, THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 21. 1894. THE RESULT AT JERMVN. Full Returns from tbi Various Election Districts of the Town. Finrialto the Scranton TV Ml HA Jeumyn, Ph., Fob. 20. Tlt latest re turns from Jeruiyu give results as fol lows: Congress -Q. A. Orow, 200 ; Jarnss S- Hancock, 100; A D. Markley, 1. For town olnciirs tU following vote was saute: Dnrcfss-J F. NisUolsoti.-M; Calvin Vail, 140. Tax Collector 1 A Line, W4j M. Leslio, 127. Justice of lVaee William Jenkins, 280. AuJitor Joseph Jy. 260; J.J. Far roll, 188. Constable H. Bmttb, 217; Charles McUinley, 157. FlltST WAHK. Council Joseph Morcmub. 121; M. 8. Collins. 50 Bobool Directors--Andrew C.trter, 100; Frank Stoele, 40 Jadgs Blsjotton D, t Henough, 110; S. B, Hill. M, Inspectors of Election John It, Grif fiths, 127; M. H. Ssiv.tu. 88 UOOMO WABDi Council H. 11. Bwiok, 102 School DirMtors Thorau Jay, 105, Joseph O, Nicholson, 108. Ju IXe of Election diaries F. B ker. 100. Iuspeotor of Election Joseph Soby, 88. T11IK1 warp Council Michael Motlalo. SO; Geo. Geth irt. 39 Bobool Diiteiort ThoMi GKlhool 82; 11. A. NVi.liu.iu. 4t JnJiesof Eiectiou WilliAin. Soull, 80; A. Roland, 80. Inspectors 't E --lection Tho.Hkor, 40; John Clark, 75 MOSCCW AND THEREABOUTS. New NuKeta PicSed Up Here and There by a L:v Writer. Spectal to the Scranton Trtt)ne. Moscow. P.. Feb. 80 -M'.si Emma Mitchell, of Soraatoa, is tue gussc of 11k Jenuie Cannon Mrs. V. L Carr and son, of Scranton, and Miss Kiefer, of H. musts,!, sjuc Bonday with Dr. and Mrs. S.W, L'Am Ore iUS. Mr. iud Mrs. J. F Ford ire visiting M'. Ford'a parents ia Baltimore, Mi. Mrs M. M Evms, of Scrauton. and Mr. Fred "veveui, of Duumore. w.-rt gaestb of Mrs. s. S. Yener on Satur day. Owing to tbe inclemency of the weather on Friday, the union conven tion of Ep'vorth Uagn?s and Christian Eude iv or societies was postponed until March 10 BueU, the tttttc Jauihtur of G. S, Brown, is seriously ill with pneumonia. A donation for the beintit of Kv. S. C. S'.tiipltins wili be u'.i in the Odd Fellows' hall tonight. Mr. .-.jd Mrs. B. Hayden, of Atlantic City, N J . are guwta of thsir son, Frank Hayden Bapstrhl ton (font Taylor paid luc schol ars a visit this w k Evangelist G. T. Enckley. of the Rescu" Mijsio :, 13i:;?iimton, lectured i:i th Methodist Episcopal cuurci last evening. His subject was; "Rum, Rats and Rehiioo." The Teachers' alliance of Licka wanna county will hold a convention here Saturday. Feb. 24. . CAR BON 3.' LE CHIPS. Sundry Itmi of Interest from the Flo naer City. .peioi to As Scranton JViftunvf. Carbondalk, Pa., Feb. 20 William B Evans will return home to Chicago tomorrow after a several days' stay in this city. Tomorrow evening the stores will again cose their doors at 8 o'clock and continue to so close during tne re mainder of the month, and for the first ten days in next, Saturday nights excepted. Mrs. H. 3. Bolton is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs, of Hones dale. A. S. Murray & Co.'s merchant tai loring establishment of Salem avenue, was closed last evening. The Lotns Glee club gave a pleasing entertainment in Masonic hall this evening. A very intelligent audience was prmt. A social gathering will b hell to morow evening 'Wednesday) at 8 o'clock in the interest of the Congre gational church at the home of Mrs Isanti Jones, on Sontri Chnrch street. An oyster sapper will be served for 25 cents. Mus LIzz'e Ammsrman is visiting relatives in Honesdale. Miss Lot ie Macav b as retnrned to Philadelphia, after enjoying a visit with her sister in this city. e Ir Tor hove nwlo up y mr mind to bay Hood's Sarsapariila, do not be pctWOeMM to take any other. Bo hum to get 1 food's fiarsaparilla, which possesses peculiar curative power. Hoora PiLr.s cnre all liver ills, bilions oeas, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache. FOREST CI f V NEWS. Mr. Sanford, who has beeu holding re vival services for several weeks, leaves tomorrow for new fields. There will be a voluntary offering to help Mr. Sanford, he having labored without a regular salary. C. F. Baker risitsd Sjranton yester day . T. U, Watts, of Scranton. called on Jermyn businessmen yesterday. It is said a prohibition club will be orguulzsd here in the. near future, NEAR AT HAND. Toys, Interest Your Fathers aod Moth ere Immnttlstely. The closing day for the sale of the Encyclopedia ltrit'innioii, now being nffsrad to tha raadsri of Tim Tribuni is nesr at hand. The special arrange -ments made with tha iiitlislins has enabled The Tltlin'NU to place within the re'ich of everyone this great li brary. It has been truly said that inuOVM depends upon Hn ediUMtloii. An l us it is impossible to procure it without books, why hesitate to procure the Encyclopedia Hrit aunicii, the greatest self educator aud aoknowl edged authority on all subjects the world lias ever produced, when it OAQ be had for the small saving of 10 cents a Jay'; lu this ago of dnootton and progress the best positions are secured by the fittest and in social life, one without an eduction is like a ship without a rod lor. Fathers and mothers Interest your sous In this work, It will be far more gratifyiug to you to see them perusing the pages of knowledge than 10 know they are pe:i HngthOU tiuirtuud money in the saloons, BojTI Interest your fathers nnd motoers and ask tlum to procure it for you before it is too lattt. D ' not krl obliged to sweep the crosswalks'.through life for ihe schoolmate who from a stu (Abu tppUtttlon of books will liavo rissu above you. ''Where th-ire's a will there's a w iy." TBI TeUBVRI sup plifs the "way." All that rcmatttl for you to do is to screw np your "will, ' aud your library will be supplied by the most interesting and instructive literature the most eminent witters h ive beeu able to pr dueo Tbe offer will remain ooen but a short lime Poc't fail to owl at TllK Tuini'NK F.u- eyclopedia Heudqnartcra, 407 Bprnoe street, and OJUUDins tbe booka, FOOD BEFORE SLEEP. .in Eminent Physu-tiu Kern ingeettun It. qalnw Nu InterTsI ot Reet. Many persons, says Or W. T. t'athell, an eminent physician, though not ac tually sick, keep below par iu strength and general tone, and 1 am of the opin ion that fasting duriujr the longSntcr va!s between supper and breaktast, and especially the complete emptiness of the stomach duritij sleep, adds greatly tO the amount of emaciation, sleepless ness and general weakness we scroften meet. All bnes except man are governed by natural instinct, and every bitng with a stomach, except man, oats be fore sleep, and even the human infant, guided by the same instinct, sucks fre quently day and night, and if its stom ach is empty for any prolonged period it cries long and loud. Ii'jreation requires no Interval oi rest, and if the amount of food dnrinp the twenty-four hours is, in quantity and quality, not beyond the physio locrical limit it makes no hurtful differ ence to the stomach how few or how short are the intervals between eatlDg; but it does make a vast difference In the weak and emaciated one's woifare to have a modicum of food In the stom ach during the time of sleep, that in stead of being consumed by bodily ac tion It may during the interval im prove the lowered system, and I am fully satisfied that were the weakly, the emaciated and the sleepWs to rightly take a light lunch or meal of simple, nutritious food berfore going to bed for a prolonged period nine in ten of them would be thereby lifted into a better standard of health. iotes of Qnerl Interest Dished Up for Intelligent BeeIre FptcitU to the flcranlon Trihun. Forest City, Pa., Feb. 20 John Cotter, a member of tbe Forest City police, spent Sunday with his parents Id Scranton. John D. Nealon, of Carbondale, was looking after his Interests in this place yesterday. Mrs. W. G. Itiynolds ritnrned horns ytsterday from Scranton, mnch im proved in her health. George Kisthart and fiert Howard visited friends In the vicinity of Gib son and Sonth Gibson yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln W. Pentecost, of Washington, la., who have been pending the past two weeks In Wayne county and in Nsw York city, returned to this place ysstsrday for a few days before leaving for tbelr western boras. Attorney H. O Watrons will be in Montrose tomorrow on legal business. Tbe Hillside Coal and Iron com pany's collieries in this place will re sume work tomorrow and work four days, three-quarters each day, or three days for the week. TiEWARf: O? Frauih. Me sure yon got the genuine Or. Thomas' Kclectrlc Oil. It cures colds, croup, asthma, deafnuss ami rheumatism. JOTTED AT JERMVN. Latest News from a Lively Up Valley Town. Fper-ial to the Scranton Tribune. Jermyn, Pa., Feb. 20. A meeting of the Republican club was held Monday evening. It was decided to rent the tore under the Old Fellows' hall for one year at $100, nnd a committee were instructed to furnish tha rooms comfortably. Considerable basiness was transacted and a number of mem bers spoke in regard to the dnty of Re publican voters Tuesday. The resnlt of tbe election appears below. Mildred, only daughter of Mr. and M i. J. J. Place, died suddenly yester day morning of scarlet fever. There will be a reception at the First Baptist chnrch this evening. The Rev, WELCOME WORDS TO WOMEN. Many HtMl women nail on their family phy tuuiiis, sutlerhiK. ns they inmirine. one from dvSDerjsla. another from In-Hit rlll-slSOi another from liver or kidney dim-use, another with puin here or there, and In this way tlioy all present to tbelr esuy-iroliiK doctor, separate (lkneaui-s, for which he pie SertbeS. nsmimmtf them to be such, when, hi ivallty. thev are all only .-' "M'foMr calmed liy SODM womb disorder. The Suffering I'M C it-ill trels no hotter, tint prohnhly worse, by reason m the delay, wrong treatment and oonseoueq) oompuwiuona. A proper roeO etne) like nr. Pteross Favorite Preaorlptlon, dtT6C ted (e Ifn MMM Would have uointly cured the disease. Mrs. IUiiiiv Taiwan, of Krynnlils, Jeferum 0 r?SO, writes: "For two years I wiw a sufferer. A part of ti'i time had to ! carried from my bed, Wus raoaad with pain, hd hysteria, was very nervous, no'apMtrM and oomplotoli miooiirajM. A lew botuss r 'Favorite Preserlptlon ' effeeled n ileOt cure." Hold by all dealers in medlUMI, Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Gingharn9 for the coming spring and summer. Finer (joods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Trices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. Alnmlxnm for KUsh l.lghU. The nac of alurrlnum as a rabatiluto for magnesium f r the production of flash light is gTov. ing In favor among photographers, ft chief advantages are its higher activity and itn freedom from objectionable Odors on ignition. The commercial ahptndnum bronze pow der can bp usfd if all the greasn be re moved by the application of heat. The consequence of allowing the grease to remain is that the powdpr adheres in lumps, and a large proportion of it es capes ignition when blown through the flame Another advantage pos sessed by aluminum over magnesium is its resistance to oxidation when in fine powder. The mixture recommend ed by Prof. Olasenapp for photographic work Is composed of: Aluminum pow der 81.7 parts by weifht, sulphide of antimony IS.8 parts by weight, potns- sinm chlorate M.fi parts by weight In preparing the mixture the same pre cautions must be MFstn as with mnr-nesium. 6 BONDS for SALE To Investors. THE BOBAlsTON rixle Works huvf, iHsnwl $75, 000 of per onit, Oonpon Bonds, interest (wytUesenil sfiotutlly ,Tii6M bonds sire to run for ten JTMRL from Nov. I, 1808, Only a limited amOTJtlt tin offered for nle to investors. These fiotiila sire first niortgnge on the nt ire plant of the eoiupiitiy, and are issued for the purpose of MdMgillg the works. The bonds are of the rienoiniiiat ions of 11,000, 1600 and $100 each. Pot farther jiiirticuhirs aildress h. B, UQTI, Financial At. ItnoniK ': . unci rommnntvonlth It n i I 1 if, ORANTOff. rA. PBSTH IflOl co.,iHr,..rpiitf!,ooo.ono. UK ST Ill.ftO HllOK IN TllK WOHI.U. "A dullar mtud t a dollar MfMtf -ThlNl,ullN' Sulht I r.n. li DuiiffolnKM Itnl ion Hoot delivered frin niivwlirm In Ihn U.S., mi receipt of 'mTi, Mormy Orncr, ir I'ohUI Nolo for HI .Ml. Equal "very wnv thn hxi nAt In nil roUll i for 12.60. Ws liiiiko thin tionl ourMlveii, UfftfON wn fMfir attttti tha Jit, ntiflt and uwr. uiui u nuynnn m nui iuiii-ii.'ii rvt win rcrn iiri inn monny or nml Rnothcr pair. lfra lew or l omnmn renne, M". U, lit r. & if. . -Ir- 1 to H and hulr . Stnduouritite; tre icilf fit you. lllllMllltlTl Catu toa;iin FREE FEDERAL ST., 9 ItOSTON, AIAS8, :v4K,rHffiV; THE Thatcher IS THE BFST. (let prices and see ths furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Apptllo and Oauze Door Ranges. C0NLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. THE Upholstery Department -OF-- William : Sissenberger Opposite Eaptist Church, Perm Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new. 10 c POWDER Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth tWg s RANTON, PA. Dexter Shoe Go, Hjiectal ttrmi to beaten MINING nnd BLASTING POWDER Jlulnr.tt.hn 1100010 find RUSH- DAIaE wi titles. Ltria A RsWd Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER l.lsrtrln Hsttrrins, Finns for esplol liiK blssts, Hitfnty Kime snil RepaiiDoChemical Co.'s High Explosives I ffl Ml A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. MT. PLEASANT AT RRTAIU Con) nf Hin hftl QtMHtf for teUNlN BMbAltd rf nil T.m, dtUfsWM lit v 1'Hrt of tliu city nt loWMt yrvm. Oidnm Ift nt rny OfBCt, no. 1 1 h. nrTONfMO avi:itp, Itfnr t "otn, ftnlflooft Thirl NnMonul Hnnk, rir ' 1 ninll of tlfpionn to tlm mine, will I''''' prt'lllllt ll 1 t Ii I ! , I i " iid (Hint i neU will bi rrtAtlo fur tha wilo Mid Uullvury of Htii-kwheat i'oml WM. T. SMITH. Thougandj Bemuantfi of Dry Goods, clunks and Fur Capes during sale at. less than ooal of material, Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever hon ii. Lndlns' Polt IUIh, thiHssason's stylus 1 0c. e;ich. Boyi' Wintur Waists 1 00 esoh. Jluffs ; 300. esch. Closks $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COME IT WILL PAY You. Great Clearing Sale. MALONBY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Uuttfeotori 'VS nml IJialnri I lubricating OILS aoJ Three Magnificent Offers. Trio of Chances to Get the Finest Art Portfolios Printed at terms so easy that all can buy. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. A Pleasant Reflection "Ti beauty Hint doth oft rasWs women proud; Tta virtue tlist dotb make then moat sdinirud; 'Tis modesty thut uiakos tlieui sasm divine." This Bhskesprsre wrote '.'00 years ago. Htd he lived in these days, when women compete with the etmuger an in the bread-winning race ot life, he would not havo believed his stauz complste wilhont this itnporUut addition : "'Tis knowledge that makes woman a success." Accident of birth may m ike one young woman a shoo girl and her play mate, born at the other end of the street, a college graduate and a sooiety belle. They were equals in childhood; they are separated now by several strata of society. But appraiso i-ach at her ow intrinsic worth, and what is the only element of real superiority which the rich girl possesses over the poor one? It Is Education; It Is Knowledge. Herein only is tbe rich girl superior. Here only is she a more important factor in life and of more value to herself and to society than her less fortunate contemporary. Even this distinction need no longer exist; far no girt with strength and ambition but can SAve ten cents a day gud obtain THE TRIBUNE ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA From which an education can be had equal to that possessed by any bolder of a perfumed sheepskin. Remember that this work is of the number of pages and cuts as the crig innl Scribner edition at ( " per Yoluuio, besides having about '.000 pages of supplemented matter addod. On receipt of if I 00 tbe 55 volumes will be deliv ered -tbe balance payable nt the rate of if "i per mouth. The oiler will soon be withdrawn. Tne books may be seen at 487 Spruce street. Also Shafting and Journal Grease. OFFICE:-7!l West Lnckswsnns Ave. VKUlt&D: -Meridian Street P U ZZ L E . THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valunhle as n Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE BASK WHKN JTOt KNOW ROW $1100 in PniZKfl wii i BH OMXniBVTBD TO THOtB noiNU TllK i i in tiii. siioiiTi HT IPAOB or TlMft roil lAIifl Bt Ai.ii NKWa OOMPANIBI, BTATIONBRss ANI AT TOY MTOHBB, tlt SB NT TO ANY Aliltlll'.HS UPON RECEIPT OF PRIOB, an CENTS, BH COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO., 119 nii in south ki t wv ITRBBT, BALTIMORE, Ml. MANHOOD RESTORED! "NERVESIID. Thl, un4,vlfcl rMtr S"r- f I ll .'II-. til n.t'u.. .IU" eases. iusIi Wok sienmty, tiessof Brain I'nwer, Hnoiin'. wakeMaess, i.n.t Mnnl 1, Nightly I'liuliilNitn, F ervotisnen. Hlhirninsnnii ii'in in i"'i liiiii'in'isilvpiirimiisof llliprsrit-euiiMllty ntrpnirllon.f ouOiOilerrore. .'Vilv uh of mheono, opium or etlmulenle. which leen 10 Inflnnlty. DM1 i.Hiiipll"ii nr feMiiHr (v',"i'tr'leilln "stuiwkeu VI iit hoi, fure), hi mull lireimld. With e felt nnhir e Sl written Bsnirnntex In t,r ! r. k. iTr..i,li ti-. ui.i n. .n.iriwjtM Ak for It. Ut bfFORE AND nFTtrUISING.no o'liu'- MoriK XlHTi: tSBKnt n.. Meeonlo Temple, CMlCAOO.lLU For Snlo in St ninton, Pa.,byH. C. SANDERSON, Drmrrlnt, cor. Washlngtoo -i,,t giiiLUll HLI UtltM. US ft RESTORED MANHOOD OFFER NUMBER ONE MM TUT 1 1 T- . Tt ... . ine vvonas iair rortlolio, in lour parts, each part containing between fifty and sixty views of the great exposition. and the whole forming a superb represen tation oi the greatest exposition the world has ever seen, may be had as previously announced. Three Coupons, cut out as explained below, together with 10 cents in cash, will secure it. The demand is heavy, but we will fill all orders as fast as the flying presses can print the hand some books. OFFER NUMBER TWO. 'I he "Wanamaker Panorama of the World's Fair,'' which has occasioned such a furore in Philadelphia, is a voluminously illustrated history of that great event. It is a history that is both highly entertain ing to the young and old, and instructive to all. It is such a volume as should be in every patriotic home. In order to ha a complete, continuous and connected his tory, it will be necessary to have all the parts. One new part appears each week There are sixteen, magnificent, marvelous full-page views in each part Ten cents in cash and two coupons of different dates, cut as directed below, will secure it. Part One is now ready in unlimited quantity. Other parts will be announced. OFFER NUMBER THREE The young folks all delight to take that famous "Trip Around the World" by means of the handsome and instructive Portfolio of Photographs showing noted scenes and picturesque spots in all parts of the globe we inhabit. It is an educa tion in itself ; this album. Don't fail to have it, if you haven t it now. It will be a lasting treat. Just now. in particular, see the views it gives of Hawaii, the land where Queen Lil ruled. Two coupons and 5 cents in cash will secure this treasure. W e've had to do it. The demand was too ereat. W e've had to make THREE offers where we though two, surely, would be O e enough. Hut the public wouldn't be satistied. So we've added the W anamaker series, and continue the other two. 'You need all three, to be really in the swim. Each one is better than the one before it; at least, that's what you think. Better order early it you want a prompt reply. All the various parts arc going like hot cakes. IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIinillllllllllHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHU FEB. 2 1 This Coupon, with two like it, but of different dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four parts the one announced before. FEB. 21 This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ- S ent date, with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one g part of the celebrated "Wanamaker" Portfolio, de- 5 scribed above. New part each week. Part One now ready. FEB. 21 DR. MOTT'S NKRVK1I1KE PILLS i T)ioKiyrooiedr lor nervous prostration anil all neriotisdlwaMi ?f iiio ifciierullve organs of either sex saoh ae Nervous ProitrsUon, rail- Bit or List Manhood, bapotSBOV. Mlftttl) Emissions, Vouuiful Errors, r-nte.1 Worry qioesslTo nso or Tobaonn or Opinm , w'Meh lead to Cob sumption sad leeniiltr. With HTurr &. order we ulru u wruteneuar- for Sals by C. M. UAllllls, lrug(lst, 1ST 1'eun Aveuue. This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure I the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo-1 graphs, a rare and interesting glance at noted spots in all climes. lllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllUUIIUUllUlli IIIIIIIUlilllKJIUUIIIIUIUUIlTi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers