THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 21. 189. IP 1 URING hard times consumers cannot afford to experiment with inferior, cheap brands of bak ing powder. ' It is, NOW that the great strength and purity of the ROYAL stand out as a friend in need to those who desire to practise Econ omy in the Kitchen. Each spoonful does its per fect work. Its increasing sale bears witness that it is a necessity to the prudent it goes further. N R ' A 1 Grocers say that every dollar in vested in Royal Baking Powder is worth a dollar the world over, that it does not consume their capital in dead stock, because it is the great favorite, and sells through all times and seasons. ROYAL RAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. Professor Hully preached at the Bid tist church in Wuverly on Sunday, wliere ha baa rendered most excellent service for aeveral weeks. A sleigh load of young men from the sobool attended the meeting of the Christian Endeayor society at the Tun nel sshool house on Sunday evening. This sooiety it a branch of the Yonng People's Society of Christian Endeavor nt Factoryville, by which it is usually supplied with lenders. Certain ruuior.i nave bsen circu lated charging that soma who are less civilizjd throughout tiie community have made it a practice of attending the meeting! for the purpose of creat ing a disturbance. In defense of those who attend the meetings we wtsb to correct these erroneous circulations, and we are happy to state from obser vation that euoti reports are false. EPWORTH UAGUE DOINGS. i 1 ! GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT THE NEWS OF TOWNS THIS is the month the thoughtful housewife tbiuks of the adveut of spring and the advantage of getting tewing done during the enforced quiet ness. WASH GOODS Do you remomlier tho beautiful assort ment we gave you la-t year!" They are handsomer this yoar turnover. Foreign Novulties and DotntMtie Stapled. Soluet now wli lo ttia ads jrtin.'nt is no abound ing Ol ll LINEN DEPARTMENT Is replete with a selection dictated by tho tastes and wants of our patrons. Selected by experienced buyers. The harvest is ready. Now wo want the assistance of the many prudent, money -saving housewives of our city to help father it For Good Linen we promise you returns beyond all expectations Linen Tahle Damask, Crashes and Toweling, Including ail the best makes of Kitchen and Holler Towel ins. Hemstitched Hock Towel A good stock o! Linen-the pride of the housewife. SHIOK TS AND SHEETINGS (vi. ' I. 10 t Wo have watched the fluctu ations of the market. I i. I liferent qual ities, weaves, width and yarns used. Wo can say that these good will stand the tell-tale wash tab tost. Widths are right: Quiditiei are right:: And our prices are right::: EMBROIDERIES In gro it varieties. Tho greatest collection for Vslnes and patterns wo have ever put upon our counters, CAMBRICS Embroidered in all the newest designs, suitable for all kinds of Dress Trimmings and Underwear. JUILTS Extra quality, fnll-slzs Tollot Quilts. Full size Marseilles Quilti. Bedspreads of all kinds. Shown t j be sold now. VSLIN UNDERWEAR A great assortment for tho critical buyer. Our line worthy a special trip to see. You wil! Hnd nothing unwothy our reputation as L'p to-Dato Merchandisers. DRESS GOODS The arrival of new goods for spring ne cessitates as to closo out many Elegant Hoods Regard leas of ( oat. Styles are not always the same, so novelties of last season mut go. Staple Goods must make room for others of lighter texture and different shadings Koeu buyers know this as well as we. Your children in school and daughters in ladles' colleges all would like now dresses. Now if your opportunity. Do not miss It: SILKS When It is the saso to wear them. Thoro is no ro:,sun why you should not havo them. Evening Silks. BlaeK Brocade Satins, Whit Sapan Silks, Brocho Pongees In evening shades. Come and see them. You are sure to want them. FRENCH CHALLIES Just from Paris, tho brightest makers Fascinating Designs. In all wool and silk and wool. Designs all our own. Don't buy old styles at any price. We will sell you the Cp to-Date Printings and charge you no more than last year's left overs at othe r places. WOOLEN UNDERWEAR We won't carry these goods over. If you have a place to keep them, n t needing thi.m for present wear, i;rusp this chance for money saving. .Nearly alt the sizes and of many different makes. LACES Wash Laces, Underwear Laces, Venetlsn Point Laces and Insortiugs. Good values. Big assortments. HOSIERY Now Goods arriving oarly. Morn improve ments, better dyes. Perfectnees In Hole ing, heeling, and no more injurious effects from poor dyes. Got jour supply early. RECEPTION TO REV. SMITH. Otitof town correspondents orTitn Titia UNE should sign their names in full to each uews letter, not for publication UU6 to guard agaiust deception . I will bo spent in singing new music, which will be furnished free. FROM CLARK'S GREEN. A Pleasing Entertainment Announotd for Next Thursday Evening. Special to the Scranton Tfibuna. CLARK'S Ukkbn. Pa., Feb. 10.--Chapter No. 11,281, Epworth league, will hold a public entertainment in tho Methodist Episcopal clmrch on Thurs day evening next nt 7 III) o'clock. The interesting programme given below will be both instructing and enter taining: Solo Miss Jessie Polhamns Recitation Anna Kibble Recitation Bessie Mulliuex Select Readings Miss Emma Coon Solo Mrs. F. 11. Parsons, of Waverly Recitation Miss Edna Ludlow Cornet Solo nud Organ Acc unpaiiimont A. A. Davis aud Milt Grace A. Davis Select Reading Mrs. Ella Chapman Solo Miss Mae Benedict Recitation MIbs Fanny R. Sherman Solo Mrs. L. U. Bennett Recitation Mastor Horace Davis Solo Miss Bortba Beatty An admission of 10 cents will be charged und the proceeds devoted to use of the league. All friends will bear well in mind their motto, and "Look op, ami not down, Look out, and not in; Look forward and not back And lend a hand," LADIES ENTERTAINMENT. The Price Library Hall la Crowded with Onsets. Special lo the Scranton Tribune. Taylor, Pa , 20 The Library Hall was crowded tonight by all claases, who came to attend the farewell recep tion given by the Prioe library associa tion in honor of Rev. W. W. Smith, paster of the Mothodist Episcopal church, who will leave this town about Mar. 1 for Portland, Conn., to accept a charge. The remark by President Louis Reinhardt were tonohing. The Revs. Harris, Heck, Van Honson, Ives Thomas and William Thomas were aleo appropriate. Resolutions of regret passed at a recent meeting were read. A book aa a token of estoem and of hie lose at a member, was presented by the association. The entertainment provided was good. A collation was afterward erved. Rev. Mr. Smith also spoke feelingly and returned many thanks far the honor. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electrio Blttsrs sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran ty! to do all t lmt. is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of tbe Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by blood. Will drive Malaria from tit system and prevent as well as cure all Mnlurial fevers. For cure of Headache, nputifeation and Indigestion try Electric Bi.terj Eptire satulaction guaranteed, or motifv refunded. Price 50 cts. and II per bottle Nt' Matthews Bros., Drag store FROM MONROE'S CAPITAL. Happsnlnirs at That Lilvely City Tersely Recoid'd by a Oracsful Writer. .Soeciol to tin Scrnufoii Tribune. Stkoi'dsburo. Pa., Feb. 80. ReT. Kemp nt the Normal seems to be in great demand and is frequently called to All pulpits outside. A short time ago ho dolivered a thoughtful and en tertaining discourse in the Methodist church at East Stroudsburg. The Shakesperean Licerary society at the Normal promises to give enjoy ment to those who attend tnir enter tainment on Feb. 23 Rsfreshmsnts will be served. Tbe Model School children gave a cantata, 'A Visit to Fairyland," a few evenings ago nt the Normal. Professor Bible, of the formal, took part in the reformation held in the St. John's Lutheran church. Rev. George Brown, pastor of tho First Presbyterian church, at East Stroudsborg, has accepted a call from the church at Meshoppen. Pa. An alphabet supper is the latest novel affair given a few days ago in Enst Strondsburg. Norton Homer, a student at Dickin son college, has returned to his studies. Hotel Clerk Schultz. wharaade many warm friends when he served the pat rons at the Burnett House, was in town for a few days greeting his friends. The Masons will in in clover next Thursday when they will have their annual banquet. Thes3 supp ,-rs are largely attended, Stewart Flaglsr, proprietor of the Phenix drug store. ha9 been ill with malaria for some days. Mrs. Stogell Staples, wife of one of White Haven's most prominent citi zens is in town with her father, Alex Rnubenold. Mussleman & Custard, proprietors of the steam laundry here, will shortly move to more commodious, quarters. They will occupy the store room of John W. Angle. The very best sleighing can now be enjoyed by those who are lovers of thic sport. There is mora snow on the ground at the present time than at any time during the season. A. B. Melllck, tne ice cream man, is pushing to completion the double house which he will rent when com pleted. THE FRANCHISE GRANTED. Lackawanna Valley Street Railway Company Will Begin Operations. Sjiecial tothe Scranton Tribune. City, Pa., Feb. 20 A meet ing of the borough council was held last evening. Those present were Burgess McDonald, Conncilraen Pat rick Cleary, George C. Wettgate, II F Aldrich aud Henry Box. Conuoilme.i Watts and Harris absent. After som preliminary business the long talked of franchise for granting the right of way to an electric road to be run through our streets was presented. William walker, of Msvhsld, repre senting the Lackawanna Valley Street Railway company, presented a Iran- chise which was rea 1 for the consider ation of the council. The franchise read was very similar to that framed by the council a short time ago for the Carbondale and Forest City Traction company. After a little discussion a motion was made and seconded that Mr. Walker's franchise be accepted. After a short hesitancy upon the part of one of the councilmou, he gave his vote, which made tbe gruntinu: of it unanimous. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup euros coughs and colds quicker than any other remody, because it combines the Imig heallng quality of tho pine tree with othor valuable medicines. Hold by all deulers on a guarantee of satisfaction. An Intelligent Rssums of Current Events Above the Notch. Sjecial to the Scranton Tribune. Clark's Green, Feb. 20. Miss Cooper aud Mrs. Drake, of Lackawan na, were eutertaiuel at William H. Swallow's last week. Mrs. John King died at her home after a protracted illness from cancer early on Saturday morning last. The funeral was attended largely by her near relatives and many friouds yester day. Services were conducted by Rev. F. H. Parsons, at ber late residenca at 2.35 p. m. Interment was mads iu tbe Clark's Green cemetery. Miss Elsie Oakley, of Glenburn, vis ited friends here on Sunday last. G. W. Decker and family will ra ike their residence in Honesdale iu the very near future. A. J. Akerly now occupies the houio owned by Mr. Merrit Mead. G. H. Smith, of Glenburn, will oc cupy thp house now ncsupied by Wil liam Smith, in the near future. H. N. Mott has established his boot and shoe shop in the r mm adjoining W. S. Frace's store, lately ussd by Dr. B. F, Evaus as an office. Miss Minuie Kyte. of Pittstoo, spent a few days with her friend, Luella Frace, returning to her home on Man day morning last. Mr. B. T Stanton, of Bozeraan, Mon., surprised his mauy friends and ac quaintances in this vicinity on Thurs day. Coming on the afternoon train, he spent Saturday and Sunday with his brotber-in-law, A. Davis. Return ing to Scranton on Monday, he left there on Tuesday for a visit aming friends nt Carboudale and Waymart, from which points he will retnrn home. A social visit was made At the home of our townsman, W. S Fruce, on Fri- dny evening last in honor of Miss Minnie Kyte, of Pittston. Among thoso present were Mr. F. H. Green, Miss May Armstrong, Mr. C. E Decker, Miss Flora Tinkham, Willard P. Coon. Miss E lith Decker, Harry Stone, Suella Fracs, Anna Fowler, liar rold Parker, Dora Robinson, Ward Parker, Miss Knight, of Pittston; Mr Gardner, of Factoryville; and Fred Brown and Lizzie Frace, A very en joyable time was hnd by all. The Fair Students at Kiystons Aoadamy Will Appear In Drama. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Factoryvillk, Pa. Feb. 20. Our enterprising young ladies are resolved to rang as champions of their sex With this consideration in iview they have resolved to vindicate their claims on Thursday evoning Feb. 22 by giving an entertainment with tbe foregoing title. There is reason to believe that all within convenient distance can well afford to attend. The following is a brief outline of the programme. THE CHAMPION OF HF.R SEX, Mrs. Duplex, a widow with money and mtsBsiou Miss Myra Sprague Mrs. Deborah Hartshorn, her mother, Miss ida Cramer Florence Duplex, her dnughter, . Miss Delia Coleman Caroline Duplex, ber step daughter, .Mi-- dounie nuynoius PECKVILLE POINTERS Brltf Items Cars MUSICAL MOSCOW. A United ( holr to Be Formed There Next Friday Evening Speciul to the Scranton Tribunt- Moscow, Pa., Feb. 20. The singers of Moscow and surrounding towns arc going to form a united choir at the Methodist Episcopal ohuroh next Fri day evening, under the leadership of Tallio Morgan, of Scranton. The choir will take up at onco the study of sight reading, and all who have a "singing voice are asked to unite with the chorus. Eaoh member will pay into the hands of the treasurer of the soci ety fl a month, but a slight reducnlou will be made to i 1 people of Elm hurst and other .oad towns on ac count of the extn. .wpense of railroad fare. The meeting on Friday will ha free, and nil nre Invited to be present. Mr. Mnrgan will give a short talk on slirot reading aad the balause at the lias of Interest Culled by ful Hands. Special to the Scranton Tribune., Pa., Feb. 20. Miss Ella Keith and Miss Steiger, of Avooa, wno have been visiting their formsr pastor, Rsv. F. P. Doty, returned home yes terday. The largest congregation ever gath ered in Peckville listened to tho ser mon by Dr. Iveson Sunday evening. At the altar service which followed t welve persons were forward seeking Christ. Revival services will bs con tinued during this week. The street cars have resumed their regular trips between Peckville aud Scranton. Suman Sanford, of Pricebnrg, was tfnong those who worshipped in town on Sunday. Z. P. Travis is still under the care of a physici an. Nellie Williams is still unable to at tend school on account of a dislocated shoulder joint. Mr. aud Mrs. Richnrd Williams, of Priceburg, spent Sunday nt Bell Pl' O , as the guest of Mr, and MrsJouu Coughlln. R. T. James visited with friends at Plymouth the fore part of the week. Mrs. John F. Williams, of Maple street, spent Sunday with her son John at Hreen Kidge. Stbayku To tho premises of tho un dersigned last Sunday a dog. Ownor can have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. ,t George A. Bell Mrs John Martin, of the Wild Cat road, has returned home after spending a week with her daughter and attend ing the funeral of her little grandson at Centralia, Pa. Mrs. F. P. Travis is suffering with throat trouble, Jsse Dunlap, of Scranton, visaed her parents here yeaterdsy. John Warren has purchased a lot of William Bell and is building a resi dence thereon. William Purdy, of Scott, brought i sleigh load of people from bis neighbor hood to attend the revival meeting at the Methodist Eplseopal churob last Sunday evening. Mrs. William Kestell, who has been sick for the last weeks, Is Improving, KEYSTONE ACAOEMY NOTES. Record of Affairs at the Well Known Institution of Learning. 8pecial to the Scranton 7W6uae. Factoryville, Pa, Feb. 20 Miss Lon Mass has been spending a few dsys with her friend, Miss Jessie John son, a former student residing at Dor ranottea. F. E. Seott called on friends at Mou. trose during Saturday-aml Sunday. Rhoda Dondron. i her f riends, Polly O'Neil. Misses Mace and h.emmerer Kate O'Neil Miss Mary Hull Muggio Douoran, the chambermstd, jiiss tieieu vt eineroy MAPLE CITY BRIEFS. Personal and Other If ms of Interest from Wayne's Cepltal. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Honesdale, Feb. 20. The many friends of Otto Weaver of the National Hotel will regret to hear that he has suffered a relapse and is agnin confined to bis bed. Miss Lottie Seaman, who has been stiff -rin;; 'from a severe affection of the jaw for some time past, is now afllieted ith quinsy. Miss Mary Lohtnnn, who has been confined to her bad for several months past, is now able to sit up for short pe riods. Master Emerson Rose, is visiting his uncle, Lvman O. Rose, ou Fourteenth street. .Mrs. .-i'iuiI' Schrelner AUentown, l'a. Hood's Is the Grandest Raised from a Weak and Low Condition To Perfect Health and Strength After Four Years Suffering. "C. I. Rood -Co.. Lowell, Mass.: "tientleuicn 1 Uiink Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the grandest discovery yet made, and It lultils eveu tiioi o than you claim for It. My wile has been sick for the past four years. Fur three years she was so had that she was unable to do any ot her housework. We had good physicians, but she did not recover her health, Sho was an tit ma- from Vrlxht's disease and Lameness In the Back. Her tongue was covered with blisters; had no appetite, and was very weak and low with geu eral debility. I Insisted on her taking Hood's Sarsapsrilla, and sho has been Improving ever since. She has taken live buttles, and is so well Hood'sCures that for three months she has done her house work, aud we have seven children." Aug. BCHUariB, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, luUlKesUoo. What is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For it, use Pouoni's Ponder. READ The new offer made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. Scratching Boy on fire with eczema will find instant relief and speedy cure by using Cuticura Remedies When the best physicians, hospi tals and all other remedies fall. To those who have suffered long and hopelessly from torturing, disfig uring, humiliating humors, and who have lost faith in doctors, medicines and all things human, the CUTICURA REMEDIES appeal with startling force. Their success has excited the wonder of physi cians familiar with the marvellous cures daily effected by them. They have friends In every quarter of the civilized world. People in every walk of life believe in them, use them and recommend them. They are In truth the greatest skin cures, blood purifiers and humor remedies of modern times. Bold throughout the world. Pottsb Dri'Q aUD Cut. Colli"., mile proprietors, Boston. -"AII About tbe lilood, Hkln, Scalp uud lJalr," mailed free. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men aud young women in thii country who have spleudid ability, but they have never been wakeued up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon are tired of inactivity aud want to do something taugiblfy come to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COUUSE. BUSINESS COURSE. SHORTHAND COURSE. p J. yQQ propriet(m NEW YEAR OPENS JANUARY 1. KERR & SIEBECKER ti Pimply, oily skin, falling hair and Itehy '!' prtivi-uwd aud' cured u Cuticura sump. Carpetings ! OUR LINE FOR SPRING, 1894 CONSISTING OF Wiltons, Axminsters, Moquettes, Velvets, Body Brussels, Tapestries, Ingrains, &c, now ready. The largest line of new pat terns and novelties we have ever shown, which we submit for the inspection oi buyers. Prices will be found thoroughly satisfactory. Japanese and China Mattings, in Plain, Figured and Inserted Patterns. Linoleums and Oil Cloths, in all qualities and widths from one to four yards wide. Dr. ED. Grewef The Philadelphia Specialist, And bis sssoolatod itafl of Eniillsh stud Ger muu I'tijeiclsiiMire uuw liermaueutly located Temple Court Building ai 1 SPRUCE ST.. SCRANTON Wber. lliej may be consulted DAILY AND SUNDAY. Tbn Doctor Is a graduata ot the Unlvorsity of Peunaylvanla, formerly demonstrator of pliysioloifr and surgpry at the Medico-Ohir-nrslcal Collog., of Philadelphia. He is suso honorary member of the Medico-Chlrur-glcal Association, and was physician and surgeon In-chief ot the most noted American aud Oerman hospitals, comes highly Indorsed by the leading professors of Philadelphia and New York. Hi" mauy years of hosoltal rxperleno en ables this eminent physician and surgeon to correctly diagnose and treat all deformities and diseases with tbe most nattering success, and his high standing in tho state will not allow him to accept any Incurable caaa LOST MIM i Kl - I OKI 11 Ul Hi M ss oi,' YOUNG MKN CUUKD. If you Dave oeun aivon up ny your physi cian call upon tho doctor and be examined Ho cures the worst caaeof Nervous Debility, Scrofula, old Sorea. Catarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affections of tho Ear, Eye, NosS fwi Tli.nai Aathma IVsf.inQ. Tnnim P.n. cers and Crli'td.'s of every description. Con sultation in Kiikllsb and German Free, which shall bo considered sacred aud strlotly coutl dentlal. Utttoe Hours: 0 A. M. to U 1'. M. Dally. Sunday, U a.m. to 2 p.iu. THIS TRADERS National Bank of Scranton ORGANIZED 1SJ0. p.apit&i 9Rnnnn Will I I11L li JUiUUil, SURPLUS $25,000. SAMUEL HlNES.IPresldont. W.W. WATSON, Vice Pratidank A. B. WILLIAMS, Cutdiior. DIWMIOM, SAMPEI. BIN Ml ilAMKs M' EvF.IUt ArtT, 1IIVINO A. FINCH, I'll M rl. r INLET, Johkph J. Jnmw, M B. Kkmkheh, Chad, P. Maitiiewh. John T. Pouter, W. W. Wathum. PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL TIUr tmnk tuvltostho patruuase of Luniaoss Third National Bank of Scranton. Organized 1872. Capital, - $200,000 Surplus, - $240,000 This bank offers to depositors every feelllty warranted by their balauces, busi ness ami responsibility. Hpvolail attention given to o- rooms, interest paiu on lime ueposisa. WILLIAM CONNKI.L, President. UKU. II. ( .I'll M, Ylrn-Prosldent WILLIAM II. PKl'Ii, UiuhUr. II I It I ( I oits William Tonnell. G.ora-a II. Catlln Alfr.d Hand, .lames Arrlibalil, Henry B.lln. Jr.. Milium T. Smith, Lutliar K.ll.r. 406&408Lacka.Ave. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OP THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Tribune Art Feature To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World's Fair Portfolios would be to neglect tbe best opportunity yet offered. The ad dition of the "Wanamaker" series makes it more ralu ble. Read new auuouuceiueut ou page 7. The Furniture Men After Whit comb Riley's "Man in the Moon." Ol "ECONOMY" has got tbe best furniture store. Wheel Wbeml Don't you wish you were them? And their prices are cheaper than ever before; And their goods are eo handsome a king would be glad To own such Carpets. All he wants enn be had If he'd just go to "ECONOMY," as I would advise. My eyes I But won't he be wise If he goes to "ECONOMY," as I would advisat And "ECONOMY'S" got carriages that elsewhere you can't buy, Wheel Whins ! What a singular thing? That o'er carriage men here they soar far on high. Their bedroom suits hayon't their equal in town. And I know that these facta are autheutio all round. Whang! Hoi Why certainly sol I know that thsss facts are authentic all round. You will find "ECONOMY," Nos. 225-7. Oset Whiz I What a great place It is I Nestling down on Wyoming Ave's romantic clime; Just loaded with furniture, massive and fine, Everything that you want, so just eall any time. "ECONOMY" sell their goods cheaper than any one can. Whingt Wbaunl What marvelous men I What very remarkable, marvelous men! M smnfll.Sa1 IU AW Br sjsTtfiLOjRf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers