2 THE SO f ANTON T R I B UNE FR TT) A V MORNING, MARCH 2. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of all Mil til cost that much, ex cept Situations Wanted, which arc inacrtcil FACE, cm IATION 1' m:kT 1 m to out Situations Wanted. nuKN- vws7I,TxTiv'AvviiATv for 1 washing or office doming, call tl5 Glu SOU atreet, WANTP.D HY A l'ULSS liy tho itny. Aildros A. li.. I rililllle utile.' QITUATION WANTED HY A PR At TICAL O dressmaker, work .-itlior at home or put lv tho iluy or week. Address. Mi,- Kther Boofiald, ins Book street, Hyde Pwrki Scran too. TIT ANTED SITUATION BY A Hr LIABLE 1 1 young intiii. Reeeouablo Wagea Ad. dross "11" Tribune olllco. ciTUATioN wanted hy a younu O uih:i iviio ih wiUln : to do inj kind ol woikjago, 18: fair penman; ran furuiah good reference. Address at, 9. (Poet Offloe),Scran. tea. HY a YOUNG MAN IN DRV ROODS OH Hooory store, or aonio business whore ho could workup. Bo aits experience, good refer ence, will work cheap, Addraaa P. 0. box 7.', Montrose, Pa. Agents Wanted. -ANTED-A SALKSMAN. ISO to ISO 1 weekly can ls uta.lo with our kooiU In nny locality, will prove It or i or felt $W1 Salary or commission as you prefer. The re stilt of a few hours' work often CQUBll ti work's Kegel. Address, "MANl'KAlTl'K ERS," P Bos BUS, Boston. Mass. ANTED MAN WITH LIFE AND f IRE insurance experience .n sci'iior Lackawanna oouuty; right matt Address Philadelphia. IV r ANTED BOY8 I WIS I to leak For Sale. l.oK BALE A FARM OF EIGHTY AORES, I ona aid one-ball miles trotu Dajton on tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Was tarn railroad. First class farm huuso wltliuitovor faUlngipring nearby: two barns, good land und good orchard, win bo . id cheap, Terms aas'. Address 11, p, VON BTOKCU or ISAAC ELLIS, executors, Daltou, Lackawanna oonnty, Pa. AUCTION HALE UP QROCEB1KS-A. R. . Karris will sell tho satire stock of gro- OOfiei md fixtures, horn 's ami harness, h, rinir wagon, buggy, ate., at 845 wVuntng Ma int.'. Saturday, March a, at 1.110 p.m. POR BALE IB-ACRE FARM, s I'OCK I and Utonatla. J. M. SIIKT I'TKI.li. l9 Monroe ays. UOR BALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SCRAN 1 ton property A hearing orange grove Increasing in production aud value yearly in tho oramta M otion in I lorida. Addroa P. B. NETTLETON, Lake Helen, Florida Special Notices. 1)AKTY WITH tll'SINL'-s f".ll VATloN I and experience has from 88,000 to iCOOD to invest with servicec in huainios, Address room 00, c. muenwealtb hullding, s it tMTON, Feb. in:it. .si Inducements to IUMI t'" la bnlldtng, rpHE 'NNTAL MIH'.ITNli OF THE t rtockholden of the Laakawauna lion a:id stool company for tho eluctlon of dl reetori and traniMtion ot auoh other bualnaaj as may properly BOOM hoforo IM mootin; will hu held at tho ofiee of t ho oon pan v In the city o( loranton, PeDnaylfinla, on Wed. nesday, Mareh MM, at o'olonk p. m. The polls iilll fetuain o an for one hour. Tho transfer booki will be closed on Pol,, at, imu, and reopen 00 March 8, MM, .i. p. mOQINBON, Becretary, nLAXK BOOKS, PAMPULSTR UAHA llnoa, etc., bound or rebound at Tin; TRlliVMk otllco. t,' . .. work RonionaHo pricea. MEAL TIOKET8 PAN UK HAD AT 111. oorner Bpruce street ami Franklin ave line Twenty meal tieKots for lAw Itood taWo board, AND mom 01RL8 win' when out ot rki .'.: Sv'tid name and wo will tell ronhi no money wanted. F. BTAYNKR, ProTtdence R L ltr ANTED TWO TOUNQ MEN OFOOOD 1 ' iddraaa to call ou buwnoas houses Stoa.lv employment for wed men. Apply NATIONAL, CLEAN rOWKL COMPANY, Aroado l'Ud.lt:i. Rei. Cstate l 'OK BALE 81NOLB UQVBB, 00 QUINOT i aTennej ery desirable, location Anply (i F. REVNOLDB, or W1LLARD. WARREN - K N A PP. aw will buv Modern news-room O hpusc. all Improvements; tonus easy; cor BOr M.idison avenue and Dolowaro stroot. Ap ply HARRY LEER Q.W WILL HI Y VERY DESIRABLE LOT O corner Madis u arauud aud Delaward Itraet, Terms easy. Apply iiauki i.i.i;s. H';.rr. rlNANClAL AND COWMtKUAL U-ANTED A COMPcTENT ADVrJHTiB- a;tlt 'uu!..v .xp-r -n.-si ti.-d thing for tovke and Bondi. rtgbt party Addrvaa ' 8., Tribune Offloe, i Nkw Yohk, March 1. Rusiuess nt the can be had. For Rent. LVK UHN'T APRIL I THE ROOMS Nv X occup ed by tho Telephone Exchange, 001 Lackawanna avenue. Applv at tho office of Leht-rh Salt Mtnitu- Co., Third national P ink bnildjuif. L.S. and B. (.'. Puller. 1MK RKNT III 'USE I 7 WYOMING. AVE V nne from April 1. Eleven rooms, all tho modem iproremen s. rent HO per month Apply to F, H. c LEMON'S, ( Lackawanna sveniie. "TOR KENT-7 itOOMS OVER STOKE OK X a. J. Thotsaa, oorner Webat r avenue and Mulberry street, F. K. sv. p. Wood'e College, TOR KENT--L ;TE OF FOUR SOOmToX r fir-t rt "r. Webster avenue, at SlO. F. E. Wood, Woo Vt College. MuR KEN P -HOUSE UN L No. S, I i teen Ridge. MARION ST, T'OH KENT -TWO STOHY BKIt'K DWBL- X nng house; m.i'liTti improvements: 31. . I '.I tsi ' UU1 i . irui, v.". auuil ji.o ill' i. a-'ent. West Lackawanna UOLLIN? EV -HU . UOR Ri NT-BARN IN PEAR JEFFER JT son arenne, fnear Sprncej street Inquiro of M. syUlREB, K .1. Ifersi n srenni . fou RENT-STORE P.i'M .-;. LA' KA V wanna avenue frmi April i, also ruoms on second door well adapted for business "r housekeeping. Also hou:e It I'apouse ave hu'f with ail modern improvements, la.uti fully papered. F S PaULI. ' 1.m4 Sandersou avenue T? OR RE N T SI' i j R E. j.1 LACKAW"aNx"a X avenue, by April. 1. Lnquire ot Hoary Fr-y. 421 Lackawanna avenue or at the premises. ToR RENT IN BURR BUILDING, WASH JT inon avenue, a fo'.v deeirable offlcss and flats. Kent very reasonable Jto desirable parti-. Can be seen by applying to janitor in huildtnif. For term, apply to CHARLES A. BUUR. 524 N-,rth Main avenu". stock exclianue today showed a inntcrial increiuc. tho saVes of stock tooting up S77.00 shares, of which S7, TOO were Am Tl can sujar. Save for a break in sugar at the opening the bulls had the market un der complete control from the start to fin tin. For the tint time in weeks tho mar ket showed siojns of broademug, nmi com mission houses had orders from nut of town clients f"r the grangers, Iudustrials and Western Uuiou. Lon.lon parted with some St. Paul eariy in the day, but later the foreigners bought Louisville aud Nashville. Its offerings of St. Paul were quickly absorbed, how ever, atid the price when the foreign sell- ling orders bad beeu executed crossed 00, laseu ultogetcer tuo feeling was luoro Coutideut than for a longtime past, ami in the closing hours there was an approach to buyanoy. The improvement ruuge I from i to i with sugar m the lead. This siock ju npeil fromSO't to MWl general . 1-" trie ro-e IV4, Burlington, Chicago gas, iv,; Rock Island, 1.4; Lackawanna, M; Louisville and Nashville. 1 s, ; M.itiliat- t.iu, 1: Western Union, Jf: and Union Pacific, 1. In toe closing dealings specula tion was buoyant with pries at the high est point of tho day. The netchaugesshow an advance of to 3 per ceut. The foil 'Wins' complete tablo showing the day s ductuatiot.s in actlV" stis.'ks la suppiieil and revised daily by Lallar A Puller, stock brokers. 121 Wyoming avenue: Opoa- ,Illjh- Low in-. ' est. est. Am. Cot. Oil Am. Sugar. -1 '1 . i-N . 1 1 .lit) ,1MM 1 THREE ROOMS, r Klj.NT ON" sh: In- T.-'oP. KENT X seco-id floor, over N. A. Hulbert's musk stor e. 11, w yoming av.'Uae. from April 1. quire m the store. VOtL RENTTWO-STORY BRlcrK dWeL J ling house: modern improvements. IM For"st court. Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, lent. 721 '.Vest Lacuawanna ai enue OF YEARS 'd fee of yard Apply a: Ml Franklin K.T.tt a. F Can. So. 1 Ceo, N. J , ( hie. & Sr. W c . U. aY O Chic. Gas CJti C C. C. ft St. L... :I7 C0L1 Hock.Val. ft T .. ,.1M ) .. Mm .. ISM .. a ..1154 rpo LET FOR A TERM 1 Pert or all of three hun loom a.ong ra.lroad iven ie. rro REN'T STOKE Z'.xmi OR FURNISHED J hall on Green Rldg" street. Very degra de location n,l on reasonable terms. App.y to F E. NETTLETON or C. S. WOoDRUf F Republican building Proposals. OrrrcRorTaa Pasaart.vA m Comhm si, or BOLOIIM - OaPRAK Si ROOLS, HARRisum', Fa., Mar h I, 1001 1 (PALED PROPOSALS ARE INVITED FOR 1 tho erection and completion of the Ad ministration Building for tip Pennsylvania Holdlers' Orphans Industrial i.hool, at Scot land. Franklin c. untir, Punna. Piaaa atra epautneaikmi ioayb ieon, blank foi'ms of ptopnaals obtained and any Informs tion nd. at toe ,fIlo...,f the architect, Thomas P. Lonsdale. Manhattan Life build ing, corner Fourth and Walnut struts, Phila delphia Pa. Complete aetaxif bloe prints and aaajrianationa caa ne had upon app.Pation to the architect, upon payment of tha sum of ten do lar9, f,n'-hlf of which w 1 bo refunded upon return of said prints and ipeciili ations. Plans anil 'p 'cite ations canal o t. s-wn and blaiiK form of .proposals obtained at the offle of tho Corr.missionof Soldiers' Orphan schools, (apitol Buildings. Harrisbiir. ra.totBce of E. H Ripple. Scrantoa, Pa. : ihomas O.Bam pi" Allegheny, Pa.; Buttler'i Bxchange, Philadelphia! Engineer - o lio", '. V. K. It., Cbambrsbiirg. Ps anil uffloe otQeorgeO. Buyer, chsiimtn Building Committoe, oorner Beoon 1 atid Market streets Harrisbtirg. Pa Propoeali t.. be aelirered at. the oQoa of the Ci.mmi-slon at r,r before B o4Clock p. to., Tues ila;. March .1 1 1. .sal. aaota proposal to be aeootnpanied by a certi fied chock for thre thooeand dollars Tne cotitractor will have to furnish sivnrlty to M approved oy tho ageeotif e ooaimlttee of Fatd ( oruaission, for ih" amount of twenty flvn thousand dollar-, and will l-o rf!'iilrel tofu ly complete the bull ling for use and OOOUnanCy by Jct. 1, ls9l For Saab and every day's do lay two hnndred dollar! will he deducted from the contract prlev .11 1 ipildat 'd dam ign Twenty per cent, will In hold In ro perve from 1 aoh paflUOnt on account, tir.til final oompletii n M tho building I Ids of Imnpori-iliio parties or perso-.s ot 1. . .. si-. ; tbarequMlte skill and knol to prCperly porform their contract w II bo rej' ctod. The Cummieslott reserve Tns right to reject any and all bids GEORGE G. BOYER Chnlrman Muildiiig ( omtnltteo. - 01 , ti1, D. ft H D., L. ft W D ft C. F , F. rie G. E. Co Lake Shore I, ftN Manhattan M.-s. Pac , , N'at. Lead N. Y.ftN. E... , ft, Y. Central. H, Y.. o. ft W. I N. Y..S. a W (J. S. C. Co...., ! North Pac North Pac. pf. Omaha i'ac. Mail Reading Uock Island.... It. T ; -,t. Pani I T.,0. ft I Texas k Pac... U nion Pac wshaso, pf..,. W, Union W. Sc L E W. B L. E. cf. 47 .121 . 20 1 ' bit, .100 . Hi ; i.i . m : W . 17V6 . SIM . ''-':, . IS , ! . 19 . V6 . l"Vii . mU . . m . b s v.14 MM oil US irtM m MM H liiii i'' 12 UTM ml im M I0M li'54 MM MM i KB w 1 ''. I m I0K UH NU i;-'. lou m IM iciH RJN CToa leg, MM I8H O4 lib 104 1MM 1 1 MM I''.; M I27H 121 MM N 10.lj m M M I ST 21', 'i fW 10 if H m VI M IIAM MTU 211, 1 4IM 127W .'4 201 MS pat I7M lie B7S 17 22C, ti'.'' I 00M r.o iu :c. 1 ChicsgoOratn and Prnvitlon. BciiANToR, March 1. The following quota tioosarn supplied andoirrecttd dallv by La. liar ft Fuuer,ltoeh brokera,ni Wyotning ave sua. WHEAT. Opening Highest Lowest '.losing CORN. Opening Highest Lowest , Closing 1 OATS. Opening Illghoat Uiwnst 1 Ci sing PORK. Opening Hlghwit Low.nt Clrlng LA RD. (isiiing Highest Lowest I 1 lng -il Iti ItlLS Opening Highest I m west Closing Vnr. f.M Rs MM r i niM MM, MM Ml 2-, m I ISO I Hi 1177 1177 7117 7l7 jiy, 7tlu an mi Ul'i our, M.iv .mi m tOM ill's, mt 6 I'C, U1I2 M M ll"7 ;i i 0I7 101 (20 I2J NI2 613 July. nH 112 to- ;7ii 8Ts 7 2s' kM 2sb MM ItDO 121 tl llh 1IH7 bur Il't2 'iw'i 111 (III 1.1: s BALED PROPOSALS will colvod at IBeCiBce of the City I II It 1. Clerk Hernnton. Pa., until 7.. HI o clock n. in. 'I hum day. March Ift, IW'I, to const rurt two lines of new ts with the nec",ary manholes, lamp holes, basins and fixtures, ns follows: One of enid linos Is to be laid from the main sewer on poplar street along Hpclliniin court, 1 Olftanol of nbout 1,01 feet; tho other lobe laid from the main sew-r on Poplur street, nkmg R", b" court and Ash street, a distanof of about 1. 1 10 ait, rropoals shall be leparaM on each line ol f.ewer, Bidders shn'l enclose with each pri.pi sal the sum of live p-r cent of the amount I Id as a guto ante" to eiecntes tv n truct within ton days If awarded the caun . Proposals nhall lie to construct by th" lineal foot coinriiote, including all hathw, htanohea, man holes Inrnp holes aud llxtuns, and alio b furnish all manner of labor and supplies and elodl be to finish the work In sixty days from date of commencement. The city reserves th tight to reject any or all bid! By order of City Councils. M T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Fcranton. Pa. Feh. 87, 1H04. IIROPOBALB WILL HP. RECEIVED J until Thuraday, March . Ism. by the lit d 'rslgned for the building of a foundation wan for tho Methodist Epsoopal church of Pockvlll'. Material such aa t-tone, liiuo sand, otc, to bo turn llh id and placed OH the ground by tho buildin; committee. Committe ne nerves right to reject any or all bids at their discretion. II. ' HAPM AN, secretary of com mitte, Box MB, Peckvllle, Pa. Pockvllie, Feb. 21, 1SW. M Money to Loan. ONEY TO LOAN -I0,ii, 10,000, SWOli, H.im, J.iom. j-,'"" ann 91,000; ,,n 111st ortgages. u. w.imuwfi, Alt rnuy, OOb Spruce street, Scnnioii New York Produos Msrklt. Nr.w York, March I. Flour -More active; held firmer. Wheat Imll and firmer with epttOUl No. 2 red store and elevator, ill sOil -. Host, NaMMai f. 0, b., fi2aitOJio. ungraded icd, fiHafilc; No 1 northern lac; options Oioiu d iteady lit c. over yestardayi No. 2 red March, ltxo April, 08c, j May, M0. .Inne, Mk,j July, flojl'o corn spots riuiet nnd tinner; An SMgMUl elevator; MOWMOn alloat; op lions (1(111 anil 1 loso'l steady at ';,a lid mi ne; Mnrch. 45X0, ( April, 48)fa Mny, s. 'He: .liny, HMO, oats-Dull aoaaailtrl options dull sad tliinor; A.arcn, ailir.; May, HJiCi No 2 white, March, IKlSsjc snot prices, No. :ini37c ; Nil. 2 white und No. 2 Chicngo, ;,'.; P.O. ;i, 0OMO.J No. white, 7& mixed western, HaaBMO.) ift 1 I c'l nnd uncliangol. p.vk.k 11 uuQatol at ll8,6U Larii Quiet und weak; city. 7r7Vi March) 7,80 May, $7. Ill; relltied eai-y und iiiiei, loniitioiit, ?s.o:,; nou tn Atnericti. s 1 ,. I ' , ill 1 1 1 Mlll l. IP .llli ' . c POBX bull and easy: mens, ll8.5Oa1B.T0 liUTTlii Hull mid wciil.;sttiteilHlry ue.v Hii'J.'c; no. 0:11, l.l.' jiil 1 j.uc, ; ilo. creaincry, new, g;ic.; I'etuisvlvalilu do., 2.10.; western dairy, mm, l;t,il7c. Elgins. 241125c; Imi tatioti creaun ry, HalSc. ; western orosta ery, UMMq; do. factory and rolls, yuiOc ciikkke l'nir detuanotflrmi itaia intgc '.'allc; fiinc.y, llkRMJic.: do. smiill WMaisxo Laos Lnrge supply, weak; southern HjsjtolW.: woiteru fresh, 1'Jc; duck 00M1O, Philadelphia Tallow Markit. rnn.AiiKi.i'iiiA. Ainrcli 1. callow was In fair OtlBMd nnd sternly. Prices wore Prinio city.tn hogshead. 4Jic: nrlme eonn try, iu hogsheads, 4Jic. ; do. dark, in hogs iicuuh, lajCt oaiet, 00. grease, ) c. ENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Vit.v Lllllo CbtDe Is Noted in Ilia Antli.aciti) CnI Ittde, BIG STORMS HARASS NAVIGATION Aiu) in Oonsequenco Shipments into New England Territory Aro Rsla lively Light Moaning Given b Vice Prosidont Voorhssi tor Recent Re ductions iii ths Waes oi Reading Trainmen Miscellaneous Jottln.j ol nn iiulustrial Nature. 'I'lin Philadelphia Stockholder dis- OOrnS 1111 iiiiroveiiiiiit In the atitliiii rito eoal trade, but it is id' so little im portance that cnul men refer to it unlv Hti a "simsmodlo nmrt," likely to sod wuii the tint elaur ami pleasant day. Tho increase in demand is largely con tilled tn the smaller sizes t principally pea ami l uck wheal ), and dose not ex tend beyond the city uml line trade, winch is due. In part, to tho unsettled weather, shipments via the water route being subject tn extreme danger More coal eoulil be Ituit into the Now Bokiand territory, but the itnniiH de ter shippers from raooiog the risk, and in consviiuenco there 1 . an appreciable Ucieuse 111 atocki un hauil at points east of the Hudson river. Them is very little coal sunt to the west, but a better demand, duo to cold weather, is reported from Chicago nnd other points in that section of the country. Shipments to tide water points, especially New iork, Philadel phia and Haltlmore continue light, the greatest improvement being to tho lat ter point. There is no material change Iu conditions us to price; they era about as Irregular hi tney have been tor weeks put, cutting being; Indulged in more or less, cut confined to tho larger siza, for which there ts very little demand. Ueitrlction In still car ried on with good results, and many ot the large companies ero reported as working clme to the wind, carrying in stock no more than absolutely necei nry. Vice President Voorhses, wiieu askod the reasons for the reduction in wages of firemen and brakemen on the lioad inc; paisenser trnitm, SSldi "The re- Itictiou wai necessary on account of the general depression of biisinuss aud a ueueral falling "ft in the company's receipts. I think the men will accept the reduction without demur because their wao, were higher than werj paid for the same class of work by other lines. The cut is not a forerunner of a ceneral reduction among the trainmen Th? management has made a careful cnuinv of all operating expenses wttiiing the lust few months. Am ing tli-r items of exp-naeii pay rolls were of cmrse carefully ex imined. The rates of the various clasaua of employes vary regard to tin actual sirnce psr formed, length of service and also in accordance to tha length of time the employe has be-in in the company's lervlce. this has resulted in a large number of different rates and au ex aminatiou showed that in the case ot a number of tireiueu and bralcemen the wages received by them was in excess uf the average paid for a Iik9s?rvic4 by our competitors and roads in this txrri tory. iheritoof pay of engineers, onductora and other men in train aer vice now in tffiOt on the Heading rail- lOa' are ale. m the mme as piid by our competitors and so will notba changed. Min'oii Industrial Notes-. Four and a half tons of coal aro annually consumed In Philadelphia. I he first consignment of rails for the 'ap- May brunch nf the South Jersey rail- mad WSOOhipPed Wednesday by tho Both- lehetn iron company, ii, 1 'onsyivania railroad directors met Wednesday, Inc. transacted only rontino businesi. a spocinl mnetinc will be held today to take action on the annual report. Ilnrsting ivii'it pip 's II Hided Hie Her- w , ud-White initio at lluboii to a depth of 100 feet. all but MZteen 'f tho former Lehigh Valley strikers at Eastoii have been re-employed hv tho company. Samuel Kae, assistant to the president of the Pennsylvania itallroad company, lots been elected vice president 0! tho Blktoh und Middletown Kuilroad company of Cecil county, Md. 1 he moulders at the stove foundry of Walters, Walker A.- Co., Shiirpsbui g, nre mi a strike bfcniiso the linn has put seven apprentice! nt work when It is only enti tled to threi , iiroiifiltng to the ruins of the International Stiivo Mouldcm' union. Ah tit twenty-livn nn n are'out. 1 he wiiges of tho employes in the Mid dling department of the Piiunsylvania llolt and Nut works nt Lebanon have been ro duced from i l per ton to t'2 .V). A similar leduotion will be made in nil tho other mills of that city. Puddlers. under this schedule, will enrn unlv about t'i per day. .Mill no. 1, ol tile linllilehi'in Iron coin- pan y, will resume operations on Monday sit' 1 several weeks' stoppage. A ll the mills of the company will ilinn lo winking. 1 here is ii project afoot for the eieiliou of no electric plnut on Wnllonpaiipauk reok, near Mawiev. i li" c nipany. Which is to be known as the I'elawsre mid Hud son DeetriS Motor company, piopasrs that the towpslh of Mm Delaware nnd Hudson Canal bo fortified anil the boats propelled by electricity. Hie new company, ir the project to snoOOOSf ul, will contract for fur-nl-hing power In all the adjacent towns snd titles. Director (leorgo V linker hai boon niado a member of tho executive committee of Delaware, Lackawanna and Western mud wl irh now consists of Wlllism Uookufel ler, (teorgo Ilis, QsorgS P. llaker and President Samuel Sloan. 'I he Lehigh Valley mad, which put lis Kustou tibops on full time yesterday, cut their shop! At Oiwogo, N. V., down to half time. Fires were drawn lu the hessomr de partmsnt of the Otis Steel worko-st mid r.lcht Inst night mm 12,1 men went on strike. The caiiio of llin dlfllculty Wns a DutlCC posted a few days no Hint, taking 1 11. ct .Mar. 1, worsmeu wooio he required to work I2D tons of mulnl for n day's work of I'm tone. The men say this Is n prnrtl OSl reduction In wageq and li tho fourth ciil. within n year. Iluoklsn's Ainloa Halvi. llin best nnlve In the world for ''uti llinlses, Soies, Ulcers, Hnlt Hheum. Fever Hores, Tetter. Chapped llnudi, Chilblains Conn and nil Skin Eruptions, and poll lively Hires Piles, or no pay required. It m giisrnntrisl to give perfect satisfaction ot money refunded. 1'iico lii ceuts per box. Pur sale bv Matthews ltrue. ClJPPSP from Osnsds "Presbyterian," under Signature or 1 , lilucielt Uobln-nn, Prop'ri I was cured of oft-recurring bilious headaches by Ilurdock Illood Hitter 1. und pi THROW IT AWAY. P There's no long er any need of wearing clumsy. a I'liaiimr 1 rueaee. which Hive only piirnai 1 ucr at tiest, never cure, but ollcn Inflict ptcnt Injury, Indiicltnr Inllaiuinalloii, Htrunuulutiou nnd death, HERNIA ttupiura, nm mutter nf bow kmc stannrt or of hat i-ic. Is DrCCDntlV mancntlv CONd without tho knilt! und without 1 01, Aiiothcr Triumph in Consorvotivo Surgerw is the cure, pf mil ItfMTJC. OMin.in. I'lbroul and Other 1 iiiuviVL,i irletlea, without tho periM of cutting opi rat Ions. PILE TUMORS, Kd 0MMSM of tho lower bowel, promptly cured nil bout pain or nsort to I bo knife. QTilNl? hi tho Bladder, no matter how DX vliJalkrfe, la mi. 'bed, pulvorUed, ft:.-. Washed onl, thus iivoidlng cutting. STUiCTUREir.'rrwai;: cutting, Abundant Benrencea, and Pamph lets, on uis'i ii dlooaieai a ml lealed, in phiin 1 n velopo, in ,1s. (stamps). Wimi.n'n Diseaa (iky A'.xuicati Abi-utiAiio.i, lluBulo, N. V. liUSlJS'KSS AM) PROFESSIONAL PUYSiriANS ami si ROKONfl, Dlt o L, in. AN Dlaeaeeaol tho Bye, Nose Throat and Sari oui spiuca 11 tree t, oppu- Kltu-Coiirt llollHC. A .1. 1 O.NNLLI. oitbo 0U1 Waamngton avenue, corner Hpi uie Itreet, over franoke'i drug itore. rtealdennti, TIM Vina it OlHco hours: lO.UItoL'a- m. and 2 tot aud (ai to 7.00 p. m Sunday, 2 toil p, m. DIC W I. ALLEN, oillco cor. latclca wanna and Washington aves ; over Leon ard shoe 1, tore; 0000 hours. 10 to 12 a m. and U to 4 p 111; I'Viiioo. , ut ludduiico, SUN Waaliington nve. "Jit. c. L 1 Key. Praetloa limited to Die i eases of the Eye, Bar, Noso ami Throat; eftlce, 122 Wyoming ave, Kisiidenco, at VinJ ttreet. Dlt L M OATHS, 1 111 Washington Avenus. Oftca hours, MtoUa.iu., l.Suto ;i und 1 to s p.m. IOHN I. WK.NTZ, M I', oil j ,( ,. tl Oununonweuui building) residence 711 MadlHonave: otUiu hour . 10 to Li, I to 4, 7 to c, Buudaya 8.40 to 4, evening! at resideno A ipe laity made of oyeaesi of the eye, ear, nos andthriait and nmeOMOgy, Ok. u u Mi. HHAY.11 laitv made on dis cuses of eye and skin.212 Wyoming Aro. Olflce hours: I'ntil lu a m 2 to 4 und 7 to H p.m. Vilien P.nby wns slelt, we gtive her Caiinrte. Whi n the wns a I hild, r.he cried for Cn torla. WTien Kb" bcentno Miss, fhe clung to Cantoris. When kIiu hud Children, she gat e them Cantoris, KlBlUNAlli St IIGKUMS eteriiiary Surgeon. lien- uold inndaliat of On l,-" BTURQB, V I tltitrv tl HlieeOiltV tm 10 eterinari ii iioii". tir.ieo. summer j livery. IUI Plx St.. near Keller can iugo shop, Teleph.iiiH No. 41:1 LAW V IlltS I M Q HANCK'S ,1 . lie. No. H17 fepri House. Be ran ton, Pa, Law and Collection of 1 st., opposito Porost collections a iDeelaltv throukiieiut Pennsylvania! reliable correspond ents In every county. I H.-sSCi s ic UAMU, Attorneyi and Counsel- ,i loi's ut ijiw. Waahliiatun aye. Coiiimoiiticalth I 0101.0 ; W II. Jl.HHI'P. li I ill A 1 1 K 1 1 a n n, W 11 .lissitr. .In. ARD. WARRBN A KNAPP. Att ir- lie, ', and ' 'ounselors at Law. Republican building. Washington ave.. Soranton. Pa. 1).Tl'Llio.N & WILCOX. Attorneys uu I Counebllon at Law; offlosoO mid S Library building, ticrautuii, Pa ROSWetiti It Pattbiisor. William a. Wilcox a LFRKDHAND, WILLIAM 1 HAND. At J tornevs and OoUUiellora, Coinuionwenlth buildlnif ' Kooms 111. 2ii i,nd Jl HENRY m BEEL) Law offirea in Price . building. Its Washington avenue, j,MtANK T OKI.LL. Attorney at Law. Room I 5, Coal Exchange Beranton. Pa. Connolly & Wallace KSD GLOVES FIFTY DOZEN MILTON W LOWBi c. II von BTORCH I Att vs. I t"ll UT , A M LS W. OAKK rniilns OS U4 and I '-27 Washing C, II. squiiro KD, Attorney at Law. ( lommonweuth lTr. La,v. offlce. HI7 Hnrncest . Scranton. Pa. A. WATBES, Attorney at Law, 42J Lackawanna aue Beranton, Pa. c AM I'LL W. BDUAK, Attoruuy ut 1 1 P. SMITH, rooms "i. 05, Counsellor ut Law. oillco. M Commonwealth hnUdiua. c ll PITCHER. Attorney at Law. Com '. monwealth bullnimr. Scranton, l'a. C. ( oMLtlYS. 121 Spiuce-t. nn. RKPLtMil.K. Attorney Loans no,-i tinted on real aetata security. Ills Spruce. I) I' .KILLA.M, Altornev at Law, IJI w y ! omlng avenue, s. ran;. in. TTAVEYOUR DEEDS AND MoRTOAOEB 11 written and acknowledged bv 4. W. BROWNHfO, Attorney and Notary Pubi c, i") ll.lle-llM-''ilth 11,11 01 1 II : RCHUIILM, 4Jl BOOL OK Till. LACKAWANNA, Scran- It tell l'a oreieire, 1 , . . : t r , 1 1 - , or buainess: thoi ninthly trains young children Ciitalouuu ut reuue.-t nav. thomap u 1 sn.s. Waltrr ll. in tu.. ISs WOROESTEU'S K1NDEROARTKN tl and BcbooL 412 A da ml avenue CtiDili received at all times. Next term Will Don .lainiiirvliO DI N CISTS. ' U. UAUBACH, Burgeon Deutuit, No, Hi t . Wyoming ave. II M. BTRATTON, offlno Coal Ezehange. LOANS rpHK BEPUHLIO Bavingl and Loan Aasn- 1 eiut ion will loan von money 0:1 easier terras and pay you better on Investment than any other association Call "ti B. H. cai.L'-.N- nt.it, 11 me iiani, iniiiiiin HOI IU AM RKST AURA NTS, 'I 'Hi; VVKBTMlNBTEIt, II1MU0 Wyoming 1 nve. llootns heated with Bteami nil mod ern improvemi nta 0 H Thomas, crop. yiicoLi.it s HOTEU B7 Lackawanna uve lt nne, Bcraston, Hates reanonable, P ElBOLan, Proprietor U EBTMINSTER HOI PL w. (,'. boteNcK, Haaaanr, Blxteeutb stnsst, one block east of llrondway, at Union Sonars, New York. American plan, iiiOO pai day and upward. ('OYNE HOUHU. Eurouaaii plan; food rootaa Open day and niuht. bar t.up- piled with tho la st. P It coys p.. Proprietor, QCRANTON HOUHB. near D., L W. pee ! leiiRer depot. Conducted ontb" K,uroMtan plan. VlOTOR ROON, Proprietor ' ItANIi CENTRAL 'lb lariiost aiel t I ooiiippel hotel in Allenlotvu, l'a, rate IIAum a. Proprietor. V I noiltppe I hotel in (2 and I2.W per day. v 11 tor D. ARCHITECTS Davis A: lloci'T, ArchTticti li ne ii, n and H Oammonwealth badg Scran ton, I s 1, WALTER, architect. Library build. J inif. W'voiuitw nvenue Heranton. J L. BROWN, Arch IV Architect, Prion r sulldlngiliO Sfeahiagtou Ave,, Ac ran ton. II MINI I I I.AM Ol s 0HT0N H. HWAK'i'H Wllol.ICSAI.lt hoiiber. It and V llltno Hunk bitildbiL'. Kcrnnton, Pa. MrEU AR()EH BROTH EBB, PRINTERS' supplies, neejonee, paper bags, twine, WareBOnoSj HIO ll 1,, ii.h, nve. Heranton, Pa 1,'ooTll ri LIVKHY. IMlll (upon velum T Plrst class cirrlnues D I, l OoTT., Agt Puneral Director and Rmhaunnf, I, RANK l'. BROWN .v CO- WHOLE I sale dealers in Wooitwaro, Cordage and 01; ciotb, no W. Laokawanna avenue DAUgB'B ORCHESTRA MUbTU ion Jj tialls plcnlea, pnrllns, re' iptions, wed illtuts and eoncert work fund died. Cor terms nddrnss R, .1. Ilaticr. conductor, ill Wyoming ave , over Hulls'i'Cs muatc stol e I' , Zl!, I'lNN S MINK, builders and , tnwT -iters Yards: Coiner Cdlvu si. snd Album nve ; corner Anh hI. nnd PeSfl aye. Seruutoti. f It. CLARK A I'"., Seedemeu. Florlsti .JI and NurM-rymeii; i.tore let Washington avenue; ureen hoiise,i:i) .North Main iivenuo; Store telephone 7H2, ill AS. HANO 1 NIQN TEA ".. .loii"s Hr.n. I UK M KKi Ss. JOS. KtTBTTSU "ii LacKatvanna uvonus, beranton, Pa., luanuCr of Wiro Hcroona. All Sixes and livery Conceivable Color. Our regular $2 quality. ' At the Special Price of Ml The greatest bargain in Kid Gloves ever offered. Do not fail to see them. CONNOLLY k WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court Hous9. RAILROAD TIME TARLES. CENTRAL HA1LK0AD Of N. J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal need exclusively, Insuring 1 loanllui'NH and i omlort TIMS TAB LB IK BPTBOT fSB, 1, ISN. Train leave Beranton lor Pittaton, WUka Barro, otc . at 8,1a U.is, II ; a. m., 12.WL 100, LtSlftsl " "' Buny. --. Pur Allantlc City, s III a. in. i'or Nov,' York, Newark nnd Elizabeth, K 10 (express) a.m., 12.30 (eiproei with Bullet parlor car), O.iU (expreie) p, m. Sunday. s.(W p. m. 1 on MAI i ll CnCNK, ALLKMTOWH, BBTilLK' iicm. EASTOB and PHILADBU'RIA, n.10 a m I.' .8U, 8,80 5.00 ((swept Philadelphia) p. m. Bunuav, -'uup, m. Por Lomo BnaacB, Ocbas Qbovb, etc., nt 8.10a m , IJ;i')p in. Por Readmg. Lebanon and Harriaburg, via Allentov.u, f,10a. m., U.8U, u.00, p.m. Sunday, 'ii p. ra. ' Km- PottaviUv, 8.10 a m., I'-'inip m. Betnrnlng, leave (tew York, f..t oi Liberty street, North river, at '..10 (express; n. m., l ib, 1,80, ISO (express with llullet parlor can I m. Sunday. 4,:l a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. D.00 n. m , - 00 and I :n p. m. Bohuay, (i 87 a B. Through tickets to all siints nt lowest rates may bo had on application in adviiuco to tho tiekefai;ent at thi station. II p, BALDWIN, Uen. Pan Aueiit. .1. 11 pLHAtJSBN, Qeo Bnpt, DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTER J RAILROAD Trains lo,,ve flcrantin an follows: Kxpress for Ki-w York and nil jeilut" Kast. 1.50, -'.DO, 5 1.1. s i nnd D ;) a. m. ; 12 6"i and 3.50 p, m ESPrB (or Baaton, 'i ronton, Philadelphia and tho South, 5 11, h.ijo nnd a. in u. m.; iWj and 9 mi p m. Waahlngton and way stations, 2.40 p. m. 1 obybauua aocommodatloo, SU p. in. llxpr sh for Blnghamton, Oswego, Klmlra, ( oruinir, Bath. Ilaiisville, Mount Morris and liuflalo, 12 10, 1! 15 a. in. nod J a p. m., making MOBO connections ut Dullalo to all points lu th ; West Northwest and Bouthwear, Buffalo aecommodation, B.00 a m. Isinghamti'ii and way stations, 12.37 p. ra. Nlonolaon and way stations. 5 15 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra Express, 608 p.m. express for Cortlandi Byraouae, Oawego, Utioaand Richfield Springs, ill a m. una L24 p. m. Ithaca, 215 and !"0 a. n nnd 1 U p. m. I'orNorthiimbcrUiid,PitLt"i,,U . , ... Burre Plymouth. Bloomaburg and Dativilb-, making cl'e connect ious at NortbumberUnd for willlamiport, Harmburg, Baltimore, Wash- itiKbui and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate stations, SjOJV ts-CO a. ra. und L30 aud (107 p m. Nintlcoke nnd Intermediate bt ations, s.ns and 11,(0 n. m Plymouth and Intermediate itationa 8fi0andft88t, m Pullmiin parlor und ikuiplliu coaches on all express trains. Por detailed Information, pocket tim" tables, etc., apply to M. L Smith, city ticket odlcj, ;& Lacaawanaaaveoue, or depot ticket ofSca. yCADluM Y Ol- MUSIC. MONDAY, MAUCH o. Cyril Norman's Boenio Production I BHioa valley railroad i-d Pan ii, ism, Tram leaves Scranton lor Philadelphia and New- York via. I), it U R K. at s a.m. 1211. 2,88 and 11.85 p. m via D . L k W. R. R , H00, Mis.ll.aj a. m.. and 1.3) p, m. Leave Scranton for Pittstoti and Wllkee Barre via I)., L & W R. R, i, OJ, H011V) a. iu , 1 ID. ah; I. ii.117, 11.88 p. m. Leave Scranton tor White Haven, Hajleton, Pottaviila und all points ou the Weaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E a W V . ii (0 ..in . via D. Jt II. It. R. at s a in.. 12,10, 2,:is, 4.10 p.m , via D L. W. R. It., 8.00, s.ue 11. 80 a. in., 1,80, n.."i p.m Leave scranton for Bethlehem, Pa'.ton. Reading, Hurri-burg and all intcrui'illatt point! via D. e) H. R. R , s a m .12.10. 2. Is. 11.83 ii.m .vlaD., L. A W. R. R.,6.00,8.08, 11.20 a. in.. 1.80 p.m. Leave Scranton (orTttnkhaUnook, Towan 1 1. Elmira, Ithaca. Oetiova and all intern, li it IK.ints via D. Af 11 ; ..',. tfj ;, .. 12.10 aud 11.35 p. in., via D. L. .t W R It., -on a m..l.Si)p m Leave Beranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Nb agara Palls, Detrntt Chicago and nil points west via D -ii it. r. nn: .'i.in.iL' iou 1:, ii a-. P.m. via D. L. tt W. R. R. and Pittston .iiinciion, s us a m., i.ii I' ;fi p. Tn., v. a E It V, R It. ft II n. n For Elmin and th west via Sal im inoi. via p. eH. it R 0.07 a,m 1110,8.15 p. m , via D I W. it It, .- OS a.m., 1 ;ci and fl.')7 p in. Pullman parlor and Meeping or L. v. chair csrs on all trains between L. ,t ll .Line , ,,, , Wllkei llarre and New York, Pbilad lp'iia, RulTalo and Susoen-ion Bridge Kol. LIN ll WILBUR, Qen Sunt. Past Div CHAB. s. LKE, Sen, Pan ag't, Phlla .Pi, A U NONNEMACHER.Aai'1 a n Pa- Ag t. South Bethlehem, Pa. I7RIE AND WYOMIN1 VALLEY RAIL Ij load Train leave Scranton for New York and la termodiate points on the Erie ladroud at 8,85 a. in. and 83M p m. Also for HaWle; and local point.-, st. 8 85, 0.45 and 321pm. Train leaving 0.46 a. m. and a 21 lira, nre through trains to and from liouesaaie Trains leave for Wilkos-Barrc at 6 4 j a. m. and 3 ll p. m. A Drama with a Kortucky Betting. ELAIiO?. ATE EFFKCTH. A COMPETENT CAST. Kale opens FrHny ACADE.MY OF MUSIC. tlt;sdav. MARCH o. The Clever Character Actor, I I , DY iViORRRIS '-NV Presenting three snceeesca A Game of Cards, The Vagabond, Moses. A delightful and artistic bl-ndinz of pathos nnd concdy. Excellent cut Complete details. i it'-jruiur priues sal" opens Saturday DELAWARE AND HCD BON RAILROAD. Commencing May to, 1888, 1 1 aim w ill run us foUowll Traini leave Bridge Btre -t Btltlon, Scranton. for Pitta ton. Wilkes Barre, etc., 8.0a, '.";. 8.87, 1048 a. m., 12.10, 1,25. 2. 1 is, 116, 5.15, 0.15, '.'.l."i and II 95 P, in POT New ork and Phils delnhla. 8 00a. n. 12.10. i.-'iv 23S. 4.!il and 11.80 p. m. Por Honesuale I from Delaware, Laokawanna and western depot i, 7.01, 8.80, In 10 a.m., It.OO m.. 2. 17, 5 10 p. m. per Cai lioadule and intermediate stations, 5.40, 7 00, s.:). 10. in a. m . 12.00 m ,3.17, 8,85,5 bi, 5.90 and 083 p. m.; from Bridge Street Depot, "HI n. in.. l.fTand II 15 I . in. fait ekpiees to Albany, Saratoga, the Adl rendack Boantalns, Boston and New England polntB,fi40 a. m.. arrivm : at Albany 18.45 Saratoga '.'.-'II p, m , and leaving Scranton at 1 p, m., arriving at Alhaav at 8. 50 p m., Bare lege. 18,85a m . and B mto'i. "I a. m The only direct route between the coal field! and Beaton "The Leading Tourists1 Route of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lakes (lenrgentnl Champlnin. Montreal, etc Time tables show ing local and through train servico between itallonaon all divisions Deb, ware and Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware nnd Radeon ticket offices. II. ti, YOUNG, J. W BURDICK, Second vice Preeldent tien. Pass, Agt, HI'lt,TiN DIVISION. In I Hi el i ! ion i 88tk, I8B4. Nnrili ItmintT. 20(1 (07(0A Slut Ions MOUIfel Hound. 108 804 808 r M s in 7 5" 1 (II 7 45 7. '18 7 3', 7 f7 ID 7 !- (51 i i M U till it :Vt f il 81 (I'M (1 0 fn id 2 5 w (Trnlns Dally. Ilv- . g , . J , ccpi Kundaj i J - s ir u Arrive Leave . 7S5N Priiukllii s: 7 in wei-t 48ud itreel . 7 on Vveehawken c m Arrive Leaveli i 18 Hancock Tunciloii 9 qo a M i rto 8(0 ' M I "'I 1 2 Ml 1 2 5K IV 17 IV8'.' IV 1!5! 12 13 fill i"i II .'!' II 411 5 mil' r. 83 i i M .5 14111 IM r. ii Mi"-. Hancock stui light I'tcsioii park i 'onio Povntajlt Bcbnotit Pleasant Mt. ITnlnndtle Ponci oity ( arboinlnlo While Bible, Mnyfli id Jerml n Aicblli.il I Win ton Peckvllle oli pliiiul, DiSkaon TBI oop Provideooe pink piece li c 11 18 (i 851 . ii nj . II 4 ' . mat . HI A I in ..! 211 .. 884 181 .. I ii ..IS 80 ..IS 51 .. .1 1)1 .. n on in :l in '.' 8 a ;i 2". Mien 88 ft 83 II :'i ii 50 i , in 1808 i II It's in "Your Bedroom Alone That you really have a chance to display your indivi lualtaate and humor every llttlo whim as to what you consider nice. mr ckaraott r is revealed in your bedroom furnishings, As they aro, so iu nine rases out of t"n is the person who occupies it. By this we do not mean to say that only tins j who have nicely furnished rooms have flnu natures Wl refor merely to the keeping of and tnsto displayed in your room. It is becoming easier every day for one to have a nice bedroom, which with little ex pense may ho fitted up so as to mute it a com fortable, cosy, inviting resting place or lano turn available at any honr ot the day where one may retire for a l:ttb while nt nny hour of the day, sale from intrusion, and be a me, The mo.b rn bedroom is not built on tho old uramped up 8 by 10 plan, nor is its furnitme designed in those clumsy, ;nngainly styles of twenty or thirty years ago, which could only be described us ugly. These fact- will be better illustrated and substantiated by a viilt to tha third floor of Messrs Hill & ConnelPi no w furnitur.. storo on Washington avenue, near Spruce street. Borne fifty or sixty new style bedroom suits are there laid on", for your inspection, Tncy oome in oak, nab, birdseye maple, sycamore, curly birch. rovyood. walnut, mahogany,ltO., andoveiyone of them left flu factory this year -Ii'l Besides these suits thole are I countless pretty things on the third floor, all meant fortbeoomfort and adornment of your bedroom Bad say, if you want to see the daintiest end moat fa id n atra.? of bedroom draperies, stop ut the sjeomi Boor. There's no doubt of it, HILL & CONNELL Are lender, when it comes to pretty n"W furniture of nny kind, but pet Imps it's as well to confine oureelvei this week to the tta liishing of your bedroom. Which isby all odds the mcst important in all the house, so far as you are concerned. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND BP0BT1NQ POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Hills L Berne county Pa., nnd at Wil- iningtou, Delaware HENRY BELIN, Jr. Qen am Agent for (ho Wyoming PXriet. 118 Wyoming Ave, Scranton Pj, Third National Rank Building. AOBBC1KB TIlos roup. Pittat m. Pa JoIlN H SMCI 11 SON; Plvtnouth. l'a. P. W. Ml 11. Ul AN. WIlkeH flsrre. Pa. Agents for the Hepauno Ubemloai com pnny's nigh Bxploeivea Week commencing MONPAT, WMB, 8 The AceompUehefl Actress, MISS ETHEL FULLER, WqiaDSrifiM)" D..AMnllC COKPAfsY. Monday. TuJSaay; anil Wednpsday. The4-act society comedy drama. Stricken Biind. Tbsrsday, Frit) iv and Satsrday, Th- s-asational drama. UNDER THE GASLIGHT. ADMISSION, 10,80 and 30 CENTS Opai ohaiia can bs reserved, by nnmher, even at ternooo, from 1.8U to 8.10, tor the evening's entertainment Per:, roaaceeevery afteraoen except Hondayi uml Thnrsdaya at 8.8ft and every evening at 815. Doors open at L80 and 7.00 P.M. (USHMAN'S . . BIJOU Formerly Music Hall. Scranton, Pa. Dave Rockafeller.Lomee; Fred. Ban lell, Man. BAND UPENINO MARCH I Continuous perfi tmancc (rem - P.M. to 10 80 P.M. dally. MB. FRANK CTJSHMAN, the Prince of i omedlmt. The Wonderrul "OCDA." JPLF.S .TO' DON, the Metropolitan Favorlto. 1 IM BISTERS MONROR McHAHON AND KINO, direct from Tonv Pastor's Tin aire. New York America's remier Male 8 iprano, MR OEO. HASSELL Mil. PRANK CARLTON, s ranton's Wdl knon a Comedian, Till: rRlMROSE QUARTSTTE. The Hreat and Only KTSSELL, Pnrnnm'8 15,000 Novelty an.', late ..f Hr.veth's Mns tisioti Minstrels and others. A refined entertainment is promised and we intend that ladies and children can at tend without escorts and will be given every attention nnd curtesy )iy the att aches, un der the personal attention of Manager Ban dell. Prices o admission, 10, 80 and 30 cents, with u (civ reserved seats lor 5.1 cents. a m :) n.i 4 01 4 VI 410 l I 1 1 13 in I 5 5 0! II BJ PCCkVllln 7 4N III in lot II 17, oli pliant, 758 in IB A (X' 1 1 lei Dickson 7.K Id 17 4 .V ll la 'I hi oop 7 CO 10 8-1 tl If.) 4W 111 tn l'roihl 0 HdipiJl ftli.Hf4M! ... I'mk l'laco 8MI08I (1 10 4 50111 051 scranton s 0) In : 0 4 W r mt Ml Mlftvo Arrive it i r u All tinliis run dally ecept sinubiy. f itgDtnoa that trains stop OB signal for pas. aengera. Additional trains leave Curb nidale for scrnn. ton t.io and tl.15 p. iu , nrrhliig nt Scranton l v, and 7.00, Leave scranton for Caruondalo 8.50 nnd B.9Q arriving at ('arbiiiiliileut ;.:, uml ii.i., p.m i cure rates via Ontario a Western before Rnrehiislng tickets nnd stive money. Day und lugt Kt press to the west. J. o. Audi raw, Qen. rasa Act. t. iTitiToit, div i ass, Agt. BeraatoB, Pa" A Handsome Complexion Is one of tho greatest c harms a woman can possess POIIONI'S CoMCI.KXION IHJWUBB gives tt. JjJJATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DI'.AI.r.KS.IN BURNING and C LUBRICATING IIb, AtlantlO l ead nmi PrOOlh '.Inc. Pure Llnieed ott, Turpeallae aad A arnishrs'' ltrnilj-nilie,l Palatl In all colors, Olldere' Whiting, Paris White and Knlsnmlne, Oil' VttrOl Marble I'u-i aud tl iiobnv Ulai AROEST ji x ,i M lne Tribune THE LAKOJ'.T CHEAJ BEST m r v n i c fTtf JJ - DON'T FORGET Thst vr are lienibli'.a',cri for everything In the lino of win hi If you have aay flea of purchasing any kind or a V, etch, laitvv i t irent s. UeU or silver, you will make Barrloi ous mistake 11 yuiiilon.it cite us a call Red get our prices, which you will find far bejovj ul otaerj, ei laity in ail the high gradeiol SI gin, Waltham and Hampden movements if you save aey doubte aue are at ul; poetvd en prices itii o us a call aud v,'., will have nn trouble in convincing you. We still have a larg i stock to dlspo-e of, and " ill oiler yon tvoi.. dertul taduoomeota la Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks snd nil other i;ood whloh wo bavi. lu stock. C. W. Freeman l'tuu Ave nud Spruce St. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers