THE SCH ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 7. 1894. STELLE &SEELEY NEWS FROM WEST SIDE MR. J. L. STELLE will continue the business under tb firm nauie of btelle 5c Seeley. THE F.VF.K POPULAR WEBER and SHAW PIANOS l. 0 HEAT VARIETY. ALSO PIANOS AND ORGANS EMERSON PIANOS Popular, reliable mid witliiu your reach. BALLET & DAVIS PIANOS titve Uken over 100 first premiums hi tbe past tlfcy years. Otter' moke of Plan'". Four makes rf Organs In beautiful now designs. Sea our stock bctore buying. We bare the Rood, tor prices are 1 itflic Everything " the luusic line. STELLE k SEILEY S4 Wyoming Ave., Scranton. Pa. Happenings of i Day Tint Will Merest Hyde Park Readjri. EEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPUlftR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G.. B 8c Co, Impri'Mf't on E.ich Cigar, Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. DR. H. B. WARE BPECl vi. ts r. EYE. EAR. NOaE AND THBOAX IT WAS SIXTH ANNIVERSARY Young People's Society of the Wasli burn Street Presbyterian Church Celebrate the Occasion Reception at the Home of Rev. M. H. Mill En tertainment by Juvenile Class of Baptist Sunday School-Other News of the Day. The Wst Side oltina of the Sorint.i nuauira Islooatedat i.m Bontn atiaia ve- Mm", wusre subscription, ativeriueuienm and communications will receive prompt attention. well able to newer ayateiu immediately Walsh who the ordinauce oonstrust their HI arguments seconded by miide a motion own were Mr. that'. . i vv e.iL mm HOURS : 35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL. H. W, K.'sslr, of Bradford, is the trnest of Superintendent o( School! G. W. fbil lipe. Mrs. D. V. Powell and daughter, of North Puuiner avenue, (pent yesterday a: Carbondale. Deputy f'rot houotary Myron Krssoii. speut yesterday at "the Susquehanna county oil fields. P. H. Poole, of South Hyde Park ave nue, h is returned from a visit ut Larka vilie, Luzerne county. William Hagen. of North Sumner ave nue left I ait evening for New York city to be absent a tew clays. .Mia. Frances Cartwright, of Oerman town, is visiting ut the home of Dr. P. F. fclriifpler, on Soutu Main avenue. Miss AgSSS Dwver and Martin Mullen were married at St. Mary's church, Dan inor. yeeterdry afternoon by Kev. Father McMnrrar. Thomas D. Jones and Morgan B. Beet a, Well known readouts of the West Side, left lat ewning for a visit to their native home. Wales. Rev. W. S. Jones, pastor of the First VVi-!i Baptist ehurcb of the West Side, at tended the installation of the Rev. John Evans, of Ohio, at the Welsh Baptist church at Olypuant la.t evening. Kev, Warren i. Partridge, of the Penn Avenue I'aptist church, received a call from tbe First Baptist church of Syracuse. He baa decided not to accept, and will re main in Scranton, where be baa done such effective wort LIST OF UNCALLEO FOR LETTERS. Can Be Obtained by Calling at the Poet- office. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tlie Scranton postnfHc, Lacka wanna county, Feb. 7. 1194. Persons calling for these letters will please say dvrtispd and cjive data of list: jtanUck & 'o.. W. (.'. Hellermann, O. Bennett, a. L. Jaokson, Mrs -bhn Bloomer, UlM DorothyJarveo. i.harles H. i Beeveaa, Edward Knoii, H M. Bryant J B. End tic. Thomas Si lnk.s. R. Eeister, Mrs. Wiibelm :J.-aly, Miss Aicm-s l.i!,j:i:i. A. J. Corby, 8. T. Latham, H. A. .,ti.o!id.itl He'.-( . M ns. frank The sixth anniversary of tba Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of the Walbbnm Street Presbyterian church was celebrated last evening Tbe auditorium wai w.dl filled The meeting was opened with a emig ser rieo by O. A Stone, a id a reading ol scripture was given by tbe ptltor, Rev. D.W. Bkeltenger, A prayer wis given by the Sunday school superintendent, Professor li, V. Phillips. Mies Liisiw (I. Wade, an active member of the ci- ty, read the lmtorv of tbe Christian Endeavor society and its marked and successful career during the iiistsix vrtire of its existence. She alio referred to those who had done good work iu orgauisiug it. An address on "The Work of a Christian Endeavor Society" was given by Kev. Thorutou A. Mills, Pb. l.. of Wllkes-Barre, a brother of ii. Fay Mills, who did evangelistic work inltbis citv, some time ago Mr. Mills is au eK qtieut speaker and com manded the rapt attention of bis hear er during bit remarks. Special siug ing was also reudered. Rfcptinn to Members. The home of Kev. M. 11. Mill, on South Main aveuue, rector of St. David's Episcopal obnroh, was the scene of a brilliant reception last evening. Tho large airy rooms were scented with flowers and beauty reigned supreme. Tbe oeoation was a reception to the members of tbe church (aud the rooms were filled with gneets An enjoyable time was had for a few hours in a so cial way, after which a most excellent supper was served. After the affair WM csncluded tbe membsrs proposed a collection for the liquidation of the church debt, aud a large aiuouut was taken up. The evening spent was one of pleasure and enjoyment' Brief Nswu Itms. The Baptist Juvenile Sunday School class held a very interesting meeting at the hall ou (lufitll aveuue last evening. Ivan Harris read a papr on "How D.i We Get Our Lime. " and Miss Martha Hughes gave a talk on the "House Wife.'' The Young People's Bible class of First Welsh Baptist church will meet tnis evening. Miss Belle Knowlton, or North Sum ner avenue, who was injured a few d iys ago, is recovering. Tbe inhabitants of Lifayette street between Garfield and Filmore avenues, are feeling very much exercised over the erection of a building iu that ueighborbood which it is claimed will be used for snloon purposes. Professor George Howell will de liver an address to the Hyde Park Literary and Debating society on Mon day evening n-xt iu their rooms on South Main aveuue. Ihe snbjcct will be, ' Should Young Men Go to Col lege." The r nth ward McKmley cluowtii hold a meetiag this evening in its rooms iu Freucu Roof hall. The bridge question will be the principal topic of discussion. A number of the council men will be in attendance. The Ladies' Aid society of the First Welsh Baptist church will give a tea in the church parlors this afternoon from 2 until 7 o'clock. Ask your grocer and butcher for Carre home made minoe uitjat. m . HE IS ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN. be tabled indefinitely Mr. Tavlor askedhy tho sewer which wes well uuder way in the said sewer district had not beu finished, His ar guments were tacked up by Mr. Burke, liurgess Dnggan having the tl ior next explained why the sewer had not been constructed. He said that after the sewer was built there was no law that Would oompell citizna to pay for It aud if the council could tiud a contrac tor or any company who wonldoon Itmot a sewer and rnn tbe risk of ool leetittg the amount contracted they should be allowed to do the work. If the borough built the sewer there ivus no way in which it could rnceive payment for tbe same Presi dent I'ayton relinquished the chair to Mr Burke and ably prolected the com inittoe for not having the sewer matter pushed forward. He said they bad only followel the advice of morn en lightened persons who understood the law regarding tbe matter. The mo lion to taide the ordinance Indefinitely was carried and the sewer question is no further advanced than it was a year ago. THE ORDINANCE IS DEFECTIVE. NOTES OF SOUTH SIDE Happenings ol a Day That Will Interest Tribune Readers. FAVORS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS South Side Board ot Trado Favors and Parks Effort to Be Made to Induco Honcsdale Iron Company to Locate Here- New Silk Company Under Firm Name ot Re nard & Son Shorter Paragraphs. Jad'h-ii. Mrs. EaapbelL Tlu m is '.'onrnv. K. W. 0 up, .T.ihn barter. Mi-is Mary Curtis, a M. Tex. James Dunt. Ldaate Humm.'. Wyalt Mi b-r. Mis Uasie Monaifhan, .Innius M.'Uuir , John McQnade, Mis E. Mcelroy, riavid ItcKali Bros, Oliver! Edward B. BUey, Miss Mary Btephan, Mrs M. A. Igerly, Mrs. KargaretHwfnele, P, k. rlaher, Miss amhi iarritv. Martin Sny. lri-miine. William loldbwger. Marion jjross, .1 W. Hull. Mrs. E. J. Hi iiiiann. I'eiur S. Hiii. 0. 0, 3 ;lauhar, M:-s May Harkin, Miss Blla Bamliii. MiasH N 3arns. OeorgS H. oin i-s. Miss lie. i iiti stagamsn, I - w, Bteanb. Anna Tlgbei Barney Trnseott, Anna Taylor, wUbaa P. Wilson. H.KiruH B. Williams. Miss Hattie W"t.nnrliv. I. C Walsh, Kate ',uni, Mrs Sarah Zelltter, Mrs. I'ornulia MRS. ERBACH WAS FOND OF CIGARS Her Younu Men Frnds She Called Her lint Fcl.owg. Another haring took place before fudge Arebbald in Obambri yesterday !n the divorce case of Valentine Er- tiaeb. of the West Side, against his trite, Mary Elizabeth Erbach, now a resid-nt of New Jersey. William Mali on was sworn and said iliat he worked along with John Mover, Vith whom Mrs. Ei bich is alleged to oavn been unduly intimate. d ie day Mr. Erbach called on Mr. Moyer and isked him if he bad been up to see Mth. lately Mr. Moyer laid that ho bad not ind Mr Erbach tol I him that he had teller keen a way from his house in fu ture, as he whs amply ablo to take care if bis wife, Mr. Manon saiil that he lulled on the BrbgOhl at their homo ind Mrs Erbach showed him the pic tures of a nnmber of young men who, Ihe had told him, were "her best fel .nws " Mrs. EvalBrown Raid she ws.s it Mrs. Erbacb's bouse one day when a foung man called. Ho offered both figare, but witness declined the offer. His. Ertiach accepted the weed and laid she had been anxious to obtain a ligar for several days. Mi M Ilualo Boxea Exclusively. Ilest made. Play any desired number of tunes. Qantaobl & Sous., manufacturers, U0 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Won lerful orchestrial organs, only S and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired aud improved with flew tunes. Now Bioycle. A now bicycle worth 7a will he sold for (.'!.'.. The machine i . guaranteed and is a rare bargain. Machine may be seen at tho lribuue office. BUSINESS NOTICES. Reinhart ' Market, B and SS Lackawanna avenue. Every lay from t) a. lit. to 10 a. m. Hound steak, la; sirloin Htena, 14c.; standing rib roast, ihe. ; chuck roast, Sc.: boiling meat, 4c.: Iresh pork,' 12)0. ; pork sausage, What a Salesman M let Do to Mast With Success. Salesman are usually men of re sources Tney meet all sorts and condi tions of p'ople, and must bo able to meet them as they should be met. This requires a versatility which is commonly suppoaed to exist only on tbe stage. But a successful salesman is a good actor. He can adapt himself to any obaraater. He can be at ease in any place. He can assume any position, and that without a rehearsal, for there is no time to ''make up" for tho part h is to play, no opportunity to con his lines. Everything is done on the spur of the moment. For instance, he has just left a jovial, hearty, hnil-fellow well-met, who is cordial and friendly even to his re fusal, and he next opens to the Oppo site, The laugh, the joke, the happy go lucky familiarity must be cant aside and tho actor must at oncn as sume a new part. This is where the the artistic silesman shows bis fine work. And that is the reason why first class salesmen are not picked up like goods on a bargain counter. Of conrse, a salesman who is handling or introducing something that is so good and worthy that it requires little be yond its own intrinsic merit to please is not obliged to use the arts which are sailed into being when the'"aoine tbing" needs exterior influence. That is one rason why the solicitor for Till: Tuiut'NK edition of Britannic have but little more to do than to answer in quiries. The Encyclopedia Brltannica, which TBI TtUBUNI is offering for 10 cents a day, has so great a merit in itself, has such an established and world-wide reputation, anil can bo obtained on such unbeaid-of terms that it needs no salesman's art. It speaks for itself. Tnr. 'i id iu i Encyclopedia office is open Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday evenings. Courteous attendants will aiiBWer all inquiries. Hundreds of sets of this edition have been sent to subscribers of TUB Trihune who hast eued to accept tho 10 cents a day offer, and many s"ls mo coining to fill orders already taken. Think of it ; twenty live volmnps, the complete Encyclopedia Brilaunica, brought up to date for 111 cents a day ler volume. This offer must soon be withdrawn. Do not miss your op portunity. DUNMORE, The principal question brought be fore Monday night's meeting of coun cil was whether tho Dnnmoro Sanitary Improvement company;; would be al lowed to construct u sewer in the Sixth ward. An ordinance to that af fect was read giving the district to be sewered. McIIugh and Walsh imme diately took the dorensive. The formr said the citizens of Dunmore were Pole Tax Ordinance Contains No Pen alty Clause Will Have to Be Amended In Several Particulars. The ordinance introduced In common council Monday night for taxing poles is defective and the projectors will on deavor to amend it at tomorrow night's meeting. The ordinance at present under con sideration is the 50 cent ordinance that was indefinitely postponed two weeks ago. The introducers on Monday eve ning simply crossed out the word "fifty," writing above it "one dollar." and forgot to cross out the word "cents." This ordinance in its present form would be inoperative for the reason that it laokl a penalty clause. If there is a quorum tomorrow evening an of fort will be nude to put iuthe penalty clause iu the Browning ordinance. Two serious questions arise to im peril the preseut ordinance, iu too lirtt place the ordinanot is the same one that was indefinitely postponed on II previous occasion, and it was intro duced at a meeting that, according to the rules of council, was called for the transaction of speeial busiuess. AMUSEMENT NOTES. Belle Archer will be seen at the Academy tomorrow evening in the laughable oomedy, "An Arabian Night,1' which had a long aud success ful New York rnu. Miss Archer, who will euact the title role is well known iu Scranton. She last appeared here as Maid Marian iu Lord Tenny- loni 'the roresters, an i mate an excellent impression. She is an un usually clever aeiress, one who pos sesses ability us well as beauty. A capable compiny will support MIsb Archer. Till: QBHBRATIOK. William E. Barry, late of Barry A Fay. will be seen in "Tbe Rising Gen eration" at the Academy Friday and Saturday evenings. In "The Rising Generation" Mr. Birry shows the struggles of au Irish laborer to win fortune and political preferment. He is opposed by the Van TyKos of the Four Hundred, and, as iu real Ufe.sur monnts all obrtacles and becomes a state senator. There is plenty of good fun and well drawn characters iu the three acts Miss Lydis Barry, .the tslentei daughter of the star, enacts one of the principal characters, rfnd in troduces singing an 1 dancing. Annie r l r I f .-J T L. raaca Dentin, who lupportou joiepu Jefferson In his brief tour with "Hip Van Winkle," will play Johanna Mc Sbayue. Singing will be a special fea ture and the members of Mr. Barry's company will render a number of pop ular songs. . M. ALEXANDER CA RLPLACER. Local Railroad Olen Pleased with Suc cess of Test, . The Alexander car renlacer is now covered by patent, tho psprs from Washington having been received by Mr. Alexander aud G P. Rogers, of this city, a few days ago. List week the new invention was given tests iu the Jersey Central yard at Wilkes Barre, the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western yard at Scranton, and the Delaware an 1 Hudson yard at May field, tbe one in Scranton being wit nessed by General Manager Hallstead, Colonel H. M. Boies, Superintendent Ilogert and other practical railroad men who were delighted with tho suc cess of the leplacr. It was put to tbe most sovere test but was victor in all of them, working Mike a charm.'' 8 J pleased were the witnesses that they volunteered to take Htock in tbe company to man uf ac tum the roplacer. and a corporation will bo formed this week with 100,000 capital. in all probability the replacer will bo manufactured in this city, anil if it is what it seems to ihe belt in the mar ket the industry will soon be of the most important in this section. Car botidale Leader. The South Side board of trade held a spirited meeting last evening and voted tn stand by puldis improvements and to work for their success. Tue attend -anc was large. Preaident Scheuer being ill Vice President Slorr presided. iid in the absence of the secretary It. J o'Toole performed that gentleman's duties Mr. O'Toole made a very ofiioieut sec -retnry and it is understood that he will tnoeoed to the position at the next elec tion of officers. John J. Coyne, of Minonka. was pro p. sed for membership ami Mr Judge was elected. Mr. Moore, of tbe mauii facturers' committee, read a letter from W. W. Wood, president of tbe Hone, dale iron company. Tbe com pany is engaged iu tne manufacture of elevators and electrical supplies, and there is a probability that the firm can bu induced to change its location from the Maple to the Electric City. In the event of such removal an increase iu tho capital stock amounting to (5,000 would be required, aud the matter was referred to the manufacturers' commit ter. Reference was made to the new Eleventh ward sewer, the description f which has appeared in these col minis It was decided that it would be wisdom on the part of all concerned to have the sewer extended to Pros pect avenue. I lie question was re ferred to a special committee consist ing of S S. Spruks, Christian Storr and George SobOUOr, These gentle men will consult with ihe city engi neer to ascertain if the project be feas ible. Thero was very little opposition manifested when the improvement question was broached. Michael Mil ler, representing Cedar aveuue prop erty holders, could not favor the proposition, but his was tbe only voice raised iu protest. He moved to en dorse the purchase of Nay Aug falls for park purposes nnd the motion pre vailed. The question of widening Mattes street was referred to, and Se lect Councilman Westpfahl assurrsd the members that tho work would be proceeded with as soon as the weather would permit. To Oo to Tobvhanna. During the past year or so it has been rumored from time to time that there would soon be another firm engaged in the manufacture of silk and that it would be under the firm name or II. Renard & Sou. While neither of tho gentlsuieu interested would vouchsafe any information on the subject, they would not deny that there was a possi bility of such a contingency, but to all questions the only reply would bo, "wait and see," and just wheu the pa tience ol thoso who are aware of the facts is about exhausted, the news is received that tlie elder Renard has porobesed the silk factory at Toby hanne, and that bis son. Joseph Ren ard. wlli be superintendent. Both men are experts in the manu facture and handling Jof silk and few manufacturers have the experience or knowledge necessary to successfully operate a factory than has the senior member of the new firm. The youuger iiian, Joseph Renard, is too, thoroughly acquainted with all the inticacies of the trade and be will assume his new re sponsibility ns soon as Mr. Brooks can secure a man to take his pluce at tho Meadow Brook mill. Dooks ! Booka I Books 1 During the coming week we shall offer to the subscribers of Tin. Tiunt.M: rare bargains iu bnoks. e have a large lino of bright aud pop ular volumes, elegantly bound, that we intend to give to the patrons of the paper at ab an luie-fotirth of the usual price. The following liHt will give you au idea of ihe inducements anil tho unusual op ii.a i unit n- to secure valuable additions to your library. Iti-Kuiur Tribunes Price. rrlQe. The World's Pair iNew) f:;.W $ .b.'i Picti irial 1 1 istoi y of the ( I ruat Civil War SOO .80 Pilgrims' Progress (lllust'od) -.1)0 .so Earth, Sea and Sky '37a .15 Marvelous Wonders 3.1b ,85 Life and Works uf Spurgeou I Ml .' Pictorial History or the Bible 8.78 .86 Museum of Wonders 2 75 ,81) Prom Pole to Pole 12.73 .80 Pictorial History of the Uni ted States ()0 ,00 Science of Life 'J.7.r 1,00 Lifeof flariium 1.50 .50 Indian Horrors I.M ,M Josepbus 8.00 1.00 Shepo'e Photographs 'AM 1 28 Columbus, the Navigator,.. ,60 Hear Column iSiauluy's Travels) ,80 Webster Dictionary in oue- lialt KiiHHia ,ri Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothe for Almost Nothing? pRlCKSon brand-new Suits and Over coals in our windows will convince you that we are about giving them away. (CUT YOUR COUPONS.) iiu pii -Kiitation of two Coupons, Subscribers of THE I'NE may purchase any bok iibuvo list. the TBI fi le the 1 'A 1 3 Martin & Delany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. A New Departure. FOR One Week, commenc iricr lWnnrl a ir ToVirn n rr Uj Ail 1iia 1 w y , M . KIL UW J 5, we will have a CHINA CUP AND SAUCER Sale, when we will sell Cups and Saucers for less than ONE-HALF Their value. Remember this sale will be for one week ONLY, as wa posi tively will not sell a cup at the sale price after next week. TBE COLUMBUS MUS1C H0USE Is tlie most popular, musical establishment iii Nortlieast'jrn Penn sylvania. Tin; highest grade of Pianos and Organs. The lowest prices obtainable anywhere and the most liberal terms ever offered to purchasers are some of the leadinm inducements. Look at the list. THE CELEBRATED Sohmcr Pianos, Ever ell Pianos, Vase & Sons' Pianos, Mehlin Pianos. 'Popular Pease Pianos. THE WORLD RE HOW NED Estey Organs, Story & Clark Organs, Chicago Collage Organs, Palace Organs, And all Unds uf Hastes Jlerchauilsl constantly on baud. The Holidays are here, and this is ihe place to buy Pianos for a Cbrtstmal Preeent Prioes are lower than any other music store in Scranton. Special Attention -Remember always when ycu start out to search for a Piano or Or gan that Christopher Columbus points with bis light hand to the exact plac you waul to go. Nowhere it is: 205 VASRINGTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE IIIBCS MONUMENT, -- - PA. GH NA : HAL OFF FOR CHERRY HILL. Sheriff Fahey Takei a Number of Pris oaers to the Penitentiary. Sheriff Faiiey, assisted by Attorney R J ileamisb, John Bonner, K J Werde, James O'Rourke, Joseph Mickii", Abel Davis, Julius Meyers and Patrick Leonard took seven con victs to ttie Eastern penitontlary yes terday morning. The prisoner were David Wellner, six yenraand a half for killinir John Murkanski; lames llrock, tuservo three years and a half for attempted criminal assault ;iJohn Rowland, three yiars and a half for burning bis furniture and cheating the Merchant-sand Mechanlca' hank out of $IH0 Joe Mitchko, two yenrs anil one monthror assisting Row land cheat tbe bank; Antonio I'oanut and Antonio Valentine each a year anil a half for robbing clothes liues in Dun more. Elward Loiuhlin, the lll-year-olil boy who was convicted of larceny, was taken to the house of refuse. -M- PROBABLY ATUMPTED ARSON. Firs is tbe Roeideuce of Udwari Walsh in Green Ridire. At nonu yesterday an alarm of fire was sounded from box Oil, on Qretn Ridge street The fire proved to lie in the house of Edward Waieh, an em ploye of the Oreon Ridire Iron works, who resides on Ross avenue. The llames were confined to one stair case and wore easily extinguished by chem ical apparatus. Owing to Ihe location of the (Ire Chief Ferher's suspicious worn aroused and he investigated the matter. Ev erything pointed to inoeudiarv origin and be will so report to IiiHiirance Agent Uoland, iu whose company the Walsh domicile was insured for $1,00m. Shorter Paraaraph. The Krieger vereiu held a very suc cessful masquerade at Natler's hall last evening. Headed by (tilth's baud the borne society met the Wilkes liarre so city at the train and escorted them to tuo soene of the evening's festivities. William Sunday, oiunlovvd as a ma chinist at the Lackawauna laundrv on Penn avenue, fell from a ladder yester day ami was severely injured. A little daiigntr of .Mr. aud Mrs Thomas McAloon, of Urook street,dteil yesterday morning. The Keystone .Social club had an en joyable time at their hal mnsinie at Workmen s hall lust evening, I''asnaeht, an old 0rmau custom, was observed last evening by young people who, successfully disguised, went from house to house malting merry at the expense of tbe inmates. A new singing class under tho direc tion of Miss Msv Krebs, has been or gaoiled at the Hickory Street Baptist church. - M. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE l'niter this linadhu,' xhoi t li-ttursnf interest will be. published when accompanied, for pub llcstlon, by tbe writer s name. Tub Tribune will iml Im held responsible fur upini.ius hero expressed. Mr. Harris's Friends Speak. Kdiioroftht IWewas iier sir. Tbe undersigned redden tool tbe townships of old Forge ami Lacka wanna, Uke this opportunity of publicly expressing nnr strongest indignation and t'onilemnation at t he uncalled (or and most nngeatiemanly reflection of Mr R. U, Hop gut" on ihe character and reputation of our reepcoted nnd honored townsman John M. Harris, csii , in yestoi day's Third district convention. We, who know bin from bis childhood, know nothing of him but that to his credit as a man and a lawyer and the,c il izens nUns own home have taken every' opportunity to demonstrate t heir esteem and confidence iu him by marks of public approval. We now and at this time, conscious that we voice the sentiment of ail who were- present, resent the insult to John M. llar-ii-, esq., and challenge Mr, lliilgatnto pro duce anything to bis iujury as a lawyer and a man. B. B. Wkhtiin.M. I). John W. Hkksk. It. Willis Kkksic W, J, llllSKINH. John Pi Im m Signed in the presence of David V. Jouos The Kae. Proves' photos, 4115 Spruce street. weichel & Millar 116 Wyoming Avenue. i - THEY FILL THE BILL, We have the most complete assortment of Men's Furnishing Qopdi that ever appealed to tbe eye or to the taste. Koine of our new shades and designs in Ties aru especially at tractive. They are m'IIiiik at Humes which give you no excuse for being without all sorts ut sua- and styles. Christian 205 Lackawanna THE HATTER Aveniu. Tin' (li cal Marvel of Deu tul Scieuci Aiiffisfhene A receul discover and property of the Honocd & Wardeli DENTISTS, READ The new oiler made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT. 1 O, SEAMON8 SAYS ABOUT AN.-KSTIIKXE. lilts REDWOOD C 1KD1 LL After having eleven teeth extracted at one sitting by tbe painless method, i pro nounee n eutlrel) satisfactory in every pari icular. ,1. si ntn SLEDS AT? COST! t FLOREY & ! HOLT SPRJUCE ST. i Scranton, Pa. a SPRING . . . Styles of HATS Have arrived. Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenue. AT Special for This Com ing Week. Men's Cork Sole I, are Shoes, Goodyear Welt, $i gradfi to bo $5.90 Men's Cork Sole I, see Shoes, band sewedwelt,(9 grade, to be Ladies' Dongola, Kid Button, Patented Tip, (ioodyear Welt, Common sense last, all f'l.oU grade, to be Ladies' Fine Kid Button, cork soles, hand turn, Common Sense last, only a few pairs ol them, if j grade, to be. . Ladies' Ibill DoUgola Hut ton, double SOleS, C0UIU n Sense only, jl grade closed out at Misses' straight Goal Button, Spring heel, sizes 1 1 to '-; J'.' trade will sell al Hoys' School Shoes, Vinton and lace, siz.-s 11 to it n '.'j will sell nt AT sa.98 $2.89 $3.25 $9.00 AT , 1 $1.49 (c, SCHANK'S Arcade Shoo Store. $12.00 We need room Stock. A Ricb CLOTH .1 ACK V. T, Full Skirt, lialloon Sleeve,iiavy,blaek and tan. Cost to make, $16. Now SO. 95. We Will pive you tbe choice of 40 Jackets, all this Beaton's make. No( one in the loi that cost less I hnn $12 to 20, JACK ETS, CLOTH CAPES I-I K CAPES and WRAPS. It will pay you to see i his offering of Tailor made Garments. for new Spring Visit us, WYOMING AVI 6. W. OWENS 508 8c Co. l.Htlies' Tailor . Cloak Mskeis and ParrisrSi !-l 'Kl ICR T.. COl NT I nil si: BQUARID Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, Tho Rperlallst on tlie Eye. Ileiulaclies nnd Nervousness reliSVed. Latest and Improved Htyle of Kyo Ulass.'S ami Spivtaclis nt the Lowest PriOSS, Best Artlllclul Eyes iuserted for S.V 3s SPRUCE ST., op. Post Office. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu 5 ill n ii i . mm 5 "TRIP AROUHO THE WORLD I 1 Portfolio of Photographs COUPON. February 7, 1894 5 S Bend or bring Ln 2 Coupons 5 of different daws, together S with B ci iils, and receive ll'.is S Album of rare l'hotoirraphs. S THE TRIBUNE, - Cor. Penn Ave. nnd Spruce 8t C( IT THIS OUT. SlIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllHlllg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers