2 TITE SCRANTON TT.IBIW.E -TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 24, 1S94. THE SECRET (IN 8 1st ACT. Tlie Samson Bros, now appear To show their strength and lack of fear. Men of mus;le strong and sound Just the same the whole year round By the use of Johann Hoff s Malt Extract. Ono doien bottles give in much itrengtl) mid nourishment ns a cnsk of ale. without boiutf intoxicating. Insist upon the QlNUUrjL with signnturo of "Jolnuin Hoil" ou nock lnbul. None other It "t Rood W'ritn for piiophlel. EISNEll A MENDKLSOX Co., Agonu.' IM and ir. Franklin St.. Now York. WEATHER NOT FAVORABLE. 6aauton ami 9yrains Did Not Play Yssteiday. On xccouut of tlie : i j - -1 It" popt of the sky ami tho ooliltiess of the iitluosplleTt ttii) Syracuse ami BcftOtOO cluhs did not play .it tlio ball park yes terday afternoon. The laitiTs were deairOBI of Boioi on the Bold an 1 giving an exhibition and at the MUM time earning their Viisrantee, but WOOD tbey found the loc.il management was oppose 1 to bar itiK it- players exposed m audi weather tby left the city on an aftcruoou train. Some work was done yesterday in L'fttiui; the diamond into more perfect condition and piluters were at w irKi.n the trraud stainl. It bas been fuund that the brown color it is painted hits the effect of prerentiuj play era from properly judging certain k.n's of halls, and it is to be rep tinted it lighter hue that the player's vision mar be in no way affected by that c i use. An extension is to be m ide to tho rcof of the urau 1 stand, 10 that the oc cupants of it will bo protected from the sun. RESULTS ELSEWHERE At Reading Erie 0 3000000 0 S Stadias o o o o o l u o l 2 Hits ri, 9; Resilinc . Krrors Krie. I; Baadinf, ' Hattories liuvuden and Ber-er; Raoadat and Fox. A: Brooklyn Brooklyn o 002 t 0 1 0 0--4 Boston 10400000 m 1 Hits tlrookiyn, I; Boston, ii. Errors Brn kirn, 6: Boston. 3. Batteries -Diub and Kir.slotv. Lovett aud Merritt. fin pir O'Kourke. At Philadelphia -PlilLldrlpbU... I 0 1 0 10 i 0 ) I WTatbiagtM ...0 01 :t 0 0 0 0 0 -i Hits Philadelphia. It; Waslnnctou, ". Err. rs I'bil.-jlelph.a, 2; Waabingtou, 3. Rattorlta Weyuag ur.d Clonsenta, Stock dale and atcGaire. Empire Hurst. Ar St. Loou- Bt, Lovla 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 I Pittsburg u 11 u 0 1 1 1 1) 0 3 Hits, St. Lnuis ( Plttabnrg I: errors, St Lome 1. PitUBarg 3. batteries, Hreiieri s'eiu and Buckl-y, Urust and Sagden. I mpire, KcQu le. . GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. HuUton thinks it ha a pennant-winning team. Aiien MattiMBB, who played Q second base with the Media i lnb fur two years, Bat teen kiyiied by Alleutowu. Higgina, the new second busman, bar arrived 111 theciry li s last professional engsgenunt waa with Ibe Providence das. Hogan m the ninth inning Saturday 11. 'm tin finest ratrh ever wt n in tin. cHy, It, in all probability, saved the day for r-cranton. The Syracuse plaver. are hrd loaers and iqua;ly as hard hittrs. Every time they lamled en the spher- Saturday it took an excursion to the outfisltl. Oeorge Hnabel, with Altoona last eason, has slgaed 10 catch for New Oriuans. Prank Baiter, who waa with Barrlsbarg, lus been transfer?!! from fi r.-.t b-.ia to oatefair by the same club. Hodaon proved Unaalf a clever pitcher 8nturday and if be u-ed hotter jndjmient In serring kiadiflerant ttylaa ol curves to the batsmen Would easily rank aa the bent pitebaf of tbe bUte league. I urt Welsh, who cetera center field for Byraotiao, mm a manber of the wonderful MltfloM of th4. .it. U,an rtrowns whan that Waa the star orgMiaatloa of the American association. Too oatfiald was made up of Welab. O N'eili and Mel 'arthy. even players of AUentown s team are aow here, Kelly, Yii, Kilroy, Jililllgan, .lHtthiis, Koran and 1 oataHo, ail of whom prattieed at Bitttnvilte yesterday alter OOOa. A crowd of fully 900 cranks wmt to Kittersville to hee tli'mi. AUentown hronicle .lay i'natz and his catcher. .Mr. Wilson, are not tb kind of men who bate to ala vatn the national game. Their lead niiiithed ohjsctiona during Saturday's garne, aecompaniad bv the tkrag.ti d raotad toward Umpire Katrtek, itegnatad tne audience. Aa a lit of frienilly advice to tnuse hot-headed Syraeuso players we would say: lJon't nioukey with l.arry. . TagJCBT mutual insurance policy against hM ark of sickness is to bo roflod lu taking Hood's Sarsapanlla. If you are weak it wiil mnka you strong SoOD'l pills are the best after dinner j llls, aiHt digestion, cure lieadaclie. Try a box, ioc. PECKVILLE. E. E Greiner A Hon invito the peo ple of Packville and vicinity to call and inspeat ttioir Imius- made linking uUd ice creatn.also fine line of uieuts at live and let live prices. Me da at all houra Give us a call, Oppoalta poitoflwt, MIRRORED AT MOOSIC. Budget of Bright Local News from an Entertaining CorrespODdnnr. Syeriai la fit S'cr.wtott TiUmnt. JluoMK', i'a., April 211 .Miss Anna Wellf, of Scranton, untl Miss Marion IJrnue, of Cnrbondale, spent Sunday With tbo Misses Mabel aud Lai la Hatohinaa. of M in street. Mrs. William Yeauer and sou. Oren. of UadiaoDTllle, bava ratnrnea bona after visilitic; her sister, Mra. P. ,S. Hamlin, of Ponn avenue. ESSward Johnson, of J Vnobacot, was iu town today. Salts Io'tio MoMllllao, of West MULTI CHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. OF STRENGTH. ACTS.) I itt.ston, spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. John UoCriodla, of North Main street. Miss Mattia Williams, of Scrauton, ws a caller in town this afternoon. Mrs Oilliek, 0f Minooka avenue, is visiting relatives iu AllaQtowa Mra. Joiiu Kinz, of Lickawanim Manna, is on the sick list. C. J Watklus wits 11 duller In the , Elaotrlo City Monday afternoon. Examination of oonnty sihool teaoh- ars 111 this vicinity will take place iu J. U. Dareya room, Saturday, M ly B, eommtnelog ut ;i a, m iioardera wanta I at Washington House, Mainatreet. Moosic. Hir ap plied with the tinrs: wines, liquors, etc Lnneb at all hours PH PRICEBURo PI H 0 1 PS. Bright and laleraeUnC Nsws Notes Oathsred Hre a'.d 1 hate. 8irial fo Me ifcrantM rritaae, PBTCnrCRO, J'a., April 88, At the last matting of the liepubiii iiu club of tuis place thera were slgbty-seTeii mem tiers pres nt. It was decided to mat hereafter on the first Monday In every mouth at H19 present headquar ters in tlie Central. The Dickson borough council held a ipeetal meeting in the municipal build ing on Saturday last Tlie meeting was called to order by President Edward Morgan. The following mambera being present : If, E. Enddeu, Patrick Long, John Verks, Will Sommers aul Ei ward Morgan. Xj busluesa of im portance was transsctrd except the ar pointmant of P, j. O'Connor to till the QOail ired term of Tnom.ts MooagbtD, of 'i hroop, resigned, t'bomss t iri.-r was unanimously choaen for borough traarartf uu 1 Joan T Palmer aecre tary A game of basket ball will bo plad In company H armory on rYedaeaday eraning batwaan the Xortu Bad club and the Dickson club. It will be the lirst of a sr:s nf live gam.s to deride the championship of the North End. The following is n list of our club and their r.spectiv-. poaitioaa: (Joal, Charles Bowman, Home Eiser. forwards, Boyaolda and Kant ; aaatara, II Key Dolda, Evans and Cooks, guards. Will iams nd Jackson. Oar club is com posed of players of no mean ability. Mine Ina pec tor Rodariak wai ou bu. nes in town on Saturday. Electric Bittars. This remedy is becoming so well known anil so popular as to need no special men- I ti.-n. All who have used Electric Bitters sin? the same song of pi ante. A purer n.edirmc doe not exist and it Is guarau- teed to do all that is rlaiimd. Electric Bitter. -v. II cuie all diseases of he Iv-r . and Kidneys, will rem, ve I'linpi,-, ; . I Salt Kheiini and other affections eamad hy ini.:ir hlo.xl. Will drive Malaria fr.mi tl -y-tetn n:id prevent as woll as cure all Mal.trial fevers.-- I'.r euro of Header!;-. ' iit.spa'ien and ltidigetbu trv Electric '. Bitters Entuo satislactiou tiu'aranteed. or money refundrsl. Price Vl rts. and ri per boitle at Matthews iru.. Drag stora Th llia.t fihow rn Kaiih. l Lou $ UttJ L.tmat rat. If all the n.eii who re a .rry tliev Voted for I'levelund coillil be assembled th-y wonhl mske the largest crowd ever seen ou tlili coutiiieut. Dy.psp.ie a Migaaateai la their worst forms nr cure 1 by the use of P. P. P. if you re dehintet.'.! and run dowu, or If j .u need a touto to r-i; uu Mesh itnd lost at)l).-tite. strenuih ,.d v,j ,r take V. I. K, and you will he stroug and healthy, kor shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. f. p, (Prtekl Asu. Poke I BoataM Potaaitam) is the kmgofail DwdteiBaa, P. p. P, is the graataat bioad parttaf bt thu world. Eur sale by all 1 druggist!!. . . Ue Will Mekn n Thrifty Merchant BeUet Sunday School Teacher What crime tl id Joseph s brotlters continit when lliey soltl niiu tor :.i i;errs 01 sliver: l'ructicnl Bqr BOM h m.tou cheap. There is nothing like lir. Thomas' Kclec- tnc oil to aalcklj enra a cold or raltere In arseness. Written by .Mrs. M. ,1 K,.. lows. Burr Oak, St. Joseph couaty, Mich FINANCIAL ANJ COMMERCIAL Stocks and Boudi Nkw Yoiik, April 'Jd. Indou selling, tho labor tioiiblow, talk of gold aXVOrlt, loor railway aaraugi ltd t" wonk opaalag for stocks todny. The heors, who have Leen waiting fur a chance to hammer the market, thought it 11 good opportunity to aasail tho Hat and th-y made a Bunentl at tack all ah ii 1: the line. I'm as daollnad (,( "it New Jersey Central, General Kleoli ic. j tlio liratmers, ChJCMoGaa. BngBE, Louis I ville ami Nashvlllt-. New Kagland, Union I'acilic untl BaadlDg scoring thn Kreittust j losses. The selling movement abated after 11 o'clock and tho market became steadier. I Thero wits but littlo demand, howovor, 1 except from liaro sources. Tho rally 'ranged from to b, and was most pr 1 nouncHl in tho cases Of General Klt'Ctric. Ohiaago gaa, Ctordaaa, Oaian l'nci- lic. New Kngland and Missouri I'acirlc. The market just before the close showed declines In lieneral Kloctric, Northern Pacific preferreil uud Louisville anil Nusli ville. und cl'vseil irregular but weak. Total sales were ITU MO autre. Tne following complete, table sb iwing tlie (lay s fluctuations in active atoeks Is SttpplleO and revised dally by LaBnr Fuller, atock brokers, Ul Wyouiiug avenue: Open- llu-h- Low Clos ing, eat. est. Inc. Am. Cot. Oil IBinj so ji'iu Am. Sugar. !s us is tftiT A.T.AS.F U n( IM u" Can. So. Can. N. J IIS 119 Hi" IIOM Ohio, at N. W intjPa jaut Uru ingfl i S "'S i Ohio. (las SS tisti Onl, n?ti (!..l'.C. ft Ht. L.... IBM g)fl ;;s.i! gfl ( ol , Hiaik.Val. T. .. . Z7. i. ft H 1:1s in laii lirii; 'I'-ftW mi ium miw QUI i). 0. f -m v..', ai, :v, Krle ins,, lii'ln lu in u. E. Co au-u unfa as tuft Laka Shore MM LHM 12,t L, & N S SOW , lOM Uannattan mi LV&U 1x51a IHU MS. Pae U WU Mi ffll -Vat. Lead N 311 87fl N.Y. &N.E 11 II Hi h'.l N. V. Central MM Ml N. Y..O.& W ID U l0 UU N. Y..S. W lot, I5U I6U UM U. S. O. Co '.2 gM IU 8K n it: . rue ri North Pae. pf . ldt lau mQ ml ml 0H 1 BU B I 18N 61 ISM Ml ItHi ISK ant m 01JA inZ I m 13 i'.-i tiiiianit l'ac. Mall lleailintr Keek island K.T Bt Taul T.. C. & I 'r,':.H ,v he,,,, I'nioii I a.'llle.... Wabash p Western LTnion.. W. & I., t W. to U t. pt... Ml m li'.e., ora . m mi , m mi 171 , 1 ltiK MM l.'l OhicagO Grain and Provisions. ScilANTON. April 21. Tne followlnu quota lions are supplied an.t COl fee ted ditllv by La Hai .'. I'nller, stock brokers, 121 Wyuuiintc avs- nue. WIJIOAT. May. Jnly. Sept. 1 .!.; 1.: AD 111 till Hik-iitwt m mu as Lowest hVi Oil? tW4 Chains f,7?i uuw f.214 CURN, Oiieiiimr BH HM MM Hlgbeet ist no', H mi Lowest Ksli mini, Mim Closinir a-a, in, JiiU OATH. Openini ; Km Mi c.- i Hlgbaai k:m l'h'i Lpwea! TO '."1 Mm Closing, 3:u tl MH run i. Onealng Hluhest Lowest Closing LAttli. lieeiilng JIlKliest Lowest dofbu sip lit BIBS. Ope nlng Blgbesl Lowi'st Closiua 12:.T I in 12. u 123! m TOtl 1X07 111 , UU 1217 527 716 IU mo Ml in 1 .17 6I.1 1 I 1 IU CM luU Fcrsntou Wkolenate SlarUsts. BpjtajRoit Apiii. iu, Pavrra ao I'ao- om lOlrd aj'ples, per lb., 6a7e. ; evttit oraled apples, lallUo. per lb.; Turkish prunes, IkaMvi English ruri auts, Sa2Va layer laisuts, ri.7riaT.s0; muscatels, tl.itla L.'l per box; new Valencies, dafe. per lt. Beans - Mat row-fnta, RkSOat 'J per bllaUel; IllriUUllls. M.iOal.hO. riA.s-Uraan, tl. iteUSO per b tubal tapllli S.f)0a3.S0; lintela, hainc. per poaud. I'otatcw MaWV. per b.tsliel. Oaroaa .". to OOo, par bushel, BOTTKB 16& to tic, per lb caaiia lQalao, iieno. Baaa fraah, ixc, pot i.inv-Cblokaaaj draaaad, i to laa, tnrkajra, 12 10 Lie 6V0KSD Bxav-OateidaOt lljfo,; sots, IStec; iaaidca and Koucklaa, 15 Boas -Mesa at I8; llort cut, iic. l.ikle Leaf In llvrree at la-.; in tithe. 9Ma. In pi-pound pails, M(a, In Vpound paiA J ,c. ponoa patle. inc. per pognd, liKBr-l'hi'ice sui;ar cured, smoked b.f, lie, Elocr Minnesota patent, par barrel. (J . 14.90) Ohio and Indiana amber, at tJ.Hi; (irahara al H,B0 rye Hour, at 18,86, BicKWHAT Ptgxra ft, rn per cwt. Pno Mlxadi pen wt., at .'('. linam-Kye, bail corn, 47 lo lyc, oats, tlaiSc, per bushel. RtcEtraw Par ton 'Sail. Bat-818 to 17. New Tork Tr.duce Marks! NSW iRK. April a Fwi'H-W. ak. moderate demand, Wurrea Whbat -Low gradea, Ma&4B; do. fair u fancy. &4Ba9LTs; tb- pataaaa, 3.t8alLtO; Ulnaeaota dear, 88.80ail.80; do, itraigbta, 88t8Ba8,80i do patanta, .t'.ns4 4'.. low eittjas, aa.oja'2 4.1; elly mills, IJ.Ve ; 1,80; d ' patanta, 1 ki a4.io. WnxAT-Mora aetivaiowar,oloaiaa steatiy ; Ko 2 red, stoic ami elevator, 1,1,11!.. ,c; sil it,1 ... f. o. b, ta'4ie;.- ungraded red. BSaOtctNo 1 northern, 88c.: optioni etoaad week a: : at',c. baiOW ve.terdsy; Nn. g rwl el sieti Apri., p . : May. 6lic; Jitue. Q-4c : Julv, Mr.; Aiii'tut, ojc. , Beptamber, OBIfe.; Decambar, '. '.i. UOMDl I. aaater; No, 2, V, ,a4lr. ; ele vator, 44 a4l .j. alloat: uugraded mixed, 4.l',r. . option doll, and weak. April, 4.1 i- . M tv, 4 , . .tuly, 4.V. r-t-lnl!. firmer: ontl ns dell e i.iir ' April, 88a; Mar. 18)80.; July. SBe,: spot ricef, 2, WMaailai NO 2 white, 4!c ; HO, : birago, 4 ,a4lc; No. li. ..si-.. No. I white, 40e; mixed "e.teru. 21114s I -,c. ; white do tOatSa; while stale. 4Ua45c Lhki l'n',1. steady; family, fl8al8;OXtm mis. 88a8.80 Bsxr Hams - Firm at 17u;7 50, TlB BCKS Bawr Dalli city extra India mes. II -, . ( 1 T MiAi-i-tuiet. firm; pickled bellies, "He; do. shou.deri, ic; do, hams, Inc.; noddles nominal. l.Atm (juiet, easier; western kte.ni c I al , ,tv, T i.e . . r,r ir.ri sales. 7.60; Apr. I. irs; .Mnr. H: refined nntel coattaent, t."-. Aawrlaa, W.161 0 BtPOBBO B , rO'j c 1 1 s Modaraia daaaad. sttadv: bmm ;.-.. I Bt Bcrna Laraa iBpply, lower state dairy, near, loo.; do., old, llalOo.; do., araanary, new, lOaSlo,; PaaatylTaala do., IttdlAj wcs-erii tlairy, new. Ma lTie.; do., creamery, new. LVtJlc; do, factory, loailc : aigm. aoHaUa,; nnita- tlOQ creamer v, ISalM, Cbbbsb Fair, demand Brmer; state, large, old. BalSke,! do. '."Salic, famv, "1 ), i"' : c . ., mi ni:, .lid, 1 ti.c . aaatara, mail, llalSVio.; part skims, .u aBo. . Daw, SaOc.i full :knu, gal fa EaUBQnlel, easy; state and l'ennsvl vaiua, 1 1 ic. ; weMtru fresh, lie.; south err, 10a lie. A WOMAN'S BURDENS are liglit.iul when she turns to the rl-ht mad M Tho ahrania eiikneso, deliiatn d, niiiKemuiiU, and pumful illsnrtkux tint '" l Iter ox, ate rand by Hr. i'iorce's Knvtiritu I'reaiTiiiUoii. In bearing doanj Mraanoaa, pariojajoal pains, ulceration, in Hainmation, and every kindred ailment it's a pwtivo remedy. Ifaiftawtmt, ;npMiui &'m n. it. v: T.XK.'a. V VJi I'ntLtl '. N. V.: iMi Sir 1 n aat accept my tlmnkt for tbi eoivl your 1 ' a li.it 1), ii" lor inc. 1 truly in Uata taa " I vi, 1 I, I'r, icrlptl 111 " Silt ill Inv life it n 111m and attma euro. 1 im " i.'a i" t neaitn; i ion elixir ,it,,t .him .1.. ..11 i niv kousowork. 1 , I V I II V ,1 1,1 1'I.IV Misa FCOATB. Should Utlii. llr. I'lerci 1 .. . cavern doldcn Misiiral ftlicvi rv vayi nt,. rraterlpUooand vours, Soaii raoASE PIERCE ontr. CURE OK MOKEV RIvTl'UNIiO. legal I N RE APPLICATION OF DANIEL i;, I Sweeny for it license to act ;m a detective for hire und reward. Petition to be haaraoa the anil day Of April, 8M. al !l o'clock it. BJ in the court of tiarter sesaions. Tbetitinn of H.tniel Mc-wuunev lor licaiiet to aetaa a detective for hire and reward lUdertbeACI of Ins; h e, been iirrsented to tbe jadgM of tbu nbovo OOttrt and filed. JB8BUPS k HAN li. Attorneys lor Petition. TJ THE COUBTOFUokkioN PLEAS FOB -I tint i ity of Lai'kawiiun.i. In tln matter Of tbe dlsaplntlon ol tbu South Lincoln Coal eumpany, No. Slav term, ts.it. Notice Is hereby given that the South Lin coln i.'oal Coinpnuy tiled ita nstltlefl in thn Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna coun ty on the .'.titti day of March, Ism. praying for a decree of dissolution, untl that, tlnj court baaflxad April SL WW, aid o'oloak a. oa. tor bearing MeB ai pllcntinii for dlsa nation, when and where all persons interested cniiattnid If they tleom it expedient and show cause aaalnst thu grnuiing of tho prayer of aaitl petitioner. JAKES W. OAKFORD, Solicitor for Petitioner. nsTATl OF OF sahina swiKT. late Jv of the borough uf Archbiilil.Lack t .v inn t county, l a. Letteraof admlulstratiou upon tha above named estate BaTUg been granted to th.. nn di rslgtii d, all pursotiH having claims nr de mands ngainat aaiil cstat t will nreaont .ham lor s"!llcmont.nud Hioho lndnbtotl Iherutu will please roaKe un men late payment to JOHN J. IWlFT, Auministrator. Arebl.ad John It. Jones, Attorney for Estata. An lilia'd, Pa. r . ... .' 'i:M.tV' IT A Word. Il'otifs 0 all kinds cost that NttMh, ex re;i( Stdiaft'ons U aitfrt.u'ifci ate inserted FREE. Situations Wanted. WlTL'ATltjITAJndTlMV A WOMAN, t . to do hnnia rlaaplna and washing. Ad draw .'ii Emmet street a$A Position WANTED -BV ACOOOKTANT, I doubin entry bookkeeper, corraapondant, maaagar or eradtt elarki a gentleman ol 9, married, open for rnianrnt eiicagenient; extensive praetieal haslness exiwrieueo; thor ruiiijieteiit arid reliable; Al reference and no citrliy. Address Bux K8, anijbnrV; ra. QITUATION WANTID-BV A TOV7NQ D man; has had experience as dark la gro- i:i'ry bnstnOM, driving delivery wagon, colli oi mgjhwniiag to do gardening, wllllaa to do aoyklndof work, ia well aeunalntad with the city, can give Mad rofirenoae.' must have worl, of m m 1 kiml at once. Addrcal Work, Tlltni'NI!. Si raiiton, oltlie. 4w I I't'ATIiiN' W.WTKll liV A 'WIIMIW. IN O real table familr, to asitst In bouse work . r to " (tie for children. Wages uu oh jeej Addraas 'Widow.'1 '1 araoBB. CITUATION WANTED BY ' A VOtTMCI t J man -it some kind of work at 00.00) would ilka it parmanant positloa on a faun or gardening; any kimt of work is desired; is rob r and reliable! mmi have work at omo AddreasD, Tribune oBioe. c rn avion WANTED a Woman 0 would Ilka to get aork by the dyt waablng or Platting, or will mke washing home AdilichN MAKV DON NKLLV, 7:: on In id stre'd. Hclu Wasted Females. 1 ADIEU W am ED TOWKI1 E AT BUME; I J el.i iekl ; 110 eanvrisMiiig. Kenly with stamp. MISS FANNIt II.LKNult, Boatb ll. iiil, IihI. Agents Wanted. (JALEBMEN WANTED-TO SELL OUB 1 s goods by sample to the ffnotewla and re tall tradt : ro:l on Hght to every btislnes,, man or Arm; liberal salary and sxpenteepald; po- s.lion purtusuanl for term, address vu:li taraptUENTRNNlAL M t U.CU.,Mlh lukel U'ANIIIO MAN W1TU 1.II L ANHKIKI. Insurance exper leaps m ,iteitor in Laokawaana count): good ladncemeota to ngbt nun. , :, ., IJflSfl Hit. Ouildlug, Philadelphia, I'a. U'AN'IKII Ai.llN'ls II, I AM'. HKIlllll-; by sampla; we will pay expense and sa1 st y ar allow liberal eomnusaton ; samplee aunt pp sppl cation, Addiu. C ' I U-x I2i, New i Ik I It). For Kent. VOH BENT TtfREE KooMB. I'KONT ON I b, 1 I tb 01, uver N A lluibert's mast store 117 W y aaatag ar aa aa, tram April 1. in quire III ibu l-l.TU. 'I'm LET KOB A TEBN OP VEAKH J Part or all of three huii.lr-i t of ri : in 11,0114 rai.i oa s me a,.u st iatrwakUa 'I'D RENT BTORB BWB OR FCHKIBHKD i baU on Graaa Wdaa atraat verydaalra ale location and aa reaaonable term-. Apply JoF K NETTLETON or c. is. VNixjliHLt l Repablltan buUdlaa. For bale. I," it HALE t Al;:: i .I riiiii 1 1 ACBEsi J one an.l one hair miles from iJaltun on ihn Delaware, Laekaaraana and Wt-tem railroad I i-t e.. farm h, ,n witi a ncr 1 ailiai Spriag nearby j two tarns. ki.xI ..n . and tfooil orcaard will be I cheap. Tamil aaar, AddreaaB I' TOW STORCB or Imaa i ELLIS, axectltora, lialtou. Lackawanaa rountv. nOR 8ALE- POWL MAVUHaV BIGHT I bar-i Is ft.r H' ; ab. tr .n leuhoia em hr batch 1 1 u Apply to fid linmih-. ! o rll -treel. rAETON FOB BALE r.ut'iur. OF IC II f',eton. eourl -lein.;raplier, court li i:s. or 4n L'lar aveuuo. (MK HAt.K BtACKK I'AhM, rsTiX'lv J and uteuslla J. Jt. btltKI lELU tM lilenr-H' ave. LOI SALE It EXI BANUE FOB NCRAR i ton progertr a baarlpg prt irove nirrraalnif in rrolnetlon and valnn vrarly lu lha araaga saottea in n.o.ia a, tan. I k. I El rLETOM, Lake Haton Fwaida loat. I i'"f- ON WAHHIN'OTON AVENUE ONI Ij Hold Ely I'm Party re-mrim g same to bl' WashlriKt.'ii avenae .till be ti:tally re ward. ,1 I OST A PIXTC ETBOOK on I ai K -Ii asniia avenue, between liankhn and Wvotniig containing l-tern ttr..ntv mid twent flvadoll.ra Finder will t-leaae return bib t ' -ii praaktta avenue and rai dve r Propoaa'a. W.I. i l'llnlsis ; WILL HK t;r. ,,..l 1,,- . naS I .....i i'.. , ' j . .. ,, utiiii , ill 'li v. tie t.rai day pi Way. Mat. fat ti e i aUdlBaol i Bee H i:. tliurch t PeckvUle, Pa, Pens and aparlBCatl n r.m I s - am Its cinng ,, j D. Peek. Paekvdle. Fa Ike bnlidiag re rail taa reeervva right to re le-'t uny or all hula. II CBAJPtfAK. Sec. Building c..m . Boa MB, Peckvlile, Pa, April li'th. l.-l't pccia Noltcea. Vx noi fx i r.v rx r T)it." sTQSGZf. I i ' e .' t-l l.il 'HfUV tilii . ,, : ii, i n. rm inn ii t all tbu irnpi dental rt, win, h have stood the test -,i ttm and reached heyond the sxperiniental have 1s t Ii ad lileil in hla ).!, tli iv l ',Ht alllml riMuioateS andbndgia With rabbet ami ,l ltd -..I alia-; I m nls'if thn te. ;lt. Uuu- anion. taa latest nnpro vt mstita Having a. urod tat . ivici-. of In A. Ii l-reat n. : Mi, ,, h . s.tN. who i. an tiprt in gold, clown a-,d bndye work, i can aasnra all who may fav..r a with I heir lalrnnagc tha i.iuot 'skil.rul ireatment. Tbe iptrstlon of extracting teeth, usually o aiafa dreaded by the inonu is ih.w pleaaa it surmise, by thu naeol local am , thetl .ii idled to tbu gums. listing ton in Berenice slooa 17, ami ea j. j .ng it !il , i il si.ai,, , i n li,, n, ,,f t People, I desire to eXpTsas my sincere thank', t t WRBATOa "T A UEBTINU OF THE DlRCTos()F n. tbaNay Ang Falbaad Elmharal loalo vnrd ' umpaay .t was reealaod ihat a me, nr ... i s.ii.,s..n on taiiioii iu 1'iiniitig at tbu tf-i-.al otb of the c.mi.ai.v. r.ajr,),; Repu in bttilling, nn the .it), day of tunc A M IMI. total... act. on on tbe st'PIT.eal or '" "i;i''-'d... the uro t icreaatBol the sitttal Mock .,rs-iM . ,,niianv ftoiy ", m riooiaiidMiat the secretary WaSTba i bsrati) one.t'.l t Bite a lie. tkete,,r ,s r. iulr.nl by law. T, II WATK NS. Sei it tart V'lTit' TILE NOMINATIOMH FOH Heers ,ir the (lermania liullding i,ri laiiaMjciatiouofsoiiih laraatoa mO lake pia.- i',i, i, v , Vl Aru :ji irtii.iictii,,; the regular Ptisima.. .At Mill' N ! l.l.r h. s, irntarri tlLANE UOOKfJ t'l Itl'Jl f l'L ...... ) .... , . l ' ' - I O, ' 1 . I ' " . TRIBOBB oltleo. V',0 s -,,ilc Keunn il,; . prii AIKAL Tit KI TS CAN HE HAD AT 144, ',; "I r t ureet an,! I T.tr.kltn ate line Iweiity uiual ticket, for U..VH Qotd table li- ard. Charter Application. '1)T:lT. IS lll'Wl 11V h'lwVa nii.n. . v I'' application will la. ma.le to the trovi rnor t.rtiie at ttu of l'eanayivaoia mi thuriday, the tinni day pi May, . i. IsM, hr Fraai at aaenrer, narew O, Brandt OoarVfSehroeder, I lam W. WliHi'tnn. Stanlev P. Allen an, I illiain II. Hoyi r, ntiiior the net of assoinlily of tlie rntniunn wealth v Pentwylvenin, en tinea, aa a t to irivllt for tliu iuooria.ra lion ami rogiilitt ion of certain corporations." api,if.l April IB, UTt, and tl Bpnlaaients tlieieto, for lln. uiiatlev ot tin mten.u .l eor . iratlon, to Ik, i;alW Serant, n Mannlaetur !'K eoinn.iiij, the oharaoter aad oMtol wli.Teof is the riitr.iifnt tiire of irnii.nr Hteel.of both, or of any .,thn- metal or nrtiele of com niereo from niotnl, WOod, or lmth. riml for ' : I'iii'Ikmoh t.i nnte poase.is, anil en joy all the riirhta. Iienellu an, I privileirn or the said ai t of iisseinbly and its Ktuiileiiifiit. WILLIAM 1). HtlYKU. Solicitor. BE SURE AND get your choice of multichromes. One coupon and one Dime. Connolly & GREATEST MSffi BARGAIN IF f I 111 OUR LEADER ALL SIZES HOSIERY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. POSITIVELY FAS1 BLACK. 1 8c. Per Pair. 3 Pairs for 50c. CONNOLLY & can Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Upholster Furniture, Make Over Mattresses, and we Factory The Scranton Bedding Co. no: ami UMI LaehBwaaaa Ate , curnar Atlauia tea. DID YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight.ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved freo. A largo variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau 807 LAI KAWANN AVIS XI I; "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A MAPFV PATH O N OF- THE RIGHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, l3n. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. HOW TO MAKE Tlii'iv urc Ii mill redd of young men ami yomio women In tUU eonntry who lime splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up, Wood's College of Business and Shorthand lias been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people, Ifyoo an1 tired of Inactivity ami want to do something tangibly I'oinc to the ( olleg COMMON BNOUBI1 COVUBU lit SI NESS OOURBB, IHORTUANU i, Km: 11 THE DICKSOM MAIMUFACTU RING CO SOU AM TOM and Willi W-BAnWfi pa, MABOf AOTOBBBS OS Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Ucnoritl Ollice, SCHANTON. PA tllllDDtlon or Insenliy. mall preimlil. lth Bl . MrUBAMW AFTER USING, no other. Address KKKVK SBCU t sinsonio xeuipto, vuit.auo.iu. For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDEHSON, Di'mist, one, Washington ami Spruoa Btrctita. WALLACE 209 Retail Mattresses at Prices. & Connell F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. I X Ok affix null w io. m AhD f,07 VfYCMiNG AVE. "NERVE SE"PB, Tkl. wssilrrtal rrtiMi dMl- tslrril tc curs sll sn , ou. itii MONEY oases, such as Weak Uaiaorx, Loss of llialn 1'ovfer. Ileatlsche, tt . )ist Mitnliood, Nlthtly Kmlssloifi, Nen, u-e, i.llilininsnnd loss ot newer intieiiiiiniiveur.taiisof l inn i soxcaussdby oforexsrtlon.f eethfmlarrers, exeesslro use ottohncct'. opium or silmiilaiils, tvlili h lend to luilnnlty. ( ou- tanneenineniiivesit'ornei. w ner uos. s. i,.i u ttrtter witflsi' u rlnen tiiiuriiulro tucura t-ir.Miinr rr,... BnlS hs .1 1 1 ilriifulttt s. A-1, inrlt.issu WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, WEDNESDAY, APRIL ur. Eleventh Sc on of Barlow Bios', Famous Minstrels I UMBERING 30-Celebrated Artists30 Eminent Cuinedians, Baraat Bingera UornoUS Stao Hetliuge, a I ;,ean Novelties, . . Full Hsmi and OrchMtre. a str.,ni; mirihtri 1 enariainuient fuD ofnew ai 'I -'ai luk-iiras. A nr .aramm" ' f liril'- laliL 1. Ill,, 1 ... ta . . . . . "--v.. I,, m-tm uj, n jiunaay. . , ACADEMY OK MUSIC. TBUBIDAY, AFBILtA Primrose & West's Comedy Ca George Wilson's Minstrels AppesrlnK in tbe gpaataoalar Operatic Cora, Monte Carlo n,.1'-',".!-" i ' !;- ' ol tbe Ust leal araaor HurlBJuue, opera, (.'on.dT sni M:. arroia, . E tl rata ".,rttume, aud BrlUiant bcenn iie.,ri;e (Tibon and the tares Oonaaa Bros. are among ibe , nt-r Ulnars. Under tne man aeanumt ..( PBIMROSE i wi-t : - a ' A M at tb, Y. M. C. A. HALL Tuesday, fur, I a7l ,894. L'D!v,l'..,h8 uspires f tbe CALEOOHIAJf ina, tbu vv,n! Famed bOOTTlsH Mr. DURWARD LELY L.tef tba ADf'.LI.N A PATTI OOK PArn u-. . HUD hilt 11.11 III 1 .1 k- one tf their Crrai ti I Ct incerta Admission, 50c. LLtgram up ir.ini: of in issti THE FROTHINGHAM tbi'bsday, Aran M ! KIMBALL 0PRA COMIQUE CO. Beaded tv taa eaarataf aad peerleat CORINNE CadM thf msnspement or Mrs. Jfnn.i) Kim I tiall. .ita suuiptuoua rouuvtloa of tbs ssta HENDRICK HUDSON t. rteoai Sceaerr, .v.icnitli-ent Cot;.mes, JearalM Msrcass, Lntran.-.ng Fallrts. Sale of ica:. ..... i., 'iilay morning at 1 II s Slus-o store. PBICES L rj, B) anJ23. THE FROTHINGHAM 1 ' 1 ev, au.es 103 1? a u aiurdS) llatinev Bi at CI CS 1 F,rs paaraaee It. .-ranton of the original A M. Palmer Stock Company rr.-tii PabBart Theater, n York. (' . t ti nt,!. , t ilt. n Iji-kave, J H. 8:,k1 o.tr.l, I M llollan.!. Ovx.viv Vawoett KJw. Bell, NiiiJiitia Baraad, Mrs D. P, Boer tadellaeBoatOBi Janata KasBoe and nearlr aacore of other capable auJ wili-knon ao ti is ami aetr.'MOi Frlil r ercalnf saints AMD 81KWKM, Haturdar erealnf -msi THK PBNMAM Saltitlav mat iu r A I'A IK IK sI'tlTA- i r - iim. i, it i ii i n i I,, i'r.. , forerealai tl-Blll, ;s. ,vi aad Sv. ri loes t.,r matt l. :,s, U anj Bk Sal.- of aeats ipeBtat Lowell .lli, s.l luorniag. 111 ' L Week sill MI A . Al'llll '.'3 Wonderland Theater Co, HONDA Ya TUK8DA. AM' WBDNE8DA9 A .1 n; iiuution imm iki w ions wiek of thinUMl tv"i lU'iit ilrmiiia i-vcr NM at WsMM0tlMlds A CELEBRATED CASE The ladles eh Mid Dot fall to aee tlio niair Qlfloent srardrobe worn by the avttessea lu ti.it prodaottoa. Tlll'llfHAY, I'ltlHAY AMI SATIIRUAY The Sensational Diama. vlttitlotl. THE CHILD-STEA1.ER OF NEW YORK. Also a MuKniriiviit l'roiluetion. AllMWSKiN. 10, iiTTtU 80 I'KJfTs! Perinruiamva t'ti'i y alteruoon. exeept Men daya untl Tharadaya ' -.;sJ. ami every eveu- nfata.il, Doois opuuut Lwaad T.ou i.m. Eureka Laundry Co. Ccr. Lindoii St. and Adams Ave. ioi 111 Boms stAiu. All klndl of Laiitulry work guarantee & tlie best. AHTOHEHARTMAH you j . a. Wasliinoto.i Avenui), Coatraetcr and beitder ol Cnoerete Waasylaai Coiierote Ulis'ks, PofeStO, lluitor and Ctl Iliiis, Wet OeUari dried up. Oritur may ba left ut Thojnpeoo & l'ratt, Will amt & i-'o, Unln ami Lynoit Htreot-.. or at riorautoa Utovo Workn. Also Kouutlatioue, Ctstsrua Kiah Wire Tunnels anil Colli us. I lagging lor I Uardeu w ai A
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