OS S 4.0 sS m: TREE is KNOWN BY THE PRUtT it beass, M lli Scntntott Z$f$B.- Sribtrat 3 00 mi 00 M 04-0'r0v0s 00 0 00 0 00 EMOCBATIC SU Pit EM A Y HAS BOBNE ONLY LOSS AND DISAPPOINTMENT. EK.IIT lA(iES-"i COLUMNS. SCBAXTON, PA.. WEDNESDAY MOHNN(,. PEBRtTABY 7, 181)4. TWO CENTS A COPY. GMGY FUNERAL OF GEO, W, CHILDS The Last Ri'es 0TM tlv Reflttlfl! of the PUIutlmpisL SCENES AT THE INTERMENT The Obsequies at the Church of St. J.anios A Vast Concourse ot Peo ple Pav a Last Tribute to the Hon ored Clay -The Ceremonies at the House, the Church and the Ceme tery -The Eulogy Pronounced by Bishop Potter. i mwm Philadelphia. ten c THE tituil tribute which tne living pay th de id li i been rarely seen adder such profoundly im pOSitlg Conditio) Hi at the funeral of Qeorge W Child1, whoM re main w-re eonigued to the tomb Ht Wbodlanda tins afternoon. The great conoours of people which slowly but steadily formed its-df Into avast us samblage in the vicinity of Twenty tcood and Walnut str-ets, aud which looked at every detail ol tha oarcutony, whs te-itimony iliut the houors iiiveti were given to no ordinary man After a prlvat service at the residence for tha immediate relative and friend of the family. Iba ciset waa borne to the chancel-rail of St. Jam' churoti. and the pnbiic rites were solemnised In tha presence of a hashed congregation. There was but a iugle departure from the beautiful litnp'icity of tha services of the dead the fitting eulogy p.'O nounced by Bishop Potter, of Maw York. Thee services, beginning it 1 o'clock, oontinnad for an hour an I a half, i;d then the remains were carried out, before the thousands Who stool with uucovere 1 heads, and the cortege passed out Walnut str-et to Woodland Cemetery, where, with the imp!e officeetor the barial of the dead, all that was mortal of George W Childs wa consigned to the vault which, within a year, had receive 1 tha remain of his life-Ion friend, Anthony J. DrtxeL BISHOP potter's address. Bishop Potter's address was a inas terpijce of pulpit oratory, and will long be remembered by everyone with in hearing of his voio As ha retired to the rear of Iba chancel the hymn, "My Gfod, My Father" was tnhf. Following this cann the creed and the prayer. read bv R-v. Dr Bodine, nnd the hymn, "In the Hour of Trial." Prayer and benediction by Bishop Wiiitaker completed tin service in the chancel, and the fnneral cortege left the Bhnrofi while tus recesiional hymn, "Hark, Hart, Sly Soul," wa being annir. While Rev. Dr. Bodine was reading the Cra-d, Mrs. Child, wtio had borne np nobly thin far, was noticed to droop over on the shoulder of J. W. Paul, jr Quickly kind friends w.re around her to nnd that she had fainUd. K-tora-tivea were instantly applied, and in a few minutes she was restored to con sciousness, and was afterwarl alii to follow her nushand's remain to the tomb. THE INTERMENT. In spite of tha reiterated announce ment that the interment would bo strictly private, about a thousand per) pi gathered in the vicinity of the brexel mausoleum at Woodlands. A large detail of poiiee. was required to keep the near path entirely clear. A few minutes before 3 o'clock, the undertaker and Ins assistants cima up with several carriages containing the selected tioral pieces. These pieces, the brazen doors of the man-oleum being thrown open, ware so diooed n to form a backgronnd of bloom In front of them was placed the bier in which the casket ws to rest. And directly opposite the handles of the bier yawned trie open mouth of the deep narrow crypt, adjoining that contain ing the remain i f A .J Drexsl, The carriages bringing tha gentlemen erving a pall hearer arrived next, their ocenpant forming in line up n the niarble approach of th tomb. The coffin was borne between them and placed npon the waiting bier Biahnpa Potter and Whitaker, andVRiv. Drs Blanchard and Bodine, entered the mausoleum and took th-ir stations beside the coffin. .Mr. Chil i's, supported on Mr Paul's Brni, entered the doors, and behind her came the members of tne family Sne seemed very wak and rested heavily on Mr. Paul. Theaervico began at ones and lasted but a few minntes. At five minute past '' o'clock Mr. Paul, on whom the duty devolved, cast upon the colli i tlie aymbolical handfnl of earth. The mortal remains of George W Child bud been consigned to ttia grave t SMUGGLERS TRAPPED. An tnaeniou. Svnt.m of Defrauding the Government Dieoovered. HtW York, Feb (1 Samuel Nirhol. colored, a driver for tne firm of Pitt it bcott, linifllsh forwarders, wa nrrcstcd today at Old Bridge, N. J., by Special Custom Hoime Axtnti McDonald nnd Andtrion, Pitt & Hcott, for whom Nichols worked, it is alleged, have been difrandiug the government for a long time by a rather ingenious method. They would bring into this port, en ronte for Canada, enses of good in voicea n cheap crockery, etc., but containing valuable articles, thon re movo the good here and put up legs Valuable good in thnir place. It i behoved that the government ha been cheated out of over $'Jl)0,0OU recently by the firm' operations. - THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE. National Convention at Top.ka Forty BeUftatei Respond to the Call. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 0. The national convention of lite Farmers' Alliance and Industrial uuioh wa called to or der in Representative ball at 10 o'clock thia morning. There wro forty dele gate from a many different tntes present and about 300 members of the Kausaa state alliance. Ujveruor Lewalllng doliverrd the addre of WtloOUM on the part of the Staff, Hi-speech w is political in oharai'ter and coiiMstu I principally In calling attention to the inlitry ami poferty liwaiiing thronghont the oonntry, lie was followwd by John F. Willits, national laotnrer of th alliance, who speke on behalf ol til state alliance, The response t the two welcoming ad dresses Were nude by "Farmer" liau, ol N 'w ,rk. and John DfWOan, of South Carolina. At tonight's (Mllon President I. mi'li delivered hi Annual address. All of ' h sessions .' pl i list of tins ni rn in; will le held in secret. CIGARMAKERS' LOCKOUT. A Combined VtT'tt to Secure Reduction of tha .-"cslt of P.ioie, Dcmtcr, Feb. 0 - Tlie ClgArrakera' association y-sterdty Inangnrated a lockout in order to obtain concessions from the Cigarntakcrt' union. The three factories interested have tried to secure rod net ion In the scale of l.'i per cent, but all etforts have been re sisted. Two hundred workmen are thrown out of work. The faotorlM have a large surplus stock on hand NEW YORK'S UNEWPLOYED. The Tabulated Results ot the Police Census Show an Alarming State of Affairs A Tariff' Argument. Nkw York. Feb, 6 Mayor (iilrov today received from President !eth Low ami Profs -r Richmond Mayo Smith, of Columbia college, the tabu lated resuit of a census of the unem ployed in this city taken by the police Under the direction of Professor Smitii The census is taken bv police precincts and the table shows the number of un employed In each precinct The thirty three precinct into which the city is iivid'd show the number of families suffering from lack of employment to b -IS GSl, consisting of 308,601 parsons. Of th tne number usually employed i 7"0i3. The nnniber out of work i J7.S80, or 53,595 males and 14, 638 fe rn des. Of the 681 families asked the question, "Are you in need of assist ancet" 89,811 responded "yes," and 9, -807 reeponded "no ' Aooompanlng the table were letters from ProfeSIOf Smith And President L w. The former writes a commentary upon the figures. It shows, be says, that there are more unemployed in the Thirteeauth precinct than in any of the othtr preciuct, but that here i really mor dittreej in the Fourth precinct where 1,168 unem ployed families, L,0ffl are actually in need of a.saitance. It aboWs further that 80 per cent, of the fami lies whose bread winners are idle are in need "' assistance Tins include abont 185,3r0 persons who lack the necessaries of life. President Seth Low in his lettr ay: "It is clear that tlie city and citizens are face to face with a problem of the first magnirude. I cannot imagine a more impressive argument in favor of prompt action upon the tariff which ah ill be decisive on one dir-ction or the other.in order that the element of uncertainty may be re moved from the pathway of a bnsinsss reviv.il. In the meantime whatever word can Oe given should bo given by tne city and by private person. The strong mint continue generously to help the weak. " WILLIAMS TA.KING VET. The 1AT0HA enmn 8 A BAD B Vr7 DISCUSSIONS IN CONGRESS Foitiitim iiit'iit ol Hit' Vote oil tlio Ktpntl ol Ptdsral KInUod Laws. HAWAII HOLDS THE HOUSE i Klanded Debate on the Bill to Repeal the Federal Election Laws Sena tors Who Oppose the Measure The Hawaiian Resolution In lha Lower Branch Mr. Sickles Creates a Sen sation Mr. McCraary't Oder. Sieia'.Iit Le1er at London Ad- dresees a Large Oa'herlng. London, Feb. U Williams, tha o cialist leader, to lay addressed another meeting of the unemployed on Tower hill. He repeated the incendiary peech made yesterday and again threatenel that If the police interfered with the demonstration proposed to be held on Saturday they would be blown up with explosives. He delivered a long harangne in the course of which he said that men with ont work had a perfect right to be dangerous. PESSiO BHICK SQUEEZE. Executions Amounting to Nearly $7,000 Entered Airelnit a I'lt'eton Firm WILUB-BaBU, Feb. l --Fxncntion to the am oint of nearly 7,ui);'i wsre issued today against the Pittston Preeeed Prick oonrptny by M Hoiipt, of Wllkes-Birre. Tne aherilf went to I'ittstm tin afternoon and closed the concern. The liabilities and asset as jot have not been made known. ! NEWS OF OUR OWN STATE. The government of I'it.tshurg is bning OperatM entirely on borrowed monev. Tie-little daughter of Samuel HaoUob( neading, was burned to d nth in the kil Chen. A b'iv named Lewi, near (Iroenstmrg, was acctdantally shut to death by an older brotlier. A new trial was refused Harry .lohnson, of AiiioitowQ, who last summer drowned his little daughter. .Jurt'.'o Bodllcb informed Hnrks county that, the securing of a divorce will, hero after, be a hard job. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kaves, of Munrv, hnvebeen found dead In tmdrooiii, kppaf eutly overcome by gas. A tree that he was chopping fell upon and leilhd Oavld J, Peters, at I'lenaant ( nrner. Lehigh county. After an enforced shut-down of six month the Bethlehem Bilk mill, employing 4IHI hands, has resumed operations. Having disappeared a week ago from hi Las! on home while insane, I'red Archer was found at Washington, N. J. Hoiling Springs hopes, by an injunction, to prevent the official selection on Thura dayof Scotland ns th site for the new Soldiers' Orphan school. The city of Reading has suod the bonds men of ex City Treasurer Jota Obold for flV&S, which sum he was short in his ac count when he was compelled to resign. Master Henry W. Watson decided that the hast End trolley road, Williainsport, uiav cross the Philadelphia and Krio rail road tracks at grade, thus eudiiig a long Dght. During the progress of a Dankard revi val at Snyder church, near New Kntar nrise, the nortiou of the Hour on which were tbo Beats for the women fell into tbo cellar. A number of women went clown with the floor aud a panic followed, but no one was seriously hurt. WaSULNQTON, Feb. 6. n LTHOUQH it had been the pur M pose of the senate to hav a vote j 00 the passage of the bill to r lAl peal the federal election laws taken at I p. in today, it became nee aesary t postpone the close of the getmril debate until 8 p. m tomorrow and to have an agreement for the tak ing of the vote before the senate ad j mrned tomorrow. Then are several senators who have yet tospsak unon it. Those who spoke today were llawlev (Conn.), Parkins (Cat.), and Prye (Me i, ail liHpublicans.all in opposition of the bill, and Daniel (Va.X Turpie (Ind.), and Harris i l'euu ), all Democrats, in support of it. The discussion win, at time, very lively, particularly as b Hveaji Prye and Daniel, The senate at I 83 adjourned until tomorrow. PBOOtlDUtCH IN THK llolisu. Consideration of tlio Hawaiian reso lution was resumed in the house and a 1 dresses were made bv U'presenta lives Outhwalte (Dem.. () ,). Culberson (Deiu., Tex,), Storer (Rip, o.i, Bver ett (Dem., Mats.,), Lou I (Rp Cal.,), Turner (Dem, (Ja,), Sii'kles iDern., N, Y.,). DrForest (Dem, Kr.,), Hibnrn (R;p., Ia, i and Hooker (Dem., Was.,) Mr. Sickles created somewhat of a s -u satlon by avowing hi opposition to the resolution and announcing that he would vote against it, and he carried out his declaration later. At 11.30 the house began voting on th" pending resolutions and that iutro ducei by Mr. Blair, (Rep,, N. U,) de claring for a policy of annexation wa defeated, Ave 'JO, nay 155. Mr. Hitt's resolution condemning the ac tion of Minister Willis in interfering with a Republican government to which he was accredited, was also lost, aye 98, nays 238. Mr. Bead (Rep., Me.) made a motiou to re.cuinmi) the JlcCreary resolution and this was defeated by a vote of 97 to 133. On tbo resolution offered by Mr. McL'reary the roll wa called. The Republicans refrained from voting and only Hi') Democrats voted in the affirmative no cpaorutn. Mr. McL'reary moved a call of tlio liotig, and the Republicans under the leadership of Mr. Reed oegan filibus tering and kept the house tied up until li 3d. when all leave of absence wore revoked, telegrams sent for absentees and tha house adjourned, - r happy Pensioners. Parties Who Will Beoeiv Aid from the Oivernment. Washington, Feb, o The following pensions were granted today: Penn sylvania -Original, Frederick W Kocb, Stoelton; Charles A. ('irspeaker, Alle gheny City ; Thomas Graham, Brad dock ; John Hahn, Philadelphia (twenty years' service); Robert Sivage, Piiiln ilelphia. Additional, Hmiry Blnne, I'luiadelphia; Christian Btooer, North Hope. Butler; Thomas VValkir, Beading, Increase Atno Lacy, New Drigb- ton, Beaver; lleniaini i Mver. Smith ville, Lancaster; Oeorge B Oamhle, H-rrick. Bradford, .lolin It. Crawford, Wilkaa-Barre; Wood Lloyd, Philadel phia. i ' i if- Philip I hls, rinladel phia; Perry Kipp, Towaada; John B Lel kicher, Lmcaster. Original widows, etc I'Uheluila S Fisher, Philadelphia; Annie Gallagher, Dowingtown; Levi Taylor, father, Scranton, Mary h Woolson, I'luladel phia; Sophia Hare, Luialale, Mont gomery; BopblaCarr, Plalnsfield.Cum' berland , Hosanna L. llillboru, r rank - fort, Philadelphia; lilleii J. Smrritt, Rockdale Mills, Jefferson; Mary Bren- nan, I'liiliulelpliia . minor Ol Aoraliam Hewitt, Manchester, ork , Annie L. F'rick, Kin rna ns, Lehigh j Annie T, Snyder, Philadelphia, Anna M Men ninger. South Lastou, ivirtliampton ; Johanna Newmeyer, Pittsburg; Anna M Olass, Scarlets Mills, lierk. i-- a - THE POOL MATCH. Kiogh Playincr Mak'ie Ifltn Die Fav r itn at the Philail.lphla Tourney. Philadelphia, Peb. n Score of to night's games in th itatn pool touilia merit : Kd Dmighcny, of riiiladelphin 14, 2, ' D, io, is, ia i2, m, , i" . id, ii, i ISO. Harry Hammers, of Philadelphia o, n, 'i, (i, r,, h, 5, a. 6, 6, 12, 8, , 8, r, :t, 081, Scratolies- llouuhertv, I: Huuuneie, 0. Second game, Jerome Keogh, of Scran- tnii-M, ir,, it, in, n, i., ia, 14, n, a, i, . 16, r,. 0,8-160, Clarence Worker, of Heading ,, 0, 1, II, 8. 0. I. I, I a, II, 7, 0, II. 15, 0-7J, Hcratuhe Koogh, :i; Stoeker, 5. Until Diiigli Tiy and Summer! were olT In their games, Siiininiir wa very nervoui throughout his lint aptiearanoe b'fore nn SUdlenoe, but he made ex reliant shots at times. Keogh is a marvel, taking the fifteen halls without a miss manv time. Hi plaring had Stoeker 'paralyzed, al though the latter never had an opening to hIhiw hi ability at any time. Both Stoeker and Summer can play batter than tbev did tonight. Keogh' piny ing ha inado him a favorite In the tonrney. OUtslde of the Park, whora they were sheltered, The fire rut off egress by i he hi airways and ladder were brought into uso with good effect. Ella Harmanii. a servant girl, wa badly burned about tlie fare and arms and lti feared inhaled the fUmCS, She is in an extremely critical condition. The loss is estimated at iJ'Jo, 110(1, insill mice $15,000, Tha gueeta loss about 4,000 in personal property, , . FIGHTING moonshiners. Two Unit. J Slate Deputy Marshals Killed on the BISOI AllnKheny. WARM BnUNW, Va,, Feb. li New bus just been reuni v-d he'.-a of a desper ate light on "Black Allegheny" moun tain, near the Wo it Virginia lino, be tween several deputy Unite I States marshal and a p irly of illicit dis tillers, Two of the marshals warn killed outright, a were also two of the distillers, and one man wa badlv wounded. Hani Collin, who ia known here, was the member ol the party who wa badly wounded. shot his father. The Terrlbl Crime of Charlea Morrison, of PltteburK. PlTrSBDBa, Pa., Feb. 0 -At 1.60 o'clock this afternoon Charles Morris son, aged v.', shot hi father Kdward Unrrisson, aged 66, twice in Io . head, indicting wounds that it ia thought will prove fatal. 1 he shunting oc- cunvil at their house Io. Villi l'enn avenue Charles wa arrested. His letim wa taken to thu Wt Peuu hospital. The cause of the shooting ha not been ascertained. ACTION ON PECKHAM The Senate Judiciary Domini tlee Holds llie Matter Over Until Monday. VERY GRATIFYING TO MR. HILL I be Senate- Judiciary Committee Took No Action Upon the Nomination, The Vote Postponed Until Monday. 1 be Delay Doos Not Seem Favora ble lo Mr. Peckham Senator fiill Remains Confident. NO USE FOR DEMOCRATS. Duluth Makes a Clean Swesp In th Interest of Good Times. DtJLUTH. Minn.. Feb. (! Itav T. Lewis, Republican, was elected mayor of Duluth today bv a in ijoritv of 8,880 in a total vote Of abont 10,000, The Republicans elected sixteen aldermen, which is n clean sweep. Tbo fight was m ule a party one with the position of Major 1! ildwin on the taritl question is an issue. The presont city administration is Democratic. KANSAS BOODLE CHARGES. Serious Accusations Against the Gov ernor of the State Offers of Policy Shop Men Refused. FIRE AT SOMERSET. One of th Lara-eat Hot ds in the Town Destroyed. Kosikhkkt, Pa., Feb. 0. The Park li .lei, the largest and most popular res ort in this part of the atate, wa de stroyed by fire early thia morning. The gueta all eucaped in their night clothe. They ran barefooted through the mow and raw winter air to houses U ooi W tSHlNOTOH, Feb. 0 senate judiciary committee took no action on the nomination of Mr. Peekbam for eupreme urt justice today The nomi nation goes over until Monday next, l li l postponement i not fav treble to Mr. Peckhalu, though it will give the administration more time tor mission ary work : The postponement was e cured by Mr. Hoar, one of tbos rlied on by the administration, who an nounced that be was not y"t prepared to vote for confirmation, and asked for time to consider certain papers, which, ha said, had just been placed in his bauds. This announcement wa very gratifying to Mr Hill Th entire time of the committee to day wa taken up in reading papers and letters bearing on the case Both sides seemed somewhat afraid to com to a vote. Senator Hill remain confident that a favorable, report cannot bo obtained from the judiciary committee and that the senate will reject tiie nomination when a vote is reached there. Senator Llndiay, of Kentucky, was favorable to the confirmation of Mr. Ilorublower, but is reported against Mr. Peckham in obedience to the reso lution of the Kentucky legislature Several member of the committee have not yet iven any indication how they will vote. obvious purpose of advancing a runner occupying a base, which result iu put ting out the batsman or would to re sill if handled without error. With tins definition embraced in the rules, a penalty for failures to auocas tuhy in ile the play has been framed. To seotion three of rule forty this ad dition is recommended i A foul hit made by the batman while attempting a bunt or aacrific hit, as ddinud iu rult thirty, is one that fills upon foul gouud betweeu home have aud tirt has and home base and third base. The committee will also recommxud that the umpire he given authority to remove for the llrat olfeuie any player who uses prolan or improper language on the field. In section 3 of rule 10. baseball ml, was changed to read "a strike shall be called on a foul hit mail by the bats mat while attempting a 'bunt," strik ing out word "la one" In name para graph. RUSSIA WILL SEIZE HERAT. Rumors of Warlike Preparation on lb Afghanistan Frontier. Bkcbkkls, Feb. t; -The correspond out at Constantinople of the Independ ent Beige telegraphs that Russia is making preparations for :.. mediate seizure ol Herat, iu Afghanistan. The Correspondent add that 4i 640 troops, mostly cossaclcs, are concentrating on the Afghanistan frontier. It may be pointed ont that the corre spondent does not give any authority for the statements he makes. IY1ARDI GRAS HOLIDAY. Lively Scenes During the Closing Hours of the Festival Rex Has Taken Entire Possession. 1VE8THENT. FINLEY'S o AN HEIRESS' ESCAPADE. Mies TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 0 The boodle charges, which have bsen made so fre quently by insinuation and general nc- OUaatlOU aitainst liivernor towelling and other (tat offi:crs, were given to the pnbhs today specifically, The charges come iu the form of a letter written by a Kansas City attorney named smitii to liovsruor Lweiiing Jan. 4 The governor is accused of rs- eivin'j ijt., 0t)ll for a month forgiving ins oflicial sanction to the policy shop mil gambling lion. The letter was given out uy Mrs. M. r. Lease. (inventor Lwwelhng this morning positively declined to talk in regard to Smith's letter, persistently asserting that he had nothing to say. The United i'ress correspondent wu informed this morning by a state official, who de- lined to permit his name to bo used. that the policy shop men had tendered him $') BOO for his iulluouce, aud that be had ref used it. In n few days, it is sai 1, other speci fic chai'Kea are to he sprung on tiie state administration, aud an effort will be mad to ihow that the wliolesnie liquor dealer of Kansas City and the out keepers ol ltnsasliav raised a pool and are paying the governor 11,800 monthly to ignore the prohibitory law and permit Haloons to ruu without molestation, FLASHES FROM THE WIRE. Uncle Sam made 193,825 eilver dollars in his mints last week. Polly 810,000 1 Boston! response to the appeal of Kdward Itlake fur Hume Itule t nulls Pound guilty of liilline bis two sisters, lolin Hart, of Rookford, 111,, was sentenced to death. Two thousand lurid posters, put up early Sunday morning toaatound Boeton church goer, were torn down ov the nolico. In the presence of n great crowd. Mayor (lilrov, of New ork, turned the thsl shovelful of earth 00 the new speedway. Captured at Lot Angeles, Cal., after a long chase, Ike Itullis, the noted counter fetter, Will got twenty years in the peni tentiary. After drawing a pension twenty -two yeaisns a ktetioan war veteran's widow. laivtula i nok) WoHiwiiiii M under arrest. at Kalians I ity. Holding up a depot lull of passengers at (iiltliris.il. T. a buhl negro highwayman etnpiied the money drawer and lied, bul was sunn rmiKhl. Actor QeorgC II. Colvln was foiled by two waitresses, who roomed with ins wlf 01 New Yolk, where Im ti ted tu shoot llie latter, also a waitress. Il'i-ause site knew when slut married damns B, 'SSWeg t hai he mint o to prison, Mrs Laura B, Caswell, of Si. A I ban, Vt , was refuse I S divorce. Police dustiee Thomas Itrnilwell knocked down two footpads who assaulted bin In ( hiiago. He nughi have shot both, but preferred to thresh them. Ity nrcuteulally nltikiiur a dvnnuiile Cartridge with Ills pick, Christopher T sail waa blown to pieces At Home, ll with Contractor W, n Corner, M. l'apillnud, a writer on the atnfl" of the I, lorn l'a role, wounded Deputy Olivier llafe.ou in the ariupil in n duel. The cause of llie duel was a certain ill tide published by PepllUud in lb' Libre Parole. The senate lias rolillt tiled the nntniua- tions: Miate department, Thomas Moon light, of Kansas, to b minister to Bolivia) interior, Harrison II. Wheeler, to be pun nIoii agent at Detroit, Michigan. ' Another supposed infernal machine was found outside the Magamnsdu "nntenipls. It waa taken to the muuirlniil liiliiirntnry for examination. The poltoo believe it to be the work of some practical joker. Among the appointments of fourth class postmasters were the following: Penn sylvania, A. K. Megel, Daubervlll e, vice Abraham Haulier, resumed; Mrs Lizzie A Padeo. Ilillsvllle, vice Frank Smith re moved. The treasury stated balance at tho close of business yesterday stood at fS2,W)J,Stll, as follows: Hold, nl. lati.UUil; currency. tlH.IHti, MW. The amount of gold deposited on arcouut of tne new bond lunu aruie gate tit), 171,000. Davenport's Companion Arrested in Tcp-ka. Toi'KKA.Kan ,Fob. 8 Henry Beckett, a fakir and maker ot paper pictures by profusion, and a br -aker of feminine heart by inclination, is under arrest in tlio Shawnee county jail on the charge of bigamy aud improper relations with Mis France Davenport, a pretty yonng heiress of Klkhart, Ind. The arrest wa nude by Sheriff Burdge on a telegram from Chief Shea, of Chicago. Last Siturday morning SaCkett. accompanied by a pretty girl 20 year old, engaged rooms at th Keith truilding as man and wife, aud were assigned to room 81, Mies Haven port, iu the mean time, had ruu out of money, and it occurred to her that Mrs. uhtorn W. Crane, of tin city. wa an old friend of her mother, and would be wiiling to identify her in order to get a urart cusneu. Mis. Crane did SO, but In the mean time Mr Crane bad seen an ac count ot Miss Davenports eiopem. nt in the Sunday paper. Tlie voting woman came into Mr. Crane's offic yesterday morning, and be frankly told her the k'reat mistake she was making. Miss Davenport admitted that she had run away With Beckett, and that they were not married. She did not appear to re alize the irreparable blunder she had made. She agreed to leave him for the time being until she decides what she wants to do nest. Sue says Sackett agreed to marry her, but sue ha only his word. Tlie officers think Sackeit ha another wife, and if be bad not he would have married his victim betore this for the lo n. 'o in ber own iiNine. Beckett's lather lived in Topeka twenty years ago and operated a hook store. The older settlers remember lum a some thing of a sharper himself. CARPENTcK'S TRIAL. The Defendant' Coun.el Makes an Ef fort to Quia Time. MtiyiitNTOWlt, l'a , Feb ( Th trial of .lames H Carpenter for the murder of his fatner, James s Carpenter, at Port Koyal on Dec lit, IMi.i, began here today. The commonwealth was rep resented by District Attorney Sell weirer, Hon. L. V. Atkinlohti and .lolin ,1 Patterson, jr. The defense has been made by IJudgC BuCUer, of Leads burg; William Sp uisler, of New Bloomflald, and Jeremiah Keller, of this place The legal battle was opened after the arraignment of tbo prisoner by a pre liminary motion on the pan of thede feinlant to quash the array of jurors, based on a claim on illegal tilling of the jury wheel lnDcmber. Pending argument, court adjourned at ll o'clock NEW OBLEAHB, La.. Feb. 0 His Majesty, Hex, wa in full possession of his royl carnival city today, nnd New Orleans turned aside from busdnoss to pay homage to the king ol mirth. Mardi Grras ia a legal holiday in the btnte.and all the banks.exclianges. pub blic buildings and store were closed. The weather was nil that a fatidiou iuonrch might require It was bright uud balmy. There were present in the city many distingnUhed strangers, including (idiieral chofield. Senator Mandersoo and McMillan, Phil Ar mour, the Chicago millionaire; Col onel J. T. Harrahan, and a large dele gation of railroad men and a host of military and lny strangers who watched the p irade from the club and other point of vantage along the route. The visiting soldiers took no pirtinthe procession, but were en joying the novel sights on the street. Long before noon, Canal, Camp and St Charb-s street were fairlv jammed with people, and the polio bad diffi culty in preventing hopeless tangles of humanity. It Was 11 o'clock when Hex appeared. He cjin out from hi den on Culliope street with his long train of beautifnl ears an 1 gar cour tiers, a host of ban Is making martial mnile The knig was greeted with the utmost enthusiasm on al. sides. Hex this year has taken from the great poets and story t-Hr of ancient and modern times material to make up the theme of literature illustrated by bis pagoant. There were nineteen fl aits in the procession. The car nival came to its close tonight with a brilliant pageant and a series of balls thitwere BOolal tri titnphs. Th days pasted without a j siugle serious accident, and in that re spect the carnival wa an exception. The throngs on the str,ts tonight ex ceeded, if anything, thoe of yesterday and today, but they were good natnred crowd and sntTer.l jostling without complaint, I I ) R Reduction Sale of LINENS will com. mence Monday, Feb, 5, and continue one week. We quote below a few figures in Cream and Bleached 'laUe Dam. asks. Napkins to match when desired. 56 inch, 23 cents. Recent price, 80 cents. 58 inch, 28 cents. Keceut price. Ji cents. GO inch, 32 cents. Krnt price, 40 cents, 64 inch, 39 cents. Recent price, cent, 68 inch, 45 cents. Keceut price, B5 cents, 72 inch, 55 cents. Recent price. 83 cents. 72 inch, 68 cents. Itecent price, 85 cents. 72 inch, 88 cents. Recent price, fl, 72 inch, $1.05. Recent price, $1 85, 72 inch, $1.19. Recent price, fl 00. 72 inch, $1.75. Rcent price, $2. 80 inch, $2.10. Recent price, $2 35. 90 inch, $2.25. Recent price, $2 50. Dinner and Lunch Sets, Towels and Counter-panes at correspondingly low prices. See our "Cherub" Crochet Quilt at 95c. and the Excelsior Marseilles at $1.95. RECEIVER V. X SON TALKS. He THE CRONIN CASE. Hie Andrew Fov Flatly Oontredleti Wife's Testimony at the Trlnl. CftlOAOO, Keb. 6 Andrew Koy, nc ensed by his wife of conspiring with Daniel OoUghlin and others to murder Dr, Oronln, and under police susplolon since May, 1889, Was the star witness for tbo defence ths trial today. M did not spend a milch tiuie as Mis Koy on the wltnalt stand, and Bttly contradicted his wife's story regarding the secret conspiracy meetiugs held lit hlshoiise; the rending of the ''remove at nil hazards letter," ami the uifi'ting of Iturke and (iugtilin outside Key's boil the night of M.iv I! Toe prosecution did not change tho tonor of Ins testimony. FOR BASE BALL CRANKS. New Rules to Ouvern Qamee Recom mended at Cincinnati. Ciminnati, Feb. 7. Th special nil of th committee of National 13n Rail player teaon, ended this evening, The committee will rooom mend n new rule to fill the definition of fair and foul hits in the batting rules. The following i the substitute A bunt or aaoritiue hit i a ball batted by th hitniiiii atnudiiiif in his posi tion, that fut's within fair gr. uud us defined In rule DO, that i made tor the Payi That tha Rpjrtu of Reading R-Ortenizat:on Are Mix'd Piiii.AUKi.nil a. Feb. 6 Receiver Passon, ol the Reading Railroad com pany, laid today that the reports about the Heading re-organisation pla-i were considerably mix" I l"p to the present time the receivers have not had pre Seated to them for their consideration any feasible plan of re organir. itien, Receiver Paxson said what they bail been considering was tha disposition f the floating debt and whion has ben practically rccomplisher nnd wnic.i is a step toward re organll itlon. What th New York friends of th company are doing in th matter He orivret Paxton does noi know. ,i AMPUTATION MADE. An Operation Performed on Oorpsral Jatneq TentiT at Senev Hoevitn). NiwYoitK, Feb. o -Aii operation was performed on Corporal .lames Tanner's stun pa at tbeSeuey hospital thte afternoon iv IVs. Qeorge R Fow lr, U. Delatour, W F. Oamphell and H B, Cameron, The reaiupntatioo consisted of the removal of two aud a half inchos from each stump where they were pres-d by tho artitlcial limbs Mr. Tanner seemed Somewhat ex hausted after tha operation Be i now retting quietly 510 and 512 Lackawanna A?e. PERCHI & BUBBEB IT6C11 FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE, CHAS A. SCHIEREN CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather Belling, H. A. Kingsbury AOENT 313 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis, Reilly k Davies Reliable Footwear. IN THE TRAIL Of JACK FROST. Albany, n , shivered at aero. York shivered at live degrees below MM, Preparations for ths Ice harvest have been made all along the upper Hudson Thirty degrees below pero was the local record-breaking score at Pulton Chain, in the Adirodacka Rome and Utlca,N, If., principal cities on the M'lliawk. llie at last sure ot plenty of Ire. Thi men in. v is SO below zero t Itete Fulton county, N. Y , near the Nin th Woods, was nut' uniformly cold, though It w us v. i v (Hgld thlrt) lielow zero nt- Uayfleld, twenty-four at Northvllle and eighteen at Uloverevlllo. The coldest and wannest localities in the country respectively wore Baranac Lake, N. V., where tort.v-otio degrees be low zero was reached, mid Key West, I'la , where it wus sixty eight degrees abovu zero. WEATHtR rOKtCASr. CLEAR p WASiiiNiiToa. Fob. (i.Forecml for Wednesday, tor eastern ' '.UN' i ' ' I flii irsnthar lll ' eonUttn peaerofiv fair, with lourmrr iiiuis ifuriiio ltV(uc.rfnj, Jul limrj llVdncvifui night by iiicmviiii j oiotuffadsa l'eet of every Levis, Will e iescription fitted at Reilly & Davies M0Cn 'Toniiif :tt r. fW P.M. tetaraky We Examine Eyes Free of oharge. 1 1 ;i doctor is needed you txe prompt! told so. We ulsii gjuarajitoe a per feet iu. WATCHES A l' COST for one week only. I J. HE, ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.
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