TI1E SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE-FR 1 1 AY MORNING. MARCH 2. 1894. FURS OF WILD BEASTS WHERE THEY ARE OBTAINED AND THEIR COMPARATIVE VALUE. Babbit Fur l or Hutu -Ituaalaii tYolfakiiia. Cliinvan Dogakin Robes- Animal of Cuii ailit anil Alaska Ilrvorcnce Ciivrn to Whitv Beasts. "White has always been consideroil a mark of distinction among tout," said a soologist. "Vim will Bud meution ol that laot in iho Bible, fifth chapter of Judges. (The Indian of tail ooantry need to regard a white buffalo bide as of exooptioaiJ ml uc, ami for one auch they would uivesov eral horsoa. Nowadays the aborigines of Alsska set such store by a white marten kin that they will pay five foxakins for it. Tim reverence with which white ah pbantsare regarded In Slam is well known. In Africa Kmn Cetewayo, who was sub dued by the British, kept a ben) of royal wbite cuttle. They were said to be very beautiful. The zebu, or sacred ox of In dia, is wbite. Blue, by the way, is most rare in mammals, the only species In which that color is found being the t' faced mandrill, 'i'hu so tailed blue fox rather a deep drab. "it is a curious fact that many wild an imals Increase with thu settlement of a country, feeding in the cultivated Balds, and tlms procuring food mure readily than when the land was unreclaimed. An ex mpleol this is afforded by the rabbit, which has Increased so enormously in Some parts of the world -notably in Aus tralia and New Zealand, Into w hich it was imported. In 1891 no less than MI'S bales of rabbit skins from New Zealand and Australia Were offered for sale in London. Vast numbers are killed (or the use of meat preserving companies, which put them up in cans. In this shape they are sold in great quantities for ships' stores, being a very cheap sort of meat. The fur is chiefly used for maUinn soft felt hats, for this purpose the hair is cut off by ma thiiiery and pOHSed through a blower, which throws it into revolving copper tlisL As it accumulates it adheres togeth er and forms a sort of cloth. "The prices for skisia of all sorts depend much ou fashion, and hence are apt to fluctuate considerably from year to year. A line tlonskln with a black mane is worth 9800, but the hide from a menag erie specimen of the royal beust, beiii; ever so handsome, will hardly bring more than 9195, Ti-r skins cost much lesa than Uonskini, but the hide of a white tiger, which i tui albino and extremely rare, will fetch a small fortune. Tiger daws an mounted for pins by jewelers. They are worth $1 or even more apiece in the rough. There is a woolly tiger of Mon golia which has a fur of great richness. The length and thickness of the hair are due to the fact that the animal lives in a cold region. "Domestic cats contribute largely to the supplies of the fur markets of the world. Of late they have been turned to commercial account In another shape, many tons of them in the f..rui of mum mies, as embalmed by the ancient Egyp tians, being carried to England and sold at u high price for manure. The substance known in trade us 'civet' is obtained from the so called 'civet cat. ' It is of a yullow color and has the consistency of honey. Its smell resembles that of musk. When un diluted, the odor is so powerful as to be of fensive, but when properly mixed with other substances it becomes agreeably ar omatic and delicate. It is utilized chiefly for minglii )g wit hand improving the bou quet of less cosily scents. Civet cats are sometimes kept In wicker cages for tha purpoao of collecting this secretion, it is said. The latter is used by women iu the north of Africa fi r powdering their necks. It is exported from Aden in horns. "Wolves furnish many skins to the fur market. In Russia about 170,000 of them are killed annually, a reward of 10 rubles a h.id Iwiug offered for them. During 1SS "0,(100 of them were slain in the prov ince of Wologda alone, the number of per sons killed by wolves in the same province that year being 203. "Chinese dogs, belonging to a peculiar breed native to that country, supply much material for robes, a good one requiring eight skins. They are exported by way of Shanghai to London mil New York. In color they are black, white, fawn and mot tled. About 78,900 of tbe hides aro sold In Eaglaifd annually. Iu Mantchoorin and ea-teru Mongolia are thousands of dog farms, which rear all the way from a score to hundreds of these canine beasts for market every year. Tbo skins take brilliant black dye ami make excellent sleigh rohes. They ara used to a consid erable extent for making men's coats in Canada. The skins of Siberian dogs an; likewise utilized as fur. But the Siberian animal which yields for its size the most costly of all furs is t!:e sable. It is only about 9 Inches long, Including the tall, and in orilsrtn trap a iti?le specimen the hunt er must oftn endure many a hard day of exposure and toil. From 13,000 to 38,000 sables are ruiifjlit annually, many of the pelts being employed in China for die robes of mandarins. " Another small nnd valuable fur bear ing beast i the marten of Canada anil Alaska. For r-nturits the trapper has SOOgbt to rapture it In the forests, its precious skin going far to repay him for Ids long winter's tramp and toll. The pelt, made up into mulls, capes and boas, is commonly but erroneously known under t,b nani" Of 'table.1 The toils are made lip separately into garments, which fetch very high prices. They era also used in the manufacture of the finest 'sable' paint brushes. No rSirt of the creature iH lost. Kvsn the skiti'i of the paws are sold by the pound to traders, who m ike them into COat linings and lobaOOO ponchos. The Hudson Hay company exports to England about 70,009 of the pelts annually. Yet another little animal, mostly taken in Si beria, furnishes the ermine fur, which is worn by the queen of England and is also lised for the slate robes of British peers, Nevertheless it is no longer so fashions- hie as it used to In', and her. re is much Jess costly than formerly.'' Washington Star. He Meant Overshoe. "Hearing a gentleman sneak of hjsover shocs as bis gums." said a physician, "brought to my rnlnd a story told of a prominent PhiladelphUU), who, with his wife, went to make a Call on a friend in New York. On entering the drawing room the hostess Inquired of Mr. where his wife was. " 'Oil,' said Mr. , 'she's in tiio ves tibule cleaning her gums.' Philadel phia Call. ' t Flies of Newspaper Writing in tiie New York News, n con tributor observes tli.it the collection and preservation of files of newspapers and pe riodicals for public uso in New York is a comparatively modern idea. The N'jw York Society library was the first of tho public institutions to start, what is now looked upon D a nseded requisite of a li brary iu a newspaper oilier. THE DISCARDED NIGHT STICK. It V. .w Less Deadly Than the Billy and Could B Tut to Many Uses. Probably the most popular order which Superintendent liyrnes ever issued was the one abolishing the night stick. No Cltlsea Was ever known to call a night stick anything but a club, a term which is never used by the police to desipnato any weapon they ever carried. Club wasa bard, harsh name that most citizens were unable 10 disassociate from clubbing and led many to believe that they might soruo day have the misfortune to be unjustly clubbed. It will surprise such people to learn that if they ever should beclubbed they Will fare worse under t tie Weight of the short, hard batons now carried than under the blows of the old time night Sticks. The explanation is simple. The night sticks were made of the best seasoned locust. Well seasoned locust be comes comparatively lif,hl and is springy. The batons, or billies, inch replaced them are made of the heaviest wood available - rosewood, lignum vits and the like and lire short and absolutely devoid of pliabil ity; consequently a blow no the bead, which, dealt with a night stick, would re sult only in a scalp wound, if dealt w Itb tho policeman's present weapon might result iu a fracture of the skull. So true is this that many of the older policemen who have carried a night stick for years will draw a revolver on a refrac tory prisoner; hoping to intimidate blm by the exhibition of It, rather than to risk drawing the billy, which would have lit tle or no terrifying effect on the prisoner and might result iu his death if the officer w as ton ed to use it . The night stick bad manv Uses with which the general public had little chance to grow familiar. The regulation length was S3 inches, but tiny often exceeded this by two or four Inches, The leather thong Which the user w rapped about his baud lo re-enforce bis grip ou the weapon was nearly as long and was strong enough to sustain the weight of most men. It gave its possessor a reach of at least five feet, and time and again the night stick has been used as a support uutil other assist ance could come for some unfortunate who had fallen or jumped overboard, und in easisi of great emergency where tho drowning man or woman was losing strength or growing benumbed with cold awaiting the arrival of beats or ropes the night stick and strap have been used to drag them Up to the pier. Again, it has been found Invaluable OS u life saver when lit ters were too far away and the ambulance was tardy in respoudlag to a cull. Four null with two night sticks, one of the sticks slipped under the knees, the other under the arms of the patient, could carry hiiu easily and rapidly to the hospital or station. Another and probably the least thought of use to which the handy night stick has been put was iu extinguishing Are, Fires started, no one knows how, in rubbum in cellars or In bedding or clothing in rooms and closets are among the most common that give the Bremen a run. Many such a tire that would have resulted inn damag ing conflagration if left to await theur rival of the lire department has been beat en oat with a night stick. Last, but not least, the fear of it has quelled many an iucipient riot, w hile the judicious use of it has kept many dangerous corners frco of tWcorner loafers which made them dan gerous and has done more than the fear of arrest and imprisonment to break up the gangs which used to infest many por tions ef the city. New York Sun. No r tli at sarsaparilln lias the merit to hold the confidence of entire communities rear atter year, aa Hood's Sarsapurilla. It posaessoB curative powers peculiar to itself. Hiod'i Pills are puroly vegetable, care tally prepared from the best iugrudiouts. i6c TitKnit Is nothing like Dr. Thomss' telectric Oil to quicsly euro a cold or re teve hoarseness. Written by Mr- M. J . fellows, Burr Oak, St. Joseph Co., Mich. Is Iho worst morally, but not Hie most common. Almost as demoralising to character, though not positively criminal, are the many ways of trying to increase one's wealth at tlm expeme of others - by gam bling. Sill a third way of getting some thing for nothing is to hunt for n sine cure. The new mayor of Brooklyn, elected on a strong platform of municipal reform, reluming home from a short trip just aft er Ids election, found three bushels of let ters from applicants for Office, most, of them, it is sale to say, from lazy young men w ho wanted an "easy place." This incident bus led to I he quotat ion of President Lincoln's apt saying, "If ever this free people this government in ut terly demoralised, it will come from this human struggle tor office a way to live without work." Value for value is the onlj rule in busi ness, politics and morals. Youth's Com panion, Men Taming. There are tamers and trainers. A tamer is simply n man of unlimited nerve. A t miner has nerve and judgment . My friend tells me that II trainer can teach a linn about as many tricks na can be taught a dog. Sometimes the lion himself w ill uri consciously suggest anew tiick; "1 had to train four lions to jump a gate. Due of them was so stubborn that I determined to leave him for the last When I came to him. lie wis lying in a corner. 1 began striking blm. He sprang up and came to ward me. He had a wicked look, so I hit him a sharp blow from below ou the end of the DOSe with mj cane, the only Weapon I ever take into I lie den, The blow stUUg him so it turned htm around, and as if to escape another he jumped up to the bars und remained standing w ith ids forefeet upon one of them, lie gave men look w hich said plainly, 'I'll stop lu re if you won't do it again.' He looked superb standing there drawn up to ins mil height. So 1 sat down on i he gate, lit a cigarette and kept bill) iu that position till I had tin Ished. I trained the other lions in the act, and a line appearance the four made stand ing against the bars." Harper's Young People. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thotwands lioiiiuiiiit.s of Pry riood.s. clunks tuitl Fur Gaped daring salu :il less tliu.it cost of material. Every Inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever shown, Ladies' Felt lints, this season's styles 1 0c. each. Boys' Winter Wuists IfJo eaoh. Mnfli 30c. eaoh, Cloalis $1.50 eaoh. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. A R 1 1 a ss Rsv BROWNS m HIVE, Disease; of Oolnmbas' Map of America. "The remarkable discovery of n copy of a map by ColambtM, drawn on a letter writ ten from Jamaica In July. l"ia, is rerout ed by Nature. This, although only a rough pen and ink sketch, shows exactly tho opinion of Columbus himself as to the part of the world ho had reached, which he te lieved to be the east coast of Asia. The oritjinul map, drawn by Columbus and his In-other Bartholomew, was presented to a priest named Hietonymo, who gave it, together with a description, to Alexan der Strozzi, a noted collector of early voy ages. He is supposed to have copied the original map ronghly on the margin of the letter from Columbus, which he hatl bound in a volume with other documents, and this volume is now iu the National library at Florence. When the existence and significance of the map were discov ered -by Dr. 1!. von Wieser, professor of geography at Innsbruck, acting on U-balf of the Austrian iiini nte For Historical Research. Fall Moll Gazette, Sometliinc l or Nothing. "The darkest hour in any yonnpr man's life," says Horace Greeley, "Is when he sits down to plan bow to get money with out enrnit g it." There nr more ways than one of mak ing this fatal mistake of trying to get n.,Uiethir f M Th" ' riminnl way I Irv3 Aade a well a sn ..wi-i (-j , i '. . . - i VS-Wef -WrJV.. INDJ.P0 1 IIK Hit t V HINDOO RIMCDY I'RulU 1 RES I LTf ... M HATS. Cui Nervou buewwi, Full mar, J PftitMli. BitwD.BMi.usw. Ntirbtlv tiolis, etett CeVUfvd by past ftDUsWS, fflVM VlBOf mitl liSG to ttbrunKen oraani, and quickly imi rarely lOBtoroi (Mi Miinitmiii in old try mns. Ratlyoarntftlln veil pocket. Prl -ofl.tO apaekmft. Bin wr , with i writlt-ti itiit-iiiit-r i flirt- uium-v rcfuii W-tl. l'-n'; lei unv unprincipled arupfclt noil you nm hind qI imitation In ilt on Iw In illo none ot nor Ti h-1 h;miit trot it. wi'wiii acini it by mail upon reeolpj ol price. Pfunpnlol In .ii"-i envelope free. A ildroiu Ort ntuL Mi'tlit-ul 4' l'i ' i CUetftf HI., ur our unfit. BOLD by Matthewi Brot., Wholoaale nnd Re tail Drnggtati, SCRANTON, PA., and other Lead ing i -t .: -i Ccmplexfcn Pressmd DR. HEliP.A'S HP IB 81 iemoven irtcme. fii"pij3I l Jvsr Molf Blsrklioidj, 'S1 lunhum a:.d Tan, and r 1 Removes Frtekle. Plmr'j;, : U.I. - ' i . .1 . I..VI . n 8uhijrii stores the sLin to its o-i -: nal freslme.-s, produeine a.wtf. K'Aff clear ana nealiny r. .-n-.V'. wav:-. pleiloa. Bnperlor to SU face rroamtlors othI perfcctlv hnrmlcrs. At all UrUUiStS) Or mailed for SOctl, bend lor Circular, VIOLA SKIN 80AP ajlr limarartbk m a Jlln urlf,lDrf Soap. uro.in)rl for thn twlkl. a&'l t'tth"ut a rival lof iho uurf. Ai-Hlut.lr nur- uoU deU.-a:a!r mcdl ctu4. MSmbUU, Prli r- rtl. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Tot coo. O. For salo by Matthews Bros. , Morfan Brotutnd Morgan A Co. EnDSRMO T THt H'CHIIT MtOi-.L AllTMOr.lTlf. srlSSx haw. you r"ilTADDU wtmm a Ln Inn fin 'J ftSTMMA vn inn nn HEADACHE'fflfflSSS n - '1DIB ME.NTTOI wJ Jft. -e a ixnAt.sn will euro jrmi. A C jSS J wenUorfnl linen to niirerrn 1i ill., ' , i. nrnvwhltla, i.rUAV KF.VEK. Afimh UntntdlatMfwtft An sflwleiit remciW. conrntent to carrr In poekSt, ready to mi n dmt IniHrMlun of enld. i nnltnucU I'an I.ffrla IVrmnnant Cere Bitiif leUonsni aateedornonsjrrefiindee. I-rin-, tit (. Trial free al praigiits. Reilstered mnii. CO coats. ,11. D. COSmN, klfr.,lhrae Kirtrs, Mica , U. S. L MTSUTMOl The snfeat i,.ni nifi't rrtrnpity for mb.ii inuL an . km dliessss. rlcxema. in n Halt ftheiim.oM Snra. Knmfi. ''nt. Wnntfrrfait ri'in Mlv fur PI I.K.N. I'rlrr.e.'irtn. 'it Drill.'' DAI !i cjntonr 'iv nill prepslll. A'l'lrr. i aiaBOTO DnLlil For Hii tv Matthews I1pi-i..Mii-uu nro and ittiirnii & Co. lP D P Pimples, Blotches L B and Old Sores PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT TTRT: and potassium Catarrh, Malaria Makes Tz Marvelous Cures it in Blood Poison Rheumatism grand Scrofula tsa" ' P. V. I. MirllU'r. tlm MckkI, hallfMnp gw weik . I dtblUl 1. Ktvrt strength ti weakenml nwrvoii, nxpeU ' lilHH.-iHnH.KlTliisrMio .hi lent health and ifajfcr . btpplBAU whor lioknAM! ptlnorojr !' 'Mil,- una i .t .J nrt prfvuii'"!. gvr . vr srUBswy.HooodAry ni t6rtl it$ rial rol'n, rnnlnrli. drnMpAlfti nnd In nil hlood ami akin (lUnnsfH, llko TT lilotcho1, iilmj li-st, um rlirorm- nli .n, sJt,-' t'ttr, wnid hciwi, bolin, eryniiiat gflJ rczcmft we infty uny, wltli' tu fear or ml -..ntra)lM,on,thiitI. P. P. Is ut bent lilnofl purlllcr in thn worl'i.ari'l nril;r intuitive, iptMJ ntid pcrnmntait oQfM In all cafn. I.nilli'i wlnun 'lyntfriut urn ihiI'ikmI an'l whnse bloodllla an ltiimr pAdla tlon, lun tu i M n.il IrrnKulnrUinfl, arejtnrullarly hnui'litt"! by thn W'-n-dnrTiil tonic Od IjIikmI f -nn'nitiiK DfQP" rtlMOf P. P. r Prickly A;h, Pon Houtand PotftAHlam. s , . 1 1 i , Mo., Auk. Hth, HtR. I can ttMI In thn hiK)'Ht terlSJ of your DswIlmM from my oWD iM rmmtil knowlurlKa I wartiittertetl with Uunrt njjlMltj pluiriiy and rlmum illm tor 35 yenrii, wnti trnuti'd by tic very bnt iihyslrl(ini una i.p"iit, liunilrnH of ol rnrN. MM nvnry Unovju rnnx-dy with out ilntlliifr rnlli'f, RATfl only tattsn one bottle of your P. P. P., nnd MQ clumrfully my It DM dime nm more Kood than anythlnfi: I huvn evnr tnknn. 1 can rocomiiiHud your tandlclno to all aufT'jrorn of thi- ii!mvu dlncannM, Km. M. M. TKABT. gprliiKlljld, Uruuii County, Mo. and Kidney Troubles Arc indn li n iiitufil b,r IMM. Prickly Ash. Pokt Root and PotM niuifi, thn yreatMi blood purifier uq P earlh. AnrnriT i, O.. July 2itXWL -D Mr . '. i.ickman Miios., Barannan, Cm.1 DatAR Bxri I boQrht iboUwoi your P P. P. at Hot BpTinM. Ark,, and it ha d' no mo morn roimi rhnii tnmo month trm mitid al tho II t Hpllnua. Hend throi' bot.tlnn ('. n. u. Btfptot rally join. JAN. HE. NIUVTON, AliMrdHn, BfOWO Ounty, O t'npl . J. i- sfOhstttOata Try fill MpAom il tuny contitHi I here hy tniMfy to thn woQaorfot pTopertloti or Pi P. P. for nruptlont ot i.hn fcln I infforod fir evertl yotfi with no un ilghtvtad dlaagreeabia oraptlonon mv fano. I trb-d "vry known r'-mo dy bnr In vain, until P. I'. P, WMWNM and am now ootlfoly onred. (Blguedbyj J- JOHNBTONi Hvaiinah, OU. Si" CMMM OlllsMk 7Vtmony row the Mayor qfBtpttTlk Hp.QitiML'rn., .inn 111 ry 14t I8O81 UstaiBti LirPMAM Dioflss BaVsUIDul an. : Ot nlU k i bate tried your K p. p. fur a dlsoMOof thf PplQj uminily known a i iklO 0M104r(0i thirty yOAfaV tntidlng, and found Rrtftt rollff; It purldcHttin blood and n iiiuvcn nil lr rltatlon from tho snat of th dltt'iiHe nnd .mvnnt't nnv ipreaulnf'Ol tbf Moron, i have taJcen Bvoor il bottlM nnd ftfl confident thai nnotbor coarif win tffeot a utire, it dm klto rollevofl nii ffoOB fndlgpirion and atoiuach tiuublt'5. Yoon irulv. CAPT. W. M. RDST. Atti.rrnjy fti Law. eat Book on BHOd dm VM Free. AM. DttUOOlBTB HULL IT. LiPPIVIAN BROS. FBOPBIBTOBB, I.lprman'i. i. -' -li. . RESTORE LOST VIGOR 1.1, 1. , , Al.. 1 l.lUg, N. 'T ill . i.r. ! v Will l,r .r ., i,..in a Vttl A,. 1 ,1 m, 1 1. W H T PI 1.- 'lit' A RAN I hi. tn ( urn Ni rt. ux II, .1. hi. I.M, nf Hi, mint Rnata. k. ISTolOBMM Rmlmlonif fromaoy rmisi. If mi;li'rliil, ticti trimht. n teth riMiniiiiiiiliiih in intH'.ilv, l. nil pit Imi lT mall. 6 lum i. lor ti. With m.n , I I II iv if i vo n Willi ii r'l.i.iii.. I,, ,ii.,i Mud I ha in, A.I.I. tBAL lUStOIII CO.' CI..laLd, Ohio. For sale by JOHN U. FHBLP&, 1'hai'iuaclst, cur. WyomlDgAr auit lpiucoSt., Scrauton, Pa. TH K Thatch r IS THE B:ST. Out prices and lee His furnace mnl ) cod viticM.l. A lull Hue of HEAT ERS, Appello and Uatizii Duor Ranges, CONLAN'S HARDWARE rn i s ion, r.v. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. UaBttfatattuwri nnd Djnltn i Burnina All AioJ lnhnnatinrr II IB a lUHMUUllllg jwUUW Uso Shafting anil Journal Greasi OFflCKi-Ttl West Laukawsnna Ats, Nioi.ks lleridiaa stri PITTSTON, PA. MOOSIC POWDER CO. E. Robinson's Sons Lagek Beer Brewery KCIt ANTON, VX. MINING and BLASTING POWDER lluJoattlm MOOBIO nnd BUSH DALE WOBK& Lnfflln & Uiiiul 1'owiler Co.'s ORANGE GUN FOWDER Electric liattoriiwi, Fusoi for explod ing blasts, t-at'ty Vase auii RepaunoChemical Co.'s High Explosives Laciies Who Value A refined complexion must use Poziont's Pow der. It product:! :i Hoft and binutliul I kin B I B I GE IS POWER :-: i jPJJ , TE possessions 0 pei)'s r;and$ are qjioHly cor;- J sufTied, but oulede, ulicj? is tyz mind's il ripest estate, ?9dcir(js fot?ur." ')'- i ENLIGHTENING THE W6RLD. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: Manufacturers of tbo Oli bruteil PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum. ftnsslan LfaX Otseafaur Capm, 2 lnehas, liM KlSOtrio Soal t.'.riru'mr Ospss, 34 In t.JI Astrakhaa OireuUr ftspns. N in use "m.i i , si dtrettlar Cup-a. -ii iu itoo Ht'UHi Usrten Circular t"np, 24 tn 40.00 Brown Marten irealar Cnpea, 24 si 4i.oa Otter t in ulur Capes 24 in tu.os Seal Sacquos Siiul Pr, '.jhoh, ,",!( luotSS lonff UKMt BsalJaokets, m Inokta hki.i.o Wei.! .Iwil.i.ta. L'4 iiii-.lina lonil "HOD .ttitranhsB Jiicifjt M iaclMM lou- Hi.09 Circular Capos Beal Cireular Caps, 9) Incbaa looit, w thj ButurrlT Caps $85.00 tt(,i' Ctrpnlar Cape, -ri inebei lons.wltb Kutt rflj Capt lojfjn Bablo Cironlar Caps, ttiuobsslong...... oo Astrakhan Cu-nuiar Cape, m inobas long a; io Eteetrie Seal (.'irmilar Cupn, 30 In. long.. 2u ou Jraj C'riUiinei Circular l.'apu, :J Iu. lonu 'Jit U0 4o dozen Amerlean ttal Muffs at. ...si 25 e;eb 1 lot . I cblldsea's wits at (toe. cmh 1 lot o feli.-igb Hobos, plusb lino J fcl oact Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. slftvi'toyonrnei'jhbo?"0" cftnnot K hnn'1 io llam1' ,f you know less than yonr noighbor 7011 aro to thai extent a "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER" If any one uiMioation can be said to contain all human knowloile it is The Tribune Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. nm.T'l'IrJi 1 n'"yf 'T-nT,'1 ,h,t "W1 (1oe' T,ot U)n,n,n l not wort, kt'owiuK 88,000 Pabm, 85 i,.r(T. (Jwrio Vol 12 U?Z?X,l . 1 -Tn P" y"l"T a"'404 Arlic,,, Ki"f W" "o " WlArHcle sln idTspeolaJ l a- f Uv.rf JrSSffiKf' wr" r,n by a,cM rt.o "ortnla fonr-flfMi. ol the entire work, m VM- mm 671 Map. and Plans. Including 881 CfcloradMnp., 'l,iHlnrn!.Tr,,n !?SitMMnd fl,r '"nr,ftlf. MHBg sll the work lot.s, it would Mlt von 8,000,000 of dollars. i ' , , ' ' ' ! l 1 nt- h.v takirur ndvantaK-e of the wholesale 0 nh rates which Til Q TRIBONP frosh' stenns to you for a short turn. y,-n oan secure this iMagaittoant, U..e,nsllsil Library st 0 10 CENTS PER DAY. of IhiH Slhta 1':"c1,'l'"li" Brllanultt hss n,?er been qnattloned in nuy Court of Justioe. It ia the essence or UM ripest Bchulitrship and tlis kuenest genius tho world has ever known. nit tsVkJLftairftte of know'! 0 wonder such a man as the London divine, Jave M Blbl. SXOspted, the world would THE THE 1 1 DEPT., ffl SPRUCE ST. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the citv. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & COHNELl Hotel Waverly Fnropran Plan. Plrst-elaa Pat It l'i pot tor i :'.,' . j .., . Br. ii Cor, 15th d RAertMs Ptiilal Moat il'isirabli for ratdpnts of N i . qrlvstita. All esavealsucea in ti t. sad from Brosd Ptreot ttt. .-. Di .. Twrlfth a n.t Market r-trt ftatici liral.lv for Tisiting Sorantouttua aua m -Ik . ttii' A : Kegiou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All kind KreOi I Nh rrrt'lvrd daily Kanrj- SmoktHl IliilibuV. Bini1mi Coits nrtnoulh llo:iIra Milt Mark. rrl. UnckHMiiY. CtiMsipcttkc Buy. Main Ire Bll rr l ove nun Bine Point OYSTERS Soli Bltel. i Iftmn, Shi imps W. H. PIERCE, PENH AVE B RICK DRAIN TILE; FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE ND COMMON B R I C K Best in tho market, Brandt Clay ProductCo OFFICE: liitiKhamton. N. ?. FACTORY : Brandt, Pa. ASTOHEHARTHAH 906 South Washington Avenue, i Contractor aurl builrlor of Concroto Klauijl ni, I Conorvtv Bloek. PoSBtO, Bntter ami i on I Ulna, Wvt tV-lluri dr!o4 up. Orrler.t mav bo I Ml at Thomraion Pratt, Will arm A 'c... Main and Eynoo Btawta, or at SrraatOD rjtovv Worltv. Alio Foundattoiia, Ciaterna, Fmh Wire 'I'uuuola aud Oollin. FWgiun u.f 1 Uarawi Walks,
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