t THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MOENINOJ. APRIL J4. 1891. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rillW.IMIEn DAILY AND Wtl.kl.V IN SCBAH TON. V n TllL IlimUNI I'l UL1SUIHO Company. Nkw Youk OfflOK TllIBUNK Buildino, Frank 8. (InAY. MA.vAor.n. lutaed al tho ftsfafle at SOKMtOH, Pa., " Seamd-Clast Mail Matter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE, SCRANTON. A i '111 I, til 18M. Tm: UCVSOCAL social pilKriiuwgo which Bcrantou Elks will main tonight to tho rendezvous of their Luserns brethren will uil'oril the hitter an ex cellent chauce to get even for ji.ist eourteeies experienced vliiia In Scrau tou; and they are .iitst tliu persons to seize tho opportunity aud ui;ike the most of it. The Ten Foot Privilego Tho mm and snbstanco of Judge El wards' ruling In the mandamus out of John .lermyu against the city of Horanton is embodied in the sentence wiiich says tbiit tti relator's proposod tiHW hotel, with its two triple bay win dows extending from the ground through at least five stories of tue building, dot! uot, in the court's judg ment, "violate the instruotious con tnined In h'.s deid nor does it otl'end against the ordinance of til city of Btranton rsgulating the conetruetiou of luildings " That being true, there was no course open to tho court but to IMH the order for a peremotory inau damos directing Bailding Inspector Kelson to issue tho ueeessnry jiermit and pay tho OOltl of the proceeding. Judge Ed ward outlines with much care the nature of proceeding which might have been instituted had the pretent oontentloa bpeu one in eijaity between adjoining lot owners, and iu eidentally, it leemi to as, points the way to indifldu .1 relief from almso of the right of land ownership as .lias tr.ited in the building of structures that would deliberately offend against the imp'.Ld rights of the neighborhood. He also vrry lucidly re-slates the gen eral legal qoeetiOOl growing out of the teu-foot privilege as specified in the deed of the Lsckawaaaa iron and Caal ooapanj to the borough of Sernnton, dated llsrcb 7, 18)7 Of theee the in quiries whether or not the city il in a position, through its ordinances and building inspector, to aet as tue rerresi-ntative of the owners of adjoiniDg property and to determine their eqsitable rights by refusing a permit to build whenever, in the judgment of the inspector, the restric tions imposed by the dee J on the ten foot privilege are violated; whether or not the city through its coutrol and jiwtr over t!-.e trr-t and highways of the city, rsprsteotiag the public in the interest of the general welfare of the pubic, has the right to interfere in the premnes; end finally, whetner ir not toe municipality, bydeel, preecrip lion or otherwise, has noiuired the right to control the ten-foot reserva tion as it does the streets, sur jot to the rights ot the lot-owners under their deed, are, indeed, of vital importance. It was the general expectation that this case would atTorl the public the pleasure of a jutinal determination of tbeee delicate an 1 serious points: bat Ineemuch as this was not demvl es sential to the '.judication of the im mediate case at iejUf, we shall have to await sola j further and in .re g neral action. In the meantime it is undoubtedly satisfactory to the community that a technical obstacle will not longer in terfere with th construction of Mr J-rmyn's much-needed hotel. There has been no general wish to hinder this work. Its completion will add an or nament to the erehitecture and a con venience to the attractiveness of our city whirti would far over-balance any possible feeling of repugnance to the proposed utilisation of a portion of the ten-foot privilege by the er.ction of two sightly bay windows. In a com munity which possesses the nglyitreet corner frail stands, cigir ihopc and miscellaneous sheds tnat torment ped -etdrians in Scranton it would be tin fortunate to have tho first reennt eff .rt at law enforcement operate to the dis advantage of a real public improve ment. BtJCH KPUODKS ns that in Pbiladsl phia, recently, whereby a broken el-11 -trie light wire, coming in contact wuh a live telegraph wir, canted one line man's instant death and seriously in jured bis two companions, will rocur until all wires er.) placed where they belong, underground. It would he economy on the part cf tho electrical companies to recognize this fact aud imko speedy provision accordingly. - Ai ir.it am, what is fume? Here is the esteemed Troy Times crediting the recent christening of little Klma Hurst Wilson to the coincidence that her Trojnn parente were "attending the Wyoming conferein j at Lima, Pa, ' i . Will It Affect Anthracite? it is apparently fair to assume that the trails in authraoite coal will tem porarily benefit to some extent by rea son of the suspension of activities in the bituminous fields. Already there are reported to be indications of a new wostwsrd movement of cars loaded With hard black diamonds. To whit extent this increased demand will go, and how fur it will he due to the lock of hitnminons supplies, are questions th.it cannot be answered until it shnll be known whether tho pending atrik i is to be h long or a short contest. If a iong i.ne. it is possible that a number of industries heretofore using eoft coal will tako steps looking to the momentary employment of the smaller sizes of anthracite; but this seems to be rather an improbable contingency, In most portions of the strike area wood for fuel is readily available, par ticularly in domestic uses; iu many portions natural gas is yet n fictor, and in several portioni industrial furnaces have been nd ins ted so at to permit the burning of crude petroleum, than which no fuel hai more promising prospeots. All things considered, therefore, we think it a safe conclusion that nnthra cite will not bo greatly aileoted by this strike unless through contingencies at present unforeseen. It is a cardinal truth in the business world, as in phy sics, that a disturbance in one plaoo radiates to places far distant. It is fully as logical to expect the bitumi nous strike to hurt U3 as to help us. The country is in no sltuatiou to have its industrial conditions made worse, A strike at this time is nu ex tra load on the staggering public: an additional difficulty iu the general pathway to renewed prosperity. BSHATOB QUAY says he "does not an ticipate any opposition to Mr. Urow's renomination." This is fortunate for tho opposition. WBlTUra to Ohauncey F. Black, President Clevelaud almost plaintively proffer! this admonitiou to David Ben nett Hilt: "Fealty to party organisa tion demands the subordination of in dividual advantages and wishes, and tho putting uside of pttty and ignoble jealousies und hiekeriugs, when party principles and party integrity nnd party existence are St stake," This is the first public intimation Mr. Cleveland line made that he is getting frightened, lint the Information ombodiod between tho foregoing lines is enough to make up for all past taciturnity. . - Tnic AMitlth'VN heart is no doubt en titled to beat several times faster each moment now that the Kaglisti nobility lias accorded conspicuous tokens of its iuestimable favor to Champiou James J. Cot belt. . A Theatrical Test. Of permanent American theatrical organizations conducted ou the prin ciples of tho well-tralued stock com pany that kunwu us the A. M Palmer Home company, which will appear iu this city l-'riday aud Saturday, is per hups the strongest and most carefully selected in exieteuce today. Bash mem ber of its large cast has attained wide spread renown us an artist of uncom mon experience, aptitude and dramatic capability. Iu the case, fur example, of Wilton Lsckaye it can boast the services of au actor who, tor his year, has probably created more memorable and diverie historic "parts " than any other Thespian ou the stage; and each part ties j list escaped extraordinary greatness merely because of the actor's restless dispCsltll u which has ever de nied Lim the twin essentials of stca.li uess ami rSpCSS, Another member of tho Palmer com pany, F. M. Holland, is associated with many of the finest artistic triuiup: that the metropolis has Witness id dur ing this eventful generation, Tiioe who have witaesi d his masterly act ing in au iutetise plav like "Jim the Penman," hare received mental im- presiion Whiob time does not ell-:". The productions conducted by this or ganisation, for scrupulous fidelity to the best teachings of dramatis art aud for that Indefinable essence which we roughly designate as "quality," are masterpieces of stage cratl, exhibiting iu its highest possibilities a profession which u rare'.v i. own lays seen at Its lest. Subtnct fri'in our stage the 1.1 I tluencps and the creations of the three organizations of which Mr. Palmer's is perhaps first the other two heiLg An- gustin Daly's and Daniel Prokuaa's Lyceum company and there would be little left upon which to build roseate hopet as to the future of the modern drams. It has been said upon miny occasions, sometime joeosely but more often in real earnest, t!,at Scr.mtcniai.s ire un able to appreciate a titi.y meritorious tUy produced by players who are mas ters of their art. The local appearance of the Palmer company will afford a fair ami reasonable test of this uncom plimentary remark, No better or more uniformly xcelUnt company will ever appear before a local nndience than this: few plays will, considered as liter ature, be better dee rving of a rendi tion than are the plays that these ac tors will present: and the surroundings of these performances will bo in all re spects appropriate and in strict keeping with the other details of excellence. Do we, then, need fear the test? Fitou a piros.il of the full text of the South Carolina supreme court's de cision adverse to tue dispensary law it is inferred that that stitut, in addition to being illegal in all its details, was also unconstitutional on general prin ciples, populism aud constitutions never did agree - JUDOI QORDOH of Philadelphia ws none too severo when he recently ex pressed regret that be could not rearh over into Jersey and punish au avar oloas Camden doctor of divinity who makes a business of marrying runa wy minors. It is the misfortune of the ministry, as of the profession of medi cine, that it sometime is nsed as a cloak to screen most vicious and de praved purposes, la any other stale than New Jersey, au evil like that un der present consideration would re ceive short shrift and even New Jer sey, in justice be It suid, has lately shown signs of a moral fermentation. An Inane Fiction. It is of course only an April joke that Mr Magee, of Allegheny, albeit a gentleman of ingenious political ideas, should entertain the serious design of Inducing GalOlha A. (Jrow to retire from congress at the expiration of his present term, in order that the two i Dsiung nouiinatloun for Coll Sweetmeats- large msy go to Major MoDowell,of Sharon, und ex-Representative lluff.uf ( ireensburg. The story bristles wiih bold and glnrine Improbabilities, ns could be pointed out in detail, if it were worth the effort. BcriottSly, however, it is uot. Air. Urow was not elected by the biggest majority ever given to a Republican candidate in this com monwealth merely for the purpose of accommodating a lew local leaders in a small northwestern section of Penn sylvania. lie was elected iu this unprecedented manner because the people wanted him to represent them; because they do sired his historic ability und ripe ex perience to be on their side in the great battle against free trade and hard times then waging in the house So far s ha has had opportunity to Berve them he has served them well. Compared with the gentleman in whose behalf it is humorously proposed to re tire Mr. Grow, Jho latter is as an eagle beside a magpie. It would be the most ridiculous of changes to ask Mr, Urow to remain at, home in order mat his colleague from Sharon might be spared the necessity of a frauk light iu con vention. This particular campaign fiction is tho weakest lio yet sprung. FriiitAiM Riacnisansme tbatsmacks olf barnyard melo-drama, but there was nothing rural In the polished man ner in which a Germantown artisan beating this cognomen the other day, before a large audience in Washington, exposed the moral cowardice of reprc sentatives like Bunrk Cockran, Beltz hoover and Billy Hines, who, alter they hud publicly denouueed the Wil son bill, backed down and voted for it. That was a trick which will yet return to plague its snifty aa I evasive authors. The Injustice of Woman. In a letter to the New York Commer-cial-Advertiser, Louise Gardner, of Hempstead. L. I , throws u loaded bomb Into the camp of thosu inconsist ent advocates of what, in general, is called woman's progre-s who are, in individual cases, the last to give wo man a chauce. Shi says: It is apparent to rue that the woim-u of the country urn pretty nearly unanimous m their condemnation of Miss l'olltird. I tm ashamed ot my sex w hen I think of this, for I believe that it is the duty of women to extend friendly aid to such un fortunates as Miss Poiiard. Suppose bor nature has heen perverted, is she not en titled to a chance to reform! 1 or ages the world has condemns! the Woman who sinned anil has lilted up her male partner iu sin. I ,nt siuners be treated alike, re gardless of sex. If this is not done then l-t WOBan be regulated to the position which she occupies in Turkey, India and China. Stop educating and enobling her. It is not necessary to indorse miscon duct like that of which Miss Pollard was guilty, in order to appreciate the force of the foregoing. 11 woman is to advance who ought to be the first to give her the opportunity! Her own sex, to be sure- Vot, what, throughout all the ages, has been so iilojictl, la flexible and we may almost sny tyran nical, even, lis the Injustice of worn in to woman'' Are those who plead for strict equality between the sexes ready to give up this long cherished inSQttll - Uyl Or is their talk in many respects profession whloh t lie y dj not pronosi to see mi'.erwIiZ') la practice-.' These questions are candidly aiked in an honest thirst for light. Cbbuti rami L Uaoai, pleading ed itorially to s ive Don Cameron's eoalp, inserts this delicate bit ol hutuor into the discussion: In Journalism and iu politics as iu bot any, there isthe claee aneBopbUoua, wbaeo lnnnbers are fertilised by the passing wind and hurst In their season Intooloom log CXhit itioiis, such as tUs subjunctive assault n Cameron, and nature must taki its tiusziog course. It is generous in Mr. Magee to g.ve nature tbll privilege. Tue returns from Lincaster demonstrate nature's gratitude XT THE t i ie counter. Alas! fleeting fame, tU it vanishes fast, I.ue blossom exposed t a wintry bait; The aemee of the "Colonel'' and "Male line," bright, To a certain extent are fading from sight; Tor now when they're prluted 'tis la type tba" aiualt-slzed, Aud b;g, bild face headiiaei are not util ised. Now doth the buhy bae bad crank Improve each shining day, With talk of ' hits ' and "errors'' rank, That .l.aracterize the "play.'' she (la affright On, Tom, whv do v. u make each awfal faces at me He eon trnelji 1 cnu't help It, dear. My evt- glae-.-s are falling oh, and I flOB'l want to let go of your hands. Huston fosjM .A.urnui e Bo Jackson's horse it deadf Yes. You see Jockson wa out last Sun day looking after the doting of businw i ptaoeS aud the general oixervanre of tbe Sabbath, with view to giving rest to man ni.d beast, and drOTC h i h re M bai.l that it died. "Does your wife practice economy" "Yet, lad "d. She spend all I can make at bargain islee."' Pkttadtlplkla Record. . Brown deals exclusively m the mysteri ous at present. Indeed- A prestigitator, I suppose. Not exactly, lie teUi saasaget ate Attorney Uavo you formed an opt) as to tbe guilt or InttOOSOOS Of the prii otier Juryman I am a rmlr sd ti.-ket agent, sir; and decline to answer questions, e Kryo-There g.e a man who knows not fesr. I llgl - A has ball umpire, of course. Fryo He, He's member of a church music committee. Jack I'm going into the perfumery business. Tom 'Why in that! You den t know earthing abool it, no yonl Jack No; but if I fail, I'll be Mire to SOON out a few scouts a heal. Di foeil Vre fteet, e e tuMB Passimo Taoooani It is better to remsin forevST in oblivion than to become famous ou account of In Iqotom actions. If the olllcus would ouly go around how peaceful local politics Wunld bo. It is much easlor to sneer at the mis takes nf Christian people than to emulate their good deeds. Vleioni patagraphers generally firet feel the effects of tin ir owu venom. The man of theory is usually of little value for practical use. CI t the T i p e Fair I lay. ir.ci c;.ier rotas RmwA If Mr. nsinermi WiehSe to be returned to the sennte, ihere Would lie 00 Impropriety In hie letting his desire K known, Hint the people msy canvass Ins m trite, and act In telligently In the premises. t ti I n be don openly. Ia)t the people be treated a nil the respect tnat is then dim and the murmur of Indignant dissatisfaction now so often hSStlL Will have Ism reason for existence and the rock uoon wMok the Ke. publiran ship hastwiee foundered in Penn sylvania will be rOOnusfod. The people are getting tired of beinu tooled. Just Like n Diuramer. Te.nru finniM. Oirl (weepingi- I'm so sorry you have to go on the road again. It, almost broelis uiv heart. Drummer Don't cry, Fanny: 111 man age to pick up another girl somewhere. The True Cu,o Outlined. J'hiladtlphia Kwuirf. There is n better remedy for the vico of absenteeism In congress thau the over throw of tho parliamentary law of a quor um. Tins remedy is In an appeal to whole some public opiniou. Absenteeism iu both the bouse aud the senate is increasing by reason of the impunity with which it Is practiced. If the newspaper prosB should print tbe list of absentees on every Im portant VOt the dlttoulty of obtaining a ijuoiuui would bo greatly dimiuiiUed. Far Ii O td V. Trvy '1 hat. In Massachusetts distribution of new stock even at par in prevented by a law compelling the eale of such stock at auc tion. Ihu shareholders of "the D, & II." will be snfliciently favored iu Obtaining, this valuable stock at par, and tho mana gers are right in insisting that the com pany's treasury shall not bo drained to give theru a mill larger bonus. 'I h.- Whtrefore of the Wherwas. l'iitaburu CbMiaereftd Besft. There would be no disposition to make Don Cameron an issue it Hon Cameron didn't show a disposition to make himself an issue. Ho is making strong statements concerning money matters and the state convention will bo asked tu iudoise thorn. It Points the Way. Truy Timr. What has been douo ill Brooklyn, in Buffalo, in LaOeinburg ami in Albany, has been well done. It points tbe way to what can be and w ill be done in Troy, Nothing is more certain than the ultlmatu over throw of bosniain und Murphy "machine" i ale hete. - Oat Entry Oeafltently Fridlctodi AVic Yurk Vi.'t. History will record it as an interesting circumstance that the period in American politics during which tltness for statecraft was measured by avoirdupois ancl obstin acy coded on Karen t, ISOl We are Headquarters lor Everything in Our Line. REFRIGERATORS WATER COOLERS ICE CREAM FREEZERS HAMMOCKS and BABY CARRIAGES A large line of New and Beauti inl Qoods, fill Miitaiilo for gifts, Gonrsen, Clemons k Co. 422 LACKA. AVE, a'.'lec'.vcp.t; i'z Meat Market The Runt in tue City Tlio latest iiujrov.l fnr nlshiiiKs and apaantni for ki'ritK meat, tijttsr and es. .' .' 1 lon.liig Ata. FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS of TUB FORTY FORT COAL. COMPANY. A liniitoil niuutior of the SOOTS l;nN are !orlo at par ami ac orued interest by the following pari it's, from Whom copies of lhi niui tgags ami inn lufonnuttoa can be obtained) &W. Mtilliati, Casliirr Si idtnl National Hank, W'ilU.s Barn, Pa. w. I, Watson, Oaahiet Bliat Na tioosj Hunk, Pittston, I'a J. I . Polen, ('asiiirr People's Sa logs Bank, Pittston, Pa. A. A. Brj den, President Miners.' Savings Hank, Pittston, Pa. Ami by the Bcruhton BaTings Bank and Trust Ooax p any,Tras tee under the Uortgage, T. H, Atlierton, Counsel, W1LK1 S BAEBB, PA. WANT a Pinno or Organ Cheap? LOOK AT THE LIST: An oitra Ra Piano An xtra An H.;nry P. MllUr B.iiro 11' ITS ID I IV oil IMI IHl ita "i !bfcksrlaa'tsefs Plsso Hrotn 1 1 Bqa or I' mm. . . Rroi her quar Plaao..,, A I Huns A so id Man a i:oo.t Wrtli a so ul Pinpk .V r.m.i Niuiiro i limn nia Duoaiv Plaao A vorv aotHi I'lirltflit ... A eer n i a vorv iroo. Ii.olwii I'mu i i o Wkliiut vrhiook I ' irilit Piano., waeeloos uprlant Piano.. GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE, HeSM ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH DELICIOUS, MIL-D STJGAIt OTTH.3EJI ABSOLUTELY rXTXlB HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL OF LARD BRANDED. fja trade guppLiEDj; STOWERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA GOLDSMITH BAZAAR Wastes no Breath Upon the Desert Air IN TELLING YOU WHAT WE KNOW AND YOU KNOW ABOUT iirliclo of wearing apparel for tbe ensuing siv months will be so prevalent and universally worn. Millions have been and trill ie made and nearly every Dry Qoods store will keep them. But to get the proper fit, ( 'there's the rnb." V7e have made this branch a study, and not tt single garment has been placed in stock before being thoroughly inspected as to lit ami workmanship and at the same time to bu supplied at prices within tin-- reach of everybody. thif year can te obtained at near! the prices of Cotton last year. .lust ihitik .,i it! $2.98 will purchase a good Silk Waist, ty lUhly And when it comes, to Cotton Waists we have them from 26 cents Ladies' Capes and Having iust closed out from a prominent manufacturer his entire Garments, ion can get your pick much below the usual price. Goldsmith Victors With the New Valves Out of Bight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our ;,i Lacka- wanna avenue store VICTORS, SPALDING, CR' ahlNDKUINo And a full line of Hoys' and (iiriv ht-els. We are mak' n extremely low pricc on Second'hand Wheels, in I Ul niui 314 Lacka. Ave. FINE ENGRAVING Wedding Invitations, Reception anil Visiting Cards, , Menus and Dinner Cards, Reynolds Bros. stationers uml EnrruVcri SIT l.AI KAU ANSA AVI'. X. P. We are offering a now AjS.IHr.t1 ..I' ill.. 1ti.L ..I' I ',, Mi, i, :i ii. ,,..ii i .... i :,. 1.1 i.im i, m il ihimiih in i iiiui. TWO Copies for 25C. Single Copies, 13c. A viTy kood hh. iilnjjrr I'prlgM PlSBO., OROANSk a Hesoa a HsialtBtaearli Bw,bIfolop, lioutiit- r.'od An a. B. Oaesa sasrly sew, hits toft ilnuhlo rw ' A i hlcMo Cottage, neai Jy nw, hu-ii top, donoM reed a woreestor, nesrlf urw, bbjb top, doulilu ri'inl $ at 18 BO Gil 224 nW nMURQfl Ul Ul II iLLInlll U vi. L ami Organs ut Wlioleaalu md Betstti on Instsluaeotft DOinT oi no i NfeafeV Bat teuer- ir'- . 1 WAIST SILK WAISTS SOME PLUMS Brother- & ENAMEL WARE Pot ONK W Y.ILK we will sell Bnamel Wore at the following unore- oi dented prices. Tea and Coffee Pots ON S-QUART, TW0)CABT, 1 HREfi-QLART, POfJB -QUART, FIVE-QUART, IOC. a7c 55C. 60c. 70C. Alv, Dregdttn lnd VrvH.nWr KetUes, Sauce Pans and Pots, Wash Dishes and Tea Kettles at equally low prices, GLOBE SHOE STORE . Reliable Goods One Price Sat isfaction Gur.ranlccd 227 Lackawanna Avenue EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors Dr. Hill & Son CONWAY HOUSE Albany Iuja Dentists f -';- r.f troth. MJO; txt not, for aol l rst . L fl3iHJDJJ?t. si..: !th wilii.iut tik,.. .-.-.lf.t i-r.-wn nml t fciSES'l' tjal " l'riJa work, rill tor rct nd rr'.rrrvem I 1 1 3r'Tta!ll! 3 I TOHAL01A, fot sti. u-t.i waiioui J J-JiN ?" " 1 i am. Neetaea No sa Jli . ! Qpb ; ' j mi it i u:i miiinu himi j 'r; .. - ' :efp jj Scientific Eye By Dr. Shimberg, TIik Siwiallst oi MM K.v llcuiUclios sn.l , . ....... , ' N,.rUiMii'w rclinTa.1. mi.'i aco i-.in.roicu Btrtoof Ere Qltaese sad Spectaoleest the LowatPriee. Best ArttfloUl Byes laasrtei j', SPRUCE ST., op.01d Po.tomc a Staadsrd,aesrl Dw,blb toadooble r,-r,l 10 A thnutnger, nearly new, lagii top, donMereed .. N Ami uliout '.I' othor nooil H.ioiul hand or - gsas, f" to Ml rae above collactioa ot Beooad-haad tnerU' mint are all In sood order, fuiiy nsraB' iU, tin." nt. iiti'-t luiricanib uv.'i- i llorcd In tliix city. Cull Sad M e ttit iu. liisulnm'iiln or dil Di out for cioth. WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON. Testing tree el 1 V J s J ilANt'NC OS tSY DOWN '.PltA. ytXltu marl,., with balloon sleeves. upwards, IN Jackets sample line of the most Styli.-iU Company. I3'? ami IS 1 :nn At IM ' On the American Plan, BcTsateai aeerest an J tost qalppd aoest HOW 0?BM TO TBI PUBUQ Bested uy Seeaea. Kteetrl Ml, lutb lul in varli tl.M.r, Lure'. H i lihted aaS aiij It sea Kven i sins 0aailete All Till: MODI ItS IMPKOl I MI NI. OaVeea eeeead Bear. Qood isssBts riKiu Att.i.'litst. , pa T CONWAY, PrODt " DO YOU REQUIRE I ACCURATE TIME? ivi; HAVB IT. r, PnWlMP. IIAVn488Uek QiDUl U. ULU IU At. !T2iiiie3iiiiii:igiiiiiiiuiiiiiKiiHiiiiisa CEED POTATOES V ALL BEST VAB VARIETIES, ONION SETS" Ami all kinds GARDEN SEEDS in bulk and in pack ages. Pierce's Market P'ENN AVE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers