THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORMN(,. MARCH 1891. ONE CENT A Word. U'nnfso all MNdt red UuU muea, Kf reif &'if notion WaittowfcWk nr iitrrfd 7fAX Situations Wonted. SITUATION WANTED AS TBAM8TKK. i Addrwi P. B iu I'.T. st court, city. U - an mi posit n. hkkmanemt oh traveling; hardware uieferred; fatuir h r with archlticts' plana, stock . lork. soliol tor or collector. Address "Mlaowton, isi M. nros e, Min i.Mtsi'Ss WANllXti A LADY FOH I washing IOU street or office cleaning, nil 41.. Oib s1 s1 wanted hv a dkbmb by t lto my. A.o.ares a !1TUAT1UN maker to no out (.!.. Tribune office OITVATION W A X TED B A PRAI Tli'Al. c' ilri'Miiiukfr. work cither t homo or out by toe day or week Address. H'vs blather BotiMd, iu Rook (Street, Hyde Park, Bcru ton. lITt'ATION WANTED HY A YOUNG until who is willing t do My k mil or wot k; ago, is; lair penmm; can rornun w reference. Address A 0. (Port OWo),8cf A YOUNG MAN IN' 1K OOOD8 OB J) grocery store, or otuo basin whore h eonM work up. Boom etperlenoe. goi refej etic. will work cheap. AddrWM P.O. box ' Montrose, Pi Agent Wanted. U' AN I'EO-A SAl.KSM AN. 10 HO weekly t-SU be lus h' with our k'oodi lU sny locality, will prove it or lo.-tvit 1100 Bwkry or atuuilloa aa you prefer. There suits of foiv Doir' work often c-iuals a ,..k mm. Addresa MANUFAUTUH KRs." o. Box oa. Bomob. m.i UTANTKD MAN v. i U LIFE AND P1BB .usurauce wsperieuc as sulV"ilOi m Lackawanna count v: c-o-I mlu jitt 'iila to rmbt man Address U'.'j .1) Kt bUlIsllBg, Philadelphia, Pa. W'ANlKU BOYS ANl lllKl.S Wlll wh-.ii to niako model when oul of eihool; wud uanie and wo will tell you how; m money wan tod. r. BTAYNKB, Providence K. L U 'ANTED TWO YOUNG MEN OF GOOD addroMi to .all ou business lions. Steady cuiplovmeut lor sikkI lUfn. Apply NATION A.. CLEAN TOWEL COMPANY Arcade building. for Hen:. Vv;: BENT kPKlL I THE BOOMM NOW J oiTup fd bi- thi Telvhon Exchanm IW Lackawanna nwaa Apply :it th oBco of L;hili bait Hiuiux Co.. Tinrd National li.i::k bmlldlnjt L. b. ami E. i Puller. rOB KENT -HOUSE W WYOMING AVJ I iiuj from April '.. Eleven roooMi all tlio odon ukiprvvaxnoo . t"u: it tn ntk At-ply to P. H. CLSIIONB) 4 Lackawanna KTODUC Proposals. OnriCH Of THi rBHMVITAIA l 'minis i sn N oi MUltM s URFH x s(, HARHIMUIMIi PA, Mar. li I, INM ' DEALED PROPOSALS AUK 1N ITEDFuR p tho (NcHon and oonpknton d tko Ad' inllllatration H'.illviln' for tin I'onnsylvaiiui ullliors' orphans IttdUltrial iihoo, at Boot land, Franklin o nnty. Penna, Plana and apnoifloAtloua may 1st soon, blank forma of pionpaals obtainoil audauv mloii.iu lion had, at tho oMIivor Ibu arohilo, t, Thouius P, Lonidatoi Munhnltan I. if.' build' mi,', cumor rourtb and Walnut atraota, Pblla dolpbta, Pa. Cumpluta Mta ol blua prlnUaud Kiwi.'iiii'utious oaa na bad upon nnpllcntlon to tho archltact, upon pavnu-ut of thi sum of tan dodar-, one half ol winch will i,o rofuudod upon return ol aaid prlute and parini atlorui I'lanH ami p '. illoatioa - eanalai bOMan and blank lorin ol propoaala obtained t tho ottloo of tin, Couimli uou oi soldi, is i irphkn iohiHikk Capitol Butidluga, Htrrlaburf, ra.ioBli'e of B.H Klppla, Borantoa, Pa. j i liouiaaU sum tde Alleineny. v . Baltler'i Bxvhango, PbUndalpiiui; Enniiieer'a ofnot r. ' tt R Clutmbereburv, Pa, ami ullloe of Ueorgo.O. Bo v a i', i 'halt in in BiukUnti i ouiiiuttoo, ooi ner Secottd end eiarkol snoots Harrlabnrfi Pa Propi 'sis to i. a deuvered at iho ofBoe of the Comml-aiou ut oi bttfoi e 8 o olook p. m, Tuee da) . March 'At i. HUM, bach propoaal to be ncooutpitntad by a cot tl ihd rhtvk for (lire thousand dollars The contractor will haw to im usb so.-uriiv t" ok approved uy tue uxootttitfo eoinntUtee or raid i omiiiishioii, for the amount of twent) five thouaaud doilarr( and will be raqnlred kofully complate the uttiltHttg for nee ami oooupanuy by Oct I. IWI For each andereri davlde lay two hundred dollars will bu deduoted from tho eoutrat't price 1 , i -d dam ag.- Twcuti per vent etll b bold Inre eerve front raoti p.uiuout on tcconnt, until tlual Oolllplcti. 11 '1 tho building bids of trio -ro'isit.u. i ., 1 1 i .". . pereoAi pol poeatwalug hnreiulilH skill and kttowledse to properly perform their ooutreel w n oe rejeoted. The Ouiundaaloti reterve the rlgUI to reject any and ad bids UEOBOE tt. BOY BR, Chairuiau Huiidini; Committee, GENERAL HEWS OF INDUSTRIES Evidtucjs ol Kicmriiifl Prtipwltj Aiuo the Mllla Ol (ha Wyoming Valli'y. BRIGHT SITUATION IN LUZERNE New Schema lor Hie Propulsion ol 81 reel Cars by .i Pneumatic Motor, brio Trainmen Got Sundays OH. Nuvol Combination Inkslaml, Carved Oui oi Anthracite, lo Ue Pro lented lo President Cleveland, Oilier Industrial Notes. s1 r.K RENT BARN IN REAR SO JEFFER JT eon avenue. nr Bpmee etreet Inquire of M yl'!Kr.. .lOJeffereoa avenue, T'iiR RZNT-SUiTB OF FOUB ROOMS ON 1 Brtt Boor, Webati r avenuv, at S.u. F. E. Wood. Nvood'v College. jniiH KENT ROUSE OS MARIOS ST, X No. si'. Green Ridge. T0R BENT-TWO STORY HKH'K DWEL JT Ling house; muJeru lutprbiements: 313 forest unrt: rent, J'.'.'. Ai ply to MaI'KIi E COLLINS, ageur. "'-! Wt Lackawanna avanae. TPOnl KENT - STORE BOOM CB LACKA X wautia avenue lrom April I, also roobu eneecond rioor wn adautd for tmelneei or housekeeping Also liouie ltti I arouse ave hue with afi modern Istproveniettta, beau:, tully pap .-red. F S PAt'U. 1 V4 Sanderson avenue. fuR RE'NT-STOREr i '. LA( 'K AW ANN A X ivsnue, by Apr-.l. 1. Enquire or Renry Frev. 121 Laekawanua avenue or at the premises. I?0R BlSNT IN BURR BUILDING, WA X iuatuu avenue, a few desiraol- ..ttl'-es flats. Rent verv reasonable ,to desire bl ties. Cau be seen by applying to janitor iu building. For terms applv to CHARLES A. BChR. it North Main even "f"' IB KENT-THREE RUOlisT e KU.N r UN X etcond floor, over .V A. Hulbert's tnuaic store. 117 Wyoming aveuua. from April L In quire in the sto re. T 'ij LET rurt A Tr.Kjl Or' UAK9- Part or a.l of three hundred wf of yard ynom along railroad. Apply at .urrankiin avenue. rj'O KENT -STO HE 12)1.11 f)R FURNISHED 1 ball on Green RidgR street. Very desir.i t lie keation and on reasonable terms. Apply tn P. E. NETTLETON or C S. WOODRUFF Bepnblloan b"tMlllg For Sale. f'ljR'sAt.E A FARMipKEI'M :" All'.'.-. X one and one half miles from Dnltea on the Dataware, Laekawaaaa and wsttern railroad. First class farm house with a never failing irrrinff nenrby : rvo trns. good lead and good orchard will he sold eheap, terms aas AddreeeB t. VON 8TOHCH or ISAAC Zl.f.iS. executors. Ua'.tou, Laokawauna eonnty, Pa. SALE F UltuCEaiES-A. R. h.i entire stoelc of aro- Cer'.es and flxru' os. horses and harness, spring Wagon, buggy. eV: . at MS Wyoming ave nue. Saturday. Mareh 8, at I .0 p. m. M Al.ll PROPOSALS WILL HE RE elvedbl tin- Scranton Board of ll,aitn t tli. ir oltti'i' in the MuuK- ii il lliiildina until March I left, at l.ftl p m for the collection oi gerbage, either by dutrlots, hereafter do scribed, or for tho whole city, subject to the following eon lltlona 1 -The contractor kliall provide huiisolf w tb suitable vehicle, 1 1 be approved by the Board, with water tight, tuetalfc boxes and as tiear air tight a,, may la. J. The collection ol garbage shall be made from cans conveniently looatedou the prom lues ol the iisp., 'live property holders three times a week from the Orel of June to the ttrat of October, ami twice a week from the Bret of October to the Srst of .luuv. B, Bids to be Imso.i on the pri.-e to ha charged each family per week or mouth for I'oltettug garbage as aboe ipeclfled, with spool il rate for hotels. I. The contractor shall collecl his own bills, ae the Hoard of Health uill a.ssiiuieuo reeponi ibility. Tbo First dletrtct shall embrace the First. Second, Thud and Twentl first wards I he Htconddlatrlct iballitml race the Fourth, Fifth, sixth, fourteenth, Fifteenth and Eigh teenth wards The Third district shall embrace the Kiev curb. Tweteth, Nineteenth una l wentleth W ards. The Fourth district shall embrace the Eighth, Ninth. Tenth, Sixteenth and Seven teenth wards, i he Fifth district sliall unbrace the Seventh and Thirteenth w ar la, Bids forth'- collection of ashes may also be SBcl sed. but mnat be tna le sepsrately. The board reserves the tight to reject any or all l ids. THE SCRANTON BOARD OF HEALTH WALTER Mil .us, Seorotary, (2EAL.E11 PROPOSALS WILL lit. IUS o reived np to noon, Uth Inst., for the ex i cavating reinlred t.-r new building, corner of . Wyoming avenue and Spruce street. Plans and specifications may be obtained upon ap plicatiou to I JOHN A. DUCKWORTH, Architect, 14 Coal Exchange Building. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL HE RE- kj ceired at th-- ortt-e of tho dty clerk. . S'.-rantoa. Pa., until 7.R0 o'clock p, tn.. Tl.urs I dav, March l$tb, l-'Jt. to constru-: a terra rotta pipe dram With receivers am! Bxturee. rhe said drain to c immenoe at a point at the wester. y corner of Sumner avenue and Hette I bone street, thence ext -mis westerly through pr.vatj ptop-rty u lieraldine court, a nut I taaoJ o about ouo hundred and fifty live feet, thence s- nth wssterly along said Ger aldine court, a d stance of aU.u- o te hundred feet; t,ien, north westerly through private pr pet ty a diht inue "i about one hundred and : r two and ooo half f-,.t to Lincoln avenue; ;.e:..'.' In the same direction across Lincoln . . ana -ol ,fan,-H ..f lwnt. tittv two and , m 1 half feet, biddi-ri slia.l enclose w,th each par- proposal the sum of twenty Ave dollars cash I or certified check, asa guarantee to comply i with proposal Kawa-ded the . intra -r Incase the nidaer to whom the contract s iall bar i ( tj.s-n aw ude.1. tn:ts to ex -cite a contract for -aid work witln-i ten days fro u dxt! of award, the enolcaure scennpanying hia pro I .sal shall be forfaited to t lie us- of th- , It y I of rcrantoii. Tl Ity reiervos th i rUht to reject i ay oral bids By orde.- "fthe city inetk M. J, LAVELLE, t itv i 'lerk. Scranton Pa.. March I UM, MADE LIFE A BURDEN. MmH (1. !' ORAWronn, of Linlniir, .Ur, writoai For yean i suffered monthly inmi periodic pallia ivim n ai times were an neiite to to render life a burden, t begun using Dr. Pleroel Favoritu Preacrlpthin. I used M veil bottles III an many inontliH und de rtved an much benefit iriiui it und the liomu tn atiucnt n-coiuiiii-nd-eii iii Iiih Tii'Utise on Dleuaaua of v omen, that l wutti even woman throughout our laud, suffering In the aamg waj . may be Induced to give your medic! uea mul tii-uliiitiiit a tun Uml." " Kuvoi lto I'l l scrip- Hen " is n powerful, in- ilanfattng tonia andaeoothliuj and strength luiino; nervine, purely vegetable, perfectly Imriiili ss ll ioi;iilntesaiiil UoinoU-s ull the pruiur luuctions of ivoiiuinlioud, Improves Sgeatloil, enriclms tho l.l iod, iIi,icIh m lies ami pain., Iiiiiics icitcbinn nlisp, uml r,r htoi, s health uml vinor. for evn-y "female ,-oiuiliiiiit," it is the only remedy so surn thai n can Ui duarantaetl, II It doesn't WTO, Von Iuivb your money back. Connolly & Wa ! face KID GLOVES MlKS t'llAWI'Oltll. -lb t ucrtoN i Harris will sell FARM. STOCK SHEFFIELD. 1J J.'oR SALE - SfrACBI aad utensils. J. M, Monro' ave. '0B SALE OR E2CHAN0E FOR SCRAN ton property A lesring orangx grove laereaalng in preuajetloa and value yearly in the orange ssctlon in Plorlds Addres W. B, JiETfLETfiN. Lake Helen, Fiorim in.: 1 1 ah Specie Notices. s, r unon, Pah, IL ism. rrra innual mibtino of the J itOCmbolderi of tbi L-iocasuiia lion and Steel company for the sbiotion of d. yei .rs and IrsnasViflon efaneh ether buelneei asmiy properly cone ls,fori th-, tnaetin wtll tie held at the otrb-e of toe ,-.a pany in the city of Scranton, Pennsylvania on Wed nesday. Msrch 7, lii4 at .! oclonk p. m, The polls will remain opsu for OUS hour. The transfer books will he Clnesd 00 Feb 21. UM, rul re opnn on Har- h s l-el .1 I'. HIOQINBON, Secrntsrv. ,AN K liOOKX, l-AMI-IILKTH, MAOA linee, etc , b uind or r abound at Till: Tkiiii.nk i,:H' - (gnl'tk Raeonai.i-i prices. fEAL TTCEETi CAN HE HAD T III. a'l cornr Spnn afreet aad Franklin ave nue Twenty meal th nets for t-sAu. Oorsl table board Reg i estate. T.'OR SALE BINdLE HOUSE, r, yUl.VCY Jl avenne: very boalrabje ks 1 1 in Aoply l F RFYNOLUS. or WILLAKO. WARREN KNaPP. s-. , WILL ULy MODRXM NEW ROOM O house, nil Improvements, terms easy; ror DOf Madison svence and L.dewure street. Ap ply 1IARRV LEES FINANCIAL ANO COMMERCIAL EtDCke and "Condi New York, March 3 Thero was an 00 misfskably bullish teRiper to rlia stock ueiKM during today' short session. At one time the list was rai led on u rumor rbat the earn I u-s ;t the St. i'artl for the fourth week in February would show a ilacraawe nf llflftffflfl. but the oonceaslooa made were triBiog and buying orders promptly carr.ed prices Up age! U as the ae toal decresse of the Sr. Caul proved to be only 188,885. The Bland seigniorage nod tho (old shipments which were used against i he msritet yeterdsy were Ignored today. Tho extreme eass iu money which whs emphasized hv the furttter uicroisoof over one in. iitsu dollars iu th:i surplus reserve of the banks to day, also stimalated pur chases The advance lo prices was equal to JalJ, the latter in sugar. The 'Iran vers, Louisville end Nashville, Manhattan, Western Union and Distiller were also noticeably strong. As a rule Html ijuota ; . ,ns were the best of the dsy and specula Hon closed firm In fine. The following complete table showing th lay s fluctuations in a,:tlvu atooks is supplied inn revised dally by LaRar A Fuller, stock broUtrs, Ui Wyoming sveime: open- Hlh big. est. AtsvCotOa 2 ' i'i i'.H et s1 li WILL BUT VI.I.Y DESIRABLE LOT o-r Madisou svsuue and Uuiawari Terms easy. Apply HAKHY LKKH . Propoaala. IjboPoSAl.s WILL HI. RECEIVED J until Thurielay. Manh a UN, by the urd'-rslgni-d for the I0udlng0i a fottttdatlnn wall for tlie tlethridlst I ps. 'p il eliur.-li of I'erkviil'. Material COCb as atone, lime sand, etc . lo lie fui lui-h d snd plan don tho ground by the bulldlni commltlea. I oiumitt" res BJH Va i ight to rejeiit any or all bids at their discretion, H CHAi'VI AN. secretary of com mltte. Boa M Peegvllle, Pa. okvllle, Feb, ISW, 'EALBD I'KoPohals wii.i, KB BE elved at tlia ortlce of the City I lorK Scranton. i's., until . .Hi o'clock p. m. I huts day. March It, Is1.'!, to construct two lines of sew. rs with th nsosewiry manhole, itni boloii. basins end Bxtur, aa follow: on,, of said lines Is to be laid from tho m ill, SWr on JHopUr street nlong Spclliiwin coin t, 1 dlstsuO of about 1,00 feet; the other 10 be laid front the main seiver on Poplar street along Roche court and Ash street, a distance of about 1,110 feet. Proposals bhall Is-separate on each lino ol sower. Bidders shall enclose with i nch .proposal the sum or live p-r cent, of the amount I Id as a guarantee to exeonteaotge tract within to-i ilays If awarded the mini. . Proposals shall be to construct by the lineal foot complete, Including all basins, branchee, man hohs, lamp holes and BStUtfea, and also to furnish all maimer of labor and supplies, and ehull be to finish the work Iu slxtv days from date nf I'omm -uc"inent. The city rervl the right to reject any or nil hide. By order r City Councils. M T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, 1'a , Fab. JT, IBM. Am Mugar h a.t.svSTf im UN I an. Ho on. W, J..., hie. A N. W 101 "t1, i',B. Q ""'s - (Jhtt. :.. c. Oi st. It... ;ih it i . Bpn.Val ft T. Ii. ft H l:rtV D..L. ftW ,UMj laMi D.ftC. F ri's IMN Erie m IM) i. if, Ho iot tlfl Lake Shore IMM MM i. ,m Mi Manha'.tsn 12 U Miss. Psc :iv MM Nat. Uad MM rM N. V.ftN. E. 10's. mi N, Y. Central Wkl tt. Y..O. ft W . N. T..H. W u. h, a co North PC .Vorth Pae, pf i' Omaha DM Pae. Mail Rsedlrur Ml i Itis-k Dland i.' i H.T 4' St Paul r.v t0 ft I ISfsJ felt is ft I'ae. Ixiw net. ;ii m Clos Ii g, MM mis l-'s Il 1 IjH 3S IBtie MM IBM iii IMH fitl I I m .''.it MM in im i : Itt' fa in, IMM l i i 1 1 its, ' I M i H i"H iVmj t.'nion i'sc i 's WsbaMif bl'4 W. Union Mljf W. ft L I. W". A L. 11 pf... bl HI, H IT, MM Ba ifM IK'-l t. It is MM stva M m Mi bi's H ID IS is., H 10 IU itti 'J It t s Chicago Oraln and PrnvUloni. BoaAKToa, March (, Tho following ojnta- lions are supplied all I n irreet el dally by La Bar k FaUri atooh brokafi. III vTfooiuii ave- nu. WHEAT. opening Highest I loweat '. losing CORN. Opening Highest , Lowest Closing OATH. opi-ning Highest Ioweet CI siing FnKK. Opening Highest Low st Cl'Silug LA HI). Opening Highest..... Lowest Cli sing,.. sn BT opening.. Highest... Lowest... Closing... HlltS. far, May July. I'M WU M ml r.ii 1 t,m wm? i.i 1 1 LV)l UH (il) I'll IBM bV ml mw "t, S1.H, tii'S irin M ami MM pa m mm is V.'H l' MM mh mt 1106 UtO HUO iii htu i im) IIS.', 1ITU IIH.' I ill J He- I Itt Tim TOO MJ w :ti Bp ;iu an.! BM ;ia '.no nn (in.') no RU titu oi.i tiiri Cn.) onf uLi tWj tlB Olj Aii Innnlry into tho industrial con dition of Wtlkea-Unrro and its BUf ronndlnga, ooodnoted by the Timee, recalls a , c.m,; outlook Btiporln tendetit Dorau, of the l.u-o null, tho isi. . i mi. nf its kiiul in tboonntry, sstii hi null whs working full time every day with sbotlt tlir cu-fnitrtlia ths iismil iiiiinlier of huiicp Buperlnten dent i.u.'ii- of the BhtldOQ Axle works, which vmploys, when rOQDlng ut Its full oapaotty, over 1,(10(1 liuiiils. stated tiiat the null was viiunitig better now tliHit it bad been for the past eight tuoutb. Tbo Newell Clothing voio pany, employing lot) hands, has recovered froul a tivo mouths depreaalon The Dlokaon Maobine sbopi tniploytllg lod men, iiro working lull tune, uml Btopsrintendtot Thompson save ti nt they expect to continue so The Vu oan Iron works are working every d, iv ThV bs0 17") men on the jiav roll Tbe wllkai Barre dun fao tory makea u vrv anoonraglng report Hnperlntendent Aubrey says iim fao lory is running to its luiiest oapaolty. Tile Wilkes-1 Wt re silk mill is rrtnnlng full oapaolty , 200 girl are employed Tboonilery worka, employing UO mm', ire busy day and night, Ualland's IToderwear factory il running at. its tuli oapaolty, Tbe revived rnmor tbat Mr Mel, sol would locceed President Wilbur, of tbe Leblgb Valley, receives very little credence among; tho antbraoite und railway magnates of tlu vicinity. Wuil.) tt ti i k Ii opinion is retained of Mr. MoLeod'a abilities aa a darlog UianSKtr of yreat interests, it is the , Kpreeeed opinion of many that ho lack the auabolal booking needed to carry Mm successfully tbrough tlie management of inoti a property si tbo Lehigh Valley. Theres, a strong sen -titueiit, too. ezpressing tli potaibility of bis one day making- an alliance witli his former adversaries, and thus succeeding to the control of sums one of the i;re;it N urtdiThilt iutorests, under condition! wbioh would give bu genlui for conquest full play hot not occasion .:i third diaaster i t the Qoanclal depart' uient. The I'rie railroad has lisnid an or der to hold till common freight trams in the yards from VI o'clock on Situr day uijfht to 1'.' o'clock on Smiduy night VDry week ia the year. Tue or der went into rrTeot at midnight Sat orday and nearly all railroad men handlins freight on tbe New York, Lake Erie and Western, the New York, Pennsylvania und Ohio and the Chi cago An 1 Erie railroad hud a day oil esterday. Only the nfoeassry crews tn handle fast freight mi l perishable freight wer. kept at work, The pas setiger service will also be cut down so that tbe .station agents and telegrapll opt rators uiuv get a few boon' rest on Sundays. The order nlfeels nearly s,(A)0 mn, hu'f of whom will get n lay's rest, the other half being com pelled to work for two or three hours on Sunday. A Philadelphia dispatch gives de tails of a new system for propelling traction cars that, it is said, is now attracting the attention of railway men uti'l the public in general, it is the scheme as advanced by Signor W. A. ValiO, a music taacher and com poser of I'niln llphi i. If, afur a th-v-o igh t st. Mr. Vullo's ideas are ooniid ered practicable, he will not only e cure tiio io I.O'iO prtr. ) ofTered by the Metropolitan Traction company, but electricity as a Usaoi of locomotion will receivo a Severn setback. Under his svstem tbo c irs are to lio run by a specially constructed motor driven liv i impressed air. 'Ihe air alter it Il used cotnos nut of an exhaust pips with terrific force. This exhaust iuuv be uno 1 in winter to blow the snow from tho trucks, thus doing aWaT with a sweeper. In milliner tho OZbaUSt air will, by a series of pines, bo conducted back to the car. A op dally designed air brake t tint it I claimed will act as quickly and with ns lunch certainty as the VVeStiugh OHM brake will enabln the motormati to stop the csr suMsnly when going at hlgn speed, thus IssNeiilug the danger of running over pople. Illocks 'and long waits will be avoided on account of the enormous reiorv force carrioil, bich will enable ev -rv motor to haul at lens, five heavily loaded cars np the Heaviest grades, rns notor inelf is OOBStmOted on entirely new principle!, and Is direct noting without compli cated machinery. .lames Bcott, nf l-'reelund. has pre piled a OOBblnstlOn Ink stand, for presentation t Presldsot Cleveland, Tho Kraeland Tribune gives this In Uf4tlng description of I' The stand Is 11 Inches In length. ? iBOhM broad and Inches thick, resting on four legs, eSQb living oils inch long, und contains two ink wells 'I lio lid rfprSSStttl t.n, donio of the Otpitsl, with smsll iii-orris on top. It abut has u sponge bolder and lid rest Between the Ink wdl Is a small moan mint, in front of which i u tiiermome ter tl inohes high, thl bssn being t inches thick, sud on the front is en IfraVSd, "Ofover Cleveland, 1'ri'sldetit II. H. A." lbs buck has ' Washington, I). C" the right side "1808-187" (the present term) and the left ildo "lsU- I fill' his first, term. Thine lire settings of sulphur diamonds on the front a id alto OB thn right no I left sides, and in front of the Inkwells is a groove for penholders Amsgnlfloin't paperweight acooUpanlM tna present. lUtieseuta live Mines will msko the presentation add i ' h i. This is the way Hsrrfdary BteWart, of ths Department of tntetosl Affairs, refer in Ills n mini I report to thn It ind lug Railroad company i "It wonM seem that the holders nf the present bonded ludebtednesi must subunt to u scaling or i eii'ljuslinent of such llldobto Imsa before there can bo a reorg.miz itiou of that corporation upon basis tint will guarantee future success. The report of the cnmpnnv shows a bo id "1 in lebt rdnesB of $168,688,889 IU; current liabil ities, 118,848,876 48) or a total fnmUd and nofnndsd Indeitednesi of tlfeOi- 818,781.66. Wbut amount of this enor mous ruin can be II sated and curried by this company is a problem uot lastly All Sizes and Every Conceivable Color. ( Htr regular $2 cjuality. At tin- Special Price ol' solved by the t'lHsjrs, but it line bi en fairly well demoiisli ud d fruit thn ex parlance of tbe lust fifteen yeHr that the present amount Of debt Is too great to can y. With u material reduction oi tbi debt ,ui a conservative and economical management, Iho road -Ii. old soon bo placed among the fore moat of the auccutaful linos of the oonntry, " A summary of Inspsotor Hugh Mo 11 .Mil. 1 report of thn Third Anthra cite district for the year 1HIKI bus just lievn mads public. Il shows that thero are IS collieries in the district The total CO il production for the year wis 5,619,614 tone, distributed a follows: Pennsylvania, 1,816,966; Lsblgh Val ley, 668.866; Delaware and Hudson, 178,166; Butler, 185 849; Newton, 'J'Jl. 686; did Forge, 900,683 1 l)lwar, Lackawanna und Woatern, 889,898; miscellaneous companies, 9,293,848, The average number of days worked by all of the COmp inios w is 1 Hi! lio; num ber of employes, 13,783; number of fatal accident tn number of nonfatl accidents, 178, number of .widows, 86; orphans, 100. The industrial outlook ut N )W C'astl is brig iteuing. Ths Etna furuSOS is to resume operations tins week and it I expected that the blast cm bo turned on by next Friday It will give em ployment to about 175 men. Resump tion of work ut the Etna will m iko lour blast fnrnsoil running with u Ca pacity of 3,1,606 loin tur month an 1 employtnii Too men Tue plant of tho Now Castl Wire Nail compitiy ii to Iw enlarged soon. TwelVa niwdoublt header maohines are to ti aldsd They will increase the OKSSUt c.iiucitvof tin-mill about 500 kegs per dsy. At present the mill is averaging 8,400 ksgs per day. Tim linplats mill is iu IUC- oaiful operation a id the force of men was Inoressed yesterday. r.ievn thou sand dollars were pill out Iu wages Ths steel mill, ro I mill, Bhsnsngo (ilass works end all of the Now Cull foundries and macbing shops are run ning steudiiy. Minor Industrial Notes: A net decrease of 1339,641 f' r January it shown by the Erie. The Jersey Central's annual report show a ii surplus nfttr all charge of l-'.loi,-788, aaiust ,:ii,as. m igpj, Tbe 880 men and boys of the CrofS ('reek Coal company, at Totublckon, were con siderably surprised Saturday morning when n notice win received stating that the colliery would bo closed iu the evening for an indefinite period NoCSUSO call be assigned for the shut down other than the curtailing of the output, 'iho Economy Society of Harmony bus purchased the Beaver Kalis Cutlery works lor l&0,000, The Uaoch chunk Uiilv News nava a handsome tribute io Al, red Twining f Hyde Park, for his activity in the recent bridge campaign, and also to bis brother, Buperlnten lent (Jeorga Twining, of tho Lehigh and Burauebanna division of the Jersey Central railroad, i'riiuk VVIlklnaon, of Beadino, has in vented a device bv winch, with Intense centrifugal force applied to sand and plate mouldings, be can coat steel of pet feci solidity, A PottaVtHe photograph) r has been en gaged to take B000 different views along the l.ebigh Valley railroad. Fun RHIDHATISIt, lutnbiico, Nouralgia, cramp and collu there le no remedy ao per. or to the genuine Dr. Thomas' I'.lictu (1:1. New York Produce Mrkst. Nkw Vouk. March U. Fuouh-- Dull, steady. Wiik.u - Dull, lower, with option Ifo. 'J led store and elevator, Ol '('('. ; afloat, 8808)sJC,l f. o. b., JO'ntl.tao. : tin graibii icl. .isiiimc. : No, I northern, UsX (W,c. ; options closed Steady lit Js'i'C. below yesterday; No, 9 red March, BlJs?o, Hay, tei ,c. ; J nee, bs (cj Joly, title.; August, (I.e.; September, 0801; December, rikc innM Dull, eitsier: No.l43)(0 ; elevator, IS,a4.'!'sJc nllost; options dull, eusnr: March. ;i.'i'-4c. ; May, MKo. l)Tn-Hiot prices. No. UT i'.: No, ft white, 8c ; No. II Chicago, lis,-.; No. 1? MKo. No, .1 whit, 87a ; mixed western, B8H08 white do., 89a48c. ; whlto state, B9s4k, iibkk- Dull, sternly; family, td'tUM. ;eX- 'I l s ( ;S;,S .VI Hmi- II vug Vilot, st tl(l.."iO. 'I M HCEU BSkf Dull, unchanged. UT Mi its (J net, easy. Ifinoi is. - Nominal, l. Aim-Qnter, iol lower; futures higher) western steam f.88 city, i ,; starch, 7.R8 Mac, ti in. teiined dull, easy; oon iiue ir, js oii, ooum a luetic i, s i i, coin- pnuud, 6)a6WOi I'nitK Moderat ibtiisnil, steady, mess, 118 toall T8, BvTTia (julet, wrak; Weilern dairy new, lilalTc. ; do. creamery, ifhlSSt ; do do. tnctory und rol, HnKic; I', gins, 'i s96o ; iinitstion creamery, I4al8e, ( HSaaa-Vulet, Dun; faucy, 1 1 '',al I v. . do Niiuill, III , ul ;T,c. Boos L) war, qoieti western fresh, 18a ifie,; tonthem,14al6c. limed, Hal to, riilladslnhls Tallow Markst. pRILSOntnitA, March 8, TalluW was In fair demand and steady. Prices were. Prime clty,!a hogsbsad,41c,j prime eona try, in oogeneaus, ma; do. dutk, lu h beads, SVc. ; cakes, fic . cies e. isc s A Housnhi,i(t Treaeare. D. W, Puller, of ( nnnjoharie, N. V , snys that be always keeps Dr. Kings New Discovery in ihe nonesi und ins tamlly has ttWSyi found tbe very best results follow lis use; that he would not h" without, it. If procurable, 0, a Dykeman, druggist, Catisklll, N. V., nys that Dr King's New Dlscoveiy Is undoubtedly the best cough m i lytthat be has nd it In bis family lor i igin years, and It baa never failed to do nil that I rimmed for It,. V.'hv not tie a remedy so long triad aadtntaa! Trial bottles free nt Maithuws llros'. drug story. Ki'Kulur size fine und tl.oo. S - MM Tin, SIORITart "f l-eantv Hen not. in cos njellos, nut Isoulyln pure blood, and a healthy psrfortnanos i r t be vital functions, lo be obtained bv Using llurdoik BlOOt ItntcrH. 'I he greatest bargain in Kid Gloves ever offered. Do not fail to see them. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court Eomi. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. J, LIHICH AND SUSt-JUFHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cli silliness und i oinfort. TIME TABU IR BrrSCT PCM 1. liHI Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, wiik. -parre, etc . ut Sin, LIS, ii :m , m.. I j.;jo, 2.00, SW, A.ntl. T.SjL 1I.U5 p. , Sundujs, S.UU a in, 1 00,1.00, 7 . 1 p, in Kor Aiiuiitic i Ity, H iu a. tn. Por Hew York, Newark und Elisabeth, 1.10 (express) n. in . 1190 u .pioss with llulfet l.iolorciiri, a;iij(espreup, in. Fuiulay, 2.00 li. iu. For Mai i r CnuMK, Ai 1 1 mow n, lii M. EASTOnand I'liu AM i con, 8.10 n, 1'J SI. 11.30. t.00 (except I'Ulluilelniiiu p, in. Sunday, '.'On p iu. Kor I.oM, BlIARCH, (ii i an Orovs, etc, at lUn in , lltlO p in. l or Readtug, Lelianon und Harrlaburg, via Alleiitowu, 6.1U ii. in., le.:iu, i.ou, o.uj. Sunday, 2.10 p.m. For PottivlUe, 8.10 a, m , 12.80 p. m. Keturrdog, leave New York foot o' Liberty nr.i t. North river, ut I'.IO (express) u. m.. blu, i.jii. i.;i (axprass With Buffet i.arior can I . ui. Runduy. (.00 u ui I., uve Phllaaelphla, Reading Termiaal 0.00 n. in . .uo snd i ii. p, in. Bunuay, 0 u. a, 'I brouib tickets to ail point ut low,-,-, rate may be had on application in advance to tuo ticket uent ut th.! ststi n. 11 V. BALDWIN, , ,. Cii.ii Pass Agent .1. II OUIAUBEN, Qen, Snot, I) ELAW Aid;, LACKAWANNA Ai,D WKSTLK.s' ItAli in, All rralna leave Scranton as follow: Expreu for New York and all point Kast. 1.80 -.- :. tt II Ol mul 0.00 li. in. ; 12 13 und 11 Ml p, n. Hspr foi Bartois, Vreaton, Phluidelphi and the South, 5.1S, COij and O.tO a. m ; Wo'i mid I .VI , in w 'Mbington und way itatloa. - vi p. in. Tobybanna aeconiniodaUon, : io p. rn. i'.xjr ss for Mntjba.'iitoii, faweuo. Eiuiiru, CornlUi', Hstli iJausulle, Mount Moi ris and Rulfalu, 12 ill. 2 Us. in. and 1 Hi p. in., making close coaaoctloos at Buffalo to all poinu iu tiu West. Northwest and Sooth west, Buffalo aocommodsUoii, 0.00 a. m. BlnghamtoB mul waj stations, 1187 p. in. Nicholson and wav stat. in r 11 p in. Blnghsmton and Eimfta Bapre .()', p, m. Express for Cortland, Byracuae, Obueo. L tioa and Biohfltld Spriiiss, lit a m. and UH p. in. Ithaca, CIS and ,) a. in. and 1 21 p. in. lor Northumberland. Plttston, WilSo BarTO, Plymouth, Bloomaburg und Danyill, inskinc clpa oonneotton nt Northtberlaad tot Williamsport, Ramaburg, Btltimore, waah Ington and tb- Bouth, Northutnoi rland and bitsrmsdlate stations ttjOn, 0 10 u ui and LIU and S07 p. m. Nantieoke and InUrmedist station a 1 08 and 11.10 a. m Plymouth and Intinnadlat (tationa, BAOand u.2s o. m Pullman iwrlor una sleeping coaches on ull expreas trams. i or detailed information, pookottlmstables, etc . SPply to M. L. SluSh. city t.cket of&os, ;.2 Lackawanna avenue or dei.-jt ticket office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY, MARCH t'yiii Norman's Scenic Production, I CHIOS VALLKV itAii.K'jAU 1J 1 BR, II, ISM. Train leave Beranton f.,r 1'hilwlelpiii an I New York via. U A: II li (, ut 8 12 1 i 2..1M and 1 1 .:. p. in via tt, L. & W. it. li.lioO, s.' a. in., .uid 1.30 p. in. Leave Scranton for Plttston .-ni l Wilkes Bsrre v.a 1.. L & w B. R., uou, S0fl,n.j a. ui . 1.80, i. 0 "7, ! :;s p, m. Leave Scranton for White Haven. Ha I eton, PottavilM and all points on th 1- I " Meadow and l'ottvi lie branches, vial. ,. W . i, Hi:,. iu . v uli. ,v II. li. it. at - a m . 1- 1 ' :.'. : 1 18 p,m . v.a ! , L. - W. R. R , 0.00, .mis II 2i n .m IJO, SAO p.m Leave Beranton for Bethlehem, Eaaton, Rending, Harrlaburg and all IntermedUt points via I) & H. It. R . Sa.m .12 10, (.30, 11.31,vla tt, L. ii W. r Bo no h 08, 1 1 -w s. a . LSO p in. Lear Beranton forTnnkbsnn ick, T.uva i 1 1. Blmira, itnsca. Qeneva anl all Intermsdtu points via 11. A II li !..-. i ; in. l: in and I1.8J p. iu.. vial) I.. & W R ft., a in..l.:t) p. tn. Leave Bpranton far KnobMter, Buffalo, Nl agaraFalla, Detroit Chicago and ail points West vial) A IT it. R. 0.07 .m.,ll 11 0'. p.m., via 1). L. & W. It. li. and Plttatot Junction, s us a in.. ISO 0.88 p. m , via B A- W K it. 1 1 p. in. For Klin in and th west via Balimvnei. vis n. Aril it it S07 a.m., Is 10,8. 15 p. m, via D L. A- W It H.. .soss m., i nianil 8.07 p m. Pullman parlor and sleeping ,c L. V. eal earson all trains between LA IV Junoti in or likes Bam and New York. Phbad Ip.iis RiuTalo and Buipenelon Itridi-e Rol.LIN II. WILBUR, Oen Bunt. East Di.- ('HAS s, l.'-i: (1 mi. Pas As t. Pblla .Pi A W NONNEMACHER Am'I ( a Pan Ag't South Iletlileheiii. Pa. DELAWARE AND HOD SUN RAILROAD ( 'ommenclng May in, 1802, train will t uu .is follow: rami loevo Hr.di.-e street station. Scranton, for r;:i- V IT LAVW . 1 "I. " OKI- I ..'11 I .' i mm MBtf a B B m '-iw ii , . i, in V -, , r uid il .: p ,n If I'. i New rk andPhil delphta, t ou a. in . 12 hi. ;..'.., .';i.. fir, snd ii ;.i p. in. Kor Honeadal i from Dolawai ,Lackaw inns anil WMttm depot i, 7 UI, Mil, 10 lu , . : in in., 9.17, a 1(1 p. in. For cm ism. isle and Intermediate sti is ., Id. 1 00, r :m. 10 in n. in . ItOO m ,2 17, ;i in, 8.20 aad 1 8 p. m.i from Brldgo sitreet Depcy, 2ui! b. iu.. !,l7and II -5 p. in. Fsi eijirsi to Asti.nv. Saratoga. the V mndack Nonntain, Uotun and Kem Kr. . i points. r,.lu li. m. an inn; at AlbaU) samtoeu J 2u p. in. and lvlng Scraafon st i P iii. arriving at Albany at AM' p m,,Bara legs, , :l m . nnd II sto 1. 1 rns. m TO onlv direct route between the coal fii id. atid Boston "The Leading 'Tourist1 Route of America" to the Adirondack Mountain r wi ts. lakteUeorgeand Cbamplain, MontroaL etc 'lime tslibs) shoe It': lot nl nnd thi-ouch 1rs;n service between stations on all diilsious Weia- watre and Hudson ) item, ma) h obta i at nil Delaware snd lie. Nun ticket ntnees. II. It yoUNO, .1. W Hi ItDb'K, Second Vice PrsldBt Qa. Pes" Mt, 17 RIB AMD WYOMIKQ VALLEY RAIL 1 j ROAD Train leave Beranton for New York snd lu- termediate point on the Erie ielrd ut u.:.j ; a. in. and 3.24 p m. Also fur liuwley and 1 local points at il :;.") t). 45 and SSi p fw. Train leaving at 0.45 u. m. andoi'iiiiu. are through trains to soil from iioues-iule. Trains leave for Wdkes-Burre atS Ua. m und . u H p. in. WE BELIEVE c have the hand somest line of Parlor and 1 )ravinci' Room A Duma with u Kentucky Setting. ELABORATE EFFECTS. A COWFE1ENT CAST. Bale opens Friday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 1 LLSDAV, MARCH 0. The Clever Character Actor, FPL IX MORRRIS Pri eetimj three n ccesses. A Game of Cards, The Vagabond, Moses A delightful and artistic of paths and coniody. Excellent cast Complete Regalai prices bale opens Saturday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WED.VLSDAY. MAI'.CH T The ( ierman Comedian. C H AS. A. 10 C ER In the Mui.-al Farce Couiejr. OH, WHAT A NIGHT ! Ke-roi structeJ and -wr:tten bv PraLk Dumont. author of -3fce Ks.orr.kf- Miua QenasL Eveltn Teuipie. AU:e Mar.hall, Louis Klce, H'.lldu Hslv.-ea Mrs i 'hr.s A. Luder Sale opens Monday Bam H,.- Hai ry Hiekox, Harry Shunk. Warren w Ashley. H C t'.isuinan. lever Furniture sliown ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Till Us DAY. M Ml. H in this . stale and we would like you to see it. Mill & Corirxell Washington Avo. The Roinuttir Artor. DUNCAN B. HARRISON' And company la the Sensational tomedr- Drama, The Paymaster Si r.ClAL SOEXEKY AND EFFECTS. I Sec!; etiffagement of the World's Chaiupbn C. UAHPSctr-rO; Saadow' only eual, Perform vry feat ' mi. '. . s (-... c- :; i j, oDshii ls?lt of the world. Lifted l.tvin ponnrta. Si.i" . ,vt) T".i ,i iv Wi k ronimencmc MDMUV KIARlU. VI ,0 U'.i:' -.i Oh WW H it WTiiN MIVtinX. In i tieci Jaawaet Ilia, I SIM, "Sol III Hon. ill Villi l!07 VIIA ; la - I ? B a 5 w ,e e station aeath ( .02 vlii l iiiN Tralai Dally. Rx. 5 ! . ' . cepl aunda i " 3 tllirn Daby (gas ikk, tV gave her Cnetorta. VnaataflaM trig a t slid, in crieii for cai.toria. When she b'camc : hc , iuni; to 1 listeria. When situ bad CLIIJrvu, she gutullisui (.Vilurta, t u M Jl'i . H Ml T B . T .111 . 7 4fi r rw S; r; Tiw p loll . s e- '.i Si ( 1 1 in f-i 1 iin us ....1 ii ui .1 '.mi hi 1; N .IMM .'') fS 11'' .) Illlll'.! 1 1 VI drrivo teine 1 .'.'. N l'i imklln K. . '. 111 West Wud rtreel 1 ) uu WethawMh M Arrlie l i ne 1 Si 1 10 Hun. . I us 'J ', I'M'.' is :' IV lt i ','.-. i ml t .' "i 1 1 : Vi 11 11 'k 11 v'5 DM tsi iv til m 4 r 11 id 1 . fii 1:1 n Is It in lU' lMW 11 ir 11 11 11 1.1 11 b Mil MlC:le Ilnnc io iKin h-etton Park I OHIO POJ nil lie I'll Innnit Pleasant mi 1 Dtondal Knraol City ( 'at li. Hutu e White llrMire Mill III Id Jai turn Aroliihitd lei' 1 l'i ckvllle (Hi ptisn.1 uifiMn 'i hroop Prm Idenc 1 link Place ) ci niitnii lUIH II 'I (, Cll Il IS S VI 11:11 1 1 a . 1 :i ," .V . Null ' M . VM . '.' It . DM . Vll . V li . DM . V M . . el ii i m :l IS li 1.. .1 tl im ; ; nn Mrs 41 1 11 11 :iii :i 41 '. hi 10 til 'I II ', i.t nun :l 1 7 4s li) iu .1 Ml 7 Id 1.1 4 (14 7 .11 Id '7 4(7 , Mi in '.m! 1 in s mi in VI I 1 1 seviii!!;! 1 it Ml. I.i Ml I 10 ' " i 4kjt I efsyffi sen tH" tA 11 1 II io . II VI . III US , ; in . .4 Anile a Hi 11 t DON'T FOMGET That vreare heduuttcri tot everything in tie line et n in no If ymi have ahy Yd at ourehaalnn am kladol a Watch, laoy"or pipeit's. liold or silver, voti will nuke a irrtev .'tii mivtase 11 give nm ., can alio i?n; our prleet, which yon will (Ind far below Sll otnet s, eS)lclil!v insil tie Uf; irrildeH.if t'.iain, waltham and iiirapnen tnci-ementii I If you have any deuhts aad are ai all posted nl, ,ice. ui 1 o nss 1 all .1"d iv. will have in. tr-,nh!e 111 coin inc. o a on e eti i lis, s hit k-e tuek to dliposn nf, nnd will olfor Voll won derini ludneement lu .leweirv, Hllverware, Clock 1 and nil other 10'Oils which we have la itorK C. W. Freeman Ptnn Ave. mul rsprtic 1 St. PROF. ALBERT S. BOLLES ah ti aim t uu dally except lunda) . r 1 , III 1II11I i ., I 1 . si on on nl j 11 11 1 lor naa. ssiigers, I. Chief of Bureau of fltatlatles aa1 member or Adiiiiioinii tinins b ale ciiibuiiinie tor Vn in. ii " faoultv of i'niversiiy oi Pjanavlvaula, Mat 1.10 ami u.i;, p. in , arriving at set union 10 "di rive his tntsrtainlng LBCTURB, Ului and , Mm I tratod with stereoptloon, on benve scratitoii fur cnihnidiilc lao mul 1 ml BjTtviagatc'wbJiMlaloatT.-iiandn.Mip.m, 1 ?UR WiTRLrft F ATR icilre niirs via Ontario A WeSM-rn In-fui, riurcll.isliiit tickets ami Mivu inuuej,. Day and Nluit K press to tho West. J.C Anderson, ccit pns ,ut. T, yutsroft, mv 1 ass, Act Mnatoa.ra For IheBoneBl of I Young Women's Cliristian Asso, AT Y. M. .'. A. HAIjIi, n n 1 nnni 11 Monday, Tuesday anl Wodtirsday. Bonekiantts drest Irish Play, COLLEEN : BAWN Thurs-isy. Friday ami Saturday, Streets of iw York ADMISftlON, lO,ao and goCKNTa Open chatiaeatB be reserved, by naasher. eters af i. i n.s n. fri m 1 ;ki t.. n.10, for the tvening's 1 ntertalnmeat nrforinanoi vuit itternoun except Monday and ninrtdaya st i.tW, and every evening at 9.11 IVd: pen at I .m ami mm b v.. ( "USHMAN'S FOHMtlUY MUSIC HALL. Scrnntdrt. Dave Hoeksreller.Le; Prod, Batldsll, Wan. Grand Opening March 5. Don! uuons performance from U P-1I. to ioa) P.M. dally. lilt. I l; IMi CI SU M I 'i'h" I'rineo oi , inadln. The Wonderful "titDA." .11 i. I's .nil. imin ,th Men. poll tan Fuvorifc. till NlRTKRa MllNHOR, M'BIAMOK VMiMMl. direct from Tuny Pastor' Theatre, Hew York Amen e'a freraier Male SuuranOi l) (IKOMOK MAssM.I.. Ml; I It ink I oil T41N, Berantoa'a well-known Cvrttrdiin. i Hi I'ltlMKOS Of A It n II. The (liest and Onlv Kisai.I.i, rtrnum 14,000 novelty ami lste of BAVerly's M:s todon Mlnstrelaand olhsrs, a refjasd intertatumenl i- pvonised And WO Intend that ladle an l children cm at loud without I'scortsand will 1 e niv.-n every attention nnd coiirtesv by the attach, un der the pronal attsiatl f Miiianer Bun dell. PrteetcJ sdmtaslQOi 10, 30 andwotats, with u few reSStved seats for uJ cents. Ladies Who Value A relinerl roninlc xicn must us.- Tiurnnl'n l'i:w der. It jiroducec a soft nnd beautiful skin. Mond y m ill i 8, March 5, 1894. n T.MV For sale at jMusron' drug store, Btell a: 'Beeleyeand Y. M. 0, A. Till-: LAKtiKST CHEAPEST UliiT Ihe Tribune
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers