THE SCHAtfTON TlHOTOT!--mKE?lDAY MCfRKTNG-t STAHCH 29, 1S94. A Word. Il'uiifs 0 af( fcfadl cost (Ant m kcj. . Ctpl (Situations Ii'miteii, irAiVA are inst i led WEE. Situations Wanted. TOiACEWAHTEir'iS A UOUD ' PA M ILY x ior Herman girl of Id year, where th work la hot tuu heavy. Addles Jr. Deen. city. 'ANTED BY QOUD DRBS8MAKKR ewina. and etylitniy none at home, or will l' out by tho da). all or a.ldre,. Miss STKI.LA DKABLER, Qro street Taylor, Fu- VllTAlloN WANTKD-m A MltHH.F. O aged lady an housekeeper or ae com pan Ion for uu Invalid, Address, K. P. Tribune once, city. Help Wanted Male. Ur ANTED - A fihst class COAT' maker. Apply at once. rllAltl.FS 0. EVANS. Carbonflala Pa, A.N TED QENEKAL WllF.KI.Utc.nT. Apply at UMhool'a CarrKga work. Hclo Wanted Females. Mjuk WANTED AT ST. JAKES HOTEL, )0j Lackawanna avenue, GENERAL NEWS Of INDUSTRIES Agents Wanted. pENERAL AUK. NTS WANTED -SELL-VJ inn Lew articles to dealer, exclusive territory, r.o co :i::ti n. no capital re quired; 2u0 to 800 par cant profit COLUM BIA CHEMICAL CO., 00 ami 71 Deal burn trvati Chicago, ill. U' an rsD man wifa life and mre neurone oBperlono at solicitor in Lackawanna county i g-i,id Induce eutt to right man. Address D2S-2I 11. t Uuildinc 1-i.iladelphia. Ha. U' ANTED TWO Vol NO Mi:.N iK Oiinii address to .-all on business housea ! Steady employment tor yooil men. Apply National clean towel company. Arcade building. lor Hint. VVl: RENT APRIL I THE ROOMS KOW X occup.ed by th Telephone Richanga, 1103 Li ckawann avenue. Amdy .it th oihVe of Liliijli Salt .Milium Co.. Third National Hank buMdiug. L s. and E. Fuller. Tull RENT LARUE STORE ROOM AND X basement on lii.-ksoii aveuu, Uraau RMge. o. A. CLEARWATER. pOH RENT FROM APRIL I. HOUUK AT V 540 Jefferson avonue, .n lirst .-lass condi tion moderu improvements, best location. Appls to I.. li. Horton, No. 3 Conftuouwealtb building. EH)M RENT APRIL 1, A VERY CONVEN j J lent and baanttrully papered bouse. MUD Capouso avenue. F. S. PAUL I J-oK RENT THE STORK 85 LACKA I -T wanna avcutio. and auit of six . above: tight and airy. F. S, PAULI. POR RENT - BUILDINU .".Is Lacka a wanna avenue from April l. CHARLES H WELLES, Coal Exchange. HOUSE FOR RENT NEAR POSTOPPICR containing fourteen rooms and laundry, all in Una order Splandid location for rent- lug furnished rooms. Apply at 5.1T Linden treat tf boa RENT TWO STORY BRICK DWRL V ling house: modern Improvemonta: '" Koreat place; rent, Apply to MAURICE coi.LIn. uijeiit, lil West Laokawnnua yauaa jpOR RENT STORE i 1 LACKAWANNA 1 uvenue. by April, I. Enquire or Kenry Fray, I l.ackauann.i aYanua or at the tiremirtes. tHjR RENT TH REE l'.uOMS. VKONT QN 1 id Boor, over N A Hulben's tuu-.iu tore. 117 Wyoming avenue, from April 1. lu quire Mi the store. HuL oE FOR RENT ONE BLOCK PROM post office, containing fourteen rooms and laundry, all in Dna i rder Pine location to let furnished rooms. Apply at bU7 Linden Street M'u LET FOR A TERM OP V LARS -1 Hart or ad of three hundred feo; of yard room .iioug railroad. gyannt. Apply at Ut Franklin M'u RENT STORE axim OK FURNISHED J. ball on Green Ridge street Very deilra- I tie looatkm and on reasonable tartna, APlil?- ' 10 P E. NETTLE TON orC.S. WOODRUFF, Republican building. For Sale POH HALE- FINE LINE OF BLUOIE3, X inrrlaa phaetons, cart, st-re wagons of of : 11 kind-1, mill and butcher wagons, lumber Wavi'Uia ui.d tacher, at M. T. Iveller's I. a -ka wanna arria- worse, 310 Atlanta avenue. TCOR SALE A FARMOP EIOHTY ACRU. X one and one half miles from Dnltuu on Th Delaware. Lackawanna and Western ! railroad f irst eluat farm hoaso with a never falling spring naHruy: two burns, u'ood nin-i and good orchard. Will tie .ld clieup. iein.i eas -. Address B.F VONSTOKCIf or ISAAC EI. LIS. executors, tiaiton, Lackawanna comity. Ph. COR SALE K ACRE FARM, STOCK X and Btenstia. .1. M. SHEFFIELD. tiH Monroe avo. "L'OR SALE "It EXCHANGE FOR SCRAN A ton property -A bearin orange grove lllrfMiwirti in t.r. ,'. ,.. an. I ..I.,., It, the oranse section in FhtrkU Addraa F. E NE'ITI.ETO.V, LakeHalen, Florida Special Notices. T'aDILS HI. EASE t'ALI.' AT THB'tJOM ii monwaalth choe store, Washington ave ni. a. and lea the latest stylus in Russia flna Dougolg stioes and Oxfords. l) LAN K BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAGA li lines, i- , bound or rebound at Thi Thibuxi ottice. yiiick work. Beasonabni rrices. f EAL TICKETS CAN HE HAD AT 111. a'J cornei' Sir ice btrot and Franklin iv DM. Twenty meal tkKata for tt.5u Hood table hoard. Notice to Taxpayers. VtflTE TO TAXPAYERS-THE TAX 11 payers of the city of Soranton, Ha . will hereby take notice that the board of appeals appointed tiv the city rounctls of said city ti tttftrand determine appeals irotn city SatSM monts for the year Hilt are holdlnit meetings daiiy at tho office of the city olerlr batwvan the U' urs of VI a. m and B p. m. for tin- pui p-ise aloresald and that appeals will only bo heard In cnsHbuf now assessments for said year, the authority vested in said board not permitting ti,.' it-vision of assessments for auy year but that of 1WH The meetings of the board will o : ') .iiiin ii ;n, mm. By order of board ,.f appeals M. T LAVELLE, City Clark. Educational. U'YO.MINO SKMIN Alt V A SOUND EDU cation ih the best esinipinen: a fOOBI man or woman can secure for successful tir ing. It payn to secure it uvi n at a irieat sacri fice. Such an education can be obtained at Wyoming Seminary. Specialties: College preparation, business, teaching art and music. Spring term opens M.iv t. For Information, addrebs REV. L. L SHHAOUE, DVD Kingston, Ha. Viewers' Notice. IN THE COURT OF COMMON HLE 8, NO. I :W. March Term, Istit In tin matter of the petition of the city of Scrnntoii f ir the appointment of viewers to ascertain the costs, damage and expenses, and assess the benefits ior lateral sewers in Mulberry street Wob- Kler avenue. Taylor avenue. PrtSOott avenue, liarnson uvouue, liuensll court and Suhultz eo rt. N tlOS I hereby given to sli parties In tn tcrcst that the undersigned viewers, duly ap pointed by the court iii the foregoing iniittir, have prepared a schedule showing the dam ages, costs and expenses iiscortaiiiel audai lowed, and tho boiiollts asses -d for tho fore going Improvement and that said viewers vi lli meet and exhibit the same at sclent conn eu chamber on lbs 6th nay of April A. P.. 1"HI, at ii o'clock n. in., and will then and thereupon hoar ail exceptions thereto aud tv- ide-neo thereon. C. O. CARMAN, I TIMOTHY JONFK, Viewer.. DANIEL .1. KELLV, I Here is a U-u Casua Belli. lu a i ecu: nrticle annlyzing Lcrd Kone bery'a character, the London Saturday Review snyo: "If he regards an ho pret ty certainly does regard, tho fad of thu old Radicals us doctrinmre uoufenup, lie lms At least cc(uetted with the new labor theories tho new Focielism, soil Other thiugs which, in the judgment of some of up, would umke Kiigliiml I it t lu better Worth living in than the Luited States." Tba NiW Sleel Casiiuj; Cciiibiiiatioa uuJ WLat It Itolly Slgnifles, OF COURSE IT IS KOI A TRUST One of the rvleinbars Say It Is Not, Whit-li Naturally Settles the Doubt. Economies ot Management Are to Be Introduced and Details So Ad j jstedas to Facilitate business -Activity in the AnthFMitfl Traile Is Rather Mild Just Now Other In dustrial Qleanlnjcs. Further insight into the character ami coin position of the now Amerioan Steel Casting company of Chester shows the following steel platits to bo inter ested in the trust: The Standard steel Catting company of Chester, the Nor rlttown Meiel company, tho sharou Steel Castiug . .m.ii.oiv of Sharon, tho Bolld Steel Castiag cotniuuy ot Alli ance, 0. ; the Syracuse Steel Foundry company, and a majority interest in the capital stock iu the Pittsburg Steel C lating compauy. The capital stock is (8 900.000 and nn issue of s)70tl,UU0 in bonda was made, Tim i. .- .t ware use I iu buy the Standard plant in Chester, all of the other coiictrni taklug Rtook In the new company, President lid, Treaaurer William and Minaging D. rector Daniel Bgau will all reside in Chester, and the reat business, whie- i will class with Carnegie'., will in managed irom that city. I: la further stated that the consolidation ot inter rata is In no way trnst and not in tended to iqavrs the tr.ido. Oi th contrary, the very considerable leatta ing of rxprase to Indlrldnal Orm will enable tba union to brinx the price of steel castings down to tun' of iron cast mi; 'i'ho new concarn will comiuenc-j business u April 1 The statement that it is intended to antagoniai Came gie is in no way true, us Carnegil does not lualie steel calling, A Dnlnth ditpatcb says tint th out put from the Iron range in St. Louis county for the comim season is practi cally delenuiueii. It will be in the neighborhood of 8,000,000 toot, an In ere. ise of nearly 1,900,000 over that of list year. Vt this total about half w;il beiblppd by the Minnuota lroi company; 500,000 tons frota tho Cband lr mine and an equal auioutit iroui the (form in and Irjn Kinr; minaa in lb Mataba range. The intantiotti of Mr. KorLeftller as to his properties on tbo Mtftaba range have not non defi nitely announcad, but it is certain that the output of the consolidated luined with that of tin BiwHbic, Uaed by .Mr. Ollvar, of f'ittsbur, and th Mis sab MooDtain.controlled by Mr. Kim berly, of Sharon, v.ill exceed 1.000,000 ions. If tii sales agtntt nt the uiestino; In New York tomorrow reduce price it may not at a itimulant, but the Phila delphia Stockboldtr thinkt there h room to donbt whether it will. The i rati. is awaiting tiie annoaacemaot of tprinsj prices und surinu; rates to ti le water, not yat adjusted. It is, how ever, by no means certain that activity will immediately follow tucb annonnc men! The triide liss learned wis loin by following it waiting policy, an 1 th belief very generally prevails that there will be mora or less siimlin of prices tvan after the spring circular is iisus 1. Amonjf the larLfer producing companies then is eviucid a desire to continue working in har mony, to limit production to demand, aud to maintain prices, but n more restless feeling exists uuionz th mailer companies and Individual operator. The latter know, however, that their only opportunity for profit is to work in lytupatby with the larger companies; th-y viiw with approlien. lion a ponslble repetition of develop ments like those prior to h time when Mr. McLend guided them safely ovev the vtrgt of bankruptcy, The Real Kitat Trutt company of Philadelphia placed on record nt Wilkes- Burr yesterday n iuortgat;o ijliiiiist the Pittston Street Car coin pany ior 2 ),D. The money id to be Ufed to t quip the road with elect) icity The eminent French soiontist, ton Tlatandior, describes an absolutely new method of ;;.: n , the aaan- tity of fonign gat contained in air by the ptailngof the gaseous mixture through lonorout tRDtt Th Inven tion I crlltd to If, E liirdy, a dis liiiguijlied French uhysiciau, who calls it the formeuephoae, and intend it primarily tor the detection of Are damp iti mines One of th bust detectors of as yet known is the safety lamn. but it has the radical objection 'that the aureole around the Hiine Whioh iudi cstes the prosence of dangerous fiimos Joe tint show itself nntil such n quan tity of gst is present aa constitutes ii critical danger. Th formsophone, on the contrary, gives the indication in a few seconds. Th prloeij! on which It is based Is tliat wb-,i tno organ tubes, u'vins 'h11 aims p'.tob, nro Kubject to the iuflueuce of two ijual blasts of pure air, thu sound pro duced It identical. Hut, everything else being final, if one of the tubes is blown into a mixture of air and ga of different density, the sound of the tube is correspondingly modified, aud the vibrations produced aro mors or last frequent us more or less gas is mixed ffltb the air. This occurs witn such unvarying results that M. Hardy lint been ubl to lay down a regular scale of vibrations and their siiiili eanoa for th guidance of tho9o using bis invention. The apparatus consists, brlttly of two blowers, or pairs of bel lows, enclosed in tight air metiilllc en velopes. One of tbtie cases contains pure air only, and to the other is con ducted by n pipe the air of the ptrt of the mini to be tested. Tne air in eHch receptacle is blown by tho disengage ment of a weight on the top of the bil lows, whereby downward and forcible prnsnre is Immediately produced. Into the organ tube with which each recep tacle is provided. The resultant sound is so Intensified by a special adaptation of the microphone aud the telephone that it ctn bo distinctly discerned an I a comparison of tne difference iu sound of the two tubes givtoun abtoluto in dication of the uuiiuty of gas in the air tasted. -UlncK Diamond. Minor INDUSTRIAL Notes: Tho result of the New Bualan d election on lust Wednesday is generally regarded as meaning control of the Nsw York, New Haven and Hartford. The published statement that the l'enn ylvanla Railroad company was interested in the North liver bridge project to unite Now Jersey and New York it cfilcially denied. Coal operators of Maryland piopose a 10 cents u ton reduction to inluers, who will probably accept it. t uly twenty-eight boats have roported at Port Clinton to cany coal toPhuaael- uhia via tho Schuylkill ceunl. Ten years ago Sot) wore in Use. The new 140,000 bridge over the Lehigh river at Hokeudauqua was accepted r otntly by Lehigh Bounty. By a couMilidation of three compaat, the Sulphur Mines company, of Virginia, becomes one of the large! sulphuric acid producer in the world. Tho Bradi'ord oil operators, Thtdy A Northrop, ar tinkbig an oil well at Follts ton Thousands of acres of oil land in Wyoming county have boon lna.ed bv tho United State Pip Liu company, aad it in expected thi i will (0O0 becomu a potro leu in community. - Buclilen'a Auilea Salvt. The Lest Halve lu the world for Cut! Utilises, Sore, Ulcers, Salt Itheuin, l-'ever Sores, Tetter Chapped liauds. Chilblains, Corns ami ell skiu Eruption, aud posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is glial mitccd to (;lve pel feet iattfOtioQ or money refi.iidod. Price its cents per Lux. i or salv eiy llivtthe wa liios. mm - s ' FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL 1-1 li i and ;',.:.!. NlW Vnith. March 'JT. A reduction in the posted rates of sterling exchange, the direct result ot purchase of Amorictu se curities or foreign acco.iii: and the sen ot al iieiief that t ho seigniorage bill will be vetoed, led to a higher demand for stocks curly toduy. Tho industrial stocke scored the widest fcbaugt, American Tobacco rising i to 83JaJ preferred, u uo: l.eud, Ii to iiT: preferred, IX to M)i; sugur, M to 004 i common OIL preferred, :s lo ffl1,. 'llio changes in tho railway and ihe uuthracite OOalgrOUp were slight din ing the early trading, but generally in an upward direction. Late in tho afternoon the market recti- ed nndr the leadership of Bnrllngton und QriUOywbiOh fi ll irom bd-t to aSK, and Ubluago Qa which deolinad irom t;i , to 0t, Tho loss outside of those ItOtk was equal to faK par cant, American tobm co, however, sold down 1 to Stive;. The renctiou was asenhed lu some q'MI'ter lo reports of damage to the winter wheat crop, while other contended that there action waa lh rttnltof sales by ttaden who believed' that the tffactottthe solg- lilornge veto bad been diecouuied. At tiie cloae the muiiiot waseti ady lo Uriu. To tal shares were only 189,1200, Tho foil .win.- complete lalilo showimj the day flnetnation tn active sts-ks is auppiieii and revised daily by Lallar .M Kuller, stouil brokers, 1 1 Wyoming avenue: Opon- Hi ih Low Qo. irnf. est est. inc. Am. Cot. Oil 3' VfH Wi Am SuEar. wa wo4 Imi lxi A. T. 8.K 144 H la &H Cau.tio j'-i Ul Ufj 6'm Ceu. ft. 3 Chle. AN.W I"HU JOsfc li(U US ft., D. A Q Chic, lias I'il's C. On C. & St. L... ") Col , Hoek.VaL AT. D, & H l-iH '4 !)., L. A: W D.AC. 9 -' Erie IS's (J. Is. Co I. akeShoru WUV 19M UMM IWM J, fj tOH 50f letj 1)4 Mauhattna BJJ H bMf l II. -s Pae -"s SJifi ii Nat. L-ad oC4 ilTM X H.Y.AN. B bWs WM ltii N. Y. Central IU1U luHi MVS l0itN St. i0,tW IWt lM '''Hi N. Y., s. to W Hi 15 1" W 11. b, c co 'ml aiJ -'i".v North Pan H ' m .North Hac. pf Sil ID) ill?! KHe Omaha '-6 8M 'Mh w,s Pae. Mail 'i 7Hj tfiiti tit'; MM ml Klfi 4h lit" ljutvj m)i km im :'-4 lSta i: hli ni, us vu4 7 M ' mt'n KIM m is' ism Ma WN, V-1e IWl In" , Mj VH lots, ItH o)a ii ti i. it i- i 14 Provtti nt, e rollowim; nuota ectcl dally by L Itll w' ave l'r M iv. Ju'v- wij ri, mil ten , iiov, fiiH tm 81)11 f& H eWi, m kh snt tie til-i i-e UM pS ij b,,1a Ss soj 90M (7J putt ;ui, 2s U0M HuU Kh 3lll ',i nt", iku lioa ljlfj 1 135 11. J fill 1 Inn lev". 11:13 lltt UN ;uj ta mi Tin fW7 HTU 'ID 0TH U.V, Till CW W m in s'.ii ri IMS iBJ f.eil 5T f.'.7 bri toi Uo Readln . K.'-k Islau.l.... It. T St. Paul KW T..O. 1 Iel Texas & Hue W , Union Pae I Wabasn, pf I M W. Umoi .-oM W. I E W. J L. E. of ? Cblcavo Grain nid Bcrartom, March ST. Tit Hons are mumlie 1 an I Oon Bar Puller, took broilers, uue. WHEAT. fioenlriij Highest l.o, veal doling CO KM. Opening H idlest 1 (Owes) Closimt OATH. I lsiUil.g Highest lowest CI- ailin; POBK. OpenillK Highest IjOWrst CloMiriir LAKI). Opening Highest Lowest CI -sing SHORT HILis Oue:ilin Hichest Lowest Cloeiug New Yoik I'rortiici Mnrkiit. Nm Yoi.k, March 87. Floor Active, f teady. Wiikat DnlL TeaMer; No. I re I store and elevator, 61 1162 Ifc.; f.o.h., 690! '.,(. ungraded 10I, Mhwk.; adoat OIKaOSa . No. t m.rtueru, OOKft: options dull, opened weak, declined MHe u" tatler cables, rallied J'J(io. uuder yesterday! No, red March. Mies'! Alnv. li'M June I -;:.(: July, nt4c: Aumtt, OSo, . Septem ber. wc ; uaoaniuer, nvsc. Cobn tuiet : No. 44Wo.i elevator, I6H'C ungraded mixed, ii! ic. ; si e arner dee, 44c. j options aclive k'c. higher, clmed firm; April, 48 c.; ilay, 4'.'5ic; July, 4ti7c. Oats I'lrmer. actU'e; onlious, dull; March, 8Bkc. April. Mc; Mnv. 86. j July, UiJiC. ; spot prion, No. i, ofic; Mo. U white. aS'c; No. a Chicago. 3llic ; No. , 84X.i No. tl white. HTfJc; mixed wettern, 8fl)(0. white do.. 8810,! white state, Stin4lc. linny-luiel; iiuuilv, S:'lal4. Bur Bane Dull, llOalAto, Tiibcio Bur Inactivt; city extra In dia m, lMiii!'-'. CUT Mkais -Quiot: pickled bellies, il;'.c ; pickled shoulders, (Ma; pickled hatm. tllDOUU NoUilunl Laho-Higher; western steam, 67. .15; city, HJic ; rollurd quiet; continent, S7. 85; Souih America, 18.08; compound, 0ic. POM Active; mess, ll'.2Jaia.7,V BDTVn Dnllj Western dairy, llWalSc.; I'dinisylvauia creamery, 'Jlc. ; Elglns, SlaSlNa CllKEsa Steady; state large. al2c. ; fancy, UUalSe,) do. small. 10s,nlc ; pari skims, Dalllc. ; full skims. laUc. Edus Weak; Pennsylvania, lllfd , western, llc. ; southern, luc. riilladrlphla Tallow Philadelphia, March 'JT. Tallow was dull and weak. Prices wore: Prime city, iu hogshead", 4"4c.; prime coun try, in hogsheads, 4 '4c. ; do. dark. In hogs heads, 4?ic; cakes, flc.; grease, 4Jfc. A Quarter Century Teat. For a quarter of n century Dr. King's New Discovery has boon tested, and tho miliums who have received heuotlt from Its use testify to Its wonderful curative power in all diseases of Throat, Chest und Lungs. A remedy that has stood the test so long ami that has given so universal satisfaction is no experiment. Kuch bottle is ponltively guaranteed to give lellef, or the mutiny tvill be refunded. It I admitted to bo the moat reliable for Coughs and Colds Trial bottlesi'ree at Matthew Uro's. Drug Store. LTgt til 60c, nud 1. U0. HmUra t- th E-ar. liiuiiklyii l- 1 Dt Tbls state must be delivered at wbnt evor coat of tune, of work, of means and, if ueed be, of blood from th I men and the Influences and the politici that are mak ing of tho enginery of government a col onization ninchiuo, a fraud machine, 1111 election falsllleiitiun machine, a maihluo of maiming, of rebellion and of murder. sp Tub essential luui-healing principle of the ptne tree bus Dually been successfully separated and rellned Into a perfect cough medlciuo. Dr. Wood' Norway Pino Syrup. Sold by all dealers 011 a guarantee of satisfaction. MM. WEAK MEN vouh attentiow ..,., tSmmrn Is OALtlU 10 THE Qtet English ltcruedy, Gray's Specific Medicine IF YOU BUFFER trim N UMTWM AITN i una. j-- OUI i HI liility, WonkuoH-i of DinJy und MinU, sporum torrBtMhi And unpoteocyi ttiiilmDiuostUut ifitC from ovviWQflQtttntiS hmI boUiioUfe, tu LoMOl Mciiioi-y ami P0W6r, Diimies.i tif Via Ion, HnuAtuf Qld Age and muny other dlv MM9 that Ioo4 tu Insanity or 'otiri.imptUm hiul un tarU r.ivt, writufur h puiajphlut AiidivdsCtltAY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, N. V. Th RpeolQo &rIdioln ll MM by all 1J1 in.'.!it t-4 ;tt 'Is h-i jiiii k.u'', i ''ii iackiii'ri tui y.ur !!( t by iukjI on rooolpt ut nOMyMM with ovtry I5.0U ord i Wc GUARANTEE it 1 n-tn nt"ii? ifclnn.ji.vl iwitwi ii it?1 Ou Aocounl f couotorfviti in tm looptct 'tin Vvllow wrapiwr, tho only ffvnu tut. tiold In Hera n ton bi u.- biu BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DU. tl. U 1)6 AH DEAN has removed lottW Spruce atrcui, Scianton, I'u. iJuiit Op iioitito couri-boaa riijiuie u .'. j. LoM N'tCLL, Ufllc M Wabmtoa xJ avemia cornui- Hpruce Itraet. over f raucke a ilrun Mora Ituaidencu. 1' Vim Hi. OtBoe hour: ID.Jliu 1:. m. and ! to I and 0 :J to '. Del p. m Bnudky, " to u p in. DK. W t. ALLEN, OfMco cor. Lacka wanna and VVkihlncton avat over Lon arel thoo aloiv; ollica hoina. 10 lo U) a. m. and 3 to 4 p. in; KVcliui.'i ut rtsltiuiicu, UVI H Washington ava liiwi L KkKY, Praotiqe limited io Ul x.1 eases of tho Kye, K;ir. N'. ao ami Throat; eiflic i. nil Wyoming at i.- -i.i--'. . Vma street. DK. Li .! UATKis, im Waatwieton Avsnu. Ul'lico hours, to S a m , 1 tal to ii and .' to I p.m. OHM L WL.NTZ, M I). Ufttoed it: and el tl I'omutoiiivealth IjuUding; reaideuca Til Maillaonuve; ottlce houra. IJ to til, ti to 1, 7 to K Holidays iiJU to i. c-vciiiuirs at rtniduuee A Ipeciaity made of dVeaae of the- eye, e-ar. iiosj and throat and jrYIMfKwMfy, 1 ut, ii li, UoHKAY, specialty made on dis 1 eaaca of ay and hlini 8U Wyomuitf Ave. iilllcc Inaicc rnt.l lo a in - to I and 7 to s I' m. V K l BH1MAB1 81 RtiKOMa V bTUKOB, Vnturmary tturceoD, Hon lo tlstry a specialty; koIJ modaliat ot On tario eleriuary (.'oile.ife. Ottice. Sitinin r's liverv, Q3S Dlx at., near Koilor'a ..i : . ,. fchop. Telephone No. tl Wuahiuifton ava I.AII VKHS, )M C UANCK S Law und Collection of . lice, No 817 Bprnv at., opposito Poret iJoui.e. tici Hilton, rt,J coilei tioua a i-pcctalty thronabont PeunayWMIMl reliable correspond ent In evilly county JKbttUfbA HA.u, Attoruuya and (JoOHSjI. iota at Law, Cumiooiiaealth I m i. W. U. Jkssi'p, iloHACK K lUsD, W u .litaaiil'. in. U'lLi.AHO, WAHUKN tt KNAPf, Attor neys ami Contusion at Law, lie-pubucaa bnlldlnat, WhInrtoa mvc. Boranion. Va. l)A'f rkttttUN " W lLC'UX. Attorneys ua.l 1 Connssilors at Law; utiicoo und 9 Librari tuildm. bciantoL, l'a. RpaWBUi II PATTBRSO Wlhl.lAM A WIWOB ALKREl) HANll. WILLIAM ) BAKU, At torneya and Counlora t'uiumol, Wealth bnlldina. Kooi.ii 19, ill end '.'1 KNIiY M. BEKLY Law offlees In Pi buildinif. hW WasliiiiKtijii avenae. H PBAKK T uK.-t.L. Attorney at Law. Loom I :. ( il Kxchange Bcranton, fa. MlL'tDN v. LOWRY, 1 Att'ys, ttt Watmng C.H VON STORCfl, I tou av.. C. H. sqnare lA.MKSW. OAKKOKD, Attorney at l.avy. l rooms V8, 61 ana Si Commonwealth VI'B UAMUKL W. LDUAK. Attorney -t Lew. I J Otiti c :iii Borncsst . Bcranton, l'a. A VVATRHS, Attorney at laiw. til L.o i.i . aim 1 iiikv Scianton. l'a I'. hJUTil. ( out., el. 1 I at Law. 1 Oi'.cu. room 5t fA M Otiromoawsaltli bonding 1; l l'ICliliK. Attorney at Law. Com mntiwes'th bnllalna, Bernnt'in, ''a. c. COMEQYB, all Burgee at l H. UKPLOQLE, Attorney -LieoH DSKO- 1 t-.ited on real tstat sefinrlty.tQ!! Bprnca. I ) t KILLAM. Attorn at Law, m V.'y- l omlngavenue, Bcranton. ff AVE YOUR DEEDS AND UORTOAUK8 XI written and MBBOWWdOMl b J V. . BROWN1NO, Attorney and Notary ruhlic, 3f LVimmnnwealth BnlMiu'r. RCHOOI.K Oi'llOdL UK T11K LACK AW A.N .A, Beran I' ton. P . prepares boyt. und Kiria for collect or DUMnsat: thoroughly truius childreo catklottuu at request Rav. Troma SI rvvy. WAtTBIt II BOBI.I, Mls-i WORCEBTBR'a KlNDLittlAliTltrV an I School, HI AUama avenun. I'uptit rccetv4 at ail times Next term will open Jauaarv ft lit- M ills ' c LAUBACU, Burgeou Dentist, No, IU I ' . Wynmlnit ave, K M. -1 HATTON, ufflce Coal Bxehaoite LOANS 'Pill. KEPUBLIO Bavlna and Loan Ana 1 on tioii will loan you IB 'hoy on 9B!r tortttt and pay yon hotter on Investment than any Other association Call ou H. S CALL hi N DKK. Diuiu Hank liuildiun- IIIM Iti. S AMI Itl.s i .-.l u AS 1 . 'I'll!-: WESTMiNBTRK llii-21 Wyoming 1 aV. Room heated with Staamt all iiKr irn Improvement c M TmiMAB, Prop IEULKR 8 HOTEL, K! Uckwann avs nuu, Beranloa Hates reasonable. P EiBOLan, Proprtttor Ul EBTMlNttTER Ho I'LL. W. 0. BOHlNCK. Manager Bixtueiith Ptreot, one liluck ,.aat 01' tie .inlwajr. at Union Buuar, New YorU, American pln, a.Viper day and npward r'OVNi: UOUBK. Buroneaii plan; kwA V' looms open day and ninht Bar ii y'ded with thu best. P 11 coyni'.. Pronrlstor DL'RANTOM HOC HE, near II, L 4: W pa O iena9r d.-pot Condneted on the European plan. VlCTOH KOCH, Proprietor j RAMI CLNTRAL 'ma iargtUt BBd Deti saulppd hotel in Alteutowu, Pa ; ratal I and per day V li 1 Ton 0 BAnvvn, I'ropi le tor. AKCH1TW is )AViBll llOCPI, Arclilt.cth Rooms li. If t'fi and i 'oimnoiiweallh o !d it. S, lanton V li WAL'fElC Architect," Library build li nnr Wvoinhcr aenn SciMiiL.ii. L BROWN. Arch R Architect. Piice bniidlne,lBl VeanhiustoTi AvBcranton. V. MMIIMM Ills HOHTDN DT .sWrAlrt'l'WHOLEsAI.E lumher. S and v Dims II, oik hulldiiiaT, fciniiton. l'a j l-.elARllEK HHOTHLRS. PRINTKRB' l supplies, envelopes, paper Lairs, twine. Warehouse, LAO Washington ue. Bcranton, Pa. fOOTS'B LIVERY. I.VI I ( iipousi) avenue. r Wrn plai otrrlBt n L I 'OoTE, tgi Funtrtl Director and Emlialiucr. I 'LANK P, BROWM CO- WHOLE 1 sale ilinlers in Vvoodarare, Cordage avd Oil t'li "e t ii W Lnckaw inns venue UAUER'B oitciiKSTRA ttOaid por Ji iwiis picnics, parti) receptfoua wed Olni;s and ooncert work furnished l or terms ddrt H- J. Rauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave., over Hullwrt's music store K" .RA PlNN it SONS, bu'lTiiers and contrac tors. Yards: Corner Ollvu at. and Adams are : inner Ash st. and l'enn ave , sv-renton ' - . . " . ; SEKDS. rj. R. clark & co, ioedamra, Florists It, and Nnrssrymtni store us w 1 ;i avenue; grcon bouav.iaw North Main avenue; Store lelepliolle tjg TRAI. UhANo UNION 'i La co.. Jones Pro. Willi-; NCIIHKNg, IOS KUETTEL, r.C, LncHawanna iveBtta c ncranion. ra . liiainil r oi v lie Screens Rcsi Cstate. VVV.' . VW, VVvV Wv VWWV VVV NAAi VW V L"OR MALE SLNOLli HoCSK, MO VDINOY r uveiiun; very denrabl locution. Anply (.1. F. REYNOLDS, or W1LLARD, WARREN St KNAPP. ,5wwill BOS modern newsroom tip house, nil Improvements; terms easy; cor tier Madison uvenuu and Duloware street- An j.l v HARRY LEttB l.lUll WILL UUV VERY DE8IRAHI.E LOT corner Madlsnu aveuua and Uei , .e ,r . street Terms easy. Apply mark leu. Connolly &, Wallace We have decided that now i3 an appropriate time for another Great Sale of Cotton Goods Special endeavors will be made in our Domestic DAnartmAnt r- - """liu W v UiHik' ill. J 1 J ll 1 V CU memorable one and a money-saving one for our friends. The special prices will Lis-.! si asw..J r sfMkT n ut t Yn n tt- autt tt nuiu guuu ior uxirs WiSIin. UliiiX. 36-in. Brown Muslins Atlantic P Atlantic A Attfyle ,..!..'.! Amory 36-in. Bleached Muslin liiii Lonsdale Kruit of Loom .... Pride of Wtst Sheetings Sheetings Atlantic, Drown, W Atlantic Drown, ti-4 Atlantic Brown, 10-4 . (lc oc . .7e . tljc . ,70 lie 13c aoo ',"Je Lockwomi BlMobtt), 8 1.., Lock wood Blaaobed, U-4. . , Lock wood Bleached, 10-4 Utica l-:ieachU, S-4 Utica Bleached, t-4 IJUca Bleaclud, 1U-4 ITo . Hie ,'-'lc 'Wc ,23o 20e (Other Liberal Offers Dur ing This Sale. A great pecia.l in WHITE GUODS 'lb. price i 12 I -2c. A rve!ii.,n In v,ilue; wer told lorWc. Cream, White, in slurred aud luce efftcis. A ood, stsple, ttntiblo thing, thi is. 10 picB oC-LNCH WIDK Nainsookf, Plaid and btripps, for aprons and chil dren' dressei. Ycu snve 10c. on every yard you buy 1 5c. t A larjre lio of PRINTED PIQUES 'the correct thin? lor ladies' viBts and children's kilt kirts,etc. i 8c. per yard. Wahav a large line of MAXILLA CREPES, In all the lading shades and lints. I f.c. is cur price eisowber you will pay, li'Jc. At thietiuie, whtn you are cleaui-ig home nnd fixing over a little, you jnav wunt omething new in the 'DrsM?ry La C-. . . . 1 J uue-. vwv our Bisorticont or i-'oin'tet '.ana Silkelinet at 12 .j c. per yarl. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Couri Hous9. flAILROAO TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal unci xoluaivelf, iasut ,ug cltaullnot ana imnfort. TIMC TABU IN BJVECT 1KB. I, ItWi Train leave HcrantOB for Hitli-ton. Wilkes liarre. etc . at H.ln. a.15. II :nj a, in., U3U :(W. UO, S 11, J.g 11.U3 V m buiias e, .UU a ui , 1.00,8.00, 1 .10 p. ui. ror Ailantle City, b io n. m. For New York, Newark and Ellxabeth, 8.19 (isiircsa; a.m.. llilti (Biro With nutlet parlor earj, s itu (express) n, m. Bnndav. 100 p. m. teiu HAVCfl C'm-.VK. Al.l BNTOWH, BBTHLB HBM, EAMOBtanjI I'IIILALiLI.I-iiia, s.lij a in.., aiW, (except l'blluaeloaia; p in. Sunday, UOOje m. For LOBO BrAMCB, OOBAN QBOVE, etc., at B.I0a m., r.aip pi. For Heading, Lebanon aad Harribburtr, via Alientown, b.lU a. in., 12.30, 5.U0, p.m. S.iiidsv, IMOp-m. For 1'ottsvllle. b.loa. m.. o :iii p. m. Ueturning, leavu New York, foot of Liberty Street, North river, at hi 10 (express; a. in., Mil, 1.30. A.m (express with, liotle: purlor con p. BV Sundny. i:s u. in. Leave Philadelphia, houiilui? Terminal, ii.uo n. in . -'.(JO aud 1 SU p. tn, Sunday, 0.X7 a. in. Through tickets to an points t lowoit ratew nay be bud on application iu advuucu to the thliut auviit at the station. 11 e BALDWIN, lien lal AgsoU J. II OUIAI'SL:;, lien Hlllit. You can get a Mattress made to or der at Factory Prices. WB ARE RETAILING. The Scrantori Bedding Co. Telephone call, . DBUAWAHB, LACSAWANMA o ectru j ...ii. f EHIQa VALLEY KA1LBOAD. ' Ieu li, M;. Train leaves Bcranton for Pliilude-lpbia an 1 New York via. U & ! B H at a a.m . U 10, and 11 oi p. ui via I) , L. at V. H. K , UUU, 9.U6,ll.0a, in., and 1..1I p. in. Leaie Bcranton for Pittston ami Wilkss ll.nre vie !.. L W. i rt.. u.uo, slta. II a. in , 1 80, 3.ii. 0.117, y. p, in. leave Bcranton for white Ha, en. Hatleton, Pottavillo and all points on ;l:u Beavgf Meadow and I'ott-v ille brunches vial W V .UHIs.iu . v.n U. II. B K. at N am.. lilO, V- hi p. in . via h,L i V. It, it., U.UU, s.Ub ll.JUa D) I :sl. p.ui l.eavo Bcranton tor Bethlehem, Eat ton Heading. Harrisbiirir and sli Intermedjat points via D i H. H. U.haiu ,12 lu. S;.h. 11.33 pin ,vla U. L. Jc W. K R.,O.00,t.0B, 11 :Wa. in , 1 WJ p m. Leave Beranton for Tunkhtanoolc, To wan 1 1, Flmiiu. Ithaoa, Uuukvii nud all iutoriii.'Ui it i Kjillts via O, i II It 11,1' o? a in. ti 10 ami II p. in.. via O. U it W. R It.. !es IH..I.W p. mi Leave Bcranton for Kochetter. Batuio, gara Falls, Uetr-it. Chicago and uiipointi west via li s II K. U. g.0! t-.m..K. 10, gi P. ui. via L). L. A W. It. R. mid Pittston Junction. 8 Os a in., 1 ;w SI i p. iu . Vic. E J: W. It K.. 3.41 p. in. for Ehnlra and tat west via Baltmviei, vU ' '. .V it it It HUT a.m., lit lo .0.15 p. m . v a 1) I.. & W. H. li. . .0Si; in . 1 :Uud O.'l? p Ui. PnUnaa parlor and leptng orL. v. obair tar on all train between L.B Jaactiooor Wilkes Barre and New York. PbtladslpM, ilarTalo anil Scspeiioo'i KlUtc,, Kol.HN II WILBUR. Oen Sup:. EsstDiv ('HAS S, E line Pas. A t. Phlla.l'i A W NONNEMACHER.Ass't OsnPatt Ag't, -outh Bethlebem, IV litL.iWAKK AM) UL'U 81 'N RAlLilnAU. ConinMncing May oo. i'1-. trains will ran as follows: Trains leave Bridire street stat, oa. Bcranton, for Pitta. . .. tl-,,, r, . ... u ... iy - I'JIIU I n use- niti re. eic. - m fTf '-: 8T, 1043 a m., 12.10. SB B ' '" Wii on. . UW r and ll M p in Iff For New Yoik andPhlla t'elpbia. t nua. in . IS 10. . ii, l'. l and ll.tal p m For Houesdalei iron Plawar.Laokawanna ai.d weatnrn depot i, " oj, S.tX lu lu a.m , 11,00 iu . s IT. ft 10 p. in. Foi cm i o.idnle and Intermediate station, .'..HI. T 00, ). 10. lei a. in . 12.00 iu .2 IT. ii 2V, In. V.20 and 9 85 p. in . (row l-ride0atret Dmu', tM a. m.. t.i'and H IS p. in. Fsst eiiires to Albany, Saratoga, the Adl H ndaok Hountalnt, Boston and Sew England point. 5.40 in., arrlviai at Albany U.4I sum tuna 2 -5i ie in , and lea vine Boraaton at I p m., arriving at Albany Btd-ftOp m., sura tuea. 12.60 a in . and B sto i. T im ii. iu Tin- only ui; ed route bel Wi n the coal Heidi lUd Boston "The l.eadlnir Tourists' Rout of America'' to the Adirondack Mountain re Miits. Lusi s (.icoi'iic. and Cliainpliiiti. Montreal, etc Time tallies showing local and tin.. null train eei i ice between station oa U di iakw Dla. War and Hudwn mtem, may be obtalued a, all Delaware and Hudson tlckut ". -H. ( tOUNU, .' W lirUDK'K, Second Vice President lieu. Pass. Ant. THE FROTHINGHAM Frlda in I Saluruay. Mirch 3d & i I. Saturday llatinoo at '.'.30 o'clock, C B JEFMBBON KL.w i hiiLA.NGthi t toEDY COMPANY W ill prssmt Olen HcLiOLouih s Merry Cemedy, THE PRODIGAL FATHER NoFanuier, N'o Ucrrlsr.No Jollier Com.-dy. The entire New York isst wijl be seen at " he rrotbiugaam. II, Tie.. SUc and Sic, Jtatuieg Tc. ftoc.ift-. andg'ic r... u v l 7-. v. ' .r.-i"1-.-" v. a-ww ioii.uii.1 uu pomes chsi. 1,00, .W, 0 lc, ft on aud a. w : It 85 aud 3 50 p, m Lipres lor Easton. Trenton. PtiilKdeiuhia : BUd the, South, HIS, S.UJ and U ii a m ; Via and H oj p ne Washington and way stations. 2,40 p. m Tobybanna accomniodatloii, (.lop. nt ,Expr ss for Biogbamton, Oawtgo, Ehnlra. C oralng, Bath, DUUVUI, Mount Morris aLd ' Buffalo, 12 11. 2 lo a. a, and 1 24 p. m.. mafclng , SS ponCtion at Buffalo to all points la th West. Northwest and SoUthwett. Buffalo accoiiiinodulioii 001 a in BiiiBhumton and way stations. 12.17 p. m. ' Nicholson and war Itatlona 5.4 p. m. Blntihamtou and Elnnra Expiess. 005 p, lu. KxpreaS for Cortland. Syracuse. Oswego, i I'tica and Lichfield Springs.''. 15 a m. and 1.21 P. Ithaca. '.' 15 and 0,1 0 a. m and ti p iu. For Northnniberiaud. Pittston, Wnkes Barro l'iliuoiith. Bloouisburc and Danville, maaing J close ooiineciloiis at Nortbuiubei'Uud tor I wulianuport, Harriaburg, Baltimore, Wash luutoo and the Si.oth. Northumberland and intermediate stations, 0.00. V50 a m and 1 30 and 60T p. fu. Nnnticoke xud Intermediate station. S( 1 and 11.20 a m Plvuioutb and lntermedlatj I stations. 3 fto and 0,8)0. in. Piillmau parlor and sleeping COtch on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tlm i tables I etc.hpp'v toil. L Smith, citv ticket utile!.. I BBj La bb wanna ayenu, or depot ticket oitic. I - - .-,n, .,uuu D '.UUIIUJ pRlE AND WYOMINQ VAl.i.K, RAIL AMERICANS ABROAD Ij t.ilAll .... I , . . SlerolO,,., f. .. V .. u. V . I- ....I in trmalat polnta on th Erie railroad at 0.06 a. in. uiiii ji in. .Also ior iiawiey ami local points at AK6,t.45aad 321 p.m. Train leaving at 0.4 ni ana 121 p. tn. tare through tralaatoand Irom UontMal. Tiaiu- le.iVe tor Wilkes -Burro a! 0 ii a. in aud 3 ii ti. m. .MUSIC. MAIL 'ii). ACADEMY OF 1 III 11sjja Mi( BUR41USDER calli speeni attMtionto too great enioymtai ot the performance DANLRoSSan'o8 company, -':e-':,: comedy cc. PrntlB( with special s.-euery aad !) orata details same .is riven lor one enure season 111 .Sow lork. ! anion's. (.'.,n,H uaua Hamsun, j h. oilmura, Uertrude ' Aiii ' I v ' ainaaird, utorif. Yili i- . , . ""''ii raucen, i na AMU, l-uu-rnk l onger. Mw Elliott t'age, ,A-.., ."i.. ' aaguu cl.alel . K .lone. jP-fciAt pith ' " 0llry,ia;BUioBrM slid .5; first Boor, T.ior i'l ACADEMY OF MUSIC FHIDAY, MARCH 30. Robinson's Sons' Ml'RANTilN ITlsION. In I ll. ci January CMlh. IKD4. .Vurih nonnil. fill (on Hi Bouud. .02 e0 S Lager Beer Brewery ilanuiacturcrs of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbis. Pet Annum, K.turu and tlnai ptrfamnuict tan season. "A Qreat Success " THE CRUST OF SOCIETY iBy siieciai arrncnint with Mr lotin Stetson). TlliRURY, A Hi III it LEWIfl, ELIZA PRUCTOR OTIS AMI A COUPLSTB C'liMFASV I'laCKH 51. T5 5Jan.i -.'5 cents, Sal ..pens Wedaetda 2011 207 Wi I s- ?. S 8 1 :- t (Trull s Hull) , Ks- 5 fi3 C-S B ? wpthunday j - q S r .liil.r uni e- T lio X Y Franklin St. . . 7 in West 4tiid ttrati . .. r w wwlwwkiio I t m Arrive Lravc a o ; M MO a' v aiArnve i.i.nen , . M "820 .. li'Sl'lancci, .iuuctiou'li in' .... og h io . i ou Uaacocg pt .... it T- ... IU5SI StilllUbl It) .... S T 51 ... 12 Mi Preston Park .... ii 7 4 .. I.MT COtnn GDI ... g4 r (tn ... itii Poyntell : .... g&o t tM .... lv! Ji Uilinoiit 0 45 . ..Igts Tin .... '2 la Flettant Rt, its .... j oi f7 Iff !... 112 in Fill lidulo I'OW ... 8 IN TOM- all.'" rOratt ll)' '7 Ida a -1 Iff 651 6!-ll4l C'UltKi.liIll c 7V4 0 10 3:11 13 I- ' Ill 11) Willie lllldge 7 7 ! s IS 1. t) 13 15 vg .... i Mil) Held f H ID VI n 43 0 411 5 21)11 .H:l Jci myii ,7)11 U mi 46 oav iiiiiss Archibald i74oiCiSsm ttt I I"!'-' Wliiliin T42l(M'2M 0 gJ 517 11 21 Fcolivlllo 7 48 111 HI. S H9 ttt 5 0! 1 11" OlvpUilUt 7 5110 15 4 0 titliAO 1115 Dickson 7 M 111 17 4i" fC Iff1 -I ft- 11 It Tbruiii 7 r,o 10 to! 4 Id e 15 I ', ,1 I.. Fl ivlilci ' HI lc 01 14 f6iHf4 5i . . 1'urk 1'iace ngiug;i4ir 0 10 1 4 50 II Of. hcranton I i 0) lu so 4 2 r ae a m Leave Arrive a ka m r a All ti sins run dally except Sunday, f r.l.'i llles that trains stop ou signal tor pas longer. Additional trains leave CaiO.uiduIn for BOran ton 1.10 aud 0.15 p. ui . arriving at frcrunton i.5g tod 7 00 Leave BOrantOn for t'ai b oiiluio 6 .10 aud s io rrlvlug at i si Ii uidslc at 7 30 and tM p. in fvcure rates Ma O'llarto a Western brfore pmcUaslug tickets aiid save money Day and tiiugt aiprB to thi wear 1,0, ADaoraan, Oen. Fass aft, T. gUtcrutt. Olv. 1 ass, Agt Bcrauton, Pa. oK SB f i re i "VrCE, Weak connMaciBg ioma. UAUCttaA HON DAT, TUESDAY AN I) WKI).NKs.DaY, Heproiuction of thu Grandest Scenic and Sen.itional Drama Jer pres.Mted a: tins hou, Under the Gaslight Sen the Wharl Scene, the Railroad Seen tad the Bowery Dance. Tlll'KSDAV FRIDAY A.D BATURDAY, Mr. llus Homer's Draanttliation of Jules Verne's Groat Story. Michael Strogoff ADMISSION, io.v.0 smi 10 CENTB Periormanci e every afternoon, except Mon davi anil Thursdays, at tM, and every even lucat s 15. Doois open at Lwand MWr M ou Theatre i WO PBRFORMIRCES DAILY SVi.LK COKtlENCIKQ MARCU27. What Is More Attractive Tbun u pretty face with a trh, bright complexion? ror it, uso Pououi's Powder DON'T FORGET That we are headquarter foi evei vthing In th,. lino or wvwhks. ff you have any ides of piirchosiiin imv kind ot a Watch, iatlv aor gent's. Hold or Silver, you will msko a itrlov ou mistake it you do not give, a a call mi l get our pricen, which you will find lar IkjIow all oltiei H, especially in all Ih high grades of i- .1" ' . i ( 1 1 . i . und lliiiupdon BtOVnnte If you hava any dOUOt a id are ut nil ptsited on pnoa1v naa eall and ws wtU have no Uoublo lnconviiifltng you. Wo uMll have a large (dock io dlspo-o of, and will oiler yon won dertul laawNgnentl lu Jewelry, Silverware. Clocks and all other noods which we have iu stock C. W. Freeman 1 ' u 1 1 Ave. .ii, : i uoi) St. Return of Sciuuton's Favorite, MISS FLORA STANIFORD IN TWO liRKAT FLAYS. Tuesday, Wcdaesday and Thursday. Bt'ust Lvime v Kr.Jay Iftd SalurtUy, FACTORY GIRL i Tho Two Qrt l'layi w 11 bo elegantly tgd and costumed. Admission, 10, 20, 30c. Door open at 1.10 and T Pertortnanor at -' N and I i JMTOHEHARTIMH yiib boutu WuMnftan Avenue, i Coatraotor ami builder .f Coaeret Fi.ii;gini& i C'ouervio Hlmki, Potato, llutter an 1 (."oil ! Hills, Wet l ellaie dried up. 0Mr may bo left at TBMPN i 1'ratt. Wlil auik tt Co.. Main aud Fyuoii Streets, Of at Hcr.inton : Btovo Works, Alt Foundations. Clstarus. Fish Wire 'funnels and Cottlus. Flagging for liaruca Walk
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers