THE SCRANTON TBIBUNE-WEDNESDAT MORNING. MARCH 28. 1S04. 8 EEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE 6EMUIHE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS B. & Co., ImpHnlM rn F.'.nti C'gar. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. (una HOUsK bUUAMK, DR. H. B. WARE BPF.CIAM8T. EYE, EAB, NOSE ANU THROAT. CFFICE HOURS :l?iTO-k '35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL. I?, u. Loomis it in New ork on fcusi Hess. E Shoemaker, ot BingUaraton, was in ttio city yesterday, B, B, Estebrook, ot Carbondale, mi in the city yesterday. Henry It. .lad win. of t':irtoud;ile is per tor mi nil jury duty. J. B. Williamson. ot W illiatnsport, was in Scranton yesterday. tv 8. Kennedy, of Shamokin,wai jester day h Borauton visitor. '. a. rain.-, of Wilkes-Barre, was en Rscii on botmets here yesterday. William E Ah. of Lexington, and T. White of York, are at the Wyoming, Mrs. L L Williami left yesterday to viit friends and relative! la New York. The engagement of John it. Hnghei and Miss Bertna Longshore is annoanced. w. L. Malln, of Bellefonte, and K C, Kinp, of oitoona, wore in Scranton yester day. Assist tant City Engineers Heaij and Sberwood are on the sick iit and unable to attend to their duties. J. A. Taylor and P, a. Buokley, Lanes boro; A. D, Linrty an 1 O. B, Oeorge, Will lams port, are at the Valley House, L. P. Wedeman, of Forest tltv; Cbarlet P. Sobuller.of Honesdale.and B L Stuart, of fill bond tic. are at tho Westminster. Frank W, Martin, who, with his sitr. was summoned to Newark hut week lr the death of an aunt, returned yesterday City Editor James O'Connor, of the Truth, and Miss Minnie Well m will in married at 10.80 tins morning at St. Pe tri's citb"drul. Rev. Geo me W, Powell, of -New ork city, th- eloqueut preacher and lecturer, will occupy the pulpit of the All Soul's church on Sunday, April 1. Th- reverend gentleman is quite well known in Scran ton, having preached ia All Soul's church toon after its dedication iu the spring of I860, DUNMORE. The Odd Fellows' ball presented a gala tceue last night, the occasion b? inif the fourth annivsrtary ball of ieor;e M. Wallace division, No. 883, Brotherhood of Riilroad Trainmen, The Delaware, Lack iwann i & Western, Delaware Hu iJon Canal company, Lehiii Vallev, Central Rulrosd of New Jersey were represented, visitors arriving from Jersey City,Bingbamton, Cirbouda'.e. Wilkes-Barre and ether railroad terminals. The bail was handsomely an ! artisti :ally decorated. As visitors entered the door he was greeted by a banner bearing tii in scription "Wi Icome." wuile all around the hall arraigned In oesutiful pro fusion wre lighted lauterns i.i v.irious hu-s and bleu ling to gether causing one to imag ine himself suddenly transformed to a veritable fairy land. Mingling among the sparkling lifht wer the various siunal liiis used In raiirol service. Overshadowing all whs "Old Glory ' draped in sraceful folds iu ev ery available nook, while festoons of rid, white and blue wera strung from pillar to wall, meeting at the middle of the ball in a ban Itome center piece of liajis and lanterns. At 9 o'clock sharp tb' ball opened with a grand inarch. From th-n until approaching day break called the knlghtt of the railroad to rest tne hall presented a tciine of ijayetv. and the fourth annu il bnllof the George M. Wallace lodge paste I, long to b- remembered by those in attendance as th grandest terpni choretn aff air that Ijiinniore has ev-r witnessed. John liaynes acquitted himself admirably in the position of master of ceremonies and was ably as sisied by Frank Oribben. The tl aor committee whs in charge of George Brink. The committee on arrange ineuie was M J. O'Hara, H P, Plain. M. Kelly, F. McLougblin, J ii. Hay net. The borne of Kngineer A C Snydtl whs tiie NCene of an agreeable surprise on Monday evening, his frinls in George U Kmitn dlition, Brother bood nl Locomotive Engineers, having assembled In honor of bis fortyninth birthday, and to present him with an el"gunt "irru chair. About twenty coupli wd present and the evening ws whirled away in a pleasant man ner. Lou Van Wormor attended an Bisttr In p at Port Jervis last night. W. L. Porcell spent Sunday at Ply mouth Tbt wedding of Miss Mry MoDon- noli, of this pbic, and Thomas Walsh. of Avoc a, occurred yesterday, Mrs Chsrl-s Csrroll.of Butler street, is rapidly recovering from her lulu se rious illness. Henry Bolgar. of Buffalo, Visited his brother. Polio offl-j-r Bolgar.on Mon day. The Druggists' MSOOiation of Scran ton and Dm, morn yesterday decided to ilssist iu the Sunday observance move ment by advising its members to limit their Sanday tales to m"iicines only. Wanted Younir Mn nnri Woman Out of Employment. We beve had a good yenr. To meet the demands of the school extra teacbert were, employ iid- they are with us now. Over 600 young men and women uro out of em ploy men t m Bcranton, This xpuug ami summer we propose to take these young people in our school on assy terms, Tbn deinnnd for people Is not groat in nny lino, but count up the people Who do clerical work id all the offices, Stores, banks and man u lactones, and sen what an nrray of book-keepers, stenographers and clerks are employed. These persons ere the business men of tomorrow. Hundreds of your frlenils have been at the college and hundreds have succeeded. The faithful ones win; the Inattentive fad. Take these uext few months and learn book-keeping or stenography) brash up in grammar, spelling, arithmetic! keen your eye on penmanship, gel a gooil knowledge of notes, drafts, checks; know Something of commercial law, and wind up with the business practice. You have, the time come iu mid see ns. Wood's Coi.i.koe Of BusiilMS and Siioht- Hand. F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. m - New Bicycle. A now Mcycls worth ?7o will be sold for 85. The machine ia guaranteed ami is a rare bargain. Machine may be seen ut the Tribune oilice. II nnni rESTS NEWSFROMWESTSIDESimiTHS TIL E OP WOE'HOTES OF SOUTH IE Happening; of a Day Tint Will Ilttmt Hyde Park ReadiM. POLICE DO A E!G BUSINESS Every Cell in the Station House Taken Family War ot the Timniins' Duo to Jealousy Two Interesting and Enjoyable Social Events An nual Meeting ot Stockholders of West Side Bank Other Matters. The Wast Side of!W of the Soawroi nuBum i located t ijs south Main ave nue, where subscriptions, advertisement! and communications will receive prompt attention.! The tinn cells of the West Side sta tion house were all OCCUpie 1 last even ing fur the tint time in iuhiiv months Early In the evening the police were notified of a family row in Decker's court, and on going to the scene found the disturbance to be In tbo'hotn of Robert Timtnins, Mr. and Mrs Tim niins were drunk and engaged in a lively tiuht. the cause of which was William Reese. Officers Baltryand Costlett on Striving at the place found Reese on the bed, with his face be smeared with blood, the result of a bout With Timtnins. The trouble was prompted by jealousy and strong driqk, The parties wore ukeu to the sta tion house. Shortly afterward a man came to the precinct and sk d to se the Timmins family He again returned bringing with him tome lunches for them This time he w is under the influence of liquor, and when requested by Sergeant Williams to retir. be became indignant and re fused to leave tne place Ho was placed oeliiud the bars. His nam is Ureeu. A man In an intoxicated con dition was found at the corner of Main avenue and Price street last evening by Constable Timothy .iones. lie was l icked up. The sixth victim w i a man Who camj to the station hntlte and asked lor a drink For the implied in sult and his intoxicated condition ho was locked up. Two Boolsty Events. Mr. and -Mrs. W W. Smith, of 149 Smth Rebecca avnue, entertained friends on Monday evening The house wis neatly furnished and daucitlg and games were iudnlged in until midnight i When refreslim-nts were served. Music Was rendered on the mandolin, violin and guitar, Those present were Mr. an 1 Mr J, E, Kemmerer, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jones, Mr aud Mrs Will - lam 11 li-ese, .Air and Mrs. Charles Stevens. Mr. and Mrs, William Mad den, Misses Emma Trsa, Lena Gel bart, Carrie and Gertie Barley, Emma Becker, Ids Thompson. Hattio Brown, Myrtle Thomas, Fannie Smith, Sproatt, L A. Reese, Tom Tnouias, Professor Andrews. Charles Gdbers, Charles Tariimu. Dr. Oeorge B Reyn olds, i'eter Biker, Dannie Hogbes,. Watkin Morgans Fred Evans, Wiil iam Morgan and Philip Martin, The borne of Benjamin F. Evans, on South Main avenue, was a scene Mon day evening of n celebration in the shape of a farewell patty. About twelve conplss of young popl congtegated at the hoiiie. where mirtii reigued su preme until n late hour. Miss Mirv Harris presided at the pi-mo and fur nished several selections during the evening. Refrtsbments were s-rveil iu a seasonable hour. Mr. and Mrs. Evans will in ike their future houia on Washington avenue. Elec'ion of Trustaei. The anuuil msetingof the stock holders ;f the West Side bank Wat held on Monday evening at the rooms of the bank. Judge E I wards was ap pointed OUairmao Of the evening. The annual report showed the earnings of the bank to have increase 1 during the year, notwithstanding the depr-ssion of trs le. D. Divies, Richnrd Nichols and W. Oiylor l Thomas were elected to Berve as trustees for a period of three years, nnd contractor W. It. Wil !iiia was elected to serve the ua expired term of two years caused by the resign it ion of Judge Edwards Tue boar 1 will reorganize this eveniug. Personal and Otherwise Samuel D. Pettit, of North lihcc avenu, stenographer and typ" wriUr, left yesterday morning for New York, whore be baa accepted a lticrstive posi tion Worthy Carver, of Glen Lvon, visit -el friends on the West Side during the past few days. Robert Morris lolgo Order of Ameri can True Ivorites, will hold aspcinl meeting tomorrow evening nt Clark's H ill on S.tith Main avenue. Hr. D, lj Aqnlno, of Elmhorst, called on West Side friends yesterday. Miss l!r(inwi;ii Joseph, of Sooth ily le Park avenne, is recovering from a se vere illness, John M Jenkins, of Danville, is a guest of William V. Griffiths, of North Snmntr avenue. The MarqnetttS, a prominent West Side social organization, will give a eel ct social in St. David's ball on Morth Main avenue on Thursday veoing, April 5 At Mean' hall las', evening the mas qnsrade social of the trlqnoit Social club was held. At promptly ! o'clock tbs gran 1 march was begad and niHtiy novel oostnmes were seeo, Music was furnished by Professor Johnson, The entertainment and social to be given by the Lilies' Aid society of the Jackson Street Baptist church this evening promises to bo a very enjoy able affair. Their will bo voeal and instrumental music, including solos and dnttS, Sixteen young girls will perforin funny military maneuvers un der the leadership of Miss Sarah A Jones. Itnoittions will be iriven and the affair will close with refreshments of cake and coff a lee cream will be ( tiered for aalo. AMUSEMENT NOTES. Iu the present Held of p dit-i com idv, no plav ever made a vreater success in New York than did Victorian Sir Ion's play, "Americans Abroad," which held the stuge of the New York Ly ceum Theater the entire year. Sines the first night, the theater bud a success of crowded housed. It has proved a most distinct triumph. It was especially written for Daniel Frohnian. and will he presented here by his admirable oomedy ompVnv, at the Academy of Mime tnnjorroy BVs ning. "The Crust of Society" will be pre senteil at the Academy of Music F'ri day evening for the second time by Ar thur Lewis, .file Tilbury, Elite Proc tor Ous and a strong oast, which in cludes Miss Lydia Thompson, Char lotte Neilxon, Annie Young. John Flood, Henry BsyntOn, Frank An drews and (ieorge Hobiiison. The in terpretation they givo of the pitce is n brilliant one. Said That Byron Ktsson Drew a Jmy Favor able to Lehtgb Valley Company. HE OBJECTED TO HIS ACTING Court Said There Had Been Too Many Charget Made Against Court Olticials Without Any Proof Doing Ottered to Substantiate 1 hem. Wanted Some Form ot Proof to Back Op Allegations in Future. Another of the eeries of sensations t hut have marked the progress of the lumens Jennings cases against the Le high alley Railroad company was sprung on the court yesterday bv At torney Cornelius Smith, who repre sents Mr Jennings, The suit of John Jennings, father of James Jennings, who was injured In the Mud Run accident on Oct III. ISss was Called for trial yesterday morn ing. Mr. Jennings suns the Lehigh Valley company to recover damages fof the Iofs. of his son's services Wti-Mi the esse was culled Attorney Smith ob jected to allowing Protbonotary Myron KtSSOn tO draw the jurors In the ciise, allying thai he was iii sympathy with the Lehigh alley oompauy and on the last trial of the suit of tho younger Jennings, by means ot an adroit trick ilrew a jury that was tavorable to the company The court asked Mr Reason what be bad to say concerning the aosnsatlon and be replied that the charge was wholly unwarranted and that the jury had been drawn strictly in nc OOrdailOt With law. Ho said that the whole matter was a produot of Mr Smith's imagination I XPRB8SION OF TIIE COURT. Judge Arohbnld said that at previous trials Mr Smith had made aspersions against the character of officers of the court, but had failed to sustain them They hid been founded on a suspicion, and he objected to auv further charges which attack the honor and integrity of the court without tome manner of proof being offered to sustain the state ments. Major Warren, of counsel for the Lehigh Valley company, then asked for a continuance of the case, stating that Mr Smith was in the habit of making charges before the'jnrors for the purpose of prejudicing their minds against tne company. Jnde Arch bald refused to allow the continuance and directed Mr. Kasson to draw a jurv, which was snt down into court room No. 3 to try the case before Judge Sitlser. So ended another of the Smith sensa tions. Mr. Jennings claims $1,000 for loss of his son's services, $300 for bis daugh ter's services as nurse and $100 for medicine and medic i! attendance, uTllliR 0A8E8 HKAltD The suit of Richard Ross against Frank M. Cobb to rtcover jloij wanes tint is alleged to be due Rose' son bv Mr. Cobb, was tried before Judge Schuyler and a verdict for the defend ant returned. When court adjourned a suit by Mr. Koss against John Cobb was on trial. Mr. Rott claims (80 from Mr. Cibb for ids sou's set vices. David Greening nnd Evelyn Jones obtained verdicts against James Ger fus, the former for $17.4 and the lat ter l!l They are wages claims. A verdict fcr the defendant was returned in th- case of Miss li. O'Mslley against Frank Carpenter, A similar verdict wss returned in the cas of Michael Fitzpatrick against Frank Mover When the court adjourned the in terplesder case of Frederiok Dnrr against D U. Replogle was on trial before Judge Arch bald. The cas- of Patrick Scanlou against William P, Yarns occupied the atten tion of Judge Archbald in conrt ropm No. 1 during the greater portion of the day. Attorney R J. Beamish appeared for the plaintiff and Attorney John K Jotius represented the defendant. The case arose through the alleged agree ment made by the defendant to pay Scanlou a fair price for work done on his cellar wdl nnd building, con structed In Arobbald borough in the fall of lslij Scanlou claimed that he worked 867 hours, and that '.'Il cnts per hour was but a fair compensation. Yarns contended that the agreement was that Soanlon was to be p-tid $20 for his sorvices. An amusing feature of the case was that tho defendant could not read his own handwriting, nor even identify his own signature, although be wore spectacles. After borrowing Mr Beamlsh's eye-glaaaei, however, sod placing them next his own, be was enabled to state to a cer tainty that tho epistle was bis own. The jury retired at -i o'clock SIGNOR MULL 13 DEAD. Expired In St. Louis Where He Went Afti Liaving Boranton, Slgnor Mull, the singer whose re markahle career In this city is well re m : :b rd, is no mole, his demise bav In,; o:uttrred few days since at St. L s. A 1?. v months ago this man's mag nificint tenor voice won him many ad mirers iu this olty, He was also well known in Wilkes fiirre, having at one time taught n large class of pupils there. He left this city suddenly about five months ago. and when next liard from was in St Louis, where, it is Claimed, he afterward married a lady of wealth and position, ' s PARDON FOR WALLACE SNOW. Hoard at Rarrltburf Komnnnrln That Hs Be Released. The board of pardons at llarrisburg yesterday rssemmended that Wallace Snow be granted a pardon. Snow was convicted of being itnpli OSted In the robbery of Spencer's pay office at Dunmors and was sentenced to three years imprisonment in the eastern penitentiary, where he now is. Over one half of his term hae expired His case was presented to the board by Attorney R, J. Beamish, 4- leranton's Business Interacts, TH TBIBUNI Will SOOn publish a enre- fully complied and olauiOed list ot the leading wholesale, banking, inaniifactiir Inganu professional Interests ot Bcranton andvicibity, Tim edition will be bound in bonk form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure vlewa of our pnbllo nulld ings, business blocks, street l, ,(;., together With portraits of leading cltlStns, No similar work hus ever given nn eipml rep mentation of Boranton't ninny Indue tries. It will bo an Invaluable eipoaition of our business resources. Kent to persons outside tho city, copies of i Ins handsome work will attract new comers and bo au Unequalled advertisement of the city. The rfrcu latiou is on n plan that cannot fail of go- d results to those concerned as well ns the city at large. Repreesutati veeot Thi Tbjbi k will rail upon THOS1 WHOSS RAHKS are QlSIHin in this edition nnd explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of thoir residences in thi-edition will please I avo notice nt tbe oftlce. HappiDilljl cl a Day That Will Interest liny Iribooi Rtiileri CONCERT AT GERII1ANIA HALL II Provet lo Be a Delightful Affair. Hall Was Thronged Case Against Myles Varley Ignored by the Grand Jmy Prosecutor Bucko Did Not Put in an Appearance Crane-Mel- vin Nuntials Other Notor. Tim concert at Gertnsnla Hall last night under the auspices of the phurotl choir of the Hickory Street, Presby terian church was auccassfnl In svery particular. The music was notably excellent and the applause of the audi ence was appreciative Special men tion of the work of Schmidt's orchestra ia deserved, the leader of which lakes a trout rank among the musicians of this stale. Tha biggeat burden of the arrangements for tha concert fell upon John Lenten, the organist at the church , mill it is due to hia enterprise nnd energy that the affair sucoeede I SO well. Get iu una Hall was thronged, mid if it were twice as Urge tbe Heat ing capacity would have been ex bnusted, Crane Mtdvin Nuptial At 10 o'clock yesterday morning the marriage of Miss Margaret Crane to James Melvin was performed in St, Joseph's churob, Minooka, by Rev. D II. Green. Tho bride wore s blue traveling suit and was attended by Miss Mary Mcllule, of Jeffersm avenue, who was attired in cream color silk Botbbrideand her attendant carried beautiful bouquets of Merinet roses The groom and bis best man were dressed In black Mr, Melvin was at tended hy bis luother, Edward Melvin, oi Cedar avenue, After tbe Odremony, which was witnessed by a large gather Ing of spectators, the bridal party was driven to the residence of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. James Crane, Where a Wedding breakfast was served. The young couple took the noon train for Philadelphia to spend their honey moon und will return next Saturday They will begin housekeeping in Duryea, where Mr Melvin hu charge of the outside department of the Will lam ConnoH Coal company. Prosecutor Did Not Appnar The indictment against Myl-s Var ley, of Minooka, for assaulting Motor man John J. Burke at the scene of the street car accident .in Minooka on St. Patrick's Day, wis Ignored yesterday by the grand jury. When the case was called for bearing the prosecutor was not on hand to push the care and it was ignored aud the cost.s imposed him. Unless the warrnnt is reissued, the matter ends with the disposition of the case yesterday. Personals, William J, Lavelle, of Wilkes-liarre, visited his mother at Cedar avenue and Maple street yesterday Miss Margaret Melvin, of Remington avenue, will leave at noon tomorrow for Philadelphia, where she will re main for the summer. John Gardner, of i'ittston, is visiting Professor Thomas J. Coyne, of breck street. Shorter I , i ph. The meeting at Callarv's arcade of the citizens ol Minooka and the npper end of tbe Twentieth ward, aim iuuced for this evening at 7 :f I, has been post poned until Saturday night. A '- year-old son of Morris Mangan, of Minooka, died yesterday, and the funeral will be this afternoon at :; o'clock. Interment iu St Joseph's cem etery. The concert at tho Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal cnuroh last night was financially a success and delighted the large audience that attended Mrs Myers and Mrs. Clearwater were the prims movers and are entitled to all the credit of the worthy undertaking. The members of Columbus council, No. 17!t, Young Men's institute, decid ed at a meeting Monday night to re ceive holy communion in a body with uniform next Sunday morning, at the T o'clock mats, iu St. John's church. NOW MR. JLUMaTS PROPtRTV. Transfer Hade of th- Betd Pi opirty Ad j inlrK forest House Site. It oan now bo authoritively announced that John Jermyn bus bought and possesses the deed of the Reed property adjoining the Forest house site This statement was substantiated by Mr. Jermyn to a Tribune reporter last night, The transfer was made by ('. J, an 1 Sii. iicer D. Ho-rl yesterday through their attorneys, Patterson and Wilcox The property bought has a frontage of fifty feel on Wyoming avenue and is 175 feet in depth. Tha price has not been divulged but it is understood that Mr Jermyn bis held out standing offer of $50,000 for tbe plot, Thm Tribune reporter asked .Mr Jermyn what tho real price was He a.,id. "I cannot tell yon; hut the property is now mine and 1 possess the dee I," "Was the consideration as much as $30,000 If " be wns asked. "That, also," he said, "1 am not in a position to answer. " Wnile not prepared to tpsclfy the changes. Mr. Jermyn stale I that the plans nt the new hotel structure would be altered to accord with the addi tional land To Who n Ii May fome-n. Removal of Gilbooi't carriage workt to 810, B8I, fUU, :c'i North Seventh tireet, op posite Central Railroad of New Jersey depot ' . MciliMDK's new Turmsh bn'h. Every thing now, fiisi Spruce Street, opposite Court House. Dunlap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN, A Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. ADMIRERS OF THE WORK. From a Few of tha Hundreds Who Pralce tha BriiAimlca The copy of the reprint of the ninth and last edition o! the Encyclopedia Britannlca offered by 'I'm-: Tkiiu'.nk at the price and easy terntl oi payment should Und a place in every home. In no iuij can that amount of money be expended so judiciously on books. The "American Additions," and la'est maps with itt good paper and bindiog renders it preferable to tbe expensive 1185 edition. w. US. Alum, Physician aud surguou. Within the past two yearn, or during the month of June, isw, 1 purchased tbe Scr Inner edlilou of the Encyclopedia Brit- annu a at (5.0H per Volume, bound in cloth, Sl.iHi lor llio set, w . a. Paws, m. u. The Britannlca is unquestionably the leader iiiouug Encyclopedias. The kuIi jects are fully and authoritatively treated. The edition offered by The Ti.iih .m-: ex cels in lieing supplemented to date, and the Uexlble binding renders It, I should lliiiik, very servioeabli The price and plan of paying makes Its Introduction into most homes posi Ible. Tlie school liny and girl should be on the alert to possess it. I). A. BTONC Principal Uchool sm. Referring to tbe Encyclopedia Britan nlca offered by Tux 'i i hu nk, I consider il an excellent work. I have the Edinburgh edlilou, which cost me III per volume, This reprint at $1.98 per volume Is another in stanco of American iugouuitv. REV P, E. Z1ZLEMANN. Th- Scrlbner edition of the Encyclopedia Brltanuica has been in my library some years. 1 have found H accurate and re liable and fully Illustrated, The edition offeredby Tne Tribune Is not abridged; imi, In matter of tact, the same work on good paper and substan tially bouud, besides having the additions and revisions, Auiedcau articles and maps up to date The additions are in the back ol each Volume and give the latest data on statistics, together with history, science and biography of living men, thus render ing the work more desirable and practical iih a book of reference than the original That this work can be sold for II. 0B per volume seems almost Incredible, as I paid tS per volume, or $128 tor mine, In. und in Cloth. I). C. rlOOIIES, Pastor Jackson street Baptist Church. Only four days remnln. Call or mail your first payment to The Tribune E, II Department, 187 Sprues street, SV Removal of F. at Aylswcrth F. M. Ayltwortb will remove to ;.:! Wy omiag avenue, next to Economy Furniture company's store, during tbe first week in April. Readleatrn & WoenCj uicl Ballanttne'e Ales are the best. E. J., agent, HS Lackawanna avenne THEY have: ARRIVED THE FINEST LINE OF 5. , THE LATEST OUR "BELL" CUTAWAY AND SACK COATS ARE CUT EXTRA LONG. FAT MEN'S SUITS IN LARGE VARIETIES. Martin & Delany Clothiers and Custom Tailors. E INVITE your attention to our new new spring stock, which is complete, and beg to add a word with reference to the. advantages offered by us. I he particular care exercised in the se lection and manufacture of all garments, the perfection of pattern and novelty of design, all guarantee the best value at No Higher Prices than arc frequently asked for goods of infe rior workmanship. A careful inspection will convince you of their value. Collins & Hackett Fine Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, 220 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Ba'oj Carraiges EASTER OPERINC IV 'I'll C i TP v f'F 1.1 I 1 1 1 1 ' I I Triiaa i 4 MY , ' HES V, SV vft-f.lp Vi -75. f'. Fit,r,- si 7: :ei .: . N. ns. U ' '.eV ' V Wedding Presents Choic.- Selection. Capes, Jackets Wraps Forthe Spring and Summer of '94. stuck Large nnd Attractive. Prict s i be Lom i si mi Record, VISIT VS, BUY OK NOT. OH NA HALL .nroRs 8c Co. Clonk Makers and Fnrriors, 503 Spruco St. Court House Squan - 1 WEICHEL & MILLAR 110 Wyoming Avenue. THE CELE3PATEO Mil yu3 v nun rn 11 o i . i-ij PIANOS Aip at Preienl lbs Hml Popnlst tnd I'refemd bj Lssdtiii Artmf W ircrnnm : OppotlttColttmbUI HonumSM, '.-.Oo Wnsiiiriutou Av. Sornnton.Pa. hO. you hunt, flsh, rid n whesl, or Intend t" Do ton want Sne Pocket Cutltrr, a Rasor, or nny of tbe nnmer mi i articles sportsinen nnd tportlnp; mon use) Ifso, onand after APRIL A. W. JURBCH Will ln prepared t lurnlsh some at reasom bis iri(" at din store. 435 Bpruce Street Remember, everything new; stock jUSl lioiliiiil ; no iild stnrk to lisiosi nf. 'nil nnd ezimine and you will sivo time and monev, lN I o To iii" dolls' i srben Ihey will brtng you tnrh ralne in return as Is offersd rou berei Who nn beard ol mi ill ohanot A $150 Bicycle for $rS We sre offsrlnf our BOYS' ANli QIRL8' v h i: i: l . y at vi'iy low prices, Wtdo initio bv tin' stalogut ii.t. Florey k Holt 222 WYOMING AVE. W l3u J Special for This Corn ins; Week. Ladl s' Kid Button, pointod and Philadelphia toes, patent leather tips, iiecial price, $3 6g; worth, '' 50, Ladles' Dongols Kid Bntton.taand sewed, special price, s; worth i B0. Misses' Kid Button, plain tro. tprinarhtel, Bpecial prioe, $1.50; wurlh 3O0 Boys' Sciniid siioos, Dongoln tn'., nlsea 2 to I S . hoi-ohI prioe, Si-so; worth 18.00 Men's Calf Patent Leather Lac, pointed toes, speoial prioe, $3.00; worth $100 Uon's Calf Blnoher, hand sowed wdl. Piocadilly lust, speoial pru". $j. 89; worth $8 50 Little Boys' Shoos, button nnl laoe, spring heel, made "just like nspa'a. " sites 5 to I0f, special price, si so; worth 1.90 Youths' t'llf. button and lace, spring heels, Groodvenr welta. .' 11 to 31, special price, $a; worth, 9 50 HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS AST YEAR he had saved $300. 1 llo bought :t luiitso worth t? l sro pawl !:itm down, u;iv a mort gage for ..vm. Today ho esti matee as follows: Kent saved $240 Q Interest "ii mortgage 1911 03 T.iXc nnd repsirt '.'6 Qp 119 ") Net saving 00 rent $iai K) Sun il on salarv tvi iM To sppl on mortgage f'.'?o jii KBPI.ECTION "In 1 oil: yean that huustt will bo .-- frtrni dabl and I uliail bavv home ol m on." ORKMM RtOOE Is tha paradise fe noiuea i i'in ,v son- liava reoeutl) iln Itbetl n iii iiiititiii inn. iii. h in,.)' oSataj mi fimi paynitiats, nt iHis.M) l ull ut their nfltiie, i t 1 Washington 111 il Ailaiuson Ullve slroet, EZRA FINN & SONS. The GENUINE New Haven scham'S M,sto8i " Mathushek " Pianos H Vil IIINi. At V. The Qreal Marvel oi Dental Science Ansesthene A recent discovery aud the sole property of Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 31G Lackawanna Ave. WHAT .1(1. SEA MONS BA VS A IK IUT AN.KS'I'IIKNU. in:s RKMvTOOD WABDBtXt After having eleven tetth eatraeted at ope titling iij the palnlttt mothott, I pen- IIOIHlflli it I'lillriily iittsln(.iv ,voiy particular, j. u. si amons ESTABLISHED iSCti New VTorlt Warerooms No. 80 Kill It Axi'into. E. C. BICKER & CO., S do dealers in this section. OKI'ICK 128 Mi nis AV8. , Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist nn tlin ySi He:idolieii nnd Norvoufliio- rohi'iii 1. I.nU'st ami Imppoviid stylo of Bye lUnians ami Bpeotaoles lit tha Lowest Pi Ico-. BoHt Arttlleiiil Kyta iimortuil for t.i So3 SPRUCE ST., op. Poet Office- V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers