THE SCRAKTOX TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 7. 1894 ONE CENT A Word. Wants nf nil l.inds "'' that much, t.t tni Situations II iiiiMf.iiiuA air tnsn ttd KEE. Situation Wanted. lMTVATION WANTED -BY A STRONU C young woman wBO is willing 10 ao any kind of housework Will take home washm cr ironing: or go ou: by the day Address J. 0., West Sid CITl TION W tNTKD - BY A YOl'S 0 I " am more 0T '0M- " Cleared, wlrh an k3 Fublic Sale. ioii.nistratuR'.s sale oEltEALEs .' late. Uy virtneof an order of the Orphans' Court ot Lackawanna county to nxa directed. I will m Satui liny, the U'Uth day of March, 1NM, ut lu o'clock iu tba forenoon, at the Arid t ration Konin, Court House, City of Bcrantott, Oposo 'e puMlc sale Ihu real folate of ill" estate of Tr. ti A. Cole, dscsassd, situate, ly ing and unliig in the Township of Madison. County of Lackawaiiu.i and Statu of Penney! vniin. the first piece bounded ami doarrltied an follow, to wit: Beginning at a corner made for Thotnal Wultnis, on public road leading from the tor iieri bear bouse of Miltou Clark, deceased, to the Hornbeker settlement: thence south ill t y degrees east along the Hue of slid Wal trus ten and one-half rods to corner made for aid Wultrus and llornbukci thence south forty degrees west, along said liombakur land four (tone coiner: theuce north fifty degrees west ten and one half ro,ls to said DUblic ruad: theuce north fortv decrees east i alone said load four rod to the place of be- giuuiut:. containing tWIitv-ttvo rod of land girl to take care of chilclron Call or ad- unUnislicd framr i outhouse tbeieou 3lLn- I .cr'tOTrW: to wit? BtaSmg the SITl'AUO.V WANTED BY A YOU NO I south comer of lit known as the parsonage married man. niue wars experience in lot corner made iu the ditch of road, thence tbe butcher business am willing n tass .my 1 along parsonage lot north fifty degree west good employment .1 W. Arnold, M osie IV i twenty ulue rods to a stone teuce and lane of rrTrrrn ; ' ,lohn Evans, then alone, said fence south forty i 1 1 fssva a. i r." si es degree we-t ten lods to lot of A. K Cumptou girl to tio housework or as uur E . lie North Klluioieat girl. Address 1. cranton, Ha MAN WITH AFT EK SOON S AKD EVEN lug to (Dare would write up small set of books, do billuiir. copvmg. addressing M other work lu that hiif Quick and accurate. J. J. K., il Spruce "treat city. oil CATION WASTED BY A Y1 NO O girl to do second work, experience and good leterein.e. Address M H tS8 Rail" road nvsnne, Sotanton. thence along said lAimptou lot south rift v degrees east twent) nino rods to ditch of aforesaid load : Theuce along said ditch north Kil ty degroe oast ten rods to place of begin- niujg, containing one acre and oue hundred ami thirty perches of laud, more or less, all Improved with one frame dwelling house and frame barn and outhocs -s therrou . ri km or iau Percent, on each piece paid WANTS A work at home. 4fc' Miltin avenue. I auY s TENuuRAl'tlEK lj position in offloa or will rtiicreuce. Address A f city. ' AN TED BY A MIDDLE AUKU LADY, vv a position as housekeeper or aura; terms for nursing per week: lie.tofierer ences given Address llo.isel-eeper. Tribune I'tBce. Help Wjnted remalea. C100K WANTKD AT S QClNCY AVE Agent Wanted. U'ANTBD-A SALESMAN. fX TO. t5U Weekly cau bo male with our aouds in any locality, will prove it or lorfail itt.' balarv Of comtutasioa .is you preter. The te suits ol a lew Honrs1 W0TB ol'tvli .glials u v.v k s wages. Address, al A N LTACTI R EK.V I' O. Boi 53'. Boston M..S. U "ANTED TWO YOCNQ MEN OK MOOD address to cali oh buainess liousea ittacVj employmant for good men. Apply nation Au clean towkL comPanV Arcade buil'ltiig. For Sale. -OR -SALE A FRESH JERSEY COW R heifer calves vearllug or twoearold Jersey bull, icitt.-icd. sired by Mm Hugo, a sin ol Pedro wh . took nr.t prua a: the late World stair HENrlY 0 S1LKMAN, Maple.vood, VVayne to, I'll host sale PINK Portland and r two .ited sleighs: also Berlin COachea and Landau at Hariraius at M T. Keller II Luc kawanna Carriage Works T'oK SALE - A PLATFORM BERING 1' wagon. ud uoUie (or sale or rani in (B r. ST. M M t .i BELL. Moscow. 1JJ Al E DELIVERED IN 80RAN j. Lei- ton Inquire of w H I Twenty five I dowu. Twenty five per cent on dual continuation j of eale and delivery of deed and the balance I within si month from duy of sale, to bo secuie.l by a build and mortgage upon the premises with interest from the confirmation of ja'.e V. W WATSON. JANSON COLI Attorney (of Estate Adminlstiator. Sciuulou, l'a . l'eb 151)1. DC HI. If SALE or' VALUABLE REAL Es , 1 1 ATE Pursuant to an order of the 1 orphans' comt ot Lackawanua county. I'etiu ! r It aula, there will In sold at public sale at j tile arbitration room In the court house In I tha city ol BeraotOQ, on Saturday the Jlth day of February, ISM, the foUowlny described real aatata, late of John J 0 eased toit A valuable lot of ground situate in the cut vtScrantOO, count) of Lackawanna and sC ate of Pennsylvania, known and desig ! nated as lot No Kin square or block S3 and llluata upon street called and known as Pear ' street lKQ the town plot of the city of Her. nit n Intende.l t bo duly recorded uud : registered said tot beluic forty 1 10 feet in i front and forty fto 1 feet iu rear mid one huu I tired and sixty four I lbs I feet in depth. All lutprovgd with a double frame twostoiy i dwelling house, fruit trees and out buildings. subject to reservation of coal and minerals j Persons detinue to tlew the premises will j plaaaa call ou V Mary 0 Hara. adminlstra' jtiix. residing thereon Sale commfhcea at luu in. comiiiioiis uiaoe anmii at sale ot Jessup.s j; Hand. Attorneys Mary D'HARA. Administratrix, GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES M H HLTi-.'KD, Clark HH'K 'P.Y BICYCLE, SLC goodcouditicn Call at Repub A K KDQKTT, ouirr o ICE F'iK L ton at -illTH or in :. ra. L'oR SALE F ond hand 111 an office. fOR SALE - it' ACRE FARM, STOCK r and ateuslis .1 M SHEFFIELD. VM llonroe at e. T'VR SALE OR EXCHANOE FOR SCRAN JT toa property A bearing orange grove increaaiug iu proauctlou and value yearly in the oranga sactlon in i-londa Addres E L. NETTLETON Lake Helen Florida Nor Rent nOR RENT APRIL I THE ROOMS NOW A occupied by the Telephone Exchange. M) Lackawanua avenue Apply at the office of Lehi'h Salt Mining Co, Third National Bank building i. S. ami L C p.i'hsr L'oR RENT -Hot'SF. nT WYnillN'O AVE A nue from April 1. Eleven rooms, all the nsurovemen s. rent Sou per mouth Apply to F H I'LEUON's Lackawanna avenue. noR REN" T - IN BL RiTliuTl-DlNO, W AslT j lngton avenue, a few desirable offices ar.,1 Hats. Kent very reasonable to desirable par t.-- Can seen by applying to janitor in building Kor teims apply to CHARLES A BURR -.1 North lia:n aveiiue. L'OK RENT A LAROE STOREROOM. No. I 1j;' Penn areaae. Inuoire of P. J.. Ion Financial and coMMtKCiAi Sticks and Bond New Yuiuc Feb. . -TodA) a market WU1 coatlind to ab, ut four or rive specialties '! he movement of prices at no time wan uuifoi ut and for that witter the changes except in u vert lew ratal Were unimpor tant Chicago (ins eclipsed all other stocks at the c (leiinig. Its price dropping.' j on advices that the Chicago city council bus given the Metropolitan -ia couipauv the privilege to Uj its mains in tbe city. The drop iu Out weakened all the Industri als except Distillers. This stark ad vacceil M ou u report from tbe west that the company intended to advance the price of IU product in bond J cents per gallon. American Sugar tell ifr. Tbe decline was credited to the clos ing out of tbe short interest recently made. .Northern PaciBc preferred te corded a lose, the stock being affected by the poor earnings for Junuury. l.tckx wanna took another ol its sharp upward turns and jumped from 16? Va to HRi, closing ut Mtf. Richmond Terminal showed great activity, lathe final tradiuc the tone ot the market improved a trifle and speculation lett off steady. The transac tions for the day footed up IMsSUi shares The foil iwlug complete table showing the day a ductuatloi.s in active stocks is supplied and revised dally by LsUttr s fuller, stock brokars, 1-1 Wyotuing avenue: Open Hiih mg. . UK . SDK .li M . TJH . W "ra way notel. I "OR RENT 1 sue spru. Ing avenue -A LAROE STORE ROOM AT street Inqolre at IU wyom THREE ROOMS. FRONT OJi sic In DOR RFNT i store UT Wynmingavenue. from April 1. t(ii:re iu no store. HUH RENT TWo-SfoRY BRICK DWF.L J ling house: modern impr iVeinenM. 3lo Purest court Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, agent. 741 West Lackawanna avenue LET KOR A TERM OF YEARS - Part or ail of three hundred feet of yard room along railroad Apply at Ml Franklin avenue. L'oR KENT - i L'ftNIftHID FRONT ROOM. T with bath very desirable itl Adams atenue. 'I'O RfcNT , STORE S61IUOR FURNISHED i had on Oreeu Ridge street. Very desire Lie location and on reasonable terms. Apply toF F. NETTLETON" or C S WOODRUFF Iiepubiicau building Am. Cot. oil.. Am Sugar. . . . A T. S. F... ; Can. So Con. N. J ! Chic. AN. W 1 C. B t Q.... Linio oas i C.. C, O.eVil. L. , Col. Hock. Val a T D, 4 H IHTU ! D., L. W 16-Vj D.ssO. V i"n Erie loM O. E. Co aaVJ Lake Shore Li AM V Manhattan Dig Mie Pac :3V4 Nat. Lead M N.Y.AN.E HH N. Y. (Jeutral iw'a, N. Y..0.4W 15 N. Y..S. A W. ELi, a Co North Pac North Pac. pf.. Omaha Pac. Mall Readmit Rock Island R. T St. Paul T..C. A I Texas A Pac... Union Pan Wabaso, pf W. Union. W. A L E W AL. E. K.. Specia! Noticea. '''HE BOUIIIR IN OCR CIVIL War.' J containing Frang Leslies famous old war pictures. JTwo volumes folio. Every p.ige limetratetL Over (i pages As anedu lator it Is unexcelled Sold on easy monthly j symetits. both voliimas delivered complete. AJilivst p o Moodv. JOB Krauxlln avenue, nceiit lor Northeastern Pennsylvania. MEAL TICKETS CAS BB HAD AT HI. corner Spruce .treet and Franklin ate nae Twetitv meal ti, gets for J.1M flood labia board. lii? I'.Vs -,s iH IT M alt H s,V IMI IS IMN liyj llJZ lutlvj m o- uQ m w IS 4 laHt Ola :rt Low est. SB m Hit, llOsii Hit 13." 88 lati iijj I'JIU ft HH lim',1, m IM m iii irv4 mi 1; ai, irr, M 1ST, Clos Ing. -h rsj, 11H 7i d 13," ItM at IS!., MM TJlbj Sg I1U ion!, m jy ifB ;B 1 is ' 4t. Fropoaa'a. PROPOSALS ARK. IN VI 1 KD c; EAI ED 1 tor the c, MtrnatiOa of a Boulevard from tcraaton to Elmhnrat. In U witli P . m and specifications on hie at the office ol the L. I AC ('. during tba Weak vontaene ii. Monflay, Tebniai y 5 Piiiposals will be received at the office of Col C O tokoon maker, Treasuroi. 1 nminontvealtn bul'ding Scianton. Pa. . until noon of Saturday. Pet, ruarv 10, lb4. DBAS. C MATTES. Chiflf Engineer, Legal INSTATE "OF WILLIAM W MANN ESS' It lateofthe elty of Scianton rouniy of Lie kawanna. and State of Peiinsylvauia , da ceased letters tattABentarf , ,, v ,., naimd attata naving nan granted to the undersigned al, ier."iis having la lifts or tleirjands against the ald estate will present them for payment. Chicago Oraln and Provisions. SrnANTon. Feb. c The following quota tions are supplied and corrected dally by La Bar A Puller, stock brokers. 1:1 Wyoming nve one. WHEAT. Opening iligbebt Lowest Closing CORN. Opening Highest I.oweet Closing o.vr-v Opening Highest Lowest Closing PORK. Qnesnu Btghi -t y Low-at Closing LAKU. Opening ,. Highest Lowest CI -slug , HH KT RIBS. Oiienlng Highest Loweat Cioalng Feb. May. JiCv ma, 1 it 6jfl O, 1,4', ,s, tis li';".., a;p, kUs Kit ZH ! KTve MJ XKM .'7j m vy 1140 1870 Leo iny 1215 Utt 717 7a; ',11 rn m ;n : n H 7.10 i.ri 7x3 M M - tn M - mi ti - OU W New York Produce Market. Nw YoRg. Fab. b FloUK Free nffer- lnu, barely ateady. WHAT Spot market lower, weak, mod erately active: No, I red, store and elnva tor, 04MO.J 9t b., MiMio. 1 ungraded red. tWaOhO.! alloat, Ofio. ; No. 1 northern. an.! th os Indebted! thereto will please make fi(). c . ption4 rloHed weak at aderllne; , . 1 1 1 In r. e no. 1. f 1 11 tl,w ftru, nt,N ltrulr 1 1 . r . ... . . mimedtate payment to the etecutor herein att-r named, ol any of them ISAAC B CASE. 'Tobyhafuia, Pa MA BY T MANNERS lENRY a knapp. Seraiiton. Pn W.i i Ann. W , Hiik.v A KjAtt Atturaeya T? .STATE ol ELVIRA MANNKSS, LATE l'j of thsolty of Set anion, fv.nnty of UaoftV Wanna and State of Pennsylvania, decesaed l.etleis f adiu nisi i atlou upou the above named estate having been giant'-dd the un dersigned all persons having claims or de tiu.nds against the said aetata will present them tor payment, and those indebted thereto will please wake immedtate payment to MARY T. M.ANNESS. Adnilnistiati Ix. Scianton, Pa Willaku, WAHIUO.N A Kvafp. Attolney. Res I (state. 81NOLE UOCSE, mttyUINCY 1 tlllt HALE 1 avenue, very dtalrable locution Ann) it F. REYNOLDS m WILLARD, WAKR1 ft K NAFF. V&NWILL BUY MOLKKN NEW a ROOM 0 bouse, ell lmproremeuts; terms easy; cor nei Madison avenue and Deleware street- Ap plyHARRY I.ERS k"l,4UU WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT corner Madiaon avenue ana Delaware street Terms easy Apply HARRY LEES. o il red, February. 84! c: March, C5o.; Mav, 0740.1 July mf;.; Dotember.T l(c. coaa Spots, dull, easier; No. It 4 ;. : elevator, 43c. . options dull and weak. t-l lowiir. February. 4!ic.j Murcb, U ,0.: April. 43c; May, 4M c. uiTB--pots were qalat and Brni op Hons, dull, easier: Kebruarv, -4V(c.. Mnrcu, NKa.1 May, MH: - white, February, :c; March. Sflyfr ; spntprlcea. No. 14. 44k No. K white, , v . No. 2 Cbiciigo, 6SaM No. J, HM&I No. 8 white, it'CiB-t;, ,c; mix-, I western, SdaMa; white do., tfia0Kc.i white atata. a7a4U)ic, Btkv Dull and uomiual. Bsuk Hahv tgulet and easy. t iercku I'm, 1 cii. firmer: city extra I mint mesa, tlMsill. CUT M mai s - Dull and MiMiHi- Nomlual. 1. tin, 1,11001, lower; weeberu steam T.bU; city, T,c. ; options, February,7.7i;W; May. $7 '.' 1. refined, quiet: roiitltionl, f "'. South Ainorlia, 9S. t)0; coupouud, tl','ntic. I'uRK Active lower; mess, tUaltii.V Bdttkh Firm, steady j atale creamery, ITs'JIc. : Pennsylvania, do , ITMa.1 weatern dairy, lUKalTc: do. oreamery, laa)i7M.j do. factory, Vdal8Hc; Elgins, sfTWC. Imitation creamery, HalWc. ; rolls. Hiaifl. Cbkisk Steady moderate demand. Kaua-yalet, steady; Ice house, lie; do. par case. 2..',0d..W; weatern freab, 14al5c: limed, lOnllc,; southern, HalJc. Some Laiiie Disburseiueuls Made in Settle ment of Cului Damasie Suits. READING COMPANY COMPROMISES Altogether, It Pays Out More Than One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars in the Adjustment of Claim in the Lower Schuylkill Region Su perintendent Morgan Adjusts the Powder Difficulty Amicably Other Torse Pencilings Touching Current Industrial Phases. A dispatch from Ibfl Simmoldn tells ot ti,t disbursement of (UU.UUd in dam ages mitotic; fanners nnd others owning property ulonit Shamokiu Creek, be tween Mt. Citrine! und Sadburf, Tbese sums are in payment for duiuaves done to the bottom lands by t)io deposit of culm from the mines The Reading I'oal and Iron compiny have 1 C ' 07 per cent, of the fun ), the Lehigh Val ley company per cent., and the Pennsylvania company 18 par cent. .the remainder having been contributed by individual operators. The defendant Companies also agree to pay all ex penses incident to the suits and arbi trations. This Hdttlemeut ends four years litigation and covers all damage caused to these lands, either past or Contingent The farmers receive from $10 to 60 per acre for land reudered listless for aKrtcultnral purposes, and the owners of eiht miles alonif the streem were paid from $5,1100 to ifii.OOO encb. This settlement preveuts the entetine of 4.S00 suits against the oper atorsof the fifty colteries located aloug the banks of the Shaiuokln. During 1891 ami 1892 the Heading ami the L.1 tiiah Valley coiupatiles were compelled to pay out 1130,000 in three different settlements for similar damages to agricultural luuds along tbe Muhatioy creek. t Tbe committee representing tbe men employed in the West Side mines of tbe Lehigh und WilKcs-liarre Coal com- pauy, who called on Superintendent Morgan haturdny in regard to sundry grievances, wero accorded an answer Monday. Mr, Morgan told themjthut 11 tbe powder was unsatisfactory that h would replttcj it witb any grade of powder that the miners should auree upon. Moreover, he said, regarding tbe detaiuing of miners at tbe foot of the shaft, that he would sse that they were hoisted as soon as ten men came to tbe foot of the shaft until such time as the outlet was in a tit condition to travel through. For the lirst time since last summer the whistle in theF. iisou General Klec trie works ut Scheuectady, blew Mon day morning, and a large force went to work ou full time. Tradesmen are jubilaut at the prospect of a boom in business1 and hundreds of families will be benefited by the starting of the works. It is said that the coucern hss received from Portland, Ore,, a large order for goods, lietween 0,000 and U.ObV persons lire now employed where, until recently, only 700 were at work ou reduced time Bom Indcstbui Brevities: Ail but two ot the Keadmg company's Shenandoah collieries resumed operations Monday giving employment to over il.UOU tneu and boys. employes of the Phlii delpbill division of the Baltimore aud Ubio railroad bave pre senled .1. Van bmltb. the retiring euperio teudeut, with a silver set of a 125 pieces. Suspensions on the western end of tho Pennsylvania railr ad have ceased. and ad ditional freight crews ate placed ou the Pittsburg division. The coal tonnage of the Huntingdon and Broad Top railroad for the Week eudd Feb X 19M, Increased 090 tons.maklng the total increase for the year 10,701 tons. Tne Fllwood Tube works, of Poiladel plna, have started with a force of 135 men, to be doubled iu thirty duys, iu order to handle contracts for work six mouths ahead. A bill has been introdticeJ In the Ohio legislature reducing tbe fare ou all ra.l roads ovei eight miles long to J cents a mile. Another hill requires railroads to put irou railings ou tne roofs of freight cars on or before October next. , Tbe highest railway turiffs in the world, outside of the Panama railroad, prevail 011 tbe Congo River railway iti Africa Its present length is twenty-five tulle, and It charg es 110 for the oue way through trip, or 40 bents per mile, tlrat class. Tbe rates for second class accoinmoilstlon, which means standing up in tbe freight cars, it tl, or 4 rents a mile. Certain talhvay managers are advocat ing the abolition of seats in eugineuabs The maintain that many of the night col lisions tinye occurred while englueers Were slfieping upon thilr high-backed seats, ntiu I bat these would not have occurred if the men would li.tve been obliged to stand while on duty, a they are ou E .iropean railways. Thk world is always interested in the cure ol consumption: yet its prevention Is of far more imiirtance. Or Wiuas.Nor- tsay i 111a - ,, is , 1 1 1 1 , o 1 . 1 10 cure cuughs and oulds. Hold by all dealers on a gumautee of satisfaction Philadelphia Tallow afarkst. Priljioii.I'HU. Feb. 11 Tallow wss dull and week with free olleilngs and a light demand. Prices were; Prime city, iu hogsheads, 4a6),c; prime country, la hogsheads, 4'io. do. , dark, In hogs head", 4a4!te; cakes, Olfc. ; grtsse, Specimen Cases. S. 11 Clifford, New Casoel. Wis , wss ttotibled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordeied, tils liver was alTcrted to an alarming degree, appetite fell mt a v, and ho Waa terribly reductHl 111 nYeb anil streugtli Thtee bottles of Li me. Hitters cured him. Edward fheplmrtl, Harrlsburg, 111 , had a runnintt SOteOB bis Ing of eight years' standing. I'sed thtee bottle' of Klectrlc Hitters end seveu boxes of Buck Isn's Aruica halve aud his leg is suuud and well. John Speaker, t'.ttawba, O , had live larvo fever sures on his leg, doctors aaitt he was Incurable. One bottle Bias nic Hitters snil one box Bucklan's Arnica halve cured him entirely. Sold by Mat thews Bros. Do You Cough? it is a iT(? sign of weakness, You need more lhan ;t topic. You peed Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil and Hypopuosphites,not only to cure tbe Cough but to give your system real strength. Phpieianx, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 'if a 1 . , t 1 v , n y. AH biutftfim. BUSINESS AND JIQIIAL PHYSICIANS A M M ROKONA DR . KrDEA.V insea'sea of tbiiKye, N'oss Tbuwt , 1 Ear. tall bpria-e street, oppo site op art house. n a .1. co.nm'.i.i, oOce '-'m Waantngtea I ' aveuuo. I'oiner hpruce street, over Fi an ko's drug store. Kesldence, 7'i'i Vine St. UfU, e hours: lll.iSi lu K a. ui. and '.'tot and 0 .10 to 7.;u p in Bauday, kto 8 n m, 1H W B, ALLK.N. Otttce cor Ucka- XJ wnnna umi Waanlngton aves, ! eve i.eon ard sBos store; office hours, W to ft a and 8 to 4 p in; uTenliiga ut reatdshoei U2 N WiiNiiingtou aye, DK.U. L HtlA Praetlea liumoil to Ijis teeee of the I . Kar, Is'ose and Throsti office. 1'i; Wyoming aye. tteeldunce, :iJ4 Vine street Dh i. m uati-.s, i4o WaahlDftoa Avenu Ofllce ho 11 re, b to I a m , 1 iu to J and to 5i. in. OHM L V7KNTZ, M. 1). othces U aud U I r,iuiiiiouwealth bullilina: resideuco Til ilatliaonave; ottlee hour-. lJtoli, Sto4, 7 to fj. Sundays 2 Hi to 4. evenings at residence A specialty made of dheasea of tbo eye, ear, nose and throat nnd gynecology. I H. u u MURRAY, spec44Utjrinsae on du I " eases 01 eye and skin, '.'I'! Wyoming Ave Office hours: Until lua-tn i to 4 and? to s p.m. IKS 1R KINO SaoMl'LBERRH HTKEBf IvI At Carbondale on t'riiiaye of eaeh week. Vtv'IKKlNAItV -t ItiniNs hTl'KUE, Veterinsrt Oeii I' mi nut, veivriiiarv Miire J j. tistry a specialty: told loeilallst of On tarlo Veteriaary I'ollego. Oltlce. Summer's livery. KM liix St.. near Keller e carrlago shop. Telephone wo, 413. LAI t 1 114 I M c. KAN' K i Law and Collection of J . flee, No Mi" Hpruce St.. opposite Forest House. Hcraiitun. la,, l ollei tiousa pei laity throiiahout 1'tnnsylvaiiia, raltable ccrrespowi' euts lu etely county Tx5o8Ur"b A RAMI) Attorneys and Counsel (J lurs ut l.atr, Cominontt ealth bulltllni. w aaninstou ute. II. JESSl'P. HORAOI G II 1 ml W 11 JisstiP. Jk. U II.I.AKU WAKKtN t) K.SAPF, Atur neys and Counselors at Law. Kepiiblican bnlldinc Washington ave Heranton. Pa. PATTKR8ON & WILCOX Attorneys utW 1 1 at Law, oltKee 0 and - LiLrary tulldmg. Heranton, Fa KoBWEtx 11 I t 1 , in. a Wil l mm A WlLi'oX LFKKD HAND. WILLIAM J HANI). At torneys and I'oUlisellors, Comiuoiiweulth tiuildn.j Kooiih is 30 an,l .1 HLNKY M BBIL1 -Law office! In Ks publican builJIn LRANK T OKi.LL. Attorney at Law. Koolu I I Coal Kxclianse Si 1 anion, ra mil'ion w Cowry, i Att'rs. en Wastua .'. H VON STORt.'IL ' ton av C II so,uuru JAMEs W OAKFokb. Attorney ut Law. rooms 88 64 and M. Common wealth b'l V AML'EL W. EDUAR, Attorney at Law. J ' O Office. ;H" Hni we st . Hciunton Pa. A WATKF.S, Attorney at Law. lif La, kawanna arte. Hetanton. Pa 1) I' SMITH 1 ounselior at Law. OfHeo. I . iootos64. bS, fat Con, liion wealth building (' It FITCHBR Atiorney al Law. Com V . inonwea th tiniluiuir Herauton. l'a i . COMKUY8, Iti Sinui e st DH RRPLOOLR, Attorney-Loans neo tiated on leal estate security. Ws Spruee Bl KILL AM. Attorney at Law, IM i y- oiiiins avenue. Heranton. I I AVE YOl'lt IiliEDS AND MournALiK;. 1 written and acknowledged Ly J. . BKOWNINO. Attorney ami Notary Public, tt Common wealth Hirllilln? KCHOOLM QCaOOL Oi THE LACKAWANNA. Heran i ton. Fa . prepares boys aud gtrls lor collegi 01 business thoroughly trams young children Catalogue at request Kev. Tromas M CA.v.y. WAtTBR H. Bt ki.L. Alias WORciBTIRi KINUEKUAKTEN .'I aud fichool, U2 Adams avenue l upus received at all times. Next term will ooou January B in n 1 tsxa C LAUHACll. Surgeon Dentist, Not IU V ' Wyomlrift" uvi It M. BTHATTOR. ofllro Coal Eio hanae LOAM rptia; RKPUBLIC Savings and Loan Aaso J riatiou will lojn 1 011 money on easier terms nnd p. :y y,,ii bettor on tuvestuiunt than any other assoetatlon Call 011 S. N. 0ALLIN DEH. Dime hank buildlns. FEBRUARY 7, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice of three beautiful vict ore, "Telephone iiil," "De liYcriua ChriittnM Prefleat" land "Muidetis Swiuiu." Send hy mail Of messenger or In id;; coupon like thUof three dilfer ent dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coiu, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Peun Ave. aud Boruce Ht. HOTXLI cm m.aT A I'KANTa. 'mil WRBTMiKefER 217-2U Wveanlnf 1 ave Rooms h iated with steam: all uiooT em luipruveinents C M . it i M tn i'i, , IK0LB81 BOTKL, Kf Lackawauna ave nue, Seranton. Rates re.isonab1o. i1 BMiM, Proprletet Ur tSTMLSSTKIt HOTFI, W U KCHKNCK. Minager. Sixteenth street, one block east of Hroadwny. at I'nlon Square, New York. Artieilran plan. J:f Wpe day ami upwaiil (MiYNE UoUSL. Luropoaii plan; good J rootna Open day and mi;ht. Bar sup plied with t lie best. P H. COYNE. Proprietor OCRANTON HOUSE near D . LAW ,, O Sanger depot Couaucfd on tbe European plav ViiTiinKi" H. Proprietor ; haM) viUVRAta ii" ktfflesi and best euulajpeJ hotel in Aliuntotvn, Pa . ratal J. and I'.' (a) per day. V ii'Toli O'.n, 1'iy-piletor, Connolly 8c Wallace gJMBROlDERIES and I .aces claim our special attett tion for the next week. We do not hesitate to claim the finest and largest stock of these goods ever shown in Seranton. To substantiate our statement we only ask your in spection of our line. The newest effects in Embroideries arc the GUIPURE and IRISH POINT. We elusive styles. Colored Embroideries are also good for the corning season, especially lor trim ming wash dresses. See our line of wide-margin goods. EMBROIDERIES Al LACES Lace Department Is replete with everything new and desirable. A1N 11 liAliUUWB. The latest thing out. CONNOLLY & WALLACE The POINT DE VENISE LACES 209 WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Couro House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES, glllliiiilliilllii:iillliiililliiilliiiiiilli CENTRAL RAILKOAD OF N. J, f LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used eicliuhely, Insuring i . r- mid romfort. VIMS TABU IK irriCT JAH ! lVi Tralna leave Seranton for pittstou. Wilkes-Ban..-, eta. et s in. u.l.', 11 , m. Ill j. iom '. m, 5 w, 7 y.. ll oi p u, BundaTa.a.00 m, I UU, SOU, 7 10 p. iu Pol Ailautlv City 9 1U a. ui. For New York. NowarU and hluebnlh, s W (express) am. pj30 (espross with Battel parlor ear), 3.S9 (sxpress) p. m Sunday, s ou p. iu Koa ilAii ii ai UNioa burn-. KM, EAITOS bLdPuii Absi.i-MIA, s 10 e ui in o.U) (exoept Pbllaaelpblai p m. Siuiduv. 8 00 p. iu. For Bicamch, OCIA uttovt, ste at M0 a. iu t-'XOp in. Kor Keadmi. i .ehanoii uud Han lsbur, via Allenlowu, 6 10 u. in 1;'S0, i.Ou p.ui -'. . S.liO p. iu. For PottSVllle, 1 lUa in , 2 ill p in Hemming, leave Nevt York fool of Liberty siruci. North river, m 1.10 (express) a. ui., 1 10, 1 ,80, ill i express witu Buffei parlor van p nc buuduy. 4.U0 a in Leave Philadelphia. Heading Tel ininal. 8.41 a. in . H.00 and 4 Jo n iu Sunda , Ti a. lu. Throuab tP kete to all points ut lowest rutin may he had OS appUOBttis iuadtanceto the ticket scent si the station. H v BALDWIN, Qen Paw Aseut. i II OLBACSCM, Uen Siipt. OUR READ All HITKOTR. AVh HOpPr, ArchltevTs Kiioius 2t, L'fi und ra i nminsiiweaith h in ir. Mel siitun I tl II I l.'USi A ..l.'il'!.... 1 ll.r..V.,T.T,,,.l t tn, Wvomlnir arenuo f4.-rantun L BHOWM. Anh H. Anhiteot. Price liiO Wssliliiiitoti ate, Borauton, sum ti lam oua. tlOKTOH li tWAKTS Wltiil.KbALB II Inmbefj " aud u Dime Hank kiiilldlnK, Seranten, Pa. XfEOAKOi'.K BROTIIBt. PKiNTF.ItS' ,tl suppllLs. eiiTolooHn. paper hags. twin. wuieuoime. Pa ''KA.K I' IIKtlWN i d. Will il. 1. I sale ilenlers lu Woodwaia. Cordaxe aud Oil Cloth, ..ii W. Lackawanua avenue. B" ArffvS" OKCHKiiTRA MUSIO Hilt balls, picnics, parties, leceptlons. wed dliiiiH uud ooli, art work furnished For teriui iiddrass K ,1. Baui'i, cviiductoi. UT Wyoming eve , over Hulbert's music store IZIIA FiNN i ai)NS,"huilders and ooatrae J . tors Yards: Corner Olive st. and Atlsiui ave ; i ornor Ash st. and Penn ave , Seranton 1 ' 111 ." maps. ' K i i Mn. ft CO., Ssalsnisa, florists vJT. sud Nursnryineu, stora IsS VSsshlngtuD avenuoi grees house, iew Norih m.ou afanSei stiun telephone ?m WAS, UKANU UNION TBA CO., .loiiee Bio CURTAINS I uiiiiiiiiimniHitiMmimiiiiiutiiits - I I. ElllOU VALLEY KA1LKOAU Train leaves Seranton for Philadelphia an 1 New York via. 0 t H H u it) a.m. 18 lu. -iJfcand 11 M p. rn via U.. LAW, R R., S.tM 11 u a m., and 1 .Jo. ;i 5u p ui. I.eaTe heranton for Pittstoii nnd Wilkes liarro Ma D.. L AW. R. R, SOS, 11. 'Ai S in, 1 .10, 3.&U. U.07, v.Os p. in Leave Scianton for White Uatru. Huiletou. Pottavtlla and all puiats on tlie Beaver ileadow anil Pottsvllle tranches, via D s H. K R at 8 a m . 11 10, K M 4 lOp.ui . Via D . L. AW. It. R.ste, li.10 a in.. 1 Si, U.iip in Leave Seranton for Bethlehem. Kastuii. liuading, HarrishurK aud hi. Intermediute points via li A H R R Is in . IV 10, X S. 11. Si p ui ,vla D . L A W. R. R. s IM. IlXOS. a.. l.Si tM p.m. t Leave Seranton for Tnnkhtnnock Towan ls. Eliuira. Ithaca Oeneta und all lutermediatii points via L A H R R.. 1 2i and IU6 p iu. t ta Li U. A V R R v H ., J0 p. in Leave Seranton for HochsSUr, Buffalo. Ki Stara Falls. Ueirnil. I'hlcugo and all points west via D AH R. R., 1 Xj.fl lj.ll x, p. ui . via li LAW R. H. and Pittston Junction a. ui for Buffa o OSlf 1. 1 3U p. St., via A W. R R..4.10 p. in. For Eliuira and the West via Salamanca, via l. A H R R atU Up. iu via li . I. A W R R. o. v.i0a. in and H.0i p m. Pullman parlor ,iid sleepiii), or L. V. chair ears on ull trains between L. B Junetiou or Wilkes Harre anil Ret York. Philadelphia, Buffalo aud Suspension Brldffe RuLLINH WILBL'R. (Jon Sopt. East Wv ("HAS f-. i.kE. Oen. Pasn Ae't Phlla.Pa. A w NON N BMACRKR. Ass't Dsn Pass w't South BathlebesL Pa. Are worth gnlan a long distaaceto see. No such collection can be found neftrer than New York or Philadelphia, and tben it is not sur passed Id the matter of uuiquu and rxclnsiva designs. r richness, daintiness and dslicac; of mate rial, lu a word, our Curtain stock tbis fall reaches our highest ideal of what la should he, and cannot fall to meet the approval of the nioBt refined and artistic tastes. Yet all tbis does not mean high prices, cm tbe contrary, tbe values We now offer an submitted for your inspection. Of course, w' t ivry make, und among them wiii be found the very choicest crea tioue iu Hi ;i ----. -i, Irish Point, Swiss, Nottingham sud other l.ace Goods also the New SuowQake BwiSX, with m;i: Stripe iu contrasting colors Also full lines of Stupes, Tapesti its, etc., made to eider. The new oiler made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THUKfiDAY, FEB 8. Tee Talented DraBUttie Artist, BELLE ARCHER And a eicver eouipany of comeaiuns In Sidney Oraadp'i baantuul ootnsdy, AN ARABIAN NIGHT betiy TtiMtrt, X V blrbti dtlalsJsara. TLa&Ue. N.T., ftU LlLti Sale epu Tudu. SlIllllltlllllllHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIlHIIIIlS ! HILL k CONNELL ! SCRANT0N, PA. i - niiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiyiuiiiH DUPONT'S MINING, BLAST1NU AN Li SPORTING POWDER ACADLMV OF MUSIC. Frltla) .not Islardav, i eb t sad 10. W (VI. BARRY And hii l ouipaliy of Aleii) ilakeii in the Now Funny Coined) . ThoH:3::::Ge:::r:;::: Flesh frum a run at the Star Theater. New York, wlieie n was tery sseeattrai SWEET SINGERS PRETTY U1RLS (JKAL'EM'L DAM'ERs bEai:tifl-l ce.sekv. I iala opsni Wodnssds Willi: s( in-; s. JUS KCETTEL, 5t"i Liiekittvauna aveuua, . i .,!.'. i Pu , uiauuf'r of Wire Seree.'is. DELAWARE AND RUD m .. RAILHUA u. Comnsnclai Hay (9 1992, trains will run as follows Trains leave If u Street Stat on. Seranton, for Pitts jTfUPlI -1'"' iiliOJ-liHIIO.CK' Bill aff Tm9ir:- :"., 12.10. t m m a- I.CJ. t.W. Mi. d 13. .li Em J r :mrt 11. ii p. in. Al' For New- ork and Phils ' delphia. sou a. in . 1: 10. MS eieand II 90 p in For lionesdale i from Dolaware Lackawanna and wentern depot I, 7,00, 1.80, 10 lu s in , 12.00 in.. 2. 17. 5.10 p. in. For I'arlo idale and inteiiuedlata ,.. 5.40, T OO. s.0. 10.10 a. in . IC.Wm ,t!.fj, 1 ilj.510. tl JO sud 0 Xi p. in : from Bridge Street llepot, '.'(tl a. ui., ?.laud II cop. m. Fast express to Albany. Saratoga the Ad! londsck Moiiutiilos. Bosiiiu and New Euiilaud puluts. S.411 a in , arrtvlnr at Albany 12.45 Saratoga 2 2il p in , and tea vine Seranton at 3 p iu . arriving at Albany at p in. . Sara toga. 13 U u. in , and Bosto i. 7 UU n m The only direct rout" lietwoen the eoal lipids and Boston ' The Leadlna Tourists' Route of America' to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts. Lakes weorgs and Cbaxtplaln, Montrsai. etc Time tables thoteinx local and through train teniae between stations on all dlvltloui Dela ware and Ilddson s lein. may be obtained at all lielaware und Hmlsoii tu-ket ofllees. "H tt VOL'NU. I. W BTRDli'K, Second Vice PresMeiit Ueu. Pats. Agt. Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Lu Xei ue county Pa., and at Wil mington. Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agnt for the Wyoming District, III Wyoming Ave., Seranton Pa. Third National Bank Building. AOSNC1CS. THOS FORD, Pittston. Ts JOHN B SMITH SON; Plymouth Fs. E W Ml'LLlQAN, Wilkes-Barre. Pa Agents for tbo Kepauno c'nemloal Com pany's High Explosives DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN HA 1 1 RO All Trains leave Scrano. n as follows K. press for New York and all points East. 150. 2 50, 15, S 00 and e a in . 12 S sud Mil p. m E sprees for Easton. I'reutou. Philadelphia and the South. S.U, 1.00 aud H H a m . iX55 and n 50 p in waablnston uud way stations. 2.40 p m Tohyhannii accummodailoii. 1 10 p. ni Ftm as for BliiRhamtoii, Oswego Blmlra, Corning. Bath. DaiisvilU Mount Morris aud Buffalo. 12 in. 2 1 a tu and I U p. m . inaklng close eoiiseetloas nt Butlalo ta'sll points in the WSSt M Orth west and Southtrsst. Buffalo accommodation. flCi a. in Binghamtoii and way station. 12 ,17 p in Mil inojSOS sud tvav stations. 5 45 p in. Biugliamtoii and Eliuira h'xpieaa. liOap.m Eipress for Cortlsnd Syrscate. O-tvego, t'tlea nnd Rtl hfifhl Springs, G 15 a DA. and 1 24 p m ItliSi s, V 15 and W a and 1 24 p m. Eur Nortliuiubeiland.I'lttst Wlltse Watts. I'ltuiouth, Bloomsburg sud Danville, uiaklug tloie mi in- ll at NolthllintMllalid for Wllllamspoi t. Hnri'lsburg Raltlmoie. Wssh IngtiJii and the Month Northuuiheriaud and Intermedials stattoat, I " I6ta m and lDo and 607 p. in Nauiieoke and intermedlatv stations. Hut and 1120 u in Pit mouth aud lutsinisdlal tatlOal .1, Vi and Ms p. In Pullman parlor and sleeping , oachv- on all express I rains 1.1 detsftsd jsferiaatlaiii poiikattiiutuMe. etc , spnly to M. 1, Smith, olty ticket offl, .I'.'1'Kawaiiuaavenut. or depot ticket offlue N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store. WYOMING AVK, SCRAHXO HTKINYVAA' ROM Dl ( Kl It imoiTIKHS Kit AN iC II BACH ! Hi 'I'LL. At ItAL P. It in Week commeiicingiMOMiAY. 1KB S WONDERLAND'S NEW STOCK DRAMATIC CO. IX TWO GREAT PL AYS. Mlc Tuesday and Wednesday, THE GYPSY QUEEN. TUundiiy, Fridsiy tend Saturday, Pygmalion and Galatea. lie eded hy s beresmiSg Farce. ADMISSION, 10,80 and .10 CKN'TS Opera cheiiseen be reserved by numlier, ererv a' toruoon, from 1 10 to S Ju. for the erenine-'. entertainment. Performances every afternoon except Mondays and Thursdays, at 2.90, and sverr, Doors open at 1. 30 and : jo p M. PIANOS j 1st it large stock of first elsss ORGANS MUSICAL MKIICHAM Ulbki VEW YORK ONTARKl AND WKSTER.N iv Railroad. Sorantu Division Tim tabls In vDeet Nov IS. ISM) Trains leave Hei auton fur Carboudale e.soTIw. 11 M m 4 50. b 10 p m Tor HaneooA Junotloo and main eonue, tiom II Ota m . 1 10 u. m Tralna leave Haacoek Juuttiou. foi main 11ns connection for ftcrantou. Ovi a m , i 05 p ui Train leave (.'aiboadale fur ItranWn "Hi MS a in.. 1 10, 3.IM. O.lo p m, .! C. ANDERSON, lienelall'a Agent, Nen York T. KLlTCRorT, District Passeiujei Ageut, Serautou FOR THE LENTEN SEASON AU kinds Freeh Fish received dally i mi. Hnittkett Halibut, Honeles Coe. tarsuuuth Uleatei salt Mavkerel. Iteckawav, 4'hesapeuJie lis). Maui lee Hirer Cms aim Blue Point OYSTERS DON'T FORGET That we are headquarter for everything ,n the hue ot WATCH M If you have snv idi-a of purchasing any kind ot a Watch, lady s ci gent . (iold or SUrer, you will make a anev Otts mistake If vou do not give us a call and gat our price, which you will And far helote all otners, ospeoially In all ibe high grades of Elgin. Waltham ami Hsicpden movcmenU If you bsvesny doubts snd are at all jajstrd on prices give ns a call and ws will have no trouble in convincing you We still naveu largo stock to dlspue of. and will oiler vou won derful Inducements in Jewelry. Silverware. Clooks snJ all other goods which we have in stuck C. W. Freeman Prim Ave aud Spruce St Soli Shell t'tuins. Mutes Xte, Scallops, Se. ANMEHARTMAH 90b South Wishlngton Avenue, w. H- I Contractor and builder of Concrete flagging, P ERCE Concrete Blocks. Potato. Huttor aud C.! i to w'to, WetCeUars dried up Orders ntay be left at luonipeou ft rraii, vvunanis vi . Main snd Eynon Streets, or a. Scrantoe BtoVS Works. Also i ourulatlons, cisieroa tiardan Walks. I'KNN AVE. VRIK AND WVOJIINtl VALLEY RAIL Vj ROAD Train leave Seranton fntOietr York and lu ter mediate points on the Erie and Hatvley and local points at CII5. ( to a. w and SX4 p m Train leaving at tl 45 a. iu endsXt D in. are through trains to and from lionesdale, 1 i,,,,,t,l ... TPP THIPllTN'K a Trams leave for Wilkss-Ban v st 1 40 a m snd lu,eItca 1,1 1Htl 'nlBUfit. l S lip in rate oi ONE CENT A WORD, I iff ADS. the What is More Attractive Thau a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For It, ese Poixonl's Powder
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers