THE SCTMKTON TRIBUTE--WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBHUABY 21. 1991. 7 TO LOCATE BULLETS. The Oreatbst Surgioal Discovery of the Csntury. ilia I liiinu ii Hind lied u it Ciiuduclur by mi Rtectrta l'rubr Whlell Work, uu Principles Akin tu ii,,,,, ur thu 'lelopiiuUtt The development of electrical sei- iici! in recent years has done much tu revolutionize luedtcul ,und sur gical methods. It will therefore not Surprise many people to leuru that it bus stepped in to supplant the Nelatou probe. But it will surprise even electrical men to leuru ot' the ab' solute uniqueness of the method by w hich this has been accomplished. The Xelaton probe was numod after the great French surgeon Who invented it. lie was called In to treat Garibaldi, who had a bulletin his body. Xetatou was unable lo locate it and the Italian patriot's life was despaired of. Neialou bat up oue whole night thinking. It tinally occurred to him to use uu ordinary probe with a smooth, round piece of porcelain on the end. liy iu hortiug it in the wound he hoped to j,'et the leu marking! on the white piece of porcelain, shoe iug where the bullet lay. To thinli was to act, and ou the uext day the experiment was tried. Sure enough, when the probe was inserted end remov.vl lead marking w ere found ou the bulb of the probe. The bullet was located and Garibaldi was laved. The new probe is an electrical affair. It consists of uu ordinary telephone receiver, an ordinary metal probe 54XA.TUX PB01B. ELECTRIC tOXXn ruoiiE. , and an extra bulb Of the same metal that tlie probe is mada'ol Inasmuch us there is no battery cuuuected with the apparatus, it may puh even an electrician to discover wherein the electrical element lies. Just here is where the instrument assumes its truly scientific aspect, for its invention proves that there is a detinite quantity of electricity in the body which may he utilized for practical purposes. In short the human body is the battery which supplies the current. The discovery by Llr. John 11. Gird ner. of Xew York, was almost as dra matic as that of the Xelaton probe. Dr. Girdner had triad for years to dc--vise some surer means of locating bul lets than was possible with the ordi nary probe Some years ago some body had invented an electric bullet probe which depended on a battery cell to supply the current But the 'trouble was that as soon as the end of the probe was inserted in the iios.ii an electric circuit would be established through the flesh itself, and the elec (trie bell would ring. So it was not known whether a bul let had been touched or not. One night it occurred to Dr. Girdner that the body itself mifht contain enough of a currant to operate a bell or a tele phone receiver. Kxperiment proved the fact and the uitilculty was over come. The principle of the instrument is ns follows: The metal bulb is placed in the wounded person's mouth, the telephone receiver is held to tha sur geon's ear and the probe in tno hole made by the builet. The bulb In the mouth and the probe are made of the same metal, copper being preferred: and because they are the same no man ifestation is heard in the telephone. But as soon as the leaden bullet is touched it brings another metal into the circuit. The human body then im mediately becomes one immense cell, which generates a current strong enough to operate the telephone so that us soon as the bullet is touched a click is heard in the telephone, and the location of the bullet is established be yond a doubt. The invention of this instrument has created quite a furor among surgeons. It has been adopted as a standard in the linked States army and navy. The Burgeon general of the army and the surgeon general of the navy instituted a commission, the result of whose ex periments was the report that the prin ciple of the instrument was the only fine that should be recognized by mili tary surgical men. Dr. Stepheu Smith, well known in army circles, said it was 'the greatest advance that had been made in military surgery in one hun dred years." Dr. Joseph D. Bryant, President Cleveland's family physi cian, says it "bear9 the same relation to gunshot worlds that physical diag nosis does to diseases of the lungs, or that the microscope does to microbic discuses." The instrument has just been adopted ft a stundurd in the German army, and when the Nictheroy steamed south ward she carried such instruments in anticipation of their possible useful ness fit i .4". Post-Dispatch. Ilia Wont Kind of Lack. Vife 1 mn afraid that gus stove in the kitchen will be a source of great expense to us. Husband -Why, we never use-it. Wife- No. But to-duy when the gas collector called he saw it. Life. In lit. of ('our. Judge (of u somewhat poetic temper ament) -Are you a married man? Have you u wife that you call your own'.' Prisoner -I have a wife, but I can't tvell call her iny own; she belongs ty unother man. Alex E. Sweet. HOUSEKEEPERS' CORNER. To scalk fish easily, dip them In boil- I log v, ater. liOlt.KU cabbage is much sweeter w hen the water is changed in boilii,'. Toiou meut limy be made lender by laying it a lew minutes in vinegar water, In baking brand or rolls, put sniee- puu of boiling w ater into the oven. The steam w ill keep the crust smooth and tender. Mil 11 of the heuvy cake and bread is the result of the oven door being banged in closing. It should be closed as gently us possible. BltOU beginning to seed raisins, cover them with hot water and let them stuiid Ufteeu minutes. The seat;! can llicll be removed easily. liou.l.VO liquids, jellies or fruits may be turned Into glass., without break ing the vessel, if you press the bowl of a spoou ou the bottom while tilling. FOB starching uiiisliiis, ginghams jind calicoes, dissolve a piece of alum the sie of a hickory nut for every pint Ofstareh. This will keep the colors brij'lit fora long time. , Kid gloves may be cleaned, when slighth soiled, with a small piece of oiled silk wound lightly about the Anger, and rubbed vigorously over the surface of the glove. til. ass which hus grown dull can be restored to u fairly bright condition by washing with diluted hydro-chloric acid ami afteraards rubbing w tth mois tened chalk or whiting. OLD paint and varnish may be re moved by an emulsion formed of two parts of ammonia shaken up with one part of tuipeutiue. It will soft eii them so the v may easily be scraped off. . FOB luuudry use kerosene i very ef fectual in w hitening clothes A half a teaeupful in a boiler of clothes will produce a most satisfactory result. Yet cars muit be exercised w hen using this explosive material. Link.s crash, blue denim or ticking are the best possible fabrics for euver iug iron holders. Make them remova ble by busting one end together uud occasionally put them in the family wash. Beeswax for smoothing lad Irons should be tied in a piece of white muslin to prevent yaato. A SNOWDROP TREE. Uuw to Muke a Novel uuil i ., r . , Dei-ora-tlou lor til Tuule. By means of the following device you can make a very pretty uud novel decoration for the table. Incline a wax candle over a glass of wuter. As each drop of melted wax falls Into the w ater it Instantly takes the form of a white cup. somewhat resembling the flower of the snowdrop. These cups you can vary In size according to the inclination of the. uudle. Now take a 4, 1 I it BOW 10 MAhK A XOW&BOP TRIB. piece of tine wire and slightly curve it at one cud. Heat the straight end of the wire und pierce the center of the wax flower while it is in the water. Having made a hole through the flower push it to the curved end. Prepare u dozen wires in the same way and then join them together in the manner shown in our illustration. You will now have a beautiful tree of wax flowers, which will make a pretty and effective ornament. Cards "! I ream, Without Wine. Into a quart of new milk, warm from the cow tor heated to the same point afterward . stir t wo tablespoonfuls of extract of rennet. You can buy a bot tle in any drug store for twenty-five cents. Stir well, pour into a glass dish, and leave In a warm place for half ari hour, then grate nutmeg over the top, and sat in a cold (dace till wanted. With it serve a jug of plain cream, und a little maple sugar, sotspad down with a knife, and piled in a pret ty little fancy tUh or saucer. This is Instead of the sherry and sugar gener ally stirred into the dream. Too sim ple, is it'.' Just try It. und see that your dessert w ill take five minutes to make, and will cost you about ten cents, unless you like it so well that you have to make double quantity next time.- Mrs. E. M. Jones, in Country Gentleman. Colon soil Completion!. livery woman who is ambitious to look her best Should have u list for pri vate consultation of trying colors. Kaoli complexion has Its best and its w orst possibilities. Most persons can wear dark blue or green, for instance, but very few can wear dark- red It is wise to accept one's limitations ami dress within them. If peacock blue is unbecoming -und it usually is why should we make guys of ourselves by donning it? If white is our kindest ally, why not choose white whenever It is possible to have it? 11. it While Mulattos Candy. Due pound granulatud sugar, one pint sirup; boil till quite thick when dropped lu cold water; then add one pint best Porto IUco molasses and three or four tablespoonfuls of vlnegur. Boil to a snap, Jlemove from the lire and stir in quickly one-half teaspoon fill of soda and flavor with essence of lemon. PoUf on the slab and work white. This makes a better candy than that usually sold by confection ers. Good caudy can be made iu this way by using all Porto ltico and no sugar. It Troubled Ulm. Willis You have a cold. Doe9 it trouble you much .' ( Wallace Yes. Every blamed fool I meet usks me about it. Music- and Drama. Opinion by an Expert. Artist Tills is iny best picture. I call it "St. Agnes." And you dou't like It? I am so sorry! May I ask what your objection is? Critical Y'oung Woman Her halo isn't on straight. Chicago Tribune. He'll Flail Out I.tert lie Yes, I've done It at lust. 1 screwed up courage enough to ask Miss ITightiu to marry me. Rather brave, wasn't I? She Brave to recklessness. N. Y. Weekly. ... MM IVWTMUH. UIU TUuKl WEAK MEN your attention is t :..ui ru 1 HI at inAiWMoa ., , ,- . . i Gray's lSp3CiEic Hfldicine IF YOU SUFFER iromwer- i vuiis Da- klU.. u ,i ! anil Miutl. Hnarma. torrats, and unpoteaey, sad uii Stiasos that tirlsi. frnm over luiliiliteiu-i' hiiiI mlf iibuse, as Lessor Memory ami rower. DlinnSSS of Ytt- ten, PfnanreDI4 Afoand natnr otbtrdlt estoi Hint lead to iiisiuuiy or Oontitmptloa unit uiieiirlv itniv.-. writs (of pampUsi AddrSSS OKAY MID It 'INK CO., N. Y Ths Bpeolfls tisdicins it tmld by nil druffiits at I per packats, or ix ,.i. i.,.,-, tor jgi,oi' siMit l iimil en roi'.'lpt of iiii'iii-v.Hiiit wlta sTeri 14.01 order wf. (UIARAXTFK i , are or money lefniuieii i n i t-tjr-On soeonnt of couutarMti u. lmo . ,t .1 the .llllw Vra:ier, the only kuuu Ine. relit iii fcicrunton hi Muftnmi'4 lnos Kt6 . Robinson's Sons' Lageh I3eer Brewery Jlaiiiifui hirers of the Oslsbrattd PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, Complexion Preserved DR. HEBFiA'O VIOLA CREAM Bemoni FraaUssi PlmpUf, Lour Molts Blaokhttui, Sunburn ami Tin, v. r tores the slilu lo lta ort:l iuU fteshiitis, producing a e'.ear uuu Ualinf com-(I I . DU-pH.'i iir w ru laeo irepiimtlon perfectly harmles At all urUKi;bLj,or mailed lor 50 '. .vu-i lor Clrcukr. VIOLA 8KIN SOAP I1 l"P'r Inoompmbla u till.-, purpling ctp. uoniuahMl Tjr ttio Met. iuJ wlUiout ft rlvul luc iLb uuncty. A6i1i.u1t pun, tuA HU.i.l4; UMli ittai. ii .'nuiKis Price 2 Cento. 0. C. BITTNER & CO.,To!.eoo, 0. For sal,- by Matthew Hrot , Morgan llrosjiud .V.iritun A Co. in 3 .ill "'"'UIU. Si l t - 1iASum0.v.' I i.r.i t vri n ! ' SUPERLATIVE 'lum the X. f, Tiibunt, A'ON I, l-'JX I. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Out. 81, Pbs lirt official annonnosmsnt of World's 1'air di plomat on Hour Inn been miidtt. A meditl tins been awarded by I lie World's Fair jiidtroa lo the Hour unitiii factorad by tho Wasbbnro, Crosby Co , in tbo trent Watshburii Flour Mills, Miiiiipapolw. The committee rtpOrtl the Hour HtroiiK and pure, und entitle it lo rank hb Qrst-Olass patent Hour f jr tanlly and bilkers' lUe." MEGARGEL & GONNELL wnoiKs v 1 1 a. i s i AND GOLD MEDAL '1 he iibuvo briiniN of (lour can be had at any of the following msrcbantl Who will accept THE TrWUNI FLOOR OOrPOM of SO on each one hundred pound, of Hour or M on each barrel of Hour. tertnton f I'. Prlos. Watbtngton av.inu 1 1 (loiu Mads Brand, punmoro F, P, Prion, Uo'.J Kolsl Brand. Dtuunors 9, 1) Maolty, Huptrltllvs Brani. Hydo rark-ii.iriniu A Davis, vTsaboarn Bt (raid Msdal Brand; J kspn a. Mttrt, Maitj srsnos, auptrlatire iiruutt. Ure.m ltlilue A l,.Mi..ii,-Mr.llol,l MuiUI llraml. J. T.MuIliile, Super ativs. riiMiili-iie..' I'Vunur rimpiolt.N- Ma'n are line, Superlative liraudiL'. J. OlllMpla W. afreet, Qold Med it llruml Oljrpaaot Janws Jordam Baptrlatlve Hran i IVikvillB stunt r Jt K'UiT Huperlatlv. Jermyn-c, u Winters AOo bnpsrajatlre Anlibalil -Joiioii. H IDpl n .V On lid M.-.til Carl oiela'e 11. B Clark, tiol'l Muilal llraml. Iloueadal 1 X. duster & Co. UoU Mull. Miui.oka M II. l.ivellH. u.iU Uedal; Athertot lal Ta lor- indge A Co s Co., Supurlatlv ). I Mtryea l.uivrenei' htoro r,-, . Qold M Mi. :. JhIiii Mi'l'rinille, li lit Mu.lal 1'itu on M, W. O'BoyU), Hold Medal i liirk a lii'imn Knie.i & l..rkr. Superlati-i , Ulerk'l Hummlt- F. M. You la, Qold Moilul l'alloii-S. K. Fitiu ti hi. Hold .Mulu. Uran 1 . I Nli liuNon - .1. E HnnliUK- , wnv.rly-M. BlitiA Sun. Qold UedaL Factorrvllle inu im Qardntr, Qold MtdaL Honholto n N. M. Finn Hon, Hold Medal Tohyhanua T'lbyliami i & 1,-hiu Lumber io . i. .1 i Mu lui Brand Im.ii atb ru H A. A.l iu 1 1 II M ' I i! Hran d ! Mu.'-ow liuiife & Clemt-nt-i, Hold Medal. I.ako Ari-I J unes A Bortrte, iloid Medal. Korist('it) .1 I.. Moikuii A. Ca, Quid IViercereau & ConneS Closing- out the bal ance of our aov LACKAWANNA A12NUri DIAMONDS, and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a- Brac, Sterling Silver Novelties at following prices: I Rasalan Ly is Ireoiar cap t, SI loehat, 4.n Elsotrio Soal Circalar Cape, si in Astrakhan OlrenUr Ospaa in v.w Wool .-..a, Ciroular Cspia ji in liOJ Btons Murt'ii Ciroular Capet, i In w.uo brown Marten circular CApSS, "1 lu 45.111 Utlsr Cirvutai Csptt, )M in w.uo Seal Sacques eiil Saoiiuut, Ilfi In.;' en Ioiib 1190.00 Baal .laekets, M Inohss as) Jaoketa "i Inabet long ih.oj tstrakban Jsoksta W Inoaei iuu: Circular Capes Sent Circular Ctpt, .') Inehen loiiif, wdh! BUttarny Cape t& 1 11. r Cirenlar Cape, ;i mcbea lonKWltb Butterfly Cape. .. ot." -ablo Circular Capo. SWinchee lung Hi Oil siraklian ClrOuiar Cape, M IncibSS long tt U lectris Seal Ciroular Cape, 'M iu. longl. ' i-r .y dimmer ClleularCapf, 'SI in. long :i U 'ii dozen Aineriean Bal Mulf at....l.Vj oncl !' l . f children'! seta at OS.-, tad . lot uf hb'igli Robot, plmh liujj $'J tsoh uadies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. "be only Practical Furrier in the citv. EllDOmiO BT THt HiCMEST MlDICAL AuTHONITItt s jcriTnOL iwhaler C$&mT?A CATARRH HEADACHE'S, I Ml A t ru aUt euro yt-u. A Wfudi-rful bvn tbralhrtn 1 frurul'uitW. NurnTbroitt, lufluftiM, Kfoathltlg, ! immedtatf rtUe.f. AnvmcvtA I , i i.e. . . i r i . . i !." I tit i ,1 t 1 v In pookrt.rea-lf to uo n flrtt fodtottioq of culd. 1'ontlniK'd I o I .T ii Ptriniannut 1'nre. HHtlfi;tltiniariiiU"'il(pDinnify rt'iufnltl. Prlrr SO vi: TrltU trvt Ht DriUfctHw, HtiiiHt'jrod inutl u OMIS. b. It. Mfr Thrri Ruin, Mich , If. S. i OT78HMA1VS M FNTHfll hiirent bint Bar.-ct rcmo.17 fnr mun i nut. ftl.gkindlMiiMJBoMma,ltcii.lUlt Itti.'iim. ii S-irn, Mt.rim. (nils. Woodcrrtil ieiu IMi.KS, Price. Sr i it hi Dnitf- DAI IU tritttD -r y tfiinl prepMUi. DriUIT: Fur v iVattbowi Broti,IIorf an broi and HufKan A Co. ce .'. Skates, iRtliiSTtptD. Indapo waae a wen Man of f5!WX iii Cmli INDAPO I JI It I.H1AI HINDOO REMEDY rlt..iii"rr. I ii k ah k RBS1 LTi in HO itf. mk. ii orvani. and ottlckly r 1 1 rtrii restore- LtMt ilHtthoud Inoraoryount. Lu-iilv miiii j in i loi-kt. VrU't l.00 ii .pi. ktf. S.v partal h ritlMl ajiiur-Bnt' f o .. r . ur monc mi,,i,, Iim. 1 lpn'u uiM"ifin pt'ii vuu mil aiiik m It lUIT lll II I'll tU.lli'i.I llfl II ItliV llf.l'l fin '.' 1 i -1 he li.c not irot It. we will wnd it hv run 11 upon no lp of price. F:imphiei In MUM vnvtlopt fi -' ArtJu Orti-Htul MttlliMlCu . Props., Chltanu, III., or nor afMtei SOr.D bv Mritthe.w Br.i? , Wnoltaftll und Retail l)rnnts. SCKANTo.N, HA . und uihei Ltad- Every Wotnai; imud nnttrla n r.l! t abla monthly regulating mwlicine. ur. rcL o PENNYROYAL PILLS, Arf prompt, unfe urn! MftalD In remit. Thf 190 i Pi at, rtkVt no ft? dlMMoInt Sont nuywheiu 11.00s it.M. i ,1,,'lu , ( li'VfjlKUj.O. BoM b XOBN Tl. PHBLM riiarmacUt cornr yoniliiif Hvenuu &u Bprui-e atret Bcrmitoii. 14- Atlantic Refining Go. MamifaiUuinrn and lic.iln j in Illuminating and Lubricating OILS Linseed Oil, Napths snd Oaso lines of nil ci.ulm Axle Urease, Pinion Grease anil Colliery Com I in, I , nlo, a Urge line of I'ar latline Wax Csndlei We hIso handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family tafety hurniiiK oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Offlct: 'nil Kxchanto, Wyoming Avt Nk Wurkt at Plut Ilruufc BLOOD POISON jiraininUf stmt I l.i in luCOdiiji by I at BiRiir;aii. mu MsbIo Remsdy m I t! V. ui.itnr gntiknU, hftcktd I I nattftt pi.Mifi anil 10O'iw b,Mk . ill.wtuti.,1 from I 111 from W,,y mill. Wtwm Ha tpilft pralUMlr uiif . IUOI U1IUT ni, ivw. in. Ladles Who Value Areflned complexion mattnilb Puuoul't Pow dor. It product! u toit and beautiful uklo. All Prices and all Sizes. 6c Shear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER 111 KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT F0.1 PLASTERING. LIMB, HI tWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. Seeds and Fertilizers large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. Hotel Waverly Fuippoan rian Firnt-clasi Ear tttiched lltpol tor I,, i, , : It Kami's Tsjuuutaatr Batr. LE Cor, 15th md Filbert its,, Fhilaii Jlrtt dnlrabls for retldrntt of N K. I'pnn tyhauta. All cuuvi-iilpiicet lor traveltrt tu aiiil from Broad Btri -t. ,. and Mir Vurlftb unit Market Mr.- ; ntatiou D tirablefur vimmg !Serautonlaut and BSO lit 1l tlic Aii'.liracite Kguu T. J VICTORY, PFOPRIETOR mm urax mrk mi 1 r I . I SD D D rimpies, biOicneszS 1 FOR THE LENTEN SEASON Sr I I and Old Sores . ouiriii v aqui Dnuv dmot and potassium Catarrh, malaria ' 3 Makes gr Marvelous Cures EE in Blood Poison Sr Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. pnrlflcstbeMooJ bQlldnTip tho vAk Anl debilitated, rIvca - ii to ' in n- 1 nerve, f tpel'j dHefl-tfri.fflvhikUho pntient health uud hntipiuefri whore Holmes, Rliuunr leellutfi ftn) iHasltudu llrnt prevailed. Ftr prlmnrr.mcondry and tertiary yplilllA, (uru)uod polmuilnx, mercu rial polmu, rtmlurhi. dynpepHln, aud In nil blood find kin dheanei, llko blutohet, plinplet, uld ebronliuiloert, ttttofi scald head, bolls, erysipelas, ciema we may say, without (ear of O'tiitndlotlou.that P. P. P. Is the best blood purifier In the world, and uiakea positive, speedy and permanent ourea In all utaei. Ladles whose systems are pelsuned and whose blood Is In an Impure condi tion, due to menstrual Irrexularltles, and Kidney Troubles are peculiarly benefited by the won- iI.m mi tunln sud uIhm olemHliiif ornii- ertlssofP. P. P. Prlokly Ash.Pofit? Kout and Potassium. HrKlNuPlKLO, Mo., Aug. 14th, I oan speak lu the highest terms of your moulelne from my own uersoual knowledge. 1 wus affected with heart dlieaae, pleurisy uud rheumstUm for Jt. years, wsa treated by the very best phyHlcluns anu spent hnndreds of dol furs, tried every kuown mmedy with out finding relief. I huvo only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and rati qhoerfully taj It naa done me more iood than anything 1 have erertnken. Tonu recommend your medlolne to all AtttTerers uf the shove dIsones. MRS. M. M. YKARY. flprlDgflald, Oreen County, Mo. Aw entliel.f itiowit by 1MM. -Prickly Asb. Poke Boot and Potas alum, the Krentest blood purltlwr on vurth. ABKRriKKS. 0.. JulV l. 1001s Mrs 3 lis, I.ifi'MAN Hiii'S., Savannah. Os. : Dfak Hiks -1 bought n bottle of your P P. P. nt Hoi spring. Ark. .and It hus douo me more good thuti threu mouths treatment at the Hoi springs. neiid tnree inui ie . u. v. Respectfully yours. j AA. m. nkwtok, Aburdoou, Hr wu County, 0. npt. ,1. IK Jolinston. To till lalOH it fan 1 MRMMsf 1 haWaw bv teHtlly to tho wonderful impertlea of P. I' V tor eruptions of the skin. 1 suffered for several ears with an un sightly and dlSHgri'eable eruption on my lace. I irlud every known reme dy but in mln, until P. P. P. was Ustd, aud am now entirely enro l. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNHTON, Bavaunab, Ua. Mkln Cfinrpr Ciind. Testimony romth Mayer of SequtntTcf, Kvt'iN, Tex., January 14, Mkssas. LtrrMAN Hros.. Hitvnnn;ih, Oa. : (itnittmen 1 have tried your P. i p. for a disease of the skin, 'usually known as akin cnucer.of thirty years standing, and found grent relief; It purifies the blood Hi d remnvee all lr rltatlon from the seat of the disease and prevents niiy iprea1ing of the sores. I have taken fivenr six bottles und feol confident thai another OpQNf will sffeut a euro. It has also relieved toe from Indigestion und stomach troubles. Yours truly. CAPT. W. M, ROITi Attoruey at Law. Book oo 'Blood Diseases Moiled nee. ALL DHUUUISTS HULL IT. LIPPNIAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, ItlpiMnnti's Block, ft, mi uau, - All kinds I 'roth IUU uc Ue.l daily t miry Smoked llatibnt, Honoloas tod, lannnutli i'. iters, I alt Mat ktiel. l'nrkaittV, ChMllptllki Hay, Hiirlce ltl Of Cove und nine point OYSTERS BoS Mirii Clsma, Mirimp.. SeallnMt &v. W. H. PIERCE, :nx AVE riiuaiUUsiiUiuuiiiiuaiiu r -. rr RESTORE LOST VIGOR -n'f."'','"''", rl" nP'n Sold with WRITTKS ' A IAN l:K in I urn Ni'i . -ii. h. 1,, it, I i i . ... . luolnolir ffom .iijr c.m. If nl.clod, inch Irnublit l.a'lii cniimiitjiliiin 01 lOnti'K'pi'r lint lij uiall.C b..infnr S. Wllb tmi a, Oritl T .t.M . MrlltH . . In nn.unr , .1.1.- . .. - - . .. 1 1. i KantXl da. . tl.T.f.d, pilt. ' ' " Fortnle by JOHN H. PHELPS, Phsrniacitt, cor. Wypmlug Ave. and hpruceSt., Bcrautou, Pn. B.fur. .ail At.ti tuug. DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON B RICK Best in the market. Brandt Clay ProductCo office: Blofbanton, n.y. FACTORY i Brandt. Pa ASTOHEHARTMAN 9Q6 South Washington Avenue, . Contractor and bulldtr ot Concrett Dagaj nC PooorsU Blimlu. Potato, Bitttor ami OS) ltln, Wnt Cullart ilriod np. Urdwr. inny bt loft at ThoniHion. A Prtit, Will tins A Main aud Uyuon Hlrneta, or at Hcrunton Stnvo Vork. AUo Foundationt, Cliterns. Fish Wlro 'lunuolt aud ColHut. Flairs lux tjr Qarduu Walk GREAT PAINTINGS l'or cSntnrles brilliant srtisti lmve been paisflng besutiAil pic tail's, and Hie best of these pie i urea are carefully presefVed by B'ealtby people in their niajasions, or by governments and eitiea iu public building.?. They form the great attractions' to many of the old world cities, and can all be seen only by much traveling and at great expense. As outlined below, a lover of pictures conceived the idea of plac ing these delights of the eye with in the reach of greater iiuinbei's and the result Is the beautiful art work, Masterpieces FUOJI THE Art Galleries UF THE World Being a lover of the modern 'vies of painting, he includes in his grand collection all that is popular and good iu OF ?01 As well as the choicest bits, and lie famous and historical pieces 'f the artists of all ages. This is undoubtedly the most beautiful and complete art work ever published; aud well it may be, for it contains the best work of the delineators of all that is heauttful. These pictures are engraved on copper plates by the half-tone photo gravure process: and are PERFECT REPRODUCTIONS of the original paiutiuge, even to the very brush marks. They are made from photograph nke.i direct from the original paint- legs. Etch part contains fifteen of litseeiigr.iT.ugg anil one pag cf de criptivs mattsr of the picture auJ the artists, and PRACTICALLY WE GIVE IT AWAY To our readers. Why do we go to this tzpstUit Circulation Id a uowspsper is every thing. If, by giving these msgnificent parts Vary wetl to the readers of 3IQRICK mi 1 i fill FOR TEN CENTS AND A COUPON Wa RJd 25 per cant, to our circulation, will be more than repaid for the cost The Way to Get It For the first portfolio, bring to this office one of the coupons printed else where on this page and 10 cents. For subsequent parts send thre8 coupons and tqn cents. SCRAWTON THE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers