McKinley Protection's brilliant cham pion, will speuk iu Wilkes Bane next St. David's Day. m fribuae That One Day Will be notable, of course; but The Tribune expounds protect ion to an audience of thousands daily. E1GH T PAGES oG COLUMNS. SCR ANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY , 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE WERT !EST RE REWS OF AMY PAPER I PRINTED TO REPLACE LIL T OR E Sensation Caused by Report ot Steps to Re stoie Hawaii's Sovereign. HOW WILLIS' INSTRUCTIONS READ Amnesty Being Assured, He Might Set Up the Monarchy Congress Will Be Wroth Only Restrained Now, Supposing No Change Will Occur If It Has, Woe to Cleveland His Partisans Sack to Discredit the Alarming Reports. the town and started to parade the streets A strong tore of troens w;is de- pntched to disperse the mob. When tbo troops apooarod they were attacked oy tne rioters, many or whom were armed with rifl-js or revolver", and a desperate tight took place. Volley af ter volley was poured into the mob, and thirty of the rioter were killed. Fifty others were wounded. Owing to the strict enforcement of military law it is hard to obtaiu full detail of the affair. Washington, Jan. 5 THE United State cutter Corwin briugs the latest nows from Hon olulu. The dispatches from Honolulu announcing that Mr. Willis has demanded that the Provis isnal government surrender tneir au thority to the queen has caused con siderable of a sensation at the capital. There is some difTerenos of opinion as to its accuracy, tbo friends of the administration, especially those of the foreign affairs committee of the house, expressing doubt as to its truth, Out the general opinion is that, if it is true, it will change the faco of things in con Kress and that there will be immediate action in the matter. Apparently if Mr. Willis has requested the pro visional government to step down and out, the administration has been taken by surprise STATEMENTS ARE DOUBTED. The understanding of those men in congress who have been acting for the ad-.iuistratiou is that the instructions sent by tne Corwin, which arrived in Houolulu on Use. 11, were for Mr. Willis to take uo further action pend ing tbe consideration of the question by congress. Upon tliis information tiiev are inclined to doubt tbe state ment in the dispatch. These instrue tions, however, were based on the re fusal of the queen to grant amnesty or to ascend the throne without the sup port of the United States to uiaintaiu her. Therefore, if tbe queen has changed her mind and decided to accept the of fer of Mr. Cleveland to the conditions imposed, it is entirely within the scodb of possibility that Mr. Willis would act upon bis original instructions us apply ing only to conditions existing while the qUMn was obdurate. CORRESPONDENCE WITH WILLIS. Revised, corrected and complete copies of the Hawaiian correspondence transmitted to congress with the president's message of Dec. 18, have at hist been laid before the house commit tee on foreign affairs. The volume in its completed and corrected form, con tains a number of interesting and im portant communications from and to Minister Willis heretofore Unpub lished. A confidential dispatch from Mr. Willis to Secretary Greshaui, datod Nov. 11. lS'JU, reads as follows: Nov. 7 at 11 o'clock I presented to the urovlsional tfoverumeut Mr. Blount's letter of recall and the letter accrediting me as his successor. 1 lie time siuce then has been occupied with the receptiou of executive, judicial and diplomatic repre sentatives of the provisional and foreign governments. 1 have not, therefore, bad an opportunity of executing more fully your instructions-, nor was fuller action ad Visablo while this excitement was so great. 1 expect next Monday morniuir, Nov- 13. to have an interview with the queen, which If satisfactory, will bo followed immediately bv one with the provisional government. 1 huve therefore enclosed a tejegram to your dispatch agent ut San Francisco as follows: "Heportcanbe sent to concress Nov. 19, it being my under standing that you desired to have all tbe facts presented before any decisive action here. The Alameda, the next vessel leav ing hereafter next Mondiy, will not reach tan rrancisco uutu -Nov. 'is, during which interval it is hoped some definite result may be secured. The interview with the queen, first nad, was evidently not ''satisfactory for Nov. 16 Mr. Willis telegraphed secretary liresham as follows Views of first party so extreme as to re quire instructions. This was doubtless the dispatch which called forth from Secretary (ireshaiu that reply which has been published, but without being accom pnnied by the message to which it was an answer, and is as follows, under date of Nov. 24; The brevity nnd uncertainty of your tel egrams are embarrassing. You will insist upon amnesty and recognition of obliga tions of the provisional government uses eontial conditions of restoration. All in terests will be promoted by prompt ac tion. TO PROTECT THE QCTUUf, Mr. Willis in bis confidential dispatch of Nov. 11 intimated that the question as to whether tne United htatos was prepared to protect the person of the queen has been officially asked nf him by the British minister, Major Wood- house. Mr. Willis says: 1 replied tto tbe British ministon that witliciut reference to her royal claims, tho queen stood in such relations to in United Mates tuat she was entitieu to anu would receive tho amplest protection at their hands. Asa matter of act, I hud already ascertained that, at presout, she did not desire our protection. After next Monday and eailierif necessary, I shall lusist on coming to the legation. The domiciling of Queen Liliuokalanl in Ihe American legation appears to have been another of Mr. Willis' orig inal intentions which he left unexe. cuted. The why and wherefore of this change of mind opens up a wide li -Id of conjecture, which the correspond ence. even as now extended, fuils to atiar y. RIOTERS SHOT DOWN IN STREETS. Troops Attacked In Harloeo, Italy, Be pond with Volley After Volley Palermo, Jan. 5. The presence of large bodies of troops in Sicily and the establishment of martial law has not had tbe effect of aweing the disorderly element. Today at Marineo, a town eleven miles east of this city, a most riot occured. A band of mn to have numbered 9.000, the low quarters of HONEYMOON IN SEPARATE CELLS. Two Children Get Marrlod and Her Father Has Them Arrested. Chester. Jan. 6. Fourteen-vear old Lillian Drown, a bride of a few hour, wag locked hp in tlie city jail here to night with bur husband, fourteen years her senior. The girl wlfo ran away from her homo in this city on Monday night, and her father , Joshua Brown, placed the case in the hauds of Chief of Police Hagsliaw Two hours before she was married he saw the groom in a barber shop get ting shaved, and while the chief was looking for the girl the couple were married by Rev. B. F. Jester, of the First Methodist church, and have their certificate to show for it. They Kro now spending their honeymoon in sep arate cells in the police station await ing the action of the authorities. THE ROUSE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS. POWER OP 111 ALERT MINORITY After Prolonged Discussion Thev Agree to Push the Wilson Bill Through Withont Delay. Republicans in the House Refused to Vote and 'Ha ir Was No Quorum. NEW FREE SILVER COINAGE BILL Washinhtos. Jan. 3. It was 8 05 o'clock tonight when Chairman Hoi man ruppad the Democratic caucus to order. One hundred and tortv seveu members answered to their names, an unusually large attendance. Speaker Crisp declared that it was the duty of the Demoocratic member to stand together in support of tho tar iff measure repot ted by the commit tee On ways and means. He said President Cleveland and the Democratic majority in congress bad been elected for the purpose of carrying out the will of the people ex pressed at the polls in lS'Ji upon tho Chicago platform and he urired united action by tho majority. "If any man objects to the provisions of the bill," he s. id, let buu state his objections on tbe floor in open dobate and then if be cannot support the bill, vote against it." lie protested agmist the policy of tearing the meisure to pieces in caucus and closed by offering a resolution pledging the majority to a support of the bill. Tne speaker was loudly ap plauded as he took his aeat. General SickleB, of New York, followed iu tho same strain. Mr. Sperry, of Connecti cut, outlined his objections to the bill. Bourke Crokrau then pointed out what he deemed to be the undesirable fai lures of the proposed legislation. Mr. Outhwaite, of Ohio, followed in the same line as Speaker Crisp. Mr. bioley. ot Pennsylvania, pointed out some of the matters in which the bill did not go far enough to suit him. and how he would like to have it amended. John Dj Witt War ner and Mr. Dun, of Now Jer sey, spofc and then Mr. MeAleer of Pennsylvania, off-red a resolution that the committee on ways and ineaus be requested to report all internal reve nue measures in a s-parate bill, which was afterward withdrawn and Speaker Crisp's resolution that it is tbe duty of every Democrat member of the house to vote for the pending resolution pro viding for the consideration of the tariff bill in order that the house may have an opportunity to re deem the pledges of the partv respect ing tariff reform, and that it is the duty of every Democratic member of the house to atteud its daily sessions and "we herebv express tho opinion that tbosi members who are absent owe it to their party and to those of us who are here to immediately return in order that pressing public business may De attenueu to. ABBE FRICOT WAS MURDERED. Hie Body Found Forcad Into tbe Well in Hi, Garden. London, Jan. 5. A dispatch to the Standard says: Abbe Fricot, cure of Entramtn, near Laval, the capital of the department of Mayenne, has been murdered. His absence was noted and his body was found by the vicar in a well in tho Abbe's garden. Tho murder mnst have been commit ted Tuesday, and it is thooght a hard struggle occurred between tbe abbo and his murderer boforo tbe latter sue ceeded in throwing him into the well. The well is shallow, and there are evi dences thnt tho murderer used a long prop to keep tho abba down. The sides of the well aro spattered with blood and the uitirks on the corpse made by the prot) show that tho abbe made it fierce struggle. SEVERAL NOTABLE DEATHS. Mr. Paiot, bishop ot Burgos. Franco. Tho Duchess of Argyll, at Inverary Cas tle Scotland. At Vienna, Baron Kai l Von Haseuauer, a noted architect, aged CO. Colouul James Tjoroornn, awollknown lumberman, at Muncey, Pa. At Brooklyn, N. V., Harry Kennedy, the notod song writer uud ventriloquist, aged 45. At London, Crowe, aged 81, one of tbe richest noblemen in Euirland, who deserted the Unionist party for Gladstone. John A. 'in luii of Chester, agod 75 years. He was one of the original forty niners during the gold excitement iu Cal ifornia. " WASHINGTON NEWS BREVITIES. Mr. Cockran, ot New York, Speaking tor His Democratic Associates, Said That What the Country Wants Is Not Academical Contributions to Tariff Literature, but Speedy Action on the Wilson Bill, T of commons this afternoon and his ad vent there caused much comment. Soon after his arrival Mr. Hunter had a long private conversation witli tue chancellor of the exchequer, and tho member for North Aberdeen eventually left the house without putting this very important question. WOMEN ACTIVE IN POLITICS. Washington, Jan. 5 HE house of representatives gave another remarkable demonstra tion totlay of its inability to transact public business against the will of an active and hostile min ority. After a session of nearly four hours Hpent iu an attempt to reach a vole on a report of tne committee on rules, it was realized that, in the ab sence of some fortv or fifty Democratic members, and with the It a man, declining to vote, it was im possible tomaltoany progress, and there WO nothing left but to adjourn. The report on which the fight was made came from the committee ou rules, and was to the etfoct that the house should meet daily at U a. in., sit till 0 ')0 p. in. and then take a re cess till S p. in , ami the house should sit as in committee of the whole on the tariff bill, that general debate should close Wednesday, Jan. 10, that the bill should then be open to amend ment, and that tho previous question on the bill and amendments should be ordered Jau. 25 at noon. no QUOBUlt There was no objection indicated to these terms, but not a single Repub lican uu-mber voted when his name was called, and only one Populist, who voted no. All the Democrats who re sponded io their names voted aye, but there were only IV.) of them, and it re quires 171) to mahe a quorum. Conse quently the house adjourned until to morrow, Mr. Pendleton, of Texas, introduced in the house today a bili providing for the free coinage of sil ver. Mr. Cockran, of New York, pre sumably voiced the sentiment of his Democratic conferees ou the ways and means committee today, when be said that what the country wanted was not ''academics, contribution! to tho tariff literature of the day, but speedy action on the bill," REPUBLICAN PROGRAMME UNDECIDED. The Republican minority of the com tee Bre uot, however, 'o be restrained by these considerations of a prompt disposal of the bill. It is the purpose of each of these gentlemen to be heard in set speeches during the prog ress of the discussion. Beyond the fact that Mr. Burrows will open and that Mr. Reed will close the debate on tbo Republican side, no further programme has been arranged. GERMANY'S BRISK EXPORT TRADE. Its Increase Partly Attributable to the World's Fair Showing. London, Jan. 5. The correspondent of the Times at Berlin, commenting upon the slight increase of Germany's export trade displayed by tbe annual report of the Germau chamber of com merce, says: "The increases, slight as it is, is the more remarkable, as tbe exports of England, Goruiaiiy's most dangerous rival, show a slight decrease." The correspondent says that the brilliant success Uermauv achieved at the World's fair at Chicago undoubtedly contributed to improve Germau trad- SALYARDS STOICU AS EVER. Ind fihraut as to Hit Fate When Told He Mnst Hang-. Carlisle, Jan. 5 --Charles Salvards, tbe murderer or Policeman Martin, whose case was argued yesterday be fore the board of pardons and to whom a pardon was refused, was informed of his fate this afternoon by the sheriff. The prisoner had nothing to say and seemed as indifferent as usual. Uver 1,000 applications for passes to witness the execution on Jan. '.'3 have been re ceived. The Countese of Ancastar Makes Speoihjs in Her Son's Canvass. London, Jan. 0 The political cam paign preparatory to the coming elec tion at Herncustle, Lincolnshire, is proceeding with tho greatest aotivity. Lord WillouL'hbv De Eresby, tbe Con servative candidate, attended over twenty meetings held yesterday iu va rious places in spite of the fact that some of the reads wore covered with snow to the depth of eight feet. Lord Willougliby de Ersby was sup ported in his campaign yesterday by his mother, the Couuless of Ancaster, aud by his sister The Couservalivo candidate and the ladies drove about the district all day, the latter making speeches at the several meetings. INTERVIEWED THE POPE. Biataop Spalding Learus Nothing to Con firm Rumora of Satolll'e 1: turn. Rome, Jan. 0 In an interview Bis hop Spalding, of Peoria, III., said, re ferring to his audience with tho pope, that "after an exhaustive exposition of his ideas as to the direction of diocesau affairs, the pope referred to the gen eral situation Of the Catholic cnurch, but did not touch upou Catholic ques tions in tbe United Stato. " Regarding the rumors that Mgr. Satolli was about to reluru from America, Bishop Spalding said that he had beard nothing iu Rome or at the Vatican which would tend to confirm such reports. Bishop Spalding Will re main in l.ome 'or several weeks. MORE SENSATIONAL TESTIMONY. VAUL I ENTERED FOR DIAMONDS Very Sensational Attempted Theft of Ghouls in the Stroudsbury Cemetery. NORTON MAUSOLEOM FORCED OPEN Grave Robbers With Dynamite and Crowbars Invade the Massive Tomb of Colonel E. E. Norton, Attracted by the Belief That Diamonds and Other Jewels Had Been Interred Beside the Remains of Mrs. Norton No Booty Secured. Congressman C'uiumings proposes to have vessels loaned to the states that haw a naval militia. Secretary Morton is surprised at tho public missapprehunsiou as to bis position toward the agricultural expeiiment sta tions. Congressman tlbley, of the Erie (Pa.) district, has arranged to divide his salary between tbe fanners' granges of, bis dis trict. Thomas J. Lynch, tbo Democrat who is expected to hold the Into Mr. Biaiuu's home city iu the Democratic column (now that it Is iu for the first timo in twenty five yearn), tins been appointed postmaster at Augusta, Me. TWELVE MILLIONS WERE STOLEN. Enormous Total of Frauds on the Eauca Romano nf Italy. London. Jan 5 Signor Antonio Mouzilla was arraigned today at Bow Street Police court, charged with be ing connected with the Banca Rnnauo frauds. Counsel for tho prosecution said that tbe bank frauds referrel to amou:itd to $12,000,000 and that the prisoner was formerly the chief government director of the Banca Romaua. SEVEN PER CENT. AS USUAL. The Rate of Dlvldent of ths Dolaware and Hudaon Company, New York, Jan. 5. The directors of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company today decided that the rate of dividends for the ensuing year should be seven per cent., the same as in 1803. The question did not come hp of giving the stockholders rights on ex tra stock to be lssned to take up $4. 500 000 bonds maturing Oct. 1, 1SIM. . BANK OF ENGLAND'S ASSETS. Rumor That Inquiry Regarding Them Wae to I e Mada In Parliament. Don don, Jan. o. Mncii stir was created in financial circles here today by the announcement that William Hunter, Liberal meuiher of parliament for North Aberdeen, intended to put a lengthy (lueatiou this afternoon to the chancellor of the exchequer, Sir Wil liam Vernon Qarcourt, regarding the Bank of England's advances to tho Barings aud to stock brokers and in quiring as to the quality of the assets generally of the Bank of Umglauu. Mr. Hunter was noticed iu the house Frank Bardeen Accuses Couehlin Being One of Three Men Who Were in Carpenter's Wagon. nf Chicaoo, Jan. 5 Again something new and startling broae in upon tue trial of Dan Coughlin and upset all ar rangements for continuing the recep tion of testimony against one of Dr. Cronin's alleged murderers. Persons iutoreBted in the case had been pre pared for sudden and startling develop ments during the morning session, when Mrs. Susie Horton, a new wit ness against Couglilin, was called. Judge Wing, however, protested against tho good-looking woman in the witness cliuir telling her story, so Mrs. Horton was withdrawn until Monday. Another new witness, Frank Bardeen, of Otsego, accuses Coughlin of being one of the three men who drovo to Edge- water in the carpenter's wagon containing a tool chest or trunk, and in which tbe jury is asked to mfor lay bidden the bloody corpse of Croniu. Die notice came upon tbe defendant and bis counsel like a thunder clup from a blue sky. No other witness was examined aud the court adjourned af ter having heard Judge Wing's objec tion to Bardeen. CHEAP SUGAR TO GET PURCHASERS. I If a Further Reduction la Neceaeary the Refiners Wlllell Lower. New York, Jan. 0. Presieont Have lueyer.of the American Sugar Reliu iug company, stales I tbe recent decline of : cent per pound iu refined sugar, is to induce the country to buv and to preclude the necessity of a prolonged stopp ige at the refineries. It a further reduction is necessary it will be made as it has been determined to continue tbe operation of the re fineries to keep the workmen employed and sell the sugar below the cost of manufacture if necessary. HE WAS A THIEVING SUITOR. Arrested for Robbinir the Houae Where Hie Vint. Were Uuwulcome Bethlehem, Jan 5. William Mur phy, a handsome, well-dressed young man of good family, was arrested here last night upon a charge of rubbing the bouse of Mr. Thompson. The latter is a wealthy resident of Ashbourne, whose daughter he had been visiting iu opposition to the wishes of her parents. HAPPENINGS IN THIS STATE. Tho collections mado by tbe attorney general's departmout last quarter were fl.UOl, 008.72. Tho Pittsburg Plato Glass company, of Creightsn, has resumed o pel aliens aud tho wages have beeu cut. Tho Pittsburg Steel Casting company plant is again in operation, giving em ployment to 1100 tnou. The Rending Pressclub has elected Louis Q, Early president, and its anuual banquet will occur on Jan. 'M. Just for fun, young William Hare, of Reading, mounted a freight traiu. but ho fell off and was kfllod. Mrs T. Mi Logan, aged 47, dropped dead while participating iu an enthusiastic re vival at Maplotou depot. Five freight crews ou tho Lslngh Val'ev railroad running between Coxton aud Packerton were suspended. There will bo no conference between the coal operators and iniuers in tho district wain question at Pittsburg. The Pennsylvania building at tbo World's fair has beeu disposed of for $1,550 to M. Jlycrs, of Chicago. Executive Commissioner Farquhar, of tbe World's fair board, says he is not a candidate for congressman at-large. Tbe strikiug grinders at the American Axe aud Tool coinpsuy's works 1c Beaver Falls, protested against a wage reduction. The Htaudard Plate Glass compauy, of Pittsburg, has started se vera! depart ments of their works at a wuge reduc tion. Thejcompauies of the Fourth regiment, National Guard of Peuusylvauia, are spending the winter nights with black board exercises iu Pottsville and vicinity. A maudamus has beeu issued at Phila delphia against the National Trust com pauy, United Pipe lines division, charging that tho company has unlawfully discrim inated. Executions have b.'eu issued by the E II sou General Electric company against the Mououuahela Electric Light and Power compauy, of Unmestoad, to tbe amouut of 15,1100. Stroudsuuro, Pa., Jan. 5. NE of the most daring anil sensa tional feats of grave robbers ever undertaken iu Monroe county came to light this morning, wneu visitors to the cemetery here die covered that an attempt hail beeu made to euter the imp sing family vault of Colonel E. E Norton. This vault, which is one of the most notable pieces of masonry in the Strondsbiirg burying grouud, is built of heavy limestone, with granite facings It is thirty-five feet hu'h and twenty feet wide, and cost ; '- i. ! '. It was specially designed to keep out iulruders, and was consid ered invulnerable against possible at tack. Massive steel burs guarded its entrance, and the imur apartments were ho arranged, it was thought, as to baffl the hardest ell'orts of possible de -spoilers. Holes bad been drilled in the stone, however, and dynamite charges ex ploded, shattering the masonry and permitting the door to be forced open by means of crowbars. inside, the ghouls had expected, it is sup posed, to discover valu ible jewelry upon the remains of the colonel's wife, lately deceused. It had been gener ally believed that when the body of Mrs. Norton was placed in the vault, handsome family jewels were placed beside it. Iu this hope they forced the outer door and drew thj cisket from its resting place down to the flaor of tbe vault, where it was opened aud searched. THE OHOTJL8 RAFF LED. A earful scrutiny revealed that their quest had beeu a vain one. No valua aolus were found, uud the intruders gut nothing. The noise of the explo sion of dyuamitti brouglit residents in the vicini'y of the cemetery to the spot aud frightened the thieves away, 'ihe casket yet lay ou tbe floor, where the robbers had "left it, with the glass bro ken ; and beside it lay the bars and other implements whereby the thieves had gained entrance. There is no clue to tbe identity of the ghouls. The appearance of the vault indicates that the outrage was the work of professionals. Much skill was manifested iu the blowing opeu of tie door. A reward will bo paid for information leading to tbe capture of the miscreants. SHE CAPTURED THE BURGLAR. When She Eelz.d Him with the Family Plunder She Held On. New YOKK, Jan. 5. Fannie Schnei der, aged 15. pretty, with rosy cheeks aud big black eyes, lives with her par -en Is 110 Roosevelt street. She was alone in the house last night, her par ents having gone to an entertainment. Ihe little housekeeper 11 1 the room for a few minute iu order to take some ashes to tbe sidewalk. When she returned she saw a man leaving the apartments, having iu his aims a sealskin sack, a camel's hair shawl and other clothing belonging to various members of the family. With tho cry f "Tbiefl" Fannie made a dash the man, who started down stairs three steps at a time. But the girl was at bis heels and wae fleeter than he. She tiling herself upon the thief and threw her uruis about his body, shout ing for help. The thief lost, his footing, and man, girl and clothing rolled in a heap to the tollqin of the stairs. Tlitu in answer to the girl's cries. Jacob Schneider, a boy cousin to Fannie, came to her assistance. The thief struggled desperately and would doubt less have escaped from his small cip tors but for tho limely ai rival of help in the person of Detective Webb, of the Oak street station, who was pas sing and heard the noise Webb rushed iu and had the thief in subjection iu a jiffy, and matched him to the station house. TO MAKE AN AGGRESSIVE CAMPAIGN. Senator Qiay Consult Keirai'dioB1 Con-Kietaman-at-Lart'e Philadelphia, Jan b. senator Quay and his son Richard arrived here last evening ami today most of the Republican politicians of tbe city called upon the senator. It is gen erally thought that he has taken advautage of bis visit to consult with bis lieutenants In t his city upon tbe coming campaign for cougreasman-at- large. Senator Quay is credited with the wish that the campaign shall be an aggressive one and tuat as large a party vote as possible shall be brought out. The olj 'ct iu making such au active campaign on a by election is for the moral effect ths casting of a larae voto will have upon stale and uatioual politics. CORBETT STILL DOUBTS MITCHELL. He Say the Englishman Will Wriggle Out of the Fiabt. Jacksonville, Jan. 5. -When he saw the despatch froui Cuarlie Mi tcholl ol jectlng to Brady's handiwork iu the signing of the agreement this morniud, Jim Corbett waxed wroth. "It is only another of Mitchell's quibbles," said he. "1 tell you be will not ti;lu if he can possibly find a loop hole to get out of it He says that he will violate no law In fighting in Flor ida. That is right. We can fight without violation of the law. It he moaus to fight, all he has to do is to sign these articles and koep bis mout h shut. "When he signs them nnd gets down to business I will have nothing more to say. Ho claims tob e worried over the place of tbe fight, and says he cannot train well unless he knows it in ad vance. Poor, delicate thing. I too m worried, but it is caused by my fear that he will fly the coop. I would give $1,000 this minute to get him Mtfely in the ring.'' Mr. Bowden said this morning that the contest would surely take place and that Northern men who wished to see it could come to Florida with the full assurance that it would take place. " m THREE INJURED IN A RUNAWAY. Baron Von Drainer, Who Exhibited Keupp'e Guua at Ihe Fair, Hu rt BeTBLBHBM, Jan, B. While out driv ing this evening Baron Von Dreiner, who bad charge of Krtipp's exhibition at tho World's fair, his host, Lieutenaut Jacques, chief of ordnance at the Beth leliem Iron works, and Mansel White weru seriously injured in a runaway. Their horael took fright near a grade crossing of the Jersey Central railroad arid overturned the carriage. Baron Von Dreiner was cut about the legs and aims. Lieut. Jacques escaped with cuts and bruisea about the fuce and Mr. White suffered frightful scalp wounds. The latter was dragged quite a distance. All aro under care of surgeons. TO REDUCE JUDGE LONG'S PENSION. THE TRIBUNE FINLEY'S Unless He Shows He Requires Assistance ot Another in Walk ing, the Sum Will Be Cut. the Washington, Jau. 5. Commissioner Lochreu of the pension bureau has sent tbe following notice to Judge Charles D. Long, of Michigan: "I have to advise you that it appears from medical evidence on file iu this bureau that jron are not disabled from the effects of loss of left arm above the elbow, and gun shot wound of left hip iu such a degree as to rtquire the reg ular and constant personal aid aud at tendance of another person so as to eu title you to $7;! pr month. Said rate will, therefore, be reduced to 50 per mouth, unless satisfactory evidence shall be furnished to show that you are so disabled as to require the regu lar aud constant personal aid aud at tendance ol another person. "Under the provisions of the act of congress of Dec. 21. 1803, you may, if you believe that the said disability en titles you to the rate of $73 per mouth, within thirty days from this date, file iu this tune m competent proof to that effect. Your case will thereupon be reconsidered, and if tbe testomony tiled warrants such uctiou, your present rate will be allowed to remain unchanged, if, however, such evidence shall not be satisfactory, or shall not have been furnished, tne said reduction will be made without further uotice at the ex piration of said thirty days. 9 TRUNK LINE ROADS IN A POOL. 510 AND 512 LACKA, AVENUE. SPECIAL Dress Goods SALE. In order to close out balance of stock in a few broken lines the following Special Prices will hold good for this week. 7 pieces 46-111, Storm Serge in Navy, Myrtle and Black 55c, former price 85c. 5 pieces 54-in. in Navy only, 65c, former price $1.00. 4 pieces 50-in. Hop Sacking, ouc, lormer price $1.00. 16 pieces strictly all-wool Cheviots in Stripes and Mixtures at 29c and 47c, former price 50c. and 65c. A few Choice Patterns Fine Scotch Cheviot Suns in Broken Checks aud Plaids ut nearly Half-Price. A Chance Now to Teat the Legality of Intor-Stat Commerce Aot. New York, Jan. 5. The presidents of 1 he railroads in the Trunk Line and the Central Traffic associations met this afternoon to act upon au agree ment for tbe formation of a pool on all dead freight, live stock dressed beef and traffic east of Chicago. Such an agreement was draWU up and adopted by the joint committee of the two assoei tioni some time ago, and was later acted upon by the presidents of both associations. This was adopted this afternoon, as all tbe roads aru iu favor of it. it is plainly a violation of the in terstate commerce law, hut that is pre cisely what the railroad managers ar after. They want to bring the matter to an issue and have the question settled once for all. The adoption of the pool agreement assures a legal fight over the constitutionality of the interstate commerce law. Perhaps, when the receivers of the Erie road ask permis sion of the court to enter the agree ment, the question will be precipitated. - SPARKS FROM THE TELEGRSPH. Police of New York have given f.'.UOl) to relieve the poor. With a shot gun, John P. Alfriend, n Lee county ,Ga. 1 farmer, blow his brains out. Republican editors of Now York will or ganize OOdei Chauncoy M. Pepew's leader ship. The boom tor McKinley will bo launched at the banquet of tbe Ohio society iu New York Fob. 17. Clipping of gold coin jailed Ralph Wil cox and Mrs. James ilcox, his sistcr-in-law. at Chicago. A New York syndicate has bought the old lliliiugton caie, at Narragausett Pier, and will erect a new hotel. Postmaster Ciale, at Shnudou, Butlor county, ()., has been arretted for appro pi nil lug nuiiiey order funds. Chasing three burglar, a Chicago po liceman seriously wounded Stephen Con way, but the olhors esonpod. Asleep in a caboose, U. J. Ciisbinau and William Morrill were killed iu a wreck at Waisaw, the'ear i uuuiug away. 1- ightiug for a woman's baud, L. W. Fowler, of Spring Hill, Kv., fatally shot P. C. Youseu, wuo in turn fatally stabbed Fowler. Found short 180,000 to 180,000 in Ins ac counts. Treasurer F. A. Nelson, ot Hi uns wick, Ha., was removed from office aud has fled. Kussel Sage says: "The report that Mr. Pierce or any other niau will be appointed receiver for tbe Missouri Pacific is ab solutely false." Jake KUroy, living near nine, Ala , went home drunk autl to bed with bis lighted pipe, and burned himself and two children to death. At a meeting of tbe clothing cutters as sociation, iNo. T.9M Knights of Labor, of Cincinnati, resolutions mdorsiug tho Wil son hill was ndopled. During a drunken row in a German boarding house near Kankin ou tbe Haiti more slid Ohio railroad, Frank Bohmltt, aged 30, was ratally stabbed by Joseph Bogle, -. - - WEATHER FORECAST. FINLEY'S IHE EUTTI PERCHU RUBBER afUCI'S FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CHAS. A. BCHIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AfiKN'T 3f 3 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis, Reilly & Davies A HAPPY NEW YEAR to All. HERE is 1H04 I A Delighted and iiniiy because his principal article of apparel is a new pair of BHOBg, Yon, ton. will ho more than pleased if you will let a, lit you with a warm, comfortable pair of Shoes. Lewis, Reilly & Davies, 'SCRANTON, PA. !We Examine Eyes COLD Washiniiton. Jan. 6. for .SW undue t' 'UMfeVH I'eiin- ytecmfa, portly sdntdp, il- Cldrdiu colder, want to north Itrfttds '" 1 tttiiufifu. Free of obarge. U a doctor is needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a per fect at. WATCHES AT COST for one week only. W J 11, ARCADE JEW T.LEP, 215 WYOMING AVE. D
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