Have those fine art series permanently Bindery will do it test and cheapest. ft J preserved 6i EIGIIT PAGES 5C COLUMNS. SCRAJNTON. PA.. FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 4, 1S94. TWO CENTS A COPY. Pffil IT Tl RUFFIANLY mi STATE FFER8 RMEIE AYER8 ARE THE REDS LEAGUE? Many Well Known Anarchists Prowling About Washington. LUCY PARSONS AND JOHAHN TOOST Aro Among the Visitors Chief of Police Moore Denies the Story, but Says All Suspicious Characters Are Being Closely Walched Scenes at the Commonwealcrs' Camp. Among the Various Contingents. Miss Coxey Dispenses Medicine to the Troops. Washington, May :i THE Post says: A minor that Chicago, New York and Pitta burtf anarchists wer In Wnsh lnjjton was current yesterday, and was pretty generally sprend hoot th city. Laojr Parsooi was re ported to he hrr andHerr Mi t was, said to have ruu down Ir tn New Yuri: joat to hnva a hand in the (an. A IfiioagOnSWte paper man. who came i.ero with the lirnir, i quoted an laying that lie had fteognllSd several members of the In terimtional COSHBUOt in the cipiiol grounds i!nriii(i tbfl parada It w.ia f urthf-r said that Mijot Moore's prinei ril object in baring detectives here Irom other oltiea wai that these anar oblatl might bo ploktd out, and that Rcter O'Mara, chi-f of the Pittshnr,,' policy came here lo looati boui led dair followers f rum that city. Major Moore, chief of police, settled ill ot the rumor in a lamp by saying "Nothing In them, DttSOtlVei wr-.-ironuht here from other cities." bt lontinned, 'for t!ie purpose of detect ing thterot and ftcioni persons, which wonld include anarchists, of course At Luango rations an l otner hix gather Ingi I have requested ontside cities to end dtteotlrtf iiere tor the sauio r.-a-on. " "Hare toii been informed that sev eral t-riicnyo intrratiotials were here?" "If they are here, I haven't beard of It " "Did Chief gfr M ira tell yon that fonr or five I'lttsliurc rioters aud in :trc liiats were in Washington? " Mr. U .Mara nil nothing of the kind tome. He was tiere with Ids wife.sn 1 Ikey left for 1'ittsburg last night The Galvin rrigsde of tne C ovey army is line in hi city, and ha deemed it his dntv to be there " "It issaid, Major. that Lucy Parsons is in Washington'" '.Inst so, just eo, ' and the rhiaf drew up nun ryv in , i - KiiunniK way I law In a Chicago prr several diva auo mat che was limping lo ora'tni Coxeyitea there, and that she would loon start for Wasuiuston. Now that's excuse tOOOgb for the news p.iuers to have her here 'Nirionslv, though, there isn t the sligUtest cause for alurui The parade has teen made. Kv. ry tiling is quiet, if anything happpeiis, it can't tei oelp ed, lilt nothing mil happen, They say that my men clubbed persons unnecea mrily and unmercifully Tu tdav. The commissioners nave raceived just one coiuplsint from a slabbed man. We had to keep down all lonndatioua for a riot. A tew vlicetnen may have drawn tbeit clubs, bat none drew their rrvolvt-rt. Just say that, and tell the people not to worry abont Lucr Par sons, John ltott,OI any of that crowd. " AT THE I'ASir OttOOMOi The Ooxeyite worked indiiMlrionsI v yesterday cleaning up the debris about tbe camp grounds, piling the rubbish np in place to tie carried away, and some of the mure artistic Coiuinon wealers endeavored to make their surrounding more artistic with naini. lpmdiis inir enoria m irivi. the placo a presentable appearance and make It comfortable the men . . il, ,.l.l- ...... I hfitnea have becninn tirml .nd mm. A ......, . .(., FA .......... I 4 I. .-1.1 --- -- -- mil IU . ' ' UJ'u nionimi. inn llie.irieHI P' rformer, and thny made arrange ments to give an exhibition today. They style themselves the Common weal .Star Specialty company. They will i.ivit n l.i.v tmrlv ti t I ... re.... I en is who nccompauied them during .1 ......... ... ur... ui .11. M hiwiiiir '..ii. ti.'u Miss ( oxer visited the camn. hrini?- n.r inn'iii iiim unii noma n n i n Ii.hki.u ciarea cis intention 10 may nereaalong as be receive the support of the Amatican tion e. and oarrv on II. hut tie. Ho said he was awaiting rem- lll UU. fllljli'in UlflV 119 lil'ITIUU Ull LU Washington. The men here now, ho n. niH I'm m iiaiuiiiii to wnai ue win UHve wnn toe exr ei'ieo arr ve Chief Marshal Urowne has issued hi r i ..... i . i t . wuiiitiiunQniiio,unt 1T .USUI UlOllHUV In ciimn ttiev hail flhi.irn (n lh. ti.ni !.. "hobos, us they hail been branded by luo ittnnuiiinii. lit) iKii'M ..(! nil it. r i ...i :.i in i in imiinii r in i n n n. a i were oiiubu not to meruit imv iniirH Tilt il i u.'ih 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 liirnmr npniro I he ratlin todav mri llm umI.p viii u. niiuvvii b i w 1 1 ) nrigga- cviig who are taxau vitnout retreien- BLioii in leu Nmiii'ii. cuinrarv in r n. . . .1 ITli.l r.. KviuiT-ii ui u.r inuvi ,nw in tviiwm uear- ins thn ahnvA names of the caiim i.nmu mi nniu n unii ui.ii nnii iai.nl L' w "Roy Kirk Mahon, private seoretarv "'i.""( ..no unt.vu (V nil UUUIH M L Frostburg, Md., on account of the seri ous illness of bis father. Browne has GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD. fiiens Taken to Preserv the Biatorle. 1 Ground from Trollnv Invasion. PiiliiADElii'iiu, May Tne govern- lieut took definite Bteps today to pre- ...... i:...,..v...,., i, 1 1 1 i; i .1 ..i..,.. iiiniin. auw iici jiiiuiiiiiii iiiTinuru u leiiuon ro iiauxii ii.ioaB in me uuitea . T . . .1 I, 1 i L - TT-I..J lilies oircuil c nr. nauig lor mo con- nutation of u strip of land in Cum- berland township.Adama county. which is now in the possession of the Gettys burg electric railroad company. The petition stntes that the company is engaged in buildinj a trolley Iroad, which if not interfered with will in vade the historic battle gronnd. The defendants are required to file an an wor by the rth inst, when the matter will again come np. " i JEREMIAH TURNS UP. A Missing Vetsran Is Prepired to Do the Enoch Ardsn Ac. WlUJAIUPORT, May ;: Afttr re maining silent for over thirty years, during which time he was supposed to he dead, Jeremiah Bookman has writ ten to his wife in this city. Hockmau enlisted at the breaking out of the war and when his letters suddenly stopped coming it was supposed tlint be had been killed. His wife mourned for year and fin ally married agaiu and U living now with her second husband. Hockman's four children are now men and women married. They have written to their fath-r for an explanation of his mys terious conduct for the past thirtv years. BELASCa SUES MRS, CARTER. The Playwright Desires $05,000 for Service in Coaching the Titian Haired Divorcee. Nlw YORK, May 3. David Belnsro places tne vain- of his services for (niching Mrs Leellt Carter for the stage and arrangnu' her first produc tion at the extraordinary figure of 63 -fi'M) K ir this claim he seeks to obi. .in payment from A K. Falrbank, one of Hie best known of 1'nic.igo's inillion lires, lie hns brought suit in the New V. rk conrts against Mr. l'airhank and Mrs. Carter Jointly, but in the event that he ineoseded in obtaining a ju lg ment tliere wonld be far less difficulty in collecting the money from the great pork packer than from the Titian haired aotreat, Mr. Helssco certainly worked hsrd to nui.a Mi Carter' dbnt a an aotrtM a success. !! rewrote an 1 arranged to suit her the play in which She first sp Beared at the Bmsdway tli-ater In November, 188 I, "Tne L'gly Ducaline " He had not only given .her InatmoliOfl in elocution, but also iu caleiMnics, believing thai it was DeOSOeOry to strengthen the muscles In order to be graceful Just latfote openinr as a star. Mrs. Carter said sli hail beep devoting herself from '.' in the morning notll U at night to her prepsrstlons. Stm whs learning bar part and taking lessons in I'ticlng, ilamiug, sinking ana gym nastioa She snd her Instructor liecams insp erable and the gossip conpled their name in very way Vnn Mrs. Car ter closed her first season several weeks earlier than had been intended vi d left suddenly for Knrop with Mr Balaam the story was published that they had elnpe'l They indignantly denied this allegation on their return. Mr Carter's next appearanee was in "Mis Hellyett," one of An Iran's oomic operas. Wbieh had also passed through Mr. Itelasco's baodl Bet tour was un profitable, and Mrs Carter bas since then drifted out of the hats of attrac tions St tn leading theaters of New York The suit iudicatea that the ; hitherto friendly relations between Mr Helssco and Mr. Carter have bt-en wholly mp turel. I be large amount of tnonev claimed by Mr. bolaeoo recalls the fsct that one of the SlaiOU made by Leslie Csrter In hut sensttionsl suit (or di vorce was that Mrs Car ter had re ceiv.d laige sums limn some Improper enures. SUe had spent ftVl.nnj In iiiiropssn trip, nlthougn she start,., with QUI? 000, Her explanation on the witness stand wss that a Wealthy New York Lady, Mr. William Con stable, had taken a great fancy to her and had given ber the money. There were many co respondent named by Mr Cirter, lnolodfa Kvrie Bellew, State Senator J lines t Pierre, Dr. Gilbert. H. H Nsthsn, an I D. 8. Gregor. Mrs Carter had been con Itaatly in Mr llellew's society atone time, and her explanation was that h was giving bur lessons for the stage She positively dei.led th charges of infidelity, but she was found guilty, and a decree of divorc wa granted agaiust heron May '.'J, l'J. ; WOMEN HCVE 0RGANIZE0. Female Coxy flvmpathlxsrs at Denver F.)i m a Relief Corps. Iisvi.r, Col , May 8. The female (.'oxy sympathizers in this city tiave orginizel the "Coxey Annv Koserve Corps, No. 1." They will work in con nection with the Ooxcy home reserve, soliciting contributions for tho com monwealers at Waihington and en route. A second regiment of the reserves, consisting of I 106 men, is now being organized. T . B RIEF BITS OF HOME NEWS. Canada will inatttntS qnarantine against United States citii mtected with .mall pox. 1'rednrickaburg, Va., hai invited the Annv of the Potomac, to hold its I next meeting there. The total membership of the National heague of MusiriaiiH, now in session at Baltimore, is 18,108, An increase of 1(1 per cent. In waijes has been given the operatives at the Uelleville Woolen mill in North Kingstown. Chairman W. U Wilson Is at llatnn Rouge, I. a., ai (iovernnr Foster's guest, and will reach Washington in a week. Father O'Urndy, who murdered Miss Oil martin at Cincinnati because she discarded him, refuse to plead and will bo tried for murder next Monday. Erio Jorgansen, of Norway, co-inventor of the gun adopted by Uncle Sam, is in specting the manufacture of tho new arm at the Spriugfluld (Mass.) armory. - GRIM REAPER'S HARVEST. George Blow, aged 81, at Norfolk, Va., ex-jndge and cx-cougrennnan. Captsin William Iteod, for forty-nine yours a pollcomau, at Pittsburg, Pa. At Cleveland, O., Oacar Townsend, gen ernl manager of the Cleveland, Loraiu and Wheeling railroad. Captain William Tucker, aged 77, a pio neer Gloucester, Mas., fisherman, who had circled the globe many times. THE BRISTLE OF BAYONETS Warlike Measures Are Necessary to Quell the Cleveland Disturbance CITY HALL VERITABLE BARRACKS State Troops Ordered Out to Aid the Police in Preserving. Order Minne sota Militia Guarding Workinrmen from Strikers in the Mesaba Mining Range Soldiers in Blue Everywhere Make Ready for a Conflict The Crowds Are Kept Moving. Ci.rvEi.ANp. o. Msy 3. Irf 1TY BALL looked more like a u military barracks this morning Ml than a municipal building There ' were soldiers ill blue evory where, an I on every ban. I preparation! were making for a conllict Few believed that there would b fnrther trouble, but all wsro of the opinion that it was the very essence of common sense to bo prepared for it, and that accounted for the military. Colonel Kennan, Major Whitnev and several offisora wars stationed m Dir ector afcKlnnia'l oflica on the second floor, while the mayor had been on hsud ready for business since daylight Colonel Kennsn said that four com panics ol the Fifth regiment had been called out. The men belonging to the battery and two other eompsuies of infantry were where ihev OOOld be reached readily. Chief of Police Hoebn had a military etttap of hU OWn, tAO. Stationed In his i t'.ice were st Last forty special police men, and it was proposed to use them the same as the regulars. Chief iioehn said; "1 do not anticipate anv trouble today I am ready fur It if it comes If we do hnve trouble. It will be big Y'sterdsv the rioters did not know what lo expect, bnt today if ihev start out. they will go prepsred for s fight ," an BUCTBJC TiuiN BnTtOB Electric trsinswsre held In readiness in the pnblic square to rush soldiers and police to anv point whsre trouble should break out Chief Ilh i nl thirty policemen 10 Neivburg, and sail that he propos.d to place his men where they woul I tie sv.ilable In nom bsra H had forty iu one station and tors within csll Incase of need he mid have I'. i bluecoats in ths Iron ward last Is of thirty minutes. The pt hlio squsre was well poll ted this morning and there was plenty of wnrs Kour policemsn took p atsvsslou of the rostrum and others chased In. crowd off the monument. But the worn bad 80 te repeated time and UttM again The crowd would not go. Put walkl from plsce to plse 1 be little knots of men formed snd were broken by th- poliaa, only to form sgalti in some other pises. The , :. used uu force, but the ord-r ' Keep moving'' was enforced As .. . W. oes day, the loiterers wsrs all foreigners They showed Utile or no respect fur ths ollicsrs, but evidently did not like the appesrance of the long stubs, that were kept swinging suggestively A lot of unemployed gathered fl Front of the old ooarl house, bat ware not molested The sheritf drove to Brooklyn early this morning to see if the county con! 1 render suy service to the tneu employed, who hsvn been menaced several times in ths past t , or three days by lawlem gangs of men. e PRfSS ClUB OFFICERS Result cf Klec'lon Held st ths Atlsi.ta Con v.utlnn. Atlanta, Ga., May a. The Intsrns tiotial League ol l'ress clubs s ljonrnsd this morning alter a three days' session. The following officers were elected : Praaidaat, (lark Bo well, of Atisnta. vice presidents, Marat Halstead, Brook lyn, Mr L nolle M. Qordon, of At lanta, John A Hennessy, of New York ; A. it Cunningham, of Baltimore, Will iam V. Alexander, of Boston; L. N Megargee, of Philadelphia; treasurer, J. S McCartnev. of Philadelphia; see retary, Harry 1) Wright, of Boffalo. The party left tonight for Florid.. e HUNTINGDON HAS WORMS. A Oreen (specimen Desttov Vrsetatlon and Then Dies of Orlef. BDNTUtOfXW, Pa., Mav II A green worm from a quarter to a half inch in length ia destroying the green clover in many ectone of thi county. Whole fields of olover have been entirely esten by the destructive worms, which ap pear in myriad. After the worm has eaten the olover to the around it crawls np on stubbles or I lades of timothy as high as it cau get and dies. The worms sonliue their deprodatious solely to tne growing clover. ENTOMBED IN A MINE. Theodore Wackley Cauarbt by a Fall of Goal at Hosleton. BazuRON, May 3 This morning a full ot coal occurred in ths Highland mint's, outoiubiug Theodore Wackley, a miner. A gang of workmen have been en deavoring all day to reach him, but at 10 o'clock tonight they had not yet oleared away the coal. JAILBIRDS AS SCABS. They Are Expected to Taka the Plsce of Tennessee Strikers. Nashville, Tenn., May 3 Six linn dred miners at Wltitewell want out at 11 o'clock this morn ing. The mines will probably be supplied with convict. EDITOR HATTON BURIED. Late Journsllst Consigned to Tomb with Demonstrations of Esteem. Washington, Msy 3 Frank Hat ton, late editor of the Post, was bnrisd today with demonstrations of affection and esteem such as have seldom accom panied a private funeral in Washing ton. The ssrvicei were held ia the beautiful home which be had recently built and fitted up. Every leading newspaper man in Washington was present, ns woll as miiny senators and other prominent officials. The Gridiron club of Washington correspondents, of whirh Mr. Hatton was president, assembled in the ad jacent residence of Mr. Ssckendorf, of the New Y'ork Tribune, and attended the ceremonies in a body. The Na tional Capitol Press club took similar action, and the llornl tributes sent by these organizations, as well as by other personal friend of th dead editor, were of surpassing beauty. Secretary Grssham. Senators Allison Teller and Chandler were among the honorary pall bearers, with Gnrel H. V. Boynton, of the Cincinnati Trib une, and Major Carson, of the Phila delphia Ledger, representing the press. Itishnp Hurst, of the Methodist Episcopal church, conducted the sim ple religious exercis.s and t 1 en the re mains weresonveyed to their last rest ing place iu Kock Hill cemetery. PCiXOTO IS NOT WELL Small Bnds-et of Brazilian News, Including- Report of Hie IndUp isnlon. Bvixoa Ayrxs, May 9 Advicesfrnm Hlo Janeiro say that President Peixoto ts indisposed and has gone to Petronolis, Order has been restored '.in Cnrityba mid Parana. It is stated that l ieiieral Sarnvia hss Sad beyond the Uruguay river e END OF THE COAL STRIKE. An Early Adjustment of the Differ, enccs Between Miners and Operators Espcctod. I'lTTSl'l loi, May :' The end of the great bitnmim oaooal strike is In sight. At a meeting today hari between the opera tort stid th officials of th Union Mine Workers such action we taken a will probably lead within a couple of weeks to return of the miner lo work I he miner were represented at tl.es meeting by I'reeideut John Mi llri le and Secretarv TreatttrOf I'atrlc. Mi -Bryde and with the aioaptlasj of the New York snd Cleveleud lias Coal company ths majority of the smeratora of bituminous mines in the state of Pennsylvania. Ohio. Indiana and Illin ois wr repreeente I eifier ir, person or by delegates 1 be conference adopted the following atrosloi "To Operators and miners of the hi tnmtnoue mines of the United States A meeting will be held pj letoUnd Tuesday, Msy IV at J ; m to take soch aetiofl as may Aaalaiod to bring shout sn adjustment of tbo -It ( ferences that astat betveeen the upers t rs and miners in various status All Operators and miners are invited to at tend Its meeting. " F'T the miners the circular was ngi .- 1 I Pre; l-rit M l':. '., a:, I rstar-Treasurer McP.ryde. snd for tbn operators by W. B Holcomb, of Cut aago; J A smith, 1. rr llaiiti., J. B htartln, Qolimboa, and F L Uobbms, Pittsburg. 'lbs call for the conference I under stood to bsve collie from lbs Ohio oper store, who are anxious that they shouldn't lose trad t being unable to supply customers with coal. Th miner d'dsrs thai they will In sist npon lbs fulfillment of th miitete agiasmem snd will ao- sept no other eoiiiproiir.se st the mst Ing. If the meeting should renlt in the calling off of th sink it will have bu so tuned ss 10 OOO Of J'Kt when sil tho cosl iu stock has lieen exhnu.ted. U t AT H F HO M MAlPrtACTICE. miud rhi Physts aa is fatted Upis a lliav. I'h.rse psm.stisrussf! May 3 -DoetOT AI f re 1 Layman, of 1690 North Eighteenth I treat, aphyaietaa with a large praotiaa ml a reputsble nam, n arretted this afternoon charged with having commuted a criminal operation up n Mary II. Pow-re, .in 000) trial woman, ad 88 years, fr on the ell els of which She died this morning. But few details of ths cas cortld bt learned tmngnt, s the police have not yet apprehended the in an who is supposed lo have caused the alleged Operation td he perform!. Or l.iv man tTet arrest"'! upon information funnelled by another physician who wanoalltd la lo attend Mis power and loond her suffering from periton itis. Bsfont sb died, ths woman, so her attending physician allege, ac cosed Ot Layman of having performed the operation. When srrested I)r Laymsn denied having performs I the operation, bnt said he had attended Miss l owers for two years fur various ailment. He was committed to prison to await the action of tho coroner HEARD OVFR THE CABLE. A f dispatch to the Iindon Times from Lisbon say: The hoard cf health of I. is Inn declares that the port is In a healthy condition. The Council of Italian workiiigmen ha warned Keloid laborer Jnot to imigrale to the United States, where the labor market Is glutted. Among the Ron) academy exhibit is a life size portrait of United Slum. Am bassador Thomas F. buysrd, painted by Llewellyn. Sir Thomas Salter Pyne.the Aineer of Af ghanistan, has taken from London ma terial for the construction of a war bal loou for A bou I Rabmaol army. The Rev. and Mrs. Clinton Locke and Sirs. Robert Locke, of Chicago, having completed their tour of Palestine ami Syria, have sailed from Damascus fur Athens. Bishop Spalding, of Peoria, III., Is a guest nt the llraiid hotel, Rome, having just completed a tour of Sicily and Tuula. A week heure he leaves for Paris, and thence to New York, via Havre. l.ady Violet Blackwood, youngest daughter of tho MiirquiB of Dnfferin und Ava, and godchild of Queen Victoria, ia to marry the Hon. William Lee Plunket, eldest son of the Archbishop of Dublin. The principal reason that no revolution transpired on election day in OolomMa Was because the government had thought fully seined a quantity of nnns and am munition stored by revolutionists. A man in Paris, whoso la. ynx was de stroyed through an operation to remove a tumor in the throat, and who conse quently lost his throat, now speaks easily by aid of a silver larynx, devised by Dr. Krnus. THE TARIFF TALKJTILL Oil Amicable Spirit Is Hanifested on Both Sides of the Senate. SENATOR CHANDLER SARCASTIC He Indulges in Remarks af the Ex pense of President Cleveland Mr. Quay Resumes the Speech of April 14 Senator Voorhees Is Compli mented by Mr. Hoar The House Spends the Day o:i tbe River and Harbor Bill. WaaniMiToN, May :'. BEN the tariff Mil wus tskeu up in the senate today there was an amicable spirit manifested on bo'.h sides of the chsiuber. under the influence of which the first amendment fixing tho time for the all to go iuto effect (after June 3h wus al lowed to pa.s oyer without action. The time will he Sled later on In the sea sion, when a proipset for lb passage of the bill draws in sight. Senator Chan Her, New Hampshire, in an hour's arititltm of the bill, In- ulged in a strain of sarcasm at Ue ex pense of President Cleveland, the li m oeratio members of the finance com mittee and prominent Data crats who uie not meuiiairs of either h use. At the oooaintioo ol Mr. Chandler's re msrks Mr. Quay, Pennsylvania, took the floor aud proceeded with another laataiment of the speech begun by bun on the Uth of April. A large part Of Mr Qniv's speech consisted of itatlltiaal tables. While the dsn; eras reeding 00 S of them, ob jection was mad by Mr Harris, Ten neseSee. who insisted that if the papule were to t rssd the reading mutt be dl i.s by the senator himself, snd the mint of order was mOtaiBSd, As Mr Qaay starting lo resl th par-nr h. in. elf, Mr. Mitchell, Oregon, eelle 1 attention o the BbSSBOS of a quorum Th roll wss thereupon rslld and fortySiS senator anwrl to their rime '1 ben Mr lay move 1 to pro ced to the con.i '.eration i f executive botlaees Tootmotlaa wssr.j'ctei yeas, 111. nays, 81 Ma BOAK T t tus atacoi I r e i Mr Hoar, Uassachus tt. eaui Is Mr y ny relief by question to ilr Vooriis ss to the estimate made by Lit in on the u.sreasel importation. Cat won: 1 resu.t froui'th paee.ge . f the tariff bill. Mr. V.. ,rl;ee lepHeg thst no mors difficult tint IBM the present could l imagined for making any such estimate, inasmuch ss the business of all eoaatriet In tn world was disturbed and depressed lis had preferred not to depend upon Conjc lures in making the goeernment safe la it revenues an I bad Ml spent much time In guesting what increase of mi portnMoM wonld be H Wauteil to have the nee, sssry rvnu stsde a sure thtug.and that was one of th re sons why he stool by ths Income tax an I Why he wus somewhat not en ttrelv-' reconciled to plac a duty on sugar. The senat then at 4 p m , on mo ti n of Mr Harris, ad; lOroad. till ta in rrow at n . m Mr iiosr arottios over to ths Demosiatio Sid of the o bam ber, nftsr adjoarnment, and oaoi pliinvnled M. VoorhseS on the adroit Wty in which he hsd evaded a direct answer to nit Inquiry urn sr raoCUMMO, All of loday'l session in the house trat devoted to committee of the Wholt to general debate on the river and har bor bid, appropriation bill fur the year 88f 80 The debate ws closed snd the tall will b before tii bouse tomorrow for const deration un ler the five miuuts nils. DEATH OF COL. STEINBERGCR. Diplomat of Ih Oram Retrnn Puttee to the Oreat Beyond BOfTOM, Ma. May 3 Col. A P. B tela bar nor, who wa quit a well known man during th presidency of General Grunt fioui his countOtioa with missions to the bVUBOM and Ht wsliau lalaadt died lat night. C I. Bttlnbsrgtf was bora 8f year ago iii Pennsylvania, but during most of his life when he wss not travelling, be mads his home in New York city, in 173 ho was BppolOtSd by Presi dent Grant go to Simon, hut the exact purpose of his appointment is not gen erally known even to this day, allium,: b it was reported at the time that there wai n scheme o foot to annex the island lo the United States. Two years later Colonel Stoinberger went to Hono lulu, again by the direction of tho president. BLINDED BY A TROLL EV FLASH. A Bsltlmors Woman Loses Her Sight In a Remarkable Wav Bai.TIMOuk, Aid., May 3 A Hash from a trolley wire on one of the elec tric street railways totally blinded Mrs Slearnsr, of MM Gongh street, three weeks ago, and she has not yet regained her sight. Kvcrything possible has been done for th woman, but appar ently to no effect. Mrs. Steamer was silting at a window of her home watching the passing cars. Suddenly a particularly bright tlaah darted from the trolby wire. Witb an exclamation ths lady instantly placed h"r hands over her eyes to shut out the blinding Mash. When she re moved her bands Bhe fouud that Bhe could not see. The optic nerves were paralyzed. WILL PAY KELLY'S FREIGHT. Governor of Iowa Anxious for ths Ds partur of the Army. Dks Moines, Ia May 8 Governor Jackson received the delegation of Das Moines laboring men who called upon him this morning and after listening to their spokesmen renewed his efforts nt Council Blulfs to secure rail trans portstion for Kelly's muiy across tho state, and while he would not bold out any hope that arrangements could be fade, be would lay the matter before the executive conneil and wonld once more open up negotiatiations with the railroads. General Jackson thought that if Kelly would plelgo himself to tuke a boat at whatever Mississippi river point he might reach without any de lay and proceed down the river to the Ohio, the railroad might bo more dis posed to carry the army to the borders of lown. Kelly was informed of the result of the interview with the governor and decided to accept trarsportation at any point on th Mississippi rivr to which it may be famished and to agree ito leave that point immediately by host with the intention of proceeding np to the Ohio river on his way to Washington, FELL FKOM A BRIDGE. A Soranton Machnnai Die from ths Ef feot of an Iujary. Fjtrrinl to Osraassa Trireme. Jkiimyn. Pa , May 3 A man named J, O'Malley, a mtobiuilt from Scran ton, fell from th railwiy bridge uetr thn Delaware and Hu I-.011 station this eveulug. He was so badly injured that he died st 10 o'clock. HEAD SEVERED FRORI BODY. Terrible Death of ttrakeman John Golden at Delaware Water Gap. Body Taken to His Home. John Golden, of Duntnoro, employi d a bend brakeman on a Delaware, L ick aweuua an 1 Western coal train run ning leitween BcraatOO snd Port Mor ris, wa Instantly killed at the Dela ware Water dap at .", o'clock yesterday morning. Mr QoMsn left this eity at I) o'clock Wednesday evening on his regular trip While patting the Walr I tap hit bat was blown off. On the return tr p he iw the hat lying by the side of th track and sprang from th engine on vein h he was ridlni at the tune and picked up thn bat Then, catching hold of a car BbOOt ml lway of th train, I. attempted to get ataitrd. but ' missed hi to ding and fell beneath the wheel wh.cll severed hit heal from bis body. The train was stopped ami the rt mntai placed in th caboose and brought to BtTOn Ittoirg. where the body was dressed by tu undertaker and afterward or Sight tO this city, ar riving uero at 10 .' o'clock In the f ort nOOO The car on which Golden wat killed jumped the track sn 1 delayed for SOB tune :n train following. John Ooldeu wss '.1 years of age and on married. Be lived with his wijowsd :; at an I it was a tight at two or hit emitters with tears courting dowa their r.ti waited f ir the train that b.r tns iifeie.s remain, H was a ment ber of th M mm Tayiot lodge, Brotherhood of Hetlway Trainmen, end WM highly rsspSOttd by tu friends and acquaintance After fining prepared for btrial at Hsuh't undertaking establishment, tns remains were removed to tus lioin of the mourning mother Toe Miner il of Mr Uoilen wl I tak place from his late bom at 'J o'clock Saturday morning A requi-m mass will ns celebrated in Bt, Mery'schurch Interment will be made in ths cemetery st the oboroh. ' e TAX LtVY ORDINANCE Bisr.ed If th Mayor Together with Many Othr R.talsulone. Msyi r Conneil yesterday affixed his tignstures to a number of conneil mauic resolutions. Ths limit important wet the lal levy ordinance of twelve snd one-half mills for the fiscsl year of 1884 t . winch will I-. i. . .. 1 the one and one-tenth null levy for interest an I sinking fnnd on tne bridge bonds, a total of thirteen an i n-tulhs mills. Among a lsrge number of other reso lutloiis were ths following: Uequssting opinion from city soli citor ai to legality ot proposed change of bridge from Lind-n to Mulberry dreet, directing tne SOTBntOO Klectrie Light and Heat company to erect lights at Price street and MOSOM avenue, F.v-r-tt avenus and Lafayette itreet, Oil? street and Webster avenue, Luzeru and Meridian streets, uorth of school house on Academy street; calling for names of delinquent tax colleoto.-s, pri .r to 1888, who fiavs not yt settled duplicates, with am unit yet dn from sell, for lUgging. paving and gutter ing Cedar avenue, from Brook to Brook street; directing Scrautoti Lleo trie Light and Heat company to erect three lamps in North Park, Second ward. CALVIN GOFS BY RAIL. leaves Wheeling on a Train Ovsr the Ualtiiuor and Ohio. Wbouho, W. Yn., May 3 Colonel QalTin'l army left this town today taking a Baltimore aud Onio train for Pittsburg. Th local trades attsmbly paid their pauage. CONDENSED STATE NEWS. Tho propoeod trolley road from Potts town to Beading has seemed an entrance to the latter city, Forest (Ires are killing thanstnds of trees on the mountains of berks and Schuylkill counties. His butchering business didn't pay. which so dltoonrsgtd John Hudako, of meland, that he lala'ly shot himself. Efforts of the Tannery Trust have re sulted in the closing of eleven tanneries in Allegheny county, making tlisl idle men. Last year the Eighth Anthracite district produced 1178,000 tons of coal, and tho shipments increased IH), 4 1 '. tons over lo'JA -ev- WASHINGTON GOSSIP The stated troaiury balance is $124 loo -000, of which 88488,000 is In gold. ' Post master General Hissi-ll says no sa loonkeeper shall be appointed postmaster. Bar. S. M. ituckloy, D. D., editor of the Christian Advocate, of Now York de livered prayer in the House yesterday. WEATHER FORECAST. W ashinoton, May 8. Fnrtcast far FrUajf! lor Knstevn rmnaMtoato, iaorewtwtg atottt1i Msa. saostwrt ttidau sesanwf or Iriilnti iii.ili .....ill.. , (GLOLTDY tor rrettsra rrraatyiKiaia, shouii-s,cuo(' variable wind. FINLEYS MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ! Excellence Well Known Designs Exclusively Ours In add ttfon t our regular linoo, WE ABE CONTINUALLY add log "THE BEST NE W THINGS For one week we will oiler "The Princess Gown" at 98c. Also, three ipeoial nam ben in Cambric Corset Covers at 15, 23 and 35 cents eacb Ladles1 lawn DRES8INCI Bieqoea and aneleg tn line of shirt V:u-,is ami CStemiietteB, 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave, IK Clin. FERCH & fiU6Bc3 ITS FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CT1A3. A. nVSUSREN A- CO 1 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-taanad Leather Belling, H. A. Kingsbury 3ft SpriM St., ScranloD, PL a Lewis, Rfiilly k Davies In Kusset Shoes. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WHOLKMA1J? AN D KRJJtn , We Examine Eyes Free of oJtarge. If a dootor is nvodod yot aro prompUy told so. We also gtniranteo a perfect lit. AM SILVERWARE and Damaged Good at Arcade Fire will be told at SO Per Cent Below Cost The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. A DRIVE fL m a riar I. . I E
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