THE KCIUKTOH TEIBUNE TCESDAY MOBKINt. Ariilr, 84, 1884. Lacisum All Tilings Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. HIGH ( ;lv'Al B U'EBKB, Ml AW, ICMKKSON, i in::: HAKE All PniCE See the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. 11 Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE- And always have Good Bread. MAHOTAGTVBCD AND FOR isAI.E TO TBI TRADE B The Weston Mill Co, LEW ARB OF COUNTERFEITS ! M - c-m:o - POPULAR Punch Cigars WYE TMf 'V'TU'S G.. B. & Co. Garrer. Brown & Co. Mfr'3. I III Ml lll'l M UI . K CR H B WARE Mil I A MKT ETE, KAK, .-teli THBOAT (XZ)i r T PPCC. ITOU.r 4.31 kJli X ' Ub P.ft '35 WYOMING AVI PERSONAL ProfeeeOf H. U BraoetieM, of BloOfM hnrt? era in tii city yesterday. pnliMDiM Piracy an I Evani wer yes-t'-i' .i. m 11 burglary oit at WiUe-hdrie. k-v :r. MoLlod Attorn E X. WilUrj nf nui'.nif for trjut on tb I'ixodd tnunntaiog. JnV Krnt JI.- H A. k'n ippenterttin! i.nn.Wr of fri oils at tbeir residence, 801 m i . . . .-ii ir, (ant .ren.n. . r lerick T Bmitb, of Bo ton, i soper vising lbs nor of tho Smith Heating ud VeatHatiag company . No. 12 school. Aid. riusa Fuller will t nt e:it frnm tL ritv f.r few -lay.. J-nitn li.'R In his offir aava '-o:i 000 tin Bad uutll Saturday hi :o o lovk. J. J. 8vM0iy anil WtMaa F. fttoQoi imT t.Ti (ict''d br St. Paol'i Ploioor conn delegate! to th- eonvontl a of the t. a. D . of tba Soraatoa litoceoi to be b!.l at A liken-Bum next rn.ntu. BTiRO OF TR;&F. TfclK. Tb- i'.!rk Diamood, a Chicago industrial r"i pobtteaitoo, in it issue of April 81, flraa mention of tba recant letter if lae- rtry D. B. Atherton, of th Scrnnton board of trade, nnent tlie advanlaK" ol the anturnrite cai li-lds over tin. Niagara IibboI la chcapBaai ol power. s.ntery Atherton's letter WM only DflMlobed April 1.1, aud t,he ronnnent of the 1 Ibil ago pi-ir is testimony tbal tn rnlne.i cv of the r,nntry la occasionally foewod on Scran ton. An import an t meeting of tba manofao. tur. conmntlee will s.s.n be hi'ld to mo i(Jr the prop of a mrpontioi rooont. ly organized In N.-w fork dty to locate lire. The concern WOO Id capitalize to tba rxtent of Hd!,!)" n and tmtahlieh so indus try, the Dturii of which is entirely new in thin city. Tins company owns a patent for the BMiofactari of indestructible ilay wicks suitable f.r all purponen ut ami illnmination. Tbii kind of wick, it is said, will revolutionize the entire plan of illu minating mechanism in this country. Upon the. rerouimenilation of Colonel Al bert Popa, of Boston, tba b' nrd is einlnv oring to uet I-anc B. I'otter, of New York city, to address the meeting Of .Jay 21 lu the interest of good roads. Scrnnton'a Bnslnoss Intros.s. The Tiuhi'nk will soon jiutillsh a ct fully compiled and classllled list of .J 1 leading arboleeale, banking, raauufactt -tog Ud professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, lieautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our public build iiirh, business blocks, streets, etc., together wilh portraits of loading citizens. No simiUr work has ver given an ennui rep resentation of Hcranton's many indus tries. It will beau invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside tho city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be nn Dflaqtialled udvertlsemcnt of the city. The circu lation is on n plan that cannot fall of good results to tho concerned as well m tba olty atlarge. Repro-entniivosof TBI TRIBOna will call upon THOU WHOM namk.4 are DgatBgD in this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those daalrlng views or their residences in this editiou will please 1 nvo notice ut the ofllce. - Btsnoirraphera Furnishd We arc prepared to furnish business mon With first-class stenogrnphoi'H by the day rr hour. Expert bookkeeping 11 specialty. Scranton Commercial Association, Lim ited, 4'25 Spruce street. Beadlenton ft Woeri'a and Ballantlne't Alts are the beat. K. J. Walhii, ageuc. IB) Lackawanna uveuna. " iROBAHf carpets cleaned for 8 cents per yard by tbu Scraulou Badding Co, FLOUR HIES OF SOUTH SI Weekly Paper to Be Started in Interests of the Polish People. THE OBJECT OF THE EDITORS Wedding of Miss Mary Davitt to Pat rick Lynch Has Been Indefinitely Fostponed - Groom Has Disap pearedMiss Davitt Is in a Serious ConJilion Marriage of Miss Annie Baker to Alex Neglie Personals. Tlij 1'olish people of Scranton and vicinity are to hav flu Organ, printed In their own language and published In tin ir interest. The Initial number will ba run off a weal from uext Friday and tho first edition will consist of I.O'IO copies. The journal will be nn eight-pag weekly nnd its name will !m Tygodnlck, which translated inaana The Scranton Weekly. Its puidiahers will be Kev. K. C Atist and K-v. F. Bodnr, rector nnd aeaiatant rector of the Pollah ehnroh on Proapect avenue Nominally it will bo Dimooratlo in politic, altbongh rauialoing lndpend out or, more properly ipeakiog, neutral in local affalra. It will be the only 1'i'lish paper in northeastern PenniyU raeiii and will be a power for good in Lackawanna and iliter obunttei Her. Richard 0 A net, the proprietor of the new paper, says: "The columns of this paper will be used us a channel for continuing the work of the pulpit. Its aim i to edu cate our people to become good Amer ican clt lime by pointing out to them what is and wnat is not a tranagraieiou nf the law, In addition we will pub lish a eynopate of American liist.Tv dlscoeelng the politic of th country from a historical standpoint and free from lias Th 1'olish people are all reaii-r. if furnished their own liters turn, ud the Hungarian! and Lltbuao inns will aN 1,. readers " , Pather Auet concluded by stating that there was no doubt of the suc cess of the venture Mar Result Sriouly. Today wis to have occurred the wed ding of MISS Hirv Davitt, Of l'oir street, and Patrick Lynch, of birch street, but th- nuptial festivities have been indefinitely postponed. Miss lavitt Is a talented young lady and ia I hosts of suiiors bnt bestowed her 1 ffectionaon yoang Lynch, who h is illy reunited h-r. l!e)wa emvloye 1 as an en gineer st the South works of tlo L ick awanna Iron and tS'el comtianv ind was committed a steady and reliable youth i'lie friends of the young C lOpla 1 re- licied a bright future for them Now all tbi is changed. Lynch on Satur day drew the pay coming to bin and I ft lor parti unknown He did not ppriae his tianc-" of Ins action, and wnnn sne learne I of the tru state of ff aire 00 Sooday she became ill Her conditi n w eerioos yeeterday and it bldoohtful if she will recover Bet brother promises to loach her truant lean a less 111 in constancy if the occa sion presents, lh rtr Parairaphs R. If, Beaoeyof tii Troth l em it mplatiog tii" er-etioii of 4 nan leome resijeneein th vicinity of Coune'l lark. Mr Wiiliim kfofg, who was sr i in-ly III si.m- titn sgo.has never fully r c iver d sad unless a chngo for tue better oa orseoonehe will mik en EntOJ e in trip in sssrc 1 of hltn 1 ho marriage of Ifiee Annie Bagel to Al x N -giie will b- enlemoiled at tbe Blckorv str.-t Pretbyteriao al nrcb nxt Ibonday evening T..e S.i.-i.gerrund will give a conoert in N itt-r's lull lom irrow iveolng, and it prnmieee to be so uj tyabla aiT dr. Iloltkeeaitle. K ilg'uta of tba l4on E'gle, tias reduced it Initiation fee to i until June 1 Tbe regular rate varies sec irding to ae tr 0:11 i 1 I f'J. John Bmi'h, of Seuth Wyoming ave nue, iced 80 years, db-l vestrl.y The will o -cnr Thnrsdsy morn lac from ti " foiisii cboreb David J. Vaiig.iau, of Blngbimtoo, will reinm home to lay aftr a four dais' visit bis fronts ou PltUtOQ avenue. M w, O'Doonell, of Bloghamtoo, circulated among Booth Bide baslaon men y. sternay. 1 he fur, oral of Lvi ,I i mas occurred yatrd iv aftortioon, M;-s Bridget lnnn. of Ogford, N J., is visiting hr i t- r. Mr-. Michael Q'Horo, of tbe Qladitona Hotel Francis Mullen, of Urseowood, wbn was nearly killed by falling from a swim:, Is ante to walk out again John I' Ijinalio, of Stoti" avona, will leav-. tomorrow for a rial', in New York thy. 'id- Polish rlnb of th.j Hmtli Si 1 ompoae 1 of all tbe prominent people of that nationality, held it first hall last night at Natter! Hall Tba music Was furnished by the Forest band. The members of tb Willi an Connell Hoe oompaay and thsir (rlen is win louder a farewell social to Hotel keeper Michael .1 O'HOTO, of PrtMDfOt uve 000, on Monday night Tlio melolram 1 "Borderland" was prod need lad night in the Father Hattbaw Hall, Mlaooka, by the Min ooka Itraina'lc company, under the auspices of O'Conneil Council, Young Men's Institute, of that place. DUN MORE. Council is considering the advisabil ity of grading, gnttorlug and laving sidewalks on Willow, Walnut and Klin streets. Boetdontl who have not 0001 plied with notices to make the nec s sary improvement on other streets were given another notice last week. Mrs. I'hilip iJavles is visiting Haw ley relatives. Many marked Improvement! nre be ing made on the Exchange Hotel prop erty which has bo mi leased n l Is occu pied by Mr. UDonn-ll. formerly of Hyde Park, For Kent, a house, No. 604 Ulak dv street, Inquire on premiss. Chnrles HIobs ami family attended the funeral of Mre Woes' futber at Georgetown on Sunday. Lydla Farrarhn! returned from Piiil adelpbln, where she h is been spending 11 few weeks. William Hank has accepted a por tion at Forest City. Sweot milk, 5 cents per quart; twenty-one quarts, 00. Palmer's. The members of tho council will niske a tour of the borough on Satur day nest to note needed improvements. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. P, J, Conway, of Sport Hill, died Sunday evening, Funeral will occur this af ternoon. The Loyal Lrgiou nre considering the advisability of erecting a drinking fountain at the"Corners"for tiso of uiau and beast. The matter will be brought before the legion for s-ttlemont at an early meeting and will undoubtedly be decided favorably. With the permis sion or tha council a handsom nnd needtd commodity will be erected. Two wedding! will hi lolimnli'd nt St. Mary's church tomorrow. The first will occur in tho morning and will join in the bonds of holy writ Miss Cussie Flannagau and Mr. Patrick Kennedy, In tho afternoon tho ccrtuonv will be oninmmatid ltweo Miss Katn jar nil an 1 Mr. Miohail Joyce, J !ni"s Yandoll, ah oi l resident of this pb'.ee, died nt his horn.) on Drinkjr street on Sunday morning. Mrs. James Hannon returned to her home at Old Forge ynatirdav". Mrs. Patrick .Murphy of Drinkor street, is dangerously ill. Bernard Gulden ll is secured a posi tion with n Carbondale photographer, CORING ATTRACTIONS. Wednesday night Harlow Brothers' minstrels will be seen nt th Academy of Musi.). The lirst part will be enter taining enough beyond 11 doubt. In the semi circle will appear beside the Barlow brother several other funny end men, and the latest aonga will be sung by sweet singers. Among the Vocal aelt ctions are "The Girl I Left Behind Me," "After the Plav" and a dainty ballad e.tllod "Baby's Letlar" by the wonderful boy soiuano. Miller Percy Williams. Tim aecond part i- BlUd ia with no cud of variety and novelty. HINDIICK HUDSON THURSDAY NliillT. Bpriglltly Corinne and the Kimball Opera onuipmy will give "Hendrick Hudson" at the Frotblngham Tbun day night. It has been produced more gorgeously, more elaborately and more egqoiiltely thin anv othir ipectaola whieh Mrs Jennie Kimball, the man ager, has directed, and to one looking back over her incOMlftll pilotage ol th forlnoel of the Kunhall Op M comlque organiiailon that means a great deal Indeed, n the leading cbar actr, the j dly rake Hendrick, the i-erl ss Corioni h i deoidedlv the beel opportunity she has been afforded for toe diipl 'v of her talent'. PRIMRGM SND WlaT'l MONTI CAIUjO. Primrois iV ilTeat'e'Comedy company Will present ti the public at the Aoad- emy of Mudo, Tbnnday iveuing, tbs pectacnlar o-irstic coiii'lv play, "Monte Carlo," Introducing th fam oni winstnl oomedlmi in w ) i t f ie. George Wilson and the Gorman Broth its. In this ngj of wonden noveltlei of ell kinds and dMiriptloU in MOM aary wherewith t.) still tn hue and cry which the public sends forth for something n W. In speaking of th lit ncal prodooti ins Wbllh are composed ebirflr of tn s mentlooed adjuncts, the history and dltaill mnv b llted of 1 wondrous proJnntloo T" ii plav Is full of fun from start to Qnlsb, It is all COtnedy, choice ipeiUltiet, ligit nlng sketches and popOl ir music. A M. I'.M.MCIt ST M K C IMPAKT The original A. M. Palmer St irk company from Palmer's theater, New York, will be at the mw Protbloghsm theater on nex Friday and Satarday "veilings and Sitor lay afternoon, Too artraotion on Friday iveuing will be "Stinti and sinners," ou Saturday evening -,Jim the Penman," and on Stur!av afternoon a double bill. "A Pair ot Spectaclea" and "One Touch ol Natnre," will lie preesoted Tba Pal mer Company ia by far the strongest dramatic org iniz atlon that ti is ev .r-ao peared in Scrintoi and Inalndee inch well known and oapabli aotors al Wil ton Lsckave, J II. Stoldard, I at Holland, Gtorgi Fawott, Edward Bell, Walden Rtmiay, Yirginii liar ued, Mre 0. P. 1 lower, Madsllue Bontoa, Jennie Eustace, 1UM Oon quest and nearly a score of others Th ale of Mat! Will op-O at PoWlll'l to morrow morning a onmher of sst will boplaoad on sal" ut Bert's drug to.e, Wiik-s -1! irre. for th accom modation of persons who deelro to at tend the Palmer p irformUM in this city. COUHT hOUbt Ni-.MS NOTES. The dissolution of the South Lincoln Coel company wee yntorday allowed by the court. In the eslate of ileils rt Siik.oi).-, l it.. 1 I Scranton, letters of ndndnotrati n were granted l" Nick Iss Sos-oug. The will of Bophil Marie I: igoelton, late of this city, was probated yMterday ind letters tMtimratary granted to William btleeeL 'ilie will f Bubort Oolby, la'e cf th olty of bVraoton, w yeatorday admitted to probai". and !, ters lei.tauients: graatetl to Bebeeci t'.dby. In the burglary rno against Frnnris M rrow, Mary llelvle, proeecntrig, ihe ( failed to appear, RscogulMnce was declared forfeits I and acspuwdlra ie.i to lean On.motloo of District Attorney Kelly capias was is. ued for F. Birrilla, WOO fulled tO sp'lir 10 aOIWir an assault S'ol battery Cbargl preferred by Andrew 1 ' "damage. Clerk of tbe Courts Thomas yesterday granted mrrn:g liiensin to .lamas II Croop, of Danmuro, aid BarabJ, rtlcben. of avoim. ami to Hicbael Dungbtory aid saraii Qerrlty, of Hcraatoa. In tbe action of E, ,i Chapmen ag'iin.t tho south Ablogton nohool Board a plea and demurrer was III, d vesterday and 1111 order drawn on tbe defendant! to reply and take !UC in deiuurier within ti n days. s Rone Bad le Ibet, A t o'clock ymterdiy morning a horn driven by Begone Dale, of Keleer ivenne, becanu no manageable on the West Lacka etnni 1 nvenM bill, Tbe animal ran down the incline a a frlchtfnl rata of spied aid Into the deisev Central Rallrond Vard. I) de was tbTOWO out. but not biiilh in jured. The horse's fool wsh caught in I rail freg Its Ik was broken and a 100M lime afterward the animal was shot. sf Tlurnt S III Ma-rv Willinm liiuat, ag'd 11(1 vi-.ns, of L d- anoB, who hss been working la the Scran. tOU Stove wot ks since last Nov -iuber, was arrested yesterdav by (Iftlcm Bocbl on a warrant s-.vorn out. by K iz ib,'lh Beg) lab, of Lebanon, lluint will return and iniiirv her. Huntington's HOMii BAKERY. We have a larga assort mcnt of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. PS OF WEST IE SPECIAL SALE Tho Misses Cwen, of North Bromley iveofle, INJURY OF WILLIAM MORTON Struck in the Face by a Piece of Iron. Two Workmen Injured in the Ca pouse Mine - Cantata, Esther, the Beautiful Queen, to Bo Given in Music Hall by a Juvonile Choir. Personal Mention and News Notes. The Wist Side offloo of th Bobabtom 1 vim vk Is located at 1040 JflcksOb street, where subscriptions, advertisements niid Communication! Will receive prompt at tantion. Miss Lizzie and Cordelia Owen, daughters of Mr and Mrs. W. I) Owen, of 180 North Bromley avenue, were surprised yesterday evening by a cheerful lvv of their most Intimate little lady friends, Those present ware, Maggie Gray, Kiiy Williams, Annie Davii, Hattu Earlv, Edna Teague, Cordelia Owen, Ms! tii Williams, Lli stie Robert, Qlyddli Jones, Olwio Join s, Bertha Careon, Oarrii Pbillini, Aim. 1 Hughes. Florence Skurrit, Lizzie Owen, Maggie Williamson, Daley Chnombe, Gertie Loom!, Hannah Meredith, Minnie Ueese, JeMie JoilSI, Maggie Walter, Miriam Ferber, Vivlin league Injared Whlli at Work. Willi im Morton, of North S nn ior avenue, implored as a bl.icksmilh at lb Sloin mine, met with I painful injury while at his work by being "truck in the fsci by n pice of iron, cutting a deep gub under tha right ey". just narrowly escaping thi eye ball. Minor K.wi Njtat. Misses Carrie Evam nnd Eva Will 1 ins, ,.f Carbondale, visited friends on this si. yesterday. Mrs. James Lining of Wilkes liirre, was it guuat of friends on this silo yn terdny, John Swart! and James Woodrlck, of Troy, N. Y. have r turned homo aft-r u visit with 'rle'ols here. Tltioantata, "Esther, tbe Bsautlfnl Q'tein," will be given In Music Hall bv the Juvenile oboir of the Bumner Avi-iuie Preibvtirlin ohnrcb, in tie- eerlv pari of .Inn This Is the third cantata winch has been given and the p-rs loal contains sbont 100 well trained volo under the Initrnotonhlp of Beisleel li.vis, On Thnrsdiyiveo Ing Professor BoyM will givs an in itrnutlvi en tn t dnmint in the obnrch, using the ElleO: phonograph. An en j lyiMe tiin is expected, John Wiltling, 01 S nth Hromlcy a? enue, is ill I'm. Knlgbti of Pinion Dancing class will clOM its sncc.-Ksfiil season on the last Monday of this month with I complimentary social lothi members Mi. Abbot, of North Bromley avenue, Ins r. turned frcm Wilkss-ltarre. Phot graphir Sterner, ofSonlh klaln avenue, , ns recovered from ah attack of i InrS'. Mrs Amanda Lotaer, of Hooeodale, circulated among friends here yesier day Abram Ftom, of Friik str.-st, an l l'vsn Morris, of l'ric street, were in jureil In the Capons , shsft yester I i- NORTH IND. Ths funeril of Mrs. Gunning, of Markot street took i sc- .s'. r day. Th funeral c rtege wss vary large Pnniral services wsre bald at M M in ' church by the Rev Father O'Tooli toiirmml was made m Hydi Park Citbolie MmiUry, JobnJ McGnlreind Mary QlllMple, both popular North End young people, wen nnlted In marriage fMtitslay ii Holy Roaarv church, th Rev, Father O'Tooli officiatinn. Oantsln John B Moran n iet man, sod Miss hVl ln- -on, of Wilkae-Birre, I rile, maid Im medlately after ncslving eoogratola lions of th ir many friends, Mr and Mrs Met loin prOM idl I on their w -i! ling tour to New York, Niagara Falls, and ot.ier poinla. It ".Kill- the sue I , 1.. ,T rtfmn,,l fr.oti , Nw 1 rk evil fa an el gaol Meortmeot of rarpet inrnHnre, mattings aadou el the, MM Pean avenue, o DoB'1 belt yoOI carpets. Have the Scranton Bidding Co cleia tbim, WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why ran all over theelty looking for eol 1 iIoIIai - with 1, .11. hundred an 1 1 nt , worth ii f Id in th in- Iim yon will oome re , floss to it it II v a will nul si the rUa: placo. Bring row dollsrs s'.ld, silver anil greea A. W. JURI3CH If. I III I I -III lor . hi r mom y Is Slid k-et lull salus BfCI ci, 1 f) I I It I dims, risiiiM. 1 tcK 1 1 , 1 im 11 1 1,' BV, l COlifaARH 1.1 Ml; VI, NPOH 1 I NO Oi ODA Tb vn TOR WnggL Leads Bicyci 1, fir aim-, etc repelred i short not a Kejj Dttie 1 s loedalty, Owe nvi a all DON'T SKIP THIS. Wr. iiavf, tii niie-.t Una of iwesters In town, Jnsl I link .r It. an iill w. ol bov's eereetir fpr II. Mi u woolnia'i from ri.D0to sVI.00, aJoolori, Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. 222 Wyoming Avenue THE CELEBRATED PIANOS Aro at rrcscnt the Mint Popnlsr and Prcfrrred br Ia'U'IiiiS Arilais. Wtrerooms : Opposite Columbus Monument, 200 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. 'sTT't. Import samples of After Dinner Cups and Saucers. They are bargains. The sale will be for this week only. It is not often you get an opportunity to buy this class of goods for less than half their value. UI1BI1M H sfTl Out u WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. TheGreal Marvel ol Ivutnl Scicnci' A nrcut digoovery grid tbe nilr propi i t y ni' Henwood a Wardell, lIA I 1ST-, 316 Lackawanna Ava. WBATJ c. 8KAMON88AY8ABOUT ANjESTHENE dm iii mii ,i n m:ii i i After bavins eleven leth eatraetra at slttlaa by Ihepalnless method, i pr aoaaee it atlrely satlsfaetari in vrj narilcnlar. j. a honb Ineesthene -N I all ll r- iil'H j I 1 ' a A A .A Hit L 7 COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lackawanna Avenue. Dun,aP; iw' vsn" SPUING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN, HATTER Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Martin & Delanj Clothiers and Custom Tailors. HGrjgflgSaief'OJflSI inBlggBdffrltll!SgggBISgBIBIlllKgBSgIBIIEIlBgBBRIfeIIilBIBIfltSSBgfgBIIe T" O 308 Lackawanna Ave. (Millinery Department In ordar to move stock, we have made sweep 5 ing reductions all around. Eat3, trimmed in the latest fashion, WORTH $3 00. WILL SELL NOW AT $1,25 WORTH 4.50. WILL SELL NOW AT 1,50 WORTH 5,00. WILL SELL NOW AT 1,93 1 Flowers, worth 15c, Sprays, worth 35c, Sprays, worth 45c. I Lace Certain Department. I WORTH IS SO S W IK1 11 3 50 i IK 1 H 15 50 Will sell now at f.' 75, - A foil liiortmeot In real I' ,ir t dv lien nsant and Real Brmiels Car- g S tains at l-.i tn-ni i-.nt of importation. Sash Cartiint in all tbe different S B a ty lea and wid tii s S iJIEIIllfr,IilslIilflIIICIiilEIIIirfE3lldlllilllctIklllllllfUllIIISIIIIIIIIIIIII!LV9 AS lliiniRTOifil ,11! il r ilL iJ i , . . " mm ' A - Whpre the e CI nth ps Oome From. f.-irtnred vnraB nnd fMl dl firmly side, are th i itr , ii. litn-er-, I f t 10 it the v rsr n ill , I-. 4 .1... . . ,, i-l n '.I in.i ,,' civ,, nt.!.-.: In.- -ntiifsetl ,n. II want t" ci see HU ility nt fairest prices, i t r M.-re. llli Hfcwe ths Good i lollies 6 IJU COfflQ PWE m luiun num. ' L M " 'ill i 1 U ' r V.l vcj ; Women's Coats end Capes I We showed yon n laree collection Easter-tide, Todcy wc have just twice as many Jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills, Moire and Silk Trimmed. They Fit Well, Wear Well. Look Welt. Tho Prices nro WAV DOWN: $5.50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of The very uewesl nnd neatest Cloth and Luce. Notice tho $5, $6.50, Jackets, Capes and Top Gr. W. Owens & Co. CLOAKMAKEKS, SUITS AND WRAP., (JPRUCB 8TUEBT, OOVRT llot'SK IQVAlM snioni a bunch, sell now at 5 cents sell now at 15 cents soil now at 25 cents - - llll Vi : I TI -I DESIGNS Will sell nr.w at 1 85, Will sell now at l 75 " 6 VfJL It ii i"s' . 'A 'Xih ' fw 1 T r i if- of Canes nud Jticketsal are of Gro Graln Silk, Moiro, price licketsi $9 TO $20. Garments for Everybody. CAPES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers