THE SCTIANTOX TRIBUNE--MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 8, 1S9I. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, Manager. Sana ra I Vt HI IHIII l DAILY AND VT1EKI.Y IN BOH l ion. PA., uy Tut Tuiuunk PUBLUBIRO Company. New Yohk Omos: Tiunum: Boiluinq. KlIANK B. Gil AY. MANAOBH. tVftrtJ at the lottofflce at Scrantan, Pa., fin-und-Cfai Hail Hatter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. FCBAMTDX. JAN'UAHY 8, MM. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET FOB COMORIMMAM AT LARGS. Q VS.rmiA . GROW, OF srsyi'KRANN'A ELECTION FEBRUARY 20. ALL MLN WANT 1 b lie' Vi.e iet I ptndUwrt ot Milt: for the l8H money. That's siniily natural To throw away mousy tumid be both foolith ini, ill these times, al" mod criminal, it it anraltu ayrtti thai he who I'liiif adetvt ittntntt on ftaets, rvtkt and bamt throwi tnod oj tht cost (ittHiy. It is alto dtmonttrattd tlnit money spent MiUlQtntty, persiit- and ilitcrimlnatlngly in rp(a M. uNtl u. ( read in wtpapert It money riojf jiioJiliUlu invested, tor the see- rUn rendered ur ra(or fli, i.i AforiAsasCera ftnitsyiMinfaL 1'Ae iiitmne it invariably than, neat oud bright. I'eoite mud tfj news; ifj ivm MlSJft, i f jf "tt.ti. " AH L YOU IN IT? LAST YEAR'S dt'iros':o:i ill the matri monial Industry, a iodieatsd In this county by the granting of only 1,839 UlsrrieffS license", U another emphatic Hi'umvnt against the Democracy. Thrift Bad liytneu K hand in baud, uuu th enemy of protection it the foe of the tiresiJe. THUDOU JUDGK SlllOirrOS t Harris i.urj; lmv- an opinion Saturday direct in K judgment against tins county for nearly fifteen thousand dollarj tax on pi'Mousl property it li not probibio tbataiy aseik'ntn-jnts will remit thre fron, nor that fie avan tenor of busi ness will not tl w on juit as placidly Hud anlntarraptadly as usual. i It U BSFOBtUBATB tbat during this pariod of IdiWaM nuomnluved men c.iuuot be pat to work building reser voirs and digging trendies for tba ex tension nf irrigation in the west. Ariil areas, BOW worthless, could, by suita ble attention, be converted into literal miracle of produstivenssa. Tariff whittling iiiiumes puny proportions beside this real chance for coogres lituual industry Tnti WELFARE Of thta municipality requiraa that our city's legislators should be men of the loftiset obaraetsr and thoroughly ilevotad t. the interests of this city, favoring all those measures which will be for the public benefit, and at tba same tine avoiding umlm txtravaganca, Cbarlaa H. Truroanisa gentleman of this character, and being a nominee for select councilman from the Eighth ward, it is to be hoped that the Republicans tonight will famish evidence of their interest in his can vase by giving Lim an overwhelming majority of vtes. The latest reports from Honolulu state tbat thre :ire serious complica tions there which are tba indications of "a blunder by Minister Willis." This is not to be wonders 1 at. as there h is been nothing but blundering all the way through. It was a blander to withdraw Mr. Stevens from Hawaii. It was a blunder for Mr. Cleveland to send "My Commissioner" Blount as a envoy and sntak to Hawaii while the senate was in session, it was a blunder to direct Minister Willi! to recognize the kingdom of Ojieen Lil and attempt to restore ner to the throne. The wholo thing has been a blnn ler, of such a gigantic character as to make the administration respon sible for it a stench in the nostrils of ail pitrlotj. - Ez-Reprf.sextativk J. A., now practicing law, mado soma sweep ing allegations before the house naval committee Saturday which lis will have great difhcnlty in proving. He openly charged that the committee bud been fonind for the express pur pose of aiding ship biiildimc contrac tors to secure large premiums. Wi.en told that his accusation w is very grave and being asked if be knew Speaker Crisp himself appointed the commit tee, Mr. Sypher replied that he did, and thatSpenker Crisp wss also in tba "ring." Jdr. Syphor, who evidently believes in making a sensation, alio arrnignod Secretary Herbert, ex Secre tary Tracey and other prominent of ficers as being in collusion with toe contractors, and finally he charged the whole committee with being under the influence of ship buildors. This led Aim s J. Cummingn. of New York, to designate Mr. Sypher by a name which in Kentucky and throughout the south generally means fight, it is not likely, however, tbat the fiery Sypher will provo to be anything more than a cypher if called upon to meet his jour nalistic antagonist in personal combat, nB tboso who ere familiar with Amos know that he understande well the "manly art of self defense," and would probably name a forty-foot ring sud five ounco gloves as tbe place and weapous whero satisfaction might be had. ' i - THE Bf KINO CAUCUSES. One gratifying sign of tbe magnifi cent revival of Republican courage in this country, since the specious the orists of the opposition have shown their utter incompetence to deal with practical problems, is afforded In the lively caucuses recently held in Repub lican warda in this city. Where one, in minor campaigns, it was a rare thing to encounter a corporal's guard of Republicans at the caucus room, there is now, in each Instance, all the appearance of a spirited skirmish. Friday night's caucus in the Seven teenth is an impressive case in point ; lor, although it may bar been an es pecially energetic one, there was an outpouring of Republicans quite unus ual in the ward a annuls, and one not wholly to be accounted for on the ground of the lively personal competi tion that was waged. Voters went to uncommon paiun to be present: aud the interest manifested by Republicans not resident in th ward was in some en superior to mere curiosity, a siuillnr etitliusiemrt will doubtless be rowul-'d in the Eighth this afternoon ; and it is a zeal that risi-s far above tbe ordinary ind traditional lewl of cau cus inter-st . The ir Unary caucus is e tame and per fnnotory ft'air, bin there is nothing of temeneal in nnv caucus hold vet this spring, which leads to the belief that November's reaction is still augment ing in volume. It is a benlthv sign when Republicans begin thus early in the vi-iirtoget their QghttAe clothes on. The year will bristle with muuy op portunities to do valiant buttle, but there is reason to bilioVO t none will pass unimproved. kieinwbllt, la tbt camp of the lojal Democracy, there are chaos and inten sifying feuds Warrants wiBi isui Sdnrday for the arreit by ths Bergeant-at arm of the huiise of representatives of forty member, absent without u.iv" Among the number WAS Jo-ph A Bonn toe, who is paid 8,000 a year by the people of the United 3tatee.t0 at- tend to their builneN In oongrti e- WIUW IltPVOlRT DEMAND. There is no reason to doubt the re port that Minister Willi, having got iueen Lllloakalanl to withdraw her barbarous refusal of amnesty in CAM of her rrstoration to a rotten and .dis credited throne, has carried out tbe will of bis mavters by impudently calling Upon President Dole ami his associate officials of tbe Hawaiian government t abdicate in the monarchy' favor. We say there is no reason to doubt this, not because there is any earthly reason for the rtquset it self, but bee ni.s.", bv i'retident Cleveland own admissions, that was what Minister Willis was instructed to insist upon, and to which tbe preient American exeja'iv lias publicly pledged bis moral support. The formulation of this belated and treacherous request in tho presence of tbe Christian heud of a friendly power, whom Mr. Willi first greeted as nl "great and good friend" and wtioiu, in a dispatch dated Nov 11. he described to scr-tary Qreshain as a turn "'of the highest integrity and public-spirit." must have been intensely painful and revolting to the instincts oi the present Amsrltun minis ter at Honolulu. it must liava been a task, the performance of which mantled his cheek with tho blush nf humiliation and shame For Minister Willis, whatever his instructions, is conceded to be a gentleman, having dne regard for hie personal honor an I. II is to be suppos.'d, a patriot' keen seu9 of the honor of his fellow citi zena. But he was sent, by the president's owu confession, to insist upo.i restora tion upon terms of amnesty. That was the whole basis of the Clevlsnd-Ores haui policy. Had it cot bean for that one order, there would have existed no necessity tor the sammtry haste with which the Democratic chief exisutive, assisted by his mug.vuuip secretary of state, attempted to pull down the achievements of his Repobtloan pre.le ceasor, or to fasten upon tin Republi cs representative at Honolulu a stigma of conspicuous infamy. The calumniators of ex-Minister Stevens, the pullers-down rf the Stars and Stripe?, the eager workers of co iterapt upon the constitution of the United States in the appointiusnt of a para mount commissioner without thss mo tion of the sitting senv - i! 1 have elivsi'cd their revolutionary and un patriotic blows upon a frlen liy aad Christian republic in government all to no parpose had the culmination of their uupar, ill del proceeding not ta ken the form of a formal demand for tho savage sovereign's restoration to a throne reeking with tho foulness of colossal personal scandal and m ilo lor 0US from the reckless prostitution of sucred public rights. It is, however, a reinsuring ciroum stance of this atrocious aarias of in tolerable blunders that what wis in tended to be the crowning climax has ben precipitate l.iit a time wnen ill its effectiveness has boen thoroughly dis counted, and whenits only oonseqaenos is to excite the derisive laughter of the civiiiz.-d world. The men of the Ha waiian provisional government whom Minister Willi has described as "of tho highest Integrity and public spirit" will, as bo himself hopd, "stand firmly and lOOOSSefnHy for peace and good government" by troiting the impulent demand of tho Cleveland-Oreihain-lllount conspiracy with dignified cm tempt. They would bo recreant to ev ery consideration of fealty and honor did thoy accord to it any other treat mrnt ttian that which the demsnd rn cives from patriotic Americans who have learned of tbe supremo audacity of Its preferment. Minister Wil lis, having skeodtttl the bid ding of his vindictive and pe culiarly blind masters, should, if be bs the gentleman tha'. he i no creditol with being, now supplicate President Dole for a return of his pass ports, iustantly take boat for home and resign from a diplomatic service which has come, under the erratic zaal of our qnixotio Democratic preiidaiit, a syn onym for dishonor and a butt of Inter national derision His one consolation will be found In u spiedy resigna tion, and quick retirement from the environment of bis humilieting work. Meanwhile, let us hope for a revival of genuine manhood among the mem bers of the Americnn congress. 4 OUR lHHiORANTS. For the first time in a good many years there has been a sharp decrease In the number of Immigrants entering tho country. Up to Deo. It there had nrrlved at New Vork during 18'Jd. 857, 857 steerage passengers, practically all immigrants. The total will prob ably reach Sttf.OUU by the end nf the yoar. This is below the number ad mitted in any year since lBS'J, And is even below lollU, when immigration was for a time entirely suspended on account of thn cholera. The total for 1892 was 388,490. Our country Is not inhospitable. We acknowledge our debt to the energy and industry of our foreign born popu lation. Dut of late years the tide has been rolling in faster than wo could ahMinllutv it. Even that might have caused less injury to us than tn the new couierk, bad not tbe incoming stream boru in, along with highly desirable immigrants, many who were drawn from the vicious an I dangerous classes of Europe and who were unworthy of citlz uuhlp in any community, A decrease in the total Immigration involves a pro porttonete docroas lii the ii um her of Immigrants whose orlmts or panp-r ism mado them umUsirable because our loose BBttUrAllBiltion law enable them to bsoom voters Wli .never we get our machinery in better shape for separating vicious Intjtulgr mts from til o dsslrahle, aul om- uatorallsitlon law in better condition for tba proteotion of our oltlisathip, w. miy welcome Immigration with 1 fe ir of its con tribution to the si null of thaol ties and to tbe corrupting ititluoncj of politic. During ISIM we drew most oT our Immigrants irom Italy, ad ling (13,83 1 to our Italian population; Germany sent ns 34, 160 1 Russia, 85,705; Austria, 80,018; Ireland, 30,884; si we lea, 98. 800; Hungary, 91,95') j Norway. 10,724, We received lesi than 4,000 from France aud a little over 5,030 from Poland, Spain son' us less than tot), P II ATS as to PolitiCvS. The Philadelphia Inquirer's editorial page bus not yet ascertained that O il- j osl'.a A. Orowistlie Kepuhlleuii uom , inoj for congiessmaii-at-large A HAI-K AND bl Ri; Cl.'RIM'On PHO-RE'-NOS I )RUNKBNNESa Fonalta tho HKBole euro 'at small oost. Try abottloand if it doei you k1""! continue it. Druggists seQIt, Umbrellas you would own, Thai w'll give the proper tone. And shed water like a si one, CONRAD sells but does nol loan. 305 LACKAWANNA AVLNUF. Howard Uutobler say Herring will t e named by the presldnut today. Mr. Mtttehler baS learned ions things ro- oently about congressional oombinss which give him a bitter Insight than formerly into the other faction's c imp. It will be a magnificent trio when Reed and McKlnley get together alongside Mr. QrOW during next mouth's stumping tour. The very au- lioipati in of u r-c ills memories of the halcyon days of Repnblloanism's lusty youth, lu recognition of the fact that Ucranlon and its vicinity was really tli4 center of the Grow movement, it ought to be possibio to hold tho opening cam palgo rally in this city, an I to gut the chief Republic ins of the nation to join in th jubilee. Reed, Hasting and McKlnley were tiualile to attend the Central club rooms' open ing, but they might be 3'cnred to adorn this later occasion. It is going to be a lively year In politics in this stale, and nowhere will the liveliness he more apparent than lu Scruuton. Tliat simply adds to the necessity of our getting an early ami auspicious start. Either the Washington correspond ents are an untrustworthy lot or else Representative Hln'e Is Incoming an adept at character-acting. One momont he is depicted as a militant and vocif erous UlcKer against loveluuu, MM Wilson bill and everything else, while the ntst be is branded u regular prince of tho "cuckoo" tiibo, ready to gulp down whatever Him exioutive decrues. Those who know Mr. Hin-s better than do the Washington correspondents bo lievo be will eventually land sqnavely in the camp of the kickers, and tint be will, if pushed, vote against tho Wil son bill in its entirety rather than in dorse free coal. Landlorl Truui m's Republicau com petitor for selec: councilman in tbe Eighth ward is Fred Dorr. The caucus will be held this afternoon from 4 to 0 o'clock, and promises to be closely Contested. In the matter of personal popularity the two candidates aro pretty evenly matched A large vote is anticipated. Next November will witness the election of fifteen julges in this state, twelve common pleas end three or- 'phaos' court, to take ttmplaces of Judge Arcbbald, of LKCkawnnna; Judge Reader, of Northampton; Judge Wil son, ot rniiaueipnia , .Ju-ige Lanier, ot Cumberland; Judge Hasan, of Butler; Judge Clayton, of Delaware; Jmlg Meharu, of Mercer, Julgj WIckham, "f fieuver; Judgo While, of ludiaua, Judge McClean, of Adams; Jtsfte F nrst, of (.'enter, and Judge Slttsertf Wyoming also, Orphans' Court Jndges Hannii.of Philadelphia; Hawk ins, of Alleghany, and Rhone, of Lu zerne. So far as is known at present Judges Mehard, of Mercer, and Sittser, of Wyoming, are the only ones standing within the possibility of retirement, both being Democrat in districts that this yeir tbroaten to go Republican, mid both laboring under tbe disadvau I age of tbe preoedout sanctioning par tisan struggles over tbe judiciary. Jn Ige Menard, especially, represents an accident and has been unfortunate in bis dealings with the license prob lem in a territory where every woman and nearly every man are n standin,' committee charged with pulvoriziu the traffic in iutoxioaiits. Very little has been said openly, as yet, touching the selection of a succes sor to Judge Rhone in the orphans' court of Luz-rne. lint if the Republi cans decide to make a fight, WhlCtl they have precedent and strong justification for, remomliering the fight made against Judgo Rice four years ago, It would OCCaSlon little sin it George 8. Ferris, of West PlttStOn, should be come the Republican nominee. Ho possesses tno capability and tho popu lar confidence mid is moreover in cor dial touch with the controlling itiflu ences of tho party. If elected, ho would display character, couscleuce aud scholarship. Howard Mutobler denies that be hna entered into a deal with (irant Her ring. On I be contrary, ho has indorsed U torge W. Esser, of Menah Chunk, for Cdlecior Renin m's pl ies and haa protested with till emphasis against Herring's nomination. Just the same, Howard expects Herring to win, Ex S'liator I'almer, of Michigan, who Is as close to General Harrison as any Other man, deal ires with emphasis that the ex-preldent Is not a c indidate for renomlnation in 18W) Senator I'almer says. "I am warranted in announclir' th it tin must not bo considered, ov u by his warmest friends, a tin candi "to of his party." Nevertheless, ism Is a long way off; and the; man whom (publicans want to lead them In tbat fight will have to do it, whether he shall he an active seeltsr for the honor or a reluctant recruit. T" earlier symptoms of dyspepsia, such as distress after CHting. heart hum, end occasional headncsii'S, should not be ne glected. Take Iioud's Hai'Baparillu and be rureu. Hoot'i i" ll-i nre tho best family cathartic mm over mcuiciue. ucnnittis, renaoie. sure. N. A. HULBERT 3 City Music Store, Vt VUU1NU A v hCltA.N'IO STIIINWAY A flf)N DKCKBR UKOTliiatS HllAMCH & UAOU. HI i. l. l ,' A. ItAUKIt & Bazaar PIANOS i o.i ttock ot Brat eUs ORGANS musical AlKltCHANUISta siisk , !,T(J tBKX Goldsmith's Mammoth Red Letter Clearing Sale OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Cloaks, Furs and Carpets Will be onsale at Ruinous Prices for two weeks only, beginning Monday, Jan. 8, and ending Monday, Jan. 22 Nearly every article will be sold much below the usual price, and in many instances at and below cost. People who have attended our Annual Clearing Sales know what a saving" this means. For further particulars watch our future announcements in The Tribune, Truth and Free Press. ATTHEWS BROS. Druggists .EK9 IN OILS Mercereau & Connell THE ao- LACKAWANNA AVKNUtl DIAMONDS, WHITE and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods, AM) DEALERS IN Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a- Brac, Sterling Silver Novelties. BURNING and LUBRICATING Atlantic ti fiil mill Freaoti .luc. Pure Linseed oil, I n , i . : 1 1 1 1 . i l, I 'm-niilu-4 Iteudy-inlieil FulnU in nil culuri. Gliders' Whiting, Parts M'liite mill KntaiimliKS Oil' Vitrei, Marble Dust anil If IimIom OlaSS NEVERSLIP HORSE 1 Removable and Self-sbarpeiiing Calks. m FLOUR IS THE BEST. TllK MOOS C POWDER CO We are sole agents for Bradford, Columbia, Lacka wanna, Luzerne, Montour, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming counties, State of Pennsylvania. Catalogue on application. THE WESTON MILL CO,. SCRANTON, PA. THE Upholstery Department pi OF- SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Muduatllio Moos e nnJ KL'iill DAUB WOKKS. Laffllti A Uatiil Powdat Oa'a ORANGE GUN POWDER 1 lertri': Betteries, Fusei for explol iug blasts, HMSty l'use ami RcpaunoClicmical C".'s High Explosives AHTOHEHARTMAR JUU South Washington Avenue, CoBtraotor tad buUdsi' f Ctasorsts I'laainn, Qotteret Blooss, Potalo, Battel Coal Bins, Wet Cellars drlMttp, orders may l loft at TboqtpSjoa Prsit. Willn:ii & Co. Main mill l-iyuoli Str.t, or ut Sciuntou Htoro v..ilt. Also r I ,: s Cislorus. r irb VVIri- 'hi: i ml Clllns. Unfiling" for OftiUeu WuUs. Bittenbender&Co.,SGranton,wllll!;,Sse;b!rger W'lioU'sale ami retail dealers' iu Wagouiuakers' and Dlact'smitus npplies. Iron and Steel. ce .'. Skates, All Prices and all Sizes. Pei 111 Avenue, lis replete with fine and I medium Parlor Suits, Fancy ; Rockers, Couches and : Lounges for the Holiday ! Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and ; Odd Pieces Re-upholstered I in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new- 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. MT. PLEASANT at RETAIL. Cost of tlm Iwst nusllty for ilomitlc use.und of 11 1.;-. .! I I lu uuy purt of tbe city it Ion-rat trii-o. Otdor (eft lit my otBoo. XI. IIS, WffQttltffl AVICNIJR, Ri-nr room, first floor, Tlilr.l Nstlonftl Utnlc. or SSSII ty mnll or WloiiliOim to tlio mine, will rwi-ivc in'oinpT Htt.-nltoii Bpeultl ooiitraots Will be msdu for n, Um Unlivery of biickn-bost r.-.l WM. T. SMITH. LUTHER KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING. SEWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS LIE, Hit Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. ICSAXtOM AND WILKIiS HARRE. PA . MANUFACTURERS Off Locomotives and stationary Engines. Boilers, '1 HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Uaneral Offlce, KCKANTON. PA. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWERS DO YOU SELL ? OR ARE YOU MAKING PRESENTS? 6f Mixed Candy, Clear Toys or any stvle ofCand or Nuts Expi'ess WasooB, el ex Ipede Tricycles, l-oll Cubs, w Toys ot tverv kind. Drum DOLLS Cuiua 1'ateut Dolls, Jointed DolU, Dolls, auy kind of doll from L'3oto$15 SLEDS OR SLEIGHS For Boys, Girls or Dolls, in Maple, Oak or Iron, Irotu 2&C. to $15.00. BICYCLES have the prices are ngui. modfl and our Whole.sala aud retail. J. D. WILLIAMS tSclSRO, 314- Lacka. A vex Vmkes SPCtALTY of eopplrins; com Uiltteui ror SuikI.. Hibools K'etri, Peatirsl DELICIOUS, MILD GtXJGtJLTt. CURBS ABSOLUTELY rXJ.E5 HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND RAIL OF LARD BRANDED. mMnfgygftun XHE ST0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA Frank P. Brown & Co. Wboleeole Otsltrita Woodware, Cordage and Oil Glotb 720 West Lackawanna Ave. Jlaniifttetureri' Aftout fur CSOOOttf, LAMPS and OLASSW AllK.
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