is at hand warranting a coutinued expectation of their generosity. Among those who contributed to tho enjoyment of the evening were: The choir of the Cedar avenue Methodist Episcopal ohnrcb, part of the orchestra of tho Eiui Park church, David M. Davis, M. Tannler, Mr. Brnnner, John Birglinnsrr and Miss Krebs. The as sociation is now coiuti 'Sed of eighty nine active young ladies of the S null Side and the prospect of religious work for the coming year is looked forward to with feelings of pride und anticipa tion! of good resnlts. Bundle of Carpit Burning Undor a Barn. As Motorman John J. Bnrke and Ben Dnuuiiigs wore walking homo at an early hour Sunday morning, at Pittstou avenue aud tig street a strong smell of burning rags couvinoed them that a lire must be smoldering some where iu the vicinity. After a five tniuuu's search it was found that a big bundle of old carpet, stored away uu -der tho floor oi an empty barn opposite E. H. Jordon & Company's livery stable, was on fire The match was evidently applied to it only a short time before tbe discovery, as but littlo of the carpet had been consumed. Burke and Duunings quenched tbe Are, and roporiod the matter to an of ficer. Tbe barn is owued by a man named Patrick Kane. Bent fit Performance This Evening'. A eompany of amateur players, whose presentations of diff jreut plays in the past has won praise, will interpret tbe lines of "The Commercial Drummer," at St. John's hall tonight. John Ken nedy will assume the leading role, and bis work is sai 1 to be very good. James F. Couaboy and Patrick Barrett will also assist. The perform inco is for a worthy purpose. Tho proceeds will go to John Siglin. of Pittston avenue, a prominent member of the William Counell Hose company, who has been suffering with rheumatism for the past year. Shorter Paragraphs. There will be a fan social tomorrow night at Economy hall by a number of young ladies of South Washington avenue. It will be under tbe direction of Mits Sarah McNnmara. Androw J. White, foreman of tbe William Counell Hose company, while acting as peacemaker iu u quarrel that arose at the picnic ou Saturday, was struck on the hand with u ''billy," which one of the combatants was wag ing war with. Tbe blow fractured one of his kuuckles, incapacitating him from work. Richard Getting, a tailor iu the em ploy of .lain e Dyer,of Pittston avenue , will Wavo to lay at 10 o'clock for San Francisco to take passage for Mel bourne, Australia. The picnic of the Electric Sooial club, which owing to the unfavorable weather, has been postponed, will be held tomorrow. James Gallagher and mother, of Clinton, la., who had been visiting M. P. Judge, of the firm of Mulherin & Judge, relumed home yesterday after noon at '.' o'clock. Mrs. Casper Haas, of Pittston ave nue, is still in a critical condition. Miss Julia Fqx and Charles Maurer.a well, Known and estimable young couple of this side, were quietly married Satur day afternoon iu the Hickory Street Presbyterian church by Kev. August Lange. WHHams Not to Pay Coate. Judgo Archbald yestorday filed an opinion striking off tho costs imposed against Philip illiamB by tbe grand jury iu tho case of the commonwealth against Jpseph A. Dolphin of Olyphant, charged with keeping a gambling house. Mr. Williams reported the place to Constable Davis who brought the matter bororo the grand jury but failed to subpoona nil the witnesses whoso mimes Williams gave. In view of this fniluroon the part of the constable to perform his duty Judge Archbald thiuks it unjust to impose costs on Williams Don't fail to visit O. a Cary & Co's. shows, opposite court house on Linden street, tonight and each afternoon and eveuing during the week. Prices 10 nnd SO cents. DI KU VAIL At Scranton, May 21, 1804. Mrs. W. S. Vail, aged 38 years, 1 month and 11 days. Funeral services will be hold at the Moutdule M. E. Churoh, Thursday, May 24, at 2o'clock. Interment in Mont dalo cemetery. MR. ALEX, PHILLIPS Now has hsseharin of tho KEYHTONE HO TEL, formerly ORUed tho Cross Keys, corner Bromley ave. and Swetland. A full lino of Liquors, Boor, Ale and Fino Cigars will li0 kept In stock. Mr. Phillips will bo plaasudt o greet his many lrlondB who will favor him with a cull. Don't lose sight of the fact that we will sell you a good BABY CARRIAGE for less money than you can buy it elsewhere. We have made many ad ditions to our LAMP STOCK They are choice and make a beautiful present with a Silk or Lace Shade. We NEVER allow our stock of Tea or Toilet Sets to run low. You know the quality. Come in and we will give you the prices. CHINA l- HALL WE1CHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. One Coat Makes Theni Look Like New" WE ?BPEB to Camnboll's Varnish Stains, " the very best thing in tlio market for tononlng up and finishing Furniture, Garden or Torch Chairs, Baby Oarriages, otc etc. With one application Btaia aud Varnish and transform thetu into b aiti."ul Imitation I of Cherry, Mahogany, Oak, Rosewood, Walnut, Vermillion and Ebony Tut up in Pint and Half Pint Cans. Besnretoget Oampbeil'a an l you v.-ili notbo disappointed. To Obtain Satisfactory Results with Ready-Mixed Pa'nts USE THE LUCAS TINTED GLOSS This Paint has boon in constant nse for over fifteen years and we recommend it as being economical, convenient and durablo. nnd inado from Uio bosi materials. Tho satisfaction expressed by our custom ers accouuts for our lucreasei trado in theso goods each season. Call or send for a sampln card showinc rot ors and with toll Instructions as t estimating cost of beautifying your home and surruuud ingj. Matthews Bros, 320 Lackawanna Ave. Homestead CORN, PEAS, LIMA BEANS, SUCCOTASH, gl.f0 per doz. 13 Cans. Full Weights. We keep 110 Sloppy Goods. Jer sey Home Creamery Butter in 3 and 5 11). pails, per lb. Exgs received daily from tho Homo Poultry farm. 0. DITOHBUEN. 427 Lackawanna Ave. A. W. Jukisch 435 SPRUCE STREET MCYCIjKN and SPOUTIXG GOODS. Victor. Oendron. Eclipse, Lovell, Diamond and Other Wheels. Another Advocate of Ansesthene nns. mMWOOO & WABDBLLt OBMTLBMEK II aflnrda me ereat pleasure to slatr that your new process of extract In i; teeth was it i;i uii.i unrceea In my cae, and 1 heartily recommend it to all. 1 sincerely hope Hint others will test Ita merit h. Voura rraprct Cully, CAFT, S. E. 1IKYANT. Scranton, Pa. Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mav 21 make a (iroat reduc tion In tho prices of plates. All work guar anteed first-class in overy particular. Eureka Laundry Co, Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Count House HquAhb. AU kinds of Laundry work guaranteed tbe best. THE Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle Now on sale for 25c. or Slven away with purchase of every suit. Handsome line of Spring Overcoats and the Hobby "Bell" Cutaway Suits Martin & IDelany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, Wyoming Avenue. IHI!!il.limmBBI!m.lM At 30S Lackawanna Ave i Millinery Department I S 200 Ladies' Trimmed Hats, in all the regular shades, worth $5, for $2.98. I iodoz. Sprays of Flowers, assorted colors, worth 50c, I for 15c. S 5 45 doz. Sprays of Flowers, assorted colors, worth $1, for 39C. 5 S 20 doz. extra long, full regular made Hermsdorf Dye g Ladies' Hose, worth 39c, for 25c. I 36 doz. Ladies' Mitts, worth 39c, for 25c. 5 118 pair Lace Curtains, worth $2.75, for $1.75. S 110 pair Lace Curtains, worth 3.00, for 2.00. Ml - 96 pair Lace Curtains, worth 4.75, for 2.75. : 18 pair Irish Point, worth 10.00, for 5.00. 3 iS pair Irish Point, worth 15.00, for 8.50- I n . mm I 10 pair Brussels, worth 35.00, for 15.00. llE!IEIIEIIIIIIIIiai!IIFiI!IIIIIIBIIIII.IIIIllll!llE!III.IIIIIIiS DUNLAP Straws Now Open AT Christian, the Hatter. It's a Great Shock To the folks who aro clslmlnot t hoy undersell all others to find that without tho lonst fuss or blaster we arc giving customers thf bun elltof such opportunities ss these. A Striett High Crude Light-weight Wheel, IHli l patlern, for g)l 10 eaah. 1893 pattern, 180 Wheel, fur 7" 1894 pattern, 100 Wheal, rortSSeash. Theso priccH make the business at our store. FLOREY HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. Bicycle Riders, Take Notice CAPS Invented by a rider Something New CONRAD Has the Agency for them THE CELEBRATED SOHKR PIAWOS Arc nt Treaont thf Mont PopnUr anil Preferred by I.'M h'ir Ariinfs Warerooms : Opposite Columbus Monument, 205 Washington Av. 8crantonvPa. AB ttSasa ' fflP WfVAjl " shon SPECIAL A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for Only $9.90 tyCKsAVEij Clothiers, HetlerA&rumisfea Suits Capes Jackets For Women Sell, Sell, Sell, is the order of the day. FIFTEEN Imported Clay Jackets, rut, Style anil Work tho best of the tailor's art A reduction of 50 Per Cent. Bee this offer ing of High-class Jackets. Your size is here. CAPES in cioth, Mom Silk, Covst Cloth nnd Lace. Many stylM and prices that will please you. SUITS Printed Duck nnd Serges, Stnp.'d nnd Spot Pnt terns. You ounhl to have one. The Price, $3.50 to $7.50. 6. W. Owens & Co. Cloak ,'in. 1 Fnits Makers, Court House Square.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers