THIS TIM K TO I11I FOR AUTUMN TllADH IS WHEN THIi 8UMMJ- YOUNG. BUSINESS IS READY TO REVIVE! IT JUST MOLDS QUICKENING TOUCH. n1t' EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. SCU ANTON. TA.. TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 181)4. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER THE STORM'S IC I! Angry Waters of (iie Pennsyl vania R ivers Break Away frcm All Restraint SUSQUEHANNA ON A RAMPAGE The Junltta, Schuylkill ami Uhlgs Are Also UMM by the Storm. A LOSS OF LIFE AT POTTSVILLE General Devastation Along the Line. Railroad Traffic Delayed Bridges Washed Away Canal Basins and Reservoirs Burst and Mills Are Obliged to Close Great Damage to Crops Upon the Lowlands of the Wyoming Valley Sixty Million Feet of Los Washed Away at Williams port Notes of the Inundation at O'.her Sections. Wilkes-L'arre. May 21. 'HE heavy rainfall that has tvn raging Hero since Situr lay Uttt has soinswhat subsided this eveciLij, thotecb the downpour eouttuuss A; t o clock tonight it is estiui..t-"d that nearly three Inches had fallen stoc Sunday mora itiK alone, wt'.cb La thcrcujQ ly loakel the earth thrahout the Wy- miog" vslley. The Saqut bscaa tirer at tms point touigLC u ri'ing at the rate of, a foot an nour, a::d is now fifteen fs-.-t below low water mirk. Tb tl it on tbe West Md wi;i. from present indications, be flooded before unnrrow morning. ShOSJtd thin occur eomiuunicati.n by roadway b treea hi-re an 1 Kingston will been: erf. which will also interfere with the Larnnm eV Bailey circus from giving a lerformance on Wednesday n-i: at West 8i le partt At N'escofeck, ten milts from here, th cr-eki are svollca and trains on Ik Pennsylvania railroad are beiug held nntil the bridges mo be tested tu ate if tbey are thorougoly safe. A serious washont is reported on the Lei ikh Valley railroad near Mauch Ci Bak, sad trains over this road this afternoon are very late in consequence. Tbron.-hout the country districw great damage ha been done to the crops by the strong winds. w..;c baa nipped everything in its w,y Orea-. Dsmae. aca Lcaa cf Life t Pof.s rll.a. fOTTSViLLE, May 21. The storm continues aa fiercely as ever throng cat tlis county, and tnere are no signs of abatement. Every colliery of the Heading com piny xcept Bsst and Preston So. 3. near Ashland, and Bcawood, near Pottsvitl. were idie and it is not xrj-ctd to be able to work even there tomorrow. The collieries of the Lehigh Valley Col compar.y and all of the individual operators are also fa. led with water, li.e damage to collieries and railways cannot be correctly estimated, bnt it will certainly be over $100,000, the Kadlng company being tue neavivst loiters by 78 per cent. Pan pi cannot work on soooeot of the fl sA, except tnoee on the surface, ami the most ef fective are in tne slopes. Only on train Lis arrived on the Readiiig ttis v-uicg. Tn .Schuylkill river whs never so nigh as it is now. lb tnrr.pike below her-; is f! .oded and teams passed ihrougu wtr up to their bodies. H' ports of loss of IHn sru now coming in. John Urown, ajf-d 17 years, Was drowned tbls evening trying to cross a crek itt Forestville. Ili ward Evans, an oi l man, is reported drowned near iieckscberviile. A big gipsy cemp near Treinont was waslia'l oat todxy and several members ITS missing. Among tt.sse aru it woman and her niw bom babe. This evening I'ottsville mat her first great disas ter .though there W9M no fatalities. An abandoned raiuo dliftsd located on Sharp mountuln was HUM With Solpbttr water. This augmented by the heavy floods from the nioun t.jins caused tue drift to bresk. The largo body of water woshwl down the mountain si in taking with it a small dam. This water all rained into the big grounds sur rounding the mansion of Mrs F. I'. Ksercher. The wattir ttrnck the hous nnd OOMCd the cellar and the ground fl or The elegant furniture and that part of the house were wrecked. A family nainep Bcott was uN washed out nnd lost their all by the Hood The Rsading railroad lina had badly dam uge I at least twenty bridges in this one county besides much havoc with em bankments. The Lihlgh Nuviimtinn Canal Basin Bursts at Easton. Easto'. Pa., May 21. -The rushing waters from the swollen Lehigh river oveifl wed the basin where the Lehigh canal and Delaware divisional canal nieet at this -.ity enrly tbls morning All day the stream gained in volume and velocity. This evening thousands of people gathered along the banks to watch the water tumbling over the Lehigh river data into the Delaware In the race toward Philadelphia. Suddenly the eastern tide of tho bin basiu broke and 200 feet of masonry was washed into the Delaware nver. The ruibing waters surged ugainBt tbe pier of the Lehigh and Hudson River railroad bridge, which stood directly iu the path of the break. The pier stood the terrible strain, although people Who ran of! the bridge felt the struc ture tremble when the great waves struck it Tbe water continued to undermine the side of the basin and at intervals great masses of masonry fell into the Delaware. DESTRUCTION At 7 0 o'clock Ihl basin outlet lin k Into I til Delaware was torn away and its hiiuo stone walls nnd look boon fell emitting Into tbe Delaware The loss to tho Lehigh Coal and Navi Cntion Company is very great and navi gation is entirely ut a standstill until the big basin can be repaired, The accident 1st the water out of the Lehigh wltb rain nud leeieoed tbe danger from overflowing banbi at En ton The Lehigb was atlll rising wben the accident happened nnd ferns were entertained of a greni flood tonight. ilurailne Kaasivalr at Klttamiluc Point Glvea Altoona a rvluht. ALTOONA, Pa , May 21. Last night was a lull" of considerable excitement ami uiieasiuess for those who were about, and for those who wero asleep in their beds the morning brought startling newt, It wis almost mid night when word first reached the citv that Kittannlng Point reservoir had broken and that Hollldayiburg and Qayiport people were t:i danger of be ing drowned out Tbll news was soon denied, and theu furth.-r investigation pr veil its partial truthfulness. There had evidently been a olond burst near the head if the NterTOir, which is in reality a large dam, and an I immense wave of water rolling down- ward plunged over the breast of the Jam. and In an instant cut out four j channels averaging fifteen feet in width I and eight I'eot tn depth This, it was thought by thoss who saw It, would so ' weakeu the structure that the entire dam would go hence the excitement of the outlook was great. Fortunately, however, the force of : the iVe was soon spout, and as there seemed to be uono to follow and tbe water OOated to run over the breast of i the dam. and the rain also slackened in ' its violence Collius Martin, who aave the con tract for building the uew Imptfnndlng reservoir a short distance below the pressu: one, have a large force upon the grounds aud tli'se have all b -en removed to higher ground In order to insure their safety. Immediate steps are being taken to streugtheu the dam in sverv way l it ts believsd these efforts for its preservation will prove successful. rekajfcnll in all, the incidents of the storm have been a repetition of thos com ected with the floods of 1880, bnt st train writing the loss of life is fort uuately not to be added as at Johns town in that year. Six Schoonrs Swtp'. by ths Current Down tbe fchaylklll. PntAMtLPHlA, May H The flood that has swept down the Schuvlkiti all lay has been gathering streugth and volume with each hour, and to night the river is raging like a moan t in torrent. Above tho dam at me city water wjrki the river is wide and it had room to spread over the grass lawns and driveways of Fiirmount yark and the damage there is confined principally to washouts on ; the drive 13-jIow tbe tlam th rivir is I con Sued to a channel ahmt half the I widtb of above by lines of wharves on either bank. At this part the wattrs vertlnved the wbarv-s and baoked up into tbe streets and houses two iqnares fr. ::. the banks The water is three feet deep over tho tracks of tbe Baltimore nnd Ohio rail roai. and two feet of water covers tli ground flaor of ike company's station at Twenty Tmrd and (,'h.stnnt streets There is six feet of water In the Bslti more and Ohio tnnn-1 between Arch and Spring Garden streets and all tr.vel south has been interrupted Above South street bridge S fl'tt of schooners were moored ut tue wuarvos, and one of tt.em was torn from its moorings this afternoon by the fierce current and it swept flown upon another schooner, and within a few minutes six schooners and a canal l.oat were whirling down the river In s tangled mass toward the bridge. Thebrilje tender law the coming dangir and H.rew the draw open in tbe hope that vessels would pass through with the current. The floating mast, however, struck an abntmnt of thi f ridge and jammed on against the other and eamo to a stop. The in 1 7.7. m russt of the Robert II, Harr snapped rlo off to the deck, the bowsprit of r l,o Laori broke short off and tbe Mary Lord capsized and her mlgStB mast went over the aide. Tonight tho sch toners era still jammed together against the pir and all are in danger of rapdzing On Urn Delaware river front the water over flowed the wharves into Delaware avenue and SOOSidt rahln fright that bad been removed was ruined, - - Sixty Million Fsst if tjegl Float Out or WUllamiporti Wii.mamhI'iiHT, May 21. The great boon here i r Ire early Ibis morning an I IJO.OOO.O'K) feet of logs were swept away Thl Susqiishanua river has ilsm to thlrty-thren feet anl there is a 0-foot flood through many of the stroets In the city. Tho I'ynnsylvania Railroad bridge over tho river is stand ing ihe pressure solidly, but tho city bridges have Ikiiiii badly damaged Foot spans of tho Market street brldgo buve been Wtsbsd away and throe of tho fou- spans of Msynard street bridge have gone. Doth are iron structures, and the pecuniary I OSS will be heavy. No live- have been lost here. A number of small boats were capsized today, but all of the occupants, many of whom Were endeavoring to live logi and other property, were rssonsd, Watme Blslng- at ths Rats of Bight Inches at Hour at I.'WlibureJ LlWIBBCnO, I'a.,May 91 Tho sweep ing torrents that yesterday bonndsd over tho banks of ths Bniqnshsnns river continues tu rise at the rate of eight Inches an hour. In n few hours it wili be ns high as it was In I '.(, and tho heavy raina that fall yeHterday, last night and which continued today will no doubt iwell the delngo at least four feet higher. The whole Susquehanna valley is inundated and tbe destruction and destitution is widespread Lock Haven, Willinmspnrt, Milton and Sunbury are in great distress, be ing under five feet of waJr, with the worst to conn- Luwlsburg ii situated on high grotiu 1 and has not been damaged with the exception of some buildings on tbe sur rounding fl its, which have been car ried away on yesterday's fearful cur rent. Ths water works, gas works and electric ight plaut, whi j are lo cated along the nv-r, have been stopp l( and no I II tin- ll 1 recodes.thu town will bo without water or light of any km. I. The town being entirely surrounded by water, there is no communication with the rural districts and Judge Mo Olnn was this morning compolled to adjourn court for several days until the jurvnit ll could reach town. Tbs damage along the Lswlsboig and Ty rone railroad Hi il runs from hero to BsllsfontS Is very great. A nuuibor of bridges have been carried away. There are extensive WAShonts and it will be many weeks beloru trafJBc can possibly be resumed. Hun dreds of families are homeless and des tttnts of provisions, and with the wat ers rapidly rising tbs night Is antsred upon with a feeling of horror. Millions of feet of logs and cut lum ber, and buildings of every kind have swept past hero in the river sloOS VSS" terday. Dimness has boon suspended Harrtsburt Has liuau Thoroughly Wash ed Out for the Convention. HARBISBOBO, Pa., May 81. At 8 o'clock leis evening tho river was twen ty four feet aSove low water mark and -nil using It is expected that It will exceed , the flood o( issii. Thh Penn sylranla Railroad company is running its trains via Columbia and York, using tho liacks of tue Northern Central from the latter city. The East llarrishurg Electric Railway company has its line be tweeu city and BtSSltOO, its tracks being three feet under water on BOOh Camsron street The power plant is als ' in danger of being llooJed.iu WbiOh event the operation of tho city lines will bo suspended. The power plant of the Citizens' Eleotrio Railway company is under water and cars stopped running at 7 o'cl . tins eveuiug on the city ami Steelton lines. lu Booth Harrisburg the people are moving out of their houses and owners of Wagons were getting si) each for removing pianos late tins afternoon, lu lepeiideuca island and Island park are both under water and both wagon bridges over the Susque hanna are closed. Thoiisitu Is ot feet of logs from tho 'broken Will latnsport boom p issed down this eveu iug All tne industrial establishments in ihe soutberu sectiou of tho city, iu- cJuding ths Iron and steal plants, have shut iluwu. No loss of life nas been re por.ed nere but there is a rumor, WbiOh lacks confirmation, that live men Were drowned this evening at Clark's Ferry. 4 Brldgia At Bwsp; Away Along ths Brai.dywlne. West Chester, Pa., May 21. At noon today the storm is ragiug iu Cues ter county worse than auy timo yet. Reports of damage are coming iu from all p iris of the county. Tue breast of the dain ut Springton, on the Dawningtowu am1. Waynesburg railroad, broke about 10 o'clock this morning. The dam covered about fifty acres and the vast body of water swept everything before it down tbe valloy. As yet no deaths have been reported, the damage to farm property is large. Along the Braiidywuie several bridges have been damaged and at least two of tbetn are expected to col lapse, liriuton'i bridge near Chudds ford has lost one of ils abntments an I is wavering before tne water. The water has reached the topof the trestle bridge near Lenape. The meadows along the BraOdywiuO and Ctielter creeks are coveiod with water nnd the damage to growing crops is very large. The bridge at Brandy wine on the Cheater Creek railroad was carried IWay this morning. 4 - Allantown L-ft in Ltarkuei bv Damag to Electric Light Plant. ALLKBTOWB, Pa, May 21. Allen town and tne surrounding country in experiencing on:! of tbe worst storms in the memory of the L'enoratlon Not since the memorable fl KXl of 1881 baVl the Lihigh, Jordan and Little Lehigh rivers been so'wild and destruoU vo. All industries ab ng the banns are Idle and water has gotten into many of (hem, damaging thousands of dollars worth of goodr. The silk mill, furni ture factorial, flour mill, paint work, wire mill, cigar factorv, planing mill, foundry, uto , aro all flooded. Allentown bus been in darkness to night, tho water tilling tho electric light station basement. The tinllny cars today wre run with great, difll rnlty and the car houie wsh flooded Tbe gmatest damage wiia at Boksn- ilauqria, wlmro ii new bridge i oiling 140,000 ami almost ready for use was moved out of plumb nnd probably ir reparably damaged. It is now raining harder than ever witli no signs of abating and the waturi aro Itlll rising rapidly. . DOOMED IN A CREEK. TWO Children Perish In a fltrsam Near Kantlseke, k-Uauiu:, I'a , May 21. Two children, one a girl of 10 years, tho other a I. -v 7 years of nge, belonging to John Krusekoski, at Nuiiticoke, were drowned this afternoon, They fell into a creek that was swollen by the recent rain. They both went down and out of sight before assistance could be ren dered Their bridle were carried down the stream about 000 feet ami wore found an hour later FlASHED FROM THE WIRES. Fifty New Yorkers are i; lnmoring for di vorce nt Yankton h. D, Albion iN.Y i rjnivsrsallatsdsdlcatad the 7CV, (MiO church given by Baorge M. Pullman in miunnry of his parents. After counterfeiters hud Hooded Mexico with f60ll, 0(H) worth of bad revenue stamps, they were run down and captured. In astreet duel at (iutherle, (), T. F.tll. (Ireor and W. S. Hinlth, rival editors, fired twelvo shots but no one was hurt. Arraigne d In a Dostou court for inde cent conduct before children, Charles F, lladger woe knocked senseloss with u ham met by the angry mother, who was nr restod. Indictmont for Qrst degree murder was found at Chattanooga against President U. N. Hanson, of the ( it izen's bank, tor killing J. & Wert, his wife's allegod paramour. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. About 700 of the employes of the Gov ernment Printing ofllce wero removed on Saturday last by the "envelopo system." More discharges will be made this week. FLOOD BOUND AT SUNBURY llirilliiii! fxirriHii':! ui hcranion i'lii riinslo ns V t tie S'Me Convention. PERILOUS TRIP ACROSS A BRIDGE In the Endoavor to Reach Hie Capital City tin; Excursionists CrOSS a rond Uriilgo at in a Ulindinn Storm--While Balancing Thomsolvcs Abovo a Ragine; Torrent They Wit ness tho Doslructioii of a tlridci; Ncarby--A List of tint Enthusiasts. Kititoiiul CorreufHUul'-ntf (St-rattloi Tiilmne. Si NBUBT, Pa,, May 21. TBE Scruuton contingent of dele gates and enthusiasts winch left at 2. IIS for the Republican statu ...ii . ... 1 1 reavfaueii .11 1 1 .11 1 mum 44 en SOUntersd an unpleasant experience at Nescopeck. when tho No 10 Pennsyl vania express in charge of Conductor Ferguson drew up on the bank of Na-OC-peck creek and dlSSOVirid that tho bridge was on the point of leaving its pier. After several hours of parleying it was finally decided to cross over to Bsrwlok, take the Delaware, Laeka and Western to Nortbnmbsrlaod and proceed on tbs Philadelphia and Brie to the Capital City When ufltr auother delay Nortliuuib-rUnd was reached, another obstacle was euOOOtttsred, lb re beiug no oommnniostion with Boobory save by the Pennsylvania railroad bridge and loaded coal cars were ksp t standing on tlio track tu keep the bridge in place. Piloted by trainmen with lanterns the Soraiitoniaiis crossed this bri Ige at 10 o'clock, clambering over tbSOOal cars and crouching under arch'aya ffbilo oil the middle pie! the bridge over the west branch just below give way with an immense crash. When tho party after extreme dlfltoolty in a blinding raiu storm reacaed Sunbury it was to ascertain t .at no trains were running on the Harrisburg dlvsioo and will not run until souio time tomorrow. The Scrautonians were reinforced by Mayor Connell who was suddenly call ed away by the submerging of bis Shamokin eellieryVar: staying at the Nell House. Those comprising the tho parly which undorweut this ex perience were Lieutenant Governor Wutres, ex-Lieutenant Oovernor V. T. Davics, of Towanda, Delegates Everett Wrirren and T. M. Francis, of Lacka wanna; and George II. Laueaator, of Wayne; and the following convention visitors J. A. Woodbridge, of Dalton, ex-Ssuator Lines, of Ureut Bend; Re gtstor S. S. Wright, of Susquehanna; Solect Councilman E. E. Hobuthan, Prothonatory C. E. l'ryor, Journal Clerk Fred W. Fleilz, Adjtilant W. S. Millar, Milton W. Lowry, Ohairman John H. Reynolds, of the First district legislativo committee; R qireseutative John 1 Farr, ex Itepresontallvo Bagar nnd O, L. VYaltz, of Wayne; Clerk of Courts John W. Thomas, Representative Klmmsr, of Athens; Representative llurritt, of BosqOS banna; School Controller James A. Evans, of BorsntOOl Morgan Thorn is, the Hyde Park luerchiint ; Lamllerd Oherard Snyder, of Pittalon; and Will Fusliunr, also of 1'ittston. The entire aountry for miles is sub merged. Traffic in all direction! jhas been abandoned No trains are run ning either to Erie or AltOOOB ami the flood is nonstanlly iticreusing. LlVV S. KlCIIAKO. ' VISITORS ARHIVINC. rl Hasiinga .e l I' i e Is on the Batil Qmiin I Early. BaBBMBCBOi I'", May 21 The trains belated by tho big ll aula will roll into lh city during tlienight with the rittsbiirg and other western dele gallons who am coming vis Combat land, Mil., to the EtspObllC in stain COO VtntiOOi (lelieral l II. Ililetings, (leneral James A BSAVST and the Centre, Blair, Bontlngton ami other COQUty delegations arrived on a sliecial train at 1 1 o'clock tonight. General James W Litts, of Phlla- adidphia, who will he nominated for secretary of internal affairs, CongTSSS man Robinson Is making a stiff Hght for lieutenant governor, (hies D. Price, of Erie, ami other candidates havo also opened their lieailqiiartsrs, M' PH t RSON' i Mi N STRIKE. Bsduollon tn v. Ukuisi Troubln at Ilia mils, BTBOtTDaBOBOj May 21. Senator Mo l'bersou, of New Jeraoy, h having trouble with the msn employed At his mill at Minsi. On Saturday a cm was made of 2ft per cent. In ull the depart meets The nun became noisy when the cut was aiibounosd and lute on Saturday a gang of them turued the hose Into the recovery furnaces, which renders the mill completely useless tin til the lirrs are relighted. The feeling against Senator Mcpher son among tho employes is hitler. Su perlntendsnt George w. Bsavsrn bus gone to Now York to consult with Mc Phorsou's repreHentativss. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Theological Semlnnry Control tbs Sub Jaot of Debate. Sahatoqa, N. Y., May 21.-"Thno-logical Seminary Control" was the or dvr fixed for today's session of the gen eral assembly. The debate began at 10 o'clock with Dr. Willis D. Craigs, of McCormaok Theological icminury, ou the floor. Dr. Cruige aupported the majority report, whioh recommends the amendment of seminary charters so ns to give tbe assembly the right to ap prove or disapprove directors or pro fessors of seminaries and the right of control orsr their endowments. Dr. Paul F. Sutbpeii, of Newark, proposed as a substitute for the major ity report that tho whole subject be laid on tbe table until the next meet ing. Dr Young moved to table this sub stitute, and the motion was carried by a vote of 10 to 1. Dr. John Fox, of Brooklyn, offsred n substitute to the effect that the commit tee be oontioasdone year, with Instruc tions to oommnnloats tho resolutions to the several seminaries for further con sideration and conference, tho semin aries to make criticism and sugges tions iu regard to the resolotions. This Was also laid on the table. A vote will be taken on the report at 8,80 tomorrow. KILLtD IN A FAMILY FcUD. Two Men l-Vuliv Bli il 1 Llvoly Buttle. BOPWMTON, Mass, May 31 -One ol the liveliest shooting matches that bus taken place iu this p u t of the country for many years took place on the otit iklrts of ton town yesterday afternoon mid thu result is that two men aro dy ing of their wounds ami u third is injured The atiooting took place ut a resort kept by John Iv-tlley, and Was the se quel to a family feu i between tbe Kei leys ami tho Raifcriys, another family, of uriHavory reputation Just whut started the row todav is uncertain. James Baffrly( who Is known as "The Desperado," got In th first shot at tin sou of Proprietor Kelley, tut was him self winged, and before the battle wan OVer, his contained five bullets, lioth of the K lllsys, futher and son, were shot, and the former, as well as Bsffetty, is fatally woooded. S-veral bystanders were sligmly wounded dur Ing the fusllade. t BtTZOLD ARHtSTtO FOH SLANDER. Uo Says Thai Mrs. Peck Ii Anxious to Hav Him Put in JaiL If a statement made to a TdUBUMB reporter by Julius Betzold is true the charge of slauder tnudo agaiust him by Mrs. Denia l'eck is preferred tor the purpose of placing him iu jail so that ho oen not appeal before the grand jury to prosecute a charge against Mis Peck's sou of aggravated assault and batiery. Young Peck and Retz.dd engaged iu a dispute on the West mountain some time ago and Relz.ild was leverely beateu on the head with a rock. Peck was urrestud last Tuesday aud required to furnish bail for his appeuraiice at court, Retzold's appearance yesterday iliowed that he ha I beeu terribly beateu. His ey(g were bloodthot and an ugly gash nppeared ou his fore head. Mrs. Pock charge! Betzold with hav ing publicly asserted that she stole his chickens, aud she aski $2 000 for the injury done her reputatioa by tne scan daloui charge. Au action was begun for her yesterday agaiust Betzold by Attorneys Ward and Hi:. He was tnkeu into custody lute iu the after noon by Deputy Sheriff (iriswa'.d. ANOIHIR RtAL ESTATE DEAL Jcbn A. Maars Has Purchased the Dr Oatss Property John A Meats ytsterday purchased from Harvey Ar Dean for 000 the Dr. Gates properly fronting on Wash ingtou avenue and extending back to Lee court. In real estate circles it was said that Harvey A Deau bougut tbe Gates lot to prevent Mr. Metre getting posses sion of it Mr. Mears' intention of erecting a sky-scraping ofSoe structure at the corner of Washington avenue and Spruce street was well known. It was said that 11 Mr. Mears secured the Yates lot ami extended the area plan of tho new office building, it Would in terfere with Uie now unobstructed rear light of tho buildiugs of Harvey A Deau ou Spruce street faciug the iqasre, When Harvey iV D an secured tln dates property they made no denial of tbe fact that it was to protect their present Spruce street buildings from being darkened iu the roar. Now that they have sold ths property to Mr Mesrs ami that the building in which the GiUsy hiths are located is also sold, the real estate men are again talking and wondering what It all means. ANNEXATION WAi PROPER. Judge Ounster In nn Opinion Siiitalut tha Cat h.mdaht Proceedings. Judge Gunstsr yesterday dismissed the appeal from the pr. ceedings annex ing the Y'nrrington Hill portion of Oar bondals township to Oerbondale oliy, In his opinion hu said : ".fier careful examination of nil the papers and proceedings, in the case and inquiry into same we fin I that the preceding appears to have been in OOmformity with law nod ihesime are hereby approved " - DEATH OF D. P. IHOMAS Bxplrail Suddenly Of AplcpUxy Last Night. D. P. Thomas died suddenly of Aplo plexy at Ills home, IHn.'i Churoh avenue, at 1 1 o'clock last night. Mr. The mas was a well known citi zen uud MtlVS in politics. He was at olio time publisher of tho Scrantou Blado. . IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Knights Templar of Pennsylvania win meet at Pittsburg today In annual con clave, Hev. Dr. Henry Zlegler and Mrs. angler, of Mellnsureve, on Saturday enjoyed lluur golden wedding. Pretty Grace Marks has sued John Me Keown, a rlob Bradford oil man, for 890. noil damages for breach of promise to marry. Becoming lost after attending tho cir cus, ut Easton, William A. Willevor, of Phulipeburg, wandered upon tho railroad track and was killed. Two big lly-whnols have burst In Lyons' saw mill, at Tivoli, Lycoming county, within a week, doing considerable dumago to the machinery. WAFTED OVER THE SEAS. The British syndicate that bought the alcohol mouopoly iu Italy will puy $8,700, 000 a year rental. Prince Bismarck will Inspect In person this week the cuirassier regiment of which hu is bouurary colonel. TUE GENERALS HUE IN JAIL Windy Warriois Goiij, Brown and Jones iMt Their Waterloo. GET TWENTY DAYS IN THE BASTILE City Ordinance in Regard to Keeping Off the Grass Rigidly Enforced at Washington The Prisoners Take Their Medicine Coolly Browne Has No-Furlher Use for a Trial by Jury Judge Miller Takes Occasion To Administer a Scolding. Washington, May 21. PltOf BEDING8 preliminary to tbe pmsing of sentencs on Coxey and his lieutenants were in line with the series of sxtruordinary incidents that have marked the whole trial. At 1040, wben Judge Miller took his Heui, Mr. Mtillowney, the as sistant di-trir:t attorney, moved that sentence bu pufv: 1 on Jacob S. Coxey, Carl Browne and Christopher Colum bus Jones, who were sitting inside the rail. Representative Hudson, of Kansas, one of Coxsy's counsel, immediately arose nd delivered a politic! address, "You kooW and 1 know," be said, "tuiit bs (Coxey) was not arrested and convicted because he stepped on the e,riss, but because he carried a banter In opposition to the political i less of thou who are powerful in the adminis tration of the government. They nave demanded tne conviction of these men Th sentence of this court, ' he said, "will make people think this govern ment is undertaking a psliey of tnp prtssion." "Fortunately," said the jalgi, "the courts prohonoce sentence without taking into consideration what people think." ' Oa one side yon have the money power, on the other tbe poor and strug gling ma.ees by which will your honor be influenced?" asked Mr Hud son. "Neither," reiponded the conrt curtly, BROWNE ULAPPLtrMKS AS DSC Ala Mr. Hyman, of tbe defens.-, male an appeal for a nominal sentence.and then Carl Browne had bis say. He began by withdrawing tbe appeals made in his behalf and laid ne bad none to make. He had asked for a jury trial, bnt he n iw believed hi insde a mis take. "I .do not believe." be laid in n load voice, "that the ;e..ple cf the United States believed that surh a lot of tilth and stagnation exists us I in the courts here. I do not mean jour honor; you are different. " Th n Browne proceedel In his usuil blasphemous strain for some time com paring the jury to those wlio Bad pji ticipite l in the crucifixoa 0 x ay rose next. It wss the first time, he isid, that he had ever stool before a court for sentence and it war h pleasing thought that he was innocent of the charge. I do not appeal for mercy because I have committed uo crime," he said, "hut I do ask for jus tice." The assistant district attorney asktd the judge to impose a jail MB tenee and not impose a fine wjich would be paid by the contributions of ignorsnt men. Representative Pence asked the julge to disarm criticism by giviug a uour nal sentence, aud show that there was no bitterness behind tbe prosecution. Judge Miller entered In a long n view of the case. He arraigned Ooxey severely. "Who in the world should bo punish e.l for violation of law if you should, not, Mr. Coxey," he asked. "I did not violate it," said Coxey. "You have your head io full of your schemes that you think anything that stands in font way is wrong," said the judge. "What right of yours bus be.n abridged in the District of Columbia; ' said the court. Julge Miller referred to Coxey's ab solute folly, arraigned him as a dreamer and said: "I don't know of any 0100 where the court will be more Jnstified in passiug the maximum sentence, but I am not going to do it.s 1 hen the judge told tho defendants that lie could semi thetn to jail for ISO days and fine them $"iM each, but he would not do so. He wished, be said, that Coxey and BrOWOS had so dl moaned tnsmSOlVSI that more than a nominal sentence would not be neces lary, but this demeanor iu court hail changed t! o feeiing, Judge Miller then imposed the sen tence of twenty days Imprisonment lo Ihe district Jail for ull three defendants, and fi tine or ten days additional lot p. isonniont for Cox -y and Browne, thej were at once taken to jail. s A HCENSt KtlSSUED. Court Mads au Ordu- Undrr Provisions of Ae of Aptil 7, 1858. At the last term of license court ths firm of Honeyager St (lilleipie were granted a license to conduct a restau rant st 590 Laekewanna avenue. Ow ing to financial embarrassment, how ever, the flrm f illed 10 lake out tlin li cense within the time prescribed by law. The owner of th- building as a MnoeqOOQOO was iu a fair way to lose a years rout us he c mid not well lease the striiotura for any other than res taurant purposes, in this dilemma ap plication was ma Is to Attorney George S. Horn who tbouuiit ho saw a way out of the difficulty. Mr. Horn appeared in court mil made application tor the reissuing ol a license for tho place to William A Rader. Ho succeeded In oonvtuolug (he court that under the uot of April 7, 1858, the liceuse might be reissued ami au order to that effect was conso quently handed down yesterday. WfT AT HER FORECAST. Vv SBHINOTON, Msy V-Vmtrttl for lastsni nmaatSeeafa, for 'Vvetlni: Shmvcrs tonight nnd sAitKcm in western portion 7'iicy tltiu. cosr witl A'.,,. ii'.....n AmMyteSSlia, sAdU'crs ttnightand I'ltes day, variable windt. FINLEY'S Summer Silks The demand for silks for suni mer wear is constantly on the Increase, and never have the deaigni and coloring! been more dainty and attrac tive than this et asou. In ad dition to our fjtoek of CHENEY BROS.' INDIA SILKS (BXI LTJIIl K si VLBfJ We have an endless Variety of E aney Weaves in latest de-t-ifrns, Including line of CHECK TAFFETAS Also WASH SILKS and FANCY PONGEES lor Waists. A SPECIAL BARGAIN IN WASH SILKS AT 49 Cents Elegant line of .Solid Black Bro cade India and Taffeta Silks. Three Great Specials BLACK LEVANT Which is positively guaranteed not to cut. s . i.A.AJji IIE EUTTI FERCHI & BUBBEB K'Fitli FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND KGSE. CHAS. A. SCHIEKEN CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather Beliia H. A. Kingsbury ACEXT S13 Sprna St., taatn, Pi Lewis, Reilly & Davies In Russet 8hoes LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIEf 114 Wyoming Avo, WBOUQULLB am UTAHj We Examine Eyes Free of charge, If a doctor is needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect lit. AM SILVERWARE and Gooda at Arcade Fire will be aold at 50 Per Cent. Below Coat. The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. A DRIVE ft jNeeHBgggeaHKv -Hgf 9ge7SK "eMg3iWe '- aBsiS I . mm
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