TTTE SCT? ANTON TKTTiTJNE-MONDAY MORNING. M AH CI I 5. 1 89 I. STELLE&SEELEY NEWS FRQBI WEST SIDE MR. J. L. STELLE will continue the business under ti. lirui name uf fctelle & Seeley. THE EVER POPULAR WEBER and SHAW PIANOS IN QBEAT VARIETY. ALSO PIANOS AND ORGANS EMERSON PIANOS Popular, reliable ami within jyour reach. HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS Hsve taken over 100 Brat rretnlums nt the past tlfty years. Ol'jor rrmkos of PUnni. Four ms.f?.s nf Organs iu beautiful new Assigns. Sea onr Mock betore buying. We bare tho goods, unr prleas are Everything in ihe Biuuic bun. STELLE k SEELEY :S4 Wyoming Ave, Scranton. Fa, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G. B. & Co , Imp-lntM m Earn C'flsr Happenings of a Cay That Will Interest Hyde hrk Road in. FUNERAL OF THOMAS J. DAVIES A Large Number of Sorrowing Friends Attend the Funeral of a Popular Young Man Death of Sarah Morgan, Wife of Isaac Mor gan Wm. Sweeney's Foot Crushed. at the January term of common pleas court. Judge Archbald granted a nonsuit nfter the plaintiffl testimony had all been heard, and at the nam time granted a rule to show cante why the non suit should not he Btricken oil. The matter was argued at the Inst argonaut court, and in an opinion handed down later, refuted to strike off the non-juit. On Saturday Attorney Cornelius Smith begun a new action for Mr. Burke, who resides at Dickson City. Damagea are laid at 80,000, e Only twenty-seven days. NORTH END. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. I. I 1111 DR. H. B. WARB SPECIALIST. EYE, EAR, NOriK AJvD TIIR-OAT, iTOll.S0J.H. 140 To i.X P.M. OFFICE HOURS: '35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL W. F. Wet ton, of Boneedale, U at tiu Valley House. Attorney r'.dward H. Risley, of L'tica, ii it the Westminster. Robert Osterinnier and Frank Sill, of Pittsburg, are at the Wyoming. R. B. Sheridan and T. R. Collary, of NautKokc, tre at the Westminster. Hury Arnold, representing tho I'lman Qoldshorough company, of Baltimore, lain the city. W. T. Wingate and Qeorge B. Pfouis, of Wilkes-Be rre, are in the city for pleas ure. They are at tho Wyoming. ChHrles McVean, of St. Marys; J. C. Meyer, of Bellefoute; J. C. Ferguson, of Rerrtnoor; E W. Par-ens. of Philadelphia; Dr. L. Depur, ol Pitubnnt; ami ii. F. Mebay, (f Allegheny, all Vnired states jurymen, are at the Valley House. AMUSEMENT NOTES. "Bine Gran," arnica will he the at traction at the Academy of Music this evfiiirij, is a melo-dramatic cotnedy, having for its scene and personages localities and characters of that fntnons section of Kentucky. The author nss suiceded In ere itiiiK tometbing that will go a Ions way towards holding the attention of the playgoer and send him away from the theatre well satisfied with his investment. "Blue Grass" it said to retain tne rapt interest of every one and to evoke considerable applause. There are laid to be some very pretty situations in the play, that it tnovet quickly and truoothlv and that the special lOtnerT and the acting is ex cellent throughout. FELIX MORRIS. The contemplation of much genuine amusement in the bills offend at the Academy of Music tomorrow night in the engagement of the sterling com edian Felix Morris, sterns assured. The programme will witness Mr. Morris in not less than three distinct character isations. OHASUHI LODBR. The entertainment Wednesday even ing at the Academy will be a fare comedy entiled ' "Oh ! What a Night " The three acts spin around the mid night marriage of Howard Ling to Judge i'ottgeiser's niece and the inter ference of Celeste Oarasoor, an actress who in in love with Howard. Caarles A. Loder is a good German dialect comedian. - LACKAWANNA TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. the Compilations i. n I for From Auditor When Sworn In. The others eleoted recently in Lack awanna township will assume their duties today. The meeting will open at 7 o'clock this evening, when the hoard of auditor! will swear in tho officers. Thre is likely to be a muddle in the proceedings at three auditors w-re placed on the ticket by the locl D mocraay, Michael U Cusick, Patrick Foley and Edward Mcrrissey. The Republicans had only one, Thomas Maschall. Tho three Democrats re ceived the highest number of votes at the last election, and all ezpeot to hold office for the coining year. The last year's board of auditors con sisted of three Republicans: Thomas K. Lovering, Benjamin Phillips and Williams Williams. The reason the Repnblicans nominated but one audi tor was on account of their claim that only one auditor's term would expire. This, the Democrat! combat. The Re publican ore aure they are right ; and, baring the benidit of possession, they will insist on retaining two of their men. Court will have to decide whether Benjamin Phillips, a resident of Belle vue Height, which is, virtually, at present a part of the city, can hold office in Lackawanna township. e- - BASKET BALL AT THE ARMORY. Team from Company C Easily Dsfeats On from Company II. The basket ball teams of UompaniM Band C of the Thirteenth regiment played a loose and rather spiritless game at the armory on .Saturday night. On account of the absence of several of its playert Company It's team was somewhat handicapped. Company O's team won the game by a soore of 32 to 10. 1)11 1) WAONEIt-March 2, I HIM, in North Park, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Je rome Tonkin, Mrs. Wagner, Funeral Tuesday, March fl, at 1 p. m. Interment at Caiman Corner, Wayne county. WILLIAMS In North Abington, Sunday March 4, Mrs. .J. W. Williams, formerly of Belleyue. Funeral tomorrow after noon at the West Side Simpson Metho dist Episcopal church. Omly twonty-seveu days. (The West Side olflee of the SfR.wwi TninVNr, it located at US South Maui aye nne, where subscriptions, edvertleeineau and communications will receive prompt attention. The auditorium of the First Welsh Congregational church was crowded to its utmost oapaolty yesterday after noon of Thomas J. Da vie, a popular young man. wiio died on Thursday last. at hi home on Flf tf fnth atreet. A largs number con gregated at the family residence, where hrif services were conducts 1 by Rev. David Jones. The cortege then moved to the First Welsh Con gregational church. After a Scripture reading by Rev. 1). P, Jones, ot the Tabernacle Congregational ohuroh, Rev. David Jones preached an enlogls tic sermon mi the estimable Qualities of Mr. Darira The attending lodge were Enterprise lodge, No 91, Loyal Knights of America, uumtirring 800, marshaled by Captain .1 oh n Lewis, who was assisted by William Jones; Belorlan lodge, No. 768, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, marshalled by Obadiab Jenkins, and Bsllevne Mine Accidentia! fun 1. marshalled by R lrt Owens 'ihe il ual designs were very beautiful, among them Icing a pillow with a dote Insctibed, "Dear Brother," and a sheath oi wheat. Enterprise lodge presented a crescent and star. the emblem of the order. Chaplain Oba Jenkins mid C.tsn Morgan, repres enting the s lurian Order ot old Fel lows and Enterprise lodge, read the ritual at the grave The pall bearers were, of Enterprise lode, David R Jones and D ivid Johnson; of Selurian lodge, William Anthony and N'oah Davis; of the Bellevue fund, Gomer Reese and 1 horns? R. Luttis. D!rl at Non, At noon yesterday Mrs. Sarah Mor gan, wife of ItaaO Morgan, of la!) North Broiulev avenue, died at her ! home after a abort Illness of pneumo nia, ADout n ween ago Jirs. morgan was taken ill, hut her condition was not considered critical until a day or two ago. Mrs. Morgan was horn In Monmouthshire, South Wales, in 1833, and was 78 years of age. In 1883 sue came to this country with hr first husband, David Dyfedd, now deceased. She located for a year at Johnstown, after which she came to this side where he had since resided, Mrs, Morgan was an estimable woman and her genial disposition won the hearts of all her acquaintances. .She is one of tue oldest members of the First Welsh Baptist churcu. She is survived by her husband and adopted daughter, Mrs. Evan J. Davis. Mrs. Morgan wss also the mother of the deceased wife of Daniel E Davis, of Jaekson street The funeral will take place Wednes day afternoon. Interment will he made in the Washburn Street cemetery. David Jenkins Burisd. The funeral of David Jenkins, of Keyset avenue, occurred Saturday af ternoon and was largely attended. Tue services were conducted by E I ward Howell, of North Lincoln- live nue, at the Keyser Avenue Biptist mission school house, Tue fnneral procession was a long nno and was headed by Panooka tribe. No. Ill, Im proved Order of Red Men. Then cauie the Cap'juse Miners' Accidental fund in large numbers, followed by Court Albion, No 7000. Ancient Order of Foretters of America. The pall bear ers were members of the different or aauizitions and consisted of John Wetzel, Henry Sherman, George Mey ers, William Wheeler, John Reld and Thomas Jones. The ceremony was closed at the grave by the reading of the ritual of the Red Men by Edward Howell and that of the Foresters bv William York. Laid at Rest. The funeral of John T. Phillips, of Washburn street, was held at the Washburn Street cemetery yesterday afternoon. Tho service wn conducted by Rev. I). Jones, of the First Congre gational church, at the house at 'J. 80 o'clock. The cortege w:is attended by the Eaglo lodgo, No. 107, American Protestant association and the Contin ental Miners Accidental fund. The pall bearers were fromlh Eagle lodge, Thomas D Edwards, Reese Williams, John A. Dagger, Dawson Waatherhog and James Reidor; from the Continen tal fund, Charles Coons, Reese Hop kins, David Psrry, John Thomas, Mar tin Tighe and Frank Francis Inter ment was made in the Washburn Street cemetery. NOTES Or SOUTH SIDE The Father Wbltty society held a special meeting yesterday and decided to hold a dramatic entertainment at St. Mary's ball on Kaster Monday night. The talent for the oeOSStou will be selects I from among the members of ihe society. The entertainment will no doubt be a decidedly good oil. Whenever the Whitty society under takes to do anything it usually does it well. The Crystal Literary and Dramatic club bold a very successful rehearsal at Company II armory yesterday. The plav rehearsed wns the "Confederate Spy," wnioh will he produced next Thursday night. The demand for tick -et is so great that it is feared the seat ing capacity will be insufficient, P. Qilllgan, a former resident of Hyde Park, arrived hero a few days ago from Butte City, Mm, where he dwelt for a nun; her of years. He gives a graphic description of the condition of the silver mining industry in the western states, and says that the oloud id' depression which hangs so menac ingly over the staple industry of the west, cannot be easily dispelled, M ijor Mattes, of the Thirteenth regi mi nt, inspected Company FJ at its armory Saturday night. He was ac companied by Colonel Coursen, Regi mental Adjutant Miller and Adjutant A. K. D-tweiler, of the Second batal lion. Major Mattes expressed himself in very complimentary terms on the military excellence of Captain Rock well's command. Albert Scliultz, the popular clerk at Divir' drug store, has resigned his po sition. Mr. Scliultz has iiad an offer of a lucrative position from a Newark druggist. The death of Mrs. J. W. Williams took place at her home in North A -ington yesterday morning. The fn neral will be belli tomorrow afternoon from the Hyde Park Simpson Method -ist Episcopal church. Deceased was a former resident of Bollevuo. The leakage In the gas innin on West Market street nearly cet the store of Buane & ('lark on fire Saturday. For the two months gas has been es caping in the vicinity of the store and apparently got into the cellar. On Sat urday somebody standing near the store entrance lit a match and imme diately the gas ignited. The flames got into the cellar and threatened tor a tew moments to destroy the building. As the volume of ga- was burning out the flame began to diminish. An alarm of fire was sounded and some of the companies put in an appearance, but their services were not requited, 4- Only twenty seven days. , A GRcAT OPPORi UNITY. Btppenlngs ot a Day That Will "Interest Many Tiibuue Readers. TIED UP HIS FATHER WITH A ROPE Unfilinl Action of Michael Kane, As sisted by Several Companions Faank Moeller's Plan for All Year 'Round Amusement Roosters Fight for the Sport of Young Men -Personals and News Notes. Ingratitude more strong than traitor's arms wsa fully demonstrated by the seventeen -year-old sou of John Kane, of Minooka, a few evenings ago. The young man's name is Michael, and be is anything but a dutiful son. Late Saturday nignt with the assistance of two companions, lie tiod bis father from head to foot with a clothes-line. They then carried him to a cost shed St the bark of tho house and left him to amuse himself with his thoughts. Young Rene has some pretensions to DUgiliattc art. A year or so ago. he fought a five round battle with Bill Vaughn of the 'Twentieth ward Vaughn blackened the optics of his an tagonlst and otherwise left beauty spots on his face, besides putting him to sleep from Which he awoke not for several hours, iii Saturday evening he endeavored to convince bis father that he had outgrown bis usefulness. By way oi argument be proceeded to -.!' ; His second attempt left bun in a soundly thrashed plight, and for revenge he perpetrate I the afore mentioned indignity upon his progenitor. Spnrt All the Y'ar 'Round. T rank Mueller, Oi Prospect avenue, has an enterprising scheme m view He has not. made up bis mind fully whether to put it into tangible shape or not If he determines to go ahead Robinson's Ice pond Will be purchased it will be greitly enlarged, and all the appurtenances of a summer garden will he built. Pleasure seekers will have a resort for nil seasons of the year. Fishing, bathing, rowing am skating can be sn joyed to the hearts content. In the summer those who sigh lor a moonlight evening on the water can be accommodated and band of music will keep time to the strokes of the oars. Bathers can gam bol Hi the seclusion of a quiet corner of the pond. When Jack Frost enters upon his annual rei 'ii and ice skating becomes the craze, winter carnivals will yield: a full supply of relaxation In the proper season every SpS0iM of lisli will be there to elude the rod and fly. it is to be hoped that Mr. Mooiler will decide and act quickly. Had His Foot Crush-d. William Sweeney, of Twenty-first street, was injured in the Continental mine while at work Saturday after noon Sweeney was dilling n hole and as he had the drill poised Tor a blow a piece ,of top coal fell, striking the in Itmment, which buried itself in his foot. The injured man was removed to his home, where Dr. Carroll was summoned. Intoren'lna News Notes. Thomas Sanesbury, a former resident of this side, but now of Peckvllle, died nt his home in that, place Saturday evening, after an illness of only a few hours, Mr. Sanesbury was well known on this side, where be resided for a number of yesrs He was 00 years of age and is survived by his widow and six children. The fttyersl will occur in I'eckville tomorrow afternoon. The 2 p m. Delaware and Hudson train will convey the remains to this oily. Inter ment will he made in the Washburn street cemetery. Rev. A. lien Oliel. of Jerusalem, de livered an address before an apprecia tive audience in the Jsokson Street Baptist church yesterday afternoon at !! o'clock. 'file Hyde Park Literary and Debat ing society will ulect its officers this evening. Joseph D. Lloyd, of North Main sve nue, is u candidate for delegate for the First legislative district, to the state convention to be held May 88, subject to the decision of tho Republican cau cus. e ANOTHER SUIT BV MR. BURKE. He Plaeee His Damages at $30,000 This Tim-. Patrick Bnrke will make nnother ef fort to recover damages from the Dela ware and Hudson Canal company for injnries he sustained in the Dickson shaft at Green Ridge several yoara ago. Some time after the accident Mr. Burke brought a suit which was tried A Whole Library In Itself The Ency -cloptdia Erltannica. The world renowned Encyclopedia Brltannloa.Whicb we offer to our read ers at t :e urhenrd rate of onlv 10 cents a day, ie a unique and splendid work. It has no peer among encyclopedias. There is but one Bible for tho Chris tians; one Talmud for Hebrews; one Koran for Mohammedans, and there is but one Encyclopedia Britannica for the people who speak and read the English language, and who turn to it as the one comprehensive, all inol nsive and authoritative epitome of human knowledge in all Its brauchei. To possess this matchle.-s work is to own a whole library and have access to information on overy subject within the domain of human ir inquiry. The extraordinary terms announced ou another inge upon which the great E icyclopedia Britan nica will be supplied to our subscrib ers, are only for a fow days now. Remember this fact. A few years ago the complete edition or the Encyclopedia Britannica cost nearly $'!')(), thus preventing any b it the wealthy from purchasing it. Wo nre now able to offer a later, a better and more complete edition In twenty -live volumes, comprising a total of over "-,000 pages with 071 mapi and plans, over 10,000 illustrations and 2.7'.), 000 subjects. Wo have confidence in it and v e know our subscribers will he benefited by having this great work to consult. In proof of this we aro willing to sjnd the entire twenty-five volumes, with all charges prepaid, and allow you to pay 0 per month. Can wo do any more? There is no further exmse for not owning this great reference library, 'l ake advantage of the offer now. Do not delay. This greatest of libraries is now on exhibition at ld7 Sprues street Remember you have hut a short time in which to decide. 4V m o.m.v twenty-seven days. .4 - BURGLAR DETECTED AT WORK. Coolnfes and Nerve of Twj Clllzsns Cause His Arrest. .TiimoH Conway, ;,0 years of age, while burglarising the market of Joseph lan ory, at 108 South Bevsnth street early yesterday morning w is detected and arrested by James MrLmghlin, a citi zen. Alderman Fuller committed him to jail in default of bail. The apprehension of the cracksman speaks for the coolness and nerve of Mr. McLsUghllfl and his brother. Mr. MoLsughlln lives ov ;r the market and was awakened ny suspicious noises about !! o'clock in Hie morning, The sounds appeared to come from the store below He quietly awakened bit brother, and cautioning him to ho i si lent the tvo descended to the street. Entering tbs building they came un discovered upon the man, and each grasping an arm, told him he was a prisoner. The fellow Was too surprised to attempt violence or escape, and without remonstrance accompanied his captors into the street Sergeant Edwards and Officer Dyer were met on Lackawanna avenue and the prisoner turned over to them. He had no defense to make in the police court. . 1 4 A url i no Sale of Groceries. A. R. Harris will sell at 1.. '10 today the remainder "f groceries and fixtures at 1215 Wyoming avenue. ited the scene of tho explosion at the Mootic Powder compauy's works yesterday. The baptism of C G. Boland's daugh ter took place yesterday afternoon ut St John s church. The homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ruddy, of Cedar avenue, was bright sned by the arrival of a baby girl. .laaies Memo, outside foreman nt the Dnryea colliery of tho William Connell (Joel company, spent yesterday on this side. John A. Kaiser, brewer at the Cnsi y Kelly brewery, is In New York city. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Osborne, of Han som, parents of 1'rofessor T. l, Os borne, of Greenwood, paid him a visit Saturday. 'The report of the explosion it HOOBlO was forcibly felt, they said, aerois the moiintnin. Told iu Brisf. At the last meeting of the Century Hose company. Recording Secretary P. Hiskey's resignation was read and accepted, j no olllce or councilman and that are not compatible, John A. Mil ler, jr., was elected to fill the un expired term. The bond of John G. Jennings, treas urer of Lackawanna township, iu the sum of ten thousand dollars was ac cepted by tho new supervisors Saturday. Fully five hundred people from this side journeyed to the scene of the ex plosion at Moosic yesterday. he South si le board of trade will hold its monthly meeting tomorrow evening. Sights and scones of Europe and America this evening, under the aus pices of the Young Women a Christian Association, at their rooms on Cedar I Venue, deseives to be well patrotiiz id. The small sum of IB cents will be charged as admission fee. . DELAWARE AND HUDSON STATION. rrjgrese of the Work on the New Fire Procif Structure. The new fire proof passenger station of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company on lower Lackawanna avenue is beginning to assume an impressive appearance. The side and roar walls of brick aro about completed, and tho front of light brick and stone is being put in. The floors of fire proof brick aro all in place. The grading for the tracks 1 nt will run into the rear of the sta tion is completed and one of the tracks is laid and partially ballasted. e -New itioycie. A new bicycle worth $7" will be sold for 186. Tim machine is guaranteed and is a rare bargain, Machine may bo seen at the Tribune ollico. -4 --- IF yon want the later styles and finish In photography, you can get it at Griffin's, Wyoming avenue. We aro Introducing new novelties constantly. Kerullppfon ft Woerz's r.nd Ballantine's Alee nre the beet. E, J. S almi, agent, 3D Lackav auun avenue. BELOW COST. Going through our stock we made a careful selection of CHILDEN'S BRAND NEW SUITS . . . To close out these odd lot we will sacrifice them, Our Bargain Counters Filled with Surprises. Martin & Delany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. Ohrir Members Gat Together. A meeting of the enrolled members ot the choir, headed by Fred Jones and John Davis, was held at the residence of Moruau Jones, on Plttstou avenue yesterday afternoon. About thirty ri liable singers have so far been secured all good ones, and more will follow Fred Jones is canvassing energetically picking out tils best vocalists, and ex pects to meet with no difficulty in banding together about seventy. 'Terms were closed with Dr. Mauley towar tue rental of rnsrmaoy Hall lor re bearsala The project Iras aroused great enthusiasm, and all encourage msnt should be given the young psopl in tneir laudable ambition. Mr. Jones is scouring Minooka and Greenwood, where he will find singers of much ex cellence. Roosters Fight a Duel. 'The Sabbath was fjnietly observed in the neighborhood ot Cherry street and Crown avenue. There was not a thing going on there but n rooster Debt James Christy and William Mahoney and their respective heelers staked out tho field of baltle for a dud totweeu their game roosters, one n "black red'1 end the other a "brass back." In 1!) minutes the "brass hack" was defeated by Christy's "black red. " BteetirB tt St. John's Church. A meeting of the societies of St John's parish was held yesterday after noon to discuss the feasibility of build ing a hall. The Young Men's institute would not touch the plan with a -10-foot pole, and the Catholic Mutu J lisuevoieiit association folks are not overflowing with cntliusinsiu. The St. Patrick's Total Abatienoe and Bene ficial society is tliu father of the present scheme. Death of a Younc Man. John J. Reap, aged 17 years, died Saturday morning, tho cause being pulmonary consumption. He was a son of Michael J. Reap, of Ml Maple street, was well liked by all who knew him, and gave promise of becoming mi upright and useful citizen. The funeral Still take place tomorrow morning at It o'clock. Burial will be made in Hyds Park Catholic cemetery. A Youth the "Worsg for L'OjUor, Another case of youthful depravity was witnessed by the pesdestriane on Plttston avenue, near Maple slreet, yesterday afternoon, when Sunday school scholars were homeward bound from sorvice. A boy about 14 years old, in a beastly intoxicated condition, was. sprawling along the thoroughfare, f For Coinintnelonei- Kirst. Th" street cleaning brigade's atten tion is directed to tue layers of un ile idolized mud ou the paved portion of I ledar aVenue. Personal Notes. Pbllip Callsry, "f Plymouth, is visit ing his brother, R. J, Callsry, of Bir- liey avenue Patrick Bam left yesterday at 06 p. m for Blnghnmptoo, He will visit Ida friends and return tomorrow. County Commissioner Demuth vis- new urn Only twenty-seven days. nlieuser BttSOb Beer. Louis Lcbmau's, bwuce ok e in Mediator's new Turkish bath. Every thing new. .Mai Spruce street, opposite court nouse. Dunlap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE Progressive Euchre- Priz Tall Flower Vases. WHITE CHINA. JARDENIERS. of! j j. J :, ? B P L jPK R A 1 A IMA 1 N AA Jjfcfr C U 0 P fE E S - S T Wife Lamp Frames for Ikring. CHINA BALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. IIIIIillll9IIim!fl!HCiiliU g The GENUINE New S I 'mnSF punos 1 ESTAB. 1866. Mow York :u rooms .N". 80 I mil avenue, SS I I' C. IIR'KF.Ii & CO., g Dole dealers In thli section. M m Office l !.i Adams avenue, S r,ii:smp:;uiiiru;mi:Liar3 THE CHRISTIAN. Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. BICYCLES A lot oi Second hand Bicycles will be sold at your own price. We have a few Boys Wheels, list $5oand$6o; will sell for $35 and 0 until April ist. Fiorey & Holt 408 Spruce Street. QPRING . . . kj Styles of HATS Have arrived. Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenue. Special for This Com ing Week. Mn's Cork Pole Lace Shoes, Goodyear Welt, $4 grade, to be Men's Cork Sole Lace Slioes, hand sewed well,f r) grade, to bo Sell! Sell! Sell! This Is the Order of the Day. So. Ladies' Dongols, Kid Bntton, Patented Tip, Goodyear welt, Common sense last, all 4.60 grade, to be Ladies' Fine Kid Unltop.cork soies, nana tnrn.t amnion Sense last, only a few pair ot thi m, :j. grade, to be Ladies' Dull Dongols Bntton, double soles, Common Sense only, l grad ' closed out nt Misses' Straight Goat Rutto spring heel, sizes 11 to trade will sell at , S2.89 8 v52.f) We wan. you Spring stuck nt' to sec our new f: Sl-49 Boys' School Shoes, lutton and laco, sizes 11 to 2; S3 will t sell at 1 I C, SCHANK'S Arcade Shoe Store. JACKETS, CAPES and WRAPS for the season of l. Styles all new and nobby. Made of cloths that will wear. Stock Larger and Greater than Ever Prices Lower Than Ever You are Welcome, Buy or Xot. WYOMING AVIi THE CELEBRATED SOHMER PIANOS out thp He Uai 1 IVpnlnr and Preferred tiy G.W OWENS Warerooms: Opposite Columbus Monument, 20S Washington Av. Scran ton, Pa. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS & Co. Cloak Makers nn.l Furriers, Court House Square. The (ii-eat Marvel of Dental Science Ansssthene I AST irEAB I lj Be bouctal a paid $300 down, gage for 11,550, T mates as follows: lient saved Interest on mortgage. Taxes ami repairs Net laving on rent.... Bared on salary To appl) on mortgage. e had saved house worth I :it)0. 1 850 A recent discovery and property of the sola jave day a inorl he esti R240 00 ..Siw in .. .'B 0 us HO situ 00 ISO 00 KRU .111 REFLECTION " pOUR ,,,,, that house will be fraa from debt and 1 shall have 11 home of my m n." ORKBM RinOB Is the paradise for homos, l inn ,v Non. have recently itn Ished a beam Ifnl villa, whleh thejr offer, 011 easy payments, at St SAO, Honv:o;d k WardelL DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. W 1 1 A T .! ( I BE A MO N S s K YS ABOUT ANJ2STHENE. nits BKNWOOD A WARDEU.: I tier having eleven teeth estraeted at one sitting by the painless method, 1 pro nonnca 11 entirely saslsfaetorr in every pari tattler. J. 1; BKAMONS, Call at Ihelr office, betwe. aiul Adams on Olive street; n ashlngton EZRA FINN & SONS. I TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON, i Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on tlio Headaches anil Nervousness relievo I. Latest and Improved Style of F.yn liUssns anil Ne.:taflee at the LoifeHt l'riees. ltet, Artificial Hyes Inserted for V 305 SPRUCE ST., op. Poet Office. FOUR nf tliesio COUPONS, pro m it tod at Th Tribvne lOttoc Dor hit IVnn HVantM ninl BpmOfl ItVsMtgj t ut (1 iff. tin holder to nil tho pru ii,k of tho 11 n jut 1 nil" it-.! offbri tor ii lut rllm M iitc nmlr book RinongOMl nt - 1- 'I lit itlVrtt mmlo by ihe TfflbunO ' 1 ' 1,1 ' 11 ' m0 ItH ftillnu n- 1f CKNTfl nml Font Coopntu for imy vol ante in tb riiiimbno Bo rlei OvOt 100 t ttlt" lo lOloOl from V!. 7" Mtd l our CottfMMII fur it 10 vol nno M't of DIokeiM complete work. BO ci s i s 11 mi Four Couponi for nny bonk In the Hughs eritH. 15 GKMTS Mid l our Coupon for nny hook In tho Oxford Nrrlen. SiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers