4 More Days In four more days I bel UN E'S enoj olopedid will In- wil ur.w n r 52" '""s j erimttte. 4 More Days If you want this magnifi cent librarj of all knowl edge, order it at once, EIGHT LAGES-56 COLUMNS. SCR ANTON, PA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 28, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. ANOTNER . INSTALMENT IF HEW COLQUITT IS LAID AT REST rui r InllE mi PPT pmipi itfllni II rails HI APPEABS Simple bat ImprwslYJ Ceremonial over (be Bier of ths l)?ad Senator. NOTABLE SPECTATORS PRESENT The Vice President, All thp Members ot the Cabinet, tbo Diplomatic Corps, the Chief Justice and Asso ciate Justice and Other Men Eminent in Official Station and in Private Life Pay 1 inal Honors to the Distinguished Georgian. Washington, Mareb 37 THE funeral service of the Ute Beaator Colquitt, of Georgia, took ptaoe in tue tenate cham ber at ii o'oloek this morning, oc onpylng only three quarters of an hour, after wbieb (be snat adjourned till tomorrow. They were of the siuiplrst and most impressive character, con .ietiug only of a prayer lv the Chap vain of the lions", short address by the chaplain of the senate and tne beuoJk Hon. The speaker of the home sat side by side with ths vice president Prmiilent .'Ivlaml was not present, but the members of his cabiuet were, S were the chief jnstioe und associate justifies of tl:e supreme court, some members of the diplomatic corps and many members of the house of repre sentatives. At the oonclusion of the services the funeral procession was n:;aiti f.irmed OUtside the Capitol and moved to the Pennsylvania Railroad depot, en route 1 1 M icon, Qa , where the interment will take place. PAGEANTRY OF THE CRANKS. Ccrey and His Freak Er!mdi RacU A'.-ltanc-, Wt In-td and Out. Alliance. 0 , March 27 Th Cosey army rescued Alliance at 13 50 tg lay hungry, cold, tired, but eatlm-i istic. Crowd awaited 111 C imlng and 20J re cruits were promised. A troi d of Allliance horseman fell into lmt an ! were jeered at they passed by. The supplies exceeded the re.nira uients and Coxey savs a shipment will bi made to some point east if the dou tions continu to cr.me in. Coxey leaves tonij.'lit for Chicago to S"ll two hordes and to come to some understanding with Colonel Pepper. He BBttetpntea no trotibla In srratlging bis affairs, General order, N"o. . issued by Mar ebnl Carl Browne late this evening, furnishes the usnsl directions for to morrow's march. The camp near h-a-lem, Ohio, is to ho named C imp Anna L. Diiis, in bonoi of an eastern news writer. A rumor lias gained credence here tonight that 'he mysterious woman who meets the command at each night's csnininz place is th- wife of Aljutant Louis Smith, the "un known,'' and that when the weather improves she will serve as the goddess of peace. Enough new recruits joined tlie army tonight, according to the marshal's rport, to form a new com mune In honor of Coxiana miners who joined to lay, it will be called tne Coxiana commune. EFFECTS OF THE COLO SNAP. Fruit and Tobicco Cropi Damaged In Southern Localities, Jacksonville, Fla., March 07. -Specials from the fruit and vegetable dis tricts indicate tint the cold spill has done bnt little damage. In the north ern section of the state some damage is reported, 1 ut sontn of .Ta'-Ksnnvilla no barm has tieer. don". The tobacco crop ia reported uninjured. Monday and today have been two of the coldest days of the winter in Florida Some apprehension is felt lest there he a kill lag frost tonight as the conditions are more favorable tlian last night, CHARLESTON, S C March 27. --The mercury went down to 80 dwgre -s this morning and a general fre.zi occurred all through the trucking districts. The loss to the farm' -re can sosroely hi ss ttraated as yot, butlt Will amount to thousands of dollars. Tne crop most effecttd are peas, encumbers, straw berries, lettuce, beans, potatoes and early cabbage, DaNTILLX, 'a , March Vi -Tna cold snap baS played DaVOO ill this section. All kinds of fruit are greatly dam aged und peaches which w-re in full bloom totally destroyed and many toiiacco plant beds are seriously In jured. MEMPHIS, Tenn , March 27. One million dollars will not cover the lots to the farmers in this section of the Mississippi valley from the blizssrd Which has been raging for two days, All kinds ol fruit, Vegetation and foli age have been killed and the whol country looks as though it had bo hi swept by a forest fire MILL GIRLS TO THE RESCUE Rhode Island Bautia Will Use Cliarmi Au-alnal Wilson Bill. Providence, it. L, March v.--The young women who represent the Rhode Island mills started for Washington last night, to appear before the finance committee of the senate to protest against the passage of the Wilson bill Thov lire the most beautiful girls in the mill. MURPHY'S NINE WINS. Georgetown Defeat Yale, with Yale's Creek Pitcher Pitching. Washington, D. c, March 27. The Georgetown college boys today defeat ed the Yale nine M to 2. Carter, for Yale, pitched seven inn Inge and made bnt poor showing. DRAMATIC SCENE IN COURT A Dying Woman's Sonsationnl Evidtne In a Murder Case. Fresno, Cat, March 27. The testi mony yesterday in the second trial of Richard S. Heath, charged with the murder of Louis R McWhirter, a prominent Democratic politician of this city, was most sensational. Mrs. Cora Palmer. who is liv ing of consumption, was brought into court on a cot, mil in a voice scarcely above a whisper tol l how on the morning of the murder she was driving her husband to the depot when she almost collided near Mo hirter's residence witn a buggy. One of the occupants of the vehicle was U lei B. Terry, a yonng lawyer and a son of ex Judge David R Terry, whose name has been freely mentioned in con nection with liie c ise They threw some burning r.u'M Into the grass, set ting it on tire. Mrs. Palmer jumed out to extinguish the lUuws, but her horse Starting she pioked up tlie rags and placing them in her buggy, tttiuup"d out the lire. Oil arriving home the raga were found to b. a mask and handkeroblef bearing the nnma li. S. Heath. rh is the witness exhibited in court, and at the sight of them Heath trem bled violently And almost fainted Mrs Palmer's tsstimony was not shaken on sroas-examinatlon. MAY !. X P E L BRECKINRIDGE. Union Lianas Club ,' Ohioago Ii Consid eriog That Action. Chicago, Much 87, The Union League club, the moet influential social organization of Chicago Is, it Is said, seriously considering the ideation of expelling Congressman Breckinridge from honorary membership. There are but three names on the club's list of honorary members- -SX-Preiii lent 11 ir risin. Chimney M. Depew and the K mtucky congressman. FLOWER SNUBS TROV MEN. He Absolutely Refuses to Accord riicni an Audience and Threatens Them with Instant Arrest. ALBANY, March 27. There was a scene iu the ante-room of the executive chamber this morning. At 10 o'clock a partv of about one hundred citizens of Troy came into the room and asked to see the governor to present a memo rial on the Shea matter. Shea is the man indicted for tne murder of Robert Iloss. The commnnicatipn asks forti.e presence ot the attorney general In presenting the Shea case to the grind jury, su 1 that the governor shall not impoes npou the attorney general ths condition that a member of the district attorney's office of tne county be ap pointed i deputy. Colonel Williams, tiie governor's private secretary, said "The governor will receive your com munication, but cannot S's you. " After a parley, during which boated words passed. Colonel Williams con ferred With Governor Flower, an 1 the latter persisted iu his refusal. Then several members of the committee Bent in their cards, aski-.g an Hence. C"ionel Williams took In the cards and immediately returned Sayiug. "The L'f vsrnor des'.inrs to see any of yon, and i oesir to say that yon gentlemeu are obstructing public business, and each and every one of you i3 suttjeot to In dictment for mi. 1-manor." When the affair was over, Brigadier General Palmer C. Ri k"tts, a member of the committee, wno is eugin-er in chief on (iiv-rnnr Flower's stiff, sent in his resignstion to the governor, Indigna tion is universal at tau governor's d libera'o snub. - PEACH CROP IS RUINED. Hipped by Frost, Delawars's Eirly Vege tables Wnhar and Expire Wilmington, N C, March 37. -Reports from this section concerning the eff-ctof tiio frost ari l fr'e.M last night are very disheartening, A conserva tive farmer estimates the damage along the line of tne Wilmington and W-l-don, between Wilmington and Golds Lorn, a distance ot B 1 miles, at about $100,000 An official cf the (.'oast lino es'imates the damage in sections traversed by roads of that system at not less than 11,000,000. RAILROAD TRACKS BURIED. Cuvj-ln N'ar Indian Rifigs Colliery Frecpitaten Kulr arl Shenandoah, Ph., March 27 An ex'ensive cave-in occurred near Indl n Ridge colliery this morning which buried 600 feet of the Lehigh V,illy Railroad company's tracks and a large portion of a Reading Railroad aiding upon which were two cars. N'o one was injured, although s large furce of men Were employed in the mine at the lima WASHINGTON rHWii NOTES. Senator Voorhees will call up the tarlfl bill Monday. Congressman deary approves tiie new (Jliimst) treaty. The hone 111 mastered all day i and did nothing else whatever; Thirty-three fourth-class postal heads were chopped off yesterday. The Kimrsargo has boon set on lire and her hull is entirely broken off. The Mohican und Yorktown aretO be prepared for sea immediately. Congressmen Beloe proposes the repeal ol the mail subsidy act of 18111. Secretary Lamont has gone on a two mouths' tour of inspection of army posts in the South. Congressman Mutchter has induced the sedate finance committee to put "0 per cent, duty on slate. Original pensions have been granted to K ihei I Monroe, of lla.leton, and James K only, of Honesdsle. The treasury's net gold yestorday was ll(ili,(KlO,MX); the t.ro.marv balance tV.li, 000,000, a ioss of a00n,0h0 siiiee March I. I Jr. Kngene TownSend will next Satur dny succeed olouel U ('. Hosbyaliell as sup -t intendent of the I'hiladelplila mint Clifford Anderson, of Macon, and ex Representative Hammomi are mentioned as possible successors to Senator Colonltt. a. w. Gibion, no years old, of Macon, Qa,, a messenger in the bouse of represen tatives, Was found dead in bod yesterday morning, T. B, Davies, guardian of Princess Kai- nlani, of Hawaii, is In Washington to ad vance the deposed iUoen's fortunes or those of his ward. Richard Watson tiildi-r, a white house guest, is credited with trying to patch np a peace between Secretary DafllslS and the American Institute of Architects. ( oininiKsioner l.ocliron has been compel led to serve a third notice of kuspunsion of pension upon Judge Long, of Michigan, on account of irregularity of delivery of the Second STUPID DAY POLLARD CASE Expert Testimony Introduced in (be Identlfl cation ol Disputed Writing, THE EVIDENCE NOT MATERIAL Colonel Breckinridge's Lawyers tried to Intimate by Mentis ol a Letter Al leged to Be in Miss Pollard's Hand writing That tbo PlaintiH Had In cited the Gay Kentuckian to Visit Her, and Unci Complimented Hun on His Nice I ace. W LSHINQT IN, .March 27. EXPERT testimony to prove that Madeline Pollard made the arl vanoes which resulted 111 the long liaison between Colonel ktreckinridge and h.r---l f was the fen tnre of the breaob of promise suit tc dav. A Utter date 1 VVesleyan college, July 80, ls, addressed to Colonel Breckloridge and signed Madeline V Pollard was produced bv the defense and experts who had compared it with the letters acknowledged to. have been written by Miss Pollard, testified that the handwriting in the first letter was that of the person who wrote theothar. When the July letter was shown .Miss Pollard on the stand she pronounced it a forgery. Bn said she had written Colonel Breckinridge In kssi asking his advice about the threat made by James f. Uodes. but that she had not asked him to call ou her. HIS NICE KACE. The defense claims that the letter July '.'!) was written by Miss Pollard when Colonel Breckenridge had not answered the letter she acknowledges writing. The disputed letter was not placed in evidence but it is known that it contained an invitation to Colonel Breckinridge to call on the alleged writer at Wesleyan illegs and compli ments him on his "nice face." The only other witness was Major William C Moore, the chief of the Washington police force, who denied statements Miss Pollard said bad ben made by Colonel Breckinridge and her self in his office on two occasions in M y, lSDo, when Colonel Breckinridge promised to marry the plaintiff. . APt AMBASSADOR'S BRIOE. MUa Luilse Elverson, of Philadelphia, Married to Joins Patsnotre, Phii.adei I'HIa. March J7 -The msr riage of M Jules Patenotre, French ambassador to th United States, ami Miss iileanor Lonise Blverson, daugh ter of James Blverson, the publisher, was performs I at the letter's residence, No. 2.0'.'4 Walnut street, this afternoon at 9 o'clock. Sir Julian Panncefote, the British ambassador, and Prince Cantacjzene, the Russian ambasisdor, were witnesses for the groom and Mayor El win S. Stuart, James Elver son, jr., brother of the bride, were witnesses for the bride. The Frncll consul was also preamt in an official capacity, Cardinal Gibbons, cUi in lull vestments, accompanied by Arch bishop Ryan, officiated, The bride wore a white satin gown, en trains, with high neck and large puffed sleeves, a v-il of tulle reaching to the end of the train and fastened to her hair by a diamond tiara. At her throat was a superb necklace of three strands of the choicest pearls, with u diamond clasp, the gift of the groom, N,e carried a white prayer book in her hands, but n flowers. This afternoon a despatch from Moa signor Sitolli to M. Patenotre an nounced that the pope had jtut cabled the apostolic benediction to the newly married pair, RUINEO BY DELILAH. A Mdnrn Sarnnon u s Hi Tin oat with a Hu.or. BaKOOR, Me., March 27 Horac I Pelky, ag"d about '.'", a French woods man, living at Howland, Me., but boarding at the New K I gland sating house hire, last night shot twic at Mrs. Delilah Kicker', a grass widow cook iii the bouse, because she would not agree to marry him. she escsped unharmed, whereupon P'lky committed suicide by cutting Ins throat with a rsior. -- BL AST I fJ G POWDER BOMB. Parisians at a Dam n Are Startled by nn Fxp 'slrn. PARIS, March 87. A bomb loaded wiih blasting powder and fragments of iron was exploded tiiis evening on the window sill of a public hall in Mout-cBou-Les Mines, department of Baonc-Ki-Loiro. A dunce was going on iu the hall at the time. The building was badly damaged, but nobody was hurt. The town is the center of a coal mining and ipuarryieg district. CANNOT CATCH THE ROBBER. $10,000 Intnndod for Patant. lUedlciue beet from the Mall. South Henu lad., March 27. --Mysterious null robberies, d-feclivis who cannot fiud thu thiCVSS and hundreds of angry correspondents whose money has gone astray have been making life mis erable for certain verniers of patent medicines and cosmetics at South IJend, hid. More than $10, 000 is snitl to nave dis appeared from the mail addressed to them, KNOCKED OUT THE DEAN'S SON Omatia Youths Have a Twenty-Round Mill in ft Billiard Ttoom Over a Olrl. Omaha, March 27. The ap 'ctaclo of the hoii of the dean of Trinity cathed ral ending up holy week by lighting witli gloves iu a sixteen-foot ring for the smiles of a school girl is disturbing Omabg church circles. Irving (ianl ner, son of Dean (lirdner, ami Hurry Oolpstaee, son of n millionaire lumber man, fought twenty rounds, the former being knocked out. They uuarrelod over a well known i Imaba beauty, and agreed to settle it under Qucensberry rules. The priuol p ds, their seconds, time keener and ilo professor of physical culture, wno acted as referee, went to the billiard hall in tim Colpsttsr mansion, under guise of having a frlsndly gams with the cues, and there 1 1 . - battle was fought. lOLICDO, March 27. Charles Stevig and Albert Harrington of this city fought a finish fight last night to de termine which should have the band of Ml-s Mamie lleggs. Stevig was knocked out iu lb lourlh round and resigned his claim ii a suitor THOUGHT If VAS A BOMB. Dublin Home ltuln i (, Caught In a Col lapsiK Bulldisg. Dublin, March 87 While the regu lar meeting of the shareholders of the Dnblln Freeman wss iu progress in the Imperial Hotel tolay, part of the ceil Ing of the room fell to the flour with a t remendona crash. Everybody believed a bomb hud been exp'oled, and a rush was made for the door, Before the frightened Borne Rulers could escape, however, a sec tion of 1 he floor give way, causing a number of the gentlemen to fall Several of them were trampled upon and severely though not seriously hurt. Mr. Thomas Sexton, who presided at the meeting, succeeded in checking ti e Scare by explaining its cause, and ur d'r was finally restoied. A WAV TO GET AROUND IT. If Cleveland Makes Objections to ths Fi rm of the Coiuai;n Pill. Washington, March 27 it is be lieved that in his exp-cled Veto of tiie seigniorage coinage bill Mr. Cleveland will base bis objection chiefly on struc ture! defects in the measure. In the event of bis doing this the ex pectation is that tin mil will tit re written so as to relieve it from all am biguity, and then sent back to nim tor approval. DEAD AT HER iflTe'S FEET. Six-Ye.ir-Old Jennie Fallon Is As saulted by Calvm Bartbam and Perishes Immediately. New Canaan, Conn . March 87. Caivin Barthatu, a 10-year-old boy, is in the lockup here, charged with the murder, vesterday afternoon, ot Jen tue Fallon, aged u Young Bartham criminally assaulted the Child in the yard at the rear of ths Fallon house. The mother neard the child scream and looking out of a window, bsw JToUng Lsrtlie.m standing over her. The boy ran away and the child walked with difficulty about fifty Tee', and dropped dead at her mother's feet - IMPORTANT PsNilON RULING. Decision That Admit Many Dip.ndeut 1 ersous to the R ill.. WASHINGTON, March 27 - The pen sion rolls Will be greatly enlarged by a decision ol Assistant Secretary of the Interior Reynolds announced at the department today. It will admit to the rolls the names of a large UUIUbsr of insane, idiotic, iitni permanently "helpless minor child ran of deceased soldiers where the pen sions of the former bud ceased hy ibe children attaining the age of 1(1 years pi lor to thu passage of theactot June 27, 1S1I0. FORCED TO LEAVE THE COUNTRV. Riotous Italians Sign a Fiitt Piomlsinu I'ailbfully lo Disarpdir. ALTOONA, IV, March 27 Too Ital lane who were committed tojiil from this city on the oharge of riotous con duct on the night of March 18, were te leassd ibis morning upon their paying all costs and signing a paper before mi aldorman agreeing to leave th- coun try within twenty-four hours and never return. They at once left for the west. IN OUR OWN CJMMONWEALTH. Scarlet fever la spreading in Pottsvllle, Work on the Carlisle trolley began yes terday. The milk inspection began yesterday at Pottstown. Allegheny county Jail prisoners live on 8 cents 11 day. Bsvorai inches of snow led iu the I'pner Schuylkill valley yesterday morning, The Lykens Valley ami Wllllatnatown 00 a mines, employiug 1,800 bauds are idle. Doctors say the deaty of young Daniel O'DonneU, at Allentown, was caused by too rapid growth. A special term of quarter sessions court has been ordered in Dauphin county, the first on record tbore. Cornelius If, Smith has been appointed magistrate .or Cun t No. is, Philadelphia, vice .InhiiKiin Homo, deceased. After eating rake that was made of poll minus baking powder, Annie Filer is dying at her parent's home III Altnolin. The dwelling house of Frederick Dam bert, at Newton, was binned last evening ami Lambert perished iu the Barnes. Althuiigb both are only 111 years old, Harry Moyer and Frank UOCkOt,of I'otts ville, were Seized for burglarizing a store. 'I'. T. Vvolrmen, chief engineer of the Pennsylvania anal company, has issued orders for the opening of the canal en Monday, April 2. Bradford county Republicans chose 1 ,0111s I'lolet, II. William, and V. I.. K in ner as el ut convention delegates, and in structfld them to vote for Hastings for governor) William N. Reynolds, of wyo niing. for secretary of Intorual affaire, and O. A. Brow for oongressutan-at-large, o -- HEARD OVrR IHE CABLE. Mr. Bnrlet, Helgiums minister of tho interior, is to be premier. A conductor aOOOSed of stealing 100 on a train near Milan, banged himself. The Australians who nl tempted to col onir.e Argentina have failed ami are start ing. An sffort will bo made on April 4 to dis place three of the present directors of the Bank of England. Kahascb, the residence of the Albanian chief KnHteui KabSSChl. has been captured and binned by the Katla. The chief cashlor of the Commsrclal bank, of Trieste, has absconded with 46 000 florins of the bank's money. Italian government newspapers say t'rispi won't nsgptlatea commercial treaty With France while proiectiouislo rule iu the latter country. ZELL IS m II IHE TOMBS The Fastidious absconding fligb Roller Is Held hi Pnrllier TriaL ONLY ONE CHARGE PRESSED Bui Olbers Will Be Added When I bat la Settled The tolo Tells Brirrbtly the Story ol His Downfall Dabbled in Stocks on Wall Street and Played the Rue 's at GraveSOnd- Deserted by Hi j Money and Abandoned by His Adventuress Companion, Ni v. York, Hsroh 27. ILLIAM T. ZELL, tbe abscond ing secret ari' and tr 'asur-r of the Lehigh ami Wi ges-Barre C.al company, was arraigned 10 Jefferson Market police court today, Those who knew Zell during his days of prosperity would never nave known him today, for bis mustache I. ad been shorn and bis hair cut tight to Ills bead. The specific charge madeagsinst '. -II wan for forging a cneek for sni 000, drawn on the First National bank ami ill favor of T. r. Reynolds The in dorsement was, "For currsnoy, W. T. Zll." Tbe prisoner is charge I withdrawing this money aud fixing the books SO as to link- it apie-ar that tho check was In satisfaction of the ac count of li W, Marple A; ( 0, 'i-ll wna accompanied by Alexander Newbnrger, a jeweler of No 1HI7 Broadway. He waived examination He g ive bis age as oil, his recent slop ping place as I'liil.i.U'p iii, and bis home as No 200 West Thiitv seventh street. He refused to state what had become ol his wife Tbe prisoner was held iu flO.OOO bail for trial and was removed to tiie Tombs, apparently iu a cheerful and unconcerned frame of mi ud ZBIX'S DOWNWARD PATH. The reappearance of Z-ll renews in ter-st iu his case. The inveetigati in winch took place after Zell's departure 111 January last demonstrated that he had left behind him aabortage of $08, nun. Z ill, according to his own state ment, had lost most of the stolen money in Wall street and playing the races before h" went aw iy. The woman, Josla Hoffman, who was his companion in bis flight, deserted bim soon after ho got to Montreal. The coal company and the Fidelity and Casnalty company will prosecute Zell. The lait'-r will have to uuy to ti.o for mer 126,000, the amount of his bonds. UNSEATED FOR CORRUPIION. bhort Work Is Made of NewfoUl dtand't Boodler LslHlntors, St. JotlN's, N P. March ':? Henri Woods, surveyor general and his col league, George Uoores, who represent the district of 15 iy Do Ver la in the New Poundland legislature, were un seated today for corrupt practices. They were also disqualified from sitting iu the (Ssembiy for a period of four years. This decision renders the dissolution of Parliament inevitable. . THEY WILL OPPOSE THE NUNS. Junior Oid-r of Ualt ot Aui.in.an Mt ohaniea Oij u ths d irb, Johnstown, Pa., March 37. State Councilor W. T. Kerr, of the Junior order United American Mebanics, ac companied by his attorneys, T. H Baird Patterson and A. I). Wilkin, held a conference tonight with the loading members of the order with re gard to nuns teaching in tho public schools of Cambria comity. There are hftern of these nuns attired in the garb of their order, teaching in the public schools of Cambria county. Ths Junior Order United American Mechanics is opposed to these nuns leaching in the public schools thus at tired, and the conference was tor the purpose of obtaining Information against them iu order to make a fight through the conns to oust them, as they did in Allegheny county, where thu Junior Order United American workmon recently ginned such a signal victory SENATOR COIQUITT'S ROMANCE. His First Man bur. Waa a Genuine Blspsment, Memphis, Tenn,, March 37, A dis patch to ibe Commercial from Ifaoou, Ha., says senator Colqoitt'a tirst mar riage was solemnised here, mid N tinge of romance surrounds the event. He eloped with a Misa Twigns, 11 member of one of the most wealthy i leorgia families. At the residence of Captain John itms, a relative ot the bride of iii this city, the welding and subsequent reconciliation with the family look plsoo. PERISHED IN THE FLAMES. A-d and Fbi' Dietrich KyleieBuraed to Dsath. YoitK, Pa., March 27. Aged and feeble Dletrlok Kyle W'as burned to death near Dsllastown late last night His equally aged and almost helpless wiio in 1 n aged loorawl outof the fl iiuei ami spread the alarm to neighbors, a quarter of a mile away. They found the old man with nil bill his face burned to cinders, and that was buried In a pillow. ' - WILL BE LYNCHED IF CAUGHT. Tbe lnutal Crim of an Iowa Faun La borr DBS MOltUH, ia , March 27. A Sheriff's i)oss an I m ores of excitoj cit lieuS are searching th" northern part of Warren connty tor Ooorge Ash WOftb, ami if he is caught lie will be speedily lynched. A hworth is about 2u years old, and has li-e:i working for Wilbur Mason on hi farm near Bam merest. Yesterday afternoon, while Mason was in ludtaaola, Asb worth made improper advance! toward Mrs Mason, who was young and pretty. 1 1 was repulsed, and Mrj. Mason tub sun she would tell bur husband. Asbwortb then went upstairs, procured a revolver, und returning to whoru Mrs MiiHi.u sat rocking her baby to sleep, shot ber three times. One bullet intereu tbe temtde. andoneaaoh side of tbe body just below the rifis. Ash - worth II -il, and was last seen at dusk ten miles away. Mr. Mason will not live. DEALING WITH ANARCHISTS. A r-'panlsb Judjf, Thinks th Russian V-MV ia tbe li-st. Madrid, March 37, .lodge Domen ecb, who presided at the trial of the Anarchists who threw tho bomb in the Lyceum Opera house in Barcelona, ba eilvise.i the government to create a force 1 1 Barcelona similar to that organis ed In St Petersburg when Nihilism was i i;s height in the Russian capital. Senor Doroenech's scheme is to classify every Imii.e, have each one watched ml the police notified of the move im-uis, of the inmates, whether resi dents, transient lodgers or visitors, re noi ts to be made to the :nt ral author ity, morning and niu'llt. Judge Domenech has had a wide ex- perience in dealing with anarchists, having so vigorously prosecuted tbe an archists ill Andalusia some years ago thai tbe notorious Black Hand crim inal organisation which flourished In that proviliO was completely stamped out. BEAUTY BOUGHT IN VAIN. Heroic trior!; of a Disfigured Woman to Win Back the Love ot a Faithless Husband. Chicago, HI . March 27 Back of the wedding ol (iilnert K. Bailey and Mrs Carrie E Farrington in Jersey City, lingered a pathetic romance in which the groom's former bride, disfigured in a prairie fire, suffered the iorture 0f skin-grafting to restore her beauty and win back her husband's love, but all 111 Vain. On Sept. 4, 1881, Gilbert E Bailey married Corn llaugherty, th daughter ot a prominent New York Republican politician. They went to a ranch near Rapid City, 8. D., to live. A prairie Ore swept over tbe neigbborhooJ. and left Mrs. itailev terribly burned, ap parently beyond recovery, an 1 ber faoe distorted nud disflanred beyond recog nition, She was cared for until dan ger was past ; but her beauty wss gone, and with it ';er husband's love. She saw tins and went 00 U visit to her rel atives in New York, while h- went us correspon lent for a newspaper to the scene or th Iudiau troubles in th southwest. Meantime relatives had died, leaving Mrs. Bailey weal hy, ami through ber riches she sought to regain her baanty, sin-hail-. 1 for Paris, and there, under the hands of the great st surgeons, submitted to untold tortures, and by the expenditure of large sums of money succeeded in securing people who sacrificed portions of their cuticle to be grafted on tbe unsightly face. It was a wonderful operation, and nl its conclusion Mrs Bailey returned to America a r uber good looking woman, whose stvlish wardrobe and cultivated manner made her more attractive than the average, In Chicago sue learned that Bailey was living at No 4100 Ellis avenue it en came the discov- iy that he was paying attentions to Mrs Farrington. and a piiiful scene followed. The wife rented . residence 011 Michigan avenue, near the Dakota hotel, furnished it luxuriously and engaged a corps of servants. Then she sought her husband, show ing him the borne she had prepared, ; nd begne.l him to return to her. He refuse!, an I then Mrs Bailey went to see the Widow and found her and her mother, Tne story of Bailey's life was told and th- woman decided that he should 110 longer be receive! at the bouse. But ths prohibition evidently was not lasting. The wife, broken hearted, is said to have returned to Europe, vvnere sue now is COULDN'T STAND AOVERolTV. J.,hn Conway, a Baltimore Tinware D.li r, Commit Suicide. Baltimore, March 27 John con way, who conducted a tinware busi ness, committed suicide this afternoon, lb' asked to be IbOWn a pistol ill a store on Harris in street and threatened to shoot tho clerk for Interference when an objsotioil was ma do to Un loading of the weapon. Conway tired a bullet through his head, falling to the finordead, ; 1- was at one tiui" wry wealthy, but business troubles recently forced him to esflgu Ills failure affected his mind. FLASH EO FROM lilt WIRES 11 is now claimed that Instead of John V. McKnneowing Qravesend, Uravoseud owe;. Me Kane ti, isn. William DwyOT, BO years Of age, died while kneeling at prayer in Bt. John's cathedral, Milwaukee, Ignatles Donnelly will meet Professor W. A. :;im, the A. P, A. lecturer, at Mil waukee, 111 a Joint debate on the A. I. A. The Springfield Dailj Republican ob served iii- Bttieth birthday by the publica tion on Its usw press of u u page mini ber. Florists Blebreoht and Wadley have Bled a claim for 117,047.41 agalusl New Fork state for flowers furnished for the state's building at the World's lair. The 1 ai.1110 club, ua organised at New York, will exchange courtesies with the swell Prince ot Wales club, of Loudou, alter which it has been patterned. James Msudiley, secretary of tbe United Textile Workers of Nee England, has is sued circulars to labor leaders In Europe and tins country asking I'm an interna tlonal confbreui a. Uev. Dr. Charles O'Reilly, of Adrian, Mich., sx-ttassorer ol the Irish National league, in go to Paris as a witness to testily as 10 Mrs. Kitty O'Sbea Parnell'a claim to I0&.000 ol the Parliamentary fund. The ISO, 000 damage suit 1 ( Messenger w. H Laidlaw, who contends thai Russell Hage pushed him to the front when tbe bomb was thrown in Sage's Office eighteen months ago, is to be tried In Judge Pat tenon's court In New York. , WliATHtR FORECAST. I CLEAR WAaniNntog, March 87. iron post Jot Wrdnttday, tfor eastern ' AansgfeaHfa, air, wamier, ra-i-fabfs leiade, beeoatfag soitta, for Ktesfers Aansyivaafa, air, woi-msr, miiifh uitade, w mi 4 FINLEY'S BPECIAL OFFERINGS IS 1 House ikeeping Goods For Tiiis Week Only. Two cases 1 1-4 Maresilleg Counterpanes, all perfect! goods (not seconds), at $1.10 EACH J he market value is $1.45. One lot 11. Crochet Omits at 95 cents. A very special barcrain One case fancy Dimity Quilts positively fast colors." 10 pieces Cream Table Dam. i ask, 42'.. Cents. Regular price, 50 to 55c. Fifty do. 5 4 Damask Nap kins, $1.63. Fifty do. 3.4 Damask Nap kins, $1.95. '1 hese .;roods are all linen, fast edges, and usually sold at $2 and $2.50 per doz en. Twenty-five dozen Turkish Bath Towels. 10c. each. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave, THE GUTTA FERCHA fiUB3E3 MTGH'S FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSli CHAS A. 61 HIEREN &CO ' PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather lk-1-.iui H. A. Kingsbury AGBKT 513 Sprar-a St., kiMm, Pa. Lewis, Reilly & Davies SI -s ..., One I aillen' atnl Oentlenien's siir a0 a 1 SO aU, SO ami S)3 are mi lop. They are noleH lr Sorvlev anil Kuiafori LKWIa 111 1 1 1 & 11 ma, 1 1 1 vi mlng arentir. IVhalesalc nnl Retail, We Examine Eyes Free df ohargo. If n doctor N uecded you are promptly told so. Wo also guarantee ;i per In 1 lit. WATCHES AT COST for 0110 week only. w. . IB. 1 ! I II LIJ ARCADID JEWELER, 21b WYOMING AVE. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers