TIIE SCBANTON TIUBTTNE-SATTIKDAY MORNING-. MAY 5, 1894. THE SECRET (IN 8 3d ACT. This is a very difficult feat, They appear very neat. To keep such a position long One must be "built up" and strong By the use of the Genuine Johann JIofTs Halt Extract It exalts the energies, stimulates the nutritive powers, improve! the appe tite and aid digestion. It tan lie used for man, woman or child. Matchless as a tonio in convalescence. Purchasers are warned against imposition and disappointment. Insist upon the (Jenuine, which must have the signiitnr- of "Johanti II off" on the neck lobol EISNER & MF.NDKLSON CO.. Agents. 188 and 184 Franklin S..Nw York IT IS THREE STRAIGHT Scranioa Club Defeated in Its First Game at Hazleton. WON IN THE TENTH INNING There Was Heavy Batting on Both Sides but Hazleton Led in Stick Work Jordan Pitched tor Hazleton and Flanasjhan for Scranton Um pire Wagner's Work Gave Satisfac tion Score in Detail. 'pecial to the Ha-anton TYfSHM Hazleton, I'a., May 4. Hazleton won in the tenth inning aniid the shonts of 1,21X1 spectators. Its third IQOOOMirt victory from Scranton. The game was remaric'ihle for the heavy batting od hoth sides. Hazsti. for the home tsam. led in hatting with one home run, a three lugcer and a single to his credit Hogan, M.issey and Wetzel did good work for Scranton with the stick, but the miarper Held work of the home team placed the visitors at tlisailvan tagc. Whatever mistakes I'mpire Wagner made on previous occaions, he left no room for complaint today, ami his decisions wars accepted sntis factorily wkas'ton. BAXurroif. H. H .hi A.I K II I o A r HUltz. If.. .1 1 4 oil By, If 1 i 4 1 t llogan. cf '.' :t li otlszen, 31.. 1 0 111 I'atetien. e - I 7 1 QMoraa, cf..l ;i 1 D 0 Massey, 11, I I 14 U t itoth ,1. s 1 I I t I Wetzel 13 0 0 I Moore, a 0 U ' I 1 w.fke,8ii 2 f i i.sn.i. it,, o : ii l i Km rf. 0 o ii o OOonroj, in l s 0 i Higglna.:!ii.O o ii I oj.Kly, rf 2 - 0 I) 0 FsHOfoapJ 191 Jordan, rf i l n v I Total.... 11 M 111 1 Total... U 17 H U I Hrraaton 0 1901041001 Hazleton 0 0 5 U U 3 0 0 Q '.'-In Eatnel runs - Serantoti. Ij Hail ton. 4 Two haae luta- 11. Kly, J. Ely. WaltA HogOO. T . Lae hits Haz.-n. Mr.,n. llogan. Ms si rj w.t sol flume run ll.17.1n. Ktrni k . 1 1 1 In j r M l y rlooafhan. 4 First baoe'oo balls 08 Jerdan. I:tW Flanagan. 4 Time 2.10 U injure - Wuguer. STATK I.KAtJCE (1AMKS At Hasten Esston 3 1 0 0 4 0 2 2 011 A -ntown 4 0 0 0 I 0 1 'J 0 s llita F.aaton, It Allentown, f F.rrnr. '.aton. J, A lien town. I Hatteries- BlgkH anil Wsnte; Treat. Kilruy and .Milligan. At llarrisbiirg lUrniburg....O 0 0 1 18 8 1 I II Aitoona 8 OOUUUoiu 4 Hits Harrlsburg, 18) Aitoona, 4 Er rors Harrisburg, 4. Aitoona, 7 Hatter lea Meeneh and Kmlr;k, Aleiandor, Atti erton and Cote. ttnUJif Bllll At Heading Heading 4 10 14 0 10 I II J'oltsville (I 3 1 0 (l 0 0 0 .1 ii.ts l . :, : 11, Pottaville, 5. fir rors Heading, I'ottsville, 7 Hatteries - Itlioad and Fox; Fox, Armstrong and Volt. NATIONAL LHAOfK. At Washington Washington...!! I 1 1 0 0 fl 0 I - fl Boston 0 0 0 3 0 4 9 0 I It Hits Washington, fl; Boston, It F.r rors Washington, 8; Boston, 1 Hatter ies Petty, Hepheus. MHiuiro; Staluy and ilerritt. t'mpire I'Hourke. At 1'ittnburg Pittsburg ....8 0 1 4 1 0 0 I x-W Ht. Louis 8 0 4 2 11 1 0 0 0 y tilt I'itUburg, UjSi Loots, 13. Errors I'lttsburg, 8) St. Louis, :i. Batteries -Jflobole. Ehret, l'olrilough and .Mack. Claikaon and 1'eitz, U'mplre McLuade. At Cleveland Cleveland 1 30 2 00200 r- Loulsville 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 14 5 lilts Cleveland, 11; Louisville, 5 Er rors Cleveland, (I; Louisville, 1. hatter lea 1 'tippy and U'Counor; lleminiug and Weaver. I'mplre Swart wood. At Cincinnati Chicago 1 000031 1 00 Cincinnati 1 00 0 20U0O It HltF Chicago. 11; Cincinnati, 2. Errors Chicago, Ii Cincinnati, 2. Hatteries Melilll and Schriver; Dwynr and Vaughn. At Haltimore Baltimore 1 0 0 4 8 8 0 0 1-12 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 0 I Hits Haltimore, M; Brooklyn, 11. Er rorsBaltimore, h lirooslyn, I Bfttter les AlcMabou and Roblnsnu; Daub, Shitr rott, EaChauco and Kinslow. I'uipire Uurst At Now York New York.... 0 2 10 10 1 1 x-0 Philadelphia. .2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 I -4 Huh New York, 10; Philadelphia, 9. Errors New York, 3: Philadelphia, I. Batterios Htisie, Meekin and Parrell; Haddock and Clements. Umpire Lynch, GLINTS FROM THE OIAM0N0. Catcher Goodhart, of Reading, baa been released, and Miller, wbo was suspended, roiusiated. Uonohne, one of Allentown's pitchers, is a law student and expects to be admitted to the bar in New York witbin a year. The Wood's Business College Base Ball club will play with the High School club at the Driving Park, at two o'clock this afternoon. Business will now be suspended in Ha zleton for a week in order to celebrate those those three straight defeats of the coming champions. Mike Kelly's Allentowns will have some of their ginger knocked ont of them when they run np against Mart Swift's sluggers aching to redeem the cold aud cruel post. Catcher Rogers, of the Scranton club, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon at 8.85. He has been anxiously lookod for by the management of the clab for two weeks past. The Scranton Yard Base Ball team will play the Railroad club of Taylor this morn ing at 9.30 a. m. Much interest is man ifested in the gnme by all the railroad peo ple, as they expect the game to be a hot one. The members of the Scranton club will leave on theS.OHu. m. train. J. Walty, manager. President N. B. Yonng baa issned notice OF STRENGTH. ACTS. ) that Myers and Brooks, who jumped a con tract at 1'etersburg, Virginia, and signed with Aitoona, are not eligible to play In the Stale league. No club ill the leaijue 1 permitted 80 play Aitoona If either ol the twocoutract jumpers play, Aitoona will forfeit the game when the opposing team appears if Myers or Brooks are booked t' play. The Philadelphia Times truly says that "unless vigorous nieasurea are promptly taken the State league will luivii trouble all season between the players and the Umpires. The umpire at SCTUtOD was ns Ma! ted yesterday DV a Hazleton player, and Mr. Fee should Deglvefl a less- n that tlie umpire is to be resjiected. l'rompl ae thn should be taken by UkO Officials 11 they 8X peOt their games t.. be attended bv the better class of ieuple." Tall afternoon at 1.H0 o'clock tho follow students of the hih school will play With the Wood's hnsir ess coIIko team T'hoiuk Byron, sbortatop; rTallaca Moeer, first bsse; B, Kollev, pitcnor; I, D. Owen, catcher; Thomas ilonahoe, second base: Join BeOS told, right held; Kd Whitte niore, center Held, lii-orge T. linftlt's, third base; Will .lanneson, left Held 1 h game will take place OS the Driving park grounds and must be tluisbed before 4 o'clock. When Manaeer ('hntiman, of the Buf falo, bniBd he had broken the contract labor law id signing Mulhail and Johnson, the two Cnnadian players, he immediate! canceled their contracts. A few ilsys ag Mulhail aud Johnson arrived In BoffalO, not aa contract base hall laborer, but as immigrants in cpiest of work y.itte by at acchlent they eticoimteted Chapman, an he engaged them f .r 111- team The Bel may not lie called npi n to sign contra, t- rfUketvBnrre Tlxeetv Bucklan'a Arnica flalva. The tavst salve In the world for '"nt Bruises, Sorna, Ulcers, Sait Kheum, Kever Sirea, Tetter hsppe.1 llanda, 1 bilblalua, torus and all Skin Eruptions, and Dots tively cures Pilea, or no pay required. It guaranteed to give perfect Mti-factl N fir tuoney refuudel. Price xfi cenla per box. For sale by Matthews Unas. Tu p -'s Turpitude. .V. it York Sun Senator Tiirpie'n tpch on AldrKl smells as if the Indiana statesman I. a teen investigating iMrs.iiiHllv the Twent) gallon clause lu the bonded period section FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Sticks nd Ponds N'rw Yon. Mar 4 speculation at tl Stock exchange today are oonflued almost ! exclusively to the Industrials. The, j stocks Were active throughout and figured f .r l lsi shares In a grand total of I'.' Suitar scored the ereate-t adrance. ' rising from 107 to li'." . Lead r.i 1 Iff, 1 hirag tias IK, and Whisk v . I : r strength and activity of th ItOOkS namel was due to anncnuremeiits from Washing ton that the senate had agreed to push the tarifl bill. The promised raid on th rail road group did not take place. I he rs. ' was evidently deterred bv the fact that ! he 1.,'Hi.-, ments ! f K,. 1 f..r e rt tn I morrow's Kur p-an steamers fell beo expectations. The amount to be shipped fr in this port aid Boston amounts to W,!I50,UI The total gold exports thi. week foot tii f'.',4.i,nnii The reduction in the exports had a g od effect on the rail way maricer diirinu the aftern ou and all advance of 't to 1 1 . per cent ensued el rept in New I'ngiaud, which fell 1 toil. The general market left off steady. The following- aOSnptees talile stinwina tlis day's Buctuatems in aetlv sto.ks la supplied azw revised ,uiiy by LaBar r'uiisr, st.K-s brokers. I'JI Wfomtng- avenue: Open Ili.-h Lit eat. I llM Int. I'll 1 V itC It lmii hei "'v Ml Ins. est. 'lit., II K m -:. ion2 ml I ' ' I Am. Cot. 00... A 01 t-tisar A.T.AB. T... Can. Ho. Con. N. J chic. A N. W. .(Hi ..1 .. II ..1WM .. I'M, 1076 s H Ma - i (lij 'M'.tJ Okie. las c . I, C Ht. I,.... ' ol . Book. Vol a T ! 11 I).. L. A w D.1C.F Krle 9, E. Ho Lake Shore I. N Manhattan Miss, l'ae Nat. Lead N. y. A N. I N. Y. Central N. Y.. I). A W" N. Y..H. W IJ. ft. C. Co North Par North l'ae. pf 1 imaha Par. Mall fieadlnjr Itork Island K.T St Paul T , C. A I Texas A- Par Union Pailile Wabash p Western Union. lun fin IM, ISM 4S, 41 llllU, 4VI I80U MB - I as LM "l4 :, " UOM HU 1 iU ir'v t'i :mi4 41 av. M HI, Mi IP Mi no, M ITS St. IM MM i-'k aft lrTfc m ffl Hal, m in iiiiu Rf ,,! I, m m M h4 m m 1494 26 ,HS 8U Hi IWt4 112s as . ls?S '' MM I3U 1 1st, m I1 111 r r,u, m A I. A L E.tpf. 4(l-'(, V New York Priducs Market MlW York. May 4 Klouh -Steady, light demaud. WniAT Dull, grmer. No. 2 red, store and elevator, 01 j ntil c. ; afloat, O'-J.a 03)tt, ; ungraded red, 57afi3c. ; No 1 north ern, Tla'lit'c.; options were fairly active, firm, higher; May, OIJSc: July, Kic : August, IVI"Hc; September, 0.ric.; December, Oil 0 CORK Dull, firmer; No. 2, 44c; eleva tor; 4.V. afloat: options moderately activo and KaKp, higher;May, 44c; July, 44ric. Oatv Dull, scarce, higher; options fsir ly active.flrmer; Mav, 88Vc; June, 38,Vc: July, 87c; No. 2 while, May. t0c. Spot prices, No. I 41c; No. 2 white. 4la42u; No. 2 Chicago, 42c; No. 8. 40c; No. 8 white, 40a4lc; mixed western, 41a42c; white do., and white state, 42a4!o. BUT Quiet, steady. Tikik'kii Berk Quiet. Cut Mhats yuiet, steady. LARD-yuiet, steady: western steam, I7.H0; city, 5a7tfc; option sales none; re fined, quiet; continent, 18,20; South Amer ica, fcS.OS; compound, 08aflc. Pork Moderate demaudl steady. UllTTHIi Moderate I " " " JsD, P'tJHUJ , I state dairy, uew, 12al7c; do., old, 10al4c; 1 fin . t.o.tn. rv nanr I ... t -,. . i i I o.nii,;., renusyivauia 00., loal7e.; western dairy, new, l0el.Sc. do. creamery, new 13al7c; do. factory' new, OXallc; Elgins, 17c 1 imitation creamery, llaMc. Chk.ksk Now, Arm; fairdemand.steadv. EuuR Quiet, irregular state aud Penn sylvania, H'iaHXc: western froeb, 10(fa lloX-; southern, ila'.Oc. Chicago Oram and Provisions. scranton, May 4. The following quota tions are supplied and corroded dally by La Bar & Fuller, stock brokers.121 Wyoming ave nue. WHEAT. 3isv. Jnlv. Sept. Openlnif HU oQi OOTi Highest fiti UI14 (OW l.oweat f.8 (H Ik 4 Closing &S7 w 6l?2 CURN. Openinf son; 41114 iiik-uest ilti'M 41 A U0W4M mi, 10 (losing SSIr SUij 4tii OATS. (ipening 34 S9'4 ZTiU Highest 85 ai BQ Lowest HI BR z.W b w "N m Openins; 1JI0 r?8S Highest ISir, 1S57 Lowest 1240 1225 .... Closing 1215 162 LA HI). Ot-enlng M 710 Tin Highest ja 7'JU 717 Lowest n; 7lu 710 Chin 712 720 717 SB RT HIHS. Opening RV2 M flVi Highest 067 fg tun Lowest tB 888 (15 CloslUaT U.Vi (145 842 Feranton Wkoiasale Harkats. PcRAaTOH, May 1 Purer and Pro duci in led apples, pur lb., Aa7c.t evap orated apples, Italic, per lb.; Turkish prunes, oaSe,; English currants, 2aJ'tc; layer raislus, tl.75al.Hii; mnscatels, II. Mia 1.40 par box; new Valencia, 7'-, a- -.s. per lb. Bkans Marrow.fats. 12.75 per bushel; mediums, ILTSal.90, PlA8 Oreen, $l.l6al.20perbnshal,-epllt, 12. Mia l.flOl lentels,5 10 Sa. per poaud. PlITATOXa 7". toti.'ic. psr bushel. (lMON'H Bermudas, c rates, 2.20a2 29 Bui ns 11a to I'.ic. per lb Chixhi llialltc. pant). RO. us Fresh. 128 l.V. POULTBT Chickens, dressed, 12 to 18c: turkeya, II to 18c Mi Ms-llama, lie; small hams, HSe.; skinned barns. IOXol California hams, sc: shnulders,a4c, bellies, slC.; smoked breakfast bacon, flc .-Xiikkii BtKr tiuUides, llc. ; aets, 1 :ii- . iusidea aud Knuckles, 15o. I ORK Ileal at 111; short cut, ltl. 1. 11. n l eaf In tlarses at te.; In taht, Wtii lii ln-pound paJkk Uffci 111 5-poqnd pails, !i 8-iwund palla, U per pound. Hxar-Chotce sugar rnred, sm ikl beef. He. Fi.mro Minnesota patent, per barrel 14. M.60j Ohio and Indiana amtwr, al ' si .:,, ai 8,rs; nre r. h. at IttcKwiiXAT FtCR-!.7iiper cwt. Pxxn- Mind, sr cwt., at nans Rye, BM. eore, 47 m 4Ve.; eata, I ia4;c per bushel. Krit Straw- -P.-r ton I'UalS. Bat 111 to H7. Philadelphia Tsllow Markt. PlIll.AHn hiia, Mav 1-Tall.w was 'lull aud unchanged Prices were. Prime city, in bog-heads, 4 ,c . prime country, in barrel-. 4:,c; do, dark, in bar rels, 4ljC. . cakes, Aitc; grease, 4c s Fa-ms for th Million. The marvelous ib-v. l.ipment of the -1st. si . f Minti.-oia, s.uth Dakota, I -wa, Nebraska and Wyoming, within the last -w years has attracted attention In all ut or ihu world. It Is not iiec-sarv, owaver, to BOIIVli far for I ha causes , f his Wonderful ,-rotli, for this .n-.ir.- gion, which is 1 r it.-. 1 by I hs .S..r .h- Aesti rn Line, tiems with golden opps.r Itiuilies for enterprising farmer, me hanlca and laborers who destr to bottjaf heir coodiu n. Mere are lands whl. h intiiiie all varleiiM of soil, 1 llmate ami I hyslral feature that render them DMOt teslrat for agriculture or emmene I'.irh rollirg pfelrtSO, opoMo of raising he fittest quality of farm product 10 lux rlOM ahundance, ran still be M-cured at loff pricea and nn most liberal terms, sad in rnanv cases gisal pnalurlive farm an be purn.as.sl for scarcely m re than i e yearly rental xaMj en.ru farmers Pi compelled to pay. Reacti ng the pnn pal cite-s and towns and th- riches' a- I oost prodoetlee farming dist t: ts ..f this 'sv. ritl regi -n Tin North- e.tert. Um 1 hlrsg 1 a North-Western ki 1 fers its latrens the advantage i f ready markets, unexcelled train service, perfect (uip uieii t and all the coinf rts and OepVeO leflfM nown to strictly flnt-clasa rail way travel. Maps, time tables and general nformatioo oan be obtained of ticket sgenta 1 f connecting lines, or bv addreei ng W A. Thrall, (JsDSJCal Paasenmr and 1 icket Agent i Ulcago North Wnetern I! y, ( htcago, III s ou.d ftsMee, Tlu r- ar. h tii m ivr who pn fi r to oil a bar I. stn...tli nirf.io,-. i it V- lugi ,.p!.t I r tlmii a fl...r th.it la piiinti nr staiMd Tiki Ttide oil itnd dilute It with OBI '-eighth Ivptav Inn. Mix Iha ughlv mid sjin-nd it over Um fl's.r wnii .1 bf . lllg brush. If oilorl In tin tAii.iiig, the Boor will In thoruulily drjrfay tnotniiig io.,iK niloweaeev For tins arr.iiig-tiient face the fslges of the pill .Wi I', ftnj, ,,; ,,,,,,, , I tin- roqtiMb ItMffth nd i Inclvea w!do nd cut tins edge 111 .inln inrhi-a deep and l inches wide at the Ixittora. and la tween every two iuti!s . i,v,. an interval id Itrlght unit, rial I inches long. In d.- I' s. ii Jfi 1, 1. J WAY Til ( l.i SiK A PlLniWt ASK. ing this, rare should I, taken that each amit rovers an interval 00 the opssitti aide. Having joined the double material (if Um pointl 011 the wrong aide, stitch the points three-eight he of an inch fniin the nlgt and stit-h down also the itraighl cdi:i- of tin- strip of linrtt ant on the wrong aide. Finish the aiints and the rorriejaiiitling s pacta opposite with buttonholes and fasten with pearl or t--l-lnloid studs. The fortguitiR ll from The M'sjern I'riHcilla. oaMlaMO Marriages. It is Ri ncrally lu lieveil in Christiun coiintrita that a Miissiilinnn ran marry us many women na ho pleases. This la an error. Whoever ho may ho mid no iniitter to what aoi-itty ho may laduig tht Mussulman ran only have four legi timate wives at 11 time. It is only the Botabtrof odilliln that is nnlltnitod, and that depends upon the amount of n inrm's fortune. Ho ran have na many odnliska as ho is able to support. Tho children born of ndnlisks, or even slaves, aro recognized by law aa just on tho MOM footing na tho rhildrrn bOTfl of wives. Aiming the .Mnssnlmatm there aro no lllegittntlta ohildran, and tho fart that n mini 'a mother was a slavo is no dishonor and 110 disgraco. San Francisco Examiner. Two Lives Paved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, III., was told by her doctors she had Con sumption aud that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Dis covery completely cured her and she savs it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., Fan Pranc'sco, suffered from a dreadrul cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything else then nought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and iu two weeks was cured. He in naforallv thatiiffnl lr. ia ann), . . . ,.1. . of which these are examples, that prove the wonderful efllcacy of this medicloo In Coughs and Colds. Free trial! bottles at Matthews Bros., Drug Btore. Regular size Mir. and f 1. 4S ONE JUT fl'nnfs of nil MRcta cosf thai mveh, ex cept Situations ll'aii(cd,t()Aica aro inserted f'HEE. Situations Wanted. UTATrlaiATosn keeper by n middle aged woman of good address Apply I'JH Ltlzerno street. C1TUATION Wi M 1 ID YOUHQ MAN. 21. 0 who has had SXperlsnos as a land and mlno survoyur nnd in general engineering work, desires position; expects small salary at Mist: would like an inlerviow. Adircssliox 1 d. Tunkhannock, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-YOUNO MAN k7 would like position either in store or of fice: good penman an I will try to please. Ad dress I A. II , ltd s Bromley avenue, city. WANTED-POSmON BY A MIDDLE ' aged woman to do house denning, scrubbing or Washing. Address, J. H. U, 4111 Thit ioenth St. U -ANTED -Postll-ION AS CLERK BY middle aged man. Can speak Russian, Polish. Klavic also English. Address, PL'lElt MAS. Y.VR. llox 28.1, Pee vllle, Pa. Will; A I'll 1 N WAN 111) A WOMAN O would like to get work by tho day at washing or cleaning, or will take washing home. Address MARY DONNELLY, 724 Orel rd street Agents Wanted. 'EM liAl. AOKNTS WANTED- BELL VI ing new articles to dealers: exclusive territory, no competition, no capital requin d: ntpM per i-ent profit. Columbia Lhetul cil Co . 1.1 Dearb a n s . Chicago, Id. U' A.N mi MAN l 1 rU LIFE AND rillF. instirane.t sxptrleOOS as solicitor In I n- kaaanna eotinty; gissl ladueeo..nts to right man Address UJB'M Betz building. Philadelphia. I'a. For Rent. nORRRNI l.lilHT. WELL II ' RN MIKI ) J rooms; dellghtfol locatloB. 8M Washing ton avenue. ''- LET Milt A Tl.RJl OF" Yl'ARs. I Part or all of three hundred feet ,,f urd rs m sloug railroad. Aiuly at i4U Krsnkliu iveooa 'I'd RKXT 8TORI 88x01 IR rCRMIHHKD I kali oat Otooo BMos etreei very deelre- t le loeatlou atid on reasonable terms. Apply I F F. SI. Ti l 1 tiN ..r (.' 8, WlXlDRUeT Ripiililiean building Help Wanted Male. Ui a n 1 1 1 1 -"oool ipTtdiTfANiiTt and painter Apply lull Wi.ht.urnst. llr ANTED M HRIOHT U.iAN BOTI " to Bell llsrrisbur,- Telegram R. inT. Temple Oeort Melo Wanted Femalee U'ASII 5 - A UIRL FOR I.M I; Al. hoBOOWOfk. Appl) t. John Pklllipe, II? I '.slar si 1 hue. For Sale . '- II 1 A I I-1 Si W'.M.i.N. A 1 Nett). t .n. 1 omin hi Wsshington tveoeaj w slth URB RTOMI TOH MALI loqotre a. C " Si ttleton. w ashlngt n avenue. Cumnpai wealtii building ,'i h -Al 1 a FARM Ut KI11M I V A Id s. I one and one half miles from Dalian on Um Dofowore, Loofcafraaoo sod Western rsilnsul First el-s. fsjm h MM with a never rsihoe slirlnir ne.tby two barns, guod land and ..! .n-hard Will tie id , heap terms eae Address ll f VUN HTOHfJH or HieVAU RLI.IH. exerutore. Dalton, Lackawanna ..eini Pa. I'oH I4ALI KOWL MArTURR, KHlllf I borrela for 140 dm to wn ,. gh..rnegs f.a- ht. h.i.g Ai i.;y t.. I I oiimttis. hti R.s k Welt stru t CE CREAM FHFI .'.I.K 1' R HALF. ORB 1 Q W Psekard '.usrt, emier llneil iraer-r in first , .. , a 'ills Will he sold leap A l tr-ss. II A la-piiy, iinm r.. I s ,MR I I (j 180 Fr.n.ui, e"e' r 1 ; ! I aae, or 4 to Clat nbB -Al B 1 and utensU M BltM i . T Two rtiRlSHRO Rieikia kooai keepiug with use f Uth 1LI INgUIRfl 0 a ..rsfle-r. toiirt HE 1AKV, s.r.i-k u tsiii:FFli:i.i) .i I. oR hAI.K R 1 ii I ton proiertr - I lesr.ns orst loTeesuif in eOOOOeilOO and islae tus i rsn.e e.s-t. n In Mortda Add M l tl FI'.iS l.ske Helen fiortds Money to Loan. M SI , gave Th LOAM ' i lt pi ! rrl I BKi iK tpecle Notices T A .'M . t I iK uuir. A by T II AI K SS, heri ,-tert V"l ' K Till NhJIINATIiiNs Knit (iF ii BOON Oi lh r-esna HtiiMing snd Ustn asan latloa of -imth sirent.in will take (dare Friday eeeuing. April ft, lin .,ft,.r irsnsaotlng the re.niar liusttiesa Ja I ' Mil.! I It Oe rstr IlLA-.K BOOlsfV fA.VI-HI.FI'S, MA(Ta I tinas, etc , lamnd or rela.unit at Tits liniiiNSoir.ee. Quick work HoaeonabU prices Ml U. . H Kl 1st CAM liK HAH vT 141 MTOer lorooo str.s.t end Franklin ave' i.ne Twenty meal ItoMi tor .. -. Uood tsble hoard Proposa's. SKALRD PROPOSALS will lit: kk veil at the office of the OHjf Clerk. s. rantou. I'etinsvh suia. until ; n o chs-k n' p., Thutsday, May l"th, lw. lo ost eurUtune lay flagstoiu. sldewiilk and Uv pnved VOtten and furnish material and lalmr then for. at the Hons.' of I he Ke si..r Lueine Hose emn Iiid. The work is tn lm dune In aei-urdamv wild plan and bm..-iiI stums of otty F.ni r nnd under his directions Hidden shall en OMOOthe sum of twenty five dollars, essh or certified check, with each proposal, a guarantee to comply with anpooolU nwardrd tl intrnot In 0000 the bnlder to whom the contract shall have beOU awarded omits to ex.-. nl.. a contract fut the .,rk withtuten dsvs iroin date..! award thereof, the eneheiite a. i . nip invlng his proposal shall U. forfeited to the Cit of s,, rantoli Thecity reserves the right to reject snv and all bids Hv order of citv oouoelis M i i. -,vn i.r. i'.u , Buolneas Personals C ANTAO FOR mkn ONLY orkatest ir restorer and developer known, strenght ens, invigorates Price J;' Ousrautel -Send stamp for confidential circular. Or. H T MII.I.KR. Ul yulncy street. Chicago. 1AOIF.-, TOXTK IS HIE ONLY si c J ceasful Host lleveloper known. Naver falls, ft'-iii Full confidential particulars sealed i tor it: stamp. .Mrs. Or ll. T. Miller '.'1 0'iinoyHt.. Chicago. City Ordinances I, 'it. I OF COMMON COUNCIL, HO. a, I ISUII Amen, led in Select Council March H, UN. AN ORDINANCE To prevent tho erection of sharp polnttal picket fencoa In the city limits. Suction I He it ordained bv the Select and Common Councils of the City of Heranton, and It Is hereby ordained by tho authority uf tho name. That after tho llnal poONUN of this ordinance and its being an proved by the mayor, it shall be uu awfttl for any peraou orpersons to have greeted or bout on their property abutting on any atreut, avenue, court or place, a fence madonf Iron. wood, or liny other material that shall have sharp pointed pickets, which would endanger the lives of the traveling public. Sec. I If after thia ordinance lias becomea law, any person or peraoiiH shall cause to be erected a fence with pointed pickets aa lie scribed in Section 1 of this ordinance, and tho Building Inspector ahull bo informed of the same, the sslu person or peraons shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ouo hundred (l(jn) dollars. Sec. H. In the event of this ordinance becom ing a law, the ( Ity Clerk shall inform the pub- Connolly & Wallace Inspect our beautiful line at the' new prices. FOUR GREAT LOTS. Note the change: $10 CAPES ....NOW $7.50 15 CAPES NOW 10.00 20 CAPES NOW 15.00 25 CAPES ......NOW 20.00 These special lots include our entire stock below $25. t is useless for us to dwell upon them. You know the character of the garments we carry. Stylish. Perfect-Fitting. Well Made. 4 CONNOLLY & WALLACE w rSXI4VE P' same by having ,t inserted for three dsys In two of the ilallv papera. Approved April 1 lsiu. 1 00 forattoins ordinanee is published In pur suance ..f requirement, of Si. Hot, :i. Article "I Act of Ms, Is ,! bv ,tt,ority ecu lerrod by (section :i of is , ordinane.) n M J l-AVELLK. City Clerk. Sersnton. Pa.. May Ism 1 ' 'i 001IMoN COtJHCIU a ML AN ORDINANCF. 1 rorhlirift f..r the I.. .,;,. ,,f rr.n.sinnt Re tail Men-hunts In the i ity of H rsnton hrtTloo I -Belt ordained by tbe Meleet and C inmon Councils of the fity of Sersnton. and It . h-r.-bi oi !in. ,11 f .i authority of the amie. 1 hst heisHtler ev. ly pe s..u whether principal or wul not enaairisi In a perma nent buslnem in the CitJ of Boroatao. nut en teriOK Into leant .UK - r desirina lo begin a tramlent retail busiueea in theiltyof Scran ton. for the sale of any K(lnU are, or tner liarnitn.1 a hsuoerer. wh-ther the seme shall represent.st or h. Id furthtobe bankrupt. MlgneeM nr sis ut to ()uit business, or of nods ilaraa.-isl by Are. wst. r or otberwl-e. or by sny sttraetlve or cnspleunus advertisement wbataoever. shall tak.out a lhvnsa for the sane trom the cm Tressorrr The amount of said llOSOSSiS hereby flj.sl st Five tlundreit dollars i i month, and said 1 o.iise t.. be ran wad monthly durinir the r. ntinuatii e f said sales; end upon failure of said BOroq or pers.mil . s. e,Ue heenee he on bey shall be fli.e.1 in the sum not less thsn one hundred J ' I ,r. hsi Any person falling to take ont all eenae or refusing t.. p.v die Iteense tax re- ipureil br HeatloO first ..f mis ordinance who st.s.l m ,!.. ei.v .1 tl. it i,. i. ns thereof. WflS Con etc tlno be looo aot laao thnine lltiii.tr.sl .IhuidoiUr.. sad la delaall ..r ty OH nt there.. f IrsJOtOSff sun . sts. to BO Itn pn.onesl m tho county jail not exc-eeding ' J Imm"1iatly upon the pasaage f this oMlnsu. th. ( it) clerk sbad publish the same lo error.lsi.ee with law. I hereby rtif) thst tins ordinance passer! 1. Ik bin-he nl rlty cnnelU and on April 4, lW. w. pr.ssei,t. i W L. QaOOeW, Mayor of the (Ity of s. rsntou. fur hie oftl. i.l sp orom and that .hti April R Is-h. wsa re Inroad P. th . m. " of the itv lerk with out appr nai ,.r dtsappr..Tal ( adr esse 7. Art I s t of Mar it Is., ordinance nut re turned within fifteen ds, . from date of pre seritate.n t.s-.sjne s law. M T LAVRLLR, (Ity (lerk. Hi-rsDt.n, Pa . xlsy i K4 The foreg. ing , rdir.sn. is publUhetl In pur susn. e. requirements of Harden Article it f s. t . f Msy U. I"a. and by auth..nty run ferresl by rsreti. a i I said ordinsn- e. M I I AVI HJ i It ' .rk Srrantor. Fa. May 1 lam ACADEMY OF MUSIC. it KD W M B Lincoln J. Carter (rand Krwnlc Frudnctioa, Th: Fzzz LlzW BPICUl. M KNKUY Fltthtofthe Fsst Mall. Nisgara Fails br .M, with l-illng mis- Its ticsl W ork Ing Engine and Freight i sir with Illnnnn MOl ' al.. th UOfe Ie.. keshst ..- K rer s .i.e aiel stesinb.t EipUeiluu aud other iir.st Itesl.sn.. Priam 9 and r, oOalO aale of seats I et s Tburs.lsv. ACADEMY OF MUSIC TUESDAY RUM, HAT 8. DFZ WOUR HOPPER A-. Hi Mtt OMHIf, irwutQllnc tbe j Panjandrum, 'rirjuB i inin' i irrt m. lMre,n from the Rros.tway Theater. New V.u k i ity I'Rtcru -1 VI. 81, -n and ii: Hale .f seats opens Saturday. May & Week ll MOM DAT, Arm i in Wonderland Theater Co, MuNDAY. TUESDAY AND WF.DNESDAY The Magnltlriiit iligh Usee Drams, THE DANICHEFFS With BegaOt BooMTI and Ktle. Is Mngnifl t Onet utiles, nnd the full strei gthof the Cimpiiny. f bowed by the R. aring Coinody, AIM lJ P-TOWN FLAT prSOSOlod in their Inimitable manner by WIL. l.KTi i BOBNef. TIll'HSDAV. FltlDAY AND IATUBDAT The Sterling Old F.ver-Welcotue Drama, THE GALLEY SLAVE ADMISSION, 10, vil ok .10 CENTS. Periorniam-es every afternoon, em-ept Mon days and Thursdaya at illl, and every even ing at 8.18. DtHirs uiwn at I. Ill and 7.00 I' M A Handsome Complexion la one of the greatest rhartna a wo. "an possess FouoNi'a Complbxion I'owdbo gives it. Complexion Preserved OR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Removes Freeklst, Pimples Liver Moles, Blackheads, Sunburn and Tsn, and re stores tho skin to Its origi nal freshness, producing a clear ami heal Hit com- iilcTton. Bunerlnrtnall fiii'A preparations and perfectly hsrmless. At all (irugglsta, or walled for SOVts. Scud for Circular. VIOLA 8KIN SOAP h itsiply Isisnsrsrst. u skin uilfilsg Siisp, unrpisIM Sir tho tellnt. snS wnkeat s iItsI tot tho nurerry. ASm1uii1t jinra sod delkieul modi CStad. l itn , Prioe 25 Cents. Q. C. BITTNCR A CO., Toledo. O. For sale by Matthows Broa.,MorganBros.and Morgan & Co. mam 07 A ' - FURNITURE BEST WORKMEN. MATTRESSES At Factory Prices The Scranton Bedding Co. Cor. Adams and Lacka. Aves. DID YOU KNOW? That we will CIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight.ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau :'T LAI KAWANNA AVEMI B WHY NOT Soo our FIFTEEN Ix ILLAB Solid ;ik BBdrooin 9atl Wb si ll rurtiituro M clioap a-i bbj hooae la thi oBantrj that iu tends to gVB h(nst value for the BKMMy. lYy us. Hull U Co. 205 AND 207 VYCM.KG AYE. DUPONT'S MIMNO. lllJtSTlRQ Ai) t-l)KTlNO POWDER Manufactured at the Wspwsll ipen Illlla. Lu. seme county Pa., and st WU tuiiigtun, lieleware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Oennral Agent for tha Wyoming Dlstrlcl, iiS Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third National Rank BulMla ARKM-tra. THOS. FOItD. nttet m. Pa John ii SMITH 4k SON; Plymoatlv Pa I W, Mi l. I. ll) AN. Wilkes-Rsrro, Pa Agents for the Ki-paunu Ohsmioal Com rauy'a High LxpUsnvoa DR. C. W. INGRAHAM OF B1NGUAMT0N, N. V. Specialist of Diseases of the Lungs, will be at the Westminster Hotel Satur day, May 5. Dr. Ingraham is the orig inator of the Ingraham Chemical treatment for the cure of Chronic Pulmonary Diseases, particularly Con sumption, Asthma and Bronchial Troubles. Consultation and exam ination free. Hours: 10 A. M. to 5 P.M. Repaired and Upholstered. LOW PRICES. & Connell DUNLAP Straws Now Open AT Christian, the Hatter. Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING aridBLASTINQ POWDER Made at the MOOSIO and BU8U DALE WORKS. Ltfflln & Rotid Powdor Oo.'t ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batterios, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse ood RepaunoChemical Co. 'a High Explosives Lost Manhood and vigor quickly rintoreii.Vsrlcociile, 'swsrvai uifrbtly smtsilons, strimhy , etc.. sursly cured lij INllAI'O. tho ares! Hindoo Remedy. With wrlltss insrssw. lows. Sold b U.vri'UkWS linos, Uruggl.u, Ssrsaton. ls. 101 POWDER CO
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