THE SCI? ANTON TRIRUXR-FHIDAY MORNING. MARCH 2. 1-t. STELLE&SEELEV MR. J. L E TELLE will oontinna the buiiness under the Brm name of btelle 5c Seeley. THE BVBB POPUtiAH WEBER and SHAW PIANOS in QBBAT VAKIKTY. PIANOS AND ORGANS EMERSON PIANOS Popular, reliable and wit bin ryour reach. HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS Hive taken over 100 Qi'it premiums !. llae pHt tifty year. (Wier makes ef Pianos. Four msk. nf Oipan in beautiful new design See our MckJ belore buying. We have tho siood. tiur prious are right EvoryiUiuu iu (he juunc Uue. STELLE k SEELEY IS4 Wyoming Ave.. Seranton. t's. BEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPUUR HU UM WMMIM I Mil Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITKIS HEWS FROM WEST SIDE G. B. & Co , fmrf'ni1 en Esojj Ctr Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. t -DR. H. B. WARE! SPECIALIST. EYE, EAR, NOSE A-ND THROAT. 1TO U.SO A.K. i.3UTO &.0U ML CFFICE BOORS : 35 WYOMING AVE. 6 ! PERSONAL. J. P. S ocker, of Jermyu, was iu th city yetterday. L. P. Weilemiiu, of Forest L'iiy, i at the j Wyoming. B. P. N'ortlirop, of Tuukhautiock. is at tha Wyoming. Mrs. R Campbell, o? Susquehanna, was at the Wyoming yesterday. Mr.E.L Lyude is visiting her d iuihter, Mrs John Ryuian at D.ill. Deputy Protbouotory Myron Kasson pent yesterday in Montrose. Ex-Sharifi W, T. Lewis loft yesterday for Book Lad go, Fla. , for a few weeks, Henry Hoar, of Elmharst, h.n Ikmu ap pointed a fish warden by Goveruor Patti son. Mies Sudiee Oliver.of the gneet of her sister, lira. H. C. Dale, of Madison avenue. John Waiier. is visiting his pireuts, on MonMy avenue, after a two years' tour of the west. Ei-Jnde H. M. Seeley delivered the last of a aeries of lactases last ninc at the Hocesdaie Baptist church. William McClnv '.of M;id:snn rtvenvte.left yesterday for few.mee Springs, Flu. in hopes of regaining his health. E. S. Whitney, Carbon d de, and 'roorge W. Flail and iteorge L. Pfouhs, Wiliies Barre. were registered at the Forest house yesterdav. Miss Alice Deppen. of the West Side, has been appointed clerk in the board of health department Mid began her autis yesteiday. T. M. Righter. Mount Cnrtnel: K. M. Smith, Alden; Waiter Lalieenrlng, s-andy Run, and M. B, Kmmerer, Mauch Chunk, aie at the Wyoming. DUN MORE. Jamei Masters, jr., ha accepted a position with tho Pennsylvania Cotl company as breaker foreman at Oypsy (irove. Mrs. Neil Ferguson spent Wednes day witn relatives at Avoca. An sleetrie lijht is needed bidlv it the corner of (Jhnrsh and Drinker streets. Two r.utiet came in oollia ion thre last wwiing bat luckily no one was hint The ligh'a in either direction are just far enorlgb away to giro a blinding -lTect. and neither dri ver was awar? of th olose proximity of the other until they culi idd. R-v Ralph frilUrn arid nis assi itant, Mr. I'ro ton, will rondnr:t theprerara -tory service at the Pre byte run church thia Train. The fnno"al of Frederick D-vel oc enrred at Petershnr vsterday after noon at tiio Methodist Epicopal church. A lar COtl OOtl fM of friends attended the services. Ezra Griffi i pott, (irand Army of the Republic, of which the dece isd wai a member, attended in a body. Interment was mad in the Petersburg e.mtry. ft. W. Potter and Son hav plan"'! a bsndeome siu In front of tlnir umat market. ?iliss Eninu (iillmrt visiteJ friandl here yittarday. Mrs. Gertrnae ICoKm( of Srracnsi, N. Y , is visiting htr c rutin, Mr Ed ward Angwio, Jr., on Blnkalaf st.rot. The many frien Js of IfiM liana Cap well spent a ploMMt ov-rnn t h-ir borne, on Cherry stre-t, Wednesdiy evening -. - CRAIG IS DEPUTY COLLECTOR. -r He IiiuiihiI '.hi Dalle of Hli Niw Of 11 ' Yesterday, Willinm Craig, who lias been a dp nty in tho aheriff's offloi for a number of years, yesterday astumeri th duties of hi new office as deputy revenue col lector. William S. .Ton-s, wiio Blltd that position Ittndei Collector Penman will remain iu tho offico for a short time. For the prent at least no ono will be appointed to succeed Air. Craig in the sheriff's ofSre. Mr. Knliey tall yes terday that With tho force of deputies now at hil disposal he can easily tram sol ali the business of the sheriffs office. Happening or a Pay Hit Will Intorest Uydc Pari Mi:r, CELEBRATION OF ST. DAVID'S DAY e'upper and Entsrtainmont Hold Last Evening by the Ladies ol Iho Tab -r- nacle Congregational Church- Ma jor Wright Inspects Company F at Its Armory Death of Thomas Dj vies, of Fifteenth Strjet. (The Weat Si,t oHloa af thu BoaatrtON riuBDiri i loeatadat 143 Booth M iln ave nue, wherotubserlptions, adariiaoiantt and commnnieatioa wlU receive prompt attention. A very pleasant alV.tir ws the enter taiiimeiit and inpp r given last even ing by the ladiai of the Tabernaole CongMgational ohuroh iu booor of Si. David's Day. A largo audience was present, fend theeyning was one of much enjoyment Benjamtu Hughea was ohairman ol tha evening. An ex oellent programme of a literary aud ! musical ehaiseter was reu.ler.'il, and ad i nea on 8t. David s Dy vote made by th m my Welsh Bards present. In the basement of the church, elaborate preparations for a least had been made. Five tables, with a seating capacity of 100 adorned the hill ami pretty inuiJetH waited upon tho guests The Indies who attended th,- tables were: No. 1. Mr Jones, Mrs Thomas, Hiss Sarah Pit oh ford, Miss Annie Darling and R.ohrl Reese; table No. 8, Mi How. 11, Mr Phillips, Miss Fan nie Jones and Miss Liglis Williams; table No 8, Mrs. John L. Thomas,aira Philip J Leonard, Miss Mary J. Evans and sliss Casals Reese j tiole No. -I, S'.rs Redman, Mrs, w. u. Jones, Miss Sarah Morgan an I Miss Mary Hopkins; table No. 5, Hiss Miry Ann Reese, Miss MasK'" Evens, l iss srsii Ann Evans'snd Mr. Evan Keese. W. Coo 1 hines was saterer. XnspSOtSd Lat Eve!i'ig. St. D.irii'e ball, the armory of Com pany Fi i undergoing a general im provement For some time pist men have bseu at work renevatiag tlie bmiding and it noT presents a very :;e.t appearance. A new lbor has been laid and th walls neatly papered. The large room is also painted throughout The annual Inspection of tbe company was made last eveuiug by M ijor J. Ridgeway Wright, of Wllkes-Barre, a member of Grovernor Pattlson's stutf. The company numbered fifty four and went throngh the many iutrieacie of the drill in a inmu.T whlah refl-wted great credit upon the men and their captain, L. D Fellows. Colonel Ripple and staff were present nt tbs inspection. IN HONOR OF ROBERT EMMET. Entertainment to lie Given at Muic: Hull Sunday Nik in. On Sunday evening the 116th anni versary of Robert Emmet, the youug lnh martyr.wlll be celebrated atMnsic hall by tho John ifitobell olnb, Tim following programme will o rendered: Piano solo Miss Julia Allen oeal sell), "Kami"!' of liimi." Mr. Will P. Oreen. Words by John B, Barrett. Music by Ed .1 . Smith. Mi s Lizzie tleiri'y Tbema and Variation " a Florence schilling By U. Proeb. Snaun's Qead." tlse Mamie Ronan Br J' dm Bavans. ll solo, "Lot .Me Fold Thee l ies '. Recltntion,. Vocal Hole, Becitatlon, NOTES Of S FIRE 111 A UUPXONE CABLE BOX. Burned Out the Linei Kuaninsr to Oronn Bldge. At 10.10 last night a crossed wire sent a heavy charge of electricity into the telephone cable box attached to one of the poles in front of the Seranton Wood Working Company's factory on Penn avenue. The wood work of the box became ignited nnd burned out the connections of all the wires running into the bog. An nlnrm was turned in from box 10, to which the Central City companies responded. Tho flames were extin guished without difilaulty. The fire destroyed tho telephone ser vics between the Central City and Green Ridge. Eenth cf Thotna Dvi3. Thomas Davies, aged ii, a resident of Fifteenth trset, died yesterday morning at -I o'clock after a week' ill-n-:s with pnenmonia. Mr. D ivies was born at New Town, Rlivmney, South Wales, and cam - to thi country twentv-two year a.'O He was a m-.iu-ber of Enterprne lodge. No, 31, Loyal Knight of America, Silurian lodge, Independent Order of Old Fellows,and a member of the First Welsh Congre gational church. lie wis held In high esteem by his acquaintances, H-? is survived by bis Widow nnd threo chil dren. The funeral will take place on Sunday at 3 80 o'clock. Tendered a Surpriee Party. M. 1! Mauman, of Price street, was tendered m surprise pr..y on Tuesday evening by his numerous frsen !s. Se leetions were rendered hy the Keystone iuart;te, consisting of Davi 1 Handera, Will Collins, J, W. Jones nnd Michael Long. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. M. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ketobam, Mr. and Mr. S. C Biavers, Mr. bikI Mrs. R. J. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Jataos, Mr. and Mrs, W T. Mnsileman, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wilson, Mr. and Mr?. J. Lam bert, Misses Laura Struuk, Gertie Woolbaugb, Jnoi Woolbangb, s. Adkinson, Lizzie Marab, and Jama Beavers, Rjb-rt Beavers, Edwnrd Webster, John Davis, Samul Koerner and Henry Protiieroe, of the North End. Bridget O'n-un Bnsisd. The funeral of Miss Bridget O'Brien occurred yesterday afternoon from the residnce of her sister, Mrs. llnrv Poghe, of Luzerne street. At 3 80 o'clock the rrinains were removed to St. Patrick's church, Wbsrs an impres sive eulogy was dl:vr-d by Rov. Father Donne, The floral tributes were numerous and consisted of many neat design. The pall bearers were Mi chael i levers, JaineS Graham, Michael Graham. Thomas Durkin, Thomas Connors and John Kenny. Short Newa Notes. John T. 'Phillips, of 300-1 Washburn street, died yesterday after an illness of sis month He is survived by his willow and three children, Thomas, David and U'dieucs, the wife of B'li jstnln S Phillips, of Bellevus. The deceased was a native of A her lure, South Wales, Interment at Washburn street cemetery a' If :i0 p. m. Sunday Bargains iu hosiery at Mears it lisgen's. The employes at the Hyds Park Con tinental and Arr.hbiM niins w-re paid yesterday. The Diamond and Sloan men will be paid today. A drive in geriis' tie, collars an! cull's and SflSpendeM at Mears & Bagen's. Alderman Oram, of the Fourth ward, has Vacated his office oil North .Mam avenue and will for the- remainder of hia term condui t the busiu ss at hi Home on .lorm somuer aVSOUS, Full li-i of gents' furnishing goods at Mom & I lagan's. Tho fuiionil of Mrs. Davi 1 Comer, of Newton ('enter, who died on Tuesday last will occur tomorrow, Interment will be made in the Newton cemetery. She was 8d year of age nnd is survived by a husband and several children. Our o0 cent carsot is a beauty. MlADI ite Baokn, A very pleasant birthday party wa given in honor of Miss Cordelia Owen, at the home of hi r parents, Mr and Mr. William B O.ven on North Broni loy avenue, yesterday afternoon, Mr. S. R BldrldgC Sbd daughter E lua, of Brooklyn, re, are guests nt the borne of Mr and Mrs. D. G. Mor gan. We guarantee our $1 kid gloves. Mt'.Aits & Haiien. The fourth annual ball ot Company F. Thirteenth Regiment, National Guard of Pennsylvania, will be held at its Armory, St. David's hall, on Thurs day oreuiiig, Mar. 10. FbOWICKS U1VKN AWAY. On Saturday evening, commencing nt 7, to every customer buying 00 cents worth of good we will give a beautiful bouquet Mkaks & If aOkn, 415 Lackawanna avenue. Uavourneen" Hiss Annie Roche Address Rev. P. J. MeManns Vocal solo, "Sml Will Be Kathleen." Mis. Maggie Harrington Recitation Miss Mumie Boland Voral H'do MlSkJUela Allen Reoitatl o, "Erta'e Flag" T. J, Cooney Vocal solo. "1'he Daisy." Mrs Florence BohiUing By Ardltl. NO STRlKt AT LACE FACTORY. Ten Per Caar RedUStlsn BaS Uu Ac t'-ptid bv Besploysc loliu M. Kemmerer said Inst uiht that the report that there was a strike among the employes of the lac fac tory at Green Ridge wa unfounded. "A week aro last BatUrday," said Mr. Kemmerer, aws) uotlfltd onr em ployes that ws would have to reduce their wages 10 p,r cent , and naturally it created sotns disiatlsfaotion, An impression obtained among the work people that the reduction would not im Into effect at once, and when they re ceived their wages Wednesday and found that the cut was operative some protested and a eommlttea ws ap pointed to wait Upon me Tiie cut baa oeen accepted, however, and there is 00 trouble on that sc ire. "We are not working the weaving department ot' the mill at preut on account of t ne slackness of orders, and probably will not until a week from Monday." - - . RtSULT OF flBEitBACK AUTOPSY. Jury Will Frlublv Ruurn Verdict That Death F.dloered Natural OaUSSS. An aUtODSV wa performed yesterday by Cormier Kelly, asitel by Dr Mc A n news, on the remains of .loon Ab erlnok, the Hebrew, who expired sud denly at the corner of Penn avenue and Mulbery street. The result showed tiiat there was no cause for a susplolon of death a a re sult of a wound spin the head received in a fieht. From testimony it was the coroner's opinion that death resulted from heart disas. The jury will meat toniiilit at the court house, when a ver- diot of death from heart disease will probly be rendered. I The following compose the jury: B. F. Siiuir, Dr. MoAndrsws, Martin Bird. P. F. Rowley, Walter E D.tvin and J. J. Campbell. ANOTHER TWILIGHT RECITAL. It Will B O ven at Kim Park Church on Saturday Aftnrnoon. Osorse B. Carter has consented to dive one more rocital nt E m Park church, Saturday afternoon In order to sccommointe a lar'e niiinoer or Wiiks-Bsrre nnd Carbondale people, the recital will begin at 4 30 promptly, the door closing at that hour Any i fFerinar nt the door will be accepted for admission, tho proceeds beintf given to the poor. The programme: Overture, "Stradella" Flotow. Buss Solo Mr. Thomas 'Last Rose of Summer". .. .Arr. by Buck. (Quartette. Prelude and Kusue. Kach. i'anWsio do C-iticert La x. Duet Mrs. O'Brien and Mr. Wooler. "The Storm ' Leininens , . STARTLING SCENIC EFFECTS. The Performance at Wondirlanfl Ia Bet tr Than Ev r Before. "Under the Gaslight," a sensttionnl comedy drama in hve act, was pre sented bv the Wonderland stock com pany at that, the-.tre last evening. The play i on the same line as others of its elajs. and presents many opportunities for comedy work. During its action svsral special pieces of scenery ar presented, The first is Pier aO. New York city, and tho second is the great railroad acene where a perfect locomotive dashes across the stsie Tho Boworv dance was one of the b"St SDfOitltiei ever introduced at at Wonderland The entertaitim"u' us a whole, is first-cless. I of a Day 'Ilia! Will Interest Hidj Trlbmie Kwdurs. ECHOES OF THE RECENT ELECTION John F. Kearney nnd Henry Coylc, Defeated Councllmnnlc Candidates in tha Twelfth Ward, to Content William Council's Gonorous Gift -Councilman Westpfahl Wants Trac tion Company to to a Build a Bridge. AT. doubts can be dispelled relative to the Intentions of John F. Kearney and -Henry Coyle, the defeated candi dates for council in the Twelfth ward, rsgardiug a contest. Thess gentlemen have their attorneys, Connolly & Diivls, bard at work prsparing the papers In an interview ui evening Mr Coyle expressed himself thin "If I were de feated one vote and detested iquare I'd 1st it gO; On' I am nut going lO he fooled out Why. Judge Arch bald, from the bnch said that there was sufflolent ground for a contest Ws will see if election boards In the Twelfth Ward can take the law into their own hands." Later in the evening the r- porier nii-t Ms, Morgan Sweeney n- Is not in the lens) disturbed. The par tisans on ouch side are endeavoring to see which can raise the loudest cry of Fraud!" Coyle was defeated by 0 votes an I Kearney by '11. VOLUNTEER F I R E M F N ' 5 CHARTER. An Application fir One Filed Wttb Pr thonotary Pryor. District Attorney John I'. Kelly yee terday filed with Prothonotary Pryor an implication for a charter for the volunteer rir-inens .ilutual lieiielit association, 'I he organization lias beon in p.tIsI nr.e lor SOUS nine an I naa a larift in"inherhii uiuoni,' tiie fireman of thi city. The following are the subaorihers to ton article of incorporation: r rei W , zleman. P. J. Mickey, Oharle M Ziieiman, Lincoln s Tillman, A. 1 Vorbis, Thorn u F tfbon, L K. Fran coie, .J. ll K'viioiiis, ,i on tiiiti Tiuan jr., T. F. Ziieiman and John Boss. - NO C USt OF ACTION. Thai's What Arhltrntnra In the Stegmnti Wi,U Cee Said. Arbitrators T. P. Hohan, John Commlngs and George W. Begleyes tetday av mi awatd of no cause action in the ease of v. W Btegmnn ai'ninst It. C Wills. Mr. Btegman sued the defendant to recover $l,000damn"s fur Injuries nl it"'d to have ben siistaiueil at the bands of Mr. Wills. Considerable testimony in the case was heard by the arbitrators yesterday mornilg Attorney Fred Stark sp psarSd for the plaintiff and Attorney Fi. C. NeWOOmb for tho defendant, CARRYING PARCfLS PROHIBITED. Much A'liioyancn and Loin of Tim Are the Causee. During the past few days a notice has been posted In the dispatcher's of fice of the Seranton Traction company, at Franklin avenue, which positively prohibits the carrying of all parctds by inotnriiien nnd conductor. This practice has become so aunoy ingof late that it line been found abso lutely Impossible to maintain the sched ule, much valuable time beinit lost by the many stops incident to th delivery of parcels. Of course this only applies to parcels not accompanied by passen gers. Tho rule is absolute. . Paiist Milwaukee Inner beer on draught and ltockaway oysters fresh from tho shell at John Ldiihan's, Ut Lackawanna avenue. 4 A i i o-1 ee i MbMB Beor. I .:. 1 Lehman's, ifci. Myruce ot. MdBafDafi now Turkish bath. Every thing new. 50U Spruce street, opposite Court House. A Law Bnit sttlad. n spisole iu Minooka that attracted much nusavorv atli-nli m w is t is - suit hronght by Agnes Bobnn. n maiden ot 17 summers, against G-orge Shee- uan, a youth who is vigorously en leav- ilng to nurture a beard. Miisliihau loes the cooking nn I Sliopping for th household of Mr. Agneer, all engineer il the Seranton Axle works, whine wife left his home without savin good bye.Bbeehan repeated stories r fleeting upon the onaraoter r inm r, ,, .o Damages were laid at bnsenan s thres hold by the slandered girl YoUerdar- Iny, however, the proosedlngS were abruptly ipiaahod Bheeban mile a satisfactory retraction and u ill all costs. Mr. Cnnli' Omnroalty. Reliable Information authorizes the announcement tiiat William Oonuell will convey graluitonalv the plot ol Hid ut Pittston avenue and Brook street to the William Connell Hose company, No. 0, lor the erectiou of a building. I In- quarters of the com pany at present are not contral. Thi would be a splendid site for the boys, than whom there are no more dtuifnl volunteer members in the city. It has come to pasa that no surprise follows new of Air. Connell's benefac tions. They occur so often and are of such public benotit that people have not been able to find words suitably appropriate Choir Competition. Fred Jnnes aud John Davis, young Unsioians of note, are organizing a mixed choir to compete for u AW prize which will be Contested for at the icursioii ot the Dunmoro Catholic congregation to Lko Ariel ueit Fourth f July. The membership must not exced eighty nor go below sixty. The competitors are not excluded ju ac count of religious persuasion. The choir is open to all classes. A N-w Bridge. Select Councilman c. w. Westpfahl ha Mibmitte.l to tne Seranton Trac tion mipany a measure that he intends to have fulfilled, if energy counts for alight. He wants to have the Traction company erect a bridge the wi Ith of Maple street before it begins the new extension of the South Bids line, Interesting Nnws Noioi. Max Phillip and Fmii Smith will leave next Saturday for Chicago, On their return they will bring a carload of horse. Ilargains in hosiery nt M"ars it H gen's. l inti v Kelly, an infant son of l). F Kelly, of Maple street, was painfnlly burned yesterday by a can of hot gretae, which was resting ou the back of the kitchen stove, falling upon him Tim father i at present in the hospital siilT-r i ii ir from sn injured foot A drive iu iruts' lie, collars and cnlf and suspenders at Mears St Bagen's. .Morgan j ones, wnn was cruieea in tho Dpeet of a sleighing parly Of which lie wa a member, was around for th Hrst time yesterday, lie mail" hiH np psaranCS on crutches Full line i f gents' furnishing goods at Hears Usgon t. The officers of L-ickuw.inna townsht will take the oath Ot office next Mon day. 1 ii" place of ni'o'titig will b at Jonn F, Davis' hotel In laylor. Our 60 cent corset is a beauty, MBAR8 & II IOBN Two funerals were h-ld yesterday ar eriio in in MinnoRS, l li young daughter nf Mlohesl Waleli ami tiu ion of John Phil bio were buried iu St. Jo ssiih's cemetery. Edward Dm kin, of Brook street, will begin Ilie erection of ,i largo double block in a week or so. Wo guarantee onr ;-l kid trlnves. UBAR8 iV: Haubn Mlohsel Hale will bo a candidate of the Henry Coyle party ot the Twelfth ward for delegate to the next Demo cratic county convention. An eleven-ponnd daughter arrived at tbs home ol Air. and Mrs. George Fiable, ol stone avenue, yesterday. FLOWEBS 01VBM away. On Bsturday evening, commencing at 7. to evi ry customer buying DU cut worth of L'onl we will give a beeutll ui boinpint. MR ARB it llAdltN, 415 Lsokawanna avenue. AMUSEMENT NOTES. This is what the Philadelphia Bulle tin says of "Blue Grass,' which comes to the Academy of Mil ie Monday eve ning: "Blue Grass" was produced at the Chestnut Street theatre last night before an enthusiastic andisnoe, Ti e play wnn well received, and its produc tion was iii the bands of ucapahle com pany, and the pel Ini'iuaiics wnii enjoy able and successful. BELTS MORRIS. At the Academy of Music, on Friday livening next, an actor of great merit and who is probably known to a few In Seranton will make Ins first appear ance. Ills nam is Felix Morris, and his . reputation a a oharseter actor of remarkable ability Ii well known in all of I ue large cities. One of the many features of tbs engagement is tne ex olleiit cat which surrounds Mr, Mor ris, and the completeness of tlio pres entatiOOl oil ring attractiveness of more than usual merit. -ev . WOKUJN LOST HIS CASE. Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothe for Almost Nothing? QRICES on brand-new Suits and Over coals in our windows will convince you that we are about giving them away. Martin & IDelany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. Ha Wai Also Dirctd to Pay the De fendant gl 69 Arbitrator Byron Ak-uly, II. L. Tay lor and ! W. Dawson yesterday filed an award of gl.QU iu lavor of Slim -r Bros, iu tho case of M. B, Warden against them which was tried on Tuesday. Mr. Warden sued to recover 8:tT.'iO, whioli he clitimod the defendants owed hiiu. They presented a claim to offset ins bill. 4 Nw iinivcie. A unw bicycle worth ?- will lie sold for !8a. The iiiHchiiin is c.niir:.nti -ed nnd is a mre bargain. Machuiu may be teen al the Inbuuu office. - U nr want the later styles and finish in photography, vou can net it at LiritflnV, Wyoming avenue, we lire lutrouucwgi new novelties constantly. Badleaton Woerz's and Ballantine's Ales sre the tiest. K.J. Walsh, ayent, 83 Lackawanna avenue. Dunlap Hats SPUING STYLE ON SALE c DTCTTATvT linn 'IliF, HATTER IK b vSole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave HEW LINES Progressive Euchre Prizes. Tall Flower Vases, WHITE CHINA. JARDENIERS. ll P B P L R A I A I N A A NQNM C U 0 P EE S S T S for Coverings CHINA - HSU WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. tciM;iti!iiiiiiiigiiMiiii3rm: S The hi: mm: New S 'IITHBIEr FlftNQS - ESTAB. 1866. S g Now Yuri e; are rooms. No. C so flfta avenue I E, C, RICKBR & CO., I 9oii dealer! In thi Mutton g riniifiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiR BICYCLES MARCH 2, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Four choice of Unci' beautiful pictures, "TelophoneQiri," "De liveriflg Ohriatmaa Presents'1 mid "Maidens Swinging," Bond by mail oi messenger or in itio; coupon like- this of three differ cut dales, with 10 rents, Stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. l'enn Ave. and Spruco St. A lot Second hand Bicycles will be sold at your own price. We have a few Hoys' Wheels, list 5oand$()o; will sell for $35 and $10 until April ist. s PR I NO . , . Styles of HATS Have arrived Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenue. Special for This Cora- Week. 1112 Men's Cork Sole Lace Goodyear Welt, $4 to be Sell! Sell! Sell! This Is the Order of the Day. P'.lCS, urade, Men's Cork Sole Lace Sloes, band-sewedwelt,$6 be Lmlies' Dongola, Kid Button, Pstented Tip, Ooodyeur welt, Common sense lat, all $4,5(1 grade, to be Ladies' Fine Kid Mutton, cork soles, hand turn, Common Sense lnt, only a few pairs of them. $"i grade, to be... Ladies' Doll Dongola Button, double soles. Common Sense only, $4 grade closed entat Mipses' Straight Goat Button, spring heel, sizes 11 to 2; '2 trade will sell at to see our new Boys' School Shoes, Vuttnii and laie, siz-.-s 11 to 'J; $1 S3 Will sell at $2.89 $1.49 97c SCHANK'S Arcade Shoe Store. wyomim; u THE CELEBRATED SOHMER PIANOS Arc at Plent Ihp M.v.! P, pnl.-vr nnd I'ri-fprrrd br IHiIimc Arlvm Warsreemi i opposite Cetumbus Monumeni. 205 Witshington Av. Scran ton. Pa. We want vou Spring Stiiek of ACKETS, CAPES and WRAPS for the season of "94. Styles nil new ami nobby. Made of cloths that will wear. Stock Larger and Greater than Ever Prices Lower Than Ever i You are Welcome, Buy or Xot. 6. W. OWENS & Co. (. loak .Makers and rurners. Court House Square. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS j AST YEAR he had saved 300, ' He bought a honse worth $1600 paid 1300 down, gave a morfr gage for $1,550, Today he esti mates as follows: Ren) saved s-m ivi inn rest on mortgas fn 09 Taxea and repair m :o tin ,n Net snviiiir on rent jiltfi IB aavod on salary ISO 00 Toappl) on morttfiiire JJTil 60 BltPLBOTIOM "iu i oi it yean thai bonss wtll be frae fi nm debl ami l hhuil llHe it liolllu of my oil ll. " OBKKM IttnOE ii the paradise tut hemea Finn A So as have raoanisy tin- Ulleil it bsMttflll Villa, Wrhlefej tlley olli-r. on easy paymsuta, nt ilSSO. i nn in in. ilt offloe, betwoen Waeblnitoa imii Adaasson Otlvesteeea EZRA FINN & SONS. Scientific Eye Testing Free Florey & Holt 408 Spruce Street. The Hreat Marvel ofDental BdenOQ Anassthene A recent discovery and the selo property of Henwood k WaiM, llKNTlsrs. 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J. Q, SFAMOXSSAYS ABOUT AN-F.STHEKK li; in NWOOD vv.vuni i i After hevlBK aleven teetli extrnctoil nt om n ;. hy tbepataitess luethon. I prn liounne 11. eutlre)- HutUfaetorv in every pitrticulnr. J. a. SKANOS. By Dr. Shimberg, The Speriiillst on tlio Kyo. lleuilnoliee nml NervonsnesH reliovo.l. LnteMt mill Iniprovud Stylo of Kyo Ola1 nnd BpSOSaoISS lit tlio l.owont PrloSS Host Artilloial Kye Inserted for S. jog SPRUCE ST., op. Post Office. iiiumEiaiBiiniiiitHiiiiiiUMiii I TRIBUNE BOOK CODPON. rOUK of llmno CUCFONS, lro Matd t Th Trlltint Onicm ror BM Pmm vtunc nil l Siricf irpit, rniltlt'H tit' hoidM tn all iii.- prlw i, ot tile mi i i 1 1 1 ' :1 . i - for iliHlrUiiitlttt; pOPUlW ooolt ii in o n u onr ti'inleri. Tu ott'rrn iniailo b Tho Tribuuu uiuuatoiUuut uru H IbllOWAl 15 CENTS and PcmrCQpM fr uny vol mn v in tlif 1'filnmbuii Se ricei. Oxvr 100 titles to MltMl IVwiii. v ; . and Four CoUpOQI for n 1,1 voLuuto r- i of DIoWvuh' comploK.u WOHMi "i1 OBtfTfl iuhI Four tin pi ns for nny book tu tho Itti(by wrios. 'l fS and Four 'outoiin fur nny book In tlio Oxford lerln ilUU8IIHIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIllUUIIIIIUI.t i
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