LY ONLY 27 navs hays wit mn -r- NT T W W '-V SvS- ONLY ONLY I 27 DAYS DAYS I, i EKillT PAGES--5G COLUMNS, SCR ANTON, PA., MONDAY MOilMMI, MARCH 5, 1804. TWO CENTS A COPY. D THE TO 7 II 1.1 MP' MP TO ME 1 an LTU B) P ira y TiZEiS RDSEBERY MADE PRIME- MINISTER Summoned to Windsor by QMn Victoria am! Given Mr. QMstOlVs PosiliOl. JUST WHO THE NEW PREMIER IS Brilliant Achievements, Profound Scholarship! Varied Sympathies ami a Largs Experience with Man of An Countries snd Conditiona Constitute His Claim to the Most Influential Trust in European Poll tics Interesting Study of the Man Who Nw Virtually Dominates the Old World. likely to oarry the marks of theetrugttle i to ins grave. "The only reiutou why I was not used up completely," he said, "wit beuause t held him by my im-th until he cried for werey " SEARCHING rOR rv, UKOVVNE. BotUeh Polios Would Uke lo Interview the K.uuv Dflnieter, London, March i rite p iHoe are looking for the iiv. Witliaut Browna, paator of a diseennnu church In Liver pool) Browne is until tu have cloned I laat month front Liyerpool with a wo I man an. I to have ui'i numerous debts to tradesmen, Decides neKleoting t. I pay back loans from members ol Inn oauroh, it transpired yestordiy that three yean ago, while his wife waa in Lon don, Drowue nisrrtad tu Acton woman with a dowry of MOO .Theoonpio wni to New fork, but Ur Browne returued nloue, it it tup poeed that he deserted tu Aoton wo man iu Amotion, BeAlNY GAUkS Or CHESS SUluita in London, March 4. T WAS olloially announced late last eveuiu tuat the qoeSU had accepted I be resignation of Mr. Gladstone and her majesty had snmmoaed Lord Etoaebery and offered hiiu the post of prime minister in Mr Gladstone's stead. It was tnrt.Vr officially aonouaood that Lord Rob bery bad accepted the position. Ths Earl of Roj.bery Th Philadelphia Praai of yesterd iy contained an editorial study of the Esrl of Rossbery. Bnglaad'a new pre mier, that ooadeueee into a tew wot la cos of the bsst rsvi-ws of bis work and capacities. It follows Lord Boeebary becomes rremter at 17 years of aire. In the century no iuau but Gsatlevcagh, who becnsBs premier at c. has been s she head of Enxttsh affaire so youcg. Tttlea a;d in Enjlan l. bus U la not to his title trxst Lord Koebery owes his iwift progress past oieu iweakryoerc hi. senior. The sou of a Scot ;h p-er. Lord Dalassny, aad of she ambitious erooeau who was first Lady Dalmeuy and later the Duchess ot Cleveland, Lord Rob-ry owes to his mother, a Stanhope, with the brilliancy the eccentricity and the spice of dablene whicfl. belomjs to sue women of her family, the facile ability which for twenty five years has made him as home ia every circle and costly the most brilliant and interessin; member of the aT'.uphe was ia. wbesher brakfastia? with N-w Turk jouraalists or in the duller, m.ue decorous aad more distinguished atmts pbreof the house of 1 rds. Educated ia tu cocserTstiee arietocratic tashioa as Esoa and Oxford, Lord berv took no honors and mad" such aaine aad place as he won among hw fallows by driakicst daret at breaktass aod captain mgnfoot bail team. Twenty years eg-), wiien he visited Xew Vork city aad spear j winter there, wish th avowed purpose i cf learning ail there was to b learned of Amer.caa politics, he vwltei primanes in company w.ta rpr rsrs, met ttte mem bers of the machine, bign and low. and saw the outer and some at the ianer wora ing of Tammany. Insnre-seii in j luraat ism, his ready and eaeypen eraaenalto tr.e unw't w--.r cf " : r rT . r;al. and as breakfast one morninj, Mr. J. (i. Bennett he wrotf f.r the New Vork Herald a suenmary of European politics winch was. bom '-lie new-apr viewpoint, altouetber admisable. juice; unassuming, ia mianr so like an American that he could nave passed for one. he returned to England to ent;r on public li'e. Ir, is easy for a young peer to begin. It is as difficult for him to iuc ceed as for any commoner more difflr-.u.t at some points, for he is shut out of the natural held and arna thf bouse of com mons. Lr.rd BcoobCCy has madn way i cause he has dene with easy ucas all tasks committed to him. fl has a mag nificent appetite for detail, and, the dreary drudgery of the firit commissioner of puhlic Wot In did not apell aim He pridI with amazing tact ov?r the stormy opening icseioa of the London O.anty conr.cil, and JO a year .resided at forty-four public .istirgs snd nearly 800 committee meetings. When it came to dis patch writing he was an easy overmatch for an accomplished diplomat like If, Wad dington, and his bwitoliDgof the Siamese and Eiryptian rjnestior.s was a model of ur bane resolution, touched hy a nsn of tne might and majesty of empire. His ipecchec are simple, strsisrhtforwsrd an 1 ffi'::ent utterances, lit by wit. and most bi the desire and despair of more learned and more exporienr.-d men. Hn Hie of Pitt was a study of his avowed exemplar and mode!. Weighty ntteranoes. profound political wisdom, high emotion, kindnng SioqueDCF, havH never r-.ome from Lord R stery. If he has Sr.,e 'angrfs and nisleading powets he ha ei .-d them. His work s all personal, and ther- haa r.ever len in English public life since the days of Walpole a man of such divers" intimace I. A happy compliment, le ar, his pr tl acoDKintsnce with the 'aem. His inti macy with the prince of welea led many to believe he was to marry one of trio princesses. Mor. wisely, h" married the nclAst h'irest iii Kngland, Hannah Roths Child. Main to ugliness, she waa devotion itself, and he the devoted lover. living, 2j left him with all the wealth Eogliafa ainl t r Will tndu $2 COO Contest. Ntw (is., Match ! -Articles be tereen W, sieuiiu. the ohaiuuion oheas player of the world, and K Lisker, ol Berlin, were signed Saturday, The match will be for (be ohamplonsblp of the world and 19,000 it side. It will be a "leu games op" contest, draws not counted, aud i; will begiu on MarL'! ! lu this city, to be con doned st I' u! idelphi mid to be con eluded at Montreal IT HAD A STRING ATTACHED. Rev. Dr. Talmage's Resignation as Paitor ot the Brooklyn Tabernacle Has Been Reconsidered. PROGRAMME III! FOR THE WEEK A Fortasl of Coming Congressional ot int. r. si. islnes THE TARJFr BILL STI pOPlic me nesoe, ramniar with Kuropeau affair, as art f" w Englishmen not la dip- wfnecy, befctalmosi tbeonly man In En rope whom both Bismarok and the Kaieer like, ''e has known nil the men of the Fren Republic 'Jarnlmtti down, and s American acquaintance i has been p mctllious in recogolaiog and main lalning. One cloud rests over this lirilliant. life. Hw health is wretched, life wife's death plunged him into a bopelesa melsDcboly, Not mrire framed, slight In youth, toilet now but never looking sir .ni. and a hit puffy about the face, !m has hot a earrow physical margin. Overwork tlls on his nerves. He hecune seeretnry for foreign affairs only ndertbe urgent nreasnre of those who feared (llndstoiie's prdicy would dotach England from the triple alliance Experience only can tell whether the man who has had wit enough m seventeen years of public life never to say a foolish thing wdl have strength enough always to uo the wihe thins as premier, CHEWED T Hfc HIGHWAYMAN. The RsmarkabU Expsrlencs of William Brunei, a Pnttstowa BOCkSten POTOTOWN, Pa., March 1 Villism Brunst, a huckster, had a moss thrill ing experiencs near KitiKiiiL.' Hill late last night, He was on his war home when he wns held up by a highway rob ber and conimmidtd to bold up his hands. Brnnst's horse shied at thv rob ber and upset the wagon, throwing him out in the road. The stratijfor instantly sprang upon the holplsi man, using n sand bap;. A desperate strnggle ensued in which Mr. Brunst sslged his assailant's cheek with his teeth tearing out the In the struggle lirnnst seized the sand bag and was about getting the best of the highwayman when he tore loose and escaped. Mr. BruuBt suys the man is Brooklyn, V Y . larch 4 -Rev, T. DeWitt Talmage has again obanged his mind iu regirl to resigning the pastor ite of the Brooklyn Tabernacle A few minutes bef re Lr Talmage twgau bis sermon at tlie morning service to day he told the congregation that be had a few words to say to tlietu. He then read th- following K-tter. being several time interrupted by applanee: Dear Brethren of the Board of Trustees of th Bro' klvn Tabernacle; Your urgeat letter i at hand. 1 had fully resolved to resiu my nositiou, not only brause twensv-tive years of my Brnoklvn pastorate will soon have passed. j but. because of toe financial entanglement i resnltiag mm a aeriea of disasters which would Lav crushed any ha-k or Imuran OS company or worldly lanitution. Now, by the hiessiujc of Qod upon your manage ment, OW church is pus out of all embar rassment and. I believe, has seen its last crisis. Persuaded by what you say in your let ter of yesterday and by what I hear ffi in ai'. sides, and, after seeking divine direc tion, I uow and here dciar my intension to remain your ja-itor. What 1 have suf fered at the anticipation of par'iiiK from this nob'.e and devoted flick, acd from ex pced removal from this deloved city iu whose affairs I have always been deeply intere-ted, no one caa estimate. And now, with m .re faith and high expectation than lever had at any previous point in tnv minstry. I join you in a new campaign ror iiodand the world's betterment. Yours, etc. T. DZWCT TaLMAOB. After Mr. Talm it- had finished read tn the letter he was loudly applauded f r several mir.n'es On Saturi!a7 afternoin the board of trustees ssnt Mr, Talmage a letter ask ing httn to re-oonsider bis intention to rsii?n. Th letter is as follows: Rev. T. Hewitt TalT.aje, ,. . Dear SiR-We herhv earnestly request that yon will reconsider your intention to r-sign as pastor of the Tsbernscle, We fe-i the life of the church depends upon your rernaininc with us. Tli4 financial exigenry that arose from the necessity of bonding three imm-nse churches has been remov-d. We have fl dnced the d-ht bv subscription and hnve made an arrange mnt by Which t!i remaining bond, agsinst the church wiil give .us no more perplexity. We have property worth 1800,000 over all our Indebtedness; onr income will seed our outgo, and, with continued con fidence in generous response from oOt vast congregati in, we believe tho temaln. Ing debt will in due time b ntingnisbed and that you w.ii have i otinng to inter- rnpt your wont in the future. Again requesting that you will remain with o, we nre. v ars, etc The Board ov 'i antrriia, Lconard Hoonr, President, Vbmhori D, Dtmoii, Ueciotery. ir Tdlmags anir nuoed that be wonld leave for an Enropmh trio in June, returning in the fall.. . . . THE BRITI'iH CONQUEST j. OradneQy tir-i.tiinif aw- th. Half S-arv.d HatlVes of th .f ingle LoHCoif, March B A dispatch from Batburst, capital of Gambia, sny, thai i!, West Indian regiment baa occupied Bnsnmball, after ovsrci tntng the hi ighi fVaiStaOCe of the enemy, The nstives tdbteruntly were re. InfOfOed and they Ined to re-tnka the town by storm They worn repulsed after sver fight Nine of the West, Indians were WOOOded mid many iiaiivea were killed. FLASHES FROM THE WIRES Thirteen SnSrCbiSlf were arrSStsd ill Paris yesterday. Bxptoslvee were found in the lodgings '( foin of ill. in The negotiation! betW i Sjiain nml Morocco al to the Alff attaoke on Melllla lait, fall, are reported to have beefl clo td Sultan Muley Hassan has agreed to pay an indemtiity to twenty million pssctee, During aflght between BobCortonaod Illicit Kiilii.ey of Tyler, Texas, j'rlilav morning, Ramsey elaed his opponents tlinuit In his teeth nctunlly env, i in the jugular vein a id causing death in asbort time. The coal miners of tha Bpriogfleld sub district, Hpriuguold, III., at a meeting held lust evening decideil to, , lo work at I he proposed reduction of the operstots from 40 to HI cents per Ion, but will uv fnf lower prim mi supplies, id Williamson, the famous bate bail player, who wns for many yei rs short stop of the Chicago club, died at willow Springs, near Bet springs, Arky lasl night, Wii I lata ion had been at Willow Bprlngsfor the past two months receiving treatmoni for a liver ailment. The Cunard liner Lucanla, whch arrived in New York yesterilnv morning ttom Liv erpool and Qneeuatown, wns about twenty four hours overdue. Bbe hud a tenpseto out passage. Joseph Radltskl, a steerage passenger, fell into the bold and had his skull fractured, causing death, ilia body wus buried at sua. uli rhe Houte Will Make a Show ol In dustry on Appropriation Bills -All sorts of 8ld0 Motions and Dis cussion;, for Vacant Intervale -Hawaii Regularly on ttm Mi-uu Excitable Members Heady for Baltic. w iHiiiNuTON, D, c , Unroll 4, t-i'r3!!!'. senala will wait for the Hn nnoe ooromlttve to not on the tariff bill; ih" house will con tinue to in the nahowot in.iu-.tiv on the appropriation bills to atone for some ol us recent hid behavl r. This in brief is the probable congressional programme for the present week. There Will be all suits of side mo lions and discussions to lill Up v.icant intervals, Iu the senate, Hawaii is a standing dish and n likelv to remain so for some time to ciiine. Senator Calirey, of Louisiana, Is one of thou-, who h is given notice of an intention to speak on this SUbj ct,and there is some curiosity to hear his maiden itTort at oratory in the senate. The unfinished holiness before the Senate is the bill to remove the exist ing death trap and to build a new gov ernment printing oftiee Disputes as to it, s have hampered the consideration of the me isure before and now, by the remarks of Senator Dolpb, of Oregon, n Thvrsday, tnnil questions and the whole tubjeot of government expend! tures and rooeipti iiave been interjected into tiie debate It lsipnte possible that the govern ment printing office bill will be made the medium for a continued tariff die ciission under the accommodating rates of tlie senate which permit a man while nominally addressing the senate ou one subject, to confine bit remarks exclusively to another ami entirely dif ferent topic. The extreme probability, ss matters now look, that ttio tariff bill will be In condition to be reported to the senate luring the coming week renders it the more likioy that a tariff discussion will be again started by indirection by He publican senators before the revised bill reai-lins thesenat.i for action. PROOSAUalE IN TBI BOUSE It expected tiiat appr tpriatiOU bills wiil hold almost, undisputed sway in in the house. Tho general debate on the pension bill will probably close to morrow and then it will be suiij -ct to the limitations of the fire-minute rule nntil pa.sed Tins stite of proceed in. Mr. O'Neil, of Massachusetts, who is in charg- of the measure, hope, and believes will be reacne I by Tues day afternoon at the furtheet V dlowing this bill the District of Columbia appropriatio'i bill will be called up and then the sundry civil bill, Consideration of theee two will doubtless require all the time at pr -s-snt allotted to the committee on ap propriations, but if they siuuil I not. ther- are several other committees en trusted with the preparation of appro priation lulls rsaly to report. The naval bill, the diplomatic and consular bill and the poatal bill ir all ready. It would s -sin from this programme as if the house would find a dlffloUlty in supplying its daily scene of exolte-m-nt ami turmoil, but in tha present temper of members so small a spark seems sofficient to start an explosion, that an onttireak of some kind is looked for at any time and on any topic. SUT - 0 JAtflt HORROR. Use I. Still w die oho of the men pointed n revolver ..l Per both Of tUem walked into tho llollS, Mr. Hennsnberger got up and Mined nbutuher knife and attacked the men, but WHS hit on the head With B hum mar mid will die, Mrs, Hennenberget was hIho seriously. If not fatally, iu jured by a vh i. iii i blow from one ol toe men. o SITUATION r EAGLt. Fourteen Rioters Arrssttd Fhs Troops Hllll i.ii the (In. II. ill. ClIAKLKHTON, W. V.i.,'i I There was practically uoohitbne in the situation at Btgle today. Poortecn rioters were arretted at Montgomery i his morn in; mi I tuksn to the Fayette county j iii Ten addltloual m'smbers ot Company K were nt up at I p, in, li.. iu this place ostensibly to assist in extra guar I duty. Pout inoro uieu were sent yoitenl iy from Huntington Tn troops will siay .mi i tm ground tm'il legal action is taken against the rioters, !i Hi) p. in. Considerable exolleinenl was caused at ISagle about M 10 by Ibe itrtstol Wyant, who will be tried ut Payette In lh morning if the strikers do nut take bim away from the guard, as they now" i in iii A largo crowd is ut Blglfl making nil kinds ol threats, but so far no actual violence has oooorred, Hqnire Ad kins, whose sou was among the strik ers at the riot, Issued the warrant for yanl'e nrrest. . - HUNGARIANS JUBIIMNT. a Qrsat Demonetratlon in Favor of the Civil Marring, Rill. Buda Pebt, March i Mors than three hundred thousand parsons joined today In the demonstration in favor of the civil marriage bill. Bx-Miniater ('rosy prealded over the largett of the meetings, Tens of thousands Imve marched through the streets sines morning cheating rot the cabinet and waving iligs Miid banners CfOWda have stood all day before the bouses ni Maurice Jokia, tim author, Premier Wekerle, Count ('.iky, minis terol public worship and Dr. Yon Bsllegyi, minister of justice, The ap posrauc of any cabinet minister in the street has been the signal fot tumult nous demonstrations, Many houses are Illuminated tonight. Ths Heari.h for I h, II n le I doing On Aixkntowk, March 4 -The search for i ne tour bodies, which slots Thurt dav morning have been buried bsiieiith hundreds of tons of slate, rnck and earth in the tunnel of the Williams slats qQarry near Blatlngtou, Hiili con tinues Today the edge of the quarry was lined with people, many of whom name ri great distance to view the scene of I nn disaster. The work -of recovering the bodies w is proeeooted with as much vigor as on other days and coostdst ibis progress was mnde. The rescu-rs urn divide I Into gangi of twenty and thty are re lleved every three hours, ARRESI OF A CHAliK Olivier, Who Threatened iCtna Rumbsrti U Behli d th. B irs. RoMR,Maroh i a man named Olivier was arrested nete ou rtiday b-cunse be bad llirratnned to attack King Humbert After ids arrest the police learned flint be v.-'in the petSOIl who during Emperor William's, visit hern in 1890, tbfew Into the imperial carriage a let tor denouncing fJ-ermany and t he boui oi Hoheniollern u tesponslbls for Italy's flnanotal troubles ami political nun at. NtWtPaPlR OFFICE FIRE. ChsSntlre Outfit of the York Publish ing Oompanv Destroyed York, I'a. March i The three story brlok building containing the en tin- outfit of the Y ok Duly Publishing companv wna destroy, d this BUOtnlUg about 7 o'clock by Fire which was caused bv beat from tbo boiler oom muoloating with the fi lor The total Ioh is nboul 198,000, Insur snoe for abottl half. The butloess offiee i" located in n separata building, hence tioaped destruction, ... BEATEN BY ROBBERS. An Aged Couple Kalallv Injured Wlnl, Dt-'itfoiinir TiiPir Property, 1 III. I. sin no , Iowa, March I Mr. and Mrs, Hepnen burger, an aged Qsrman OOUple, ware beaten, probably fatal ly, by burglars Friday UTOrniUg, Mrs. Bennenberger wns awakened ab ut 8 o'clock by two men who came to tin- back dour. ,Sue Opened the door and FUNERAL OF MRS. Th, BAKER. Ker Baby Murdsrt-d Woman and Laid at R,at. New ButuiawicK, N J., March l - The funeral of Mrs LuoretU Hiker and baby, Gerttode, wife and child ol Moore liaker, ot Franklin Park, who were mur le,'el ou Wednesday night I tot by the negroes Thompson and linker, toou pi ice this afternoon, I lie fnneral services Were held at the Dutch Reformed church iii the village The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Blauvelt It is estimated that i 000 people were present from the ear rounding country No negroes were visible mid all thoil houses Were closed. ZIMMERMAN A PROFESSIONAL Th. Champion '.'ycli-"t ha, TJtoided to Rao for SI 0,000 Nkw York, March i champion Zimmerman, yesterday, in an inter view with Senator Morgan, of the American Wheelman and Andrew J. Cahili, of lb-- K iferee, declared his In tention to accept the challenge of John s. Johnson, provided a puree or stnku of from So mid to Slil ilill) isnfNred. The result of suoho meeting taking plane wool I proclaim tbeee amateur start as professionals. In note the meeting does not take piacj Zimmer man, it is said, will go to Franco to race as a professions!. - MISS ElVEHSON ENGAGED. To Man y the Kmindi -. I ' Moils. .Idles ratenotr,. Philadklpbia, March I The en gagement is an noil iCedof Miss EleUUOt I, iin.e Elversou, ot HOW rValuul street, to Mons Jojee Petenotre, French am Imssador to ibe (Jolted Btatos Mis Elversou is the only tlnughter of Jarm a Elvereon, publlshsr of the Philadel phia Inquirer, Golden Days and Satur day Nigut The wed ling will take plaoe Tnteday in Bsster week and will bo a private ii it. n r. only members of the two fausi Ilea being preseut. Theceromony will be performed by His Emlneuoe, Oar dtnal Qibbona. i 41 BF.rRAVFI) BY CHKESE A Dtirglar (i. ins to Brief ftfom a Blnitu lar 01 Ui . Al.TooNA, Mnroh 1 tn Saturday morning bnrglarsj slots 1800 worth of guilds from Lswtenue Kliumel's store After tbef had scoured ell the goods the could oatry, one of tuem oul oil n ul i ., of ohetss and took u bite iroin it. II" threw ih" rest aside and the piece oi r ae was found the noxl morning ll showed that the man Who bit into it was minus a front tooth hi Ibis OlOC James Torty, a negro, was captured lodny. I Ine of Ills front tenth U ffilSI ing. The stolen goods nave all been reooVctt i AKHESr OF A UR t BUG. Tried to Hum ih World's Pelr Build inga nt Ohloasje, Crioaoo, March I, One mora of the frequent atleurpte lo destroy World's fair bull lings was made I his afternoon, but tin- attempt failed and resulted in the arrest ol a man who gave hm name os Michael Murphy. The police believe they have in ruv tody one ol the gang of man Which ban UOOesded in doing hii muoh dam igu lo the exposition bulldinga by lh use ol Hie lurch. .. IN OUR OWN COMMONWFAITH. The bodies of two ohlldronof Levi Gar rett of nenr Lewisbury, Who du d Mini- iieiiiy M lew iinvs ngo, have been dlsu teired, it It feered that they were pole oiied. There are a number of conflicting reports regarding lint affair, but noar teats have been iniide. Anthony Llpman, aged Ti, dh-d yester day. Llpmao was tho most widely known cbaraotet of the Hchnylkill coal ra gum. Before the war be was a wealthy olothlhg merchant, but lost his fortune by dissipation. He was a II i ot defender iii the rebellion snd afterward niaimniund himself iy huckstering ami peddling. '.V :3-'ft, Mm - - I FINLEY'S -v 0 lf1& ' WILLIAM E, GLADSTONE. LARGE FIRE AT ALTOONA. LIKE A MODERN DRAMA. A Hotel,. Livt-ry Stable and Several A YounE, Man's Perilous Position on IS 111 n . . I -I i. . r. . k mm . . H uweniris nuniiru uy 1110 a Itauroaa ecoge in front Hungry Flames. of a Train. Annual Spring Sale of SILKS Hill ti i, iii masmiflnana Ij III atook of Printer India Bilks, wo Iff III I Hit I have added a new llnnnf Wash Silks, Louisennes, Crystals, Glace Brocades, Swivels,. &c, &c Extraordinary Values In BLACK HJ.K.-? and SATINS. Foui Great Specials iu PEATJ jy SOIE and SATIS DUCHE8SE, 98c, $1.15, $135 and $1.50 The besl rallies ever offered and wear absolutely guarantee!, Ai.Ti'S, Murcli A At an early hour this morninu the liv.-ry stable of James McCoy, 1828 Tenth avenue, thi. city, was discovered to boon fire, and before the flimcs Were subdued it wa ft complete ruin. Adjoining the stable on the eist was a two-story bri"k prop -rty owned hv ! 0, Aval lade, the fir-t floor of which was divided into two rooms and occupied as a reetauranl and cignr store while tne secon 1 11 or was used for dwelling purposes. This ivii ilso practically mined by tire and water Immediately nn the west was a two story dwelling and barber shop, the former was occupied by David Dun mire and the latter by Msj ir Crooker Tues were also destroyed together with their contents. The Allegbenj House, James Megahan, proprietor, was damagdd by water iu the tipper story and the lowet part of the bouse flooded With water In the livery stable five sleighs, three buggies, a back an 1 several tons of bay were 1 urned. but the horses were all saved The total los. will foot up about $15,000 ti this there is an in surance oi g0,0 1 ', GREAT ACTIVITY IN DRUGS. A Tlisaaticun Explosion of Chemicals In n Whi Issale H.-us. BhrrvbspoRT, Lit., Msrch I A tre mendous - xploeiou of chemicals m the Lewie-Bailie company's whoieal- drug house at S o'clock hw night blew oul ths rear wall of the building un l ih- ftont L-la.s doors and oaUSed people nil over the city to rush Into the streets I ortnnately nearly nil of the employes of the company wen- absent, and those remaining lu the building escaped un injured The explosion wns follow,' 1 bv a fire which entirely destroyed the store, ,1 !. Looney'e VHgon and implement -lore Were also burned and It Wolff's dry goods store and ti ch Was datuagl d hy smoke and water The total loss is ijo.yoiiu, Insurance J73 000 THERt'S ANGtH IN HIS CRO'K. Tiii Tammany Chief Y ams tot the Scsip of Mi. Dunphy. San Antonio, Tex , March i Rlol anl Croker, the Tammany chief, was very wrathy when a reporter today showed blm published dispatches etai ing that Congressman Dunpbv in bis letter of resignation arraigned blm n the Instigator, pmmotor, rewarder and upholder of franduteni votes and elec tion crimes in New York, Mr. Croker w bed asked for a state ment In answer to Mr, Dunphy't 1 charges said . "If Dunphy made thnee I onergr-s agninst me, i win nave nun srrested, I never encpuraged fraud ntont voting, nnd if any one in New Yorlt violates the election laws Tain many Hall will proseouts him." THEV Bit W OU I TIIE G3. A Couple at Ft li I'm mi null am Famish n Cn.- fet tim Oetonet BoUTH FaHMINOIIAM, Miis , March I About. 10 o'clock Baturday night man an-1 woman regltteted at the Wtnthrop House ns V. H. Hastings and wife, of Worcester. Tills mOTIl lug they Were foUUd dead In bed with i in- gas i urned on full An examination ot their effects allowed Hull the man's linlii" was Me Cormlck sud the woman was probably Mr- Annie Kelly Both were from Win ler, and MoCormlok was in the beef business, and wealthy, lie was yesrs old and unmarried. mmm THEY WANT THE CASH. ImploysS at Coks Work. Kefuna t" Work Without J'ay. CONNttlXJ?(UiB, Pe March -1 - Tho employes -f V. .1. It liner at the Rainey ami Port 1 1 1 1 ooke worits, to (bo number ol 0Q men, refuted to do any more work until Ihey receive the buck puV due the in and the eelnjilish- lueut of n leml-mbothly pay day in caah. It is slated that the m -n bav re oel veil no cash since nily lasl, the em plovi s accepiitij; stoto orduis in p.n ' pay men t. NORB18TOWN, Pa., March 4 A bun d'red people standing near the railroad station in liridgeport today were thrilled by the sig n of a psseenger train rushing swiftly toward John Keenan,whoae foot was caught securely betwe-n the rail and a heavy plank ii -ide. Keenan's dreadful poeition brought a large crowd of people aroua d him. Some hastened back to warn the on coming train, othore seised the young man man by t lie body to help extricate his foot. He could not get bis foot out of the shoe and bis friends taking hold shoved him back two feet hoping to find a wider opening between the rail and plank. A shrill whistle from the train scattorel the crowd. KQenan fell backward and Ibe toe of his shoe pro jected from the narrow opining by the track The wheel of the locomotive truck K- ensn's toe and elu ved the foot back several inches. Then fie locomotive cams to astaTiJ j still The train wee backed and after great difficulty the young man who bad 1 f.iir.te I was extricated from hie jieril ou" captivity. iiTHUNiar:s protest. An Indiansn in KeetisS Held at tViikei B irre Ye.terday. Wh.KES-Uarrb, IV, March 4. An Indiguani demonstralioa ot LRhuntans was made here today. A parade took place m which fully 1,000 members ot the different societies from here and surrounding towni participated. A meeting followed in their church at which addresses were made by dele gates from several stales, who in r-lo-Hiieiit trrms denounced tho Russian government for th recent barbarous oul rage 111 which IlllO LlthUUian lath olica were killed by the fossicks Resolutions lu Which nn appeal ia made to American Christianity and exprss sioi s id sympathy for their persecuted brethren wie ma le and adopted M'KkNL'S FIRST SUN0AY. 'is Listens to Mutli una Preaehinc and Fats Soiled Klce BiNd SlNO, N . Merer, a -John Y. Mi Kane pissed his first Sunday in prison In a quiet war. H- arose at the usual hour, marched with hi. company tu the mess loom for breakfast, nud then t" she Protestant .chapel where for nearly an hour be listened to some tocal and Instrumental music by ths prison choir and orebestra. At . 'i ill) o'clock Ibe regular service took plaoe, The termon was preaohed by the Rev .1 c. s, Weiiis. After service h was, with hia com pany, marohed baok to ths cells On the Way each man received a pan ol boiled rice an 1 a piece of bread, which COUBtltUttd their dinner. KNOCKED OUT OV MIDGET. Three Bounds Fought N.ur Ohootot iw Orm-ui o Touaha, Cm-sti It, Pa . Msrch I "Midget'' Qlynu, ol Wilmington, lei , end Will iam .1. Moore, of New Jersey, fought three rounds tu the woods at Booth, wyu this afternoon for the gu re coipts. A crowd of 800 saw the mill, The men weighed 111 at Id.'i pounds each Moors wsa outclassed from the start and was kuocked Ottt bsfors half of the third round bad been fought, KOSSUI H VERY III. The 1,1 fs eflhe Hunsnerlan Tatrlot Ia Ueapaii-d Of. Turin, March 1 -Louts Kottutb, the Hungarian patriot, has suffered a re Inpie and it again seriously m. Ir llnsso, Ins physician, despairs of his reooVery, as he refutes to take reg ular medical treatment . WEATHER FORECAST. WARM! WAaStKOTOa, March I. f'mv- 1 cast or Monday. Jbe easferN 1 fVnnstfteonfa, fair, feHriwtd bu r.......o..., ...... . o.r,.'i '. " -.--!.,7 ii.i. '.i.. oufA icfntfs; pi-ouuifj laouiers Monday night. t'or tcesferil rvnneylvttnfa, ihrmi ihu with ihowera Mondnji bight; south uifnupi'ouubfv eoWer VonotaynigAC Cheney Bros. Black Bro cade Duchesse. John D .Cutter' s (warranted pure dye) Taffetas, Gro-Grain. MerveLeux and Duchesse Cord. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. lot butti PEiicflii & mm mm FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HCSE. CHAS A. SCHIEREN CO ? PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tomed Leather Boi-ui H. A. Kingsbury AOXKT 513 Sprik' St., ScrsBtoi. Pa. Lewis, ReilSy & Davies Reliable Footwear. 1 w . er 1 1 1 1: i J Feet of STSry deecription fitted .it Lewis, Reilly & Davies. Will does ever) sveahM t S.sfl P.M. except Satarday, We Examine Eyes Free of charge, fa doctor fa needed you are promptly told bo. We also guarantee a per fect fit. WATCHES AT COST for one week only. I J. II AHOAPF. JEWELER. 215 WYOMING AVE EL, V
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